Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240708

according to ukrainian officials. nick paton walsh is in central ukraine. what's the status of these evacuations? >> reporter: we have russian state media and ukraine military officials on the ground saying something pretty similar. which is 20 people, six of them children, according to the ukrainians, injured, women and children, have managed to begin their evacuation out. now a ukrainian commander on the ground there has talked about how the evacuation was supposed to start at 6:00 a.m., they didn't get through till 6:25 p.m. what is unclear at this stage is which direction the evacuation is going. there are two, jim, one is towards ukrainian held territory to the east of where i'm stand standing and the other is east into russia where tens of thousands of people from mariupol have been forcibly taken and put through filtration camps there. definite, awful choice for -- or not choice directions for those initial evacuees and a lengthy journey ahead. but possible glimpse of light here after multiple occasions where the corridors have not come off that maybe something might be changing. i think the conditions on the ground there with 100,000 people still held, disease becoming a serious issue, maybe expediting decisions in that regard. >> what about the strikes in odesa? that is a key target for the russians, what more can you tell us? >> reporter: i should say, jim, since this war began there have been strikes in and around odesa. what is different about this, it appears the airport outside of the city has been struck by mi missiles. i think this is in keeping, three explosions, witnesses say -- this is in keeping can russia's game plan here to leave ukraine uncertain where it's going next. it's not a stroke of genius, frankly. they hit different places around the country at times to make it unclear quite where the focus is. this plays into the broader narrative. we've seen it too with suggestions maybe in the break away region of moldova, there might be a heightened military activity feeding the notion from two weeks, the second phase of the operation would be to push west along the black seacoast of ukraine, so vital to the economy. that's where odesa is and that could be why we're seeing the explosion, leaving people wondering if that's russia's target. they've tried to get around mykolyav and odesa and the russians have failed to do that again and again. this may be a distraction and it may be the forces we're seeing trying to get themselves on the move for russia may be headed east, towards the eastern front where russia is pushing to. it is slow progress for the russians. they're throwing everything at the donbas offensive and we're not seeing the speedy advance, that frankly would suggest this is not some lengthy war of attrition over the summer, jim. >> interesting analysis, nick paton walsh, as always. thank you. retired lieutenant colonel mark hurling joins me now. great to see you. i want to get your thoughts on the news coming into cnn and ukrainian military officials are confirming this, that some dyv civilians are being evacuated from the steel plant. vladimir putin originally saying he wasn't going to let a fly get through. what do you make of it? >> this is a siege and russia is continuing to squash hope. they'll let a few people out. the other hundreds or so still in there will be thinking to themselves, are we next? can we get out somehow? can we get someone to take care of our health and injuries, take care of our babies. as part of the psychological warfare of this, in a siege warfare, you may let a small number of people out from the siege while you continue to bombard it. so i think that's what the russian military is doing. they've certainly suffered a great deal of casualties, have spent much more time, over a month, in mariupol, than they wanted to. and this is a way of the russians not incurring more casualties, more slow downs but maintaining control of the key port city. >> we have new video we want to show our viewers, we were showing it a few moments ago with but i want to get response to it. video of ukraine's military saying they've had 14 russian attacks fought off in the past 24 hours. some of this footage is dramatic. what can you tell us about that? >> in looking at that footage, jim, it appears to be the landing of a bunch of multiple launch rockets from ukrainian positions on russian advances. as we've talked about so many times what russia has attempted to do is use their massive amount of artillery to cause a break through, send small number of forces through the lines to determine what is out there, and can they find weaknesses in the ukrainian defenses. and what's happening in every one of those occasions from reports i'm seeing and certainly from this video, ukraine is answering back when there's any kind of maneuver through those broken lines. so the ukraine forces are continuing to do an exceedingly good job. there are reports they are continuing to destroy tanks and bmps, that the russian maneuver and absolutely horrible. that it hasn't gained any advantages since what we saw in the north. i think we'll see more and more of this as the week goes on. just like in mariupol, the russians being delayed in this attack out of donbas, the russians are already a week behind their schedule. what they're doing is pressing small number of forces forward. every time they do that, they're engaged by the ukrainian forces. >> i think that video is showing us from time to time we're seeing evidence that the ukrainians they just have some serious fire power on their hands and they're able to unleash it effectively. let me ask you about odesa, the site of multiple explosions today with the ukrainian military saying the runway at the city's airport was damaged, nick paton walsh was talking about this a few moments ago. that area is on the black sea. if it falls into russian hands, that has significance to it. that will have some impact. >> it has always been an objective of the russian federation to take the entire coast of the azov sea and black sea. and on decodesa is the prize. but they haven't shown the capability to take the ground forces. what we're seeing with the strikes on the airport, i'm hazarding a guess here, there have been reports of caliber cruise missile launches from russian submarines in the black sea. reports of them reloaded in some of the ports with caliber cruise missiles. that's a capability that russia continues to maintain, but what i said so many times in the past, with any kind of art artillery, rockets or missiles. you can damage equipment but you can't secure that ground. in order to do that, you need infantrymen, tankers on the ground planting a flag there and russia has not been able to generate the forces needed to get to odesa, either from an amphibious assault or going west from mariupol. i don't think we'll see the russian forces get anywhere close to occupying or laying siege on odesa, but they will continue to bomb it for sure. >> all right. mark mark hertling, thank you so much. the white house correspondence dinner is back today. what president biden has to say about it. and later orlando bloom joins me to talk about his w wo as a unicef goodwill ambassador. e for thosose you love. vanguardrd. become an owner.r. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they' both invested... in green energy. digital tools sompressive, yojust can't stop. what would you le the power to do? 