Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 : com

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

blood-soaked stuffed horse, left behind after the deadly massacre on a train station full of evacuees in the town of kramatorsk one week ago today. the government says ukrainian national police will send this child's home to the united nations as evidence of what happened that day. evidence of a war crime. one that left seven children dead. five were killed that day. two more succumbed to their wounds only recently. we do not know if this stuffed animal's owner survived, but i would like to ask you to think for a moment. just a moment today, but its possible owner. a child maybe told he or she can only bring one toy with them when they finally got a chance to flee their town. one beloved toy. and he or she chose this one. now it is headed to the united nations. and it is soaked in innocent blood. this is tatiana, a photo journalist with afb getty. took this image of her standing in own yard in bucha not far from where i'm standing. she is weeping over the dirt grave of her son. a few individual flowers and some personal objects stuck into the mound of dirt mark where he lies. today the regional prosecutor of kyiv said seven ukrainians were killed and 27 others wounded when russian forces opened fire on two buses full of evacuees. this photo shows what was left of those two buses. along with the ukrainian coast, in mariupol, heart-stopping new video showing the unbelievable scale of destruction in that maritime city. local officials say early estimates show as many as 22,000 innocent people have been killed. in city. russians claim they have made new advances there today. and ukrainian officials say two russian long-raining bombers struck mariupol with cruise missiles. the head of the police force here in kyiv says more than 900 bodies have been discovered around the capital region since the russian army withdrew earlier this month. the kremlin claims today that it fired a long-range missile from the black sea, and destroyed a military facility outside kyiv. one that produced and repaired anti-missile systems. that is particularly notable as a u.s. official claims ukraine's claims that its missiles sank one of russia's most important warships in the sea. the russians said they know they are taking their revenge. the ukrainians said they know and they are resisting. i sat down earlier today with volodymyr zelenskyy said the sinking of the russian warship is not a tragedy for us. he spoke about the unimaginable losses faced by ukrainian families, moms and dads, brothers and sisters. >> the russian warship that they told to f off, sank. the russians say, and the russians are liars, but the russians say it sank on its own. can you offer some clarity and evidence as to what happened to that ship? >> translator: we know that it does not exist anymore. far us, it was a strong weapon against our country. the sinking is not a tragedy for us. i want you and the rest of the people to realize that. the russian federation, the less they have, the better for us. the less capable they are. this is important. and about what happened to it, the history will tell. >> do you have any idea how many ukrainian soldiers or ukrainian civilians have been killed? >> i know. i know about. >> how many? >> translator: as of now, based on the information we have, it is very difficult to talk about civilians since the south of our country where the towns and cities are blocked, mariupol, further east, the area to the east. we just don't know how many people have died. in area that is blocked. let's take one place as an example. as other towns are empty, they are all destroyed. there are no people there. so it's difficult to talk about it now. with the military, we think we lost 2500 to 3,000. in comparison to the russian military who lost about 19,000 to 20,000. that's the comparison. but we have about 10,000 injured and it is hard to say how many will survive. >> i'm sure you've seen the video of the ukrainian mom finding her son. her sorrow, her crying. it is devastating to hear. and you have seen a lot of videos like that. what is it like for you as the president of this country to see those videos, to hear the crying of the moms? >> translator: this is the scariest i've seen in my life in principal. i look at this first of all as a father. it hurts so, so much. it is a tragedy. it is suffering. i won't be able to imagine the scale of suffering for these people. of this woman. it is a family's tragedy, a disaster. the dreams and the life you just lost. we live for our kids. that's true. kids are the best we were given by god and by family. it is a great pain for me. i can't watch it as a father. all you want after this is revenge and to kill. i have to watch as the president of the state where a lot of people have died and lost their loved ones and there are millions of people who want to live. all of us want to fight but we all have to do our best for this war, not to be endless. the longer it is, the more we will lose. all these losses will be just like that one. >> you can see the entire exclusive interview with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy on state of the union. that's sunday morning at 9:00 eastern. and again at noon eastern. let's discuss just that part of it with chief international correspondent clarissa ward. thank you for joining us. what did you think about his answer about viewing the sorrows of this war as a father versus as a president? the notion that as a dad, he would want revenge. but as a president, he has to think differently. i thought that was interesting. almost like he's talking himself through this relatively new profession he now has. >> reporter: yeah. and i think it really speaks to his humanity and his openness. it is such a stark contrast when you look at president zelenskyy and you see how he was with you. he's very casual, unpretentious, open. there is month massive entourage. he is dressed casually as befits the moment. he answers you sincerely. he talks about his feelings as a father. and this is something that has been a huge part of his successful his ability to connect with ukrainians as a human being. and then you look at, on the other hand, president putin whose family we never see. whose family we know very little about except what has been revealed by investigative journalists. who is cold and only talks to people at the end of 20-feet tables. who has a sort of cruel dead eyed expression. and you see such a huge difference between the type of leadership. and i do think it is easy to understand that conflict that zelenskyy is talking about there. as a father, as a human, you want revenge. but as a president and a leader, you have to make very tough decisions about what is the quickest way to put a stop to the bloodshed. what is the best way to end the war? do you want to see it protracted and dragged out? do you try to stop it sooner by making concessions? and this for any leader in a sort of arena of conflict is, of course, the toughest decision to make, jake. >> yeah. he also that, it is so important that this war isn't endless because of these horrific atrocities we're seeing. so many people being killed. innocent civilians. but that desire comes amidst european officials telling cnn that u.s. officials and the allies are increasingory assessing that there is no short-term end to this in sight at all. >> reporter: and it is such a stark short of contrast from the beginning of the war when we were watching the invasion unfold. the expectation from most officials in the u.s., certainly, was that kyiv would potentially