Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

far-right rival marine le pen. it's also been 20 years since the last time a french president was re-elected in france. now, leaders including u.s. president joe biden, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, and european leaders and the russian president vladimir putin have congratulated mr. macron on his victory. now, the french leader admits that he has work to do, but he promised the next five years will not be a continuation of his first term, and he pledged to work for all of france. here's what he said after the victory was announced. >> translator: and i know that for a number of my come pay trats who chose the far-right, the anger and the discord which brought them to vote for her project also merits a response. it will also be my responsibility and the responsibility of those who surround me. >> and he knows he has a tough uphill battle to meet ought promise to reunite the country. some protesters were angry about the results and they turned out in paris and they said a far word about police. they rallied behind his election victory and we'll have much more on the vote in a few minutes. but first, our other top story this hour has been the trip by the two top u.s. officials to ukraine to meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy. that was on sunday. ukraine's government released this video of the secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin. they were greeted by mr. zelenskyy before they sat for their long meeting. it's the highest level u.s. officials to have visited ukraine since russia's invasion began. they spoke a short time ago in poland after returning from their trip, and they pledged to continue humanitarian economic and military support. they did all this standing in front of aid supplies that were bound for ukraine. and, indeed, lloyd austin, the defense secretary, pledged that they would help ukraine, quote, win this fight. and secretary blinken added they would do all they could to help ukraine end this fight, to lay the possible groundwork for any diplomacy or negotiation should that take place. for more on all of this, let's go to isa soares in lviv, ukraine. >> good morning to you, christiane. let me bring our viewers up to date from what we heard from the secretaries as they spoke across the board in lviv, ukraine. they were in poland. is what was the secretary said, a productive as well as engaging meeting with president zelenskyy. they met in kyiv, a meeting that lasted three hour or so at the presidential palace. r'riel i, the top lines that came out from secretary blinken, ukraine was winning the war russia was losing it. russia is subjugating ukrainian people and trying to take away its independence, incredibly strong words coming from secretary blinken. the highest officials to visit kyiv from the united states. secretary blinken also praising the civilians of ukraine, praising the ukrainian soldiers for really standing up and for pushing back against russian aggression. have a listen to what he said. >> it is also true that russia continues to try to brutal eyes pa -- brutalize parts of the country. the death and destruction is horrific. the ukrainians are standing up, standing strong and doing that with the support that we have coordinated from literally around the world. >> they believe that we can win. we believe we can win -- they can win if they have the right equipment, the right support. >> reporter: and defense secretary austin went on to say, we want putin, we want russia, he said, to be weakened. important words coming from the secretary. secretary blinken said something that stood out to me. he said a sovereign ukraine, christiane, will be around much longer than putin will be on the scene. in terms of deliverables of what president zelenskyy was hoping to get out of the meeting, he said i hope my guests will not come empty-handed which secretary blinken said we never come empty-handed. we know us diplomats will be starting their way to ukraine this week. they will be making day trips in and out of ukraine primarily coming to the city where i am, in lviv. we also know that president biden is expected to nominate a new ambassador to ukraine, the current ambassador to slovakia. of course, ukraine hasn't had an ambassador since 2009. on the question of military, financial support as well, we know biden intends to over that $730 million, $730 million and additional support to ukraine as well as 50 allied partners. in the last few minutes we have heard from president zelenskyy following that meeting with the top officials from the united states. i want to read out part of what president zelenskyy said. and he said this. we appreciate the unprecedented assistance of the united states to ukraine. i would like to thank president biden personally and on behalf of the entire ukrainian people for his leadership in supporting ukraine through his personal clear position to thank all the american people as well as buy camera and bipartisan support. we see it, we feel it. christiane? >> isa, thank you there in lviv. of course, isa will be back with much more ahead on the war in ukraine. but clearly, isa, everybody can see the united states is speeding weaponry to ukraine. defense secretary lloyd austin said they wanted to be one step ahead of the changing battle field, and they have now laid out that they want to help ukraine win this fight. it's crucial, to hear his words, and particularly to raise the pain on putin to potentially bring him to some kind of negotiation should that, in fact, happen. so, more now on emanuel macron's victory because president biden has also congratulated that victory, saying that he looks forward to working with president macron, continuing on the work they are doing jointly with europe and the whole transatlantic alliance on ukraine and, of course, to keep supporting the democracy mission around the world. let's first bring in senior international correspondent jim bittermann on the results from last night and what it means going forward, jim. >> reporter: exactly, christiane. president biden may be promising to work with mr. macron, but the political parties here are not necessarily on the same wavelength. here's a paper this morning, great victory, but great challenges. and that is exactly what mr. macron is going to face. here's a little bit more of his speech last night and a little bit more of the le pen concession, non-concession speech that she made. >> translator: we have so much to do and the war in ukraine is a reminder that we are going through tragic times when france must speak out, show the clarity of its choices and build its strength in all areas. and we will do so. we will also need, my friends, to be kind and respectful because our country is full of so many doubts, so many divisions. so we will need to be strong. but no one will be left behind. >> translator: this result constitutes for our french leaders as well as for european leaders the sign of a great defiance of the french people towards them which they can't ignore, and that of a widely shared aspiration for a big change. the french have shown tonight their wish for a counter power that is strong against that of emanuel macron's. >> reporter: so, madam le pen did not, in fact, congratulate mr. macron on his victory and, in fact, did not promise to work with him or anything like that. in fact, she laid down the gauntlet and said she's going to be challenging him along the line. in fact, there is kind of an interesting headline i want to point out here this morning. in paris they did a poll with ipsos. this was taken after the victory of mr. macron, and basically some interesting statistics how the french felt afterwards. 20% were disappointed. 