Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240708

started in sedgwick county and traveled into andover. we had many buildings in andover take very tough damage. total in the path, there were 966 buildings, we believe. we do not have a damage assessment on how many of those were damaged. >> i mean, the video is extraordinary. so far, only a handful of injuries are reported. more on this story in a moment. but first, we're watching new developments over seas in ukraine. ukrainian forces withstanding russia's mercyless shelling in lieu luhansk and donetsk. new video shows a submarine firing cruise missiles at ukrainian targets. this as we're seeing new images showing the devastation at a steel plant in mariupol. it's where a last stand of ukrainian soldiers and civilians are hunkered down, surrounded. and there's also this just in to cnn just moments ago. city officials in mariupol say there may be a possible breakthrough in the evacuation negotiations. for more on that, let's go to scott mcclain live for us in lviv. what are you learning? >> reporter: earlier today, we heard from the mariupol mayor's office who said that the united nations and the international red cross were working to negotiate with the russians and with the ukrainians on some kind of an evacuation corridor. now we're hear ing from the mayor's office that as you mentioned, there may be hope possibly for an evacuation corridor today. what we know is if that is to happen and it is not finalized at this point, it would lead from a point on the western edge of the city. the reasons for optimism is the ukrainians say the russians are allowing people in neighborhoods in the left bank to move around to the opposite side of the river, potentially allowing them to link up with that evacuation corridor. what is not clear at this stage of the game though is whether or not that includes these civilians who are trapped underneath that sprawling steel plant facility. and new satellite images show that is not a place anyone would want to be. images show that nearly every building on that sprawling campus has been destroyed. some roofs are caved in. some buildings have been reduced entirely to rubble. what the images do not show is the extent of the damage underground. i spoke yesterday with deputy commander of the azof regiment, part of the military that is leading the fighting in that area who said some parts of the cellars and bunkers and tunnels under the plant have been blocked off by rubble and there are some areas they can't access. they don't know if there are people who may be trapped under there and still be alive, frankly. yesterday, the president, ukrainian president zelenskyy announced there was an operation underway in order to evacuate people, but he gave no details and nothing seemed to materialize from that. last night, cnn spoke with the ceo of the company who runs the plant and he said he has not had contact with anyone there for the last three weeks because there's inadequate communications there, but what he did say is they have managed to link up with some people who have managed to escape. here's what they told him. >> they're telling us it's a humanitarian disaster. the city is being destroyed. basically, beautiful, thriving city was turned into a concentration camp by the russians in less than two months. you can say it's genocide which is happening there. >> reporter: strong words. even if the civilians who are trapped under there manage to get out through diplomacy, through the u.n. or red cross, that still leaves the soldiers there who say the russian troops have begun to storm the facility on the ground. the mayor's office said it would likely take a miracle to get them out and they say they will not leave without weapons in their hands. >> thank you so much. we're also now hearing from the family of an american citizen killed while fighting in ukraine. 22-year-old willie joseph cancel, a former u.s. marine, died earlier this week. >> for willie joseph cancel, this wasn't his war. the 22-year-old had already served his country in the marines, but after russia invaded ukraine, cancel's family says he felt the need to leave tennessee and join the fight. >> even before he left to go to ukraine, you know, he was proud because he wanted to do the right thing and you know, fight alongside the underdogs and help them with things that he thought was important. >> cancel's mother, rebecca cabrera, says her son was the one to stand up when everyone else stood back. >> everybody that he's come in contact with in his life said that they were proud to serve next to him, to be part of his life. and just everybody remember who he was. he was a hero and you know, he was doing the right thing. no matter how people feel about it. >> cancel's mother says he started working for a private military contractor shortly before the war. cancel agreed to go fight in ukraine. he arrived in a country still defending on multiple fronts in mid march. russian forces inching towards kyiv, carrying out more strikes on western ukraine. his mother was told he fought with men from different countries before he fought. his body has not been recovered. his new brothers in arms mourning his loss. >> makes me feel sad. i'm grateful for his sacrifices. unbelievable that he was able to go here and put in ultimate sacrifice for my home country of ukraine. >> cancel leaves behind a wife and a 7-month-old baby, a family left without a father and husband. his brother-in-law says he was the type to fight for what's right regardless of the outcome. he's not the only one. ukraine's military created an international legion for foreign fighters. a ukrainian official said more than 25,000 from 52 countries wanted to join. how many served is unclear. the u.s. has sent billions of dollars to ukraine to help fifight russia, but the white house says american citizens should stay out of this fight. >> we know people want to help, but we do encourage americans to find other ways to do so rather than traveling to, rather than traveling to ukraine to fight there. it is a war zone. it's an active war zone. and we know americans face significant risks, but certainly we know a family is mourning. a wife is mourning and our hearts are with them. >> cancel's mother says the call was too great, the cause too important for which cancel gave his life. >> he knew they needed help. and it was just something that he felt that he could help in pa because he had the experience and the training and the knowledge to go and help them. >> cnn at the pentagon. joining us right now is aaron david miller. a cnn global affairs analyst and is a former state department middle east negotiator. so good to see you. we're seeing relentless shelling in the east and civilians trapped in several areas and we continue to hear from the international community about talks about the potential of diplomacy with putin, but is it clear by now that diplomacy or negotiations just don't seem plausible? >> you know, negotiations based on the degree of urgency that both sides attach to reaching some sort of deal. i'd tend to be more optimistic on the prospects of at some point an evacuation of civilians from mariupol even though we've had so many false starts and it's an extraordinary human tragedy. the broader issue of negotiating with putin on ending the conflict i think simply is not in the cards. at least not for now. and as far as ukraine is concerned, they are now trained on and equipped by the world's finest military. particularly after the poor performance of the russians in the field. that is to say the united states. so zelenskyy's under a fair amount of pressure to hold tough and to wait to see to determine how many additional games ukraine can make against the russians. so sadly, the time for talking is not yet here or serious talking leading to agreement is not yet here. >> so can ukraine make the kind of gains possible to help end this conflict if it's not in the cards that putin would, you know, give up? >> you know, i think the next two to four weeks will be critically important phase one of this operation. russian effort to sort of thunder strike, decapitate the current government in ukraine. shell and occupy kyiv. and other major populations here. that has not proven to be the case. the russians may be learning from their mistakes to some degree, but i know you talked to mark hurtling this morning and he has doubts whether or not they are sufficiently in control of