Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

russian forces are concentrated and focused on that offensive. no matter how many russian service men they're bringing into that area, we will keep on fighting and defending and we will be doing this daily. >> at the same time ukrainian forces are struggling to hold out in the southeastern port city of mariupol after they rejected a russian deadline to surr surrender. this shows women and children sheltering inside a steel plant there. ukraine says russian forces are firing on the plant willingly despite knowing there are civilians inside. our coverage begins with cnn's ed lavandera with kyiv, ukraine. good morning, ed. what do we know about these recent movements of russian forces and what are ukrainians doing to prepare? >> reporter: we know that ukrainian forces have been adjusting and moving into this region to prepare for this renewed offensive from russian forces there in eastern ukraine and what we have seen from russian forces in the last 24 hours, in the last few days is just constant bombardment of various especially small villages in that eastern ukrainian area and this is believed to be setting up the stage for a renewed ground offensive in that region, in that donbas region in far eastern ukraine where officials expect it to be a very tough battle. this is an area under russian separatist control. this is where the russian forces have had the strongest footing in the country. this is why the renewed offensive in the east is so significant. it is expected to be a very tough battle there in eastern ukraine, especially in some of the villages. you remember the city of krimators, that's where the train station was bombed last week killing more than 50 people. a lot of those villages are under intense shelling right now. ukrainian officials are desperately urging people to evacuate in any way they can from the small villages. they're saying humanitarian corridors are forced to evacuate. they're on their own to escape. >> ed, thank you. let's bring in kimberly dozier. good morning, kim. russian forces are learning from their mistakes in the north. do you agree with that assessment? >> senior defense official did tell reporters yesterday that it seems now they're bringing in some of the logistics and communication type units that they didn't have before. things to fix. their supply lines and to keep the actions on the battlefield more coordinated. they say that they're doing what they call shaping operations which means propping up some areas with artillery while bringing in more troops. they estimate that there are more than 70 ba tallian task groups in the area. that means up to 70,000 russian forces amassed for this fight. that sounds like a lot. that isn't, however, according to military experts and officials that i speak to enough to hold all of this territory they want to take. it's enough to do a lot of damage. when you think of every artillery shell they are firing can have a kill radius of 30 to 50 yards. >> at the same time you have ukraine receiving weapons in the umpts s. and many other countries and here ukraine's president vladimir zsa len ski saying the forces need weapons and they don't need months to oper operation. how well do you think ukrainian troops can utilize these on the battlefield as they stave off the second russian offensive? >> so far they've been able to quickly incorporate anything they've gotten into their battlefield plan and use it very effectively. the pentagon has stuck to recommending weaponry and ammunition that is easy for them to use. they are about to do a train the trainer program where they take some ukrainians outside of u cr ukraine and teach them how to use a how witser. they will come back in and train more ukrainian troops. you have something like 40,000 ukrainian troops according to president zelenskyy who are already dug in. they're in trenches, garrisoned. they are battle hardened. that is going to be a hard mass for the russians to surround and essentially try to pound. so what the ukrainians have to do right now so they can get access to all of this weaponry that 30 countries are rushing in, they have to keep the supply lines open and when oeurope goe into that area that is being contested, they can get a lot of that equipment to their forces and then it becomes force on force to pound each other and see which one has enough supplies and the will to survive. >> kimberly, president zelenskyy saying now this war for donbas, the battle for donbas, this renewed russian offensive has officially begun. thank you so much. >> thank you. yeah, so in one of the eastern cities now in danger by the russian offensive, the streets are mostly empty but a small number of determined citizens stay. cnn's ben wedeman is on the ground in kramatorsk. >> reporter: the playgrounds are empty. there are no children. indifferent to the air raid siren and so are the people. i close my ears when i'm walking around says nikolay because it's all the time. as fighting flares to the east, north and south, the few residents left in kramatorsk carries on. the train station the scene of a russian missile strike that left 60 dead is closed. trains don't come here anymore. the buses, oddly enough, still run. the deep hole marks where overnight a russian missile strike. nearby signs of an earlier co coming. after almost 2 months of war constantine is fatalistic. i'm not suicidal, but as long as other people stay here, i'll stay here. the mayor is blunt about the perils his city faces. >> it's not safe. it's dangerous in each part of the city. they can be attacked in every place of the city. >> reporter: elysa and her husband stroll through the city's main square. >> it's terrible but we want live in ukraine. >> reporter: for now they have most of their city to themselves. under normal circumstances on a mild spring evening here in the main square in kramatorsk, there would be lots of people here. now it's just me and the pigeons. curfew approaches and dogs abandoned by their owners roam the empty streets. ben wedeman, kramatorsk, cnn. >> still finding time to feed the pigeons. new images of a doomed russian warship before sinking. possible penalties for vladimir putin and the court ruling that has airlines now lifting mask manandates. at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪i'm so defensive,♪ ♪i got bongos thumping in my chest♪ ♪and something tells me they don't beat me♪ ♪ ♪ ♪he'd better not take the ring from me.♪ can a company make the planet a better place? what if it's a company that's pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. grillin', chillin', spillin', dillin'. bec-ing. never brie-ing. smokin', yolkin', flippin', dippin'. if you're not oozing, then you're losing. tater totting, cold or hotting. mealin', feelin', pie-ing, trying. color your spread. upgrade your bread. pair it. share it. kraft singles. square it. