Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240708

>> but with variants multiplying and frustrations growing, white house covid response coordinator dr. ashish jha joins me live in studio. the top republican house leader caught on tape saying what he really thinks about donald trump and the insurrection. >> it would be my recommendation he should be gone. >> will his public contradictions matter at all to republicans? hello, i'm dana bash in washington where the state of our union is turning its eyes towards kyiv. today the u.s. secretaries of state and defense are outside the wire. that's according to ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. the pair are on a high-stakes diplomatic trip to meet with him in kyiv. zelenskyy caught the u.s. offguard saturday when he announced the visit and warned that u.s. officials should not come, quote, with empty hands. on the battlefield fighting is disrupting the thorthodox easte holiday. in odesa, the mayor says russian shelling killed at least eight people, including a 3-month-old infant and her mother as russia reveals its goal in ukraine is to take full control over southern ukraine and the donbas region. and two months in, the reverberations of putin's war are contributing to an already difficult economic situation here in the u.s. where inflation is now above 8%. president biden is trying to blame vladimir putin for high gas prices, but our first guest this morning says democrats are going to need to address the concerns of americans or face consequences at the polls. joining me now, democratic senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts. a member of the armed services committee and the banking committee. senator, thank you so much for joining me this morning. you wrote a new op-ed just this week, warning about the economic pain that so many americans are facing. inflation is at a 40-year high. you have been working on economic issues your entire life. so, do you think that inflation has peaked? and could the u.s. be facing a recession? >> look, we have a lot of economic headwinds in front of us, but the way i see this is how families are experiencing it right now. and that is because of supply chain problems and because of price gouging. from giant corporations. families are paying more at the pump, they're paying more when they go to the grocery store. they're paying more when they try to buy hamburger. so, it is the responsibility of congress, of the president, to get out there and make the changes we need to make to bring down those prices for families. and we can do that. we have the tools. but we've got to -- we've got to get up off our rear ends and make it happen. >> do you think that america is heading towards a recession if it doesn't act, if congress and the president don't act? >> look, we are -- we are in an uneasy economic moment, but i think it's -- i think talk of recession is way too early. we are doing better on unkinking the supply chain, and that helps. we also need to push back against the giant corporations that have decided not only are they going to pass along costs, they're going to take a big dollop of extra profits. those are things that get our economy -- i think the way to describe it, they get it out of whack. they get prices too high. we've got too many corporations that are doing too much profit-gathering. but do keep in mind how strong many of the fundamentals are. the president has created 7.9 million new jobs in the first 14 months he's been in office. unemployment is low, and that is a very good sign. gdp is high. we're still seeing growth. so, sure, there's plenty to worry about. obviously, ukraine is another unknown in that, but i think that for me it's less concern about recession over the long arc and more about the immediacy of what's happening to american families. and what we in congress, what our administration, can do about it now. we do those things, you get the fundamentals back in line and i feel better about where the economy goes. >> you probably have seen some highly respected economists, from larry summers to jason furman say it is, in fact, what congress did, the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan, that was too big and is now a contributing factor to inflation. i understand there are a lot of factors that contribute to inflation. is this one of them? >> you know, dana, when says someone too big, i hope they go talk to the millions, millions of small business owners whose businesses were saved because we actually put money into a rescue plan. i also hope they will talk to the millions of people who have gotten vaccinations and who have gotten free testing because that's how we bring covid under control so that businesses can be open, so that this economy can move forward. and talk to the millions of people who have jobs. just over a year ago, the economists were predicting that we were going to be facing multiple years of high unemployment and low gdp. but because the democrats acted -- let's be clear. the democrats last spring had to act alone. couldn't pick up a single republican vote. because the democrats acted, we have the basics, we have the fundamentals working in this economy. you know, there's the difference. the democrats are out there trying to do something. we're trying to save small businesses. we're trying to lower costs for the family who's standing at the grocery checkout line and trying to figure out what to send back because they don't have enough money to cover. and what are the republicans doing? they're saying, let's fight the culture wars. they have no ideas on the economy other than to impose pain on american families and small businesses. that's not an idea. what they want is they want power for themselves rather than to help the american people. >> you're talking about republicans. midterms are now less than 200 days away. i want to share part of president biden's message to democratic donors in seattle just this week. he said, quote, i admit to you what i haven't done. the reason i'm getting out on the road instead of dealing with the day-to-day emergencies in my office is making the case of what we've done. is touting accomplishments a winning strategy for democrats in november? >> look, i am very glad to talk about what we've done, obviously, and i think the president deserves real credit. but it's not enough. we've got less than 200 days until the election and american families are hurting. our job, while we are here in the majority, is to deliver on behalf of those families. and that means making government work for them. and there is so much that we can do and so much, frankly, that is popular across the country. among democrats, republicans and independents. we can, for example, stop the price gouging. let's authorize the ftc to investigate and prosecute on price gouging. let's attack the corruption in washington head on so that we're actually saying, members of congress, can't trade in stocks. let's cancel student loan debt. the president has the power to do that all by himself and would touch the lives of tens of millions of people across this country. there is so much we can do. and if we do it over the next 200 days, we're going to be in fine shape. this is what democracy is about. take it to the people, what we've done, but we need to get the work done. >> and if you don't, will you lose control of congress? >> yeah, i think we're going to be in real trouble if we don't get up and deliver, then i believe that democrats are going to lose. democrats win when they do -- when they work on behalf of working people. and we can't just rest on what we've already done. we need to be fighting going forward. there are things the american people elected us to do and we still need to get out there and do them. we do that, then we're going to be fine in the elections. that's how democrat works. essenpecially when we're up agat a party that just wants to fight culture wars. that's not going to help people in their lives. our job as democrats is to help hard working americans. and we can do that. we can make government work, not just for the billionaires, not just for the giant corporations. we could actually make it work for everyone. but we need to get up and do it. >> senator, the biden administration is reversing what's known as title 42, a trump-era rule, making it easier to turn away migrants at the border. that's going to happen in less than a month. but almost a dozen of your fellow democratic senators are expressing concerns about this. you support lifting title 42, so what is your plan to handle a likely surge in migrants? and are you confident they will be treated humanely? >> look, title 42 is not consistent with our values and it doesn't keep us safer. the biden administration is putting plans in place to deal with people who are asking for amnesty and humanitarian relief at the border. but keep in mind, we need comprehensive immigration reform. and that's something all the democrats are on board for. we have to work out the details. we still need to be in that fight, though. that's where we need to make significant change. >> president biden just unveiled another $800 million package to help ukraine. it's more heavy artillery weapons, tactical drones, economic help and a new refugee program. but he's almost exhausted all of the money that you and congress approved so far. what is congress going to do when you return this coming week? >> if president biden asks for more money in order to support ukraine, either militarily or humanitarian relief, i will support him in that, and i believe all of the democrats will. >> before i let you go, i want to ask about something "the new york times" reported this past week. they revealed new audio from house minority leader kevin mccarthy from the days immediately following january 6th. listen to what he said in two separate calls. again, "the new york times" reported. >> he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened and we need to acknowledge that. >> the discussion i did have with him is that i think this will pass. and it would be my recommendation he should resign. >> you know, he's not saying that now. what's your reaction? >> kevin mccarthy is a liar and a traitor. this is outrageous. and that is really the illness that pervades the republican leadership right now. they say one thing to the american public and something else in private. they understand that it is wrong what happened, an attempt to overthrow our government. and that the republicans instead want to continue to try to figure out how to make 2020 election different instead of spending their energy on how it is that we go forward in order to build an economy, in order to make this country work better for the people who sent us to washington. shame on kevin mccarthy. >> senator elizabeth warren, thank you for joining me this morning. >> you bet. good to see you. up next, the first ever ukrainian-born lawmaker elected to the u.s. congress joins us exclusively from kyiv in the very middle of a personal trip. ahead, there are tapes. will kevin mccarthy's private words cost him his dream job? it's likely, really dependent on a man named donald trump and his temper. 