Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708

yesterday arrested by parole officers in the east village neighborhood today, but he turned himself in. that's why i said did they get him or did he get himself. another crazy turn in the story that is full. law enforcement sources telling us that the suspect himself called in a tip that led to his arrest. how much more bizarre can this get. they say that james told them he was at a mcdonald's on the lower east side of manhattan. they didn't find him there but spotted him just a couple of blocks away and arrested him without incident. he's due to appear in court tomorrow. he's going to face multiple counts, including violating a law that prohibits terrorists and other violent attacks against a mass transportation system. he could face life in prison if he is convicted. to the new video obtained by cnn, it appears to show the suspect walking down the street before the subway attack took place yesterday morning. take a look at that. he's carrying a bag. he's pulling a blcart while wearing an orange construction jacket, and helmet. take a look at this video. this was oebtained by our cnn affiliate, wnbc. and it shows a man law enforcement believes to be the suspect there, criminal complaint reviewed by cnn states that james was wearing similar clothes to the man seen in this video. now, investigators are trying to piece together the answers to the biggest question in all of this, why. why set off smoke grenades and fire, and fire a hand grenade 33 times at strangers on a crowded subway train. why. why create that terror? police combing multiple rambling you tube vildeos linked to the suspect for clues, why. >> more mass shootings, we need to see more mass shootings. listen, you going down. no, it's not about the shooter. no. it's not about the shooter. it's about the environment in which he actually exists. >> bizarre. a lot more to come on this story. a lot more to come. and as vladimir putin's war rages on, we're learning tonight there are preliminary discussions about sending a high ranking member of the biden administration to ukraine, possibly the defense secretary, lloyd austin or secretary of state tony blinken. that is according to a source. but they caution the decision is far from finalized and the visit might not happen, and there is new video evidence tonight that russia may be using cluster bombs in civilian areas around kharkiv. take a look at this. you can see the final explosions towards the upper left of your screen followed by a series of multiple explosions in the road there. then that car drives away, and you see something land on the double line. you might not even notice if you were in a car trying to drive away from the explosion. now, watch that circle, right. there's another explosion. that's why cluster bombs are so dangerous. they randomly scatter what are called bomblets that explode later. more on all of this straight ahead this evening. i want to beginning with the new developments in new york city and the subway bombing. cnn's shimon prokupecz is in brooklyn with the latest tonight. shimon, good evening to you, you got him, those are the words from mayor eric adams on the arrest of the suspected subway shooter. now we're learning the suspect call the tip in himself, so who got whom here, what do you know? >> i think everything kind of, don, happened at the same time here. there's a lot going on here. the nypd through their crime stoppers gets this tip from him. he calls himself. he says to this operator that, you know, i've just saw some video of myself that you guys are looking for me. i'm at this mcdonald's. here i am, come and get he. he said he was charging his phone in the mcdonald's, but he didn't stay and wait for the police. he walked out of the mcdonald's, went for a stroll through the lower east side, and that is when they found them, the police found them. there may have been people who called tips in to 911 to say they saw him. so a lot happened at the same time. the police officer saw him, they took him into custody. what's also really interesting, don, is that there was another person, a 17-year-old kid who was out on a field trip for school who saw him hours earlier around 10:30 in the morning, jake griffin is this kid's name. i spoke to him. i spoke to his mother. he took photos of the suspect as well. he called the police. they didn't call him back right away. you could see in the photos that the suspect sitting around on the lower east side, sitting outside a restaurant, people are walking by, without a care in the world as if nothing had happened, it was as if there wasn't this man hunt for him. so a lot was going on this morning, and finally, finally, police are able to catch up with him and take him into custody, don. >> let's talk about these videos online. we showed just a short segment of them, shimon. what do they show? >> so really disturbing, right, don, there's several of these videos where he talks about wanting to kill people, talks about watching people die. and also just talks about just hatred and violence. here's more of what he said in these videos, don. >> i've been through a lot of. [ bleep ] where i can say i wanted to kill people, i wanted to watch them die right in front of my [ bleep ] face immediately. but i thought about the fact, hey, man, i don't want to go to prison. >> reporter: also interestingly he talked about crime in the subways, and mentioned the mayor, mayor eric adams saying how he can't stop it. there were other threats made, and we saw the nypd increase security around the mayor, don. >> shimon, a lot of new information revealed by investigators. what are they finding now? we saw some of the things he left behind on the train, what else are they finding? >> there are also videos, more videos that they have been able to view and obtain of him walking, carrying this cart, walking, they say, with this orange vest, and the helmet that he used in the subway, and that witnesses reported seeing the alleged shooter, wearing during the attack, and also they have recovered the gun. they say that the gun, according to their records that was purchased legally by the suspect in 2011, and there was nothing to stop him or to prevent him from buying this gun. so they have that evidence. the gun was recovered here in brooklyn on the subway station. they also found a lot of other things, they say, that linked him to the scene. they found debit cards, they have the u