Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

of course shouldn't be confused with the country moldova. it's the latest village to come back under ukrainian control. meanwhile, ukraine says russian forces have made few advances in luhansk and the donetsk region. despite heavy bombardments on a number of fronts. russian forces have been trying to move south from the kharkiv region in an attempt to surround ukrainian forces defending d donetsk. and new drone footage shows stunning devastation. the drone appears to have been used by the russian military as they track ukrainian troops amid intense street fighting. for more on the situation in ukraine, let's bring in isa soares in lviv. isa? >> very good morning to you, kim. we are keeping a very close eye this morning on the besieged city of mariupol. it's just after 8:00 a.m. here and humanitarian corridors announced by russia are now supposed to be open to allow civilians to evacuate from the azovstal steel plant. there's no word yet on whether fresh evacuations have actually been allowed to take place. we haven't heard from the ukrainian side. and this is really what the complex has endured over the past few days. relentless, as well as growing attacks from russian forces. civilians are trapped there, along with the city's last ukrainian defenders. and here's how a ukrainian commander inside the plant described the situation. have a listen. >> translator: for two days now, the enemy has broken into the territory of the plant. these are heavy, bloody battles. i am proud of my soldiers who are making superhuman efforts to contain the enemy's onslaught. >> well, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says 344 people were evacuated from mariupol, the city of mariupol, and nearby areas, on wednesday. we don't know if any of them were rescued from that steel plant. and we are learning more about how ukraine managed to fend off repeated russian attempts to advance on kyiv in the early days, of course, of the war. matt rivers takes us to a town near the capital that was really key in keeping russian forces at bay. >> reporter: outgoing fire from a frozen fox hole. not far from the flaming pieces of an exploding armored vehicle. as the quiet still of a nighttime bunker is shattered by what the soldier says was a direct hit right nearby. this is what happened in the tiny town of moshchun. it is here where the battle of kyiv was won. by early march, russian forces had flooded south. they had arrived just west of moschun. the irpin river, the only thing between them and the town where ukraine would make its stand. is it strange to just walk through this area now, you know, when it's safe? he says, "what's strange was being here when all hell broke loose." three ukrainian soldiers who fought here took us around moschun. before the ground assault, they say relentless artillery rained down. there was little they could do but wait it out. just listen to this video taken by a soldier. so, they dug this trench here just across the river from russian positions, of course, to take cover from things like this, so, this would be spent ordnance, a rocket fired from a russian attack helicopter here on the ukrainian position. thinking they'd soften the town, the russians decided it was time to strike. with this bridge destroyed, they built a pontoon bridge here and started sending special forces troops across the river. across the river, the ukrainians waited, some seen here ready to fight back. street battles raged. homes were shredded. houses now with so many bullet holes, like freckles on a face. the russians, some seen here, actually took part of the town, but that success would be short-lived, because the woods were up next. moschun is surrounded by dense pine forest. the perfect area for ukraine to stop an advance. video shows ukrainian troops lined up in neatly dug positions. and russian troops would quickly come under heavy fire. video shows the results -- multiple dead russian soldiers in the snow. that body was found right there and there were several other russian soldiers that were killed right in this area, including this soldier whose body armor is still left behind. this was not artillery unit versus artillery unit. here in these woods, in this town, it was infantry versus infantry, close proximity fighting. as sounds of explosions ripple around them, ukrainian soldiers race toward an unseen enemy. carrying between them what is likely the kind of weapon that could do something like this. ukrainian drones capture the destruction of russian armor, sitting ducks on the lone road through the trees. and here on the ground, you can still see the remnants of two destroyed armored personnel carriers. the body parts of the soldiers that were inside still litter this area. ukrainian forces say some 500 russian soldiers and 40 armored vehicles made their way into this part of the forest and if they were able to continue and get through, it could have changed the tide of the entire war. moschun sits only about three miles from kyiv's city limits and roughly 15 from the city center. ukrainian troops tell us, had the russians broke through, the thousands of russian troops just across the river would have made an all-out push into kyiv. but a fierce ukrainian counterattack turned the battle around quickly. soldiers going house to house, retaking the town, even destroys the pontoon bridge russia had used to bring soldiers across. ukrainian forces also stripping what they could from the better supplied russian soldiers. he says they suffered heavy losses here, even though they dominated us in aircraft and drones and 10 to 1 in artillery. for these three soldiers, the victory in the battle of kyiv is something the world should have seen coming. should the rest of the world have been surprised? "our army turned out to be one of the best in the world, and nobody was more surprised than the russians," he said, adding one more thing in english. >> surprise, [ bleep ]. >> reporter: matt rivers, cnn, moschun, ukraine. >> important piece there from our matt rivers. joining me now is defense analyst stuart crawford. very good morning to you. i want to start, if i could, really, what we're hearing in a village, which we have been hearing from ukrainian forces has been retaken by them. this, of course, is just east of kharkiv and some 13 miles or so from the russian border. what does that say to you, really, in terms of the fact that they've been able to retake this territory so close to russia itself? >> good morning. it's -- well, it's good news for ukraine, actually, and it shows that far from being overwhelmed by russian forces or indeed even being pushed back by russian forces. they now have the where with all and fairly small scale, or smaller scale operations, to begin to retake their territory. and this is something that i think we've all been looking for for the past few days. when will the ukrainians be able to go from the defensive and transition to the offensive and retake the territory which the russians have captured. and this looks like the beginning of that phase. >> and it isn't just the fact that it's close to russia, it also brings, stuart, ukrainian troops closer, critically, to their supply lines that russia is using to try to reinforce the occupied city. will russia be able to continue its operation in the donbas if ukraine can attack the supply lines here? >> well, the short answer to that one is, no, they won't. interrupting lines of communication and supply lines has always been an intrinsic part of this sort of maneuver warfare that we seem to be slowly heading towards. and clearly, given the vast expenditure of munitions and other material, which both sides are doing at the moment, if the resupply line is interdicted, then the conflict cannot be sustained. so, it will bring russia from a hold in the donbas and i think we're beginning to see that's already happening, because progress is very, very slow. and we're in a war of attrition and the side which is best supplied and can best continue supplying itself is likely to prevail. and at the moment, it looks like the russians are having great difficulty in that particular sphere. >> they do seem, though, stuart, to have a lot of weaponry in mariupol. we're looking at some footage from mariupol. it's been relentless in that city, in particular the situation inside the azovstal steel plant. we've heard from russian forces from inside that they've broken inside the defensive perimeter of the steel factory. can you give us some insight here, stuart, of, you know, what an assault on an enclosed area like this could be, could look like? >> well, i mean, it's very nasty and it's very brutal and it's very bloody, because we're talking about fighting from room to room in very close, confined space, where the expenditure of weaponry and ammunition is immense. and it takes a huge amount of effort and a huge amount of time to capture something -- those of your viewers who are particular with the history of stalingrad or perhaps berlin in the second world war will know that it took huge amount of effort and huge numbers of troops to effect this. very close quarter combat, sometimes i would suspect hand to hand, very, very nasty. huge casualties. and not something that the russians would want to get involved in for too long. i think the interesting thing that they hold mariupol steel works is that the russians have been unable to take it and it's a thorn in their side which prevents them sending troops further north. >> yeah, that seems to have affected, of course, the number of people on the front lines and probably, as many have said, weakened them somewhat in that offensive in the east, but as we have been talking about for some days now, stuart, you know, mariupol could be really the victory that putin is looking for on may 9th. what happens, though, postthat day? do you think that he will de-escalate or do you think he would double down and expand this war, if, of course, he takes azovstal, which, so far, he hasn't been able to do. >> well, i mean, i guess that's the question, but the problem that commentators like