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>> well, i think you know, i actually met with the head of ukrainian church and people, you know, even they go through trouble but they try to celebrate it. they also had today -- they brought them fire from jerusalem to go around the country and bring this holy spirit of jerusalem. and i happened to be there when it was crossing the border. so, they actually let me greet it with one of the priests. that was really an amazing experience for me. i think that's a god's blessing for this country because god supports people that fight for good and people that really fight the evil. and these people do fight the evil. >> that sounds incredibly powerful. president zelenskyy says that secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin are visiting where you are, in kyiv today. does that send a strong enough message of solidarity from the u.s. government? >> well, i think it's important. i'm glad to see some of our elected officials do come here. you know, our people do support this fight. it's important for us to be on the ground and shows that, you know, our country stands with the people of ukraine. i hope i send a letter to secretary blinken, maybe we could bring back some diplomacy to kyiv. to work with ukrainian government. i think we can do that. i'm glad to see some and i hope president biden will actually some day to make here to meet with president zelenskyy, prime minister boris johnson came to ukraine. we can do it. we're a strong country, strong people. we can definitely arrange for people to come and visit ukrainians. >> you're saying u.s. should reopen diplomatic facilities of some kind in ukraine? >> yes. a lot of countries actually bringing back to kyiv. at least we can do, actually bring it to maybe lviv. you do take some risks. you need to be smart. that's a part of your job, so do your service. if you're not on the ground, it's very difficult to do your job. it's important and also sends a strong message for ukrainian people. they're fighting a big war. you know, they fighting for freedoms and for all of us. it's important for them to see that support and it makes them stronger. and they're going to win it. you know, the visuals of that support, americans being here t will be very, very important for them. >> president biden just unveiled another $800 million package of that size, and it includes more heavy artillery weapons, tactical drones and also additional economic support. are you satisfied that the biden administration is doing enough? and if not, how much more money should congress approve to help? >> well, i think, you know, i'm glad you've seen in the recent few weeks they are doing more serious support because they really need it. to tell you the truth, when they approved last package, i would probably flip. instead of giving $3.5 billion to military aid and $10 billion to humanitarian aid, i haven't even seen it or given money to organizations like u.n. never to be seen anywhere, not really doing the job they should be doing. we actually need to put more pressure, you know, for them to enforce humanitarian corridors, to do more functions for them to, you know, negotiate peace. but i haven't seen them or do humanitarian missions. nothing is happening here. i do think they need more security assistance but we need to ask question. what's happening with the other $10 billion we provided because i haven't seen it on the ground anywhere at all. these people are suffering. this humanitarian crisis is going to be very, very significant. not just here but it's going to destabilize the whole world with everything happening in the ports and everywhere else. it's a very situation here. >> congresswoman, we've been talking about protecting democracy abroad where you are. but i do want to ask about a different kind of threat to democracy here in the u.s. an audio copy of a call that kevin mccarthy had with some of his colleagues, obtained by "the new york times," where he shared some strong feelings about president trump about what happened on january 6th. this call happened just days after the attack. take a listen. >> in our discussion i did have with him is that, i think this will pass. and it would be my recommendation he should resign. >> he went on to say in another call that, quote, he's had it with this guy. he's the leader of your republican caucus. what's your reaction? >> well, i think you know we'll have a lot of politics. we'll do all these different debates but i'll be honest, we need to really deal with serious issue right now. we have war in europe, we have serious situation on the border and this -- if we lift title 42. let's deal with serious issue. i know there's a lot of politics, a lot of drama. i'll tell you one thing, our republican party is a very diverse party and we have difference opinion which is good. we don't have a top-down approach. we have to have debate about issues and ideas. i think it's healthy. i'll sort out politics but i really want us to figure out how we can find some common ground to work on issues. even on a bipartisan basis because we do have serious issues. >> that's absolutely true. but one thing that's not a policy debate is the question of telling the truth. and it doesn't seem that he did. does that bother you, particularly on something as grave and as important as what happened on january 6th? >> well, i think they need to explain. i don't know, i don't have review of personal conversation, who said what. leader mccarthy and president trump, they need to do explanation of what's happening and explain what's happening. i wasn't there. i didn't hear it. there is a lot of things people try to spin, so i'm not going to comment. but i think they should discuss what's happening and explain what it was and why it is, but ultimately, people have different opinions. people change views. that's okay. that's a part of political process, to communicate and have different views and learn about the issues and maybe change opinions and have debate and deliberation. that's very healthy. it's not necessarily people tell the truth, but people can change an opinion based on learning about circumstances. i wasn't there. but i tell you one thing that i was very surprised, i was in the chair on january 6th, that after we had breaks, we were in the chambers, it took us almost an hour before nancy pelosi stopped the session. that was surprising for me because it posed a lot of risks for the members inside and for also our capitol police. we never got an answer to that question. hopefully some day we will. >> before i let you go, congresswoman, we talked at the beginning about your grandmothers. they are still there in ukraine. you were able to attend easter services with one of them earlier this morning. there's a photo of both of you. she's 88 years old. the other is 95. they've both lived through so much. they've lived through the horrors of hitler and stalin and now putin. you must be incredibly worried about their safety. >> well with, i do. you know, i -- honestly, they're really in shock. they couldn't believe after everything ukraine went through, stalin, world war ii, most of my family was killed. my grandmother i met today, her father, her mother, everyone was shot because they were helping to lead partisan woman, her father, and ukrainians pay for so many blood, you know, to win that war. so, for her it's like unbelievable. but i'm more worried about the young kids that now getting shelled and killed and raped. they're raping teenage girls. the atrocities that are happening in this country, even some man i talked to was crying. this is so bad. you know, i mean, this is something that's unbelievable. and the world has to help ukraine to win this war, bring the peace back to europe and bring the international order back. that's the responsibility for us. we need to put more pressure on russia. >> thank you for sharing that. thank you so much for joining me this morning. and happy easter to you. >> thank you. the u.s. arrives at another coronavirus crossroads. are mask mandates on planes gone for good? do you need a fourth shot? we'll ask the new doctor in charge of the biden white house covid response. stay with us. 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>> good morning, first of all. thank you for having me here. yes, so indeed, first of all, take a step back. we're in a much better place than we have been throughout much of this pandemic. 