fall in a day or two. that hasn't happened. the war grinds on. we've got this massive offensive poised to begin in earnest any moment now, and it is a very ambitious offensive from the north, from the east, from the south. russian forces are going to be facing really stiff resistance. and what we've seen as well that wasn't anticipated is that potentially, ukraine has a chance of actually winning this war. and obviously, for a leader like volodymyr zelenskyy, that is very appealing. the possibility of an outright victory. particularly against an adversary like russia which is much larger and has a much more sophisticated military. yet you have to weigh that allure of that potential victory at some point in the distance against the losses that will be incurred as a result of allowing this conflict to grind on. u.s. officials as you mentioned, talking about this potentially lasting through the end of the year. that is much, much longer than anyone had anticipated. and you can only expect the sorts of scenes that we have really only witnessed in social media videos, from satellite images that have taken place in cities like mariupol, where thousands are believed to be dead. where maternity hospitals have been decimated. that you're going to see more of that playing out across the country as the second offensive gets underway. so it comes back tom point again. the constant push-pull, the tension between wanting to end the war, not wanting to concede an inch but also really wanting to preserve innocent life to the best of his ability. and we have a lot more on that subject on sunday. live for us from dnipro, ukraine. thank you. a city leader along ukraine's southern coast says five people were killed today by russian cluster bombs. a series of explosions scat na, scattered on the ground. plus a u.s. response when russia warned of unpredictable consequences if the u.s. keeps sending military aid to ukraine. stay with us. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbs without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at see him? 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i didn't think of anything, she tells me. i thought that was the end of the world. the recent attacks have also crippled parts of the city's infrastructure. the water has been out for three days, forcing hundreds of people to get water from a river and natural spring. this man evacuated his mother and plans to stay in the city to fight off the russians. how worried are you that the russians are getting closer? it worries me a lot, he tells me. that's why i sent my mother away. we are still working. if the russians are close, i will fight them. for now, residents are left to clean up the bloody aftermath and brace for the next attack. and jake, five people killed. officials said the fifth person that was declared dead died because they had picked up an unexploded munition. so they're sending warnings to everybody, not to touch the debris that lands in the city. these attacks today that occurred were scattered all over the city. totally random in nature. all in civilian areas. jake? >> ed lavandera, thank you so much. appreciate it. just a few hours ago, i spoke with a former professional boxer, as is his brother, the mayor of kyiv. vladimir joined ukraine's defense forces after the war started. they've sworp that ukraine will never go to the knee. they will never give up. they are on the move 24/7 visiting residential areas, now abandoned after the russian army goes through. when i spoke with vladimir a little bit ago, i asked if he thinks the russians will return. >> we do expect the russians will be back. and we are preparing for that. and the past 51 days have been shown that they might use anything possible to come back. so we have to be prepared for anything. >> today russia claims it hit a military facility outside kyiv with a cruise missile. do you know anything about the attack? what the facility was? >> no. i didn't know the details in particular. the past night, i could hear three explosions in the south of the city. and yeah. i cannot say more, what exactly was hit and what the damage is. >> i met your brother earlier today. he was talking about what it is like, talking on russian friends of his back in russia. emthey're like zombies. they don't believe the facts and the truth of what you're experiencing. have you experienced that, too? >> absolutely pretty much the same. picture, so to speak, the people that have been brainwashed. i believe it is just poisoning that affects your brain, basically, your understanding of life, what is good, what is bad. in my opinion, what is happening in ukraine, the fight between the evil that came from the russian side and the good. because we are the good. and good is always going to win. >> later in the show, we'll be talking to somebody named clint williamson, a war crimes investigator. is there anything you want to ask him? >> i wish that every claim must be investigated. behind every crime, every killing. and i've seen personally, many, many, many dead bodies of civilians. either they were captured in a car and flattened with tanks or they were on their knees, shot in the head with hands tied behind their back, and behind every crime, there is first name and last name. that must be investigated. as well as an order, who made this order to go and kill. go and torture, go and rape. it's genocide, that's what is happening, actually, genocide of the ukrainian population. that's what is during in ukraine. it has been done multiple times in different places for 51 days. how long can we wait for justice? and consequences. i cannot forget the lines of the world leaders saying, if the russian troop will cross the line and invade ukraine, there will be severe consequences. the severe consequences for 51 days have been taking the ukrainian population. with all the lives that have been taken, and infrastructure was destroyed. it just, something that the world cannot passively observe while it is still going. and i believe that the world leaders, and everybody else, should ask themselves. how long can i passively observe? where are the consequences? the severe consequences that we've been taking and suffering? and still fighting back. and standing strong. and i want to call all the world, the free world, to support us as long as this war is going, support us. we need this. we are defending your principles, the democratic principles as well. we're doing the job. and do you know what? we've been asking for help and trust me, when this war is over, you are going to get it back multiple times. we are creative. we are good, innovative, we are just a well educated population that will definitely give back to the world. and we are defending your principles, as i said. >> thank you. so for being here. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. the u.s. says now with more confidence that sinking of russia's flagship in the black sea was indeed the result of two ukrainian neptune missiles. how much of a blow m might thise to russia's capabilities? stay with h us. 