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[ cheers and applause ] >> hold on to your lilly white butts. >> in our fast changing worlds traditions like the white house corres correspondents' dinner are important. >> i mean, really, what is this dinner? and why am i required to come to it? >> that was former president barack obama relying on an anger translator to get a few things off his chest during the white house correspondents' dinner 2015. continue president biden is preparing to deliver his own time at the dinner. his open mic night comes at a tough time with the war in ukr ukraine, inflation, and the stock market tanking. with us is josh, and april ryan white house correspondent, april we should mention is going to be honored later tonight for 25 years of covering the white house. congratulations on that. good to see both of you. april, a former speech writer told cnn biden is a president that has used the expression, not a joke folks, he says that, not a joke folks, more than he tells joelks. you know joe biden pretty well, is he going to be funny? >> well, the president has no voice but to be funny. he has to be smart, whitty, relatable and funny. even at a time with a recession that many are predicting, a time of covid, at a time of russia waging war on ukraine, at a time people are uncertain. but he has to be relaceable. but he has to be relatable. get people to laugh through the pain. and then offer hope. and we are back, two years later, in the midst of covid. but the president, this is an audience he has got to win. not just in the room but around the nation and even the world. >> absolutely. the american people are going to see a side of joe biden that maybe they haven't seen in some time. and jeff, you were the president of the white house correspondents' association when trump refused to attend the dinner. i remember being there that night, seeing you on the diyas, trying to make the most of it and you did it perfectly. >> thank you. >> i remember the night being dedicated to the first amendment instead which was an important message to send to i think the entire world at that time. it's going to be different tonight. what are you looking for tonight? i suspect the president will say something about how the press is not the enemy of the people, because we've heard him talk about that before. >> i think the fact he's coming despite concerns about covid is a sign that he really wants to show this is a break with how the last administration handled the press and this dinner in particular. i think there's some symbolism that he probably will nod to in his remarks in addition to his presence there. that said, i don't think it's going to be that different. i think this dinner will continue to celebrate the first amendment. and that's how it should be. so i think that theme will continue to be highlighted tonight. and then we've see, as april said, there's a balance at these things. we have the war in ukraine, which, of course, is hanging over everyone's thoughts, also a dangerous time to be a journalist, for journalists in ukraine and around the world. and those types of themes are also important at a dinner like this. i can tell you, it's not an easy room. i have addressed the room, other parents have addressed the room. it will be a challenge for president biden but i think he enjoys letting his hair down, as it were, and i think he will try to have fun tonight in addition to getting out a serious message at the same time. >> are you trying to say not the best senses of humor in that room at all times? is that possibly -- >> no, no. people have a accsense of humor. it's hard to get the room quiet. >> that's true. >> that's true. >> i think everyone will be quiet for president biden. >> and april, some of the most successful moments at the dinners come when the president can poke fun at himself like george w. bush did, let's take a look at that. >> media really ticks me off. the way they try to embarrass me by not editing what i say. >> i always look forward to these dinners. it's just a bunch of media types. hollywood liberals, democrats like joe biden. >> how come i can't have dinner with the 36% of the people who like me? >> what do you think, april, do you think we'll see some of that from joe biden? >> you know, joe biden kind of resembles george w. bush a little bit about the respect of the media and the editing piece. but at the end of the day, tonight is going to be a night where all eyes will be watching the president to see what he says, how he laughs at himself, at other, what is hilarious to him, what is not funny. and also you have to remember the comedian that's going to be there, trevor noah. it's hard for a comedian to follow the president of the united states of america with those jokes they have played in front of a crowd already as he prepares to go before the large crowd of 2,600 people. i'll never forget being on the board of the association and how we would always get the temperature of the president and of the room about before they went on as we would banter with them before he would go up. it's a hard night. it's a hard room. but we are expecting laughter in a moment of crisis. we need that. but also, there will be, once again, a moment of optimism, i think this president is -- he has to deliver tonight. his poll numbers are down. this is one of the things that could help do something with his numbers, to push them upward. for people to once again feel like he's relatable, like he's them. and that's the piece he has to bring back to the form, to the forefront again. >> jeff, landen parven, a former speech writer for both bushes and reagan, offered this advice. i would do something that relates to his age in terms of talking about the good old days and what it was like to work with woodrow wilson, that kind of thing or maybe the age thing is explaining twitter or tinder or something that recognizes he's not like everybody in the audience, he's from a different era. we knew ronald reagan could joke about his age. this is ronald reagan. let's watch. >> they also said preparing me for a press conference was like reinventing the wheel. that's not true. i was around when the wheel was invented and it was easier. >> what do you make of that, jeff? what do you think? a good area to pursue there? >> i don't know if necessarily jokes about his age is the direction he or the white house would want to go. i think being able to poke fun at yourself broadly goes well at an evening like this. honestly poking fun at yourself and also the press, like we'll also take some jabs tonight i'm sure from trevor noah and perhaps president biden. >> you think? >> yeah. this dinner is -- it's about the -- it's about getting to be in the room and hang out with sources, journalists and their sources in a way that is not the kind of aggressive relationship that we sometimes have. i think that's important too. and i think we all have to have a thick skin if there are a few jabs either way. i think president biden would poke fun at himself in some way, even if it's not necessarily his age. >> having been the recipient of the jabs you have to sit back and laugh. that's the only response. >> exactly. >> april, you are celebrating 25 years of covering the white house at an event after the correspondence dinner, chris tucker is hosting mary j. blige is performing. are they okay with sharing the stage with a bigger celebrity in april ryan? >> you know, jim, it is humbling. i grew up in baltimore, a place where so many people have said failure is built in your very existence. for me to become a woman to question five american presidents and for them