Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708

president sat down for talks with the u.n. secretary general in moscow. two very different tactics to try to end this war. as the u.n. investigates 30 0 unlawful killings, allegedly carried out by putin's forces. so far the mission has documented up to 5,000 casualties according to a monitoring group. that's how many we know of. in reality is number is thousands higher in mariupol. the mayor says a third mass grave site has been found. more than 200 meters long. think about that. that's longer than two football fields. and worse still, the mayor claims the dur vie vors are being forced to bury their deceased neighbors and loved ones in exchange for food. let's get you now to cnn's nic robertson in brussels and oren liebermann. first, secretary austin doubled down on the idea of weakening russia. what did we hear, exactly? >> reporter: defense secretary austin certainly raised eyebrows when he met the comment a couple days ago in poland over the weekend. but he's not shying away from it. this stronger rhetoric openly talking about a victory for ukraine and weakening russia. he has tried to clarify it and say exactly what he meant. in what way sauz duz he say implied u.s. forces would engage with russian forces. instead ukraine's military has weakened russia through a war lasting longer than russia expected. and second, through the successes ukraine has had on the battlefield. and then the sanctions kicking in that make it economically harder for russia to carry out these wars against the neighbors. here's what he had to say. >> if you look at what's transpired here in this 62 days or so that ukraine and russia have been involved in this struggle here, russia has in terms of its land forces, land forces have been affected in a significant way. casualties are pretty substantial. they've lost a lot of equipment. they've used a lot of precision munitions. they've lost major surface combatant. and so they are, in fact, in terms of military capability, weaker than when this started. >> the meeting that austin hosted here with more than 40 other countries, to figure out how to best keep getting weapons into ukraine. austin says this electric a monthly meeting that gives you a sense of how long the u.s. sees the conflict lasting. not days or weeks but months. >> secretary austin did talk about what he thinks it would take to end this war. basically, oren, the ball is in putin's court. >> that's right n. it has been the u.s.'s position that russian president vladimir putin could end this nigh time he wants but simply removing his forces from ukraine. now, there's no indication that he's going to do that. in statements from both him and foreign minister sergey lavrov, the appearance that some negotiated solution with ukraine isn't about to happen, but the u.s. continues to hold the position that if putin wants to end this, he simply can. even if that's not likely to happen. that's why the u.s. and others are preparing for this to go into the long-term. >> and nic, i understand we just got putin's version of events out of his meeting with the u.n. secretary general. what is putin saying? >> no surprise that we got a version of putin's propaganda, obviously played out to the russian people on state television. he criticized the united nations. the secretary general sitting right in front of him, criticized the united nations saying that the charter says that all countries are equal but goes onto say essentially that russia is being treated unfairly enimplies the united states is behind that. earlier in the day the russian foreign minister said the united states fixes the votes at the u.n. by forcing some members to vote the way it wants them to, by cut off bank accounts by threatening to stop their children going to school. unfounded allegations. putin was on a roll with the propaganda about the -- russia is being treated unfairly by the united nations and by the rest of the world. then he goes onto justify the war in ukraine. again, glossing over not even mentioning the fact that russia invaded ukraine in the first place back in 2014, saying that they had to go in, that there was a cue da tau and russia was forced to go in and defend people there, but perhaps the real kicker and chilling thing here is and this tells us everything we need to know about president putin. 62 days into the war, he still does not accept that his forces were committing war crimes. about the war crimes he said we're aware of these things. these are provocations by the ukrainians. we know how they happened. this was all ukraine. it wasn't us. he is in denial. he's playing to his gallery, the russian people. we don't know what happened behind closed doors and we're yet to set the u.s. secretary general antonio gutierrez's version, but this does create that very clear impression. putin appears to have learned nothing, and is doubling down and going into the direction he was going in in ukraine in the first place, fighting for the best outcome he can get. >> and trying to control the narrative about what is really happening, and so as we wait for the readout from the secretary general, something that really stood out to me before his meeting with putin today, was what the secretary general said. i quote, we're facing a complex situation in ukraine, different interpretations about what is happening. different interpretations. a lot of people are going to brifl at that phrasing. >> they are. it's going to sound to some people like saying everyone has a justified point of view. there are good views on both sides. what we've heard from the secretary general so far is never to antagonize russia. that is a fine line for him to walk. and there will be people that think she has slipped off the fine line. he's fixed to that position because as we have heard, it is becoming -- being seen as a proxy war between the united states and russia in ukraine. that's the way some people are framing. some people are framing it right now. gutierrez, if you will, his main table of debate is the permanent security council members. russia, china, the uk and france. and two of the members, more than, are a posed to each other. in fact, it's two and three of violently opposed to each other, positions right now. and he has to navigate a way through that. if he comes off the fence, he would see his position as being harder to get peace in the end. but absolutely, people are going to criticize him for phrasing things that way. >> nic robertson and oren liebermann, thank you both. let's bring in a former u.s. ambassador to nato. was also a special representative for ukraine negotiations. in 20 17, he's a seniored a vie or the to the atlantic counsel. ambassador, thank you for being here. you said this war won't end with negotiations. based on what we heard from nic robertson, are you even more sure of that now? >> yeah. i do not see any prospect for negotiations at this time. putin is clearly driving toward some kind of military victory that he can claim. ideally on may 9th, the victory day they celebrate in moscow. they're not really being serious about negotiating anything. and as nic robertson pointed out, russia is the aggressor here. russia is the country invading somebody else's country. they are not in a position to complain about being treated unfairly. and