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(vo) what's not to love! verizon is goi ultra, so you can get more. it's not as though russia needs reason to bombard ukraine. but the moskva russian flagship now sits at the bottom of the sea. they've struck a military outpost. russia is warning the united states about ongoing shipments of u.s. weapons to ukraine. let's discuss with cnn analyst mark hertling, as well as kyly at wood. they are discussing the two missiles land to sea struck the moskva. its sinking is the biggest maritime loss of a shipment in 40 years, some say, although there are questions about an argentinian ship in the falklands. how strategic is this sinking? >> i'm going to start off by saying a lot is still not known about the tactics and the manner of the attack. it certainly probably included neptune missiles but i would suggest there were a lot of other things. tactics and maneuvers involved by the ukrainian army. having said that, i would suggest there's some real tactical brilliance that was behind this attack. is it strategically important? i would say, operationally and tactically, the russians will now have an extremely difficult time conducting any type of amphibious attack on the black sea coast without this warship which is now part of their new plan. the other thing is, this ship was supposed to be providing command and control and air defense for the entire black sea fleet. beyond that, one more thing. this ship specifically is a big deal because this was the command and control ship that was involve in the attack in the georgia, in 2008, and the fact that it is named after the capital is a pretty big deal. the last thing i would say, jake, we can't take this as a singular event. this naval loss goes along with the destruction of the russian parachute reg meant, the first week of the war. seven generals being killed. 27,000 russians that have been killed in action. the destruction of 700 tanks, and other equipment across the board. the cross border operation by ukraine, all of these things are contributing to some real strategic failure on the part of russia's military and their political masters to plan this operation. >> kylie, russia sent a note to the state department warning the u.s. to stop arming ukraine or risk, quote, unpredictable consequences. how is the biden administration responding to that? >> well, listen, the state department spokesperson ned price said the russians have said things in public. they've said things in private but nothing will dissuade the biden administration from the strategy they are pursuing here. from continuing to give ukraine this military support. and the time line here underscores, or sort of gives them credibility in saying that. this diplomatic note from the russians warning the united states not to give ukraine more military assistance came on tuesday. president biden and now $800 million in additional security assistance, weaponry to ukraine, the next day on wednesday, indicating that they still moved forward with this despite this warning. and when it comes to what biden administration officials believe this message signals about where russia stands right now, they believe that it shows that russia is not on solid ground right now. that u.s. support for ukraine has been effective. >> general hertling, the latest military aid to ukraine includes more sophisticated and heavier duty weaponry than previous shipments. will it be enough to hold off the russian offensive in ukraine, given how much bigger and more expensive the russian military is? >> yeah. i think it is going to be very important, jake. the things the ukrainians are getting. we're the approach, the tactical approach to combat right now. ukraine has conducted an active defense north of kyiv. in this fight, they'll have to go more on the counter attack mode as russia moves around the donbas region. the ability to be mobile and provide fire power, all those things, preventing artillery attacks with the radars they've given, that we've given ukraine, as well as all the other nato members that have given elements to the ukrainian army, will all be important. the interest piece is, what has to happen next is the resupply of these rounds and equipment has to continue to come. it is important to get the first tranche across. the next group will be important. >> good to see both of you. thank you so much. truck loads for medical supplies in ukraine. how the extensive operation works to get the shipments overseas, next. we're talking artisan italian bread, made fresh daily! the only thing fresher than their bread is the guy reading this. subwbway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshing and re- nina's got a lot of ideas for the future. and since anyone can create a free plan at fidelity, nina has a plan based on what matters most to her. and she can simply focus on right now. that's the planning effect. from fidelity. the u.n. estimates more than 4.7 million ukrainians have been forced to flee this country since the start of putin's brutal invasion 51 days ago. we've all seen the images of displaced ukrainians in desperate need of aid. our next guest runs an organization that is helping them and works to send supplies wherever they're needed. joining me now, thank you so much for joining us, dora. your organization, i don't know if i'm pronouncing it correctly. i'm told it means together in ukrainian. it has been able to second urgently needed medical supplies to ukrainians including more than 115,000 turn kits. tell us about this. >> the answer is ukrainians. ukrainian people. our group came together in 2014. we're a network of individuals and organizations and we're focused on building a prosperous ukraine. as i'm sure you're experiencinging a as you're traveling around ukraine. ukraine is full of dynamic, innovative, motivated people who have been building this democracy for the past three decades, if not more. it is all that innovation and drive that is making this possible so quickly. everyone is in it. >> one of the thing that has been remarkable is all the volunteers that we've met and covered and talked to who are out there trying to help evacuations of people who are hurt, to get them to lviv or wherever. and they're all volunteers and none of them were doing this until the invasion. what you're saying totally squares with the people we're meeting. you're also helping with the evacuation of ukrainian children with disabilities. how is that process going? what are some of the challenges you're facing? >> the challenges are the challenges everyone in ukraine is facing, which you are, too, shells falling from the sky and disrupting your ability to live. it has been very difficult. we have been able to get hundreds of people into safety. we already had it going with sma kids. we're able to send supplies and vans in one direction and bring families into safety in the other direction. it is an all hands on deck situation. everyone is involved in defending this country's existence. >> these are incredibly difficult circumstances in ukraine. the needs in this country, especially like the south and the east, they're constantly changing. how have you had to adapt as conditions on the ground have changed? what is still needed? >> conditions change from hour to hour. we can have one route planned in the morning and then we need to change the whole plan for the day in the afternoon. that's where this mesh network of volunteers and organizations makes it so important to have the same core goals and objectives and be able to adapt on the fly. people need, the most things, the thing people need is what we aren't able to provide. that's defense support against these shells that are falling from the sky. once the shells hit, we need to stop the bleeding and that's where the items come into play. to get them into hands as quickly as possible. those are the top needs we're seeing. >> so you're in ukrainian descent. how has this war impacted members of your family as well as co-workers there or here in ukraine? >> it makes video staff meeting calls somewhat complicated. we're working side by side. my colleagues, my family members. but everyone is in it. everyone has the same motivation. everyone