With hEr staffErs in hEr lockEd room with minE. ShE hElpEd pass throUgh all thE la and bEing EmployEd now. BidEn bigfoots. Kamala harris. Now barack has to gEt involvEd. My namE is JoE BidEn. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. ThErEs too mUch mascUlinEE Th Toxicity oUt thErE that yoUvE got to bE toUgath and, yoU know, angry and lash oUt. DoUg Emhoff off, accUsEd of physical abUsE. WE havE a fUll rEport from oUr tEam. Ask many timEs for morE sEcUrity, morE hElp. And ThEy wErE dEniEd. TrUmp hEading back to BUtlEr U as thE SEcrEt SErvicE is inin a statE of EmErgEncy. PlUs, today, washington saw a ghost. HEy, folks. Right. My namEs JoE BidEn. So wElcomE. WElcomE, mr. PrEsidEnt. Waiting for yoU. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. It was thE first TimEE BidEn EvEr sEt foot in thE BriEfing Room as prEsidEnt. ThE prEss was stUnnEd. PEtEr dUcE, his wig fEll off. And EvEry channEl in amErica to cUt straight to it. WE wErE actUally aboUt to go. LivE to VicE PrEsidEnt Kamala Harris, whos spEaking right now
Footage of the wreck of the Titan Submersible is released by the inquiry into the disaster last year that left five people dead. And Coming Up on Bbc News Arsenal are the final British Club to get their Champions League Campaign under way. They take on Europa League Winners Atalanta with Mikel Arteta asking for more in the competition. Good Evening And Welcome to the Bbc News at six. Israel has launched fresh air strikes on hezbollah targets in Southern Lebanon as the leader in Southern Lebanon as the leader of the armed group a proscribed of the armed group a proscribed Terrorist Organisation Terrorist Organisation was giving his first public reaction was giving his first public reaction to the wave of attacks to the wave of attacks across lebanon in the past two days. Across lebanon in the past two days. At least 37 people have been killed at least 37 people have been killed a declaration of war. And thousands injured by exploding and thousands injured by Exploding Pagers and Walkie
I yes, It appears theres no arbate around my appeal. Happy wednesday, everyone. So people are accusIng last NIghts Debate moderators of teamIng Uy Wednesp Trump whIe lettIng kamalas slIde. Trueator, trump was constantly under attack by the moderators. So much so youd thInk were workIng from a slanted Roofyo Belt lIke an ambush. You knowd than, wIth Kamala Ande moderators jumpIng all over trump. I havent seenlIke three on one. That dIsturbIng sInce I was at that golden gIrls trump afterparty. I just watched It. Its what I lIke to do. Understandably, the moderators were heavIly crItIcIzed for theIr bIas. TheIr DavId MuIr seemed completely crmoved by the crItIquesbI. In a bIased factcheck of trump, muIr claImed crIme Is usIng dIscredIted data from the fbI. Wow. DavId so gullIble, he probably stIll belIeves those photos I took them really were for a charIty calendar act. Jokes on you. MeanwhIle, Kamala HarrIs referred to january sIx as the greatest attack on amerIcan democracy sInce the cI
Vice president on not he will take to the podium in grand rapids, michigan, and what marks his third visit to the Battle Ground state in a month. We are told he will be centering his speech around the economy and inflation, as it remains a top issue in the state. Sandra also take aim at the administrations energy policy, plans of a multibillion dollar ev battery plants. So far Vice President harris has been vague on her energy policies, so what could we expect . We will get the read from fox business Charles Payne live just ahead. Really an extraordinary abuse of power by both the fbi, the cia on covid and other issues by department of homeland security, so i think we are still at the beginning of a reckoning here of really a panic that resulted from peoples ability to get information. We see people having a kind of panic around the inability to control information thanks to the internet and social media platforms. The fact that you have government putting its thumb on the scale and in
Hello and welcome to the film review with me, mark kermode, reminding you that while cinemas may be closed, there is still plenty of new movies to enjoy in the comfort and safety of your own home. The most mainstream release this week is the dig, A Bittersweet Real Life Drama about the unearthing of the sutton hoo treasures on the the eve of world war ii. What are they . Do you hazard a guess . Burials, men, id expect. We are standing in somebodys graveyard i reckon. Viking. Maybe older. Apparently local girls used to lie down on them in the hope of falling pregnant. Ive read plenty of legends. Ive heard plenty of legends. Is that why you want to dig, mrs pretty . Details of Buried Treasure . Ralph fiennes stars as basil brown, the self taught archaeologist who wears his immense learning lightly and who is enlisted by carrie mulligan s wealthy widow, edith pretty, to excavate the imposing Burial Mounds on her property. My interest in archaeology began like yours, edith tells the initia