Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

with the polish president. pelosi, fresh off a surprise visit to kyiv where she became the highest ranking u.s. official to meet with ukraine's president zelenskyy sin the war began. scott is live inside ukraine now. scott, good morning. what are the on again, off again efforts in mariupol? >> reporter: they are giving us precious little information. officials say they don't want to jeopardize the success of the operation which is ongoing. the ukrainian military commander inside the plant said there are 200 civilians including 20 children who need to come out. he said overnight there was intense bombardment of the plant that began after evacuation finished for the day. for a one-hour period of time overnight, it is not clear what impact that is going to have on the success of the operation today. know, the reason why solve people were able to get out yesterday is because of what president zelenskyy calls a real cease-fire for the first time. there had obviously been concern from the ukrainian side about what direction these evacuees would actually go in once they managed to get out because we know that a lot of people from mariupol had been pushed into russian-held territory. in this case it a meerz they w -- appears they were given the choice. 80 people were taken to russian territory, others were taken to ukrainian-held territory. one woman when she arrived in russian-held territory described the intensity of the bombing saying the bunker they were sheltering in, it was difficult to breathe down there. because of the intensity of the bombing, they didn't want to stick their noses outside to get a bit of fresh air. that is how intense that it was. she also seemed quite excited about not having to use a buck sk e te and flashlight to go to the bathroom. the commander inside said there are some 500 wounded soldiers. they would very much like to get out. but the russian foreign minister said in an interview just recently that that seems pretty unlikely. he says that kyiv, and specifically president zelenskyy continued to push this idea because he claims that there are foreign mercenaries among the fighters. there is no evidence that is true, but it's difficult to know for certain. as for the rest of the other soldiers that remain, well, i interviewed one of them last week and they say they will not leave without a weapon in their hands. failing that, they say they will fight until the end. laura? >> all right, scott, thank you so much for your reporting. >> all right. as we told you, house speaker nancy pelosi meeting right now with poland's leader in wausau. she led that congressional delegation on a surprise visit to kyiv over the weekend, making her the highest ranking u.s. official to meet with ukraine's president zelenskyy since the war began. want to bring in nic robertson for us. vow -- pelosi vowing the u.s. would support ukraine, in other words, until the fight is done. what is the reaction to her visit? >> reporter: very positive. she was awarded the order of princess olga which is a tribute the ukraine's said her efforts to strengthen u.s./ukrainian relations. her visit was important because it not only signalled the u.s.'s leadership in the fight in the war against russia, but also the very strong signal over congressional support as well. what he described, bi-camera support. the ukrainian ambassador to the united states made also perhaps a slightly more politically pointed response as well. you know, zelenskyy had spoken about the need for more weapons. they very much appreciate the military and financial support. it was the ukrainian ambassador to the united states we look forward to congress passing that supplemental funding bill, the $33 billion supplemental funding bill that will go through congress that president biden has pushed forward. so, yes, her visit seems to have been a success, winning praise, winning respect, and the order, the ukrainian order not being bestowed on any other visitor. >> nic in london. thanks. national security analyst and former director of communication for the u.s. national intelligence service. sir, so nice to see you again. talk to me about the visit from pelosi. how important of a signal does this send to ukraine about the support from the u.s.? is this more than just optics? >> it absolutely is more than just optics. i don't think we can under estimate the significance of this trip. you know, it sends a strong message we understand that the best way to view the bully is show the bully we're not afraid of them. that's what we're doing by sending someone of pelosi's level there. i think it is also important to point out it's not just about speaker pelosi's visit. you look at the last several weeks, we h a nad a number of high-profile visits, the secretary of state, secretary-general. it is designed to send a message to putin the united states and international community stands with ukraine. despite the highly irrational nature of everything we've seen of putin's behavior, he's still being calculating. he understands the visits are happening, but these high-level individuals are being able to have safe passage. putin is still in this fight making decisions that are key, but these visits are extremely important for the ukrainian people. >> the show of force, western unity that it shows, europe and u.s. unity behind ukraine incredibly important. kremlin and russian state media have been discussing this huaraz a war against the west and western ideas. not just ukraine, but nato and the west. and originally putin justified this huaraz a way to de-nazify ukraine, and deneuter ukrainian leadership. is there a change in putin's calculation, what he says he's fighting against here now? >> you know, i think we're seeing putin redefine success in real time. early on he embarked on a campaign of misinformation and disinformation in order to set the stage for this invasion. to be quite candid and people in the international security space, my former colleagues, they didn't do a very good job of setting the space with disinformation. and so we are seeing him adjust. at the same time that he was pulling troops back and making a decision to focus on the donbas region and go after luhansk and donetsk, we see a talking behind the rationale of this war. we do think he's making adjustments. i don't think we'll see less disinformation, but i think the nature of the disinformation will change and we can probably as many people said, look for some announcement that suggests he's redefined successor achieved success before may 9. >> congressman kinzinger authorized military forces. it will allow the u.s. to use forces if russia uses chemical biological nuclear weapons. to take it that far. what do you make of him introducing that resolution? do you think that sort of signals where at least lawmakers think this thing is headed? >> you know, i think what it says is lawmakers, like so many of us in national security space, believe that the united states should very clearly draw that line in the sand and send a strong message to putin that the use of chemical or biological weapons or nuclear weapons is a line too far, crossing that line goes too far. i don't know that the authorization for the use of military force at this point, it may be premature. i do think it is in line with the idea that the united states and the international community needs to take a stand. it can't be ambiguous. it needs to be clear, precise, and putin needs to understand if he goes there, we will respond decisively as an international community. >> sean turner, cnn national security analyst. nice to see you. thanks for getting up with us. >> thank you, sean. a soldier dead after being captured by russian forces. how the war could lead to a global food crisis. but first lady jill biden just announcing a trip overseas, where she's headed and why. you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. 