to call me by name -- well, four i know called me by name. the other one, it's a whole other story. >> had his own way, yeah. >> yeah, he had his own way. it's humbling. it's humbling. i just reported and along the way 25 years came, being the longest serving black female journalist at the white house. it's not by coincidence or ha pen stance, i'm just blessed, humbled and so thankful. tonight i'm going to have tears. i don't know, i'm tearing up right now. to be able to be trusted, to be able to give the news to people about what affects them from the highest office in the land, and for people to respect that and believe it and take it and use it for their life, it's humbling. and i'm just honored. >> it is. april, we are honored to have you here with us today. i've always felt like i was honored and blessed to be with you at the white house when i was there myself. i know jeff peoples the same way. >> congratulations, april. >> congratulations, april. what an accomplishment, what an achievement. it's going to be fun to raise a glass in your honor later tonight. >> yes, dance with me. come up. >> will do. >> i call you my brother from another mother, come dance with me tonight. >> my sister from another mister i like to say. see you tonight. thank you so much, jeff and april, we appreciate it. you know him from lord of the rings and pirates of the cari caribbean. but for orlando bloom one of the most important roles he has is as a unicef ambassador. orlando bloom joins me live next. and i earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. that means that i earn 5% on our rental car, i earn 5% on our cabin. i mean, c'momon! hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! i'm scared. in a good way. i'm lying. let's get inside. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? 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health care workers call for others to get tested through a mega phone. the company's zero covid strategy turning millions into virtual prisoners across the nation. in beijing, these residents forced to hand over apartment keys so community workers can lock them in from the outside. for those who refuse, crews drill holes to chain the door shut. in northeast province, no need to have a lock, workers installing steel bars to keep people from leaving. cnn is estimating up to 180 million people are impacted. more than half the u.s. population. for over two years now, china's covid containment has become more extreme. fracturing everyday life. in a city not under lockdown, babies kept off the subway. the reason, they didn't have negative covid test results. it's now mandatory to get access to most of public life in the city. to accommodate the rule they opened 24/7 testing sites. a delayed test result had this groom watching his own wedding, not allowed to enter the venue, laughing off the insanity of it all. china's zero tolerance for any new cases comes from the tough. president xi jinping tasked the vice premier to oversee major outbreaks. in shanghai that means working with the most senior official, li chung. they run the quarantine centers and coordinating at local levels with thousands of communities. those local people are gate keepers, determining who goes in and out of each compound. in addition to very regular pcr tests, etach day we're required to do rapid antigen tests and then upload the results to this government app and take a screen shot of that and a picture of the test and share it publically with our community group chat. this can serve as a helpful way to source food but also a space to call out neighbors, sometimes becoming a witch hunt to call out positive neighbors. >> it is saying we have a wartime situation and therefore we have to apply emergency measures and, therefore, you have to simply follow orders. >> reporter: it reminds some residents of the cultural revolution from the '60s and '70s. a painful era of social and political chaos sparked by extreme policies. criticisms of beijing's zero covid strategy is not tolerated from anyone, including the son of a chinese billionaire who was sent to a crowded facility in shanghai. his profile with 40 million followers on social media erased. but not everyone is silent. back in shanghai, residents confined to their homes added to the growing chorus of decent. as covid cases surge across china, millions now sentenced to lockdown. their release date, unknown. actor orlando bloom on his unforgettable trip to visit ukrainian riefugees. we'll talk to him in a moment. i. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clininically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-5-40 when combined with diet and exercise. plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women 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not seen since the 1940s and the number of people we're talking about is shocking. the united nations said nearly 13 million people have been uprooted in ukraine forced to leave their homes alive just to stay live. that's just inside the country. so far more than 5 million people, almost all of them women and children have fled in fear, some to neighboring moldova, that's where actor orlando bloom got to meet some of the families and children who have left their entire lives behind. >> when we see conflict like this, and you realize that it's all about the children and what their future will be and it's so uncertain because nothing is certain when they're fleeing a war. buch bucharest. okay. who did you come with? your mama. >> yes. >> have you got brothers and sisters? >> yes. brother. >> one brother. you and your brother? >> yes. >> okay. and where did you come from today? >> odesa. >> odesa. okay. how long did it take? >> translator: around four hours. >> you left this morning? >> yes. >> okay. >> thank you so much. thank you. that's so sweet. my daughter will love this. thank you so much. >> amazing stuff. and orlando bloom joins me now. he's also the executive producer of the new documentary "if you have" about unicef's work over the last 75 years. great work, and your heartbreaks for these kids caught in the middle of such brutality. what was it like to talk to them? what was that experience like for you? >> as you can imagine, it's heart wrenching as a father, to be at the border and to see these women and children as they cross and one of the mothers that i met had fled the night before, her neighbor's home had been bombed and her child was visibly distressed from the circumstances of their departure. she had taken just the bare minimum of clothes and personal belongings, along with her two children and her grandmother. leaving behind her husband and anyone mandated, the men between the ages of 18 and 60, i believe, stay. so it was just -- it was just so painful to see just the fear and sheer terror. and i think part of it is the fleeing of war but also where will they go from there? where are they going to be able to find a home, where are they going to be able to relocate themselves, and how long will that be for? many of the refugees want to stay close to the border, they want to return home to ukraine, they don't want to leave partners behind. unicef has set up this child friendly space for women and children to go to. there are young, i believe you saw in the video there, you saw these young helpers creating a safe space for kids to play and try to get rest and eat a meal and think about what they might do, where they might go and where they can find refuge and help. it's remarkable to see. the work that unicef is doing, and it's