Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

ukrainian capital kyiv saying so-called decision-making centers will be targeted if ukrainian forces continue to plan access of sabotage and commit military strikes. but it's been two weeks now since rurgz forces retreated from the north after failing to take the capital. the french military now saying a large-scale russian offensive in the donbas region could within days, possibly ten days but a spokesperson also says russian forces are yet to make any significant territorial gains in the east. meantime, ukrainian fighters claim to have used neptune anti-ship missiles to cause serious damage to the flagship of the russian fleet in the black sea but russian-state media disputes this, saying a fire detonated ammunition onboard this guided missile cruiser and was evacuated. cnn, though, cannot verify either claim. and to the south, russia claims more than a thousand ukrainian marines have surrendered in the besieged port sea of mariupol. these images aired on russian state television. cnn is not in mariupol and ca cannot confirm. and in the city of kharkiv, images on social media appears to show explosions from cluster munitions in civilian areas. the u.n. says such attacks may mount to war crimes. for weeks now, ukraine's president has been pleading for heavier firepower from the international community, ask now the u.s. finally ready to deliver with a new $800 million security package. notably, it includes almost a dozen made soviet-era helicopters which can also be used as gunships. that's something zelenskyy asked specifically of president biden. anti-tank missiles, armored personnel carriers, protective equipment to guide against chemical attacks and european union announced its own military aid package with $544 million, including military equipment, fuel, first aid kits. >> translator: the images of bucha and mariupol have demonstrated real russians' intentions to the whole world. it could only be stopped by force of arms. it must be done now. ukraine needs weapon supplies. we need heavy artillery, armed vehicles, air-defense systems, and combat aircraft. anything to repel russian forces and stop their war crimes. meantime, in a show of support, the presidents of poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia, traveled to meet with zelenskyy. they discussed aid for ukraine and offered help to investigate ongoing war crimes. as russian forces continue to build up, preparing for a new potentially protracted assault on eastern ukraine, many people who live in that region say they are not going anywhere. cnn's ben wedeman has this report. >> reporter: all is not quiet on ukraine's eastern front. not far from the town, russian mortars warn of what's to come. ukrainian officials say the offensive in the donbas region, the eastern part of ukraine, has begun. perhaps, it has. or perhaps, this is the softening up before the onslaught. among ukrainian troops, bravado. this officer gives a more sober assessment. the russians are building up for an attack. they're coming and coming and coming, the lieutenant tells me. we are not in an easy situation. russian shelling tuesday killed three people, including a 16-year-old girl according to the town mayor who has been urging residents to leave. but the stubborn few wait for supplies. this is our town, insists delina. we are staying here. we know our soldiers are protecting us. she looks to a higher power. we we pray to god, she says, maybe he will save us you will. 83-year-old elizabeth sits outside her home. she, too, is staying put. my son's wife is scared and will probably leave today, she says. but i'm not afraid. and then, off she goes on her bicycle, gathering storm be damned. ben wedeman, cnn, eastern ukraine. >> joining me now from washington, david sater, german scholar and author of darkness at dawn, the rise of the russian criminal state. mr. saider, thank you for your time. there is no shortage of examples of russia trying to create this link between nazis and the ukr ukrainian government. last week as the world was finding out about atrocities in bucha, in moscow, the ultra nationalist liberal democratic party proposed a law that would officially recognize the genocide of ethnic russians by ukraine providing no evidence of this widely-debunked myth. a few weeks before that, the chairman of russia's lower house said they would send evidence of acts of torture of civilians by kyiv to european governments quoted as saying this. you realize more and more the situation in ukraine with neo-nazi ideology prevails among authorities, they beat people tied to stakes in the streets with sticks, kidnap children for blackmail, use civilians as human shelds. it's almost word for word the crimes committed by the russian military in ukraine. but how deep does this myth run, that ukraine is a nazi regime prosecuting russians and russians speakers? >> well, they have been saying this for eight years. and this is what they have been feeding their population. this is the way they organized russian population for war against a neighboring people, to whom they have no bad feelings, in fact. and many of them are connected to the ukrainians by family ties. this is the way in which they disguise the fact that they are making war not just on the ukrainians but making war on the russians them. they are being used as canon fodder and they are trying in the thousands and for nothing. >> this has been pilt up over the last eight years without any real proof. what are the chances of trying to convince russians now that it's just not true? >> well, there are ways. for one thing, the message is getting through because people have cell phones and there -- there are still some avenues of communication. youtube is still working. telegram -- telegram is working. the -- um -- the -- the fact is that even forbidden sites can be accessed with the help of vpn. but most important, people in russia understand that their government lies to them. right now, what is motivating them, at least in part, is kind of nationalist fervor. but that's -- that's going to dissipate. this -- these -- these horrendous casualties that they are suffering are are going to have an effect. and -- and so will -- so will the economic sanctions. but what -- what we really need to do in the west is start using every means that we have to talk about the putin regime's real crimes and its real atrocities because russians need to understand they are being used by this regime. they are just as much the victims as the ukrainians. >> yeah. in terms of military assistance, this new aid package from the united states will include artillery, armored vehicles, and helicopters. here is a little more now from pentagon spokesman john kirby. listen to this. >> it is the first time that we've provided these 155 and again that's reflective of the kind of fighting the ukrainians are expecting to be -- to be faced here with this little bit more confined geographic area. they specifically asked for fire support and that -- and specifically asked for artillery support. >> specifically, asked for helicopters which seems to be one short step away from providing some sort of fighter jet cover as well. when would you expect to see maybe fighter planes, these migs which poland offered earlier being sent to ukraine? >> well, i think as -- very soon, in light of the kind of atrocities that are being committed against the civilian population. the ukrainian armed forces need -- need this equipment to defend their own country. the war is going on in ukraine, not in russia. and so, there shouldn't be any hesitation. but even -- even the equally important, if not more important, is to do something to cut off the flow of money to russia. and that means an embargo on oil and gas. that -- that, in combination with the ukrainians' resistance, can i think bring this war to a rapid end. but as long as they are getting more than a billion dollars a day in revenue -- oil and gas revenue, they can continue -- the russians can continue to fight and the ukrainians will continue to suffer. >> david, we appreciate your expertise. also appreciate your time ask being with us today. thank you, sir. let's go back to kim at cnn world headquarters in atlanta. >> thanks so much, john. the man accused of shooting and wounding ten people on a crowded subway train in brooklyn is now in police custody. he doesn't appear to have gone on the run. in fact, as shimon prokupecz reports, he apparently told investigators where they could find him. >> reporter: patrol officers arresting the suspect walking the streets in new york city's east village after sources say he actually called in a tip leading police to his general location. >> he was taken into custody without incident. and has been transported to an nypd facility. we hope this arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the city of new york. >> reporter: the 62-year-old talked about violence and mass shootings in multiple rambling videos posted on youtube, including this one uploaded monday. >> i been through a lot of [ bleep ]. where i can say i wanted to kill people. i wanted to watch them die right in front of my [ bleep ] face. but i thought about the fact, hey man, i don't want to go to prison. >> in other videos, he said he has ptsd, ranted about race, homelessness, and mayor eric adams. adams telling cnn. >> why aren't we identifying dangerous threats? why aren't we being more proactive? >> the videos also giving insight into the alleged shooter's path to brooklyn. leaving his home in milwaukee on march 20th, the suspect said he was heading to the, quote, danger zone. he then stopped in fort wayne, pittsburgh, and newark, before arriving in philadelphia on march 25th. police, initially, named him as a person of interest because they found a credit card and keys to a rented u-haul van at the scene. later, tracking down the vehicle where sources say it appeared he may have spent the night. he rented the van from this philadelphia store on monday. court documents say the suspect visited a philadelphia