200 million americans vaccinated. hospitalizations are at the lowest in the entire pandemic, since march of 2020. you're absolutely right. case numbers are rising, driven by this ba.2 subvariant of omicron. we're going to watch this carefully. my expectation is that we're going to see cases go up, cases go down. the key things, make sure hospitalizations and deaths are not rising in any substantial way. looking at variants, paying very close attention. let's see where the next few months go. i'm concerned. i want to watch those numbers. at this point i remain confident we'll get through this without disruption. >> we were talking before the show about this figure, 50% increase over the last two weeks and about how that last year would have made everybody go back inside. it is a different world now. there are questions still that a lot of people have about what do you do with information like that, that case counts are rising? >> first of all, absolutely right. we would have reacted to this differently a year ago. cases are still important. infections are still important. we want to keep infection numbers low. but they mean something different than they did a year ago. they mean something different because people are vaccinated and boosted. they mean something different because we have a lot more therapeutics available. we have to change our behavior and respond in a different way as the pandemic evolves. i think at this point responding with care and caution but not overreacting is critical. >> one of the ways we have changed our behavior, thanks to a federal court ruling this week, is there are no mask mandates on planes, on trains, on buses. you mentioned that deaths are at their lowest rates. hospitalization numbers are better. many airlines and transportation systems did follow suit and lift their mandate. so, take aside the legal dispute right now. do you believe a federal mask mandate on transportation is necessary? >> so, let's go back to about ten days ago when the cdc scientists asked for a 15-day extension. why did they ask for that? all the stuff we've been talking about. new ba.2 cases are rising and they said we need a 15-day time period to assess whether that is going to lead to a big spike in hospitalizations and deaths. any time you have a new variant, you want to know, how is it going to play out? that's what the cdc scientists asked for. i think it's really important in a pandemic to do things like that, give scientists time to assess this. that was the basis for asking for that extension. i thought that was very reasonable. i wish we had been able to carry through with that. >> listen to what dr. fauci told my colleague kasey hunt. >> this is the purview of the cdc. this is a public health issue. we are concerned about courts getting involved in things that unequivocally public health decisions. this is a cdc issue. it should not have been a court issue. >> can you clarify that? what is the biden administration position on the judicial branch and its right to have influence over a public health policy? >> judiciary plays an important issue. co-equal branch of government. i believe decisions around those should be driven by the scientists, whether people should be on masks or not. that's certainly what it means to follow the science and look at what the scientific agencies are recommending. obviously, the judiciary has an important role to play. what you heard out of the administration, out of the department of justice was the assessment that this was an incorrect decision and the doj is now appealing that decision. >> there is so much frustration among a lot of parents who have children under 5, that there is not a vaccine yet for them. what's the holdup and when will it get done? >> i have a lot of friends with kids under 5. i totally understand they're frustrated. i'm frustrated on their behalf. throughout the whole pandemic we have made these determinations based on when we have evidence and data. right now neither moderna nor pfizer have yet submitted an application for emergency authorization. we expect moderna to do that this week. and then the fda scientists are going to do what they have done throughout the whole pandemic, right, which is they're going to evaluate the data, assess it for safety and effectiveness and make a determination of when it meets their standards. they'll make that determination. >> when do you think that could be? >> it's really hard for me sitting here to prejudge that analysis. they will move very quickly, as they have throughout. i have no expectations that there are going to be any major hiccups, this should move quickly. >> it's going to be may next week. you're talking the spring, the snurm. >> my expectation is it's going to happen in the next couple months. >> people want to make summer plans. >> i understand. that's my mental model, it's going to happen in the next couple months. if you look at the timeline of how we've done that in the past, that's been the timeline. i'm expecting that to be, again, what happens here. very hard to prejudge a specific date and time. we really have to let them do their work. we want to be fast but we want to be right. >> dr. ashish jha, nice to see you in person. >> nice to see you. florida's governor tells disney, you know, just stick to cartoons. what does the latest front in the culture war mean for the midterms? we'll talk about that and much more with our panel. they're here after a quick break. for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nututrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete wiwith 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? 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>> i'm not sure what call your talking about. >> i've been very clear to the president, he bears responsibilities for his words and actions. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened and he needs to acknowledge that. >> welcome back to "state of the union." we're here with our panel, scott jennings, i'm going to put this to you. you heard the contradiction there. what are the implications? >> well, i don't think there are really any implications because it doesn't seem like the house republican conference is revolting against leader mccarthy, doesn't sound like donald trump, from the reporting, is upset with leader mccarthy. and i think if i were in his shoes, i would pivot back to what the midterm is going to be about, inflation, crime, immigration and those that matter to the american voters. i don't get the feeling today that is going to have any impact whatsoever on his attempt to become speaker after the republicans win. >> alyssa farah-griffin, you worked in the house as a republican member. you worked in the trump white house. you heard that president trump, scott referred to this, told "the wall street journal" he's not mad at mccarthy. i think it's all a big compliment, frankly. >> i think right now donald trump is kind of relishing the fact that he's gotten people to flip so much from where they were on january 7th. i would disagree a tiny bit with scott. i think i was in the house in 2015 when mccarthy was denied the speakership by the rightmost flank. that flank will be much larger after the midterms and they're going to use every piece of leverage they have to get one of their own into leaderships or get real extractions out of him. my predictions is you'll have to see mccarthy suck up to the marjorie taylor greene and paul for countless reasons. >> we've seen the tapes leaked, and it's not as if donald trump takes a position, and always sticks with it. so, we may see him wake up tomorrow and chance his minds. but i just wish that republicans could be more brave in public. it reminded me of a meeting i had with someone in our state senate who told me, you dare leave here and tweet we had a good meeting. if only we could talk in public about how we get along and how we work across party lines. and i think the country would be in much better shape. >> a republican said that to you in georgia? >> absolutely. a republican leader who shall remain nameless. >> absolutely. first of all, i think one of the lessons is also, don't lie. i mean, we've seen this time and time again in crisis communications. once you lie and there is a tape of any sort, then you're in bigger trouble. but the reality is, the hypocrisy from the republican party, saying one thing in private, then saying something else in public, is just -- i mean, do you really want to be seen like that to the american people when this issue shouldn't be political. >> i say this with respect. you sound like a democrat, because what scott just said is, there is no lesson here. it doesn't matter. >> well, the question is, what happens next? i mean, you know, there are some crisis communications lessons to be learned here, perhaps. >> but are there? is this even a crisis? isn't it a crisis that it's not a crisis? >> it overtook a couple of news cycles. the request he is, six months from now, eight months from now, a year from now, is this going to have any impact on him seeking this? i don't personally believe it is because his constituents are the house republican conference. his constituency is not, with all due respect to "the new york times," so they don't seem upset about it in this moment. if they don't get that way over time, and if republicans win a big victory, i just don't see them holding it against them. >> i think it's emblematic of a bigger problem in the trump era, which is for the last plus five years republicans have said something very differently privately than publicly. i speak to some who say they don't want to see him in office, they were tired of the way he's conducted himself since leaving and publicly are going to stand with him. i think that's problematic and revealatory to the public. they don't fall for this. >> let's talk about what's happening in florida and how that impacts politics across the country. governor desantis signed a law to strip disney over its special status of florida law which bans certain discussion about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools. just a few weeks ago, right at this table i asked a different republican governor, larry hogan of maryland, about that. >> the whole thing seems like just, you know, a crazy fight. he wants to criticize disney for expressing, you know, how they feel about that bill. i mean, they have every right to. we have a thing called freedom of speech. they can come out and say what they think. >> a former mayor of a southern city. do you think that there is something there that republicans are kind of grabbing onto that is politically potent? >> yeah. i think this is a very dangerous area. we saw it in georgia when there was criticism from delta air lines over the new voter bill. there was an attempt to take away $35 million in gas tax credits. now, the difference, disney world can't just pick up and leave florida, but when you target corporations who have choices, they can move their headquarters anywhere in the world, then i think that it is very dangerous path for the republican party, especially the party that claims to be pro-business. and you are stifling the ability of people to express an opinion. and what we see happening in florida is the first, i'm sure, of many steps, as we've seen in georgia. and we are