20% were relieved, 18% angry. and another statistic is that 77% think that mr. macron is going to have trouble in the coming months. so it's kind of a rocky start to his presidency. we'll see. the legislative elections are coming up in june and we'll see how that all turns out. not a lot of promise that things are going to be peaceful and calm here, christiane. >> jim, thank you. and, of course, so much at stake. joining me now here is a veteran french diplomat. she has been ambassador in russia, in china, in the uk, and she's joining us now to discuss this election. i guess your first impressions on what his victory means, his reelection. >> i think it is very important, not only for france, but also for the world because he is the senior leader now, and especially now because we have a war in the middle of europe. and the fact that it's a clear victory is important because it is more than 58%. >> when you say senior leader, you're right. he does step into the shoes of angela merkel who used to be considered the senior european leader. so he's rile kind of at the top of the european pyramid now. >> absolutely. he is also chairing the end of june. >> the rotating presidency. >> absolutely. he is very pro european. he made his first campaign on this basis, and five years after that again, it's europe which is at the center of his policy. >> he's also been veal i strong about, with the joint european and u.s. response, to russia's war in ukraine. i just want to read you this and see what you think. you've been ambassador to russia. vladimir putin congratulated emanuel macron. he may have wanted marine le pen to win but he congratulated macron. i sincerely wish you success in your state activities as well as good health and well-being. president macron has tried very hard to use his personal diplomacy to end this war, calling macron -- calling putin a lot of times in the beginning. that didn't go great. >> no, because i think that putin has already decided to go to war unfortunately. in the past he had some success with him. for instance, when he met him in 2019, and then the result was a normal diplomat meeting on minsk, and it was very encouraging at that time. but after that there was the covid and then putin was very isolated and i think it was too late. when emanuel macron went to see him, i think he already decided to go to war. >> so given that fact, given what we're seeing and given the fact this war isn't turning out as putin expected, nobody expected, not even ukraine's allies expected it to be brave and courageous and all of that. what happens next? what has to happen? what does putin need to know in order to come to the negotiating table? >> well, i think there is to be some balance on the ground because if he loses everything, i'm afraid he will continue the war. of course, what is the most important is the situation in donbas. it's mariupol which is not only already won, but we'll see if it is possible for putin to stop this war and to enter into negotiations. as you know, volodymyr zelenskyy said he wanted to talk with putin because you talk with the one who started the war. you need negotiations, of course. manuel macron will be concerned as well as other members of the security council and other countries guaranteeing neutrality status because volodymyr zelenskyy said he is ready to -- >> guarantees of invasion again. >> absolutely. >> they have said this completely changes the european security system that's been basically in effect since the end of the second world war. do you agree or can one get back to a pre-war situation? >> i think it's not possible really to go to a pre-war situation because it's tangential, cyber wars, but not conventional war in the middle of europe like it was during the second world war, also putin at some point mentionment nuclear armament. i think we have to seriously, the way to react. that's why for us it is very important because as you know, emanuel macron wants to strengthen in euro france. it is important we have good relations with the u.s. sometimes the u.s. might not be interested -- >> in issues that face you. >> issues that are facing europe. it is important for us to be stronger. >> ambassador, thank you so much indeed for joining us. >> thank you very much. so, we have got a lot more news coming up, and we will go ahead with our breaking news coverage of russia's war in ukraine. let's head back to lviv where is isa soares is standing by. isa. >> thanks very much, christian. right here on the show, russian state media, an oil depot is on fire in the region bordering ukraine. i'll have the details after a very short break. do stay right here. septic syste but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scscientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. wet dishes? spots? cloudy glasses? when detergent alone isn't enough... ...add finish jet dry 3 in 1. to dry, prevent spots, and protect glasses against cloudiness. the dishes aren't done without finish jet dry 3 in 1. we are tracking news of a russian attack here in the lviv region of ukraine. a local military official says there's been a missile attack on a railway station. the emergency service is working to try and extinguish a fire after the explosion. we haven't had information on casualties as yet, but we'll keep on top of this breaking news as soon as there are any developments. of course we will bring that to you. this is coming, of course, after a trip by top u.s. officials to ukraine, secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lot austin took to kyiv a short time ago. they met as you can see there with president volodymyr zelenskyy and other top officials. meantime, the ukrainian military is warning russian forces may try to launch a new offensive from the kherson region. an offensive strike formation from the kherson region as moscow refocusses its efforts to try and take eastern as well as southern ukraine. russia is also launching new attacks on the besieged city of mariupol when estimated thousand women and children are sheltering in a steel plant. that includes about 500 or so wounded in that plant. ukraine's deputy prime minister said they are trying to open humanitarian corridor today after being able to do so on sunday. and this new video, this drone video coming to cnn shows destruction outside of kyiv, the town as you can see, severely damaged there. for more on all of this, let's bring in a political editor and coo of the kyiv independent newspaper in ukraine. alexis, thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us this morning. a pretty busy morning. we heard in the last few hours or so a show of support from u.s. officials as well as pledges of more financial military aid to ukraine. how important is this as we see this new offensive by russia ramping up? >> obviously despite all the criticism u.s. officials were getting for not helping ukraine enough, u.s. is still the biggest supporter of ukraine. the largest amount of finances are coming from the u.s. this is very important for ukraine to continue the cooperation with the states. obviously the visit by blinken and austin was meant to increase the military support in the wake of the battle of donbas which is already ongoing and where ukraine needs much support primarily from the united states. >> and just explain, alexei, explain why the u.s. is the biggest supporter of zelenskyy here, and not just zelenskyy, but on the ground. >> well, obviously ukraine needs more. ukraine needs an embargo on russian energy. ukraine needs more arms. ukraine needs financial help. and during the early stages of the war, when many western officials thought that ukraine will fall in a matter of days, the support was pretty slow and many in ukraine thought that the u.s. basically gave up on ukraine. but then u.s. obviously bolstered its support, increased military spending on ukraine, and now we don't see any criticism in ukraine concerning the u.s. >> yeah, and we see that support being announced, again, in the last few hours. we