Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

latest piece of exclusive evidence from cnn. >> ukrainian authorities today acknowledged the loss of several towns in the east part of the country. how significant are those losses? >> yeah, i think when you're listening to what the ukrainians are saying, they are admitting they have lost these towns, but it's certainly not the significance of losing a major city like mariupol, for example, which still hasn't fallen or kharkiv, which is constantly under russian shelling in the second largest city in ukraine. but it is significant in the sense that it does show incremental progress on the part of the russians. remember what the russian army is trying to do here. they're trying to capture the eastern part of the country by moving from the south up, from the north down, and from the east inward. they're trying to capture that entire region. by capturing these three towns they get that much closer to not only doing that but also encircling the ukrainian troops in that part of the country. that said, let's not over state what this means. the ukrainian said they have successfully repelled some nine attacks in the region alone. they continue to take out a lot of russian military hardware in the process, so it's a loss for the ukrainians but they're also saying their front lines largely are holding steady. >> matt rivers reporting live for us from kyiv. thank you so much. the international criminal court's chief prosecutor says, quote, there will be a case to answer in due course regarding russia's alleged war crimes in bucha. erica hill joins us from warsaw, poland. you spoke with the polish national prosecutor working with the and other groups to investigate these atrocities. what did he have to say? >> yeah, he's leading the investigation here in poland. and he said something very similar. he said he believes with nearly 3 million refugees that have come into poland, they will be able to gather enough evidence to bring these alleged perpetrators to justice. jake, of course, he couldn't talk about specifics because it's an ongoing investigation, but he did address just how difficult it is for many of these survivors to share their stories. >> translator: we provide psychological support to refugees during these interviews, and of course, the interviews are voluntary. we are aware of the trauma that these people go through. all our interviews are aimed to be as minimally disruptive as possible to the witnesses and victims. >> for many people in poland, some of what they're seeing and hearing about may feel personal because it may bring up a very difficult history for poland in terms of what people suffered, forced deportations, the massacre. is this personal for poland? do you feel more of a responsibility? >> translator: poland suffered a lot from russia in the not so dist ntd history. we remember all that's part of it, but we're also aware that we may be next. >> you say you're concerned poland might be next. >> translator: obviously, we hope that it will not come to that. but we would be naive to think there is no threat. >> it can take a long time to bring a case to court, any case. do you have a sense of the timeline that you may be looking at? >> translator: it is difficult to predict such a timeframe e e today. but let us remember there are prisoners of war in ukraine, some of whom are also responsible for war crimes. provided we gather that evidence, they could be brought to justice sooner. >> if you find the evidence to bring this case, are you confident that these alleged decision makers would show up in court? >> translator: it is unlikely that they would willingly appear, but there are legal instruments to detain these people and bring them, for example, to the hague. >> in your time as a prosecutor, have you seen anything similar to the evidence that you have been gathering related to these alleged war crimes? >> translator: fortunately, in my lifetime, i have never experienced war. this is unprecedented, and neither have my colleagues. but we have to face it. >> jake, as you mentioned earlier this week, the icc agreed to work with the joint investigation team that was established in late march by poland, ukraine, and lithuania. they're still asking other european nations to join in. i asked the prosecutor if he was worried the icc joining may actually deter some of those countries. he says he hopes it wouldn't. it's possible, but he hopes folks in other countries will join this investigation because as he says, refugees have fled to a number of countries and they need to document as much as possible. jake. >> erica hill reporting live from warsaw, poland. thank you so much. and joining us live to discuss, democratic congressman mike quigley of illinois, who serves on the house intelligence committee and just returned from congressional delegation trip to poland, slovakia, and romania. the russian energy giant cut off gas supplies to poland and bulgaria, both of them nato countries, after those countries refused to pay for gas with russian currency, with rubles. you have already called for europe to shut off the pipeline and energy coming from russia because that money pays for the war and it would weaken putin to do so. so what do you make of this latest move? >> well, first, kudos to bulgaria and poland and others who are pushing back. i know estonia is being very helpful in this regard as well. i also hope the french election will add assistance and help bolster the west toward this end. the u.s. needs to do more than just encourage europe, particularly western europe, to do this. we need to help supply them. i know poland's put in liquid natural gas joinders in their ports so this would be easier to facilitate. we need to increase production. we ned to make it easier for europe to do this. short term and long term. short term is more difficult. long term is something we all should have been doing more of moving towards sustainable energy sources. >> so many western nations have chastised european countries for their energy dependence. some would even say subservience when it comes to russia. candidly, this helps speed up that goal, right? >> exactly. this pushes the issue. it makes it very real. the fact that it's shut off. so what was once theoretical is now very real, and in the old saying, winter is coming, i know it's only april, but we're only talking about a third of the year before it gets cold again. i think it's up to europe and also the united states to work diplomatically and economically to assist those countries move away from their dependence. >> we should acknowledge the polish and the bulgarian people, they're allies of the american people. and this is going to hurt them. >> you know, it is. and a lot of the things that haven't been done in terms of sustainability or conservation, they just weren't done particularly in eastern europe where the soviet bloc countries were trying to make them dependent. we can help them move away in that direction as well, providing that sort of assistance at the same time. >> new data shows low-income american families are paying an average of 38% of their income on energy. partly because of the war in ukraine is causing energy prices to skyrocket, but not entirely just because of that. how much are your constituents struggling to pay their energy bills and how much worse do you think it's going to get for them? >> look, it's going to geworse, particularly the summer months is a bit of an easing of this in terms of heating, obviously, but in terms of transportation, it's going to get tougher. as you know, it ripples throughout the economy. energy prices, because of the cost of production. so we're going to have to help in that regard. and we're also going to have to amp up production. there's a short term solution to this, which is to increase production to help lower those costs and through diplomatic measures provide greater sources to the rest of the world. but long term, it's the same issue as it relates to climate change. we're going to have to wean ourself off this. because it's either one tyrant or another that we have to go to for assistance on this diplomatically. >> former u.s. marine trevor reed, thank god, has been released by russia in a prisoner swap that the biden administration negotiated. kudos to them, and it's wonderful news for the reed family. we're so happy for them, but we should also note, paul whelan as a u.s. citizen, also a former marine, he's still detained in russia. he just released a statement from his family when he asks why was i left behind? why hasn't more been done to secure my release? do you have an answer for that. >> we have two people we care a great deal about and there are more that are highlighted by this. this can't be dismissed. these are extremely difficult times. and again, kudos to our diplomatic core for engineering this release. i know they're doing everything they possibly can to address the releases of others that are held captive. this isn't easy. i know the biden administration is doing everything they can. >> democratic congressman mike quigley of illinois, thank you so much. >> coming up next, one of the most horrific stories from this war that we have heard to date. it involves a drunken russian fighter and a ukrainian family who survived to share what happened. it is heartbreaking. >> plus, intense conversation today as republican lawmakers called out house republican leader kevin mccarthy. we're back in a moment. t easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacemement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on youor time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ s safelite repai, safelite replace. ♪ cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ ♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. boom! i won't be cleaning mold and mildew next week. thanks to this. did you know lysol disinfectant spray can actually prevent mold and mildew growth? 