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> i think it's a very weak legal opinion actually. it's important to note she used the arbitrary and capricious standard. it's hard to get past that standard but she found a way to do it. she's basically calling this ruling for masks irrational rule. i find that pretty incredible. >> can her decision be appealed? >> it can be appealed. also, it's possible the biden administration will receive an emergency injunction basically against this ruling taking effect. we understand from reporting that's what they're studying right now. what's really missing is any sense of the hundreds of thousands of deaths that were caused by covid and the toll on ruined lives. there's nothing about that. instead it seems like a conservative viewpoint of thinking of vaccines and masks as some sort of rallying cry. it's really an amazing thing. >> while we wait for this opinion to be appealed, the tsa already says it is not going to enforce the mask mandates. many airlines are making masks optional. i have part of a list right here. delta, american, southwest, all optional. masks optional. they say it's not required for domestic but select international flights will still be required. you need to check your airline before heading to the airport. this is already happening. i know you talked about can the decision be appealed. will it be? >> it's hard to say. i think it's an issue which really shows the tension between the public health emergency and the political considerations. the biden administration want the country to move past covid and saying it's safe, you don't have to wear masks anymore is a big part of that. there are a lot of considerations in that. they're, of course, going to be confronted by a conservative majority at the supreme court. that court, that majority has certainly shown appetite to strike down vaccine mandates as well as mask mandates. >> thank you so much. appreciate your insights. see you soon. >> good to see you, too. the former chicago police officer sentenced to 7 years for the 2014 killing of laquan mcdonald will not face charges. in early february he was released after serving just over three years. mcdonald's shooting sparked an extensive doj investigation of the chicago police department. three companies tied who alex jones filed bankruptcy. they held jones legally responsible related to the 2012 sandy hook massacre. for years they called the mass shooting a hoax claiming that the victims and their families were actors. jurors in texas and connecticut will determine how much he owes the bankruptcy and two other jones affiliated companies will reorganize and continue operating. coming up, on the ground -- cnn on the ground after the siege on ukraine's capitol. >> there were 6,000 russian soldiers bedded down in these woods in a camp that is so large you can't see where it begins and where it ends. coming up this weekend, the unbelievable true story of the man who took on russian president vladimir putin and lived. 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he says, we see the volume of forces that invaded this area and we understand it will be two to three times greater in the donbas. this force wasn't confined to the forest. the commanding officers lived a little more comfortably in the nearby city. here residents tell stories. vitali said he was detained and interrogated. he was beaten, blindfolded and tied up and subjected to mock executions. he says he's never known fear like it and constantly thought those were his last moments on earth. local priest talks about dealing with the aftermath of even greater cruelty. he says he found five mentor toured and killed in the garden, two more in the forest and the russians brought him two dead women and told him to bury them. other russians camped out and sole what they could. rockets flew through the sky. when they hit the earth it was often civilians that felt their power. >> here is the result -- >> reporter: so many people, were hiding in there? >> yes. >> reporter: the aftermath of a russian rocket strike. and where some of its victims were temporarily buried. for now the enemies in the forest, fields and villages have left this part of ukraine. the pain, torment and loathing remain. phil black, cnn, ukraine. you really get a sense for what the russians did and what's left now that they've retreated from that region. just ahead the january 6th committee meets in person with donald trump's fiance. >> snow blanketing the parts of the northeast and the morning commute. bipolar depression. it made me f feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. stories of bipolar depression. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to dark place. latuda could make a real difference in yr symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in cnical studies, had no substtial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. as a main street bank, pnc has helped over 7 million kids develop their passion for learning. and now we're providing 88 billion dollars to support underserved communities... ...helping us all move forward financially. pnc bank: see how we can make a difference for you. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? 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when will the biden administration put something forward? >> this is actually a pretty big deal. senator peters of michigan leading the homeland security commission and dssc. he's not the first democrat to be applying pressure here. looking at senate democrats in key states. this year in arizona, mark kelly in atlanta and even chris coons, chief ally of president biden from delaware has been calling for the end of this to be delayed. may 23rd that target date but the democrats are talking about delays not just of a couple of weeks but maybe even all the way through november. but, you know, the problem is that the biden administration has long been concerned that the courts will throw this out if they do not end it themselves, right? this is not supposed to be permanent. this was a trump era plan to use the pandemic to impose border controls. you're sieg judges go in the opposite direction and say we can't have mask mandates. how long can this last? is this really up to the biden administration? is it a matter of political will or is this ultimately going to get moved by the courts if the administration doesn't act? >> yeah, that's a great point, margaret. we saw what happened with the mask mandates in a segment. most people heading to the airport, not having to wear their masks if they don't want to. republicans are likely going to take advantage of this rift and make immigration a big headline going into the mid terms. do you think there is anything democrats can do to