haul card. they also have a storage locker, a unit out in philadelphia that they were able to access through a search warrant where they found other pieces of evidence, other kind of like stuff that he was stockpiled. they believe he was there, retrieving material, so they've done a lot of work here in the last, in the overnight hours to try and build this case, and thebds they say they have a lot of evidence that they believe points him to the direction of being here, and tomorrow, we're expecting that he's going to be in court. and we'll likely hear more evidence and more about the prosecutors here. he's now charged by the federal government. he'll be in the u.s. attorneys, he'll be over here at the department of justice in brooklyn tomorrow. >> shimon, you'll be reporting, and we'll be following up. thank you very much, shimon prokupecz. i want to bring in cnn law enforcement analyst, jonathan, and criminologist, casey jordan. the suspect frank james called a tip that led to the capture of himself. that's strange. what does that say about his state of mind? does that tell you anything. >> that along with all of the so called bread crumbs you finished mentioning, the credit cards, keys left at the scene. he didn't try really to get away. he stayed right in new york city and walked around for a day or so and made the phone call himself, told the police where they could find him. this man never intended to get away with it. i don't see t even though legally he's going to be charged with a form of terrorism. his goal was not to terrorize people. i think his goal was simply to cause as much mayhem as possible, get as much attention as possible, and he knows that he's going to prison for the rest of his life. remember, he called police. i think and i don't like using a cry for help. he's all in. he's resigned to the idea he's homeless, probably unployable at this point, he never got the services he needs, and you know what, he can get those in prison. i'm not sure he's in touch with it, don, but at some subconscious level he did it knowing he would be caught, wanting to be caught, get his 15 minutes of fame, cause a lot of mayhem because of course he is seething with anger, but he knows where he's going, and he seems to be okay with it. >> jonathan, this guy is just walking around, i mean, he's gone from, look, i don't know how he got to the other borough, but he got to a whole other borough, if he got to it on the train, on the subway, if he walked, all of these cameras, we're going to get him. he called himself. come on, what's up with that? >> listen, don, you're right, and i understand what you're saying. but listen, new york city is a great location to hide in plane sight. >> jonathan, i get that, but don't make excuses, this is new york city, we have the best police force in the country, we have more cameras than anybody. we have, what, a billion people who take the subway a year. come on, i'm a citizen of new york city. and if my police department can't find this guy with all of these cameras, i'm worried about that. that concerns me. >> relisten, don, this incident occurred just about 38 hours ago and we now have somebody in custody. >> yeah, why so long? >> what's that? >> why so long? >> that's a whole lot of time. that's a lot of other people who are in danger. there are a lot of citizens, a lot of, hold on, a lot of people are in danger, a lot of citizens, people who live in new york city, a lot of visitors. 38 hours is a long time, especially in a city like new york that has so many police officers. the best police officers in the country. >> it's way too long. >> way too long. >> so what's up, i know people don't want to talk about that. >> one hour is way too long when you have somebody, an unmitigated threat walking around new york city, i do think that, you know, in this instance, looking at the totality of the circumstances, the confusion, the mass chaos at the point of incident. nypd working with their federal partners work very swiftly to identify items of evidentiary value at that site, and then act upon it. listen, i would have rather have had them get the suspect last night when they had that van. they didn't get it. your point is well taken. this person was out in the city, way too long. that was too close for comfort fi for all of us. at the end of the day, this was resolved. he was taken into custody without incident. >> there were reports that at least a report that someone called and police never responded, did not respond to the call, said they saw the guy on the lower east side and they never got a call, police never went. did you hear that? >> yes, i heard that reporting. that needs to be investigated very quickly, and here's why, ton, you know, all day long every news outlet, reporting in story has been putting up the telephone numbers, and photographs of the suspect, crime stopper telephone numbers, asking for the public's help. when the public does help, and they make outreach, you have to act upon it because this could have been, you know, addressed in the suspect taken into custody hours earlier. >> so look, i had the former police commissioner on last night, brill bratton, and he sad in 2014, he proposed new cameras for the subway system that they be connected somehow, all be in a matrix. they didn't want to spend the money, so what's the break down? what do you make of that? >> it's in infrastructure costs, right, people are putting finances above the safety and security of new yorkers riding on mass transit. >> do you know how much my taxes are here? what do you mean the cost? taxes are high in new york city. they should be able to afford that. >> the cost of implementation. don, listen, i'm a big supporter of, you know, implementing different technological solutions to make our community safer but it's also a process of people and process in technology to make that work, but it all takes funding and the right resources. listen, this is the moment. let's seize this moment to make that happen now. >> thank you for your candor, i appreciate that. casey, when someone is posting about mass violence in shootings, putting it all out there, what does that tell you, and what should be done about that? >> we call that leakage. we need to take it very seriously. but we have to understand that it is happening, don, at such a prolific rate. it's so massive because social media is so core to our being these days that everyone just very often when they can't, don't have