Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

because the principle reason why the deficit is coming down, no longer handing out big checks to individuals as was done in the american rescue plan. nevertheless, talk about that and make a pitch for the economic agenda that stalled in congress to reduce prescription drug prices, for example, it could reduce the deficit if raised taxes by a sufficient amount to exceed the spending, part of the argument he's making to joe manchin who made inflation and deficit reduction a huge talking point, so some of these remarks seem a little bit tailored to joe manchin, but he's going to try to tout the good parts of the economy. he's taken a beating politically for the bad parts which, of course, are the inflation. the inflation is related, as you know, bianna, to the good parts. the hotter you run the economy, the more growth you have, the more revenues the government has, the lower the unemployment rate gets, but it's also, if you stimulate demand that exceeds the supply, you're going to have inflation. that's exactly what we've got and why the federal reserve this afternoon is expected to do a substantial interest rate cut, increase, rather, to try to get the inflation rate under control. that's a tricky balance because they are trying to do that without throwing the economy into a recession, but for that part, president biden's bystander because that's the defense job. >> all right, john. let's listen in. the president's about to speak. >> answering questions on a lot of things, but i got 600 waiting out there for me. keep me too long, they'll rush the place and all kidding aside. released new information that we're on track to cut the federal deficit by another $1.5 trillion by the end of the fiscal year. the biggest decline in a single year ever in american history. the biggest decline on top of us having a $350 billion drop in the deficit last year. my first year as president. we also learned that for the first time since 2016, the treasury department is planning to pay down the national debt issued to the public this quarter. and for all the talk the republicans make about deficits, it didn't happen a single quarter under my predecessor. not once. the bottom line is the deficit went up every year with my predecessor before the pandemic and during the pandemic. and has gone down both years since i've been here. period. that's, they're the facts. why is it important? because bringing down the deficit is one way to ease inflationary pressures in an economy where consequence of a war and gas prices and oil and food and it all is a different world right at this moment because of ukraine and russia. we reduce federal barring and helped combat inflation. this process is a great deal, it's good news but it didn't happen by itself. the previous administration increased the deficit every year it was in office, in part because of its reckless $2 trillion tax cut. i know you're tired of hearing me say but a tax cut that was not paid for. was not paid for. and a tax cut, largely benefitted the biggest corporations. 55 of which earned $40 billion in profits paying out a single penny in income tax in 2020 and the wealthiest americans like the billionaires who on average pay just 8% in federal taxes and the previous administration not only ballooned the deficit but undermined the watchdogs, the inspector generals from the job it was to keep the pandemic relief funds from being wasted. remember at the time i said they're going to fire the inspector general and the watchdogs are back. the justice department has a chief prosecutor for pandemic fraud to go after criminals who stole billions of relief money meant for small businesses and american families but never got to them. got in the pockets of criminals. when i came to office, we took a different approach across the board. with the american rescue plan and other actions, we started to grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. rescue checks and tax cuts for working families, gave just a little bit of breathing room and put food on the table and roof over their heads. remember the first year, all those long lines of automobiles lined up going through a parking lot just to get a box of food in the trunk? all we put with vaccination shots in arms to help go from 2 million americans vaccinated to more than 220 million americans fully vaccinated. we made it easy for millions of americans to sign up for coverage on the affordable care act. saving them an average of $2,400 a year. as a result of these and other economic recovery plans, we recovered faster than projected. the record 6.7 million jobs created last year, most in the first year of any president in american history and the fastest economic growth in any year in nearly four decades, and looking ahead, i have a plan to reduce the deficit even more which will help reduce inflationary pressures and lower everyone's costs for families. look, it's a plan that lets medicare negotiate prices of prescription drugs as they do with the department of veterans affairs. we can cap the price of insulin at $35 instead of hundreds of dollars, even a thousand dollars a month for some. my plan provides tax credits to utility companies to generate clean energy. those companies are required to pass those savings on to families. i met with a dozen of those utility ceos in the white house and they confirmed this plan will lower energy bills for families immediately. my plan includes tax credits for consumers to purchase electric or fuel cell vehicles. new or used. which will save the typical drive about $80 a month not having to pay for gas at the pump. tax credits for folks to provide solar panels, more efficient windows and doors for their homes, estimated savings $500 per year on average. we can do these things by making sure that no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. all we're asking is the wealthiest americans and the largest corporations begin to pay their share, fair share. i'm a capitalist. i believe you should be able to make as much money as you legally can, but just pay your fair share. no reason to pay a lower tax rate than a teacher or a firefighter. that's in sharp contrast to what today's republican party is offering and if they hadn't put this in print, you'd think i was making it up. senator rick scott of florida, the united states senator, leading the republican national senate campaign committee released what he calls the ultra maga agenda, it's a maga agenda all right. let me tell you about this ultra maga agenda, it's extreme as most maga things are. it will actually raise taxes on 75 million american families, over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. among the hardest hit? working families, kids with folks. imagine if you're a family of four and don't make enough money to have federal taxes, because you don't make enough money to pay. you pay all your taxes and don't make enough. and under this new plan, this tax plan, the ultra maga agenda, while big corporations and billionaires are going to pay nothing more, the working class folks will pay a hell of a lot more and it goes further than that. this extreme republican agenda calls for congress, this is, i'm not making this up either. you've got to really think about this, it requires a vote, if it were to pass. every five years, a congress would have to vote to reinstate or eliminate social security, medicare, and medicaid. social security, paid in for the whole life, and has to be reauthorized, has to be reauthorized every five years. it's hard to make this up, and then again, it's a mega agenda. you know, meanwhile, millionaires and billionaires with the corporations skate by. imagine that. fairness and decency. wealthy folks and corporations will pay a little bit more. billionaires will have to pay a minimum tax. and again, most importantly, no one with less than $400,000 will pay in taxes, and social security and medicare. how put it on the block every five years. let me remind you again. i reduce the federal deficit, all the talk about the deficit, my republican friends, i love it. i reduced it $350 billion in my first year in office. we're on track to reduce it by the end of september by another 1,500,000,000. i don't want them to talk about deficits and the ultra maga agenda, but about fairness, i want to hear about decency, helping ordinary people. the bottom line is that for decades, the trickle down economics has failed. as income and equity grew to historic levels under the republicans. mega republicans, maga republicans, sorry, i don't want to mispronounce, maga republicans. but from the bottom up and the middle out. here's the deal. when the poor have a ladder up and the middle class grows, the wealthy always do very well. they do very well. that's what this is about. that's what this is about. everybody doing better. so i want you to understand, again, first year, $350 billion reduction deficit. this year, a trillion 5. it's going to bring some, take a few questions. >> a question about sanctions. the eu, about sanctions against, or about further sanctions in europe. the european union today announced new sanctions against oil. what's the next round for the u.s. and also, on a separate issue, what's the next step on abortion once this case gets settled? >> ask about deficits, huh? make sure that gets covered, okay, here we go. i'll answer those two questions and then talk about it. with regard to the additional sanctions. i've been in consultation, i'll be speaking with the members of the g7 this week about what we're going to do or not do. number one. number two, what was the second one? >> on abortion. >> as i said when i, i was getting on the plane to go down to alabama, this is about a lot more than abortion. i hadn't read the whole opinion at that time. but this reminds me of the debate with robert bork. bork believed the only reason you had any inherent right is because the government gave them to you. if you look back at the opening comments, when i was questioning as the chairman, i said i believe i had the rights that i have not because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because i'm just a child of god. i exist. i delegated by joining this union here to delegate some obligation or rights i had to the government for social good. so the idea that somehow there is an inherent right that there is no right of privacy, that there is no right, and remember the debate, you don't remember but had a debate about griswold vs. connecticut. there had been a law saying a married couple could not purchase birth control in the privacy of their own bedroom and use it, well, that got struck down. griswold thought to be a bad decision by bork and my guess is the guy's on the supreme court now. what happens if you have a state to change the law saying that children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit under the way the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. in recent american history. >> there we just heard the president giving, really, progress report to the nation on the state of the economy, focusing extensively on bringing down the u.s. deficit down $1.5 trillion is the estimate for this year. $350 billion last