Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240708

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240708

newsroom." it is a busy evening here on cnn want currently we're -- currently we're following three breaking news stories including a dozen people who have been hurt after a shooting at a shopping mall in south carolina. also in north korea, north korea claiming that it has just test-fired a new type of tactical-guided weapon. we're going to have more on that in a moment. we're going to begin with breaking news on the war in ukraine. shipments of ammunition, artillery pieces, and aircraft from the biden administration's latest security assistance package to ukraine have just begun arriving. cnn white house correspondent arlette saenz has the latest. what are you learning? >> reporter: a white house official told me a short while ago that the first shipment of those security assistance deliveries have started to arrive as the u.s. has committed that new round of $800 million worth of assistance for ukraine. now a senior defense official had previously said that these shipments would be sent into the region, and then the ukrainians would be picking them up at the border and transferring them into ukraine themselves. it's unclear whether that transfer has begun at this moment. and while officials have not provided a manifest of what this first shipment would include officials had expected that it would be some of the more required -- the items that the ukrainians needed in the immediate future. that includes those howitzer cannons, the ammunition, as well as bars that are capable -- radars that are capable of finding incoming fire and pinpointing their origin. in addition to that, there are other heavy-duty equipment items that are expected to head into ukraine that includes helicopters, as well as more switchblade drones. this is much more sophisticated and heavy-duty weaponry than the u.s. had previously provided to ukraine. and there had been some concern earlier from biden administration officials that this would signal a possible risk of escalation by sending this type of equipment in. but assessing what is happening on the ground in ukraine, especially as fighting is expected to pick up in the eastern part of the country, the u.s. decided to move forward with some of these requests for supplies that ukraine had submitted. now at the same time, russia has been protesting the u.s. sending military equipment into ukraine. sources have told cnn that russia sent a diplomatic note to the state department warning of, quote, unpredictable consequences if the u.s. continues to supply weaponry to ukraine, raising questions about how exactly russia might respond as more shipments go into the country. so far the u.s. remains undeterred in trying to assist ukraine as they continue to defend and fight off those russian forces. it's clear that with much of the fighting expected to pick up in the eastern part of the country, in the coming days, the u.s. is really adapting their strategy of the types of assistance that they're sending into the country. jessica? >> all right. thank you so much for that. as russia inches closer to a major ground offensive, it's also ramping up attacks all across ukraine. in the east, a cruise missile slammed into a residential neighborhood in the decimated city of kharkiv. at least two civilians were killed, 18 injured there. southeast of there, a cnn news crew witnessing a russian strike on a market. one official says a hospital and an oil refinery are among the civilian infrastructure targeted, and more than two dozen buildings where damaged or destroyed. russia has also escalated its shelling of the south. the port city of mariupol where more than 100,000 civilians are trapped is largely in ruins after weeks of relentless attacks. one regional official says if the russians succeed, they'll only be capturing rubble. >> the enemy cannot seize mariupol. the enemy may seize the land that mariupol used to stand on, but the city of mariupol is no more. the city of mariupol has been wiped off the face of the earth by the russian federation. >> ukrainian officials are convinced russia's renewed siege on southern ukraine is revenge for the sinking of a prized warship in the black sea. and taking a look now at some other headlines from across ukraine tonight -- absolutely horrific news about innocent ukrainians who have been killed. officials in the capital say the bodies of more than 900 civilians have been recovered since the russians pulled back a few weeks ago. and across the country, more than 200 children have been confirmed dead. one u.s. official telling cnn the newest package of military aid from the u.s. may not be enough if russia launches a massive offensive as expected. that aid which is arriving as we speak in the region includes 40,000 artillery rounds. but the u.s. official says that might only last a few days. meantime, ukrainian officials say russia has responded to the sinking of its warship by becoming increasingly hostile in its attacks on the south. cnn's ben wedeman is in eastern ukraine. tell us what you're seeing there. >> reporter: well, what we're seeing is a constant intensification of the russian bombardment on this area, the donbas area, in the far east of the country. today we were once again in the city which is right smack dab up against russian lines, it's the easternmost city in ukraine under government control. what we saw was shelling, lots of shelling on that area forcing the local residents to simply live underground. the shelling comes early and often. with russian forces massing nearby, this is a portent of things to come. firefighters brave the threat of shelling, but few others brave the streets of the city. life for those who haven't fled has moved underground. to stuffy shelters where safety trumps comfort. around 300 people call this temporary home. on the grounds of a sprawling chemical plant. maxim and his wife tried to keep their 7-month-old distracted. their recent arrival having fled their home ten days ago. he shows me cell phone pictures of the cellar they hid out in before coming here. disabled, tatiana stays in bed most of the time. she'd prefer to be at home, but what home? "there's no electricity, no cell phone signal, no water, no gas," she tells me. "everything is shaking from the bombing. the windows are shattered." >> these examples -- >> reporter: tamada tutor her grandson. a retired english teacher, she's been here for more than a month. >> a lot of people can't leave this place because of problems with health, and they don't have enough money to live in other places. they have to stay here. >> reporter: this 73-year-old struggles to move about the shelter. he's not leaving town. "i was born here, and i'll stay here," he says. nearby tarchgs at an oil refind preburn after a strike. the shelling here comes early and often. and north of here in kharkiv, a partner restaurant of the world central kitchen was hit by some artillery it's believed. four of their people were injured, and this is what one of their chefs posted on twitter -- [ no audio ] and so basically this part of the country is bracing for this russian offensive that everyone is talking about. we understand that in the eastern part of ukraine, occupied by the russians, they've increased their forces from 30,000 to 40,000 men. on social media from russia we are seeing that they're moving more and more military hardware in this direction. and of course from where i'm standing here , we have been hearing all evening distant thuds of what we believe to be artillery fire. jessica? >> all right, ben wedeman, thank you so much for that reporting. and there's certainly a lot to break down today. i want to bring in retired u.s. army major mike lyons. major, great to have you on. thank you so much for being here. in is day 53 of the russian invasion, and we know as ben laid out russia has suffered some humiliating losses. ukraine is seeing both civilian and military deaths, widespread devastation to its cities. in your opinion, are we closer to the beginning of the end of this war? do you think that we're getting closer to the end at all? >> jessica, i'm afraid not. i think that it's going to take long time. i think we're at the beginning of a phase that's going to be an artillery war. artillery called king of battle for a reason. a former military officer myself. i think russia is going to continue to pound away as they can at ukraine targets. and so in order for the ukraine military to be successful, they're going to have to defeat the russian artillery. that's going to be a challenge. now let's look at what this equipment that's come in now, the first round of equipment that's come in from the west. i hope it's q36 bars, anti-battery, anti-artillery radar supports as well as switch blades. that will help defeat the russian artillery on the ground. every time a russian artillery piece sends a round, it has a return address. the important thing for now is to get the ukraine military to get that return address and get return fire on that. the rounds, for example, 40,000 artillery rounds, weighs 2,000 tons. the lift on that capacity is ten or 15 or so, c-17s, a tremendous amount of weight and equipment that's coming that's going to lag a little bit. the important thing now is to get the anti-artillery, anti-battery, things