prevent that at this point? >> this is a real concern for democrats. you put immigration up there with inflation and crime and those are three of the pillars republicans are going to be running against. what democrats are calling for and what the biden administration is preparing for is additional resources and assets to the border. you're seeing now record levels of migration, efforts to the southern border. we saw historic numbers yesterday. somewhere north of 221,000 attempts in the month of march alone. that was a two decade high. there are forces outside the united states following these efforts and democrats, this administration has to be able to respond. this administration knew that this was coming. we reported boy it's almost like more than a month ago about efforts inside the administration to prepare for the end of title 42 but those efforts, all those movements around the homeland security department and resources to the border have all been done with the understanding of tens of thousands of additional immigrants to the border if and when 42 is ended. >> margaret, why didn't the biden administration plan more or do more? they knew this moment was coming. >> yeah. i think they have been in the process of planning and they have been in the process of planning for several months. the -- there's this continued drum beat of why aren't you doing more, but the question has been what are they to do? so this policy, biden opposed it on the campaign trail as you'll recall but then ended up keeping it as president. part of this policy says that to protect public health from external threats the united states can use this to impose border controls but the challenge is that covid wasn't caused or driven by migration to the southern border. it was long a crisis to the united states before any migrants at the southern border contracted the virus. so you have an immigration problem but how long title 42 can be used to hold it back, that's not clear at all. >> margaret, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thanks. >> have a great day. well, soccer superstar cristiano reinaldo and his partner reveal they're mourning the loss of their newborn son. andy scholes has the bleacher report. >> reinaldo and his partner announced they were expecting twins, a boy and a girl, but yesterday they shared the tragic news that the boy passed away. they posted it is the greatest pain that any parent can feel. only the birth of our baby girl gives us the strength to live this moment with some hope and happiness. our baby boy, you are an angel. you will always be loved. reinaldo sharon that news to his 429 million instagram followers. there was an immediate outpouring of support. manchester united retweeted your pain is our pain cristiano. sending love and strength to you and your family at this time. the nba playoffs continuing at this time. stef curry coming off the bench again for the warriors. he looked fully recovered from the foot injury. curry with the dazzling display in the second quarter and gets the lay-up. stef making five threes for 34 points in only 23 minutes of action. jordan poole was great again as well. he scored 29 points for golden state. warriors blew out the nuggets. joel embiid and the sixers taking a lead. embiid leading and he had words with toronto's coach. he told him to respectfully stop complaining about calls. the mavericks still without injured star luca doncic. stepping up big time. he dropped a career high 41 points in a 110-104 win to even the series. fans chanting mvp towards the end of the game. he is going to be a free agent at the end of this season. more games on the schedule tonight. finally, four of the nfl's exciting quarterbacks going to square off on the golf course in this year's edition of the match. they're going to do this in las vegas. going to be broadcast on tnt. brady still looking for his first win. that's not stopping him from talking trash. an artist rendering of me watching josh allen's approach after laying up on a par 4. allen said, at least he didn't put me in brady brand apparel. excited for this version of the match. we all love watching these four quarterbacks on the field in the fall. it will be fun to watch them in the summer playing golf. >> yeah. even i would watch this. is this the one where they keep the players miked up? >> oh, yeah. miked up the entire time. >> i love that. >> aaron rodgers mieked up. a defiant vow from ukrainian president as russia's ininvasio begins. ♪ ♪ i came, i saw, i conquered. (all): hail, caesar! pssst caesar! julius! dude, you shouldeally check in with your team on ringcentral. i was thinking like... oh hi, caesar. we were just talking about you. ha ha ha. yeah, you should probably get out of here. not good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. "peace of mind." such a big, beautiful idea. and for us at this means - free cancellation on most bookings. it's a bit functional. but we'll gladly be functional. so you can be free. booking.yeah cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ check it out, a rare late season nor'easter bringing heavy snow to parts of the northeast and new england. 8 million people under winter storm warnings and advisories. let's bring in meteorologist pedram javaheri. pedram, i don't like this one one bit. who's getting the brunt of it. >> this is out of burlington, vermont. you'll see the wet snow coming down. just a messy setup. power outages to be had around the landscape. major metro cities in the northeast, it's too warm to support much in the way of snowfall. boston, philly, new york seeing the rain taper off. working its way into the portions of the adirondacks, catskills. son areas 10, 12, 15 inches possible. wet snowfall here. gusty winds have already brought down some trees and power lines. about 170,000 customers across parts of pennsylvania and new york state without power at this hour because of this. notice the accumulations already seeing 10, up to 13 inches across this region. on the immediate coast, a flood watch. notice the winds, 55 miles per hour, in boston gusting to 40 miles per hour. a breezy afternoon across the region. quite a bit of snowfall in recent days. a lot of folks in wisconsin, done with the snowfall. wanting some spring weather in the forecast. >> i think that car gets it about right. ugh. that's about how we all feel about a late april snowstorm. thank you so much. i'm kristin fischer. "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. good morning to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. it is tuesday, april 19th. i'm kaitlan collins in new york with jim sciutto in lviv, ukraine. john berman and brianna keilar are off. we start with breaking news in a critical moment for russia's war, now that a major battle for donbas is under way, president zelenskyy announcing that russian forces have launched a new large-scale ground offensive in eastern ukraine. marking a potentially significant turning point in russia's unprovoked war and creating the ultimate test