year. also took some questions on eu sanctions with regards to russia's war against ukraine and the news yesterday of that leaked draft out of the supreme court that would overturn roe v. wade. i want to bring in cnn's john harwood back in with me. it was interesting because you hear the president really focus on bringing down his administration's effort on bringing down the deficit. he's saying the audience there were extreme maga republicans. we know there was one democrat at least he was hoping was watching as well. and that is joe manchin, as the president is really trying to revive his legislative agenda before congress goes to recess. what else stood out about his comments from both the economy and what he said quickly about the threat of roe being overturned? >> reporter: just, again, putting in perspective the comments about the deficit reduction. the deficit is coming down, but is it because spending was cut in terms of programs that exist or taxes were raised? no. it's coming down because we're not spending on covid relief. so that is a little bit of a misleading statistic. he made the argument though that other elements of his economic agenda that have not passed to congress, including the revised version of build back better, would bring down the deficit, which is what joe manchin has insisted on. he wants tax increases that exceed the amount of new spending. so he made a strong pitch for that argument, contrasted it with trickle down and really, the subtheme of his remarks both with respect to roe and the economy was to try to draw that sharp contrast with republicans that democrats think the way that they can have a chance in the midterm elections. midterms looked very gloomy for the democrats. they're likely to lose control of the house and perhaps the senate. the way they can try to combat that and be more competitive is by drawing a sharp contrast with republicans. so he did that on the economy. so the trickle down economics, helping the rich and helping big corporations. and in terms of roe v. wade, he talked about the radicalism of a step to outlaw abortion and said, what can come next? what rights can be taken away next? wha that is an argument, both parts of which we can expect to hear consistently for election day and he acknowledged that european allies are moving ahead to try to curtail the purchases of russian oil. the big question is going to be russian gas and that's a very sensitive issue both for global markets and for the economies of our european allies. it would, of course, hurt russia but there are multi-sides to that equation and that's something that is an ongoing conversation. but the longer that war goes on and the more brutal the russian attacks are in ukraine, the more the allies are willing to accept some economic pain themselves in return for trying to curb the sources of russian income. >> he also left the door open to additional sanctions from the united states as well as this war progresses. john harwood, thank you so much. and coming up, major fighting under way at the mariupol steel plant. as countless ukrainians are inside just hoping to get out. we'll have the latest on the war in ukraine. up next. exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail board our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship to shore and engaging excursions. viking - voted number one river cruise line by condé nast readers. learn more at when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. now to the latest on the war in ukraine. mariupol's steel plant according to the city's mayor, countless civilians including at least 30 children are hiding out there. the mayor says they have now lost contact with the last defenders. the convoy of buses was able to leave mariupol earlier today with some civilians on board. now, it comes as russian forces are stepping up their attacks on ukraine's infrastructure. and this morning, the european union is proposing a total ban on russian oil imports. let's begin our coverage with cnn's scott mclean leave in lviv where the latest missile attacks hit yesterday. scott, what is the latest on the situation in mariupol right now? >> reporter: the fighting there is intense, according to the city's mayor. so intense, he says, they're hitting wit th tanks, artillery and a ship to fire on the plant as well. and new pictures we see from above show that steel plant is smothered in very thick smoke. the mayor said that the fighting has been so intense that as you mentioned, they have lost all contact with the fighters who are actually there. and gave a reminder that there are still civilians trapped amongst those fighters including, he says, 30 children as well. the russian defense ministry had previously said that that plant is surrounded completely. there is no way for soldiers to get in. there's no way for them to get out either, but the kremlin says that that plant is not being stormed on the ground. and instead, they say that they are merely suppressing militant attempts to take up new firing positions. all of this does not look good for the attempts to actually get the civilians out from under the steel plant. you mentioned the attacks on the infrastructure as well. there were a series of strikes across the country. the mayor of lviv said there were 18 or 19 missiles fired at this country. many of them were shot down including in kyiv and venizia but in dnipro and three in lviv that took out power stations. we know many of these strikes were related to training infrastructure as well. they're trying, the russians are trying to cut off the flow of weapons towards the front line and one of the things that really surprised me was the strike on an area that has not seen any kind of missile strikes or fighting since the war began yesterday. >> closer to hungary there with the strike yesterday, and listen, this is as those weapons are trying to make their way cross country over to the east. scott mclean, thank you. well, we turn now to russia. the kremlin denying that putin might declare war on ukraine on may 9th, which is russia's victory day. cnn's matthew chance live in moscow with more. we do want to remind viewers of strict laws regarding how the conflict in ukraine is described and has prohibited the broadcast of information it regards as false. so with that having been said, matthew, a kremlin spokesperson says that reports that putin could declare war on may 9th are, quote, nonsense. what else is he saying about what may happen that day? >> yeah, well, of course, there's been a lot of speculation about what will happen on may the 9th. it's traditionally a very important day as you well know in russia when the country commemorates the victory over nazi germany in the 1940s. but the context of it this year is immensely significant. of course, there is this conflict under way in neighboring ukraine, what russia calling its special military operation, and so the regular annual display of military power that we've all gotten used to, through the streets of the russian capital across red square, every may 9th, that's going to have additional significance this year as well as the regular sort of grandstanding of russia's nuclear weapons, of course, they often drive their intercontinental ballistic missiles through the center of the russian capital as well. that's particularly potent and worrisome as well given there's been so many warnings about the fact that russia has these nuclear weapons and indications or hints that it, at some point, if provoked, be prepared to hear those warnings quite a lot. but there's also a lot of anticipation about what vladimir putin, the russian president may say. he makes remarks every year, normally, in my experience, sort of general congratulations and commemorations about the achievements of the russian military, but on this occasion, the speculation could involve an announcement about the conflict in ukraine, possibly a formal declaration of war that's come to us from u.s. and other western officials as well. possibly as a way of sort of mobilizing the country, putting it on more of a war footing and getting more troops into that conflict zone. the kremlin, as you mentioned, has ruled that out. they've called it nonsense. that's categorically not going to happen is the message we've had from the kremlin, but, you know, i think we've got the strong message over the past couple of months that we should sort of judge russia on its actions rather than its words. may say one thing, but we'll have to wait and see what they actually do at the time. >> as all eyes are going to focus on what's happening in may 9th, how is the kremlin responding to news that the eu might ban all oil imports by the end of the year? >> obviously, it's very worrying indeed for the kremlin. this is a major source of revenue for russia, and for the european union as well. last year, it bought something like 25% of its oil supplies from russian sources, and so this would be a massive hit. make no mistake, to the russian economy. and the fact that the european union now said it is going to try to phase out russian oil imports within the next six months, with a couple of exceptions. is, of course, extremely acute as a crisis potentially for the already struggling russian economy. the kremlin have played it down, saying they're monitoring it closely, a double edged sword and it would hurt the europeans as much as it hurts the russians and that european people will feel the cost of living increases as a result, but it does seem the european determination is, at the moment, very strong. >> worth noting that the eu has to have unanimous consent among 27 members. not sure if they have everyone on board with that, at least hungary is still questionable at this point. matthew chance, thank you. well, the european union announcing today that it is considering ways to ramp up its military support for moldova. this follows several recent attacks in the pro russian region, and spoke with a u.s. ambassador from moldova. randy, what did the ambassador say about the u.s. assessment on the current situation in moldova? >> reporter: bianna, we spoke with ambassador kent, a variety of topics including the chance of moldova being drawn into this war with ukraine. certainly a lot of concerns about that, which you can understand, you're from here, you were here recently. certainly across the border and to transnistria, where russian troops still standing by. certainly, a concern, but as we spoke to him, we talked about the concerns and he said that there is no immediate threat based on u.s. intelligence, based on his speaking with others in this region. there's no immediate threat to the country of moldova right now, but still, many people here are very concerned. we spoke with people in the villages closest to the tran transnistria border. one man said he's not going to leave but stay and fight and his country. i asked directly what he can say to those moldovans now living in fear and this is what he said. what is your message to everyday moldovans who see what's happening across the border in ukraine and worry that moldova could be next? >> each time, i'm out in public, each time i'm in a meeting or i just meet with regular moldovans and they ask, what's the situation? i make sure it's clear, the u.s. embassy is here, we're open, we're operating per normal. our families are here. we continue to work here. we obviously have to pay attention to safety and security issues, no matter what. every day, we worry about that, whether there's a war next door or not. but in this case, i think we have to be particularly vigilant. >> reporter: and bianna, the ambassador also told me that, of course, moldova is not a member of nato but they have applied for membership to the european union. they can't really defend themselves. the ambassador said, because the army here, he called it weak and he said that much of the equipment is outdated but we spoke with the foreign minister of moldova as well and said they're doing their part increasing border controls and checking across. >> the poorest country in europe, though it sends a powerful message that the u.s. embassy plans on staying there for now for the people there in that country. randi kaye, thank you. and coming up, a big primary win for a candidate in ohio. endorsed by donald trump. what it tells us about the former president's grip on the republican party? 