not being in a position to call this a proxy war. ukrainians are nobody's proxies. they are a people, and they are defending themselves. >> if diplomacy is doomed, then, is there a military or other solution? how does this end? >> well, unfortunately, i think we're going to see continued bloodshed and continued fighting for some time to come. putin is going to continue to push his forces to attack. in eastern ukraine, in order to try to take over the donbas, near kharkiv, and then west of crimea toward mykolaiv and toward moldova where it's interesting developments today. that's what putin is going to do. i don't believe he has the military capability to win as we heard secretary austin say, there are significantly weakened already. but he's going to push. meanwhile, the sanctions will continue to take a bite out of the russian economy. and it's that pressure, military failure on the one hand, economic failure on the other, that's ultimately, i think, going to put enough pressure on the russian regime that they will have to call an end to the war. that's what we have to hope for, but it's going to take time to come. >> we see the pictures every day of russia's unprovoked invasions. the aptrocities taking place, ad russia still has a table at the united nations. how can russia still be given this kind of power? is the u.n. broken? >> yeah. well, unfortunately i think the u.n. is stuck with the structure that it was given at the end of world war ii when we had these five powers that we thought would be the five key powers in the world. but what we see now is that russia is an outlier. china a little bit less so, russia certainly is an outlier. and it is russia that now causes the breakdown of the u.n. system when it comes to international peace and security. i don't see any way to fix this at the moment. there's no mechanism for getting rid of a rogue u.n. member. so i think we are going to have to see basically the facts on the ground play out in such a way that russia realizes eventually it is losing and cannot win and is only destroying its own country. when that happens, then we may see an end to the war. i don't know how we'll ever recover the united nations as long as vladimir putin is in power? >> ambassador, thank you so much for your time. i appreciate you. this just in. the white house says vice president kamala harris has tested positive for covid. mj lee is live at the white house. do we know if the white house is showing symptoms? >> no, she is feeling just fine according to the white house. the white house saying that the vice president has no symptoms right now. she tested positive for covid this morning. she actually came to the white house. she was supposed to have a presidential daily brief in the morning as she often does when she tested positive, she immediately went back to her residence and we are told by the white house that she's going to continue ice solating at her residence and return to work when she tests negative. she's not considered a close contact of the president or the first lady. in part because she last saw the president more than a week ago, and she actually left that afternoon to go to california. she's been on the west coast ever since. she only returned last night. of course, she is vaccinated. she has been boosted. that is important context as well. but ana, we have seen white house officials talking about how it is possible that president biden himself could end up getting covid. so this is sort of the new reality we're talking about. in recent weeks we've seen a ton of government officials at the highest levels testing positive for covid including now vice president kamala harris. >> it's good to hear that she is feeling well. not showing any symptoms at this point. mj lee, thank you. america's top military official is responding to russia's new attacks and nuclear saber rattling. up next, let's hear from general mark milley about what's at stake in ukraine and what he makes of russia's nuclear threats in an exclusive interview with our jim sciutto. plus, why an aspirin a day for your heart is no longer the recommendation for from a key panel of health experts. and one of the biggest investment banks on the planet? ramping up its recession warning. now predicting it will be, quote, major. stay with us. you're live in thehe cnn news room. h quantum. its activelift technology prprovides an unbeatable clean on 24 hour dried-on ststains. skip the rinse with finish to save our water.r. throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. you don't know how much pressure you put on your septic system. but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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me too. ♪ russia's foreign minister says the threat of nuclear war should not be underestimated. jim sciutto just got a reply from lavrov about the comments of mark milley. general milley isn't chalking this up to just rhetoric, jim? >> there's a dance that russia has been playing here. you saw that in lavrov's comments. on the one he said he didn't want to artificially inflate the threat, but he said it's a serious threat. russian state media is talking openly about the prospect of a nuclear strike. i asked general milley, i said is this just rhetoric, or are you seeing movements among their military forces and weapons that would make you think it's something more? his answer in effect was any discussion is dangerous. have a listen. >> any time a senior leader of a nation state starts rttleing a nuclear saber, then everyone takes it seriously. and it's completely irresponsible for any senior leader to be talking like that in today's world. we are monitoring as the military, monitoring closely with all our friends and allies and take those things seriously. >> he says monitoring closely. he did not say they have observed any changes to date yet that would indicate forces being moved into position for such a strike. >> jim, you also asked general milley about the future state of the world, and what might happen if ukraine doesn't win this war. what did he say is on the line here? >> well, it's interesting. he did something that president zelenskyy has been doing for some time, to internationalize this conflict. to say that if ukraine loses here, if russia is allowed to take it by force, invade a sovereign country, take it over by force, that that message extends far beyond ukraine, and that you look at in general milley's words, the collapse of the international security order, really, built since world war ii. he was explicit about that danger. have a listen. >> what is at stake here is much greater than ukraine. what's at stake is the security of europe. this is the greatest challenge to the security of europe since the end of world war ii. and, indeed, you could easily make the case that what's at stake is the global international security order that was put in place in 1945. that international order lasted 78 years. it's prevented great power at war. and underlining that entire concept is the idea that large nations will not conduct military aggression against smaller nations. and that is exactly what's happened here. an unprovoked military aggression by russia against a smaller nation. if this is left to stand, if there's no answer to this aggression, if russia gets away with this cost free, then