Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

moscow has warned of renewed attacks on the ukrainian capital kyiv, saying so-called decision making centers will be targeted if ukrainian forces continue to plan acts of sabotage and carry out military strikes on russian territory. there were a few other details from the russian ministry of defense, but it's been almost two week news since russian forces retreated from the north after failing to take the capital. the french military now saying a large scale russian offensive in the donbas region could happen within days, possibly ten days. but a spokesperson also added russian forces are yet to make any significant territorial gains, at least so far. meantime, ukrainian fighters claimed to have used anti-ship missiles to cause serious damage to the moskva, flagship of the russian fleet in the black sea. russian state media disputing that account, saying a fire detonated on board this guided missile cruiser and it was evacuated. cnn cannot verify either claim. to the south, russia says more than a thousand ukrainian marines have surrendered in the besieged port city of mariupol. video aired on russian state television what appeared ukrainian soldiers giving up. they have now managed to link up and will fight, quote, until the end. in the city of kharkiv, images on social media appears to show explosions in civilian areas from cluster munitions. the u.n. says such attacks may amount to war crime. well, for weeks now, ukrainian's president has been pleading for heavier firepower from the u.s. and nato. and now washington appears to be coming through, announcing a new $800 million security package. notably, it includes almost a dozen soviet era mi-17 helicopters which can also be used for gunships. president evangelical specifically asked for those helicopters in a call on tuesday. also drones, anti-tank missiles, armored personnel carrier, and protective equipment, as well as equipment for chemical attacks. the european union also announced a $544 million package of military equipment, fuel and first aid. all of this comes following a direct appeal from president zelenskyy in a video message he released, which contains some graphic images. russians intentions to the whole world, it could only be stopped by force of arms. it must be done now. ukraine needs love and supplies. we need heavy artillery, armed vehicles, air defense systems, and combat aircraft. anything to repel russian forces and stop their war crimes. >> meantime, in a significant show of support, the presidents of poland, lithuania, latvia, and estonia traveled to the ukrainian capital to meet with zelenskyy. they discussed aid for ukraine. they also offered to help investigate war crimes committed by the russian troops. cnn correspondents are covering the region here. they had this conflict covered from every angle. nima elbagir is in kharkiv. we begin with matt rivers here in la viv with the dire situation in mariupol. >> reporter: weeks after russia began an offensive bombardment to take the city and still ukraine's government says mariupol has not yet fallen. the keyport on the southeast coast of ukraine increasingly a symbol of both ukrainian resistance and russian military goals. ukrainian officials are holding up the city as a symbol of a heroic fight with an aide to president zelenskyy saying on facebook the two different units defending mariupol have managed to link up and are continuing the fight. one of them released a message they, quote, did not give up their positions. and now there are accusations from the ukrainians that russia has used chemical weapons here. >> translator: the day before yesterday, the russian troops attempted to strike our city with a so-called chemical attack. they tried to drop a chemical agent on our defenders. the agent did affect our defenders, and there is evidence a number of people living in settlements on the outskirts of mariupol were also affected. >> reporter: president zelenskyy accusing russia of using, quote, phosphorous bombs and other munitions prohibited by international law. the u.s. as well as cnn teams on the ground have not yet verified that such an attack did occur. no conclusive imagery has serviced. and russia denies having chemical weapons, but mariupol has been devastating. the mayor says more than 90% of the city's infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, and officials say russian forces have cut off crucial supplies, including water and food. >> we are currently discussing 20 to 22,000 people dead in mariupol. >> reporter: meanwhile, russia is engaged in an intense propaganda campaign, saying it is close to capturing what would be its first major ukrainian city since the war began. >> translator: as a result of successful offensive actions of the russian armed forces and the police units of the dpr, 1,026 ukrainian military personnel of the 36th brigade will lay down their arms and surrendered. >> reporter: the russian military taking some reporters on a tour of a theater where hundreds of people had been sheltered when it was hit by a air strike last month, according to ukrainian officials. >> translator: you can see for yourself what the situation in the city is. there are a lot of dead people. >> reporter: and for those still alive, a hellish landscape persists. ukrainian's government says about 180,000 people in and around the city still need to be evacuated. so far many have not been able to do so. matt rivers, cnn, lviv, ukraine. >> joining us now a professor of international law at oxford university. professor, thank you for being with us. the u.s. and the french presidents appear at odds whether russia is carrying out genocide. by way of context, joe biden did say that's what it looks like to him. he'll leave the lawyers to work out the rest. i want you to listen to emmanuel macron's reasons for not calling this a genocide. here he is. >> genocide, it carries a meaning. the ukrainian people and the russian people are brother nations. what's happening now is madness. it is of an extraordinary brutality. it's the return of war to europe. but at the same time, i look at the facts. i want to try my best to continue to be able to stop this war and rebuild peace. so i'm not sure that escalation of words serve the cause. >> would you suspect politics could be influencing both leaders here and how they use this word "genocide"? >> what i think very often leaders use the word genocide in order to evoke a particular response. in other words, what they're really trying to do, at least what president biden appears to be trying to do is to galvanize international action and to galvanize a response in relation to what is going on in ukraine. of course in terms of whether or not genocide is actually being committed, as a matter of law, you to look at what the definition under international law and look at whether the criteria for genocide have been fulfilled. >> this is from the u.n. when it comes to actual definition of genocide. to cuonstitute genocide there must be intent to destroy a national, ethical, racial or religious group. it is a special intent that makes a crime of genocide that makes the crime of genocide so unique. so what is known publicly at this point, is there at least enough evidence to begin an investigation of the possibility that genocide is taking place? >> well, the international criminal court is already investigating the situation in ukraine, and i'm sure that the prosecutors of the icc will be looking at the condition of all international crimes in ukraine. so that could be both war crimes and genocide and also crimes against humanity. so in terms of possibility, yes, of course we can discuss it. but as you pointed out, the definition of genocide under the genocide convention is very particular. it requires this intention to destroy in whole or in part the national, ethical, racial or religious group. and what's important to note is it's an intention to achieve the physical or the biological destruction of that group. so it's not just, you know, destroying as a cultural group or as a cultural entity. it's actually achieving the physical of the biological dysfunction. and that's quite a high standard to establish. and of course because this is talking about a state of mind, it's a special intent, as you called it. you have to show that those who are involved in this activity, that they have this state of mind. so you either establish that by what they say or you establish that by inference from what they have done. and that's often not easy to do. >> now you and other legal experts have prepared a special legal tribunal to prosecute times of aggression, which is use of armed force by a state against a sovereign integrity or political independence of another state or any manner inconsistent with the charter of the united nations. it can include invasion, military occupation, and annexation by the use of force, blockaded by the coast. that would seem an open and shut case. how would that investigation, how would that tribunal actually work? and who would be held accountable? >> yeah, so the crime of aggression, which is what a number of us have been speaking about in the context of the invasion of ukraine, the primary question is about the waging of war which is unlawful. and as you say, this is a open and shut case in this particular circumstance, you know. the use of force by russia against ukraine is clearly in breach of its national law. so how would it happen? well, first thing to notice that the international criminal court in the hague in general terms has jurisdiction over the crime of aggression, but does not have jurisdiction over the time of aggression in the context of russia and ukraine. and this is because russia's not a party to the statute of the international criminal court. and also because though the un security council could refer the time of aggression to the icc, russia of course would veto in this case. so what we need in this particular case is the establishment of a different international tribunal, a special tribunal to deal with the crime of aggression committed against ukraine. now you ask who would be held accountable. unlike the other international crimes like genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, aggression is different in that it is a leadership crime. so only those who are in leadership positions in the state that has engaged in aggression can be held responsible for aggression. so it would be the leadership in russia. also potentially actually the leadership in belarus. which was complicit in this act of aggression. >> professor, thank you so much for your time. thank you for explaining the legalities and where we stand on this, especially when it comes to genocide, which is often overused but not often understood. thank you so much, sir. >> it's a pleasure. the man accused of shooting and wounding ten people on a crowded subway train in brooklyn is now in police custody. he doesn't appear to have gone on the run. in fact, as przshimon prokupecz reports, he reportedly told investigators where they could find him. >> reporter: patrol officers arresting the suspect walking the streets in new york city's east village after sources say he actually called in a tip, leading police to his general location. >> he was taken into custody without incident and has been transported to an nypd facility. we hope this arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the city of new york. >> reporter: the 62-year-old talked about violence and mass shootings and multiple rambling videos posted on youtube, including this one uploaded monday. >> i've been through a lot of [ bleep ]. what i can say, i wanted to kill people. i wanted to watch people die right in front of my [ bleep ] face immediately. but i thought about the fact that hey, man, i don't want to go to prison. >> in other videos, the subjgge said he had ptsd. >> why aren't we identifying these dangerous threats? why aren't we being more proactive, instead of waiting for this to happen? >> reporter: the videos also giving insight into the alleged shooter's path to brooklyn. leaving his home on milwaukee on march 20th, the suspect said he was heading to the, quote, danger zone. he stopped in fort wayne, pittsburgh and newark, before arriving in philadelphia on march 25th. police initially named him as a person of interest because they found a credit card and keys to a rented u-haul van at the scene. later, track down the vehicle where source say it appeared he may have send the night. he rented the van from this philadelphia store on monday. court documents say the suspect visited a philadelphia storage facility filled with ammunition and more weapons on the evening before the attack. they also show surveillance photos of the uk-haul van crossing into brooklyn. two hours later, a man matching his description left the u-haul on foot. wnbc obtained this video showing a man law enforcement believes to be the suspect and wearing similar gloeting, entering the subway system about two hours before the shooting began. investigators also linking the gun found at the scene to a purchase by the suspect sources say. and authorities have tracked the purchase of a gas max to him through an ebay account. the alleged shooter is expected to be in court later thursday afternoon. and no one in law enforcement expected this is the way the manhunt would end. the suspect calling on himself, calling crimestoppers, telling them hey, i'm at this location, come and get me. shimon prokupecz, cnn, brooklyn, new york. juliette kayyem is a cnn national security analyst and former u.s. homeland security official under the obama administration. and i spoke with her earlier and asked her to weigh in on what comes next with the subway shooting investigation. >> is going to be the more important part. he now in custody. this is going to be a familiar typical criminal indictment, and then a case. i said well, it will look very familiar. the more interesting piece in play is what they're going to indict him with. as we heard in the press conference with the nypd, they are going to bring what's called terrorism charges. it's under the patriot act. this is the post-9/11 statute created. and it permits a federal indictment against someone who uses terrorism or other forms of violence to disrupt mass transit. and what we don't know yet, and i think that the nypd has to be clearer about this, what we don't know yet is was there a political or other form of terrorism, moeflgts, or is this someone with a lot of mental issues or other issues that led him to violence. and those are important differences, because in a country that takes counterterrorism seriously, you don't want to -- you don't want to overuse terrorism charges or the terrorism word even for that matter. >> yeah. and of course the biggest question is the why, the motive. >> yeah. >> but the other question, after all of this, why do you think the suspect called police himself to let them know where he they could find him? >> yeah, i had suspected this and i talked about his exit strategy. one way to look at all the weaponry he had, everything from that machete to the explosives to the fireworks is that he didn't have an intention of leaving, that this might have been something that he anticipated that he would die. and therefore, the last 24 hours have been him sort of just waiting to be caught in some way. because this wasn't a well planned out attack in the sense like he didn't -- it wasn't clear what his strategy was in terms of an exit. he is just a few miles from the subway. he hasn't gone anywhere. so that's one explanation that the police will look into. the other is that he knew he couldn't get away and therefore he calls it in. >> cnn national security analyst juliette kayyem talking to me earlier. frank james is due to maybe his initial court appearance later today. we'll go live to ukraine after a short break where ukrainian forces say they have struck a russian warship in the black sea. but moscow is telling a different story. look, this isn't my first roo and let me tell you something, i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. it's just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, it's helped over a million americans. a reverse mortgage loan isn't some kind of trick to take your home. it's a loan, like any other. big difference is how you pay it back. find out how reverse mortgages really work with aag's free, no-obligation reverse mortgage guide. eliminate monthly mortgage payments, pay bills, medical costs, and more. call now and get your free info kit. other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave your home. discover the option that's 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(soft music) ♪ 23 minutes past the hour. welcome back, everyone. ukrainian fighters claiming what could be a major win in the black sea. they say the neptune anti-ship muscles to cause serious damage to the moskva, flagship of the russian black fleet in the black sea. russia claiming a different story, saying a fire ignited ignition. cnn cannot verify either claim. so what is the situation here? what is likely and what do we know about this? >> well, john, it's worth pointing out this is extremely difficult to verify. we haven't been able to locate the ship in the weather because the weather has prevented the satellite imagery of this. conflicting reports is what we've got. russia saying a fire broke out on the ship with undetonated ammunition. the ukrainian administrator of the odesa region saying hours before we heard from russia that it was two neptune missiles that hit the ship. if that is true, it would be a huge coupe for ukraine that the moskva, the flagship of russia's black sea fleet. the ukrainian also said it was the same ship that was involved in the altercation of the first day of the russian invasion where the ship sort of approached snake island, which is also in the black sea, and the ukrainian soldiers on the island told it obscenely to go back where it came from. they've now made postage stamps about this. so look, we don't know what happened. both sides do agree that this ship has been severely damaged. that is bad news for russia, whatever the circumstance is. >> absolutely. thank you, clare sebastian live for us from london. appreciate that. russian artillery is operating nonstop to try and soften the fences. hen we come back, our cnn crew is in kharkiv to show you what it takes to survive under constant attttack. comfortable all night. it's also tememperature balancing, o you stay cool. it't's so smart it knows exactly how long, how well, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our 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vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm john vause in lviv. it's just gone 10:30 here. now the latest on russia's war on ukrainian. moscow building up its forces for a potential new assault on eastern ukraine, setting the stage for a protracted battle that is likely to inflict heavy losses on both sides. and the french believe that invasion could happen in the next few days. meantime, the fight for the besieged city of mariupol is now at a critical stage. russia claims it's already captured mariupol's commercial seaport and more than a thousand ukrainian marines have surrendered. at least two units have linked up to bolster their defenses. cnn is not in mariupol. we cannot confirm any of these reports. and one of russia's most important warships is either floating abandoned or at the bottom of the black sea. a ukrainian official says the moskva has been hit by missiles. but russia claims the ship was evacuated after a fire on bourdette nated ammunition. cnn cannot verify either report. but artillery fire and missile strikes continue to target ukraine's second biggest city ahead of an offense in the east. at least seven civilians have been killed. others wounded in just the past 24 hours. nima elbagir is there. >> reporter: desolate, bare, lifeless. this is what it looks like after weeks of relentless russian shelling. saltivka, the most densely populated district in kharkiv. it's being bombed day after day, night after night. there are very few people left. the elderly mostly. one man stayed behind to keep his mother safe. igor says that he lives on the 16th floor of one of these buildings with his mother. he says his mother is deeply religious and deeply committed to staying here, even