Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 202

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708

i'll ask a top pentagon spokesman, john kirby, how these weapons might make a difference. our correspondents are standing by in ukraine with cnn's live global coverage as this war enters its ninth week. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." this hour, we're following what could be a final showdown between russian and ukrainian forces in mariupol. a critical battleground in the war. there's also new satellite evidence emerging appearing to show mass graves outside that southeastern city. let's get the latest on the fight for mariupol. matt rivers has our report from the war zone. >> destroyed one tank today. two vehicles and one armored carry. the numbers of enemy losses are still increasing. >> this is an officer in the batallion currently fighting for his life and others inside the besieged steel plant in mariupol. the plant has taken constant bombardment for days on end. >> now ukraine not just fighting for ourselves. >> and yet the reality in mariupol is that russia controls the vast majority of the city apart from the last remaining pocket of ukrainian resistance. enough that putin felt compelled to declare victory in the city he first tried and failed to capture nearly ten years ago. completing the military task of liberator mariupol is a great achievement. but ukraine and its allies have rejected the notion that mariupol has fallen. how could that be when the russians have yet to force out the remaining ukrainian fighters. putin acknowledge fighters remain in the steel plant and essentially said no problem, just wait them out. he said there's no reason to climb into these catacombs and climb understground. block off this industrial area so a fly can't get through. for those inside, the blockade strategy, a sign of weakness from the russian military. a force that has tried and failed for weeks to force out resistance. >> russia now is cowardly hesitating with the assault, final assault because they know that they will fail. and they will fail. >> no matter whether the russians cannot or will not fight their way into the steel complex, the end result is the same. ukrainian fighters inside are not only responsible for themselves, but for the hundreds of civilians they say are sheltering there. some seen here in unverified video from ukraine's government. >> most heartbreaking thing in this that we have limited supplies here and we're trying to share everything with civilians, but russia claims we use them as a human shield. it's bull [ bleep ]. it's complete bull [ bleep ]. real military doesn't do this. >> even outside the steel plant in areas firmly under russian control, tens of thousands of civilians that need to be evacuated cannot. only a fraction managed to leave in the last few days. some seen here arriving in the ukrainian city of zaporizhzhia. not thousands, not hundreds, muhabut mere dozens after ukraine said russian forces violated cease fire agreement. >> it's more like a terrorist operation against mariupol and the people of this city. >> matt rivers reporting for us from the war zone. matt, thank you very much. now to russia's escalating offensive in eastern ukraine. our chief international correspondent, clarissa ward, is covering it for you. i know you traveled to one area in the region where civilians are struggling to stay alive. >> wolf, russia appears to have settled on a tactic in this new eastern offensive. shell a town relentlessly, inch forward, keep shelling the town even more, inch forward. we spent the day with a brave volunteer who is risking his life to go into these towns and try to get civilians out safely. it's a road few are willing to take anymore. but every day, volunteer alexander makes the dangerous drive towards russian forces in his hometown to rescue fellow residents from the heavy fighting. they shell everything, he tells us. schoolbuses. the red cross. anything that moves. so why do you do this work? i love my town and i can't leave it, he says. i can't leave the people here. somebody needs to help people. he's hoping the rain provides some let up in the relentless artillery. it's better for us, but it's worse for the road, he says. you can't see the potholes and the shrapnel from the shells. he arrives at the village on the outskirts of pa pasna. anatolli is being evacuated with his son, vladimir. a neighbor shouts at us to show what the rusisians have done. those who stay here now are completely cut off from basic services. so there's no electricity here. no water at all and you can see they're actually collecting rainwater. it's time for anaatoli and vladimir to go. their entire life now packed into the trunk of alexander's car. leaving the village, we spot a house destroyed by shelling. as we get out to take a closer look, a tearful galina emerging. she tells us it happened two days earlier. the first hit was at 5:50 then there was a second hit, she says. that hit my garage. she takes us around what remains of her home. the steady thuds of artillery can still be heard. >> the roof was completely destroyed. >> this is where the first shell hit, she says. galina had just woken up and was lying in her bed when this happened. we have nothing left, she says. in the living room, she takes down the drapes that were hung to hide any light. this is how we tried to mask ourselves, she tells us. there's no need for them anymore. galina and her husband still don't want to leave their home, but she understands that russia's offensive here has only just begun and it's going to get much worse. i lived until 60 and now i have lost everything, she says. honestly, i have no words. for those like anatoli and vladimir who do leave, there are few good options. alexander takes them to a dormitory in a nearby town. they can stay five days for free. after that, it's up to them. in the next door bed, another couple rescued by alexander tell us there is nothing left of their home. but they don't blame president putin. thank you, america, she says. it's a horror. it's a nightmare. so it's interesting. she's saying that she thinks russia actually wanted to negotiate here and she blames america primarily for this war. putin wants to find a peaceful solution, her husband tells us. please don't tell this bullshit to the whole world, alexander says. it's not an uncommon view in these parts of eastern ukraine, making the situation here all the more complex. alexander says he evacuated