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>> translator: nothing, i just screamed. no thoughts. >> reporter: we met his mother where she is staying near kyiv. she fled mariupol two weeks ago alongside the rest of her family. her sister-in-law also reeling from the photo of her nephew. >> translator: i still have the photograph in front of my eyes. it's constantly in front of my eyes. >> reporter: the more they confirmed he was dead and his body was picked up on sunday, cnn can't confirm how he died, but we know he died after being taken into custody. either by russian or russian-backed separatist forces. do you think that the russians killed your son? >> translator: yes, i'm sure. >> reporter: russia's ministry of defense did not return a request for comment about how he died. for weeks cnn has heard directly from soldiers inside the steel plant complex who have told us they will not surrender to the russians for fear of being executed. within their ranks, his death only hardened that sentiment. does what happened to him only reinforce the notion that the soldiers that are there are not going to surrender to the russians? >> don't you think it confirms their fear and actually expectations what russia did today? this is a war crime. >> reporter: we asked vonek's mother if she is angry with the russians. her answer honest and gutting. >> translator: for now i only feel innermost pain, pain and emptiness. that's it. >> reporter: matt rivers, cnn, kyiv. >> heartbreaking story. thank you, matt. all right, emotional moemgts moments on the country music hall of fame as they remember their mother naomi after sudden death. first how russia's war could affect food on your family's table next my fellow xfinity customers. hi tim. the biggest week in entertainment is almost here. watchathon week presented by xfinity rewards. with free access to stranger things from netflix. the boys from prime video. hbo max, starz, and peacock. just say watchathon into your voice remote and get ready to watch. i love you. i love you. i love you all. growing alarm this morning that russia's war will spark a global food crisis, raising prices for staples around the world and hurting the neediest the most. ukraine is the world's biggest exporter of sunflower oil, major exporter of wheat, iron, corn maize and barley. it is now limiting exports to secure food and commodities for their own people. experts say this kind of protectionism plus the loss of ukraine's production sanctions on russian, ports and pandemic related supply chain hang over, all of it could spark devastating food shortages worldwide. >> ukraine is the bread basket of the world. they grow enough food to feed 400 million people. that's gone. you're already seeing fuel pricing spike, food pricing spike, cost of shipping spiking. it's already creating havoc for the poorest of the poor around the world. but this is going to affect not just the poorest of the poor. it's going to affect everybody. >> world food program chief david beasley says world leaders must come together somehow to keep ukraine's sea ports open so it can continue to export at least some of its production to the world. some farmers getting back into their fields are finding their fields have been lined with mines which will make it difficult to get into those fields to harvest and to plant this spring soybean and crops. it will have reverberations for months and months if not years. >> the ripple effect is so significant. well, up next for you, america's first lady about to get a firsthand look at the refugee crisis caused by russia's war. and the actress amber heard shakes up her team as she gets ready to testify against johnny depp . for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? 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he is an old man. he is a very tough old man. he's a sailor. he's got the body of a 60-year-old man. but he was born at the end of second world war. he's in his late 70s, almost 80, and a 16-hour trip by taxi to a ferry to a bus to a train, to another taxi is never easy for anyone. but when you're closer to 80 than 70, it is more taxing. >> tell me about the city of odessa, a city you love. what was it like, a strike on the airport there? >> well, my mother-in-law, blessed memory, who died recently because of covid, was air traffic controller at that airport. so my father-in-law gives few minutes' drive from the airport and he watched the missile strike from his window, watched the black smoke rise above the airport, and it caused tremendous stress on the city right before the anniversary of the trade union fire when pro russian and pro kyiv activists fought each other in 2014 for control of the city. also may 9th, victory day for russians in europe is coming up and there's a lot of tension in the city as the russians try to-free net kelley create some sort of victory before their annual military parade a of round the kremlin. >> we know there have been punishing strikes as he tries to find a success story he can sell back home to the russian people. talk to me a little about more >>. what is more >> like for citizens, for troops, people dealing every day in this neighborhood with russia's invasion. >> the invasion is causing tremendous tension in the city. it's causing tremendous strife. it's causing tremendous sense of, you know, lost opportunity. the majority of middle class and intelligenceia has fled. as it happens, my own family, i have 16, 17 relatives in the family, i've tariken six of the out. i hope not to have to make this trip over and over again. it is quite tedious. the polish and moldova border, it's not fun. over and over again. i hope the war concludes soon. just as a journalist, i'm continuously torn between my role as a reporter and analyst where i have to have some sort of, you know, analytical distance from the situation. my role as a patriot of the country. my role as a family member, and my role as a -- as when i arrive with my father-in-law in the refugee camp. no, no, i'm an american citizen. i'm not technically myself a refugee. have some tea. it's good not to complain, but it's disorienting when you arrive at the border and they treat everyone the same, in a very gracious way. they treat you yourself if -- no, i'm an american, i have an american passport. sometimes it's quite disorienting myself because, you know, it's not easy. i just want to say so many wonderful american volunteers on the romanian border. people from alabama, people from new york, people from pennsylvania just so many wonderful americans people who may not hang out, come together as americans, people of american values helping people get out. it was very funny because i was taking out a couple paintings i own with my father-in-law. they say to me, these nice people from pennsylvania