me have always had is that we're not inside putin's mind and we don't really know what his end state that he's aiming for actually is. i suspect that the consensus is that he's now going to concentrate and trying to annex the donbas area and then, if he feels that he has sufficient combat power and political will, he might try and head towards moldova, to, you know, sort of quote liberate transnistria. i don't think they have the combat power or the resources to do both of those. so, i think -- it's donbas for the moment and see what happens. >> yeah, i mean, of course, the fear is, as many have been saying, that as he takes, he could use the may 9th as a propaganda value to mobilize forces, i think that is the biggest fear, isn't it so far? stuart crawford, thank you very much. >> thank you. well, the european union is proposing a ban on russian oil imports but may find it tricky to actually implement it. it's part of this package of sanctions on moscow. the czech republic and bulgaria asking for an exemption. here's more now from hungary's foreign minister. have a listen. >> translator: it is not a matter of lack of political will or a question about intention or time. this is simply a physical, geographical, and in infrastructural reality. >> while the european commission president says the ban on russian oil is the next step to make russian president vladimir putin, quote, pay a high price for his brutal aggression on ukraine. i'll have much more from lviv next hour, but first, want to go back to kim in atlanta. >> thank you so much, isa. the u.s. central bank has an aggressive plan to bring down inflation. still ahead, what it means for people buying homes, cars, and paying off their credit cards. plus, president biden is promising a record reduction to america's deficit while going on the attack against maga republicans. that's next. stay with us. 3 out of 4 people% clearer skin at 4 months, after jujust 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your abilityty to fight them. before trereatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tellll your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs, or if you plan to, or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) u.s. president joe biden is sharpening his rhetoric against the republicans ahead of the high stakes midterm elections, when control of congress will be at stake. on wednesday, he went after what he called the ultra-maga agenda. for those who still support donald trump's make america great again movement. he said maga republicans are protecting billionaires at the expense of working class americans and took aim at republican senator rick scott's economic plan. here he is. >> let me tell you about this ultra-maga agenda. it's extreme, as most maga things are. it will actually raise taxes on 75 million american families. over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. >> biden claims his administration will reduce the deficit by a record amount as opposed to trump's administration, which increased the deficit every year he was in office. the u.s. federal reserve has hoped a half a percentage point interest hike will help bring inflation under control and has signaled more increases might be on the way. wall street responded with its best day in two years. the dow jumped more than 900 points. the nasdaq and s&p finished with big gains. so, let's look at how markets in asia and the asia-pacific region are doing, as you can see there, all in positive territory. so, we'll have more now on the fed's decision from cnn's richard quest. >> reporter: the market had been well primed to expect a half a percentage point rise. indeed, over the past few weeks, they had been told repeatedly that was on the table. so, if the fed hadn't done what it did, it would have been a shock. initially, the market took it all in its stride, but then half an hour later, in the press conference, the chair of the fed jerome powell said that he was not expecting the situation to require a three-quarter percentage, 75 basis points increase in the future. that, the market took as being good news. in other words, the situation wasn't so bad that things would have to get worse. the market went up like a r rocket. and so now, everyone is waiting for the next meeting and whether those 50 basis points there and the one after that. they know that interest rates are going somewhere between 2.5% and 3.25%. it's a question of how far and how fast. if things go according to plan, the fed will have engineered a soft landing and will avoid a recession. but for those private economists that believe that won't be possible, that the rate rises will have to be so dramatic, the economy will slow down so severely it will tip into recession. to be honest, on that, the jury's still out. richard quest, cnn, new york. for more, i'm downed by justin wolfers, a professor of economics and public policy at the university of michigan. thank you so much for being here with us. so, just to start off here, what will this mean for americans out there in plain terms? >> well, first of all, there's the direct effect on the hip pocket, and so, if you're someone who is thinking about trying to buy a home or looking to refinance or maybe looking to buy a car and you need to borrow money, it's going to cost you more. and as a result, there will be less left at the end of each week to buy groceries, to buy durable goods and other things. of course, if you're saving money, higher interest rates mean that you're going to do a little better out of your bank. that's the direct effect, but really, what this is all about is trying to slightly slow the pace of the economic expansion, so there will be a little bit less demand. give supply some time to catch up. and hopefully that will slow the pace of price rises, which is reduce inflation. >> exactly. now, some economists worry that the bank was too late to the game here, that the fed waited too long to raise the rates. what do you make of the timing? >> well, with hindsight, we're all geniuses, aren't we? so, for sure, if six months ago we knew that the economy would be where it is now, i think the fed would have started tightening quite a bitter years old. look, this has been a recovery that in many respects is just fantastic news, which is, the economy bounced back from the deepest downturn since the great depression and it did so more rapidly than any of us ever imagine. so, it's not just that inflation's high, that's the bad news, the good news is that unemployment is incredibly low and very close to a 50-year low. and so, you know, really, this was a calculated bit back in the pandemic days. should we risk inflation in order to get people back to work, and that's probably better than having a long, grinding, slow recession, which we did after the financial crisis in 2008-2009. >> >> the flip side of that risk is a risk of recession, and they really have to walk a fine line. they don't want to trigger a recession. it seems these days we have to many things to worry about. should we add recession to that list, as well? >> i haven't added recession to my list. and that's because the single-best way to figure out where the economy is going next to really look at where it's at right now, and the trust is, the economy's still growing gang busters. we've got unemployment at very, very low rates. and there's not an obvious cause of a recession around the corner. now, if the last two years has taught us anything, it's to expect the unexpected. to the extent that people are expressing concerns about a recession, the fear is that the fed will move too rapidly, raise rates too far, too fast and cause the economy to fall over very quickly. look, why do we think they'll overreact? there's also a likelihood that the fed will underreact. so, errors can go in all sorts of different ways, but there's none of the usual recession alarm bells ringing right now. >> you say expect the unexpected, i mean, that feeds into this, right? how much control does the fed actually have and the biden administration, as well, given that they're at the mercy of many economic factors that are beyond their control, like the supply chain issues and the war in ukraine, especially? >> there's the war in ukraine, there's supply chain issues and there's this virus going around the world still. and we shouldn't understate the extent to which that remains a big unknown. much of china still pursuing a zero covid strategy, a few more cases get out and you start to close down cities and factories and much of the world economy could grind to a halt. we might be one more bad variant away from people being unhappy or unwilling to get back to work. and so i do feel that we are still living through a riskier moment that many of us are used to. >> yeah, and people, you know, are concerned about all this, we saw in a recent cnn poll found that the public's view of the economy is the worst it's been in a decade, and this despite the wage gains and the really low unemployment that you just talked about, so, i guess it all basically comes down to those everyday pocketbook issues, the price of gas, groceries, things like that, and that's what the fed is hoping to tackle with this -- with this rate increase. thank you so much for your expertise, really appreciate it, justin wolfers. >> it's a pleasure. a winery in moldova is shifting its priorities because of the war in ukraine. next, its restaurant and tasting rooms become a new home for refugees in need. stay with us. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts so you both stay comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing so you stay cool. save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, qun now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. 