anyone, whatever their political views. he knows there are still so many out there who need his help. wolf, it's not just civilians here who are facing great danger. ukrainian security services have released an audio tape that purportedly shows communications between russian forces in which they discuss an alleged order to kill prisoners of war in the town. take a listen. >> what can i tell you, damn it. you keep the most senior among them and let the rest go forever. so that no one will ever see them again, including relatives. >> cnn cannot independently confirm the authenticity of that audio. we have also reached out to the russian ministry of defense, wolf, who have perhaps unsurprisingly yet given us any comment. >> clarissa, thank you very much. here in the united states, president biden is now sending yet another $800 million in u.s. military assistance to ukraine citing a critical window in the war. let's go to our chief white house correspondent, kaitlan collins. tell our viewers what's in this new aid package. >> yeah, wolf, the president is vowing that putin will not be successful in his efforts in ukraine and in order to do so, he's sending them more weapons including the second $800 million package that he announced today in addition to the $800 million they announced last week. this one looks a lot like the one last week which stood out because it had a lot heavier duty weaponry, more sophisticated stuff than in previous package. this one includes about 72 howitzers. 133,000 rounds of ammunition and over 100 tactical drones. new drones that are called phoenix goet drones that the pentagon says the air force developed specifically to go to ukraine and at the request of the ukrainians. and they're pretty similar in capabilities to the switchblade drones that were included in that package last week, wolf. it makes it easier to go after targets without being as close to them of course and that is something the ukrainians have said would be very helpful to them. it wouldn't necessarily require a ton of training in order to figure out how they work. he really gave his overview of where he thinks things stands as they approach this two-month mark of this invasion. >> as we approach the two-month mark, we know putin has failed to achieve his grand ambitions on the battlefield after weeks of shell of kyiv, kyiv still stands. president zelenskyy and his democratic government still remain in power and ukrainian armed forces joined by many brave ukrainian civilians have thawrted russia's conquest. >> the president says they won't always be able to advertise the weaponry. not wanting to disclose that to the russian forces. the president did say the geography of where russia is going to be fighting will be limited, but he said he did not believe the brutality wouldn't be limited. >> thank you. just ahead, i'll speak live with the pentagon press secretary, john kirby. we'll discuss the new military aid package and the newest assessment on whether mariupol has fallen. he's standing by live. we'll discuss when we come back. 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. we're following the breaking in us as russia claims victory in mariupol and the u.s. sends more weapons to ukrainian forces. joining us now, the pentagon press secretary, john kirby. thanks very much for joining us. this new package includes more howitzers and a brand-new drone system designed by the u.s. for ukraine. how will these weapons specifically enable the ukrainian military to repel the russians in this new phase of the war? >> we believe these additional systems that we're sending here in this latest package are very well suited to the kind of fighting that we think we're going to see in the donbas that the ukrainians are going to face from the russians in the donbas. this is an area of ukraine that's flat, wide open. not very urban and lends itself well to mechanized warfare. you can see the russians already believe that just by what they're moving into the donbas so we want to be able to have the same capabilities available to the ukrainians and they have asked for specifically artillery support. that's why there's another 72 howitzers going in and more than 1400 artillery rounds to go with them. we're doing training this week with ukrainian soldiers outside of ukraine on american howitzers so they know how to use them and can train their teammates. these unmanned systems will let them attack russian ground formations. they're very capable, fairly new systems, but we believe they're well suited to the kind of fighting that's going to occur here in the donbas region. >> when you say training outside of ukraine, can you tell our viewers where this training is going on? >> yeah, we're being very careful on the exact location out of concerns for the host nation. we want to respect their need to be able to continue to do this so we're not detailing where, but it is outside of the country and it's a small number of trainees, a little more than 50. so we'll train these 50 or so on how to use american howitzers. they'll go back to ukraine and will be able to train their colleagues as they get these in place in the donbas region. if there's a need for additional training on additional systems outside the country, we'll certainly look to do that, too. >> as someone who has seen these howitzers in action, they are devastating when used appropriately. president putin claims russia has now successfully captured mariupol. what's the latest u.s. assessment on control of mariupol tonight? >> we are looking at this very closely. we don't share the russians sanguine nature of their capture of mariupol. we still hold it as being contested that the ukrainians inside mariupol continue to resist russian efforts to take the city. but clearly, the russians have devoted a lot of force and fire power to make mariupol. they believe it's critical to their ability to move on the donbas region and get that land bridge between the donbas and crimea. but again, our assessment is that the ukrainians are still fighting for it. >> because putin apparently isn't sending troops in for a last stand at that steel factory in mariupol, saying there's no need for russian soldiers to quote, climb into these catacombs, his words. does putin want to avoid urban warfare like the kind russia failed out around kyiv? >> difficult to know. you heard what he said today, but you've got to watch and see what the russians do. their tactics of late have been brutal. they have committed atrocities. we know russian forces