heard also from secretary austin who said he believes -- the u.s. believes ukraine can win the war, and really secretary blinken said russia is losing the war. is this a morale boost, would you say, to ukrainian soldiers right across the country? >> obviously it's a morale boost. obviously ukrainian officials, western officials saying ukraine is winning is helping the ukrainian army to hold on. obviously this is not exactly true, i would say, but it is very important that the world backs ukraine and that the ukrainian soldiers feel the support from their leadership and from the international players. >> okay. on that, alxeei, what's not true, you don't believe ukraine is winning? >> it's hard to say that a country is winning when foreign troops are on the offensive, right. if ukraine succeeds in repelling russian attacks on donbas, if ukraine succeeds in defending donetsk and the cities, then we can say probably ukraine will either be on the offensive or is winning diplomatically politically, right. but right now when russia is still on the offense, when ukrainian cities are shelled, when multiple regional capitals are on fire, it is hard to say ukraine is winning this war. >> and one of the acts we've seen of bravery and defiance is in mariupol where we have so many soldiers, ukrainian soldiers as well as civilians really hold up inside the steel plant. in mariupol, we're hoping for an evacuation corridor. that hasn't happened. the situation is increasingly dire. what more can you tell us? >> well, i think that russia won't allow any sort of humanitarian corridors because russia wants blood. obviously ukraine will evacuate civilians and soldiers so russia will get the strategic city and save the lives of their own soldiers and russia said no. absolutely no idea why they said no. this doesn't make sense. but russia continues to attack this plant. continues to have more arms. unfortunately ukraine doesn't have the capacity to either break siege or to save those people. but ukrainian leadership is definitely trying to evacuate those people. and i hope that they will actually succeed. >> and, yeah, it is incredibly dire what's happening right now. just for viewers to get a sense, so many of those children haven't seen daylight for, what, 50 plus days and what that is doing to their health. thank you very much for your perspective. really appreciate it. meantime, russian state media says a fire has broken out at an oil depot in the region. rescue teams are at the scene. the cause of the fire is unclear. for more let's bring in claire sebastian in london. claire, what more can you tell us about this large fire in bryansk? >> reporter: it came in nine hours ago. emergency services were said to be heading to the scene. the region is about 100 miles or even less from the ukrainian border near the regions. it is very close to the conflict there. there have been no reports of casualties. no explanation to the cause, but it is confirmed by the local emergency's ministry according to russian state media, state news agency as having hit the fuel tank there. clearly we're looking at a potentially very large fire. the russian investigative committee, a sort of top federal investigative unit in russia, they are said to be launching an investigation. they have been ordered to do so by the head of the investigative committee who said they should launch a criminal investigation here. that is significant. they are apparently sending a team to the scene of forensic experts and investigators. again, i want to point out the location because it was here in the middle of april that russia said it was investigating what it believes was a strike by a ukrainian helicopter on a town in the bryansk region. they said russia accused ukraine of attacking another fuel. we don't know what the cause of this was. we don't onofre much more than that. there are parallels in what we've seen, accusations from russia in the past few weeks. >> and, claire, what we have seen in the last hour or so from u.s. officials as more military assistance is coming ukraine's way, how is this being received by moscow? is it ruffling any feathers? >> reporter: isa, what i can tell you is there is a lot of displeasure in russia about the degree to which the u.s. and other allies are arming ukraine. there is an interview today by the russia 24 tv channel with the russian ambassador to the u.s. it hasn't been played yet, but he called the 800 million figure which is the latest package of weapons the u.s. is sending to ukraine, he called that huge. he said that does not help in the quest for a diplomatic solution. he said a note of protest has been sent to washington by the, presumably the russian embassy protesting pumping ukraine, very em emotive language. russia is stretched thin in the latest offensive against donbas. the ukrainian army is constantly replenished is worrying to them. cle >> clearly it is ruffling their feathers. claire, good to see you. in the last few minutes, the russian attack in the lviv region of ukraine where i am, the railway forces said it was struck in central and western ukraine. the statement accuses russian troops are disat the matt kelley destroying railway infrastructure, adding within one hour, five railway stations were hit, five in just one hour. there are said to be casualties. we'll bring you more information as we have it. that coming to us the last few minutes. the head of state railway russia has struck five railway stations in central and western ukraine. one of those about 35 miles or so from where i am in lviv, ukraine. coming up, what the head of doctors without borders says he is seeing on the front lines here. and the desperate need to get civilians out. that's next. some home fragrances can be... overwhelming. air wick fresh new day fills your space with fragrance that's always fresh, never overpowerining. air wick. coconnect to nature. (heartbeats) introducing icy hot pro. with 2 max-strength pain relievers. ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with pro-level contrast therapy. rise from pain. welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm isa soares coming to you live from lviv, ukraine. i want to bring breaking news. the head of state railway said russia has struck five stations and substation of the railway station following missile attack in lviv region. we have no immediate word on casualties, but officials say russian forces launched the missiles into ukraine from the southeast likely from strategic bombers. as i am talking to you, here is an air siren. we heard the initial air siren over an hour or so ago. we normally get two. one when it's obviously an alert, a warning, and the second when an all-clear has been given. so this, i would assume, would be the all-clear. obviously what we saw that first siren was what was happening, those railway stations being hit, that breaking news five railway stations being hit. we'll stay on top of the story. this is the reality not just for us, but many civilians. this is what they have to live with as the sirens continue to sound across ukraine, as russia continues to push, not just east, not just the south, but clearly? different parts of ukraine. and that is the all-clear for people living here in lviv. we'll stay on top of this breaking news story for you. meantime, against this backdrop that i've just described, two top u.s. officials met with volodymyr zelenskyy on sunday. secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin. the highest level u.s. officials to visit ukraine since the conflict began 16 days ago, obviously visiting as sirens continue to sound day in, day out. blinken pulling no punches when speaking about the invasion, have a listen. >> russia has sought as its principle aid to subjugate ukraine, to take away its sovereignty, to take away its independence. that has failed. it sought to assert the power of its military and economy. we are seeing just the opposite. a military that is dramatically under performing, an economy as a result of sanctions as a result of the mass exodus from russia that is in shambles. and it sought to divide the west, nato. we are seeing exactly the opposite. >> but russia is continuing to step up its military campaign in the east. ukraine's military governor said nine russian missiles struck the ukrainian city on sunday. and despite being orthodox sunday easter, no humane tearian corridors were open. according to ukrainian officials russia would not guarantee a cease-fire. the deputy prime minister said she hopes the un can broker an evacuation when the secretary-general visits moscow this week. to put into perspective for you, more than 5.1 million people have fled the country. 