so goes the so-called international order. and if that happens, and we're entering an era of seriously increased instability. you know, you'll notice that while you've heard more confident assessments of ukraine's chances of winning the war publicly in recent days and weeks, it's not a settled issue. and that's why you hear general milley saying if. right? if it were to fall, these are the consequences here. so i think there's still urgency about sending aid to keep ukraine able to defend itself. >> jim sciutto, thank you for all your reporting, your hard work there, and stay safe to you and your team. with us now is our cnn national security analyst and former director of national intelligence, james clapper. director clapper, it's a pleasure to speak to you. general milley echoed that the u.s. goal in ukraine is to halt russia's advance, and effectively, weaken its military longer term so it cannot attack other countries. i'm thinking putin hears the u.s. wants russia to be weaker. he hears the u.s. saying ukraine will win, those comments could give putin fuel for his narrative that the world is against russia. so what do you think the strategy is behind this shift in tone by the u.s.? >> well, i think it's a good thing. a good shift. all they're doing really is saying out loud explicitly what is really the implicit objective of our assisting ukrainians. and, in fact, i wish we'd be even more assertive rhetorically because i think there's a psychological aspect to this in terms of ukraine's morale. and so why not just say out loud what is really the objective? and, in fact, russia has -- russia's military who has performed abysmally here has been profoundly weakened already by the number of soldiers lost and the number of equipment lost. and the numbers of equipment lost. so to me this is -- it's a good thing. it's logical, and i think it helps galvanize broader support for ukraine. >> so you say the u.s. could go even further rhetorically. what more could they be saying? >> well, i think that as our provision of security assistance has shifted from javelins and stingers to more offensive weapons, counter battery weapons to get back at the artillery fire, rocket fire, that sort of thing that the russians are expending against the ukrainians, and i think we should just be very clear and assertive and authoritative about the objective here is to defeat, not just help ukraine defend itself, but to defeat the russians and expel them from ukraine. >> russia has already launched war against a european nation. has previously poisoned perceived enemies, interfered with the u.s. election. i could go on and on, and yet the u.s. and allies have taken or withheld actions in recent weeks to prevent escalating the situation, we're told, or to prevent provoking putin further. i wonder at this point, what's their concern exactly? what could be more horrific than what russia is already doing unprovoked? >> well, it's hard to imagine. the previous segment spoke to the threats that russia has either implied or stated outright about the potential use of nuclear weapons. now, if that -- that is a real rubicon to be crossed if they do that, and they will forever solidify their status as a pariah state on this planet. and the behavior has been absolutely egregious, and we've seen very graphically the magnitude of the atrocities that russia has committed and continues to commit. >> but do you think russia would really go there, would go with nukes over ukraine? >> well, i think first, important distipnction to make,i don't think in an intercontinental ballistic missile attack either from missiles or assault and battery marines is in the cards. i do think it is possible that some former weapons of mass destruction, probably first and foremost chemical weapons, but the russians have a lower threshold for the use of tactical nuclear weapons than we do, and so i can foresee a situation where if putin is being -- if he himself perceives he's being defeated or russia is being defeated, that he may decide that the way to salvage the situation is the use of nuclear weapons. i hope to god that doesn't happen, but it's not something that can be dismissed. and as the cia director recently said, you just can't take lightly statements made that infer the use of nuclear weapons. and, of course, general milley spoke to that quite forcefully today. >> director clapper, thank you so much for joining us. appreciate your expertise and insights. a lot of people take a daily aspirin to prevent a heart attack, but could it actually do harm? 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i want to put up this calculator. there's all sorts of different risk calalculators. you put in your information there and i'll tell you basically over the next ten years what's your risk of a heart attack or stroke? and that helps you balance back and forth the risk versus the benefit. >> that's an important tool. and useful tool. sanjay, what does this mean for for people who are already taking an aspirin a day? do they just stop? >> yeah. it's interesting. these guidelines, they didn't address that. and this is significant. there's probably 30 million people right now who fall into there category, taking aspirin to try to prevent a heart attack or a stroke. and about a quarter of them when we look at the studies, are doing so without a doctor's guidance. they're sort of doing it on their own. what i think they're saying clearly is you shouldn't start doing this. you shouldn't start taking an aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke if you're 60 or older, but everybody probably should be talking to their doctor about whether they should continue taking it. we think of aspirin as a relatively harmless thing. but you can increase the likelihood of gi bleeding, and if you get into an accident or trauma, it can make the bleeding that you might have much worse. so that's the concern. don't think of this as a totally harmless drug. >> that is such important information. news you can use. thank you, dr. gupta. good to see you. one of the biggest investment banks on the planet says a recession is coming and it will be, quote, major. as we speak you can see the markets are firmly in the red. down more than 600 points right now. matt eagan is with us to talk about what this means. this is coming from deutsche bark, the recession warning. they were originally saying mild. now they're saying worse. >> this is about high inflation and what the fed is going to have to do to get it knocked down to healthier hlevels. they're concerned inflation is actually going to be worse than people amendment. in part because of the war in ukraine. and also because of these covid lockdowns in china. if they're right, that's a big deal. that would mean even bigger rate hikes from the federal reserve instead of tapping the brakes on the economy, the fear is they could slam the brakes. the harder they hit it, the greater risk of an accident. the other issue is the jobs market is on fire. deutsche bank thinks that only a deep recession will cool it off. now, we should stress that no one knows what's actually going to happen. there's no play book here. some other economists are more optimistic. goldman sachs says a recession not inevitable, not required to tame inflation. it is startling to hear a major bank call for a