have committed war crimes so we're going to watch this very closely. in the meantime, we're going to do everything we can to get the tools, the weapons and the m ises that the ukrainians need to continue to defend themselves and their territory. >> yesterday as you know, john, the u.s. assessment made public was that russia had made no major territorial gains yet in this new military offensive. have they made any progress since then and how much land does russia control in the east? >> our view is wolf, today, that they have still not really achieved any territorial gains in the donbas. there have been offensive operations conducted by the russians, particularly in the north part of the donbas, but they haven't succeeded in actually taking much territory and the ukrainians have been able to hold them off, to defend and push them out of some towns and villages, so our assessment today is that they really have not made any territorial gains in that part of ukraine. >> it's interesting. the president, president biden said today the u.s. won't always be able to advertise everything the u.s. and its allies and partners are doing to support ukraine. the ukrainian military. has publicizing that military aid given russia a certain advantage? >> we are being very careful about what we're putting out into the public. we have an obligation to explain to the american people what we're doing to support ukraine's ability to defend itself. there's a lot of information we're not putting out there. certainly not talking about what ukraine's capabilities on the ground and where they are and how they're operating. we also don't talk about many of the contributions other nations are making. that's their choice and we respect that. we're being very judicious. on the other hand, we believe we have on obligation to try to explain as much possible what sort of effort we're putting forward to help ukraine defend itself and i think we're achieving that balance pretty well. >> john kirby, thanks so much for joining us. we really appreciate it. the breaking news continues next. we're going live to eastern ukraine again where hell is raining down in the form of russian strikes trapping those too old, too young, too poor or too frightened to flee. ucose co it's clinically shohown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hungeger and support muscle health. try boost® today. 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>> you're absolutely right. ben wedeman on the scene for us. thank you very much. let's get more right now on all the breaking news. joining us, the former ukrainian prime minister. thank you so much for joining us. what goes through your mind when you hear a report like that, when you hear what's going on. how many vulnerable ukrainian citizens are sheltering from this brutal russian assault on the eastern front right now? >> you know, on the one hand, this is one of the biggest tragedies. humanitarian tragedy. this is a disaster. when tens of thousands of people actually the population of mariupol was more than 400,000 people. as of now, we believe around 100,000 people are sheltering in the bunkers and in different areas of mariupol. so this is a big disaster, but on the other hand, this is a real example of here oism. very courageous ukrainian men and women in the uniform and ukrainian people. so what is needed right now? a safe passage. humanitarian corridor for these civilians. urgently needed. and for those who fight against the russian military, i mean ukrainian military who is fighting like hell against the russians, they have to be rescued. as quick as possible using all tools and all means in order to save every single life of these heroes. >> we've seen satellite images, prime minister, which show mass graves just outside of mariupol. a ukrainian official says this is quote, direct evidence of war crimes by russia. what sort of atrocities do you fear have already been committed in this besieged city? >> satellite images showed that presumably, this is the mass grave of around up to 9,000 people that had been killed by russians and buried in these mass graves. my message to the world, wolf, is as follows. that unpunished evil always returns. putin and his military committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. the incumbent legal machinery is not capable of bringing to justice putin and these criminals. so it is important to realize that we need urgently to facilitate a real legal mechanism. how to bring to justice those responsible because putin already committed a number of crimes in the suburbs of kyiv. he did the same in different areas of ukraine. in ckharkiv, chernihiv. mariupol. this is just unbelievable what is happening. unbelievable. the world has to stand its ground. we need not just to send a message. we need to send a legal team to every single spot where putin committed these crime and actually orchestrate a legal case against putin. >> the former ukrainian prime minister. thank you so much for joining us. thanks for all you're doing. we'll continue this conversation down the road for sure. appreciate it very much. and this important note to our viewers. for important information about how you, our viewers, can help humanitarian efforts in ukraine, go to and help impact your world. just ahead, why a growing number of refugees are now returning to ukraine even as the war rages on. cnn is live on the scene. we'll have that when we come back. so we fit your style. our installers complete yourur work in as little as a day so we fit your schedule. our manufacturing team custom crafts your b bath so we fit your standards, and it's guaranteed for life. when you can trust the people who create your new bath, it just fits. bath fitter. visit to book your free consultation. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. bipolar depression. it made me feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. you're pretty particular about keeping a healthy body. what goes on it... usually. ♪ in it... mostly. even what gets near your body. please please please take that outside. here to meet those high standards is the walgreens health and wellness brand. over 2000 products. rigorously tested. walgreens pharmacist recommended... and particularly kind to your wallet. ♪ ♪ i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. sofi. get your money right. ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? 