7.7 are displaced right now. well, steven cornish is director general of frontier. he is joining me from dnipro, ukraine. give us a sense of what you've been seeing on the ground. >> well, here in dnipro things are quite calm, but our teams are on the front lines to the east where we are seeing an increase in trauma cases and are working to increase ambulance service there to be able to bring trauma cases back from front line hospitals to areas that are more secure from the south. we are continuing to receive displaced peoples in cities where our teams are working in the shelters, bringing mental health support. ukrainians are doing good job between the locals and the medics. we are bringing things falling through the gaps and we know many of these people have lived through weeks and weeks of intense shelling. there are stories of heart break and loss for every family that has made it which are as important as the physical ones. >> no doubt. before we came to you, it is not just those who left, but displaced, 7.7, a staggering figure. in the last hour or so, the top of the hour, i reported on the fact the u.s. defense official and the highest diplomat in the u.s. have provided, pledging more support medical aid to ukraine. what do you want to see in the package from an aid standpoint here? >> i wouldn't be able to comment on what's in the u.s. package. i know the types of humanitarian and medical assistance we're providing on the front line, medical and surgical apparatus. we are also very concerned with the elderly populations left behind in many of these towns. people with poor diets living under shelling and underground basements having existing conditions like diabetes difficult to find medicine, hypertension due to the war and the diet. we're seeing noncommunicable diseases and it is important we bring the medicine for everyday occurrences and health care system that was in place is tenuous that we administer to the population all the types that we have not only the war-related drama. we have seen from our teams on the ground in the towns shall like the elderly as you pointed out. has nsf been able to get supplies to those in the front line, those who decided they can't leave or won't leave? give us a sense of what you're hearing, teams on the ground are hearing. sometimes we're able to directly, sometimes volunteer networks. many shoulder bedridden elderly patients, even looking for adult diapers. it's difficult to get to everywhere, everyone, and there are many places where health care is extremely short supply, where they have been visiting donetsk, with such intense shelling it is not possible for us to go. we have to ensure our teams are safe as well. and so there definitely are gaps where the needs are not being met. we hope to visit all of those areas. it is important all parties to the conflict spare civilians and medical infrastructure. we see sometimes in this could be inflict that is not allegation the case. >> what you've highlighted there, steven, the desperate need for humanitarian corpse steven cornish, thank you for taking time to speak to us. thank you for your team for the incredible work you are doing on the ground. and if you would like to help those in ukraine who may be in need of shelter, food and water, please go to our website, there you'll find several ways you can help safely and securely and in the -- that sigh rent wasn't the all-clear. danger is very much in place. this, of course, as we heard in the last few minutes, that russia has attacked five railway stations in central and western ukraine. one of them about 35 miles or so from our live position here in lviv. of course, we'll stay on top of the breaking news. as soon as we have more, we shall bring it to you. in the meantime, i want to send it to max foster in london. max. eight isa, thank you. just ahead, it is a milestone for the people's revolutionary army. find out what north korea might have in store for the big occasion. like ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fueuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> see when it happens at the very much indeed. the missile station has wrapped up. it pays millions of dollars for the experience and getting more than they bargained for. that story just ahead. hot tub, why not?? anand of course, puppy-friendly. we don't t like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., bookingng.yeah. it's started. somewhere between cuddle and a struggle, it's...thside hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination - a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the "dad cab", it's my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor about hpv vaccination today. migraine attacks? you can't always avoid triggers like changes in weather. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. the first all-private mission to the international space station will soon be back home. the passengers enjoyed a few extra days among the stars due to weather delays down here on earth. cnn's rachel crane give us the rundown on what they experienced in space. >> reporter: the mission to the international space station is now back to earth. they docked at the space station to begin its roughly 16 hour journey home. it distanced away from the international space station and orbited off the coast of florida. the four crew members will be able to take in whopping $55 million a seat for. the whole mission was only intended to be about ten days, but mother nature was on their side, because weather violations at the landing sights delays this turn added five days to simply enjoy the space above. they were busy on station and accomplished 100 areas of citing future at slights for space habitats as well as educational outreach even nfts. while it willage nasa and spacex, it's just the beginning, they say. the company has plans for several private journeys like this one and they intend to add their own module in the international space station to house more private astronauts and having their own free flying space station. nba with four games on the slate. the rallied the pelicans to 108-103. the golden state warriors were defeated 126-121. denver got an mvp like performance out of their top center. the top seated miami heat rolled past the atlanta hawks. 110-106. they had no answer to jimmy butler who led with 36 points. they lead the series 2 games to 1. the milwaukee bucks took down the chicago bulls. they are one win away from ending that series in five games. that does it here on "cnn newsroom." i'm max foster in london. our coverage continues with laura jarrett on "early start." you're watching cnn. yep, them too. it's an invigorating rush... ...zappingng millions of germs in seconds. for that one-of-a-kind whoa... ...which leaves you feeling.g... ahhhhhhh listerine. feel the e whoa! i'm jonathan lawson he to tell you about life insurance through thcolonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