downturn and the selling on wall street suggests investors are getting concerned too. >> if you're a homeowner, there's some good news today. let's look at data on home prices. they spiked by a near record in february, jumping about 20% near to year. what's going on here? >> this is a truly historic housing boom around the country. if you zoom in to 20 cities tracked. you can see home prices started going up in early 2020 as covid erupted. this set off incredible demand. not enough supply for houses. remember, this was when home prices crashed during the great recession. down 20 %. now they're up about 20%. in fact, prices are going up basically at a faster pace than we saw during the housing bubble of the early 2000s. that's incredible. top three cities for the housing market, not surprisingly, phoenix, tampa, miami, the sun belt. prices are growing rapidly. how long can it last because it's getting more expensive to borrow? look at this. under 3% to borrow for 30 years for a mortgage. that has shot up. it's gone up really sharply. we've seen this. above 5%. highest levels in a dozen years. and that is fueling some demand right now. some sense of urgency. people want to buy before prices go -- rates go higher. but at some point, that's going to eat into the affordability. that's going to slow things down. >> again, thank you so much for explaining that for us. working in a war zone. ukrainian paramedics fighting to save lives while risking their own. clarissa ward's stunning report, next. you don't want to miss this. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things un'. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and srage team. he used to worry about the world's oral health problems. - i think i've got it! - [narrator] then, he invented therabreath formulas, for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. - [dr.katz] wow! - [narrator] now, the world's mouths have never been healthier. - (sighs contentedly) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. they are some of the only people in ukraine running toward the sound of shelling. the country's paramedics. clarissa ward has their story. >> reporter: it's the beginning of a 24-hour shift for these paramedics. they prepare their ambulance for the carnage that kharkiv residents confront every day. >> translator: we have two tourniquets. >> reporter: one of the mothers stops by to give her daughter a head. this is one of the most dangerous jobs. every moment together is precious. a loud stream of booms signals the days' work is beginning. that's incoming now, this ambulance worker tells us. alexandra and vladimir answer the call. she says the code used when someone has been wounded by shelling. their jackets on, they're ready to roll out. so they've said they got reports one person at least has been injured in the shelling and they're hearing some rockets as well. we're going to see what's going on. the shells hit a residential apartment building. the paramedics need to act fast. russian forces are increasingly hitting the same target twice. it's called a double tap. a horrifying strategy to take out rescue workers as they respond. as we see for ourselves. get in, vladimir shouts. faster, faster, faster. we take cover under the stairwell. aleck sand dra is trying to find the wounded person, but there's no signal. at that moment, another barrage. they brace for the impact. >> translator: is everybody okay? >> reporter: our team member maria has cut up her hands on broken glass. vladimir treats her injuries asias aleck alexandra calls dispatch to find with weather the injured are. the connection keeps dropping. finally she gets through to the person who called for the ambulance. >> translator: tell me your damn house number. >> translator: i repeat 12g. i've told you a thousand times. the man is dying. >> reporter: we decide to try to make a run for it. >> come on, maria. come on. go. go. get in the car. get in the car. >> okay. so we were just in an apartment building. they were looking for an injured man, a bunch of rounds came in and hit the next door building so now we are getting out as fast as we can. >> reporter: while we run out, vladimir and alexander run back in. we find them treating the injured man on the side of the road. their back window has been blown out by the blasts. she has shrapnel injuries and head trauma. once they've stabilized him, they rush him to the hospital. vladimir asked about his pain. the man has been deafened by the blast. arriving at the hospital, they've done their part. it's up to others now to save him. i have to say i think you guys are the bravest people i have ever met. back at base, we ask them why they continue to do this work. with all the danger it entails. >> translator: it's normal. this is our work. of course it's scary like for everyone. today you were with us in the hottest place, in the oven. but we're still alive, thank god. >> translator: you feel it's your duty or obligation, to help the people who are still here. >> reporter: and what does your family say? aren't they wanting you to stop this work? >> no comment. no comment. it's very difficult. >> reporter: they must be scared. >> yes. yes. >> reporter: proud but scared. >> all day, all night. >> reporter: we saw your mother, rus mama. >> translator: she's worried to the point of hysteria. she says you need to leave. you need to go to some safe place. why are you doing this? i have only one child. stop it. >> reporter: what do you say? >> translator: i have to do it. >> reporter: and with that, they go back to cleaning their ambulance. their shift only halfway through. clarissa ward, cnn, kharkiv. 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>> well, ana, given the statements that the attorney general, letitia james, has made publicly, i think it's very likely she ends up filing a civil lawsuit against donald trump for fraud relating to the trump organization. on the other hand, i think seeing all the indicators out there, it's very unlikely that we see a criminal charge, an indictment coming out of this. just a few weeks ago, the lead prosecutors on the case reportedly resigned because of a disagreement over just that, so i do think we'll see a lawsuit. i don't think we'll see an indictment. >> elie, thank you so much. that does it for us today. thanks for joining us. i'll be back tomorrow, same time, same place. until then, join me on twitter, @anacabrera. the news continues after a quick break. you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesarar. we were just talkingng about y. yeah, you should probablbly get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition th 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ensure complete wayfair's biggest sale of the year is way day. shop outdoor furniture up to 65% off... rugs up to 80% off... and lighting up to 65% off... plus get free shipping on everything! shop way day, april 27th and 28th at i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708