concentrating their forces. they have logistics and moral problems. so i think the future of a negotiation is going to be determined largely by events on the battlefield. it's just too soon to make a prediction. the trend lines however seem to be in favor of at least ukraine stopping or thwarting significant russian advances, but again, still early days. >> this upcoming g-20 summit in indonesia. russia invited to attend. he says yes, he wants to be there. how important will it be for america, the united states, and other countries to either boycott as long as putin is indeed in attendance or make some other statement? >> you know, the g-20's in november, fred. it's in washington time, crisis time, that's an eternity. many things can transpire. the administration understandably have taken extraordinary measures to isolate russia politically. they've created a sanctions package which makes russia the most sanctioned country in the world. certainly in recent decades in terms of the application of s sanctions, but there's a certain reality. the president of indonesia is not joint sections. of the ten most populated countries of the world, only one is on board to isolate and sanction russia. important countries like india, brazil, mexico. the israelis are hitting with regard to protecting their interests in syria. saudi arabia and the emirates refuse to increase oil production because they don't want to alienate the russians. so it's a real problem. and if in fact zelenskyy agrees to go, i know he's been invited, i suspect the administration has a couple of options. they could send a lower level delegation. they could participate remotely in an effort to demonstrate or president biden will go because if he doesn't, then the absence of trying to create an american narrative and tell an american story would be critically important. so it's going to be a tough call as we approach november. >> okay, i want to ask you about the release of american trevor reid in a prisoner swap deal with russia. thank goodness for his release, but still being held in a russian prison. bri brittney griner and paul wheeland. how does reed's release help leverage the state department's approach on the release of greiner and wheeland? >> it demonstrates in this sort of crisis when it comes to these issues, russia and united states still maintain a channel. the mystery, look, this has building up for months. both the white house and the state department have been engaged in efforts to seek a deal. paul, sorry, reed's health was declining. he's been exposed to active tb. i think he had been on a couple of hunger strikes. the russians may well have concluded they couldn't afford or didn't want to afford, given what they've done in ukraine. though it strikes me as straining the grounds, the breaking point to think putin cares about the health of trevor reed, but they agreed to this. and in return, the united states traded a appears to be a significantly large in terms of drug supply heroin dealer they picked up in liberia who served most of his sentence. what this says about greiner and wheelen is really unclear. i would suspect it would be nice to see some sort of package deal to get both those americans out, but it's too early to make a judgment and i suspect the russians will use them both as they've used trevor reed over the past several years. >> certainly everybody's hoping for their release really soon. aaron david miller, thank you so much. >> thanks, fred. still to come -- i mean, images hard to believe. dozens of buildings levelled after massive tornados like this tearing through kansas and nebraska. we'll tell you where the powerful storm might be headed now after this. unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, k kevin hart! earn bigig time with chase freem unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chchase. make more of what's yours. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first 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these tornados are becoming even more perfectly formed and we're starting to see more of them in broad daylight. what's going on? >> right. it would seem that way the last few months. both march and april had above average numbers of tornados. so for a lot of these communities, it may feel like deja vu all over again. it's been a busy past 24 hours. a total of 16 reported tornados. 88 wind gust reports and 60 hail reports. some of them the size of baseballs and even softballs. unfortunately for a lot of the clean up efforts that are going to take place today, you're going to have to contend with gusty winds. high wind warnings across the areas that were hit yesterday. 30, 40, 50 mile per our wind gusts. today, the same system continues. we're just seeing it shift towards the east. basically anything from milwaukee downwards waco and austin have the potential for strong thunderstorms. the yellow area more of the target point. chicago, st. louis, little rock. damaging winds, large hail and tornados all possibilities. we have showers and thunderstorms ongoing right now, but you're really going to start to see the potential for the severe storms ramp up this afternoon. once you get the heating of the day starting to build, they'll continue into the evening hours. so have a way to get emergency alerts before you go to bed tonight. this is multiday event because we have another system that moves in tomorrow so the potential for tomorrow exists across areas of eastern new mexico, areas of the texas and oklahoma panhandle and by monday, we see it spread north as well as spread east. again, the two systems, here's the first one. the one across the midwest pushing into areas of west virginia and ohio tomorrow. there's the secondary system beginning to slide in. that's going to be a factor not only sunday, but monday. unfortunately, some of those same areas hit yesterday are going to see the potential for more severe weather on monday. >> there's more. thank you so much. >> coming up, two-thirds of children in ukraine have been forced to leave their homes. next, we'll talk to a unicef spokesperson about what he is seeing on the ground in ukraine right now. ng everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forerest ham on the new subway club now thatat's a perfect 10 thank you! stop trying to u upstage the sandwich, simone biles. subway keeps refreshing and refre- before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . hereality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without hetburn? i got a call from some scammer who had the nerve to ask for my medicare number. i was not born yesterday. when someone asked for my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your mother knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number 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fall, sthey sheltere in a neighbors basement. but they hit the house where we were staying, she says. we were buried in the cellar. then the rescuers took us out of the wreckage. her dad did not emerge. now an orphan, she started to walk to try to find safety amidst chaos and then another explosion from a mine. my friend saw something on the ground, she says, and she hit it accidentally with her boot. the military came after the explosions and took us to a hospital because we were bleeding, but in some ways, her journey was just beginning. in the chaos, she was picked up by soldiers she says spoke russian and eventually brought to a russian-held area in donetsk. i was taken there at night, she says. they took shrapel out of my ear. it was after this cnn learned about kyra's story because russia paraded it on state tv. state propaganda showed images of kyra in a donetsk hospital and said she was being treated well. convinced she was being mistreated, her family went public with her story and it worked. a deal between russia and ukrainian allowed her grandfather to travel to russia and bring her back to kyiv where she told us what russian state tv did not. it's a bad hospital there. the food there is bad. the nurses scream at you. the bed is bent like this. there wasn't enough space for all of us inside. none of that came out on russian state tv. her injuries have largely healed now though she'll stay in the hospital a little longer. it was there that someone gave her that ipad after a presidential visit came bearing gift this is week. she didn't love all that attention though so for now, she just wants to see her cat and spend time with