Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

involved enemies or nuke weapons or some chemical issues, chemical weapons, they should -- they could do it. >> today russia is launching a new wave of strikes across ukraine after the sinking of the jewel of the black sea fleet. >> that ship now sits at the bottom of the ocean. a senior u.s. defense official now said it appears the ship was hit by two ukrainian missiles. that is a major victory for ukrainian forces. overnight russia appears to be retaliating for that loss hitting a military facility on the outskirts of kyiv and russia blamed for another deadly attack near kharkiv and heavy shelling in the donetsk region. but help is on the way. first u.s. flight of new military aid should arrive in the next hours. and ben wedeman is with us. and we just heard about the tactical nuclear weapons. what does that mean there on the ground? >> reporter: well, i have to stress that the potential use of tactical nuclear weapons by russia is a theoretical. what people here are dealing with is harsh reality now. and and i could tell you they're far more concerned about what will happen in this part of the country, the donbas, in the event they launch this massive assault everyone is anticipating. we know that there -- they're building up armor, personnel, everything, artillery, innance is p -- in anticipation of this offense and it may be brutal. so i think people are possibly alarmed on a theoretical level about the use of nuclear weapons. but it is the threat of weapons that are used here every day that has people more alarmed. for instance here we heard a very large explosion which shook this hotel. it appears to have been some sort of strike. whether it was a cruise missile or something on an industrial estate outside of the city. yesterday we were in the donetsk, which is the eastern most city under ukrainian government control and i could tell you not a building there was left unharmed by russia's use. it appears cluster munitions on that city. we went to a graveyard full of crosses all of which have dates of death since the 24th of february, 2022. so i think nuclear is theoretical. real immediate death is not. >> you make an important point there. that those people are dealing with what is happening daily now. and that is what they have to face. ben, let me ask you, the russians threatened to go after decision-making centers if there were further attacks on russian assets or russian territory. there was this claim of hitting a military facility near kyiv. is there any connection there potentially? >> reporter: well, that is not really a decision -- a decision-making thing. it is a military asset that not surprisingly the russians would take out. let's keep in mind of course that it is fairly clear that the russians were trying to assassinate president volodymyr zelenskyy in the opening weeks of this war. so they have no compunction if they feel the need to obliterate whatever it is, whether it is government buildings, leadership facilities, and the worries is that the worst this war goes for the russians, the more ruthless their tactics will be. >> ben, we're just getting some new numbers out of kyiv. the head of the kyiv region police said that more than 900 bodies of civilians were discovered since the russian army withdrew from that area. of course, you know, that number could change, but 900. that is higher than we had heard. >> reporter: yeah, i think when, alisyn, when you look at just the sheer enormity of the destruction and the killing that has gone on here, all of these numbers we're seeing, i think we should treat as tentative. we were in a relatively small town yesterday, donetsk, where there were bodies in the morgue that clearly they couldn't deal with. just piled up. and then think of mariupol, where the mayor has said that as many as 5,000 people have been killed in the course of that medieval siege. the president said more than 10,000. and until, for instance, the government regains control of mariupol, we'll have no idea how many people were actually killed. this country is so focused on fighting the russians, that it is unlikely that they have accurate statistics about the death toll and when i see the death toll and compare it with what i've seen with my own eyes, i think it is a fairly certain thing that the death toll when this war is over, whenever that is, is going to be horrendously high. alisyn. >> ben, having you on ground there for us is so valuable. thank you very much for your reporting. the kremlin today warning the u.s. not to send more weapons to ukraine. in adiplomatic note, they said the deliveries are adding fuel to the conflict and could bring, quote, unpredictable consequences. >> so let's take this to kylie atwood. kylie, is the u.s. now making any changes, anything because of this note? >> well, messages like this always raise tensions, particularly when it is such an incredibly tense moment in u.s./russia relations. but u.s. officials are saying today when asked about this dip dipl diplomatic note, that it is not going to change the biden administration's strategy. >> that they are going to continue providing military support to ukraine. listen to what spokesperson ned price said on cnn earlier today. >> we have an on ligation to din to do what we're doing, to support our ukrainian partners. we're going to continue to to do that. the russians have said things privately and publicly, nothing will dissuade us from the strategy that we've embarked on. >> now, we should note that this diplomatic note, we are reporting, came to the biden administration on tuesday. that is when reports were beginning to break that the biden administration was going to announce new military assistance to ukraine. but it wasn't until wednesday that president biden made that announcement. so just in that time line there, you see the biden administration received this and still moved forward with this new $800 million in security assistance for ukraine. and i'm also told by a senior administration official that they believe that russia wouldn't have sent this if they felt like they were in a powerful position on the battlefield. >> kylie, how about that plan to send some high-ranking u.s. official to ukraine. has that been solidified? >> yeah. so we've reported that there are some preliminary conversations in the biden administration about sending a high rank official, it is not expected to be president biden or vice president harris, but there have been discussions about the secretary of state, or the secretary of defense. our understanding is that those are still preliminary conversations. the administration is very concerned about the security situation on the ground before they would move forward and plan any visit like that. and state department spokesperson ned price said yesterday that they have no travel to announce. he didn't count out the possibility of such a trip. but we should note that in recent days, members of congress have begun to travel to ukraine. >> kylie atwood, thank you very much for all of that reporting. let's discuss with retired general wesley clark. he's a former nato supreme allied commander. i want to start with what president zelenskyy told our jake tapper just now and that is that the world needs to be prepared because it is possible that putin could use a tactical nuclear weapon. we just heard from ben wedeman that on the ground, the concern is so much more about the daily onslaught that they're dealing with and we take that point. but is the world prepared for putin to use a tactical nuclear weapon? what would the response be? >> think ben wedeman gave the right answer. that when you're in war, there are many different things that could till you or disrupt