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she tells me she's grateful, but anxious. the calm here scares her, because it was calm in ukraine, too, she says, before the bombing started. the winery's chief operating officer says they've helped more than 5,000 ukrainian refugees, housing as many as they can at the winery and putting the rest up at nearby hotels. >> it's our duty to help the ukrainian people. it is our duty as moldovans, because the heroes, the ukrainian heroes that are now fighting off the russian armies, they are also our heroes, they are also moldovan heroes because they are also protecting us and our families. >> reporter: here, we also met yuliya. she fled mykolaiv, ukraine, too. how close did the bombings get to you? through tears, yuliya tells me how the bomb hit her house, but they escaped to the basement. they were lucky. this is what the house looked like after being hit. yuliya's daughter is here with her, but her husband stayed behind to fight. she tells me she's anxious being so close to transnistria here, the breakaway territory where about 1,500 troops remain. we saw just how close they are to transnistria. >> that over there, that's ukraine. and that there, that's transnistria, and the rest is ukraine. you realize how close the war is to us. >> reporter: corinne helped coordinate the winery's refugee effort. >> in the first week here in the restaurant, we made a real bedroom, a large one. they were sleeping here. >> reporter: they were sleeping in this room? >> yes, yes. because the whole hotel was full. >> so, this is a guestbook that we usually have for our guests. >> reporter: this guestbook now filled with messages of thanks from ukrainian refugees. >> you see a lot of the blue and the yellow, the colors of the ukrainian flag, and, of course, they are messages of peace and of thanking the moldovan people for helping them. >> reporter: and this one here means -- >> no to war. >> reporter: no to war. randi kaye, cnn, moldova. >> if you would like to safely and securely help people in ukraine who may need shelter, food, and water, please go to, where you can find several ways there to help. nearly 20 million people in beijing are going through a sixth round of covid testing thursday. the chinese capital is bushing ahead with the mass testing despite the high cost and relatively low case numbers. averaging just about 50 a day. beijing's largest district is now essentially shut down due to china's zero-covid policy. 3.5 million residents are being urged to work from home. anna coren is with us, and the fears when these restrictions began in beijing is they would become, you know, a total lockdown like we saw in shanghai, they're not there yet, but it looks like things are moving in that direction, is that right? >> reporter: and all for 50 cases. i mean, it is quite extraordinary. shutting down parts of the nation's capital, at least the largest district, and placing all these other restrictions on residents in the city, all for 50 cases. but i think as they saw in shanghai, it quickly spiraled out of control. you know, case numbers were in the dozens, suddenly the hundreds, then the thousands, and that's when they brought in that citywide lockdown. beijing doing everything in their power to ensure that they don't have to do that to their residents. but you mentioned the district that has been locked down, authorities are telling residents not to go to work or to work from home. public transport has been suspended. we know that dining in restaurants has been suspended. and schools, as well, they have gone online. we have to remember that china has just finished this five-day labor holiday, so, many people were thinking, well, perhaps, you know, life will return to normal once that holiday ends, obviously, that is not the case. same goes for entertainment, sporting venues, public venues. so, basically, people are being told to stay indoors and those in that affected area to really, obviously, stay at home. they're going through a sixth round of testing, i should mention, kim, they went through a fifth round yesterday, that's like 12 out of 16 districts, so 20 million people having to be tested virtually on a daily basis. it's really quite extraordinary. >> yeah, and all of that disruption for so few cases, as you highlight there. anna coren in hong kong, thank you so much. highlands tigers are endangered, but images captured on camera gives hope for the species survival. coming up. people with plaque psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make. like the shot they take. the memories they create. or the spin they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can ke. otezla is not cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, you can achieve clearer skin. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. 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90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. ♪ a century ago, there were around 100,000 tigers worldwide. now, it is believed there are fewer than 4,000. but one place where tiger numbers are on the rise is a wild life sanctuary in northwest thailand. on today's call to earth, protecting a rare tiger hot spot from poachers. kristie lu stout has the story. >> reporter: this lush, tropical forest in northwest thailand is hiding a rare endangered species. it's one of the last gas chons for the indochinese tiger. poached to the brink of extinction for their fur and glus traditional medicine, this iconic species has all but disappeared from much of its range. almost everywhere, in fact, except for here. the wildlife sanctuary is part of thailand's western forest complex. with almost 7,000 square miles of protected jungle, it forms the largest in tact forest block in mainland southeast asia. fertile ground for tigers. and this woman is on their tail. >> this is the tiger track. i'm dog the measurement to make sure this is real tiger tracks. i will say this is healthy one adult tiger. >> reporter: another way to track them, follow your nose. >> this is the tiger spray, so, basically, tiger will spray to mark their territories. to tell other tiger, this is their home. >> reporter: she works for the wildlife conservation society. the nonprofit is partnered with the thai department of national parks, wildlife, and plant conservation in a project training park rangers to reduce poaching here since 2005. together, they developed the smart patrol system, a combination of boots on the ground, camera traps, and data collection to monitor signs of wildlife and potential threats. armed and trained in self-defense, these park rangers are prepared for encounters with poachers. and unlike other protected areas in thailand, there have been no incidents of poaching here since 2013, according to the wildlife conservation society. by using 250 camera traps across the forest, they found that tiger numbers have more than doubled here over the past 15 years to over 60. >> yesterday. >> yesterday? >> reporter: and this watering hole deep in the forest has become a day spa for tigers. somewhere to rest, relax, and rendezvous. until they eventually make room for some other forest residents, like this black bear, asian elephant, and wild boar. >> tiger is the top predator of the food chain in ecosystem. so, if we are successful in conserving tiger, that means we can protect many other endangered species. >> reporter: and as she says, big cats need big food. large mammals are all on the menu here. >> for one adult tiger, it needs at least 50 deer a year to feed them. >> reporter: 2022 is the lunar year of the tiger, marking a deadline set in 2010 by 13 countries to double their wild tiger populations. so far, evidence suggests global tiger numbers are on the rise, but their range has continued to decline. she's hopeful for thailand's tigers. >> for example, right now, we are the biggest home of i indochinese tiger population. >> reporter: so, while tigers worldwide face an uncertain future, these tigers can relax, at least for now. >> and let us know what you're doing to answer the call with the hash tag call to earth. all right, we're going to take a short break, back in a moment. ♪ i've been everywhehere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man.n. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, , man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, , man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, paparkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪ ♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ oh, wow... what the? boxed. oh...really draws you right in like a moth i guess m the moth! oh...really draws you sneakin' in when i shouldn't. boxed. if you know, you kn! ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ across the u.s., anger is building over the likely loss of federal abortion rights. new demonstrations were held around the country on wednesday. abortion rights supporters are furious that the supreme court appears to be on the verge of striking down roe v. wade, the landmark law giving women the constitutional right to end their pregnancies. meanwhile, we're getting a grim warning from the head of the centers for disease control and prevention. dr. rochelle walensky says more people may die without access to safe and legal abortions. >> those who have resources will easily cross state lines to do so. and those who don't may take matters into their own hands and may not get exactly the care that they need in order to do so. and i do think lives could be at stake in that situation. >> the u.s. supreme court's official ruling on overturning roe is expected late next month. now to los angeles where police say dave chappelle is okay after police say a 23-year-old man attacked the comedian on stage. the motive sun clear. stephanie elam has the latest. >> reporter: comedian dave chappelle, attacked on stage while performing at the hollywood bowl during the netflix is a joke festival. video taken just moments after the assault shows the alleged attacker being subdued as a shocked audience looks on. cnn's rachel crane was sitting near the front row. >> out of nowhere, a gentleman jumps up from the audience and tackles dave chappelle. the thing that caught my eye immediately was that the gentleman was wearing a backpack. that's what got me scared. my mind immediately went to this man is wearing a bomb. it felt very deliberate, and it was quite scary. >> reporter: the lapd says the suspect, a 23-year-old man