heartbreaking to humanize and understand the pain and conflict. particularly this is a child refugee crisis conflict -- crisis, sorry. you can see the amount of women and children coming across is heartbreaking as any father, husband, partner, could imagine. and yet, of course, it's hard to grasp at times. >> it is. >> that's the tragedy. it's not stopping. while it's not as big a news cycle story, it's not ending and that's the thing that just cuts me up. >> absolutely. >> and who can really understand that. >> you wrote a beautiful piece for people magazine which you said in part, as a father i would do whatever it took to protect my children yet i can barely comprehend the decisions the mothers were forced to have to make. what did the mothers say to you during the visit you had there? >> yeah. i mean, i think what -- you know, this one mother that i recall meeting and -- it was -- her eyes were swimming in her head, honestly the stress and fear, and she was -- she said, in fact, which was rather heart wrenching while she had family in, i believe, canada, she had not heard from them but she was hoping the kindness of strangers she could depend on perhaps more, which was so tragic because the neighboring country of moldova, which i had flown into, had been remarkable. host families, i met one man who is actually a toy maker as well as an engineer and he's opened his home to at that time it was 14 families and i was there within the first month of the conflict. it was remarkable. he created a safe space and he called them, which was so touching, his special guests. which i thought was just how we should be seeing and trying to understand this crisis. you know, these are human, these are women, mothers and children and we need to understand that within that, facing a fire in thehart and creating a safe space for them to feel open and share their stories, which was something he felt so grateful and privileged to experience. which i think is the right kind of attitude to have towards this refugee crisis, you know. >> yeah. and it's so massive that it's hard to get your mind around how big of a problem this is. how big of a crisis this is. and orlando, i have to wonder since you were in moldova, there are fears moldova could be next. were there fears of that when you were talking to people? >> of course there's a lot of anxiety throughout europe. i think the history of war and invasion is not so old that people aren't, you know, really conflicted. there are, you know, the elderly generation that have memories of previous invasion and conflict. so, of course, there's a lot of anxiety throughout europe, i would say. and it's -- it -- this -- this is a war that needs to stop. it could go for -- you know, we just don't know how long it's ongoing. but i think the great fear for unicef, as an ambassador for the children and understanding is when you have refugees and conflict like this, the lack of education, the -- what that does to a generation. the worst thing -- the last thing you want is a lost generation of children and where they find themselves. >> absolutely. >> that's one of the great fears, yeah. and just recently i spoke with sean penn about his experiences in ukraine. and his experience being with zelenskyy when the war started. today we're seeing images of angelina jolie making an unexpected visit to lviv, meeting with ukrainians affected by these russian bombing attacks. what is it that's inspiring celebrities, actors, folks like yourself to actually get on the ground and use, you know, the position that you have to spread the word about what's happening there? i guess, why are you doing it? >> look, i've worked with unicef since -- the remarkable work they do around the world to save the lives of women and children, consistently effectively, they're very well versed in crises and in refugee crises and in all the things that need to happen to create a safe space for children and to protect the women and children and children of the world. and i think that, you know, when we started to see the conflict unfold, it was so shocking because in this day and age, social media means that we can see everything on our devices and it's a whole -- you know, there's a whole other component to that. so for those paying attention and being interested, there's the brutality and horror of war is -- is a daily experience that we can see. you know, this is -- this is -- you know, it could be us. that's the thing. it's not like it -- it's happening in europe, it's happening in central europe in this day and age. it doesn't -- it's unfathomable. >> yeah. >> and i think that's the reason that you're seeing people come out to keep the awareness as well, because i think, you know, we all -- you know, it is -- it isn't ending, there are millions of refugees crossing the border, there are millions of refugees, women and children specifically needing help and homes and safe spaces. and i think that's, as the news feed cycle continues, and this seems to be an ongoing thing it's almost like fatigue around it yet for those women and children i saw this is the most devastating thing can you imagine. >> absolutely. >> as soon as we realize we have a debt, we owe it to these women and children, we're all connected, that's probably why. >> makes sense. orlando bloom, what you're doing is amazing over there. what you do makes a huge difference, you can see it on the faces of the children there. i have to say as a lord of the rings nerd as well, thanks for your work onscreen. >> thank you. >> watch his documentary, this is important to have called "if you have" thanks to orlando bloom. we appreciate it. we'll be right back. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ ♪ bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? we've got bonnie right here on a video call. we don't take kindly to video calls. oh, in that case just tap to send a message. we don't take kindly to messages neither. in that 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240708

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according to ukrainian officials. nick paton walsh is in central ukraine. what's the status of these evacuations? >> reporter: we have russian state media and ukraine military officials on the ground saying something pretty similar. which is 20 people, six of them children, according to the ukrainians, injured, women and children, have managed to begin their evacuation out. now a ukrainian commander on the ground there has talked about how the evacuation was supposed to start at 6:00 a.m., they didn't get through till 6:25 p.m. what is unclear at this stage is which direction the evacuation is going. there are two, jim, one is towards ukrainian held territory to the east of where i'm stand standing and the other is east into russia where tens of thousands of people from mariupol have been forcibly taken and put through filtration camps there. definite, awful choice for -- or not choice directions for those initial evacuees and a lengthy journey ahead. but possible glimpse of light here after multiple occasions where the corridors have not come off that maybe something might be changing. i think the conditions on the ground there with 100,000 people still held, disease becoming a serious issue, maybe expediting decisions in that regard. >> what about the strikes in odesa? that is a key target for the russians, what more can you tell us? >> reporter: i should say, jim, since this war began there have been strikes in and around odesa. what is different about this, it appears the airport outside of the