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>> over the course of the last several weeks, one of the issues the administration has been contending with is hundreds of ukrainians going to mexico to gain entry into the u.s. through the land border. the reason that they were doing that is it was easier for them to obtain a visa to go to mexico to then come to the u.s. we know more than 20,000 took that route. the secretary said today that he discourages the ukrainians from doing that and instead urged them to apply through a streamlined process from europe to get relief in the united states. that's one piece of the broader situation on the u.s./mexico border. on that front, the secretary tried to relay that there are preparations that are in place or are going to be in place for the end of a trump era pandemic restriction come next month when more migrants are anticipated to try to cross the u.s./mexico border, and on that front, he also recognized that there are strains on the system now, as there will be moving forward. take a listen. >> we inherited a broken and dismantled system that is already under strain. it is not built to manage the current levels and types of migratory flows. only congress can fix this. yet, we have effectively managed an unprecedented number of non-citizens seeking to enter the united states and interdicted more drugs and disrupted moremuggling operations than ever before. >> and it's that bit, quote, effectively managed. that did not sit well with republican lawmakers. we heard from republican congressman mike mccaul who said the situation is out of control. republican higgins saying this is a failure and asking mayorkas to admit failure on this front. the secretary trying to navigate this in a longer than two-hour hearing, saying that plans are being put in place. he's expected to be questioned even more on this tomorrow before a house judiciary committee. >> republicans and democrats could fix this problem if they passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill, right? >> indeed, and that did also come up today. it is on congress to change the immigration law if they want to. >> all right, thank you so much. >> tense moments then a standing ovation. next, republican reaction in the room on the day after leaked audio revealed house minority leader kevin mccarthy had been worried that his fellow republicans were sending potentially dangerous messages that could incite violence in the days after the january 6th capitol attack. stay with us. eyes on the baball baby. didigital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you stay cool. it's so smart it knows exactly how long, how well, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. and now, save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. to learn more, go to way day, wayfair's biggest sale of the year is here. right now for two days only, april 27th and 28th, get the lowest prices on thousands of items for your home. shop outdoor furniture up to 65% off... rugs up to 80% off... and lighting up to 65% off... plus, get bonus savings with a wayfair credit card and free shipping on everything! shop way day deals now for two days only at ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in our politics leeld, the man who can likely to be the next speaker of the house, republican congressman kevin mckarkty, is trying to cool his caucus after last night's new explosive audio was revealed that showed that mccarthy had been worried that trump hardliners in the gop were in danger of inciting even more violence after january 6th, discussing whether their twitter accounts like president trump's should be removed as well. mccarthy specifically pointed to fire brand conservative florida congressman matt gaetz as one of the primary offenders. gaetz hit back after "the new york times" report saying, quote, congressman mccarthy and congressman scalise held views about president trump and me that they shared on sniveling calls with liz cheney, not us. this is the behavior of weak men, not leaders, unquote. let's get right to paula reed. paula, has mccarthy been able to calm his troops after this? >> well, jake, it's only been about 24 hours but so far, it appears that most house republicans are closing ranks around mccarthy. publicly rallying behind him after those audio recordings revealed his concerns about, as you just described, fellow gop lawmakers possibly inciting violence in the wake of the insurrection. this morning, republicans huddled behind closed doors for a meeting. sources in the room say mccarthy attempted to explain that he was simply discussing scenarios, that the tape's release didn't include all of the context and he never acted on much of what he said. he also insisted that the audio reported by "the new york times" was part of an effort to divide the gop ahead of the midterm elections. he got a standing ovation for that explanation. even congressman mo brooks who was specifically criticized by mccarthy in these recordings is among those members who say they're willing to move on. but not every conference member is ready to forgive and forget. some members of the far right freedom caucus firing back today, including representative gaetz, who you just quoted. and in these recordings, you hear mccarthy suggest that gaetz's messaging could be putting people in jeopardy and representative scalise even suggesting that gaetz's conduct was potentially illegal. now, of course, democrats have seized on this controversy, saying these audio clips are evidence that mccarthy cannot be trusted. >> and paula, we're also hearing about a republican staffer on the january 6th committee, a former congressman, is leaving the committee. why? >> that's right. our hill colleagues reporting that former gop lawmaker denver riggleman who has been serving as a staff member on the committee investigating january 6th will be leaving his post and begin working with a nonprofit organization in ukraine. riggleman is an expert in disinformation, he worked with a team that is sifting through all of theidaty the committee has been taking in as part of its investigation. in a letter to committee leaders informing him of his decision to leave, he said his initial work is complete. the former congressman has been an outspoken critic of former president trump and gop leaders in the house, but sources familiar with the move tell cnn that his departure from the committee is amicable. >> paula reed, thank you. our panel joins us now. congressman, let me start with you. i'm interested to know what your perspective is on matt gaetz referring to congressman mccarthy and congressman scalise as weak men. do you agree with him? >> well, look -- >> even if not for the same reasons he thinks that. >> i think in many respects the republican leadership in the house is weakening themselves by placating these fringe elements within the conference. >> in other words, you think they're weak but franot for the reason matt gaetz does. >> they're hurting themselves by playigating these fringe elements. look, i think kevin mccarty is going to wiggle his way out of this for the moment. the more they placate trump on the insurrection, the fringe elements, they're empowering them. there's too many members who are fearful. i'll call it the fear caucus. there's too many of them. by being silent, they simply empower the fringe, and the fringe dominates the narrative. and that's going to make governing that much more difficult should he become speaker because how are they going to pass debt ceilings, how are they going to pass appropriations bills and everything else they need to do to govern? it will be enormously difficult with a democratic president. i think they're weakening themselves. there's probably an erosion of support for mccarthy right now because of this. the question is how much. >> ashley, former house speaker paul ryan spoke at an event on the future of conservatism today. take a listen. >> from new young people who are shocked at this infighting of the conservative movement, this is what happens in movements. until you actually have a big standard bearer, a reagan type person, you're going to have that kind of fighting. >> some might argue they do have a standard bearer. it's just not a reagan figure. it's donald trump. >> i think you're right. to say, oh, i'm concerned about what's happening in the republican party, yes, there's infighting, but the real concern is you're trying to undermine our elections, our democracy, and you're not standing with integrity. to say something behind closed doors and when you're in public, say oh, no, because it might not be public. or they took me out of context, that should be the thing people are concerned about in the republican party, and for paul ryan to blow it off, this is what happens in movements. movements are about change and progress. and what the