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>> we can never say that. it's hard to predict, actually, the direction of the crisis. >> the first stop in poland for many ukrainians traveling by train, the mayor was once overwhelmed by the number of refugees showing up every day. not anymore. >> seems better. we're better organized as well after the two months experience and happy we are so happy that situation on ukraine looks better at this moment. >> inside the station, natalya and her family are headed back to their hometown in southern ukraine. about 50 miles from the contested city of mykolaiv. >> translator: in our town, we had about seven or eight people killed at a military unit when it was bombed. my child was so scared. >> they fled to a small town in northern germany. the government put them up in a nice hotel, but they say they had little help beyond that. >> translator: we didn't know what to do. nobody helped us to find jobs. well, we were told we needed to speak german. >> willing to take a small risk to get your life back? >> translator: yes, we want to go back. after all, home is home. >> down the hall, natalya fled just days into the war. while she stayed with friends in germany, her neighborhood withstood russian shelling. now that the fighting has retreated, she's going back. >> translator: it's a bit scary, but i've been looking forward to seeing my husband. i never thought this would last for a long time. i thought it would be for a week or two. i don't want to start a new life in germany without my husband. >> at the border, the line to get into ukraine stretches for five miles and at the polish side of the pe desi tran crossing, there are more volunteers than refugees. she is going back to see her parents. >> for easter. i miss them very, very much. >> and just in the last hour or so, the last train of the day left for ukraine. a lot of people headed back there to kyiv since the russians retreated. some people are even going farther east to areas that are more dangerous. you hear a lot of the same reasoning over and over. people couldn't find work. they didn't know the language. they were feeling isolated. one family told us they didn't want to take advantage of the generosity of their hosts in germany. the reality is that getting people out of the country is often the easy part. the hard part is integrating people and setting them up for success in their new countries. wolf? >> heartbreaking, indeed. the whole situation. scott mcclain in neighboring poland for us. thank you very much. let's get more on the breaking news right now. russian president putin claiming victory in the key ukrainian city of mariupol. brian todd and retired u.s. air force colonel, cedrick layton, they're working the story for us. show us what's going on. >> putin claims victory. ukrainians say the city has not fallen yet. the city mostly in control of the russians. what makes this port city so crucial for putin? >> this makes the final piece of the land bridge that the russians have wanted from crimea all the way into the donbas then into russia. so when they have this land bridge, that serves to take this part of the coastline off the table for ukraine and potentially puts in play the western part right here if they pivot and move toward odesa. >> now let's look at what's being called the alamo of mariupol, the battle for this complex. the iron and steel works complex. it takes up four square miles. it is a sprawling complex of buildings, warehouses, rail tracks, smokestacks, roads. it's got its own port, but also an underground network of rooms, tunnels, and communications systems. as we look at this video, the before and after video, the video before the siege, this after video, what are these futures? what makes it so difficult for this complex to be captured by the russians? >> what's really difficult about this is the cavernous nature of this. you look at the buildings and you see how difficult it is. imagine yourself fighting through this and trying find a room that you can clear and you have to do that hundreds and thousands of times throughout this complex. >> it's going to be incredibly difficult to capture. if the russian forces don't understand where some of these places are, how to navigate them, it's going to be difficult for the city to capture. the defense minister says three to four days to capture this. both the colonel and i think that's a fantasy. >> good reporting. thanks, guys, very, very much. appreciate it. coming up, new reporting right now on some top republicans who privately blasted then president trump after the january 6th insurrection. senate gop leader mitch mcconnell calling trump an sob and cheering democrats for taking him on. we have details when we come back. h look like? 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Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer 20240708

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i'll ask a top pentagon spokesman, john kirby, how these weapons might make a difference. our correspondents are standing by in ukraine with cnn's live global coverage as this war enters its ninth week. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer and you're in "the situation room." this hour, we're following what could be a final showdown between russian and ukrainian forces in mariupol. a critical battleground in the war. there's also new satellite evidence emerging appearing to show mass graves outside that southeastern city. let's get the latest on the fight for mariupol. matt rivers has our report from the war zone. >> destroyed one tank today. two vehicles and one armored carry. the numbers of enemy losses are still increasing. >> this is an officer in the batallion currently fighting for his life and others inside the besieged steel plant in mariupol. the plant has taken constant bombardment for days on end. >> now ukraine not just fighting for ourselves. >> and yet the reality in mariupol is that russia controls the vast majority of the city apart from the last remaining pocket of ukrainian resistance. enough that putin felt compelled to declare victory in the city he first tried and failed to capture nearly ten years ago. completing the military task of liberator mariupol is a great achievement. but ukraine and its allies have rejected the notion that mariupol has fallen. how could that be when the russians have yet to force out the remaining ukrainian fighters. putin acknowledge fighters remain in the steel plant and essentially said no problem, just wait them out. he said there's no reason to climb into these catacombs and climb