seeing it across the country. >> democratic michigan state senator went viral this week for forcefully pushing back against these republican efforts. listen to this. >> very notion that learning about slavery or red lining or systemic racism somehow means children are being taught to feel bad or hate themselves because they are white is absolute nonsense. we cannot let hateful people tell you otherwise to scapegoat and deflect from the fact that they are not doing anything to fix the real issues. >> is that how democrats should react across the board? >> well, i think that democrats should call out the fact that republicans continue to focus on culture wars instead of, for example, fighting the pandemic, fighting russian aggression, ensuring that we are doing everything we can to bring down costs. if republicans want to make this an election about culture wars, then they're going to lose the midterms. one thing that republicans should look at is the democratic playbook after we lost everything in 2016. democrats weren't out there fighting culture wars. democrats were out there running on health care. they were running on issues to make people's lives better. that's how we won the house, the senate and the white house. and if republicans don't do that, then they're not going to win. >> republicans are really unhappy with some of these corporations in georgia, in florida and elsewhere who weighed into these issues with aggressive stupidity. ceos of these companies, ho call up like ron desantis, like the ceo of disney did, they haven't read the law. they buy into the narrative, like coca-cola, mlb, bought into the narrative of the voting law, but they didn't listen to their people or whoever about what's in the law. i'm a little nervous about conservatives using government to punish people, but at the other end of it, i think somebody needs to be taught a lesson here because what they portrayed the florida law was is not what it does and the ceo of disney kicked open the saloon door here and started shooting from the hip and winged the bartender and piano player without realizing where he was. ron desantis, the sheriff came in, and said, not in my town. i'm sympathetic. >> you don't think there should be criticism of a voter law that says you can't hand out water in 90-degree weather when people are standing in line to vote in georgia? >> it's easier to vote in georgia than it is in delaware, in new york, than it is in all these other states. the way the voter law was portrayed in georgia by the media, by this so-called don't say gay bill was portrayed in florida, was a complete lie. it was a farce. it was a narrative. these ceos got into a situation that then got out of their control. i would think they would use this as a learning experience. >> i will we have high fuel prices under president biden and that is where we should be focused. >> if you're ron desantis, this guys has all of the right enemies. whether it's luck or smarts. and this is the right enemy for him. >> we're going to have to leave it there. a lot more to talk about. up next -- the man who took on vladimir putin and lived. stay with us. come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ since i left for college, my dad has gotten back into some of his old hobbies. and now he's taking trulicity, and it looks like he's gotten into some new healthier habits, too. what changes are you making for your type 2 diabetes? 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Redness , Breast Cancer , Taking Verzenio , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Infection , Hr , Menopause Status , Fulvestrant , Hormone Therapy , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Blood Cell Counts , Lung Inflammation , Chills , Signs , Fever , Fluids , Swelling , Chest Pain , Blood Clots , Liver Problems , Trouble Breathing , Breath , Breathing , Appetite Loss , Heart Rate , Cough , Bleeding , Bruising , Shortness , Arms , Legs , Everyday Verzenio , Phone Call , 11 , January 11th , Responsibilities , Talking , Actions , Implications , House Republican Conference , Contradiction , Scott Jennings , Doesn T Sound Like , Midterm , Upset , Reporting , Immigration , Shoes , Crime , House , Voters , Feeling , Speaker , Alyssa Farah Griffin , Compliment , Wall Street Journal , Flank , The Rightmost Flank , Bit , Speakership , January 7th , 2015 , 7 , Leaderships , Leverage , Extractions , Predictions , Piece , Reasons , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Paul , Meeting , State Senate , Chance , Minds , Brave , Georgia , Party Lines , Shape , Crisis Communications , Lessons , Don T Lie , Nameless , Shouldn T Be Political , Hypocrisy , Reality , Private , Sort , Lesson , Respect , It Doesn T Matter , Isn T , It A Crisis , Couple , Request , News Cycles , Six , Constituency , Victory , Constituents , Problem , Trump , Five , Publicly , Ron Desantis , Status , Revealatory , Law To Strip Disney , Florida Law , The Public , Gender Identity , Sexual Orientation , Schools , Table , Maryland , Bill , Freedom Of Speech , Southern City , Area , Grabbing , Criticism , Voter Bill , Gas Tax Credits , Disney World , Delta Air Lines , 35 Million , 5 Million , Choices , Headquarters , Path , Steps , Ability , Efforts , Slavery , Red Lining , Notion , Michigan , White , Nonsense , Hate , Racism , Scapegoat , Anything , Board , Playbook , Aggression , Health Care , Democrats Weren T Out There Fighting Culture Wars , Senate , 2016 , 2016 Democrats , Ceo , Ceos , They Haven T , Elsewhere , Companies , Stupidity , Law , Narrative , Voting Law , Conservatives , Mlb , Coca Cola , Somebody , Saloon Door , Shooting , Hip , Voter Law , Piano Player , Water , Bartender , Town , Weather , 90 , States , Standing , New York , Don T Say Gay Bill , Delaware , The Media , Learning Experience , Lie , Farce , Fuel Prices , Enemy , Guys , Enemies , Smarts , Luck , Dad , College , Hobbies , Taking Trulicity , Type 2 Diabetes , Changes , Habits , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , It Isn T , Don T , Type 1 Diabetes , Use , 10 , 1 , Stomach Pain , Neck , Lump , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Stop Trulicity , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Vomiting , Nausea , Bonnie , Video Call , Video Calls , Messages , Bout A Ringcentral , Be Cool , Stallion , Horse , Holocaust Remembrance Day , Singers , Story , Musical , Group , Relevance , Stage , Comedians , Case Teaching , Nazis , Harmony , Men , Fellow , Relationships , Jewish , Contrast , America , Records , Movies , 12 , Anti Semitism , Levels , Rise , Joys , Landing , True Story , Sounds , Special , On Putin , On Demand , Being Barry Manilow , Navalny , Cnn , The Truth Is Sundance Award , Kremlin , Name , Passengers , Agony , 00 , Windshield , Tech , Trust Safelite , He Wouldn T , Glass , Daughter , Smash , Pop Rock Music Tech , Hicar , Crack , Pulover , Safety System , Features , Car , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Safelite Repair , Cancer Discovery , Internet , Technology , Business Internet , Security , Fiber Solutions , Network , Largest , Speeds , Needs , Gigs , Lots , Price , Choice , Business Solutions , Company , Call Today , Provider , Voice , Price Guarantee , 24 , 9 99 , 49 99 , Program , Around The World , Public Square , Fareed Zakaria , V , Offensive , Mark Hertling ,

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Transcripts For CNN State Of The Union With Jake Tapper And Dana Bash 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN State of the Union With Jake Tapper and Dana Bash 20240708

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>> but with variants multiplying and frustrations growing, white house covid response coordinator dr. ashish jha joins me live in studio. the top republican house leader caught on tape saying what he really thinks about donald trump and the insurrection. >> it would be my recommendation he should be gone. >> will his public contradictions matter at all to republicans? hello, i'm dana bash in washington where the state of our union is turning its eyes towards kyiv. today the u.s. secretaries of state and defense are outside the wire. that's according to ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. the pair are on a high-stakes diplomatic trip to meet with him in kyiv. zelenskyy caught the u.s. offguard saturday when he announced the visit and warned that u.s. officials should not come, quote, with empty hands. on the battlefield fighting is disrupting the thorthodox easte holiday. in odesa, the mayor says russian shelling killed at least eight people, including a 3-month-old infant and her mother as russia reveals its goal in ukraine is to take full control over southern ukraine and the donbas region. and two months in, the reverberations of putin's war are contributing to an already difficult economic situation here in the u.s. where inflation is now above 8%. president biden is trying to blame vladimir putin for high gas prices, but our first guest this morning says democrats are going to need to address the concerns of americans or face consequences at the polls. joining me now, democratic senator elizabeth warren of massachusetts. a member of the armed services committee and the banking committee. senator, thank you so much for joining me this morning. you wrote a new op-ed just this week, warning about the economic pain that so many americans are facing. inflation is at a 40-year high. you have been working on economic issues your entire life. so, do you think that inflation has peaked? and could the u.s. be facing a recession? >> look, we have a lot of economic headwinds in front of us, but the way i see this is how families are experiencing it right now. and that is because of supply chain problems and because of price gouging. from giant corporations. families are paying more at the pump, they're paying more when they go to the grocery store. they're paying more when they try to buy hamburger. so, it is the responsibility of congress, of the president, to get out there and make the changes we need to make to bring down those prices for families. and we can do that. we have the tools. but we've got to -- we've got to get up off our rear ends and make it happen. >> do you think that america is heading towards a recession if it doesn't act, if congress and the president