her grandfather, recovering from the horrors of war one day at a time. matt rivers, cnn, kyiv, ukraine. after a meeting with president zelenskyy this week, the u.n. secretary general said they would redouble efforts to save lives and reduce human suffering in ukraine. the war has displaced nearly two-thirds of ukraine's 7.5 million children and killed more than 160 according to unicef. joining me now is james elder, the global spokesperson for unicef is joining us from the eastern ukrainian city. james, good to see you. this is not your first trip to ukraine, but perhaps you can describe for us what has changed in your journeys there. >> yeah, look, not much has changed. in a way, it's still defined by a huge level of stress in a place like this because the air raid sirens keep pushing people underground and these are people who have been living underground and know what the sirens mean. supplies, just seeing the sort soft supplies unicef is giving out. water, medicines, blankets, counselors, but just endless sorrow. another missile hitting ukrainian flats. three young children, two 5 and one 7, all injured. all in a hospital where there's not enough doctors now. so you know, stress and sorrow keep defining my time in ukraine. >> yeah. i mean, it's hard to believe how anyone really is keeping it together. and then even seeing the story from my colleague there on the 12-year-old. i mean, just what strength so many young people and of course ages of all kinds, are demonstrating. you have actually been documenting your current trip in a daily video diary. even posting on twitter and yesterday, you shared your meeting with a teenage brother and sister and their cats at the train station there. they're smiling. it's just hard to believe how young people are able to exhibit so much hope despite what they have been through. tell us about them. >> it was a real steelyness with this brother and sister and they were clearly very close. you could see that. so for them, they wanted out, you know. gives me a chill to think about them. they just wanted to get out now. they were forced now to leave their home. they had given up on that constant bombardment of where they lived not far from here and they just wanted to get out. their mother, they don't have a dad. their mother had just bought a home for them. you can imagine a single mom, we see it around the world. she saved up and bought a home. she hadn't wanted to leave. it got to a point where it was just not safe. doesn't feel safe anywhere so it was time to go. so the brother and his sister and the two cats were ready to go. they wanted to go to poland. they want to go, they just want peace. they want to be surrounded by the sound, one of them said to me again by the sound of birds. maybe the cat wants that as well. but the sound of birds. not the sound of missiles. so they both were and it was lovely to see the way they connected and strengthened each other. one sentence with the mother and she was in tears. she could see the struggle ahead for her and the kids. >> also has a photo essay about the refugee mothers who were choosing to return to ukraine deciding they would rather risk living in a conflict zone than be refugees living in another country. have you heard that kind of story from people? >> what i've certainly heard, i came across the border again. didn't see a lot of people returning, but i've seen a large enough number to be significant of people coming from the west, which was meant to be safe. safer certainly than here. coming back here. and that's because for them, just a lack of financial ability to stay somewhere else. they need to be working or they need to be not paying for rent in two places. so that's happening more and more. it's one of the reasons why with all the things unicef is doing, all those obvious things of equipment and blankets and food and water is cash assistance. getting cash to those people. those most vulnerable is really key to give them the power to choose where they stay in this horrible scenario. >> my goodness. so james, too, this war when you look at the whole big picture, it comes after more than two years in a pandemic where kids experienced loss, isolation, many missed coming of age moments. how do you see all of this potentially impacting these young people long-term? >> we have to stop the war or the impact grows day in and day out. the way you paint that then, four horse men of the apocalypse. we've had the past months of the pandemic and these children had a lot to do with lockdowns and every child around the world knows that. then the destruction of this war going on right now, which shows no sign of abating and no sign of respect for boys and girls and civilians. then hunger, we see that. because it's meant to be a bread basket for wheat and crops around the world in places where unicef is still worried from yemen to ooet yethiopia. we're deeply concerned and why we've never stopped working for those countries. for the boys and girls here, they need respite. the bombs have to stop. these children will not have that psychological response and a chance to get back into a classroom and be with friends and be in places that should be safe, a playground, a hospital, until those bombs stop and they're not stopping. more children injured this morning. until that, an aid agency like us, we're just doing triage here. >> long after the bombs stop, the trauma. the suffering continues just in a different form. james elder, yeah, thank you so much for joining us and thank you for the work that you're doing. appreciate it. >> thanks. coming up, a man hunt in this country is underway in alabama after a corrections officer and inmate go missing on their way to the courthouse. i'll talk to the lauderdale county sheriff right after this. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete fininancial plan. visit to find yoyour cfp® profession. ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you stay 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mental evaluation, but neither of them showed up. later that day, officer white's patrol car was spotted in a shopping center parking lot around 11:00 a.m. and around 3:30 p.m., other officers tried to contact her but her phone went straight to voice mail. lauderdale sheriff rick singleton says officer white is likely in danger. sheriff, so good you could be with us. boy, is this a very strange man hunt underway. now, do you have reason to believe there was some cooperation between the two as to why they're both now missing? sheriff, are you able to hear me? oh, my goodness. we are going to try to reestablish that connection. oh, wait a minute. i'm hearing he might be able to hear me. so, sheriff, if you're able to hear me, what's the situation, all right, sheriff singleton, as to do you believe that the corrections officer and the inmate have a planned escape here? >> we don't know for sure. that's certainly something we're looking into. we're really approaching this from three different angles. one, you know, was she overpowered and kidnapped. and the other of course obvious question is did she assist the inmate in escaping. if she did, did she do it willingness or coerced or threatened somehow to help him escape. >> and why would you believe that potentially she may have assisted him and at the same time, what tells you that potentially it could also be a kidnapping in terms of one of the three scenarios you see? >> well, the whole scenario with her transporting him to court for an appointment or court appearance that did not exist. he was not scheduled to be in court that morning for any reason. and also, of course, our policy is that any inmate on charges he was in the detention center for be escorted by two sworn deputies. director white is in charge of coordinating those transports. she knew the policy. she knew she was not to leave there alone with him and so that tells us that you know, something was up. she carried him out of the detention center to a scheduled court appearance that was nonexistent. we don't know if she was coerced, threatened to carry that plan out or if she did it willingly or of course, if somehow he overpowered her in the four blocks from the detention center to the courthouse and took control of the vehicle and her. >> okay. so now that we report that the vehicle that they were both in was spotted at the parking lot in a shopping center, that might also infer that there might be some video cameras around, right? surveillance