and alabama, you're the first ukrainian refugee i've seen on the border who is traveling with his art collection. >> thank you so much. your family is lucky to have you advocating on their behalf. thank you, sir. >> bye-bye. >> just ahead, amber heard gets ready to take the witness stand this week in her court battle against johnny depp -- his battle against her. >> putting a roof over your head. the struggle is real. my fellow xfinity customers. hi tim. the biggest week in entertainment is almost here. watchathon week presented by xfinity rewards. with free access to stranger things from netflix. the boys from prime video. hbo max, starz, and peacock. just say watchathon into your voice remote and get ready to watch. i love you. i love you. i love you all. testimony resumes late they are morning in defamation case brought by johnny depp against his ex-wife and actor amber heard. just days before she was to testify she fired the p.r. team she retained to handle crisis communications on this. let's bring in legal analyst for the law and crime network. thank you for joining us. what do you think of her switching up her team in the 11th hour and how do you think it signals how the trial is going so far? >> it is an unorthodox move. you would imagine both johnny depp and amber heard thought this out in terms of a public relations aspect. but what i hear is that amber heard is unhappy with the now outgoing p.r. firm and unhappy with the headlines that have been coming out during the course of this trial. there's been a lot of support for johnny depp. you see a lot of social media articles, blogs going out that seem to be supporting johnny depp in this legal battle, this very public legal battle that we have here. amber heard is looking to switch things up on the eve of her testimony that we expect to come in a few days now. >> so you say she's not happy obviously with the headlines and the reaction to it. how much can she really sway the court of public opinion, and does it really matter? the jury isn't supposed to be listening to any of that, right? >> ideally the jury is insulated from this hoopla and coverage and sensationalism. that's the practical or the ideal aspect of a trial. but the reality is, the reality is that in this information day and age, it's very hard for some media or information not to really get to those jury's ears. that could lead to a mistrial if that's ever found out. this is a public trial. there is a lot of circus-like atmosphere. the court of public opinion these days is almost as important as the court of law. you obviously want that jury to be deciding this case on the evidence and the evidence alone that is coming into that courtroom. but johnny depp himself has stated that, you know, a large motivating fog or of this lawsuit was to clear his name, not necessarily only in the court of law, but the court of public opinion. amber heard also has those considerations, a very trouble trial and her persona is laid out in this court trial. she has a compelling interest to control the public narrative as this legal process plays out. >> pretend for a second you were representing her. how do you take back the narrative if you will when people riddle saying, what, you're going to be believed as a domestic violence victim? >> it is the claims johnny depp has brought against amber heard. what i would be looking to establish if i was amber heard's attorney going into her case, the defense case, that this was true. there was abuse in the relationship. that the op-ed piece that is the center of this litigation, the op-ed piece from 2018, did not contain falsities, it was not made with actual malice, the statement she penned in that op-ed piece, and it's not defamation, it's true. the allegations are true that she was a victim of domestic violence. so that's the key factor that her defense team have to do. but also what is important is amber heard has counter claims against johnny depp. a lawsuit within a lawsuit. all right. it's going to be a big week on that trial. thank you very much, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> a night of celebration and sadness as country music said good-bye to naomi judd. the mother daughter duo have been country music royalty for decades. let's bring in cnn's chloe. a moving tribute by both naomi judd's daughters. >> the timing almost poetic like one of their country songs. naomi judd and ashley judd accepting this incredibly high honor in country music to be inducted, alongside ray charles, pete drake. garth brooks, trisha yearwood, vince gil. they were emotional, ashley judd, getting up there crying, saying she wish her mother could have held on for one more day. the two daughters holding onto each other. they recited a bible verse, psalm 23. i didn't have anything prepared. i knew my mom was going to do most of the talking. she said she was going to continue to sing. they thanked fans, thanked everyone. wynonna judd, the judds, they broke the glass ceiling for women in music in country music, right up there with dolly parton. they paved the way for today. it was sad, fans were laying flowers outside. again, the timing just awful. and hopefully we will get more details as to what happened in those final days. we know that it was mental illness. in a statement they released, i know fans by reading on social media still have so many questions. but again, a really emotional and poignant night. but also nice that they were able to pay tribute to their mother. >> i can't imagine what kind of strength it must have taken to get through that event and try to honor her. just how raw and how all of this, the grief must be. thank you so much, chloe. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you. all right. let's get a little sports now. the warriors holding on to get a huge last-second win to start their series with the grizzlies. andy scholes has more on the monday morning bleacher report. hey, andy. >> hi, laura. game one of the warriors/grizzly series is going to be like, we're in for a treat. yesterday was fantastic. we did have some controversy in the game in the second quarter. draymond green at the end is going to smack brendan clark, pulls him down at the same time. after reviewing it, the refs surprisingly gave draymond a flagrant 2, which is a ejection. klay thompson, the pump fake to give the warriors the lead. steph curry coming up with a huge defensive play. blocks john morant on that drive to keep the warriors up by one. klay missed two free-throws. klay after that shot just enough, no good. warriors win 117-116. draymond greeting the team in the tunnel to celebrate taking a 1-0 lead in the series. >> we got championship dna. we want to utilize that. that's what it's all about. you never let go of the rope in terms of feeling like you're out of the game. so, a big win for us. we start the series 1-0, an advantage. get greedy in the second game. >> the defending champion bucks didn't have chris milton for game one against the celtics. two-time mvp giannis alleged -- giannis antetokounmpo. game two of that series tomorrow night in boston. you have two more games tonight, the sixers going to be without joel embiid as they take on the heat in game one of their series. while luka doncic take on the mavs. on our sister channel station tnt. novak jdjokovic slamming thm for blocking students from ukraine. it's not the