was arm wad knife made to look like a replica handgun. he was taken to a hospital for treatment and was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. any motive for the attack remains unknown. cnn as reached out to the hollywood bowl for comment. netflix said we strongly defend the right of stand-up comedians to perform on stage without fear of violence. and in a statement to cnn, a representative for chappelle said in part that the comedian refuses to allow last night's incident to overshadow the magic of this historic moment. a celebratory chappelle returned to the stage alongside jamie foxx and chris rock, who used the moment to make light of his own recent onstage assault at the academy awards. >> is that will smith? >> reporter: police say chappelle was not hurt, but the onstage attack of a superstar comedian, the second in just over a month, raises questions about security concerns and safety for performers. >> it felt like an eternity before the security got there and intervened. in actuality, i'm sure it was just a few seconds. but it was a very charged moment, and everybody -- there were gasps, screams, not crazy screams, but everyone was very alarmed by what had just happened. >> reporter: and dave chappelle's representative calling this incident unfortunate and unsettling and said that the comedian is cooperating with the police investigation. stephanie elam, cnn, hollywood. actress amber heard took the stand pour the first time in the tumultuous defamation case filed by her ex-husband johnny depp. on wednesday heard detailed the early days of their relationship claiming she endured physical and sexual abuse. >> i just laughed because i thought he was joking. and slapped me across the face. and i left. i laugh because i -- i didn't know what else to do. i thought this must be a joke. this must be a joke. because i'm -- i didn't know what was going on. i just stared at him, kind of laughing still, thinking that he was going to start laughing too to tell me it was a joke, but he didn't. he said you think it's so funny? you think it's funny, [ bleep ], you think you're a funny [ bleep ]. and he slapped me again. >> he is suing heard for $50 million over a 2018 op-ed where she described herself as a victim of domestic abuse. in earlier testimony, depp said he has never struck a woman, and that heard was abusive towards him. kim brunhuber in atlanta. rosa church and isa soares pick up our coverage right after the break. please do stay with us. my patients, i often see t them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. they are both very much hand in hand, so you should really be focusing on both, and definitely at the same time. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us a dual actn effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. by brushing with sensodyne sensitivity & guat home, it's giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. and it creates a healthier environment. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? 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, Them , Fact , Terms , Say , News , Scale , Scale Operations , Defensive , Offensive , Beginning , Phase , Supply , Isn T , Stuart , Answer , Supply Lines , Donbas , Operation , Lines , Communication , Sort , Maneuver Warfare , Intrinsic , Material , Expenditure , Munitions , Sides , Interdicted , Resupply Line , Conflict , War Of Attrition , Side , Hold , Lot , Weaponry , Difficulty , Footage , Sphere , Assault , Factory , Perimeter , Insight , Of , Room , Fighting , Ammunition , Space , Amount , History , Effort , Viewers , Second World War , Stalingrad , Numbers , Hand , Combat , Casualties , Mariupol Steel Works , Thorn , Many , East , On May 9th , Postthat , May 9th , 9 , Question , Problem , Hasn T , Mind , End State , Commentators , Putin , Consensus , Will , Combat Power , Head , Both , Resources , Quote Liberate Transnistria , Fear , Saying , Propaganda Value , Isn T It , European Union , Oil , Ban , Sanctions , Imports , Package , Moscow , Matter , Exemption , Foreign 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Territories , Tiger Spray , Nose , Wildlife , Nonprofit , And Plant Conservation , Wildlife Conservation Society , Department Of National Parks , Project Training Park Rangers , Camera Traps , Combination , Data Collection , Boots , Signs , Smart Patrol System , 2005 , Park Rangers , Self Defense , Threats , Encounters , Incidents , 2013 , 250 , Watering Hole , Relax , Day Spa , 60 , Predator , Bear , Rendezvous , Wild Boar , Asian Elephant , Food Chain , Ecosystem , Big Cats , Menu , Mammals , Countries , Lunar Year Of The Tiger , Tiger Populations , Set , Evidence , 2010 , 2022 , Example , Future , Know , Man , Break , Right , Hash Tag , Everywhehere , Man , Desert S Bare , Dodge City , Cedar City , Travel , Share , Pity , Colorado , Mountain Air , Ellensburg , Gravelbourg , Pittsburgh , Paparkersburg , Boxed , Oh , Moth , You Kn , Magic , Plenty , Magic Moment , Other , Chaos , Abortion Rights , Demonstrations , Building , Country , Anger , Loss , Landmark Law Giving Women The Constitutional Right , Supporters , Striking , Supreme Court , Pregnancies , Verge , Warning , Roe V Wade , State Lines , Abortions , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Dr , Rochelle Walensky , Care , Hands , Ruling , Lives , Overturning Roe , Dave Chappelle , Old Man , Latest , Comedian On Stage , Stephanie Elam , Los Angeles , Police , Motive Sun Clear , 23 , Stage , Joke Festival , Hollywood Bowl , Gentleman , Audience , Out Of Nowhere , Attacker , Front Row , Rachel Crane , Bomb , Backpack , Eye , Suspect , Replica Handgun , Motive , Wad Knife , Hospital , Lapd , Representative , Stand Up Comedians , Statement , Comment , Violence , Celebratory Chappelle , Incident , Chris Rock , Light , Jamie Foxx , Safety , Police Say Chappelle , Questions , Superstar Comedian , Eternity , Second , Security Concerns , Performers , Will Smith , Academy Awards , Gasps , It , Everybody , Security , Screams , Actuality , Unsettling , Police Investigation , Amber Heard , Johnny Depp , Time , Relationship , Defamation , Sexual Abuse , Joking , Joke , Funny , Him , Op Ed , Testimony , Victim , Abuse , 2018 , 0 Million , 50 Million , Heard , Rosa Church , Coverage , Sensitivity , Teeth Sensitivity , Gum Issues , Hand In , Gum , Patients , Actn Effect , Sensodyne , Environment , Oral Health , Guat Home , Brushing , Relief , Plans , Classes , Programs , Actions , Achievements , National University , Nu Edu , Four , Trust Safelite , Safety System , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite , Glass , Appointment , Windshield , Singers , Dad , Tech , Pop Rock Music Tech , Safelite Repair , Bottles , Waste , Same , Plastic , Beverage Companies , Plastics , Caps , Recyclable , 100 , Bottle , Circle , San Francisco , Prop A , Muni , Friends , Feet , Delays , Transit , Health , Neighborhood , Prop , Fleets , Focus , Emissions , Vote , Chesa Boudin , Repeat Offenders , GascÓn , Car Break Ins , Unit , Collaborating , Organized Crime Rings , Job , Recall , Isa Soares In Lviv , Compound , Top , 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

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of course shouldn't be confused with the country moldova. it's the latest village to come back under ukrainian control. meanwhile, ukraine says russian forces have made few advances in luhansk and the donetsk region. despite heavy bombardments on a number of fronts. russian forces have been trying to move south from the kharkiv region in an attempt to surround ukrainian forces defending d donetsk. and new drone footage shows stunning devastation. the drone appears to have been used by the russian military as they track ukrainian troops amid intense street fighting. for more on the situation in ukraine, let's bring in isa soares in lviv. isa? >> very good morning to you, kim. we are keeping a very close eye this morning on the besieged city of mariupol. it's just after 8:00 a.m. here and humanitarian corridors announced by russia are now supposed to be open to allow civilians to evacuate from the azovstal steel plant. there's no word yet on whether fresh evacuations have actually been allowed to take place. we haven't heard from the ukrainian side. and this is really what the complex has endured over the past few days. relentless, as well as growing attacks from russian forces. civilians are trapped there, along with the city's last ukrainian defenders. and here's how a ukrainian commander inside the plant described the situation. have a listen. >> translator: for two days now, the enemy has broken into the territory of the plant. these are heavy, bloody battles. i am proud of my soldiers who are making superhuman efforts to contain the enemy's onslaught. >> well, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy says 344 people were evacuated from mariupol, the city of mariupol, and nearby areas, on wednesday. we don't know if any of them were rescued from that steel plant. and we are learning more about how ukraine managed to fend off repeated russian attempts to advance on kyiv in the early days, of course, of the war. matt rivers takes us to a town near the capital that was really key in keeping russian forces at bay. >> reporter: outgoing fire from a frozen fox hole. not far from the flaming pieces of an exploding armored vehicle. as the quiet still of a nighttime bunker is shattered by what the soldier says was a direct hit right nearby. this is what happened in the tiny town of moshchun. it is here where the battle of kyiv was won. by early march, russian forces had flooded south. they had arrived just west of moschun. the irpin river, the only thing between them and the town where ukraine would make its stand. is it strange to just walk through this area now, you know, when it's safe? he says, "what's strange was being here when all hell broke loose." three ukrainian soldiers who fought here took us around moschun. before the ground assault, they say relentless artillery rained down. there was little they could do but wait it out. just listen to this video taken by a