Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240708

forces left behind. the town is now free, but other parts of the country are in a visit critical new phase. a general says russia wants full control of southern ukraine because that would give them a land bridge. in moldova, efforts were thwrated and new images show ground near mariupol has been disturbed. a source claiming this is a site of mass graves. cnn could not independently verify this, but there you see the images. the russian strike in odesa has killed five people, including a 3-month-old baby. at least 18 others injured according to a local official. in one village, hundreds of ukrainians say they were rounded by russian troops and held hostage in a school basement for weeks. ed lavandera visited that village and spoke to some of the survivors. >> war stopped time here. bombs and artillery scorched this village in northern ukraine. russian occupation ravaged the minds of its people. the story of what happened here is just emerging, revealing how the russian army held this village hostage for more than 30 days. sofia shows us the underground bunker in her shed where she first hid from the fighting. she says she had food stored here that the russians ate. this is where she slept. sofia says russian soldiers went door to door rounding people up and taking them at gunpoint into the basement of the village school. sofia tells us that when the russian soldiers moved them all into the basement of the school building that they were put down there and that the soldiers told them that they were being put in the basement to die. a woman named natalie took us into the basement where she was trapped. i was in a stupor, natalie tells me. i was just sitting there, praying, hoping it would all stop soon. residents tell us that there were about 350 people held hostage in the basement of this school building. men, women, and children forced to live in these horrific conditions. in fact, it was so strangulating, there was so little air circulation that one resident told us that 12 elderly people died here because they couldn't breathe and their bodies were left while the fighting raged outside. these are some of the only known images captured in the school's basement. the faces say it all. she's telling me that about 35 people slept in this small room. nobody could lay down. they slept kind of sitting with their knees up against their chest. the rooms are littered with makeshift beds, school books, and russian troop meal box, but it's the art on the walls that stops you in your tracks. this is how the children passed the time. colorful drawings on a canvas of anguish. the people who were trapped down here etched names on to this concrete wall. they marked the days with a calendar, crossing out the days as they went by. everything down here has the feel of a world war the era concentration game. above the basement, russian soldiers took over the school building. residents say they were used as human shields. they knew the ukrainian military wouldn't fire at the school with civilians inside. olna grabs food from a humanitarian delivery truck and tee takes us to her room. russian soldiers defecated on the house floors. she was also held hostage in the school basement with her 1-year-old daughter. did you think you were going to survive that? i thought my child would not survive, she tells me. i asked them to let me out so the child could breathe fresh air because she felt bad. they said, let her die, we don't care. sofia, how did you feel when you got out of the basement of the school? she says one of the villagers opened the basement door and said the russians left. the trapped villagers were surprised. n in the morning, our guys entered the village. we cried, hugged them, and cried. what will you tell your daughter about this experience? nothing, she says. >> my next guest has been working to document evidence of war crimes in ukraine. here's just one of her videos from the regional capital of kharkiv. >> you see the building behind me. it has no windows and inside is also severely damaged and right here behind me is a huge hole which was made by another rocket because this building was hit twice. especially damaged is this part of the building where the rocket hit. it has no floor there because ever since upside down after the attack. i will show you closer how it looks at the moment. the carpet hanging from the other floor. so the rocket actually hit there and then fall down up to the first floor. >> wow. maria, research director joins me now. what you are doing is very important. the video we were showing is just very disturbing. can you describe what it's like on a personal level to go through these decimated buildings and with just a cell phone, try to document the scope of what you're seeing? >> i think this is very important to show the world the war crimes committed by russian troops here in my home city, kharkiv, and also elsewhere in ukraine because when the now ukrainian troops are doing effective counteroffensive operations here near kharkiv and new villages and small towns are liberated, we see the new evidences of the war crimes that were committed there by russians. here in kharkiv as well, russian troops are now targeting deliberately residential areas and civilian infrastructure. for example, they twice hit the -- that were staying in front of the humanitarian aid's center where people were staying and they were, some of them were killed just on the spot because of this attacks. so what we see here, this atrocities, i think it's very important for people in the world to see them and that will lead to more support to ukraine including more weapons to ukrainian military so the military will be able to use them here on the front lines now when the battle for donbas and for the east has started. that will allow them to defend civilian population here on the east because russia is now putting everything they have, all weapons they have, for attacks here in kharkiv and in donbas. >> and do you ever worry about your safety when you go through these buildings? >> you can never be safe now anywhere in ukraine because of course you know not only kharkiv, but other cities were hit by russian missiles. ballistic rockets including the most western city of ukraine. of course, in kharkiv, it's more dangerous because it's under intensive shelling almost every day. i got used to it and i take this risk and i understand that it's very important to stay here and document what is happening because some day, russian generals and putin will say in the court and will be held responsible for the war crimes they have committed here. >> no question. let's hope that day comes, but i want to ask you about documenting this moment. it's a wedding in the middle of a war zone. there's a video right there. the groom holding the bride in his arms amid all of this devastation. can you describe what you saw? >> that was a great moment here in the midst of the war because this couple, actually, they both volunteered at the humanitarian aid center. so they will collect requests from the people who are staying here in kharkiv, civilians, and usually these people will be in the areas very heavily shelled by russian troops. it's why they cannot get out to get some food or medicines. so this volunteer center, it will collect requests from these people then get humanitarian aid and some other people who bring this to these people to their apartment. so decided, this couple, they decided to get married just in the middle of the war to show the hope for ukraine and for kharkiv and to show that no matter what, ukraine will stand and ukraine will win. this was a moment of happiness and they made these pictures just in the most devastated areas of kharkiv to show that we will rebuild kharkiv, our city, and the second largest city in ukraine and people will again be coming and returning here. life will be going as it was previously. as it was before, but then in the recent attacks, anton was wounded and now he is in the hospital, but still the center continues its work and she is working there. both of them as other people stay in kharkiv, are real heroes because no matter what, they put everything they have and they risk their lives to continue the very important work they're doing. >> absolutely. and we wish that young couple the best and that they stay safe as best as they can in all of this. maria, thank you so much. we appreciate it. there's that image again. it's just inspiring to see the bravery and the courage of the ukrainian people. thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. it was my pleasure. coming up, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene testifying for three hours about what she could and often what she says she could not remember about events surrounding january 6th as challengers hope to prevent her from running a re-election campaign. hold on for that next. >> i don't remember. i do not remember. sorry, i don't remember. 