understground. block off this industrial area so a fly can't get through. for those inside, the blockade strategy, a sign of weakness from the russian military. a force that has tried and failed for weeks to force out resistance. >> russia now is cowardly hesitating with the assault, final assault because they know that they will fail. and they will fail. >> no matter whether the russians cannot or will not fight their way into the steel complex, the end result is the same. ukrainian fighters inside are not only responsible for themselves, but for the hundreds of civilians they say are sheltering there. some seen here in unverified video from ukraine's government. >> most heartbreaking thing in this that we have limited supplies here and we're trying to share everything with civilians, but russia claims we use them as a human shield. it's bull [ bleep ]. it's complete bull [ bleep ]. real military doesn't do this. >> even outside the steel plant in areas firmly under russian control, tens of thousands of civilians that need to be evacuated cannot. only a fraction managed to leave in the last few days. some seen here arriving in the ukrainian city of zaporizhzhia. not thousands, not hundreds, muhabut mere dozens after ukraine said russian forces violated cease fire agreement. >> it's more like a terrorist operation against mariupol and the people of this city. >> matt rivers reporting for us from the war zone. matt, thank you very much. now to russia's escalating offensive in eastern ukraine. our chief international correspondent, clarissa ward, is covering it for you. i know you traveled to one area in the region where civilians are struggling to stay alive. >> wolf, russia appears to have settled on a tactic in this new eastern offensive. shell a town relentlessly, inch forward, keep shelling the town even more, inch forward. we spent the day with a brave volunteer who is risking his life to go into these towns and try to get civilians out safely. it's a road few are willing to take anymore. but every day, volunteer alexander makes the dangerous drive towards russian forces in his hometown to rescue fellow residents from the heavy fighting. they shell everything, he tells us. schoolbuses. the red cross. anything that moves. so why do you do this work? i love my town and i can't leave it, he says. i can't leave the people here. somebody needs to help people. he's hoping the rain provides some let up in the relentless artillery. it's better for us, but it's worse for the road, he says. you can't see the potholes and the shrapnel from the shells. he arrives at the village on the outskirts of pa pasna. anatolli is being evacuated with his son, vladimir. a neighbor shouts at us to show what the rusisians have done. those who stay here now are completely cut off from basic services. so there's no electricity here. no water at all and you can see they're actually collecting rainwater. it's time for anaatoli and vladimir to go. their entire life now packed into the trunk of alexander's car. leaving the village, we spot a house destroyed by shelling. as we get out to take a closer look, a tearful galina emerging. she tells us it happened two days earlier. the first hit was at 5:50 then there was a second hit, she says. that hit my garage. she takes us around what remains of her home. the steady thuds of artillery can still be heard. >> the roof was completely destroyed. >> this is where the first shell hit, she says. galina had just woken up and was lying in her bed when this happened. we have nothing left, she says. in the living room, she takes down the drapes that were hung to hide any light. this is how we tried to mask ourselves, she tells us. there's no need for them anymore. galina and her husband still don't want to leave their home, but she understands that russia's offensive here has only just begun and it's going to get much worse. i lived until 60 and now i have lost everything, she says. honestly, i have no words. for those like anatoli and vladimir who do leave, there are few good options. alexander takes them to a dormitory in a nearby town. they can stay five days for free. after that, it's up to them. in the next door bed, another couple rescued by alexander tell us there is nothing left of their home. but they don't blame president putin. thank you, america, she says. it's a horror. it's a nightmare. so it's interesting. she's saying that she thinks russia actually wanted to negotiate here and she blames america primarily for this war. putin wants to find a peaceful solution, her husband tells us. please don't tell this bullshit to the whole world, alexander says. it's not an uncommon view in these parts of eastern ukraine, making the situation here all the more complex. alexander says he evacuated anyone, whatever their political views. he knows there are still so many out there who need his help. wolf, it's not just civilians here who are facing great danger. ukrainian security services have released an audio tape that purportedly shows communications between russian forces in which they discuss an alleged order to kill prisoners of war in the town. take a listen. >> what can i tell you, damn it. you keep the most senior among them and let the rest go forever. so that no one will ever see them again, including relatives. >> cnn cannot independently confirm the authenticity of that audio. we have also reached out to the russian ministry of defense, wolf, who have perhaps unsurprisingly yet given us any comment. >> clarissa, thank you very much. here in the united states, president biden is now sending yet another $800 million in u.s. military assistance to ukraine citing a critical window in the war. let's go to our chief white house correspondent, kaitlan collins. tell our viewers what's in this new aid package. >> yeah, wolf, the president is vowing that putin will not be successful in his efforts in ukraine and in order to do so, he's sending them more weapons including the second $800 million package that he announced today in addition to the $800 million they announced last week. this one looks a lot like the one last week which stood out because it had a lot heavier duty weaponry, more sophisticated stuff than in previous package. this one includes about 72 howitzers. 