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>> it certainly did last night in ohio. no question about it. everyone was watching to see if he would be a king maker, the former president and in fact, he was. without that endorsement, there is no doubt in anyone's mind there, particularly jd vance's mind that he would have won the primary. and won it with some 32% of the vote, which is pretty impressive in a crowded field of seven candidates and five major candidates. there is no doubt that the endorsement about 2.5 weeks or so ago pushed vance over the top. but it doesn't necessarily answer the question entirely for the rest of the month of may. there are several primaries going forward beginning next week in west virginia, in nebraska, following that in pennsylvania, in georgia. so the beginning of the question has been answered, is he still a force in the party? we knew he was a force in the party, but each of these campaigns is a separate race. so we'll see week by week. but bianna, there's no question that the former president, if anyone is a king maker, he certainly plays that role. >> no doubt at least in ohio and abby, vance will face tim ryan, a democrat not named sherrod brown hasn't won statewide in ohio since 2008. is this vance's race to lose? >> this is one of those states that i think republicans feel pretty comfortable about. you know, donald trump won ohio by a comfortable margin in 2020, and as you said, it's been a very tough state for democrats, for a long time. i think the fundamentals, the sheer politics of it all, the political environment is one in which republicans in general feel like, this is one in which their candidates are likely to do well. the one avenue, i think, that, and you're already starting to see, tim ryan is looking to use against jd vance is vance's own history. it's his turn from being an anti-trumper, a venture capitalist. there's a new ad from tim ryan talking about his use of his hillbilly book to make a netflix show trying to use that to paint him as someone who is not of the state of ohio, not of the kind of populist narrative that vance is campaigning on right now. if there's a chance it could happen, it would be along those lines, but again, this is an uphill battle for democrats and right now, vance's job to consolidate the republicans who didn't vote for him in the primary when it comes to the general election. >> to be fair, he's been consistent on the issues he says aren't getting national attention, nearly as much as they should be and that is the blue collar workers there in that state. kitchen table issues, the a abby, let me ask you about the leak that would overturn roe v. wade. stacy abrams makes it clear she's going to run on the issue. this campaign will absolutely lean into and lead on that issue because if i want to be the governor of one georgia, then that means i've got to govern for the women of georgia and the women of georgia, by and large, agree that their right to choose should not be stripped away from them. so abby, is this a winning issue for democrats in the face of other kitchen table issues, namely, the economy? >> democrats have an enthusiasm problem with their own base, with young voters, with women voters, with voters of color, and to the extent that this issue is a motivating one and a galvanizing one for those constituencies, i think it is a very important piece of the puzzle, and you heard earlier in the program, president biden, i think using some of the toughest language that i've heard him use since becoming president about republicans calling them extreme. democrats have been wanting to paint republicans as an extreme party and this potential ruling that we're expecting will only help them do that, with all the rest of the voters who they need to convince. will it overtake kitchen table issues? i'm not so sure, but it certainly helps them make a contrast argument that they need to make if they're going to argue to americans that even if they're not happy about the economy, the alternative is a lot worse. >> good point. abby phillip, jeff zeleny, thank you as always. and coming up, surveillance video captures the moment a corrections officer and inmate leave an alabama prison together. they have not been seen since that. the sheriff leading the manhunt joins me up next. drink you c. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and d contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and supppport muscle health. try boost® today. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, rort. and it's never too earlyto n you could save with amica's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but 's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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>> there's many questions here because, bianna, in full disclosure, i went to the show on friday night and i was sitting pretty close and i'm obsessed with watching security and how they do their jobs. they were locking off the stage. clearly, that was not how this happened last night. because somehow, this person, they're saying a 23-year-old man according to los angeles police department was able to get on stage, but not only get on stage and assault and as a friend of mine put it to me who was there, actually tackled dave chappelle. and so if this could happen, and then this person also reportedly had a knife that looked like a replica handgun with him, the question i'm really confused about is how that was even able to get inside because you had to go through metal detectors, you had to go through and look someone inside any bags you brought in and the reason we haven't seen more video of this is because you had to lock your phones into these yonder cases, keep the phone with you but locked up so you can't access it. so all of these different precautions that were being taken, not clear how this person got in and we know that person was transported to the hospital afterward and then charged for assault with a deadly weapon but still, so many questions on how this could even happen, especially in light of what we saw at the academy awards, bianna. >> fortunately, and dave chappelle is okay today. stephanie elam, thank you. now to the manhunt for a missing inmate and a corrections officer in alabama. newly released surveillance video showing jail supervisor vicki white and casey white walked out of the jail last friday. you see her put into her patrol car, now, that was the last time they were seen together. the sheriff says the pair had a, quote, special relationship and they are believed to be armed and dangerous. joining me now is the sheriff of lauderdale county, alabama, rick singleton. sheriff singleton, thank you so much for joining us. you describe this as a special relationship going back to 2020. what exactly does that mean and how did it go unnoticed for so long? >> well, my special relationship, the inmate, we first received information from inmates over the weekend that there was a relationship and by special, they were saying he was getting special treatment. he was getting privileges, getting extra food on the trade and vicky white saying other inmates weren't getting, that's what he said. inmates in a jail, prison, something like this happened, they all have information and i'll tell you this, but always wanting something in exchange. you take it with a grain of salt but you don't ignore it. we don't ignore it. we followed up on it and we found out that casey white, when he was in our facility in 2020, that's the earliest we know of that there might have been a relationship because when he was sent back to the department of corrections after arraignment. we do know that we have correspondence he and vicky white corresponded in state prison before he was brought back here september 25th of this year. >> you are saying this is the first time you heard of the special relationship, meaning she was giving him extra food and going out of her way to be nicer to him. you heard from inmates for the first time this past weekend? >> yes. yes. that information came to us after this case. >> okay. let's talk about this video you released of casey white getting into this police car friday morning. was this ever regular procedure for a corrections officer to transport a prisoner like this on her own? i know she was then expecting to go to a doctor's appointment after? >> yeah, it was strictly against policy. our policy is to escort these inmates to court. being the assistant director of operation, she was in charge one of her responsibilities was to coordinate these transports. just minutes prior to her leaving the facility with casey white, we had two vans depart from the courthouse, the first sand has two deputies and the second one had two deputies and five inmates. right after that depart. she instructed him to come up. she put hand shackles and she left with him to drop him off to other deputies, which was strictly against policy. >> you are standing at a specific location where vicky white abandoned the get-away vehicle. you were hindered by it being released. how far sid that set you back? >> well, we spent all weekend trying to get that vehicle description. we finally got it positively confirmed early monday morning. we were hoping to get that information out to law enforcement so they can help us in locating the vehicle. one problem they had inadvertently put it on their social media page. at that point it got out, like i tell people, what would you do if you were one of them and you knew we knew what you were driving. the worse thing it will be abandoned and they will be in another vehicle and we are back to square one. >> back to square one. does that mean have you no solid leads at this point? >> no, we have other leads we are following up on. we may not know what they're driving right now. if we're lucky and they're that ignorant, they're still driving that camp. we suspect they've already changed cars, probably. >> is there any indication that they've left the state? >> some of the leads, we've had leads from several states. if they have been spotted here