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far-right rival marine le pen. it's also been 20 years since the last time a french president was re-elected in france. now, leaders including u.s. president joe biden, the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, and european leaders and the russian president vladimir putin have congratulated mr. macron on his victory. now, the french leader admits that he has work to do, but he promised the next five years will not be a continuation of his first term, and he pledged to work for all of france. here's what he said after the victory was announced. >> translator: and i know that for a number of my come pay trats who chose the far-right, the anger and the discord which brought them to vote for her project also merits a response. it will also be my responsibility and the responsibility of those who surround me. >> and he knows he has a tough uphill battle to meet ought promise to reunite the country. some protesters were angry about the results and they turned out in paris and they said a far word about police. they rallied behind his election victory and we'll have much more on the vote in a few minutes. but first, our other top story this hour has been the trip by the two top u.s. officials to ukraine to meet with president volodymyr zelenskyy. that was on sunday. ukraine's government released this video of the secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin. they were greeted by mr. zelenskyy before they sat for their long meeting. it's the highest level u.s. officials to have visited ukraine since russia's invasion began. they spoke a short time ago in poland after returning from their trip, and they pledged to continue humanitarian economic and military support. they did all this standing in front of aid supplies that were bound for ukraine. and, indeed, lloyd austin, the defense secretary, pledged that they would help ukraine, quote, win this fight. and secretary blinken added they would do all they could to help ukraine end this fight, to lay the possible groundwork for any diplomacy or negotiation should that take place. for more on all of this, let's go to isa soares in lviv, ukraine. >> good morning to you, christiane. let me bring our viewers up to date from what we heard from the secretaries as they spoke across the board in lviv, ukraine. they were in poland. is what was the secretary said, a productive as well as engaging meeting with president zelenskyy. they met in kyiv, a meeting that lasted three hour or so at the presidential palace. r'riel i, the top lines that came out from secretary blinken, ukraine was winning the war russia was losing it. russia is subjugating ukrainian people and trying to take away its independence, incredibly strong words coming from secretary blinken. the highest officials to visit kyiv from the united states. secretary blinken also praising the civilians of ukraine, praising the ukrainian soldiers for really standing up and for pushing back against russian aggression. have a listen to what he said. >> it is also true that russia continues to try to brutal eyes pa -- brutalize parts of the country. the death and destruction is horrific. the ukrainians are standing up, standing strong and doing that with the support that we have coordinated from literally around the world. >> they believe that we can win. we believe we can win -- they can win if they have the right equipment, the right support. >> reporter: and defense secretary austin went on to say, we want putin, we want russia, he said, to be weakened. important words coming from the secretary. secretary blinken said something that stood out to me. he said a sovereign ukraine, christiane, will be around much longer than putin will be on the scene. in terms of deliverables of what president zelenskyy was hoping to get out of the meeting, he said i hope my guests will not come empty-handed which secretary blinken said we never come empty-handed. we know us diplomats will be starting their way to ukraine this week. they will be making day trips in and out of ukraine primarily coming to the city where i am, in lviv. we also know that president biden is expected to nominate a new ambassador to ukraine, the current ambassador to slovakia. of course, ukraine hasn't had an ambassador since 2009. on the question of military, financial support as well, we know biden intends to over that $730 million, $730 million and additional support to ukraine as well as 50 allied partners. in the last few minutes we have heard from president zelenskyy following that meeting with the top officials from the united states. i want to read out part of what president zelenskyy said. and he said this. we appreciate the unprecedented assistance of the united states to ukraine. i would like to thank president biden personally and on behalf of the entire ukrainian people for his leadership in supporting ukraine through his personal clear position to thank all the american people as well as buy camera and bipartisan support. we see it, we feel it. christiane? >> isa, thank you there in lviv. of course, isa will be back with much more ahead on the war in ukraine. but clearly, isa, everybody can see the united states is speeding weaponry to ukraine. defense secretary lloyd austin said they wanted to be one step ahead of the changing battle field, and they have now laid out that they want to help ukraine win this fight. it's crucial, to hear his words, and particularly to raise the pain on putin to potentially bring him to some kind of negotiation should that, in fact, happen. so, more now on emanuel macron's victory because president biden has also congratulated that victory, saying that he looks forward to working with president macron, continuing on the work they are doing jointly with europe and the whole transatlantic alliance on ukraine and, of course, to keep supporting the democracy mission around the world. let's first bring in senior international correspondent jim bittermann on the results from last night and what it means going forward, jim. >> reporter: exactly, christiane. president biden may be promising to work with mr. macron, but the political parties here are not necessarily on the same wavelength. here's a paper this morning, great victory, but great challenges. and that is exactly what mr. macron is going to face. here's a little bit more of his speech last night and a little bit more of the le pen concession, non-concession speech that she made. >> translator: we have so much to do and the war in ukraine is a reminder that we are going through tragic times when france must speak out, show the clarity of its choices and build its strength in all areas. and we will do so. we will also need, my friends, to be kind and respectful because our country is full of so many doubts, so many divisions. so we will need to be strong. but no one will be left behind. >> translator: this result constitutes for our french leaders as well as for european leaders the sign of a great defiance of the french people towards them which they can't ignore, and that of a widely shared aspiration for a big change. the french have shown tonight their wish for a counter power that is strong against that of emanuel macron's. >> reporter: so, madam le pen did not, in fact, congratulate mr. macron on his victory and, in fact, did not promise to work with him or anything like that. in fact, she laid down the gauntlet and said she's going to be challenging him along the line. in fact, there is kind of an interesting headline i want to point out here this morning. in paris they did a poll with ipsos. this was taken after the victory of mr. macron, and basically some interesting statistics how the french felt afterwards. 20% were disappointed. 