133,000 rounds of ammunition and over 100 tactical drones. new drones that are called phoenix goet drones that the pentagon says the air force developed specifically to go to ukraine and at the request of the ukrainians. and they're pretty similar in capabilities to the switchblade drones that were included in that package last week, wolf. it makes it easier to go after targets without being as close to them of course and that is something the ukrainians have said would be very helpful to them. it wouldn't necessarily require a ton of training in order to figure out how they work. he really gave his overview of where he thinks things stands as they approach this two-month mark of this invasion. >> as we approach the two-month mark, we know putin has failed to achieve his grand ambitions on the battlefield after weeks of shell of kyiv, kyiv still stands. president zelenskyy and his democratic government still remain in power and ukrainian armed forces joined by many brave ukrainian civilians have thawrted russia's conquest. >> the president says they won't always be able to advertise the weaponry. not wanting to disclose that to the russian forces. the president did say the geography of where russia is going to be fighting will be limited, but he said he did not believe the brutality wouldn't be limited. >> thank you. just ahead, i'll speak live with the pentagon press secretary, john kirby. we'll discuss the new military aid package and the newest assessment on whether mariupol has fallen. he's standing by live. we'll discuss when we come back. 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[ sighs heavily ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive helps protect what you've built with affordable coverage. we're following the breaking in us as russia claims victory in mariupol and the u.s. sends more weapons to ukrainian forces. joining us now, the pentagon press secretary, john kirby. thanks very much for joining us. this new package includes more howitzers and a brand-new drone system designed by the u.s. for ukraine. how will these weapons specifically enable the ukrainian military to repel the russians in this new phase of the war? >> we believe these additional systems that we're sending here in this latest package are very well suited to the kind of fighting that we think we're going to see in the donbas that the ukrainians are going to face from the russians in the donbas. this is an area of ukraine that's flat, wide open. not very urban and lends itself well to mechanized warfare. you can see the russians already believe that just by what they're moving into the donbas so we want to be able to have the same capabilities available to the ukrainians and they have asked for specifically artillery support. that's why there's another 72 howitzers going in and more than 1400 artillery rounds to go with them. we're doing training this week with ukrainian soldiers outside of ukraine on american howitzers so they know how to use them and can train their teammates. these unmanned systems will let them attack russian ground formations. they're very capable, fairly new systems, but we believe they're well suited to the kind of fighting that's going to occur here in the donbas region. >> when you say training outside of ukraine, can you tell our viewers where this training is going on? >> yeah, we're being very careful on the exact location out of concerns for the host nation. we want to respect their need to be able to continue to do this so we're not detailing where, but it is outside of the country and it's a small number of trainees, a little more than 50. so we'll train these 50 or so on how to use american howitzers. they'll go back to ukraine and will be able to train their colleagues as they get these in place in the donbas region. if there's a need for additional training on additional systems outside the country, we'll certainly look to do that, too. >> as someone who has seen these howitzers in action, they are devastating when used appropriately. president putin claims russia has now successfully captured mariupol. what's the latest u.s. assessment on control of mariupol tonight? >> we are looking at this very closely. we don't share the russians sanguine nature of their capture of mariupol. we still hold it as being contested that the ukrainians inside mariupol continue to resist russian efforts to take the city. but clearly, the russians have devoted a lot of force and fire power to make mariupol. they believe it's critical to their ability to move on the donbas region and get that land bridge between the donbas and crimea. but again, our assessment is that the ukrainians are still fighting for it. >> because putin apparently isn't sending troops in for a last stand at that steel factory in mariupol, saying there's no need for russian soldiers to quote, climb into these catacombs, his words. does putin want to avoid urban warfare like the kind russia failed out around kyiv? >> difficult to know. you heard what he said today, but you've got to watch and see what the russians do. their tactics of late have been brutal. they have committed atrocities. we know russian forces have committed war crimes so we're going to watch this very closely. in the meantime, we're going to do everything we can to get the tools, the weapons and the m ises that the ukrainians need to continue to defend themselves and their territory. >> yesterday as you know, john, the u.s. assessment made public was that russia had made no major territorial gains yet in this new military offensive. have they made any progress since then and how much land does russia control in the east? >> our view is wolf, today, that they have still not really achieved any territorial gains in the donbas. there have been offensive operations conducted by the russians, particularly in the north part of the donbas, but they haven't succeeded in actually taking much territory and the ukrainians have been able to hold them off, to defend and push them out of some towns and villages, so our assessment today is that they really have not made any territorial gains in that part of ukraine. >> it's interesting. the president, president biden said today the u.s. won't always be able to advertise everything the u.s. and its allies and partners are doing to support ukraine. the ukrainian military. has publicizing that military aid given russia a certain advantage? >> we are being very careful about what we're putting out into the public. we have an obligation to explain to the american people what we're doing to support ukraine's ability to defend itself. there's a lot of information we're not putting out there. certainly not talking about what ukraine's capabilities on the ground and where they are and how they're operating. we also don't talk about many of the contributions other nations are making. that's their choice and we respect that. we're being very judicious. on the other hand, we believe we have on obligation to try to explain as much possible what sort of effort we're putting forward to help ukraine defend itself and i think we're achieving that balance pretty well. >> john kirby, thanks so much for joining us. we really appreciate it. the breaking news continues next. we're going live to eastern ukraine again where hell is raining down in the form of russian strikes trapping those too old, too young, too poor or too frightened to flee. ucose co it's clinically shohown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hungeger and support muscle health. try boost® today. 