though they're almost entirely surrounded. and she won't leave so he won't leave. but this is a front line under renewed pressure. the russians are pushing hard. that is so close. those are russian positions. they are shelling towards us. we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. this is their route into kharkiv and then on in ukraine. for now this is the front line. that can change any moment now. they are trying as hard as they can to push that frontline inwards. the soldiers want to show us more evidence of the heavy bombardment. the soldiers want us to move very quickly because russian snipers are operating in this area. we have got to move. the rumble you hear is the constant shelling. the shelling's just been absolutely relentless. from the moment we arrived, we have been hearing it. we have to be careful where with we have to be careful where we also dispersing mines from the rockets they are sending over in here the shelling has intensified over the last few days. regional issues told cnn this is evidence of the renewed russian' military push. yeah, let's go. so, from where we are, we are pretty much surrounded by russian troops on three sides. tens of thousands of russian troops are believed to be amassing to come into kharkiv, to come into ukraine from this direction. we've got to move. the soldiers wanted us out of there. it was becoming too intense. just 30 minutes later, we saw why. this warehouse is in the south. of saltivka. it took a direct hit. this is an area that, after the initial aborted invasion, has been beyond the reach of russian ground troops. but now, once again, nowhere is safe. nima elbagir, cnn, kharkiv. there is so much grief here there so much sadness, and there has been so much loss already, because across ukraine there are mothers who are grieving for their chirp. and what you're to be see, i know you have already seen this because we've played it a few times. but there is this mother who has found out that her son is dead. he is at the bottom of a well. it's in a village west of kyiv. and a warn. what you're about to see is truly -- it's heartbreaking. [ crying ] she recognizes his shoes. she cries "my little son, my little son." she knew his shoes. rosemary, back to you. >> just unbearable scenes, john. thank you so much for covering that, and take good care. stay safe. well, blizzards, wildfire, tornadoes, they are all part of a storm system that's been pummelling much of the u.s. for days. we will have an update on where the system is moving next. and north korea is getting ready to mark a major anniversary, and usually does so in a very provocative way. we are live in seoul with the details. buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documes and receipts. receip go in, and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills, even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips, safe and secure. you can even turn business cards into digital contacts, and it scans up to 100 pages at a time. even different sizes in one batch. with this exclusive tv offer, you'll get the epson rapidreceipt smart organizer and over $300 in added value! act now and save up to $100 for a limited time. this rapidreceipt has made a huge difference. it categorizes everything for me. it puts everything into the right files. i don't misplace a thing anymore. no more losing receipts means no more losing money. people everywhere love the epson rapidreceipt. organized at last and made so simple. you can use this for both business and household. that's the smartest move i ever made for my business. it even helps organize me for taxes and expenses. there's even a mobile rapidreceipt you can use when you're on the go! this has changed everything. as soon as i get a receipt i just scan it, and store it away immediately right here into the laptop, no matter where i am. with this exclusive tv offer, you'll get a mobile or desktop epson rapidreceipt smart organizer, and over $300 in added value. act now and save up to $100 for a limited time. go online or call to get an epson rapidreceipt smart organizer delivered right to your door. i came, i scanned, i conquered. epson rapidreceipt - visit or call. piece of cake baby! and we have this just in. ukraine has announced nine humanitarian corridors will be open today to help civilians escape areas of fighting. four will help people reach safety in zaporizhzhia, and five other evacuation routes will open in the luhansk region. on wednesday there were no corridors open. ukrainian authorities say russian forces were violating the ceasefire and blocking buses. back in the united states, millions of americans can breathe a sigh of relief after a series of tornado watches expired wednesday night. they stretch from illinois to texas as a storm system affected much of the central u.s., several tornadoes were reported tuesday, including this one that injured at least 23 people in bell county, texas. it also damaged more than 60 homes. and for more on all of this, pedram javaheri joins us now from cnn's weather center. good to see you, pedram. what the latest on this and where is this storm headed next? >> the evening seaboard. we do expect the tornado threat really to diminish over the next few hours and only five in the grand scheme of things a limited number considering how many significant wind reports we had. over 220 of them scattered about a wide area of here with winds that were gusting as much as 60 to 70 miles per hour. we had major damage, major power outages, thunderstorms abound here, would you believe it? over a 12-hour span. 106,000 lightning strikes across this region in an area of storms that stretched about 800 miles. so not surprising to see some of these storms produce tornadoes. and of course we saw those reports, five reports of tornadoes in the past 24 or so hours. but incredibly, the run of tornados across the united states has been as remarkable as it gets. look at the month of march. on average bringing 80 tornadoes. we saw a historic 292 preliminary reports of tornadoes. in the first 13 days 129 tornadoes reported. 155 is the average. mind you, we still have upwards of two plus weeks left before the month is over. notice the storm's now beginning to taper off. significant rainfall in place. some of these areas, two, three, even five plus inches of rainfall with flooding in place there. high pressure building on the back side of it. there is the storm system now pushing off the eastern seaboard. and yes, a level 2 on a scale of 1 to 5 for severe weather still into thursday afternoon, includes the city of philadelphia and new york. the good news out of all of this is no tornado risk. very limited for that. notice damaging winds and hail becoming the primary threats now for thursday afternoon storms. rosemary? >> pedram javaheri, thank you so much for wrapping all of that. we appreciate it. more than 300 people are dead after what officials call one of the worst storms south africa has ever seen. heavy rain, flooding, and mud slides have pummelled parts of the east coast since monday, destroying homes, roads, and bridges. there are also widespread power outages. rescuers have been working to evacuate the affected communities. north korea is preparing to celebrate a major anniversary. friday marks 110 years since the birth of its founding father, kim il sung. and the festivities for the so-called day of the sun often involve weapons. cnn's paula hancocks is standing by live in seoul. she joins us now. so paula, what are the expectations here? how likely is it that north korea will launch another missile test during this time? >> well, rosemary, with all things north korea, we will only find out for sure when they decide they want to tell us. but i think what most observers are looking at this point is there could well be some kind of parade. certainly there have been festivities in the days running up to friday. the 110th birth anniversary of the country's founder. it's more significant even than usual. it's always the biggest day in north korea for the year. but the fact that it ends in either a zero or a 5 is always a bigger deal for north korea. so what observers are looking at is whether there are going to be weapons within this parade, whether there are going to be new weapons systems throughout the parade. but we already know exactly what north korea and kim jong-un would like to be showing. >> kim jong-un knows what weapons and missiles systems he wants to perfect. and so do we because he has told us. in january last year, he gave one of the most detailed military reports in north korea's history according to state-run media. his five-year wish list. since then, he has been systematically working through it. >> the north koreans have really i think laid out an ambitious agenda for a military modernization. and it proves to be very credible. >> reporter: among the systems already at least partially tested according to pyongyang pyongyang, a hypersonic glide vehicle, which if perfected, could evade defense systems. it's a big if. only the u.s., russia and china currently have this capability. a military reconnaissance satellite. necessary, pyongyang says, to keep an eye on the u.s. and its allies. elements were tested earlier this year but the pentagon believes the space launch is a cover for a test of a new intercontinental-ballistic missile system. a 15,000-kilometer icbm. that's 9,300 miles. which could reach mainland united states and beyond. an icbm tested march 24th came closer to this than ever before but south korean officials doubt pyongyang's claims it was their most recently unveiled hwasong 17. missile experts say a test of that weapon may have failed a week earlier. >> given the shape of this warhead, it is likely to be a mirv, an icbm with multiple warheads. and also it was fired on the normal trajectory, it can hit anywhere on the continental united states. >> reporter: and tactical nuclear weapons. >> because kim jong un has spoken quite explicitly about tactical-nuclear weapons. these are the kind of nuclear weapons that are designed to be put on small artillery rockets and smaller, short-range ballistic missiles. >> reporter: the next test expected at any time may approximate smaller than the last from 2017. tremors which could be felt in neighboring china and south korea. tests which surely attract international attention but kim jong un also has a domestic audience. >> to cover up the economic failure, he need to show up another achievement. i think a weapon program that he can be very proud of. >> reporter: time wise, kim jong un may be in the most ideal testing environment in his more than ten years in power. the world's attention is on russia's invasion of ukraine and the chances of russia or china side being the u.s. and the united nations security council to sanction north korea are next to zero. >> there is just no chance of any kind of u.n. security council sanctioned action. the u.n. security council can even condemn north korea's latest icbm test in unison. >> which means that most observers you speak to do agree there is going to be plenty more testing coming up. in fact, january is already in the record books for the number of missile launches. also, the uss abraham lincoln, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is currently in korean waters, waters just off the peninsula in an apparent show of force, just before this big anniversary, and will probably move away just after it. so certainly every eye is on north korea to see what, if anything of weapons systems they're going to unveil. rosemary? >> all right. paula hancocks joining us from seoul. many thanks. and we'll be right back. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80, what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling. so call now for free information. 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(soft piano music) china is struggling to contain the surge of the ultra contagious omicron variant of coronavirus. a new report shows at least 44 chinese cities are now under full or partial lockdown. despite china's zero covid policy, it's logged more than 350,000 new infections since early last month. most of them in shanghai, which is enduring the country's most severe lockdown. meanwhile, hong kong is beginning its first phase of reopening as cases decline there. one week from now places like g gyms and salons will back in business. groups of four people will be allowed to gather instead of just two. the world has reached another staggering covid milestone. half a billion people have now been infected with the virus since the pandemic began. according to the latest data from johns hopkins university. i want you to take a look at this graph. it took just over a year for the world to hit 100 million cases. then less than 200 days to reach 200 million. since then, each new milestone has been reached much more quickly. now we're at 500 million. but many believe the real number is much higher. well, for the first time since the start of the pandemic, the cdc predicts the u.s. will record one million deaths from the coronavirus, and it says that's likely to happen by early next month. according to johns hopkins, the virus has already killed more than 987,000 people in the united states. but despite the looming milestone, the number of newly reported deaths is forecast to decrease over the next month. the cdc also announced wednesday that it's extending the federal transportation mask mandate for another 15 days. that means masks will still be needed on planes, trains and other public transportation until at least may 3rd. i'm rosemary church. thank you so much for spending part of your day with me. our breaking news coverage continues with max foster in london after a short break. if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs to the most small businesses. make your business future ready with the network from the most innovative company. get internet and voice for $49.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. and ask how to get up to a $650 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and all around the world. i'm max foster in london. the man who shot inside a new york city subway is set to appear in court in the coming hours. details on the tip that led to his arrest and the investigation to find the motive. plus this --

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

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moscow has warned of renewed attacks on the ukrainian capital kyiv, saying so-called decision making centers will be targeted if ukrainian forces continue to plan acts of sabotage and carry out military strikes on russian territory. there were a few other details from the russian ministry of defense, but it's been almost two week news since russian forces retreated from the north after failing to take the capital. the french military now saying a large scale russian offensive in the donbas region could happen within days, possibly ten days. but a spokesperson also added russian forces are yet to make any significant territorial gains, at least so far. meantime, ukrainian fighters claimed to have used anti-ship missiles to cause serious damage to the moskva, flagship of the russian fleet in the black sea. russian state media disputing that account, saying a fire detonated on board this guided missile cruiser and it was evacuated. cnn cannot verify either claim. to the south, russia says more than a thousand ukrainian marines have surrendered in the besieged port city of mariupol. video aired on russian state television what appeared ukrainian soldiers giving up. they have now managed to link up and will fight, quote, until the end. in the city of kharkiv, images on social media appears to show explosions in civilian areas from cluster munitions. the u.n. says such attacks may amount to war crime. well, for weeks now, ukrainian's president has been pleading for heavier firepower from the u.s. and nato. and now washington appears to be coming through, announcing a new $800 million security package. notably, it includes almost a dozen soviet era mi-17 helicopters which can also be used for gunships. president evangelical specifically asked for those helicopters in a call on tuesday. also drones, anti-tank missiles, armored personnel carrier, and protective equipment, as well as equipment for chemical attacks. the european union also announced a $544 million package of military equipment, fuel and first aid. all of this comes following a direct appeal from president zelenskyy in a video message he released, which contains some graphic images. russians intentions to the whole world, it could only be stopped by force of arms. it must be done now. ukraine needs love and supplies. we need heavy artillery, armed vehicles, air defense systems, and combat aircraft. anything to repel russian forces and stop their war crimes. >> meantime, in a significant show of support, the presidents of poland, lithuania, latvia, and estonia traveled to the ukrainian capital to meet with zelenskyy. they discussed aid for ukraine. they also offered to help investigate war crimes committed by the russian troops. cnn correspondents are covering the region here. they had this conflict covered from every angle. nima elbagir is in kharkiv. we begin with matt rivers here in la viv with the dire situation in mariupol. >> reporter: weeks after russia began an offensive bombardment to take the city and still ukraine's government says mariupol has not yet fallen. the keyport on the southeast coast of ukraine increasingly a symbol of both ukrainian resistance and russian military goals. ukrainian officials are holding up the city as a symbol of a heroic fight with an aide to president zelenskyy saying on facebook the two different units defending mariupol have managed to link up and are continuing the fight. one of them released a message they, quote, did not give up their positions. and now there are accusations from the ukrainians that russia has used chemical weapons here. >> translator: the day before yesterday, the russian troops attempted to strike our city with a so-called chemical attack. they tried to drop a chemical agent on our defenders. the agent did affect our defenders, and there is evidence a number of people living in settlements on the outskirts of mariupol were also affected. >> reporter: president zelenskyy accusing russia of using, quote, phosphorous bombs and other munitions prohibited by international law. the u.s. as well as cnn teams on the ground have not yet verified that such an attack did occur. no conclusive imagery has serviced. and russia denies having chemical weapons, but mariupol has been devastating. the mayor says more than 90% of the city's infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed, and officials say russian forces have cut off crucial supplies, including water and food. >> we are currently discussing 20 to 22,000 people dead in mariupol. >> reporter: meanwhile, russia is engaged in an intense propaganda campaign, saying it is close to capturing what would be its first major ukrainian city since the war began. >> translator: as a result of successful offensive actions of the russian armed forces and the police units of the dpr, 1,026 ukrainian military personnel of the 36th brigade will lay down their arms and surrendered. >> reporter: the russian military taking some reporters on a tour of a theater where hundreds of people had been sheltered when it was hit by a air strike last month, according to ukrainian officials. >> translator: you can see for yourself what the situation in the city is. there are a lot of dead people. >> reporter: and for those still alive, a hellish landscape persists. ukrainian's government says about 180,000 people in and around the city still need to be evacuated. so far many have not been able to do so. matt rivers, cnn, lviv, ukraine. >> joining us now a professor of international law at oxford university. professor, thank you for being with us. the u.s. and the french presidents appear at odds whether russia is carrying out genocide. by way of context, joe biden did say that's what it looks like to him. he'll leave the lawyers to work out the rest. i want you to listen to emmanuel macron's reasons for not calling this a genocide. here he is. >> genocide, it carries a meaning. the ukrainian people and the russian people are brother nations. what's happening now is madness. it is of an extraordinary