Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

the complex. and another tragic death to report. this time it is an american. a 22-year-old former u.s. marine was killed while fighting alongside ukrainian forces. his name is willie joseph cansell. his family says that he'd gone over to ukraine as a private contractor to fight against russia with an international brigade of soldiers. let's begin in kyiv. cnn's matt rivers has the very latest on those strikes on the capital city. matt? >> reporter: well, this site right behind me is where ukrainian officials say those russian cruise missiles struck yesterday. and we know that at least one person has been killed as a result of that strike. a woman living in this building. she was a journalist, a 54-year-old woman working for a radio station here in kyiv. rescuers actually found her body this morning. we know that she joins multiple other people who are injured. at least six different people, we're told, are in the hospital with varying injuries including carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of the fire that took place in this apartment building just behind me. what russia's ministry of defense is saying is they were targeting a facility, a factory, very close to where we are right now. we can't show you that factory due to ukrainian law. but it's very close to where we are right now. that factory, one of if not the top producer here in ukraine of air-to-air guided missiles, as well as aircraft parts, but this yet another example that even though russia says they're targeting something with a supposed military relevance, this has no military relevance. this is a residential apartment building in which multiple people were injured or killed because of a russian air strike. keep in mind that where we are right now is not far away from where the u.n. secretary general was when he was here in kyiv yesterday meeting with the president of ukraine. these missile strikes happened while he was in town. what message is that sending from russia to the u.n. secretary general after he had just been in moscow trying to negotiate humanitarian corridors. he came here to kyiv on the second leg of that trip. if you were hoping for some sort of major breakthrough between russia and the united nations and humanitarian corridors, this is the message that russia chooses to send while the u.n. secretary general is in town. kate? >> matt, thank you so much for that. now let's go to the besieged city of mariupol. president zelenskyy's office says an operation to evacuate hundreds of civilians from the steel plant is planned for today. unfortunately as we've seen so many times before, a top mariupol official says russian troops are blocking part of the complex. a field hospital there is also now destroyed. ukraine says the plant was hit by 50 air strikes in just the last 24 hours. scott mcclain with more on this. what more are you picking up? >> reporter: hey, kate, yeah, you mentioned that operation the president promised to send to get people out from underneath of that sprawling steel plant. i just finished an interview with a deputy azov regiment commander who is inside of the plant. and i asked what kind of help might be on the way. he said that an evacuation convoy was headed toward the plant, though he couldn't say where it was or when it might arrive or how it would actually access the site considering that the city is now controlled by russians. he also said that not only has there been heavy bombardment from the sky, but russian troops have also been trying to storm the complex on the ground, though he says that the ukrainian troops are firing back and repelling them, at least so far. he couldn't tell how many there were. he said there were small groups but likely thousands of troops. again, we're not in a position to verify this, but this is what he is telling cnn. i asked him about any situation where they may consider surrendering to the russians. he says ideally they would broker some kind of a deal to allow not only the civilians but the soldiers at that site to get out, including the injured ones, the several hundred injured soldiers. he says they will not surrender to the russians. they would rather die trying to defend that site. and even if they do get evacuated in some kind of a deal, they will only leave the facility with their guns. briana keilar earlier spoke with another military commander who is inside the facility, and she asked about the situation with the civilians sheltering there. listen. >> translator: these are hundreds of people, and they have dozens of children with them. the youngest is 4 months old. yesterday was a heavy strike, a direct hit on the field hospital that is situated inside as of steel plant. and the operating theater was hit directly. and all the surgical equipment, everything that is necessary to perform surgery heas been destroyed. right now we cannot treat our wounded. >> reporter: now i also just now interviewed an adviser to the mayor of mariupol, kate, who said that perhaps surrendering to the russians may be the best case scenario if those soldiers can't get out of that facility and if there's no way for them to fight their way out and actually win. >> wow. scott, thank you very much. really appreciate it. the dire situation in ukraine in this moment also marks a true shift in the biden administration's view of the war, acknowledging that this could go on for a long time, could go on for years. that is what is behind the president's new ask to congress. an additional $33 billion in funding to help ukraine defeat russia. there are already signs from capitol hill that this might not happen quickly. cnn's lauren fox is live on the hill with the latest for us. lauren, what have you heard since the president rolled this out yesterday? >> reporter: kate, house speaker nancy pelosi just addressed this a few minutes ago during her press conference. she said that the goal is to pass this legislation as quickly as possible. here's the catch -- as quickly as possible means you have to get republicans and democrats in the senate to agree on what is going to be included in this supplemental. and yesterday when i talked to many republicans, they expressed deep concerns about how exactly this money was split up. one of their concerns is whether or not the military funding is sufficient in comparison to what is being included for humanitarian aid. so those are some of the areas that republicans are saying they want to look more closely at. now there's going to be some time for lawmakers to review this package. but there is a lot of anxiety really about what is moving through the senate right now, and the question is whether or not lawmakers may drag this out to try to put some other priorities in this package. that's right now what is holding this process up. expect that this is going to take several weeks, not just be done in a matter of days. kate? >> all right, lauren. keep us updated. thank you so much for that. joining me now, cnn military analyst, retired major general james "spider" marks, and national security analyst bethenny sanner. the former deputy director of national intelligence. general, if i could, i want to ask first about this american killed this week. according to his family, he was working for a private military contractor while fighting alongside ukrainian forces. we heard yesterday of a british citizen being killed fighting alongside the ukrainians. this is a sad reality of any war, these deaths. do you think these deaths complicate the already tense standoff between russia and the west in this war? >> i really don't, kate. truly it is a humanitarian disaster. it's a tragedy. but here's a young man who raised a hand and said "i want to support my nation, i want to give something back," after he was honorably discharged from the marine corps. he said, "i'm not done. i want to make a difference globally." and he did. but i don't think it has an overarching implication to our efforts or nato's and the western efforts going forward in terms of support to ukraine. it simply, as you've described, it's a matter of fact, and it's not a complication. it simply is something that we should acknowledge, honor this young man and his family for his incredible sacrifice. >> yeah. the response, beth, from the state department and pentagon about this is kind of standard, they're not commenting specifically about the circumstances. they've seen the reporting, they said, about this former marine. but they are reiterating that they don't want americans going to ukraine. ukraine has asked for any help they can get. what do you think? >> i think that the real risk for us isn't so much in sending individual soldiers or allowing individual soldiers to go in, it's more about backing into situations where russia really does hold us responsible. and i'm looking more right now at the strikes that the ukrainians are carrying out over the border, into russia itself, blowing up fume tanks and military facilities, and even hitting some civilian areas according to the russians. now, secretary of state blinken and the uk have said ukraine has the right to strike russia, and of course they're going to be using the heavy weapons that we are all sending them. and i think that is really much more of a concern for me in terms of this escalation. >> that's a great point. john, i want to also get your take on the fact that president putin has now accepted an invitation from indonesia to attend the g20. the pentagon spokesman, john kirby, he said very clearly this morning when asked about this that putin should not be invited. let me play what he said. >> no, he absolutely shouldn't be. i mean, he has isolated russia by his own actions, and he should continue to be isolated by the international community. look, i can't speak for president biden or what the schedule might offer for the president, for the united states attendants, but it's inappropriate i think for the entire international community to keep treating russia as if things are normal because it's not. >> not normal at all, of course. then the question quickly is how should the u.s. and allies respond if this is what happens? not attend, walk out of the g20? >> well, i think they have to participate. look, we've got to have some dialogue, right. there are only so many elements of power and