Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

right now, day 50 of russia's invasion of ukraine. and a key russian warship, a flagship, in fact, badly damaged. ukrainian forces claim to have struck it with a neptune-class cruise missile. i'm told this morning that ukrainian military has shared its assessment, its intelligence on the strike, with the u.s. very good morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. >> i'm bianna golodryga. new this morning, ukrainian commanders say they struck one of russia's most important navy warships with a guided missile. this was one of the ships involved in the infamous snake island attack. the kremlin is denying reports claiming instead that there was merely a fire on board. cnn has not been able to visually confirm the status of that ship. also this morning, russian state tv airing this new video, saying that it shows more than 1,000 ukrainian marines surrendering to russian forces in mariupol. ukraine is denying this report. we should note that cnn cannot verify its authenticity. as cnn crews are not allowed on the ground there in mariupol, it is too dangerous, jim. >> the scene of such fierce fighting between russia and ukraine. happening now, as well, the u.s. is answering president zelenskyy's pleas for more help, sending ukraine some $800 million worth of weapons, it includes whole new categories of weapons we haven't seen so far. including heavy artillery. we're also learning that the u.s. may soon send a high ranking official to ukraine to visit. while president biden, vice president harris unlikely to be on that list, there are talks that the defense secretary lloyd austin or the secretary of state antony blinken could travel there. let's begin this morning with cnn correspondent matt rivers in lviv, western ukraine. so, matt, this is quite a moment in this war. this is a russian flagship, a significant part of its navy, involved in perhaps the signature battle of this conflict so far. one of them that snake island encounter. ukrainians say they hit it with a missile. jake sullivan said this morning that the ship was at a minimum damaged either due to incompetence or a successful ukrainian attack. what do we know on the ground there? >> yeah, well, we're hearing from three different sides in all of this, jim. as you laid out, the russians, ukrainians and americans. we'll start with what the russians are saying. i think it is significant that russian state media is talking about this as openly as they are, it shows that the damage to this ship, not something that russian government wants to talk about, but they clearly feel like they have to. and so what we're hearing in russian state media is this was a fire on board this ship, they don't say the cause of that fire, they say it since has been localized and put out, but it did require all the sailors on board to be evacuated according to the russian ministry of defense to other ships in the nearby area. they also say that the ship is now being brought to port. though they don't say exactly where it is going. but in terms of the cause of all this, you got the ukrainians on the other hand saying that this was something that they did, this was by design, this was shore-based cruise missiles developed here in ukraine and brought into service this neptune class as you mentioned, brought into service by ukrainian armed forces within the last year or so. and they say several missiles struck this ship, that's what caused the damage. as you also mentioned, american officials say they don't have the information right now to determine definitively what happened here. i think no matter what the cause here is, jim, this is a huge blow to russia's navy, this is the flagship of russia's black sea fleet. and no matter what the cause is, it hurts russia's technical capabilities to conduct war fighting operations in this part of ukraine, but it is also highly symbolic. this is a ship named after the capital of russia, the flagship of the black sea fleet, a big blow to the image and possibly to the morale of russia's navy at a time when we have seen the ukrainian armed forces have successes in other parts of the country as well. >> no question, matt. listen, a lot of blows like that, david versus goliath conflict in many ways and for this to be a successful strike on one of the most significant russian warships would be quite a moment in this war. thanks so much. the biden administration is trying to figure out how to get aid to ukrainian forces on the front lines, more quickly. this after announcing a significant $800 million security package. >> cnn's pentagon correspondent barbara starr joins us now. barbara, some of these are heavier weapons than the u.s. provided before. some are u.s. made also, rather than russian made from eastern european nato allies. how significant is this change? >> well, it is very significant because that fight in the donbas in eastern ukraine is virtually under way. in fact, a short time ago, a senior defense official told me they now see the first russian forces that had left northern ukraine to move back into belarus and russia to get refitted. they now see them moving into the northern donbas. this region of eastern ukraine, where the big push is expected to come by russian forces and massive combat is at least expected to break out. it is why the u.s. is sending these heavier weapons, the kinds of weapons like howitzers, armored vehicles, drones, radars to be able to detect incoming fire at long ranges. these are the things that are going to be needed for this fight. and it is going to be a major effort to get them not only just to the border, but get them picked up by the ukrainians and up to ukraine to bring them to that region of eastern ukraine, the pentagon press secretary talked about this a short time ago. >> the kind of fighting that we can expect in the donbas is going to lend itself to the use of artillery and short range rockets and missiles and so you can see in the package that president biden signed out that those are the kinds of capabilities that we're trying to help ukraine with right now. we can get it to ukraine, and they can take it to the east, as quickly as possible. i can tell you, at some point, it only takes a matter of less than a week from the time the president authorizes a drawdown package for us to get at least the first shipment or so into ukraine. >> look, that time frame of a week has been what has been going on so far with the so-called lighter weapons, ammunition, drones that the u.s. has already been sending. it will now be a major test of transport capability to get these heavier weapons to the border and get the ukrainians able to be able to ship them out to the donbas clear across ukraine. time is of the essence. even john kirby said they know they are running against the clock. >> yeah, and at this point, doesn't seem to be much significance between the weaponry that we provided for them before that was more defensive and now obviously this does appear to be a move toward more offensive weaponry we're sending their way. barbara starr, thank you. joining us to discuss is retired u.s. army brigadier general steven anderson. great to have you on. what stands out to you in this new package of weaponry that the u.s. administration announced yesterday in terps of what you're