don't act? >> look, we are -- we are in an uneasy economic moment, but i think it's -- i think talk of recession is way too early. we are doing better on unkinking the supply chain, and that helps. we also need to push back against the giant corporations that have decided not only are they going to pass along costs, they're going to take a big dollop of extra profits. those are things that get our economy -- i think the way to describe it, they get it out of whack. they get prices too high. we've got too many corporations that are doing too much profit-gathering. but do keep in mind how strong many of the fundamentals are. the president has created 7.9 million new jobs in the first 14 months he's been in office. unemployment is low, and that is a very good sign. gdp is high. we're still seeing growth. so, sure, there's plenty to worry about. obviously, ukraine is another unknown in that, but i think that for me it's less concern about recession over the long arc and more about the immediacy of what's happening to american families. and what we in congress, what our administration, can do about it now. we do those things, you get the fundamentals back in line and i feel better about where the economy goes. >> you probably have seen some highly respected economists, from larry summers to jason furman say it is, in fact, what congress did, the $1.9 trillion american rescue plan, that was too big and is now a contributing factor to inflation. i understand there are a lot of factors that contribute to inflation. is this one of them? >> you know, dana, when says someone too big, i hope they go talk to the millions, millions of small business owners whose businesses were saved because we actually put money into a rescue plan. i also hope they will talk to the millions of people who have gotten vaccinations and who have gotten free testing because that's how we bring covid under control so that businesses can be open, so that this economy can move forward. and talk to the millions of people who have jobs. just over a year ago, the economists were predicting that we were going to be facing multiple years of high unemployment and low gdp. but because the democrats acted -- let's be clear. the democrats last spring had to act alone. couldn't pick up a single republican vote. because the democrats acted, we have the basics, we have the fundamentals working in this economy. you know, there's the difference. the democrats are out there trying to do something. we're trying to save small businesses. we're trying to lower costs for the family who's standing at the grocery checkout line and trying to figure out what to send back because they don't have enough money to cover. and what are the republicans doing? they're saying, let's fight the culture wars. they have no ideas on the economy other than to impose pain on american families and small businesses. that's not an idea. what they want is they want power for themselves rather than to help the american people. >> you're talking about republicans. midterms are now less than 200 days away. i want to share part of president biden's message to democratic donors in seattle just this week. he said, quote, i admit to you what i haven't done. the reason i'm getting out on the road instead of dealing with the day-to-day emergencies in my office is making the case of what we've done. is touting accomplishments a winning strategy for democrats in november? >> look, i am very glad to talk about what we've done, obviously, and i think the president deserves real credit. but it's not enough. we've got less than 200 days until the election and american families are hurting. our job, while we are here in the majority, is to deliver on behalf of those families. and that means making government work for them. and there is so much that we can do and so much, frankly, that is popular across the country. among democrats, republicans and independents. we can, for example, stop the price gouging. let's authorize the ftc to investigate and prosecute on price gouging. let's attack the corruption in washington head on so that we're actually saying, members of congress, can't trade in stocks. let's cancel student loan debt. the president has the power to do that all by himself and would touch the lives of tens of millions of people across this country. there is so much we can do. and if we do it over the next 200 days, we're going to be in fine shape. this is what democracy is about. take it to the people, what we've done, but we need to get the work done. >> and if you don't, will you lose control of congress? >> yeah, i think we're going to be in real trouble if we don't get up and deliver, then i believe that democrats are going to lose. democrats win when they do -- when they work on behalf of working people. and we can't just rest on what we've already done. we need to be fighting going forward. there are things the american people elected us to do and we still need to get out there and do them. we do that, then we're going to be fine in the elections. that's how democrat works. essenpecially when we're up agat a party that just wants to fight culture wars. that's not going to help people in their lives. our job as democrats is to help hard working americans. and we can do that. we can make government work, not just for the billionaires, not just for the giant corporations. we could actually make it work for everyone. but we need to get up and do it. >> senator, the biden administration is reversing what's known as title 42, a trump-era rule, making it easier to turn away migrants at the border. that's going to happen in less than a month. but almost a dozen of your fellow democratic senators are expressing concerns about this. you support lifting title 42, so what is your plan to handle a likely surge in migrants? and are you confident they will be treated humanely? >> look, title 42 is not consistent with our values and it doesn't keep us safer. the biden administration is putting plans in place to deal with people who are asking for amnesty and humanitarian relief at the border. but keep in mind, we need comprehensive immigration reform. and that's something all the democrats are on board for. we have to work out the details. we still need to be in that fight, though. that's where we need to make significant change. >> president biden just unveiled another $800 million package to help ukraine. it's more heavy artillery weapons, tactical drones, economic help and a new refugee program. but he's almost exhausted all of the money that you and congress approved so far. what is congress going to do when you return this coming week? >> if president biden asks for more money in order to support ukraine, either militarily or humanitarian relief, i will support him in that, and i believe all of the democrats will. >> before i let you go, i want to ask about something "the new york times" reported this past week. they revealed new audio from house minority leader kevin mccarthy from the days immediately following january 6th. listen to what he said in two separate calls. again, "the new york times" reported. >> he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened and we need to acknowledge that. >> the discussion i did have with him is that i think this will pass. and it would be my recommendation he should resign. >> you know, he's not saying that now. what's your reaction? >> kevin mccarthy is a liar and a traitor. this is outrageous. and that is really the illness that pervades the republican leadership right now. they say one thing to the american public and something else in private. they understand that it is wrong what happened, an attempt to overthrow our government. and that the republicans instead want to continue to try to figure out how to make 2020 election different instead of spending their energy on how it is that we go forward in order to build an economy, in order to make this country work better for the people who sent us to washington. shame on kevin mccarthy. >> senator elizabeth warren, thank you for joining me this morning. >> you bet. good to see you. up next, the first ever ukrainian-born lawmaker elected to the u.s. congress joins us exclusively from kyiv in the very middle of a personal trip. ahead, there are tapes. will kevin mccarthy's private words cost him his dream job? it's likely, really dependent on a man named donald trump and his temper. 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(all): hail, caesar! pssst caesar! julius! dude, you should really check in with your team on ringcentral. i was thinking like... oh hi, caesar. we were just talking about you. ha ha ha. yeah, you should probably get out of here. not good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome back to "state of the union." a homecoming to a health scare. victoria spartz was born in ukraine. both of her grandmothers are still there, living through vladimir putin's eight-week-old war. spartz was on the front line to see the fighting and devastation, including in bucha. she's back in ukraine today to celebrate easter. victoria spartz joining us today. happy easter to you. first, what's it like to be back there? it should be a celebration with your family, and, instead, you see your country of birth under assault. >> thank you for having me. thank you, really, for covering what's happening in ukraine because this is very -- mean, it's terrible. it's horrific situation. but it's also so inspiring. and i felt, you know, that it's so important for me to go and see my grandma, who is getting very, very old. you don't know how many easters she's going to have. to support the people here because they fight this big war for freedom and i think we know, we as americans know when we look at that, it makes us stronger, too. i talked to one of them, an american here today. he told me, you know, victoria, these ukrainians are more american than i thought. they really remind us of americans and i'm happy to be here to support them in these very difficult times. >> what's it like there in the capital city at the moment? >> well, i think you know, i actually met with the head of ukrainian church and people, you know, even they go through trouble but they try to celebrate it. they also had today -- they brought them fire from jerusalem to go around the country and bring this holy spirit of