republicans are doing is undermining our democracy. >> one of the ezroonss reasons mccarthy got applause today, the same thing you heard from steve scalise, oh, this is just the media trying to divide us because they don't want us paying attention to the border issues which we just reported on, when they don't want to pay attention to the inflation issue, which we reported on earlier as well. obviously, that's not true, but for some reason, that seems to rally the troops. >> i think republicans are in the middle of a midterm election cycle. they are on the verge of probably taking over the house of representatives. and at the moment, the perception of unity is more important than people getting back at kevin mccarthy if that's what they want to do. i think that's why a lot of this is for now. at the point at which kevin mccarthy might be in a position to have a speakership vote, that's when i think these questions become a lot more salient. at that point, you're going to be looking at a republican conference, if it is larger, that has a lot more sort of hard line trump types than are currently in the conference right now. and so it's a real question in the future of what mccarthy's leadership looks like, when i think there are probably going to be a lot of republicans coming into the congress who are not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. post election, they're going to have really no reason to say let's just put this aside for now until after november 2022. >> it also depends how big the margin is assuming republicans do take the house back, if it's a slim margin, it will be a lot easier theoretically for some of the freedom caucus types to make sure that he's not the next speaker of the house. because he's going to need every vote. >> yeah, i mean, look, i think right now it is seeming as though mccarthy is fine and he's going to survive this. he said to them today, i was just raising possibilities about what could happen to trump given the january 6th insurrection. i didn't actually pursue them. for a very brief moment, we saw mccarthy after january 6th go to the floor and lay responsibility at trump's feet. and then about 19 days later, he decided to go to mar-a-lago and resuscitate the president and bring him back into the fold. so it isn't just silence from top leaders in allowing the freedom caucus, whether it's the freedom caucus or other trumpers to be loud, it's also deciding that their political fortunes are in line with trump and so they are fine with the fact he is continuing to spew lies about the election and they're also fine with lying to the press, which is what mccarthy did, in order to regain the majority. >> yeah, how big of a deal do you think it is that tucker carlson, who is, i think, for a lot of republicans one of the leaders of the idealogical movement of maga, if not the republican party officially, he went after kevin mccarthy and elise stefanik last night, calling mccarthy a puppet of the democratic party. >> yeah, i think it's fairly significant. to the extent that trump is in a different place from some of these, you know, maga types, whether it's tucker carlson or others like matt gaetz, et cetera, i think it really just speaks to trump at the moment feeling like mccarthy's duplicitousness around what he said about trump being beneficial to him now, but tucker carlson is speaking to the republican base, the people going out and voting. i think that's where it starts to matter. do they put pressure on the members that they're voting for to put pressure on kevin mccarthy? i think that remains a real possibility on these tapes, on his approach to social media. tucker carlson is a sort of, you know, canary in the coal mine, if you will, for what could be coming down the pipe. >> how significant do you think it is that tucker carlson is going after mccarthy even if right now it looks as though mccarthy's place in the party is stable? >> i don't think it's particularly shocking at all. you are never going to be able to outflank some of these guys. that's always been the problem. i saw this with john boehner and paul ryan. i always told them, stop feeding the crocodiles. they're going to eat you sooner or later. they continue to feed them, but they empower them. these guys will use their leverage, trump and many in the freedom caucus, they understand one thing. they understand leverage and they'll use it every single time. especially when they get majority, and they will determine what is going to be brought up and what is not. they're empowering them. >> so ashley, i want to turn to an opinion article wrote by a conservative judge, a judge who advised mike pence on january 6th. he wrote, the republicans' mystifying claim to this day that trump did or would have received more votes than joe biden in 2020 were it not for actual voting fraud is but the shiny object that republicans have tauntingly and disengenerously dangled before the american public for more than a year 1/2 to distract attention from their far more ambitious objective which is to execute successfully in 2024 the same plan they failed in 2020 and to over turn the 2024 election if trump or his successor loses again in the next contest. that is from a conservative bush appointed judge saying republicans are lying about the election and they're doing this because they're going to try to steal it again in 2024. >> people have been saying over and over this is a foundational play for the republicans are doing in the long term to undermine our institutions. and they are doing it at all levels. when you look at the hundreds of voter suppressive laws that are being passed in states to undermine access to the ballot, when you're looking at how they're trying to have the people who run elections be political hacks so when the time comes to bring up the electors in the next election, they do it for donald trump and not for what the people actually want to do, and so the big lie was a foundation. it didn't work this time, but other legal scholars have cited it's because the justice amy coney barrett wasn't going to be able to make a deciding vote on the court after the death of justice ginsburg. so we're in real danger and we need leadership, not just in the democratic party but in the republican party for our democracy, not just for politics. >> you're on capitol hill all the time. is there any hope that others besides adam kinzinger and liz cheney and on the senate side, mitt romney, are going to stand up and talk about the need for elections to be supported and the will of the people to be honored? >> i don't think so. it's been more than a year since january 6th, and if there was ever a moment for us to expect the two parties to come out and say this is not acceptable and lies about the election are not acceptable, it would have been then that republicans would have joined democrats. it's really difficult to see as you have mitch mcconnell saying that he is going to support trump if he runs again in 2024 -- >> if he's the nominee. >> knowing full well what trump is doing right now, and the fact that trump is endorsing candidates at different levels in state elections that are saying that they're willing to send fake electors and that 2020 was a rig. so election security legal experts are very concerned about the fact that without any laws changing in states, fake electors could be sent to congress. if republicans are in charge, they can just accept them. >> a dry run, as they say. thanks for being here. a reminder, you can catch abby phillip every weekend on inside politics sunday. that's at 8:00 a.m. eastern. if you didn't get your abby phillip fix at this sitting, there is more on sunday. >> coming up, the swirling energy source that some politicians love to hate. why wind mills have become a booming business, especially in deep red states. stay with us. i can't! i'm just telling everyone!... hey! for a limited time, get 50% off a complete pair. visionworks. see the difference. people with plaque psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make. like the splash they create. are rethinking the way they exaggerate. or the surprises they initiate otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, you can achieve clearer skin with otezla. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. dr. harmon: we are america's doctors. dr. szilagyi: america's pediatricians. rn grant: we are america's nurses. dr. stewart: america's family physicians. dr. szilagyi: and we want you to know... rn grant: covid vaccines are safe and effective for kids. dr. harmon: my grandkids are vaccinated. dr. szilagyi: mine are too. dr. stewart: what's not safe... dr. harmon: is getting covid. rn grant: we want you to know - we trust the covid vaccines. dr. stewart: for ourselves. dr. harmon: for our patients. dr. szilagyi: for our kids. rn grant: so should you. we're back with our story first on cnn. the united states left about $7 billion worth of military equipment behind when it withdraw from afghanistan last year, that's according to to a new report from the pentagon, which say it was transferred to the afghanistan government and includes aircraft, air to ground munitions, military vehicles, weapons, communications equipment and more. the pentagon says it has no plans to return to afghanistan to retrieve or destroy the equipment, which now is in taliban hands. the very enemy the u.s. spent the past two decades trying to defeat. in our earth matters series, you may have heard former president trump or other republicans slam wind energy over the years, but far from the coasts, wind energy is thriving in america's heartland. long devoted to oil and gas, which voted for trump. analysts say the middle of the country is an ideal location for wind energy to flourish. as chief fly climate correspondent bill we're reports, the energy has some of the fastest job growth in america. >> reporter: for the first time ever, wind produced more american electricity than coal or nuclear. it was second only to natural gas. that's right, wind. and climate wary carbon cutters on the kocian have the red state states in the heartland to thank. especially texas. >> texas is consistently number one in install capacity both in wind and more recently in solar as well. >> everything is big in texas. >> everything is big in texas. >> including green energy. >> reporter: a dane ish company which used to drill for oil in the north sea, now has a thousand turbines from texas to the dakotas. the new american wind belt. this is not easy. just one reason wind technicians are among the nation's fastest growing jobs. >> so do you see guys go back and forth between the oil and gas industry into wind? >> a lot of times, we'll see them come into the wind energy and typically not leave. it's a lot more of a stable job. we're here for the long haul. >> reporter: the next wave of new jobs will come offshore after the biden administration smashed records with multiple billion dollar lease sale ace long the atlantic coast. >> they can be placed out way out in the ocean. by the way, i made it clear to my friends up in nantucket and that area, i don't want to hear anymore about you don't like looking at them. >> the late senator ted kennedy killed an offshore wind far because it doesn't like the way it ruin ed the view. but they love the view in these parts of texas because it means money. as for the other criticisms, turbines kill maybe 800,000 to a million birds a year, but for perspective house cats kill 2.4 billion and, no, there's no science that says turbines cause cancer. experts predict that just in the next seven or eight years, over $100 billion will be invested into offshore wind. it will be interesting to see if the coastal communities accept that the way folks out here have as well. if the money follows, that maybe the case. but one thing aall want is a smarter grid. that's a big ticket item in the infrastructure bill that passed and build back better, which biden would like to pass. >> bill with the stand yaup of the year so far in texas. thank you so much. good to see you. great report. the special honor at the white house just moments ago, that's next. ♪ we believe there's anan innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yrself? 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Way , Job , Safe , Rise , Recall , San Francisco , Mexico Border , Department Of Homeland Security , March 11th , 11 , 20202000 , Border , Migrants , Influx , Officials , Priscilla , Policy , Title , Pandemic , Secretary Mayorkas , Sorts , Border Agents , The Hill , 42 , Hundreds , Ukrainians , Land Border , Entry , Affect , Secretary , Route , Visa To Go Mexico , 20000 , Place , Front , Situation , Preparations , Relief , Listen , System , Strains , Congress , Levels , Types , Strain , Flows , Operations , Drugs , Seeking , Non Citizens , Mike Mccaul , Failure , Mayorkas , Plans , Problem , Immigration Reform Bill , House Judiciary Committee , Situation Room , House Of Representatives , Standing Ovation , Right , Audio , Reaction , Immigration Law , Stay , Violence , Messages , Baby , 6th Capitol Attack , Baball , 6 , January 6th , Tools , Power , Didigital , Pressure , Study , Septic System , Scientists , 21 , Sleep Number , Sleep , Sale , Smart Bed , Movement , Bed , Waste , Rid X , 20 , 360 , Science , Care , Temperature Balancing , Queen , 1299 , 00 , 299 , 500 , Price , Sleepnumber Com , Home , Prices , Thousands , Items , April 27th , Wayfair , 27 , 28 , 28th , Bonus Savings , Lighting , Outdoor Furniture , Credit Card , Shipping , 65 , 80 , Company , Planet , Walmart , 100 , Land , Acres , Millions , Come On , Vrbo , Caucus , Leeld , House , Speaker , Trump Hardliners , Explosive Audio , Donald Trump , Danger , Inciting , Fire Brand Conservative , Twitter , Florida , Matt Gaetz , Congressman Scalise , Gaetz Hit , The New York Times , Offenders , Behavior , Views , Report Saying , Calls , Liz Cheney , Paula Reed , Leaders , Men , 24 , Insurrection , Audio Recordings , Wake , Concerns , Ranks , Context , Wall , The Tape S Release Didn T , Meeting , Scenarios , Behind Closed Doors , Elections , Mo Brooks , Effort , Explanation , Members , Recordings , Conference Member , Freedom Caucus Firing Back Today , Controversy , Messaging , Conduct , Jeopardy , Audio Clips , Denver Riggleman , Committee , Hill Colleagues , Staffer , January 6th Committee , Former , Mccarthy Cannot , Team , Post , Expert , Staff Member , Serving , Disinformation , Committee Investigating January 6th , Sifting , Nonprofit Organization , Congressman , Committee Leaders , Decision , Leave , Letter , Critic , Theidaty , President , In The House , Departure , Panel , Leadership , Perspective , Respects , Reasons , Look , Conference , Words , Franot , Trump , Kevin Mccarty , Elements , Fringe Elements , Fringe , Fear , Narrative , Silent , Appropriations Bills , Debt Ceilings , Erosion , Infighting , Paul Ryan , Event , Conservative Movement , Conservatism , Ashley , Movements , Type , Fighting , Kind , Bearer , Figure , Reagan , Big Standard Bearer , Democracy , Say , Integrity , Concern , Thing , Public , Doors , Applause Today , Ezroonss , Attention , Media , Inflation Issue , Issues , Unity , Perception , Middle , Midterm Election Cycle , Verge , Point , Questions , Speakership Vote , Position , Hard Line Trump , The Future Of What Mccarthy , Post Election , Doubt , Benefit , 2022 , November 2022 , Margin , Freedom , Back , Theoretically , Vote , Possibilities , Feet , Saw Mccarthy , Floor , January 6th Insurrection , Mar A Lago , 19 , Isn T , Trumpers , Freedom Caucus , Fold , Fortunes , Big , Tucker Carlson , Majority , Press , Order , Lies , Idealogical Movement Of Maga , Last Night , Elise Stefanik , Extent , Maga Types , Puppet , Base , Duplicitousness , Et Cetera , Voting , Possibility , Tapes , Though Mccarthy , Social Media , Approach , Pipe , Coal Mine , Canary , Guys , Party , John Boehner , Leverage , Crocodiles , Judge , Opinion Article , Voting Fraud , Object , Votes , Mike Pence , 2020 , Objective , Disengenerously , 1 2 , 2024 , Contest , Bush , Successor , Play , Institutions , 2024 People , Electors , States , Hacks , Voter Suppressive Laws , Access , It Didn T , Foundation , Scholars , Death , Big Lie , Justice Ginsburg , Amy Coney Barrett Wasn T , Hope , Capitol Hill , Adam Kinzinger , Will , Side , Senate , Mitt Romney , Mitch Mcconnell , Parties , State Elections , Candidates , Nominee , Experts , Laws , Rig , Charge , Dry Run , Politicians , Coming Up , Energy Source , Fix , Reminder , Sitting , Inside Politics Sunday , Abby Phillip , 8 , Wind Mills , Pair , 50 , Psoriatic Arthritis , Plaque Psoriasis , Difference , Choices , Splash , Visionworks , Injection , Otezla , Pill , Psoriasis , Choice , Skin , Pain , Joint Swelling , Cream , Tenderness , Depression , Reactions , Prescribing Information , Don T , Routine Lab Monitoring , Requirement , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Doctor , Headache , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Medicines , Treatment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Dr , Rn Grant , Harmon , Kids , Vaccines , Szilagyi , Doctors , Family Physicians , Stewart , Covid , Nurses , America S Pediatricians , Grandkids , Patients , Military Equipment , Billion , 7 Billion , Communications Equipment , Military Vehicles , Pentagon , Government , Aircraft , Weapons , Ground Munitions , Afghanistan , Equipment , Series , Enemy , Taliban , Earth , Wind Energy , Heartland , President Trump , Coasts , Oil And Gas , Chief Fly Climate Correspondent Bill , Job Growth , Ideal Location , Analysts , Wind , Reporter , Electricity , Time , Coal , Red State , Carbon Cutters , Kocian , Texas , Capacity , Solar , Turbines , Oil , Green Energy , New American Wind Belt , North Sea , Dane Ish , The Dakotas , A Thousand , Jobs , Wind Technicians , Nation , Oil And Gas Industry , Wave , Haul , Sale Ace , Ocean , Friends , Atlantic Coast , Dollar Lease , Nantucket , Ted Kennedy , Area , Parts , View , Criticisms , House Cats , It Ruin Ed The View , A Million , 800000 , Cancer , Seven , 2 4 Billion , Eight , Communities , Grid , Want , Aall , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Infrastructure Bill , Bill , White House , Ticket Item , Honor , Stand Yaup , Monique , My Name , Contract Investigator , Parent , Yrself , 41 , Cosmetic , Effects , Frown Line , Forehead , Fda , Crow , Side Effects , Speaking , Sign , Condition , Breathing , Eye Problems , Muscle Weakness , Injection Site Pain , Skin Infection , Symptoms , Difficulty Swallowing , Eyebrow , Botulinum Toxins , Medications , Conditions , Eyelid Swelling , Muscle , Nerve , Eyelid Drooping , Classroom , National Teacher Of The Year , Belt Teaching , Experience , Curt Russell , Pencils , 25 , Courses , Students , Race , Town , Oppression , Gender , Value , African American History , Ohio , Achievement , Women S Rights , Gay Rights , Survey , Efforts , Teachers , Inflation , Agendaer , Conversations , 2000 , 000 , Coverage , Approval , Educators , Roar , Raise , Wolf Blitzer , Trevor Reid , State Department , Reid S L Long , Westby Cutting , Destruction , Impact , Kremlin Forces Unleash ,