you. and they're dealing with some difficult situations in kyiv as far as whether putin would use a nuclear weapon or not and what the impact would be, yes, it would be a shock if the world knows that he's using nuclear weapons and he would use them to frighten nato to get some members of nato to say we can't continue our assistance or something like this. so just as before the war began, the united states was releasing information and all of its intelligence about how russia was going to attack and so forth. and took away the shock effect. because we have done that. so i think it is really important what president zelenskyy said. we shouldn't be shocked if putin does this. he's in a desperate situation. he thought he was going to take a risk and overrun ukraine and instead he's gambling his whole nation on this and his military is not doing well. taking them a long time to prepare this offensive. he said the 9th of may is when he's got to have a big victory. so, yeah, we should be prepared for something like this. and should not be forgotten but it has to be understood it is just one more weapon at this tactical level. >> general, you were out front on this long before most were talking about the potential of use of nuclear weapons. but a low yield nuclear weapon, a lot people envision huge clouds if nuclear weapons are discussed. what is this low yield nuclear weapon, what would it look like in ukraine? >> well, it might be smaller than the weapons that were used by the united states on japan. but it would also likely have a different, let's say distribution of effects. in other words it would have less power of blowing things up and probably spew out more radiation. it would be in essence like a neutron bomb was supposed to be back in the 1980s. we stopped working on these, but i guess the russians have continued to work on it and probably that is what they use. if you used a big explosion, a big hole in the earth and blow down a lot of trees an make obstacles, it is not useful militarily. but if you could get a weapon that could mostly just kill people, tanks are sitting there but everybody inside is dead because they've been killed by neutron radiation, that is a different kind of weapon. so that is probably what putin thinks that he has. >> general, the u.s. now does assess that it was two ukrainian missiles launched from -- by the ukrainian fighters, i should say, that did bring down that russian warship and has now sunk in the black sea. and so what does that mean? i mean, what does that tell you? how does that change the fight? >> well, it says that ukraine does have a high technology capacity. that ukraine is very artful in using the weapons that it has. the story that came out was a drone was placed overhead of the ship an the ship was distracted and couldn't use its defensive equipment so the missiles slipped in and sunk the ship. an that is good tactics so the ukrainian know what they're doing and they have the technology to develop weaponry and just as we saw with the russian ground forces being not well prepared, kind of sloppy, ill-disciplined, it looks like the ship wasn't well prepared either. and so it is another blow to russia's prestige. it does take out the flagship. but mostly it is symbolic of ukraine's determination to resist and its skill in doing so. >> general, the russians claim that they took out some military facility in kyiv. more than just the loss of that asset, what does that suggest if anything about the broader strategy? we know that the focus is the eastern part of the country but still going after elements near the capital? >> well i think that kind of an attack on a building in kyiv, maybe it was a military facility, it just said that the russian's strategy for using its missiles an air power isn't very well focused. they haven't gone after the electrical grid, the communications system or the fuel supply system. instead, they're playing tit-for-tat with symbolic targets. that is a sign of a weak military, a faltering strength. that doesn't mean, however, i want to emphasize, if you line up enough artillery in donbas and you put those tanks and start moving and if you could get across that terrain, that is a formidable problem for any army and it will be a problem for ukraine. so the fact that the russians haven't done a systematic air campaign doesn't mean we can't and shouldn't do everything we can to push in the heavy equipment including some fighter aircraft and attack aircraft that ukraine needs to deal with donbas. >> well we know that the first shipment from the $800 million is expected to be there tomorrow morning. fighter jets not included. but some of what the ukrainians have been asking for on the way. general wesley clark, thank you, sir. now, as we just discussed, russia is warning of unpredictable consequences if the u.s. does not stop arming ukraine. we'll discuss the diplomatic fallout of that ahead. and the secretary of state has a new assessment on how long this war could last. that is next. did i tell you i bought our car from carvana? 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victor, the russians are sticklers for protocol and for things like reciprocity and diplomatic notes. they use those to register and signal their concerns and thur comment is correct, they're none too pleased that united states and allies are sending significant amounts of military hardware to ukraine which is making russia's attacks much more difficult and much more complex. so primarily this is a formality that sends a message to the u.s. government and of course to anybody else listening that this is of concern. now of course, they've also left open some questions. so what does it mean that this could be unpredictable. what are we talking about and they want to leave that open so as to keep the allies guessing and keep american policymakers wonder how far putin will go if the shipments continue. >> and ambassador, if only the russians were sticklers for the protocols of war and the rules of not killing civilians. obviously they choose what their ticklers about. how how seriously, mr. ambassador, do you take their threat and what do you think the consequences could be? >> i think this is designed almost exclusively to intimidate us from defending our interest in helping ukraine stop the russian war crimes in ukraine. i think that is what this is all about. and sadly, the administration has been self-deterring as moscow was waving this nuclear wand before they began. we all know they refused a no-fly zone but they've also refused to send american military to rescue american civilians in the ukraine. they said that before the war and made the mistake the not sending bombers to ukraine because they were afraid that putin could consider it provocative. so he has battlefield advantages by threatening us with nukes and that is a serious problem that we've let him to do that to us. >> mr. ambassador, let me stay with you what and what we heard from the secretary of state. i am told european allies that this war could last through the rest of this year. the u.s. and russia have to cooperate maybe is the best way to say it on other issues beyond ukraine. is that plausible, that this could be some kind of continued relationship between the u.s. and russia if this goes on for another eight and a half months? >> i think this may go on well beyond this calendar year. and i don't rule out the possibility that we might cooperate with moscow on something. but without a doubt, the gravest threat right now to our security, tonight security, is moscow's wanton invasion of ukraine. and we need to do everything we can short of sending in american troops to help ukraine defeat it. >> yeah. same question to you, steve, how could anyone ever