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president sat down for talks with the u.n. secretary general in moscow. two very different tactics to try to end this war. as the u.n. investigates 30 0 unlawful killings, allegedly carried out by putin's forces. so far the mission has documented up to 5,000 casualties according to a monitoring group. that's how many we know of. in reality is number is thousands higher in mariupol. the mayor says a third mass grave site has been found. more than 200 meters long. think about that. that's longer than two football fields. and worse still, the mayor claims the dur vie vors are being forced to bury their deceased neighbors and loved ones in exchange for food. let's get you now to cnn's nic robertson in brussels and oren liebermann. first, secretary austin doubled down on the idea of weakening russia. what did we hear, exactly? >> reporter: defense secretary austin certainly raised eyebrows when he met the comment a couple days ago in poland over the weekend. but he's not shying away from it. this stronger rhetoric openly talking about a victory for ukraine and weakening russia. he has tried to clarify it and say exactly what he meant. in what way sauz duz he say implied u.s. forces would engage with russian forces. instead ukraine's military has weakened russia through a war lasting longer than russia expected. and second, through the successes ukraine has had on the battlefield. and then the sanctions kicking in that make it economically harder for russia to carry out these wars against the neighbors. here's what he had to say. >> if you look at what's transpired here in this 62 days or so that ukraine and russia have been involved in this struggle here, russia has in terms of its land forces, land forces have been affected in a significant way. casualties are pretty substantial. they've lost a lot of equipment. they've used a lot of precision munitions. they've lost major surface combatant. and so they are, in fact, in terms of military capability, weaker than when this started. >> the meeting that austin hosted here with more than 40 other countries, to figure out how to best keep getting weapons into ukraine. austin says this electric a monthly meeting that gives you a sense of how long the u.s. sees the conflict lasting. not days or weeks but months. >> secretary austin did talk about what he thinks it would take to end this war. basically, oren, the ball is in putin's court. >> that's right n. it has been the u.s.'s position that russian president vladimir putin could end this nigh time he wants but simply removing his forces from ukraine. now, there's no indication that he's going to do that. in statements from both him and foreign minister sergey lavrov, the appearance that some negotiated solution with ukraine isn't about to happen, but the u.s. continues to hold the position that if putin wants to end this, he simply can. even if that's not likely to happen. that's why the u.s. and others are preparing for this to go into the long-term. >> and nic, i understand we just got putin's version of events out of his meeting with the u.n. secretary general. what is putin saying? >> no surprise that we got a version of putin's propaganda, obviously played out to the russian people on state television. he criticized the united nations. the secretary general sitting right in front of him, criticized the united nations saying that the charter says that all countries are equal but goes onto say essentially that russia is being treated unfairly enimplies the united states is behind that. earlier in the day the russian foreign minister said the united states fixes the votes at the u.n. by forcing some members to vote the way it wants them to, by cut off bank accounts by threatening to stop their children going to school. unfounded allegations. putin was on a roll with the propaganda about the -- russia is being treated unfairly by the united nations and by the rest of the world. then he goes onto justify the war in ukraine. again, glossing over not even mentioning the fact that russia invaded ukraine in the first place back in 2014, saying that they had to go in, that there was a cue da tau and russia was forced to go in and defend people there, but perhaps the real kicker and chilling thing here is and this tells us everything we need to know about president putin. 62 days into the war, he still does not accept that his forces were committing war crimes. about the war crimes he said we're aware of these things. these are provocations by the ukrainians. we know how they happened. this was all ukraine. it wasn't us. he is in denial. he's playing to his gallery, the russian people. we don't know what happened behind closed doors and we're yet to set the u.s. secretary general antonio gutierrez's version, but this does create that very clear impression. putin appears to have learned nothing, and is doubling down and going into the direction he was going in in ukraine in the first place, fighting for the best outcome he can get. >> and trying to control the narrative about what is really happening, and so as we wait for the readout from the secretary general, something that really stood out to me before his meeting with putin today, was what the secretary general said. i quote, we're facing a complex situation in ukraine, different interpretations about what is happening. different interpretations. a lot of people are going to brifl at that phrasing. >> they are. it's going to sound to some people like saying everyone has a justified point of view. there are good views on both sides. what we've heard from the secretary general so far is never to antagonize russia. that is a fine line for him to walk. and there will be people that think she has slipped off the fine line. he's fixed to that position because as we have heard, it is becoming -- being seen as a proxy war between the united states and russia in ukraine. that's the way some people are framing. some people are framing it right now. gutierrez, if you will, his main table of debate is the permanent security council members. russia, china, the uk and france. and two of the members, more than, are a posed to each other. in fact, it's two and three of violently opposed to each other, positions right now. and he has to navigate a way through that. if he comes off the fence, he would see his position as being harder to get peace in the end. but absolutely, people are going to criticize him for phrasing things that way. >> nic robertson and oren liebermann, thank you both. let's bring in a former u.s. ambassador to nato. was also a special representative for ukraine negotiations. in 20 17, he's a seniored a vie or the to the atlantic counsel. ambassador, thank you for being here. you said this war won't end with negotiations. based on what we heard from nic robertson, are you even more sure of that now? >> yeah. i do not see any prospect for negotiations at this time. putin is clearly driving toward some kind of military victory that he can claim. ideally on may 9th, the victory day they celebrate in moscow. they're not really being serious about negotiating anything. and as nic robertson pointed out, russia is the aggressor here. russia is the country invading somebody else's country. they are not in a position to complain about being treated unfairly. and not being in a position to call this a proxy war. ukrainians are nobody's proxies. they are a people, and they are defending themselves. >> if diplomacy is doomed, then, is there a military or other solution? how does this end? >> well, unfortunately, i think we're going to see continued bloodshed and continued fighting for some time to