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Doctor , Ted Botox , Botox , Plus , Zero , Zero Dollars , Breaking News , Cnn , Viewers , Special Forces , Russian , Ukrainian , United States , Around The World , Kristin Fischer In Washington , April 19th , Christine Romans , Laura Jarrett , 19 , Tuesday April 19th , One , People , Official , War , Battle For Donbas In The East , Translator , Phase , Amount , Forces , Russian Offensive , Area , Matter , Service , Fighting , Daily , Men , Eastern Ukraine , Children , Plant , Firing , Deadline , Women , Southeastern Port City , Mariupol , Surr Surrender , Movements , Civilians , Ed Lavandera , Coverage , Kyiv , Region , Reporter , Villages , Stage , Ground Offensive , Bombardment , 24 , Officials , Battle , Donbas , East , Offensive , Country , Control , Footing , Separatist , Lot , City , Some , Battle There In Eastern Ukraine , Train Station , Krimators , 50 , Way , Shelling , Corridors , Learning , North , Mistakes , Kimberly Dozier , Kim , Reporters , Senior Defense Official , Assessment , Logistics , Things , Battlefield , Communication Type Units , Supply Lines , Actions , Troops , Artillery , Areas , Shaping Operations , Task Groups , Ba Tallian , 70000 , 70 , Isn T , Wall , Fight , Territory , Military Experts , Weapons , Damage , Kill Radius , 30 , Countries , Len Ski , Vladimir Zsa , Umpts S , Anything , Plan , Weaponry , Trainer Program , Train , Ammunition , Pentagon , U Cr Ukraine , How Witser , Zelenskyy , Something , Trenches , Garrisoned , Battle Hardened , 40000 , Supply , Access , Mass , Force , Goe , Equipment , Will , Supplies , Other , See , The Battle For Donbas , War For Donbas , Cities , Danger , Number , Ground , Streets , Kramatorsk , Citizens , Ben Wedeman , Playgrounds , Air Raid Siren , Residents , North And South , Ears , Deep Hole Marks , Missile Strike , Trains , Scene , Buses , 60 , Signs , Co , War Constantine , Fatalistic , 2 , Part , Mayor , City Faces , Perils , Place , Elysa , Husband , Main Square , Square , Circumstances , Pigeons , Owners , Lots , Curfew , Images , Warship , Sinking , Airlines , Court Ruling , Vladimir Putin , Penalties , Mask Manandates , Course , Perfect , Kitchen , Friendly , Booking Com , Finding Perfect Isn T Rocket Science , Sorted , Hot Tub , Booking Yeah , Chest , Bongos , Company , Millions , Operations , Planet , Ring , Land , Acres , 100 , Tater Totting , Spread , Chillin , Bec Ing , Brie Ing , Feelin , Pie Ing , Grillin , Dillin , Spillin , Smokin , Yolkin , Dippin , Flippin , Mealin , It , Brain Performance , Pair It , Share It , Memory Supplements , Bread , Someone , Neuroscientist , Science , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Kraft Singles , Tv , Six , Protein , Energy , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Yes , Neuriva , Two , Thirty , Relief , Symptoms , Move , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Tracks , Health , Dose , Nutrients , Stelara , Crohn S Disease , Cancer , Risk , Treatment , Infections , Infection , Serious , Injections , Sores , Skin Growths , Tb , Remission , 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Emergency Injunction , Ruling Taking Effect , Sense , Covid , Deaths , Thousands , Toll , Nothing , Hundreds , Lives , Masks , Thinking , Vaccines , Thing , Viewpoint , Sort , Rallying Cry , Mask Mandates , Tsa , Southwest , Delta , Flights , Airline , Airport , Issue , Considerations , Emergency , Tension , Majority , Court , Supreme Court , Safe , Insights , Appetite , Police Officer , Killing , Former , Chicago , Laquan Mcdonald , 2014 , 7 , Charges , Mcdonald S Shooting , Three , Bankruptcy , Investigation , Alex Jones , Companies , Chicago Police Department , Doj , 2012 , Victims , Families , Mass Shooting , Hoax , Actors , Jurors , Sandy Hook Massacre , Connecticut , Texas , Operating , Siege , Coming Up , Jones Affiliated Companies , Camp , Capitol , Soldiers , Woods , 6000 , Man , True Story , Navalalny , Pain Relieievers , Icy Hot Pro , Sunday Eveningt , Heartbeats , Ice Works Fast , 9 , Pain , O Out , Yo , Doubt , Contrast Therapy , Heatakes , Everywhere , Share , Road , 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Being , Learning Center , 85 , Morning , Education , Responsibility , Events , Track , Keeping , Washington , January 6th Committee Meeting , Kimberly Guilfoyle , Rally , Capitol Riot , Committee , Caitlyn , Girlfriend , Scenes , Insight , Members , Crowd , Comments , Fundraising , Primaries , Didn T , Didn T Go Well , Time , Interview , Subpoena , Witness , Colleagues , The Hill , Eight , Employee , Questions , White House , Secrecy , Perspectives , Filling , Blanks , Sources , Emp Employee , Great Point , Title , Fush , May 23rd , Ending , Now , 23 , 42 , Policy , Margaret , Gary Peters , Politico , Political Analyst , Michigan , Democrats , Senator , Homeland Security Commission , Dssc , Pressure , States , Democrat , Senate , In Atlanta , Mark Kelly , Arizona , End , Calling , Delays , Ally , Couple , Delaware , Chris Coons , Courts , Problem , Border Controls , Last , Judges , Pandemic , Direction , Point , Doesn T Act , We Saw , Republicans , Immigration , Advantage , Segment , Rift , Headline , Concern , Inflation , Pillars , Crime , Southern Border , Migration , Resources , Assets , Levels , Somewhere , High , 221000 , Boy , Homeland Security Department , Tens Of Thousands , Immigrants , Understanding , Planning , Process , Drum Beat , Aren T You Doing , Campaign Trail , Question , Challenge , Threats , Migrants , Crisis , Virus , Soccer Superstar Cristiano Reinaldo , It Back , Immigration Problem , Thanks , Partner , Twins , Son , Bleacher Report , Loss , Andy Scholes , A Boy And Girl , News , Birth , Baby Boy , Baby Girl , Parent , Hope , Happiness , Angel , Reinaldo Sharon , Support , Outpouring , Manchester United , Instagram , 429 Million , Love , Curry , Family , Warriors , Bench , Pain Cristiano , Nba Playoffs , Jordan Poole , Injury , Action , Threes , Display , Lay Up , 34 , Joel Embiid , Lead , Golden State , Nuggets , Sixers , 29 , Calls , Words , Coach , Mavericks , Toronto , Win , Series , Big Time , Game , Career , Mvp , Fans , Injured Star Luca Doncic , 41 , 110 , 104 , Quarterbacks , Season , Games , Free Agent , Nfl , Match , Golf Course , Edition , Las Vegas , Tnt , Josh Allen S , Me In Brady Brand Apparel , Approach , Trash , Artist Rendering , Par 4 , 4 , Summer Playing Golf , Version , Fun , The Field , Players , Mieked Up , Aaron Rodgers , President , Vow , Ininvasio , Caesar , Team , Hail , Dude , Booking Com , Professional , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Pedram Javaheri , Winter Storm Warnings , Advisories , Nor Easter , 8 Million , Landscape , Brunt , Setup , Power Outages , Burlington , Vermont , Snowfall , Northeast , Portions , New York , Boston , Philly , Rain Taper Off , Power Lines , Gusty Winds , New York State , Adirondacks , Catskills , Pennsylvania , 10 , 170000 , 15 , 12 , Accumulations , Coast , Flood Watch , 13 , Forecast , Bit , Winds , Spring Weather , Folks , Wisconsin , 40 , 55 , Snowstorm , Car , Kristin Fischer , Announcer , Kaitlan Collins , Lviv , Jim Sciutto , John Berman , Brianna Keilar , Turning Point , Test ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