know how long a war is going to last? i mean, i hear their assessment that it is not short-term and it sure doesn't look as though vladimir putin is backing down right now. but how could they know how long it will last? >> yeah, you know, it is extremely difficult, i think, to guess on these things. but would you agree with the ambassador, that if i were a betting man, would you bet this is a long-term situation. this is going to turn into one of these wars afof attrition whh is something that russians have considerable experience with and faced against the ukrainian military which has every reason to dig in and fight for as long as necessary because the alternative is annihilation. the russias have made it quite clear that their intention is to eliminate ukraine and the nationality of ukraine and hence the conversations about is that genocide. but when you're talking about eliminating a state, when you talk about eliminating a nationality, the state that you're referring to and the people that you are talking about, now realize this is an existential, if i stop fighting, i'm going to cease to exist and that has a tendency to make them fight even harder. so it is interesting to see how had t ends up but i do think it is a long-term proposition. >> steve, the sinking of this ship, the moskva, on russian television state tv they are outraged by this. what role does this play potentially in the propaganda war for vladimir putin? >> yeah, the russians have to be very, very careful about the sinking of the moskva. because on the one hand, they're going to spin if and completely fabrication whatever story it is that they would like to somehow fabrication. but the reality of the situation is either, as now it appears to be the case, the russians or excuse me the ukrainians destroyed the ship with their own armaments, or the russians set the thing on fire themselves and it sank. neither of which is a positive story. so the propaganda piece is going to be somewhat difficult for the russians to manage. but that said, the russians essentially just make things up out of whole cloth, especially for their domestic audience and it is important for them to have some explanation as to why and how this happened that is somehow palatable for the russian population. >> steve hall and ambassador herb, thank you. >> china holds military drills around taiwan as a bipartisan group of u.s. lawmakers visits taipei. and they are blaming the congressional delegation for raising tensions and north korean stackers stole more than $600 million in cryptocurrency on a single day. that new details. your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayeyer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctotor before you begin an aspirin regimen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ihop rewards program is here, and it's delicious. join the international bank of pancakes and start earning pancoins toward free food. only from ihop. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit we'll have more from ukraine in a moment. but first there is a show of force in another hot spot. china conducted military drills around taiwan today. >> the maneuvers taking place as a u.s. congressional delegation visited the island in what beijing called a provocative trip. correspondent will ripley is in taipei for us. >> reporter: these are some of the largest chinese military deals in recent months near taiwan. and it is significant because it was happening just as there was a bipartisan delegation of u.s. lawmakers on the ground here in taipei. meeting with the taiwanese president and others here. they were here for just about 24 hours or so. but it was enough to draw a very sharp both rhetorical response from beijing and also these readiness drills, these combat readiness drills involving naval raids in the air space near taiwan. there were warships and bombers an fighter yets. taiwan has said it is the target of stepped up military intimidation by beijing which claim this is self-governing democracy even though they have never controlled the island which has a democratically elected government and its own military as well. response from beijing is this visit from the u.s. lawmakers is a wrongful sign of support by taiwan and tactics that china called futile and dangerous. and the foreign minister opposed any official exchanges between washington and beijing in any form and warned the united states to stop going down a dangerous road that could lead to a military escalation, chinese officials are warned. on the commit i was senator bob menendez and acknowledged they are unhappy about them being here but it is necessary to reassure necessary leaders and let the world know security is important to the united states. the senator talked about taiwan producing 90% of the world's highest semiconductors, the chips that power everything from our computers to our cameras to our smartphones. u.s. senate lindsey graham summed up the bigger picture in terms of democracy saying to abandon taiwan would be to abandon democracy and freedom around the world and reward the worst in humanity. >> will ripley, thank you. the fbi said a single hack stole more than $600 million in cryptocurrency. and the feds are blaming hackers associated with north korea for hitting a video game company one day last month. >> cyberattack revenue is believed to be a major source of funding for north korea's nuclear weapons program. the so-called lazarus group has stolen an estimated $1.75 worth of cryptocurrency in recent years. >> health officials in new york are on alert on two omicron sub variants are rapidly spreading across the state. what you need to know. and a greej light for a coronavirus breath test. yes, a covid breathalyzer. we'll explain next. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. pspsst! psst! flonase all goo. for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 hour hydratio for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. r people with skin. ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls 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how abbvie could help you save on rivnoq. ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ health officials closely tracking two new versions of omicron, the new subvariants which could be more contagious have been detected in nearly every state. and they account for up to 90% of new cases in central new york. >> let's bring in jacqueline howard. so jacqueline what, do we know about the severity of these new variants? >> we know it is spreading more quickly. but there does need to be a closer look at just how quickly and like you said, victor, the severity. and new york health officials are said that they just want to make people aware of these subvariants. in fact, here is a entertainment from state health commissioner dr. mary bassich. who said we are alerting the public to two omicron subvariants newly emerged and spreading in upstate new york to new yorkers could act swiftly. while these subvariants are new, the tools to combat them are not. so again health officials are saying that this is an effort to make people aware and the tools we have, vaccinations for instance, play a role in helping with protection. health officials also noted that with these subvariants, there is a 23% to 27% growth advantage above the ba.2 variant. so the growth advantage is what is being looked at very closely, how quickly this spreads, how quickly it is growing. >> and jacqueline, the fda just authorize the first covid breath tests. how do those work. >> that is right. this breath test really analyzes breath samples by looking closely at compounds associated with covid and a breath sample. but it is important to mention, alisyn, these tests will