Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

secretary-general wrapped up a meeting there with ukraine's president zelenskyy. and just two days after antonio guterres met face-to-face with putin himself. the secretary-general unhurt in the russian strike. and ukraine now says that it plans to evacuate hundreds of civilian holdouts from a besieged steel plant in mariupol in just a matter of hours. isa soares is inside ukraine for us. what do we know about this planned operation? >> good morning. we are very short on details in regards to this operation, but it could be potentially good news if it happens today and if it happens safely for the civilians holed up inside that azovstal steel plant. they have been inside for days now without seeing sunlight. there are about 1,000 or so civilians inside, and they have obviously been there are women, children, soldiers inside. and we've been told in the last couple of days that they are running out -- shortages of water, of food as well as some medicine. we also have seen the last 24 hours and hearing from inside the azovstal steel plant, they have seen intense shelling taking place directly hitting that steel plant. and so incredibly worrying situation inside the steel plant. and so perhaps we shall see an evacuation for them. this is something that the u.n. secretary-general antonio guterres has been working on the last couple of days. he of course met like you said with president putin in moscow and following that meeting, he promised in principle to allow the u.n. and red cross to create an evacuation for those civilians. of course we shall keep an eye when that happens and how that happens. we shall bring that to you. as you've mentioned off the top of your show, this promise of evacuation coming less than 24 hours when we saw those missile strikes in kyiv when the u.n. secretary-general was still in the country. he is unharmed but shocked by what is happening. we know a missile hit an apartment building. and you're looking at some of the aftermath of that apartment building, ten people being hurt. this is what president zelenskyy had to say. >> translator: today immediately after the end of our talks in kyiv, russian missiles flew into the city. five missiles. this says a lot about russia's true attitude about global institutions, about efforts to humiliate the u.n. and everything that the organization represents. and therefore requires an appropriate powerful response. >> and while russia pushes into the east of the country, we are hearing from the u.s. and nato officials telling cnn that russia is making slow and uneven progress in the battlefield, only advancing a couple kilometers a day or so. >> isa soares, thank you so much. and president biden is asking congress for $33 billion in funding to support ukraine over the next several months. but the process could take weeks or even longer before final votes are taken in the house and senate. >> we either back the ukrainian people as they defend their country or we stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. we need to contribute arms, funding and economic support to make their current sacrifice have purposes. >> and daniella diaz is joining us live from which i will. dem capitol hill. >> reporter: and they need to figure out what will be in the package and what can pass through congress. democratic leadership of course wants to honor joe biden's request for $33 billion to continue helping ukraine during this invasion from russia. however of course republicans have already said that they don't agree with all the provisions that president biden requested congress to commit to in this package. so there is going to be negotiations over the next couple weeks over what this bill will actually look like. of course they got to write the bill after that. and the house is in recess next week, so it is looking like the senate will take this up first and they will have to figure out if they want to pass the legislation with a covid-19 funding package that they already agreed on that they tabled before congressional recess a couple weeks ago that they still want to pass. some republicans say they don't want to pass the bills together, but democratic leadership are hoping that they can do this and get enough votes through the senate to be able to do that. but really all of this is up in the air. but a democratic leadership aide told me yesterday that they actually signaled that this is going to take a long time. they said in a statement that there will be by icameral talks and language must be drafted and it is also unresolved which chamber will work to advance the supplemental first. this will not be an instant process. so this will take a couple weeks and there is going to be a lot of back and forth between democrats and republicans. but there is a sign here that they will work together to try to pass a bipartisan bill on this because it is a priority for both parties to help ukraine. >> certainly a priority but nothing moves quickly in washington. thank you. and coming up, details about an american citizen killed fighting the russians in ukraine. plus the american citizen wondering why he was left in russia after the prisoner swap that brought home another noon and a quite home front turned battle front as russian tanks lurk nearby. ♪ i'm chi lan, i am a mom, and a real estate agent. after having a kid, everything thayou used to do the lines that i was seeing in my forehe re getting deeper than i was used to them being. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? i see someone who is growing and changing, who loves and is loved. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do 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>> yes, it is putin demonstrating the scorn for the international order, specifically for antonio guterres the united nations secretary-general and the united nations as a whole. it is impossible that the russians were not aware that guterres would be there, and impossible that this is just a coincidence that it happened. remember when secretary of state antony blinken was there recently, officials traveled by train shortly after they left train lines and ukraine was struck by russian missiles. this is part of a pattern. we shouldn't kid ourselves. will is putin saying here is what i think of your attempts at diplomacy. >> you say that putin knows this war is going badly for russia, but in some ways that could make him even more dangerous. can the u.s. stay united in its resolve with its allies and engaged here as long as putin can stay engaged here? >> well, so far the alliance is holding pretty well. remarkably well. i don't think that many of us who follow foreign affairs and especially follow europe very closely, many of us would not have thought that this alliance would have held this long. but it is going to be a constant test of our resolve and our patience. the longer a conflict lasts, there is a tendency as human beings that we have a tendency to look away and care less by other concerns. the package that biden is asking there congress, that is also going to be a test. congress has asssupported the administration's efforts so far and will it continue to support it. it is quite a lot of money. and so this will be tested on a continuous basis. we know that putin won't stop until he stops. and we can't predict when that will happen. we have to keep supporting ukraine until such time putin reaches that decision. >> and now we're nine weeks in to this and what was an initial bloody invasion is a grinding long term war it could be here. and the worry is this war in ukraine spills over into other countries. you've seen russia use energy as a tool, cutting off russian gas to poland and bulgaria. you have the concerns about the russian separatist region between ukraine and moldova. and whether there could be a hot spot there. you know, is this inevitable that it spreads beyond ukrainian borders? >> well, i think that there is certainly a strong tendency in russia to try to expand the conflict. but at the same time, we have to recognize the fact that they have done very poorly in ukraine. if your soldiers aren't doing well in one theater of war, is it wise to expose them to a second and a third one, which might lead to more embarrassment, more reversals and defeats in other places. so that is the big calculation for the russian high command, for putin. can he risk sending his soldiers to open a second and third front in other countries while they are taking such a shellacking in ukraine. >> a good point. thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. and just ahead, why job says j joe biden says he is not worried about a recession. but first, the american who lost his life fighting for ukraine. the memories they createte. or the spin they initiate. otezla. it's's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, you can achchieve clearer skin. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. ♪ my name is atin james. as a musicn living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> it brought up a mix of emotions. first, the question of why he continues to be a prisoner. i want to read you the statement that paul whelan gave to his family after he learned the news that he was staying behind. he said, why was i left behind, while i'm pleased trevor is home with his family, i have been held on a fictitious charge of espionage for 40 months. the world knows this charge was fabricated. why hasn't more been done to secure my release. and his sister says that they are crushed by the news that he is remaining in russian custody and there are also questions about why the family wasn't given more head's up, they just got a little bit of my before elizabeth was able to inform her family before it broke on the news. and paul whelan not part of the prisoner swap which made him upset and she spoke with the special presidential envoy for hostage affairs office and let them know that she believes that it is a terrible decision that paul was left behind while trevor was going home. but of course they are also happy that the reeds are reunited in texas. >> they are being gracious about that. so what comes next for paul whelan? >> that is a good question. the administration has said that they will continue to press for the release both of paul and other americans who are detained in russia, including brittney griner. the u.s. ambassador to russia john sullivan was on our air yesterday and said that he has had vow indicated for paul's release since he was detained in late 2018. on he called ro reed's release a first step in the process and he will continue to advocate for whelan's release. but it does remain the case that prisoner swaps are rare and this is how trevor reed was able to be released. the administration said that it was a difficult decision for the president to authorize the release for yaroshenko to get trevor reed home driven by a number of factors. so the question remains how long will paul still be in detention. and i know his family and advocates both inside and outside the government are hoping that that becomes a question of sooner rather than later for both paul whelan and a number of americans who are still in russian detention. >> none of these decisions easy, all of them painful for the families. jennifer, appreciate it. and 27 past the hour. economy shocker, u.s. gdp shrank last quarter but president biden says he is not worried about a recession. the first quarter marks the weakest quarter since the early days of the pandemic because of a shap drop in exports and in being in imports and increase in government spending. buff cons but consumer spending remains strong and president says it doesn't mean a recession is coming. >> i'm not concerned about a recession. i mean, you are always concerned about a recession. but the gdp, you know, falling 1.4%, but here is the deal. we're at last quarter consumer spending and business investment and residential investment increased at significant rates both for leisure as well as hard products. >> remember the omicron variant was spreading wildly in the beginning of that quarter. the economy stumbling, yes, but the president reported to a low unemployment rate and record 4.5 million businesses created as signs offist economicu.s. econo strength. just ahead, what the president says about forgiving loan debt. but first hepatitis in children, what parents should watch for. sr iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a little easier. 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>> we have to follow the process, right? we don't want to rush the data collection or the science. and we know that this was being studied during a time of changing varnltiants as well. so it is frustrating but again, we have to trust the process and make sure that the data is collected and get the information that we needed. and hopefully we'll see what we need to see. >> and can i ask about the variant issue here, is the vaccine that is being -- that would be given to children still based off of the old strain? in other words, the vaccine that christine and i got was based off of the original strain. it wasn't based off of omicron. which one will the kids get? >> i believe again we don't do science by press release, so the data is not all out, but i believe that it is based on the ancestral strain. so we'll see as it comes out. >> and moderna says that the vaccine shows a favorable safety profile but the efficacy rate is not high. why is it it worth getting kidsx natured is the likelihood of they willing ill is low? >> well, we know that children are not supposed to die so any layers of protection that we can offer this study was a bridging study to look for the best doses, to look for the appropriate immune response and it met the goals, it met the targets of the study. so this is still going to be robust protection against severe disease and against death. we wish we had a magic bullet that could prevent any disease transmission. we're not there yet but i think in time we will. but right now this is a great layer of protection to prevent severe disease and death. it will be a good thing. >> definitely be a good thing. hopefully pfizer will follow right behind them. on top of worrying about covid and the flu, and i'm now told that i need to worry about pediatric hepatitis cases. tell us about why this is happening now. i understand it is still a small subset of cases, but what can we do? >> yeah, so we're not exactly sure why it is happening now, but there are two key things to realize here for parents. the first one is that symptoms are not subtle. so we know that stomach bugs are incredibly common as we remove masks. but the stomach bugs that kids have will still be far more common than the much more concerning injury to the liver. and so a simple vomiting and diarrhea, you will follow your normal protocols that you would to making sure that your child is hydrating, touching base with your doctor. these children are quite ill, so a parent won't miss these symptoms. they have severe belly pain, really uncomfortable, and they start to have jaundice, the whites of their eyes get yellow. so again the symptoms are not subtle. and case numbers will go up because we're collecting data. so all fishes have now been alerted to this and it is now reportable and there are certain tests that we have to do should we face a patient with these severe symptoms. and so expect case numbers to go up in the coming weeks because we are collecting data on it. a month ago i might have seen a child that would have fit the criteria because i was not reporting it then because it wasn't identified yet as this potential signal of something bigger going on. it does appear to be related. we think right now to a certain class of viruses, a ddenovirus family. but more to follow and i'm glad that we have this data collection system in place because more information is more information that will help us get answers. >> absolutely. doctor, thank you so much. still ahead, the late night tv host who now says that he will step down from his show. >> and joe biden on forgiving student loan debt, what he will and will not do. ♪ breeze driftin' on by.y... ♪ if you'v've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new w dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at (heartbeats) introducing icy hot pro. ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with 2 max-strength pain relievers. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! president biden under pressure to fulfill that campaign promise to relieve student loan debt. he says that he is considering it but will only go so far. >> i am considering dealing with some debt reduction. i am not considering $50,000 debt reduction. but i'm in the process of taking a hard look at whether or not there are -- there will be additional debt forgiveness. >> jasmine wright is live in our washington bureau. what has the president signaled that he is willing to do? >> reporter: he was very clear about what he won't do and that is forgive up to $50,000 this debt for student loan borrowers, or about 43 million across the country, and that is something that he is under pressure for lawmakers to come. he said that he won't. instead that he is taking a hard look at what exactly can be done in terms of debt forgiveness lieu executive order and that will be on top of everything that he has already done. remember so far he has continued to extend the student loan pause for federal loans, as well as he made it easier for folks who have been defrauded by for-profit colleges as well as those who are in public service to access forgiveness through those already existing programs. and now the white house has lodge said that president biden would be in favor of forgiving about $10,000 will debt only if congress moved, of course, that is a big if, and it is something that congress is just not able to do. so again, it comes back to the president, back to that presidential power and what he is willing do. over the course of the week, lawmakers say that he signaled some positivity into doing nothing forgive student loan. but as the white house said yesterday, that process has not concluded. so to answer your question, it is unclear about where the president is willing to go here. >> unclear. and already the battle lines have been drawn here. some conservatives saying that it would be a handout for greedy borrowers. but a progressive saying that doesn't make sense. we'll see how it plays out. and let's get a little sports now. first round of the nfl draft is in the books with defensive players leading the way. andy scholes has the "bleacher report." >> yeah, first round began with a run of five straight defensive players getting selected. first time since 1991 that the first five picks were all on the defensive side of the ball. and the jaguars taking trayvon walker with the first overall pick. walker originally projected mid to late first round pick, but he shot all the way up to number one. the national xhachl i don't know b champion bulldogs first to produce five first round picks. they were more than the acc, pac-12 and big 12 had as a conference. and first quarterback taken in the first round was kenny pickett who is stay bing home after going to the steelers. yeah, check out the reaction from steelers fans when the pick was announced. they were certainly happy. pickett is the first pick to be taken in the first round since dan marino in 1983. and at pick 20, latest into a draft that the first quarterback has been taken since 1997. there was a huge run of receivers in the draft. six of them picked in the top 18 for the first time ever. and there was a huge crowd of more than 100,000 on hand in las vegas to watch it all. rounds two and three are tonight. four through seven will take place on saturday. to the nba, the jazz facing elimination last night and rudy gobert had a swollen face because he got stung by bees. this game was good late. this three with two minutes to go to give the mavs the lead. final seconds, utah had a chance to win it, but it was no good. mavs win 98-96. doncic on to the second round for the first time and dallas wins for the first time since winning it all back in 2011. chris paul was perfect last night, literally. cp 3 was 14 for 14, most field goals without a miss in playoff history. he led phoenix with 33 points, they came back in the fourth quarter to eliminate the pelicans in six games. cp 3 very close with willie green, they played together, remain great friends. they shared a nice embrace. phoenix will host dallas in round two starting on monday. finally, a great moment before the cubs/braves game. contraire are a shared the field with his little brother william for the first time in their professional career. the two shared a hug. we're wiping away tears as they shared their lineup cards. it was made possible when williams was recalled from the minors earlier in the day. his braves did go on to win 5-1. cool for that family there that they got to see both william and wilson playing on the field together. >> that is so cool. brotherly love. thanks so much, andy. and just ahead, the long overdue good-bye for highly addictive cigarettes could be on the way. and how one man made $11 billion in 00 single day. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an ner. 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we're talking years, right? >> it will go through. it has to go through. i would predict that you have a year, probably quickly to get it off the market, longer if big tobacco really slams the money down on the table, which i think that it will. but it is going to happen. and despite the drelay, but now is the time for education and people need to stop smoking. we have to teach them how to take care of themselves. >> and this product has been marketed to young smokers and communities of color? >> these are the cigarette there is kids use to start smoking, it is osupposedly easier, and 85 respect about of black smokes smoke these cigarettes. and these communities were slammed by covid-19. and we have to pay attention. >> and it was like a decade ago that it got a special carveout for other flavored products, somehow menthol was allowed to persist. how long until we get these out of the hands of smokers. will they just turn to other products? >> we have to put alternatives in front of these people. there are drugs, cognitive therapies and vaping is a good tool for smoking cessation. not to veape continually, but t get off smoking. people like al sharpton take money from the tobacco industry. he is lobbying against this rule. and i challenge him to put all the money into education programs to get people off of these cigarettes. >> and this is not punitive, that this is about public health. is the infrastructure there, is the biden administration engaged on this issue? >> i don't know. i think that if you look at past circumstances, president biden has got his eye on a variety of issues. this will take time. i think what the president has to signal right now is that he is for this ban, it will go through, and he does not want to be lobbied, it is an important public health issue and again i think that you have to be realistic and i expect the lawsuits to start hitting early, often and fiercely. >> and i started to see, you know, some of the restrictions for flavored products. i'm surprised today that you can still buy menthol cigarettes. >> isn't that incredible? we've taken all the 234flavored gets off the market yet menthol is there. it makes a huge difference to a targeted population. it is time that they go away forever. >> all right. peter, so nice of you to drop by this morning. thank you so much. let's get a check on cnn business quickly. looking at the markets, gains in asian shares and europe has opened slightly higher here on wall street. stock index futures though leaning down a little bit. market rebounding from a month of steep losses. strong earns from a few tech stocks fueling that. and also trying to shake off concerns of an economic contraction. and mark zuckerberg got 11 build richer yesterday because shares of meta shot up more than 17%. investors celebrated the company's turnaround on user numbers, a key metric for advertisers. russia's war on ukraine is costing mcdonald's millions. the fast food giant closing its restaurants cost them $127 million, now unused food that has to be thrown out. and they are still paying its russian employees and it workers in ukraine. and