jerusalem. and i happened to be there when it was crossing the border. so, they actually let me greet it with one of the priests. that was really an amazing experience for me. i think that's a god's blessing for this country because god supports people that fight for good and people that really fight the evil. and these people do fight the evil. >> that sounds incredibly powerful. president zelenskyy says that secretary of state antony blinken and defense secretary lloyd austin are visiting where you are, in kyiv today. does that send a strong enough message of solidarity from the u.s. government? >> well, i think it's important. i'm glad to see some of our elected officials do come here. you know, our people do support this fight. it's important for us to be on the ground and shows that, you know, our country stands with the people of ukraine. i hope i send a letter to secretary blinken, maybe we could bring back some diplomacy to kyiv. to work with ukrainian government. i think we can do that. i'm glad to see some and i hope president biden will actually some day to make here to meet with president zelenskyy, prime minister boris johnson came to ukraine. we can do it. we're a strong country, strong people. we can definitely arrange for people to come and visit ukrainians. >> you're saying u.s. should reopen diplomatic facilities of some kind in ukraine? >> yes. a lot of countries actually bringing back to kyiv. at least we can do, actually bring it to maybe lviv. you do take some risks. you need to be smart. that's a part of your job, so do your service. if you're not on the ground, it's very difficult to do your job. it's important and also sends a strong message for ukrainian people. they're fighting a big war. you know, they fighting for freedoms and for all of us. it's important for them to see that support and it makes them stronger. and they're going to win it. you know, the visuals of that support, americans being here t will be very, very important for them. >> president biden just unveiled another $800 million package of that size, and it includes more heavy artillery weapons, tactical drones and also additional economic support. are you satisfied that the biden administration is doing enough? and if not, how much more money should congress approve to help? >> well, i think, you know, i'm glad you've seen in the recent few weeks they are doing more serious support because they really need it. to tell you the truth, when they approved last package, i would probably flip. instead of giving $3.5 billion to military aid and $10 billion to humanitarian aid, i haven't even seen it or given money to organizations like u.n. never to be seen anywhere, not really doing the job they should be doing. we actually need to put more pressure, you know, for them to enforce humanitarian corridors, to do more functions for them to, you know, negotiate peace. but i haven't seen them or do humanitarian missions. nothing is happening here. i do think they need more security assistance but we need to ask question. what's happening with the other $10 billion we provided because i haven't seen it on the ground anywhere at all. these people are suffering. this humanitarian crisis is going to be very, very significant. not just here but it's going to destabilize the whole world with everything happening in the ports and everywhere else. it's a very situation here. >> congresswoman, we've been talking about protecting democracy abroad where you are. but i do want to ask about a different kind of threat to democracy here in the u.s. an audio copy of a call that kevin mccarthy had with some of his colleagues, obtained by "the new york times," where he shared some strong feelings about president trump about what happened on january 6th. this call happened just days after the attack. take a listen. >> in our discussion i did have with him is that, i think this will pass. and it would be my recommendation he should resign. >> he went on to say in another call that, quote, he's had it with this guy. he's the leader of your republican caucus. what's your reaction? >> well, i think you know we'll have a lot of politics. we'll do all these different debates but i'll be honest, we need to really deal with serious issue right now. we have war in europe, we have serious situation on the border and this -- if we lift title 42. let's deal with serious issue. i know there's a lot of politics, a lot of drama. i'll tell you one thing, our republican party is a very diverse party and we have difference opinion which is good. we don't have a top-down approach. we have to have debate about issues and ideas. i think it's healthy. i'll sort out politics but i really want us to figure out how we can find some common ground to work on issues. even on a bipartisan basis because we do have serious issues. >> that's absolutely true. but one thing that's not a policy debate is the question of telling the truth. and it doesn't seem that he did. does that bother you, particularly on something as grave and as important as what happened on january 6th? >> well, i think they need to explain. i don't know, i don't have review of personal conversation, who said what. leader mccarthy and president trump, they need to do explanation of what's happening and explain what's happening. i wasn't there. i didn't hear it. there is a lot of things people try to spin, so i'm not going to comment. but i think they should discuss what's happening and explain what it was and why it is, but ultimately, people have different opinions. people change views. that's okay. that's a part of political process, to communicate and have different views and learn about the issues and maybe change opinions and have debate and deliberation. that's very healthy. it's not necessarily people tell the truth, but people can change an opinion based on learning about circumstances. i wasn't there. but i tell you one thing that i was very surprised, i was in the chair on january 6th, that after we had breaks, we were in the chambers, it took us almost an hour before nancy pelosi stopped the session. that was surprising for me because it posed a lot of risks for the members inside and for also our capitol police. we never got an answer to that question. hopefully some day we will. >> before i let you go, congresswoman, we talked at the beginning about your grandmothers. they are still there in ukraine. you were able to attend easter services with one of them earlier this morning. there's a photo of both of you. she's 88 years old. the other is 95. they've both lived through so much. they've lived through the horrors of hitler and stalin and now putin. you must be incredibly worried about their safety. >> well with, i do. you know, i -- honestly, they're really in shock. they couldn't believe after everything ukraine went through, stalin, world war ii, most of my family was killed. my grandmother i met today, her father, her mother, everyone was shot because they were helping to lead partisan woman, her father, and ukrainians pay for so many blood, you know, to win that war. so, for her it's like unbelievable. but i'm more worried about the young kids that now getting shelled and killed and raped. they're raping teenage girls. the atrocities that are happening in this country, even some man i talked to was crying. this is so bad. you know, i mean, this is something that's unbelievable. and the world has to help ukraine to win this war, bring the peace back to europe and bring the international order back. that's the responsibility for us. we need to put more pressure on russia. >> thank you for sharing that. thank you so much for joining me this morning. and happy easter to you. >> thank you. the u.s. arrives at another coronavirus crossroads. are mask mandates on planes gone for good? do you need a fourth shot? we'll ask the new doctor in charge of the biden white house covid response. stay with us. 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>> good morning, first of all. thank you for having me here. yes, so indeed, first of all, take a step back. we're in a much better place than we have been throughout much of this pandemic. 200 million americans vaccinated. hospitalizations are at the lowest in the entire pandemic, since march of 2020. you're absolutely right. case numbers are rising, driven by this ba.2 subvariant of omicron. we're going to watch this carefully. my expectation is that we're going to see cases go up, cases go down. the key things, make sure hospitalizations and deaths are not rising in any substantial way. looking at variants, paying very close attention. let's see where the next few months go. i'm concerned. i want to watch those numbers. at this point i remain confident we'll get through this without disruption. >> we were talking before the show about this figure, 50% increase over the last two weeks and about how that last year would have made everybody go back inside. it is a different world now. there are questions still that a lot of people have about what do you do with information like that, that case counts are rising? >> first of all, absolutely right. we would have reacted to this differently a year ago. cases are still important. infections are still important. we want to keep infection numbers low. but they mean something different than they did a year ago. they mean something different because people are vaccinated and boosted. they mean something different because we have a lot more therapeutics available. we have to change our behavior and respond in a different way as the pandemic evolves. i think at this point responding with care and caution but not overreacting is critical. >> one of the ways we have changed our behavior, thanks to a federal court ruling this week, is there are no mask mandates on planes, on trains, on buses. you mentioned that deaths are at their lowest rates. hospitalization numbers are better. many airlines and transportation systems did follow suit and lift their mandate. so, take aside the legal dispute right now. do you believe a federal mask mandate on transportation is necessary? >> so, let's go back to about ten days ago when the cdc scientists asked for a 15-day extension. why did they ask for that? all the stuff we've been talking about. new ba.2 cases are rising and they said we need a 15-day time period to assess whether