athletes' fault what's going on. djokovic who was barred from australia for not being vaccinated had this to say. >> i went through something similar earlier this year for myself. you know, it's frustrating knowing that, you know, you're not able to play. as i said, i still stand by my position that i don't support the decision. i think it's just not fair, it's not right. but it is what it is. >> finally, making history yesterday, she played left field for the staten island ferry hawks becoming the first woman to start a game in the atlantic league. whit more went 0 for 2, hit by a pitch before being replaced in the 8th inning. the 23-year-old played softball and signed with the staten island team april 8. she opened april 21st as a pinch runner. congrats for starting the game. rachel coached for the giants. so cool girls are now seeing some -- i dispeople they look up to playing on the big stage. >> all long overdue. >> giving play like a girl whole new meaning. play really well. thank you so much. nice to see you, andy. new explosions on the russian side of the border with ukraine. we have live coverage just ahead. and a red hot housing market creating vast wealth and huge inequality. we go to one of the toughest towns to find a place to live next. you get up to 10x the speed at no extra cost. plus six premium entertatainmet subscriptions, included! like disney+, music, gaming,g, and more! 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"peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah all right. it's monday. let's get a check on cnn business to start the week. looking at markets around the world, you can see asian shares closed mixed on the day. a pop in shanghai, and you can see europe has opened mixed here. wall street, stock index futures leading higher here. stocks friday dropped sharply reflecting a growing fear of a risk, at least, here of a recession. it was the worst month for the tech-heavy nasdaq since october of 2008 and the worst for the broader s&p since march 2020, the start of the pandemic. berk berkshire hathaway warren buffett blasting wall street over one of his favorite targets nor criticism, brokerages and investment banks. he complains large american companies have become poker chips for market speculation. >> the market has been extraordinary. sometimes it's quite investor yen oriented, and other times it's -- you know, it's a gambling parlor. that existed to an extraordinary degree in the last couple years. >> yeah, this gambling as he calls it is just speculation. it's not investment. but it creates buying opportunities for buffet when the casino, as he calls it, drives down the value of an otherwise good investment, he steps in, right? berkshire spent an incredible $41 billion in stocks in the first quarter. u.s. home prices are soaring, rents are skyrocketing. people in south florida feeling the wrgs of it. named miami the least affordable rental market in america. red fin, the top destination for home buyers, a destination to move. so nice to see you bright and early this morning. sellers are making a fortune. byers are in a tough spot. what does competition look like for buying a house in south florida? >> it is -- first of all, thank you so much for having me on this morning. it has become extremely difficult for byers and for renters moving to the miami area. being in this business over nine years, it's not indicative of what is going on in the market. and my knowledge as far as having to obtain property for my clients. you know, over the past couple of years i am seeing rental hikes between 25 to 50%, and it is, you know, it's just become extremely competitive here in the miami area. >> are people coming in with cash? you're getting multiple offers for homes. that's what we're seeing in parts of the northeast. we're seeing that sort of in arizona, in san diego. is that what you're seeing where you are, too? >> absolutely. i mean, we are in a place now where byeruyers are utilizing c to purchase properties. what makes miami a different playground is they are utilizing crypto now. that has really become a different element when it comes to negotiating here in south florida, where as the rest of the united states, i think that that potentially will catch up, but it has caused for -- it really has opened up the potential for foreign investors to utilize crypto to purchase property here in the miami area. i am starting to see a lot of new construction allowing for byers to use that as opposed to just using cash. so it's really become a different type of negotiating skill in the market area. >> wow. i mean, that starts to look so bubbly when you're talking about cryptocurrency to buy properties. that's one step beyond the all cash offers. quickly, mortgage rates are rising very fast. any hopes that cools things down as mortgage rates continue to rise? >> we're really hoping to see that quite yet. you know, it still is a feeding frenzy. you know, even though mortgage rates have hiked for about 1 to 2% in the past couple of months, we are just still seeing an exorbitant amount of people moving to the south florida area for a myriad of reasons. so hopefully that will start to drive a little bit of a slow down, but unfortunately i don't see that happening any time soon. with such a lack of inventory here, you know, it is potentially -- people are also renting, and it's just across the board i am having -- yeah, you know. byers and renters in areas that have never had to do before. >> just amazing. >> you know, yeah, it's a lack of materials as well causing massive delays. >> a perfect storm almost, just a perfect storm. we have to leave it there. it's so nice to talk to you this morning. thank you so much. but thanks for giving us sort of the contours around what you're seeing there in the real estate

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

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with the polish president. pelosi, fresh off a surprise visit to kyiv where she became the highest ranking u.s. official to meet with ukraine's president zelenskyy sin the war began. scott is live inside ukraine now. scott, good morning. what are the on again, off again efforts in mariupol? >> reporter: they are giving us precious little information. officials say they don't want to jeopardize the success of the operation which is ongoing. the ukrainian military commander inside the plant said there are 200 civilians including 20 children who need to come out. he said overnight there was intense bombardment of the plant that began after evacuation finished for the day. for a one-hour period of time overnight, it is not clear what impact that is going to have on the success of the operation today. know, the reason why solve people were able to get out yesterday is because of what president zelenskyy calls a real cease-fire for the first time. there had obviously been concern from the ukrainian side about what direction these evacuees would actually go in once they managed to get out because we know that a lot of people from mariupol had been pushed into russian-held territory. in this case it a meerz they w -- appears they were given the choice. 