to kill air tillry -- artillery weapons as fast as possible. >> we know the delivery is happening now, the first of it is making its way there. do you think there's going to be time to get this -- these -- all of these different weaponry, the ammunition, to get to where it needs to go, get it into the hands of these ukrainian fighters? >> i think they're prioritizing that. the question is what comes in over land, what can they put on rail heads to try to make its way through a rail head to the front that way. nothing's probably going to fly in. i think russia could interdict the supply chain. i think we've got to be careful in how that material crosses the border and how it gets there and how it gets in the hands. this is not going to be a javelin fight anymore. it was more close in. what you see in kyiv and the like there. this is an indirect fire-fight. an artillery battle similar to the second world war. even the how i showizers that w towed by trucks. i'm not sure how they're going to get there on time 4 miles from the border to where the battlefront is going to be. it will take a lot of material and guess to get there. >> since the early days of the war, you look at the videos like the ones we have right now, unbelievable. one ukrainian official saying if the city falls the russians will be capturing rubble essentially. are you surprised at all that the russians are just pulverizing that city as opposed to more precision strikes? or is that a strategic move to really just invoke absolute terror into the citizens there? >> i'm not surprised what russia is doing. they're fighting this war like it's the early 20th century, late 19th century, the same tactics stalin usedterrorize, t military has fought valiantly. my heart goes out to them. wish there was more we could do in that location. from a key terrain perspective, it's important for russia to have the port city and that location. that's why they've poured so many assets into it. they've paid dearly. they've had some significant losses. they lost the battleship in the black sea. again, it was likely inevitable and hard to say that that city was going to fall. >> major, thank you so much for your insight, for giving us all that context. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. new tonight, north korea says it has test fired a new tactical-guided weapon with kim jong-un there to observe. the regime's state media saying that launch was a success and will improve the operation of tax tickal nuclear weapons -- tactical nuclear weapons. will ripley is joining us by phone from taiwan with more on this. will, what are you learning? >> reporter: the last few minutes we got some new information from the south korean military saying that they actually detected two projectiles fired by north korea saturday night local time, that would be the morning hours there in the u.s. this is -- this is consistent with what north korean state media leased the last couple of hours, the images of the launch. we usually don't hear until after the images are approved and released through north korean propaganda channels including their state media. the images that north korea showed us are of kim jong-un and his top generals observing this launch. what south korea says is that that these missiles had an altitude of 25 kilometers. hit a target in the waters off of north korea, traveling at a maximum speed of mach four or lower. this wasn't immediately announced by south korea like usual. that's why we first heard about it when the guam homeland security put out a statement saying that this launch did not pose an immediate threat to the u.s. territory of guam which is, of course, a major military target that north korea's mentioned in the past. but in kind tactical guided weapon could theoretically hit u.s. troops stationed in south korea, u.s. troops in japan or potentially the u.s. territory of guam depending on the range of this particular weapon, this new kind of weapon as north korea describes it. what's most concerning is the fact that north korea says this is going to bolster and enhance their nuclear capabilities on the ground which means that this type of weapon that we're seeing here could potentially if north korea's messaging is correct, accurate, could carry a nuclear warhead to one of those targets, one of those u.s. military targets or other targets in the region. that's especially concerning given that there has been u.s. intelligence showing and satellite images verifying work at north korea's nuclear test site which has been dormant for several years. it was shut down shortly before the diplomacy began with the former president trump and kim jong-un. but now workers are back on that site apparently digging new tunnel entranses. i was there when they were destroyed five years ago. now they're rebuilding new entrances that could signal a nuclear test by north korea as they try to develop new kinds of warheads. perhaps many warheads that could fit on the type of weapon that north korea has just tested. obviously this rapid pace of weapons, that's a troubling development for a lot of analysts. it seems as if right now given at that world is so distracted and focused on what's happening in ukraine, kim jong-un is just ramping up these weapons tests at an unprecedented pace, even more than what we saw during the fire and fury days. he's do not it unabated at this stage. >> wow. all right. will ripley for us. thank you so much. and coming up this hour, cnn's david culver, part of the only american tv crew living through the shanghai covid lockdown. he's going to report on his first few steps of freedom. also ahead, execs in the twitter boardroom taking extreme measures to block elon musk's potential takeover. and the women risking their freedom to challenge a wave of new anti-abortion laws. you're in the "cnn newsroom." >> it makes me angry and makes me sad, and it makes me worried. it feels like we're going backwards. ourself an average of seven hundrered and thirty dollars. 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[ applause ] >> reporter: without exemptions for rape, incest, or human trafficking. >> this will represent the most significant protections for life that have been enacted in this state in a generation. [ applause ] >> reporter: two days before desantis -- [ applause ] oklahoma governor kevin stitt signed a bill that makes performing an abortion a felony except in the case of a medical emergency. >> we want oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country. we want to outlaw abortion in the state of oklahoma. >> reporter: and also this week, kentucky's gop-led legislature overrode the governor's veto of a bill that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. so far, 18 states have introduced legislation banning or limiting access to most abortions. 14 states have passed their restrictive legislation. three states so far this year, kentucky, florida, and arizona, following a 2018 mississippi law prohibiting abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. >> now let's go and sign these bills. >> reporter: now some democratic-controlled legislatures aim to protect the rights of roe v. wade with me to bills of their own. maryland lawmakers expanding access to abortion. >> we are preparing for some of the most restrictive abortion action that's we've seen in a generation. >> reporter: and in michigan, governor whitner filing a lawsuit to challenge the almost 100-year-old abortion ban even though it's unenforceable due to roe v. wade. >> we've got to take this current assault on women's rights seriously and use every tool we have to fight back. this is not just a theoretical risk, this is a real and present danger. >> reporter: with many states rewriting their abortion laws, all eyes opponent to the supreme court -- point to the supreme court. the court heard arguments in december. legal experts argue a decision could be handed down in june right before summer break. with pro-abortion activists continuing their fight to the highest court in the land. >> maybe they will come back and stand behind roe v. wade. i hope that they do. i want to believe so. >> reporter: florida governor desantis signed another bill into law this week. this provides aid to mentorship and educational programs for fathers in florida. it also comes with $70 million in funding for family and youth support services in the state. jessica? >> thanks so much. coming up next, a peek into the life in shanghai right now. cnn's david culver is part of the only american tv crew living through the covid lockdown there. >> reporter: the extent of my freedom is all the way to here, the compound gate. still double locked. it's been like it for about a month. i have to use a lot of het new dove hair therapy shampoo & conditioner with ceramide e & peptide. it nourishes at a cellular level to resescue damaged hair. discoverer 10 x stronger hair with new dove hahair therapy rescue and protect. panera chefs have crafted a masterpiece... succulent, seared chicken... a secret aioli... clean ingredients... in a buttery brioche roll. made fresh, to leave you... speechless. panera's new chef's chicken sandwiches. $1 delivery fee on our app. shhhh. i think she's still awake. don't worry. the lexus rx built for modern families. $1,500 lease cash available on 30 month 2022 rx lease programs. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. intense clashes breaking out in china this weekend over the country's newest and very strict covid restrictions. police in hazmat suits here clashing with frustrated residents in shanghai. the city of more than 25 million people has now been under lockdown for weeks as the chinese government cracks down on the worst covid outbreak it's seen in years. cnn's david culver is in shanghai documenting life there. >> reporter: a few steps of freedom granted to some shanghai residents strolling their own neighborhood as if taking in some strange new world. where you going to go? there's nowhere to go. most shops still closed, and public transportation halted. this woman don't hold back her joy. recording as she and her neighbors roamed the empty streets. after forcing 25 million-plus people into weeks of harsh lockdown, government officials facing mounting pressure lifted some restrictions. for communities like mine without a positive case in the last seven days, that meant we could actually step outside our apartments. my neighbors enjoying the taste of relative freedom and so, too, are pets, eager to stretch their legs. still keeping within the confines of our compound. the extent of my freedom -- all the way to here. the compound gate. still double locked. it's been like that for about a month. in recent weeks we had to get community permission to leave our homes mostly for covid tests of which there were many. we could also step outside to pick up the occasional government distribution. >> today's delivery -- a bag of rice. >> reporter: even with heavy restrictions still in place, we had it good. for now at least. the majority of the city remains in hard lockdown, kept to their homes, some hungry and suffering. this woman heard begging in the middle of the night, pleading for fever medicine for her child. and this man recording his dwindling food supply. then there are those who have tested positive -- tens of thousands being sent to cramped government quarantine centers whose residents have described a host of problems, facilities that were quickly and poorly constructed. outside of shanghai, panic spreading quicker than the virus. the horror stories from china's financial hub have residents in other chinese cities stocking up. on line, sales for prepackaged foods surging. this as china's national health commission warns of more cases. and publicly calls out shanghai for not effectively containing the virus, shifting blame to local officials for allowing it to spread to other places. china's strict zero-covid approach forcing dozens of cities into weeks' long full or partial lockdowns. residents banging on pots to protest. most of the 24 million people in the northern chinese province confined to their homes for more than a month now. back in shanghai, the joys of freedom for some might last only a few hours as it takes just one new case nearby to send them back inside, vetting the clock for their community -- resetting the clock for their community. another 14-day sentence in lockdown. a seemingly endless cycle. david culver, cnn, shanghai. >> wow. is elon musk's attempt at a twitter takeover over? the company's board is moving to make it harder for the world's richest man to buy the social media site. what this fight means for twitter's future, that's next. ♪ we believe there's an innovatoror in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. my name is ami and when i financed my car with carvana they had questions about my documents. but i was at work. in a mine. so carvana worked with my shift manager to get all worked out. we'll drive you happy at carvana. i was over the mn, even though i was underground. ♪ my relationship with my credit cards wasn't good. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. between the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. debt, debt, debt. so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. go to to view your rate. sofi. get your money right. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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he's a very wealthy man. >> he is -- he's the richest man in the world, but he doesn't have a lot of cash on hand. so he would have to either partner with other investors, get a loan, sell some of his tesla stock which could be tumultuous for tesla. there are ways to do it, but even elon musk isn't sure he can pull it off. >> this sounds like -- to your point, more about time and the twitter board getting more time to kind of slow this thing down, to kind of pump the brakes on it a little bit. >> listen, twitter could be solid, but they're in a position where they don't really have a lot of control over their future. unlike a company like facebook, unlike some other tech companies that you've heard of, there's not a founder or majority shareholder control here, so they're very much at the whims of activive investors like elon musk, takeover bids. there isn't really somebody who can say no to that, and that means the board needs to do something like a poison pill in order to give itself more power. >> and what do you think twitter would look like with elon musk at the helm? should that happen? >> well, elon musk -- yeah, elon musk calls himself a free speech absolutist, doesn't have a lot of past experience in social networks, but he is one of the most followed people on the platform. he has more than 80 million followers, and a tremendous amount of influence. he does understand twitter maybe more than some of the people on the board. but i think under twitter he would have a lot of issues with trying to figure out that content moderation question which twitter has struggled with for years. even if you believe in free speech, there are some fundamental issues with social media's speech with the elements of viralality, with the potential for harassment, for violent speech, and so you know, high spoke at ted this week publicly, and he said he even doesn't know how he might solve these very thorny issues. i think he wants us to believe that it would be a platform that has less silencing of people when they speak out of turn. i think that those problems are ones that twitter has tried to deal with for years. >> yeah. they're big -- they're big, complicated issues. quickly before you go, we know that musk has had a really rocky relationship with twitter. in 2018 he had to settle fraud charges with the sec over a tweet he sent about tesla. he's being sued by other twitter shareholders. how could he effectively lead a company and be allowed to purchase it if he has all of this baggage? >> well, elon musk wants to take twitter private. so i think that would be a big issue, too, is he wouldn't have this public scrutiny from the markets, from those shareholders. and in twitter employees, it might be difficult to retain them because tech employees are compensated by stock options. so i think that that it would be -- it would be a rough road just as leading twitter has been a rough road since its inception. this company's been through a lot of tumultuous moments, changeovers of ceos, changeovers of who's on the board. so i think it would just add to that history, but it could be quite a fundamental change. very difficult for musk to -- to really fix a lot of these problems because these problems that twitter has are problems with humanity, as well. it's very difficult to change human nature. >> yes, it is. all right. thank you so much for really illuminating that for us. we appreciate it. and we continue to follow the breaking news out of north korea tonight. south korea's military says north korea fired two projectiles tonight. we have much more ahead on that. plus, small homes with a big impact. the former governor of new york, george pataki, is here to share how his organization is helping ukrainian refugees displaced by the war. first, a live look at the spectacular new york city skyline in partnership with cnn's "impact your world," the empire state building is shining its tower lights in the colors of the ukrainian flag every night through june 1st. so far the impact campaign has raised more than $7.5 million for more than 80,000 donors. to find out how to help go to it's the number r one doctor recommended brand that is scientitifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk thcows a little easier. 