soldier. so, they dug this trench here just across the river from russian positions, of course, to take cover from things like this, so, this would be spent ordnance, a rocket fired from a russian attack helicopter here on the ukrainian position. thinking they'd soften the town, the russians decided it was time to strike. with this bridge destroyed, they built a pontoon bridge here and started sending special forces troops across the river. across the river, the ukrainians waited, some seen here ready to fight back. street battles raged. homes were shredded. houses now with so many bullet holes, like freckles on a face. the russians, some seen here, actually took part of the town, but that success would be short-lived, because the woods were up next. moschun is surrounded by dense pine forest. the perfect area for ukraine to stop an advance. video shows ukrainian troops lined up in neatly dug positions. and russian troops would quickly come under heavy fire. video shows the results -- multiple dead russian soldiers in the snow. that body was found right there and there were several other russian soldiers that were killed right in this area, including this soldier whose body armor is still left behind. this was not artillery unit versus artillery unit. here in these woods, in this town, it was infantry versus infantry, close proximity fighting. as sounds of explosions ripple around them, ukrainian soldiers race toward an unseen enemy. carrying between them what is likely the kind of weapon that could do something like this. ukrainian drones capture the destruction of russian armor, sitting ducks on the lone road through the trees. and here on the ground, you can still see the remnants of two destroyed armored personnel carriers. the body parts of the soldiers that were inside still litter this area. ukrainian forces say some 500 russian soldiers and 40 armored vehicles made their way into this part of the forest and if they were able to continue and get through, it could have changed the tide of the entire war. moschun sits only about three miles from kyiv's city limits and roughly 15 from the city center. ukrainian troops tell us, had the russians broke through, the thousands of russian troops just across the river would have made an all-out push into kyiv. but a fierce ukrainian counterattack turned the battle around quickly. soldiers going house to house, retaking the town, even destroys the pontoon bridge russia had used to bring soldiers across. ukrainian forces also stripping what they could from the better supplied russian soldiers. he says they suffered heavy losses here, even though they dominated us in aircraft and drones and 10 to 1 in artillery. for these three soldiers, the victory in the battle of kyiv is something the world should have seen coming. should the rest of the world have been surprised? "our army turned out to be one of the best in the world, and nobody was more surprised than the russians," he said, adding one more thing in english. >> surprise, [ bleep ]. >> reporter: matt rivers, cnn, moschun, ukraine. >> important piece there from our matt rivers. joining me now is defense analyst stuart crawford. very good morning to you. i want to start, if i could, really, what we're hearing in a village, which we have been hearing from ukrainian forces has been retaken by them. this, of course, is just east of kharkiv and some 13 miles or so from the russian border. what does that say to you, really, in terms of the fact that they've been able to retake this territory so close to russia itself? >> good morning. it's -- well, it's good news for ukraine, actually, and it shows that far from being overwhelmed by russian forces or indeed even being pushed back by russian forces. they now have the where with all and fairly small scale, or smaller scale operations, to begin to retake their territory. and this is something that i think we've all been looking for for the past few days. when will the ukrainians be able to go from the defensive and transition to the offensive and retake the territory which the russians have captured. and this looks like the beginning of that phase. >> and it isn't just the fact that it's close to russia, it also brings, stuart, ukrainian troops closer, critically, to their supply lines that russia is using to try to reinforce the occupied city. will russia be able to continue its operation in the donbas if ukraine can attack the supply lines here? >> well, the short answer to that one is, no, they won't. interrupting lines of communication and supply lines has always been an intrinsic part of this sort of maneuver warfare that we seem to be slowly heading towards. and clearly, given the vast expenditure of munitions and other material, which both sides are doing at the moment, if the resupply line is interdicted, then the conflict cannot be sustained. so, it will bring russia from a hold in the donbas and i think we're beginning to see that's already happening, because progress is very, very slow. and we're in a war of attrition and the side which is best supplied and can best continue supplying itself is likely to prevail. and at the moment, it looks like the russians are having great difficulty in that particular sphere. >> they do seem, though, stuart, to have a lot of weaponry in mariupol. we're looking at some footage from mariupol. it's been relentless in that city, in particular the situation inside the azovstal steel plant. we've heard from russian forces from inside that they've broken inside the defensive perimeter of the steel factory. can you give us some insight here, stuart, of, you know, what an assault on an enclosed area like this could be, could look like? >> well, i mean, it's very nasty and it's very brutal and it's very bloody, because we're talking about fighting from room to room in very close, confined space, where the expenditure of weaponry and ammunition is immense. and it takes a huge amount of effort and a huge amount of time to capture something -- those of your viewers who are particular with the history of stalingrad or perhaps berlin in the second world war will know that it took huge amount of effort and huge numbers of troops to effect this. very close quarter combat, sometimes i would suspect hand to hand, very, very nasty. huge casualties. and not something that the russians would want to get involved in for too long. i think the interesting thing that they hold mariupol steel works is that the russians have been unable to take it and it's a thorn in their side which prevents them sending troops further north. >> yeah, that seems to have affected, of course, the number of people on the front lines and probably, as many have said, weakened them somewhat in that offensive in the east, but as we have been talking about for some days now, stuart, you know, mariupol could be really the victory that putin is looking for on may 9th. what happens, though, postthat day? do you think that he will de-escalate or do you think he would double down and expand this war, if, of course, he takes azovstal, which, so far, he hasn't been able to do. >> well, i mean, i guess that's the question, but the problem that commentators like me have always had is that we're not inside putin's mind and we don't really know what his end state that he's aiming for actually is. i suspect that the consensus is that he's now going to concentrate and trying to annex the donbas area and then, if he feels that he has sufficient combat power and political will, he might try and head towards moldova, to, you know, sort of quote liberate transnistria. i don't think they have the combat power or the resources to do both of those. so, i think -- it's donbas for the moment and see what happens. >> yeah, i mean, of course, the fear is, as many have been saying, that as he takes, he could use the may 9th as a propaganda value to mobilize forces, i think that is the biggest fear, isn't it so far? stuart crawford, thank you very much. >> thank you. well, the european union is proposing a ban on russian oil imports but may find it tricky to actually implement it. it's part of this package of sanctions on moscow. the czech republic and bulgaria asking for an exemption. here's more now from hungary's foreign minister. have a listen. >> translator: it is not a matter of lack of political will or a question about intention or time. this is simply a physical, geographical, and in infrastructural reality. >> while the european commission president says the ban on russian oil is the next step to make russian president vladimir putin, quote, pay a high price for his brutal aggression on ukraine. i'll have much more from lviv next hour, but first, want to go back to kim in atlanta. >> thank you so much, isa. the u.s. central bank has an aggressive plan to bring down inflation. still ahead, what it means for people buying homes, cars, and paying off their credit cards. plus, president biden is promising a record reduction to america's deficit while going on the attack against maga republicans. that's next. stay with us. 3 out of 4 people% clearer skin at 4 months, after jujust 2 doses. skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your abilityty to fight them. before trereatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tellll your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs, or if you plan to, or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) u.s. president joe biden is sharpening his rhetoric against the republicans ahead of the high stakes midterm elections, when control of congress will be at stake. on wednesday, he went after what he called the ultra-maga agenda. for those who still support donald trump's make america great again movement. he said maga republicans are protecting billionaires at the expense of working class americans and took aim at republican senator rick scott's economic plan. here he is. >> let me tell you about this ultra-maga agenda. it's extreme, as most maga things are. it will actually raise taxes on 75 million american families. over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. >> biden claims his administration will reduce the deficit