80 people were taken to russian territory, others were taken to ukrainian-held territory. one woman when she arrived in russian-held territory described the intensity of the bombing saying the bunker they were sheltering in, it was difficult to breathe down there. because of the intensity of the bombing, they didn't want to stick their noses outside to get a bit of fresh air. that is how intense that it was. she also seemed quite excited about not having to use a buck sk e te and flashlight to go to the bathroom. the commander inside said there are some 500 wounded soldiers. they would very much like to get out. but the russian foreign minister said in an interview just recently that that seems pretty unlikely. he says that kyiv, and specifically president zelenskyy continued to push this idea because he claims that there are foreign mercenaries among the fighters. there is no evidence that is true, but it's difficult to know for certain. as for the rest of the other soldiers that remain, well, i interviewed one of them last week and they say they will not leave without a weapon in their hands. failing that, they say they will fight until the end. laura? >> all right, scott, thank you so much for your reporting. >> all right. as we told you, house speaker nancy pelosi meeting right now with poland's leader in wausau. she led that congressional delegation on a surprise visit to kyiv over the weekend, making her the highest ranking u.s. official to meet with ukraine's president zelenskyy since the war began. want to bring in nic robertson for us. vow -- pelosi vowing the u.s. would support ukraine, in other words, until the fight is done. what is the reaction to her visit? >> reporter: very positive. she was awarded the order of princess olga which is a tribute the ukraine's said her efforts to strengthen u.s./ukrainian relations. her visit was important because it not only signalled the u.s.'s leadership in the fight in the war against russia, but also the very strong signal over congressional support as well. what he described, bi-camera support. the ukrainian ambassador to the united states made also perhaps a slightly more politically pointed response as well. you know, zelenskyy had spoken about the need for more weapons. they very much appreciate the military and financial support. it was the ukrainian ambassador to the united states we look forward to congress passing that supplemental funding bill, the $33 billion supplemental funding bill that will go through congress that president biden has pushed forward. so, yes, her visit seems to have been a success, winning praise, winning respect, and the order, the ukrainian order not being bestowed on any other visitor. >> nic in london. thanks. national security analyst and former director of communication for the u.s. national intelligence service. sir, so nice to see you again. talk to me about the visit from pelosi. how important of a signal does this send to ukraine about the support from the u.s.? is this more than just optics? >> it absolutely is more than just optics. i don't think we can under estimate the significance of this trip. you know, it sends a strong message we understand that the best way to view the bully is show the bully we're not afraid of them. that's what we're doing by sending someone of pelosi's level there. i think it is also important to point out it's not just about speaker pelosi's visit. you look at the last several weeks, we h a nad a number of high-profile visits, the secretary of state, secretary-general. it is designed to send a message to putin the united states and international community stands with ukraine. despite the highly irrational nature of everything we've seen of putin's behavior, he's still being calculating. he understands the visits are happening, but these high-level individuals are being able to have safe passage. putin is still in this fight making decisions that are key, but these visits are extremely important for the ukrainian people. >> the show of force, western unity that it shows, europe and u.s. unity behind ukraine incredibly important. kremlin and russian state media have been discussing this huaraz a war against the west and western ideas. not just ukraine, but nato and the west. and originally putin justified this huaraz a way to de-nazify ukraine, and deneuter ukrainian leadership. is there a change in putin's calculation, what he says he's fighting against here now? >> you know, i think we're seeing putin redefine success in real time. early on he embarked on a campaign of misinformation and disinformation in order to set the stage for this invasion. to be quite candid and people in the international security space, my former colleagues, they didn't do a very good job of setting the space with disinformation. and so we are seeing him adjust. at the same time that he was pulling troops back and making a decision to focus on the donbas region and go after luhansk and donetsk, we see a talking behind the rationale of this war. we do think he's making adjustments. i don't think we'll see less disinformation, but i think the nature of the disinformation will change and we can probably as many people said, look for some announcement that suggests he's redefined successor achieved success before may 9. >> congressman kinzinger authorized military forces. it will allow the u.s. to use forces if russia uses chemical biological nuclear weapons. to take it that far. what do you make of him introducing that resolution? do you think that sort of signals where at least lawmakers think this thing is headed? >> you know, i think what it says is lawmakers, like so many of us in national security space, believe that the united states should very clearly draw that line in the sand and send a strong message to putin that the use of chemical or biological weapons or nuclear weapons is a line too far, crossing that line goes too far. i don't know that the authorization for the use of military force at this point, it may be premature. i do think it is in line with the idea that the united states and the international community needs to take a stand. it can't be ambiguous. it needs to be clear, precise, and putin needs to understand if he goes there, we will respond decisively as an international community. >> sean turner, cnn national security analyst. nice to see you. thanks for getting up with us. >> thank you, sean. a soldier dead after being captured by russian forces. how the war could lead to a global food crisis. but first lady jill biden just announcing a trip overseas, where she's headed and why. you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. 