be authorized for use in doctor offices, mobile testing sites, hospitals, but they're not for at-home use. so that is important. and if you test positive with this breath test, you still will need a nasal pcr test to confirm that positive test. but here is what we know about the accuracy of these tests. the fda said that looking at a study of more than 2400 people, the percent of positive samples correctly identified was 91%. you see the since sensitivity there and then 99.3%, that represents the negative samples that the test correctly identified. so this is another tool that we have. it looks pretty accurate and it looks like it is user friendly. so again, we're adding to our toolkit of testing here, alisyn. >> yeah, that is good news. anything that keeps us from having to do those tests from the early days, that test your eyeballs. >> much better. >> yes, much better. let me ask you about the new study that is raising concerns that omicron may be more harmful to children than other forms of covid. what do you know about this? >> what the study found and this is something that the pediatricians have noticed with the omicron wave, we've seen more children with covid develop acute upper airway infections and an example is what is called croupe. that is when the upper airway becomes inflamed and it makes it difficult to breathe. it is more common in children than adults because children have smaller airways. and when you look at the data from this study, here is what it found as far as the prevalence of this. before the omicron wave, about 1.4% of children hospitalized with covid-19 had acute upper airway disease and in this study during omicron that jumped to 4%. so that is what -- i'm sorry, researchers are taking a close look at and that is what pediatricians have also noticed as well. so something to keep an eye on. >> all right. jacqueline howard, keeping an eye on it for us. thank you. so the airline industry is facing a pilot shortage and it is causing canceled flights and burnout among staff. what they're doing about it, next. arvana, she had all the answers. it was so easy. 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>> that is daunting numbers. about. >> if your looking for a hobby, now is a good time to go to flight school. >> pete muntean, jake taper sits down with zelenskyy. they talk about the russian ship. jake joins us with fpreview, ahead. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 houour hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for people with skin. we're a differentnt kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everay. plus, patients get 20off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ finding my way forward with node-positive breast cancer felt overwhelming at times. but i never just found my way, i made it. so when i finished active therapy, i kept moving forward and did everything i could to protect myself from recurrence. verzenio is the first treatment in over 15 years to reduce the risk of recurrence for adults with hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. hormone therapy works outside the cell while verzenio works inside to help stop the growth of cancer cells. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm making my way forward, my way with verzenio. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

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involved enemies or nuke weapons or some chemical issues, chemical weapons, they should -- they could do it. >> today russia is launching a new wave of strikes across ukraine after the sinking of the jewel of the black sea fleet. >> that ship now sits at the bottom of the ocean. a senior u.s. defense official now said it appears the ship was hit by two ukrainian missiles. that is a major victory for ukrainian forces. overnight russia appears to be retaliating for that loss hitting a military facility on the outskirts of kyiv and russia blamed for another deadly attack near kharkiv and heavy shelling in the donetsk region. but help is on the way. first u.s. flight of new military aid should arrive in the next hours. and ben wedeman is with us. and we just heard about the tactical nuclear weapons. what does that mean there on the ground? >> reporter: well, i have to stress that the potential use of tactical nuclear weapons by russia is a theoretical. what people here are dealing with is harsh reality now. and and i could tell you they're far more concerned about what will happen in this part of the country, the donbas, in the event they launch this massive assault everyone is anticipating. we know that there -- they're building up armor, personnel, everything, artillery, innance is p -- in anticipation of this offense and it may be brutal. so i think people are possibly alarmed on a theoretical level about the use of nuclear weapons. but it is the threat of weapons that are used here every day that has people more alarmed. for instance here we heard a very large explosion which shook this hotel. it appears to have been some sort of strike. whether it was a cruise missile or something on an industrial estate outside of the city. yesterday we were in the donetsk, which is the eastern most city under ukrainian government control and i could tell you not a building there was left unharmed by russia's use. it appears cluster munitions on that city. we went to a graveyard full of crosses all of which have dates of death since the 24th of february, 2022. so i think nuclear is theoretical. real immediate death is not. >> you make an important point there. that those people are dealing with what is happening daily now. and that is what they have to face. ben, let me ask you, the russians threatened to go after decision-making centers if there were further attacks on russian assets or russian territory. there was this claim of hitting a military facility near kyiv. is there any connection there potentially? >> reporter: well, that is not really a decision -- a decision-making thing. it is a military asset that not surprisingly the russians would take out. let's keep in mind of course that it is fairly clear that the russians were trying to assassinate president volodymyr zelenskyy in the opening weeks of this war. so they have no compunction if they feel the need to obliterate whatever it is, whether it is government buildings, leadership facilities, and the worries is that the worst this war goes for the russians, the more ruthless their tactics will be. >> ben, we're just getting some new numbers out of kyiv. the head of the kyiv region police said that more than 900 bodies of civilians were discovered since the russian army withdrew from that area. of course, you know, that number could change, but 900. that is higher than we had heard. >> reporter: yeah, i think when, alisyn, when you look at just the sheer enormity of the destruction and the killing that has gone on here, all of these numbers we're seeing, i think we should treat as tentative. we were in a relatively small town yesterday, donetsk, where there were bodies in the morgue that clearly they couldn't deal with. just piled up. and then think of mariupol, where the mayor has said that as many as 5,000 people have been killed in the course of that medieval siege. the president said more than 10,000. and until, for instance, the government regains control of mariupol, we'll have no idea how many people were actually killed. this country is so focused on fighting the russians, that it is unlikely that they have accurate statistics about the death toll and when i see the death toll and compare it with what i've seen with my own eyes, i think it is a fairly certain thing that the death toll when this war is over, whenever that is, is going to be horrendously