diplomacy is one of those, and it has to be used. you make it very difficult -- i'm of the camp that putin clearly is a war criminal, and we need to move down that path. but i'm not the president of the united states. when you call him a war criminal, you got to put him in a corner. so what you end up with is someone who sees no way out other than to do what he's doing. the issue really becomes indonesia is extending this invitation. indonesia is the world's third largest democracy. india, the united states, and indonesia. what is our relationship with indonesia that would cause them to open the door and say, hey, president putin, why don't you come to the g20? they might see this as an advantageous offering to -- the carpet is available, the door is open, come down and let's have some dialogue. but the united states and indonesia needs to get its act together before we go forward. >> beth, there's also been a potentially big shift happening in germany. the "wall street journal" is now reporting that germany is dropping its objections to an eu embargo against russian oil saying that what they really just need now is time to find an alternative supply for the country. if this is real, this is now the stance here, what would this do for this war effort? >> this is a big deal. you know, in terms of revenue, russia gets a lot more revenue from oil than from gas. three times as much. so this is a big deal. it's a big shift. now the devil is in the details here. and one of the things that is being discussed and really needs to be pursued is how do you prevent that oil, that russian oil from getting into tankers and going other places in the world. so one of the things under consideration is to sanction the insurance companies for those tankers. that would be an excellent way to go because you can sanction the oil, but you've got to shut it down. and one more point on the g20. the g20 is really about the global south, right. it's about the countries in the world that don't make it up into that top seven g7. the indonesians are the hosts. and so they are carrying out their duties there. they've also invited zelenskyy to attend. but if the united states walks out, we are going to be in a minority of the countries that walk out. that is the problem with dealing with these kinds of organizations. they are much more democratic. we don't run them. >> setting up for very interesting, very tense and maybe potentially a lot at stake if and when this happens. good to see you board of health. thank you very much. coming up, another state moving to ban nearly all abortions. what's happening in oklahoma and what it means for the rest of the country, next. everybody be cool, alright? 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>> reporter: it is. really, kate, oklahoma has been at the forefront here. they have been passing and proposing a really wide array of anti-abortion measures in recent weeks. so this most recent one, the six-week ban, it's modeled after texas' law. it passed last night. it bans abortions typically around six weeks and gives the four private citizens to sue to enforce the law. you know, more significantly is earlier this month oklahoma's governor also signed a law that completely outlaws abortion except in a medical emergency. it imposes penalties of up to ten years in prison, a $100,000 fine for doctors who perform abortions. so oklahoma is really restricting abortions or trying to at every turn here. they're passing a number of laws. so the difference is the six-week ban, it will go into effect immediately when the governor signs it which he says he will. the complete abortion ban, it isn't set to take effect until august. and this really goes to the larger trend we're seeing in several maybe republican-led states. they're increasingly emboenlded by the supreme court's refusal to first block that texas law that has effectively stopped abortions in the state since september, and these states also have this widespread belief based on the oral arguments we heard in december that the supreme court is poised to significantly roll back abortion rights, if not completely overturn roe v. wade, and kate, that would allow states to ban abortion outright. we've seen a flurry of states enacting abortion restrictions, and again they're all doing this because of the signals that they're getting from the supreme court. we are waiting on that all-important supreme court decision that would decide whether that 15-week ban in mississippi is constitutional. if it is, states will begin rolling back their abortion rights, and the court could go as far as overruling roe v. wade which would then entitle states to completely outlaw abortion. so a lot at stake as we head into the final weeks of the supreme court's term here. kate? >> good points, good to see you. thank you for that. joining me is cecile richards, president of american bridge. planned parenthood said when it comes to oklahoma that its oklahoma clinics have seen a nearly 2,500% increase in patients coming from texas after that law took effect. what then is the impact going to be of there b-- of this bill in oklahoma? >> well, i mean, this bill or bills, as you say, are -- they are cruel and inhumane and unconstitutional. and it has created this crisis in that many women where texas essentially banned most -- most abortions, most legal abortions last september, and so many women have turned to oklahoma, mississippi, louisiana. it really essentially means we're creating an entire wasteland across certain parts of the country where access to safe and legal abortion is virtually going to be unknown and unavailable. the cruelty of this, too, because these are modeled after the texas bill means that, you know, young women who need someone to turn to are at risk not only for their own health, but they cannot talk to a mother, a sister, a friend, a health care provider, a teacher because all of those people under these laws are at risk of being sued personally for assisting anyone in need. the stories are just beginning to come out. we saw a 26-year-old young woman put in jail in south texas over trying to end her pregnancy. we are going to see more and more of these kinds of inhumane stories, and it's frightening. >> globally we've been seeing a trend. globally the trend is moving in one direction which is from columbia in february to mexico in september to argentina legalizing abortion in 2020. globally it seems to be moving one way, and then in the united states, as we've been talking about all of these states, it appears to be moving the other direction. what do you see in that? >> well, i mean, kate, that is the irony here. one, of course access to safe and legal abortion has been a constitutional right for women for nearly 50 years in the united states. so this is -- this supreme court is poised to up-end a right that most of us have grown up with having our entire lifetime. the difference in this country is that the republican party, one of our two major parties, has made it their primary issue to end access to safe and legal abortion for their own political purposes. access to legal abortion is -- is supported by people in america, all across the country, all across every party. but the republican party has been completely focused on agitating on this issue in order to get a certain wing of their party to be active in politics, and that is what is really unbelievable to see is that these bills are not being passed because the people of oklahoma rose up and said we don't want access to safe and legal abortion anymore. it's strictly because the republican party has made this a priority, and the -- what is happening to women in america lies at their feet. and this is an issue that's going to have to be decided politically. i think had is an issue that -- i think this is an issue that's going to january mate voters as weigh lead into the midterm elections. it's unthinkable that this country would go back on 50 years of progress for women. >> and that is definitely a question going forward. it has been animating, a potent political issue motivating republican voters for decades. will that change now because it has not been for democrats for quite a long time. we'll see what this trend -- what that does in terms of it does need to be settled politically at this point. good to see you, thank you for coming on. i appreciate your time. coming up for us, trevor reed is back in america after a prisoner exchange with russia. up next, i'm going to speak with the family of another american being held overseas fighting to get their loved one released from iran. hand in hand,toth very much so you should really be e focusg on both, and definitely at the same time. sensodyne sensitivity & gum giveves us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. by brushing with sensodyne sensitivity & gum at home, it's giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. and it creates a healthier environment. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the newubway club now that's a perfect 10 thank you! stop trying to upstage the sandwich, simone biles subway keeps refreshing and refre- (vo) verizon business unlimited is going ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. 