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>> translator: nothing, i just screamed. no thoughts. >> reporter: we met his mother where she is staying near kyiv. she fled mariupol two weeks ago alongside the rest of her family. her sister-in-law also reeling from the photo of her nephew. >> translator: i still have the photograph in front of my eyes. it's constantly in front of my eyes. >> reporter: the more they confirmed he was dead and his body was picked up on sunday, cnn can't confirm how he died, but we know he died after being taken into custody. either by russian or russian-backed separatist forces. do you think that the russians killed your son? >> translator: yes, i'm sure. >> reporter: russia's ministry of defense did not return a request for comment about how he died. for weeks cnn has heard directly from soldiers inside the steel plant complex who have told us they will not surrender to the russians for fear of being executed. within their ranks, his death only hardened that sentiment. does what happened to him only reinforce the notion that the soldiers that are there are not going to surrender to the russians? >> don't you think it confirms their fear and actually expectations what russia did today? this is a war crime. >> reporter: we asked vonek's mother if she is angry with the russians. her answer honest and gutting. >> translator: for now i only feel innermost pain, pain and emptiness. that's it. >> reporter: matt rivers, cnn, kyiv. >> heartbreaking story. thank you, matt. all right, emotional moemgts moments on the country music hall of fame as they remember their mother naomi after sudden death. first how russia's war could affect food on your family's table next my fellow xfinity customers. hi tim. the biggest week in entertainment is almost here. watchathon week presented by xfinity rewards. with free access to stranger things from netflix. the boys from prime video. hbo max, starz, and peacock. just say watchathon into your voice remote and get ready to watch. i love you. i love you. i love you all. growing alarm this morning that russia's war will spark a global food crisis, raising prices for staples around the world and hurting the neediest the most. ukraine is the world's biggest exporter of sunflower oil, major exporter of wheat, iron, corn maize and barley. it is now limiting exports to secure food and commodities for their own people. experts say this kind of protectionism plus the loss of ukraine's production sanctions on russian, ports and pandemic related supply chain hang over, all of it could spark devastating food shortages worldwide. >> ukraine is the bread basket of the world. they grow enough food to feed 400 million people. that's gone. you're already seeing fuel pricing spike, food pricing spike, cost of shipping spiking. it's already creating havoc for the poorest of the poor around the world. but this is going to affect not just the poorest of the poor. it's going to affect everybody. >> world food program chief david beasley says world leaders must come together somehow to keep ukraine's sea ports open so it can continue to export at least some of its production to the world. some farmers getting back into their fields are finding their fields have been lined with mines which will make it difficult to get into those fields to harvest and to plant this spring soybean and crops. it will have reverberations for months and months if not years. >> the ripple effect is so significant. well, up next for you, america's first lady about to get a firsthand look at the refugee crisis caused by russia's war. and the actress amber heard shakes up her team as she gets ready to testify against johnny depp . for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? 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he is an old man. he is a very tough old man. he's a sailor. he's got the body of a 60-year-old man. but he was born at the end of second world war. he's in his late 70s, almost 80, and a 16-hour trip by taxi to a ferry to a bus to a train, to another taxi is never easy for anyone. but when you're closer to 80 than 70, it is more taxing. >> tell me about the city of odessa, a city you love. what was it like, a strike on the airport there? >> well, my mother-in-law, blessed memory, who died recently because of covid, was air traffic controller at that airport. so my father-in-law gives few minutes' drive from the airport and he watched the missile strike from his window, watched the black smoke rise above the airport, and it caused tremendous stress on the city right before the anniversary of the trade union fire when pro russian and pro kyiv activists fought each other in 2014 for control of the city. also may 9th, victory day for russians in europe is coming up and there's a lot of tension in the city as the russians try to-free net kelley create some sort of victory before their annual military parade a of round the kremlin. >> we know there have been punishing strikes as he tries to find a success story he can sell back home to the russian people. talk to me a little about more >>. what is more >> like for citizens, for troops, people dealing every day in this neighborhood with russia's invasion. >> the invasion is causing tremendous tension in the city. it's causing tremendous strife. it's causing tremendous sense of, you know, lost opportunity. the majority of middle class and intelligenceia has fled. as it happens, my own family, i have 16, 17 relatives in the family, i've tariken six of the out. i hope not to have to make this trip over and over again. it is quite tedious. the polish and moldova border, it's not fun. over and over again. i hope the war concludes soon. just as a journalist, i'm continuously torn between my role as a reporter and analyst where i have to have some sort of, you know, analytical distance from the situation. my role as a patriot of the country. my role as a family member, and my role as a -- as when i arrive with my father-in-law in the refugee camp. no, no, i'm an american citizen. i'm not technically myself a refugee. have some tea. it's good not to complain, but it's disorienting when you arrive at the border and they treat everyone the same, in a very gracious way. they treat you yourself if -- no, i'm an american, i have an american passport. sometimes it's quite disorienting myself because, you know, it's not easy. i just want to say so many wonderful american volunteers on the romanian border. people from alabama, people from new york, people from pennsylvania just so many wonderful americans people who may not hang out, come together as americans, people of american values helping people get out. it was very funny because i was taking out a couple paintings i own with my father-in-law. they say to me, these nice people from pennsylvania and alabama, you're the first ukrainian refugee i've seen on the border who is traveling with his art collection. >> thank you so much. your family is lucky to have you advocating on their behalf. thank you, sir. >> bye-bye. >> just ahead, amber heard gets ready to take the witness stand this week in her court battle against johnny depp -- his battle against her. >> putting a roof over your head. the struggle is real. my fellow xfinity customers. hi tim. the biggest week in entertainment is almost here. watchathon week presented by xfinity rewards. with free access to stranger things from netflix. the boys from prime video. hbo max, starz, and peacock. just say watchathon into your voice remote and get ready to watch. i love you. i love you. i love you all. testimony resumes late they are morning in defamation case brought by johnny depp against his ex-wife and actor amber heard. just days before she was to testify she fired the p.r. team she retained to handle crisis communications on this. let's bring in legal analyst for the law and crime network. thank you for joining us. what do you think of her switching up her team in the 11th hour and how do you think it signals how the trial is going so far? >> it is an unorthodox move. you would imagine both johnny depp and amber heard thought this out in terms of a public relations aspect. but what i hear is that amber heard is unhappy with the now outgoing p.r. firm and unhappy with the headlines that have been coming out during the course of this