james corden says that he plans to leave the late "late show" on cbs. he announced that he is leaving the show he has hosted since 2015. he says it has been the hardest decision he's ever had to make. >> i never want the show to overstay its welcome in any way. i always want to love making it. and i really think in a year from now, that will be a good time to move on and see what else might be out there. >> he has crosswalk the musical and car pool karaoke segments have helped them generate more than a billion views on youtube. it will be exciting to see what he does. is he so talented. >> he is really talented. >> so funny. >> and such a good singer. >> and he brings people out of their shell. he finds a way to draw them in. >> i can't wait to see what he does next. thanks for joining us. >> and "new day" starts right now. trs this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning to viewers in the united states and all around the world. it is friday, april 29th. i'm john berman with brianna keilar. and we do have breaking news from the battered port city of mariupol. the ukrainian president's office announced an operation to get civilians out of the azovstal steel plant, it is planned for today but the plan has already hit a snag. russian troops are blocking part that have complex. this site has become something of a last line of defense for ukraine in that city. officials say it was hit by 50 air strikes in the last 24 hours. the situation is critical, we are scrambling to get the latest information. in just a few moments we will hear from ukrainian army commander inside the plant. we're told there are hundreds of people there, including dozens of children, the youngest is just 4 months old. also breaking overnight, more signs of ukrainie counter strikes in areas inside russia itself. this is a fuel depot

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

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secretary-general wrapped up a meeting there with ukraine's president zelenskyy. and just two days after antonio guterres met face-to-face with putin himself. the secretary-general unhurt in the russian strike. and ukraine now says that it plans to evacuate hundreds of civilian holdouts from a besieged steel plant in mariupol in just a matter of hours. isa soares is inside ukraine for us. what do we know about this planned operation? >> good morning. we are very short on details in regards to this operation, but it could be potentially good news if it happens today and if it happens safely for the civilians holed up inside that azovstal steel plant. they have been inside for days now without seeing sunlight. there are about 1,000 or so civilians inside, and they have obviously been there are women, children, soldiers inside. and we've been told in the last couple of days that they are running out -- shortages of water, of food as well as some medicine. we also have seen the last 24 hours and hearing from inside the azovstal steel plant, they have seen intense shelling taking place directly hitting that steel plant. and so incredibly worrying situation inside the steel plant. and so perhaps we shall see an evacuation for them. this is something that the u.n. secretary-general antonio guterres has been working on the last couple of days. he of course met like you said with president putin in moscow and following that meeting, he promised in principle to allow the u.n. and red cross to create an evacuation for those civilians. of course we shall keep an eye when that happens and how that happens. we shall bring that to you. as you've mentioned off the top of your show, this promise of evacuation coming less than 24 hours when we saw those missile strikes in kyiv when the u.n. secretary-general was still in the country. he is unharmed but shocked by what is happening. we know a missile hit an apartment building. and you're looking at some of the aftermath of that apartment building, ten people being hurt. this is what president zelenskyy had to say. >> translator: today immediately after the end of our talks in kyiv, russian missiles flew into the city. five missiles. this says a lot about russia's true attitude about global institutions, about efforts to humiliate the u.n. and everything that the organization represents. and therefore requires an appropriate powerful response. >> and while russia pushes into the east of the country, we are hearing from the u.s. and nato officials telling cnn that russia is making slow and uneven progress in the battlefield, only advancing a couple kilometers a day or so. >> isa soares, thank you so much. and president biden is asking congress for $33 billion in funding to support ukraine over the next several months. but the process could take weeks or even longer before final votes are taken in the house and senate. >> we either back the ukrainian people as they defend their country or we stand by as the russians continue their atrocities and aggression in ukraine. we need to contribute arms, funding and economic support to make their current sacrifice have purposes. >> and daniella diaz is joining us live from which i will. dem capitol hill. >> reporter: and they need to figure out what will be in the package and what can pass through congress. democratic leadership of course wants to honor joe biden's request for $33 billion to continue helping ukraine during this invasion from russia. however of course republicans have already said that they don't agree with all the provisions that president biden requested congress to commit to in this package. so there is going to be negotiations over the next couple weeks over what this bill will actually look like. of course they got to write the bill after that. and the house is in recess next week, so it is looking like the senate will take this up first and they will have to figure out if they want to pass the legislation with a covid-19 funding package that they already agreed on that they tabled before congressional recess a couple weeks ago that they still want to pass. some republicans say they don't want to pass the bills together, but democratic leadership are hoping that they can do this and get enough votes through the senate to be able to do that. but really all of this is up in the air. but a democratic leadership aide told me yesterday that they actually signaled that this is going to take a long time. they said in a statement that there will be by icameral talks and language must be drafted and it is also unresolved which chamber will work to advance the supplemental first. this will not be an instant process. so this will take a couple weeks and there is going to be a lot of back and forth between democrats and republicans. but there is a sign here that they will work together to try to pass a bipartisan bill on this because it is a priority for both parties to help ukraine. >> certainly a priority but nothing moves quickly in washington. thank you. and coming up, details about an american citizen killed fighting the russians in ukraine. plus the american citizen wondering why he was left in russia after the prisoner swap that brought home another noon and a quite home front turned battle front as russian tanks lurk nearby. ♪ i'm chi lan, i am a mom, and a real estate agent. after having a kid, everything thayou used to do the lines that i was seeing in my forehe re getting deeper than i was used to them being. so, what do you see when you look at yourself? i see someone who is growing and changing, who loves and is loved. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do 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>> yes, it is putin demonstrating the scorn for the international order, specifically for antonio guterres the united nations secretary-general and the united nations as a whole. it is impossible that the russians were not aware that guterres would be there, and impossible that this is just a coincidence that it happened. remember when secretary of state antony blinken was there recently, officials traveled by train shortly after they left train lines and ukraine was struck by russian missiles. this is part of a pattern. we shouldn't kid ourselves. will is putin saying here is what i think of your attempts at diplomacy. >> you say that putin knows this war is going badly for russia, but in some ways that could make him even more dangerous. can the u.s. stay united in its resolve with its allies and engaged here as long as putin can stay engaged here? >> well, so far the alliance is holding pretty well. remarkably well. i don't think that many of us who follow foreign affairs and especially follow europe very closely, many of us would not have thought that this alliance would have held this long. but it is going to be a constant test of our resolve and our patience. the longer a conflict lasts, there is a tendency as human beings that we have a tendency to look away and care less by other concerns. the package that biden is asking there congress, that is also going to be a test. congress has asssupported the administration's efforts so far and will it continue to support it. it is quite a lot of money. and so this will be tested on a continuous basis. we know that putin won't stop until he stops. and we can't predict when that will happen. we have to keep supporting ukraine until such time putin reaches that decision. >> and now we're nine weeks in to this and what was an initial bloody invasion is a grinding long term war it could be here. and the worry is this war in ukraine spills over into other countries. you've seen russia use energy as a tool, cutting off russian gas to poland and bulgaria. you have the concerns about the russian separatist region between ukraine and moldova. and whether there could be a hot spot there. you know, is this inevitable that it spreads beyond ukrainian borders? >> well, i think that there is certainly a strong tendency in russia to try to expand the conflict. but at the same time, we have to recognize the fact that they have done very poorly in ukraine. if your soldiers aren't doing well in one theater of war, is it wise to expose them to a second and a third one, which might lead to more embarrassment, more reversals and defeats in other places. so that is the big calculation for the russian high command, for putin. can he risk sending his soldiers to open a second and third front in other countries while they are taking such a shellacking in ukraine. >> a good point. thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. and just ahead, why job says j joe biden says he is not worried about a recession. but first, the american who lost his life fighting for ukraine. the memories they createte. or the spin they initiate. otezla. it's's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, you can achchieve clearer skin. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. ♪ my name is atin james. as a musicn living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> it brought up a mix of emotions. first, the question of why he continues to be a prisoner. i want to read you the statement that paul whelan gave to his family after he learned the news that he was staying behind. he said, why was i left behind, while i'm pleased trevor is home with his family, i have been held on a fictitious charge of espionage for 40 months. the world knows this charge was fabricated. why hasn't more been done to secure my release. and his sister says that they are crushed by the news that he is remaining in russian custody and there are also questions about why the family wasn't given more head's up, they just got a little bit of my before elizabeth was able to inform her family before it broke on the news. and paul whelan not part of the prisoner swap which made him upset and she spoke with the special presidential envoy for hostage affairs office and let them know that she believes that it is a terrible decision that paul was left behind while trevor was going home. but of course they are also happy that the reeds are reunited in texas. >> they are being gracious about that. so what comes next for paul whelan? >> that is a good question. the administration has said that they will continue to press for the release both of paul and other americans who are detained in russia, including brittney griner. the u.s. ambassador to russia john sullivan was on our air yesterday and said that he has had vow indicated for paul's release since he was detained in late 2018. on he called ro reed's release a first step in the process and he will continue to advocate for whelan's release. but it does remain the case that prisoner swaps are rare and this is how trevor reed was able to be released. the administration said that it was a difficult decision for the president to authorize the release for yaroshenko to get trevor reed home driven by a number of factors. so the question remains how long will paul still be in detention. and i know his family and advocates both inside and outside the government are hoping that that becomes a question of sooner rather than later for both paul whelan and a number of americans who are still in russian detention. >> none of these decisions easy, all of them painful for the families. jennifer, appreciate it. and 27 past the hour. economy shocker, u.s. gdp shrank last quarter but president biden says he is not worried about a recession. the first quarter marks the weakest quarter since the early days of the pandemic because of a shap drop in exports and in being in imports and increase in government spending. buff cons but consumer spending remains strong and president says it doesn't mean a recession is coming. >> i'm not concerned about a recession. i mean, you are always concerned about a recession. but the gdp, you know, falling 1.4%, but here is the deal. we're at last quarter consumer spending and business investment and residential investment increased at significant rates both for leisure as well as hard products. >> remember the omicron variant was spreading wildly in the beginning of that quarter. the economy stumbling, yes, but the president reported to a low unemployment rate and record 4.5 million businesses created as signs offist economicu.s. econo strength. just ahead, what the president says about forgiving loan debt. but first hepatitis in children, what parents should watch for. sr iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk the cows a little easier. 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what if you could let in the lyte? discover caplyta. caplyta is a once-daily pill, proven to deliver significant relief from bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and bipolar ii depression. and, in clinical trials, feelings of inner restlessness and weight gain were not common. caplyta can cause serious side effects. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts right away. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may be life-threatening, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. in the darkness of bipolar i and ii depression, caplyta can help you let in the lyte. ask your doctor about caplyta, from intra-cellular therapies. oklahoma lawmakers approving a bill banning abortion after about six week of pregnancy, it would prohibit abortions as soon as as a physician can depict cardiac activity. and it is modeled on the controversial texas law both allow private citizens to file lawsuits against anyone who performs or aids an abortion. oklahoma's republic governor is expected to sign the bill into law. and now the news that so many parents are waiting for. moderna says that its covid-19 vaccine is in fact safe for young children. the company is seeking emergency use authorization from the fda for children six months up to six years old. moderna would be the first company do this as no covid vaccines have been authorized in the u.s. for kids younger than five. and joining us now, dr. murray, a pediatric emergency physician at the university of rochester medical center. so nice to have you back. this is the news i have been waiting for. so many parents of toddlers have been waiting for. how did it take so long to get to this point? >> we have to follow the process, right? we don't want to rush the data collection or the science. and we know that this was being studied during a time of changing varnltiants as well. so it is frustrating