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>> yeah, i was overjoyed and honestly it took my breath away when i first read the news about him coming home. and then, you know, i let myself day dream a little bit. i was actually in the car, and i just pulled over, and i just tried to imagine if it was -- if i had heard that ahmad was on his way home and what it would feel like and how i would call my parents. so it gave me so much hope to hear that he was home and joining his family. and i -- i just hope that president biden will do everything he can to bring ahmad home so it's no longer a dream for us. >> bahari, last saturday marked four years to the day that he was first taken. i know you've been able to have short phone calls with him over time. what is the latest that you've heard from his -- from your husband? how is he doing? >> thank you, kate, again, for having us. he's -- you know, it's hard to know how he's doing because he's the kind of person that always puts up a good face even at the worst times. and days like last week were very, very difficult. but days like yesterday were very difficult that it was our youngest daughter's 24th birthday, and this is the fifth birthday of hannah's that ahmad has missed. so you know, how is he doing? he says he's fine. but how is he doing emotionally, morally, you know, how -- it's hard to say. it's so hard for all of us here that we're together, that for him it must be very, very difficult. >> yeah. i can't imagine asking the question how are you doing. over four years asking that, and he's still detained behind bars and what he's going through. netta, the secretary of state, tony blinken, tweeted about this horrible anniversary of him being detained. he wrote this on saturday, "for four years the family has waited anxiously for the iranian government to release ahmad. like too many other families, their loved one has been treated as a political pawn. we call on iran to stop this inhumane practice and release ahmad." you know, that must have been great to see. but what is the role of the administration? what are you hearing from them about actual conversations to get to some progress? >> well, that -- that tweet meant the world to us, as did the tweets from many senators and representatives. we had senator rubio and senator kaine, koonz, mccall, representative deutsch, you know it means a lot, and it -- it's a reminder to the administration that we're dealing with a human issue and not a political one. and we have been working very closely with the state department. they have been incredible in terms of the attention and care that they've begin us. but really the majority -- that the purpose of their work is to bring ahmad home, and we are still waiting. >> bahara, this involves some of the biggest things when you talk about your husband being detained by iran. the united states and iran, decades of tensions, negotiations over nuclear weapons. i mean, very big things. but this is also about a family, about your family. what do you want people to know about what this has been like? who ahmad is and who he is to you? >> ahmad is for me first and foremost actually a father because he is such a present father. he is my best friend. and yes, he is a brother and a son to two parents that have their eyes to the door waiting for him. what i want people to know is that what it feels like sometimes, kate, is that it feels like we are a family and somebody's come with a big footstep and has crushed our family. and it's something that i hope people realize and they're able to undo this and help us be together again. >> i can imagine -- i cannot imagine the helpless feeling of being the aunt under that footstep in this global scale. thank you so much for coming on. netta, thank you for your strength. thank you so much. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you, kate. >> thank you. coming up for us, the water levels at lake meade are plummeting to unprecedented low levels. now historic water restrictions are also going into effect. what it means for millions of residents. that's next. ted. so, it's not a problem at all. you guys aren't gonna give me t the fake bill fight? 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"the washington post" reports that gallaudet university in d.c. is moving its classes and exams on line for the remainder of the semester because of a spike in cases on campus. we've also learned that president biden will be taking extra precautions to attend the white house correspondents association dinner this weekend. the president will still be speaking at the dinner, but he will not be attending the dinner portion of the 2,000-person gala. and dr. fauci has announced that he will not be attending because of concerns over covid. also new this morning, the leader of the british virgin islands is in u.s. custody after being arrested on drug and money laundering charges in miami. here's what we know -- premier andrew fahey was arrested by dea agents posing as members of a mexican drug cartel. a criminal affidavit says the premier agreed to allow drugs to move through the british virgin islands' ports for $700,000. along with the premier a senior port official and his son were arrested. the three have been charged with conspiracy to import more than five kilograms of cocaine and conspiracy to commit money laundering. now here's a picture that you just have to see to believe. we will show this to you. that is lake meade, a reservoir which supplies water for millions of people, now shrinking to levels not seen in 50 years. you can actually see one of its original water intake valves exposed for the first time as the climate-fueled mega drought is gripping the western portion of the united states. cnn's stephanie ulelam joins us again. this is crippling -- i remember you standing over lake meade as you were reporting on this earlier. this crippling drought is now leading to some very new and real restrictions. >> reporter: yeah, and you know what i keep thinking about, kate, is april showers bring may flowers. not so much out here in the west since we barely got any rain. when you see something like this, an actual picture that you can look at to see just how low lake meade has gotten, think about it -- 40 million people get their water from the colorado river basin in seven states, it feeds down into mexico and some the native american tribes, as well, rely on this for water. this is a big deal that you can see this. now the southern nevada water authority, they are saying that there are seven agencies that pull water from the lake. they had to figure out a new way. in 2015 they started building this new valve that will go lower. and we can show what that looks like, and pull out of the water because they knew this was going to happen. you see that bottom tier there, that is the new one that started operation this week because that other valve that you saw there, it started to show -- beginning of april here, that is the problem. so for the 2.2 million people who rely on this way to get their water in southern nevada, this is actually very important for them. but the issue here is that we are just not seeing the snow during the rainy months, during the wet months. we are not getting it. the snow pack in california -- i traveled up there earlier in the month -- and i can tell you it is not there. for people here in california, they're asking them to cut their water usage by 35%. most of that, kate, most of what people use goes to outdoor watering. cut it out. save the water. it's dire now. >> i mean, it is getting to that point for sure. good to see you, thank you. coming up, a trip to paris that goes way beyond the eiffel tower and beastistros on the le bank. we'll showcase a new series that takes you off the beaten path to the food, wine, and people defining france today. he's finde investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby.y. digital toolols so impressive, you just can't stop. whatat would you like the power to do? 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>> i have a -- this is silly, but i have a walk-in closet of sneakers in my house. as my girlfriend and i are looking for a new home right now, it's like a thing. is there room for a sneaker closet? she thinks it's absurd. it's a cultural thing. it's growing. it's growing. >> i'm very -- but bobby actually also very had a great question. what guest surprised you the most in a positive way when you did their wine service? and bobby says for him, i still remember the day i served stephen hawking a bottle of 1991 cote road tea. >> that's not even fair. i had this thing i was going to do here, and he is throwing this off. >> i decided to just completely up end the segment. >> i'm not -- i don't get star struck, but there's certain people that i really admire, and to me that gets me more star struck. before he was a friend, maverick carter came in for dinner. i also admired him for coming from a neighborhood like akron and becoming who he is now. and him sitting down and me realizing that he was very well-versed in burgundies, specifically at the time he was into. i would just -- i was like man, if there's another reason to love this guy. and now i've been able to travel the world with him. for me it was like what he represents, i admire, and i just didn't expect for some reason -- i knew he would like expensive wine, but he knew what he was talking about. >> that's good. >> the unexpected that's memorable. right? >> yeah. >> that actually is a perfect segway of your show. you find the unexpected in the places that you go. and you travel all over the place. so many different places. is there a common thread that you find through all of the different cultures, countries, places that you're going? >> you know, it's sort of a general tone. when you go to a place and you show genuine interest and what is unique about what they do, people are so excited to show you their cultures. you have to understand it's like as much as we are proud of what happens in our world, they are as well. sometimes these places have thousands of years of history that sort of curate and craft the world that exists where they are there. if you go in curious, open-minded, and -- but live in that space on their terms, i think often we go in with we like to reside in this space this way. you really have to be open to going in for the ride. you can't control it. and the times i've traveled around the world and ended up in someone's home at their dinner table when i didn't know them, it's -- you have to go in and you have to fall in love with their world the way it is with how they live in it every day. >> and how they see it. >> yeah. >> be open to being along for the ride. >> we're going to talk about sneakers. >> and get there at some point. it's great to meet you. congratulations on the show. >> i can't believe bobby did this. >> he did. talk about it during the break. be sure to watch "nomad" it premiers sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern. that's it for us. i'm kate bold win. 