trial. there's been a lot of support for johnny depp. you see a lot of social media articles, blogs going out that seem to be supporting johnny depp in this legal battle, this very public legal battle that we have here. amber heard is looking to switch things up on the eve of her testimony that we expect to come in a few days now. >> so you say she's not happy obviously with the headlines and the reaction to it. how much can she really sway the court of public opinion, and does it really matter? the jury isn't supposed to be listening to any of that, right? >> ideally the jury is insulated from this hoopla and coverage and sensationalism. that's the practical or the ideal aspect of a trial. but the reality is, the reality is that in this information day and age, it's very hard for some media or information not to really get to those jury's ears. that could lead to a mistrial if that's ever found out. this is a public trial. there is a lot of circus-like atmosphere. the court of public opinion these days is almost as important as the court of law. you obviously want that jury to be deciding this case on the evidence and the evidence alone that is coming into that courtroom. but johnny depp himself has stated that, you know, a large motivating fog or of this lawsuit was to clear his name, not necessarily only in the court of law, but the court of public opinion. amber heard also has those considerations, a very trouble trial and her persona is laid out in this court trial. she has a compelling interest to control the public narrative as this legal process plays out. >> pretend for a second you were representing her. how do you take back the narrative if you will when people riddle saying, what, you're going to be believed as a domestic violence victim? >> it is the claims johnny depp has brought against amber heard. what i would be looking to establish if i was amber heard's attorney going into her case, the defense case, that this was true. there was abuse in the relationship. that the op-ed piece that is the center of this litigation, the op-ed piece from 2018, did not contain falsities, it was not made with actual malice, the statement she penned in that op-ed piece, and it's not defamation, it's true. the allegations are true that she was a victim of domestic violence. so that's the key factor that her defense team have to do. but also what is important is amber heard has counter claims against johnny depp. a lawsuit within a lawsuit. all right. it's going to be a big week on that trial. thank you very much, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> a night of celebration and sadness as country music said good-bye to naomi judd. the mother daughter duo have been country music royalty for decades. let's bring in cnn's chloe. a moving tribute by both naomi judd's daughters. >> the timing almost poetic like one of their country songs. naomi judd and ashley judd accepting this incredibly high honor in country music to be inducted, alongside ray charles, pete drake. garth brooks, trisha yearwood, vince gil. they were emotional, ashley judd, getting up there crying, saying she wish her mother could have held on for one more day. the two daughters holding onto each other. they recited a bible verse, psalm 23. i didn't have anything prepared. i knew my mom was going to do most of the talking. she said she was going to continue to sing. they thanked fans, thanked everyone. wynonna judd, the judds, they broke the glass ceiling for women in music in country music, right up there with dolly parton. they paved the way for today. it was sad, fans were laying flowers outside. again, the timing just awful. and hopefully we will get more details as to what happened in those final days. we know that it was mental illness. in a statement they released, i know fans by reading on social media still have so many questions. but again, a really emotional and poignant night. but also nice that they were able to pay tribute to their mother. >> i can't imagine what kind of strength it must have taken to get through that event and try to honor her. just how raw and how all of this, the grief must be. thank you so much, chloe. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you. all right. let's get a little sports now. the warriors holding on to get a huge last-second win to start their series with the grizzlies. andy scholes has more on the monday morning bleacher report. hey, andy. >> hi, laura. game one of the warriors/grizzly series is going to be like, we're in for a treat. yesterday was fantastic. we did have some controversy in the game in the second quarter. draymond green at the end is going to smack brendan clark, pulls him down at the same time. after reviewing it, the refs surprisingly gave draymond a flagrant 2, which is a ejection. klay thompson, the pump fake to give the warriors the lead. steph curry coming up with a huge defensive play. blocks john morant on that drive to keep the warriors up by one. klay missed two free-throws. klay after that shot just enough, no good. warriors win 117-116. draymond greeting the team in the tunnel to celebrate taking a 1-0 lead in the series. >> we got championship dna. we want to utilize that. that's what it's all about. you never let go of the rope in terms of feeling like you're out of the game. so, a big win for us. we start the series 1-0, an advantage. get greedy in the second game. >> the defending champion bucks didn't have chris milton for game one against the celtics. two-time mvp giannis alleged -- giannis antetokounmpo. game two of that series tomorrow night in boston. you have two more games tonight, the sixers going to be without joel embiid as they take on the heat in game one of their series. while luka doncic take on the mavs. on our sister channel station tnt. novak jdjokovic slamming thm for blocking students from ukraine. it's not the athletes' fault what's going on. djokovic who was barred from australia for not being vaccinated had this to say. >> i went through something similar earlier this year for myself. you know, it's frustrating knowing that, you know, you're not able to play. as i said, i still stand by my position that i don't support the decision. i think it's just not fair, it's not right. but it is what it is. >> finally, making history yesterday, she played left field for the staten island ferry hawks becoming the first woman to start a game in the atlantic league. whit more went 0 for 2, hit by a pitch before being replaced in the 8th inning. the 23-year-old played softball and signed with the staten island team april 8. she opened april 21st as a pinch runner. congrats for starting the game. rachel coached for the giants. so cool girls are now seeing some -- i dispeople they look up to playing on the big stage. >> all long overdue. >> giving play like a girl whole new meaning. play really well. thank you so much. nice to see you, andy. new explosions on the russian side of the border with ukraine. we have live coverage just ahead. and a red hot housing market creating vast wealth and huge inequality. we go to one of the toughest towns to find a place to live next. you get up to 10x the speed at no extra cost. plus six premium entertatainmet subscriptions, included! like disney+, music, gaming,g, and more! 