that is going to lead to a big spike in hospitalizations and deaths. any time you have a new variant, you want to know, how is it going to play out? that's what the cdc scientists asked for. i think it's really important in a pandemic to do things like that, give scientists time to assess this. that was the basis for asking for that extension. i thought that was very reasonable. i wish we had been able to carry through with that. >> listen to what dr. fauci told my colleague kasey hunt. >> this is the purview of the cdc. this is a public health issue. we are concerned about courts getting involved in things that unequivocally public health decisions. this is a cdc issue. it should not have been a court issue. >> can you clarify that? what is the biden administration position on the judicial branch and its right to have influence over a public health policy? >> judiciary plays an important issue. co-equal branch of government. i believe decisions around those should be driven by the scientists, whether people should be on masks or not. that's certainly what it means to follow the science and look at what the scientific agencies are recommending. obviously, the judiciary has an important role to play. what you heard out of the administration, out of the department of justice was the assessment that this was an incorrect decision and the doj is now appealing that decision. >> there is so much frustration among a lot of parents who have children under 5, that there is not a vaccine yet for them. what's the holdup and when will it get done? >> i have a lot of friends with kids under 5. i totally understand they're frustrated. i'm frustrated on their behalf. throughout the whole pandemic we have made these determinations based on when we have evidence and data. right now neither moderna nor pfizer have yet submitted an application for emergency authorization. we expect moderna to do that this week. and then the fda scientists are going to do what they have done throughout the whole pandemic, right, which is they're going to evaluate the data, assess it for safety and effectiveness and make a determination of when it meets their standards. they'll make that determination. >> when do you think that could be? >> it's really hard for me sitting here to prejudge that analysis. they will move very quickly, as they have throughout. i have no expectations that there are going to be any major hiccups, this should move quickly. >> it's going to be may next week. you're talking the spring, the snurm. >> my expectation is it's going to happen in the next couple months. >> people want to make summer plans. >> i understand. that's my mental model, it's going to happen in the next couple months. if you look at the timeline of how we've done that in the past, that's been the timeline. i'm expecting that to be, again, what happens here. very hard to prejudge a specific date and time. we really have to let them do their work. we want to be fast but we want to be right. >> dr. ashish jha, nice to see you in person. >> nice to see you. florida's governor tells disney, you know, just stick to cartoons. what does the latest front in the culture war mean for the midterms? we'll talk about that and much more with our panel. they're here after a quick break. for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nututrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete wiwith 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ this is vuity™, the first and only fda approved eye-drop that improves age-related blurry near vision. wait, what? 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>> i'm not sure what call your talking about. >> i've been very clear to the president, he bears responsibilities for his words and actions. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened and he needs to acknowledge that. >> welcome back to "state of the union." we're here with our panel, scott jennings, i'm going to put this to you. you heard the contradiction there. what are the implications? >> well, i don't think there are really any implications because it doesn't seem like the house republican conference is revolting against leader mccarthy, doesn't sound like donald trump, from the reporting, is upset with leader mccarthy. and i think if i were in his shoes, i would pivot back to what the midterm is going to be about, inflation, crime, immigration and those that matter to the american voters. i don't get the feeling today that is going to have any impact whatsoever on his attempt to become speaker after the republicans win. >> alyssa farah-griffin, you worked in the house as a republican member. you worked in the trump white house. you heard that president trump, scott referred to this, told "the wall street journal" he's not mad at mccarthy. i think it's all a big compliment, frankly. >> i think right now donald trump is kind of relishing the fact that he's gotten people to flip so much from where they were on january 7th. i would disagree a tiny bit with scott. i think i was in the house in 2015 when mccarthy was denied the speakership by the rightmost flank. that flank will be much larger after the midterms and they're going to use every piece of leverage they have to get one of their own into leaderships or get real extractions out of him. my predictions is you'll have to see mccarthy suck up to the marjorie taylor greene and paul for countless reasons. >> we've seen the tapes leaked, and it's not as if donald trump takes a position, and always sticks with it. so, we may see him wake up tomorrow and chance his minds. but i just wish that republicans could be more brave in public. it reminded me of a meeting i had with someone in our state senate who told me, you dare leave here and tweet we had a good meeting. if only we could talk in public about how we get along and how we work across party lines. and i think the country would be in much better shape. >> a republican said that to you in georgia? >> absolutely. a republican leader who shall remain nameless. >> absolutely. first of all, i think one of the lessons is also, don't lie. i mean, we've seen this time and time again in crisis communications. once you lie and there is a tape of any sort, then you're in bigger trouble. but the reality is, the hypocrisy from the republican party, saying one thing in private, then saying something else in public, is just -- i mean, do you really want to be seen like that to the american people when this issue shouldn't be political. >> i say this with respect. you sound like a democrat, because what scott just said is, there is no lesson here. it doesn't matter. >> well, the question is, what happens next? i mean, you know, there are some crisis communications lessons to be learned here, perhaps. >> but are there? is this even a crisis? isn't it a crisis that it's not a crisis? >> it overtook a couple of news cycles. the request he is, six months from now, eight months from now, a year from now, is this going to have any impact on him seeking this? i don't personally believe it is because his constituents are the house republican conference. his constituency is not, with all due respect to "the new york times," so they don't seem upset about it in this moment. if they don't get that way over time, and if republicans win a big victory, i just don't see them holding it against them. >> i think it's emblematic of a bigger problem in the trump era, which is for the last plus five years republicans have said something very differently privately than publicly. i speak to some who say they don't want to see him in office, they were tired of the way he's conducted himself since leaving and publicly are going to stand with him. i think that's problematic and revealatory to the public. they don't fall for this. >> let's talk about what's happening in florida and how that impacts politics across the country. governor desantis signed a law to strip disney over its special status of florida law which bans certain discussion about sexual orientation and gender identity in schools. just a few weeks ago, right at this table i asked a different republican governor, larry hogan of maryland, about that. >> the whole thing seems like just, you know, a crazy fight. he wants to criticize disney for expressing, you know, how they feel about that bill. i mean, they have every right to. we have a thing called freedom of speech. they can come out and say what they think. >> a former mayor of a southern city. do you think that there is something there that republicans are kind of grabbing onto that is politically potent? >> yeah. i think this is a very dangerous area. we saw it in georgia when there was criticism from delta air lines over the new voter bill. there was an attempt to take away $35 million in gas tax credits. now, the difference, disney world can't just pick up and leave florida, but when you target corporations who have choices, they can move their headquarters anywhere in the world, then i think that it is very dangerous path for the republican party, especially the party that claims to be pro-business. and you are stifling the ability of people to express an opinion. and what we see happening in florida is the first, i'm sure, of many steps, as we've seen in georgia. and we are seeing it across the country. >> democratic michigan state senator went viral this week for forcefully pushing back against these republican efforts. listen to this. >> very notion that learning about slavery or red lining or systemic racism somehow means children are being taught to feel bad or hate themselves because they are white is absolute nonsense. we cannot let hateful people tell you otherwise to scapegoat and deflect from the fact that they are not doing anything to fix the real issues. >> is that how democrats should react across the board? >> well, i think that democrats should call out the fact that republicans continue to focus on culture wars instead of, for example, fighting the pandemic, fighting russian aggression, ensuring that we are doing everything we can to bring down costs. if republicans want to make this an election about culture wars, then they're going to lose the midterms. one thing that republicans should look at is the democratic playbook after we lost everything in 2016. democrats weren't out there fighting culture wars. democrats were out