videos. have you learned anything about their whereabouts getting out of the vehicle, a willingness or direction that you all now are able to search? >> we have not. it's really given us a roadblock in our investigation. we don't really know what kind of vehicle they may be in. we have obviously searched out all the video security footage in the area. other locations, we've gotten tips where they might have been seen here or there locally that morning, but we've not been able to turn up any evidence that shows them getting in another vehicle. >> huh. then what can you tell me about corrections officer vicki white? i mean, she's a long time veteran, right, of the country. then what can you tell me about the inmate, casey white, and no relation, right? >> no relation. vicki white has been employed with the sheriff's office for almost 17 years and hired in as a corrections deputy, promoted to sergeant in 2015 when i took office, she was promoted to assistant director of operations. she does a tremendous job. all of her co-workers, the employees in the sheriff's office, the judges have the most respect for her. she has an unblemishes record. she's exemplary employee so we're very concerned for her safety. the inmate, casey white, was serving 75 years in our department of corrections for a crime spree that he committed in our neighbors county, limestone county in 2015. he was brought back here for court appearances on a child that we have for him here on capital murder. also in 2015, we had a victim murdered in the east end of our county. her home was burglarized. she was killed. he asked for an investigator to come talk to him in 2019. that investigator went through the prison and interviewed him and he confessed to that murder. so he was brought back here for scheduled court appearances, but he did not have a scheduled appearance yesterday. >> uh-huh. then a district attorney had reported that casey white intended to escape and take a person hostage back in 2020. is there anything you can tell us about that? >> other than we discovered that plan and you know, as a result, he was shipped back to the department of corrections at that time. you know, again, we had policy in place and we reiterated that policy with them, that he was to always have two deputies escort him wherever he went. >> all right, curious, indeed. sheriff, please keep us updated as your investigation takes any turns. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and we'll be right back. if 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(all): hail, caesar! pssst caesar! julius! dude, you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. i was thinking like... oh hi, caesar. we were just talking about you. ha ha ha. yeah, you should probably get out of here. not good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the new subway club now that's a perfect 10 thank you! stop trying to upstage the sandwich, simone biles. subway keeps refreshing and refre- (heartbeats) introducing icy hot pro. with 2 max-strength pain relievers. ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with pro-level contrast therapy. rise from pain. hello, again, everyone, thank you for joining me, i'm fredricka whitfield. we begin with breaking news out of ukraine. a russian agency reporting that a group of civilians has left the mariupol

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Production , Regard , Emirates , Interests , Mexico , Brazil , Israelis , Syria , Saudi Arabia , Level , Couple , Options , Problem , Fact , Delegation , Absence , Biden , Narrative , Release , Goodness , Prisoner Swap Deal , Trevor Reid , Trevor Reed , Release Help Leverage , Prison , Paul Wheeland , Bri , Brittney Griner , Mystery , Crisis , Channel , Issues , Approach , Greiner , Efforts , Health , Paul , Tb , Hunger Strikes , Grounds , Didn T , Breaking Point , Return , Sentence , Most , Drug Supply Heroin Dealer , Wheelen , Liberia , Package Deal , Americans Out , Judgment , Thanks , Storm , Tearing , Dozens , More , Cabin , Fee , Chase Freem , Kevin Hart , Chchase , 5 , Back Pain , Doctor , Relief , Salonpas , Medicine , Guy , Stomach , Pill , Waxed , Skin , Water , Formula , Condition , Glycerin , Dove Ultimate Antiperspirant , Sensitive , 6 , Symptoms , Moderate , Dose , Tracks , Move , Ulcerative Colitis , Injections , Stelara , Crohn S Disease , Infections , Cancer , 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Don T , Care , Temperature Balancing , Science , Weekend Special , 00 , 500 , Lily , Base , Queen , Price , Delivery , Difference , Education , Ends Monday , Capella University , 1299 , 299 , Flexpath Learning Format , Master S Degree , Cost , Pace , Plaque Psoriasis , Skyrizi , Plan , Hand In , 90 , 4 , Starter Doses , Study , 1 , 3 , Chills , Tuberculosis , Muscle Aches , Fevers , Coughs , Sweats , Allergies , Dermatologist , Good , Season , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Capital Murder Suspect , Jail , Vicki White , Casey White , Relation , Person , Officer , Evaluation , Patrol Car , Neither , Officers , Shopping Center Parking Lot , Phone , Voice Mail , 11 , Rick Singleton , Reason , Danger , Cooperation , Boy , Connection , Situation , Sheriff Singleton , Angles , Escape , Sure , Other , It Willingness , Question , Scenarios , Kidnapping , Appearance , Court , Appointment , Policy , Director White , Detention Center , Deputies , Transports , Charges , Charge , Court Appearance , Blocks , Vehicle , Parking Lot , Shopping Center , In , Video Cameras , Surveillance Videos , Willingness , Direction , Whereabouts , Locations , Investigation , Roadblock , Video Security Footage , Evidence , Huh , Veteran , Co Workers , Corrections Deputy , Operations , Assistant Director , Sergeant , Job , 17 , 2015 , Unblemishes , Employee , Judges , Court Appearances , Neighbors County , Limestone County , Crime Spree , Department Of Corrections , 75 , Investigator , Victim , County , Capital Murder , East End , Murder , 2019 , White , Hostage , District Attorney , Uh Huh , 2020 , Result , Right , Curious , Turns , Verizon , 5g , Driver , 5g Network , Coverage , Cities , Interstate Highway Miles , Thinking , 96 , Stay , Points , Rewards Points , Western , Let S Go On The Open Road , Bestwestern Com , Ratings , Reviews , Happiness , Pay , Angi , Angi Com , Babies , Baby Formula , Complaints , Maker , Sick , Cdc , Ed Fda , Products , Safety Testing , Hold , Sturgis , Michigan , Contamination , Air Quality , Wildfires , Counties , Fires , Evacuation Orders , Peaks , Residents , Calf Canyon , San Miguel , 160000 , Beekeeper , Bees , Thousands , Beekeeper Association , Hartsfield Jackson Airport , Atlanta , Morgan Jury , Starving , Alaska , Georgia , Ed Ward , Chef , Hives , Survivors Wouldn T , Masters , Lask , Illier , City , Heart , Music , Preview , Isn T , Art , Tour , Carlton , Paris , Chef Francis , House Doesn T , Restaurant , House Of France , Special , Hotel , Palace Kitchen , Generation , Pleasure , Display , Migrant , Suburbs , Fan Boying , Instagram , Cuisine , Old School French Dish , Leaves , Nomad , Love , Yum , A Thousand , News , Coralton Mccoy , Pacific , Invested , Lover , Quarrel , Green Energy , Op , Thpower , Oxygen Levels , Tumor Cells , Growth , Immunotherapy , Gene Mutation , Egfr , Cancer Discovery , Dana Farber , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Burning , Stinging , Medication , Majority , Adults , Psoriatic Arthritis , Caesar , Team , Ringcentral , Julius , Dude , Ha , Refresh , Black Forest Ham , Sandwich , Pain , Pain Relievers , Icy Hot Pro , Heartbeats , Ice Works Fast , Doubt , Heat , Contrast Therapy , Reporting , Group , Breaking News , Agency , Fredricka Whitfield ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240708