seeing the russian troops amass there in the southeastern region of the country? >> well, it is obviously going to turn into a much heavier fight and it is very good news indeed that the biden administration is stepping up with congress to provide the capabilities they're going to need for the next phase of the war, the heavy artillery, the switch blade drones, the anti-ship cruise missiles, the support vehicles, the radar, et cetera. and this is hugely important, but i want to remind everybody 15 years ago, we were spending $300 million a day in the war in iraq. now, true, this $800 million package is fantastic news. but still, all told, we only spent the equivalent of eight days of the war in iraq supporting the ukrainians, this is an existential threat to our nation, and iraq was, so we need to step up, we need to be spending more and get all this kind of equipment as barbara just said into the hands of the ukrainians as quickly as possible. >> general, i want to talk for a moment about what ukrainians are claiming as a missile strike on the flagship of the russian navy there in the black sea, the moskva. these would be according to ukrainians what is known as neptune missiles. ukrainian made, not like the most advanced u.s. or nato-supplied missiles. if that is confirmed to be true, and i'm told that ukrainians have shared their intelligence on this strike with the u.s., how significant would that be to show that russian warships are vulnerable to these kinds of weapons? we have seen top line russian aircraft vulnerable to ukrainian weapons, what does it show you about the russian military in the course of this war? >> well, jim, it is hugely significant. first of all, tactically you're taking a russian flagship out of action, which is really important. but operationally now it requires the fleet to get under way. they have to leave the port facilities, it shows that no ship is safe, and they're going to have to get back out into the black sea and cannot provide the kind of supporting indirect fires or wherever they choose to attack the coast, and then strategically it is hugely important because it sends another powerful message that the ukrainians were resourceful, incredible will to fight and they have proven they deserve our support. so from tactical operation, this is really a big deal. >> yeah, i saw one expert describe it as one of the largest naval since the falkland war. in terms of the training, there was an article in the wall street journal talking about the eight years that nato and the united states have been training ukrainian troops there on the ground. and taking them away from their earlier training, top down training and allowing them not only to become familiar with western weaponry, but also with becoming more flexible in terms of decision-making on the ground, more nimble in having that authority. talk about the roles that all of that training has played to help the ukrainians become as successful as they're showing they are right now. >> well, the training has been really important. the focus of training, of course, is really to train leaders. now, the military and the west have noncommissioned officers. and i think that's a differencemaker as we have seen in the war against russia. because they don't. we have decisionmakers at the tip of the spear that can make decisions on the ground. and so training helps to facility fate that knowledge and that capability. and we need to continue to push these trainers, these special forces trainers and the like, teach them how to use the equipment, but how to employ the equipment, how to put it out in a operational sense and how to integrate fire, combined artillery and maneuver on the ground and aviation assets, put it all together in a coherent sinner apologized package. that's how you win wars these days. >> i have to ask you this, now to this point, the u.s. and its allies have supplied to the ukrainians not just the shoulder fired missiles so effective, but tanks, coming from the czech republic, air defense systems, high altitude air defense systems, sending armored personnel carriers, mobile howitzers, sending helicopters, the brits supplied anti-ship missiles, more advanced than the neptune that the ukrainians say were involved in this strike. i mean, really the only thing not on that list are fighter jets. how does russia read what are clearly highly capable potentially offensive weapons here? given all the sensitivities we talked about throughout this, in terms of what aid the u.s. and the west supplies? >> well, hopefully they're reading it as the entire world is unified against them. that's indeed what has happened. i -- the premise it is an offensive weapon i would object to. there is no such thing as an offensive weapon or defensive weapon. there is weapons. it is all about how you employ them. i submit to you that in this case, they're using these weapons in a defensive mode. i mean, you know, we had a homeowner shot an intruder with a gun in his home, he was defending his home, we wouldn't say he attacked that intruder. it is the same situation there. they are trying to defend their home, they need these weapons to do that, and so the u.s. and nato must continue to push up, step up and provide the weapons so they can defend their homeland. >> yeah, no question. they're big ones, powerful ones. brigadier general steven anderson, thanks so much. well, there are some signs of life and hope in the middle of just the devastating death and destruction, loss that we're seeing every day in ukraine. so we're going to bring you a moment, i think we all need to see it, in this new video, you see rescuers digging through rubble and dirt there of an apartment, settlement in eastern ukraine, hit by a shell. and through all that, after moving bricks and clearing dirt, what do they find, a puppy. still alive. after all that. >> they're saying he's alive, he's alive, he just needs some water. rescuers were able to reunite the shaken puppy with his 77-year-old owner. they say it is a miracle that both survived the shelling. police say the two were given medical care, some water and they're both okay. jim, i must have watched that video ten times. it made me so happy to see that puppy come out alive. >> it is a hellscape, so much loss every day, to see little moments of survival, if gives you some hope. >> indeed. still to come, new images of a bridge that ukrainian forces say they destroyed to keep russian for the russian forces out of kharkiv. cnn is on the ground there as shelling intensintensifies. >> that is so close. those are russian positions. they're shelling towards -- we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. also ahead, the suspect in the brooklyn subway shooting set to appear in court for first time today. details on how his own phone call to the police tip line could impact his case. and later, elon musk is offering to buy all of twitter, in cash. just days after turning down an offer to sit on the board. hear how the company and the shareholders might respond. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money justst sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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>> reporter: well, bianna, this say spot where it all came to an end. this is where police found and spotted frank james on the sidewalk, a few feet behind me. this is where they arrested him and brought him into custody. it all started as you say when police got that call to crime stoppers, they got that tip yesterday afternoon, law enforcement sources saying it was in fact frank james who called and said that he was at a mcdonald's and that police could come and get him there. once they got over to that mcdonald's, located not far from where we are, he was nowhere to be found. that's where francisco pueblo steps in, working in the area, good samaritan, he basically spotted frank james on the sidewalk, and when he saw police, he flagged them down. >> when i saw his face, i recognized him like right away. and -- at the same time i feel like kind of panicked because he was carrying a backpack on his right-hand side, like, heavy, and he was going and talking himself. when police showed up, i told the police officer the -- i just saw the man that -- the one that did the shooting in brooklyn, and he told me, like, okay, what is he wearing? what is he carrying? >> reporter: and frank james ended up being taken into custody without incident. at one point when he was transferred into federal custody, he was walked outside past reporters who were shouting questions, some of them shouting why did you do it, why did you do it? frank james remained silent and did not answer any of the questions. he had his first court appearance later this afternoon, in federal court. he faces a number of charges, including a federal charge of one count of violating a law, which prohibits terrorist attacks. and other violence against a mass transportation system. he faces other charges as well and if convicted, he's looking at life in prison. bianna, jim? >> all the terror he caused on that train, jason carroll in new york, thanks so much. let's speak to criminal defense attorney cnn legal analyst joey jackson. good to have you. i'm curious. you've seen and been involved in a lot of cases. have you ever seen someone like this, someone carry out what was a planned act of violence, the smoke grenades, the multiple clips, and then turn himself in? >> yeah, jim, good to be with you. good morning to you and bianna. these are difficult and crazy times and the more we believe we're safe and sound, the more instances like this occur, which make us feel just the opposite. now, you know, certainly there is a variety of instances and cases that occurred. this one particularly compelling. we have a tremendous subway system in new york city. people need to be safe. people need to be secure. people need to know that when instances like this occur, we have a unified police force that inte intervenes. this is unique, he'll be brought to justice, i'm glad he was captured. he'll be brought before a judge today and at that time -- >> will the manner in which he essentially turns himself in by calling police impact the case at all, help for a lighter sentence or will it help prosecutors confirm, you know, what we assume to be the case, that he's a perpetrator here and he's admitted to it? >> yeah, he's not going to get any points whatsoever for this. look, the reality is that thankfully you had other new yorkers like the one we just saw who were tuned in. if you seeing some, say something, so they were assisting the police. in addition to other law enforcement entities, the fbi, of course, atf and other entities looking for him. he will get in brownie points for this. he'll be brought in front of the judge, he'll be advised as to there he knows the charges he's facing, the mass transportation charge, terrorism in effect, he'll be advised whether he spoke to his attorney about that, he understands the proceedings. there after i do not believe that any bail will be set. there are no conditions upon which he could be released for anyone to feel safe and he'll be indicted by a grand jury and the case will move forward. make no maistake about it, he will face, the investigators are getting a bevy of evidence, if convicted he'll face life in jail, period. >> miraculous those ten new yorkers who he shot, among them, children, are all expected to have a full recovery and survive. joey jackson, thank you. new images purportedly show the ukrainian resistance destroying a bridge just as a group of russian military vehicles were crossing. cnn is on the front lines with ukrainian soldiers up next. ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 hour hydration. fothat healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for peopleith skin. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ [♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks choose stelara® from the start and move toward relief after the first dose with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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>> omar jimenez, thank you. here to discuss is former acting baltimore police commissioner and cnn law enforcement analyst anthony barksdale. from what you gleaned from that video we have just seen, and obviously the investigation is ongoing, does the officer's action, is it justified as self-defense or as the victim's family is claiming, excessive? >> had you have an individual that is at some point in time during a struggle trying to take control or has control of the officer's equipment, especially a taser, then lethal force is the next level above a taser. so it is -- you know, the test is what would a reasonable officer do? so the issues with the taser, i could see lethal force being used by these -- by this officer. >> so as justified. we see in the video here, where you see the struggle to grab that taser from the police officer, i'm curious to get your analysis, as to why and this isn't the first time we have seen body cam footage cut off. we don't know the exact reason why it stopped in this case, but does that tell you that that was something intentional, that the police force says that it was not intentional. what do you make of that? >> it is disturbing. i don't like it at all. it makes me question how that equipment is functioning in the field. but at all times when you need something recorded, it goes dark during this horrible tragedy. so i am concerned about the equipment. and it is a significant issue that needs to be looked into. >> and as we have said, this man was an immigrant. he had been in the united states, i believe, since 2014 from the drc. and now there is questions as to whether there was a language barrier. as far as investigating this crime, and this scene, what role does that play given he is no longer living? >> i watched this video numerous times and there is one video that shows the officer does ask if he understands him, and the -- at this point to me he's a victim, the victim says he can understand. and then we go through the hey, my license is in there, inside the vehicle. and he starts to move away when the officer goes in to take custody of him. so the language barrier thing for me as far as initially, it is not -- it is not there. it is not an issue, initially, for me. >> anthony barksdale, as we said, we'll continue to follow this investigation as it unfolds. thank you so much for joining us with your analysis, thank you. he is the largest shareholder already of twitter. now elon musk wants to own the entire company. up next, what might happen if his multibillion dollar cash offer is declined by shareholders. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. because subway now has italian-style capila on the newozza meat and supreme meats. love the smell of ilian food. bway keeps refreshing and refres- [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... ty found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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[ chantell ] when my teeth started to deteriorate, i stopped hanging out socially. it was a easy decision -- clearchoice. [ awada ] the health of our teeth plays a significant role in our overall health. chantell was suffering, and we had to put an end to that. the absolute best way to do that was through dental implants. [ chantell ] clearchoice dental implants changed everything. my digestive health is much better now. i feel more energetic. the person that i've always been has shown up to the party again. new this morning, tesla ceo elon musk is offering to buy twitter. all of the shares he does not currently own for $43.4 billion in cash. he also says he wants to take the company private. musk, of course, made this announcement on twitter. cnn chief business correspondent christine romans joins me live to discuss. so, christine, first of all, this appears to be a serious offer, right? he's going from owning 9% stake in the company to now he wants to go to 100. >> in a letter to the board last night said he wants to transform the company and what he needs to do to make it competitive and to fill a lot of questions this morning about how serious he is. is it some sort of a joke or is it something that he really wants, there's an s.e.c. filing, there's an offer to the board and here he says, i must, i would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder if you don't take this. he goes through, and usually in filings, but he says i'm not playing the back and forth game. it's a high price your shareholders will love it. if it doesn't work, i don't have confidence in the management, i might have to back out from the investment in the company. these are the things he said. seriously or not seriously, by the way, in the past about things he would like to do with twitter including changing its name and dropping the w, something he polled his followers on recently. but $100 billion more than jeff bezos. so this would value the company at something like $43 billion. >> he's been toying with this for the last months, no doubt, but does this go to the board? final decision? >> they have to meet and discuss what to do next. whether this offer is reasonable and whether to accept it and can accept it. again, their fiduciary responsibility is to their shareholders. he is their largest shareholders but fiduciary responsibility is to their shareholders. it's really interesting to me that this is coming now. he is spacex. he is tesla. is there enough elon musk to go around? is this, as some say, just a big ego at work here? >> stock price up a little bit this morning. >> i would watch what tesla shares are doing. his net worth is a lot of unrealized, right, unrealized wealth. would he have to sell something or take his attention away from te te tesla? >> thank you. for the first time, amazon will charge sellers a 5% fuel and inflation surcharge. the new fee set to start april 28th. the company's response to the highest inflation rate in years. ahead of remarks this afternoon on the administration's ongoing efforts to lower costs for americans and take the kink out of the supply chain. are we going to see a lot of companies doing the same? >> when it comes to high costs for everything, including fuel. they're passing along these costs to the firms they do business with and then eventually pass to you and i, the consumers. right now, we have consumer prices rising at the fastest pace in 40 years. supply is weak. demand is strong and prices have nowhere to go but up. amazon said it's the first time they've done this in the 27 year history. they expected inflation to go back toward normal this year but this has not been the case. the president has to address this in his remarks in north carolina today. unemployment is low right now, gdp is high but all too often, the high cost of living is eating into people's paychecks. these investments he's talked about as far as supply chain, infrastructure, that should help but that's going to take some time and, jim, people are running out of patience. >> yeah, listen, the administration, it's gone for some time saying that companies are taking advantage of higher inflation and raising prices on their own. the new york attorney general leticia james to find out whether the oil industry is doing similar on gas prices. what's behind that new york action? >> clearly people are frustrated with the high price of gas they're paying right now. it's believed to be the first of its kind to specifically address these allegations of price gouging in this current bout and the price gouging law, a power for the entire supply chain and looking for not just the super major oil companies we know the names of. all in response to high gas prices. $4.07 a gallon national average, not cheap but it has come down. the american petroleum institute in response to news of this investigation. the api said this is an industry of price takers, not price makers and countless investigations throughout history have shown that changes in gasoline prices are based on market factors. jim, we'll see what this investigation in particular turns up, if anything. >> matt egan, thanks so much. >> thanks. coming up in our next hour as we closely monitor what is happening in the ongoing war in ukraine, thousands continue to flee the country for their lives. we'll take you on board an estonian cruise ship that's now been converted to house refugees. that's coming up. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, making sure everything is safe. secure. consiste. so l in from here. or here. assured that someones here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. you ever wonder why people are always on their phones? 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240708

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right now, day 50 of russia's invasion of ukraine. and a key russian warship, a flagship, in fact, badly damaged. ukrainian forces claim to have struck it with a neptune-class cruise missile. i'm told this morning that ukrainian military has shared its assessment, its intelligence on the strike, with the u.s. very good morning to you. i'm jim sciutto. >> i'm bianna golodryga. new this morning, ukrainian commanders say they struck one of russia's most important navy warships with a guided missile. this was one of the ships involved in the infamous snake island attack. the kremlin is denying reports claiming instead that there was merely a fire on board. cnn has not been able to visually confirm the status of that ship. also this morning, russian state tv airing this new video, saying that it shows more than 1,000 ukrainian marines surrendering to russian forces in mariupol. ukraine is denying this report. we should note that cnn cannot verify its authenticity. as cnn crews are not allowed on the ground there in mariupol, it is too dangerous, jim. >> the scene of such fierce fighting