high. alisyn. >> ben, having you on ground there for us is so valuable. thank you very much for your reporting. the kremlin today warning the u.s. not to send more weapons to ukraine. in adiplomatic note, they said the deliveries are adding fuel to the conflict and could bring, quote, unpredictable consequences. >> so let's take this to kylie atwood. kylie, is the u.s. now making any changes, anything because of this note? >> well, messages like this always raise tensions, particularly when it is such an incredibly tense moment in u.s./russia relations. but u.s. officials are saying today when asked about this dip dipl diplomatic note, that it is not going to change the biden administration's strategy. >> that they are going to continue providing military support to ukraine. listen to what spokesperson ned price said on cnn earlier today. >> we have an on ligation to din to do what we're doing, to support our ukrainian partners. we're going to continue to to do that. the russians have said things privately and publicly, nothing will dissuade us from the strategy that we've embarked on. >> now, we should note that this diplomatic note, we are reporting, came to the biden administration on tuesday. that is when reports were beginning to break that the biden administration was going to announce new military assistance to ukraine. but it wasn't until wednesday that president biden made that announcement. so just in that time line there, you see the biden administration received this and still moved forward with this new $800 million in security assistance for ukraine. and i'm also told by a senior administration official that they believe that russia wouldn't have sent this if they felt like they were in a powerful position on the battlefield. >> kylie, how about that plan to send some high-ranking u.s. official to ukraine. has that been solidified? >> yeah. so we've reported that there are some preliminary conversations in the biden administration about sending a high rank official, it is not expected to be president biden or vice president harris, but there have been discussions about the secretary of state, or the secretary of defense. our understanding is that those are still preliminary conversations. the administration is very concerned about the security situation on the ground before they would move forward and plan any visit like that. and state department spokesperson ned price said yesterday that they have no travel to announce. he didn't count out the possibility of such a trip. but we should note that in recent days, members of congress have begun to travel to ukraine. >> kylie atwood, thank you very much for all of that reporting. let's discuss with retired general wesley clark. he's a former nato supreme allied commander. i want to start with what president zelenskyy told our jake tapper just now and that is that the world needs to be prepared because it is possible that putin could use a tactical nuclear weapon. we just heard from ben wedeman that on the ground, the concern is so much more about the daily onslaught that they're dealing with and we take that point. but is the world prepared for putin to use a tactical nuclear weapon? what would the response be? >> think ben wedeman gave the right answer. that when you're in war, there are many different things that could till you or disrupt you. and they're dealing with some difficult situations in kyiv as far as whether putin would use a nuclear weapon or not and what the impact would be, yes, it would be a shock if the world knows that he's using nuclear weapons and he would use them to frighten nato to get some members of nato to say we can't continue our assistance or something like this. so just as before the war began, the united states was releasing information and all of its intelligence about how russia was going to attack and so forth. and took away the shock effect. because we have done that. so i think it is really important what president zelenskyy said. we shouldn't be shocked if putin does this. he's in a desperate situation. he thought he was going to take a risk and overrun ukraine and instead he's gambling his whole nation on this and his military is not doing well. taking them a long time to prepare this offensive. he said the 9th of may is when he's got to have a big victory. so, yeah, we should be prepared for something like this. and should not be forgotten but it has to be understood it is just one more weapon at this tactical level. >> general, you were out front on this long before most were talking about the potential of use of nuclear weapons. but a low yield nuclear weapon, a lot people envision huge clouds if nuclear weapons are discussed. what is this low yield nuclear weapon, what would it look like in ukraine? >> well, it might be smaller than the weapons that were used by the united states on japan. but it would also likely have a different, let's say distribution of effects. in other words it would have less power of blowing things up and probably spew out more radiation. it would be in essence like a neutron bomb was supposed to be back in the 1980s. we stopped working on these, but i guess the russians have continued to work on it and probably that is what they use. if you used a big explosion, a big hole in the earth and blow down a lot of trees an make obstacles, it is not useful militarily. but if you could get a weapon that could mostly just kill people, tanks are sitting there but everybody inside is dead because they've been killed by neutron radiation, that is a different kind of weapon. so that is probably what putin thinks that he has. >> general, the u.s. now does assess that it was two ukrainian missiles launched from -- by the ukrainian fighters, i should say, that did bring down that russian warship and has now sunk in the black sea. and so what does that mean? i mean, what does that tell you? how does that change the fight? >> well, it says that ukraine does have a high technology capacity. that ukraine is very artful in using the weapons that it has. the story that came out was a drone was placed overhead of the ship an the ship was distracted and couldn't use its defensive equipment so the missiles slipped in and sunk the ship. an that is good tactics so the ukrainian know what they're doing and they have the technology to develop weaponry and just as we saw with the russian ground forces being not well prepared, kind of sloppy, ill-disciplined, it looks like the ship wasn't well prepared either. and so it is another blow to russia's prestige. it does take out the flagship. but mostly it is symbolic of ukraine's determination to resist and its skill in doing so. >> general, the russians claim that they took out some military facility in kyiv. more than just the loss of that asset, what does that suggest if anything about the broader strategy? we know that the focus is the eastern part of the country but still going after elements near the capital? >> well i think that kind of an attack on a building in kyiv, maybe it was a military facility, it just said that the russian's strategy for using its missiles an air power isn't very well focused. they haven't gone after the electrical grid, the communications system or the fuel supply system. instead, they're playing tit-for-tat with symbolic targets. that is a sign of a weak military, a faltering strength. that doesn't mean, however, i want to emphasize, if you line up enough artillery in donbas and you put those tanks and start moving and if you could get across that terrain, that is a formidable problem for any army and it will be a problem for ukraine. so the fact that the russians haven't done a systematic air campaign doesn't mean we can't and shouldn't do everything we can to push in the heavy equipment including some fighter aircraft and attack aircraft that ukraine needs to deal with donbas. >> well we know that the first shipment from the $800 million is expected to be there tomorrow morning. fighter jets not included. but some of what the ukrainians have been asking for on the way. general wesley clark, thank you, sir. now, as we just discussed, russia is warning of unpredictable consequences if the u.s. does not stop arming ukraine. we'll discuss the diplomatic fallout of that ahead. and the secretary of state has a new assessment on how long this war could last. that is next. did i tell you i bought our car from carvana? 