wants to see this country succeed as a democracy. so everyone is doing everything we can to make it work. and it has not been easy. i'm incredibly proud and motivated by people in ukraine who do what needs to be done. and you know, this is a repeat of the movie my parents lived through. my parents were displaced persons. my father bought invaders from moscow. now we have the attention of the global community. and it gives me a lot of hope that the world will be able to become a better place by learning from ukraine. >> dora, you may not know this but i have the greatest, most generous viewers in tv news history. where should they go if they want to contribute to what you do? >> if people want to come on board, i encourage everyone to go to razon for please make sure you go to that url. we have been attacked by scammers who are creating fake sites. so please, razom for online, on facebook. >> i'll tweet it out also. just wait for my social media post. >> thank you very much. >> appreciate the work you do. still ahead, another cnn exclusive. the two lawmakers who went from defending trump to warning they were, quote, driving a stake in the heart of the republic. the trump people, by pursuing the false election claims. stay with us. ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. my garden brings us together. my garden isy therapy. find more ways to grow when alaska airlines needed a partner for the complex operations of travel - they made the switch to t-mobile. our 5g has alaska airlines and their customers covered, from major hubs to remote destinations. with 5g coverage ready now. for the demands of today and the future, t-mobile's network powers alaska airlines as they deliver next-level care for all customers. 5g ready now. that's how unconventional thinking is better for business. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. hi. we're zerowater. and we believe everyone deserves the purest tasting water. that's why we strive for zero. you see, to some it means nothing. but to us, it means everything. here, take a look. this meter showing triple zeros means our five-stage filter did its job, and that virtually all dissolved solids or tds have been removed. and all that's left is the purest tasting water. let's compare. a two-stage brita filter stops here. but our five-stage filter doesn't quit. zerowater. we strive for zero. to make my vision a reality. i have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. with my varilux progressive lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. and see every detail in sharp focus. when you see no limits, there are no limits. book now at your local essilor experts to push the limits of your vision. varilux lenses by essilor. 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>> from capitol hill, thank you. despite some of the worst scenes of the war, how some are finding a way to mark the most sacred time of the year. stay with us. our divorce and... great didivorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at oncnce. kayak. search one and done. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subw now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat and supreme mes. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design solutions to help you manage payroll, benefits, and hr today, so you can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another, yeah, yeah ♪ see him? he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? -- captions by vitac -- welcome back to "the lead." the:00 just struck midnight on day 52 of russia's brutal invasion of ukraine. we begin this hour with another attack on innocent civilians in a residential building in ukraine. the prosecutor in kharkiv said russian shelling killed ten people including a 7-month-old child. another 35 ukrainians were injured. this is just the latest example of a seemingly endless string of attacks on innocent ukrainian civilians with those left behind, trying to cope with immeasurable loss, such as this child in bucha offering food to his mother's grave, as his younger brother and neighbor stand nearby

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Moment , President Putin , Hand , Talks , Journalists , 20 , Conflict , Type , Sort , Leadership , Tables , Difference , Expression , Way , Leader , Bloodshed , Stop , Human , Decisions , Jake , Concessions , Decision , Arena , Desire , Atrocities , War Isn T Endless Because , Cnn , European , Sight , Allies , Offensive , Hasn T , Expectation , Beginning , North , Resistance , Wasn T , Possibility , Point , Adversary , Victory , Allure , Distance , Anyone , Result , Grind On , Sorts , Scenes , Social Media , Satellite Images , Thousands , Constant Push Pull , Back Tom Point , Maternity Hospitals , Subject On Sunday , City Leader , Series , Russian Cluster Bombs , Explosions Scat Na , Dnipro , Ground , Consequences , Stay , Military Aid , Diabetes , Libre 2 , Challenge , System , Musician , Glucose Numbs , Scan , My Name , Fingersticks , Austin James , 2 , A1c , Mystery , 6 7 , 8 2 , Investment Ideas , Stats , Baby , Eyes , Tools , Merrill , Company , Power , Operations , Planet , Land 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Certification , Federal Republic , Possession , Election Fraud , Problem , Lack , Begging Meadows , January 6th Select Committee , January 1st , January 6th , 6 , Team , House Floor , Colleagues , Problems , Rhetoric , Path , Body , Examples , Fraud , Sydney Powell , Press Conference , Audience , Shooter , Duo , Rudolph Giuliani , John Eastman , Tune , Calling Powell A Lay Built , Focus , Land Slide , Electors , State Legislatures , Set , Republicans , Argument , Meadows On December 31 , Emfat Bik The Fool , December 31 , 31 , Trump Team , Constitution , Capitol , Violence , Hundreds Of Trump , Protest , Americans , Blame , Report , Offices , Statements , Office , Messages , Authentic , Tis , Congressman , Investigation , Left , Positions , Apologies , Right , Capitol Hill , Subway , Refresh , Italians , Divorce , Didivorce Guys , Search One , Oncnce , Search 100s Of Travel Sites , Kayak , Italian Food , Smell , Subw , Refres , Italy , Mozza Meat And Supreme Mes , Immunotherapy , 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Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN The Lead With Jake Tapper 20240708

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blood-soaked stuffed horse, left behind after the deadly massacre on a train station full of evacuees in the town of kramatorsk one week ago today. the government says ukrainian national police will send this child's home to the united nations as evidence of what happened that day. evidence of a war crime. one that left seven children dead. five were killed that day. two more succumbed to their wounds only recently. we do not know if this stuffed animal's owner survived, but i would like to ask you to think for a moment. just a moment today, but its possible owner. a child maybe told he or she can only bring one toy with them when they finally got a chance to flee their town. one beloved toy. and he or she chose this one. now it is headed to the united nations. and it is soaked in innocent blood. this is tatiana, a photo journalist with afb getty. took this image of her standing in own yard in bucha not far from where i'm standing. she is weeping over the dirt grave of her son. a few individual flowers and some personal objects stuck into the mound of dirt mark where he lies. today the regional prosecutor of kyiv said seven ukrainians were killed and 27 others wounded when russian forces opened fire on two buses full of evacuees. this photo shows what was left