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started in sedgwick county and traveled into andover. we had many buildings in andover take very tough damage. total in the path, there were 966 buildings, we believe. we do not have a damage assessment on how many of those were damaged. >> i mean, the video is extraordinary. so far, only a handful of injuries are reported. more on this story in a moment. but first, we're watching new developments over seas in ukraine. ukrainian forces withstanding russia's mercyless shelling in lieu luhansk and donetsk. new video shows a submarine firing cruise missiles at ukrainian targets. this as we're seeing new images showing the devastation at a steel plant in mariupol. it's where a last stand of ukrainian soldiers and civilians are hunkered down, surrounded. and there's also this just in to cnn just moments ago. city officials in mariupol say there may be a possible breakthrough in the evacuation negotiations. for more on that, let's go to scott mcclain live for us in lviv. what are you learning? >> reporter: earlier today, we heard from the mariupol mayor's office who said that the united nations and the international red cross were working to negotiate with the russians and with the ukrainians on some kind of an evacuation corridor. now we're hear ing from the mayor's office that as you mentioned, there may be hope possibly for an evacuation corridor today. what we know is if that is to happen and it is not finalized at this point, it would lead from a point on the western edge of the city. the reasons for optimism is the ukrainians say the russians are allowing people in neighborhoods in the left bank to move around to the opposite side of the river, potentially allowing them to link up with that evacuation corridor. what is not clear at this stage of the game though is whether or not that includes these civilians who are trapped underneath that sprawling steel plant facility. and new satellite images show that is not a place anyone would want to be. images show that nearly every building on that sprawling campus has been destroyed. some roofs are caved in. some buildings have been reduced entirely to rubble. what the images do not show is the extent of the damage underground. i spoke yesterday with deputy commander of the azof regiment, part of the military that is leading the fighting in that area who said some parts of the cellars and bunkers and tunnels under the plant have been blocked off by rubble and there are some areas they can't access. they don't know if there are people who may be trapped under there and still be alive, frankly. yesterday, the president, ukrainian president zelenskyy announced there was an operation underway in order to evacuate people, but he gave no details and nothing seemed to materialize from that. last night, cnn spoke with the ceo of the company who runs the plant and he said he has not had contact with anyone there for the last three weeks because there's inadequate communications there, but what he did say is they have managed to link up with some people who have managed to escape. here's what they told him. >> they're telling us it's a humanitarian disaster. the city is being destroyed. basically, beautiful, thriving city was turned into a concentration camp by the russians in less than two months. you can say it's genocide which is happening there. >> reporter: strong words. even if the civilians who are trapped under there manage to get out through diplomacy, through the u.n. or red cross, that still leaves the soldiers there who say the russian troops have begun to storm the facility on the ground. the mayor's office said it would likely take a miracle to get them out and they say they will not leave without weapons in their hands. >> thank you so much. we're also now hearing from the family of an american citizen killed while fighting in ukraine. 22-year-old willie joseph cancel, a former u.s. marine, died earlier this week. >> for willie joseph cancel, this wasn't his war. the 22-year-old had already served his country in the marines, but after russia invaded ukraine, cancel's family says he felt the need to leave tennessee and join the fight. >> even before he left to go to ukraine, you know, he was proud because he wanted to do the right thing and you know, fight alongside the underdogs and help them with things that he thought was important. >> cancel's mother, rebecca cabrera, says her son was the one to stand up when everyone else stood back. >> everybody that he's come in contact with in his life said that they were proud to serve next to him, to be part of his life. and just everybody remember who he was. he was a hero and you know, he was doing the right thing. no matter how people feel about it. >> cancel's mother says he started working for a private military contractor shortly before the war. cancel agreed to go fight in ukraine. he arrived in a country still defending on multiple fronts in mid march. russian forces inching towards kyiv, carrying out more strikes on western ukraine. his mother was told he fought with men from different countries before he fought. his body has not been recovered. his new brothers in arms mourning his loss. >> makes me feel sad. i'm grateful for his sacrifices. unbelievable that he was able to go here and put in ultimate sacrifice for my home country of ukraine. >> cancel leaves behind a wife and a 7-month-old baby, a family left without a father and husband. his brother-in-law says he was the type to fight for what's right regardless of the outcome. he's not the only one. ukraine's military created an international legion for foreign fighters. a ukrainian official said more than 25,000 from 52 countries wanted to join. how many served is unclear. the u.s. has sent billions of dollars to ukraine to help fifight russia, but the white house says american citizens should stay out of this fight. >> we know people want to help, but we do encourage americans to find other ways to do so rather than traveling to, rather than traveling to ukraine to fight there. it is a war zone. it's an active war zone. and we know americans face significant risks, but certainly we know a family is mourning. a wife is mourning and our hearts are with them. >> cancel's mother says the call was too great, the cause too important for which cancel gave his life. >> he knew they needed help. and it was just something that he felt that he could help in pa because he had the experience and the training and the knowledge to go and help them. >> cnn at the pentagon. joining us right now is aaron david miller. a cnn global affairs analyst and is a former state department middle east negotiator. so good to see you. we're seeing relentless shelling in the east and civilians trapped in several areas and we continue to hear from the international community about talks about the potential of diplomacy with putin, but is it clear by now that diplomacy or negotiations just don't seem plausible? >> you know, negotiations based on the degree of urgency that both sides attach to reaching some sort of deal. i'd tend to be more optimistic on the prospects of at some point an evacuation of civilians from mariupol even though we've had so many false starts and it's an extraordinary human tragedy. the broader issue of negotiating with putin on ending the conflict i think simply is not in the cards. at least not for now. and as far as ukraine is concerned, they are now trained on and equipped by the world's finest military. particularly after the poor performance of the russians in the field. that is to say the united states. so zelenskyy's under a fair amount of pressure to hold tough and to wait to see to determine how many additional games ukraine can make against the russians. so sadly, the time for talking is not yet here or serious talking leading to agreement is not yet here. >> so can ukraine make the kind of gains possible to help end this conflict if it's not in the cards that putin would, you know, give up? >> you know, i think the next two to four weeks will be critically important phase one of this operation. russian effort to sort of thunder strike, decapitate the current government in ukraine. shell and occupy kyiv. and other major populations here. that has not proven to be the case. the russians may be learning from their mistakes to some degree, but i know you talked to mark hurtling this morning and he has doubts whether or not they are sufficiently in control of concentrating their forces. they have logistics and moral problems. so i think the future of a negotiation is going to be determined largely by events on the battlefield. it's just too soon to make a prediction. the trend lines however seem to be in favor of at least ukraine stopping or thwarting significant russian advances, but again, still early days. >> this upcoming g-20 summit in indonesia. russia invited to attend. he says yes, he wants to be there. how important will it be for america, the united states, and other countries to either boycott as long as putin is indeed in attendance or make some other statement? >> you know, the g-20's in november, fred. it's in washington time, crisis time, that's an eternity. many things