brutality. it's the return of war to europe. but at the same time, i look at the facts. i want to try my best to continue to be able to stop this war and rebuild peace. so i'm not sure that escalation of words serve the cause. >> would you suspect politics could be influencing both leaders here and how they use this word "genocide"? >> what i think very often leaders use the word genocide in order to evoke a particular response. in other words, what they're really trying to do, at least what president biden appears to be trying to do is to galvanize international action and to galvanize a response in relation to what is going on in ukraine. of course in terms of whether or not genocide is actually being committed, as a matter of law, you to look at what the definition under international law and look at whether the criteria for genocide have been fulfilled. >> this is from the u.n. when it comes to actual definition of genocide. to cuonstitute genocide there must be intent to destroy a national, ethical, racial or religious group. it is a special intent that makes a crime of genocide that makes the crime of genocide so unique. so what is known publicly at this point, is there at least enough evidence to begin an investigation of the possibility that genocide is taking place? >> well, the international criminal court is already investigating the situation in ukraine, and i'm sure that the prosecutors of the icc will be looking at the condition of all international crimes in ukraine. so that could be both war crimes and genocide and also crimes against humanity. so in terms of possibility, yes, of course we can discuss it. but as you pointed out, the definition of genocide under the genocide convention is very particular. it requires this intention to destroy in whole or in part the national, ethical, racial or religious group. and what's important to note is it's an intention to achieve the physical or the biological destruction of that group. so it's not just, you know, destroying as a cultural group or as a cultural entity. it's actually achieving the physical of the biological dysfunction. and that's quite a high standard to establish. and of course because this is talking about a state of mind, it's a special intent, as you called it. you have to show that those who are involved in this activity, that they have this state of mind. so you either establish that by what they say or you establish that by inference from what they have done. and that's often not easy to do. >> now you and other legal experts have prepared a special legal tribunal to prosecute times of aggression, which is use of armed force by a state against a sovereign integrity or political independence of another state or any manner inconsistent with the charter of the united nations. it can include invasion, military occupation, and annexation by the use of force, blockaded by the coast. that would seem an open and shut case. how would that investigation, how would that tribunal actually work? and who would be held accountable? >> yeah, so the crime of aggression, which is what a number of us have been speaking about in the context of the invasion of ukraine, the primary question is about the waging of war which is unlawful. and as you say, this is a open and shut case in this particular circumstance, you know. the use of force by russia against ukraine is clearly in breach of its national law. so how would it happen? well, first thing to notice that the international criminal court in the hague in general terms has jurisdiction over the crime of aggression, but does not have jurisdiction over the time of aggression in the context of russia and ukraine. and this is because russia's not a party to the statute of the international criminal court. and also because though the un security council could refer the time of aggression to the icc, russia of course would veto in this case. so what we need in this particular case is the establishment of a different international tribunal, a special tribunal to deal with the crime of aggression committed against ukraine. now you ask who would be held accountable. unlike the other international crimes like genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity, aggression is different in that it is a leadership crime. so only those who are in leadership positions in the state that has engaged in aggression can be held responsible for aggression. so it would be the leadership in russia. also potentially actually the leadership in belarus. which was complicit in this act of aggression. >> professor, thank you so much for your time. thank you for explaining the legalities and where we stand on this, especially when it comes to genocide, which is often overused but not often understood. thank you so much, sir. >> it's a pleasure. the man accused of shooting and wounding ten people on a crowded subway train in brooklyn is now in police custody. he doesn't appear to have gone on the run. in fact, as przshimon prokupecz reports, he reportedly told investigators where they could find him. >> reporter: patrol officers arresting the suspect walking the streets in new york city's east village after sources say he actually called in a tip, leading police to his general location. >> he was taken into custody without incident and has been transported to an nypd facility. we hope this arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the city of new york. >> reporter: the 62-year-old talked about violence and mass shootings and multiple rambling videos posted on youtube, including this one uploaded monday. >> i've been through a lot of [ bleep ]. what i can say, i wanted to kill people. i wanted to watch people die right in front of my [ bleep ] face immediately. but i thought about the fact that hey, man, i don't want to go to prison. >> in other videos, the subjgge said he had ptsd. >> why aren't we identifying these dangerous threats? why aren't we being more proactive, instead of waiting for this to happen? >> reporter: the videos also giving insight into the alleged shooter's path to brooklyn. leaving his home on milwaukee on march 20th, the suspect said he was heading to the, quote, danger zone. he stopped in fort wayne, pittsburgh and newark, before arriving in philadelphia on march 25th. police initially named him as a person of interest because they found a credit card and keys to a rented u-haul van at the scene. later, track down the vehicle where source say it appeared he may have send the night. he rented the van from this philadelphia store on monday. court documents say the suspect visited a philadelphia storage facility filled with ammunition and more weapons on the evening before the attack. they also show surveillance photos of the uk-haul van crossing into brooklyn. two hours later, a man matching his description left the u-haul on foot. wnbc obtained this video showing a man law enforcement believes to be the suspect and wearing similar gloeting, entering the subway system about two hours before the shooting began. investigators also linking the gun found at the scene to a purchase by the suspect sources say. and authorities have tracked the purchase of a gas max to him through an ebay account. the alleged shooter is expected to be in court later thursday afternoon. and no one in law enforcement expected this is the way the manhunt would end. the suspect calling on himself, calling crimestoppers, telling them hey, i'm at this location, come and get me. shimon prokupecz, cnn, brooklyn, new york. juliette kayyem is a cnn national security analyst and former u.s. homeland security official under the obama administration. and i spoke with her earlier and asked her to weigh in on what comes next with the subway shooting investigation. >> is going to be the more important part. he now in custody. this is going to be a familiar typical criminal indictment, and then a case. i said well, it will look very familiar. the more interesting piece in play is what they're going to indict him with. as we heard in the press conference with the nypd, they are going to bring what's called terrorism charges. it's under the patriot act. this is the post-9/11 statute created. and it permits a federal indictment against someone who uses terrorism or other forms of violence to disrupt mass transit. and what we don't know yet, and i think that the nypd has to be clearer about this, what we don't know yet is was there a political or other form of terrorism, moeflgts, or is this someone with a lot of mental issues or other issues that led him to violence. and those are important differences, because in a country that takes counterterrorism seriously, you don't want to -- you don't want to overuse terrorism charges or the terrorism word even for that matter. >> yeah. and of course the biggest question is the why, the motive. >> yeah. >> but the other question, after all of this, why do you think the suspect called police himself to let them know where he they could find him? >> yeah, i had suspected this and i talked about his exit strategy. one way to look at all the weaponry he had, everything from that machete to the explosives to the fireworks is that he didn't have an intention of leaving, that this might have been something that he anticipated that he would die. and therefore, the last 24 hours have been him sort of just waiting to be caught in some way. because this wasn't a well planned out attack in the sense like he didn't -- it wasn't clear what his strategy was in terms of an exit. he is just a few miles from the subway. he hasn't gone anywhere. so that's one explanation that the police will look into. the other is that he knew he couldn't get away and therefore he calls it in. >> cnn national security analyst juliette kayyem talking to me earlier. frank james is due to maybe his initial court appearance later today. we'll go live to ukraine after a short break where ukrainian forces say they have struck a russian warship in the black sea. but moscow is telling a different story. look, this isn't my first roo and let me tell you something, i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. it's just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, it's helped over a million americans. a reverse mortgage