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>> you're absolutely right. ben wedeman on the scene for us. thank you very much. let's get more right now on all the breaking news. joining us, the former ukrainian prime minister. thank you so much for joining us. what goes through your mind when you hear a report like that, when you hear what's going on. how many vulnerable ukrainian citizens are sheltering from this brutal russian assault on the eastern front right now? >> you know, on the one hand, this is one of the biggest tragedies. humanitarian tragedy. this is a disaster. when tens of thousands of people actually the population of mariupol was more than 400,000 people. as of now, we believe around 100,000 people are sheltering in the bunkers and in different areas of mariupol. so this is a big disaster, but on the other hand, this is a real example of here oism. very courageous ukrainian men and women in the uniform and ukrainian people. so what is needed right now? a safe passage. humanitarian corridor for these civilians. urgently needed. and for those who fight against the russian military, i mean ukrainian military who is fighting like hell against the russians, they have to be rescued. as quick as possible using all tools and all means in order to save every single life of these heroes. >> we've seen satellite images, prime minister, which show mass graves just outside of mariupol. a ukrainian official says this is quote, direct evidence of war crimes by russia. what sort of atrocities do you fear have already been committed in this besieged city? >> satellite images showed that presumably, this is the mass grave of around up to 9,000 people that had been killed by russians and buried in these mass graves. my message to the world, wolf, is as follows. that unpunished evil always returns. putin and his military committed war crimes and crimes against humanity. the incumbent legal machinery is not capable of bringing to justice putin and these criminals. so it is important to realize that we need urgently to facilitate a real legal mechanism. how to bring to justice those responsible because putin already committed a number of crimes in the suburbs of kyiv. he did the same in different areas of ukraine. in ckharkiv, chernihiv. mariupol. this is just unbelievable what is happening. unbelievable. the world has to stand its ground. we need not just to send a message. we need to send a legal team to every single spot where putin committed these crime and actually orchestrate a legal case against putin. >> the former ukrainian prime minister. thank you so much for joining us. thanks for all you're doing. we'll continue this conversation down the road for sure. appreciate it very much. and this important note to our viewers. for important information about how you, our viewers, can help humanitarian efforts in ukraine, go to and help impact your world. just ahead, why a growing number of refugees are now returning to ukraine even as the war rages on. cnn is live on the scene. we'll have that when we come back. so we fit your style. our installers complete yourur work in as little as a day so we fit your schedule. our manufacturing team custom crafts your b bath so we fit your standards, and it's guaranteed for life. when you can trust the people who create your new bath, it just fits. bath fitter. visit to book your free consultation. ♪ ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. bipolar depression. it made me feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. you're pretty particular about keeping a healthy body. what goes on it... usually. ♪ in it... mostly. even what gets near your body. please please please take that outside. here to meet those high standards is the walgreens health and wellness brand. over 2000 products. rigorously tested. walgreens pharmacist recommended... and particularly kind to your wallet. ♪ ♪ i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. so i consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. sofi. get your money right. ever wonder what everyone's doing on their phones? 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>> we can never say that. it's hard to predict, actually, the direction of the crisis. >> the first stop in poland for many ukrainians traveling by train, the mayor was once overwhelmed by the number of refugees showing up every day. not anymore. >> seems better. we're better organized as well after the two months experience and happy we are so happy that situation on ukraine looks better at this moment. >> inside the station, natalya and her family are headed back to their hometown in southern ukraine. about 50 miles from the contested city of mykolaiv. >> translator: in our town, we had about seven or eight people killed at a military unit when it was bombed. my child was so scared. >> they fled to a small town in northern germany. the government put them up in a nice hotel, but they say they had little help beyond that. >> translator: we didn't know what to do. nobody helped us to find jobs. well, we were told we needed to speak german. >> willing to take a small risk to get your life back? >> translator: yes, we want to go back. after all, home is home. >> down the hall, natalya fled just days into the war. while she stayed with friends in germany, her neighborhood withstood russian shelling. now that the fighting has retreated, she's going back. >> translator: it's a bit scary, but i've been looking forward to seeing my husband. i never thought this would last for a long time. i thought it would be for a week or two. i don't want to start a new life in germany without my husband. >> at the border, the line to get into ukraine stretches for five miles and at the polish side of the pe desi tran