can transpire. the administration understandably have taken extraordinary measures to isolate russia politically. they've created a sanctions package which makes russia the most sanctioned country in the world. certainly in recent decades in terms of the application of s sanctions, but there's a certain reality. the president of indonesia is not joint sections. of the ten most populated countries of the world, only one is on board to isolate and sanction russia. important countries like india, brazil, mexico. the israelis are hitting with regard to protecting their interests in syria. saudi arabia and the emirates refuse to increase oil production because they don't want to alienate the russians. so it's a real problem. and if in fact zelenskyy agrees to go, i know he's been invited, i suspect the administration has a couple of options. they could send a lower level delegation. they could participate remotely in an effort to demonstrate or president biden will go because if he doesn't, then the absence of trying to create an american narrative and tell an american story would be critically important. so it's going to be a tough call as we approach november. >> okay, i want to ask you about the release of american trevor reid in a prisoner swap deal with russia. thank goodness for his release, but still being held in a russian prison. bri brittney griner and paul wheeland. how does reed's release help leverage the state department's approach on the release of greiner and wheeland? >> it demonstrates in this sort of crisis when it comes to these issues, russia and united states still maintain a channel. the mystery, look, this has building up for months. both the white house and the state department have been engaged in efforts to seek a deal. paul, sorry, reed's health was declining. he's been exposed to active tb. i think he had been on a couple of hunger strikes. the russians may well have concluded they couldn't afford or didn't want to afford, given what they've done in ukraine. though it strikes me as straining the grounds, the breaking point to think putin cares about the health of trevor reed, but they agreed to this. and in return, the united states traded a appears to be a significantly large in terms of drug supply heroin dealer they picked up in liberia who served most of his sentence. what this says about greiner and wheelen is really unclear. i would suspect it would be nice to see some sort of package deal to get both those americans out, but it's too early to make a judgment and i suspect the russians will use them both as they've used trevor reed over the past several years. >> certainly everybody's hoping for their release really soon. aaron david miller, thank you so much. >> thanks, fred. still to come -- i mean, images hard to believe. dozens of buildings levelled after massive tornados like this tearing through kansas and nebraska. we'll tell you where the powerful storm might be headed now after this. unlimited. i earn 5% on our cabin. hello cashback! hello, k kevin hart! earn bigig time with chase freem unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chchase. make more of what's yours. for back pain, i've always been a take two and call in the morning guy. but my new doctor recommended salonpas. without another pill upsetting my stomach, i get powerful, effective and safe relief. salonpas. it's good medicine. waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first 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these tornados are becoming even more perfectly formed and we're starting to see more of them in broad daylight. what's going on? >> right. it would seem that way the last few months. both march and april had above average numbers of tornados. so for a lot of these communities, it may feel like deja vu all over again. it's been a busy past 24 hours. a total of 16 reported tornados. 88 wind gust reports and 60 hail reports. some of them the size of baseballs and even softballs. unfortunately for a lot of the clean up efforts that are going to take place today, you're going to have to contend with gusty winds. high wind warnings across the areas that were hit yesterday. 30, 40, 50 mile per our wind gusts. today, the same system continues. we're just seeing it shift towards the east. basically anything from milwaukee downwards waco and austin have the potential for strong thunderstorms. the yellow area more of the target point. chicago, st. louis, little rock. damaging winds, large hail and tornados all possibilities. we have showers and thunderstorms ongoing right now, but you're really going to start to see the potential for the severe storms ramp up this afternoon. once you get the heating of the day starting to build, they'll continue into the evening hours. so have a way to get emergency alerts before you go to bed tonight. this is multiday event because we have another system that moves in tomorrow so the potential for tomorrow exists across areas of eastern new mexico, areas of the texas and oklahoma panhandle and by monday, we see it spread north as well as spread east. again, the two systems, here's the first one. the one across the midwest pushing into areas of west virginia and ohio tomorrow. there's the secondary system beginning to slide in. that's going to be a factor not only sunday, but monday. unfortunately, some of those same areas hit yesterday are going to see the potential for more severe weather on monday. >> there's more. thank you so much. >> coming up, two-thirds of children in ukraine have been forced to leave their homes. next, we'll talk to a unicef spokesperson about what he is seeing on the ground in ukraine right now. ng everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forerest ham on the new subway club now thatat's a perfect 10 thank you! stop trying to u upstage the sandwich, simone biles. subway keeps refreshing and refre- before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . hereality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without hetburn? i got a call from some scammer who had the nerve to ask for my medicare number. i was not born yesterday. when someone asked for my medicare number in a text, i knew it was a scam. nice catch. and, your mother knew it wasn't a real email. go, mom! - i don't share my medicare number 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fall, sthey sheltere in a neighbors basement. but they hit the house where we were staying, she says. we were buried in the cellar. then the rescuers took us out of the wreckage. her dad did not emerge. now an orphan, she started to walk to try to find safety amidst chaos and then another explosion from a mine. my friend saw something on the ground, she says, and she hit it accidentally with her boot. the military came after the explosions and took us to a hospital because we were bleeding, but in some ways, her journey was just beginning. in the chaos, she was picked up by soldiers she says spoke russian and eventually brought to a russian-held area in donetsk. i was taken there at night, she says. they took shrapel out of my ear. it was after this cnn learned about kyra's story because russia paraded it on state tv. state propaganda showed images of kyra in a donetsk hospital and said she was being treated well. convinced she was being mistreated, her family went public with her story and it worked. a deal between russia and ukrainian allowed her grandfather to travel to russia and bring her back to kyiv where she told us what russian state tv did not. it's a bad hospital there. the food there is bad. the nurses scream at you. the bed is bent like this. there wasn't enough space for all of us inside. none of that came out on russian state tv. her injuries have largely healed now though she'll stay in the hospital a little longer. it was there that someone gave her that ipad after a presidential visit came bearing gift this is week. she didn't love all that attention though so for now, she just wants to see her cat and spend time with her grandfather, recovering from the horrors of war one day at a time. matt rivers, cnn, kyiv, ukraine. after a meeting with president zelenskyy this week, the u.n. secretary general said they would redouble efforts to save lives and reduce human suffering in ukraine. the war has displaced nearly two-thirds of ukraine's 7.5 million children and killed more than 160 according to unicef. joining me now is james elder, the global spokesperson for unicef is joining us from the