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"peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah all right. it's monday. let's get a check on cnn business to start the week. looking at markets around the world, you can see asian shares closed mixed on the day. a pop in shanghai, and you can see europe has opened mixed here. wall street, stock index futures leading higher here. stocks friday dropped sharply reflecting a growing fear of a risk, at least, here of a recession. it was the worst month for the tech-heavy nasdaq since october of 2008 and the worst for the broader s&p since march 2020, the start of the pandemic. berk berkshire hathaway warren buffett blasting wall street over one of his favorite targets nor criticism, brokerages and investment banks. he complains large american companies have become poker chips for market speculation. >> the market has been extraordinary. sometimes it's quite investor yen oriented, and other times it's -- you know, it's a gambling parlor. that existed to an extraordinary degree in the last couple years. >> yeah, this gambling as he calls it is just speculation. it's not investment. but it creates buying opportunities for buffet when the casino, as he calls it, drives down the value of an otherwise good investment, he steps in, right? berkshire spent an incredible $41 billion in stocks in the first quarter. u.s. home prices are soaring, rents are skyrocketing. people in south florida feeling the wrgs of it. named miami the least affordable rental market in america. red fin, the top destination for home buyers, a destination to move. so nice to see you bright and early this morning. sellers are making a fortune. byers are in a tough spot. what does competition look like for buying a house in south florida? >> it is -- first of all, thank you so much for having me on this morning. it has become extremely difficult for byers and for renters moving to the miami area. being in this business over nine years, it's not indicative of what is going on in the market. and my knowledge as far as having to obtain property for my clients. you know, over the past couple of years i am seeing rental hikes between 25 to 50%, and it is, you know, it's just become extremely competitive here in the miami area. >> are people coming in with cash? you're getting multiple offers for homes. that's what we're seeing in parts of the northeast. we're seeing that sort of in arizona, in san diego. is that what you're seeing where you are, too? >> absolutely. i mean, we are in a place now where byeruyers are utilizing c to purchase properties. what makes miami a different playground is they are utilizing crypto now. that has really become a different element when it comes to negotiating here in south florida, where as the rest of the united states, i think that that potentially will catch up, but it has caused for -- it really has opened up the potential for foreign investors to utilize crypto to purchase property here in the miami area. i am starting to see a lot of new construction allowing for byers to use that as opposed to just using cash. so it's really become a different type of negotiating skill in the market area. >> wow. i mean, that starts to look so bubbly when you're talking about cryptocurrency to buy properties. that's one step beyond the all cash offers. quickly, mortgage rates are rising very fast. any hopes that cools things down as mortgage rates continue to rise? >> we're really hoping to see that quite yet. you know, it still is a feeding frenzy. you know, even though mortgage rates have hiked for about 1 to 2% in the past couple of months, we are just still seeing an exorbitant amount of people moving to the south florida area for a myriad of reasons. so hopefully that will start to drive a little bit of a slow down, but unfortunately i don't see that happening any time soon. with such a lack of inventory here, you know, it is potentially -- people are also renting, and it's just across the board i am having -- yeah, you know. byers and renters in areas that have never had to do before. >> just amazing. >> you know, yeah, it's a lack of materials as well causing massive delays. >> a perfect storm almost, just a perfect storm. we have to leave it there. it's so nice to talk to you this morning. thank you so much. but thanks for giving us sort of the contours around what you're seeing there in the real estate

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In Law , Airport , Strike , Air Traffic Controller , Blessed Memory , Covid , Father In Law , Drive , Missile Strike , Window , Smoke Rise , Each Other , Stress , Activists , Anniversary , Trade Union Fire , 2014 , Tension , Victory Day , Control , Net Kelley , May 9th , Success Story , Military Parade A , Victory , Strikes , Round , Little , Citizens , Neighborhood , Strife , Sense , Opportunity , Intelligenceia , Middle Class , Relatives , Moldova Border , Six , 17 , Role , Journalist , Country , A , Family Member , Situation , Distance , Patriot , Refugee , Refugee Camp , Tea , American Citizen , Border , Everyone , Same , Passport , Volunteers , Alabama , Values , Pennsylvania , New York , Paintings , Witness , Behalf , Art Collection , Bye , Battle , Court Battle , Head , Roof , Struggle , Testimony , Defamation Case , Ex Wife , Law , Crisis Communications , Crime , Network , P R , Trial , Terms , Public Relations Aspect , 11th Hour , 11 , Headlines , Course , Social Media , Eve , Court Of Public Opinion , Isn T , Reality , Coverage , Sensationalism , Aspect , Listening , Hoopla , Media , Jury , Ears , Mistrial , Court , Atmosphere , Lawsuit , Courtroom , Name , Fog , Trouble , Considerations , Persona , Court Of Law , Narrative , Court Trial , Interest , Second , Process , Domestic Violence , Claims , Victim , Riddle Saying , Op Ed Piece , Relationship , Center , Attorney , Abuse , Statement , Defamation , Litigation , Falsities , Malice , Allegations , 2018 , Defense Team , Factor , Celebration , Sadness , Country Music , Naomi Judd , Duo , Daughter , Country Music Royalty , Daughters , Timing , Country Songs , Chloe , Ashley Judd , Trisha Yearwood , Ray Charles , Pete Drake , Garth Brooks , Vince Gil , Mom , Anything , Bible Verse , Psalm 23 , 23 , Music , Fans , Women , Glass Ceiling , Sad , Wynonna Judd , The Judds , Dolly Parton , Flowers Outside , Details , Reading , Questions , Event , Series , Warriors , Win , Andy Scholes , Grief , Grizzlies , Bleacher Report , Monday Morning , Game , Game One , Controversy , Treat , The Warriors , Hi , Draymond Green , Refs , Flagrant 2 , Brendan Clark , Lead , Play , Ejection , Pump Fake , Klay Thompson , Steph Curry , Blocks John Morant , Good , Tunnel , 116 , 117 , Feeling , Rope , Let Go , Dna , 0 , Bucks , Advantage , Celtics , Champion , Mvp , Chris Milton , Games , Sixers , Giannis , Boston , Heat , Sister Channel Station Tnt , Joel Embiid , Mavs , Luka Doncic , What S Going On , Students , Thm , Athletes , Novak Jdjokovic , Djokovic , Knowing , Something , Australia , Position , Making History Yesterday , Pitch , Hit , Field , Staten Island Ferry Hawks , Atlantic League , 8th Inning , 8 , Congrats , Pinch Runner , Staten Island , Softball , April 8 , 21 , April 21st , Girls , Giants , Rachel , Meaning , Girl , Explosions , Housing Market , Inequality , Wealth , Towns , Speed , Subscriptions , Entertatainmet , 10 , Vo , 5g Phone , Miss , Gaming , G , Ultra , Verizon , Disney , Delightful , 50 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