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Leg , Zelenskyy , Civilians , Times , Operation , Office , Hundreds , Let S Go , Troops , Plant , Hit , Air Strikes , Part , Official , 50 , 24 , Interview , Regiment Commander , Scott Mcclain , Underneath , Deputy Azov , Way , He Couldn T , Kind , Help , Evacuation Convoy , Russians , Ground , Bombardment , Sky , Thousands , Firing Back , Groups , Position , Situation , Deal , Surrendering , Ones , Military Commander , Guns , Briana Keilar , Children , Translator , Dozens , The Field , 4 , Everything , Equipment , Operating Theater , Mayor , Adviser , Surgery Heas , Case Scenario , War , Shift , Administration , Biden , View , Ask , Congress , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , Funding , Latest , Signs , Defeat , Lauren Fox , Capitol Hill , The Hill , The Catch , Republicans , Nancy Pelosi , Legislation , Goal , Press Conference , Democrats , Concerns , Supplemental , Money , Senate , Some , Lot , Areas , Lawmakers , Package , Comparison , Aid , Anxiety , Question , Process , Priorities , Matter , Bethenny Sanner , James , Analyst , National Security , Marks , Spider , Intelligence , Military Contractor , Deputy Director , Deaths , Ukrainians , Reality , British Citizen Being Killed Fighting , Man , West , Standoff , Don T , Disaster , Hand , Tragedy , Difference , Nation , Back , Marine Corps , Terms , Efforts , Fact , Complication , Support , Implication , Nato , Response , State Department , Reporting , Pentagon , Standard , Circumstances , Sacrifice , Beth , Americans , Risk , Marine , Situations , Isn T , Backing , Secretary Of State , Facilities , Fume Tanks , Blinken , Border , Itself , Have , Uk , Point , John Kirby , Weapons , President Putin , Take , Concern , Escalation , G20 , Invitation , Indonesia , Pentagon Spokesman , Shouldn T Be , Schedule , Actions , Attendants , International Community , Wall , Things , Community , Allies , Power , War Criminal , Dialogue , Diplomacy , Camp , Elements , Issue , Someone , Path , Corner , No Way Out , World , Relationship , Democracy , India , Door , Why Don T , Act , Carpet , Offering , Oil , Wall Street Journal , Germany , Embargo , Objections , Eu , Country , Revenue , Supply , Stance , War Effort , Gas , Devil , Details , Three , Places , Tankers , Insurance Companies , Consideration , Countries , G7 , Global South , Seven , Indonesians , Duties , Minority , Hosts , Problem , Kinds , Dealing , Organizations , Walk Out , Democratic , Abortions , Coming Up , Estate , So Oklahoma , Health , Stake , Rest , App , Phone , Ringcentral , Video , Ii Didn T , Be Cool , Bonnie , Thehe , Ringcentral Wow , What S Going On , Innovations , Polygons , Cgi , A Fund Tt , Inveo Qqq , Crunching Tons , Where Regina , Ladonna , Nasdaq 100 , 100 , Worry , Innovation , Agent , Invesco Qqq , Innovator , Technology , Business , Table , Best Western Rewards , Points , Stay , Western , Value , Stay Safe , Rewards Points , Itching , Plaque Psoriasis , Bestwestern Com , Moderate , Burning , Majority , Skin , Tremfya 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Mississippi , 15 , Term , Which , Planned Parenthood , Clinics , President Of American Bridge , Increase , Cecile Richards , 2500 , Bills , Patients , Impact , B , Crisis , September , Abortion , Access , Parts , Wasteland , Louisiana , Cruelty , Mother , Anyone , Being , Need , Stories , Health Care Provider , More , Jail , Pregnancy , 26 , One Direction , Columbia , 2020 , Irony , Direction , Lifetime , Right , Parties , Purposes , Two , Order , Party , Wing , Politics , Oklahoma Rose , Women In America , Weigh Lead , Priority , Feet , Elections , Progress , Voters , Animating , Trevor Reed , Prisoner Exchange , Up Next , Sensitivity , Action , Gum , Both , Iran , Sensodyne , Hand In , Toth , E Focusg , Giveves , Care , Home , Gum Issues , Oral Health , Teeth Sensitivity , Control , Brushing , Subway , Refresh , Roast Beef , Turkey , Oven , Black Forest Ham , Newubway Club , Sandwich , Simone Biles , 10 , Plan , Ultra , Vo , Event Planning , Speed , Cities , Verizon , 5g Ultra Wideband , Cost , Business Unlimited , Refre , Manny , Nina S , Most , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Ideas , Price , Prescription , Prescriptions , Don T Overpay , Singlecare , Medicare , 80 , Meds , Chuckles , Flexpath Learning Format , Education , Nursing Degree , Deadlines , Capella University , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data Plans , Data , Service , Business Owner , Pay , Internet , Contracts , Customers , Gig , 5g Network , Line Activation Fees , Comcast Business , 00 , 500 , Parents , Son , Life , Update , Top , Trevor , Prisoner , Recovery , Testing , Spirits , Paul Whelan , Mom , Didn T Feel Well , Everyone , Brittney Griner , Governments , Brelieved , Wnba , 2018 , 60 , Ahmad Shargay , Netta , Bahari , News , Communication , Reaction , Thum , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Breath , Over , Coming Home , Bit , Hope , Phone Calls , Dream , Last , Kate , Husband , Face , Birthday , Daughter , That Ahmad , 24th Birthday , Hannah , Tony Blinken , Bars , Anniversary , Families , Government , Release Ahmad , Pawn , Practice , Role , Conversations , Tweet , Senator , Senators , Tweets , Representatives , Koonz , Kaine , Mccall , Representative Deutsch , Human Issue , Attention , Reminder , Bahara , Work , Purpose , Tensions , Ahmad Home , Who Ahmad , Negotiations , Father , Best Friend , Brother , Eyes , Somebody , Big Footstep , Feeling , Footstep , Aunt , Scale , Lake Meade , Levels , Millions , Water Restrictions , Water Levels , Strength , Wallet , Fake Bill , Cash Back , Residents , You Guys Aren T Gonna , Me T , Humor Me , Ted , C Mon , Kev , 3 , Thought , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Fee , Chase , Oooohhh , Stop , Migraine Attacks , Quliptatm , Pill , Stress , Quliptatm Helps What S Going On Inside , Triggers , Quliptatm Blocks Cgrp , Side Effects , Treatment , Constipation , Tiredness , Nausea , Abbvie , Episodic Migraine , Cause , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Combination , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Spread , Immune System , Gene , Cancer , Positive , Alk , Ways , Egfr , Pd L1 , Problems , Yervoy , Opdivo , Eye Problems , Chest Pain , Stomach Pain , Lead , Irregular Heartbeat , Shortness , Dizziness , Fainting , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Cough , Memory Problems , Changes , Joint Pain , Muscle Pain , Confusion , Weakness , Thirst , Appetite , Fever , Flushing , Rash , Urine , Nervous System Problems , Chest Radiation , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Conditions , Pro , Termites , Trials , Orkin , Call The Orkin , Best , Pair , Pests , Glasses , Visionworks , Joints , Help Reduce , Helen , Activity , Exercise , Diabetes , Libre 2 , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Glucose , A1c , Master , Size , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Candidates , Job Description , Increases , Visit Indeed Com Hire , 38 , Line , Washington Post , Cases , Classes , Remainder , Campus , Spike , Semester , Exams , Gallaudet University , In D C , Dinner , Fauci , Dinner Portion , Precautions , Gala , Dr , White House Correspondents Association , Covid , 2000 , Money Laundering , Dea , Leader , Custody , Drug , Charges , British Virgin Islands , Andrew Fahey , Miami , Conspiracy , Premier , Sports , Drugs , Members , Criminal Affidavit , Mexican Drug Cartel , Premier A Senior Port Official , 700000 , Water , Picture , Kilograms , Cocaine , Five , Time , Portion , Valves , Mega Drought , Water Intake , Restrictions , Drought , Stephanie Ulelam , Showers , Rain , Colorado River Basin , 40 Million , Mexico , Agencies , Lake , Well , Tribes , Southern Nevada Water Authority , Valve , Tier , 2015 , Show , Southern Nevada , 2 Million , Snow Pack , Water Usage , Snow , California , 35 , Watering , Paris , Wine , Food , Series , Investment Ideas , Beastistros , Beaten Path , France , Finde , Le Bank , Eiffel Tower , Merrill , Voya , Showme , Last Thing On My Mind , Retirement , Toolols , Solutions , Ball Baby Y , Whatat , Workplace , Benefits , Well Invested , Hps , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Bed , Sale , Movement , 360 , Miss , Science , Temperature Balancing , Weekend Special , Queen , Delivery , 299 , 1299 , Pressure , Study , Septic System , Scientists , Base , Ends Monday , 21 , Landowner , Rid X , 20 , Gardener , Landscaper , Powerful , Hunter , Versatile , Energy , Kubota , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Nutrients , Sugar , Aleve X , Pain Relief , Let S Go On The Open Road , Firm , Case , Truck Hit , Worth , Barnes , Barnes Firm , Injury Attorneys , Accident Case , Call , Rich Barnes , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Nomad , Carlton Mccoy , Master Chef , Exploration , Chef Francis Ogae , Restaurants , Everywhere , Kitchen , Episode , Preview , Grandmother , Anything , Tour , Special , House , Generation , Restaurant , Friends , Immigrant , Hotel , Display , Palace Kitchen , Wife , Suburbs , Pleasure , Fan Boying , Instagram , Love , Cuisine , Old School French Dish , Host , 1000 , Doors , Story , Team , Concept , Ours Y , Bobby , Segment , List , Questions , Sneaker , Game , Master Samolie , Sneakers , Room , Sneaker Closet , Walk In Closet , Girlfriend , Wine Service , Stephen Hawking A Bottle , Cote Road Tea , 1991 , Maverick Carter , Don T Get Star Struck , Neighborhood , Burgundies , Akron , Reason , Guy , Unexpected , Cultures , Segway , Thread , All Over The Place , Tone , Interest , History , Curate , Space , Ride , Curious , Around The World , Open Minded , Dinner Table , Along For The Ride , Congratulations , It Premiers , Break , Inside Politics , Eastern , Win , Come On , Vrbo , Code , Favorite Footlong , Tru Niagen , Nad , Cells , Root , Causes , Energy Production , Heart , Muscle , The World , Aging , Institutions , Rewards , Cheers , Xfinity Rewards , Sizes , Shapes , Appreciation , Tickets , Nascar , Effort , Xfinity , Final Stronghold , Russians Overnight , Produce , Steel Plant , Scores , Bunker Buster Bombs Hit The Complex ,

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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