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russian forces are concentrated and focused on that offensive. no matter how many russian service men they're bringing into that area, we will keep on fighting and defending and we will be doing this daily. >> at the same time ukrainian forces are struggling to hold out in the southeastern port city of mariupol after they rejected a russian deadline to surr surrender. this shows women and children sheltering inside a steel plant there. ukraine says russian forces are firing on the plant willingly despite knowing there are civilians inside. our coverage begins with cnn's ed lavandera with kyiv, ukraine. good morning, ed. what do we know about these recent movements of russian forces and what are ukrainians doing to prepare? >> reporter: we know that ukrainian forces have been adjusting and moving into this region to prepare for this renewed offensive from russian forces there in eastern ukraine and what we have seen from russian forces in the last 24 hours, in the last few days is just constant bombardment of various especially small villages in that eastern ukrainian area and this is believed to be setting up the stage for a renewed ground offensive in that region, in that donbas region in far eastern ukraine where officials expect it to be a very tough battle. this is an area under russian separatist control. this is where the russian forces have had the strongest footing in the country. this is why the renewed offensive in the east is so significant. it is expected to be a very tough battle there in eastern ukraine, especially in some of the villages. you remember the city of krimators, that's where the train station was bombed last week killing more than 50 people. a lot of those villages are under intense shelling right now. ukrainian officials are desperately urging people to evacuate in any way they can from the small villages. they're saying humanitarian corridors are forced to evacuate. they're on their own to escape. >> ed, thank you. let's bring in kimberly dozier. good morning, kim. russian forces are learning from their mistakes in the north. do you agree with that assessment? >> senior defense official did tell reporters yesterday that it seems now they're bringing in some of the logistics and communication type units that they didn't have before. things to fix. their supply lines and to keep the actions on the battlefield more coordinated. they say that they're doing what they call shaping operations which means propping up some areas with artillery while bringing in more troops. they estimate that there are more than 70 ba tallian task groups in the area. that means up to 70,000 russian forces amassed for this fight. that sounds like a lot. that isn't, however, according to military experts and officials that i speak to enough to hold all of this territory they want to take. it's enough to do a lot of damage. when you think of every artillery shell they are firing can have a kill radius of 30 to 50 yards. >> at the same time you have ukraine receiving weapons in the umpts s. and many other countries and here ukraine's president vladimir zsa len ski saying the forces need weapons and they don't need months to oper operation. how well do you think ukrainian troops can utilize these on the battlefield as they stave off the second russian offensive? >> so far they've been able to quickly incorporate anything they've gotten into their battlefield plan and use it very effectively. the pentagon has stuck to recommending weaponry and ammunition that is easy for them to use. they are about to do a train the trainer program where they take some ukrainians outside of u cr ukraine and teach them how to use a how witser. they will come back in and train more ukrainian troops. you have something like 40,000 ukrainian troops according to president zelenskyy who are already dug in. they're in trenches, garrisoned. they are battle hardened. that is going to be a hard mass for the russians to surround and essentially try to pound. so what the ukrainians have to do right now so they can get access to all of this weaponry that 30 countries are rushing in, they have to keep the supply lines open and when oeurope goe into that area that is being contested, they can get a lot of that equipment to their forces and then it becomes force on force to pound each other and see which one has enough supplies and the will to survive. >> kimberly, president zelenskyy saying now this war for donbas, the battle for donbas, this renewed russian offensive has officially begun. thank you so much. >> thank you. yeah, so in one of the eastern cities now in danger by the russian offensive, the streets are mostly empty but a small number of determined citizens stay. cnn's ben wedeman is on the ground in kramatorsk. >> reporter: the playgrounds are empty. there are no children. indifferent to the air raid siren and so are the people. i close my ears when i'm walking around says nikolay because it's all the time. as fighting flares to the east, north and south, the few residents left in kramatorsk carries on. the train station the scene of a russian missile strike that left 60 dead is closed. trains don't come here anymore. the buses, oddly enough, still run. the deep hole marks where overnight a russian missile strike. nearby signs of an earlier co coming. after almost 2 months of war constantine is fatalistic. i'm not suicidal, but as long as other people stay here, i'll stay here. the mayor is blunt about the perils his city faces. >> it's not safe. it's dangerous in each part of the city. they can be attacked in every place of the city. >> reporter: elysa and her husband stroll through the city's main square. >> it's terrible but we want live in ukraine. >> reporter: for now they have most of their city to themselves. under normal circumstances on a mild spring evening here in the main square in kramatorsk, there would be lots of people here. now it's just me and the pigeons. curfew approaches and dogs abandoned by their owners roam the empty streets. ben wedeman, kramatorsk, cnn. >> still finding time to feed the pigeons. new images of a doomed russian warship before sinking. possible penalties for vladimir putin and the court ruling that has airlines now lifting mask manandates. at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? 