eastern ukrainian city. james, good to see you. this is not your first trip to ukraine, but perhaps you can describe for us what has changed in your journeys there. >> yeah, look, not much has changed. in a way, it's still defined by a huge level of stress in a place like this because the air raid sirens keep pushing people underground and these are people who have been living underground and know what the sirens mean. supplies, just seeing the sort soft supplies unicef is giving out. water, medicines, blankets, counselors, but just endless sorrow. another missile hitting ukrainian flats. three young children, two 5 and one 7, all injured. all in a hospital where there's not enough doctors now. so you know, stress and sorrow keep defining my time in ukraine. >> yeah. i mean, it's hard to believe how anyone really is keeping it together. and then even seeing the story from my colleague there on the 12-year-old. i mean, just what strength so many young people and of course ages of all kinds, are demonstrating. you have actually been documenting your current trip in a daily video diary. even posting on twitter and yesterday, you shared your meeting with a teenage brother and sister and their cats at the train station there. they're smiling. it's just hard to believe how young people are able to exhibit so much hope despite what they have been through. tell us about them. >> it was a real steelyness with this brother and sister and they were clearly very close. you could see that. so for them, they wanted out, you know. gives me a chill to think about them. they just wanted to get out now. they were forced now to leave their home. they had given up on that constant bombardment of where they lived not far from here and they just wanted to get out. their mother, they don't have a dad. their mother had just bought a home for them. you can imagine a single mom, we see it around the world. she saved up and bought a home. she hadn't wanted to leave. it got to a point where it was just not safe. doesn't feel safe anywhere so it was time to go. so the brother and his sister and the two cats were ready to go. they wanted to go to poland. they want to go, they just want peace. they want to be surrounded by the sound, one of them said to me again by the sound of birds. maybe the cat wants that as well. but the sound of birds. not the sound of missiles. so they both were and it was lovely to see the way they connected and strengthened each other. one sentence with the mother and she was in tears. she could see the struggle ahead for her and the kids. >> also has a photo essay about the refugee mothers who were choosing to return to ukraine deciding they would rather risk living in a conflict zone than be refugees living in another country. have you heard that kind of story from people? >> what i've certainly heard, i came across the border again. didn't see a lot of people returning, but i've seen a large enough number to be significant of people coming from the west, which was meant to be safe. safer certainly than here. coming back here. and that's because for them, just a lack of financial ability to stay somewhere else. they need to be working or they need to be not paying for rent in two places. so that's happening more and more. it's one of the reasons why with all the things unicef is doing, all those obvious things of equipment and blankets and food and water is cash assistance. getting cash to those people. those most vulnerable is really key to give them the power to choose where they stay in this horrible scenario. >> my goodness. so james, too, this war when you look at the whole big picture, it comes after more than two years in a pandemic where kids experienced loss, isolation, many missed coming of age moments. how do you see all of this potentially impacting these young people long-term? >> we have to stop the war or the impact grows day in and day out. the way you paint that then, four horse men of the apocalypse. we've had the past months of the pandemic and these children had a lot to do with lockdowns and every child around the world knows that. then the destruction of this war going on right now, which shows no sign of abating and no sign of respect for boys and girls and civilians. then hunger, we see that. because it's meant to be a bread basket for wheat and crops around the world in places where unicef is still worried from yemen to ooet yethiopia. we're deeply concerned and why we've never stopped working for those countries. for the boys and girls here, they need respite. the bombs have to stop. these children will not have that psychological response and a chance to get back into a classroom and be with friends and be in places that should be safe, a playground, a hospital, until those bombs stop and they're not stopping. more children injured this morning. until that, an aid agency like us, we're just doing triage here. >> long after the bombs stop, the trauma. the suffering continues just in a different form. james elder, yeah, thank you so much for joining us and thank you for the work that you're doing. appreciate it. >> thanks. coming up, a man hunt in this country is underway in alabama after a corrections officer and inmate go missing on their way to the courthouse. i'll talk to the lauderdale county sheriff right after this. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete fininancial plan. visit to find yoyour cfp® profession. ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you stay 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mental evaluation, but neither of them showed up. later that day, officer white's patrol car was spotted in a shopping center parking lot around 11:00 a.m. and around 3:30 p.m., other officers tried to contact her but her phone went straight to voice mail. lauderdale sheriff rick singleton says officer white is likely in danger. sheriff, so good you could be with us. boy, is this a very strange man hunt underway. now, do you have reason to believe there was some cooperation between the two as to why they're both now missing? sheriff, are you able to hear me? oh, my goodness. we are going to try to reestablish that connection. oh, wait a minute. i'm hearing he might be able to hear me. so, sheriff, if you're able to hear me, what's the situation, all right, sheriff singleton, as to do you believe that the corrections officer and the inmate have a planned escape here? >> we don't know for sure. that's certainly something we're looking into. we're really approaching this from three different angles. one, you know, was she overpowered and kidnapped. and the other of course obvious question is did she assist the inmate in escaping. if she did, did she do it willingness or coerced or threatened somehow to help him escape. >> and why would you believe that potentially she may have assisted him and at the same time, what tells you that potentially it could also be a kidnapping in terms of one of the three scenarios you see? >> well, the whole scenario with her transporting him to court for an appointment or court appearance that did not exist. he was not scheduled to be in court that morning for any reason. and also, of course, our policy is that any inmate on charges he was in the detention center for be escorted by two sworn deputies. director white is in charge of coordinating those transports. she knew the policy. she knew she was not to leave there alone with him and so that tells us that you know, something was up. she carried him out of the detention center to a scheduled court appearance that was nonexistent. we don't know if she was coerced, threatened to carry that plan out or if she did it willingly or of course, if somehow he overpowered her in the four blocks from the detention center to the courthouse and took control of the vehicle and her. >> okay. so now that we report that the vehicle that they were both in was spotted at the parking lot in a shopping center, that might also infer that there might be some video cameras around, right? surveillance videos. have you learned anything about their whereabouts getting out of the vehicle, a willingness or direction that you all now are able to search? >> we have not. it's really given us a roadblock in our investigation. we don't really know what kind of vehicle they may be in. we have obviously searched out all the video security footage in the area. other locations, we've gotten tips where they might have been seen here or there locally that morning, but we've