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the complex. and another tragic death to report. this time it is an american. a 22-year-old former u.s. marine was killed while fighting alongside ukrainian forces. his name is willie joseph cansell. his family says that he'd gone over to ukraine as a private contractor to fight against russia with an international brigade of soldiers. let's begin in kyiv. cnn's matt rivers has the very latest on those strikes on the capital city. matt? >> reporter: well, this site right behind me is where ukrainian officials say those russian cruise missiles struck yesterday. and we know that at least one person has been killed as a result of that strike. a woman living in this building. she was a journalist, a 54-year-old woman working for a radio station here in kyiv. rescuers actually found her body this morning. we know that she joins multiple other people who are injured. at least six different people, we're told, are in the hospital with varying injuries including carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of the fire that took place in this apartment building just behind me. what russia's ministry of defense is saying is they were targeting a facility, a factory, very close to where we are right now. we can't show you that factory due to ukrainian law. but it's very close to where we are right now. that factory, one of if not the top producer here in ukraine of air-to-air guided missiles, as well as aircraft parts, but this yet another example that even though russia says they're targeting something with a supposed military relevance, this has no military relevance. this is a residential apartment building in which multiple people were injured or killed because of a russian air strike. keep in mind that where we are right now is not far away from where the u.n. secretary general was when he was here in kyiv yesterday meeting with the president of ukraine. these missile strikes happened while he was in town. what message is that sending from russia to the u.n. secretary general after he had just been in moscow trying to negotiate humanitarian corridors. he came here to kyiv on the second leg of that trip. if you were hoping for some sort of major breakthrough between russia and the united nations and humanitarian corridors, this is the message that russia chooses to send while the u.n. secretary general is in town. kate? >> matt, thank you so much for that. now let's go to the besieged city of mariupol. president zelenskyy's office says an operation to evacuate hundreds of civilians from the steel plant is planned for today. unfortunately as we've seen so many times before, a top mariupol official says russian troops are blocking part of the complex. a field hospital there is also now destroyed. ukraine says the plant was hit by 50 air strikes in just the last 24 hours. scott mcclain with more on this. what more are you picking up? >> reporter: hey, kate, yeah, you mentioned that operation the president promised to send to get people out from underneath of that sprawling steel plant. i just finished an interview with a deputy azov regiment commander who is inside of the plant. and i asked what kind of help might be on the way. he said that an evacuation convoy was headed toward the plant, though he couldn't say where it was or when it might arrive or how it would actually access the site considering that the city is now controlled by russians. he also said that not only has there been heavy bombardment from the sky, but russian troops have also been trying to storm the complex on the ground, though he says that the ukrainian troops are firing back and repelling them, at least so far. he couldn't tell how many there were. he said there were small groups but likely thousands of troops. again, we're not in a position to verify this, but this is what he is telling cnn. i asked him about any situation where they may consider surrendering to the russians. he says ideally they would broker some kind of a deal to allow not only the civilians but the soldiers at that site to get out, including the injured ones, the several hundred injured soldiers. he says they will not surrender to the russians. they would rather die trying to defend that site. and even if they do get evacuated in some kind of a deal, they will only leave the facility with their guns. briana keilar earlier spoke with another military commander who is inside the facility, and she asked about the situation with the civilians sheltering there. listen. >> translator: these are hundreds of people, and they have dozens of children with them. the youngest is 4 months old. yesterday was a heavy strike, a direct hit on the field hospital that is situated inside as of steel plant. and the operating theater was hit directly. and all the surgical equipment, everything that is necessary to perform surgery heas been destroyed. right now we cannot treat our wounded. >> reporter: now i also just now interviewed an adviser to the mayor of mariupol, kate, who said that perhaps surrendering to the russians may be the best case scenario if those soldiers can't get out of that facility and if there's no way for them to fight their way out and actually win. >> wow. scott, thank you very much. really appreciate it. the dire situation in ukraine in this moment also marks a true shift in the biden administration's view of the war, acknowledging that this could go on for a long time, could go on for years. that is what is behind the president's new ask to congress. an additional $33 billion in funding to help ukraine defeat russia. there are already signs from capitol hill that this might not happen quickly. cnn's lauren fox is live on the hill with the latest for us. lauren, what have you heard since the president rolled this out yesterday? >> reporter: kate, house speaker nancy pelosi just addressed this a few minutes ago during her press conference. she said that the goal is to pass this legislation as quickly as possible. here's the catch -- as quickly as possible means you have to get republicans and democrats in the senate to agree on what is going to be included in this supplemental. and yesterday when i talked to many republicans, they expressed deep concerns about how exactly this money was split up. one of their concerns is whether or not the military funding is sufficient in comparison to what is being included for humanitarian aid. so those are some of the areas that republicans are saying they want to look more closely at. now there's going to be some time for lawmakers to review this package. but there is a lot of anxiety really about what is moving through the senate right now, and the question is whether or not lawmakers may drag this out to try to put some other priorities in this package. that's right now what is holding this process up. expect that this is going to take several weeks, not just be done in a matter of days. kate? >> all right, lauren. keep us updated. thank you so much for that. joining me now, cnn military analyst, retired major general james "spider" marks, and national security analyst bethenny sanner. the former deputy director of national intelligence. general, if i could, i want to ask first about this american killed this week. according to his family, he was working for a private military contractor while fighting alongside ukrainian forces. we heard yesterday of a british citizen being killed fighting alongside the ukrainians. this is a sad reality of any war, these deaths. do you think these deaths complicate the already tense standoff between russia and the west in this war? >> i really don't, kate. truly it is a humanitarian disaster. it's a tragedy. but here's a young man who raised a hand and said "i want to support my nation, i want to give something back," after he was honorably discharged from the marine corps. he said, "i'm not done. i want to make a difference globally." and he did. but i don't think it has an overarching implication to our efforts or nato's and the western efforts going forward in terms of support to ukraine. it simply, as you've described, it's a matter of fact, and it's not a complication. it simply is something that we should acknowledge, honor this young man and his family for his incredible sacrifice. >> yeah. the response, beth, from the state department and pentagon about this is kind of standard, they're not commenting specifically about the circumstances. they've seen the reporting, they said, about this former marine. but they are reiterating that they don't want americans going to ukraine. ukraine has asked for any help they can get. what do you think? >> i think that the real risk for us isn't so much in sending individual soldiers or allowing individual soldiers to go in, it's more about backing into situations where russia really does hold us responsible. and i'm looking more right now at the strikes that the ukrainians are carrying out over the border, into russia itself, blowing up fume tanks and military facilities, and even hitting some civilian areas according to the russians. now, secretary of state blinken and the uk have said ukraine has the right to strike russia, and of course they're going to be using the heavy weapons that we are all sending them. and i think that is really much more of a concern for me in terms of this escalation. >> that's a great point. john, i want to also get your take on the fact that president putin has now accepted an invitation from indonesia to attend the g20. the pentagon spokesman, john kirby, he said very clearly this morning when asked about this that putin should not be invited. let me play what he said. >> no, he absolutely shouldn't be. i mean, he has isolated russia by his own actions, and he should continue to be isolated by the international community. look, i can't speak for president biden or what the schedule might offer for the president, for the united states attendants, but it's inappropriate i think for the entire international community to keep treating russia as if things are normal because it's not. >> not normal at all, of course. then the question quickly is how should the u.s. and allies respond if this is what happens? not attend, walk out of the g20? >> well, i think they have to participate. look, we've got to have some dialogue, right. there are only so many elements of power and diplomacy is one of those, and it has to be used. you make it very difficult -- i'm of the camp that putin clearly is a war criminal, and we need to move down that path. but i'm not the president of the united states. when you call him a war criminal, you got to put him in a corner. so what you end up with is someone who sees no way out other than to do what he's doing. the issue really becomes indonesia is extending this invitation. indonesia is the world's third largest democracy. india, the