city has been struck by mi missiles. i think this is in keeping, three explosions, witnesses say -- this is in keeping can russia's game plan here to leave ukraine uncertain where it's going next. it's not a stroke of genius, frankly. they hit different places around the country at times to make it unclear quite where the focus is. this plays into the broader narrative. we've seen it too with suggestions maybe in the break away region of moldova, there might be a heightened military activity feeding the notion from two weeks, the second phase of the operation would be to push west along the black seacoast of ukraine, so vital to the economy. that's where odesa is and that could be why we're seeing the explosion, leaving people wondering if that's russia's target. they've tried to get around mykolyav and odesa and the russians have failed to do that again and again. this may be a distraction and it may be the forces we're seeing trying to get themselves on the move for russia may be headed east, towards the eastern front where russia is pushing to. it is slow progress for the russians. they're throwing everything at the donbas offensive and we're not seeing the speedy advance, that frankly would suggest this is not some lengthy war of attrition over the summer, jim. >> interesting analysis, nick paton walsh, as always. thank you. retired lieutenant colonel mark hurling joins me now. great to see you. i want to get your thoughts on the news coming into cnn and ukrainian military officials are confirming this, that some dyv civilians are being evacuated from the steel plant. vladimir putin originally saying he wasn't going to let a fly get through. what do you make of it? >> this is a siege and russia is continuing to squash hope. they'll let a few people out. the other hundreds or so still in there will be thinking to themselves, are we next? can we get out somehow? can we get someone to take care of our health and injuries, take care of our babies. as part of the psychological warfare of this, in a siege warfare, you may let a small number of people out from the siege while you continue to bombard it. so i think that's what the russian military is doing. they've certainly suffered a great deal of casualties, have spent much more time, over a month, in mariupol, than they wanted to. and this is a way of the russians not incurring more casualties, more slow downs but maintaining control of the key port city. >> we have new video we want to show our viewers, we were showing it a few moments ago with but i want to get response to it. video of ukraine's military saying they've had 14 russian attacks fought off in the past 24 hours. some of this footage is dramatic. what can you tell us about that? >> in looking at that footage, jim, it appears to be the landing of a bunch of multiple launch rockets from ukrainian positions on russian advances. as we've talked about so many times what russia has attempted to do is use their massive amount of artillery to cause a break through, send small number of forces through the lines to determine what is out there, and can they find weaknesses in the ukrainian defenses. and what's happening in every one of those occasions from reports i'm seeing and certainly from this video, ukraine is answering back when there's any kind of maneuver through those broken lines. so the ukraine forces are continuing to do an exceedingly good job. there are reports they are continuing to destroy tanks and bmps, that the russian maneuver and absolutely horrible. that it hasn't gained any advantages since what we saw in the north. i think we'll see more and more of this as the week goes on. just like in mariupol, the russians being delayed in this attack out of donbas, the russians are already a week behind their schedule. what they're doing is pressing small number of forces forward. every time they do that, they're engaged by the ukrainian forces. >> i think that video is showing us from time to time we're seeing evidence that the ukrainians they just have some serious fire power on their hands and they're able to unleash it effectively. let me ask you about odesa, the site of multiple explosions today with the ukrainian military saying the runway at the city's airport was damaged, nick paton walsh was talking about this a few moments ago. that area is on the black sea. if it falls into russian hands, that has significance to it. that will have some impact. >> it has always been an objective of the russian federation to take the entire coast of the azov sea and black sea. and on decodesa is the prize. but they haven't shown the capability to take the ground forces. what we're seeing with the strikes on the airport, i'm hazarding a guess here, there have been reports of caliber cruise missile launches from russian submarines in the black sea. reports of them reloaded in some of the ports with caliber cruise missiles. that's a capability that russia continues to maintain, but what i said so many times in the past, with any kind of art artillery, rockets or missiles. you can damage equipment but you can't secure that ground. in order to do that, you need infantrymen, tankers on the ground planting a flag there and russia has not been able to generate the forces needed to get to odesa, either from an amphibious assault or going west from mariupol. i don't think we'll see the russian forces get anywhere close to occupying or laying siege on odesa, but they will continue to bomb it for sure. >> all right. mark mark hertling, thank you so much. the white house correspondence dinner is back today. what president biden has to say about it. and later orlando bloom joins me to talk about his w wo as a unicef goodwill ambassador. e for thosose you love. vanguardrd. become an owner.r. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they' both invested... in green energy. digital tools sompressive, yojust can't stop. what would you le the power to do? 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[ cheers and applause ] >> hold on to your lilly white butts. >> in our fast changing worlds traditions like the white house corres correspondents' dinner are important. >> i mean, really, what is this dinner? and why am i required to come to it? >> that was former president barack obama relying on an anger translator to get a few things off his chest during the white house correspondents' dinner 2015. continue president biden is preparing to deliver his own time at the dinner. his open mic night comes at a tough time with the war in ukr ukraine, inflation, and the stock market tanking. with us is josh, and april ryan white house correspondent, april we should mention is going to be honored later tonight for 25 years of covering the white house. congratulations on that. good to see both of you. april, a former speech writer told cnn biden is a president that has used the expression, not a joke folks, he says that, not a joke folks, more than he tells joelks. you know joe biden pretty well, is he going to be funny? >> well, the president has no voice but to be funny. he has to be smart, whitty, relatable and funny. even at a time with a recession that many are predicting, a time of covid, at a time of russia waging war on ukraine, at a time people are uncertain. but he has to be relaceable. but he has to be relatable. get people to laugh through the pain. and then offer hope. and we are back, two years later, in the midst of covid. but the president, this is an audience he has got to win. not just in the room but around the nation and even the world. >> absolutely. the american people