not been able to turn up any evidence that shows them getting in another vehicle. >> huh. then what can you tell me about corrections officer vicki white? i mean, she's a long time veteran, right, of the country. then what can you tell me about the inmate, casey white, and no relation, right? >> no relation. vicki white has been employed with the sheriff's office for almost 17 years and hired in as a corrections deputy, promoted to sergeant in 2015 when i took office, she was promoted to assistant director of operations. she does a tremendous job. all of her co-workers, the employees in the sheriff's office, the judges have the most respect for her. she has an unblemishes record. she's exemplary employee so we're very concerned for her safety. the inmate, casey white, was serving 75 years in our department of corrections for a crime spree that he committed in our neighbors county, limestone county in 2015. he was brought back here for court appearances on a child that we have for him here on capital murder. also in 2015, we had a victim murdered in the east end of our county. her home was burglarized. she was killed. he asked for an investigator to come talk to him in 2019. that investigator went through the prison and interviewed him and he confessed to that murder. so he was brought back here for scheduled court appearances, but he did not have a scheduled appearance yesterday. >> uh-huh. then a district attorney had reported that casey white intended to escape and take a person hostage back in 2020. is there anything you can tell us about that? >> other than we discovered that plan and you know, as a result, he was shipped back to the department of corrections at that time. you know, again, we had policy in place and we reiterated that policy with them, that he was to always have two deputies escort him wherever he went. >> all right, curious, indeed. sheriff, please keep us updated as your investigation takes any turns. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and we'll be right back. if 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Spread East , Eastern New Mexico , Oklahoma Panhandle , Texas , West Virginia , Factor , Sunday , Weather , Ohio , Children , Everything , Homes , Ukraine , Unicef , Spokesperson , Coming Up , Subway Club , Sleep , Roast Beef , Oven , Anna , Refre , Simone Biles , Turkey , Night , Subway , Ham , Nexium 24hr , U Upstage The Sandwich , 10 , It Starts , Heartburn , Dream , Acid , Night Protection , Hereality , Hetburn , Scammer , Nerve , Number , Someone , Don T Share My Medicare , Text , Scam , Catch , Wasn T A Real Email , Nice , Mom , Strike , Email , Strangers , Personal Information , Andrea , Medicare Gov Fraud , Go , Stress , Austin James , My Name , Transportation , Bills , Shoulders , Jude , Diabetes , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Musician , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , 2 , It , 8 2 , 6 7 , Tools , Power , Stats , Investment Ideas , Eyes , Merrill , Customers , Xfinity , Prime Video , Boys , Watchathon Week , Entertainment , Hbo Max , Xfinity Rewards , Hi Tim , Netflix , Voice , Starz , I Love You , And Peacock , Millions , Bombs , Girl , Territory , Matt Rivers , 12 , Ipad , Distraction , Screen , Backed Acseparatists , Ordeal , She Wasn T , In A Hospital Run , Dad , House , Sthey Sheltere , Neighbors Basement , Invaded , Chaos , Safety , Cellar , Rescuers , Wreckage , Orphan , Hospital , Explosion , Friend , Explosions , Mine , Boot , Bleeding , Journey , State Tv , Shrapel , Kyra , Ear , Public , Donetsk Hospital , State Propaganda , Food , Grandfather , Nurses , All Of Us Inside , There Wasn T Enough Space , None , Cat , Attention , Visit , Bearing , Gift , Meeting , Secretary General , Horrors , Lives , Human Suffering , 160 , 7 5 Million , James Elder , Trip , Journeys , Air Raid Sirens , Supplies , Sirens , Sorrow , Blankets , Counselors , Medicines , Missile , Flats , Doctors , Injured , Course , Kinds , Strength , Colleague , Ages , Brother , Cats , Sister , Train Station , Video Diary , Twitter , Steelyness , Bombardment , Home , Chill , She Hadn T , Around The World , Doesn T , Peace , Anywhere , Poland , Birds , Sound , Each Other , Missiles , The Sound , Refugee Mothers , Kids , Tears , Struggle , Photo Essay , Conflict Zone , Refugees , Border , Ability , Safe , Safer , West , Lack , Places , Somewhere , Doing , Rent , Scenario , Cash Assistance , Cash , Vulnerable , Equipment , War , Picture , Pandemic , Isolation , Wall , Impact , Child , Apocalypse , Horse , Lockdowns , Respect , Sign , Hunger , Abating , Wheat , Crops , Bread Basket , Boys And Girls , For The Boys And Girls , Respite , Yemen , Ooet Yethiopia , Chance , Response , Friends , Classroom , Playground , Aid Agency , Bombs Stop , Triage , Man Hunt , Suffering , Form , Work , Trauma , Inmate , Corrections Officer , Courthouse , Yoyour Cfp , Professional , Fininancial Plan , Lauderdale County Sheriff , Alabama , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Times , Electorlytes , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Feel , Sale , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , 360 , Miss , Movement , Don T , Care , Temperature Balancing , Science , Weekend Special , 00 , 500 , Lily , Base , Queen , Price , Delivery , Difference , Education , Ends Monday , Capella University , 1299 , 299 , Flexpath Learning Format , Master S Degree , Cost , Pace , Plaque Psoriasis , Skyrizi , Plan , Hand In , 90 , 4 , Starter Doses , Study , 1 , 3 , Chills , Tuberculosis , Muscle Aches , Fevers , Coughs , Sweats , Allergies , Dermatologist , Good , Season , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Capital Murder Suspect , Jail , Vicki White , Casey White , Relation , Person , Officer , Evaluation , Patrol Car , Neither , Officers , Shopping Center Parking Lot , Phone , Voice Mail , 11 , Rick Singleton , Reason , Danger , Cooperation , Boy , Connection , Situation , Sheriff Singleton , Angles , Escape , Sure , Other , It Willingness , Question , Scenarios , Kidnapping , Appearance , Court , Appointment , Policy , Director White , Detention Center , Deputies , Transports , Charges , Charge , Court Appearance , Blocks , Vehicle , Parking Lot , Shopping Center , In , Video Cameras , Surveillance Videos , Willingness , Direction , Whereabouts , Locations , Investigation , Roadblock , Video Security Footage , Evidence , Huh , Veteran , Co Workers , Corrections Deputy , Operations , Assistant Director , Sergeant , Job , 17 , 2015 , Unblemishes , Employee , Judges , Court Appearances , Neighbors County , Limestone County , Crime Spree , Department Of Corrections , 75 , Investigator , Victim , County , Capital Murder , East End , Murder , 2019 , White , Hostage , District Attorney , Uh Huh , 2020 , Result , Right , Curious , Turns , Verizon , 5g , Driver , 5g Network , Coverage , Cities , Interstate Highway Miles , Thinking , 96 , Stay , Points , Rewards Points , Western , Let S Go On The Open Road , Bestwestern Com , Ratings , Reviews , Happiness , Pay , Angi , Angi Com , Babies , Baby Formula , Complaints , Maker , Sick , Cdc , Ed Fda , Products , Safety Testing , Hold , Sturgis , Michigan , Contamination , Air Quality , Wildfires , Counties , Fires , Evacuation Orders , Peaks , Residents , Calf Canyon , San Miguel , 160000 , Beekeeper , Bees , Thousands , Beekeeper Association , Hartsfield Jackson Airport , Atlanta , Morgan Jury , Starving , Alaska , Georgia , Ed Ward , Chef , Hives , Survivors Wouldn T , Masters , Lask , Illier , City , Heart , Music , Preview , Isn T , Art , Tour , Carlton , Paris , Chef Francis , House Doesn T , Restaurant , House Of France , Special , Hotel , Palace Kitchen , Generation , Pleasure , Display , Migrant , Suburbs , Fan Boying , Instagram , Cuisine , Old School French Dish , Leaves , Nomad , Love , Yum , A Thousand , News , Coralton Mccoy , Pacific , Invested , Lover , Quarrel , Green Energy , Op , Thpower , Oxygen Levels , Tumor Cells , Growth , Immunotherapy , Gene Mutation , Egfr , Cancer Discovery , Dana Farber , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Burning , Stinging , Medication , Majority , Adults , Psoriatic Arthritis , Caesar , Team , Ringcentral , Julius , Dude , Ha , Refresh , Black Forest Ham , Sandwich , Pain , Pain Relievers , Icy Hot Pro , Heartbeats , Ice Works Fast , Doubt , Heat , Contrast Therapy , Reporting , Group , Breaking News , Agency , Fredricka Whitfield ,

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