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>> i think it's a very weak legal opinion actually. it's important to note she used the arbitrary and capricious standard. it's hard to get past that standard but she found a way to do it. she's basically calling this ruling for masks irrational rule. i find that pretty incredible. >> can her decision be appealed? >> it can be appealed. also, it's possible the biden administration will receive an emergency injunction basically against this ruling taking effect. we understand from reporting that's what they're studying right now. what's really missing is any sense of the hundreds of thousands of deaths that were caused by covid and the toll on ruined lives. there's nothing about that. instead it seems like a conservative viewpoint of thinking of vaccines and masks as some sort of rallying cry. it's really an amazing thing. >> while we wait for this opinion to be appealed, the tsa already says it is not going to enforce the mask mandates. many airlines are making masks optional. i have part of a list right here. delta, american, southwest, all optional. masks optional. they say it's not required for domestic but select international flights will still be required. you need to check your airline before heading to the airport. this is already happening. i know you talked about can the decision be appealed. will it be? >> it's hard to say. i think it's an issue which really shows the tension between the public health emergency and the political considerations. the biden administration want the country to move past covid and saying it's safe, you don't have to wear masks anymore is a big part of that. there are a lot of considerations in that. they're, of course, going to be confronted by a conservative majority at the supreme court. that court, that majority has certainly shown appetite to strike down vaccine mandates as well as mask mandates. >> thank you so much. appreciate your insights. see you soon. >> good to see you, too. the former chicago police officer sentenced to 7 years for the 2014 killing of laquan mcdonald will not face charges. in early february he was released after serving just over three years. mcdonald's shooting sparked an extensive doj investigation of the chicago police department. three companies tied who alex jones filed bankruptcy. they held jones legally responsible related to the 2012 sandy hook massacre. for years they called the mass shooting a hoax claiming that the victims and their families were actors. jurors in texas and connecticut will determine how much he owes the bankruptcy and two other jones affiliated companies will reorganize and continue operating. coming up, on the ground -- cnn on the ground after the siege on ukraine's capitol. >> there were 6,000 russian soldiers bedded down in these woods in a camp that is so large you can't see where it begins and where it ends. coming up this weekend, the unbelievable true story of the man who took on russian president vladimir putin and lived. 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he says, we see the volume of forces that invaded this area and we understand it will be two to three times greater in the donbas. this force wasn't confined to the forest. the commanding officers lived a little more comfortably in the nearby city. here residents tell stories. vitali said he was detained and interrogated. he was beaten, blindfolded and tied up and subjected to mock executions. he says he's never known fear like it and constantly thought those were his last moments on earth. local priest talks about dealing with the aftermath of even greater cruelty. he says he found five mentor toured and killed in the garden, two more in the forest and the russians brought him two dead women and told him to bury them. other russians camped out and sole what they could. rockets flew through the sky. when they hit the earth it was often civilians that felt their power. >> here is the result -- >> reporter: so many people, were hiding in there? >> yes. >> reporter: the aftermath of a russian rocket strike. and where some of its victims were temporarily buried. for now the enemies in the forest, fields and villages have left this part of ukraine. the pain, torment and loathing remain. phil black, cnn, ukraine. you really get a sense for what the russians did and what's left now that they've retreated from that region. just ahead the january 6th committee meets in person with donald trump's fiance. >> snow blanketing the parts of the northeast and the morning commute. bipolar depression. it made me f feel trapped in a fog. this is art inspired by real stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my way out of it. stories of bipolar depression. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to dark place. latuda could make a real difference in yr symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in cnical studies, had no substtial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. as a main street bank, pnc has helped over 7 million kids develop their passion for learning. and now we're providing 88 billion dollars to support underserved communities... ...helping us all move forward financially. pnc bank: see how we can make a difference for you. xfinity mobile runs on america's most reliable 5g network, but for up to half the price of verizon, so you have more money for more stuff. this phone? fewer groceries. this phone? more groceries! this phone? fewer concert tickets. this phone? more concert tickets. and not just for my shows. switch to xfinity mobile for half the price of verizon. that's a savings of over $500 a year. switch today. we've got some breaking news out of afghanistan. multiple explosions hitting schools in a predominantly shia muslim neighborhood of kabul. arwa damon joins us live. i know it's early, but what can you tell us? >> well, at this stage the death toll stands at about 6 people killed with dozens more injured although tragically one can only assume that that number is going d to rise. this is a hazara shia neighborhood. this is a population that is a minority and it has been subjected to similar attacks in the past over the years of the unrest in afghanistan. it was a year ago that an attack left 85 dead. it was multiple explosions in more than one location. the two locations we have been able to confirm, one of them being a school, the other being described as a learning center. you have to think about those families that said good-bye to their children this morning, sent them off on their way to school to get an education and now they're having to deal with this absolutely horrendous reality. no claim of responsibility for this attack just yet. we are keeping a very close watch on these