united states, and indonesia. what is our relationship with indonesia that would cause them to open the door and say, hey, president putin, why don't you come to the g20? they might see this as an advantageous offering to -- the carpet is available, the door is open, come down and let's have some dialogue. but the united states and indonesia needs to get its act together before we go forward. >> beth, there's also been a potentially big shift happening in germany. the "wall street journal" is now reporting that germany is dropping its objections to an eu embargo against russian oil saying that what they really just need now is time to find an alternative supply for the country. if this is real, this is now the stance here, what would this do for this war effort? >> this is a big deal. you know, in terms of revenue, russia gets a lot more revenue from oil than from gas. three times as much. so this is a big deal. it's a big shift. now the devil is in the details here. and one of the things that is being discussed and really needs to be pursued is how do you prevent that oil, that russian oil from getting into tankers and going other places in the world. so one of the things under consideration is to sanction the insurance companies for those tankers. that would be an excellent way to go because you can sanction the oil, but you've got to shut it down. and one more point on the g20. the g20 is really about the global south, right. it's about the countries in the world that don't make it up into that top seven g7. the indonesians are the hosts. and so they are carrying out their duties there. they've also invited zelenskyy to attend. but if the united states walks out, we are going to be in a minority of the countries that walk out. that is the problem with dealing with these kinds of organizations. they are much more democratic. we don't run them. >> setting up for very interesting, very tense and maybe potentially a lot at stake if and when this happens. good to see you board of health. thank you very much. coming up, another state moving to ban nearly all abortions. what's happening in oklahoma and what it means for the rest of the country, next. everybody be cool, alright? 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>> reporter: it is. really, kate, oklahoma has been at the forefront here. they have been passing and proposing a really wide array of anti-abortion measures in recent weeks. so this most recent one, the six-week ban, it's modeled after texas' law. it passed last night. it bans abortions typically around six weeks and gives the four private citizens to sue to enforce the law. you know, more significantly is earlier this month oklahoma's governor also signed a law that completely outlaws abortion except in a medical emergency. it imposes penalties of up to ten years in prison, a $100,000 fine for doctors who perform abortions. so oklahoma is really restricting abortions or trying to at every turn here. they're passing a number of laws. so the difference is the six-week ban, it will go into effect immediately when the governor signs it which he says he will. the complete abortion ban, it isn't set to take effect until august. and this really goes to the larger trend we're seeing in several maybe republican-led states. they're increasingly emboenlded by the supreme court's refusal to first block that texas law that has effectively stopped abortions in the state since september, and these states also have this widespread belief based on the oral arguments we heard in december that the supreme court is poised to significantly roll back abortion rights, if not completely overturn roe v. wade, and kate, that would allow states to ban abortion outright. we've seen a flurry of states enacting abortion restrictions, and again they're all doing this because of the signals that they're getting from the supreme court. we are waiting on that all-important supreme court decision that would decide whether that 15-week ban in mississippi is constitutional. if it is, states will begin rolling back their abortion rights, and the court could go as far as overruling roe v. wade which would then entitle states to completely outlaw abortion. so a lot at stake as we head into the final weeks of the supreme court's term here. kate? >> good points, good to see you. thank you for that. joining me is cecile richards, president of american bridge. planned parenthood said when it comes to oklahoma that its oklahoma clinics have seen a nearly 2,500% increase in patients coming from texas after that law took effect. what then is the impact going to be of there b-- of this bill in oklahoma? >> well, i mean, this bill or bills, as you say, are -- they are cruel and inhumane and unconstitutional. and it has created this crisis in that many women where texas essentially banned most -- most abortions, most legal abortions last september, and so many women have turned to oklahoma, mississippi, louisiana. it really essentially means we're creating an entire wasteland across certain parts of the country where access to safe and legal abortion is virtually going to be unknown and unavailable. the cruelty of this, too, because these are modeled after the texas bill means that, you know, young women who need someone to turn to are at risk not only for their own health, but they cannot talk to a mother, a sister, a friend, a health care provider, a teacher because all of those people under these laws are at risk of being sued personally for assisting anyone in need. the stories are just beginning to come out. we saw a 26-year-old young woman put in jail in south texas over trying to end her pregnancy. we are going to see more and more of these kinds of inhumane stories, and it's frightening. >> globally we've been seeing a trend. globally the trend is moving in one direction which is from columbia in february to mexico in september to argentina legalizing abortion in 2020. globally it seems to be moving one way, and then in the united states, as we've been talking about all of these states, it appears to be moving the other direction. what do you see in that? >> well, i mean, kate, that is the irony here. one, of course access to safe and legal abortion has been a constitutional right for women for nearly 50 years in the united states. so this is -- this supreme court is poised to up-end a right that most of us have grown up with having our entire lifetime. the difference in this country is that the republican party, one of our two major parties, has made it their primary issue to end access to safe and legal abortion for their own political purposes. access to legal abortion is -- is supported by people in america, all across the country, all across every party. but the republican party has been completely focused on agitating on this issue in order to get a certain wing of their party to be active in politics, and that is what is really unbelievable to see is that these bills are not being passed because the people of oklahoma rose up and said we don't want access to safe and legal abortion anymore. it's strictly because the republican party has made this a priority, and the -- what is happening to women in america lies at their feet. and this is an issue that's going to have to be decided politically. i think had is an issue that -- i think this is an issue that's going to january mate voters as weigh lead into the midterm elections. it's unthinkable that this country would go back on 50 years of progress for women. >> and that is definitely a question going forward. it has been animating, a potent political issue motivating republican voters for decades. will that change now because it has not been for democrats for quite a long time. we'll see what this trend -- what that does in terms of it does need to be settled politically at this point. good to see you, thank you for coming on. i appreciate your time. coming up for us, trevor reed is back in america after a prisoner exchange with russia. up next, i'm going to speak with the family of another american being held overseas fighting to get their loved one released from iran. hand in hand,toth very much so you should really be e focusg on both, and definitely at the same time. sensodyne sensitivity & gum giveves us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. by brushing with sensodyne sensitivity & gum at home, it's giving you the relief that you need and the control that you need to take care of your oral health. and it creates a healthier environment. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the newubway club now that's a perfect 10 thank you! stop trying to upstage the sandwich, simone biles subway keeps refreshing and refre- (vo) verizon business unlimited is going ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. 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>> yeah, i was overjoyed and honestly it took my breath away when i first read the news about him coming home. and then, you know, i let myself day dream a little bit. i was actually in the car, and i just pulled over, and i just tried to imagine if it was -- if i had heard that ahmad was on his way home and what it would feel like and how i would call my parents. so it gave me so much hope to hear that he was home and joining his family. and i -- i just hope that president biden will do everything he can to bring ahmad home so it's no longer a dream for us. >> bahari, last saturday marked four years to the day that he was first taken. i know you've been able to have short phone calls with him over time. what is the latest that you've heard from his -- from your husband? how is he doing? >> thank you, kate, again, for having us. he's -- you know, it's hard to know how he's doing because he's the kind of person that always puts up a good face even at the worst times. and days like last week were very, very difficult. but days like yesterday were very difficult that it was our youngest daughter's 24th birthday, and this is the fifth birthday of hannah's that ahmad has missed. so you know, how is he doing? he says he's fine. but how is he doing emotionally, morally, you know, how -- it's hard to say. it's so hard for all of us here that we're together, that for him it must be very, very difficult. >> yeah. i can't imagine asking the question how are you doing. over four years asking that, and