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6th, but her challengers hauled her into court on friday and grilled her on her past comment, falsely stating that biden had not been legitimately elected president of the united states. >> is it fair to say, representative greene, that from election night of 2020 until january 6th, 2021, your personal opinion and your wish was that wish was to not certify joe biden as the winner of the 2020 election? >> no, that's not accurate. >> but the problem for greene is she has already posted her own video before the insurrection spreading the big lie, that biden stole the election. watch. >> we aren't going to let this election be stolen by joe biden and the democrats. president trump won by a landslide. >> no. that's not true. but greene repeatedly had trouble remembering things during this hearing. >> in fact, you think that speaker pelosi is a traitor to the country, right? >> i'm not answering that question. it's speculation. >> you've said that haven't you, miss greene, that she's a traitor to the country? >> no, i haven't said that. >> put up exhibit 5, please. >> oh, no. wait, hold on, now. i believe by not upholding, securing the border, that that violates her oath of office. >> fair enough. i'm not interested in her oath of office. i'm interested in that you said she's a traitor to our country. >> hold on, she said. these aren't exactly good times for pinocchio. some potential contenders for the 2024 gop nomination are in search of other sources of outrage. ron desantis has gone over walt disney's special self-governing and tax status after the company opposed his state's new law that would crack down on teaching about sexuality in school, the don't say gay law. this could result in a big tax increase for some in florida. ted cruz has jumped on the disney band wagon like it was a ride on space mountain. >> i think there are people who are misguided, trying to drive, you know, disney stepping in saying, you know, in every episode now they're going to have you know, mechanism ki and pluto going at it like, really? just like, come on, guys. like, like, these are kids and you know, you can always shift to cinemax if you want that. >> now, if you really believe any of that, we have entered the magic kingdom. absent of these alarms are things like inflation, high gas prices and yes, stopping russian atrocities in ukraine and you certainly won't find the same intensity when it comes to getting to the bottom of what happened on january 6th. we are still trying to get bottom of what happened. a filing including testimony from an aide to then white house chief of staff meadows that says meadows was warned there could be violence on january 6th and the aide also lays out that several gop members of congress were involved in white house meetings aimed at overturning the election results, including incoming congresswoman greene. as part of their new book, jonathan martin anthan martin a burns obtained audio of kevin mccarthy slamming former president trump for his actions on a conference call with fellow republicans. >> i've had it with this guy. what he did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it. >> he told house gop members that trump accepted some responsibility for what happened that day. >> he bears responsibilities for his words and actions. no ifs, ands, or buts. i asked him today, does he hold responsibility for what happened. did he need to acknowledge that. >> he also said that it was once his recommendation that trump resign from office. >> discussions i had with him is that i think this will pass and it would be my recommendation we should do that. i think that would be my take, but i don't think he will take it, but i don't know. >> of course, that audio was released after mccarthy's office denied he ever said that. mccarthy stating privately that trump should resign from office raises all sorts of questions like why can't he say that publicly to this day? and why did mccarthy then go to mar-a-lago to kiss the ring and welcome trump back as a gop standard bearer? less than a month after the insurrection. we still don't have an answer to that one. the only person to really make trump sweat these days over his coup attempt is british tv host, piers morgan. it looks pretty sweaty when you watch the cinematic trailer for the interview. >> a former president in denial. he lost. >> only a fool would think that. >> you think i'm a fool? >> i do now. >> trump has since said the video released by morgan doesn't tell the whole story. i guess it's not surprise that trump's long time attorney who called for trial by combat isn't really quaking in his boots these days. the closest he received was his appearance on the masked singer. >> former mayor of new york city rudy giuliani. ♪ >> but if the events of this week are any indication, maybe there is some hope that the masks are still coming off and the truth will be revealed in this investigation. it's a small world, after all. we'll continue this discussion on that in just a few moments. we'll be right back. 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this is it? people like marjorie taylor greene and kevin mccarthy, i mean, they just, it's just unreal. >> let's discuss with cnn political analyst, april ryan, and ana navarro. ladies, great to see you. it's been too long. april, meadows was warned about this potential very violence. the same aide said this alternate elector's plan was not legally sound and yet meadows proceeded with this rally anyway and the bogus elector scheme anyway. >> you know, jim, there was desperation at the white house after the election and before the inauguration. they ran all the traps. asked all the questions. they knew what was going on according to my sources and kept moving forward. mea mea mea meadows understood, from the tapes we have heard, those who supported him, he understood the magnitude of what could and could not happen. so at the end of the day, meadows was very informed and the president of the united states understood as well. >> ana, let's talk about kevin mccarthy. tapes came out of him this week slamming trump, but trump says it's water under the bridge. saying i heard the call, didn't like the call, but almost immediately as you know, he came here and we took a picture right there. you know the support was very strong. for all this palace intrigue at mar-a-lago and everything we talk about here in d.c., what do you make of, you know, kevin mccarthy publicly standing with trump at mar-a-lago taking that picture then we hear a completely different kevin mccarthy on audio. does this surprise you at all? >> you know, it's so pathetic, right? and you start thinking this is not just one congressperson. this is a man who wants to be speaker of the house. just republicans retake the house in november? i think this is a huge blow to mccarthy. the maga wing is not going to forget this. there are also apparently more tapes. so there aren't receipts about the things he's denied. so he's showing himself not only to be a liar, but he's also pathetic, cowardly, hypocritical, and only interested in his own political future. beyond the interest of the country. beyond the interests of the party. beyond patriotism. beyond sanity. beyond truth. beyond morality. he is willing to say anything, deny anything, lie about anything in order to be on donald trump's good side in hopes that that means he will get the blessing of trump for the speaker and that will keep the maga wing of his caucus from going rogue on him. but i'm not sure that's going to work and he comes in as a very weak, very pathetic, disgustin sniveling coward fool if he gets there. >> and april, you know, it must have been contagious this week some of this behavior because another republican lawmaker twisting herself into a pretzel was marjorie taylor greene. yesterday, she testified in this hearing, which was really remarkable. we haven't really seen a member of congress put on the stand taking an oath that they'll tell the truth and so on. she may be barred from running in the election and she was asked about her past comments and conversations that she had and there was a whole lot of this. let's watch. >> i don't remember. i do not remember. i'm sorry. i don't remember. >> april, i mean, i had a few interactions with her. i mean, one thing that you can say about her i think is that she seems to have a pretty good memory. she seems to remember these talking points and camp lines she'll