events as they unfold and keeping track, of course, of that horrendous potentially to rise death toll. >> arwa damon, thank you so much. back here in washington, the january 6th committee meeting for more than 9 hours on monday with kimberly guilfoyle. remember she spoke at the rally right before the capitol riot. she's also, oh, yeah, donald trump jr.'s girlfriend. caitlyn is live in washington. what exactly does the committee want to know from guilfoyle. >> there's quite crucial stuff she would have been privy to that day. the committee has outlined the three main areas they want to ask her about. the key scenes. she also was speaking and she would have been backstage this month with members of his committee and have insight into how that is going. the crowd is getting riled up before they marched on the capitol. the committee wants to talk about fundraising after that. they believe she made comments that she was helping with primaries and millions of dollars following this. they've been following the money. guilfoyle here, she's been pursued by the committee for several weeks. she's actually gone before them twice. this is the second time. the first time voluntarily it didn't go well. she ended it abruptly. didn't like some of the things that were happening during that period she was in there. now she went to the committee under subpoena. my colleagues on the hill believe she was in there for at least eight hours. that's quite a substantial interview. that's a substantial interview because she may be a very important witness. what we know about her is she was not a white house employee. she's not protected about the secrecy around the president. she may have to answer more questions than people employed in the white house have to answer even though she was there. this is at the late stage of the investigation. the committee knows a lot already about what happened that day that probably from what sources tell me just asking people from their additional perspectives, filling in blanks. whether guilfoyle was able to do that, willing to do that, we don't know yet but hopefully we will learn in the coming weeks. >> that's a great point, caitlyn. she was not a white house emp employee. maybe the committee can get more out of her since she is not an employee. president biden getting fush back from rescinding title 42. it's ending as of now, may 23rd. let's bring in a cnn political analyst. margaret, good morning. senator gary peters of michigan told politico said ending the policy should be revisited or delayed past may 23rd until there is a plan. when do you think democrats will get that plan? when will the biden administration put something forward? >> this is actually a pretty big deal. senator peters of michigan leading the homeland security commission and dssc. he's not the first democrat to be applying pressure here. looking at senate democrats in key states. this year in arizona, mark kelly in atlanta and even chris coons, chief ally of president biden from delaware has been calling for the end of this to be delayed. may 23rd that target date but the democrats are talking about delays not just of a couple of weeks but maybe even all the way through november. but, you know, the problem is that the biden administration has long been concerned that the courts will throw this out if they do not end it themselves, right? this is not supposed to be permanent. this was a trump era plan to use the pandemic to impose border controls. you're sieg judges go in the opposite direction and say we can't have mask mandates. how long can this last? is this really up to the biden administration? is it a matter of political will or is this ultimately going to get moved by the courts if the administration doesn't act? >> yeah, that's a great point, margaret. we saw what happened with the mask mandates in a segment. most people heading to the airport, not having to wear their masks if they don't want to. republicans are likely going to take advantage of this rift and make immigration a big headline going into the mid terms. do you think there is anything democrats can do to prevent that at this point? >> this is a real concern for democrats. you put immigration up there with inflation and crime and those are three of the pillars republicans are going to be running against. what democrats are calling for and what the biden administration is preparing for is additional resources and assets to the border. you're seeing now record levels of migration, efforts to the southern border. we saw historic numbers yesterday. somewhere north of 221,000 attempts in the month of march alone. that was a two decade high. there are forces outside the united states following these efforts and democrats, this administration has to be able to respond. this administration knew that this was coming. we reported boy it's almost like more than a month ago about efforts inside the administration to prepare for the end of title 42 but those efforts, all those movements around the homeland security department and resources to the border have all been done with the understanding of tens of thousands of additional immigrants to the border if and when 42 is ended. >> margaret, why didn't the biden administration plan more or do more? they knew this moment was coming. >> yeah. i think they have been in the process of planning and they have been in the process of planning for several months. the -- there's this continued drum beat of why aren't you doing more, but the question has been what are they to do? so this policy, biden opposed it on the campaign trail as you'll recall but then ended up keeping it as president. part of this policy says that to protect public health from external threats the united states can use this to impose border controls but the challenge is that covid wasn't caused or driven by migration to the southern border. it was long a crisis to the united states before any migrants at the southern border contracted the virus. so you have an immigration problem but how long title 42 can be used to hold it back, that's not clear at all. >> margaret, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thanks. >> have a great day. well, soccer superstar cristiano reinaldo and his partner reveal they're mourning the loss of their newborn son. andy scholes has the bleacher report. >> reinaldo and his partner announced they were expecting twins, a boy and a girl, but yesterday they shared the tragic news that the boy passed away. they posted it is the greatest pain that any parent can feel. only the birth of our baby girl gives us the strength to live this moment with some hope and happiness. our baby boy, you are an angel. you will always be loved. reinaldo sharon that news to his 429 million instagram followers. there was an immediate outpouring of support. manchester united retweeted your