storage facility filled with ammunition and more weapons on the evening before the attack. they, also, show surveillance photos of the u-haul van crossing into brooklyn at 4:11 a.m. two hours later, a man matching the alleged shooter's description, wearing a hardhat and construction vest, left the u-haul on foot. wnbc obtained this video showing a man law enforcement believes to be the suspect. and wearing similar clothing entering the subway system about two hours before the shooting began. investigators also linking the gun found at the scene to autho tracked -- the alleged shooter is expected to be in court later thursday afternoon. and of course, no one in law enforcement expected this is the way the manhunt weekend. the suspect calling on himself, calling crime-stoppers, telling them hey, i am at this location. come and get me. shimon prokupecz, cnn, prook li brooklyn, new york. >> for more on the story, let's bring in bobby chacon, who is retired fbi special agent and he joins me now from palm springs, california. thanks so much for being here with us. so, um, the authorities say they shrunk the suspect's world. seem to be taking credit for apprehending him but in the end, as we just heard there, he effectively turned himself in and that's after not really hiding his tracks. as we heard there, he try to get away in any traditional sense. he was walking around the city. so many are asking why weren't the authorities able to find him first? perhaps, much earlier? >> well, he didn't go back to any of the locations they knew of. philadelphia, i think wisconsin and some other places. so he actually stayed so close, that sometimes with when -- when we throw ow the net, we throw it out further thinking the person probably tried to get away. and -- and -- and there they are, right next to or very close to the incident site. so i think that i think we probably had more people looking for him in philadelphia and wisconsin possibly than we did in lower manhattan. although, i'm sure every nypd roll call this morning, officers were shown pictures of this guy, be on the lookout. so i think he was in a place they didn't expect him to be. and that's -- you know, as -- as odd as that sounds that close to the incident site is not where you would expect somebody like this to be. i certainly, as of yesterday or when i went to bed last night, thought he probably had left the state already and was probably on his way somewhere out of state. um, and he certainly had the time that he could have done that. now, why he stayed so close, you know, i don't know. i was -- i was hoping if that were the case, that he wasn't hellbent on suicide by cop or something like that, which it turns out, it doesn't look like he was. >> thank goodness for that. so -- but overall, obviously, his behavior has been very odd. you -- you've seen some of the -- the videos he posted professing some of his bizarre and racist ideology. do you think he's a domestic terrorist? >> you know, he could fit the description. i have been looking at that all day and i have been looking at statutes on domestic terrorism. you know, some of the more radical nationalist ideology does lean in that direction and we have seen people readicalized online. lone wolf, so to speak, radicalized online with just consuming things like i know he distributed a louis farrakhan video and consuming videos like that can actually get certain people that are susceptible to that kind of radicalization down that road. now, the odd thing to me is that if he was going to do that, he did espouse a race war. he said black people shouldn't even be in contact with each other. so he did have some of that. but he picked a target that was very diverse. i mean, that neighborhood in brooklyn where that train station is and where that train runs through is -- is a working-class, multicultural, multiethnic neighborhood. so you would -- you would think that if he espoused this anti-white view, so to speak, that he would have targeted a different victim set and in this case, he didn't. so, it is really odd. some of it doesn't make sense yet. some of it may never make sense because you are dealing with possibly with an irrational person. >> but if we are turning toward sort of trying to prevent these types of things. i mean, he mosted, you know, many videos on social media. professing hate. talking about violent acts. shouldn't flags have been raised sooner? >> well, our system isn't set up for it. with the first amendment and freedom of speech. you know, although there are people questioning, you know, these tech companies that allow these platforms -- because these are private platforms. they can allow or disallow anybody and they seem to be disallowing people at will, you know, if you talk about the vaccine in a certain way or a political issue in a certain way, they shut you down or deplatform you. and yet, certain people like this are espousing race wars and killing people and -- and they're allowed to stay up. so i think these tech companies could allow or disallow anyone on their platform. they have some answering to do i think and -- in -- in -- in how they are monitoring this kind of speech. i mean, we don't want the government overseeing all speech, especially on private platforms. but you know, in an age when these tech companies seem very willing to de-platform people if they speak in a certain way, then if these people are speaking about murdering people and going out and committing violent acts, why aren't they being de-platformed? why aren't they being monitored? why aren't they being reported to authorities by these private companies who run these platforms? >> yeah, certainly raises many questions. we will to leave it there. bobby chacon, thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. russian artillery is operating seemingly nonstop trying to soften the defenses in ukraine's second largest city. still ahead, a cnn crew is in kharkiv to show you what it takes to survive under a constant bombardment. stay with us. 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caused by so many lives lost, the anguish of one mother and her dead child seems to reflect the collective grief of an entire nation. the boy's body was found in a well in a village we hst of kyi after russian forces retreated. a warning, the video of the mother at the scene is disturbing, painful to watch. she recognized his shoes, and she is saying, my little son, my little son. second body, also, found in that well. artillery fire and missile strikes continue to target ukraine's second-largest city ahead of an expected russian offensive in the east. officials say at least seven civilians in kharkiv have been killed. 22 others wounded in the past 24 hours alone. cnn's nima elbagir shows us firsthand in an contrary what it is like to be under constant attack. >> reporter: desolate, bare, lifeless. this is what it looks like after weeks of relentless russian shelling. the most densely-populated district in kharkiv. it's been bombed day after day, night after night. there are very few people left. the elderly, mostly. one man stayed behind to keep his mother safe. igor says that he lives on the 16th floor of one of these build g ings be wiz mother. he says his mother is deeply religious ask deeply committed to staying here, even though they are almost entirely surrounded and she won't leave, so he won't leaven. but this is a frontline under renewed pressure. the rurssians are pushing hard. that is so close. those are russian positions. they are shelling towards us. we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. this is their route into khakharkiv and then on in ukraine. this is the front line. that can change any moment now. they are trying as hard as they can to push that frontline inwards. the soldiers want to show us more evidence of the heavy bombardment. the soldiers want us to move very quickly because russian snipers are operating in this area. we have got to move. the rumble you hear is the constant shelling. the shelling's just been absolut absolutely relentless. from the moment we arrived, we have been hearing it. we have to be careful where with we step because the russians are also dispersing mines from the rockets they are sending over in here the shelling has intensified over the last few days. regional issues told cnn this is evidence of the renewed russian' military push. yeah, let's go. so, from where we are, we are pretty much surrounded by russian troops on three sides. thousands of russian troops are believed to be amassing to come into kharkiv, to come into ukraine, from this direction. we have got to move. the soldiers wanted us out of there. it was becoming too intense. just 30 minutes later, we saw why. this warehouse is in the south. it took a direct hit. this is an area that, after the initial aborted invasion, has been beyond the reach of russian ground troops. but now, once again, nowhere is safe. nima elbagir, cnn, kharkiv. for weeks, the russians have thrown almost everything they have at the port city of mare kro kr mariupol, but it still stands in ukrainian control. the latest on the fighting for that city when we come back. ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪his magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there'plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and soew ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ i fought for the legalization of the one thing that can bring comfort to millions. skechers. cut! you see willie, i don't think skechers are illegal anywhere. really? no. well pass the skechers! mission control, we are go for launch. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. ♪ ♪ my garden is definitely my passion. my garden is my creative outlet. find more ways to grow at you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit welcome back, everybody. 