deliver when you talk to her face-to-face, so it's kind of striking to hear her say over and over again, i don't remember, i don't recall. >> strategic forgetfulness, especially as she's been caught on tape, audio and video, caught everywhere talking about the nature of january 6th. how wonderful it was. this is an illegal maneuver to keep her afloat, if you will. she is a part of that maga wing that they want to stay alive and the only way that she can keep on going, keep on going, keep on speaking, is to say that i forgot. i don't remember. when we have tape. we have audio. we have written word from marjorie taylor greene about january 6th. so at the end of the day, it will not hold water. people will bring her lies and videotape affront so that she can see exactly what she said, but that is a legal maneuver so she can stay out of hot water that she's already in. >> ana, the governor in your state of florida is punishing disney for opposing this so-called don't say gay law. aren't republicans supposed to be against cancel culture? what do you make of what's been happening with this? we're showing the video right now. he's surrounded by all of these children. the other thing that stands out to me, as somebody who's been to disney world a lot with my family, i can't imagine a florida politician going after walt disney world. what do you make of all this? >> it's really insane. as a floridian, i'm frankly horrified by the environment this creates. listen, it's not like walt disney world waged war against this legislation. what they did was the ceo issued a statement about a bill that many of his employees had huge concerns about. he didn't show up at the capitol with an army of mickey mouses dressed in rainbow platform heels. he made a statement. and that statement should be covered by freedom of speech. and so if you are a pro freedom of speech against canceling, pro business republican, i don't know how you justify hostage taking. political hostage taking and political blackmail against a corporation for speaking up about a concern of their employees. disney is one of the largest private employers in the state of florida. it's got thousands, tens of thousands of employees raising families in this state who care about what happens in their schools. and you know, it's such hypocrisy and it's such insanity. it doesn't make political sense. it doesn't make economic sense. because guess who's going to get stuck with the tax bill. now after going away and eradicating the special taxing authority. the residents of oseola and orange county. they should be paying close attention. it's also meant to send a chilling message to the entire private sector and business world in florida. tell the ceos to cower under their desk and not dare speak up against anything that might be a pet cause of the legislature or governor. that's just wrong. that kind of stifling of freedom of speech by a corporation, by an individual, is absolutely wrong. they're doing it out of spite. they're not even bothering to pretend that this is not punitive action taken against a corporation because of political action. they're not even bothering to say differently. and it is, it's bad for the economy. it's bad for the business sector. i think it's just completely against republican traditional values and also let me remind you that walt disney world has been one of the biggest political donors to republican legislatures and the republican governor and the republican party of florida for decades and decades and decades. i have gone to countless events in disney parks and hotels held by the republican florida raising money for them. so i'd like to know if the republican party of florida is going to return all of those donations from walt disney world. i'd like to know what the business sector is going to do to stand in solidarity with disney world so they are not all silenced and being stifled by a legislature and governor that have just gone insane with their pettiness. in the meantime, floridians can't get home insurance. in the meantime, they haven't done a damn thing to reform condo laws so that condo buildings don't collapse in the middle of the night, killing an trapping people inside. it's just absolute craziness. >> but you know, jim, she is right, but it's more sinister. the optics. ron desantis going against mickey and minnie. it's not just a state of florida issue. this is a larger, national issue that plays into politics and to create this win for desantis who may have higher aspirations. so let's go there. it's mickey and minnie and this issue of family lgbtq plus and ron desantis who wants to come out looking like a champion for higher office. >> all right, thank you so much. we know you would bring it this saturday and you certainly did that. thanks so much to both of you. really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> take care. coming up, the growing mystery after two russian gas executives and their families died in two separate countries within 24 hours. ♪ ♪ you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energ and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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[ laughter ] into the deaths of the russian gas executives, wives and children who were found dead within 24 hours of each other. >> two sununsettling cases fuelg more intrigue around putin. within the span of 24 hours this week, two wealthy former russian gas executives found dead with their families. on monday, vladislav avayev, his wife and daughter found dead in his apartment. russia state news agency citing a source in law enforcement says authorities are investigating as a murder suicide. the next day, alexander tyulakov. a source close to the investigation tells conditions protosenya's wife and daughter were likely murdered inside the luxury home. protosenya found dead outside. >> when russian business people die i think one kind of has to assume the worst first. >> i think these deaths in my book are very suspicious because they are so similar and they're both of prominent individuals who have made their money in the oil and gas sector. >> if these were murder suicides, could these men have been under financial pressure from fallout over the ukraine war? >> we're in a very taut moment in russia. money is scarce. all sorts of people are under a lot of pressure. >> few answers but plenty of theories. >> there might be people in russia connected to the security apparatus who don't like things that these individuals are doing. they could be patterns of retaliation against individuals who may be collaborating with foreign authorities or people in russia that -- information shared. >> what's not clear whether they knew each other or communicated recently with each other. and the analysts we spoke to say it's not clear if either man have spoken out against putin or the war in ukraine. could they have been targeted by pu putin himself? >> almost be something, we need putin to take pressures against people. what he usually goes for is the big fishes and only very few of them in order to set an example to west and bring them under control. >> still, some experts say if there was foul play, it wouldn't be the first time among russian tycoons. >> there's a pattern of suspicious deaths overseas. we're going to be seeing more pressures among the elite because there's a lot of suspicion and recriminations in russia. >> professor louise shelley says there's another layer of suspicious. she says spain, where protosenya died, has among the highest numbers of organized crime figures inside its boarders tha any country. navalny is the putin critic who was poisoned and nearly killed by kremlin agents. he is the subject of a fascinating new documentary premiering tomorrow on cnn. here's a preview. >> when you come to a room of the patient, you start, just tell him news. telling him his story. don't worry. you were poisoned. there was a murder attempt. putin tried to kill with novichok and he opened his blue eyes wide and looked at me and said very clear -- come on. poisoned? i don't believe it. like, he's back. putin's supposed to be not so stupid to use this novichok. his wording. his inclination. if you want to kill someone, just shoot him. jesus christ, like real, alexei. the whole idea of poisoning with a chemical weapon. this is why this is so smart because even reasonable people, they refuse to believe, like, what, come on. poisoned? seriously. >> not surprisingly the kremlin and russia's security services deny they played any role in navalny's poisoning. putin went a step further saying if they wanted him dead, they would quote, probably finished him. be sure to catch this incredible film. i've seen it. navalny, premiering tomorrow night at 9:00 here on cnn. sing . good thing adddding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria that detergents can'n't. clean is good, sanitized is better. ♪ at jp morgan, the only definition of wealth that matters is yours. it can be a smalr house, but a bigger nest egg. ard, the freedom to walk away. peonalized advice, and commission free trades on an award-winning app, we are working for you. planning. investing. advice. jp morgan wealth management. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. this just in. a u.s. air force general officer have been convicted of one specification of sexual assault in a military court in ohio. major general william cooly was found guilty for forcibly kissing a woman in a 2018 incident in new mexico. the first ever court martial trial and conviction in the air force's 75-year history. on the stand, the victim described what happened and its impact as an f-5 tornado ruining everything in its path. the victim accused him of groping her and forcing her to touch him. sentencing phase begins monday. last december, shirley raines was named 2021 hero of the year. we wanted to check in on her and what she's up to now. >> shirley raines! >> as much you want to live in the moment and say it doesn't really matter, let's be real. i wanted to bring that prize money, that win and that recognition to the community. i really wanted them to have that platform. good morning, you guys. >> congratulations, shirley. >> the world had a opportunity to vote for ten amazing organizations and they chose one that dealt with homelessness, which i think to them might say, oh, my god, people really are paying attention. people really are looking. people really do care. i'm hoping that this win will bring more eyes down here. there's a massive need for blankets. there's a massive need for tents. i've always said this from the beginning. i don't do hero stuff. i do human stuff. >> there's something about you. >> something about you, too. honestly all the stuff i've been through in my personal life, i think it's amazing to have gotten this far because i came from, oh, my god, the bottom. i was on cnn heroes? definitely should give hope to other people. 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Southern Ukraine , Russia , U S , Jim Acosta , Time , Cnn Newsroom , Washington , Two , President , Lloyd Austin , Officials , Secretary Of State , Blinken , The War Zone , Zelenskyy , Will Visit Kyiv , Ukraine Marks Orthodox Easter Sunday , Country , Video , Strikes , Warnings , Holiday Gatherings , Churches , Curfew , Destruction , Near Kyiv , Control , Parts , General , Town , Land Bridge , Visit Critical New Phase , Forces , Images , Source , Ground , Site , Mariupol , Moldova , Disturbed , Mass Graves , Efforts , Thwrated , People , Village , Cnn , Official , Strike , Baby , Others , Odesa , Hundreds , One , 18 , 3 , Five , Troops , Some , Hostage , School Basement , Ukrainians , War , Survivors , Artillery , Bombs , Ed Lavandera , Occupation , Story , Village Hostage , Minds , Russian Army , 30 , Food , Fighting , Sofia , The Underground Bunker , Basement , Soldiers , Village School , School Building , Natalie , Woman , Residents , Stop , Stupor , 350 , Children , Men , Conditions , Fact , Resident , Women , Air Circulation , 12 , The School , Bodies , Faces , 35 , Nobody , Room , School Books , Walls , Rooms , Knees , Chest , Troop Meal Box , Art , Makeshift Beds , Names , Wall , Tracks , Anguish , Drawings , Canvas , F 5 Tornado Ruining Everything , World War , Calendar , Concentration Game , Feel , Olna , School , Civilians , Tee , Delivery Truck , Ukrainian Military Wouldn T Fire , Human Shields , Child , Daughter , House , Floors , 1 , We Don T Care , Die , Guys , In The Morning , Villagers , Left , The Village , Basement Door , Trapped Villagers , War Crimes , Experience , Videos , Evidence , Guest , Nothing , Cried , Building , Kharkiv , Hole , Capital , Windows , Part , Rocket , Hit , Rocket Hit , Floor , Attack , Carpet , Maria , Doing , Research Director , Showing , Buildings , Level , Cell Phone , Scope , World , Ukraine , Elsewhere , Counteroffensive Operations , Home City , Evidences , Villages , Towns , Example , Aid , Areas , Front , Infrastructure , Attacks , Atrocities , Center , Spot , East , Support , Weapons , Military , Lines , Battle For Donbas , Population , Course , Safety , Missiles , Donbas , Cities , City , Rockets , Shelling , Risk , Document , Putin , Court , Question , Generals , Bride , Middle , War Zone , Wedding , Devastation , Groom , Arms , Requests , Couple , Midst , Medicines , Apartment , Volunteer Center , Hope , No Matter What , Pictures , Happiness , Life , Anton , Work , Heroes , Both , Hospital , Matter , Best , Lives , Courage , Image , Bravery , Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Testifying , Events , January 6th , Challengers , Coming Up , Pleasure , Three , 6 , Future , Tools , Owner , Advice , Access , Pln , Re Election Campaign , Persrsonalized , Next , Asthma , Inflammation , Type , Triggers , Out Of Nowhere , Vanguard , Asthma Attack , You Ha , Tezspiretm , Add On Treatment , Asthma Symptoms , Breathe Better , Don T , Eye Allergy , Rescue Medication , Doctor , Reactions , Sore 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Efficiency , Team , Blood Clots , Life Changing , Ton , Report , Xfinity , Wifi , Technology , Everyone , Protection , Tech Upgrade Program , Xfi , Internet , Threats , Go , Connection , Generation , Neighborhood , Upgrade Today , Xfi Complete , Wifi Needs , Growing , Bandwidth , Gig , Devices , Supersonic Wifi , Lloyd Austin Plan To Travel Ukraine , Austin , Kyiv ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240708

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forces left behind. the town is now free, but other parts of the country are in a visit critical new phase. a general says russia wants full control of southern ukraine because that would give them a land bridge. in moldova, efforts were thwrated and new images show ground near mariupol has been disturbed. a source claiming this is a site of mass graves. cnn could not independently verify this, but there you see the images. the russian strike in odesa has killed five people, including a 3-month-old baby. at least 18 others injured according to a local official. in one village, hundreds of ukrainians say they were rounded by russian troops and held hostage in a school basement for weeks. ed lavandera visited that village and spoke to some of the survivors. >> war stopped time here. bombs and artillery scorched this village in northern ukraine. russian occupation ravaged the minds of its people. the story of what happened here is just emerging, revealing how the russian army held this village hostage for more than 30 days. sofia shows us the underground bunker in her shed where she first hid from the fighting. she says she had food stored here that the russians ate. this is where she slept. sofia says russian soldiers went door to door rounding people up and taking them at gunpoint into the basement of the village school. sofia tells us that when the russian soldiers moved them all into the basement of the school building that they were put down there and that the soldiers told them that they were being put in the basement to die. a woman named natalie took us into the basement where she was trapped. i was in a stupor, natalie tells me. i was just sitting there, praying, hoping it would all stop soon. residents tell us that there were about 350 people held hostage in the basement of this school building. men, women, and children forced to live in these horrific conditions. in fact, it was so strangulating, there was so little air circulation that one resident told us that 12 elderly people died here because they couldn't breathe and their bodies were left while the fighting raged outside. these are some of the only known images captured in the school's basement. the faces say it all. she's telling me that about 35 people slept in this small room. nobody could lay down. they slept kind of sitting with their knees up against their chest. the rooms are littered with makeshift beds, school books, and russian troop meal box, but it's the art on the walls that stops you in your tracks. this is how the children passed the time. colorful drawings on a canvas of anguish. the people who were trapped down here etched names on to this concrete wall. they marked the days with a calendar, crossing out the days as they went by. everything down here has the feel of a world war the era concentration game. above the basement, russian soldiers took over the school building. residents say they were used as human shields. they knew the ukrainian military wouldn't fire at the