by a record amount as opposed to trump's administration, which increased the deficit every year he was in office. the u.s. federal reserve has hoped a half a percentage point interest hike will help bring inflation under control and has signaled more increases might be on the way. wall street responded with its best day in two years. the dow jumped more than 900 points. the nasdaq and s&p finished with big gains. so, let's look at how markets in asia and the asia-pacific region are doing, as you can see there, all in positive territory. so, we'll have more now on the fed's decision from cnn's richard quest. >> reporter: the market had been well primed to expect a half a percentage point rise. indeed, over the past few weeks, they had been told repeatedly that was on the table. so, if the fed hadn't done what it did, it would have been a shock. initially, the market took it all in its stride, but then half an hour later, in the press conference, the chair of the fed jerome powell said that he was not expecting the situation to require a three-quarter percentage, 75 basis points increase in the future. that, the market took as being good news. in other words, the situation wasn't so bad that things would have to get worse. the market went up like a r rocket. and so now, everyone is waiting for the next meeting and whether those 50 basis points there and the one after that. they know that interest rates are going somewhere between 2.5% and 3.25%. it's a question of how far and how fast. if things go according to plan, the fed will have engineered a soft landing and will avoid a recession. but for those private economists that believe that won't be possible, that the rate rises will have to be so dramatic, the economy will slow down so severely it will tip into recession. to be honest, on that, the jury's still out. richard quest, cnn, new york. for more, i'm downed by justin wolfers, a professor of economics and public policy at the university of michigan. thank you so much for being here with us. so, just to start off here, what will this mean for americans out there in plain terms? >> well, first of all, there's the direct effect on the hip pocket, and so, if you're someone who is thinking about trying to buy a home or looking to refinance or maybe looking to buy a car and you need to borrow money, it's going to cost you more. and as a result, there will be less left at the end of each week to buy groceries, to buy durable goods and other things. of course, if you're saving money, higher interest rates mean that you're going to do a little better out of your bank. that's the direct effect, but really, what this is all about is trying to slightly slow the pace of the economic expansion, so there will be a little bit less demand. give supply some time to catch up. and hopefully that will slow the pace of price rises, which is reduce inflation. >> exactly. now, some economists worry that the bank was too late to the game here, that the fed waited too long to raise the rates. what do you make of the timing? >> well, with hindsight, we're all geniuses, aren't we? so, for sure, if six months ago we knew that the economy would be where it is now, i think the fed would have started tightening quite a bitter years old. look, this has been a recovery that in many respects is just fantastic news, which is, the economy bounced back from the deepest downturn since the great depression and it did so more rapidly than any of us ever imagine. so, it's not just that inflation's high, that's the bad news, the good news is that unemployment is incredibly low and very close to a 50-year low. and so, you know, really, this was a calculated bit back in the pandemic days. should we risk inflation in order to get people back to work, and that's probably better than having a long, grinding, slow recession, which we did after the financial crisis in 2008-2009. >> >> the flip side of that risk is a risk of recession, and they really have to walk a fine line. they don't want to trigger a recession. it seems these days we have to many things to worry about. should we add recession to that list, as well? >> i haven't added recession to my list. and that's because the single-best way to figure out where the economy is going next to really look at where it's at right now, and the trust is, the economy's still growing gang busters. we've got unemployment at very, very low rates. and there's not an obvious cause of a recession around the corner. now, if the last two years has taught us anything, it's to expect the unexpected. to the extent that people are expressing concerns about a recession, the fear is that the fed will move too rapidly, raise rates too far, too fast and cause the economy to fall over very quickly. look, why do we think they'll overreact? there's also a likelihood that the fed will underreact. so, errors can go in all sorts of different ways, but there's none of the usual recession alarm bells ringing right now. >> you say expect the unexpected, i mean, that feeds into this, right? how much control does the fed actually have and the biden administration, as well, given that they're at the mercy of many economic factors that are beyond their control, like the supply chain issues and the war in ukraine, especially? >> there's the war in ukraine, there's supply chain issues and there's this virus going around the world still. and we shouldn't understate the extent to which that remains a big unknown. much of china still pursuing a zero covid strategy, a few more cases get out and you start to close down cities and factories and much of the world economy could grind to a halt. we might be one more bad variant away from people being unhappy or unwilling to get back to work. and so i do feel that we are still living through a riskier moment that many of us are used to. >> yeah, and people, you know, are concerned about all this, we saw in a recent cnn poll found that the public's view of the economy is the worst it's been in a decade, and this despite the wage gains and the really low unemployment that you just talked about, so, i guess it all basically comes down to those everyday pocketbook issues, the price of gas, groceries, things like that, and that's what the fed is hoping to tackle with this -- with this rate increase. thank you so much for your expertise, really appreciate it, justin wolfers. >> it's a pleasure. a winery in moldova is shifting its priorities because of the war in ukraine. next, its restaurant and tasting rooms become a new home for refugees in need. stay with us. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts so you both stay comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing so you stay cool. save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, qun now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. 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she tells me she's grateful, but anxious. the calm here scares her, because it was calm in ukraine, too, she says, before the bombing started. the winery's chief operating officer says they've helped more than 5,000 ukrainian refugees, housing as many as they can at the winery and putting the rest up at nearby hotels. >> it's our duty to help the ukrainian people. it is our duty as moldovans, because the heroes, the ukrainian heroes that are now fighting off the russian armies, they are also our heroes, they are also moldovan heroes because they are also protecting us and our families. >> reporter: here, we also met yuliya. she fled mykolaiv, ukraine, too. how close did the bombings get to you? through tears, yuliya tells me how the bomb hit her house, but they escaped to the basement. they were lucky. this is what the house looked like after being hit. yuliya's daughter is here with her, but her husband stayed behind to fight. she tells me she's anxious being so close to transnistria here, the breakaway territory where about 1,500 troops remain. we saw just how close they are to transnistria. >> that over there, that's ukraine. and that there, that's transnistria, and the rest is ukraine. you realize how close the war is to us. >> reporter: corinne helped coordinate the winery's refugee effort. >> in the first week here in the restaurant, we made a real bedroom, a large one. they were sleeping here. >> reporter: they were sleeping in this room? >> yes, yes. because the whole hotel was full. >> so, this is a guestbook that we usually have for our guests. >> reporter: this guestbook now filled with messages of thanks from ukrainian refugees. >> you see a lot of the blue and the yellow, the colors of the ukrainian flag, and, of course, they are messages of peace and of thanking the moldovan people for helping them. >> reporter: and this one here means -- >> no to war. >> reporter: no to war. randi kaye, cnn, moldova. >> if you would like to safely and securely help people in ukraine who may need shelter, food, and water, please go to, where you can find several ways there to help. nearly 20 million people in beijing are going through a sixth round of covid testing thursday. the chinese capital is bushing ahead with the mass testing despite the high cost and relatively low case numbers. averaging just about 50 a day. beijing's largest district is now essentially shut down due to china's zero-covid policy. 