of those two buses. along with the ukrainian coast, in mariupol, heart-stopping new video showing the unbelievable scale of destruction in that maritime city. local officials say early estimates show as many as 22,000 innocent people have been killed. in city. russians claim they have made new advances there today. and ukrainian officials say two russian long-raining bombers struck mariupol with cruise missiles. the head of the police force here in kyiv says more than 900 bodies have been discovered around the capital region since the russian army withdrew earlier this month. the kremlin claims today that it fired a long-range missile from the black sea, and destroyed a military facility outside kyiv. one that produced and repaired anti-missile systems. that is particularly notable as a u.s. official claims ukraine's claims that its missiles sank one of russia's most important warships in the sea. the russians said they know they are taking their revenge. the ukrainians said they know and they are resisting. i sat down earlier today with volodymyr zelenskyy said the sinking of the russian warship is not a tragedy for us. he spoke about the unimaginable losses faced by ukrainian families, moms and dads, brothers and sisters. >> the russian warship that they told to f off, sank. the russians say, and the russians are liars, but the russians say it sank on its own. can you offer some clarity and evidence as to what happened to that ship? >> translator: we know that it does not exist anymore. far us, it was a strong weapon against our country. the sinking is not a tragedy for us. i want you and the rest of the people to realize that. the russian federation, the less they have, the better for us. the less capable they are. this is important. and about what happened to it, the history will tell. >> do you have any idea how many ukrainian soldiers or ukrainian civilians have been killed? >> i know. i know about. >> how many? >> translator: as of now, based on the information we have, it is very difficult to talk about civilians since the south of our country where the towns and cities are blocked, mariupol, further east, the area to the east. we just don't know how many people have died. in area that is blocked. let's take one place as an example. as other towns are empty, they are all destroyed. there are no people there. so it's difficult to talk about it now. with the military, we think we lost 2500 to 3,000. in comparison to the russian military who lost about 19,000 to 20,000. that's the comparison. but we have about 10,000 injured and it is hard to say how many will survive. >> i'm sure you've seen the video of the ukrainian mom finding her son. her sorrow, her crying. it is devastating to hear. and you have seen a lot of videos like that. what is it like for you as the president of this country to see those videos, to hear the crying of the moms? >> translator: this is the scariest i've seen in my life in principal. i look at this first of all as a father. it hurts so, so much. it is a tragedy. it is suffering. i won't be able to imagine the scale of suffering for these people. of this woman. it is a family's tragedy, a disaster. the dreams and the life you just lost. we live for our kids. that's true. kids are the best we were given by god and by family. it is a great pain for me. i can't watch it as a father. all you want after this is revenge and to kill. i have to watch as the president of the state where a lot of people have died and lost their loved ones and there are millions of people who want to live. all of us want to fight but we all have to do our best for this war, not to be endless. the longer it is, the more we will lose. all these losses will be just like that one. >> you can see the entire exclusive interview with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy on state of the union. that's sunday morning at 9:00 eastern. and again at noon eastern. let's discuss just that part of it with chief international correspondent clarissa ward. thank you for joining us. what did you think about his answer about viewing the sorrows of this war as a father versus as a president? the notion that as a dad, he would want revenge. but as a president, he has to think differently. i thought that was interesting. almost like he's talking himself through this relatively new profession he now has. >> reporter: yeah. and i think it really speaks to his humanity and his openness. it is such a stark contrast when you look at president zelenskyy and you see how he was with you. he's very casual, unpretentious, open. there is month massive entourage. he is dressed casually as befits the moment. he answers you sincerely. he talks about his feelings as a father. and this is something that has been a huge part of his successful his ability to connect with ukrainians as a human being. and then you look at, on the other hand, president putin whose family we never see. whose family we know very little about except what has been revealed by investigative journalists. who is cold and only talks to people at the end of 20-feet tables. who has a sort of cruel dead eyed expression. and you see such a huge difference between the type of leadership. and i do think it is easy to understand that conflict that zelenskyy is talking about there. as a father, as a human, you want revenge. but as a president and a leader, you have to make very tough decisions about what is the quickest way to put a stop to the bloodshed. what is the best way to end the war? do you want to see it protracted and dragged out? do you try to stop it sooner by making concessions? and this for any leader in a sort of arena of conflict is, of course, the toughest decision to make, jake. >> yeah. he also that, it is so important that this war isn't endless because of these horrific atrocities we're seeing. so many people being killed. innocent civilians. but that desire comes amidst european officials telling cnn that u.s. officials and the allies are increasingory assessing that there is no short-term end to this in sight at all. >> reporter: and it is such a stark short of contrast from the beginning of the war when we were watching the invasion unfold. the expectation from most officials in the u.s., certainly, was that kyiv would potentially fall in a day or two. that hasn't happened. the war grinds on. we've got this massive offensive poised to begin in earnest any moment now, and it is a very ambitious offensive from the north, from the east, from the south. russian forces are going to be facing really stiff resistance. and what we've seen as well that wasn't anticipated is that potentially, ukraine has a chance of actually winning this war. and obviously, for a leader like volodymyr zelenskyy, that is very appealing. the possibility of an outright victory. particularly against an adversary like russia which is much larger and has a much more sophisticated military. yet you have to weigh that allure of that potential victory at some point in the distance against the losses that will be incurred as a result of allowing this conflict to grind on. u.s. officials as you mentioned, talking about this potentially lasting through the end of the year. that is much, much longer than anyone had anticipated. and you can only expect the sorts of scenes that we have really only witnessed in social media videos, from satellite images that have taken place in cities like mariupol, where thousands are believed to be dead. where maternity hospitals have been decimated. that you're going to see more of that playing out across the country as the second offensive gets underway. so it comes back tom point again. the constant push-pull, the tension between wanting to end the war, not wanting to concede an inch but also really wanting to preserve innocent life to the best of his ability. and we have a lot more on that subject on sunday. live for us from dnipro, ukraine. thank you. a city leader along ukraine's southern coast says five people were killed today by russian cluster bombs. a series of explosions scat na, scattered on the ground. plus a u.s. response when russia warned of unpredictable consequences if the u.s. keeps sending military aid to ukraine. stay with us. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbs without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at see him? he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? can a company make the planet a better place? what if it's a company that's pursuing 100% renewable energy in our operations. and aiming to protect millions of acres of land. so we can all live better. we treat our faces to the best skin care. what if we gave our bodies that same love? new dove body love shower collection is infused with face care ingredients like hyaluronic and peptide serums, plus 10 times moisture boost complex. to make your skin feel smoother, happier, bolder, and more radiant. make your body smile. new dove body love. face care ingredients now in the shower. we are continuing with our world lead now in the wake of yesterday's sinking of that russian warship in the black sea, the rule of what the pentagon now says they assess was a ukrainian missile strike. people along ukraine's sea coast are now worried they will become targets for russian retaliation. earlier today, ed lavandera was in mykolaiv taking a look at what appeared to be russian cluster bombs. here's what he found. >> reporter: the cluster of explosions jolted this residential neighborhood in mykolaiv friday morning. witnesses say some people were walking their dogs in a park at the time. one of the munitions struck just feet away from an orthodox church. you can see the impact spot of one of the munitions that went off this morning. as you look around here, you can see the impact and the damage done to this church here as well. multiple people were killed and more than a dozen others injured. paramedics treated victims on the scene. across the street, under the shattered windows of an apartment building, this man told us, he help drag two injured people into a store for safety. >> translator: the noise. the noise of a rocket flying and explosions. that's what i saw and heard when i was in the shop. people ran into the store and i saw people scared. i saw people dropping to the ground from explosions. >> reporter: the sounds of explosions inside the city started around mid morning and appeared to strike at least three different locations. mykolaiv authorities released this video of a private home burning after a rocket strike. mykolaiv strikes come as residents in southern ukraine are worried about russian retaliation for the sinking of the moskva warship in the black sea and the offensive in eastern ukraine. in recent days, cnn has witnessed long convoys of families fleeing russian-occupied areas near mykolaiv. this bombing struck a densely populated area. this woman said she was brushing her hair when the bomb landed just outside her apartment window. the blast shattered the glass and shattered her sense of peace. did you think something was going to happen to you? i didn't think of anything, she tells me. i thought that was the end of the world. the recent attacks have also crippled parts of the city's infrastructure. the water has been out for three days, forcing hundreds of people to get water from a river and natural spring. this man evacuated his mother and plans to stay in the city to fight off the russians. how worried are you that the russians are getting closer? it worries me a lot, he tells me. that's why i sent my mother away. we are still working. if the russians are close, i will fight them. for now, residents are left to clean up the bloody aftermath and brace for the next attack. and jake, five people killed. officials said the fifth person that was declared dead died because they had picked up an unexploded munition. so they're sending warnings to everybody, not to touch the debris that lands in the city. these attacks today that occurred were scattered all over the city. totally random in nature. all in civilian areas. jake? >> ed lavandera, thank you so much. appreciate it. just a few hours ago, i spoke with a former professional boxer, as is his brother, the mayor of kyiv. vladimir joined ukraine's defense forces after the war started. they've sworp that ukraine will never go to the knee. they will never give up. they are on the move 24/7 visiting residential areas, now abandoned after the russian army goes through. when i spoke with vladimir a little bit ago, i asked if he thinks the russians will return. >> we do expect the russians will be back. and we are preparing for that. and the past 51 days have been shown that they might use anything possible to come back. so we have to be prepared for anything. >> today russia claims it hit a military facility outside kyiv with a cruise missile. do you know anything about the attack? what the facility was? >> no. i didn't know the details in particular. the past night, i could hear three explosions in the south of the city. and yeah. i cannot say more, what exactly was hit and what the damage is. >> i met your brother earlier today. he was talking about what it is like, talking on russian friends of his back in russia. emthey're like zombies. they don't believe the facts and the truth of what you're experiencing. have you experienced that, too? >> absolutely pretty much the same. picture, so to speak, the people that have been brainwashed. i believe it is just poisoning that affects your brain, basically, your understanding of life, what is good, what is bad. in my opinion, what is happening in ukraine, the fight between the evil that came from the russian side and the good. because we are the good. and good is always going to win. >> later in the show, we'll be talking to somebody named clint williamson, a war crimes investigator. is there anything you want to ask him? >> i wish that every claim must be investigated. behind every crime, every killing. and i've seen personally, many, many, many dead bodies of civilians. either they were captured in a car and flattened with tanks or they were on their knees, shot in the head with hands tied behind their back, and behind every crime, there is first name and last name. that must be investigated. as well as an order, who made this order to go and kill. go and torture, go and rape. it's genocide, that's what is happening, actually, genocide of the ukrainian population. that's what is during in ukraine. it has been done multiple times in different places for 51 days. how long can we wait for justice? and consequences. i cannot forget the lines of the world leaders saying, if the russian troop will cross the line and invade ukraine, there will be severe consequences. the severe consequences for 51 days have been taking the ukrainian population. with all the lives that have been taken, and infrastructure was destroyed. it just, something that the world cannot passively observe while it is still going. and i believe that the world leaders, and everybody else, should ask themselves. how long can i passively observe? where are the consequences? the severe consequences that we've been taking and suffering? and still fighting back. and standing strong. and i want to call all the world, the free world, to support us as long as this war is going, support us. we need this. we are defending your principles, the democratic principles as well. we're doing the job. and do you know what? we've been asking for help and trust me, when this war is over, you are going to get it back multiple times. we are creative. we are good, innovative, we are just a well educated population that will definitely give back to the world. and we are defending your principles, as i said. >> thank you. so for being here. i really appreciate it. >> thank you. the u.s. says now with more confidence that sinking of russia's flagship in the black sea was indeed the result of two ukrainian neptune missiles. how much of a blow m might thise to russia's capabilities? stay with h us. 