32 minutes past the hour. genocide is a loaded word. so when u.s. president joe biden used it to describe alleged russian atrocities in ukraine, the world other were taken aback. the whois says biden was speaking to what everyone has seen. ask despite the horrors already documented, not all european leaders actually want to use that term. and that includes the french president emmanuel macron. he explained why. here it is. >> translator: i would be careful with the term genocide today because they are brother nations. genocide. it carries a meaning. the ukraine people and the russian people are brother nations. what's happening now is madness. it is of an extraordinary brutality. it's the return of war to europe. but at the same time, i look at the facts. i want to try my best to continue to be able to stop this war, and rebuild peace, so i'm not sure the escalation of words served the cause. >> there is not much left of the besieged sort city of mariupol after weeks of relentless artillery fire, missile attacks, as well as air strikes. ukrainian officials fear tens of thousands may be dead. those who have been able to get out have escaped. cnn's matt rivers reports now on those who are left behind are fighting back. >> reporter: weeks after russia beg began an offensive bombardment and still, ukraine's government says mariupol has not fallen. increasingly, a symbol of both ukrainian resistance ask russian' military goals. urain yan officials are holding up the city be heroic fight, with an aide to president zelenskyy saying on facebook two different units defending mariupol have managed to link up and continue their fight. one of those units releasing a message saying they, quote, did not give up their positions. and now, there are accusations from the ukrainians that russia has used chemical weapons here. >> translator: the day before yesterday, the russian troops attempted to strike our city with a so-called chemical attack. they tried to drop a chemical agent on our defenders. the agent did affect our defenders and there is evidence a number of people living in the outskirts of mariupol were also affected. >> president zelenskyy accuses him of using phosphorus bombs prohibited by international law. the u.s., as well as cnn teams on the ground have not yet verified such an attack did indeed occur. no conclusive imagery has surfaced and russia denies even having chem km weapons. but chemical weapons or not, the destruction has been devastating. more than 90% of the infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed and officials say russian forces have cut off crucial supplies, including water and food. >> we are currently discussing 20 to 22,000 people dead in mariupol. >> reporter: meanwhile, russia is in engaged in an intense propaganda campaign saying it is close to capturing what would be its first major ukrainian city since the war began. >> translator: as a result of successful offensive actions of the russian armed forces and the police units of the dpr, 1,026 ukrainian military personnel of the 36th marine brigade lay down their arms and surrendered. >> reporter: the russian military also taking some supporters on a tour of a new destroyed theater where hundreds of people had been sheltering when it was hit by a russian air strike last month, according to ukrainian officials. >> translator: you can see for yourself what the situation in the city is. there are a lot of dead people. >> reporter: and for those still alive, a hellish landscape persists. ukraine's government says about 180,000 people in and around the city still need to be evacuated. so far, many have not been able to do so. matt rivers, cnn, lviv, ukraine. lot more from lviv at the top of the hour. but for now, let's get back to kim at cnn world headquarters there in atlanta. kim. >> thanks so much, john. the world has reached another staggering covid milestone. half a billion people have now been infected with the virus since the pandemic began according to the latest data from johns hopkins university. have a look at this graph. just took over a year for the world to hit 100 million cases and less than 200 days to reach 200 million. since then, each new milestone has been reached much more quickly. now, we are at 500 million but many people believe the real number is much higher. now, for the first time since the start of the pandemic, the cdc predicts the u.s. will record 1 million deaths from coronavirus and it says that is likely to happen by early-next month. according to johns hopkins, the virus has already killed more than 987,000 people in the u.s. but despite the looming milestone, the number of newly-reported deaths is forecast to decrease over the next month. the cdc, also, announced wednesday that it's extending the federal transportation mask mandate for another 15 days. that means masks will still be needed on planes, trains, and other public transportation until at least may 3rd. north korea is getting ready to mark a major anniversary and usually does so in a very provocative way. we are live in seoul with details. stay with us. 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what the international community are going to be looking for. we know that the uss abraham lincoln, the -- the aircraft carrier is in korean waters for this week. a potential show of force against north korea in case they decide to test anything but north korea has been very clear about what they would like to do. >> knows exactly which missiles and weapons he wants to perfect and so do we because he told us. in january last year, he gave one of the most detailed military reports in north korea's history according to state-run media. his five-year wish list. since then, he has been systematically working through it. >> the north koreans have really i think laid out an ambitious agenda for a military modernization. and it proves to be very credible. >> reporter: among the systems already at least partially tested according to pyongyang pyongyang, a hypersonic glide vehicle, which if perfected, could evade defense systems. only the u.s. and china currently have this capability. a military reconnaissance satellite. necessary, pyongyang says, to keep an eye on the u.s. and its allies. elements were tested earlier this year but the pentagon believes the space launch is a cover for a test of a new intercontinental-ballistic missile system. a 15,000-kilometer icbm. that's 9,300 miles. which could reach mainland united states and beyond. an icbm tested march 24th came closer to this than ever before but south korean officials doubt pyongyang's claims it was their most recently unveiled hwasong 17. missile experts say a test of that weapon may have failed a week earlier. >> given the shape of this warhead, it is likely to be a mirv, an icbm with multiple warheads. and it can hit anywhere on the continental united states. >> reporter: and tactical nuclear weapons. >> because kim jong un has spoken quite explicitly about tactical-nuclear weapons. these are the kind of nuclear weapons that are designed to be put on small artillery rockets and smaller, short-range ballistic missiles. >> reporter: the next test expected at any time may approximate smaller than the last from 2017. tremors which could be felt in neighboring china and south korea. tests which surely attract international attention but kim jong un also has a domestic audience. >> to cover up the economic failure, he need to show up another achievement. i think a weapon program that he can be very proud of. >> reporter: time wise, kim jong un may be in the most ideal testing environment in his more than ten years in power. the world's attention is on russia's invasion of ukraine and the chances of russia or china side being the u.s. and the united nations security council to sanction north korea are next to zero. >> there is just no chance of any kind of u.n. security council sanctioned action. the u.n. security council can even condemn north korea's latest icbm test in unison. >> which almost all observers agree signals to plenty of testing ahead. in fact, january is already in the record books for the number of missile launches. kim. >> thanks so much. paula hancocks in seoul. pushing russian propaganda from within the u.s. its reach is small but one radio station in the u.s. with ties to vladimir putin is sowing doubt about the war in ukraine. we'll explore why some say it's up to listeners to decide the truth when we come back. stay with us. the farmer's dog makes it simple to feed your dog real food. it's real meat and veggies. freshly-made. developed with vets.s. delivered right to your door. that's why dog lovers are choosing the farmer's dog. a smarter, healthier pet food. delivered. visit and get 50% off your first box of food. scotts turf builder triple action kills wes, prevents crab grass and feeds your lawn. all three,in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. ♪ ♪ go further with the power and range of a lexus hybrid. whoa. get 2.49% apr financing on the 2022 rx 450 hybrid all-wheel drive. 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vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, and may worsen kidney problems. the choices you make can help control your a1c. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written a ballot proposal to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless, but read the fine print. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us. more than 300 people are dead after what officials call one of the worst storms south africa has ever seen. heavy rain, flooding, and mudslides have pummeled parts of the east since monday, destroying homes, roads, and bridges. there are also widespread power outages. rescue workers have been working to evacuate the affects communities. a storm in the philippines has killed 76 people. almost 30 others are missing and officials say 8 are missing much the storm slammed into the philippines sunday with wind gusts up to 80 kilometers an hour. the agriculture department says the storm did more than $8 million worth of damage to the nation's crops. since the start of vladimir putin's invasion, his forces and state media have claimed russia is liberating ukraine from nazis and nationalists. among those pushing the bogus narrative is one radio station financed by the russian government, which is heard in washington. our alex marquardt got a taste of its programming. >> reporter: driving around downtown washington, if you tune the radio to 105.5 f.m., you land on -- radio sputnik, a station funded by a russian state media agency, playing in the american capital on public airwaves. here in d.c., you can listen to sputnik on both f.m. and a.m. radio. their shows are hosted by americans and they continue to broadcast even when other russia-backed outlets have been taken off of platforms like youtube and facebook because of russia's war in ukraine. the hosts can often be heard parroting kremlin talking points on ukraine. >> i already knew that ukrainian nazis were real, and when putin started talking about it, i was like, well, it's about time you talk about it. >> host lee strana hshlgs an calls himself pro-russian, and while the world condemns russia for the atrocities in bucha, where ukrainians were bound and executed, some sputnik hosts aren't convinced. >> there's not much dispute about whether these atrocities actually occurred. i think the question is who's responsible for doing it? >> reporter: they claim to simply be offering a different viewpoint, asking questions, challenging the narrative, which often veers into seeing conspiracies, seeding doubt and distrust, classic elements of disinformation. the companies that put sputnik on the air are forced to register as foreign agents with the justice department. sputnik is required to tell listeners who backs them, a media group funded by the russian government. none of the sputnik hosts we reached out to would speak to us for this story except scotty nell hughes, a former cnn contributor, who is a temporary fill-in host. we know that russian state media is putting out lies about this conflict. i say that as someone who is on the ground in yoix. so why should the united states tolerate having russian state media on its public airwaves? >> let the american people make that decision. trust the american people to hear what they're saying and make the decision for themselves whether or not they believe that that is the truth happening. >> reporter: after the 2016 presidential election, the u.s. intelligence community led by james clapper put out a report accusing sputnik of being part of russia's interference efforts. >> there's this gray area of first amendment protection rights versus an insidious presence in our country that is really there to weaken and destroy our system. that's really what this is about, and it's state-sponsored. >> reporter: sputnik programming is only broadcast in two u.s. cities -- washington, d.c. and kansas city, missouri. rm broadcasting helps get sputnik on the air. its owner, who lives in florida, told us he, quote, stands with ukraine. rm broadcasting is dedicated to the unfettered exchange of information and ideas. it isn't the job of the fcc to censor content either, commissioner jeffrey starks told us. instead it's to let listeners know where that content is coming from. >> the public must have transparency in order to be informed and make their own decisions about separating truth from disinformation. the fcc has given its authority here, given listeners transparency so that they can decide to change the dial. >> reporter: stark says he finds some of sputnik's content deplorable, but on public airwaves, even if a station is backed by a country allegedly committing war crimes, they can in the u.s. continue to broadcast. alex marquardt, cnn, washington. i'm kim brunhuber at cnn center in atlanta. john vause will be back live in ukraine in just a moment. please do stay with us. this il stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my w way out of it. the lows of f bipolar depressin can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your r symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hello. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john vause live in lviv, ukraine, where the u.s. is now sending hundreds of millions of dollars in high-tech heavy weapons as well as helicopters and drones ahead of an expected russian military offensive in the east. and i'm kim brunhuber at cnn world headquarters in atlanta with the end of the brooklyn subway shooting manhunt after police are tipped off by the suspect himself. moscow has warned of

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, 800 Million , Military Aid Package , European Union , Joe Biden , Armored Personnel Carriers , Protective Equipment , 544 Million , 44 Million , Translator , Military Equipment , First Aid Kits , World , Artillery , Russians , Intentions , Weapon Supplies , Force Of Arms , Bucha , Mariupol Have , Presidents , Show , Anything , Defense Systems , Vehicles , Support , Combat , Aircraft , Ukraine , Help , Aid , Assault , Poland , Lithuania , Latvia , Estonia , People , Reporter , Anywhere , Report , Wall , Eastern Ukraine , Ben Wedeman , Eastern Front , Town , Mortars , Officials , Part , Attack , Troops , Officer , Onslaught , Bravado , Assessment , Shelling , Situation , Girl , Lieutenant , 16 , Three , Mayor , Supplies , Few , Residents , Urging , Soldiers , Power , God , You Will , Delina , Son , Elizabeth , Home , Put , Wife , 83 , Downtown Washington , Gathering Storm Be Damned , David Sater , German , Estate , Of Darkness At Dawn , Author , Shortage , Nazis , Rise , Mr , Examples , Link , Saider , Atrocities , Genocide , Law , Evidence , Nationalist , Myth , Ukrainian Government , Liberal Democratic Party , In Moscow , Civilians , Acts , Ideology , Governments , Chairman , Torture , Kyiv To European , Lower House , Crimes , Authorities , Streets , Word , Military , Sticks , Stakes , Human Shelds , Kidnap Children For Blackmail , Myth Run , Population , Speakers , Prosecuting , Nazi Regime , Eight , Way , Fact , Making War On , Many , Feelings , Ukrainians , Family Ties , Nothing , Chances , Thousands , Proof , Canon Fodder , Pilt , Message , Thing , Ways , Youtube , Communication , Cell Phones , Avenues , One , Um , Sites , Vpn , Important , Telegram , Government , Kind , Fervor , What , Casualties , Is , Effect , Suffering , Sanctions , West , Regime , Putin Regime , More , Victims , Aid Package , Terms , Military Assistance , Pentagon Spokesman , John Kirby , Area , Time , 155 , Sort , Artillery Support , Fire Support , Fighter Jet Cover , Fighter Planes , 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9300 , Weapon , Beyond , South Korean , March 24th , Hwasong 17 , Missile Experts , 17 , Warheads , Warhead , Shape , Mirv , Artillery Rockets , Tremors , Attention , Tests , Last , Felt , 2017 , 2017 Tremors , Weapon Program , Ideal Testing Environment , Audience , Time Wise , Failure , Achievement , Chance , United Nations Security Council , China Side , Zero , Action , Icbm Test , Testing , Signals , Observers , Unison , Radio Station , Books , Missile Launches , Propaganda , Truth , Doubt , Listeners , Ties , Vladimir Putin , Dog , Farmer , Vets S , Meat , Veggies , Door , Dog Lovers , Pet Food , Smarter , Box , Visit Tryfarmersdog Com , 50 , Lawn , Crab Grass , Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action , Range , Bag , Lawn Season , Yard , Lexus Hybrid , Taking Trulicity , Dad , Apr Financing , College , Rx , All Wheel Drive , Hobbies , 2022 , 450 , 2 49 , Type 2 Diabetes , A1c , Changes , Habits , 10 , 2 , Children , It , Type 1 Diabetes , Don T , It Isn T , Use , Medullary Thyroid Cancer 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom Live 20240708

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ukrainian capital kyiv saying so-called decision-making centers will be targeted if ukrainian forces continue to plan access of sabotage and commit military strikes. but it's been two weeks now since rurgz forces retreated from the north after failing to take the capital. the french military now saying a large-scale russian offensive in the donbas region could within days, possibly ten days but a spokesperson also says russian forces are yet to make any significant territorial gains in the east. meantime, ukrainian fighters claim to have used neptune anti-ship missiles to cause serious damage to the flagship of the russian fleet in the black sea but russian-state media disputes this, saying a fire detonated ammunition onboard this guided missile cruiser and was evacuated. cnn, though, cannot verify either claim. and to the south, russia claims more than a thousand ukrainian marines have surrendered in the besieged port sea of mariupol. these images aired on russian state television. cnn is not in mariupol and ca cannot confirm. and in the city of kharkiv, images on social media appears to show explosions from cluster munitions in civilian areas. the u.n. says such attacks may mount to war crimes. for weeks now, ukraine's president has been pleading for heavier firepower from the international community, ask now the u.s. finally ready to deliver with a new $800 million security package. notably, it includes almost a dozen made soviet-era helicopters which can also be used as gunships. that's something zelenskyy asked specifically of president biden. anti-tank missiles, armored personnel carriers, protective equipment to guide against chemical attacks and european union announced its own military aid package with $544 million, including military equipment, fuel, first aid kits. >> translator: the images of bucha and mariupol have demonstrated real russians' intentions to the whole world. it could only be stopped by force of arms. it must be done now. ukraine needs weapon supplies. we need heavy artillery, armed vehicles, air-defense systems, and combat aircraft. anything to repel russian forces and stop their war crimes. meantime, in a show of support, the presidents of poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia, traveled to meet with zelenskyy. they discussed aid for ukraine and offered help to investigate ongoing war crimes. as russian forces continue to build up, preparing for a new potentially protracted assault on eastern ukraine, many people who live in that region