or there, none of those leads yet have pand out. we certainly, we still have leads in other locations of the country. >> we are learning the past few days more and more about how vicky white planned this. we know she put in her retirement papers on friday. she sold her house well below market value. you've known her for a long time. had you noticed any change in her behavior recently. >> no, not really. no one really saw anything coming. when something like this happens, i think we all look back on a lot of these, deputies are saying, well, you know, she talked about retiring and you know and so forth and really didn't do anything about it. talked about wanting to go to the beach. at the time it didn't seem like anything significant. now looking back, they're second-guessing themselves, maybe that was a signal i should have picked up on. >> well, as you and other sheriffs are noting, you expect them to be armed and dangerous. her life could very well be at risk, too. thank you, keep us posted on any new developments. >> thank you. well, now to the fallout from that bombshell leak of a draft opinion that shows the u.s. supreme court is posed to overturn the ruling. advocates are worried that same-sex marriage and other rights could be next. it will be seven years and that ruling set on precedent set in roe v. wade, a right could be guaranteed even if it was not written in the constitution. joining me is the. in the marriage equality case. i should note that james is now running for a seat in the ohio house. thank you so much for joining us. you say this draft opinion is a clear call to anyone who opposes same sex marriage. explain that. >> absolutely. thank you for having me on today. this decision and what alito has to say about marriage equality is a clear call to anyone who opposes marriage equality, who opposes lbgtq plus equality, that they have a friend on the court. more than one friend. and that they should be happy or they should be willing to come after marriage equality. let me be clear, this decision is much bigger than marriage equality, much bigger than lbgtq plus equality. this decision is taking away the right to make decisions about their own body, but it's much, it's so much bigger, there are so many rights that we should be concerned about losing, i'd say, in that decision, that alito says if it's not a right specifically outlined in the constitution, then it will be rooted in our nation's history and tradition and marriage equality, well, we've only had that right for almost seven years and clearly, alito doesn't believe that is rooted in our nation's history. >> well, let me ask you about that, justice alito seemed to anticipate this kind of response. he does note in his draft in terms of concerns about other privacy rights, he says we emphasize our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right. nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedence that do not concern abortion. is it my understanding that you just don't trust what he is saying at this point? >> no, i do not. and, in fact, if you look back at the confirmation hearings for a minute, many of these justices for the highest court in the land, they all said that they considered row. v. wade, a woman's right to abortion to settle law. yet, here we are. they are willing to overturn that. so those assurances, unfortunately, they fall on deaf ears. it doesn't make me feel comfortable. it doesn't make me feel safe. in fact, it terrifys me. >> jim, it's striking to hear those words, so many americans remember where they were right on june 26th? that was the date they handed down the decision in your case? did you ever imagine there would be one day a question that your case could be overturned? we're talking seven years later. >> well, you know, i knew there would be backlash. there always is when our nation takes a step forward towards equality, towards our values of we the people and equal justice under law. there was always backlash. did i think it would happen this quickly and this dramatically? no, maybe i was being foolish not to think that. but in the time since marriage equality was affirmed, our right to marry the person we love was affirmed, the world hasn't come to an end. our nation hasn't ground to a halt. in fact, our nation has become better. it has become stronger. so, i'm devastated that the opponents of marriage equality and lbgtq equality just will not give up. they are determined to tell us without doubt that we don't matter in their concept of we the people in their concept of the united states of america. >> so now you are running for a seat in the ohio house. is this an issue that other democrats and yourself can win on? >> well, i think making sure that people understand the risk that we all face, these fundamental rights that we have enjoyed. you know, the right to privacy. the right to marry. those are not rights specifically outlined in the constitution. those rights are at risk and if we can help people understand that, that's something we need to do. because there are so many rights we value as americans that in my opinion are now at risk. so will i be speaking up and campaigning on the threats to our liberties as americans? you better believe it. i will. because this is about, like i say, more than the lbgtq plus community. this is about who we are as a people and if the supreme court is going to say that our rights are based on what was written in the constitution in 1788 when that cons cons constitution is , i will be campaigning on it and fighting for it. >> thank you, thank you for speaking to us today. and thank you for watching. "inside politics" starts right now. [ music playing ] hello, welcome to "inside politics. "i'm john king in walk. thank you for sharing a day with us. it was a big day in the inflation fight. the feds poised for the strike and the biden goal is to attain price hikes without stalling the economy into a recession. plus the power of trump. voters in ohio send a clear election night message by pick

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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

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because the principle reason why the deficit is coming down, no longer handing out big checks to individuals as was done in the american rescue plan. nevertheless, talk about that and make a pitch for the economic agenda that stalled in congress to reduce prescription drug prices, for example, it could reduce the deficit if raised taxes by a sufficient amount to exceed the spending, part of the argument he's making to joe manchin who made inflation and deficit reduction a huge talking point, so some of these remarks seem a little bit tailored to joe manchin, but he's going to try to tout the good parts of the economy. he's taken a beating politically for the bad parts which, of course, are the inflation. the inflation is related, as you know, bianna, to the good parts. the hotter you run the economy, the more growth you have, the more revenues the government has, the lower the unemployment rate gets, but it's also, if you stimulate demand that exceeds the supply, you're going to have inflation. that's exactly what we've got and why the federal reserve this afternoon is expected to do a substantial interest rate cut, increase, rather, to try to get the inflation rate under control. that's a tricky balance because they are trying to do that without throwing the economy into a recession, but for that part, president biden's bystander because that's the defense job. >> all right, john. let's listen in. the president's about to speak. >> answering questions on a lot of things, but i got 600 waiting out there for me. keep me too long, they'll rush the place and all kidding aside. released new information that we're on track to cut the federal deficit by another $1.5 trillion by the end of the fiscal year. the biggest decline in a single year ever in american history. the biggest decline on top of us having a $350 billion drop in the deficit last year. my first year as president. we also learned that for the first time since 2016, the treasury department is planning to pay down the national debt issued to the public this quarter. and for all the talk the republicans make about deficits, it didn't happen a single quarter under my predecessor. not once. the bottom line is the deficit went up every year with my predecessor before the pandemic and during the pandemic. and has gone down both years since i've been here. period. that's, they're the facts. why is it important? because bringing down the deficit is one way to ease inflationary pressures in an economy where consequence of a war and gas prices and oil and food and it all is a different world right at this moment because of ukraine and russia. we reduce federal barring and helped combat inflation. this process is a great deal, it's good news but it didn't happen by itself. the previous administration increased the deficit every year it was in office, in part because of its reckless $2 trillion tax cut. i know you're tired of hearing me say but a tax cut that was not paid for. was not paid for. and a tax cut, largely benefitted the biggest corporations. 55 of which earned $40 billion in profits paying out a single penny in income tax in 2020 and the wealthiest americans like the billionaires who on average pay just 8% in federal taxes and the previous administration not only ballooned the deficit but undermined the watchdogs, the inspector generals from the job it was to keep the pandemic relief funds from being wasted. remember at the time i said they're going to fire the inspector general and the watchdogs are back. the justice department has a chief prosecutor for pandemic fraud to go after criminals who stole billions of relief money meant for small businesses and american families but never got to them. got in the pockets of criminals. when i came to office, we took a different approach across the board. with the american rescue plan and other actions, we started to grow the economy from the bottom up and the middle out. rescue checks and tax cuts for working families, gave just a little bit of breathing room and put food on the table and roof over their heads. remember the first year, all those long lines of automobiles lined up going through a parking lot just to get a box of food in the trunk? all we put with vaccination shots in arms to help go from 2 million americans vaccinated to more than 220 million americans fully vaccinated. we made it easy for millions of americans to sign up for coverage on the affordable care act. saving them an average of $2,400 a year. as a result of these and other economic recovery plans, we recovered faster than projected. the record 6.7 million jobs created last year, most in the first year of any president in american history and the fastest economic growth in any year in nearly four decades, and looking ahead, i have a plan to reduce the deficit even more which will help reduce inflationary pressures and lower everyone's costs for families. look, it's a plan that lets medicare negotiate prices of prescription drugs as they do with the department of veterans affairs. we can cap the price of insulin at $35 instead of