are going to see a side of joe biden that maybe they haven't seen in some time. and jeff, you were the president of the white house correspondents' association when trump refused to attend the dinner. i remember being there that night, seeing you on the diyas, trying to make the most of it and you did it perfectly. >> thank you. >> i remember the night being dedicated to the first amendment instead which was an important message to send to i think the entire world at that time. it's going to be different tonight. what are you looking for tonight? i suspect the president will say something about how the press is not the enemy of the people, because we've heard him talk about that before. >> i think the fact he's coming despite concerns about covid is a sign that he really wants to show this is a break with how the last administration handled the press and this dinner in particular. i think there's some symbolism that he probably will nod to in his remarks in addition to his presence there. that said, i don't think it's going to be that different. i think this dinner will continue to celebrate the first amendment. and that's how it should be. so i think that theme will continue to be highlighted tonight. and then we've see, as april said, there's a balance at these things. we have the war in ukraine, which, of course, is hanging over everyone's thoughts, also a dangerous time to be a journalist, for journalists in ukraine and around the world. and those types of themes are also important at a dinner like this. i can tell you, it's not an easy room. i have addressed the room, other parents have addressed the room. it will be a challenge for president biden but i think he enjoys letting his hair down, as it were, and i think he will try to have fun tonight in addition to getting out a serious message at the same time. >> are you trying to say not the best senses of humor in that room at all times? is that possibly -- >> no, no. people have a accsense of humor. it's hard to get the room quiet. >> that's true. >> that's true. >> i think everyone will be quiet for president biden. >> and april, some of the most successful moments at the dinners come when the president can poke fun at himself like george w. bush did, let's take a look at that. >> media really ticks me off. the way they try to embarrass me by not editing what i say. >> i always look forward to these dinners. it's just a bunch of media types. hollywood liberals, democrats like joe biden. >> how come i can't have dinner with the 36% of the people who like me? >> what do you think, april, do you think we'll see some of that from joe biden? >> you know, joe biden kind of resembles george w. bush a little bit about the respect of the media and the editing piece. but at the end of the day, tonight is going to be a night where all eyes will be watching the president to see what he says, how he laughs at himself, at other, what is hilarious to him, what is not funny. and also you have to remember the comedian that's going to be there, trevor noah. it's hard for a comedian to follow the president of the united states of america with those jokes they have played in front of a crowd already as he prepares to go before the large crowd of 2,600 people. i'll never forget being on the board of the association and how we would always get the temperature of the president and of the room about before they went on as we would banter with them before he would go up. it's a hard night. it's a hard room. but we are expecting laughter in a moment of crisis. we need that. but also, there will be, once again, a moment of optimism, i think this president is -- he has to deliver tonight. his poll numbers are down. this is one of the things that could help do something with his numbers, to push them upward. for people to once again feel like he's relatable, like he's them. and that's the piece he has to bring back to the form, to the forefront again. >> jeff, landen parven, a former speech writer for both bushes and reagan, offered this advice. i would do something that relates to his age in terms of talking about the good old days and what it was like to work with woodrow wilson, that kind of thing or maybe the age thing is explaining twitter or tinder or something that recognizes he's not like everybody in the audience, he's from a different era. we knew ronald reagan could joke about his age. this is ronald reagan. let's watch. >> they also said preparing me for a press conference was like reinventing the wheel. that's not true. i was around when the wheel was invented and it was easier. >> what do you make of that, jeff? what do you think? a good area to pursue there? >> i don't know if necessarily jokes about his age is the direction he or the white house would want to go. i think being able to poke fun at yourself broadly goes well at an evening like this. honestly poking fun at yourself and also the press, like we'll also take some jabs tonight i'm sure from trevor noah and perhaps president biden. >> you think? >> yeah. this dinner is -- it's about the -- it's about getting to be in the room and hang out with sources, journalists and their sources in a way that is not the kind of aggressive relationship that we sometimes have. i think that's important too. and i think we all have to have a thick skin if there are a few jabs either way. i think president biden would poke fun at himself in some way, even if it's not necessarily his age. >> having been the recipient of the jabs you have to sit back and laugh. that's the only response. >> exactly. >> april, you are celebrating 25 years of covering the white house at an event after the correspondence dinner, chris tucker is hosting mary j. blige is performing. are they okay with sharing the stage with a bigger celebrity in april ryan? >> you know, jim, it is humbling. i grew up in baltimore, a place where so many people have said failure is built in your very existence. for me to become a woman to question five american presidents and for them to call me by name -- well, four i know called me by name. the other one, it's a whole other story. >> had his own way, yeah. >> yeah, he had his own way. it's humbling. it's humbling. i just reported and along the way 25 years came, being the longest serving black female journalist at the white house. it's not by coincidence or ha pen stance, i'm just blessed, humbled and so thankful. tonight i'm going to have tears. i don't know, i'm tearing up right now. to be able to be trusted, to be able to give the news to people about what affects them from the highest office in the land, and for people to respect that and believe it and take it and use it for their life, it's humbling. and i'm just honored. >> it is. april, we are honored to have you here with us today. i've always felt like i was honored and blessed to be with you at the white house when i was there myself. i know jeff peoples the same way. >> congratulations, april. >> congratulations, april. what an accomplishment, what an achievement. it's going to be fun to raise a glass in your honor later tonight. >> yes, dance with me. come up. >> will do. >> i call you my brother from another mother, come dance with me tonight. >> my sister from another mister i like to say. see you tonight. thank you so much, jeff and april, we appreciate it. you know him from lord of the rings and pirates of the cari caribbean. but for orlando bloom one of the most important roles he has is as a unicef ambassador. orlando bloom joins me live next. and i earn 5% cash back on travel purchased through chase with chase freedom unlimited. that means that i earn 5% on our rental car, i earn 5% on our cabin. i mean, c'momon! hello cashback! hello, kevin hart! i'm scared. in a good way. i'm lying. let's get inside. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? 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health care workers call for others to get tested through a mega phone. the company's zero covid strategy turning millions into virtual prisoners across the nation. in beijing, these residents forced to hand over apartment keys so community workers can lock them in from the outside. for those who refuse, crews drill holes to chain the door shut. in northeast province, no need to have a lock, workers installing steel bars to keep people from leaving. cnn is estimating up to 180 million people are impacted. more than half the u.s. population. for over two years now, china's covid containment has become more extreme. fracturing everyday life. in a city not under lockdown, babies kept off the subway. the reason, they didn't have negative covid test results. it's now mandatory to get access to most of public life in the city. to accommodate the rule they opened 24/7 testing sites. a delayed test result had this groom watching his own wedding, not allowed to enter the venue, laughing off the insanity of it all. china's zero tolerance for any new cases comes from the tough. president xi jinping tasked the vice premier to oversee major outbreaks. in shanghai that means working with the most senior official, li chung. they run the quarantine centers and coordinating at local levels with thousands of communities. those local people are gate keepers, determining who goes in and out of each compound. in addition to very regular pcr tests, etach day we're required to do rapid antigen tests and then upload the results to this government app and take a screen shot of that and a picture of the test and share it publically with our community group chat. this can serve as a helpful way to source food but also a space to call out neighbors, sometimes becoming a witch hunt to call out positive neighbors. >> it is saying we have a wartime situation and therefore we have to apply emergency measures and, therefore, you have to simply follow orders. >> reporter: it reminds some residents of the cultural revolution from the '60s and '70s. a painful era of social and political chaos sparked by extreme policies. criticisms of beijing's zero covid strategy is not tolerated from anyone, including the son of a chinese billionaire who was sent to a crowded facility in shanghai. his profile with 40 million followers on social media erased. but not everyone is silent. back in shanghai, residents confined to their homes added to the growing chorus of decent. as covid cases surge across china, millions now sentenced to lockdown. their release date, unknown. actor orlando bloom on his unforgettable trip to visit ukrainian riefugees. we'll talk to him in a moment. i. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clininically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-5-40 when combined with diet and exercise. plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women 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not seen since the 1940s and the number of people we're talking about is shocking. the united nations said nearly 13 million people have been uprooted in ukraine forced to leave their homes alive just to stay live. that's just inside the country. so far more than 5 million people, almost all of them women and children have fled in fear, some to neighboring moldova, that's where actor orlando bloom got to meet some of the families and children who have left their entire lives behind. >> when we see conflict like this, and you realize that it's all about the children and what their future will be and it's so uncertain because nothing is certain when they're fleeing a war. buch bucharest. okay. who did you come with? your mama. >> yes. >> have you got brothers and sisters? >> yes. brother. >> one brother. you and your brother? >> yes. >> okay. and where did you come from today? >> odesa. >> odesa. okay. how long did it take? >> translator: around four hours. >> you left this morning? >> yes. >> okay. >> thank you so much. thank you. that's so sweet. my daughter will love this. thank you so much. >> amazing stuff. and orlando bloom joins me now. he's also the executive producer of the new documentary "if you have" about unicef's work over the last 75 years. great work, and your heartbreaks for these kids caught in the middle of such brutality. what was it like to talk to them? what was that experience like for you? >> as you can imagine, it's heart wrenching as a father, to be at the border and to see these women and children as they cross and one of the mothers that i met had fled the night before, her neighbor's home had been bombed and her child was visibly distressed from the circumstances of their departure. she had taken just the bare minimum of clothes and personal belongings, along with her two children and her grandmother. leaving behind her husband and anyone mandated, the men between the ages of 18 and 60, i believe, stay. so it was just -- it was just so painful to see just the fear and sheer terror. and i think part of it is the fleeing of war but also where will they go from there? where are they going to be able to find a home, where are they going to be able to relocate themselves, and how long will that be for? many of the refugees want to stay close to the border, they want to return home to ukraine, they don't want to leave partners behind. unicef has set up this child friendly space for women and children to go to. there are young, i believe you saw in the video there, you saw these young helpers creating a safe space for kids to play and try to get rest and eat a meal and think about what they might do, where they might go and where they can find refuge and help. it's remarkable to see. the work that unicef is doing, and it's heartbreaking to humanize and understand the pain and conflict. particularly this is a child refugee crisis conflict -- crisis, sorry. you can see the amount of women and children coming across is heartbreaking as any father, husband, partner, could imagine. and yet, of course, it's hard to grasp at times. >> it is. >> that's the tragedy. it's not stopping. while it's not as big a news cycle story, it's not ending and that's the thing that just cuts me up. >> absolutely. >> and who can really understand that. >> you wrote a beautiful piece for people magazine which you said in part, as a father i would do whatever it took to protect my children yet i can barely comprehend the decisions the mothers were forced to have to make. what did the mothers say to you during the visit you had there? >> yeah. i mean, i think what -- you know, this one mother that i recall meeting and -- it was -- her eyes were swimming in her head, honestly the stress and fear, and she was -- she said, in fact, which was rather heart wrenching while she had family in, i believe, canada, she had not heard from them but she was hoping the kindness of strangers she could depend on perhaps more, which was so tragic because the neighboring country of moldova, which i had flown into, had been remarkable. host families, i met one man who is actually a toy maker as well as an engineer and he's opened his home to at that time it was 14 families and i was there within the first month of the conflict. it was remarkable. he created a safe space and he called them, which was so touching, his special