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how do you see this growing and being part of a movement that these refugees when they need? >> you know what we're trying to do is inspire others to come and do things, as well. you hear about the five million-plus refugees that crossed into poland and hungary and romania and elsewhere, and i'm sure a lot of the western aid is going to help and take care of those refugees. you don't hear so much about the seven million refugees in ukraine who are internally displaced people. and they're mostly in western ukraine. and they don't -- they're almost all women with children. their husbands are behind fighting, their sons are behind fighting. and they don't have anything. just what they brought with them. they have nowhere to go. so we have found them this -- they have 500,000 refugees from the east. they don't have the housing. they're being put up in schools and hospitals and closed factories and warehouses. and that's the void we're trying to fill. there are billions in relief. the u.s. government has promised billions of relief. the eu has promised billions of relief. but inside ukraine itself, we haven't seen any western assistance at all except for what we're doing. so what we're doing is we set up a center where we are building these, they come in modular form from hungary, across the border. then we've actually worked with the ukrainian government, they have changed -- trained an engineering group to take them across ukraine and put them up. we want others to in look at what we're doing, we want those big western charities who have billions or hundreds of millions to see what we're doing. as i said, we've done maybe 40. you need 400,000. and we're happy to step arside and lets those with bigger resources do what we had can't do. in the meantime, jessica, every one of these units that wife built is a mother and her kids who have a place that is heated, has light, is comfortable, and is not a factory floor. i can't tell you the smiles and the laughter you hear from the kids when they finally have their own space as small and sparse as it might be. we're going keep doing blah we're doing. >> right. we all just want a home, don't we? a place to lay our heads and feel safe. i know you've been to ukraine twice now. why did you feel like you needed to go there and what else did you notice when you were there? what else did you see? did you change anything once you'd been on the ground? >> you know, jessica, i think most americans look at putin's invasion with absolute horror. and you think what can we do. and i didn't want to just send a check to some organization with no idea what might happen. so what i thought and others in the pataki leadership center thought the same thing, let's go look, and we went up to the border of hungary. we saw how the refugees were treated on the hungarian side, very well taken care of, housing, medical care, clothing. we wanted to see in ukraine. we went into ukraine, and it's a very different story. there just aren't the resources, and there's a much greater need. so we've talked with the ukrainian government. the ukrainian government actually suggested that we expand the housing side. we were doing medicine. we sent in medicine, we sent in food, we built these houses. they said the most important thing, the void we have right now is the housing. so see if you can do more. we're working with the ukrainian government. there's very -- not much we with the pataki leadership center can do ourselves. what we can do is inspire others to step in and help us, and that's what we're trying to do. >> right. well, good luck to you. i know you guys are working hard, former new york governor george pataki and the pataki leadership center. good luck with everything. thank you so much for being on with us. >> thank you, jessica. and if someone wants to help pa pa we're building more houses, we'll do everything we can to help. >> yeah. all right. thank you so much, governor. good to see you. up next, a scene of, quote, horrific brutality. a restaurant partnered with the humanitarian organization world central kitchen targeted by missiles in ukraine. you're in the "cnn newsroom." >> reporter: this was a big hit as you can see. over a dozen cars burned out all around me. there's pieces of cars in a tree here. migraine attacks? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Pamela Brown 20240708

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newsroom." it is a busy evening here on cnn want currently we're -- currently we're following three breaking news stories including a dozen people who have been hurt after a shooting at a shopping mall in south carolina. also in north korea, north korea claiming that it has just test-fired a new type of tactical-guided weapon. we're going to have more on that in a moment. we're going to begin with breaking news on the war in ukraine. shipments of ammunition, artillery pieces, and aircraft from the biden administration's latest security assistance package to ukraine have just begun arriving. cnn white house correspondent arlette saenz has the latest. what are you learning? >> reporter: a white house official told me a short while ago that the first shipment of those security assistance deliveries have started to arrive as the u.s. has committed that new round of $800 million worth of assistance for ukraine. now a senior defense official had previously said that these shipments would be sent into the region, and then the ukrainians would be picking them up at the border and transferring them into ukraine themselves. it's unclear whether that transfer has begun at this moment. and while officials have not provided a manifest of what this first shipment would include officials had expected that it would be some of the more required -- the items that the ukrainians needed in the immediate future. that includes those howitzer cannons, the ammunition, as well as bars that are capable -- radars that are capable of finding incoming fire and pinpointing their origin. in addition to that, there are other heavy-duty equipment items that are expected to head into ukraine that includes helicopters, as well as more switchblade drones. this is much more sophisticated and heavy-duty weaponry than the u.s. had previously provided to ukraine. and there had been some concern earlier from biden administration officials that this would signal a possible risk of escalation by sending this type of equipment in. but assessing what is happening on the ground in ukraine, especially as fighting is expected to pick up in the eastern part of the country, the u.s. decided to move forward with some of these requests for supplies that ukraine had submitted. now at the same time, russia has been protesting the u.s. sending military equipment into ukraine. sources have told cnn that russia sent a diplomatic note to the state department warning of, quote, unpredictable consequences if the u.s. continues to supply weaponry to ukraine, raising questions about how exactly russia might respond as more shipments go into the country. so far the u.s. remains undeterred in trying to assist ukraine as they continue to defend and fight off those russian forces. it's clear that with much of the fighting expected to pick up in the eastern part of the country, in the coming days, the u.s. is really adapting their strategy of the types of assistance that they're sending into the country. jessica? >> all right. thank you so much for that. as russia inches closer to a major ground offensive, it's also ramping up attacks all across ukraine. in the east, a cruise missile slammed into a residential neighborhood in the decimated city of kharkiv. at least two civilians were killed, 18 injured there. southeast of there, a cnn news crew witnessing a russian strike on a market. one official says a hospital and an oil refinery are among the civilian infrastructure targeted, and more than two dozen buildings where damaged or destroyed. russia has also escalated its shelling of the south. the port city of mariupol where more than 100,000 civilians are trapped is largely in ruins after weeks of relentless attacks. one regional official says if the russians succeed, they'll only be capturing rubble. >> the enemy cannot seize mariupol. the enemy may seize the land that mariupol used to stand on, but the city of mariupol is no more. the city of mariupol has been wiped off the face of the earth by the russian federation. >> ukrainian officials are convinced russia's renewed siege on southern ukraine is revenge for the sinking of a prized warship in the black sea. and taking a look now at some other headlines from across ukraine tonight -- absolutely horrific news about innocent ukrainians who have been killed. officials in the capital say the bodies of more than 900 civilians have been recovered since the russians pulled back a few weeks ago. and across the country, more than 200 children have been confirmed dead. one u.s. official telling cnn the newest package of military aid from the u.s. may not be enough if russia launches a massive offensive as expected. that aid which is arriving as we speak in the region includes 40,000 artillery rounds. but the u.s. official says that might only last a few days. meantime, ukrainian officials say russia has responded to the sinking of its warship by becoming increasingly hostile in its attacks on the south. cnn's ben wedeman is in eastern ukraine. tell us what you're seeing there. >> reporter: well, what we're seeing is a constant intensification of the russian bombardment on this area, the donbas area, in the far east of the country. today we were once again in the city which is right smack dab up against russian lines, it's the easternmost city in ukraine under government control. what we saw was shelling, lots of shelling on that area forcing the local residents to simply live underground. the shelling comes early and often. with russian forces massing nearby, this is a portent of things to come. firefighters brave the threat of shelling, but few others brave the streets of the city. life for those who haven't fled has moved underground. to stuffy shelters where safety trumps comfort. around 300 people call this temporary home. on the grounds of a sprawling chemical plant. maxim and his wife tried to keep their 7-month-old distracted. their recent