3.5 million residents are being urged to work from home. anna coren is with us, and the fears when these restrictions began in beijing is they would become, you know, a total lockdown like we saw in shanghai, they're not there yet, but it looks like things are moving in that direction, is that right? >> reporter: and all for 50 cases. i mean, it is quite extraordinary. shutting down parts of the nation's capital, at least the largest district, and placing all these other restrictions on residents in the city, all for 50 cases. but i think as they saw in shanghai, it quickly spiraled out of control. you know, case numbers were in the dozens, suddenly the hundreds, then the thousands, and that's when they brought in that citywide lockdown. beijing doing everything in their power to ensure that they don't have to do that to their residents. but you mentioned the district that has been locked down, authorities are telling residents not to go to work or to work from home. public transport has been suspended. we know that dining in restaurants has been suspended. and schools, as well, they have gone online. we have to remember that china has just finished this five-day labor holiday, so, many people were thinking, well, perhaps, you know, life will return to normal once that holiday ends, obviously, that is not the case. same goes for entertainment, sporting venues, public venues. so, basically, people are being told to stay indoors and those in that affected area to really, obviously, stay at home. they're going through a sixth round of testing, i should mention, kim, they went through a fifth round yesterday, that's like 12 out of 16 districts, so 20 million people having to be tested virtually on a daily basis. it's really quite extraordinary. >> yeah, and all of that disruption for so few cases, as you highlight there. anna coren in hong kong, thank you so much. highlands tigers are endangered, but images captured on camera gives hope for the species survival. coming up. people with plaque psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make. like the shot they take. the memories they create. or the spin they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can ke. otezla is not cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, you can achieve clearer skin. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. 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>> reporter: and this watering hole deep in the forest has become a day spa for tigers. somewhere to rest, relax, and rendezvous. until they eventually make room for some other forest residents, like this black bear, asian elephant, and wild boar. >> tiger is the top predator of the food chain in ecosystem. so, if we are successful in conserving tiger, that means we can protect many other endangered species. >> reporter: and as she says, big cats need big food. large mammals are all on the menu here. >> for one adult tiger, it needs at least 50 deer a year to feed them. >> reporter: 2022 is the lunar year of the tiger, marking a deadline set in 2010 by 13 countries to double their wild tiger populations. so far, evidence suggests global tiger numbers are on the rise, but their range has continued to decline. she's hopeful for thailand's tigers. >> for example, right now, we are the biggest home of i indochinese tiger population. >> reporter: so, while tigers worldwide face an uncertain future, these tigers can relax, at least for now. >> and let us know what you're doing to answer the call with the hash tag call to earth. all right, we're going to take a short break, back in a moment. ♪ i've been everywhehere, man. ♪ ♪ crossed the desert's bare, man.n. ♪ ♪ i've breathed the mountain air, , man. ♪ ♪ of travel i've had my share, , man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ ♪ i've been to: pittsburgh, paparkersburg, ♪ ♪ gravelbourg, colorado, ♪ ♪ ellensburg, cedar city, dodge city, what a pity. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere, man. ♪ ♪ i've been everywhere. ♪ oh, wow... what the? boxed. oh...really draws you right in like a moth i guess m the moth! oh...really draws you sneakin' in when i shouldn't. boxed. if you know, you kn! ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ across the u.s., anger is building over the likely loss of federal abortion rights. new demonstrations were held around the country on wednesday. abortion rights supporters are furious that the supreme court appears to be on the verge of striking down roe v. wade, the landmark law giving women the constitutional right to end their pregnancies. meanwhile, we're getting a grim warning from the head of the centers for disease control and prevention. dr. rochelle walensky says more people may die without access to safe and legal abortions. >> those who have resources will easily cross state lines to do so. and those who don't may take matters into their own hands and may not get exactly the care that they need in order to do so. and i do think lives could be at stake in that situation. >> the u.s. supreme court's official ruling on overturning roe is expected late next month. now to los angeles where police say dave chappelle is okay after police say a 23-year-old man attacked the comedian on stage. the motive sun clear. stephanie elam has the latest. >> reporter: comedian dave chappelle, attacked on stage while performing at the hollywood bowl during the netflix is a joke festival. video taken just moments after the assault shows the alleged attacker being subdued as a shocked audience looks on. cnn's rachel crane was sitting near the front row. >> out of nowhere, a gentleman jumps up from the audience and tackles dave chappelle. the thing that caught my eye immediately was that the gentleman was wearing a backpack. that's what got me scared. my mind immediately went to this man is wearing a bomb. it felt very deliberate, and it was quite scary. >> reporter: the lapd says the suspect, a 23-year-old man was arm wad knife made to look like a replica handgun. he was taken to a hospital for treatment and was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. any motive for the attack remains unknown. cnn as reached out to the hollywood bowl for comment. netflix said we strongly defend the right of stand-up comedians to perform on stage without fear of violence. and in a statement to cnn, a representative for chappelle said in part that the comedian refuses to allow last night's incident to overshadow the magic of this historic moment. a celebratory chappelle returned to the stage alongside jamie foxx and chris rock, who used the moment to make light of his own recent onstage assault at the academy awards. >> is that will smith? >> reporter: police say chappelle was not hurt, but the onstage attack of a superstar comedian, the second in just over a month, raises questions about security concerns and safety for performers. >> it felt like an eternity before the security got there and intervened. in actuality, i'm sure it was just a few seconds. but it was a very charged moment, and everybody -- there were gasps, screams, not crazy screams, but everyone was very alarmed by what had just happened. >> reporter: and dave chappelle's representative calling this incident unfortunate and unsettling and said that the comedian is cooperating with the police investigation. stephanie elam, cnn, hollywood. actress amber heard took the stand pour the first time in the tumultuous defamation case filed by her ex-husband johnny depp. on wednesday heard detailed the early days of their relationship claiming she endured physical and sexual abuse. >> i just laughed because i thought he was joking. and slapped me across the face. and i left. i laugh because i -- i didn't know what else to do. i thought this must be a joke. this must be a joke. because i'm -- i didn't know what was going on. i just stared at him, kind of laughing still, thinking that he was going to start laughing too to tell me it was a joke, but he didn't. he said you think it's so funny? you think it's funny, [ bleep ], you think you're a funny [ bleep ]. and he slapped me again. >> he is suing heard for $50 million over a 2018 op-ed where she described herself as a victim of domestic abuse. in earlier testimony, depp said he has never struck a woman, and that heard was abusive towards him. kim brunhuber in atlanta. rosa church and isa soares pick up our coverage right after the break. please do stay with us. my patients, i often see t them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. they are both very much hand in hand, so you should really be focusing on both, and definitely at the same time. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us a dual actn effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. by brushing with sensodyne sensitivity & guat home, it's giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. and it creates a healthier environment. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? 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Cnn , Breaking News , Wall , Progress , Ukraine , Kim Brunhuber , Ground , Hello , World Headquarters , In Atlanta , Around The World , United States , Canada , Territory , Ukrainian Forces , Village , Border , Russia , Counteroffensive , Kharkiv Region , 21 , 13 , Shouldn T , Control , Forces , Neighboring Moldova , Region , Ukrainian , Advances , Donetsk , Luhansk , South , Number , Bombardments , Attempt , Fronts , Drone Footage , Kharkiv , D Donetsk , Troops , Situation , Isa Soares , Drone , Street Fighting , Military , In Lviv , Devastation , City , Mariupol , Corridors , 8 , 00 , Place , Civilians , Word , Complex , Azovstal Steel Plant , We Haven T , Evacuations , Ukrainian Side , Plant , Listen , Commander , Attacks , Defenders , Soldiers , Enemy , Translator , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Battles , Efforts , Onslaught , Two , People , Areas , Any , 344 , Town , War , Matt Rivers , Capital , Kyiv , Attempts , Reporter , Soldier , Fire , Vehicle , Pieces , Bunker , Frozen Fox Hole , Hit , Moshchun , Thing , Battle Of Kyiv , Moschun , Irpin River , Early March , Area , Safe , Stand , Hell Broke Loose , Three , Video , Artillery , Ground Assault , River , Things , Positions , Rocket , Cover , Position , Trench , Ordnance , Attack Helicopter , Russians , Ukrainians , Special Forces , Pontoon Bridge , Bridge , Part , Face , Homes , Houses , Bullet Holes , Freckles , Street Battles Raged , Woods , Success , Advance , Dense Pine Forest , Body , Snow , Results , Body Armor , Artillery Unit , Something , Kind , Weapon , Drones , Proximity Fighting , Explosions , Infantry , Sounds , Body Parts , Armor , Road , Remnants , Sitting Ducks , Destruction , Trees , Armored Personnel Carriers , Way , Forest , Vehicles , Tide , 500 , 40 , Thousands , City Limits , City Center , 15 , Counterattack , House To , Battle , Losses , Aircraft , 1 , 10 , World , Victory , Rest , Nobody , One Of The Best In World , Army , One , Stuart