school with civilians inside. olna grabs food from a humanitarian delivery truck and tee takes us to her room. russian soldiers defecated on the house floors. she was also held hostage in the school basement with her 1-year-old daughter. did you think you were going to survive that? i thought my child would not survive, she tells me. i asked them to let me out so the child could breathe fresh air because she felt bad. they said, let her die, we don't care. sofia, how did you feel when you got out of the basement of the school? she says one of the villagers opened the basement door and said the russians left. the trapped villagers were surprised. n in the morning, our guys entered the village. we cried, hugged them, and cried. what will you tell your daughter about this experience? nothing, she says. >> my next guest has been working to document evidence of war crimes in ukraine. here's just one of her videos from the regional capital of kharkiv. >> you see the building behind me. it has no windows and inside is also severely damaged and right here behind me is a huge hole which was made by another rocket because this building was hit twice. especially damaged is this part of the building where the rocket hit. it has no floor there because ever since upside down after the attack. i will show you closer how it looks at the moment. the carpet hanging from the other floor. so the rocket actually hit there and then fall down up to the first floor. >> wow. maria, research director joins me now. what you are doing is very important. the video we were showing is just very disturbing. can you describe what it's like on a personal level to go through these decimated buildings and with just a cell phone, try to document the scope of what you're seeing? >> i think this is very important to show the world the war crimes committed by russian troops here in my home city, kharkiv, and also elsewhere in ukraine because when the now ukrainian troops are doing effective counteroffensive operations here near kharkiv and new villages and small towns are liberated, we see the new evidences of the war crimes that were committed there by russians. here in kharkiv as well, russian troops are now targeting deliberately residential areas and civilian infrastructure. for example, they twice hit the -- that were staying in front of the humanitarian aid's center where people were staying and they were, some of them were killed just on the spot because of this attacks. so what we see here, this atrocities, i think it's very important for people in the world to see them and that will lead to more support to ukraine including more weapons to ukrainian military so the military will be able to use them here on the front lines now when the battle for donbas and for the east has started. that will allow them to defend civilian population here on the east because russia is now putting everything they have, all weapons they have, for attacks here in kharkiv and in donbas. >> and do you ever worry about your safety when you go through these buildings? >> you can never be safe now anywhere in ukraine because of course you know not only kharkiv, but other cities were hit by russian missiles. ballistic rockets including the most western city of ukraine. of course, in kharkiv, it's more dangerous because it's under intensive shelling almost every day. i got used to it and i take this risk and i understand that it's very important to stay here and document what is happening because some day, russian generals and putin will say in the court and will be held responsible for the war crimes they have committed here. >> no question. let's hope that day comes, but i want to ask you about documenting this moment. it's a wedding in the middle of a war zone. there's a video right there. the groom holding the bride in his arms amid all of this devastation. can you describe what you saw? >> that was a great moment here in the midst of the war because this couple, actually, they both volunteered at the humanitarian aid center. so they will collect requests from the people who are staying here in kharkiv, civilians, and usually these people will be in the areas very heavily shelled by russian troops. it's why they cannot get out to get some food or medicines. so this volunteer center, it will collect requests from these people then get humanitarian aid and some other people who bring this to these people to their apartment. so decided, this couple, they decided to get married just in the middle of the war to show the hope for ukraine and for kharkiv and to show that no matter what, ukraine will stand and ukraine will win. this was a moment of happiness and they made these pictures just in the most devastated areas of kharkiv to show that we will rebuild kharkiv, our city, and the second largest city in ukraine and people will again be coming and returning here. life will be going as it was previously. as it was before, but then in the recent attacks, anton was wounded and now he is in the hospital, but still the center continues its work and she is working there. both of them as other people stay in kharkiv, are real heroes because no matter what, they put everything they have and they risk their lives to continue the very important work they're doing. >> absolutely. and we wish that young couple the best and that they stay safe as best as they can in all of this. maria, thank you so much. we appreciate it. there's that image again. it's just inspiring to see the bravery and the courage of the ukrainian people. thank you very much. we appreciate it. >> thank you. it was my pleasure. coming up, congresswoman marjorie taylor greene testifying for three hours about what she could and often what she says she could not remember about events surrounding january 6th as challengers hope to prevent her from running a re-election campaign. hold on for that next. >> i don't remember. i do not remember. sorry, i don't remember. you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a persrsonalized pln that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. no matter who you are, being yourself can be tough when you have severe asthma. triggers can pop up out of nowhere, causing inflammation that can lead to asthma attack but no matter what type of severe asthma you ha, tezspire™ can help. tezspire™ is a new add-on treatment for people 12 and over... that proactively reduces inflammation... ...which means you could have fewer attacks, breathe better, and relieve your asthma symptoms. so, you can be you, whoever you are. tezspire™ is not a rescue medication. don't take tezspire™ if you're allergic to it. allergic reactions like rash or an eye allergy can happen. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. sore throat, joint and back pain may occur. avoid live vaccines. by helping control your asthma, tezspire™ can help you be you. no matter who you are, ask your asthma specialist about tezspire™ today. meet a future mom, a first-time mom and a seasoned pro. this mom's one step closer to their new mini-van! yeah, you'll get used to it. this mom's depositing money with tools on-hand. cha ching. and this mom, well, she's setting an appointment here, so her son can get set up there and start his own financial journey. that's because these moms all have chase. smart bankers. convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. a remarkable hearing just took place that could determine whether marjorie taylor greene is barred from running for re-election. a group of georgia voters is pointing to a section in the constitution that says a lawmaker is disqualified from office if they've been quote, engaged in insurrection or rebellion. greene has said she had no knowledge of any attempt to illegally interfere with the counting of votes on january 6th, but her challengers hauled her into court on friday and grilled her on her past comment, falsely stating that biden had not been legitimately elected president of the united states. >> is it fair to say, representative greene, that from election night of 2020 until january 6th, 2021, your personal opinion and your wish was that wish was to not certify joe biden as the winner of the 2020 election? >> no, that's not accurate. >> but the problem for greene is she has already posted her own video before the insurrection spreading the big lie, that biden stole the election. watch. >> we aren't going to let this election be stolen by joe biden and the democrats. president trump won by a landslide. >> no. that's not true. but greene repeatedly had trouble remembering things during this hearing. >> in fact, you think that speaker pelosi is a traitor to the country, right? >> i'm not answering that question. it's speculation. >> you've said that haven't you, miss