between russia and ukraine. happening now, as well, the u.s. is answering president zelenskyy's pleas for more help, sending ukraine some $800 million worth of weapons, it includes whole new categories of weapons we haven't seen so far. including heavy artillery. we're also learning that the u.s. may soon send a high ranking official to ukraine to visit. while president biden, vice president harris unlikely to be on that list, there are talks that the defense secretary lloyd austin or the secretary of state antony blinken could travel there. let's begin this morning with cnn correspondent matt rivers in lviv, western ukraine. so, matt, this is quite a moment in this war. this is a russian flagship, a significant part of its navy, involved in perhaps the signature battle of this conflict so far. one of them that snake island encounter. ukrainians say they hit it with a missile. jake sullivan said this morning that the ship was at a minimum damaged either due to incompetence or a successful ukrainian attack. what do we know on the ground there? >> yeah, well, we're hearing from three different sides in all of this, jim. as you laid out, the russians, ukrainians and americans. we'll start with what the russians are saying. i think it is significant that russian state media is talking about this as openly as they are, it shows that the damage to this ship, not something that russian government wants to talk about, but they clearly feel like they have to. and so what we're hearing in russian state media is this was a fire on board this ship, they don't say the cause of that fire, they say it since has been localized and put out, but it did require all the sailors on board to be evacuated according to the russian ministry of defense to other ships in the nearby area. they also say that the ship is now being brought to port. though they don't say exactly where it is going. but in terms of the cause of all this, you got the ukrainians on the other hand saying that this was something that they did, this was by design, this was shore-based cruise missiles developed here in ukraine and brought into service this neptune class as you mentioned, brought into service by ukrainian armed forces within the last year or so. and they say several missiles struck this ship, that's what caused the damage. as you also mentioned, american officials say they don't have the information right now to determine definitively what happened here. i think no matter what the cause here is, jim, this is a huge blow to russia's navy, this is the flagship of russia's black sea fleet. and no matter what the cause is, it hurts russia's technical capabilities to conduct war fighting operations in this part of ukraine, but it is also highly symbolic. this is a ship named after the capital of russia, the flagship of the black sea fleet, a big blow to the image and possibly to the morale of russia's navy at a time when we have seen the ukrainian armed forces have successes in other parts of the country as well. >> no question, matt. listen, a lot of blows like that, david versus goliath conflict in many ways and for this to be a successful strike on one of the most significant russian warships would be quite a moment in this war. thanks so much. the biden administration is trying to figure out how to get aid to ukrainian forces on the front lines, more quickly. this after announcing a significant $800 million security package. >> cnn's pentagon correspondent barbara starr joins us now. barbara, some of these are heavier weapons than the u.s. provided before. some are u.s. made also, rather than russian made from eastern european nato allies. how significant is this change? >> well, it is very significant because that fight in the donbas in eastern ukraine is virtually under way. in fact, a short time ago, a senior defense official told me they now see the first russian forces that had left northern ukraine to move back into belarus and russia to get refitted. they now see them moving into the northern donbas. this region of eastern ukraine, where the big push is expected to come by russian forces and massive combat is at least expected to break out. it is why the u.s. is sending these heavier weapons, the kinds of weapons like howitzers, armored vehicles, drones, radars to be able to detect incoming fire at long ranges. these are the things that are going to be needed for this fight. and it is going to be a major effort to get them not only just to the border, but get them picked up by the ukrainians and up to ukraine to bring them to that region of eastern ukraine, the pentagon press secretary talked about this a short time ago. >> the kind of fighting that we can expect in the donbas is going to lend itself to the use of artillery and short range rockets and missiles and so you can see in the package that president biden signed out that those are the kinds of capabilities that we're trying to help ukraine with right now. we can get it to ukraine, and they can take it to the east, as quickly as possible. i can tell you, at some point, it only takes a matter of less than a week from the time the president authorizes a drawdown package for us to get at least the first shipment or so into ukraine. >> look, that time frame of a week has been what has been going on so far with the so-called lighter weapons, ammunition, drones that the u.s. has already been sending. it will now be a major test of transport capability to get these heavier weapons to the border and get the ukrainians able to be able to ship them out to the donbas clear across ukraine. time is of the essence. even john kirby said they know they are running against the clock. >> yeah, and at this point, doesn't seem to be much significance between the weaponry that we provided for them before that was more defensive and now obviously this does appear to be a move toward more offensive weaponry we're sending their way. barbara starr, thank you. joining us to discuss is retired u.s. army brigadier general steven anderson. great to have you on. what stands out to you in this new package of weaponry that the u.s. administration announced yesterday in terps of what you're seeing the russian troops amass there in the southeastern region of the country? >> well, it is obviously going to turn into a much heavier fight and it is very good news indeed that the biden administration is stepping up with congress to provide the capabilities they're going to need for the next phase of the war, the heavy artillery, the switch blade drones, the anti-ship cruise missiles, the support vehicles, the radar, et cetera. and this is hugely important, but i want to remind everybody 15 years ago, we were spending $300 million a day in the war in iraq. now, true, this $800 million package is fantastic news. but still, all told, we only spent the equivalent of eight days of the war in iraq supporting the ukrainians, this is an existential threat to our nation, and iraq was, so we need to step up, we need to be spending more and get all this kind of equipment as barbara just said into the hands of the ukrainians as quickly as possible. >> general, i want to talk for a moment about what ukrainians are claiming as a missile strike on the flagship of the russian navy there in the black sea, the moskva. these would be according to ukrainians what is known as