but again, we have to trust the process and make sure that the data is collected and get the information that we needed. and hopefully we'll see what we need to see. >> and can i ask about the variant issue here, is the vaccine that is being -- that would be given to children still based off of the old strain? in other words, the vaccine that christine and i got was based off of the original strain. it wasn't based off of omicron. which one will the kids get? >> i believe again we don't do science by press release, so the data is not all out, but i believe that it is based on the ancestral strain. so we'll see as it comes out. >> and moderna says that the vaccine shows a favorable safety profile but the efficacy rate is not high. why is it it worth getting kidsx natured is the likelihood of they willing ill is low? >> well, we know that children are not supposed to die so any layers of protection that we can offer this study was a bridging study to look for the best doses, to look for the appropriate immune response and it met the goals, it met the targets of the study. so this is still going to be robust protection against severe disease and against death. we wish we had a magic bullet that could prevent any disease transmission. we're not there yet but i think in time we will. but right now this is a great layer of protection to prevent severe disease and death. it will be a good thing. >> definitely be a good thing. hopefully pfizer will follow right behind them. on top of worrying about covid and the flu, and i'm now told that i need to worry about pediatric hepatitis cases. tell us about why this is happening now. i understand it is still a small subset of cases, but what can we do? >> yeah, so we're not exactly sure why it is happening now, but there are two key things to realize here for parents. the first one is that symptoms are not subtle. so we know that stomach bugs are incredibly common as we remove masks. but the stomach bugs that kids have will still be far more common than the much more concerning injury to the liver. and so a simple vomiting and diarrhea, you will follow your normal protocols that you would to making sure that your child is hydrating, touching base with your doctor. these children are quite ill, so a parent won't miss these symptoms. they have severe belly pain, really uncomfortable, and they start to have jaundice, the whites of their eyes get yellow. so again the symptoms are not subtle. and case numbers will go up because we're collecting data. so all fishes have now been alerted to this and it is now reportable and there are certain tests that we have to do should we face a patient with these severe symptoms. and so expect case numbers to go up in the coming weeks because we are collecting data on it. a month ago i might have seen a child that would have fit the criteria because i was not reporting it then because it wasn't identified yet as this potential signal of something bigger going on. it does appear to be related. we think right now to a certain class of viruses, a ddenovirus family. but more to follow and i'm glad that we have this data collection system in place because more information is more information that will help us get answers. >> absolutely. doctor, thank you so much. still ahead, the late night tv host who now says that he will step down from his show. >> and joe biden on forgiving student loan debt, what he will and will not do. ♪ breeze driftin' on by.y... ♪ if you'v've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new w dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy, and save at (heartbeats) introducing icy hot pro. ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with 2 max-strength pain relievers. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! president biden under pressure to fulfill that campaign promise to relieve student loan debt. he says that he is considering it but will only go so far. >> i am considering dealing with some debt reduction. i am not considering $50,000 debt reduction. but i'm in the process of taking a hard look at whether or not there are -- there will be additional debt forgiveness. >> jasmine wright is live in our washington bureau. what has the president signaled that he is willing to do? >> reporter: he was very clear about what he won't do and that is forgive up to $50,000 this debt for student loan borrowers, or about 43 million across the country, and that is something that he is under pressure for lawmakers to come. he said that he won't. instead that he is taking a hard look at what exactly can be done in terms of debt forgiveness lieu executive order and that will be on top of everything that he has already done. remember so far he has continued to extend the student loan pause for federal loans, as well as he made it easier for folks who have been defrauded by for-profit colleges as well as those who are in public service to access forgiveness through those already existing programs. and now the white house has lodge said that president biden would be in favor of forgiving about $10,000 will debt only if congress moved, of course, that is a big if, and it is something that congress is just not able to do. so again, it comes back to the president, back to that presidential power and what he is willing do. over the course of the week, lawmakers say that he signaled some positivity into doing nothing forgive student loan. but as the white house said yesterday, that process has not concluded. so to answer your question, it is unclear about where the president is willing to go here. >> unclear. and already the battle lines have been drawn here. some conservatives saying that it would be a handout for greedy borrowers. but a progressive saying that doesn't make sense. we'll see how it plays out. and let's get a little sports now. first round of the nfl draft is in the books with defensive players leading the way. andy scholes has the "bleacher report." >> yeah, first round began with a run of five straight defensive players getting selected. first time since 1991 that the first five picks were all on the defensive side of the ball. and the jaguars taking trayvon walker with the first overall pick. walker originally projected mid to late first round pick, but he shot all the way up to number one. the national xhachl i don't know b champion bulldogs first to produce five first round picks. they were more than the acc, pac-12 and big 12 had as a conference. and first quarterback taken in the first round was kenny pickett who is stay bing home after going to the steelers. yeah, check out the reaction from steelers fans when the pick was announced. they were certainly happy. pickett is the first pick to be taken in the first round since dan marino in 1983. and at pick 20, latest into a draft that the first quarterback has been taken since 1997. there was a huge run of receivers in the draft. six of them picked in the top 18 for the first time ever. and there was a huge crowd of more than 100,000 on hand in las vegas to watch it all. rounds two and three are tonight. four through seven will take place on saturday. to the nba, the jazz facing elimination last night and rudy gobert had a swollen face because he got stung by bees. this game was good late. this three with two minutes to go to give the mavs the lead. final seconds, utah had a chance to win it, but it was no good. mavs win 98-96. doncic on to the second round for the first time and dallas wins for the first time since winning it all back in 2011. chris paul was perfect last night, literally. cp 3 was 14 for 14, most field goals without a miss in playoff history. he led phoenix with 33 points, they came back in the fourth quarter to eliminate the pelicans in six games. cp 3 very close with willie green, they played together, remain great friends. they shared a nice embrace. phoenix will host dallas in round two starting on monday. finally, a great moment before the cubs/braves game. contraire are a shared the field with his little brother william for the first time in their professional career. the two shared a hug. we're wiping away tears as they shared their lineup cards. it was made possible when williams was recalled from the minors earlier in the day. his braves did go on to win 5-1. cool for that family there that they got to see both william and wilson playing on the field together. >> that is so cool. brotherly love. thanks so much, andy. and just ahead, the long overdue good-bye for highly addictive cigarettes could be on the way. and how one man made $11 billion in 00 single day. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an ner. 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we're talking years, right? >> it will go through. it has to go through. i would predict that you have a year, probably quickly to get it off the market, longer if big tobacco really slams the money down on the table, which i think that it will. but it is going to happen. and despite the drelay, but now is the time for education and people need to stop smoking. we have to teach them how to take care of themselves. >> and this product has been marketed to young smokers and communities of color? >> these are the cigarette there is kids use to start smoking, it is osupposedly easier, and 85 respect about of black smokes smoke these cigarettes. and these communities were slammed by covid-19. and we have to pay attention. >> and it was like a decade ago that it got a special carveout for other flavored products, somehow menthol was allowed to persist. how long until we get these out of the hands of smokers. will they just turn to other products? >> we have to put alternatives in front of these people. there are drugs, cognitive therapies and vaping is a good tool for smoking cessation. not to veape continually, but t get off smoking. people like al sharpton take money from the tobacco industry. he is lobbying against this rule. and i challenge him to put all the money into education programs to get people off of these cigarettes. >> and this is not punitive, that this is about public health. is the infrastructure there, is the biden administration engaged on this issue? >> i don't know. i think that if you look at past circumstances, president biden has got his eye on a variety of issues. this will take time. i think what the president has to signal right now is that he is for this ban, it will go through, and he does not want to be lobbied, it is an important public health issue and again i think that you have to be realistic and i expect the lawsuits to start hitting early, often and fiercely. >> and i started to see, you know, some of the restrictions for flavored products. i'm surprised today that you can still buy menthol cigarettes. >> isn't that incredible? we've taken all the 234flavored gets off the market yet menthol is there. it makes a huge difference to a targeted population. it is time that they go away forever. >> all right. peter, so nice of you to drop by this morning. thank you so much. let's get a check on cnn business quickly. looking at the markets, gains in asian shares and europe has opened slightly higher here on wall street. stock index futures though leaning down a little bit. market rebounding from a month of steep losses. strong earns from a few tech stocks fueling that. and also trying to shake off concerns of an economic contraction. and mark zuckerberg got 11 build richer yesterday because shares of meta shot up more than 17%. investors celebrated the company's turnaround on user numbers, a key metric for advertisers. russia's war on ukraine is costing mcdonald's millions. the fast food giant closing its restaurants cost them $127 million, now unused food that has to be thrown out. and they are still paying its russian employees and it workers in ukraine. and james corden says that he plans to leave the late "late show" on cbs. he announced that he is leaving the show he has hosted since 2015. he says it has been the hardest decision he's ever had to make. >> i never want the show to overstay its welcome in any way. i always want to love making it. and i really think in a year from now, that will be a good time to move on and see what else might be out there. >> he has crosswalk the musical and car pool karaoke segments have helped them generate more than a billion views on youtube. it will be exciting to see what he does. is he so talented. >> he is really talented. >> so funny. >> and such a good singer. >> and he brings people out of their shell. he finds a way to draw them in. >> i can't wait to see what he does next. thanks for joining us. >> and "new day" starts right now. trs this is cnn breaking news. >> good morning to viewers in the united states and all around the world. it is friday, april 29th. i'm john berman with brianna keilar. and we do have breaking news from the battered port city of mariupol. the ukrainian president's office announced an operation to get civilians out of the azovstal steel plant, it is planned for today but the plan has already hit a snag. russian troops are blocking part that have complex. this site has become something of a last line of defense for ukraine in that city. officials say it was hit by 50 air strikes in the last 24 hours. the situation is critical, we are scrambling to get the latest information. in just a few moments we will hear from ukrainian army commander inside the plant. we're told there are hundreds of people there, including dozens of children, the youngest is just 4 months old. also breaking overnight, more signs of ukrainie counter strikes in areas inside russia itself. this is a fuel depot

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Couple , Battlefield , Cnn , Nato , Joe Biden , Process , House , Funding , Votes , Isa Soares , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , Russians , Senate , Support , Aggression , Atrocities , Arms , Sacrifice , Purposes , Daniella Diaz , Congress , Package , Invasion , Leadership , Reporter , Request , Democratic , Capitol Hill , Dem , Bill , Provisions , Negotiations , Funding Package , Covid 19 , Legislation , 19 , Republicans , Air , Bills , Statement , Language , Aide , Icameral Talks , Sign , First , Chamber , Democrats , Nothing , Priority , Parties , Washington , American Citizen , Coming Up , Citizen , Prisoner Swap , Tanks , Home , The American , Battle Front , Home Front , Mom , Real Estate Agent , Chi Lan , Lines , Being , Forehe , Kid , Everything Thayou , Symptoms , Cosmetic , Fda , Someone , Effects , Changing , Injection , Frown Lines , Forehead , Feet , Crow , Doctor , Reactions , Side Effects , Headache , Breathing , Injection Site Pain , Skin Infection , Condition , Eye Problems , Eyelid Swelling , Muscle Weakness , Speaking , Difficulty Swallowing , Eyelid Drooping , Eyebrow , Risk , Stay , History , Botulinum Toxins , Points , Medications , Conditions , Muscle , Nerve , Western , Let S Go On The Open Road , Plan , Ultra , Vo , Event Planning , Rewards Points , Verizon , Business Unlimited , Manny , Bestwestern Com , Beautiful Idea , Business , More , Times , Speed , Peace Of Mind , Cities , Cost , 5g Ultra Wideband , 10 , 5 , Bookings , Cancellation , Energy , Mission , Booking Com , Nutrition , Strength , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Vision , Protein , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 30 , 27 , Way , Reading Glasses , Wait , Prescription Eye Drop , Drop , Eyes , Focus , Uh Huh , Yep , One , Vision Loss , Activities , Caution , Machinery , Eye Redness , Vuity , Investor , Future , Advice , Tools , Owner , Access , Vanguard , Ukraine The Battle Front , Villages , Nick Paton Walsh , Forces , Many , Towns , Circumstance , Put , Surprises , War , Side , Prize , River , Western Side , Push , Fast Changing Landscape , Part , Sides , Control , Bank , River Up Past , Handful , Outskirts , Probing , Town , Rocket Fire , Threat , Planting Onions , Victory , Mother , Anywhere , Windows , They Don T , Signs , Rockets , Positions , Lives , Boat , Troops , Fire , Occupation , Moscow , April 7 , 14 , 7 , 70 , Four , Ran Early In The Morning , Ho Homes , Didn T , Women , Keep , Men , We Ran , Fields , Foot , Bicycle , Guests , Gunpoint , Glimpse , Milk , Cars , Ukrainen , Hands , Claim , Mindset , Violence , Separatists , Militants , Long War , Donetsk , Eight , Foreign Affairs , Worlds , Reporting , Columnist , Bloomberg , Artillery Swallow , Missile , Deescalation , Rest , Order , Scorn , Whole , Coincidence , Secretary Of State , Train Lines , Antony Blinken , Ways , We Shouldn T Kid , Attempts , Pattern , Diplomacy , Alliance , Resolve , Allies , Europe , Conflict , Tendency , Care , Test , Human Beings , Patience , Asssupported , Concerns , Money , Won T , Basis , Decision , Worry , Nine , Tool , Countries , Separatist , Gas , Region , Poland , Bulgaria , Spot , Moldova , Soldiers , Fact , Theater Of War , Front , Command , Places , Calculation , Defeats , Embarrassment , Reversals , Point , Shellacking , Recession , Pill , Otezla , Memories , Cream , Life Fighting , Spin , Choice , Plaque Psoriasis , Job , Bipolar Ii Depression , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Skin , Nausea , Medicines , Thoughts , Treatment , Feelings , Weight Loss , Planning , Weight , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Diabetes , Glucose Numbers , System , Challenge , Scan , Fingersticks , Libre 2 , Atin James , My Name , Musicn , 2 , It , A1c , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Heartburn , Claire , Nexium 24hr , Cake , 24hr , Nexium , Chocolate Cake , Acid , Night Protection , Ww , Know , Chocolate , Chef , Eating , Limits , Offer , No S , 3 , Things , Customers , Watchathon Week , Entertainment , Boys , Prime Video , Xfinity Rewards , Hi Tim , Netflix , May 2nd , I Love You , Voice , Starz , And Peacock , Hbo Max , Family , Death , Fighting , Willie Joseph , 22 , Corrections Officer , Ukrainians , Military Contracting Company , Tennessee , He Waenlted , Rtrevor Reed , Paul Whelan , Prisoner , Man , Sentence , Prisoner Exchange , Being Adenies , 16 , Release , News , Reed , Jennifer , Question , Mix , Emotions , Charge , Espionage , Pleased Trevor , 40 , Bit , Sister , Hasn T , Questions , Head , Wasn T , Custody , Before , Trevor , Reeds , Hostage Affairs , Envoy , Texas , Americans , John Sullivan , Both , Paul , Brittney Griner , Vow , Case , Step , Whelan S , Ro Reed , 2018 , Number , Trevor Reed , Yaroshenko , Detention , Factors , Government , Gdp , Wall , Families , Decisions , None , Economy Shocker , Shap Drop , Government Spending , Increase , Imports , Exports , Consumer Spending , Cons , Products , Investment , Deal , Rates , Leisure , Omicron Variant , 1 4 , Businesses , Unemployment Rate , Beginning , Yes , Economy Stumbling , 4 5 Million , Parents , Loan Debt , Hepatitis , Little , Coffees , Moo , Signs Offist Economicu S Econo Strength , Sr Iced , Mabel , Vanguguard , 15 , Friendly , Kitchen , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Some Rinvoq , Perfect , Rinvoq , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Booking Yeah , Immune System , Swelling , Pain , Joints , Ra , Stiffness , Fatigue , Rinvoq Relief , Infections , Stroke , Stomach , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Tb , Attack , Heart Attack , Ability , Intestines , Blood Clots , Lymphoma , Fatal , Tears , Risks , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Rheumatologist , 50 , In The Dark , Hope , Lows , Rivnoq , Relief , Lyte , Caplyta , Bipolar , Discover Caplyta , Restlessness , Mood Changes , Weight Gain , Trials , Behaviors , Antidepressants , Fever , The Darkness Of Bipolar I And Ii Depression , Muscles , Confusion , Aren T , Muscle Movements , Patients , Adults , Dementia , Oklahoma , Lawmakers , Therapies , Abortions , Physician , Pregnancy , Cardiac Activity , Bill Banning Abortion , Six , Lawsuits , Governor , Citizens , Abortion , Law , Anyone , Republic , Bill Into Law , Vaccine , Company , Safe , Moderna , Emergency Use Authorization , Kids , Murray , Vaccines , Dr , University Of Rochester Medical Center , Data Collection , Science , Toddlers , Data , Varnltiants , Information , Strain , Variant Issue , Words , Science By Press Release , It Wasn T Based Off Of Omicron , Efficacy Rate , It Worth , Safety Profile , Protection , Likelihood , Layers , Kidsx Natured , Study , Bridging Study , Immune Response , Doses , Disease , Magic Bullet , Disease Transmission , Goals , Targets , Thing , Layer , Hopefully Pfizer , Flu , Cases , Subset , Stomach Bugs , Child , Protocols , Hydrating , Liver , Masks , Injury , Belly Pain , Jaundice , Whites , Base , Tests , Numbers , Fishes , Case Numbers , Patient , Criteria , Signal , Class , Viruses , Data Collection System , Ddenovirus , Student Loan Debt , Tv Host , Late Night , Trelegy , Stand , Copd , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , On By Y , Breeze Driftin , New W Dawn , Power , Heart Condition , Breathing Problems , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Three , High Blood Pressure , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Mouth , Problems Urinating , Tongue , Trelegy Com , Heartbeats , Icy Hot Pro , Ice Works Fast , Pain Relievers , Doubt , Heat , Vitamin C , Centrum , Defenses , Body , D , Routine , Season , Ace , Zinc , Pressure , Look , Campaign Promise , Debt Reduction , 0000 , 50000 , Debt Forgiveness , Bureau , Jasmine Wright , Debt , Student Loan Borrowers , Debt Forgiveness Lieu Executive Order , Terms , 43 Million , Folks , Student Loan Pause , Loans , Colleges , Public Service , White House , Programs , Forgiveness , Favor , Lodge , 10000 , Do , If , Conservatives , Student Loan , Battle Lines , Positivity , Unclear , Handout , Progressive , Borrowers , Doesn T Make Sense , Round , Run , Players , Books , Sports , Bleacher Report , Andy Scholes , Nfl Draft , 1991 , Picks , Trayvon Walker , Pick , Round Pick , Ball , Jaguars , Pac 12 , Bulldogs , Number One , Big 12 , Xhachl I Don T Know B Champion , Acc , 12 , Kenny Pickett , Quarterback , Conference , Steelers , Reaction , Fans , Dan Marino , 1983 , 20 , Time , Draft , Receivers , Hand , Crowd , 1997 , 18 , 100000 , Rudy Gobert , Rounds Two , Jazz Facing Elimination Last Night , Nba , Las Vegas , Seven , Game , Face , Lead , Bees , Mavs , Utah , Chris Paul , Chance , Good , Wins , Back , Dallas , Win , Doncic , 96 , 98 , 2011 , Cp , Miss , Playoff History , Field Goals , Pelicans , Phoenix , 33 , Friends , Games , Embrace , Host Dallas , Willie Green , Contraire , Little Brother William For The First Time , Career , Hug , Wiping , The Field , Cubs , Williams , Lineup Cards , Cool , Minors , Go On , Braves , 1 , Thanks , Good Bye , William , Wilson , Brotherly Love , Cigarettes , 1 Billion , 00 , 11 Billion , Ner , Caesar , Hail , Team , Ringcentral , Julius , Dude , Ha , My Name Is Austin James , Musician , Move , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Tracks , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Cancer , Serious , Infection , Injections , Dose , Skin Growths , Sores , Pres , Brain Condition , Remission , Janssen , Lung Inflammation , Cost Support Options , Ban , Menthol , Sale , Research , Flavored Cigars , Tobacco Use , Declineo , Shelves , Market , It Will , Table , Drelay , Big Tobacco , Smoking , Smokers , Communities , Education , Product , Cigarette , Smokes , Respect , Color , Osupposedly , 85 , Attention , Special Carveout , Vaping , Alternatives , Drugs , Al Sharpton , Smoking Cessation , Get Off Smoking , Veape Continually , Tobacco Industry , Health , Infrastructure , Rule , Issue , Issues , Variety , Circumstances , I Don T Know , Public Health , Fiercely , Menthol Cigarettes , Restrictions , Isn T , 234flavored , 234 , Markets , Check , Population , Difference , Peter , Cnn Business Quickly , Shares , Strong , Stock Index Futures , Losses , Gains , Market Rebounding , Wall Street , Asian , Contraction , Tech Stocks , Mark Zuckerberg , Meta , 11 , Turnaround , User Numbers , Investors , War On Ukraine , Key Metric , Advertisers , Mcdonald S , 17 , James Corden , Fast Food Giant , It Workers , Restaurants , Millions , Employees , 27 Million , 127 Million , Late Show , Cbs , 2015 , Crosswalk , Car Pool , Karaoke , Youtube , A Billion , Singer , Shell , Trs , April 29th , John Berman , Brianna Keilar , Friday April 29th , 29 , Office , Ukrainian President , Port City Of Mariupol , Line , Site , Defense , Air Strikes , Snag , Commander , Youngest , Dozens , Ukrainian Army , Areas , Fuel Depot , 4 ,

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