greene, that she's a traitor to the country? >> no, i haven't said that. >> put up exhibit 5, please. >> oh, no. wait, hold on, now. i believe by not upholding, securing the border, that that violates her oath of office. >> fair enough. i'm not interested in her oath of office. i'm interested in that you said she's a traitor to our country. >> hold on, she said. these aren't exactly good times for pinocchio. some potential contenders for the 2024 gop nomination are in search of other sources of outrage. ron desantis has gone over walt disney's special self-governing and tax status after the company opposed his state's new law that would crack down on teaching about sexuality in school, the don't say gay law. this could result in a big tax increase for some in florida. ted cruz has jumped on the disney band wagon like it was a ride on space mountain. >> i think there are people who are misguided, trying to drive, you know, disney stepping in saying, you know, in every episode now they're going to have you know, mechanism ki and pluto going at it like, really? just like, come on, guys. like, like, these are kids and you know, you can always shift to cinemax if you want that. >> now, if you really believe any of that, we have entered the magic kingdom. absent of these alarms are things like inflation, high gas prices and yes, stopping russian atrocities in ukraine and you certainly won't find the same intensity when it comes to getting to the bottom of what happened on january 6th. we are still trying to get bottom of what happened. a filing including testimony from an aide to then white house chief of staff meadows that says meadows was warned there could be violence on january 6th and the aide also lays out that several gop members of congress were involved in white house meetings aimed at overturning the election results, including incoming congresswoman greene. as part of their new book, jonathan martin anthan martin a burns obtained audio of kevin mccarthy slamming former president trump for his actions on a conference call with fellow republicans. >> i've had it with this guy. what he did is unacceptable. nobody can defend that and nobody should defend it. >> he told house gop members that trump accepted some responsibility for what happened that day. >> he bears responsibilities for his words and actions. no ifs, ands, or buts. i asked him today, does he hold responsibility for what happened. did he need to acknowledge that. >> he also said that it was once his recommendation that trump resign from office. >> discussions i had with him is that i think this will pass and it would be my recommendation we should do that. i think that would be my take, but i don't think he will take it, but i don't know. >> of course, that audio was released after mccarthy's office denied he ever said that. mccarthy stating privately that trump should resign from office raises all sorts of questions like why can't he say that publicly to this day? and why did mccarthy then go to mar-a-lago to kiss the ring and welcome trump back as a gop standard bearer? less than a month after the insurrection. we still don't have an answer to that one. the only person to really make trump sweat these days over his coup attempt is british tv host, piers morgan. it looks pretty sweaty when you watch the cinematic trailer for the interview. >> a former president in denial. he lost. >> only a fool would think that. >> you think i'm a fool? >> i do now. >> trump has since said the video released by morgan doesn't tell the whole story. i guess it's not surprise that trump's long time attorney who called for trial by combat isn't really quaking in his boots these days. the closest he received was his appearance on the masked singer. >> former mayor of new york city rudy giuliani. ♪ >> but if the events of this week are any indication, maybe there is some hope that the masks are still coming off and the truth will be revealed in this investigation. it's a small world, after all. we'll continue this discussion on that in just a few moments. we'll be right back. 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[ finger snaps ] hmm. ♪ ♪ the kohler walk-in bath features an extra-wide opening and a low step-in at three inches, which is 25 to 60% lower than some leading competitors. the bath fills and drains quickly, while the heated seat soothes your back, neck and shoulders. kohler is an expert in bathing, so you can count on a deep soaking experience. are you seeing this? the kohler walk-in bath comes with fully adjustable hydrotherapy jets and our exclusive bubblemassage. everything is installed in as little as a day by a kohler-certified installer. and it's made by kohler- america's leading plumbing brand. we need this bath. yes. yes you do. a kohler walk-in bath provides independence with peace of mind. call... for $1500 off your kohler walk-in bath. visit for more info. what did mark meadows know and when did he know it? the committee has been piecing that piece of the puzzle together and according to a new filing, one thing he knew is that violence might break out on january 6th. a white house aide testified that meadows was given specific information before january 6th warning there could be violence that day. last hour, i spoke to former d.c. police officer michael fanone who was beaten and tased while defending the capitol on january 6th. he called this ordeal embarrassing. >> at a time when so many of american, myself included, are ins inspired by the actions of president zelenskyy, i look at our politics and elected leaders and think to myself, look, this is the best we've got? this is it? people like marjorie taylor greene and kevin mccarthy, i mean, they just, it's just unreal. >> let's discuss with cnn political analyst, april ryan, and ana navarro. ladies, great to see you. it's been too long. april, meadows was warned about this potential very violence. the same aide said this alternate elector's plan was not legally sound and yet meadows proceeded with this rally anyway and the bogus elector scheme anyway. >> you know, jim, there was desperation at the white house after the election and before the inauguration. they ran all the traps. asked all the questions. they knew what was going on according to my sources and kept moving forward. mea mea mea meadows understood, from the tapes we have heard, those who supported him, he understood the magnitude of what could and could not happen. so at the end of the day, meadows was very informed and the president of the united states understood as well. >> ana, let's talk about kevin mccarthy. tapes came out of him this week slamming trump, but trump says it's water under the bridge. saying i heard the call, didn't like the call, but almost immediately as you know, he came here and we took a picture right there. you know the support was very strong. for all this palace intrigue at mar-a-lago and everything we talk about here in d.c., what do you make of, you know, kevin mccarthy publicly standing with trump at mar-a-lago taking that picture then we hear a completely different kevin mccarthy on audio. does this surprise you at all? >> you know, it's so pathetic, right? and you start thinking this is not just one congressperson. this is a man who wants to be speaker of the house. just republicans retake the house in november? i think this is a huge blow to mccarthy. the maga wing is not going to forget this. there are also apparently more tapes. so there aren't receipts about the things he's denied. so he's showing himself not only to be a liar, but he's also pathetic, cowardly, hypocritical, and only interested in his own political future. beyond the interest of the country. beyond the interests of the party. beyond patriotism. beyond sanity. beyond truth. beyond morality. he is willing to say anything, deny anything, lie about anything in order to be on donald trump's good side in hopes that that means he will get the blessing of trump for the speaker and that will keep the maga wing of his caucus from going rogue on him. but i'm not sure that's going to work and he comes in as a very weak, very pathetic, disgustin sniveling coward fool if he gets there. >> and april, you know, it must have been contagious this week some of this behavior because another republican lawmaker twisting herself into a pretzel was marjorie taylor greene. yesterday, she testified in this hearing, which was really remarkable. we haven't really seen a member of congress put on the stand taking an oath that they'll tell the truth and so on. she may be barred from running in the election and she was asked about her past comments and conversations that she had and there was a whole lot of this. let's watch. >> i don't remember. i do not remember. i'm sorry. i