20% were relieved, 18% angry. and another statistic is that 77% think that mr. macron is going to have trouble in the coming months. so it's kind of a rocky start to his presidency. we'll see. the legislative elections are coming up in june and we'll see how that all turns out. not a lot of promise that things are going to be peaceful and calm here, christiane. >> jim, thank you. and, of course, so much at stake. joining me now here is a veteran french diplomat. she has been ambassador in russia, in china, in the uk, and she's joining us now to discuss this election. i guess your first impressions on what his victory means, his reelection. >> i think it is very important, not only for france, but also for the world because he is the senior leader now, and especially now because we have a war in the middle of europe. and the fact that it's a clear victory is important because it is more than 58%. >> when you say senior leader, you're right. he does step into the shoes of angela merkel who used to be considered the senior european leader. so he's rile kind of at the top of the european pyramid now. >> absolutely. he is also chairing the end of june. >> the rotating presidency. >> absolutely. he is very pro european. he made his first campaign on this basis, and five years after that again, it's europe which is at the center of his policy. >> he's also been veal i strong about, with the joint european and u.s. response, to russia's war in ukraine. i just want to read you this and see what you think. you've been ambassador to russia. vladimir putin congratulated emanuel macron. he may have wanted marine le pen to win but he congratulated macron. i sincerely wish you success in your state activities as well as good health and well-being. president macron has tried very hard to use his personal diplomacy to end this war, calling macron -- calling putin a lot of times in the beginning. that didn't go great. >> no, because i think that putin has already decided to go to war unfortunately. in the past he had some success with him. for instance, when he met him in 2019, and then the result was a normal diplomat meeting on minsk, and it was very encouraging at that time. but after that there was the covid and then putin was very isolated and i think it was too late. when emanuel macron went to see him, i think he already decided to go to war. >> so given that fact, given what we're seeing and given the fact this war isn't turning out as putin expected, nobody expected, not even ukraine's allies expected it to be brave and courageous and all of that. what happens next? what has to happen? what does putin need to know in order to come to the negotiating table? >> well, i think there is to be some balance on the ground because if he loses everything, i'm afraid he will continue the war. of course, what is the most important is the situation in donbas. it's mariupol which is not only already won, but we'll see if it is possible for putin to stop this war and to enter into negotiations. as you know, volodymyr zelenskyy said he wanted to talk with putin because you talk with the one who started the war. you need negotiations, of course. manuel macron will be concerned as well as other members of the security council and other countries guaranteeing neutrality status because volodymyr zelenskyy said he is ready to -- >> guarantees of invasion again. >> absolutely. >> they have said this completely changes the european security system that's been basically in effect since the end of the second world war. do you agree or can one get back to a pre-war situation? >> i think it's not possible really to go to a pre-war situation because it's tangential, cyber wars, but not conventional war in the middle of europe like it was during the second world war, also putin at some point mentionment nuclear armament. i think we have to seriously, the way to react. that's why for us it is very important because as you know, emanuel macron wants to strengthen in euro france. it is important we have good relations with the u.s. sometimes the u.s. might not be interested -- >> in issues that face you. >> issues that are facing europe. it is important for us to be stronger. >> ambassador, thank you so much indeed for joining us. >> thank you very much. so, we have got a lot more news coming up, and we will go ahead with our breaking news coverage of russia's war in ukraine. let's head back to lviv where is isa soares is standing by. isa. >> thanks very much, christian. right here on the show, russian state media, an oil depot is on fire in the region bordering ukraine. i'll have the details after a very short break. do stay right here. septic syste but rid-x does. in a 21 month study, scscientists proved that rid- x reduces up to 20% of waste build up every month. take the pressure off with rid-x. wet dishes? spots? cloudy glasses? when detergent alone isn't enough... ...add finish jet dry 3 in 1. to dry, prevent spots, and protect glasses against cloudiness. the dishes aren't done without finish jet dry 3 in 1. we are tracking news of a russian attack here in the lviv region of ukraine. a local military official says there's been a missile attack on a railway station. the emergency service is working to try and extinguish a fire after the explosion. we haven't had information on casualties as yet, but we'll keep on top of this breaking news as soon as there are any developments. of course we will bring that to you. this is coming, of course, after a trip by top u.s. officials to ukraine, secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lot austin took to kyiv a short time ago. they met as you can see there with president volodymyr zelenskyy and other top officials. meantime, the ukrainian military is warning russian forces may try to launch a new offensive from the kherson region. an offensive strike formation from the kherson region as moscow refocusses its efforts to try and take eastern as well as southern ukraine. russia is also launching new attacks on the besieged city of mariupol when estimated thousand women and children are sheltering in a steel plant. that includes about 500 or so wounded in that plant. ukraine's deputy prime minister said they are trying to open humanitarian corridor today after being able to do so on sunday. and this new video, this drone video coming to cnn shows destruction outside of kyiv, the town as you can see, severely damaged there. for more on all of this, let's bring in a political editor and coo of the kyiv independent newspaper in ukraine. alexis, thank you so much for taking the time to speak to us this morning. a pretty busy morning. we heard in the last few hours or so a show of support from u.s. officials as well as pledges of more financial military aid to ukraine. how important is this as we see this new offensive by russia ramping up? >> obviously despite all the criticism u.s. officials were getting for not helping ukraine enough, u.s. is still the biggest supporter of ukraine. the largest amount of finances are coming from the u.s. this is very important for ukraine to continue the cooperation with the states. obviously the visit by blinken and austin was meant to increase the military support in the wake of the battle of donbas which is already ongoing and where ukraine needs much support primarily from the united states. >> and just explain, alexei, explain why the u.s. is the biggest supporter of zelenskyy here, and not just zelenskyy, but on the ground. >> well, obviously ukraine needs more. ukraine needs an embargo on russian energy. ukraine needs more arms. ukraine needs financial help. and during the early stages of the war, when many western officials thought that ukraine will fall in a matter of days, the support was pretty slow and many in ukraine thought that the u.s. basically gave up on ukraine. but then u.s. obviously bolstered its support, increased military spending on ukraine, and now we don't see any criticism in ukraine concerning the u.s. >> yeah, and we see that support being announced, again, in the last few hours. we heard also from secretary austin who said he believes -- the u.s. believes ukraine can win the war, and really secretary