arrival having fled their home ten days ago. he shows me cell phone pictures of the cellar they hid out in before coming here. disabled, tatiana stays in bed most of the time. she'd prefer to be at home, but what home? "there's no electricity, no cell phone signal, no water, no gas," she tells me. "everything is shaking from the bombing. the windows are shattered." >> these examples -- >> reporter: tamada tutor her grandson. a retired english teacher, she's been here for more than a month. >> a lot of people can't leave this place because of problems with health, and they don't have enough money to live in other places. they have to stay here. >> reporter: this 73-year-old struggles to move about the shelter. he's not leaving town. "i was born here, and i'll stay here," he says. nearby tarchgs at an oil refind preburn after a strike. the shelling here comes early and often. and north of here in kharkiv, a partner restaurant of the world central kitchen was hit by some artillery it's believed. four of their people were injured, and this is what one of their chefs posted on twitter -- [ no audio ] and so basically this part of the country is bracing for this russian offensive that everyone is talking about. we understand that in the eastern part of ukraine, occupied by the russians, they've increased their forces from 30,000 to 40,000 men. on social media from russia we are seeing that they're moving more and more military hardware in this direction. and of course from where i'm standing here , we have been hearing all evening distant thuds of what we believe to be artillery fire. jessica? >> all right, ben wedeman, thank you so much for that reporting. and there's certainly a lot to break down today. i want to bring in retired u.s. army major mike lyons. major, great to have you on. thank you so much for being here. in is day 53 of the russian invasion, and we know as ben laid out russia has suffered some humiliating losses. ukraine is seeing both civilian and military deaths, widespread devastation to its cities. in your opinion, are we closer to the beginning of the end of this war? do you think that we're getting closer to the end at all? >> jessica, i'm afraid not. i think that it's going to take long time. i think we're at the beginning of a phase that's going to be an artillery war. artillery called king of battle for a reason. a former military officer myself. i think russia is going to continue to pound away as they can at ukraine targets. and so in order for the ukraine military to be successful, they're going to have to defeat the russian artillery. that's going to be a challenge. now let's look at what this equipment that's come in now, the first round of equipment that's come in from the west. i hope it's q36 bars, anti-battery, anti-artillery radar supports as well as switch blades. that will help defeat the russian artillery on the ground. every time a russian artillery piece sends a round, it has a return address. the important thing for now is to get the ukraine military to get that return address and get return fire on that. the rounds, for example, 40,000 artillery rounds, weighs 2,000 tons. the lift on that capacity is ten or 15 or so, c-17s, a tremendous amount of weight and equipment that's coming that's going to lag a little bit. the important thing now is to get the anti-artillery, anti-battery, things to kill air tillry -- artillery weapons as fast as possible. >> we know the delivery is happening now, the first of it is making its way there. do you think there's going to be time to get this -- these -- all of these different weaponry, the ammunition, to get to where it needs to go, get it into the hands of these ukrainian fighters? >> i think they're prioritizing that. the question is what comes in over land, what can they put on rail heads to try to make its way through a rail head to the front that way. nothing's probably going to fly in. i think russia could interdict the supply chain. i think we've got to be careful in how that material crosses the border and how it gets there and how it gets in the hands. this is not going to be a javelin fight anymore. it was more close in. what you see in kyiv and the like there. this is an indirect fire-fight. an artillery battle similar to the second world war. even the how i showizers that w towed by trucks. i'm not sure how they're going to get there on time 4 miles from the border to where the battlefront is going to be. it will take a lot of material and guess to get there. >> since the early days of the war, you look at the videos like the ones we have right now, unbelievable. one ukrainian official saying if the city falls the russians will be capturing rubble essentially. are you surprised at all that the russians are just pulverizing that city as opposed to more precision strikes? or is that a strategic move to really just invoke absolute terror into the citizens there? >> i'm not surprised what russia is doing. they're fighting this war like it's the early 20th century, late 19th century, the same tactics stalin usedterrorize, t military has fought valiantly. my heart goes out to them. wish there was more we could do in that location. from a key terrain perspective, it's important for russia to have the port city and that location. that's why they've poured so many assets into it. they've paid dearly. they've had some significant losses. they lost the battleship in the black sea. again, it was likely inevitable and hard to say that that city was going to fall. >> major, thank you so much for your insight, for giving us all that context. we appreciate it. >> thanks for having me. new tonight, north korea says it has test fired a new tactical-guided weapon with kim jong-un there to observe. the regime's state media saying that launch was a success and will improve the operation of tax tickal nuclear weapons -- tactical nuclear weapons. will ripley is joining us by phone from taiwan with more on this. will, what are you learning? >> reporter: the last few minutes we got some new information from the south korean military saying that they actually detected two projectiles fired by north korea saturday night local time, that would be the morning hours there in the u.s. this is -- this is consistent with what north korean state media leased the last couple of hours, the images of the launch. we usually don't hear until after the images are approved and released through north korean propaganda channels including their state media. the images that north korea showed us are of kim jong-un and his top generals observing this launch. what south korea says is that that these missiles had an altitude of 25 kilometers. hit a target in the waters off of north korea, traveling at a maximum speed of mach four or lower. this wasn't immediately announced by south korea like usual. that's why we first heard about it when the guam homeland security put out a statement saying that this launch did not pose an immediate threat to the u.s. territory of guam which is, of course, a major military target that north korea's mentioned in the past. but in kind tactical guided weapon could theoretically hit u.s. troops stationed in south korea, u.s. troops in japan or potentially the u.s. territory of guam depending on the range of this particular weapon, this new kind of weapon as north korea describes it. what's most concerning is the fact that north korea says this is going to bolster and enhance their nuclear capabilities on the ground which means that this type of weapon that we're seeing here could potentially if north korea's messaging is correct, accurate, could carry a nuclear warhead to one of those targets, one of those u.s. military targets or other targets in the region. that's especially concerning given that there has been u.s. intelligence showing and satellite images verifying work at north korea's nuclear test site which has been dormant for several years. it was shut down shortly before the diplomacy began with the former president trump and kim jong-un. but now workers are back on that site apparently digging new tunnel entranses. i was there when they were destroyed five years ago. now they're rebuilding new entrances that could signal a nuclear test by north korea as they try to develop new kinds of warheads. perhaps many warheads that could fit on the type of weapon that north korea has just tested. obviously this rapid pace of weapons, that's a troubling development for a lot of analysts. it seems as if right now given at that world is so distracted and focused on what's happening in ukraine, kim jong-un is just ramping up these weapons tests at an unprecedented pace, even more than what we saw during the fire and fury days. he's do not it unabated at this stage. >> wow. all right. will ripley for us. thank you so much. and coming up this hour, cnn's david culver, part of the only american tv crew living through the shanghai covid lockdown. he's going to report on his first few steps of freedom. also ahead, execs in the twitter boardroom taking extreme measures to block elon musk's potential takeover. and the women risking their freedom to challenge a wave of new anti-abortion laws. you're in the "cnn newsroom." >> it makes me angry and makes me sad, and it makes me worried. it feels like we're going backwards. ourself an average of seven hundrered and thirty dollars. 