come. putin is going to continue to push his forces to attack. in eastern ukraine, in order to try to take over the donbas, near kharkiv, and then west of crimea toward mykolaiv and toward moldova where it's interesting developments today. that's what putin is going to do. i don't believe he has the military capability to win as we heard secretary austin say, there are significantly weakened already. but he's going to push. meanwhile, the sanctions will continue to take a bite out of the russian economy. and it's that pressure, military failure on the one hand, economic failure on the other, that's ultimately, i think, going to put enough pressure on the russian regime that they will have to call an end to the war. that's what we have to hope for, but it's going to take time to come. >> we see the pictures every day of russia's unprovoked invasions. the aptrocities taking place, ad russia still has a table at the united nations. how can russia still be given this kind of power? is the u.n. broken? >> yeah. well, unfortunately i think the u.n. is stuck with the structure that it was given at the end of world war ii when we had these five powers that we thought would be the five key powers in the world. but what we see now is that russia is an outlier. china a little bit less so, russia certainly is an outlier. and it is russia that now causes the breakdown of the u.n. system when it comes to international peace and security. i don't see any way to fix this at the moment. there's no mechanism for getting rid of a rogue u.n. member. so i think we are going to have to see basically the facts on the ground play out in such a way that russia realizes eventually it is losing and cannot win and is only destroying its own country. when that happens, then we may see an end to the war. i don't know how we'll ever recover the united nations as long as vladimir putin is in power? >> ambassador, thank you so much for your time. i appreciate you. this just in. the white house says vice president kamala harris has tested positive for covid. mj lee is live at the white house. do we know if the white house is showing symptoms? >> no, she is feeling just fine according to the white house. the white house saying that the vice president has no symptoms right now. she tested positive for covid this morning. she actually came to the white house. she was supposed to have a presidential daily brief in the morning as she often does when she tested positive, she immediately went back to her residence and we are told by the white house that she's going to continue ice solating at her residence and return to work when she tests negative. she's not considered a close contact of the president or the first lady. in part because she last saw the president more than a week ago, and she actually left that afternoon to go to california. she's been on the west coast ever since. she only returned last night. of course, she is vaccinated. she has been boosted. that is important context as well. but ana, we have seen white house officials talking about how it is possible that president biden himself could end up getting covid. so this is sort of the new reality we're talking about. in recent weeks we've seen a ton of government officials at the highest levels testing positive for covid including now vice president kamala harris. >> it's good to hear that she is feeling well. not showing any symptoms at this point. mj lee, thank you. america's top military official is responding to russia's new attacks and nuclear saber rattling. up next, let's hear from general mark milley about what's at stake in ukraine and what he makes of russia's nuclear threats in an exclusive interview with our jim sciutto. plus, why an aspirin a day for your heart is no longer the recommendation for from a key panel of health experts. and one of the biggest investment banks on the planet? 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me too. ♪ russia's foreign minister says the threat of nuclear war should not be underestimated. jim sciutto just got a reply from lavrov about the comments of mark milley. general milley isn't chalking this up to just rhetoric, jim? >> there's a dance that russia has been playing here. you saw that in lavrov's comments. on the one he said he didn't want to artificially inflate the threat, but he said it's a serious threat. russian state media is talking openly about the prospect of a nuclear strike. i asked general milley, i said is this just rhetoric, or are you seeing movements among their military forces and weapons that would make you think it's something more? his answer in effect was any discussion is dangerous. have a listen. >> any time a senior leader of a nation state starts rttleing a nuclear saber, then everyone takes it seriously. and it's completely irresponsible for any senior leader to be talking like that in today's world. we are monitoring as the military, monitoring closely with all our friends and allies and take those things seriously. >> he says monitoring closely. he did not say they have observed any changes to date yet that would indicate forces being moved into position for such a strike. >> jim, you also asked general milley about the future state of the world, and what might happen if ukraine doesn't win this war. what did he say is on the line here? >> well, it's interesting. he did something that president zelenskyy has been doing for some time, to internationalize this conflict. to say that if ukraine loses here, if russia is allowed to take it by force, invade a sovereign country, take it over by force, that that message extends far beyond ukraine, and that you look at in general milley's words, the collapse of the international security order, really, built since world war ii. he was explicit about that danger. have a listen. >> what is at stake here is much greater than ukraine. what's at stake is the security of europe. this is the greatest challenge to the security of europe since the end of world war ii. and, indeed, you could easily make the case that what's at stake is the global international security order that was put in place in 1945. that international order lasted 78 years. it's prevented great power at war. and underlining that entire concept is the idea that large nations will not conduct military aggression against smaller nations. and that is exactly what's happened here. an unprovoked military aggression by russia against a smaller nation. if this is left to stand, if there's no answer to this aggression, if russia gets away with this cost free, then so goes the so-called international order. and if that happens, and we're entering an era of seriously increased instability. you know, you'll notice that while you've heard more confident assessments of ukraine's chances of winning the war publicly in recent days and weeks, it's not a settled issue. and that's why you hear general milley saying if. right? if it were to fall, these are the consequences here. so i think there's still urgency about sending aid to keep ukraine able to defend itself. >> jim sciutto, thank you for all your reporting, your hard work there, and stay safe to you and your team. with us now is our cnn national security analyst and former director of national intelligence, james clapper. director clapper, it's a pleasure to speak to you. general milley echoed that