neptune missiles. ukrainian made, not like the most advanced u.s. or nato-supplied missiles. if that is confirmed to be true, and i'm told that ukrainians have shared their intelligence on this strike with the u.s., how significant would that be to show that russian warships are vulnerable to these kinds of weapons? we have seen top line russian aircraft vulnerable to ukrainian weapons, what does it show you about the russian military in the course of this war? >> well, jim, it is hugely significant. first of all, tactically you're taking a russian flagship out of action, which is really important. but operationally now it requires the fleet to get under way. they have to leave the port facilities, it shows that no ship is safe, and they're going to have to get back out into the black sea and cannot provide the kind of supporting indirect fires or wherever they choose to attack the coast, and then strategically it is hugely important because it sends another powerful message that the ukrainians were resourceful, incredible will to fight and they have proven they deserve our support. so from tactical operation, this is really a big deal. >> yeah, i saw one expert describe it as one of the largest naval since the falkland war. in terms of the training, there was an article in the wall street journal talking about the eight years that nato and the united states have been training ukrainian troops there on the ground. and taking them away from their earlier training, top down training and allowing them not only to become familiar with western weaponry, but also with becoming more flexible in terms of decision-making on the ground, more nimble in having that authority. talk about the roles that all of that training has played to help the ukrainians become as successful as they're showing they are right now. >> well, the training has been really important. the focus of training, of course, is really to train leaders. now, the military and the west have noncommissioned officers. and i think that's a differencemaker as we have seen in the war against russia. because they don't. we have decisionmakers at the tip of the spear that can make decisions on the ground. and so training helps to facility fate that knowledge and that capability. and we need to continue to push these trainers, these special forces trainers and the like, teach them how to use the equipment, but how to employ the equipment, how to put it out in a operational sense and how to integrate fire, combined artillery and maneuver on the ground and aviation assets, put it all together in a coherent sinner apologized package. that's how you win wars these days. >> i have to ask you this, now to this point, the u.s. and its allies have supplied to the ukrainians not just the shoulder fired missiles so effective, but tanks, coming from the czech republic, air defense systems, high altitude air defense systems, sending armored personnel carriers, mobile howitzers, sending helicopters, the brits supplied anti-ship missiles, more advanced than the neptune that the ukrainians say were involved in this strike. i mean, really the only thing not on that list are fighter jets. how does russia read what are clearly highly capable potentially offensive weapons here? given all the sensitivities we talked about throughout this, in terms of what aid the u.s. and the west supplies? >> well, hopefully they're reading it as the entire world is unified against them. that's indeed what has happened. i -- the premise it is an offensive weapon i would object to. there is no such thing as an offensive weapon or defensive weapon. there is weapons. it is all about how you employ them. i submit to you that in this case, they're using these weapons in a defensive mode. i mean, you know, we had a homeowner shot an intruder with a gun in his home, he was defending his home, we wouldn't say he attacked that intruder. it is the same situation there. they are trying to defend their home, they need these weapons to do that, and so the u.s. and nato must continue to push up, step up and provide the weapons so they can defend their homeland. >> yeah, no question. they're big ones, powerful ones. brigadier general steven anderson, thanks so much. well, there are some signs of life and hope in the middle of just the devastating death and destruction, loss that we're seeing every day in ukraine. so we're going to bring you a moment, i think we all need to see it, in this new video, you see rescuers digging through rubble and dirt there of an apartment, settlement in eastern ukraine, hit by a shell. and through all that, after moving bricks and clearing dirt, what do they find, a puppy. still alive. after all that. >> they're saying he's alive, he's alive, he just needs some water. rescuers were able to reunite the shaken puppy with his 77-year-old owner. they say it is a miracle that both survived the shelling. police say the two were given medical care, some water and they're both okay. jim, i must have watched that video ten times. it made me so happy to see that puppy come out alive. >> it is a hellscape, so much loss every day, to see little moments of survival, if gives you some hope. >> indeed. still to come, new images of a bridge that ukrainian forces say they destroyed to keep russian for the russian forces out of kharkiv. cnn is on the ground there as shelling intensintensifies. >> that is so close. those are russian positions. they're shelling towards -- we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. also ahead, the suspect in the brooklyn subway shooting set to appear in court for first time today. details on how his own phone call to the police tip line could impact his case. and later, elon musk is offering to buy all of twitter, in cash. just days after turning down an offer to sit on the board. hear how the company and the shareholders might respond. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money justst sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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>> reporter: well, bianna, this say spot where it all came to an end. this is where police found and spotted frank james on the sidewalk, a few feet behind me. this is where they arrested him and brought him into custody. it all started as you say when police got that call to crime stoppers, they got that tip yesterday afternoon, law enforcement sources saying it was in fact frank james who called and said that he was at a mcdonald's and that police could come and get him there. once they got over to that mcdonald's, located not far from where we are, he was nowhere to be found. that's where francisco pueblo steps in, working in the area, good samaritan, he basically spotted frank james on the sidewalk, and when he saw police, he flagged them down. >> when i saw his face, i recognized him like right away. and -- at the same time i feel like kind of panicked because he was carrying a backpack on his right-hand side, like, heavy, and he was going and talking himself. when police showed up, i told the police officer the -- i just saw the man that -- the one that did the shooting in brooklyn, and he told me, like, okay, what is he wearing? what is he carrying? >> reporter: and frank james ended up being taken into custody without incident. at one point when he was transferred into federal