he's still detained behind bars and what he's going through. netta, the secretary of state, tony blinken, tweeted about this horrible anniversary of him being detained. he wrote this on saturday, "for four years the family has waited anxiously for the iranian government to release ahmad. like too many other families, their loved one has been treated as a political pawn. we call on iran to stop this inhumane practice and release ahmad." you know, that must have been great to see. but what is the role of the administration? what are you hearing from them about actual conversations to get to some progress? >> well, that -- that tweet meant the world to us, as did the tweets from many senators and representatives. we had senator rubio and senator kaine, koonz, mccall, representative deutsch, you know it means a lot, and it -- it's a reminder to the administration that we're dealing with a human issue and not a political one. and we have been working very closely with the state department. they have been incredible in terms of the attention and care that they've begin us. but really the majority -- that the purpose of their work is to bring ahmad home, and we are still waiting. >> bahara, this involves some of the biggest things when you talk about your husband being detained by iran. the united states and iran, decades of tensions, negotiations over nuclear weapons. i mean, very big things. but this is also about a family, about your family. what do you want people to know about what this has been like? who ahmad is and who he is to you? >> ahmad is for me first and foremost actually a father because he is such a present father. he is my best friend. and yes, he is a brother and a son to two parents that have their eyes to the door waiting for him. what i want people to know is that what it feels like sometimes, kate, is that it feels like we are a family and somebody's come with a big footstep and has crushed our family. and it's something that i hope people realize and they're able to undo this and help us be together again. >> i can imagine -- i cannot imagine the helpless feeling of being the aunt under that footstep in this global scale. thank you so much for coming on. netta, thank you for your strength. thank you so much. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you, kate. >> thank you. coming up for us, the water levels at lake meade are plummeting to unprecedented low levels. now historic water restrictions are also going into effect. what it means for millions of residents. that's next. ted. so, it's not a problem at all. you guys aren't gonna give me t the fake bill fight? 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"the washington post" reports that gallaudet university in d.c. is moving its classes and exams on line for the remainder of the semester because of a spike in cases on campus. we've also learned that president biden will be taking extra precautions to attend the white house correspondents association dinner this weekend. the president will still be speaking at the dinner, but he will not be attending the dinner portion of the 2,000-person gala. and dr. fauci has announced that he will not be attending because of concerns over covid. also new this morning, the leader of the british virgin islands is in u.s. custody after being arrested on drug and money laundering charges in miami. here's what we know -- premier andrew fahey was arrested by dea agents posing as members of a mexican drug cartel. a criminal affidavit says the premier agreed to allow drugs to move through the british virgin islands' ports for $700,000. along with the premier a senior port official and his son were arrested. the three have been charged with conspiracy to import more than five kilograms of cocaine and conspiracy to commit money laundering. now here's a picture that you just have to see to believe. we will show this to you. that is lake meade, a reservoir which supplies water for millions of people, now shrinking to levels not seen in 50 years. you can actually see one of its original water intake valves exposed for the first time as the climate-fueled mega drought is gripping the western portion of the united states. cnn's stephanie ulelam joins us again. this is crippling -- i remember you standing over lake meade as you were reporting on this earlier. this crippling drought is now leading to some very new and real restrictions. >> reporter: yeah, and you know what i keep thinking about, kate, is april showers bring may flowers. not so much out here in the west since we barely got any rain. when you see something like this, an actual picture that you can look at to see just how low lake meade has gotten, think about it -- 40 million people get their water from the colorado river basin in seven states, it feeds down into mexico and some the native american tribes, as well, rely on this for water. this is a big deal that you can see this. now the southern nevada water authority, they are saying that there are seven agencies that pull water from the lake. they had to figure out a new way. in 2015 they started building this new valve that will go lower. and we can show what that looks like, and pull out of the water because they knew this was going to happen. you see that bottom tier there, that is the new one that started operation this week because that other valve that you saw there, it started to show -- beginning of april here, that is the problem. so for the 2.2 million people who rely on this way to get their water in southern nevada, this is actually very important for them. but the issue here is that we are just not seeing the snow during the rainy months, during the wet months. we are not getting it. the snow pack in california -- i traveled up there earlier in the month -- and i can tell you it is not there. for people here in california, they're asking them to cut their water usage by 35%. most of that, kate, most of what people use goes to outdoor watering. cut it out. save the water. it's dire now. >> i mean, it is getting to that point for sure. good to see you, thank you. coming up, a trip to paris that goes way beyond the eiffel tower and beastistros on the le bank. we'll showcase a new series that takes you off the beaten path to the food, wine, and people defining france today. he's finde investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby.y. digital toolols so impressive, you just can't stop. whatat would you like the power to do? 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>> i have a -- this is silly, but i have a walk-in closet of sneakers in my house. as my girlfriend and i are looking for a new home right now, it's like a thing. is there room for a sneaker closet? she thinks it's absurd. it's a cultural thing. it's growing. it's growing. >> i'm very -- but bobby actually also very had a great question. what guest surprised you the most in a positive way when you did their wine service? and bobby says for him, i still remember the day i served stephen hawking a bottle of 1991 cote road tea. >> that's not even fair. i had this thing i was going to do here, and he is throwing this off. >> i decided to just completely up end the segment. >> i'm not -- i don't get star struck, but there's certain people that i really admire, and to me that gets me more star struck. before he was a friend, maverick carter came in for dinner. i also admired him for coming from a neighborhood like akron and becoming who he is now. and him sitting down and me realizing that he was very well-versed in burgundies, specifically at the time he was into. i would just -- i was like man, if there's another reason to love this guy. and now i've been able to travel the world with him. for me it was like what he represents, i admire, and i just didn't expect for some reason -- i knew he would like expensive wine, but he knew what he was talking about. >> that's good. >> the unexpected that's memorable. right? >> yeah. >> that actually is a perfect segway of your show. you find the unexpected in the places that you go. and you travel all over the place. so many different places. is there a common thread that you find through all of the different cultures, countries, places that you're going? >> you know, it's sort of a general tone. when you go to a place and you show genuine interest and what is unique about what they do, people are so excited to show you their cultures. you have to understand it's like as much as we are proud of what happens in our world, they are as well. sometimes these places have thousands of years of history that sort of curate and craft the world that exists where they are there. if you go in curious, open-minded, and -- but live in that space on their terms, i think often we go in with we like to reside in this space this way. you really have to be open to going in for the ride. you can't control it. and the times i've traveled around the world and ended up in someone's home at their dinner table when i didn't know them, it's -- you have to go in and you have to fall in love with their world the way it is with how they live in it every day. >> and how they see it. >> yeah. >> be open to being along for the ride. >> we're going to talk about sneakers. >> and get there at some point. it's great to meet you. congratulations on the show. >> i can't believe bobby did this. >> he did. talk about it during the break. be sure to watch "nomad" it premiers sunday at 10:00 p.m. eastern. that's it for us. i'm kate bold win. 