say they are not going anywhere. cnn's ben wedeman has this report. >> reporter: all is not quiet on ukraine's eastern front. not far from the town, russian mortars warn of what's to come. ukrainian officials say the offensive in the donbas region, the eastern part of ukraine, has begun. perhaps, it has. or perhaps, this is the softening up before the onslaught. among ukrainian troops, bravado. this officer gives a more sober assessment. the russians are building up for an attack. they're coming and coming and coming, the lieutenant tells me. we are not in an easy situation. russian shelling tuesday killed three people, including a 16-year-old girl according to the town mayor who has been urging residents to leave. but the stubborn few wait for supplies. this is our town, insists delina. we are staying here. we know our soldiers are protecting us. she looks to a higher power. we we pray to god, she says, maybe he will save us you will. 83-year-old elizabeth sits outside her home. she, too, is staying put. my son's wife is scared and will probably leave today, she says. but i'm not afraid. and then, off she goes on her bicycle, gathering storm be damned. ben wedeman, cnn, eastern ukraine. >> joining me now from washington, david sater, german scholar and author of darkness at dawn, the rise of the russian criminal state. mr. saider, thank you for your time. there is no shortage of examples of russia trying to create this link between nazis and the ukr ukrainian government. last week as the world was finding out about atrocities in bucha, in moscow, the ultra nationalist liberal democratic party proposed a law that would officially recognize the genocide of ethnic russians by ukraine providing no evidence of this widely-debunked myth. a few weeks before that, the chairman of russia's lower house said they would send evidence of acts of torture of civilians by kyiv to european governments quoted as saying this. you realize more and more the situation in ukraine with neo-nazi ideology prevails among authorities, they beat people tied to stakes in the streets with sticks, kidnap children for blackmail, use civilians as human shelds. it's almost word for word the crimes committed by the russian military in ukraine. but how deep does this myth run, that ukraine is a nazi regime prosecuting russians and russians speakers? >> well, they have been saying this for eight years. and this is what they have been feeding their population. this is the way they organized russian population for war against a neighboring people, to whom they have no bad feelings, in fact. and many of them are connected to the ukrainians by family ties. this is the way in which they disguise the fact that they are making war not just on the ukrainians but making war on the russians them. they are being used as canon fodder and they are trying in the thousands and for nothing. >> this has been pilt up over the last eight years without any real proof. what are the chances of trying to convince russians now that it's just not true? >> well, there are ways. for one thing, the message is getting through because people have cell phones and there -- there are still some avenues of communication. youtube is still working. telegram -- telegram is working. the -- um -- the -- the fact is that even forbidden sites can be accessed with the help of vpn. but most important, people in russia understand that their government lies to them. right now, what is motivating them, at least in part, is kind of nationalist fervor. but that's -- that's going to dissipate. this -- these -- these horrendous casualties that they are suffering are are going to have an effect. and -- and so will -- so will the economic sanctions. but what -- what we really need to do in the west is start using every means that we have to talk about the putin regime's real crimes and its real atrocities because russians need to understand they are being used by this regime. they are just as much the victims as the ukrainians. >> yeah. in terms of military assistance, this new aid package from the united states will include artillery, armored vehicles, and helicopters. here is a little more now from pentagon spokesman john kirby. listen to this. >> it is the first time that we've provided these 155 and again that's reflective of the kind of fighting the ukrainians are expecting to be -- to be faced here with this little bit more confined geographic area. they specifically asked for fire support and that -- and specifically asked for artillery support. >> specifically, asked for helicopters which seems to be one short step away from providing some sort of fighter jet cover as well. when would you expect to see maybe fighter planes, these migs which poland offered earlier being sent to ukraine? >> well, i think as -- very soon, in light of the kind of atrocities that are being committed against the civilian population. the ukrainian armed forces need -- need this equipment to defend their own country. the war is going on in ukraine, not in russia. and so, there shouldn't be any hesitation. but even -- even the equally important, if not more important, is to do something to cut off the flow of money to russia. and that means an embargo on oil and gas. that -- that, in combination with the ukrainians' resistance, can i think bring this war to a rapid end. but as long as they are getting more than a billion dollars a day in revenue -- oil and gas revenue, they can continue -- the russians can continue to fight and the ukrainians will continue to suffer. >> david, we appreciate your expertise. also appreciate your time ask being with us today. thank you, sir. let's go back to kim at cnn world headquarters in atlanta. >> thanks so much, john. the man accused of shooting and wounding ten people on a crowded subway train in brooklyn is now in police custody. he doesn't appear to have gone on the run. in fact, as shimon prokupecz reports, he apparently told investigators where they could find him. >> reporter: patrol officers arresting the suspect walking the streets in new york city's east village after sources say he actually called in a tip leading police to his general location. >> he was taken into custody without incident. and has been transported to an nypd facility. we hope this arrest brings some solace to the victims and the people of the city of new york. >> reporter: the 62-year-old talked about violence and mass shootings in multiple rambling videos posted on youtube, including this one uploaded monday. >> i been through a lot of [ bleep ]. where i can say i wanted to kill people. i wanted to watch them die right in front of my [ bleep ] face. but i thought about the fact, hey man, i don't want to go to prison. >> in other videos, he said he has ptsd, ranted about race, homelessness, and mayor eric adams. adams telling cnn. >> why aren't we identifying dangerous threats? why aren't we being more proactive? >> the videos also giving insight into the alleged shooter's path to brooklyn. leaving his home in milwaukee on march 20th, the suspect said he was heading to the, quote, danger zone. he then stopped in fort wayne, pittsburgh, and newark, before arriving in philadelphia on march 25th. police, initially, named him as a person of interest because they found a credit card and keys to a rented u-haul van at the scene. later, tracking down the vehicle where sources say it appeared he may have spent the night. he rented the van from this philadelphia store on monday. court documents say the suspect visited a philadelphia storage facility filled with ammunition and more weapons on the evening before the attack. they, also, show surveillance photos of the u-haul van crossing into brooklyn at 4:11 a.m. two hours later, a man matching the alleged shooter's description, wearing a hardhat and construction vest, left the u-haul on foot. wnbc obtained this video showing a man law enforcement believes to be the suspect. and wearing similar clothing entering the subway system about two hours before the shooting began. investigators also linking the gun found at the scene to autho tracked -- the alleged shooter is expected to be in court later thursday afternoon. and of course, no one in law enforcement expected this is the way the manhunt weekend. the suspect calling on himself, calling crime-stoppers, telling them hey, i am at this location. come and get me. shimon prokupecz, cnn, prook li brooklyn, new york. >> for more on the story, let's bring in bobby chacon, who is retired fbi special agent and he joins me now from palm springs, california. thanks so much for being here with us. so, um, the authorities say they shrunk the suspect's world. seem to be taking credit for apprehending him but in the end, as we just heard there, he effectively turned himself in and that's after not really hiding his tracks. as we heard there, he try to get away in any traditional sense. he was walking around the city. so many are asking why weren't the authorities able to find him first? perhaps, much earlier? >> well, he didn't go back to any of the locations they knew of. philadelphia, i think wisconsin and some other places. so he actually stayed so close, that sometimes with when -- when we throw ow the net, we throw it out further thinking the person probably tried to get away. and -- and -- and there they are, right next to or very close to the incident site. so i think that i think we probably had more people looking for him in philadelphia and wisconsin possibly than we did in lower manhattan. although, i'm sure every nypd roll call this morning, officers were shown pictures of this guy, be on the lookout. so i think he was in a place they didn't expect him to be. and that's -- you know, as -- as odd as that sounds that close to the incident site is not where you would expect somebody like this to be. i certainly, as of yesterday or when i went to bed last night, thought he probably had left the state already and was probably on his way somewhere out of state. um, and he certainly had the time that he could have done that. now, why he stayed so close, you know, i don't