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[ applause ] >> reporter: without exemptions for rape, incest, or human trafficking. >> this will represent the most significant protections for life that have been enacted in this state in a generation. [ applause ] >> reporter: two days before desantis -- [ applause ] oklahoma governor kevin stitt signed a bill that makes performing an abortion a felony except in the case of a medical emergency. >> we want oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country. we want to outlaw abortion in the state of oklahoma. >> reporter: and also this week, kentucky's gop-led legislature overrode the governor's veto of a bill that bans most abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. so far, 18 states have introduced legislation banning or limiting access to most abortions. 14 states have passed their restrictive legislation. three states so far this year, kentucky, florida, and arizona, following a 2018 mississippi law prohibiting abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. >> now let's go and sign these bills. >> reporter: now some democratic-controlled legislatures aim to protect the rights of roe v. wade with me to bills of their own. maryland lawmakers expanding access to abortion. >> we are preparing for some of the most restrictive abortion action that's we've seen in a generation. >> reporter: and in michigan, governor whitner filing a lawsuit to challenge the almost 100-year-old abortion ban even though it's unenforceable due to roe v. wade. >> we've got to take this current assault on women's rights seriously and use every tool we have to fight back. this is not just a theoretical risk, this is a real and present danger. >> reporter: with many states rewriting their abortion laws, all eyes opponent to the supreme court -- point to the supreme court. the court heard arguments in december. legal experts argue a decision could be handed down in june right before summer break. with pro-abortion activists continuing their fight to the highest court in the land. >> maybe they will come back and stand behind roe v. wade. i hope that they do. i want to believe so. >> reporter: florida governor desantis signed another bill into law this week. this provides aid to mentorship and educational programs for fathers in florida. it also comes with $70 million in funding for family and youth support services in the state. jessica? >> thanks so much. coming up next, a peek into the life in shanghai right now. cnn's david culver is part of the only american tv crew living through the covid lockdown there. >> reporter: the extent of my freedom is all the way to here, the compound gate. still double locked. it's been like it for about a month. i have to use a lot of het new dove hair therapy shampoo & conditioner with ceramide e & peptide. it nourishes at a cellular level to resescue damaged hair. discoverer 10 x stronger hair with new dove hahair therapy rescue and protect. panera chefs have crafted a masterpiece... succulent, seared chicken... a secret aioli... clean ingredients... in a buttery brioche roll. made fresh, to leave you... speechless. panera's new chef's chicken sandwiches. $1 delivery fee on our app. shhhh. i think she's still awake. don't worry. the lexus rx built for modern families. $1,500 lease cash available on 30 month 2022 rx lease programs. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. intense clashes breaking out in china this weekend over the country's newest and very strict covid restrictions. police in hazmat suits here clashing with frustrated residents in shanghai. the city of more than 25 million people has now been under lockdown for weeks as the chinese government cracks down on the worst covid outbreak it's seen in years. cnn's david culver is in shanghai documenting life there. >> reporter: a few steps of freedom granted to some shanghai residents strolling their own neighborhood as if taking in some strange new world. where you going to go? there's nowhere to go. most shops still closed, and public transportation halted. this woman don't hold back her joy. recording as she and her neighbors roamed the empty streets. after forcing 25 million-plus people into weeks of harsh lockdown, government officials facing mounting pressure lifted some restrictions. for communities like mine without a positive case in the last seven days, that meant we could actually step outside our apartments. my neighbors enjoying the taste of relative freedom and so, too, are pets, eager to stretch their legs. still keeping within the confines of our compound. the extent of my freedom -- all the way to here. the compound gate. still double locked. it's been like that for about a month. in recent weeks we had to get community permission to leave our homes mostly for covid tests of which there were many. we could also step outside to pick up the occasional government distribution. >> today's delivery -- a bag of rice. >> reporter: even with heavy restrictions still in place, we had it good. for now at least. the majority of the city remains in hard lockdown, kept to their homes, some hungry and suffering. this woman heard begging in the middle of the night, pleading for fever medicine for her child. and this man recording his dwindling food supply. then there are those who have tested positive -- tens of thousands being sent to cramped government quarantine centers whose residents have described a host of problems, facilities that were quickly and poorly constructed. outside of shanghai, panic spreading quicker than the virus. the horror stories from china's financial hub have residents in other chinese cities stocking up. on line, sales for prepackaged foods surging. this as china's national health commission warns of more cases. and publicly calls out shanghai for not effectively containing the virus, shifting blame to local officials for allowing it to spread to other places. china's strict zero-covid approach forcing dozens of cities into weeks' long full or partial lockdowns. residents banging on pots to protest. most of the 24 million people in the northern chinese province confined to their homes for more than a month now. back in shanghai, the joys of freedom for some might last only a few hours as it takes just one new case nearby to send them back inside, vetting the clock for their community -- resetting the clock for their community. another 14-day sentence in lockdown. a seemingly endless cycle. david culver, cnn, shanghai. >> wow. is elon musk's attempt at a twitter takeover over? the company's board is moving to make it harder for the world's richest man to buy the social media site. what this fight means for twitter's future, that's next. ♪ we believe there's an innovatoror in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. my name is ami and when i financed my car with carvana they had questions about my documents. but i was at work. in a mine. so carvana worked with my shift manager to get all worked out. we'll drive you happy at carvana. i was over the mn, even though i was underground. ♪ my relationship with my credit cards wasn't good. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. between the high interest, the fees... i felt trapped. debt, debt, debt. so i broke up with my credit card debt and consolidated it into a low-rate personal loan from sofi. i finally feel like a grown-up. break up with bad credit card debt. get a personal loan with no fees, low fixed rates, and borrow up to $100k. go to to view your rate. sofi. get your money right. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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he's a very wealthy man. >> he is -- he's the richest man in the world, but he doesn't have a lot of cash on hand. so he would have to either partner with other investors, get a loan, sell some of his tesla stock which could be tumultuous for tesla. there are ways to do it, but even elon musk isn't sure he can pull it off. >> this sounds like -- to your point, more about time and the twitter board getting more time to kind of slow this thing down, to kind of pump the brakes on it a little bit. >> listen, twitter could be solid, but they're in a position where they don't really have a lot of control over their future. unlike a company like facebook, unlike some other tech companies that you've heard of, there's not a founder or majority shareholder control here, so they're very much at the whims of activive investors like elon musk, takeover bids. there isn't really somebody who can say no to that, and that means the board needs to do something like a poison pill in order to give itself more power. >> and what do you think twitter would look like with elon musk at the helm? should that happen? >> well, elon musk -- yeah, elon musk calls himself a free speech absolutist, doesn't have a lot of past experience in social networks, but he is one of the most followed people on the platform. he has more than 80 million followers, and a tremendous amount of influence. he does understand twitter maybe more than some of the people on the board. but i think under twitter he would have a lot of issues with trying to figure out that content moderation question which twitter has struggled with for years. even if you believe in free speech, there are some fundamental issues with social media's speech with the elements of