hundreds of dollars, even a thousand dollars a month for some. my plan provides tax credits to utility companies to generate clean energy. those companies are required to pass those savings on to families. i met with a dozen of those utility ceos in the white house and they confirmed this plan will lower energy bills for families immediately. my plan includes tax credits for consumers to purchase electric or fuel cell vehicles. new or used. which will save the typical drive about $80 a month not having to pay for gas at the pump. tax credits for folks to provide solar panels, more efficient windows and doors for their homes, estimated savings $500 per year on average. we can do these things by making sure that no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay a single penny more in federal taxes. all we're asking is the wealthiest americans and the largest corporations begin to pay their share, fair share. i'm a capitalist. i believe you should be able to make as much money as you legally can, but just pay your fair share. no reason to pay a lower tax rate than a teacher or a firefighter. that's in sharp contrast to what today's republican party is offering and if they hadn't put this in print, you'd think i was making it up. senator rick scott of florida, the united states senator, leading the republican national senate campaign committee released what he calls the ultra maga agenda, it's a maga agenda all right. let me tell you about this ultra maga agenda, it's extreme as most maga things are. it will actually raise taxes on 75 million american families, over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year. among the hardest hit? working families, kids with folks. imagine if you're a family of four and don't make enough money to have federal taxes, because you don't make enough money to pay. you pay all your taxes and don't make enough. and under this new plan, this tax plan, the ultra maga agenda, while big corporations and billionaires are going to pay nothing more, the working class folks will pay a hell of a lot more and it goes further than that. this extreme republican agenda calls for congress, this is, i'm not making this up either. you've got to really think about this, it requires a vote, if it were to pass. every five years, a congress would have to vote to reinstate or eliminate social security, medicare, and medicaid. social security, paid in for the whole life, and has to be reauthorized, has to be reauthorized every five years. it's hard to make this up, and then again, it's a mega agenda. you know, meanwhile, millionaires and billionaires with the corporations skate by. imagine that. fairness and decency. wealthy folks and corporations will pay a little bit more. billionaires will have to pay a minimum tax. and again, most importantly, no one with less than $400,000 will pay in taxes, and social security and medicare. how put it on the block every five years. let me remind you again. i reduce the federal deficit, all the talk about the deficit, my republican friends, i love it. i reduced it $350 billion in my first year in office. we're on track to reduce it by the end of september by another 1,500,000,000. i don't want them to talk about deficits and the ultra maga agenda, but about fairness, i want to hear about decency, helping ordinary people. the bottom line is that for decades, the trickle down economics has failed. as income and equity grew to historic levels under the republicans. mega republicans, maga republicans, sorry, i don't want to mispronounce, maga republicans. but from the bottom up and the middle out. here's the deal. when the poor have a ladder up and the middle class grows, the wealthy always do very well. they do very well. that's what this is about. that's what this is about. everybody doing better. so i want you to understand, again, first year, $350 billion reduction deficit. this year, a trillion 5. it's going to bring some, take a few questions. >> a question about sanctions. the eu, about sanctions against, or about further sanctions in europe. the european union today announced new sanctions against oil. what's the next round for the u.s. and also, on a separate issue, what's the next step on abortion once this case gets settled? >> ask about deficits, huh? make sure that gets covered, okay, here we go. i'll answer those two questions and then talk about it. with regard to the additional sanctions. i've been in consultation, i'll be speaking with the members of the g7 this week about what we're going to do or not do. number one. number two, what was the second one? >> on abortion. >> as i said when i, i was getting on the plane to go down to alabama, this is about a lot more than abortion. i hadn't read the whole opinion at that time. but this reminds me of the debate with robert bork. bork believed the only reason you had any inherent right is because the government gave them to you. if you look back at the opening comments, when i was questioning as the chairman, i said i believe i had the rights that i have not because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because i'm just a child of god. i exist. i delegated by joining this union here to delegate some obligation or rights i had to the government for social good. so the idea that somehow there is an inherent right that there is no right of privacy, that there is no right, and remember the debate, you don't remember but had a debate about griswold vs. connecticut. there had been a law saying a married couple could not purchase birth control in the privacy of their own bedroom and use it, well, that got struck down. griswold thought to be a bad decision by bork and my guess is the guy's on the supreme court now. what happens if you have a state to change the law saying that children who are lgbtq can't be in classrooms with other children? is that legit under the way the decision is written? what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is really the most extreme political organization that's existed in american history. in recent american history. >> there we just heard the president giving, really, progress report to the nation on the state of the economy, focusing extensively on bringing down the u.s. deficit down $1.5 trillion is the estimate for this year. $350 billion last year. also took some questions on eu sanctions with regards to russia's war against ukraine and the news yesterday of that leaked draft out of the supreme court that would overturn roe v. wade. i want to bring in cnn's john harwood back in with me. it was interesting because you hear the president really focus on bringing down his administration's effort on bringing down the deficit. he's saying the audience there were extreme maga republicans. we know there was one democrat at least he was hoping was watching as well. and that is joe manchin, as the president is really trying to revive his legislative agenda before congress goes to recess. what else stood out about his comments from both the economy and what he said quickly about the threat of roe being overturned? >> reporter: just, again, putting in perspective the comments about the deficit reduction. the deficit is coming down, but is it because spending was cut in terms of programs that exist or taxes were raised? no. it's coming down because we're not spending on covid relief. so that is a little bit of a misleading statistic. he made the argument though that other elements of his economic agenda that have not passed to congress, including the revised version of build back better, would bring down the deficit, which is what joe manchin has insisted on. he wants tax increases that exceed the amount of new spending. so he made a strong pitch for that argument, contrasted it with trickle down and really, the subtheme of his remarks both with respect to roe and the economy was to try to draw that sharp contrast with republicans that democrats think the way that they can have a chance in the midterm elections. midterms looked very gloomy for the democrats. they're likely to lose control of the house and perhaps the senate. the way they can try to combat that and be more competitive is by drawing a sharp contrast with republicans. so he did that on the economy. so the trickle down economics, helping the rich and helping big corporations. and in terms of roe v. wade, he talked about the radicalism of a step to outlaw abortion and said, what can come next? what rights can be taken away next? wha that is an argument, both parts of which we can expect to hear consistently for election day and he acknowledged that european allies are moving ahead to try to curtail the purchases of russian oil. the big question is going to be russian gas and that's a very sensitive issue both for global markets and for the economies of our european allies. it would, of course, hurt russia but there are multi-sides to that equation and that's something that is an ongoing conversation. but the longer that war goes on and the more brutal the russian attacks are in ukraine, the more the allies are willing to accept some economic pain themselves in return for trying to curb the sources of russian income. >> he also left the door open to additional sanctions from the united states as well as this war progresses. john harwood, thank you so much. and coming up, major fighting under way at the mariupol steel plant. as countless ukrainians are inside just hoping to get out. we'll have the latest on the war in ukraine. up next. exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail board our patented, award-winning viking longships. you'll enjoy many extras, including wi-fi, cultural enrichment from ship to shore and engaging excursions. viking - voted number one river cruise line by condé nast readers. learn more at when my genetic reports told me about my heart health, i was able to take action. and i got a kit for my mom, too, so she can get her own meaningful health info. this mother's day, start a new health journey together with mom with $50 off every kit. now to the latest on the war in ukraine. mariupol's steel plant according to the city's mayor, countless civilians including at least 30 children are hiding out there. the mayor says they have now lost contact with the last defenders. the convoy of buses was able to leave mariupol earlier today with some civilians on board. now, it comes as russian forces are stepping up their attacks on ukraine's infrastructure. and this morning, the european union is proposing a total ban on russian oil imports. let's begin our coverage with cnn's scott mclean leave in lviv where the latest missile attacks hit yesterday. scott, what is the latest on the situation in mariupol right now? >> reporter: the fighting there is intense, according to the city's mayor. so intense, he says, they're hitting wit th tanks, artillery and a ship to fire on the plant as well. and new pictures we see from above show that steel plant is smothered in very thick smoke. the mayor said that the fighting has been so intense that as you mentioned, they have lost all contact with the fighters who are actually there. and gave a reminder that there are still civilians trapped amongst those fighters including, he says, 30 children as well. the russian defense