loan isn't some kind of trick to take your home. it's a loan, like any other. big difference is how you pay it back. find out how reverse mortgages really work with aag's free, no-obligation reverse mortgage guide. eliminate monthly mortgage payments, pay bills, medical costs, and more. call now and get your free info kit. other mortgages are paid each month, but with a reverse mortgage, you can pay whatever you can, when it works for you, or, you can wait, and pay it off in one lump sum when you leave your home. discover the option that's 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(soft music) ♪ 23 minutes past the hour. welcome back, everyone. ukrainian fighters claiming what could be a major win in the black sea. they say the neptune anti-ship muscles to cause serious damage to the moskva, flagship of the russian black fleet in the black sea. russia claiming a different story, saying a fire ignited ignition. cnn cannot verify either claim. so what is the situation here? what is likely and what do we know about this? >> well, john, it's worth pointing out this is extremely difficult to verify. we haven't been able to locate the ship in the weather because the weather has prevented the satellite imagery of this. conflicting reports is what we've got. russia saying a fire broke out on the ship with undetonated ammunition. the ukrainian administrator of the odesa region saying hours before we heard from russia that it was two neptune missiles that hit the ship. if that is true, it would be a huge coupe for ukraine that the moskva, the flagship of russia's black sea fleet. the ukrainian also said it was the same ship that was involved in the altercation of the first day of the russian invasion where the ship sort of approached snake island, which is also in the black sea, and the ukrainian soldiers on the island told it obscenely to go back where it came from. they've now made postage stamps about this. so look, we don't know what happened. both sides do agree that this ship has been severely damaged. that is bad news for russia, whatever the circumstance is. >> absolutely. thank you, clare sebastian live for us from london. appreciate that. russian artillery is operating nonstop to try and soften the fences. hen we come back, our cnn crew is in kharkiv to show you what it takes to survive under constant attttack. comfortable all night. it's also tememperature balancing, o you stay cool. it't's so smart it knows exactly how long, how well, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our 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vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm john vause in lviv. it's just gone 10:30 here. now the latest on russia's war on ukrainian. moscow building up its forces for a potential new assault on eastern ukraine, setting the stage for a protracted battle that is likely to inflict heavy losses on both sides. and the french believe that invasion could happen in the next few days. meantime, the fight for the besieged city of mariupol is now at a critical stage. russia claims it's already captured mariupol's commercial seaport and more than a thousand ukrainian marines have surrendered. at least two units have linked up to bolster their defenses. cnn is not in mariupol. we cannot confirm any of these reports. and one of russia's most important warships is either floating abandoned or at the bottom of the black sea. a ukrainian official says the moskva has been hit by missiles. but russia claims the ship was evacuated after a fire on bourdette nated ammunition. cnn cannot verify either report. but artillery fire and missile strikes continue to target ukraine's second biggest city ahead of an offense in the east. at least seven civilians have been killed. others wounded in just the past 24 hours. nima elbagir is there. >> reporter: desolate, bare, lifeless. this is what it looks like after weeks of relentless russian shelling. saltivka, the most densely populated district in kharkiv. it's being bombed day after day, night after night. there are very few people left. the elderly mostly. one man stayed behind to keep his mother safe. igor says that he lives on the 16th floor of one of these buildings with his mother. he says his mother is deeply religious and deeply committed to staying here, even though they're almost entirely surrounded. and she won't leave so he won't leave. but this is a front line under renewed pressure. the russians are pushing hard. that is so close. those are russian positions. they are shelling towards us. we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. this is their route into kharkiv and then on in ukraine. for now this is the front line. that can change any moment now. they are trying as hard as they can to push that frontline inwards. the soldiers want to show us more evidence of the heavy bombardment. the soldiers want us to move very quickly because russian snipers are operating in this area. we have got to move. the rumble you hear is the constant shelling. the shelling's just been absolutely relentless. from the moment we arrived, we have been hearing it. we have to be careful where with we have to be careful where we also dispersing mines from the rockets they are sending over in here the shelling has intensified over the last few days. regional issues told cnn this is evidence of the renewed russian' military push. yeah, let's go. so, from where we are, we are pretty much surrounded by russian troops on three sides. tens of thousands of russian troops are believed to be amassing to come into kharkiv, to come into ukraine from this direction. we've got to move. the soldiers wanted us out of there. it was becoming too intense. just 30 minutes later, we saw why. this warehouse is in the south. of saltivka. it took a direct hit. this is an area that, after the initial aborted invasion, has been beyond the reach of russian ground troops. but now, once again, nowhere is safe. nima elbagir, cnn, kharkiv. there is so much grief here there so much sadness, and there has been so much loss already, because across ukraine there are mothers who are grieving for their chirp. and what you're to be see, i know you have already seen this because we've played it a few times. but there is this mother who has found out that her son is dead. he is at the bottom of a well. it's in a village west of kyiv. and a warn. what you're about to see is truly -- it's heartbreaking. [ crying ] she recognizes his shoes. she cries "my little son, my little son." she knew his shoes. rosemary, back to you. >> just unbearable scenes, john. thank you so much for covering that, and take good care. stay safe. well, blizzards, wildfire, tornadoes, they are all part of a storm system that's been pummelling much of the u.s. for days. we will have an update on where the system is moving next. and north korea is getting ready to mark a major anniversary, and usually does so in a very provocative way. we are live in seoul with the details. buried in receipts, invoices and other paperwork that's preventing you from doing what matters most? then get the all new epson rapidreipt smart organizer to scan, digitize and organize your documes and receipts. receip go in, and stress goes away. it's the only solution on the market specifically designed to extract and digitize key data trapped on receipts and invoices. and it integrates with financial software like quickbooks and turbotax. transform paper documents like contracts, tax records, warranties, wills, even recipes into searchable pdfs. so the information is always right at your fingertips, safe and secure. you can even turn business cards into digital contacts, and it scans up to 100 pages at a time. even different sizes in one batch. with this exclusive tv offer, you'll get the epson rapidreceipt smart organizer and over $300 in added value! act now and save up to $100 for a limited time. this rapidreceipt has made a huge difference. it categorizes everything for me. it puts everything into the right files. i don't misplace a thing anymore. no more losing receipts means no more losing money. people everywhere love the epson rapidreceipt. organized at last and made so simple. you can use this for both business and household. that's the smartest move i ever made for my business. it even helps organize me for taxes and expenses. there's even a mobile rapidreceipt you can use when you're on the go! this has changed everything. as soon as i get a receipt i just scan it, and store it away immediately right here into the laptop, no matter where i am. with this exclusive tv offer, you'll get a mobile or desktop epson rapidreceipt smart organizer, and over $300 in added value. act now and save up to $100 for a limited time. go online or call to get an epson rapidreceipt smart organizer delivered right to your door. i came, i scanned, i conquered. epson rapidreceipt - visit or call. piece of cake baby! and we have this just in. ukraine has announced nine humanitarian corridors will be open today to help civilians escape areas of fighting. four will help people reach safety in zaporizhzhia, and five other evacuation routes will open in the luhansk region. on wednesday there were no corridors open. ukrainian authorities say russian forces were violating the ceasefire and blocking buses. back in the united states, millions of americans can breathe a sigh of relief after a series of tornado watches expired wednesday night. they stretch from illinois to texas as a storm system affected much of the central u.s., several tornadoes were reported tuesday, including this one that injured at least 23 people in bell county, texas. it also damaged more than 60 homes. and for more on all of this, pedram javaheri joins us now from cnn's weather center. good to see you, pedram. what the latest on this and where is this storm headed next? >> the evening seaboard. we do expect the tornado threat really to diminish over the next few hours and only five in the grand scheme of things a limited number considering how many significant wind reports we had. over 220 of them scattered about a wide area of here with winds that were gusting as much as 60 to 70 miles per hour. we had major damage, major power outages, thunderstorms abound here, would you believe it? over a 12-hour span. 106,000 lightning strikes across this region in an area of storms that stretched about 800 miles. so not surprising to see some of these storms produce tornadoes. and of course we saw those reports, five reports of tornadoes in the past 24 or so hours. but incredibly, the run of tornados across the united states has been as remarkable as it gets. look at the month of march. on average bringing 80 tornadoes. we saw a historic 292 preliminary reports of tornadoes. in the first 13 days 129 tornadoes reported. 