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victor, the russians are sticklers for protocol and for things like reciprocity and diplomatic notes. they use those to register and signal their concerns and thur comment is correct, they're none too pleased that united states and allies are sending significant amounts of military hardware to ukraine which is making russia's attacks much more difficult and much more complex. so primarily this is a formality that sends a message to the u.s. government and of course to anybody else listening that this is of concern. now of course, they've also left open some questions. so what does it mean that this could be unpredictable. what are we talking about and they want to leave that open so as to keep the allies guessing and keep american policymakers wonder how far putin will go if the shipments continue. >> and ambassador, if only the russians were sticklers for the protocols of war and the rules of not killing civilians. obviously they choose what their ticklers about. how how seriously, mr. ambassador, do you take their threat and what do you think the consequences could be? >> i think this is designed almost exclusively to intimidate us from defending our interest in helping ukraine stop the russian war crimes in ukraine. i think that is what this is all about. and sadly, the administration has been self-deterring as moscow was waving this nuclear wand before they began. we all know they refused a no-fly zone but they've also refused to send american military to rescue american civilians in the ukraine. they said that before the war and made the mistake the not sending bombers to ukraine because they were afraid that putin could consider it provocative. so he has battlefield advantages by threatening us with nukes and that is a serious problem that we've let him to do that to us. >> mr. ambassador, let me stay with you what and what we heard from the secretary of state. i am told european allies that this war could last through the rest of this year. the u.s. and russia have to cooperate maybe is the best way to say it on other issues beyond ukraine. is that plausible, that this could be some kind of continued relationship between the u.s. and russia if this goes on for another eight and a half months? >> i think this may go on well beyond this calendar year. and i don't rule out the possibility that we might cooperate with moscow on something. but without a doubt, the gravest threat right now to our security, tonight security, is moscow's wanton invasion of ukraine. and we need to do everything we can short of sending in american troops to help ukraine defeat it. >> yeah. same question to you, steve, how could anyone ever know how long a war is going to last? i mean, i hear their assessment that it is not short-term and it sure doesn't look as though vladimir putin is backing down right now. but how could they know how long it will last? >> yeah, you know, it is extremely difficult, i think, to guess on these things. but would you agree with the ambassador, that if i were a betting man, would you bet this is a long-term situation. this is going to turn into one of these wars afof attrition whh is something that russians have considerable experience with and faced against the ukrainian military which has every reason to dig in and fight for as long as necessary because the alternative is annihilation. the russias have made it quite clear that their intention is to eliminate ukraine and the nationality of ukraine and hence the conversations about is that genocide. but when you're talking about eliminating a state, when you talk about eliminating a nationality, the state that you're referring to and the people that you are talking about, now realize this is an existential, if i stop fighting, i'm going to cease to exist and that has a tendency to make them fight even harder. so it is interesting to see how had t ends up but i do think it is a long-term proposition. >> steve, the sinking of this ship, the moskva, on russian television state tv they are outraged by this. what role does this play potentially in the propaganda war for vladimir putin? >> yeah, the russians have to be very, very careful about the sinking of the moskva. because on the one hand, they're going to spin if and completely fabrication whatever story it is that they would like to somehow fabrication. but the reality of the situation is either, as now it appears to be the case, the russians or excuse me the ukrainians destroyed the ship with their own armaments, or the russians set the thing on fire themselves and it sank. neither of which is a positive story. so the propaganda piece is going to be somewhat difficult for the russians to manage. but that said, the russians essentially just make things up out of whole cloth, especially for their domestic audience and it is important for them to have some explanation as to why and how this happened that is somehow palatable for the russian population. >> steve hall and ambassador herb, thank you. >> china holds military drills around taiwan as a bipartisan group of u.s. lawmakers visits taipei. and they are blaming the congressional delegation for raising tensions and north korean stackers stole more than $600 million in cryptocurrency on a single day. that new details. your heart isn't just yours. protect it with bayeyer aspirin. be sure to talk to your doctotor before you begin an aspirin regimen. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the ihop rewards program is here, and it's delicious. join the international bank of pancakes and start earning pancoins toward free food. only from ihop. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit we'll have more from ukraine in a moment. but first there is a show of force in another hot spot. china conducted military drills around taiwan today. >> the maneuvers taking place as a u.s. congressional delegation visited the island in what beijing called a provocative trip. correspondent will ripley is in taipei for us. >> reporter: these are some of the largest chinese military deals in recent months near taiwan. and it is significant because it was happening just as there was a bipartisan delegation of u.s. lawmakers on the ground here in taipei. meeting with the taiwanese president and others here. they were here for just about 24 hours or so. but it was enough to draw a very sharp both rhetorical response from beijing and also these readiness drills, these combat readiness drills involving naval raids in the air space near taiwan. there were warships and bombers an fighter yets. taiwan has said it is the target of stepped up military intimidation by beijing which claim this is self-governing democracy even though they have never controlled the island which has a democratically elected government and its own military as well. response from beijing is this visit from the u.s. lawmakers is a wrongful sign of support by taiwan and tactics that china called futile and dangerous. and the foreign minister opposed any official exchanges between washington and beijing in any form and warned the united states to stop