pain is our pain cristiano. sending love and strength to you and your family at this time. the nba playoffs continuing at this time. stef curry coming off the bench again for the warriors. he looked fully recovered from the foot injury. curry with the dazzling display in the second quarter and gets the lay-up. stef making five threes for 34 points in only 23 minutes of action. jordan poole was great again as well. he scored 29 points for golden state. warriors blew out the nuggets. joel embiid and the sixers taking a lead. embiid leading and he had words with toronto's coach. he told him to respectfully stop complaining about calls. the mavericks still without injured star luca doncic. stepping up big time. he dropped a career high 41 points in a 110-104 win to even the series. fans chanting mvp towards the end of the game. he is going to be a free agent at the end of this season. more games on the schedule tonight. finally, four of the nfl's exciting quarterbacks going to square off on the golf course in this year's edition of the match. they're going to do this in las vegas. going to be broadcast on tnt. brady still looking for his first win. that's not stopping him from talking trash. an artist rendering of me watching josh allen's approach after laying up on a par 4. allen said, at least he didn't put me in brady brand apparel. excited for this version of the match. we all love watching these four quarterbacks on the field in the fall. it will be fun to watch them in the summer playing golf. >> yeah. even i would watch this. is this the one where they keep the players miked up? >> oh, yeah. miked up the entire time. >> i love that. >> aaron rodgers mieked up. a defiant vow from ukrainian president as russia's ininvasio begins. ♪ ♪ i came, i saw, i conquered. (all): hail, caesar! pssst caesar! julius! dude, you shouldeally check in with your team on ringcentral. i was thinking like... oh hi, caesar. we were just talking about you. ha ha ha. yeah, you should probably get out of here. not good. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. 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"new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. good morning to our viewers here in the u.s. and around the world. it is tuesday, april 19th. i'm kaitlan collins in new york with jim sciutto in lviv, ukraine. john berman and brianna keilar are off. we start with breaking news in a critical moment for russia's war, now that a major battle for donbas is under way, president zelenskyy announcing that russian forces have launched a new large-scale ground offensive in eastern ukraine. marking a potentially significant turning point in russia's unprovoked war and creating the ultimate test

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Of Donbas , Volume , Vitali , More , Stories , Officers , Executions , Fear , Aftermath , Mentor , Cruelty , Earth , Local Priest Talks , The Garden , Five , Power , Rockets , Result , Sole , Sky , Hiding , Rocket Strike , Fields , Enemies , Loathing , Torment , Snow , Parts , Person , Fiance , January 6th Committee Meets , Donald Trump Jr , 6 , January 6th , Feel , Bipolar Depression , Morning Commute , Fog , Art , Latuda , Depression , Lows , Weight , Impact , Cnical Studies , Report Fever , Muscle Movements , Death , Thoughts , Stroke , Behavior Changes , Adults , Antidepressants , Dementia , Confusion , Patients , Aren T , Permanent , Prescription , Price , Xfinity Mobile , Verizon , Phone , Stuff , Groceries , Concert Tickets , Money , Savings , Shows , Afghanistan , Explosions , Schools , Arwa Damon , Neighborhood , Kabul , Shia Muslim , Death Toll , Dozens , Attacks , Population , Minority , Hazara Shia Neighborhood , Rise , Unrest , Attack , Location , School , Locations , Being , Learning Center , 85 , Morning , Education , Responsibility , Events , Track , Keeping , Washington , January 6th Committee Meeting , Kimberly Guilfoyle , Rally , Capitol Riot , Committee , Caitlyn , Girlfriend , Scenes , Insight , Members , Crowd , Comments , Fundraising , Primaries , Didn T , Didn T Go Well , Time , Interview , Subpoena , Witness , Colleagues , The Hill , Eight , Employee , Questions , White House , Secrecy , Perspectives , Filling , Blanks , Sources , Emp Employee , Great Point , Title , Fush , May 23rd , Ending , Now , 23 , 42 , Policy , Margaret , Gary Peters , Politico , Political Analyst , Michigan , Democrats , Senator , Homeland Security Commission , Dssc , Pressure , States , Democrat , Senate , In Atlanta , Mark Kelly , Arizona , End , Calling , Delays , Ally , Couple , Delaware , Chris Coons , Courts , Problem , Border Controls , Last , Judges , Pandemic , Direction , Point , Doesn T Act , We Saw , Republicans , Immigration , Advantage , Segment , Rift , Headline , Concern , Inflation , Pillars , Crime , Southern Border , Migration , Resources , Assets , Levels , Somewhere , High , 221000 , Boy , Homeland Security Department , Tens Of Thousands , Immigrants , Understanding , Planning , Process , Drum Beat , Aren T You Doing , Campaign Trail , Question , Challenge , Threats , Migrants , Crisis , Virus , Soccer Superstar Cristiano Reinaldo , It Back , Immigration Problem , Thanks , Partner , Twins , Son , Bleacher Report , Loss , Andy Scholes , A Boy And Girl , News , Birth , Baby Boy , Baby Girl , Parent , Hope , Happiness , Angel , Reinaldo Sharon , Support , Outpouring , Manchester United , Instagram , 429 Million , Love , Curry , Family , Warriors , Bench , Pain Cristiano , Nba Playoffs , Jordan Poole , Injury , Action , Threes , Display , Lay Up , 34 , Joel Embiid , Lead , Golden State , Nuggets , Sixers , 29 , Calls , Words , Coach , Mavericks , Toronto , Win , Series , Big Time , Game , Career , Mvp , Fans , Injured Star Luca Doncic , 41 , 110 , 104 , Quarterbacks , Season , Games , Free Agent , Nfl , Match , Golf Course , Edition , Las Vegas , Tnt , Josh Allen S , Me In Brady Brand Apparel , Approach , Trash , Artist Rendering , Par 4 , 4 , Summer Playing Golf , Version , Fun , The Field , Players , Mieked Up , Aaron Rodgers , President , Vow , Ininvasio , Caesar , Team , Hail , Dude , Booking Com , Professional , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , Pedram Javaheri , Winter Storm Warnings , Advisories , Nor Easter , 8 Million , Landscape , Brunt , Setup , Power Outages , Burlington , Vermont , Snowfall , Northeast , Portions , New York , Boston , Philly , Rain Taper Off , Power Lines , Gusty Winds , New York State , Adirondacks , Catskills , Pennsylvania , 10 , 170000 , 15 , 12 , Accumulations , Coast , Flood Watch , 13 , Forecast , Bit , Winds , Spring Weather , Folks , Wisconsin , 40 , 55 , Snowstorm , Car , Kristin Fischer , Announcer , Kaitlan Collins , Lviv , Jim Sciutto , John Berman , Brianna Keilar , Turning Point , Test ,

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