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Leg , Zelenskyy , Civilians , Times , Operation , Office , Hundreds , Let S Go , Troops , Plant , Hit , Air Strikes , Part , Official , 50 , 24 , Interview , Regiment Commander , Scott Mcclain , Underneath , Deputy Azov , Way , He Couldn T , Kind , Help , Evacuation Convoy , Russians , Ground , Bombardment , Sky , Thousands , Firing Back , Groups , Position , Situation , Deal , Surrendering , Ones , Military Commander , Guns , Briana Keilar , Children , Translator , Dozens , The Field , 4 , Everything , Equipment , Operating Theater , Mayor , Adviser , Surgery Heas , Case Scenario , War , Shift , Administration , Biden , View , Ask , Congress , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , Funding , Latest , Signs , Defeat , Lauren Fox , Capitol Hill , The Hill , The Catch , Republicans , Nancy Pelosi , Legislation , Goal , Press Conference , Democrats , Concerns , Supplemental , Money , Senate , Some , Lot , Areas , Lawmakers , Package , Comparison , Aid , Anxiety , Question , Process , Priorities , Matter , Bethenny Sanner , James , Analyst , National Security , Marks , Spider , Intelligence , Military Contractor , Deputy Director , Deaths , Ukrainians , Reality , British Citizen Being Killed Fighting , Man , West , Standoff , Don T , Disaster , Hand , Tragedy , Difference , Nation , Back , Marine Corps , Terms , Efforts , Fact , Complication , Support , Implication , Nato , Response , State Department , Reporting , Pentagon , Standard , Circumstances , Sacrifice , Beth , Americans , Risk , Marine , Situations , Isn T , Backing , Secretary Of State , Facilities , Fume Tanks , Blinken , Border , Itself , Have , Uk , Point , John Kirby , Weapons , President Putin , Take , Concern , Escalation , G20 , Invitation , Indonesia , Pentagon Spokesman , Shouldn T Be , Schedule , Actions , Attendants , International Community , Wall , Things , Community , Allies , Power , War Criminal , Dialogue , Diplomacy , Camp , Elements , Issue , Someone , Path , Corner , No Way Out , World , Relationship , Democracy , India , Door , Why Don T , Act , Carpet , Offering , Oil , Wall Street Journal , Germany , Embargo , Objections , Eu , Country , Revenue , Supply , Stance , War Effort , Gas , Devil , Details , Three , Places , Tankers , Insurance Companies , Consideration , Countries , G7 , Global South , Seven , Indonesians , Duties , Minority , Hosts , Problem , Kinds , Dealing , Organizations , Walk Out , Democratic , Abortions , Coming Up , Estate , So Oklahoma , Health , Stake , Rest , App , Phone , Ringcentral , Video , Ii Didn T , Be Cool , Bonnie , Thehe , Ringcentral Wow , What S Going On , Innovations , Polygons , Cgi , A Fund Tt , Inveo Qqq , Crunching Tons , Where Regina , Ladonna , Nasdaq 100 , 100 , Worry , Innovation , Agent , Invesco Qqq , Innovator , Technology , Business , Table , Best Western Rewards , Points , Stay , Western , Value , Stay Safe , Rewards Points , Itching , Plaque Psoriasis , Bestwestern Com , Moderate , Burning , Majority , Skin , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Stinging , 16 , 90 , 5 , Reactions , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Infections , Ability , Medication , Starter Doses , 6 , 2 , Doctor , Waste , Environment , Symptoms , Infection , Vaccine , Beverage Companies , Same , Bottles , Plastic , Plastics , Material , Caps , Recyclable , Bottle , Circle , Community Garden , Relief , Mattress , Nose , Air , Take Off , Tempur Pedic , Thing , Pressure Points , Aches , Customer Satisfaction , J D , 1 , Bill , Step , State Legislature , Row , Law , Women , Ban , Jessica Schneider , It , South Texas , Forefront , Measures , Array , Governor , Four , Argentina Legalizing Abortion , Prison , Fine , Doctors , Emergency , Penalties , 00000 , Ten , 100000 , Effect , Trend , Laws , Isn T Set , Number , Abortion Ban , States , Supreme Court , Refusal , Republican , Block , Oral Arguments , Belief , Texas Law , Abortion Rights , Abortion Restrictions , Roe V Wade , Flurry , Signals , Supreme Court Decision , Court , Because , Mississippi , 15 , Term , Which , Planned Parenthood , Clinics , President Of American Bridge , Increase , Cecile Richards , 2500 , Bills , Patients , Impact , B , Crisis , September , Abortion , Access , Parts , Wasteland , Louisiana , Cruelty , Mother , Anyone , Being , Need , Stories , Health Care Provider , More , Jail , Pregnancy , 26 , One Direction , Columbia , 2020 , Irony , Direction , Lifetime , Right , Parties , Purposes , Two , Order , Party , Wing , Politics , Oklahoma Rose , Women In America , Weigh Lead , Priority , Feet , Elections , Progress , Voters , Animating , Trevor Reed , Prisoner Exchange , Up Next , Sensitivity , Action , Gum , Both , Iran , Sensodyne , Hand In , Toth , E Focusg , Giveves , Care , Home , Gum Issues , Oral Health , Teeth Sensitivity , Control , Brushing , Subway , Refresh , Roast Beef , Turkey , Oven , Black Forest Ham , Newubway Club , Sandwich , Simone Biles , 10 , Plan , Ultra , Vo , Event Planning , Speed , Cities , Verizon , 5g Ultra Wideband , Cost , Business Unlimited , Refre , Manny , Nina S , Most , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Ideas , Price , Prescription , Prescriptions , Don T Overpay , Singlecare , Medicare , 80 , Meds , Chuckles , Flexpath Learning Format , Education , Nursing Degree , Deadlines , Capella University , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data Plans , Data , Service , Business Owner , Pay , Internet , Contracts , Customers , Gig , 5g Network , Line Activation Fees , Comcast Business , 00 , 500 , Parents , Son , Life , Update , Top , Trevor , Prisoner , Recovery , Testing , Spirits , Paul Whelan , Mom , Didn T Feel Well , Everyone , Brittney Griner , Governments , Brelieved , Wnba , 2018 , 60 , Ahmad Shargay , Netta , Bahari , News , Communication , Reaction , Thum , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Breath , Over , Coming Home , Bit , Hope , Phone Calls , Dream , Last , Kate , Husband , Face , Birthday , Daughter , That Ahmad , 24th Birthday , Hannah , Tony Blinken , Bars , Anniversary , Families , Government , Release Ahmad , Pawn , Practice , Role , Conversations , Tweet , Senator , Senators , Tweets , Representatives , Koonz , Kaine , Mccall , Representative Deutsch , Human Issue , Attention , Reminder , Bahara , Work , Purpose , Tensions , Ahmad Home , Who Ahmad , Negotiations , Father , Best Friend , Brother , Eyes , Somebody , Big Footstep , Feeling , Footstep , Aunt , Scale , Lake Meade , Levels , Millions , Water Restrictions , Water Levels , Strength , Wallet , Fake Bill , Cash Back , Residents , You Guys Aren T Gonna , Me T , Humor Me , Ted , C Mon , Kev , 3 , Thought , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Fee , Chase , Oooohhh , Stop , Migraine Attacks , Quliptatm , Pill , Stress , Quliptatm Helps What S Going On Inside , Triggers , Quliptatm Blocks Cgrp , Side Effects , Treatment , Constipation , Tiredness , Nausea , Abbvie , Episodic Migraine , Cause , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Chance , Combination , Immunotherapies , Cell Lung Cancer , Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Spread , Immune System , Gene , Cancer , Positive , Alk , Ways , Egfr , Pd L1 , Problems , Yervoy , Opdivo , Eye Problems , Chest Pain , Stomach Pain , Lead , Irregular Heartbeat , Shortness , Dizziness , Fainting , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Cough , Memory Problems , Changes , Joint Pain , Muscle Pain , Confusion , Weakness , Thirst , Appetite , Fever , Flushing , Rash , Urine , Nervous System Problems , Chest Radiation , Stem Cell Transplant , Organ , Conditions , Pro , Termites , Trials , Orkin , Call The Orkin , Best , Pair , Pests , Glasses , Visionworks , Joints , Help Reduce , Helen , Activity , Exercise , Diabetes , Libre 2 , Glucose Levels , Mystery , Glucose , A1c , Master , Size , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Candidates , Job Description , Increases , Visit Indeed Com Hire , 38 , Line , Washington Post , Cases , Classes , Remainder , Campus , Spike , Semester , Exams , Gallaudet University , In D C , Dinner , Fauci , Dinner Portion , Precautions , Gala , Dr , White House Correspondents Association , Covid , 2000 , Money Laundering , Dea , Leader , Custody , Drug , Charges , British Virgin Islands , Andrew Fahey , Miami , Conspiracy , Premier , Sports , Drugs , Members , Criminal Affidavit , Mexican Drug Cartel , Premier A Senior Port Official , 700000 , Water , Picture , Kilograms , Cocaine , Five , Time , Portion , Valves , Mega Drought , Water Intake , Restrictions , Drought , Stephanie Ulelam , Showers , Rain , Colorado River Basin , 40 Million , Mexico , Agencies , Lake , Well , Tribes , Southern Nevada Water Authority , Valve , Tier , 2015 , Show , Southern Nevada , 2 Million , Snow Pack , Water Usage , Snow , California , 35 , Watering , Paris , Wine , Food , Series , Investment Ideas , Beastistros , Beaten Path , France , Finde , Le Bank , Eiffel Tower , Merrill , Voya , Showme , Last Thing On My Mind , Retirement , Toolols , Solutions , Ball Baby Y , Whatat , Workplace , Benefits , Well Invested , Hps , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Bed , Sale , Movement , 360 , Miss , Science , Temperature Balancing , Weekend Special , Queen , Delivery , 299 , 1299 , Pressure , Study , Septic System , Scientists , Base , Ends Monday , 21 , Landowner , Rid X , 20 , Gardener , Landscaper , Powerful , Hunter , Versatile , Energy , Kubota , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Revolutionary Rollerball Design , Nutrients , Sugar , Aleve X , Pain Relief , Let S Go On The Open Road , Firm , Case , Truck Hit , Worth , Barnes , Barnes Firm , Injury Attorneys , Accident Case , Call , Rich Barnes , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Nomad , Carlton Mccoy , Master Chef , Exploration , Chef Francis Ogae , Restaurants , Everywhere , Kitchen , Episode , Preview , Grandmother , Anything , Tour , Special , House , Generation , Restaurant , Friends , Immigrant , Hotel , Display , Palace Kitchen , Wife , Suburbs , Pleasure , Fan Boying , Instagram , Love , Cuisine , Old School French Dish , Host , 1000 , Doors , Story , Team , Concept , Ours Y , Bobby , Segment , List , Questions , Sneaker , Game , Master Samolie , Sneakers , Room , Sneaker Closet , Walk In Closet , Girlfriend , Wine Service , Stephen Hawking A Bottle , Cote Road Tea , 1991 , Maverick Carter , Don T Get Star Struck , Neighborhood , Burgundies , Akron , Reason , Guy , Unexpected , Cultures , Segway , Thread , All Over The Place , Tone , Interest , History , Curate , Space , Ride , Curious , Around The World , Open Minded , Dinner Table , Along For The Ride , Congratulations , It Premiers , Break , Inside Politics , Eastern , Win , Come On , Vrbo , Code , Favorite Footlong , Tru Niagen , Nad , Cells , Root , Causes , Energy Production , Heart , Muscle , The World , Aging , Institutions , Rewards , Cheers , Xfinity Rewards , Sizes , Shapes , Appreciation , Tickets , Nascar , Effort , Xfinity , Final Stronghold , Russians Overnight , Produce , Steel Plant , Scores , Bunker Buster Bombs Hit The Complex ,

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