going down a dangerous road that could lead to a military escalation, chinese officials are warned. on the commit i was senator bob menendez and acknowledged they are unhappy about them being here but it is necessary to reassure necessary leaders and let the world know security is important to the united states. the senator talked about taiwan producing 90% of the world's highest semiconductors, the chips that power everything from our computers to our cameras to our smartphones. u.s. senate lindsey graham summed up the bigger picture in terms of democracy saying to abandon taiwan would be to abandon democracy and freedom around the world and reward the worst in humanity. >> will ripley, thank you. the fbi said a single hack stole more than $600 million in cryptocurrency. and the feds are blaming hackers associated with north korea for hitting a video game company one day last month. >> cyberattack revenue is believed to be a major source of funding for north korea's nuclear weapons program. the so-called lazarus group has stolen an estimated $1.75 worth of cryptocurrency in recent years. >> health officials in new york are on alert on two omicron sub variants are rapidly spreading across the state. what you need to know. and a greej light for a coronavirus breath test. yes, a covid breathalyzer. we'll explain next. allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. pspsst! psst! flonase all goo. for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 hour hydratio for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. r people with skin. ♪simply irresistible♪ ♪ ♪ ♪simply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls 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how abbvie could help you save on rivnoq. ♪ we could walk forever ♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪ ♪ may say ♪ ♪ i'm wishing my days away ♪ ♪ no way ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ health officials closely tracking two new versions of omicron, the new subvariants which could be more contagious have been detected in nearly every state. and they account for up to 90% of new cases in central new york. >> let's bring in jacqueline howard. so jacqueline what, do we know about the severity of these new variants? >> we know it is spreading more quickly. but there does need to be a closer look at just how quickly and like you said, victor, the severity. and new york health officials are said that they just want to make people aware of these subvariants. in fact, here is a entertainment from state health commissioner dr. mary bassich. who said we are alerting the public to two omicron subvariants newly emerged and spreading in upstate new york to new yorkers could act swiftly. while these subvariants are new, the tools to combat them are not. so again health officials are saying that this is an effort to make people aware and the tools we have, vaccinations for instance, play a role in helping with protection. health officials also noted that with these subvariants, there is a 23% to 27% growth advantage above the ba.2 variant. so the growth advantage is what is being looked at very closely, how quickly this spreads, how quickly it is growing. >> and jacqueline, the fda just authorize the first covid breath tests. how do those work. >> that is right. this breath test really analyzes breath samples by looking closely at compounds associated with covid and a breath sample. but it is important to mention, alisyn, these tests will be authorized for use in doctor offices, mobile testing sites, hospitals, but they're not for at-home use. so that is important. and if you test positive with this breath test, you still will need a nasal pcr test to confirm that positive test. but here is what we know about the accuracy of these tests. the fda said that looking at a study of more than 2400 people, the percent of positive samples correctly identified was 91%. you see the since sensitivity there and then 99.3%, that represents the negative samples that the test correctly identified. so this is another tool that we have. it looks pretty accurate and it looks like it is user friendly. so again, we're adding to our toolkit of testing here, alisyn. >> yeah, that is good news. anything that keeps us from having to do those tests from the early days, that test your eyeballs. >> much better. >> yes, much better. let me ask you about the new study that is raising concerns that omicron may be more harmful to children than other forms of covid. what do you know about this? >> what the study found and this is something that the pediatricians have noticed with the omicron wave, we've seen more children with covid develop acute upper airway infections and an example is what is called croupe. that is when the upper airway becomes inflamed and it makes it difficult to breathe. it is more common in children than adults because children have smaller airways. and when you look at the data from this study, here is what it found as far as the prevalence of this. before the omicron wave, about 1.4% of children hospitalized with covid-19 had acute upper airway disease and in this study during omicron that jumped to 4%. so that is what -- i'm sorry, researchers are taking a close look at and that is what pediatricians have also noticed as well. so something to keep an eye on. >> all right. jacqueline howard, keeping an eye on it for us. thank you. so the airline industry is facing a pilot shortage and it is causing canceled flights and burnout among staff. what they're doing about it, next. arvana, she had all the answers. it was so easy. 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>> that is daunting numbers. about. >> if your looking for a hobby, now is a good time to go to flight school. >> pete muntean, jake taper sits down with zelenskyy. they talk about the russian ship. jake joins us with fpreview, ahead. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 houour hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for people with skin. we're a differentnt kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everay. plus, patients get 20off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ finding my way forward with node-positive breast cancer felt overwhelming at times. but i never just found my way, i made it. so when i finished active therapy, i kept moving forward and did everything i could to protect myself from recurrence. verzenio is the first treatment in over 15 years to reduce the risk of recurrence for adults with hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning, as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. hormone therapy works outside the cell while verzenio works inside to help stop the growth of cancer cells. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an antidiarrheal, and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. life-threatening lung inflammation can occur. tell your doctor about any new or worsening trouble breathing, cough, or chest pain. serious liver problems can happen. symptoms include fatigue, appetite loss, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising. blood clots that can lead to death have occurred. tell your doctor if you have pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain, and rapid breathing or heart rate, or if you are nursing, pregnant, or plan to be. i'm making my way forward, my way with verzenio. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. 