blinken said russia is losing the war. is this a morale boost, would you say, to ukrainian soldiers right across the country? >> obviously it's a morale boost. obviously ukrainian officials, western officials saying ukraine is winning is helping the ukrainian army to hold on. obviously this is not exactly true, i would say, but it is very important that the world backs ukraine and that the ukrainian soldiers feel the support from their leadership and from the international players. >> okay. on that, alxeei, what's not true, you don't believe ukraine is winning? >> it's hard to say that a country is winning when foreign troops are on the offensive, right. if ukraine succeeds in repelling russian attacks on donbas, if ukraine succeeds in defending donetsk and the cities, then we can say probably ukraine will either be on the offensive or is winning diplomatically politically, right. but right now when russia is still on the offense, when ukrainian cities are shelled, when multiple regional capitals are on fire, it is hard to say ukraine is winning this war. >> and one of the acts we've seen of bravery and defiance is in mariupol where we have so many soldiers, ukrainian soldiers as well as civilians really hold up inside the steel plant. in mariupol, we're hoping for an evacuation corridor. that hasn't happened. the situation is increasingly dire. what more can you tell us? >> well, i think that russia won't allow any sort of humanitarian corridors because russia wants blood. obviously ukraine will evacuate civilians and soldiers so russia will get the strategic city and save the lives of their own soldiers and russia said no. absolutely no idea why they said no. this doesn't make sense. but russia continues to attack this plant. continues to have more arms. unfortunately ukraine doesn't have the capacity to either break siege or to save those people. but ukrainian leadership is definitely trying to evacuate those people. and i hope that they will actually succeed. >> and, yeah, it is incredibly dire what's happening right now. just for viewers to get a sense, so many of those children haven't seen daylight for, what, 50 plus days and what that is doing to their health. thank you very much for your perspective. really appreciate it. meantime, russian state media says a fire has broken out at an oil depot in the region. rescue teams are at the scene. the cause of the fire is unclear. for more let's bring in claire sebastian in london. claire, what more can you tell us about this large fire in bryansk? >> reporter: it came in nine hours ago. emergency services were said to be heading to the scene. the region is about 100 miles or even less from the ukrainian border near the regions. it is very close to the conflict there. there have been no reports of casualties. no explanation to the cause, but it is confirmed by the local emergency's ministry according to russian state media, state news agency as having hit the fuel tank there. clearly we're looking at a potentially very large fire. the russian investigative committee, a sort of top federal investigative unit in russia, they are said to be launching an investigation. they have been ordered to do so by the head of the investigative committee who said they should launch a criminal investigation here. that is significant. they are apparently sending a team to the scene of forensic experts and investigators. again, i want to point out the location because it was here in the middle of april that russia said it was investigating what it believes was a strike by a ukrainian helicopter on a town in the bryansk region. they said russia accused ukraine of attacking another fuel. we don't know what the cause of this was. we don't onofre much more than that. there are parallels in what we've seen, accusations from russia in the past few weeks. >> and, claire, what we have seen in the last hour or so from u.s. officials as more military assistance is coming ukraine's way, how is this being received by moscow? is it ruffling any feathers? >> reporter: isa, what i can tell you is there is a lot of displeasure in russia about the degree to which the u.s. and other allies are arming ukraine. there is an interview today by the russia 24 tv channel with the russian ambassador to the u.s. it hasn't been played yet, but he called the 800 million figure which is the latest package of weapons the u.s. is sending to ukraine, he called that huge. he said that does not help in the quest for a diplomatic solution. he said a note of protest has been sent to washington by the, presumably the russian embassy protesting pumping ukraine, very em emotive language. russia is stretched thin in the latest offensive against donbas. the ukrainian army is constantly replenished is worrying to them. cle >> clearly it is ruffling their feathers. claire, good to see you. in the last few minutes, the russian attack in the lviv region of ukraine where i am, the railway forces said it was struck in central and western ukraine. the statement accuses russian troops are disat the matt kelley destroying railway infrastructure, adding within one hour, five railway stations were hit, five in just one hour. there are said to be casualties. we'll bring you more information as we have it. that coming to us the last few minutes. the head of state railway russia has struck five railway stations in central and western ukraine. one of those about 35 miles or so from where i am in lviv, ukraine. coming up, what the head of doctors without borders says he is seeing on the front lines here. and the desperate need to get civilians out. that's next. some home fragrances can be... overwhelming. air wick fresh new day fills your space with fragrance that's always fresh, never overpowerining. air wick. coconnect to nature. (heartbeats) introducing icy hot pro. with 2 max-strength pain relievers. ice works fast... to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with pro-level contrast therapy. rise from pain. welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm isa soares coming to you live from lviv, ukraine. i want to bring breaking news. the head of state railway said russia has struck five stations and substation of the railway station following missile attack in lviv region. we have no immediate word on casualties, but officials say russian forces launched the missiles into ukraine from the southeast likely from strategic bombers. as i am talking to you, here is an air siren. we heard the initial air siren over an hour or so ago. we normally get two. one when it's obviously an alert, a warning, and the second when an all-clear has been given. so this, i would assume, would be the all-clear. obviously what we saw that first siren was what was happening, those railway stations being hit, that breaking news five railway stations being hit. we'll stay on top of the story. this is the reality not just for us, but many civilians. this is what they have to live with as the sirens continue to sound across ukraine, as russia continues to push, not just east, not just the south, but clearly? different parts of ukraine. and that is the all-clear for people living here in lviv. we'll stay on top of this breaking news story for you. meantime, against this backdrop that i've just described, two top u.s. officials met with volodymyr zelenskyy on sunday. secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin. the highest level u.s. officials to visit ukraine since the conflict began 16 days ago, obviously visiting as sirens continue to sound day in, day out. blinken pulling no punches when speaking about the invasion, have a listen. >> russia has sought as its principle aid to subjugate ukraine, to take away its sovereignty, to take away its independence. that has failed. it sought to assert the power of its military and economy. we are seeing just the opposite. a military that is dramatically under performing, an economy as a result of sanctions as a result of the mass exodus from russia that is in shambles. and it sought to divide the west, nato. we are seeing exactly the opposite. >> but russia is continuing to step up its military campaign in the east. ukraine's military governor said nine russian missiles struck the ukrainian city on sunday. and despite being orthodox sunday easter, no humane tearian corridors were open. according to ukrainian officials russia would not guarantee a cease-fire. the deputy prime minister said she hopes the un can broker an evacuation when the secretary-general visits moscow this week. to put into perspective for you, more than 5.1 million people have fled the country. 