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(vo) what's not to love! verizon is goi ultra, so you can get more. it's not as though russia needs reason to bombard ukraine. but the moskva russian flagship now sits at the bottom of the sea. they've struck a military outpost. russia is warning the united states about ongoing shipments of u.s. weapons to ukraine. let's discuss with cnn analyst mark hertling, as well as kyly at wood. they are discussing the two missiles land to sea struck the moskva. its sinking is the biggest maritime loss of a shipment in 40 years, some say, although there are questions about an argentinian ship in the falklands. how strategic is this sinking? >> i'm going to start off by saying a lot is still not known about the tactics and the manner of the attack. it certainly probably included neptune missiles but i would suggest there were a lot of other things. tactics and maneuvers involved by the ukrainian army. having said that, i would suggest there's some real tactical brilliance that was behind this attack. is it strategically important? i would say, operationally and tactically, the russians will now have an extremely difficult time conducting any type of amphibious attack on the black sea coast without this warship which is now part of their new plan. the other thing is, this ship was supposed to be providing command and control and air defense for the entire black sea fleet. beyond that, one more thing. this ship specifically is a big deal because this was the command and control ship that was involve in the attack in the georgia, in 2008, and the fact that it is named after the capital is a pretty big deal. the last thing i would say, jake, we can't take this as a singular event. this naval loss goes along with the destruction of the russian parachute reg meant, the first week of the war. seven generals being killed. 27,000 russians that have been killed in action. the destruction of 700 tanks, and other equipment across the board. the cross border operation by ukraine, all of these things are contributing to some real strategic failure on the part of russia's military and their political masters to plan this operation. >> kylie, russia sent a note to the state department warning the u.s. to stop arming ukraine or risk, quote, unpredictable consequences. how is the biden administration responding to that? >> well, listen, the state department spokesperson ned price said the russians have said things in public. they've said things in private but nothing will dissuade the biden administration from the strategy they are pursuing here. from continuing to give ukraine this military support. and the time line here underscores, or sort of gives them credibility in saying that. this diplomatic note from the russians warning the united states not to give ukraine more military assistance came on tuesday. president biden and now $800 million in additional security assistance, weaponry to ukraine, the next day on wednesday, indicating that they still moved forward with this despite this warning. and when it comes to what biden administration officials believe this message signals about where russia stands right now, they believe that it shows that russia is not on solid ground right now. that u.s. support for ukraine has been effective. >> general hertling, the latest military aid to ukraine includes more sophisticated and heavier duty weaponry than previous shipments. will it be enough to hold off the russian offensive in ukraine, given how much bigger and more expensive the russian military is? >> yeah. i think it is going to be very important, jake. the things the ukrainians are getting. we're the approach, the tactical approach to combat right now. ukraine has conducted an active defense north of kyiv. in this fight, they'll have to go more on the counter attack mode as russia moves around the donbas region. the ability to be mobile and provide fire power, all those things, preventing artillery attacks with the radars they've given, that we've given ukraine, as well as all the other nato members that have given elements to the ukrainian army, will all be important. the interest piece is, what has to happen next is the resupply of these rounds and equipment has to continue to come. it is important to get the first tranche across. the next group will be important. >> good to see both of you. thank you so much. truck loads for medical supplies in ukraine. how the extensive operation works to get the shipments overseas, next. we're talking artisan italian bread, made fresh daily! the only thing fresher than their bread is the guy reading this. subwbway keeps refreshing and refreshing and refreshing and re- nina's got a lot of ideas for the future. and since anyone can create a free plan at fidelity, nina has a plan based on what matters most to her. and she can simply focus on right now. that's the planning effect. from fidelity. the u.n. estimates more than 4.7 million ukrainians have been forced to flee this country since the start of putin's brutal invasion 51 days ago. we've all seen the images of displaced ukrainians in desperate need of aid. our next guest runs an organization that is helping them and works to send supplies wherever they're needed. joining me now, thank you so much for joining us, dora. your organization, i don't know if i'm pronouncing it correctly. i'm told it means together in ukrainian. it has been able to second urgently needed medical supplies to ukrainians including more than 115,000 turn kits. tell us about this. >> the answer is ukrainians. ukrainian people. our group came together in 2014. we're a network of individuals and organizations and we're focused on building a prosperous ukraine. as i'm sure you're experiencinging a as you're traveling around ukraine. ukraine is full of dynamic, innovative, motivated people who have been building this democracy for the past three decades, if not more. it is all that innovation and drive that is making this possible so quickly. everyone is in it. >> one of the thing that has been remarkable is all the volunteers that we've met and covered and talked to who are out there trying to help evacuations of people who are hurt, to get them to lviv or wherever. and they're all volunteers and none of them were doing this until the invasion. what you're saying totally squares with the people we're meeting. you're also helping with the evacuation of ukrainian children with disabilities. how is that process going? what are some of the challenges you're facing? >> the challenges are the challenges everyone in ukraine is facing, which you are, too, shells falling from the sky and disrupting your ability to live. it has been very difficult. we have been able to get hundreds of people into safety. we already had it going with sma kids. we're able to send supplies and vans in one direction and bring families into safety in the other direction. it is an all hands on deck situation. everyone