155 is the average. mind you, we still have upwards of two plus weeks left before the month is over. notice the storm's now beginning to taper off. significant rainfall in place. some of these areas, two, three, even five plus inches of rainfall with flooding in place there. high pressure building on the back side of it. there is the storm system now pushing off the eastern seaboard. and yes, a level 2 on a scale of 1 to 5 for severe weather still into thursday afternoon, includes the city of philadelphia and new york. the good news out of all of this is no tornado risk. very limited for that. notice damaging winds and hail becoming the primary threats now for thursday afternoon storms. rosemary? >> pedram javaheri, thank you so much for wrapping all of that. we appreciate it. more than 300 people are dead after what officials call one of the worst storms south africa has ever seen. heavy rain, flooding, and mud slides have pummelled parts of the east coast since monday, destroying homes, roads, and bridges. there are also widespread power outages. rescuers have been working to evacuate the affected communities. north korea is preparing to celebrate a major anniversary. friday marks 110 years since the birth of its founding father, kim il sung. and the festivities for the so-called day of the sun often involve weapons. cnn's paula hancocks is standing by live in seoul. she joins us now. so paula, what are the expectations here? how likely is it that north korea will launch another missile test during this time? >> well, rosemary, with all things north korea, we will only find out for sure when they decide they want to tell us. but i think what most observers are looking at this point is there could well be some kind of parade. certainly there have been festivities in the days running up to friday. the 110th birth anniversary of the country's founder. it's more significant even than usual. it's always the biggest day in north korea for the year. but the fact that it ends in either a zero or a 5 is always a bigger deal for north korea. so what observers are looking at is whether there are going to be weapons within this parade, whether there are going to be new weapons systems throughout the parade. but we already know exactly what north korea and kim jong-un would like to be showing. >> kim jong-un knows what weapons and missiles systems he wants to perfect. and so do we because he has told us. in january last year, he gave one of the most detailed military reports in north korea's history according to state-run media. his five-year wish list. since then, he has been systematically working through it. >> the north koreans have really i think laid out an ambitious agenda for a military modernization. and it proves to be very credible. >> reporter: among the systems already at least partially tested according to pyongyang pyongyang, a hypersonic glide vehicle, which if perfected, could evade defense systems. it's a big if. only the u.s., russia and china currently have this capability. a military reconnaissance satellite. necessary, pyongyang says, to keep an eye on the u.s. and its allies. elements were tested earlier this year but the pentagon believes the space launch is a cover for a test of a new intercontinental-ballistic missile system. a 15,000-kilometer icbm. that's 9,300 miles. which could reach mainland united states and beyond. an icbm tested march 24th came closer to this than ever before but south korean officials doubt pyongyang's claims it was their most recently unveiled hwasong 17. missile experts say a test of that weapon may have failed a week earlier. >> given the shape of this warhead, it is likely to be a mirv, an icbm with multiple warheads. and also it was fired on the normal trajectory, it can hit anywhere on the continental united states. >> reporter: and tactical nuclear weapons. >> because kim jong un has spoken quite explicitly about tactical-nuclear weapons. these are the kind of nuclear weapons that are designed to be put on small artillery rockets and smaller, short-range ballistic missiles. >> reporter: the next test expected at any time may approximate smaller than the last from 2017. tremors which could be felt in neighboring china and south korea. tests which surely attract international attention but kim jong un also has a domestic audience. >> to cover up the economic failure, he need to show up another achievement. i think a weapon program that he can be very proud of. >> reporter: time wise, kim jong un may be in the most ideal testing environment in his more than ten years in power. the world's attention is on russia's invasion of ukraine and the chances of russia or china side being the u.s. and the united nations security council to sanction north korea are next to zero. >> there is just no chance of any kind of u.n. security council sanctioned action. the u.n. security council can even condemn north korea's latest icbm test in unison. >> which means that most observers you speak to do agree there is going to be plenty more testing coming up. in fact, january is already in the record books for the number of missile launches. also, the uss abraham lincoln, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is currently in korean waters, waters just off the peninsula in an apparent show of force, just before this big anniversary, and will probably move away just after it. so certainly every eye is on north korea to see what, if anything of weapons systems they're going to unveil. rosemary? >> all right. paula hancocks joining us from seoul. many thanks. and we'll be right back. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80, what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling. so call now for free information. 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(soft piano music) china is struggling to contain the surge of the ultra contagious omicron variant of coronavirus. a new report shows at least 44 chinese cities are now under full or partial lockdown. despite china's zero covid policy, it's logged more than 350,000 new infections since early last month. most of them in shanghai, which is enduring the country's most severe lockdown. meanwhile, hong kong is beginning its first phase of reopening as cases decline there. one week from now places like g gyms and salons will back in business. groups of four people will be allowed to gather instead of just two. the world has reached another staggering covid milestone. half a billion people have now been infected with the virus since the pandemic began. according to the latest data from johns hopkins university. i want you to take a look at this graph. it took just over a year for the world to hit 100 million cases. then less than 200 days to reach 200 million. since then, each new milestone has been reached much more quickly. now we're at 500 million. but many believe the real number is much higher. well, for the first time since the start of the pandemic, the cdc predicts the u.s. will record one million deaths from the coronavirus, and it says that's likely to happen by early next month. according to johns hopkins, the virus has already killed more than 987,000 people in the united states. but despite the looming milestone, the number of newly reported deaths is forecast to decrease over the next month. the cdc also announced wednesday that it's extending the federal transportation mask mandate for another 15 days. that means masks will still be needed on planes, trains and other public transportation until at least may 3rd. i'm rosemary church. thank you so much for spending part of your day with me. our breaking news coverage continues with max foster in london after a short break. if you're a small business, there are lots of choices when it comes to your internet and technology needs. but when you choose comcast business internet, you choose the largest, fastest reliable network. you choose advanced security. and you choose fiber solutions with speeds up to 10 gigs to the most small businesses. make your business future ready with the network from the most innovative company. get internet and voice for $49.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. and ask how to get up to a $650 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. hello, and a warm welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and all around the world. i'm max foster in london. the man who shot inside a new york city subway is set to appear in court in the coming hours. details on the tip that led to his arrest and the investigation to find the motive. plus this --