custody, he was walked outside past reporters who were shouting questions, some of them shouting why did you do it, why did you do it? frank james remained silent and did not answer any of the questions. he had his first court appearance later this afternoon, in federal court. he faces a number of charges, including a federal charge of one count of violating a law, which prohibits terrorist attacks. and other violence against a mass transportation system. he faces other charges as well and if convicted, he's looking at life in prison. bianna, jim? >> all the terror he caused on that train, jason carroll in new york, thanks so much. let's speak to criminal defense attorney cnn legal analyst joey jackson. good to have you. i'm curious. you've seen and been involved in a lot of cases. have you ever seen someone like this, someone carry out what was a planned act of violence, the smoke grenades, the multiple clips, and then turn himself in? >> yeah, jim, good to be with you. good morning to you and bianna. these are difficult and crazy times and the more we believe we're safe and sound, the more instances like this occur, which make us feel just the opposite. now, you know, certainly there is a variety of instances and cases that occurred. this one particularly compelling. we have a tremendous subway system in new york city. people need to be safe. people need to be secure. people need to know that when instances like this occur, we have a unified police force that inte intervenes. this is unique, he'll be brought to justice, i'm glad he was captured. he'll be brought before a judge today and at that time -- >> will the manner in which he essentially turns himself in by calling police impact the case at all, help for a lighter sentence or will it help prosecutors confirm, you know, what we assume to be the case, that he's a perpetrator here and he's admitted to it? >> yeah, he's not going to get any points whatsoever for this. look, the reality is that thankfully you had other new yorkers like the one we just saw who were tuned in. if you seeing some, say something, so they were assisting the police. in addition to other law enforcement entities, the fbi, of course, atf and other entities looking for him. he will get in brownie points for this. he'll be brought in front of the judge, he'll be advised as to there he knows the charges he's facing, the mass transportation charge, terrorism in effect, he'll be advised whether he spoke to his attorney about that, he understands the proceedings. there after i do not believe that any bail will be set. there are no conditions upon which he could be released for anyone to feel safe and he'll be indicted by a grand jury and the case will move forward. make no maistake about it, he will face, the investigators are getting a bevy of evidence, if convicted he'll face life in jail, period. >> miraculous those ten new yorkers who he shot, among them, children, are all expected to have a full recovery and survive. joey jackson, thank you. new images purportedly show the ukrainian resistance destroying a bridge just as a group of russian military vehicles were crossing. cnn is on the front lines with ukrainian soldiers up next. ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48 hour hydration. fothat healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for peopleith skin. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ [♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. if your moderate to severe crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks choose stelara® from the start and move toward relief after the first dose with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. you're probably thinking that these two are in some sort of lover's quarrel. no, no, no. they're both invested... in green energy. and also each other. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the power to do? 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>> omar jimenez, thank you. here to discuss is former acting baltimore police commissioner and cnn law enforcement analyst anthony barksdale. from what you gleaned from that video we have just seen, and obviously the investigation is ongoing, does the officer's action, is it justified as self-defense or as the victim's family is claiming, excessive? >> had you have an individual that is at some point in time during a struggle trying to take control or has control of the officer's equipment, especially a taser, then lethal force is the next level above a taser. so it is -- you know, the test is what would a reasonable officer do? so the issues with the taser, i could see lethal force being used by these -- by this officer. >> so as justified. we see in the video here, where you see the struggle to grab that taser from the police officer, i'm curious to get your analysis, as to why and this isn't the first time we have seen body cam footage cut off. we don't know the exact reason why it stopped in this case, but does that tell you that that was something intentional, that the police force says that it was not intentional. what do you make of that? >> it is disturbing. i don't like it at all. it makes me question how that equipment is functioning in the field. but at all times when you need something recorded, it goes dark during this horrible tragedy. so i am concerned about the equipment. and it is a significant issue that needs to be looked into. >> and as we have said, this man was an immigrant. he had been in the united states, i believe, since 2014 from the drc. and now there is questions as to whether there was a language barrier. as far as investigating this crime, and this scene, what role does that play given he is no longer living? >> i watched this video numerous times and there is one video that shows the officer does ask if he understands him, and the -- at this point to me he's a victim, the victim says he can understand. and then we go through the hey, my license is in there, inside the vehicle. and he starts to move away when the officer goes in to take custody of him. so the language barrier thing for me as far as initially, it is not -- it is not there. it is not an issue, initially, for me. >> anthony barksdale, as we said, we'll continue to follow this investigation as it unfolds. thank you so much for joining us with your analysis, thank you. he is the largest shareholder already of twitter. now elon musk wants to own the entire company. up next, what might happen if his multibillion dollar cash offer is declined by shareholders. it's still the eat fresh refresh, and subway's refreshing their italians. so, we're taking this to italy. because subway now has italian-style capila on the newozza meat and supreme meats. love the smell of ilian food. bway keeps refreshing and refres- [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... ty found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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[ chantell ] when my teeth started to deteriorate, i stopped hanging out socially. it was a easy decision -- clearchoice. [ awada ] the health of our teeth plays a significant role in our overall health. chantell was suffering, and we had to put an end to that. the absolute best way to do that was through dental implants. [ chantell ] clearchoice dental implants changed everything. my