there running on health care. they were running on issues to make people's lives better. that's how we won the house, the senate and the white house. and if republicans don't do that, then they're not going to win. >> republicans are really unhappy with some of these corporations in georgia, in florida and elsewhere who weighed into these issues with aggressive stupidity. ceos of these companies, ho call up like ron desantis, like the ceo of disney did, they haven't read the law. they buy into the narrative, like coca-cola, mlb, bought into the narrative of the voting law, but they didn't listen to their people or whoever about what's in the law. i'm a little nervous about conservatives using government to punish people, but at the other end of it, i think somebody needs to be taught a lesson here because what they portrayed the florida law was is not what it does and the ceo of disney kicked open the saloon door here and started shooting from the hip and winged the bartender and piano player without realizing where he was. ron desantis, the sheriff came in, and said, not in my town. i'm sympathetic. >> you don't think there should be criticism of a voter law that says you can't hand out water in 90-degree weather when people are standing in line to vote in georgia? >> it's easier to vote in georgia than it is in delaware, in new york, than it is in all these other states. the way the voter law was portrayed in georgia by the media, by this so-called don't say gay bill was portrayed in florida, was a complete lie. it was a farce. it was a narrative. these ceos got into a situation that then got out of their control. i would think they would use this as a learning experience. >> i will we have high fuel prices under president biden and that is where we should be focused. >> if you're ron desantis, this guys has all of the right enemies. whether it's luck or smarts. and this is the right enemy for him. >> we're going to have to leave it there. a lot more to talk about. up next -- the man who took on vladimir putin and lived. stay with us. come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ since i left for college, my dad has gotten back into some of his old hobbies. and now he's taking trulicity, and it looks like he's gotten into some new healthier habits, too. what changes are you making for your type 2 diabetes? 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Temper , Sighs Wearily , Health , Protein , Cancer , Oxygen Levels , Sugar , Immunotherapy , Thirtrty Grams , D , Nutrients , Woo Hoo , Excited Yelell , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Egfr , One Adnced Cancer Discovery , 75 , Everywhere , Dana Farber , Bipolar Depression , Stories , Fog , Art , Impact , Latuda , Symptoms , Depression , Lows , Studies , Weight , Children , Side Effects , Doctor , Death , Report Fever , Aren T , Behavior Changes , Risk , Confusion , Antidepressants , Thoughts , Adults , Stroke , Dementia , Muscle Movements , Permanent , Patients , Caesar , Prescription , Pay , Hail , Julius , Zero Dollars , Zero , Ha , Ringcentral , Team , Dude , Come On , Vrbo , Victoria Spartz , Both , Grandmothers , State Of The Union , Homecoming , Health Scare , Front Line , Devastation , Bucha , First , Easter , Celebration , Covering , Birth , Assault , Easters , Grandma , Big War For Freedom , Here Today , Victoria , Times , Capital City , Head , Jerusalem , Ukrainian Church , Experience , Blessing , Priests , God , Holy Spirit , Evil , Secretary Of State , Antony Blinken , Some , Lloyd Austin , Solidarity , Ground , Letter , Secretary Blinken , Diplomacy , Boris Johnson , Kind , Countries , Yes , Facilities , Least , Risks , Service , Support , All Of Us , Freedoms , Visuals , Size , Truth , Military Aid , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , 5 Billion , 3 5 Billion , Pressure , Anywhere , U N , Aid , Corridors , Organizations , Question , Peace , Nothing , Functions , Missions , Security Assistance , World , Everything , Crisis , Suffering , Copy Of A , Congresswoman , Sports , Threat , Feelings , Colleagues , Listen , Attack , Leader , Politics , Debates , Guy , Caucus , Deal , Issue , War In Europe , Let , Drama , Opinion , Debate , Top Down Approach , Doesn T , Basis , Policy Debate , I Don T , Leader Mccarthy , What , Conversation , Review , Explanation , Opinions , Views , Spin , Learning , Deliberation , Process , Breaks , Chair , Circumstances , Session , Chambers , Nancy Pelosi , Capitol Police , Answer , Stalin , Services , Other , Photo , Horrors , Hitler , 88 , 95 , Safety , Shock , Well With , Grandmother , Woman , Father , Blood , Most , World War Ii , Atrocities , Kids , Girls , Europe , Stay , Covid Response , Good , Charge , Shot , Coronavirus Crossroads , Tru Niagen , Cells , Causes , Root , Body , Nad , Heart , Muscle , Energy Production , Aging , 50 , Institutions , The World , Frustration , Fatigue , Pandemic , Variant , Case Counts , Trains , Buses , Judge , Normal , Negative , Cases , Person , Mutating , Hospitalizations , Step , Lowest , 200 Million , March Of 2020 , Expectation , Deaths , Case Numbers , Rising , Subvariant Of Omicron , 2 , Point , Disruption , Numbers , Attention , Variants , Everybody , Show , Questions , Increase , Figure , Infections , Infection Numbers , Information , Behavior , Therapeutics , Thanks , Caution , Care , Mask Mandates , Ways , Federal Court Ruling , Mandate , Airlines , Hospitalization Numbers , Dispute , Rates , Transportation Systems , Suit , Scientists , Mask , Transportation , Let S Go , Stuff , Ten , 15 , Big Spike , Extension , Fauci , Kasey Hunt , Purview , Courts , Position , Decisions , Branch , Court Issue , Influence , Public Health Policy , Right , Judiciary , Science , Decision , Agencies , Role , Doj , Assessment , Department Of Justice , Parents , Vaccine , Holdup , 5 , Data , Determinations , Friends , Evidence , Moderna , Pfizer , Application , Fda , Emergency Authorization , Determination , Effectiveness , Standards , Analysis , Expectations , Snurm , Hiccups , Timeline , Model , Summer Plans , Larry Hogan , Disney , Florida , Nice , Panel , Break , Strength , Cartoons , Nututrition , Culture War Mean , Vision , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Wait , It Sound , Vitamins , Minerals , 27 , 30 , Reading Glasses , Eye , Drop , Up Clo , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Focus , Vuity , Yep , Headache , Activities , Vision Loss , Machinery , Eye Redness , Breast Cancer , Taking Verzenio , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Infection , Hr , Menopause Status , Fulvestrant , Hormone Therapy , Verzenio Fulvestrant , Blood Cell Counts , Lung Inflammation , Chills , Signs , Fever , Fluids , Swelling , Chest Pain , Blood Clots , Liver Problems , Trouble Breathing , Breath , Breathing , Appetite Loss , Heart Rate , Cough , Bleeding , Bruising , Shortness , Arms , Legs , Everyday Verzenio , Phone Call , 11 , January 11th , Responsibilities , Talking , Actions , Implications , House Republican Conference , Contradiction , Scott Jennings , Doesn T Sound Like , Midterm , Upset , Reporting , Immigration , Shoes , Crime , House , Voters , Feeling , Speaker , Alyssa Farah Griffin , Compliment , Wall Street Journal , Flank , The Rightmost Flank , Bit , Speakership , January 7th , 2015 , 7 , Leaderships , Leverage , Extractions , Predictions , Piece , Reasons , Marjorie Taylor Greene , Paul , Meeting , State Senate , Chance , Minds , Brave , Georgia , Party Lines , Shape , Crisis Communications , Lessons , Don T Lie , Nameless , Shouldn T Be Political , Hypocrisy , Reality , Private , Sort , Lesson , Respect , It Doesn T Matter , Isn T , It A Crisis , Couple , Request , News Cycles , Six , Constituency , Victory , Constituents , Problem , Trump , Five , Publicly , Ron Desantis , Status , Revealatory , Law To Strip Disney , Florida Law , The Public , Gender Identity , Sexual Orientation , Schools , Table , Maryland , Bill , Freedom Of Speech , Southern City , Area , Grabbing , Criticism , Voter Bill , Gas Tax Credits , Disney World , Delta Air Lines , 35 Million , 5 Million , Choices , Headquarters , Path , Steps , Ability , Efforts , Slavery , Red Lining , Notion , Michigan , White , Nonsense , Hate , Racism , Scapegoat , Anything , Board , Playbook , Aggression , Health Care , Democrats Weren T Out There Fighting Culture Wars , Senate , 2016 , 2016 Democrats , Ceo , Ceos , They Haven T , Elsewhere , Companies , Stupidity , Law , Narrative , Voting Law , Conservatives , Mlb , Coca Cola , Somebody , Saloon Door , Shooting , Hip , Voter Law , Piano Player , Water , Bartender , Town , Weather , 90 , States , Standing , New York , Don T Say Gay Bill , Delaware , The Media , Learning Experience , Lie , Farce , Fuel Prices , Enemy , Guys , Enemies , Smarts , Luck , Dad , College , Hobbies , Taking Trulicity , Type 2 Diabetes , Changes , Habits , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , It Isn T , Don T , Type 1 Diabetes , Use , 10 , 1 , Stomach Pain , Neck , Lump , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Stop Trulicity , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Vomiting , Nausea , Bonnie , Video Call , Video Calls , Messages , Bout A Ringcentral , Be Cool , Stallion , Horse , Holocaust Remembrance Day , Singers , Story , Musical , Group , Relevance , Stage , Comedians , Case Teaching , Nazis , Harmony , Men , Fellow , Relationships , Jewish , Contrast , America , Records , Movies , 12 , Anti Semitism , Levels , Rise , Joys , Landing , True Story , Sounds , Special , On Putin , On Demand , Being Barry Manilow , Navalny , Cnn , The Truth Is Sundance Award , Kremlin , Name , Passengers , Agony , 00 , Windshield , Tech , Trust Safelite , He Wouldn T , Glass , Daughter , Smash , Pop Rock Music Tech , Hicar , Crack , Pulover , Safety System , Features , Car , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite , Automatic Emergency Braking , Safelite Repair , Cancer Discovery , Internet , Technology , Business Internet , Security , Fiber Solutions , Network , Largest , Speeds , Needs , Gigs , Lots , Price , Choice , Business Solutions , Company , Call Today , Provider , Voice , Price Guarantee , 24 , 9 99 , 49 99 , Program , Around The World , Public Square , Fareed Zakaria , V , Offensive , Mark Hertling ,

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