know. i was -- i was hoping if that were the case, that he wasn't hellbent on suicide by cop or something like that, which it turns out, it doesn't look like he was. >> thank goodness for that. so -- but overall, obviously, his behavior has been very odd. you -- you've seen some of the -- the videos he posted professing some of his bizarre and racist ideology. do you think he's a domestic terrorist? >> you know, he could fit the description. i have been looking at that all day and i have been looking at statutes on domestic terrorism. you know, some of the more radical nationalist ideology does lean in that direction and we have seen people readicalized online. lone wolf, so to speak, radicalized online with just consuming things like i know he distributed a louis farrakhan video and consuming videos like that can actually get certain people that are susceptible to that kind of radicalization down that road. now, the odd thing to me is that if he was going to do that, he did espouse a race war. he said black people shouldn't even be in contact with each other. so he did have some of that. but he picked a target that was very diverse. i mean, that neighborhood in brooklyn where that train station is and where that train runs through is -- is a working-class, multicultural, multiethnic neighborhood. so you would -- you would think that if he espoused this anti-white view, so to speak, that he would have targeted a different victim set and in this case, he didn't. so, it is really odd. some of it doesn't make sense yet. some of it may never make sense because you are dealing with possibly with an irrational person. >> but if we are turning toward sort of trying to prevent these types of things. i mean, he mosted, you know, many videos on social media. professing hate. talking about violent acts. shouldn't flags have been raised sooner? >> well, our system isn't set up for it. with the first amendment and freedom of speech. you know, although there are people questioning, you know, these tech companies that allow these platforms -- because these are private platforms. they can allow or disallow anybody and they seem to be disallowing people at will, you know, if you talk about the vaccine in a certain way or a political issue in a certain way, they shut you down or deplatform you. and yet, certain people like this are espousing race wars and killing people and -- and they're allowed to stay up. so i think these tech companies could allow or disallow anyone on their platform. they have some answering to do i think and -- in -- in -- in how they are monitoring this kind of speech. i mean, we don't want the government overseeing all speech, especially on private platforms. but you know, in an age when these tech companies seem very willing to de-platform people if they speak in a certain way, then if these people are speaking about murdering people and going out and committing violent acts, why aren't they being de-platformed? why aren't they being monitored? why aren't they being reported to authorities by these private companies who run these platforms? >> yeah, certainly raises many questions. we will to leave it there. bobby chacon, thank you so much for joining us. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. russian artillery is operating seemingly nonstop trying to soften the defenses in ukraine's second largest city. still ahead, a cnn crew is in kharkiv to show you what it takes to survive under a constant bombardment. stay with us. 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caused by so many lives lost, the anguish of one mother and her dead child seems to reflect the collective grief of an entire nation. the boy's body was found in a well in a village we hst of kyi after russian forces retreated. a warning, the video of the mother at the scene is disturbing, painful to watch. she recognized his shoes, and she is saying, my little son, my little son. second body, also, found in that well. artillery fire and missile strikes continue to target ukraine's second-largest city ahead of an expected russian offensive in the east. officials say at least seven civilians in kharkiv have been killed. 22 others wounded in the past 24 hours alone. cnn's nima elbagir shows us firsthand in an contrary what it is like to be under constant attack. >> reporter: desolate, bare, lifeless. this is what it looks like after weeks of relentless russian shelling. the most densely-populated district in kharkiv. it's been bombed day after day, night after night. there are very few people left. the elderly, mostly. one man stayed behind to keep his mother safe. igor says that he lives on the 16th floor of one of these build g ings be wiz mother. he says his mother is deeply religious ask deeply committed to staying here, even though they are almost entirely surrounded and she won't leave, so he won't leaven. but this is a frontline under renewed pressure. the rurssians are pushing hard. that is so close. those are russian positions. they are shelling towards us. we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. this is their route into khakharkiv and then on in ukraine. this is the front line. that can change any moment now. they are trying as hard as they can to push that frontline inwards. the soldiers want to show us more evidence of the heavy bombardment. the soldiers want us to move very quickly because russian snipers are operating in this area. we have got to move. the rumble you hear is the constant shelling. the shelling's just been absolut absolutely relentless. from the moment we arrived, we have been hearing it. we have to be careful where with we step because the russians are also dispersing mines from the rockets they are sending over in here the shelling has intensified over the last few days. regional issues told cnn this is evidence of the renewed russian' military push. yeah, let's go. so, from where we are, we are pretty much surrounded by russian troops on three sides. thousands of russian troops are believed to be amassing to come into kharkiv, to come into ukraine, from this direction. we have got to move. the soldiers wanted us out of there. it was becoming too intense. just 30 minutes later, we saw why. this warehouse is in the south. it took a direct hit. this is an area that, after the initial aborted invasion, has been beyond the reach of russian ground troops. but now, once again, nowhere is safe. nima elbagir, cnn, kharkiv. for weeks, the russians have thrown almost everything they have at the port city of mare kro kr mariupol, but it still stands in ukrainian control. the latest on the fighting for that city when we come back. ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪his magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there'plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and soew ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ i fought for the legalization of the one thing that can bring comfort to millions. skechers. cut! you see willie, i don't think skechers are illegal anywhere. really? no. well pass the skechers! mission control, we are go for launch. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. ♪ ♪ my garden is definitely my passion. my garden is my creative outlet. find more ways to grow at you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit welcome back, everybody. 32 minutes past the hour. genocide is a loaded word. so when u.s. president joe biden used it to describe alleged russian atrocities in ukraine, the world other were taken aback. the whois says biden was speaking to what everyone has seen. ask despite the horrors already documented, not all european leaders actually want to use that term. and that includes the french president emmanuel macron. he explained why. here it is. >> translator: i would be careful with the term genocide today because they are brother nations. genocide. it carries a meaning. the ukraine people and the russian people are brother nations. what's happening now is madness. it is of an extraordinary brutality. it's the return of war to europe. but at the same time, i look at the facts. i want to try my best to continue to be able to stop this war, and rebuild peace, so i'm not sure the escalation of words served the cause. >> there is not much left of the besieged sort city of mariupol after weeks of relentless artillery fire, missile attacks, as well as air strikes. ukrainian officials fear tens of thousands may be dead. those who have been able to get out have escaped. cnn's matt rivers reports now on those who are left behind are fighting back. >> reporter: weeks after russia beg began an offensive bombardment and still, ukraine's government says mariupol has not fallen. increasingly, a symbol of both ukrainian resistance ask russian' military goals. urain yan officials are holding up the city be heroic fight, with an aide to president zelenskyy saying on facebook two different units defending mariupol have managed to link up and continue their fight. one of those units releasing a message saying they, quote, did not give up their positions. and now, there are accusations from the ukrainians that russia has used chemical weapons here. >> translator: the day before yesterday, the russian troops attempted to strike our city with a so-called chemical attack. they tried to drop a chemical agent on our defenders. the agent did affect our defenders and there is evidence a number of people living in the outskirts of mariupol were also affected. >> president zelenskyy accuses him of using phosphorus bombs prohibited by international law. the u.s., as well as cnn teams on the ground have not yet verified such an attack did indeed occur. no conclusive imagery has surfaced and russia denies even having chem km weapons. but chemical weapons or not, the destruction has been devastating. more than 90% of the infrastructure has been damaged or destroyed and officials say russian forces have cut off crucial supplies, including water and food. >> we are currently discussing 20 to 22,000 people dead in mariupol. >> reporter: meanwhile, russia is in engaged in an