crossing, there are more volunteers than refugees. she is going back to see her parents. >> for easter. i miss them very, very much. >> and just in the last hour or so, the last train of the day left for ukraine. a lot of people headed back there to kyiv since the russians retreated. some people are even going farther east to areas that are more dangerous. you hear a lot of the same reasoning over and over. people couldn't find work. they didn't know the language. they were feeling isolated. one family told us they didn't want to take advantage of the generosity of their hosts in germany. the reality is that getting people out of the country is often the easy part. the hard part is integrating people and setting them up for success in their new countries. wolf? >> heartbreaking, indeed. the whole situation. scott mcclain in neighboring poland for us. thank you very much. let's get more on the breaking news right now. russian president putin claiming victory in the key ukrainian city of mariupol. brian todd and retired u.s. air force colonel, cedrick layton, they're working the story for us. show us what's going on. >> putin claims victory. ukrainians say the city has not fallen yet. the city mostly in control of the russians. what makes this port city so crucial for putin? >> this makes the final piece of the land bridge that the russians have wanted from crimea all the way into the donbas then into russia. so when they have this land bridge, that serves to take this part of the coastline off the table for ukraine and potentially puts in play the western part right here if they pivot and move toward odesa. >> now let's look at what's being called the alamo of mariupol, the battle for this complex. the iron and steel works complex. it takes up four square miles. it is a sprawling complex of buildings, warehouses, rail tracks, smokestacks, roads. it's got its own port, but also an underground network of rooms, tunnels, and communications systems. as we look at this video, the before and after video, the video before the siege, this after video, what are these futures? what makes it so difficult for this complex to be captured by the russians? >> what's really difficult about this is the cavernous nature of this. you look at the buildings and you see how difficult it is. imagine yourself fighting through this and trying find a room that you can clear and you have to do that hundreds and thousands of times throughout this complex. >> it's going to be incredibly difficult to capture. if the russian forces don't understand where some of these places are, how to navigate them, it's going to be difficult for the city to capture. the defense minister says three to four days to capture this. both the colonel and i think that's a fantasy. >> good reporting. thanks, guys, very, very much. appreciate it. coming up, new reporting right now on some top republicans who privately blasted then president trump after the january 6th insurrection. senate gop leader mitch mcconnell calling trump an sob and cheering democrats for taking him on. we have details when we come back. h look like? 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Phil , Air , App , Romance , Love , Dating , Fate , Gift , Allergies , Stop Banking , Spraying Flonase , Season , Good , Psst , Poland , Scott Mcclain , 5 Million , Trains , Women , Standing Room Only , Most , Tanks , Bombs , Millions , Train , Stop , Direction , Crisis , Mayor , Mass Exodus , Family , Natalya , Station , Southern Ukraine , Mykolaiv , Translator , Northern Germany , Military Unit , Child , Hotel , Seven , Eight , Nobody , Jobs , Neighborhood , Hall , Side , Border , Line , Desi Tran Crossing , Pe , Easter , Reasoning , Language , People Couldn T Find Work , Countries , Generosity , Hosts , Success , President , Heartbreaking , U S Air Force , Cedrick Layton , Story , Putin Claims Victory , Brian Todd , Port City , Piece , Crimea All The Way , Move , Coastline , Alamo Of Mariupol , Odesa , Buildings , Battle , Warehouses , Port , Roads , Smokestacks , Iron And Steel Works Complex , Rail Tracks , Four , Communications Systems , Rooms , Tunnels , Siege , Futures , Room , Hundreds And Thousands , Times , Reporting , Defense Minister , Places , Fantasy , Three , Mitch Mcconnell , Coming Up , Republicans , Guys , January 6th Insurrection , Senate , 6 , January 6th , Workout , Sob , Cheering , Tonal , Eye Drop , Vuitytm , Wait , First , Fda , Reading Glasses , Eye , Drop , Eyes , Focus , Uh Huh , Prescription Eye Drop , Activities , Caution , Vuity , Yep , Headache , Vision Loss , Eye Redness , Families , Shhhh , Lease Cash , Lease Programs , Don T Worry , Lexus Rx , 30 , 500 , 2022 , 1500 , Felt I Couldn T , Reminders , Hep C , My Hep C , Hepatitis Ci , 8 , Liver Problems , Liver , Types , Mavyret , Treatment , Cause , Signs , Have , Chance , Conditions , Medicines , Rifampin , Atazanavir , Yellowing , Don T Take Mavyret , 1 , Swelling , Abdominal Pain , Liver Disease , Tiredness , Me , Trump , Obama , Fact , Election , Disinformation , Campaign , Swipe , Men , Democracy , Globe , Human Rights , Law , Democratic Backsliding Isn T Restricted , Lerned Dnld , Insurrection , Skroun Kror , Kr , Anything Es Company Technical , Lent Voi , Insociety Kroit Voi , Hem Inhelp , Ask Hchl , Skrurn 6th Select , Led , Testimonies , Crow , Pet Moat , Skrurn 6th Jurn January Insurrection , Krork , Esibility , Krou , Comingdies , Keed , 6th January , Mechanic , Kror , Both , Will Rode , Mrjt Ledder , Thedies , Skrurn 6th Thb Thebled Trump Uz , Mechanic Konl , Ask Snt , Show Row Soin , Riot , Woks , Kroit Kroiting , Invoting , Odds Thir , Thinksy , Skrurn 6th Mechanic , Tone Dpufl , Uns Dpen Ill Strits , Pert , Proift Hiest , Mubl , Dpifl , Lu Mickers , Opinion , Elections , Conduct , Fk Mcconsider Think , Issue , Kul , Mob , Toims , Troy Today Dpong Block Done Con Depress , Technical Kirful , Technical Company , Toll , Invoit Kroit Kroiting , Taking Trulicity , Skroirks , Some , Dad , Hobbies , Type 2 Diabetes , A1c , Changes , Habits , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Use , It Isn T , Stop Trulicity , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Kidney Problems , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Reaction , Neck , Lump , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Nausea , Vomiting , Diabetic Retinopathy , Cto , Production Manager , Warehouse Worker , Driver , Ceo , Sweets , Surprises , Prizes , Shapes , Sizes , Vo , 5g , Moon ,

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