the u.s. goal in ukraine is to halt russia's advance, and effectively, weaken its military longer term so it cannot attack other countries. i'm thinking putin hears the u.s. wants russia to be weaker. he hears the u.s. saying ukraine will win, those comments could give putin fuel for his narrative that the world is against russia. so what do you think the strategy is behind this shift in tone by the u.s.? >> well, i think it's a good thing. a good shift. all they're doing really is saying out loud explicitly what is really the implicit objective of our assisting ukrainians. and, in fact, i wish we'd be even more assertive rhetorically because i think there's a psychological aspect to this in terms of ukraine's morale. and so why not just say out loud what is really the objective? and, in fact, russia has -- russia's military who has performed abysmally here has been profoundly weakened already by the number of soldiers lost and the number of equipment lost. and the numbers of equipment lost. so to me this is -- it's a good thing. it's logical, and i think it helps galvanize broader support for ukraine. >> so you say the u.s. could go even further rhetorically. what more could they be saying? >> well, i think that as our provision of security assistance has shifted from javelins and stingers to more offensive weapons, counter battery weapons to get back at the artillery fire, rocket fire, that sort of thing that the russians are expending against the ukrainians, and i think we should just be very clear and assertive and authoritative about the objective here is to defeat, not just help ukraine defend itself, but to defeat the russians and expel them from ukraine. >> russia has already launched war against a european nation. has previously poisoned perceived enemies, interfered with the u.s. election. i could go on and on, and yet the u.s. and allies have taken or withheld actions in recent weeks to prevent escalating the situation, we're told, or to prevent provoking putin further. i wonder at this point, what's their concern exactly? what could be more horrific than what russia is already doing unprovoked? >> well, it's hard to imagine. the previous segment spoke to the threats that russia has either implied or stated outright about the potential use of nuclear weapons. now, if that -- that is a real rubicon to be crossed if they do that, and they will forever solidify their status as a pariah state on this planet. and the behavior has been absolutely egregious, and we've seen very graphically the magnitude of the atrocities that russia has committed and continues to commit. >> but do you think russia would really go there, would go with nukes over ukraine? >> well, i think first, important distipnction to make,i don't think in an intercontinental ballistic missile attack either from missiles or assault and battery marines is in the cards. i do think it is possible that some former weapons of mass destruction, probably first and foremost chemical weapons, but the russians have a lower threshold for the use of tactical nuclear weapons than we do, and so i can foresee a situation where if putin is being -- if he himself perceives he's being defeated or russia is being defeated, that he may decide that the way to salvage the situation is the use of nuclear weapons. i hope to god that doesn't happen, but it's not something that can be dismissed. and as the cia director recently said, you just can't take lightly statements made that infer the use of nuclear weapons. and, of course, general milley spoke to that quite forcefully today. >> director clapper, thank you so much for joining us. appreciate your expertise and insights. a lot of people take a daily aspirin to prevent a heart attack, but could it actually do harm? the new guidance you need to know about. plus talk about sticker shock. home prices spiked in january as buyers scrambled to get ahead of surging mortgage rates. we have the details. we fit your style, with hundndrs of design options. when a normal day is anything but normal, we fit your schedule, wiwith our unique tub over tub process, installed in as littlele as a day. when high quality is the o only quality that matters, we fit your standards, with a lifetime guarantee. bath fitter. it just fits. visit to book your free consultation. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing everything! like their new premium angus roast beef. it goes great with oven roasted turkey and black forest ham on the n subway club now that's a perfect 10 thank you! stop trying to upstage the sandwich, simone biles now that's a perfect 10 subway keeps refreshing and refre- i brought in ensure max protein, with thirtgrams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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i want to put up this calculator. there's all sorts of different risk calalculators. you put in your information there and i'll tell you basically over the next ten years what's your risk of a heart attack or stroke? and that helps you balance back and forth the risk versus the benefit. >> that's an important tool. and useful tool. sanjay, what does this mean for for people who are already taking an aspirin a day? do they just stop? >> yeah. it's interesting. these guidelines, they didn't address that. and this is significant. there's probably 30 million people right now who fall into there category, taking aspirin to try to prevent a heart attack or a stroke. and about a quarter of them when we look at the studies, are doing so without a doctor's guidance. they're sort of doing it on their own. what i think they're saying clearly is you shouldn't start doing this. you shouldn't start taking an aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke if you're 60 or older, but everybody probably should be talking to their doctor about whether they should continue taking it. we think of aspirin as a relatively harmless thing. but you can increase the likelihood of gi bleeding, and if you get into an accident or trauma, it can make the bleeding that you might have much worse. so that's the concern. don't think of this as a totally harmless drug. >> that is such important information. news you can use. thank you, dr. gupta. good to see you. one of the biggest investment banks on the planet says a recession is coming and it will be, quote, major. as we speak you can see the markets are firmly in the red. down more than 600 points right now. matt eagan is with us to talk about what this means. this is coming from deutsche bark, the recession warning. they were originally saying mild. now they're saying worse. >> this is about high inflation and what the fed is going to have to do to get it knocked down to healthier hlevels. they're concerned inflation is actually going to be worse than people amendment. in part because of the war in ukraine. and also because of these covid lockdowns in china. if they're right, that's a big deal. that would mean even bigger rate hikes from the federal reserve instead of tapping the brakes on the economy, the fear is they could slam the brakes. the harder they hit it, the greater risk of an accident. the other issue is the jobs market is on fire. deutsche bank thinks that only a deep recession will cool it off. now, we should stress that no one knows what's actually going to happen. there's no play