Crawford , Piece , Bleep , English , Surprise , Hearing , Them , Fact , Terms , Say , News , Scale , Scale Operations , Defensive , Offensive , Beginning , Phase , Supply , Isn T , Stuart , Answer , Supply Lines , Donbas , Operation , Lines , Communication , Sort , Maneuver Warfare , Intrinsic , Material , Expenditure , Munitions , Sides , Interdicted , Resupply Line , Conflict , War Of Attrition , Side , Hold , Lot , Weaponry , Difficulty , Footage , Sphere , Assault , Factory , Perimeter , Insight , Of , Room , Fighting , Ammunition , Space , Amount , History , Effort , Viewers , Second World War , Stalingrad , Numbers , Hand , Combat , Casualties , Mariupol Steel Works , Thorn , Many , East , On May 9th , Postthat , May 9th , 9 , Question , Problem , Hasn T , Mind , End State , Commentators , Putin , Consensus , Will , Combat Power , Head , Both , Resources , Quote Liberate Transnistria , Fear , Saying , Propaganda Value , Isn T It , European Union , Oil , Ban , Sanctions , Imports , Package , Moscow , Matter , Exemption , Foreign Minister , Lack , Czech Republic , Bulgaria , Hungary , Intention , Physical , European Commission President , Infrastructural Reality , Price , Central Bank , Vladimir Putin , Step , Quote , Aggression , Inflation , Plan , Joe Biden , Attack , Deficit , Record , Credit Cards , Reduction , Cars , Plus , Stay , Risk , Doctor , Republicans , Infections , Skin , Doses , Abilityty , Skyrizi , Trereatment , 3 , 4 , 2 , Everything , Nothing , Infection , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Muscle Aches , Fever , Symptoms , Sweats , Coughs , Chills , Dermatologist , Discover Card , Purchases , It Wasn T Me By Shaggy , Money , Suits , Th , Sound Ohelicopter Blades , Greg , On The Road , Chapter , Advice , Baby , Investing , Friend , Baby One More Time , Memes , Onesies , Milk , Morgan Stanley , E Trade , Britney Spears , Benny , Scotts Turf Builder Rapid Grass , Lawn Season , Seed , Mix , Speed , Fertilizer , Lawn , Fast , Times , Grass , Yard , Green Grass , Unknown , Storm , Worry , Crashes , Uncertainty , Answers , Exploration , Innovation , Teamwork , Mayo Clinic , Stake , Agenda , President , High Stakes , Rhetoric , Elections , Ultra Maga , Congress , Rick Scott , Donald Trump , Expense , Working Class Americans , Aim , Republican , Billionaires , Make America Great Again Movement , Families , Taxes , 75 Million , 100000 , 00000 , 95 , Administration , Office , Half , Percentage Point Interest Hike , U S Federal Reserve , Wall Street , Points , Increases , Dow , Nasdaq , 900 , Doing , Richard Quest , Mainland Southeast Asia , Gains , Decision , Asia Pacific Region , Fed Hadn T , Rise , Market , Point , Table , Chair , Stride , Press Conference , Shock , Jerome Powell , Everyone , Basis Points , Wasn T , Words , Ar Rocket , 75 , Somewhere , Interest Rates , Meeting , 50 , 2 5 , 3 25 , Recession , Economists , Rate Rises , Won T , Landing , Economy , The Jury , New York , Justin Wolfers , More , Economics , Public Policy , University Of Michigan , Home , Thinking , Someone , Car , Effect , Hip Pocket , Bank , Groceries , Direct Effect , Little , Goods , Result , Left , Pace , Price Rises , Expansion , Demand , Rates , Game , Timing , Hindsight , Aren T We , Geniuses , Recovery , Respects , Six , Depression , Unemployment , Downturn , High , Bad News , Order , Long , Work , Bit , Low , Grinding , Fine Line , Flip Side , Crisis , 2009 , 2008 , List , Haven T , Trust , Gang Busters , Corner , Cause , Unexpected , Extent , Concerns , Anything , Ways , Likelihood , None , Sorts , Alarm Bells , Errors , Will Underreact , Well , Factors , Supply Chain Issues , Feeds , Mercy , Issues , China , Virus , Supply Chain , Cases , Much , Factories , Halt , Variant , Zero Covid Strategy , Cities , Zero , View , Feel , Public , Poll , This , Pocketbook , Wage Gains , Gas , Winery , Expertise , Rate Increase , Pleasure , Priorities , Refugees , Restaurant , Need , Rooms , Bed , Sleep Number , Movements , Sale , Temperature Balancing , 360 , Lily , Class , Qun , Indistin Conversations , 299 , 1299 , Difference , Flexpath Learning Format , Education , Capella University , Cost , Master S Degree , Gum Health , Bleeding Gums , Plaque Bacteria , Hello Gumwash , 99 , Gum Health Mouthwash , Shield , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Business Owner , Service , Pay , Customers , Contracts , Data , Data Plans , Internet , Business , Term , Gig , 5g Network , Line Activation Fees , 5 , Thanks , Entertainment , Watchathon Week , Comcast Business , Xfinity , Powering Possibilities Tm , Paul , Xfinity Rewards , Access , Holiday , Prime Video , Netflix , Boys , Holi , Starz , And Peacock , Hbo Max , Nay , Voice , 450000 , Employees , Story , Some , Doors , Hearts , Places , Randi Kaye , Tatiana , Bombs , Son , Mykolaiv , Rockets , Sky , Border Crossing , Calm , Bombing , Duty , Housing , Chief Operating Officer , Hotels , 5000 , Heroes , Moldovans , Armies , Yuliya , Bombings , Tears , House , Bomb Hit , Daughter , Basement , Husband , Breakaway Territory , Being , 1500 , Winery S Refugee Effort , Corinne , Hotel , Bedroom , Yes , Guestbook , Messages , Guests , Peace , Colors , Flag , Yellow , Shelter , Food , Round , Beijing , Water , Covid Testing Thursday , 20 Million , Testing , Case Numbers , District , Bushing , Chinese , Residents , Fears , Restrictions , Zero Covid Policy , Anna Coren , 3 5 Million , Lockdown , Nation , Direction , Shanghai , Parts , Dozens , Power , Hundreds , Schools , Restaurants , Dining , Authorities , Public Transport , Down , Life , Case , Holiday Ends , Five , Public Venues , Sporting Venues , Districts , 16 , 12 , Highlands Tigers , Basis , Disruption , Hong Kong , Camera , Species , Survival , Hope , Images , Coming Up , Plaque Psoriasis , Choices , Who Don T , Otezla , Pill , Choice , Memories , Spin , Cream , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Reactions , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Treatment , Weight , Planning , Headache , Dinner , Medicines , Music , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Meet Plenity , Adults , Building Blocks , Diet , Weight Management Aid , Exercise , Fda , Bmi , 25 , Ingredients , Women , Ratings , Reviews , Angi , Succulent , Masterpiece , Chefs , Happiness , Secret Aioli , Panera , Angi Com , Chef , Chicken Sandwiches , Delivery Fee , Buttery Brioche Roll , Made Fresh , Speechless , , State Corporations , Promises , Californians , App , Draftkings , Fanduel , Homeless , States , Math , Ballot Measure , Profits , Sports Betting , Arizona , Virginia , 90 , Eight , Scheme , Loopholes , California , Tigers , Tiger , Tiger Numbers , Call , Thailand , Earth , Wild Life Sanctuary , 4000 , Poachers , Endangered Species , Gas Chons , Spot , Kristie Lu Stout , Everywhere , Glus Traditional Medicine , Range , Indochinese Tiger , Brink , Fur , Extinction , Wildlife Sanctuary , Largest , Jungle , Western Forest Complex , Tact Forest Block , 7000 , Woman , Measurement , Tiger Track , Tiger Tracks , Tail , Fertile Ground , Tiger Population , Territories , Tiger Spray , Nose , Wildlife , Nonprofit , And Plant Conservation , Wildlife Conservation Society , Department Of National Parks , Project Training Park Rangers , Camera Traps , Combination , Data Collection , Boots , Signs , Smart Patrol System , 2005 , Park Rangers , Self Defense , Threats , Encounters , Incidents , 2013 , 250 , Watering Hole , Relax , Day Spa , 60 , Predator , Bear , Rendezvous , Wild Boar , Asian Elephant , Food Chain , Ecosystem , Big Cats , Menu , Mammals , Countries , Lunar Year Of The Tiger , Tiger Populations , Set , Evidence , 2010 , 2022 , Example , Future , Know , Man , Break , Right , Hash Tag , Everywhehere , Man , Desert S Bare , Dodge City , Cedar City , Travel , Share , Pity , Colorado , Mountain Air , Ellensburg , Gravelbourg , Pittsburgh , Paparkersburg , Boxed , Oh , Moth , You Kn , Magic , Plenty , Magic Moment , Other , Chaos , Abortion Rights , Demonstrations , Building , Country , Anger , Loss , Landmark Law Giving Women The Constitutional Right , Supporters , Striking , Supreme Court , Pregnancies , Verge , Warning , Roe V Wade , State Lines , Abortions , Centers For Disease Control And Prevention , Dr , Rochelle Walensky , Care , Hands , Ruling , Lives , Overturning Roe , Dave Chappelle , Old Man , Latest , Comedian On Stage , Stephanie Elam , Los Angeles , Police , Motive Sun Clear , 23 , Stage , Joke Festival , Hollywood Bowl , Gentleman , Audience , Out Of Nowhere , Attacker , Front Row , Rachel Crane , Bomb , Backpack , Eye , Suspect , Replica Handgun , Motive , Wad Knife , Hospital , Lapd , Representative , Stand Up Comedians , Statement , Comment , Violence , Celebratory Chappelle , Incident , Chris Rock , Light , Jamie Foxx , Safety , Police Say Chappelle , Questions , Superstar Comedian , Eternity , Second , Security Concerns , Performers , Will Smith , Academy Awards , Gasps , It , Everybody , Security , Screams , Actuality , Unsettling , Police Investigation , Amber Heard , Johnny Depp , Time , Relationship , Defamation , Sexual Abuse , Joking , Joke , Funny , Him , Op Ed , Testimony , Victim , Abuse , 2018 , 0 Million , 50 Million , Heard , Rosa Church , Coverage , Sensitivity , Teeth Sensitivity , Gum Issues , Hand In , Gum , Patients , Actn Effect , Sensodyne , Environment , Oral Health , Guat Home , Brushing , Relief , Plans , Classes , Programs , Actions , Achievements , National University , Nu Edu , Four , Trust Safelite , Safety System , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite , Glass , Appointment , Windshield , Singers , Dad , Tech , Pop Rock Music Tech , Safelite Repair , Bottles , Waste , Same , Plastic , Beverage Companies , Plastics , Caps , Recyclable , 100 , Bottle , Circle , San Francisco , Prop A , Muni , Friends , Feet , Delays , Transit , Health , Neighborhood , Prop , Fleets , Focus , Emissions , Vote , Chesa Boudin , Repeat Offenders , GascÓn , Car Break Ins , Unit , Collaborating , Organized Crime Rings , Job , Recall , Isa Soares In Lviv , Compound , Top , Rosemary Church In Atlanta ,

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