intense propaganda campaign saying it is close to capturing what would be its first major ukrainian city since the war began. >> translator: as a result of successful offensive actions of the russian armed forces and the police units of the dpr, 1,026 ukrainian military personnel of the 36th marine brigade lay down their arms and surrendered. >> reporter: the russian military also taking some supporters on a tour of a new destroyed theater where hundreds of people had been sheltering when it was hit by a russian air strike last month, according to ukrainian officials. >> translator: you can see for yourself what the situation in the city is. there are a lot of dead people. >> reporter: and for those still alive, a hellish landscape persists. ukraine's government says about 180,000 people in and around the city still need to be evacuated. so far, many have not been able to do so. matt rivers, cnn, lviv, ukraine. lot more from lviv at the top of the hour. but for now, let's get back to kim at cnn world headquarters there in atlanta. kim. >> thanks so much, john. the world has reached another staggering covid milestone. half a billion people have now been infected with the virus since the pandemic began according to the latest data from johns hopkins university. have a look at this graph. just took over a year for the world to hit 100 million cases and less than 200 days to reach 200 million. since then, each new milestone has been reached much more quickly. now, we are at 500 million but many people believe the real number is much higher. now, for the first time since the start of the pandemic, the cdc predicts the u.s. will record 1 million deaths from coronavirus and it says that is likely to happen by early-next month. according to johns hopkins, the virus has already killed more than 987,000 people in the u.s. but despite the looming milestone, the number of newly-reported deaths is forecast to decrease over the next month. the cdc, also, announced wednesday that it's extending the federal transportation mask mandate for another 15 days. that means masks will still be needed on planes, trains, and other public transportation until at least may 3rd. north korea is getting ready to mark a major anniversary and usually does so in a very provocative way. we are live in seoul with details. stay with us. 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what the international community are going to be looking for. we know that the uss abraham lincoln, the -- the aircraft carrier is in korean waters for this week. a potential show of force against north korea in case they decide to test anything but north korea has been very clear about what they would like to do. >> knows exactly which missiles and weapons he wants to perfect and so do we because he told us. in january last year, he gave one of the most detailed military reports in north korea's history according to state-run media. his five-year wish list. since then, he has been systematically working through it. >> the north koreans have really i think laid out an ambitious agenda for a military modernization. and it proves to be very credible. >> reporter: among the systems already at least partially tested according to pyongyang pyongyang, a hypersonic glide vehicle, which if perfected, could evade defense systems. only the u.s. and china currently have this capability. a military reconnaissance satellite. necessary, pyongyang says, to keep an eye on the u.s. and its allies. elements were tested earlier this year but the pentagon believes the space launch is a cover for a test of a new intercontinental-ballistic missile system. a 15,000-kilometer icbm. that's 9,300 miles. which could reach mainland united states and beyond. an icbm tested march 24th came closer to this than ever before but south korean officials doubt pyongyang's claims it was their most recently unveiled hwasong 17. missile experts say a test of that weapon may have failed a week earlier. >> given the shape of this warhead, it is likely to be a mirv, an icbm with multiple warheads. and it can hit anywhere on the continental united states. >> reporter: and tactical nuclear weapons. >> because kim jong un has spoken quite explicitly about tactical-nuclear weapons. these are the kind of nuclear weapons that are designed to be put on small artillery rockets and smaller, short-range ballistic missiles. >> reporter: the next test expected at any time may approximate smaller than the last from 2017. tremors which could be felt in neighboring china and south korea. tests which surely attract international attention but kim jong un also has a domestic audience. >> to cover up the economic failure, he need to show up another achievement. i think a weapon program that he can be very proud of. >> reporter: time wise, kim jong un may be in the most ideal testing environment in his more than ten years in power. the world's attention is on russia's invasion of ukraine and the chances of russia or china side being the u.s. and the united nations security council to sanction north korea are next to zero. >> there is just no chance of any kind of u.n. security council sanctioned action. the u.n. security council can even condemn north korea's latest icbm test in unison. >> which almost all observers agree signals to plenty of testing ahead. in fact, january is already in the record books for the number of missile launches. kim. >> thanks so much. paula hancocks in seoul. pushing russian propaganda from within the u.s. its reach is small but one radio station in the u.s. with ties to vladimir putin is sowing doubt about the war in ukraine. we'll explore why some say it's up to listeners to decide the truth when we come back. stay with us. the farmer's dog makes it simple to feed your dog real food. it's real meat and veggies. freshly-made. developed with vets.s. delivered right to your door. that's why dog lovers are choosing the farmer's dog. a smarter, healthier pet food. delivered. visit and get 50% off your first box of food. scotts turf builder triple action kills wes, prevents crab grass and feeds your lawn. all three,in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder triple action. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. ♪ ♪ go further with the power and range of a lexus hybrid. whoa. get 2.49% apr financing on the 2022 rx 450 hybrid all-wheel drive. 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vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, and may worsen kidney problems. the choices you make can help control your a1c. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written a ballot proposal to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless, but read the fine print. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us. more than 300 people are dead after what officials call one of the worst storms south africa has ever seen. heavy rain, flooding, and mudslides have pummeled parts of the east since monday, destroying homes, roads, and bridges. there are also widespread power outages. rescue workers have been working to evacuate the affects communities. a storm in the philippines has killed 76 people. almost 30 others are missing and officials say 8 are missing much the storm slammed into the philippines sunday with wind gusts up to 80 kilometers an hour. the agriculture department says the storm did more than $8 million worth of damage to the nation's crops. since the start of vladimir putin's invasion, his forces and state media have claimed russia is liberating ukraine from nazis and nationalists. among those pushing the bogus narrative is one radio station financed by the russian government, which is heard in washington. our alex marquardt got a taste of its programming. >> reporter: driving around downtown washington, if you tune the radio to 105.5 f.m., you land on -- radio sputnik, a station funded by a russian state media agency, playing in the american capital on public airwaves. here in d.c., you can listen to sputnik on both f.m. and a.m. radio. their shows are hosted by americans and they continue to broadcast even when other russia-backed outlets have been taken off of platforms like youtube and facebook because of russia's war in ukraine. the hosts can often be heard parroting kremlin talking points on ukraine. >> i already knew that ukrainian nazis were real, and when putin started talking about it, i was like, well, it's about time you talk about it. >> host lee strana hshlgs an calls himself pro-russian, and while the world condemns russia for the atrocities in bucha, where ukrainians were bound and executed, some sputnik hosts aren't convinced. >> there's not much dispute about whether these atrocities actually occurred. i think the question is who's responsible for doing it? >> reporter: they claim to simply be offering a different viewpoint, asking questions, challenging the narrative, which often veers into seeing conspiracies, seeding doubt and distrust, classic elements of disinformation. the companies that put sputnik on the air are forced to register as foreign agents with the justice department. sputnik is required to tell listeners who backs them, a media group funded by the russian government. none of the sputnik hosts we reached out to would speak to us for this story except scotty nell hughes, a former cnn contributor, who is a temporary fill-in host. we know that russian state media is putting out lies about this conflict. i say that as someone who is on the ground in yoix. so why should the united states tolerate having russian state media on its public airwaves? >> let the american people make that decision. trust the american people to hear what they're saying and make the decision for themselves whether or not they believe that that is the truth happening. >> reporter: after the 2016 presidential election, the u.s. intelligence community led by james clapper put out a report accusing sputnik of being part of russia's interference efforts. >> there's this gray area of first amendment protection rights versus an insidious presence in our country that is really there to weaken and destroy our system. that's really what this is about, and it's state-sponsored. >> reporter: sputnik programming is only broadcast in two u.s. cities -- washington, d.c. and kansas city, missouri. rm broadcasting helps get sputnik on the air. its owner, who lives in florida, told us he, quote, stands with ukraine. rm broadcasting is dedicated to the unfettered exchange of information and ideas. it isn't the job of the fcc to censor content either, commissioner jeffrey starks told us. instead it's to let listeners know where that content is coming from. >> the public must have transparency in order to be informed and make their own decisions about separating truth from disinformation. the fcc has given its authority here, given listeners transparency so that they can decide to change the dial. >> reporter: stark says he finds some of sputnik's content deplorable, but on public airwaves, even if a station is backed by a country allegedly committing war crimes, they can in the u.s. continue to broadcast. alex marquardt, cnn, washington. i'm kim brunhuber at cnn center in atlanta. john vause will be back live in ukraine in just a moment. please do stay with us. this il stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't find my w way out of it. the lows of f bipolar depressin can take you to a dark place. latuda could make a real difference in your r symptoms. latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription. >> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. hello. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john vause live in lviv, ukraine, where the u.s. is now sending hundreds of millions of dollars in high-tech heavy weapons as well as helicopters and drones ahead of an expected russian military offensive in the east. and i'm kim brunhuber at cnn world headquarters in atlanta with the end of the brooklyn subway shooting manhunt after police are tipped off by the suspect himself. moscow has warned of

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Storage Facility , Court Documents , 4 , 11 , Video , Description , Vest , Construction , Foot , Hardhat , Clothing , Man Law Enforcement , Wnbc , Subway System , Autho , Gun , Manhunt Weekend , Crime Stoppers , No One , Court , Course , Law Enforcement , Calling , Bobby Chacon , Story , Special Agent , Li Brooklyn , Shimon Prokupecz , Prook , Fbi , Palm Springs , Credit , California , Sense , Weren T , Tracks , Places , Locations , Wisconsin , Person , Site , Net , Place , Lookout , Pictures , Guy , Lower Manhattan , Roll Call , Odd , Somebody , Somewhere , Bed Last Night , Case , Cop , I Don T Know , He Wasn T Hellbent On Suicide By , Some , Behavior , Doesn T , Professing , Goodness , Statutes , Terrorist , Domestic Terrorism , Lone Wolf , Direction , Things , Lean , People Readicalized , Louis Farrakhan , Radicalization , Espouse A Race War , Road , Multicultural , Target , Contact , Train Station , Each Other , Neighborhood , Multiethnic Neighborhood , Doesn T Make Sense , View , Victim , Set , He Didn T , Social Media , Types , He Mosted , Professing Hate , Tech Companies , Isn T Set , Platforms , Freedom Of Speech , Amendment , Questioning , Issue , Anybody , Vaccine , Race Wars , Platform , Killing , Anyone , Answering , Speech , Aren T , Companies , Questions , Defenses , Crew , Stay , Singing , Bombardment , Cooold , Bottles , Environment , Waste , Beverage Companies , Same , Plastic , Bottle , Plasts , Circle , Caps , Material , Ecyclable , 100 , Developer , Synthesizer Collection , Cup , Coffee , Prague , Workforce , Marketer , Better , Whomever , Designer , Upwork , Talent , Mother , Lives , Pain , Heartache , Anguish , Well , Body , Boy , Nation , Child , Warning , Grief , Village We Hst Of Kyi , Saying , Shoes , Missile , Artillery Fire , Others , 24 , Seven , 22 , Contrary , Nima Elbagir , Desolate , Bare , Lifeless , District , Elderly , Night After , Safe , Igor , 16th Floor , Build G Ings Be Wiz Mother , Pressure , Frontline , Rurssians , Won T Leaven , Positions , Route , Front Line , Khakharkiv , Frontline Inwards , Rumble , Snipers , Rockets , Mines , Absolut , Issues , Military Push , Sides , Hit , Warehouse , 30 , Ground , Invasion , Reach , Nowhere , Fighting , Everything , Latest , Port City , Life , Other , Magic , Chaos , Soew , There Plenty , Magic Moment , Legalization , Millions , Cut , Skechers , Comfort , Willie , Mission Control , Launch , Rocket , Lunchables , Garden , Outlet , Passion , Master , Miracle Gro Com , Plan , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Size , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Everybody , Welcome Back , 32 , Term , Everyone , Leaders , Aback , Horrors , Whois , French , European , Emmanuel Macron , Brother Nations , Meaning , Brutality , Return , Madness , Best , Escalation , Facts , Words , Peace , Rebuild , Missile Attacks , Air Strikes , Cause , Tens Of Thousands May , Offensive Bombardment , Beg , Matt Rivers , Fight , Goals , Symbol , Aide , Urain , Units , Accusations , Chemical Attack , Defenders , Number , Agent , Chemical Agent , Phosphorus Bombs , Outskirts , Teams , International Law , Imagery , Destruction , 90 , Food , Water , Destroyed , Infrastructure , 22000 , Police Units , Actions , Russian Armed Forces , Propaganda Campaign , Result , Dpr , 1026 , Supporters , Hundreds , Arms , Tour , Theater , Ukrainian Military Personnel , 36th Marine Brigade , 36 , Landscape , Air Strike , 180000 , World Headquarters , Covid Milestone , Virus , Data , Pandemic , Cases , Look , Graph , Johns Hopkins University , 200 , 200 Million , 100 Million , Cdc , Start , Milestone , 500 Million , Deaths , Coronavirus , 1 Million , 987000 , Transportation Mask Mandate , Transportation , Masks , Trains , Planes , 15 , North Korea , Anniversary , In Seoul , Details , May 3rd , 3 , Bookings , Cancellation , Big , Beautiful Idea , Peace Of Mind , Grandfather , Connection , Booking Com , Signature , Registration Card , World War Two , Documents , Ancestry , Draft , Uh , Fires , Trees , Memory , Vo , Levels , Wildfires , Need , Legacy , Subaru , Commitment , Partnership , Retailers , National Forest Foundation , Deals , Car Company , Businesses , Business , Epic , Forests , Iphone , 5g , Camera , Aromatherapy Rugs , Appointment , Yep , Hi , 5 , 13 , Business Customers , At T , Museum , Jewelry , Bank , Xfinity Mobile , Chuckles , Steal , Stealing , Cost , Wait , Huh , Mmm , Tech Expert Webs , Wah Ping , Guys , Savings , Dreamworks , 110 , Festivities , Birth , Paula Hancocks , Kim Il Sung , Kim Jong Un , Celebration , Context , Missile Tests , Exhibitions , Dancing , Opinion , Housing Developments , Aircraft Carrier , Name , Uss Abraham Lincoln , Force , Waters , Military Reports , Wish List , History , State Run Media , Five , Pyongyang , Systems , Agenda , Modernization , China , Military Reconnaissance Satellite , Capability , Eye , Hypersonic Glide Vehicle , Test , Icbm , Space Launch , Cover , Elements , Allies , Pentagon , 15000 , 9300 , Weapon , Beyond , South Korean , March 24th , Hwasong 17 , Missile Experts , 17 , Warheads , Warhead , Shape , Mirv , Artillery Rockets , Tremors , Attention , Tests , Last , Felt , 2017 , 2017 Tremors , Weapon Program , Ideal Testing Environment , Audience , Time Wise , Failure , Achievement , Chance , United Nations Security Council , China Side , Zero , Action , Icbm Test , Testing , Signals , Observers , Unison , Radio Station , Books , Missile Launches , Propaganda , Truth , Doubt , Listeners , Ties , Vladimir Putin , Dog , Farmer , Vets S , Meat , Veggies , Door , Dog Lovers , Pet Food , Smarter , Box , Visit Tryfarmersdog Com , 50 , Lawn , Crab Grass , Scotts Turf Builder Triple Action , Range , Bag , Lawn Season , Yard , Lexus Hybrid , Taking Trulicity , Dad , Apr Financing , College , Rx , All Wheel Drive , Hobbies , 2022 , 450 , 2 49 , Type 2 Diabetes , A1c , Changes , Habits , 10 , 2 , Children , It , Type 1 Diabetes , Don T , It Isn T , Use , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , 1 , Side Effects , Doctor , Vision , Reaction , Stomach Pain , Blood Sugar Risk , Neck , Swelling , Lump , Pancreatitis , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Stop Trulicity , Diabetic Retinopathy , Choices , Dehydration , Kidney Problems , Corporations , Sights , Ballot Proposal , Sports Betting , Homeless , Programs , Profits , Tribes , Fine , Promise , Jobs , Storms , South Africa , 300 , Parts , Rescue Workers , Flooding , Roads , Mudslides , Bridges , Destroying Homes , Power Outages , Heavy Rain , Storm , Communities , Philippines , Wind Gusts , 80 , 76 , 8 , Crops , Agriculture Department , 8 Million , Million , Nationalists , Narrative , Radio , Programming , You Land On , Alex Marquardt , Taste , 105 5 , Radio Sputnik , State Media Agency , Playing In The American Capital On Public Airwaves , Sputnik , Americans , Hosts , Shows , Outlets , Talking Points , Parroting , Facebook , F M , Kremlin , Lee Strana Hshlgs , Dispute , Question , Viewpoint , Seeing Conspiracies , On The Air , Agents , Distrust , Classic Elements Of Disinformation , Justice Department , Scotty Nell Hughes , Sputnik Hosts , None , Media Group , Someone , Conflict , Yoix , Airwaves , Decision , Happening , Election , U S Intelligence Community , 2016 , Interference Efforts , James Clapper , First Amendment Protection Rights , Presence , System , Sputnik Programming , State Sponsored , Rm Broadcasting , Owner , He , Kansas City , Missouri , Cities , Florida , Content , Jeffrey Starks , Ideas , Fcc , Job , Exchange , Information , Transparency , Authority , Disinformation , Public , Decisions , Order , Dial , Stark , Cnn Center , Latuda , Depression , Symptoms , Stories , Lows , Weight , Impact , Studies , Way Out Of It , Difference , Bipolar Depressin , Find My W , Report Fever , Thoughts , Behavior Changes , Death , Confusion , Antidepressants , Risk , Adults , Dementia , Stroke , Muscle Movements , Patients , Prescription , Permanent , Pay , Zero Dollars , Announcer , Drones , At Cnn World Headquarters , Moscow ,

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