ministry had previously said that that plant is surrounded completely. there is no way for soldiers to get in. there's no way for them to get out either, but the kremlin says that that plant is not being stormed on the ground. and instead, they say that they are merely suppressing militant attempts to take up new firing positions. all of this does not look good for the attempts to actually get the civilians out from under the steel plant. you mentioned the attacks on the infrastructure as well. there were a series of strikes across the country. the mayor of lviv said there were 18 or 19 missiles fired at this country. many of them were shot down including in kyiv and venizia but in dnipro and three in lviv that took out power stations. we know many of these strikes were related to training infrastructure as well. they're trying, the russians are trying to cut off the flow of weapons towards the front line and one of the things that really surprised me was the strike on an area that has not seen any kind of missile strikes or fighting since the war began yesterday. >> closer to hungary there with the strike yesterday, and listen, this is as those weapons are trying to make their way cross country over to the east. scott mclean, thank you. well, we turn now to russia. the kremlin denying that putin might declare war on ukraine on may 9th, which is russia's victory day. cnn's matthew chance live in moscow with more. we do want to remind viewers of strict laws regarding how the conflict in ukraine is described and has prohibited the broadcast of information it regards as false. so with that having been said, matthew, a kremlin spokesperson says that reports that putin could declare war on may 9th are, quote, nonsense. what else is he saying about what may happen that day? >> yeah, well, of course, there's been a lot of speculation about what will happen on may the 9th. it's traditionally a very important day as you well know in russia when the country commemorates the victory over nazi germany in the 1940s. but the context of it this year is immensely significant. of course, there is this conflict under way in neighboring ukraine, what russia calling its special military operation, and so the regular annual display of military power that we've all gotten used to, through the streets of the russian capital across red square, every may 9th, that's going to have additional significance this year as well as the regular sort of grandstanding of russia's nuclear weapons, of course, they often drive their intercontinental ballistic missiles through the center of the russian capital as well. that's particularly potent and worrisome as well given there's been so many warnings about the fact that russia has these nuclear weapons and indications or hints that it, at some point, if provoked, be prepared to hear those warnings quite a lot. but there's also a lot of anticipation about what vladimir putin, the russian president may say. he makes remarks every year, normally, in my experience, sort of general congratulations and commemorations about the achievements of the russian military, but on this occasion, the speculation could involve an announcement about the conflict in ukraine, possibly a formal declaration of war that's come to us from u.s. and other western officials as well. possibly as a way of sort of mobilizing the country, putting it on more of a war footing and getting more troops into that conflict zone. the kremlin, as you mentioned, has ruled that out. they've called it nonsense. that's categorically not going to happen is the message we've had from the kremlin, but, you know, i think we've got the strong message over the past couple of months that we should sort of judge russia on its actions rather than its words. may say one thing, but we'll have to wait and see what they actually do at the time. >> as all eyes are going to focus on what's happening in may 9th, how is the kremlin responding to news that the eu might ban all oil imports by the end of the year? >> obviously, it's very worrying indeed for the kremlin. this is a major source of revenue for russia, and for the european union as well. last year, it bought something like 25% of its oil supplies from russian sources, and so this would be a massive hit. make no mistake, to the russian economy. and the fact that the european union now said it is going to try to phase out russian oil imports within the next six months, with a couple of exceptions. is, of course, extremely acute as a crisis potentially for the already struggling russian economy. the kremlin have played it down, saying they're monitoring it closely, a double edged sword and it would hurt the europeans as much as it hurts the russians and that european people will feel the cost of living increases as a result, but it does seem the european determination is, at the moment, very strong. >> worth noting that the eu has to have unanimous consent among 27 members. not sure if they have everyone on board with that, at least hungary is still questionable at this point. matthew chance, thank you. well, the european union announcing today that it is considering ways to ramp up its military support for moldova. this follows several recent attacks in the pro russian region, and spoke with a u.s. ambassador from moldova. randy, what did the ambassador say about the u.s. assessment on the current situation in moldova? >> reporter: bianna, we spoke with ambassador kent, a variety of topics including the chance of moldova being drawn into this war with ukraine. certainly a lot of concerns about that, which you can understand, you're from here, you were here recently. certainly across the border and to transnistria, where russian troops still standing by. certainly, a concern, but as we spoke to him, we talked about the concerns and he said that there is no immediate threat based on u.s. intelligence, based on his speaking with others in this region. there's no immediate threat to the country of moldova right now, but still, many people here are very concerned. we spoke with people in the villages closest to the tran transnistria border. one man said he's not going to leave but stay and fight and his country. i asked directly what he can say to those moldovans now living in fear and this is what he said. what is your message to everyday moldovans who see what's happening across the border in ukraine and worry that moldova could be next? >> each time, i'm out in public, each time i'm in a meeting or i just meet with regular moldovans and they ask, what's the situation? i make sure it's clear, the u.s. embassy is here, we're open, we're operating per normal. our families are here. we continue to work here. we obviously have to pay attention to safety and security issues, no matter what. every day, we worry about that, whether there's a war next door or not. but in this case, i think we have to be particularly vigilant. >> reporter: and bianna, the ambassador also told me that, of course, moldova is not a member of nato but they have applied for membership to the european union. they can't really defend themselves. the ambassador said, because the army here, he called it weak and he said that much of the equipment is outdated but we spoke with the foreign minister of moldova as well and said they're doing their part increasing border controls and checking across. >> the poorest country in europe, though it sends a powerful message that the u.s. embassy plans on staying there for now for the people there in that country. randi kaye, thank you. and coming up, a big primary win for a candidate in ohio. endorsed by donald trump. what it tells us about the former president's grip on the republican party? 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>> it certainly did last night in ohio. no question about it. everyone was watching to see if he would be a king maker, the former president and in fact, he was. without that endorsement, there is no doubt in anyone's mind there, particularly jd vance's mind that he would have won the primary. and won it with some 32% of the vote, which is pretty impressive in a crowded field of seven candidates and five major candidates. there is no doubt that the endorsement about 2.5 weeks or so ago pushed vance over the top. but it doesn't necessarily answer the question entirely for the rest of the month of may. there are several primaries going forward beginning next week in west virginia, in nebraska, following that in pennsylvania, in georgia. so the beginning of the question has been answered, is he still a force in the party? we knew he was a force in the party, but each of these campaigns is a separate race. so we'll see week by week. but bianna, there's no question that the former president, if anyone is a king maker, he certainly plays that role. >> no doubt at least in ohio and abby, vance will face tim ryan, a democrat not named sherrod brown hasn't won statewide in ohio since 2008. is this vance's race to lose? >> this is one of those states that i think republicans feel pretty comfortable about. you know, donald trump won ohio by a comfortable margin in 2020, and as you said, it's been a very tough state for democrats, for a long time. i think the fundamentals, the sheer politics of it all, the political environment is one in which republicans in general feel like, this is one in which their candidates are likely to do well. the one avenue, i think, that, and you're already starting to see, tim ryan is looking to use against jd vance is vance's own history. it's his turn from being an anti-trumper, a venture capitalist. there's a new ad from tim ryan talking about his use of his hillbilly book to make a netflix show trying to use that to paint him as someone who is not of the state of ohio, not of the kind of populist narrative that vance is campaigning on right now. if there's a chance it could happen, it would be along those lines, but again, this is an uphill battle for democrats and right now, vance's job to consolidate the republicans who didn't vote for him in the primary when it comes to the general election. >> to be fair, he's been consistent on the issues he says aren't getting national attention, nearly as much as they should be and that is the blue collar workers there in that state. kitchen table issues, the a abby, let me ask you about the leak that would overturn roe v. wade. stacy abrams makes it clear she's going to run on the issue. this campaign will absolutely lean into and lead on that issue because if i want to be the governor of one georgia, then that means i've got to govern for the women of georgia and the women of georgia, by and large, agree that their right to choose should not be stripped away from them. so abby, is this a winning issue for democrats in the face of other kitchen table issues, namely, the economy? >> democrats have an enthusiasm problem with their own base, with young voters, with women voters, with voters of color, and to the extent that this issue is a motivating one and a galvanizing one for those constituencies, i think it is a very important piece of the puzzle, and you heard earlier in the program, president biden, i think using some of the toughest language that i've heard him use since becoming president about republicans calling them extreme. democrats have been wanting to paint republicans as an extreme party and this potential ruling that we're expecting will only help them do that, with all the rest of the voters who they need to convince. will it overtake kitchen table issues? i'm not so sure, but it certainly helps them make a contrast argument that they need to make if they're going to argue to americans that even if they're not happy about the economy, the alternative is a lot worse. >> good point. abby phillip, jeff zeleny, thank you as always. and coming up, surveillance video captures the moment a corrections officer and inmate leave an alabama prison together. they have not been seen since that. the sheriff leading the manhunt joins me up next. drink you c. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and d contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and supppport muscle health. try boost® today. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just about anything. thanks, dad. that's right, rort. and it's never too earlyto n you could save with amica's number one motorcycle insurer. that's right, jamie. but 's not just about savings. it's about the friends we make along the way. you said it, flo. and don't forget to floss before you brush. your gums will thank you. -that's right, dr. gary. -jamie? 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>> there's many questions here because, bianna, in full disclosure, i went to the show on friday night and i was sitting pretty close and i'm obsessed with watching security and how they do their jobs. they were locking off the stage. clearly, that was not how this happened last night. because somehow, this person, they're saying a 23-year-old man according to los angeles police department was able to get on stage, but not only get on stage and assault and as a friend of mine put it to me who was there, actually tackled dave chappelle. and so if this could happen, and then this person also reportedly had a knife that looked like a replica handgun with him, the question i'm really confused about is how that was even able to get inside because you had to go through metal detectors, you had to go through and look someone inside any bags you brought in and the reason we haven't seen more video of this is because you had to lock your phones into these yonder cases, keep the phone with you but locked up so you can't access it. so all of these different precautions that were being taken, not clear how this person got in and we know that person was transported to the hospital afterward and then charged for assault with a deadly weapon but still, so many questions on how this could even happen, especially in light of what we saw at the academy awards, bianna. >> fortunately, and dave chappelle is okay today. stephanie elam, thank you. now to the manhunt for a missing inmate and a corrections officer in alabama. newly released surveillance video showing jail supervisor vicki white and casey white walked out of the jail last friday. you see her put into her patrol car, now, that was the last time they were seen together. the sheriff says the pair had a, quote, special relationship and they are believed to be armed and dangerous. joining me now is the sheriff of lauderdale county, alabama, rick singleton. sheriff singleton, thank you so much for joining us. you describe this as a special relationship going back to 2020. what exactly does that mean and how did it go unnoticed for so long? >> well, my special relationship, the inmate, we first received information from inmates over the weekend that there was a relationship and by special, they were saying he was getting special treatment. he was getting privileges, getting extra food on the trade and vicky white saying other inmates weren't getting, that's what he said. inmates in a jail, prison, something like this happened, they all have information and i'll tell you this, but always wanting something in exchange. you take it with a grain of salt but you don't ignore it. we don't ignore it. we followed up on it and we found out that casey white, when he was in our facility in 2020, that's the earliest we know of that there might have been a relationship because when he was sent back to the department of corrections after arraignment. we do know that we have correspondence he and vicky white corresponded in state prison before he was brought back here september 25th of this year. >> you are saying this is the first time you heard of the special relationship, meaning she was giving him extra food and going out of her way to be nicer to him. you heard from inmates for the first time this past weekend? >> yes. yes. that information came to us after this case. >> okay. let's talk about this video you released of casey white getting into this police car friday morning. was this ever regular procedure for a corrections officer to transport a prisoner like this on her own? i know she was then expecting to go to a doctor's appointment after? >> yeah, it was strictly against policy. our policy is to escort these inmates to court. being the assistant director of operation, she was in charge one of her responsibilities was to coordinate these transports. just minutes prior to her leaving the facility with casey white, we had two vans depart from the courthouse, the first sand has two deputies and the second one had two deputies and five inmates. right after that depart. she instructed him to come up. she put hand shackles and she left with him to drop him off to other deputies, which was strictly against policy. >> you are standing at a specific location where vicky white abandoned the get-away vehicle. you were hindered by it being released. how far sid that set you back? >> well, we spent all weekend trying to get that vehicle description. we finally got it positively confirmed early monday morning. we were hoping to get that information out to law enforcement so they can help us in locating the vehicle. one problem they had inadvertently put it on their social media page. at that point it got out, like i tell people, what would you do if you were one of them and you knew we knew what you were driving. the worse thing it will be abandoned and they will be in another vehicle and we are back to square one. >> back to square one. does that mean have you no solid leads at this point? >> no, we have other leads we are following up on. we may not know what they're driving right now. if we're lucky and they're that ignorant, they're still driving that camp. we suspect they've already changed cars, probably. >> is there any indication that they've left the state? >> some of the leads, we've had leads from several states. if they have been spotted here or there, none of those leads yet have pand out. we certainly, we still have leads in other locations of the country. >> we are learning the past few days more and more about how vicky white planned this. we know she put in her retirement papers on friday. she sold her house well below market value. you've known her for a long time. had you noticed any change in her behavior recently. >> no, not really. no one really saw anything coming. when something like this happens, i think we all look back on a lot of these, deputies are saying, well, you know, she talked about retiring and you know and so forth and really didn't do anything about it. talked about wanting to go to the beach. at the time it didn't seem like anything significant. now looking back, they're second-guessing themselves, maybe that was a signal i should have picked up on. >> well, as you and other sheriffs are noting, you expect them to be armed and dangerous. her life could very well be at risk, too. thank you, keep us posted on any new developments. >> thank you. well, now to the fallout from that bombshell leak of a draft opinion that shows the u.s. supreme court is posed to overturn the ruling. advocates are worried that same-sex marriage and other rights could be next. it will be seven years and that ruling set on precedent set in roe v. wade, a right could be guaranteed even if it was not written in the constitution. joining me is the. in the marriage equality case. i should note that james is now running for a seat in the ohio house. thank you so much for joining us. you say this draft opinion is a clear call to anyone who opposes same sex marriage. explain that. >> absolutely. thank you for having me on today. this decision and what alito has to say about marriage equality is a clear call to anyone who opposes marriage equality, who opposes lbgtq plus equality, that they have a friend on the court. more than one friend. and that they should be happy or they should be willing to come after marriage equality. let me be clear, this decision is much bigger than marriage equality, much bigger than lbgtq plus equality. this decision is taking away the right to make decisions about their own body, but it's much, it's so much bigger, there are so many rights that we should be concerned about losing, i'd say, in that decision, that alito says if it's not a right specifically outlined in the constitution, then it will be rooted in our nation's history and tradition and marriage equality, well, we've only had that right for almost seven years and clearly, alito doesn't believe that is rooted in our nation's history. >> well, let me ask you about that, justice alito seemed to anticipate this kind of response. he does note in his draft in terms of concerns about other privacy rights, he says we emphasize our decision concerns the constitutional right to abortion and no other right. nothing in this opinion should be understood to cast doubt on precedence that do not concern abortion. is it my understanding that you just don't trust what he is saying at this point? >> no, i do not. and, in fact, if you look back at the confirmation hearings for a minute, many of these justices for the highest court in the land, they all said that they considered row. v. wade, a woman's right to abortion to settle law. yet, here we are. they are willing to overturn that. so those assurances, unfortunately, they fall on deaf ears. it doesn't make me feel comfortable. it doesn't make me feel safe. in fact, it terrifys me. >> jim, it's striking to hear those words, so many americans remember where they were right on june 26th? that was the date they handed down the decision in your case? did you ever imagine there would be one day a question that your case could be overturned? we're talking seven years later. >> well, you know, i knew there would be backlash. there always is when our nation takes a step forward towards equality, towards our values of we the people and equal justice under law. there was always backlash. did i think it would happen this quickly and this dramatically? no, maybe i was being foolish not to think that. but in the time since marriage equality was affirmed, our right to marry the person we love was affirmed, the world hasn't come to an end. our nation hasn't ground to a halt. in fact, our nation has become better. it has become stronger. so, i'm devastated that the opponents of marriage equality and lbgtq equality just will not give up. they are determined to tell us without doubt that we don't matter in their concept of we the people in their concept of the united states of america. >> so now you are running for a seat in the ohio house. is this an issue that other democrats and yourself can win on? >> well, i think making sure that people understand the risk that we all face, these fundamental rights that we have enjoyed. you know, the right to privacy. the right to marry. those are not rights specifically outlined in the constitution. those rights are at risk and if we can help people understand that, that's something we need to do. because there are so many rights we value as americans that in my opinion are now at risk. so will i be speaking up and campaigning on the threats to our liberties as americans? you better believe it. i will. because this is about, like i say, more than the lbgtq plus community. this is about who we are as a people and if the supreme court is going to say that our rights are based on what was written in the constitution in 1788 when that cons cons constitution is , i will be campaigning on it and fighting for it. >> thank you, thank you for speaking to us today. and thank you for watching. "inside politics" starts right now. [ music playing ] hello, welcome to "inside politics. "i'm john king in walk. thank you for sharing a day with us. it was a big day in the inflation fight. the feds poised for the strike and the biden goal is to attain price hikes without stalling the economy into a recession. plus the power of trump. voters in ohio send a clear election night message by pick