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World , Book , Author , Kit , Christian , Publisher , Viewers , John Vause , United States , Lviv , Is Cnn , Around The World , Breaking News , Genocide , Eastern Ukraine , President , Russian , Rosemary Church , Atrocities , Reaction , Ally , Preak , One , Tip , Police , Court , Evidence , Arrest , Shooting Subject , Led , Trail , New York Subway , Atlanta , Forces , Attacks , Details , Strikes , Decision Making Centers , Territory , Sabotage , Acts , Moscow , Russian Armed Forces , Region , Capital , News , Offensive , Scale , North , French Military , Spokesperson , Ministry Of Defense , Donbas , Ten , Two , Missiles , Damage , Fighters , Flagship , Gains , Cnn , Fire , Account , Claim , South , Black Sea , Fleet , Guided Missile Cruiser , State Media Disputing , Soldiers , Marines , Video , Port City Of Mariupol , State Television , A Thousand , City , Quote , Areas , Kharkiv , Cluster Munitions , Images On Social Media , U N , Until The End , Explosions , Security Package , Firepower , War Crime , Pleading , Nato , Washington , 800 Million , 00 Million , Helicopters , Gunships , Evangelical , Call On Tuesday , Soviet , Mi 17 , 17 , Equipment , Package , Military Equipment , Fuel , Armored Personnel Carrier , European Union , 544 Million , 44 Million , All My Life , Aid , Images , Video Message , Appeal , Zelenskyy , Supplies , Russians , Intentions , Artillery , Vehicles , Force Of Arms , Air Defense Systems , Love , War Crimes , Presidents , Show , Anything , Support , Aircraft , Combat , Poland , Lithuania , Latvia , Estonia , Troops , Correspondents , Conflict , Reporter , Situation , Mariupol , Offensive Bombardment , Rivers , Angle , Nima Elbagir , La Viv , New York City , Coast , Symbol , Officials , Government , Keyport , Goals , Resistance , Fight , Units , Message , Aide , Mariupol Have , Facebook , Weapons , Translator , Positions , Ukrainians , Chemical Agent , Accusations , Chemical Attack , People , Number , Defenders , Agent , Bombs , Munitions , Outskirts , Settlements , Phosphorous , Attack , International Law , Ground , Imagery , Teams , Mayor , 90 , Water , Food , Infrastructure , War , Propaganda Campaign , Result , 22000 , 20 , Police Units , Actions , Arms , Ukrainian Military Personnel , 36th Brigade , Dpr , 36 , 1026 , Reporters , Hit , Air Strike , Theater , Tour , Hundreds , Lot , Landscape , Many , 180000 , Professor , Matt Rivers , Oxford University , French , Way , Context , Joe Biden , Rest , Emmanuel Macron , Lawyers , Reasons , Say , Brother Nations , Meaning , Brutality , Return , Madness , Best , Escalation , Facts , Peace , Rebuild , Europe , Word , Leaders , Words , Politics , Cause , Response , Action , Order , Relation , Course , Matter , Law , Definition , Terms , Whether , Criteria , Intent , Place , Crime , Investigation , Point , Group , Possibility , National , Prosecutors , International Criminal Court , Condition , Crimes , Crimes Against Humanity , Yes , Part , Intention , Note , Genocide Convention , Physical , Destruction , Entity , Dysfunction , Special Intent , Activity , State Of Mind , Inference , Aggression , Force , Tribunal , Estate , Use , Times , Integrity , Experts , Independence , Military Occupation , Charter , Manner , Annexation , Case , Accountable , Circumstance , Invasion , Question , Waging , Thing , Jurisdiction , Breach , Hague , Party , Statute Of The International Criminal Court , Un Security Council , Establishment , Leadership Crime , Humanity , Leadership , Act , Legalities , Belarus , Man , Subway , Shooting , Brooklyn , Train , Pleasure , Sir , Fact , Investigators , On The Run , Przshimon Prokupecz Reports , Police Custody , Suspect , Sources , Custody , Location , Streets , East Village , Officers , Videos , Violence , Shootings , Facility , Nypd , Incident , Victims , Solace , Youtube , 62 , Prison , Bleep , Front Of My , Threats , Aren T , Ptsd , Aren T We , Subjgge , Home , Shooter , Proactive , Waiting , Insight , Path , On March 20th , Milwaukee , Danger Zone , March 20th , Credit Card , Scene , Vehicle , Keys , Track , Philadelphia , Rented U Haul Van , A Person Of Interest , Fort Wayne , On March 25th , Pittsburgh , Newark , 25 , March 25th , Ammunition , Store , Van , Evening , Philadelphia Storage Facility , Source , Court Documents , Van Crossing , Uk , Surveillance Photos , Subway System , Foot , Description , Gloeting , U Haul , Man Law Enforcement , Wnbc , Law Enforcement , Purchase , No One , Authorities , Gun , Gas , Ebay , Calling , Calling Crimestoppers , Manhunt , Shimon Prokupecz , Analyst , Juliette Kayyem , Administration , Cnn National Security , Earlier , Homeland Security , Subway Shooting Investigation , Obama , Indictment , Terrorism Charges , Piece , Press Conference , Play , Patriot Act , Someone , Terrorism , Statute , Transit , Forms , 9 11 , Issues , Moeflgts , Country , Motive , Differences , Counterterrorism , Why , Don T Want To , Exit Strategy , Something , Everything , Weaponry , Fireworks , Explosives , Machete , Leaving , 24 , Wasn T , Strategy , Sense , Wasn T A , He Hasn T , Anywhere , Other , Explanation , Exit , Frank James , Court Appearance , Story , Warship , Isn T My First Roo , Wouldn T , Loan , Mortgages , Homeowners , Advantage , Senior , A Million , Difference , Aag , Kind , Trick , More , Mortgage Payments , Info , Reverse Mortgage Guide , Pay Bills , Costs , Reverse Mortgage , Option , Lump Sum , Family , Cash , Stay , Reverse Mortgage Loan Guide , Heart And Soul , Expenses , Investment , Healthcare , Portfolio , Everyone , Reverse Mortgages , Round , Trust Aag , Son , Care , Granny , Reverse Mortgage Solutions , Mama , Casserole , Ooh , Life Insurance , Doesn T , Mom , Funeral , Bill , Collection , Uncle Joe S Funeral , Aunt Adele , 9000 , 000 , Plan , Funeral Expenses , Colonial Penn , Tv , 95 , 995 , 9 95 , Business , Money , Excuse , Ma , Health Questions , Acceptance , Health Reason , Lifetime Coverage , 85 , 50 , Information , Lifetime Rate Lock , Rate , Insurance , Life , Same , Music , Premiums , Welcome Back , Win , 23 , Muscles , Russian Black Fleet , Fire Ignited Ignition , Reports , Ship , Weather , We Haven T , Satellite Imagery , Pointing , Administrator , Odesa , Coupe , Altercation , Black Sea Fleet , Sides , Island , Postage Stamps , Snake Island , London , Clare Sebastian , Crew , Fences , Hen , Sleep Number , Miss , Sleep , Don T , O You , Science , Weekend Special , Constant Attttack , Tememperature Balancing , Stay Cool , It T S , Interest , Smart Bed , Sleepnumber Com , Plus 0 , 1000 , Things , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , Nothing , Skin , Hand In , 4 , 3 , It , Starter Doses , 2 , 1 , 10 , 9 , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Risk , Vaccine , Ability , Tuberculosis , Treatment , Sweats , Fevers , Chills , Symptoms , Coughs , Dermatologist , Stage , In Lviv , War On Ukrainian , Battle , Assault , Cnn Newsroom , 30 , Losses , Defenses , Seaport , Ukrainian , Bottom , Warships , Missile , Report , Artillery Fire , Offense , East , Bourdette Nated , Civilians , Others , Desolate , Lifeless , Bare , Seven , Shelling , District , Night After , Saltivka , Mother , Safe , Igor , Buildings , Elderly , 16th Floor , 16 , Front Line , Pressure , Route , Bombardment , Frontline Inwards , Area , Rumble , Snipers , Rockets , Mines , Let S Go , Military Push , Ukraine , Tens Of Thousands , Three , Warehouse , Direction , Reach , Nowhere , Mothers , Sadness , Grief , Loss , Chirp , Warn , Well , Village West , Heartbreaking , My Little Son , Shoes , Scenes , Stay Safe , North Korea , System , Storm System , Tornadoes , Blizzards , Much , Update , Pummelling , Wildfire , Anniversary , Seoul , Receipts , Receip Go In , Digitize , Invoices , Smart Organizer , Documes , Paperwork , Epson Rapidreipt , Data , Software , Stress , Solution , Market , Paper Documents , Quickbooks , Turbotax , Contracts , Business Cards , Tax Records , Wills , Recipes , Warranties , Fingertips , Contacts , Searchable Pdfs , 100 , Rapidreceipt Smart , Organizer , Tv Offer , Value , Epson , Batch , Sizes , 00 , 300 , Epson Rapidreceipt , Files , Losing , I Don T Misplace , Household , Move , Taxes , Go , Receipt , Laptop , Desktop , Door , Baby , Visit Buyrapidreceipt Com , Corridors , Fighting , Nine , Evacuation Routes , Safety , Luhansk Region , Zaporizhzhia , Five , Four , Tornado , Back , Buses , Ceasefire , Millions , Sigh , Series , Relief , Texas , Illinois , Homes , Bell County , 60 , Storm , Pedram Javaheri , Weather Center , Winds , Tornado Threat , Scheme , Gusting , Wind , 220 , Storms , Lightning Strikes , Power Outages , Thunderstorms , 70 , 800 , 12 , 106000 , Run , Tornados , Some , Average , Month Of March , 80 , 13 , 129 , 155 , 292 , Flooding , Rainfall , Back Side , High Pressure , Tornado Risk , Level , Eastern Seaboard , 5 , Afternoon Storms , South Africa , Parts , Destroying Homes , Slides , Roads , Bridges , Rescuers , East Coast , Mud , Heavy Rain , Festivities , Birth , Kim Il Sung , Communities , Sun , 110 , Missile Test , Expectations , Paula , Live In Seoul , Paula Hancocks Is Standing , Parade , Observers , Birth Anniversary , Founder , Zero , Kim Jong Un , Weapons Systems , Deal , Showing , Military Reports , Agenda , History , Wish List , Modernization , State Run Media , Pyongyang , Systems , Defense Systems , Big , If , China , Hypersonic Glide Vehicle , Test , Icbm , Eye , Cover , Space Launch , Military Reconnaissance Satellite , Allies , Elements , Capability , Pentagon , 9300 , 15000 , Weapon , Beyond , South Korean , March 24th , Hwasong 17 , Missile Experts , Warheads , Warhead , Mirv , Shape , Trajectory , Artillery Rockets , Tremors , Attention , Tests , Last , Felt , Audience , 2017 , 2017 Tremors , Weapon Program , Time Wise , Failure , Achievement , Chance , Power , Chances , Ideal Testing Environment , China Side , Icbm Test , Unison , Testing , Aircraft Carrier , Missile Launches , Books , Uss Abraham Lincoln , Waters , Peninsula , Thanks , Paula Hancocks , Budget , Program , Ps , Price , Increase , 54 , Coverage , Medications , 65 , Beneficiary Planner , Reason , Exam , Grandkids , Piano Music , Hunch , Narrator , Screen , Living Expenses , Bills , Idea , Advisor , Michael , Retirement Money , Free , Hassle Reverse Mortgage Guide , Mortgage Company , Payments , Representative , Connection , Chuckles , Companies , The One , Everything Come True , Feeling , Jack , Grandson , The Street , Don T Wait , Lockdown , Surge , Zero Covid Policy , Cities , Contagious Omicron Variant Of Coronavirus , Ultra , 44 , Hong Kong , Phase , Most , Shanghai , 350000 , Cases , Groups , Reopening , G Gyms , Salons , Virus , Pandemic , Covid Milestone , A Billion , Milestone , Look , Graph , Johns Hopkins University , 200 , 100 Million , 200 Million , Cdc , Deaths , Time , Start , Coronavirus , One Million , 500 Million , 987000 , Transportation Mask Mandate , 15 , Breaking News Coverage , Transportation , Planes , Break , Masks , Spending , Max Foster In London , May 3rd , Internet , Network , Business Internet , Small Business , Largest , Choices , Technology , Needs , Lots , Security , Businesses , Fiber Solutions , Company , Gigs , Speeds , Voice , 49 99 , 9 99 , Price Guarantee , Card , Bundle , 650 , All Around The World , Hello , Set ,

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