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Blow , Flagship , Determination , Skill , Facility , Asset , Focus , Capital , Elements , Haven T , Air Power Isn T , Fuel Supply System , Communications System , Electrical Grid , Tit For Tat , Sign , Doesn T Mean , Targets , Strength , Fact , Problem , Army , Terrain , Air Campaign , Shipment , Attack Aircraft , Shouldn , Fighter Aircraft , Some , Thank You , Fighter Jets , Sir , Assessment , Fallout , Carvana , Car , It , Answers , Money , Ca T , Sun , Seven , Salespeople , Mom , Guess Who , Susan , Singing , Cooold , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , 7 , Stroke , Adults , Heart Attack , Weight , Heart Disease , Events , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , Don T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Needles , Isn T , Share , Stop Ozempic , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Family , 1 , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Reaction , Lump , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Neck , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Vomiting , Provider , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Joints , Psoriatic Arthritis , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Health Care Provider , 5 , 25 , 3 , Symptoms , Patients , Reactions , Tremfya , Emerge Tremfyant , Infection , Infections , Doctor , Ability , Vaccine , Vision , Perspective , Detail , Progressive Lenses , Point Of View , Experts , Limits , Sharp Focus , Varilux Lenses , Essilor , Allies , War On Ukraine , End , Sight , Antony Blinken , Ambassador , Shipments , Steve Hall , Chief , Operations , John Her B , Cia , Potency , Protocol , Concerns , Comment , Notes , Reciprocity , Amounts , None , Military Hardware , Formality , Complex , Message , Anybody , Questions , Policymakers , Mr , Protocols , Rules , Sticklers , Ticklers , War Crimes , Interest , No Fly Zone , Wand , Bombers , Advantages , Mistake , Nukes , European , Rest , Relationship , Eight , Security , Is Moscow S Wanton Invasion , Rule , Doubt , Question , Troops , Anyone , Doesn T , Backing , Experience , Man , Wars Afof Attrition Whh , Nationality , Intention , Russias , Annihilation , Dig , Reason , Alternative , Fighting , Genocide , Existential , Proposition , Tendency , Moskva , Propaganda War , Role , On Russian Television State , Tv , Play , Fabrication , Case , Hand , Propaganda Piece , Fire , Armaments , Explanation , Cloth , Audience , Group , Military Drills , Lawmakers , China , Population , Herb , Congressional , Details , Stackers , Heart Isn T , 600 Million , Doctotor , Bayeyer Aspirin , Aspirin Regimen , Pancakes , Ihop Rewards Program , Bank , Pancoins , Food , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Indeed Instant Match , Taking Off , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Show , Force , Hot Spot , Island , Place , Taipei , Correspondent , Taiwan Today , Maneuvers , What Beijing , Taiwan , Deals , Delegation , Meeting , Combat Readiness , Beijing , Readiness Drills , Others , Raids , Target , Warships , Air Space , Fighter Yets , Military Intimidation , Democracy , Support , Form , Road , Foreign Minister , Exchanges , Military Escalation , Washington , Bob Menendez , Power Everything , Computers , Leaders , Cameras , Semiconductors , Smartphones , U S Senate , Lindsey Graham , 90 , Around The World , Terms , Picture , Hack , Humanity , Will Ripley , Fbi , Cryptocurrency , Video Game Company , Hackers , Revenue , Feds , Source , Funding , North Korea , Health Officials , Variants , Lazarus Group , New York , 75 , 1 75 , Breath Test , Allergies , Covid Breathalyzer , Spraying Flonase , Greej Light , Yes , Neutrogena , Body , Hydration , Hydro Boost Lightweight , Season , Goo , Pspsst , Psst , Skin Glow , 48 , Skin , R , Some Rinvoq , Mission , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Neighborhood , Good , Rinvoq , Irresist A Bowls , Applebee S , Eatin , 8 99 , 99 , Fatigue , Pain , Immune System , Stiffness , Ra , Pill , Rinvoq Relief , Blood Clots , Tb , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Intestines , Stomach , Fatal , Lymphoma , Tears , Risks , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Rheumatologist , 50 , Rivnoq , Moon , Subvariants , Omicron , Versions , Severity , Cases , What , Howard , Look , State Health Commissioner , Entertainment , Public , Dr , New Yorkers , Omicron Subvariants , Upstate New York , Mary Bassich , Effort , Tools , Health , Vaccinations , Growth , Growth Advantage , Variant , Protection , 23 , 27 , Covid , Breath Tests , Work , Breath Samples , Spreads , Jacqueline Howard , Fda , Tests , Hospitals , Doctor Offices , Compounds , Breath Sample , Mobile Testing Sites , Study , Test , Pcr Test , Home , Accuracy , Sensitivity , Samples , Percent , 2400 , 99 3 , 91 , Testing , Tool , News , Toolkit , User Friendly , Children , Forms , Eyeballs , Example , Airway , Pediatricians , Omicron Wave , Croupe , Airways , Prevalence , Data , Researchers , Upper Airway Disease , 1 4 , 19 , 4 , Pilot Shortage , Flights , Burnout , Staff , Eye , Airline Industry , Bipolar Depression , Arvana , Latuda , Lows , Stories , Fog , Art , Difference , Bipolar Deprsion , Oit , Report Fever , Behavior Changes , Antidepressants , Confusion , Thoughts , Dementia , Studies , Life , Aren T , Muscle Movements , Permanent , Pay , Zero , Zero Dollars , Small Business , Choices , Lots , Internet , Network , Business Internet , Needs , Largest , Businesses , Business , Fiber Solutions , Speeds , Gigs , 10 , Company , Voice , Price Guarantee , Card , 9 99 , 49 99 , 650 , Problems , Staff Shortages , Bundle , List , Cancellations , Trouble , Spring Break , Pete Muntean , Airlines , Jet Blue , Challenge , Crews , Carriers , Hundreds , 8 , Work Groups , Workers , Staffing , Pandemic , Folks , 30000 , Alaska Airlines , Delta Pilots , Crew Shortages , More , Mall , Pilots , Limit , Hires , Basis , Fat Speeg , Issue , Goals , Delta , Sky High , 200 , United Airlines , Flight School , Airline , First , Crew , Solution , 3000 , Aviation Academy , Challenges , United Flight School , Entry Level Airline Pilot , Cost , Tuition , Airline Captain , 0000 , 70000 , 00000 , 2025 , 400000 , Retirement , Retirement Age , Demand , 65 , Hobby , Jake Taper , Houour Hydration , Fpreview , Dentistry , Exam , Differentnt , Dentistry Work , Insurance Everay , 20 , Corner , Treatment Plan , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Step , Aspen Dental , Walk In , Professional , Cal , Cfp , Visit Letsmakeaplan Org , 800 , Breast Cancer , Times , Therapy , Positive , Treatment , Recurrence , Verzenio , Chance , Her2 Negative , 15 , Hormone Therapy , Cancer Cells , Cell , Antidiarrheal , Fluids , Verzenio Works Inside , Blood Cell Counts , Lung Inflammation , Chest Pain , Liver Problems , Chills , Signs , Trouble Breathing , Fever , Appetite Loss , Cough , Arms , Breath , Breathing , Shortness , Forward , Bleeding , Bruising , Legs , Heart Rate , Nursing , 5g , Cto , Ceo , Vo , Everyday Verzenio , Crohn S Disease , Relief , Move , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Tracks , Stelara , Cancer , Serious , Skin Growths , Dose , Injections , Sores , Pres , Remission , Janssen , Brain Condition , Feeling , Cost Support Options , Care , Ingredients , Skin Care , Faces , Love , Hyaluronic , Peptide , Body Love Shower Collection , Serums , Times Moisture Boost , Plus 10 , Dove Body Love , Bolder , Body Smile , Happier , Shower , Evidence , French , Graves , Cars , Body Bags , Human Remains , Cnn Global Analyst , Op Ed , Video , West , Goal Posts , Suit , Parts , Places , Gas , Electricity , Roof , State Company , Sense , Correspondents , Damage , Concealment , Ghost Town , Coma , Top , Cul , Chill , Bombing , Word , Train , Threats , Bomb Shelter , Air , Leveling , Cities , Cruise Missiles , Safe , Village , Range , Elsewhere , Capability , Piece , Goal Post , Skies , Gist , Boots , Law , The American , Poland , Slovakio , Happening , Donations , Path ,

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