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Predecessor , Didn T , War , Way , Oil , Pressures , Gas Prices , Consequence , Facts , One , Process , News , Food , Deal , Russia , Ukraine , Combat Inflation , World , Tax Cut , Office , Hearing , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Corporations , Penny , Income Tax , Profits , 55 , 40 Billion , 0 Billion , 2020 , Billionaires , Watchdogs , Job , Inspector Generals , Relief Funds , Pay , 8 , Inspector General , Justice Department , Families , Criminals , Relief Money , Board , Billions , Businesses , Approach , Chief Prosecutor , Fraud , Pockets , Working Families , Actions , Table , Rescue , Breathing Room , Roof , Tax Cuts , Heads , Bottom Up , Lines , Parking Lot , Box , Automobiles , Trunk , Arms , Vaccination Shots , 2 Million , Coverage , Result , Millions , Average , Affordable Care Act , 2400 , 400 , 220 Million , History , Recovery Plans , Most , Jobs , 6 7 Million , Plan , Everyone , Costs , Four , Price , Medicare , Tax Credits , Insulin , Prescription Drugs , Dollars , Hundreds , Department Of Veterans Affairs , Utility Companies , A Thousand Dollars , 35 , 5 , A Thousand , Savings , Utility Ceos , Energy , Energy Bills , Companies , Dozen , Folks , Gas , Consumers , Fuel Cell Vehicles , Drive , Pump , 0 , 80 , Windows , Doors , Homes , Panels , 400000 , 00000 , 00 , 500 , Share , Capitalist , Money , Contrast , Tax Rate , Firefighter , Teacher , Senate , Rick Scott , Ultra , Republican Party , Print , United States Senator , Campaign Committee , Florida , Maga Agenda , Ultra Maga Agenda , 75 Million , Don T , Family , Hit , 100000 , 95 , Tax Plan , Don T Make Enough , Hell , Vote , Nothing , Agenda Calls , Working Class , Social Security , Medicaid , Five , Life , Up , Reauthorized , Millionaires , Corporations Skate By , Tax , Fairness , Decency , Friends , Talk , The End , 1500000000 , People , Income , Trickle Down Economics , Equity , Ladder Up , Levels , Poor , I Don T Want To Mispronounce , Maga , Everybody , Always , Middle Class , Question , Sanctions , Eu , Issue , Abortion , Case , Europe , Round , The Next Step , Regard , Huh , Members , Consultation , Number , Number One , G7 , On Abortion , Opinion , Plane , Alabama , Right , Rights , Comments , Debate , Robert Bork , Chairman , Child , Union , God , Privacy , Idea , Obligation , Good , It , Law , Couple , Birth Control , Bedroom , Griswold Vs , Connecticut , Decision , Estate , Children , Lgbtq Can T , Classrooms , Guess , Guy S On The Supreme Court , Griswold , Organization , Crowd , Progress Report , Nation , Giving , Regards , Estimate , Roe V Wade , Draft Out Of The Supreme Court , Least , Democrat , Effort , Audience , Threat , Roe , Relief , Terms , Perspective , Programs , Cut , Deficit Reduction , Elements , Version , Build , On , Both , Respect , Trickle , Subtheme , Chance , Elections , Control , House , Midterms , Step , Corporations , Radicalism , Allies , Wha , Election Day , Big Question , Economies , Markets , Purchases , Attacks , Equation , Conversation , Door , Sources , War Progresses , Coming Up , Pain , Return , Fighting , Mariupol Steel Plant , Latest , Ukrainians , Treasures , Heart , Landmarks , Viking , Ship , Cruise Line , Excursions , Readers , Extras , Viking Longships , Wi Fi , Cultural Enrichment , CondÉ Nast , River , Mom , Health , Kit , Health Info , Reports , Heart Health , Action , Mother , Journey , 50 , Plant , Civilians , Mayor , Contact , City , Convoy , Defenders , Buses , Hiding , 30 , Infrastructure , Imports , Forces , Ban , Situation , Scott Mclean , Missile Attacks , Lviv , Leave , Show , Tanks , Artillery , Pictures , Wit Th , Fighters , Reminder , Smoke , Kremlin , Soldiers , Defense Ministry , Attempts , Firing Positions , Ground , Country , Strikes , Missiles , Many , Venizia , Kyiv , Series , 18 , 19 , Weapons , Power Stations , Russians , Front Line , Training Infrastructure , Flow , Dnipro , Three , Strike , Kind , Area , Missile Strikes , Putin , Cross Country , East , Listen , Ukraine On May 9th , More , Conflict , Matthew Chance , Victory Day , Laws , Viewers , Broadcast , May 9th , 9 , Quote , War On May 9th Are , Spokesperson , Speculation , Victory , Nazi Germany , 1940 , May The 9th , Context , To , Military Power , Display , Military Operation , Capital , Sort , Significance , Streets , Grandstanding , Red Square , Fact , Point , Warnings , Indications , Center , Vladimir Putin , Anticipation , Experience , Provoked , Declaration Of War , Commemorations , Congratulations , Achievements , Occasion , Russian Military , Officials , Troops , Conflict Zone , War Footing , Message , It Nonsense , Judge , Thing , Words , Eyes , Source , Oil Imports , Oil Supplies , Revenue , Mistake , 25 , Exceptions , Is , Six , Cost , Europeans , Double , Crisis , Sword , Consent , Determination , Hungary , Worth , 27 , Moldova , Military Support , Ways , Ambassador , Region , Assessment , Randy , Concerns , Topics , Variety , Kent , Border , Concern , Intelligence , Transnistria , Speaking , Others , Villages , Moldovans , Tackled Chappelle , Stay , Fear , Transnistria Border , Meeting , Attention , Issues , Security , Embassy , Safety , No Matter What , Member , Membership , Nato , Army , Foreign Minister , Equipment , Plans , Border Controls , Randi Kaye , Ohio , Grip , Event Planning , Candidate , Primary Win , Cities , 5g Ultra Wideband , Vo , Donald Trump , Manny , Business , Come On , Canan , Verizon , Spd , Times The S , Vrbo , 10 , Life Insurance , Program , Colonial Penn , 85 , Budget , Ps , Medications , 9 95 , 65 , 95 , 54 , 1 , Rate , Health Questions , Lifetime Rate Lock , Exam , Acceptance , Beneficiary Planner , Calling , Him , Remington , Sure , Farmer , Dog , Transformation , No Brainer , Allergy Symptoms , Remi , Allergies , Longlivedogs Com Godaddy Payments , Happiness , Payments , Customers , Transaction Fees , Jd , Cnn Projects Vance , 2022 , Tim Ryan , Race , Primary , Field , Senate Races In November , Democratic , Test , Anchor , Senior Political Correspondent Abby Phillip , Jeff Selzeleny , Inside Politic Sunday , Cnn Political , Party , Trump , Endorsement , King Maker , Answer , Whether , Advance , Polls , Vance , Anyone , Mind , Candidates , No Doubt , 32 , Seven , Doesn T , Rest , Primaries , Month Of May , 2 5 , Force , Each , Beginning , Pennsylvania , Georgia , Nebraska , West Virginia , Campaigns , Abby , Sherrod Brown , Role , States , Hasn T , Margin , 2008 , Politics , Environment , Fundamentals , Republicans , Avenue , Anti Trumper , Ad , Use , Turn , Hillbilly Book , Someone , Populist Narrative , Didn T Vote , Uphill Battle For Democrats , Kitchen Table , Election , Blue Collar Workers , Aren T , Stacy Abrams , Leak , Lead , Campaign , Face , Women Of Georgia , Governor , Voters , Women Voters , Color , Enthusiasm Problem , Extent , Base , Constituencies , Piece , Puzzle , Language , Galvanizing , Ruling , Alternative , Contrast Argument , Inmate , Corrections Officer , Video , Alabama Prison , Jeff Zeleny , Sheriff , Manhunt , Help , Glucose Control , Muscle Health , Hunger , Blood Sugar Levels , Son , Protein , Elbow Grease , Anything , Motorcycle Insurer , Thanks , Dad , Jamie , Rort , Earlyto N , Amica , Mission Control , Gums , Line , Thought , Dr , Launch , That S Right , Flo , Gary , Rocket , Um , Lunchables , Brain Performance , Yes , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , Nose , Community Garden , Air , Take Off , Stage , Dave Chappelle , Performance , L A , Knife , Police , Suspect , Academy Awards , Chris Rock , Hollywood Bowl , Will Smith , Stephanie Elam , Morning , Person , Locking , Friday Night , 23 , Friend , Assault , Los Angeles Police Department , Haven T , Replica Handgun , Metal Detectors , Bags , Precautions , Cases , Phones , Phone , Hospital , Weapon , Light , Casey White , Patrol Car , Vicki White , Surveillance Video , Jail Last Friday , Special Relationship , Pair , Lauderdale County , Rick Singleton , Armed And Dangerous , Relationship , Sheriff Singleton , Inmates , Weekend , Privileges , Special Treatment , Special , Trade , Prison , Jail , Exchange , Grain Of Salt , Facility , September 25th , State Prison , Arraignment , Department Of Corrections , The Special Relationship , Prisoner , Procedure , Police Car , Let , Court , Policy , Appointment , Doctor , Assistant Director , Deputies , Transports , Courthouse , Operation , Responsibilities , Sand , Vans , Hand Shackles , Vehicle , Location , Vicky White , Law Enforcement , Vehicle Description , Monday Morning , Problem , Social Media Page , Leads , Driving , Square One , Camp , Indication , Locations , Cars , None , Pand Out , Market Value , Retirement Papers , Change , Behavior , Back , Saying , Beach , Risk , Sheriffs , Signal , Draft Opinion , Bombshell Leak , U S Supreme Court , Fallout , Developments , Ruling Set On Precedent , Marriage , Advocates , Constitution , Seat , Marriage Equality Case , James , Ohio House , Marriage Equality , Call , Alito Doesn T , Sex , Lbgtq Plus Equality , Decisions , Body , Bigger , Losing , Tradition , Justice , Draft , Response , Doubt , Precedence , Privacy Rights , Cast , Justices , Confirmation Hearings , Land , V Wade , It Doesn T , Row , Ears , Assurances , Striking , Jim , It Doesn T Make Me Feel Safe , June 26th , 26 , Backlash , Equality , Values , The World Hasn T , End , Hasn T Ground , Lbgtq Equality , Halt , Opponents , We The People , Concept , Running , Campaigning , Threats , Liberties , Lbgtq Plus Community , 1788 , Cons Constitution Is , Inside Politics , Music Playing , Walk , John King , Inflation Fight , Price Hikes , Election Night Message , Power , Goal , Feds , Pick ,

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