is involved in defending this country's existence. >> these are incredibly difficult circumstances in ukraine. the needs in this country, especially like the south and the east, they're constantly changing. how have you had to adapt as conditions on the ground have changed? what is still needed? >> conditions change from hour to hour. we can have one route planned in the morning and then we need to change the whole plan for the day in the afternoon. that's where this mesh network of volunteers and organizations makes it so important to have the same core goals and objectives and be able to adapt on the fly. people need, the most things, the thing people need is what we aren't able to provide. that's defense support against these shells that are falling from the sky. once the shells hit, we need to stop the bleeding and that's where the items come into play. to get them into hands as quickly as possible. those are the top needs we're seeing. >> so you're in ukrainian descent. how has this war impacted members of your family as well as co-workers there or here in ukraine? >> it makes video staff meeting calls somewhat complicated. we're working side by side. my colleagues, my family members. but everyone is in it. everyone has the same motivation. everyone wants to see this country succeed as a democracy. so everyone is doing everything we can to make it work. and it has not been easy. i'm incredibly proud and motivated by people in ukraine who do what needs to be done. and you know, this is a repeat of the movie my parents lived through. my parents were displaced persons. my father bought invaders from moscow. now we have the attention of the global community. and it gives me a lot of hope that the world will be able to become a better place by learning from ukraine. >> dora, you may not know this but i have the greatest, most generous viewers in tv news history. where should they go if they want to contribute to what you do? >> if people want to come on board, i encourage everyone to go to razon for please make sure you go to that url. we have been attacked by scammers who are creating fake sites. so please, razom for online, on facebook. >> i'll tweet it out also. just wait for my social media post. >> thank you very much. >> appreciate the work you do. still ahead, another cnn exclusive. the two lawmakers who went from defending trump to warning they were, quote, driving a stake in the heart of the republic. the trump people, by pursuing the false election claims. stay with us. ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. my garden brings us together. my garden isy therapy. find more ways to grow when alaska airlines needed a partner for the complex operations of travel - they made the switch to t-mobile. our 5g has alaska airlines and their customers covered, from major hubs to remote destinations. with 5g coverage ready now. for the demands of today and the future, t-mobile's network powers alaska airlines as they deliver next-level care for all customers. 5g ready now. that's how unconventional thinking is better for business. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. hi. we're zerowater. and we believe everyone deserves the purest tasting water. that's why we strive for zero. you see, to some it means nothing. but to us, it means everything. here, take a look. this meter showing triple zeros means our five-stage filter did its job, and that virtually all dissolved solids or tds have been removed. and all that's left is the purest tasting water. let's compare. a two-stage brita filter stops here. but our five-stage filter doesn't quit. zerowater. we strive for zero. to make my vision a reality. i have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. with my varilux progressive lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. and see every detail in sharp focus. when you see no limits, there are no limits. book now at your local essilor experts to push the limits of your vision. varilux lenses by essilor. 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>> from capitol hill, thank you. despite some of the worst scenes of the war, how some are finding a way to mark the most sacred time of the year. stay with us. our divorce and... great didivorce guys. yeah... search 100s of travel sites at oncnce. kayak. search one and done. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. refresh. because subw now has italian-style capicola on the new mozza meat and supreme mes. love the smell of italian food. subway keeps refreshing and refres- i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design solutions to help you manage payroll, benefits, and hr today, so you can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another, yeah, yeah ♪ see him? he's not checkin' the stats. he's finding some investment ideas with merrill. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? -- captions by vitac -- welcome back to "the lead." the:00 just struck midnight on day 52 of russia's brutal invasion of ukraine. we begin this hour with another attack on innocent civilians in a residential building in ukraine. the prosecutor in kharkiv said russian shelling killed ten people including a 7-month-old child. another 35 ukrainians were injured. this is just the latest example of a seemingly endless string of attacks on innocent ukrainian civilians with those left behind, trying to cope with immeasurable loss, such as this child in bucha offering food to his mother's grave, as his younger brother and neighbor stand nearby

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Innovation , Drive , Motivated , Everyone , Volunteers , Wherever , Evacuations , Lviv , Some , None , Evacuation , Disabilities , Challenges , Squares , Shells , Sky , Facing , Direction , Hands On Deck Situation , Vans , Sma Kids , One Direction , Existence , Needs , Circumstances , Conditions , Morning , Route , Mesh Network , Objectives , Core , Fly , Goals , Defense Support , Shells Hit , Bleeding , Items , Play , Top , Descent , Family Members , Video Staff , Meeting , Co Workers , Side By , Everything , Motivation , Ukraine , Parents , Invaders , Persons , Repeat , Movie , Hope , Learning , Attention , Greatest , Global Community , Viewers , Tv News History , Razon For Ukraine Org , Razom , Scammers , Sites , Url , Work , On Facebook , Cnn Exclusive , Election , Trump , Stake , Heart , Lawmakers , Republic , Technology , Innovator , Business , Garden , Table , Alaska Airlines , T Mobile , Ways , Partner , Switch , Therapy , Amiracle Gro Com , Customers , 5g , Destinations , 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Certification , Federal Republic , Possession , Election Fraud , Problem , Lack , Begging Meadows , January 6th Select Committee , January 1st , January 6th , 6 , Team , House Floor , Colleagues , Problems , Rhetoric , Path , Body , Examples , Fraud , Sydney Powell , Press Conference , Audience , Shooter , Duo , Rudolph Giuliani , John Eastman , Tune , Calling Powell A Lay Built , Focus , Land Slide , Electors , State Legislatures , Set , Republicans , Argument , Meadows On December 31 , Emfat Bik The Fool , December 31 , 31 , Trump Team , Constitution , Capitol , Violence , Hundreds Of Trump , Protest , Americans , Blame , Report , Offices , Statements , Office , Messages , Authentic , Tis , Congressman , Investigation , Left , Positions , Apologies , Right , Capitol Hill , Subway , Refresh , Italians , Divorce , Didivorce Guys , Search One , Oncnce , Search 100s Of Travel Sites , Kayak , Italian Food , Smell , Subw , Refres , Italy , Mozza Meat And Supreme Mes , Immunotherapy , 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