guests. which i thought was just how we should be seeing and trying to understand this crisis. you know, these are human, these are women, mothers and children and we need to understand that within that, facing a fire in thehart and creating a safe space for them to feel open and share their stories, which was something he felt so grateful and privileged to experience. which i think is the right kind of attitude to have towards this refugee crisis, you know. >> yeah. and it's so massive that it's hard to get your mind around how big of a problem this is. how big of a crisis this is. and orlando, i have to wonder since you were in moldova, there are fears moldova could be next. were there fears of that when you were talking to people? >> of course there's a lot of anxiety throughout europe. i think the history of war and invasion is not so old that people aren't, you know, really conflicted. there are, you know, the elderly generation that have memories of previous invasion and conflict. so, of course, there's a lot of anxiety throughout europe, i would say. and it's -- it -- this -- this is a war that needs to stop. it could go for -- you know, we just don't know how long it's ongoing. but i think the great fear for unicef, as an ambassador for the children and understanding is when you have refugees and conflict like this, the lack of education, the -- what that does to a generation. the worst thing -- the last thing you want is a lost generation of children and where they find themselves. >> absolutely. >> that's one of the great fears, yeah. and just recently i spoke with sean penn about his experiences in ukraine. and his experience being with zelenskyy when the war started. today we're seeing images of angelina jolie making an unexpected visit to lviv, meeting with ukrainians affected by these russian bombing attacks. what is it that's inspiring celebrities, actors, folks like yourself to actually get on the ground and use, you know, the position that you have to spread the word about what's happening there? i guess, why are you doing it? >> look, i've worked with unicef since -- the remarkable work they do around the world to save the lives of women and children, consistently effectively, they're very well versed in crises and in refugee crises and in all the things that need to happen to create a safe space for children and to protect the women and children and children of the world. and i think that, you know, when we started to see the conflict unfold, it was so shocking because in this day and age, social media means that we can see everything on our devices and it's a whole -- you know, there's a whole other component to that. so for those paying attention and being interested, there's the brutality and horror of war is -- is a daily experience that we can see. you know, this is -- this is -- you know, it could be us. that's the thing. it's not like it -- it's happening in europe, it's happening in central europe in this day and age. it doesn't -- it's unfathomable. >> yeah. >> and i think that's the reason that you're seeing people come out to keep the awareness as well, because i think, you know, we all -- you know, it is -- it isn't ending, there are millions of refugees crossing the border, there are millions of refugees, women and children specifically needing help and homes and safe spaces. and i think that's, as the news feed cycle continues, and this seems to be an ongoing thing it's almost like fatigue around it yet for those women and children i saw this is the most devastating thing can you imagine. >> absolutely. >> as soon as we realize we have a debt, we owe it to these women and children, we're all connected, that's probably why. >> makes sense. orlando bloom, what you're doing is amazing over there. what you do makes a huge difference, you can see it on the faces of the children there. i have to say as a lord of the rings nerd as well, thanks for your work onscreen. >> thank you. >> watch his documentary, this is important to have called "if you have" thanks to orlando bloom. we appreciate it. we'll be right back. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. ♪ ♪ bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? we've got bonnie right here on a video call. we don't take kindly to video calls. oh, in that case just tap to send a message. we don't take kindly to messages neither. in that 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Planning , Unitedhealthcare , 65 , Help , Medicare , Decision Guide , Call Unitedhealthcare , Out Of Pocket Costs Medicare Doesn T Pay , Don T Wait , Refugee Crisis , United Nations , 1940 , 13 Million , Fear , 5 Million , Conflict , Families , Lives , Nothing , Mama , Buch Bucharest , Brothers And Sisters , Work , Documentary , Stuff , Daughter , Executive Producer , 75 , Experience , Brutality , Kids , Heartbreaks , Middle , Border , Mothers , Father , Heart Wrenching , Child , Home , Neighbor , Circumstances , Departure , Clothes , Grandmother , Minimum , Belongings , Men , Husband , Terror , Ages , Stay , 18 , Refugees , Partners , Helpers , Refuge , Refugee Crisis Conflict , Partner , Grasp , Tragedy , Big A News Cycle Story , People Magazine , Visit , Meeting , Head , Swimming , Kindness , Strangers , Canada , Host Families , Toy Maker , Engineer , Safe Space , Month , Guests , Fire , Human , Stories , Privileged , Attitude , Problem , Mind , Orlando , Invasion , Anxiety , Lot , Fears , Central Europe , History , Generation , Memories , It S , Great Fear , Understanding , Education , Lack , Sean Penn , Experiences , Images , Bombing , Zelenskyy , Angelina Jolie , Lviv , Celebrities , Position , Use , Word , Children Of The World , Crises , Refugee Crises , Component , Whole , Devices , Attention , Horror , War Is , It Doesn T , Well , Awareness , Isn T Ending , News Feed Cycle , Spaces , Fatigue , Debt , Difference , Makes , Faces , Thanks , Work Onscreen , Nerd , Project Managers , Projects , Video Call , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Bonnie , Be Cool , Case , Video Calls , Messages , Phone Call , Bout A Ringcentral , Horse , Landscaper Larry , Kid , Stallion , Crew , Truck , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Progressive , Ending , Timber , Drum Roll , Music , Arena , Camera Shutters , Lx 600 , 600 , Send Generation Black American , Conservatives , Dialogue , Asterisk , Color , France , French , Equal , Jersey Is Italian American , African American , 23ri7b , 23 , Paper , Rules , Point , Premiere , Census , Account , Race , Nomad , Hero , 10 , Students , College , Special Needs , Arts , Abilities , Hi , Down Syndrome , College Student , Classes , Array , College Education , Angel , Student , Doors , Intellectual , I Love You , Ideas , Ways , Depth , Nighght , Jik Bem Acosta , Safe , Everywhere , Nobody , Anywhere , House , Pace , Town , Driving , Pods , Nature , Vitamins , Organization , First , Quality , Standards , Supplement , Vitamin , Pharmacist , Purity , Brand , Usp , 1 , Tezspiretm , Asthma , Inflammation , Matter , Out Of Nowhere , Asthma Attacks , Type , Triggers , Rescue Medication , Add On Treatment , Asthma Symptoms , Breathe Better , 12 , Eye Allergy , Reactions , Back Pain , Sore Throat , Vaccines , Asthma Specialist , Recording Artist , Recording , Internet , Elodia , 10 Million , Comcast , Tools , Possibilities , Projectup , 1 Billion , Billion , Prime Video , Customers , Entertainment , Boys , Watchathon Week , Hi Tim , Netflix , Starz , And Peacock , Hbo Max , Striving , Concentration Camp ,

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