digestive health is much better now. i feel more energetic. the person that i've always been has shown up to the party again. new this morning, tesla ceo elon musk is offering to buy twitter. all of the shares he does not currently own for $43.4 billion in cash. he also says he wants to take the company private. musk, of course, made this announcement on twitter. cnn chief business correspondent christine romans joins me live to discuss. so, christine, first of all, this appears to be a serious offer, right? he's going from owning 9% stake in the company to now he wants to go to 100. >> in a letter to the board last night said he wants to transform the company and what he needs to do to make it competitive and to fill a lot of questions this morning about how serious he is. is it some sort of a joke or is it something that he really wants, there's an s.e.c. filing, there's an offer to the board and here he says, i must, i would need to reconsider my position as a shareholder if you don't take this. he goes through, and usually in filings, but he says i'm not playing the back and forth game. it's a high price your shareholders will love it. if it doesn't work, i don't have confidence in the management, i might have to back out from the investment in the company. these are the things he said. seriously or not seriously, by the way, in the past about things he would like to do with twitter including changing its name and dropping the w, something he polled his followers on recently. but $100 billion more than jeff bezos. so this would value the company at something like $43 billion. >> he's been toying with this for the last months, no doubt, but does this go to the board? final decision? >> they have to meet and discuss what to do next. whether this offer is reasonable and whether to accept it and can accept it. again, their fiduciary responsibility is to their shareholders. he is their largest shareholders but fiduciary responsibility is to their shareholders. it's really interesting to me that this is coming now. he is spacex. he is tesla. is there enough elon musk to go around? is this, as some say, just a big ego at work here? >> stock price up a little bit this morning. >> i would watch what tesla shares are doing. his net worth is a lot of unrealized, right, unrealized wealth. would he have to sell something or take his attention away from te te tesla? >> thank you. for the first time, amazon will charge sellers a 5% fuel and inflation surcharge. the new fee set to start april 28th. the company's response to the highest inflation rate in years. ahead of remarks this afternoon on the administration's ongoing efforts to lower costs for americans and take the kink out of the supply chain. are we going to see a lot of companies doing the same? >> when it comes to high costs for everything, including fuel. they're passing along these costs to the firms they do business with and then eventually pass to you and i, the consumers. right now, we have consumer prices rising at the fastest pace in 40 years. supply is weak. demand is strong and prices have nowhere to go but up. amazon said it's the first time they've done this in the 27 year history. they expected inflation to go back toward normal this year but this has not been the case. the president has to address this in his remarks in north carolina today. unemployment is low right now, gdp is high but all too often, the high cost of living is eating into people's paychecks. these investments he's talked about as far as supply chain, infrastructure, that should help but that's going to take some time and, jim, people are running out of patience. >> yeah, listen, the administration, it's gone for some time saying that companies are taking advantage of higher inflation and raising prices on their own. the new york attorney general leticia james to find out whether the oil industry is doing similar on gas prices. what's behind that new york action? >> clearly people are frustrated with the high price of gas they're paying right now. it's believed to be the first of its kind to specifically address these allegations of price gouging in this current bout and the price gouging law, a power for the entire supply chain and looking for not just the super major oil companies we know the names of. all in response to high gas prices. $4.07 a gallon national average, not cheap but it has come down. the american petroleum institute in response to news of this investigation. the api said this is an industry of price takers, not price makers and countless investigations throughout history have shown that changes in gasoline prices are based on market factors. jim, we'll see what this investigation in particular turns up, if anything. >> matt egan, thanks so much. >> thanks. coming up in our next hour as we closely monitor what is happening in the ongoing war in ukraine, thousands continue to flee the country for their lives. we'll take you on board an estonian cruise ship that's now been converted to house refugees. that's coming up. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, making sure everything is safe. secure. consiste. so l in from here. or here. assured that someones here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. you ever wonder why people are always on their phones? 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Anthony Barksdale , Police Commissioner , Acting , Law Enforcement , Baltimore , Self Defense , Victim S Family , Individual , Control , Level , These , Issues , Analysis , Body Cam Footage , Cut Off , Isn T The First Time , Reason , Tragedy , The Field , Issue , Immigrant , Crime , Role , Play , Drc , 2014 , Victim , Ask , Language Barrier Thing , Vehicle , License , Shareholder , Dollar , Up Next , Refresh , Subway , Italians , Sound , Smell , Bway , Refres , Italy , Ilian Food , Helicopter Blades , Newozza , Ty , Money , Type 2 Diabetes , Oh Ozempic , A1c , Oh , 7 , Isn T , Heart Attack , Weight , Heart Disease , Events , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , 12 , Don T Take Ozempic , I Don T , Share , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Stop Ozempic , Reuse , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , 1 , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Reaction , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Provider 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Advantage , Patience , Listen , Gas Prices , Oil Industry , First , Gas , Price Gouging , Allegations , Price Gouging Law , Bout , Average , Oil Companies , Names , 4 07 , 07 , Api , Investigations , Industry , History , Price Takers , Makers , American Petroleum Institute , Gasoline Prices , War , Turns Up , Market Factors , Matt Egan , Thousands , Cruise Ship , Estonian , Everywhere , House Refugees , Nobody , Someones , Anywhere , Consiste , Phones , Banking , Guy , Credit Card , Tickets , Bank Of America , Stats , Ideas , Announcer , Zelle , Up The Rewards , Rackin , Hot Dogs , Merrill , Tv , Baseball , Watch , Ace , Serena Williams , Stop Banking , Wonder Woman , Best , Stream , Directv , 0 , Binders , Broker , Page , Uh Carl , 188 , Planning Options , Plans , Retirement Plan , Options , Consultant , House , Son , Schwab , Uhhh , Planning , Everyone , National Security , Rget ,

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