don't remember. >> april, i mean, i had a few interactions with her. i mean, one thing that you can say about her i think is that she seems to have a pretty good memory. she seems to remember these talking points and camp lines she'll deliver when you talk to her face-to-face, so it's kind of striking to hear her say over and over again, i don't remember, i don't recall. >> strategic forgetfulness, especially as she's been caught on tape, audio and video, caught everywhere talking about the nature of january 6th. how wonderful it was. this is an illegal maneuver to keep her afloat, if you will. she is a part of that maga wing that they want to stay alive and the only way that she can keep on going, keep on going, keep on speaking, is to say that i forgot. i don't remember. when we have tape. we have audio. we have written word from marjorie taylor greene about january 6th. so at the end of the day, it will not hold water. people will bring her lies and videotape affront so that she can see exactly what she said, but that is a legal maneuver so she can stay out of hot water that she's already in. >> ana, the governor in your state of florida is punishing disney for opposing this so-called don't say gay law. aren't republicans supposed to be against cancel culture? what do you make of what's been happening with this? we're showing the video right now. he's surrounded by all of these children. the other thing that stands out to me, as somebody who's been to disney world a lot with my family, i can't imagine a florida politician going after walt disney world. what do you make of all this? >> it's really insane. as a floridian, i'm frankly horrified by the environment this creates. listen, it's not like walt disney world waged war against this legislation. what they did was the ceo issued a statement about a bill that many of his employees had huge concerns about. he didn't show up at the capitol with an army of mickey mouses dressed in rainbow platform heels. he made a statement. and that statement should be covered by freedom of speech. and so if you are a pro freedom of speech against canceling, pro business republican, i don't know how you justify hostage taking. political hostage taking and political blackmail against a corporation for speaking up about a concern of their employees. disney is one of the largest private employers in the state of florida. it's got thousands, tens of thousands of employees raising families in this state who care about what happens in their schools. and you know, it's such hypocrisy and it's such insanity. it doesn't make political sense. it doesn't make economic sense. because guess who's going to get stuck with the tax bill. now after going away and eradicating the special taxing authority. the residents of oseola and orange county. they should be paying close attention. it's also meant to send a chilling message to the entire private sector and business world in florida. tell the ceos to cower under their desk and not dare speak up against anything that might be a pet cause of the legislature or governor. that's just wrong. that kind of stifling of freedom of speech by a corporation, by an individual, is absolutely wrong. they're doing it out of spite. they're not even bothering to pretend that this is not punitive action taken against a corporation because of political action. they're not even bothering to say differently. and it is, it's bad for the economy. it's bad for the business sector. i think it's just completely against republican traditional values and also let me remind you that walt disney world has been one of the biggest political donors to republican legislatures and the republican governor and the republican party of florida for decades and decades and decades. i have gone to countless events in disney parks and hotels held by the republican florida raising money for them. so i'd like to know if the republican party of florida is going to return all of those donations from walt disney world. i'd like to know what the business sector is going to do to stand in solidarity with disney world so they are not all silenced and being stifled by a legislature and governor that have just gone insane with their pettiness. in the meantime, floridians can't get home insurance. in the meantime, they haven't done a damn thing to reform condo laws so that condo buildings don't collapse in the middle of the night, killing an trapping people inside. it's just absolute craziness. >> but you know, jim, she is right, but it's more sinister. the optics. ron desantis going against mickey and minnie. it's not just a state of florida issue. this is a larger, national issue that plays into politics and to create this win for desantis who may have higher aspirations. so let's go there. it's mickey and minnie and this issue of family lgbtq plus and ron desantis who wants to come out looking like a champion for higher office. >> all right, thank you so much. we know you would bring it this saturday and you certainly did that. thanks so much to both of you. really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> take care. coming up, the growing mystery after two russian gas executives and their families died in two separate countries within 24 hours. ♪ ♪ you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energ and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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[ laughter ] into the deaths of the russian gas executives, wives and children who were found dead within 24 hours of each other. >> two sununsettling cases fuelg more intrigue around putin. within the span of 24 hours this week, two wealthy former russian gas executives found dead with their families. on monday, vladislav avayev, his wife and daughter found dead in his apartment. russia state news agency citing a source in law enforcement says authorities are investigating as a murder suicide. the next day, alexander tyulakov. a source close to the investigation tells conditions protosenya's wife and daughter were likely murdered inside the luxury home. protosenya found dead outside. >> when russian business people die i think one kind of has to assume the worst first. >> i think these deaths in my book are very suspicious because they are so similar and they're both of prominent individuals who have made their money in the oil and gas sector. >> if these were murder suicides, could these men have been under financial pressure from fallout over the ukraine war? >> we're in a very taut moment in russia. money is scarce. all sorts of people are under a lot of pressure. >> few answers but plenty of theories. >> there might be people in russia connected to the security apparatus who don't like things that these individuals are doing. they could be patterns of retaliation against individuals who may be collaborating with foreign authorities or people in russia that -- information shared. >> what's not clear whether they knew each other or communicated recently with each other. and the analysts we spoke to say it's not clear if either man have spoken out against putin or the war in ukraine. could they have been targeted by pu putin himself? >> almost be something, we need putin to take pressures against people. what he usually goes for is the big fishes and only very few of them in order to set an example to west and bring them under control. >> still, some experts say if there was foul play, it wouldn't be the first time among russian tycoons. >> there's a pattern of suspicious deaths overseas. we're going to be seeing more pressures among the elite because there's a lot of suspicion and recriminations in russia. >> professor louise shelley says there's another layer of suspicious. she says spain, where protosenya died, has among the highest numbers of organized crime figures inside its boarders tha any country. navalny is the putin critic who was poisoned and nearly killed by kremlin agents. he is the subject of a fascinating new documentary premiering tomorrow on cnn. here's a preview. >> when you come to a room of the patient, you start, just tell him news. telling him his story. don't worry. you were poisoned. there was a murder attempt. putin tried to kill with novichok and he opened his blue eyes wide and looked at me and said very clear -- come on. poisoned? i don't believe it. like, he's back. putin's supposed to be not so stupid to use this novichok. his wording. his inclination. if you want to kill someone, just shoot him. jesus christ, like real, alexei. the whole idea of poisoning with a chemical weapon. this is why this is so smart because even reasonable people, they refuse to believe, like, what, come on. poisoned? seriously. >> not surprisingly the kremlin and russia's security services deny they played any role in navalny's poisoning. putin went a step further saying if they wanted him dead, they would quote, probably finished him. be sure to catch this incredible film. i've seen it. navalny, premiering tomorrow night at 9:00 here on cnn. sing . good thing adddding lysol laundry sanitizer kills 99.9% of bacteria that detergents can'n't. clean is good, sanitized is better. ♪ at jp morgan, the only definition of wealth that matters is yours. it can be a smalr house, but a bigger nest egg. ard, the freedom to walk away. peonalized advice, and commission free trades on an award-winning app, we are working for you. planning. investing. advice. jp morgan wealth management. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. this just in. a u.s. air force general officer have been convicted of one specification of sexual assault in a military court in ohio. major general william cooly was found guilty for forcibly kissing a woman in a 2018 incident in new mexico. the first ever court martial trial and conviction in the air force's 75-year history. on the stand, the victim described what happened and its impact as an f-5 tornado ruining everything in its path. the victim accused him of groping her and forcing her to touch him. sentencing phase begins monday. last december, shirley raines was named 2021 hero of the year. we wanted to check in on her and what she's up to now. >> shirley raines! >> as much you want to live in the moment and say it doesn't really matter, let's be real. i wanted to bring that prize money, that win and that recognition to the community. i really wanted them to have that platform. good morning, you guys. >> congratulations, shirley. >> the world had a opportunity to vote for ten amazing organizations and they chose one that dealt with homelessness, which i think to them might say, oh, my god, people really are paying attention. people really are looking. people really do care. i'm hoping that this win will bring more eyes down here. there's a massive need for blankets. there's a massive need for tents. i've always said this from the beginning. i don't do hero stuff. i do human stuff. >> there's something about you. >> something about you, too. honestly all the stuff i've been through in my personal life, i think it's amazing to have gotten this far because i came from, oh, my god, the bottom. i was on cnn heroes? definitely should give hope to other people. 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Discussion , Supervisor , Production Manager , Cto , Ceo , Warehouse Worker , Surprises , Sizes , Driver , Pocket , Prizes , Sweets , Shapes , T Mobile , Man , Plan , Vo , Staffing , Size , Indeed Instant Match , 5g , Master , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Job Description , Candidates , Walk In Bath , My Name Is Ken , Kohler , Sigh , Competitors , Finger Snaps , Opening , Huh , 60 , 25 , Neck , Expert , Bathing , Back , Bath Fills , Drains , Shoulders , Seat , Jets , Hydrotherapy , Deep Soaking , Exclusive Bubblemassage , Bath , Yes , Installer , Plumbing Brand , Independence , Kohler America , Peace Of Mind , The Call , Visit Kohlerwalkinbath Com , 1500 , 500 , Info , Committee , Piece , Piecing , Puzzle , Mark Meadows , Thing , Information , Warning , Michael Fanone , Ordeal , Capitol On January 6th , D C , Politics , Many , Leaders , Ins , Political Analyst , Ana Navarro , April , April Ryan , Ladies , Scheme , Rally , Alternate Elector , Bogus Elector , Traps , Desperation , Inauguration , Tapes , Magnitude , Who , Mea Meadows , Let S Talk , Water , Picture , Didn T , Bridge , Palace Intrigue , Congressperson , Surprise , On Audio , Speaker , Maga Wing , Blow , Receipts , Liar , Anything , Order , Party , Interest , Interests , Lie , Sanity , Patriotism , Morality , Side , Hopes , Blessing , Wing , Rogue , Caucus , Behavior , Disgustin Sniveling , We Haven T , Member , Pretzel , Lawmaker Twisting , Lot , Stand , Comments , Oath , Conversations , Running , Let , Interactions , Kind , Camp , Face To , Striking , I Don T Recall , Memory , Talking Points , Tape , Everywhere , Nature , Forgetfulness , Maneuver , Going , Way , Speaking , Word , Marjorie Taylor Greene About January 6th , Affront , Videotape , Culture , Aren T Republicans , Disney World , Family , Somebody , Politician , Environment , Statement , Employees , Legislation , Capitol , Concerns , Bill , Army , Mickey Mouses Dressed In Rainbow Platform Heels , Canceling , Freedom Of Speech , Corporation , Hostage Taking , Employers , Concern , Blackmail , Families , Care , Tens Of Thousands , Schools , Thousands , Hypocrisy , Insanity , It Doesn T Make Political Sense , It Doesn T , Guess Who , Tax Bill , Special Taxing Authority , Business , Sector , Attention , Ceos , Orange County , Message , Oseola , Legislature , Stifling Of Freedom Speech , Individual , Pet , Desk , Action , Spite , Economy , Values , Business Sector , Republican Party Of Florida , Governor , Legislatures , Donors , Disney Parks , Donations , Hotels , Solidarity , They Haven T , Trapping , Pettiness , Condo Laws , Floridians Can T Get Home Insurance , Condo Buildings Don T Collapse , Craziness , Optics , Win , Let S Go , Issue , Larger , Aspirations , Minnie , Mickey , Right , Champion , Lgbtq Plus , Gas , Thanks , Mystery , Take Care , Countries , Sort , Lover , 24 , Wealth , Other , Invested , Quarrel , Project , Green Energ , Employee , Worth , Foundation , Mike S Retirement Party , Lifetime , Oh Ozempic , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Adults , A1c , Oh , Weight , 7 , Heart Attack , Isn T , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Heart Disease , Stroke , Don T Take Ozempic , Needles , Type 1 Diabetes , Help , Lump , Share , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Swelling , Side Effects , Insulin , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , Drum Roll , Arena , Music , Clothing , Woolite , Lx 600 , Camera Shutters , 600 , Formula , First , Wash , Damage , Defense , Fading , Pilling , Darks , Stock , Fabrics , Woolite Damage , Someone , Mirror , Van , Side View Mirror , Big , Street , Cheese , Fresh Carrot , Ow , Small Business , Dream , Delivery Van , Progressive , Fixin , Executives , Deaths , Laughter , Wives , Each Other , Intrigue , Cases , Vladislav Avayev , Authorities , Wife , State News Agency , Law Enforcement , On Monday , Protosenya , Murder Suicide , Alexander Tyulakov , Home , Luxury , Worst , Individuals , Pressure , Murder Suicides , Oil , Fallout , Theories , Security Apparatus , Collaborating , Patterns , Retaliation , Analysts , Pressures , Something , Pu Putin , It Wouldn T , Experts , Fishes , Play , Tycoons , Louise Shelley , Pattern , Suspicion , Elite , Recriminations , Spain , Suspicious , Layer , Numbers , Organized Crime , Navalny , Kremlin Agents , Critic , Subject , Tha , Preview , Patient , Fascinating New Documentary Premiering Tomorrow On Cnn , Murder Attempt , Him News , Don T Worry , Eyes , Wording , Inclination , Novichok , Jesus Christ , Poisoning , Chemical Weapon , Like Real , Idea , Alexei , Security Services , Role , Sing , Film , Adddding , 00 , 9 , Jp Morgan , Matters , Can N T , Bacteria , Detergents , Definition , Smalr House , Laundry Sanitizer , Lysol , 99 9 , Freedom , Nest Egg , App , Trades , Ard , Peonalized , Planning , Investing , Investor , Wealth Management , Neuroscientist , Science , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Brain Performance , Indicators , Memory Supplements , Six , General Officer , Specification , Sexual Assault , Neuriva , U S Air Force , Military Court , Major General , Incident , William Cooly , Ohio , Court Martial Trial , New Mexico , 2018 , Victim , Conviction , Path , Impact , Groping , 75 , Last December , Sentencing Phase , Hero Of The Year , Shirley Raines , Community , Recognition , Organizations , Congratulations , Platform , Opportunity , Shirley , Ten , Homelessness , God , Need , Hero Stuff , Human Stuff , Blankets , Tents , Beginning , Stuff , Subaru , Levels , Wildfires , Fires , Historc , Growin , Toto Replant Trees , Partnership , Commitment , Retailers , Forests , Fost Foundation , 1 Million , Car Company , Allergies , Body , Spraying Flonase , Season , Psst , Asthma Attacks , Good , Solution , Thinking , Sale , 360 , Vision , Side By , Growth , Collaboration , Value , Efficiency , Team , Blood Clots , Life Changing , Ton , Report , Xfinity , Wifi , Technology , Everyone , Protection , Tech Upgrade Program , Xfi , Internet , Threats , Go , Connection , Generation , Neighborhood , Upgrade Today , Xfi Complete , Wifi Needs , Growing , Bandwidth , Gig , Devices , Supersonic Wifi , Lloyd Austin Plan To Travel Ukraine , Austin , Kyiv ,

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