viralality, with the potential for harassment, for violent speech, and so you know, high spoke at ted this week publicly, and he said he even doesn't know how he might solve these very thorny issues. i think he wants us to believe that it would be a platform that has less silencing of people when they speak out of turn. i think that those problems are ones that twitter has tried to deal with for years. >> yeah. they're big -- they're big, complicated issues. quickly before you go, we know that musk has had a really rocky relationship with twitter. in 2018 he had to settle fraud charges with the sec over a tweet he sent about tesla. he's being sued by other twitter shareholders. how could he effectively lead a company and be allowed to purchase it if he has all of this baggage? >> well, elon musk wants to take twitter private. so i think that would be a big issue, too, is he wouldn't have this public scrutiny from the markets, from those shareholders. and in twitter employees, it might be difficult to retain them because tech employees are compensated by stock options. so i think that that it would be -- it would be a rough road just as leading twitter has been a rough road since its inception. this company's been through a lot of tumultuous moments, changeovers of ceos, changeovers of who's on the board. so i think it would just add to that history, but it could be quite a fundamental change. very difficult for musk to -- to really fix a lot of these problems because these problems that twitter has are problems with humanity, as well. it's very difficult to change human nature. >> yes, it is. all right. thank you so much for really illuminating that for us. we appreciate it. and we continue to follow the breaking news out of north korea tonight. south korea's military says north korea fired two projectiles tonight. we have much more ahead on that. plus, small homes with a big impact. the former governor of new york, george pataki, is here to share how his organization is helping ukrainian refugees displaced by the war. first, a live look at the spectacular new york city skyline in partnership with cnn's "impact your world," the empire state building is shining its tower lights in the colors of the ukrainian flag every night through june 1st. so far the impact campaign has raised more than $7.5 million for more than 80,000 donors. to find out how to help go to it's the number r one doctor recommended brand that is scientitifically designed to help manage your blood sugar. live every moment. glucerna. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to milk thcows a little easier. 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how do you see this growing and being part of a movement that these refugees when they need? >> you know what we're trying to do is inspire others to come and do things, as well. you hear about the five million-plus refugees that crossed into poland and hungary and romania and elsewhere, and i'm sure a lot of the western aid is going to help and take care of those refugees. you don't hear so much about the seven million refugees in ukraine who are internally displaced people. and they're mostly in western ukraine. and they don't -- they're almost all women with children. their husbands are behind fighting, their sons are behind fighting. and they don't have anything. just what they brought with them. they have nowhere to go. so we have found them this -- they have 500,000 refugees from the east. they don't have the housing. they're being put up in schools and hospitals and closed factories and warehouses. and that's the void we're trying to fill. there are billions in relief. the u.s. government has promised billions of relief. the eu has promised billions of relief. but inside ukraine itself, we haven't seen any western assistance at all except for what we're doing. so what we're doing is we set up a center where we are building these, they come in modular form from hungary, across the border. then we've actually worked with the ukrainian government, they have changed -- trained an engineering group to take them across ukraine and put them up. we want others to in look at what we're doing, we want those big western charities who have billions or hundreds of millions to see what we're doing. as i said, we've done maybe 40. you need 400,000. and we're happy to step arside and lets those with bigger resources do what we had can't do. in the meantime, jessica, every one of these units that wife built is a mother and her kids who have a place that is heated, has light, is comfortable, and is not a factory floor. i can't tell you the smiles and the laughter you hear from the kids when they finally have their own space as small and sparse as it might be. we're going keep doing blah we're doing. >> right. we all just want a home, don't we? a place to lay our heads and feel safe. i know you've been to ukraine twice now. why did you feel like you needed to go there and what else did you notice when you were there? what else did you see? did you change anything once you'd been on the ground? >> you know, jessica, i think most americans look at putin's invasion with absolute horror. and you think what can we do. and i didn't want to just send a check to some organization with no idea what might happen. so what i thought and others in the pataki leadership center thought the same thing, let's go look, and we went up to the border of hungary. we saw how the refugees were treated on the hungarian side, very well taken care of, housing, medical care, clothing. we wanted to see in ukraine. we went into ukraine, and it's a very different story. there just aren't the resources, and there's a much greater need. so we've talked with the ukrainian government. the ukrainian government actually suggested that we expand the housing side. we were doing medicine. we sent in medicine, we sent in food, we built these houses. they said the most important thing, the void we have right now is the housing. so see if you can do more. we're working with the ukrainian government. there's very -- not much we with the pataki leadership center can do ourselves. what we can do is inspire others to step in and help us, and that's what we're trying to do. >> right. well, good luck to you. i know you guys are working hard, former new york governor george pataki and the pataki leadership center. good luck with everything. thank you so much for being on with us. >> thank you, jessica. and if someone wants to help pa pa we're building more houses, we'll do everything we can to help. >> yeah. all right. thank you so much, governor. good to see you. up next, a scene of, quote, horrific brutality. a restaurant partnered with the humanitarian organization world central kitchen targeted by missiles in ukraine. you're in the "cnn newsroom." >> reporter: this was a big hit as you can see. over a dozen cars burned out all around me. there's pieces of cars in a tree here. migraine attacks? 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Eastern Ukraine , Reporter , Lot , Russia , Journey , Language , Shelling , Russians , Suffering , Operation , Bodies , Tragedy , Isn T , Two , People , Ron Desantis , Abortion Ban , Law , Incest , Exemptions , Rape , Scale , Human Trafficking , 15 , Everyone , Cnn Newsroom , Jessica Dean , Hi , Pamela Brown , North Korea , Cnn , Shooting , Breaking News Stories , Evening , Shopping Mall , South Carolina , Three , Weapon , War , Ammunition , Shipments , Type , Breaking News , Aircraft , Artillery Pieces , Administration , Latest , Security Assistance Package , White House , Biden , Arlette Saenz , U S , Shipment , Round , Assistance , Defense Official , Security Assistance , Deliveries , 00 Million , 800 Million , Ukraine , Officials , Border , Innocent Ukrainians , Region , Transfer , More , Items , Manifest , Howitzer Cannons , Fire , Equipment Items , Radars , Bars , Origin , Helicopters , Addition , Weaponry , Risk , Switchblade Drones , Escalation , Concern , Equipment , Country , Ground , Part , Some , Fighting , Supplies , Requests , Note , Quote , Sources , Military Equipment , State Department Warning Of , Consequences , Questions , Forces , Types , Strategy , East , Cruise Missile , Ground Offensive , Official , Strike , Civilians , City , Neighborhood , Injured , Market , News Crew , Hospital , Oil Refinery , Kharkiv , 18 , One , South , Buildings , Port City Of Mariupol , Infrastructure , 100000 , Attacks , Enemy , Ruins , Capturing Rubble , New York City , Land , Mariupol , Face , Earth , Look , Sinking , Warship , News , Siege On Southern Ukraine , Headlines , Revenge , Black Sea , Children , Capital , 900 , 200 , Aid , Offensive , Military Aid , Artillery Rounds , Package , 40000 , Ben Wedeman , Donbas Area , Intensification , Bombardment , Far East , Government , Lines , Easternmost City In Ukraine Under , Residents , Lots , Threat , Firefighters , Portent , Things To Come , Who Haven T , Life , Shelters , Streets , Safety , Comfort , 300 , Home , Maxim , Grounds , Wife , Sprawling Chemical Plant , 7 , Disabled , Cellar , Bed , Arrival , Tatiana , Cell Phone Pictures , Ten , Everything , Cell Phone Signal , Electricity , Water , Bombing , Gas , Windows , Place , Problems , Examples , Grandson , Teacher , Tamada Tutor , English , Places , Health , Town , Shelter , Money , Struggles , 73 , Oil Refind Preburn , Nearby Tarchgs , Central Kitchen , Hit , North , Partner Restaurant , Twitter , Chefs , Four , Audio , Course , Social Media , Men , Direction , Military Hardware , 30000 , Reporting , Thuds , U S Army , Major , Losses , Invasion , Deaths , Mike Lyons , 53 , Wall , Cities , End , Devastation , Opinion , The Beginning Of End , Military , Targets , Order , Phase , Military Officer , Battle , King , Reason , Artillery War , West , Q36 Bars , Challenge , Anti Battery , Thing , Return Address , Return Fire , Artillery , Artillery Piece , Defeat , Switch Blades , Radar Supports , C 17s , Bit , Weight , Lift , Example , Capacity , Rounds , 2000 , 17 , Way , Things , First , Delivery , Artillery Weapons , Kill Air Tillry , It , Question , Hands , Fighters , Material , Nothing , Rail Head , Supply Chain , Front , Rail Heads , Fight , Kyiv , Trucks , Battle Similar To The Second World War , That W , 4 , Ones , Battlefront , Videos , Unbelievable , Move , Terror , Citizens , Precision Strikes , Capturing Rubble Essentially , Tactics , 19th Century , T Military Has , Stalin Usedterrorize , 20 , 19 , Location , Heart , Terrain Perspective , Wish , Valiantly , Battleship , Assets , Test , Kim Jong Un , Thanks , Context , Insight , Weapons , Launch , State Media , Will , Regime , Phone , Success , Tax , Taiwan , Ripley , Projectiles , Saturday Night , South Korean , Information , Images , Propaganda , Missiles , Target , Generals , Waters , Altitude , 25 , Statement , Speed , Guam , Wasn T , Homeland Security , Troops , Kind , Territory , Military Target , Saying , Fact , Capabilities , Concerning , Range , Japan , Military Targets , Messaging , Warhead , Workers , Work , Satellite Images , Intelligence , President , Trump , Diplomacy , Showing , Nuclear Test Site , Site , Kinds , Tunnel Entranses , Five , Warheads , Pace , Development , Analysts , Weapons Tests , Fury , Stage , Elon Musk , Freedom , Steps , Shanghai , David Culver , Tv Crew , Boardroom , Measures , Execs , Covid Lockdown , Women , Takeover , Laws , Wave , Something , Bum , Farmers , Average , Customer , Chevy , Ththat , Burke , Silverado Zr2 , Pa Dum , Thirty Dollars , Thirty , Seven , Tires , Shocks , Buwe , Dude , Locking Differentials , Multimatic , Front D , 33 , Workspaces , Good , Gonna Work Remote , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Perfect , Rolling Hills , Bills , Iowa , Fields , Haven T , Inside And Out , Fun , Understanding , Asya Agulnik Md St , Jude , Need , Child , Partners , Mission , Marta Salek Md , The Dawn Of Life , Responsibility , Md , Cancer , Therapy , Carlos Rodriguez , Aren T , Construct , Construction , Crack , Time , Oh God , God , Ad , Both , Levels , Statin Drug , Cholesterol , Qunol Coq10 , Brand , Statin Medication , Qunol , Hydration , Skin , Skin Glow , Studio Owner , Inner Voice , Neutrogena , Hydro Boost Lightweight , 48 , Print , Intuit Quickbooks , Invoices , Invoice , Pile , 3 , Police , Ia Shopping Mall , Columbia , Details , Fatalities , Affiliate Wis , Eight , Hospitals , Stampede , Sort , Folks , Gunshot Wounds , Condition , Stores , Sweep , Incident , Doors , Skip Holbrook , States , Legislation , Video , Gunfire , Anyone , Nick Neville , Wis , Abortion , Freedoms , Voices , Access , Nadia Romero Reports , Groups , Peace , Justice , Aclu , Planned Parenthood , Nonprofit , Sarah Fryar , Southwest Florida , Group , Lead , Manatee County Board , Raise Awareness , Commissionsers , Caitlyn , Legislature , Message , Possibility , Governor , Applause , La , Estate , Generation , Protections , Bill , Case , Kevin Stitt , Felony , Emergency , Oklahoma , Abortions , Pregnancy , Veto , Overrode , Legislation Banning , Kentucky , Gop , 14 , Mississippi , Let S Go , Arizona , Democratic , 2018 , Action , Aim , Lawmakers , Rights , Roe V Wade , Maryland , Michigan , Due , Lawsuit , Assault , Filing , Tool , Whitner , Women S Rights , 100 , Court , Eyes , Danger , Abortion Laws , Decision , Experts , Opponent , Arguments , Supreme Court , Point To The Supreme Court , Activists , Summer Break , Programs , Family , Funding , Fathers , Mentorship , Youth Support Services , 0 Million , 70 Million , Lockdown , Extent , There , Peek , Coming Up , Covid , Hair , Gate , Dove Hahair , Level , Conditioner , Peptide , Dove Hair Therapy Shampoo , Discoverer , Ceramide E , Resescue , 10 , Succulent , Chef , Masterpiece , Secret Aioli , Ingredients , Chicken Sandwiches , Delivery Fee , App , Panera , Buttery Brioche Roll , Made Fresh , Speechless , 1 , , Families , Lease Programs , Lease Cash , Shhhh , Don T Worry , Lexus Rx , 30 , 2022 , 1500 , 500 , Someone , Safe , Everywhere , Anything , Nobody , Anywhere , Restrictions , Clashes , Hazmat Suits , China , Covid Outbreak , 25 Million , Nowhere To Go , Shops , Don T , Neighbors , Government Officials , Mounting Pressure , Recording , Joy , Public Transportation , Relative , Communities , Apartments , Legs , Taste , Pets , Compound , Community Permission , Confines , Homes , Many , Covid Tests , Distribution , Rice , Bag , Majority , Fever Medicine , Night , Middle , Pleading , Begging , Man , Tens Of Thousands , Government Quarantine Centers , Food Supply , Facilities , Positive , Host , Virus , Panic , Hub , Horror Stories , Health Commission , Cases , Foods , Line , Sales , Blame , Lockdowns , Dozens , Pots , Zero , Most , Back , Province , Joys , 24 Million , Community , Clock , Sentence , Cycle , Attempt , Takeover Over , Company , Social Media Site , Technology , Business , Innovatoror , Person , Carvana , Ami , Car , Shift Manager , Table , Documents , Mine , My Name , Debt , Relationship , Fees , Interest , Credit Cards , Matter , Mn , College , Wasn T Good , Loan , Credit Card Debt , Sofi , Personal Loan , Grown Up , Rates , K Go To Sofi Com , 00k , 100k , Protein , Rate , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Bipolar Depression , Depression , Stories , Lows , Sugar , Nutrients , Fog , Art , Impact , Doctor , Latuda , Symptoms , Behavior Changes , Studies , Thoughts , Difference , Side Effects , Report Fever , Antidepressants , Muscle Movements , Death , Permanent , Confusion , Adults , Dementia , Stroke , Patients , Movement , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smart Bed , Prescription , Sale , Pay , Zero Dollars , 360 , Care , Miss , Weekend Special , Temperature Balancing , Science , 1000 , 000 , Plus 0 , Sleepnumber Com , 24 , Musk , Pill , Shares , Shareholders , Poise , Shareholder Rights , Snag , Bid , Term , Price , Call Itted , Poison Pill , Investor , Technology Reporter , Bloomberg News , Deal , Door , Room , Open Market , Play , It Sounds , Investors , Partner , Hand , Cash , Stock , Tesla , Isn , Point , Ways , Control , Position , Brakes , Pump , Listen , Facebook , Tech Companies , Majority Shareholder , Somebody , Founder , Whims , Activive , Takeover Bids , Board , Helm , Power , Platform , Doesn T , Free Speech Absolutist , Social Networks , 80 Million , Issues , Moderation Question , Influence , Speech , Free Speech , Elements , Harassment , Potential , Ted , Viralality , Turn , Fraud Charges , Tweet , Baggage , Sec , Employees , Issue , Markets , Tech Employees , Scrutiny , Road , Inception , Stock Options , Change , History , Changeovers Of Ceos , Humanity , Human Nature , Refugees , Organization , Partnership , Skyline , George Pataki , New York , World , Empire State Building , Campaign , Tower Lights , Flag , Colors , June 1st , 5 Million , 7 5 Million , Help , Number , Blood Sugar , Donors , 80000 , Forou , Milk , Lactose , Coffees , Moo , Lactaid , Glucerna , Milk Thcows , Mabel , 5 , Data Points , Hundreds , Straps , Rem Sleep , Ice Bath , Recovery , Hrv , Fund , Investor In , Training Optimization Tech , Innovations , Invesco Qqq , Nasdaq 100 , Uh , Style , Step , Step Stylers , Styling , Benefits , Cto , Ceo , Tresemme , 5g , Vo , Gum Health , Bleeding Gums , Plaque Bacteria , Shield , Hello Gumwash , 99 , Gum Health Mouthwash , Billions , Learning Center , Pataki Leadership , Around The World , Modular Homes , Ukrainians , Western Ukraine , 40th Home , 40 , Refugee Center , Sleeping , Floor , Process , Bucha , Units , Needs , Factory , 400000 , Void , Pataki Center , Others , Poland , Elsewhere , Romania , Five Million , Husbands , Seven Million , Housing , Schools , Sons , 500000 , Relief , Factories , Warehouses , Eu , Inside Ukraine Itself , Center , We Haven T , Hungary , Modular Form , Engineering Group , Doing , Millions , Big Western Charities , Kids , Mother , Resources , Light , Laughter , Space , Factory Floor , Smiles , Heads , Horror , Americans , Putin , Let S Go Look , Pataki Leadership Center , Idea , Check , Side , Story , Care Of , Greater Need , Clothing , Aren T The Resources , Houses , Medicine , Housing Side , Food , Jessica Dean In Washington , Luck , Guys , Up Next , Pa Patakileadershipcenter Com , Restaurant , Kitchen , Horrific Brutality , Cars , Pieces , Tree , Migraine Attacks , Quliptatm , Changes , Quliptatm Helps What S Going On Inside , Weather , Outside , Episodic Migraine , Constipation , Treatment , Cause , Nausea , Cgrp , Abbvie , Tiredness , Subaru , Commitment , Fires , Trees , Wildfires , Retailers , Forests , Environment , National Forest Foundation , 1 Million , Craft , Car Company , Voice , View , Furniture Maker , Chair , Detail , Arms , Relax , Tactical , Shooting At ,

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