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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

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latest piece of exclusive evidence from cnn. >> ukrainian authorities today acknowledged the loss of several towns in the east part of the country. how significant are those losses? >> yeah, i think when you're listening to what the ukrainians are saying, they are admitting they have lost these towns, but it's certainly not the significance of losing a major city like mariupol, for example, which still hasn't fallen or kharkiv, which is constantly under russian shelling in the second largest city in ukraine. but it is significant in the sense that it does show incremental progress on the part of the russians. remember what the russian army is trying to do here. they're trying to capture the eastern part of the country by moving from the south up, from the north down, and from the east inward. they're trying to capture that entire region. by capturing these three towns they get that much closer to not only doing that but also encircling the ukrainian troops in that part of the country. that said, let's not over state what this means. the ukrainian said they have successfully repelled some nine attacks in the region alone. they continue to take out a lot of russian military hardware in the process, so it's a loss for the ukrainians but they're also saying their front lines largely are holding steady. >> matt rivers reporting live for us from kyiv. thank you so much. the international criminal court's chief prosecutor says, quote, there will be a case to answer in due course regarding russia's alleged war crimes in bucha. erica hill joins us from warsaw, poland. you spoke with the polish national prosecutor working with the and other groups to investigate these atrocities. what did he have to say? >> yeah, he's leading the investigation here in poland. and he said something very similar. he said he believes with nearly 3 million refugees that have come into poland, they will be able to gather enough evidence to bring these alleged perpetrators to justice. jake, of course, he couldn't talk about specifics because it's an ongoing investigation, but he did address just how difficult it is for many of these survivors to share their stories. >> translator: we provide psychological support to refugees during these interviews, and of course, the interviews are voluntary. we are aware of the trauma that these people go through. all our interviews are aimed to be as minimally disruptive as possible to the witnesses and victims. >> for many people in poland, some of what they're seeing and hearing about may feel personal because it may bring up a very difficult history for poland in terms of what people suffered, forced deportations, the massacre. is this personal for poland? do you feel more of a responsibility? >> translator: poland suffered a lot from russia in the not so dist ntd history. we remember all that's part of it, but we're also aware that we may be next. >> you say you're concerned poland might be next. >> translator: obviously, we hope that it will not come to that. but we would be naive to think there is no threat. >> it can take a long time to bring a case to court, any case. do you have a sense of the timeline that you may be looking at? >> translator: it is difficult to predict such a timeframe e e today. but let us remember there are prisoners of war in ukraine, some of whom are also responsible for war crimes. provided we gather that evidence, they could be brought to justice sooner. >> if you find the evidence to bring this case, are you confident that these alleged decision makers would show up in court? >> translator: it is unlikely that they would willingly appear, but there are legal instruments to detain these people and bring them, for example, to the hague. >> in your time as a prosecutor, have you seen anything similar to the evidence that you have been gathering related to these alleged war crimes? >> translator: fortunately, in my lifetime, i have never experienced war. this is unprecedented, and neither have my colleagues. but we have to face it. >> jake, as you mentioned earlier this week, the icc agreed to work with the joint investigation team that was established in late march by poland, ukraine, and lithuania. they're still asking other european nations to join in. i asked the prosecutor if he was worried the icc joining may actually deter some of those countries. he says he hopes it wouldn't. it's possible, but he hopes folks in other countries will join this investigation because as he says, refugees have fled to a number of countries and they need to document as much as possible. jake. >> erica hill reporting live from warsaw, poland. thank you so much. and joining us live to discuss, democratic congressman mike quigley of illinois, who serves on the house intelligence committee and just returned from congressional delegation trip to poland, slovakia, and romania. the russian energy giant cut off gas supplies to poland and bulgaria, both of them nato countries, after those countries refused to pay for gas with russian currency, with rubles. you have already called for europe to shut off the pipeline and energy coming from russia because that money pays for the war and it would weaken putin to do so. so what do you make of this latest move? >> well, first, kudos to bulgaria and poland and others who are pushing back. i know estonia is being very helpful in this regard as well. i also hope the french election will add assistance and help bolster the west toward this end. the u.s. needs to do more than just encourage europe, particularly western europe, to do this. we need to help supply them. i know poland's put in liquid natural gas joinders in their ports so this would be easier to facilitate. we need to increase production. we ned to make it easier for europe to do this. short term and long term. short term is more difficult. long term is something we all should have been doing more of moving towards sustainable energy sources. >> so many western nations have chastised european countries for their energy dependence. some would even say subservience when it comes to russia. candidly, this helps speed up that goal, right? >> exactly. this pushes the issue. it makes it very real. the fact that it's shut off. so what was once theoretical is now very real, and in the old saying, winter is coming, i know it's only april, but we're only talking about a third of the year before it gets cold again. i think it's up to europe and also the united states to work diplomatically and economically to assist those countries move away from their dependence. >> we should acknowledge the polish and the bulgarian people, they're allies of the american people. and this is going to hurt them. >> you know, it is. and a lot of the things that haven't been done in terms of sustainability or conservation, they just weren't done particularly in eastern europe where the soviet bloc countries were trying to make them dependent. we can help them move away in that direction as well, providing that sort of assistance at the same time. >> new data shows low-income american families are paying an average of 38% of their income on energy. partly because of the war in ukraine is causing energy prices to skyrocket, but not entirely just because of that. how much are your constituents struggling to pay their energy bills and how much worse do you think it's going to get for them? >> look, it's going to geworse, particularly the summer months is a bit of an easing of this in terms of heating, obviously, but in terms of transportation, it's going to get tougher. as you know, it ripples throughout the economy. energy prices, because of the cost of production. so we're going to have to help in that regard. and we're also going to have to amp up production. there's a short term solution to this, which is to increase production to help lower those costs and through diplomatic measures provide greater sources to the rest of the world. but long term, it's the same issue as it relates to climate change. we're going to have to wean ourself off this. because it's either one tyrant or another that we have to go to for assistance on this diplomatically. >> former u.s. marine trevor reed, thank god, has been released by russia in a prisoner swap that the biden administration negotiated. kudos to them, and it's wonderful news for the reed family. we're so happy for them, but we should also note, paul whelan as a u.s. citizen, also a former marine, he's still detained in russia. he just released a statement from his family when he asks why was i left behind? why hasn't more been done to secure my release? do you have an answer for that. >> we have two people we care a great deal about and there are more that are highlighted by this. this can't be dismissed. these are extremely difficult times. and again, kudos to our diplomatic core for engineering this release. i know they're doing everything they possibly can to address the releases of others that are held captive. this isn't easy. i know the biden administration is doing everything they can. >> democratic congressman mike quigley of illinois, thank you so much. >> coming up next, one of the most horrific stories from this war that we have heard to date. it involves a drunken russian fighter and a ukrainian family who survived to share what happened. it is heartbreaking. >> plus, intense conversation today as republican lawmakers called out house republican leader kevin mccarthy. we're back in a moment. t easy. >> tech vo: you can schedule in just a few clicks. and we'll come to you with a replacemement you can trust. >> man: looks great. >> tech: that's service on youor time. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ s safelite repai, safelite replace. ♪ cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ ♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to know you have a wealth plan that covers everything that's important to you. this is what it's like to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. making sure you have the right balance of risk and reward. and helping you plan for future generations. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. boom! i won't be cleaning mold and mildew next week. thanks to this. did you know lysol disinfectant spray can actually prevent mold and mildew growth? 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>> over the course of the last several weeks, one of the issues the administration has been contending with is hundreds of ukrainians going to mexico to gain entry into the u.s. through the land border. the reason that they were doing that is it was easier for them to obtain a visa to go to mexico to then come to the u.s. we know more than 20,000 took that route. the secretary said today that he discourages the ukrainians from doing that and instead urged them to apply through a streamlined process from europe to get relief in the united states. that's one piece of the broader situation on the u.s./mexico border. on that front, the secretary tried to relay that there are preparations that are in place or are going to be in place for the end of a trump era pandemic restriction come next month when more migrants are anticipated to try to cross the u.s./mexico border, and on that front, he also recognized that there are strains on the system now, as there will be moving forward. take a listen. >> we inherited a broken and dismantled system that is already under strain. it is not built to manage the current levels and types of migratory flows. only congress can fix this. yet, we have effectively managed an unprecedented number of non-citizens seeking to enter the united states and interdicted more drugs and disrupted moremuggling operations than ever before. >> and it's that bit, quote, effectively managed. that did not sit well with republican lawmakers. we heard from republican congressman mike mccaul who said the situation is out of control. republican higgins saying this is a failure and asking mayorkas to admit failure on this front. the secretary trying to navigate this in a longer than two-hour hearing, saying that plans are being put in place. he's expected to be questioned even more on this tomorrow before a house judiciary committee. >> republicans and democrats could fix this problem if they passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill, right? >> indeed, and that did also come up today. it is on congress to change the immigration law if they want to. >> all right, thank you so much. >> tense moments then a standing ovation. next, republican reaction in the room on the day after leaked audio revealed house minority leader kevin mccarthy had been worried that his fellow republicans were sending potentially dangerous messages that could incite violence in the days after the january 6th capitol attack. stay with us. eyes on the baball baby. didigital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? because the sleep number 360 smart bed is really smart. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you stay cool. it's so smart it knows exactly how long, how well, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. and now, save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! only for a limited time. to learn more, go to way day, wayfair's biggest sale of the year is here. right now for two days only, april 27th and 28th, get the lowest prices on thousands of items for your home. shop outdoor furniture up to 65% off... rugs up to 80% off... and lighting up to 65% off... plus, get bonus savings with a wayfair credit card and free shipping on everything! shop way day deals now for two days only at ♪ wayfair you've got just what i need ♪ can a company make the planet a better place? 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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in our politics leeld, the man who can likely to be the next speaker of the house, republican congressman kevin mckarkty, is trying to cool his caucus after last night's new explosive audio was revealed that showed that mccarthy had been worried that trump hardliners in the gop were in danger of inciting even more violence after january 6th, discussing whether their twitter accounts like president trump's should be removed as well. mccarthy specifically pointed to fire brand conservative florida congressman matt gaetz as one of the primary offenders. gaetz hit back after "the new york times" report saying, quote, congressman mccarthy and congressman scalise held views about president trump and me that they shared on sniveling calls with liz cheney, not us. this is the behavior of weak men, not leaders, unquote. let's get right to paula reed. paula, has mccarthy been able to calm his troops after this? >> well, jake, it's only been about 24 hours but so far, it appears that most house republicans are closing ranks around mccarthy. publicly rallying behind him after those audio recordings revealed his concerns about, as you just described, fellow gop lawmakers possibly inciting violence in the wake of the insurrection. this morning, republicans huddled behind closed doors for a meeting. sources in the room say mccarthy attempted to explain that he was simply discussing scenarios, that the tape's release didn't include all of the context and he never acted on much of what he said. he also insisted that the audio reported by "the new york times" was part of an effort to divide the gop ahead of the midterm elections. he got a standing ovation for that explanation. even congressman mo brooks who was specifically criticized by mccarthy in these recordings is among those members who say they're willing to move on. but not every conference member is ready to forgive and forget. some members of the far right freedom caucus firing back today, including representative gaetz, who you just quoted. and in these recordings, you hear mccarthy suggest that gaetz's messaging could be putting people in jeopardy and representative scalise even suggesting that gaetz's conduct was potentially illegal. now, of course, democrats have seized on this controversy, saying these audio clips are evidence that mccarthy cannot be trusted. >> and paula, we're also hearing about a republican staffer on the january 6th committee, a former congressman, is leaving the committee. why? >> that's right. our hill colleagues reporting that former gop lawmaker denver riggleman who has been serving as a staff member on the committee investigating january 6th will be leaving his post and begin working with a nonprofit organization in ukraine. riggleman is an expert in disinformation, he worked with a team that is sifting through all of theidaty the committee has been taking in as part of its investigation. in a letter to committee leaders informing him of his decision to leave, he said his initial work is complete. the former congressman has been an outspoken critic of former president trump and gop leaders in the house, but sources familiar with the move tell cnn that his departure from the committee is amicable. >> paula reed, thank you. our panel joins us now. congressman, let me start with you. i'm interested to know what your perspective is on matt gaetz referring to congressman mccarthy and congressman scalise as weak men. do you agree with him? >> well, look -- >> even if not for the same reasons he thinks that. >> i think in many respects the republican leadership in the house is weakening themselves by placating these fringe elements within the conference. >> in other words, you think they're weak but franot for the reason matt gaetz does. >> they're hurting themselves by playigating these fringe elements. look, i think kevin mccarty is going to wiggle his way out of this for the moment. the more they placate trump on the insurrection, the fringe elements, they're empowering them. there's too many members who are fearful. i'll call it the fear caucus. there's too many of them. by being silent, they simply empower the fringe, and the fringe dominates the narrative. and that's going to make governing that much more difficult should he become speaker because how are they going to pass debt ceilings, how are they going to pass appropriations bills and everything else they need to do to govern? it will be enormously difficult with a democratic president. i think they're weakening themselves. there's probably an erosion of support for mccarthy right now because of this. the question