book here. some other economists are more optimistic. goldman sachs says a recession not inevitable, not required to tame inflation. it is startling to hear a major bank call for a downturn and the selling on wall street suggests investors are getting concerned too. >> if you're a homeowner, there's some good news today. let's look at data on home prices. they spiked by a near record in february, jumping about 20% near to year. what's going on here? >> this is a truly historic housing boom around the country. if you zoom in to 20 cities tracked. you can see home prices started going up in early 2020 as covid erupted. this set off incredible demand. not enough supply for houses. remember, this was when home prices crashed during the great recession. down 20 %. now they're up about 20%. in fact, prices are going up basically at a faster pace than we saw during the housing bubble of the early 2000s. that's incredible. top three cities for the housing market, not surprisingly, phoenix, tampa, miami, the sun belt. prices are growing rapidly. how long can it last because it's getting more expensive to borrow? look at this. under 3% to borrow for 30 years for a mortgage. that has shot up. it's gone up really sharply. we've seen this. above 5%. highest levels in a dozen years. and that is fueling some demand right now. some sense of urgency. people want to buy before prices go -- rates go higher. but at some point, that's going to eat into the affordability. that's going to slow things down. >> again, thank you so much for explaining that for us. working in a war zone. ukrainian paramedics fighting to save lives while risking their own. clarissa ward's stunning report, next. you don't want to miss this. we got the house! you did! pods handles the driving. pack at your pace. store your things un'. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and srage team. he used to worry about the world's oral health problems. - i think i've got it! - [narrator] then, he invented therabreath formulas, for fresh breath, healthy gums, dry mouth, and healthy smiles. - [dr.katz] wow! - [narrator] now, the world's mouths have never been healthier. - (sighs contentedly) therabreath, it's a better mouthwash. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. they are some of the only people in ukraine running toward the sound of shelling. the country's paramedics. clarissa ward has their story. >> reporter: it's the beginning of a 24-hour shift for these paramedics. they prepare their ambulance for the carnage that kharkiv residents confront every day. >> translator: we have two tourniquets. >> reporter: one of the mothers stops by to give her daughter a head. this is one of the most dangerous jobs. every moment together is precious. a loud stream of booms signals the days' work is beginning. that's incoming now, this ambulance worker tells us. alexandra and vladimir answer the call. she says the code used when someone has been wounded by shelling. their jackets on, they're ready to roll out. so they've said they got reports one person at least has been injured in the shelling and they're hearing some rockets as well. we're going to see what's going on. the shells hit a residential apartment building. the paramedics need to act fast. russian forces are increasingly hitting the same target twice. it's called a double tap. a horrifying strategy to take out rescue workers as they respond. as we see for ourselves. get in, vladimir shouts. faster, faster, faster. we take cover under the stairwell. aleck sand dra is trying to find the wounded person, but there's no signal. at that moment, another barrage. they brace for the impact. >> translator: is everybody okay? >> reporter: our team member maria has cut up her hands on broken glass. vladimir treats her injuries asias aleck alexandra calls dispatch to find with weather the injured are. the connection keeps dropping. finally she gets through to the person who called for the ambulance. >> translator: tell me your damn house number. >> translator: i repeat 12g. i've told you a thousand times. the man is dying. >> reporter: we decide to try to make a run for it. >> come on, maria. come on. go. go. get in the car. get in the car. >> okay. so we were just in an apartment building. they were looking for an injured man, a bunch of rounds came in and hit the next door building so now we are getting out as fast as we can. >> reporter: while we run out, vladimir and alexander run back in. we find them treating the injured man on the side of the road. their back window has been blown out by the blasts. she has shrapnel injuries and head trauma. once they've stabilized him, they rush him to the hospital. vladimir asked about his pain. the man has been deafened by the blast. arriving at the hospital, they've done their part. it's up to others now to save him. i have to say i think you guys are the bravest people i have ever met. back at base, we ask them why they continue to do this work. with all the danger it entails. >> translator: it's normal. this is our work. of course it's scary like for everyone. today you were with us in the hottest place, in the oven. but we're still alive, thank god. >> translator: you feel it's your duty or obligation, to help the people who are still here. >> reporter: and what does your family say? aren't they wanting you to stop this work? >> no comment. no comment. it's very difficult. >> reporter: they must be scared. >> yes. yes. >> reporter: proud but scared. >> all day, all night. >> reporter: we saw your mother, rus mama. >> translator: she's worried to the point of hysteria. she says you need to leave. you need to go to some safe place. why are you doing this? i have only one child. stop it. >> reporter: what do you say? >> translator: i have to do it. >> reporter: and with that, they go back to cleaning their ambulance. their shift only halfway through. clarissa ward, cnn, kharkiv. 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>> well, ana, given the statements that the attorney general, letitia james, has made publicly, i think it's very likely she ends up filing a civil lawsuit against donald trump for fraud relating to the trump organization. on the other hand, i think seeing all the indicators out there, it's very unlikely that we see a criminal charge, an indictment coming out of this. just a few weeks ago, the lead prosecutors on the case reportedly resigned because of a disagreement over just that, so i do think we'll see a lawsuit. i don't think we'll see an indictment. >> elie, thank you so much. that does it for us today. thanks for joining us. i'll be back tomorrow, same time, same place. until then, join me on twitter, @anacabrera. the news continues after a quick break. you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. oh hi caesarar. we were just talkingng about y. yeah, you should probablbly get out of here. ♪ ringcentral ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition th 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ensure complete wayfair's biggest sale of the year is way day. shop outdoor furniture up to 65% off... rugs up to 80% off... and lighting up to 65% off... plus get free shipping on everything! shop way day, april 27th and 28th at i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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