7.7 are displaced right now. well, steven cornish is director general of frontier. he is joining me from dnipro, ukraine. give us a sense of what you've been seeing on the ground. >> well, here in dnipro things are quite calm, but our teams are on the front lines to the east where we are seeing an increase in trauma cases and are working to increase ambulance service there to be able to bring trauma cases back from front line hospitals to areas that are more secure from the south. we are continuing to receive displaced peoples in cities where our teams are working in the shelters, bringing mental health support. ukrainians are doing good job between the locals and the medics. we are bringing things falling through the gaps and we know many of these people have lived through weeks and weeks of intense shelling. there are stories of heart break and loss for every family that has made it which are as important as the physical ones. >> no doubt. before we came to you, it is not just those who left, but displaced, 7.7, a staggering figure. in the last hour or so, the top of the hour, i reported on the fact the u.s. defense official and the highest diplomat in the u.s. have provided, pledging more support medical aid to ukraine. what do you want to see in the package from an aid standpoint here? >> i wouldn't be able to comment on what's in the u.s. package. i know the types of humanitarian and medical assistance we're providing on the front line, medical and surgical apparatus. we are also very concerned with the elderly populations left behind in many of these towns. people with poor diets living under shelling and underground basements having existing conditions like diabetes difficult to find medicine, hypertension due to the war and the diet. we're seeing noncommunicable diseases and it is important we bring the medicine for everyday occurrences and health care system that was in place is tenuous that we administer to the population all the types that we have not only the war-related drama. we have seen from our teams on the ground in the towns shall like the elderly as you pointed out. has nsf been able to get supplies to those in the front line, those who decided they can't leave or won't leave? give us a sense of what you're hearing, teams on the ground are hearing. sometimes we're able to directly, sometimes volunteer networks. many shoulder bedridden elderly patients, even looking for adult diapers. it's difficult to get to everywhere, everyone, and there are many places where health care is extremely short supply, where they have been visiting donetsk, with such intense shelling it is not possible for us to go. we have to ensure our teams are safe as well. and so there definitely are gaps where the needs are not being met. we hope to visit all of those areas. it is important all parties to the conflict spare civilians and medical infrastructure. we see sometimes in this could be inflict that is not allegation the case. >> what you've highlighted there, steven, the desperate need for humanitarian corpse steven cornish, thank you for taking time to speak to us. thank you for your team for the incredible work you are doing on the ground. and if you would like to help those in ukraine who may be in need of shelter, food and water, please go to our website, there you'll find several ways you can help safely and securely and in the -- that sigh rent wasn't the all-clear. danger is very much in place. this, of course, as we heard in the last few minutes, that russia has attacked five railway stations in central and western ukraine. one of them about 35 miles or so from our live position here in lviv. of course, we'll stay on top of the breaking news. as soon as we have more, we shall bring it to you. in the meantime, i want to send it to max foster in london. max. eight isa, thank you. just ahead, it is a milestone for the people's revolutionary army. find out what north korea might have in store for the big occasion. like ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fueuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> see when it happens at the very much indeed. the missile station has wrapped up. it pays millions of dollars for the experience and getting more than they bargained for. that story just ahead. hot tub, why not?? anand of course, puppy-friendly. we don't t like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., bookingng.yeah. it's started. somewhere between cuddle and a struggle, it's...thside hug. tween milestones like this may start at age 9. hpv vaccination - a type of cancer prevention against certain hpv-related cancers, can start then too. for most, hpv clears on its own. but for others, it can cause certain cancers later in life. you're welcome! now, as the "dad cab", it's my cue to help protect them. embrace this phase. help protect them in the next. ask their doctor about hpv vaccination today. migraine attacks? you can't always avoid triggers like changes in weather. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. the first all-private mission to the international space station will soon be back home. the passengers enjoyed a few extra days among the stars due to weather delays down here on earth. cnn's rachel crane give us the rundown on what they experienced in space. >> reporter: the mission to the international space station is now back to earth. they docked at the space station to begin its roughly 16 hour journey home. it distanced away from the international space station and orbited off the coast of florida. the four crew members will be able to take in whopping $55 million a seat for. the whole mission was only intended to be about ten days, but mother nature was on their side, because weather violations at the landing sights delays this turn added five days to simply enjoy the space above. they were busy on station and accomplished 100 areas of citing future at slights for space habitats as well as educational outreach even nfts. while it willage nasa and spacex, it's just the beginning, they say. the company has plans for several private journeys like this one and they intend to add their own module in the international space station to house more private astronauts and having their own free flying space station. nba with four games on the slate. the rallied the pelicans to 108-103. the golden state warriors were defeated 126-121. denver got an mvp like performance out of their top center. the top seated miami heat rolled past the atlanta hawks. 110-106. they had no answer to jimmy butler who led with 36 points. they lead the series 2 games to 1. the milwaukee bucks took down the chicago bulls. they are one win away from ending that series in five games. that does it here on "cnn newsroom." i'm max foster in london. our coverage continues with laura jarrett on "early start." you're watching cnn. yep, them too. it's an invigorating rush... ...zappingng millions of germs in seconds. for that one-of-a-kind whoa... ...which leaves you feeling.g... ahhhhhhh listerine. feel the e whoa! i'm jonathan lawson he to tell you about life insurance through thcolonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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