is how much. >> ashley, former house speaker paul ryan spoke at an event on the future of conservatism today. take a listen. >> from new young people who are shocked at this infighting of the conservative movement, this is what happens in movements. until you actually have a big standard bearer, a reagan type person, you're going to have that kind of fighting. >> some might argue they do have a standard bearer. it's just not a reagan figure. it's donald trump. >> i think you're right. to say, oh, i'm concerned about what's happening in the republican party, yes, there's infighting, but the real concern is you're trying to undermine our elections, our democracy, and you're not standing with integrity. to say something behind closed doors and when you're in public, say oh, no, because it might not be public. or they took me out of context, that should be the thing people are concerned about in the republican party, and for paul ryan to blow it off, this is what happens in movements. movements are about change and progress. and what the republicans are doing is undermining our democracy. >> one of the ezroonss reasons mccarthy got applause today, the same thing you heard from steve scalise, oh, this is just the media trying to divide us because they don't want us paying attention to the border issues which we just reported on, when they don't want to pay attention to the inflation issue, which we reported on earlier as well. obviously, that's not true, but for some reason, that seems to rally the troops. >> i think republicans are in the middle of a midterm election cycle. they are on the verge of probably taking over the house of representatives. and at the moment, the perception of unity is more important than people getting back at kevin mccarthy if that's what they want to do. i think that's why a lot of this is for now. at the point at which kevin mccarthy might be in a position to have a speakership vote, that's when i think these questions become a lot more salient. at that point, you're going to be looking at a republican conference, if it is larger, that has a lot more sort of hard line trump types than are currently in the conference right now. and so it's a real question in the future of what mccarthy's leadership looks like, when i think there are probably going to be a lot of republicans coming into the congress who are not willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. post election, they're going to have really no reason to say let's just put this aside for now until after november 2022. >> it also depends how big the margin is assuming republicans do take the house back, if it's a slim margin, it will be a lot easier theoretically for some of the freedom caucus types to make sure that he's not the next speaker of the house. because he's going to need every vote. >> yeah, i mean, look, i think right now it is seeming as though mccarthy is fine and he's going to survive this. he said to them today, i was just raising possibilities about what could happen to trump given the january 6th insurrection. i didn't actually pursue them. for a very brief moment, we saw mccarthy after january 6th go to the floor and lay responsibility at trump's feet. and then about 19 days later, he decided to go to mar-a-lago and resuscitate the president and bring him back into the fold. so it isn't just silence from top leaders in allowing the freedom caucus, whether it's the freedom caucus or other trumpers to be loud, it's also deciding that their political fortunes are in line with trump and so they are fine with the fact he is continuing to spew lies about the election and they're also fine with lying to the press, which is what mccarthy did, in order to regain the majority. >> yeah, how big of a deal do you think it is that tucker carlson, who is, i think, for a lot of republicans one of the leaders of the idealogical movement of maga, if not the republican party officially, he went after kevin mccarthy and elise stefanik last night, calling mccarthy a puppet of the democratic party. >> yeah, i think it's fairly significant. to the extent that trump is in a different place from some of these, you know, maga types, whether it's tucker carlson or others like matt gaetz, et cetera, i think it really just speaks to trump at the moment feeling like mccarthy's duplicitousness around what he said about trump being beneficial to him now, but tucker carlson is speaking to the republican base, the people going out and voting. i think that's where it starts to matter. do they put pressure on the members that they're voting for to put pressure on kevin mccarthy? i think that remains a real possibility on these tapes, on his approach to social media. tucker carlson is a sort of, you know, canary in the coal mine, if you will, for what could be coming down the pipe. >> how significant do you think it is that tucker carlson is going after mccarthy even if right now it looks as though mccarthy's place in the party is stable? >> i don't think it's particularly shocking at all. you are never going to be able to outflank some of these guys. that's always been the problem. i saw this with john boehner and paul ryan. i always told them, stop feeding the crocodiles. they're going to eat you sooner or later. they continue to feed them, but they empower them. these guys will use their leverage, trump and many in the freedom caucus, they understand one thing. they understand leverage and they'll use it every single time. especially when they get majority, and they will determine what is going to be brought up and what is not. they're empowering them. >> so ashley, i want to turn to an opinion article wrote by a conservative judge, a judge who advised mike pence on january 6th. he wrote, the republicans' mystifying claim to this day that trump did or would have received more votes than joe biden in 2020 were it not for actual voting fraud is but the shiny object that republicans have tauntingly and disengenerously dangled before the american public for more than a year 1/2 to distract attention from their far more ambitious objective which is to execute successfully in 2024 the same plan they failed in 2020 and to over turn the 2024 election if trump or his successor loses again in the next contest. that is from a conservative bush appointed judge saying republicans are lying about the election and they're doing this because they're going to try to steal it again in 2024. >> people have been saying over and over this is a foundational play for the republicans are doing in the long term to undermine our institutions. and they are doing it at all levels. when you look at the hundreds of voter suppressive laws that are being passed in states to undermine access to the ballot, when you're looking at how they're trying to have the people who run elections be political hacks so when the time comes to bring up the electors in the next election, they do it for donald trump and not for what the people actually want to do, and so the big lie was a foundation. it didn't work this time, but other legal scholars have cited it's because the justice amy coney barrett wasn't going to be able to make a deciding vote on the court after the death of justice ginsburg. so we're in real danger and we need leadership, not just in the democratic party but in the republican party for our democracy, not just for politics. >> you're on capitol hill all the time. is there any hope that others besides adam kinzinger and liz cheney and on the senate side, mitt romney, are going to stand up and talk about the need for elections to be supported and the will of the people to be honored? >> i don't think so. it's been more than a year since january 6th, and if there was ever a moment for us to expect the two parties to come out and say this is not acceptable and lies about the election are not acceptable, it would have been then that republicans would have joined democrats. it's really difficult to see as you have mitch mcconnell saying that he is going to support trump if he runs again in 2024 -- >> if he's the nominee. >> knowing full well what trump is doing right now, and the fact that trump is endorsing candidates at different levels in state elections that are saying that they're willing to send fake electors and that 2020 was a rig. so election security legal experts are very concerned about the fact that without any laws changing in states, fake electors could be sent to congress. if republicans are in charge, they can just accept them. >> a dry run, as they say. thanks for being here. a reminder, you can catch abby phillip every weekend on inside politics sunday. that's at 8:00 a.m. eastern. if you didn't get your abby phillip fix at this sitting, there is more on sunday. >> coming up, the swirling energy source that some politicians love to hate. why wind mills have become a booming business, especially in deep red states. stay with us. i can't! i'm just telling everyone!... hey! for a limited time, get 50% off a complete pair. visionworks. see the difference. people with plaque psoriasis, or psoriatic arthritis, are rethinking the choices they make. like the splash they create. are rethinking the way they exaggerate. or the surprises they initiate otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not an injection a cream. it's a pill that treats differently. for psoriasis, you can achieve clearer skin with otezla. for psoriatic arthritis, otezla is proven to reduce joint swelling, tenderness, and pain. and the otezla prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. otezla can cause serious allergic reactions. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. dr. harmon: we are america's doctors. dr. szilagyi: america's pediatricians. rn grant: we are america's nurses. dr. stewart: america's family physicians. dr. szilagyi: and we want you to know... rn grant: covid vaccines are safe and effective for kids. dr. harmon: my grandkids are vaccinated. dr. szilagyi: mine are too. dr. stewart: what's not safe... dr. harmon: is getting covid. rn grant: we want you to know - we trust the covid vaccines. dr. stewart: for ourselves. dr. harmon: for our patients. dr. szilagyi: for our kids. rn grant: so should you. we're back with our story first on cnn. the united states left about $7 billion worth of military equipment behind when it withdraw from afghanistan last year, that's according to to a new report from the pentagon, which say it was transferred to the afghanistan government and includes aircraft, air to ground munitions, military vehicles, weapons, communications equipment and more. the pentagon says it has no plans to return to afghanistan to retrieve or destroy the equipment, which now is in taliban hands. the very enemy the u.s. spent the past two decades trying to defeat. in our earth matters series, you may have heard former president trump or other republicans slam wind energy over the years, but far from the coasts, wind energy is thriving in america's heartland. long devoted to oil and gas, which voted for trump. analysts say the middle of the country is an ideal location for wind energy to flourish. as chief fly climate correspondent bill we're reports, the energy has some of the fastest job growth in america. >> reporter: for the first time ever, wind produced more american electricity than coal or nuclear. it was second only to natural gas. that's right, wind. and climate wary carbon cutters on the kocian have the red state states in the heartland to thank. especially texas. >> texas is consistently number one in install capacity both in wind and more recently in solar as well. >> everything is big in texas. >> everything is big in texas. >> including green energy. >> reporter: a dane ish company which used to drill for oil in the north sea, now has a thousand turbines from texas to the dakotas. the new american wind belt. this is not easy. just one reason wind technicians are among the nation's fastest growing jobs. >> so do you see guys go back and forth between the oil and gas industry into wind? >> a lot of times, we'll see them come into the wind energy and typically not leave. it's a lot more of a stable job. we're here for the long haul. >> reporter: the next wave of new jobs will come offshore after the biden administration smashed records with multiple billion dollar lease sale ace long the atlantic coast. >> they can be placed out way out in the ocean. by the way, i made it clear to my friends up in nantucket and that area, i don't want to hear anymore about you don't like looking at them. >> the late senator ted kennedy killed an offshore wind far because it doesn't like the way it ruin ed the view. but they love the view in these parts of texas because it means money. as for the other criticisms, turbines kill maybe 800,000 to a million birds a year, but for perspective house cats kill 2.4 billion and, no, there's no science that says turbines cause cancer. experts predict that just in the next seven or eight years, over $100 billion will be invested into offshore wind. it will be interesting to see if the coastal communities accept that the way folks out here have as well. if the money follows, that maybe the case. but one thing aall want is a smarter grid. that's a big ticket item in the infrastructure bill that passed and build back better, which biden would like to pass. >> bill with the stand yaup of the year so far in texas. thank you so much. good to see you. great report. the special honor at the white house just moments ago, that's next. ♪ we believe there's anan innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. ♪ my name is monique, i'm 41, and i'm a federal contract investigator. as a single parent and trying to balance it all. so, what do you see when you look at yrself? 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20 , 360 , Science , Care , Temperature Balancing , Queen , 1299 , 00 , 299 , 500 , Price , Sleepnumber Com , Home , Prices , Thousands , Items , April 27th , Wayfair , 27 , 28 , 28th , Bonus Savings , Lighting , Outdoor Furniture , Credit Card , Shipping , 65 , 80 , Company , Planet , Walmart , 100 , Land , Acres , Millions , Come On , Vrbo , Caucus , Leeld , House , Speaker , Trump Hardliners , Explosive Audio , Donald Trump , Danger , Inciting , Fire Brand Conservative , Twitter , Florida , Matt Gaetz , Congressman Scalise , Gaetz Hit , The New York Times , Offenders , Behavior , Views , Report Saying , Calls , Liz Cheney , Paula Reed , Leaders , Men , 24 , Insurrection , Audio Recordings , Wake , Concerns , Ranks , Context , Wall , The Tape S Release Didn T , Meeting , Scenarios , Behind Closed Doors , Elections , Mo Brooks , Effort , Explanation , Members , Recordings , Conference Member , Freedom Caucus Firing Back Today , Controversy , Messaging , Conduct , Jeopardy , Audio Clips , Denver Riggleman , Committee , Hill Colleagues , Staffer , January 6th Committee , Former , Mccarthy Cannot , Team , Post , Expert , Staff Member , Serving , Disinformation , Committee Investigating January 6th , Sifting , Nonprofit Organization , Congressman , Committee Leaders , Decision , Leave , Letter , Critic , Theidaty , President , In The House , Departure , Panel , Leadership , Perspective , Respects , Reasons , Look , Conference , Words , Franot , Trump , Kevin Mccarty , Elements , Fringe Elements , Fringe , Fear , Narrative , Silent , Appropriations Bills , Debt Ceilings , Erosion , Infighting , Paul Ryan , Event , Conservative Movement , Conservatism , Ashley , Movements , Type , Fighting , Kind , Bearer , Figure , Reagan , Big Standard Bearer , Democracy , Say , Integrity , Concern , Thing , Public , Doors , Applause Today , Ezroonss , Attention , Media , Inflation Issue , Issues , Unity , Perception , Middle , Midterm Election Cycle , Verge , Point , Questions , Speakership Vote , Position , Hard Line Trump , The Future Of What Mccarthy , Post Election , Doubt , Benefit , 2022 , November 2022 , Margin , Freedom , Back , Theoretically , Vote , Possibilities , Feet , Saw Mccarthy , Floor , January 6th Insurrection , Mar A Lago , 19 , Isn T , Trumpers , Freedom Caucus , Fold , Fortunes , Big , Tucker Carlson , Majority , Press , Order , Lies , Idealogical Movement Of Maga , Last Night , Elise Stefanik , Extent , Maga Types , Puppet , Base , Duplicitousness , Et Cetera , Voting , Possibility , Tapes , Though Mccarthy , Social Media , Approach , Pipe , Coal Mine , Canary , Guys , Party , John Boehner , Leverage , Crocodiles , Judge , Opinion Article , Voting Fraud , Object , Votes , Mike Pence , 2020 , Objective , Disengenerously , 1 2 , 2024 , Contest , Bush , Successor , Play , Institutions , 2024 People , Electors , States , Hacks , Voter Suppressive Laws , Access , It Didn T , Foundation , Scholars , Death , Big Lie , Justice Ginsburg , Amy Coney Barrett Wasn T , Hope , Capitol Hill , Adam Kinzinger , Will , Side , Senate , Mitt Romney , Mitch Mcconnell , Parties , State Elections , Candidates , Nominee , Experts , Laws , Rig , Charge , Dry Run , Politicians , Coming Up , Energy Source , Fix , Reminder , Sitting , Inside Politics Sunday , Abby Phillip , 8 , Wind Mills , Pair , 50 , Psoriatic Arthritis , Plaque Psoriasis , Difference , Choices , Splash , Visionworks , Injection , Otezla , Pill , Psoriasis , Choice , Skin , Pain , Joint Swelling , Cream , Tenderness , Depression , Reactions , Prescribing Information , Don T , Routine Lab Monitoring , Requirement , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Doctor , Headache , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Medicines , Treatment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Dr , Rn Grant , Harmon , Kids , Vaccines , Szilagyi , Doctors , Family Physicians , Stewart , Covid , Nurses , America S Pediatricians , Grandkids , Patients , Military Equipment , Billion , 7 Billion , Communications Equipment , Military Vehicles , Pentagon , Government , Aircraft , Weapons , Ground Munitions , Afghanistan , Equipment , Series , Enemy , Taliban , Earth , Wind Energy , Heartland , President Trump , Coasts , Oil And Gas , Chief Fly Climate Correspondent Bill , Job Growth , Ideal Location , Analysts , Wind , Reporter , Electricity , Time , Coal , Red State , Carbon Cutters , Kocian , Texas , Capacity , Solar , Turbines , Oil , Green Energy , New American Wind Belt , North Sea , Dane Ish , The Dakotas , A Thousand , Jobs , Wind Technicians , Nation , Oil And Gas Industry , Wave , Haul , Sale Ace , Ocean , Friends , Atlantic Coast , Dollar Lease , Nantucket , Ted Kennedy , Area , Parts , View , Criticisms , House Cats , It Ruin Ed The View , A Million , 800000 , Cancer , Seven , 2 4 Billion , Eight , Communities , Grid , Want , Aall , 100 Billion , 00 Billion , Infrastructure Bill , Bill , White House , Ticket Item , Honor , Stand Yaup , Monique , My Name , Contract Investigator , 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