a therapist, can't get the mental services they need, they rant on social media. it's an ocean. there is no way that law enforcement and authorities at social media sites can actually investigate and what can you do? you have a first amendment. people are allowed to vent. they have to make a very specific threat. i don't know that he really did that in any of his videos, he was not specifically making a threat that anyone could act on, and all you can do is gather information, gather intelligence, and all that does is help you identify who the person is once they have committed their violence. yes, call it in, when people see this, they need to alert authorities. understand authorities are drowning in the ocean of social media because there's so much of this out there. >> you're right about that. he was known to the authorities. he had nine prior arrests in new york from 1992 to 1998. three arrests in new jersey. one as recently as 2007. >> yeah. >> in court tomorrow. >> thank you, jonathan. didn't mean to be hard on you. people want answers. i live in the city, i'm worried about my safety every single day and the safety of my loved ones. >> you bring up a great point, the last 38 hours have left new yorkers on edge, and you know, we have to start building safer communities. that involves the transportation system and every aspect of our society. listen, those are hard questions that need to be answered. >> i know people today including my loved one who did not take the subway today, they walked to every appointment because they were afraid to take the subway because someone was out there and there are millions of people afraid to take the subway in new york city. thank you both, appreciate it. >> good to be here. >> thanks, don. as vladimir putin's war rages, cnn is on the ground across ukraine. we're going to go there live right after this. that is so close, those are russian positions. they're shelling towards us. we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. this is their route into kharkiv and on into ukraine. for now, this is the front line: that could change at any moment now. they are trying as hard as they can to push that front line inwards. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel— cut. liberty biberty— cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? 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[laughs] we'll drive you happy at carvana. the his oorrors of vladimir putin's war, the heartbreaking moment a ukrainian mother, her worst nightmare, her fear in this moment, the discovery of her son's lifeless body dumped in a well after the retreat of russian forces. >> my little son, she screams. let's go to cnn's phil black live in kyiv. that's awful. i mean, it's awful. gut wrenching, and probably all too common with the atrocities that are being uncovered in this area. >> yeah, that mother recognized her son, identified his body because of the shoes that he was wearing, as you say, screamed out my little son. these scenes are still playing out in the towns and communities around the capital of kyiv that were until recently occupied by russian forces. their bodies are still being recovered. the individual circumstances surround each of those killings are still being investigated. there's still also a big operation to find, identify, and deal with munitions, bombs, explosives, that ukrainian officials say have been deliberately left behind to make the area unsafe. there's a big effort to understand all that took place while these communities were behind russian lines, and it's expected to take some time to play out. don. >> there's new video, phil, that appears to show putin's forces using banned weapons, and you can see what seems to be a cluster munition going off in kharkiv. what are you hearing about this attack in kharkiv? >> so we know what the video shows. you can see the bomblets disbursing across a civilian area, and they detonate in buildings, and then on a road. this isn't the first time that russians, or there has been evidence that the russians have been using cluster munitions in built up areas. a new report by the security and operation in europe released today looking at breaches of international humanitarian and human rights law, makes the point that using these munitions in built up populations like areas like this, is almost always a war crime, and it is aware of at least 134 incidents of these weapons being used don. >> the russian military, phil, is also threatening to strike ukrainian decision making centers including where you are in kyiv. how worried are ukrainian officials tonight about this? >> they have no reason to doubt the will and the intent of russia to follow through on this threat, given everything that russia has already done to this country through this war. russia has made this threat to strike what it describes as decision making centers. it says it has evidence that the ukrainians thinking about and planning more operations to strike targets across the border on the territory of the russian federation. there's only been one really high profile attack which the russians blame ukraine for. that was the destruction of a fuel depot in the city of belgrade a few weeks ago. at the time, ukrainian officials were quite unwilling to confirm or deny, reluctant to talk about it at all. one of the theories to explain their reluctance, they feared escalation, they thought russia might strike back. now that's exactly what russia is saying it will do if the ukrainians even continue to think about launching these sorts of attacks on russian soil. dom. >> russian forces have been pommelling the port city of mariupol. we have been talking about that for weeks. we have been seeing this happening for weeks. the mayor says 180,000 people are still waiting to be evacuated. how bad have things gotten there? >> well, yeah, 120,000 in the city itself. that's the estimated number. another 60,000 in the areas surrounding it. these are people who have been there throughout the siege. throughout the blockade and bombardment as the city has been destroyed, and we have heard that the humanitarian situation there is truly desperate. what we think, though, is that these people would not be under daily bombardment as before because russian forces now control most of the city. they have driven the ukrainian defenders back now into one small isolated area where these fighters are now essentially preparing for a last stand. these are people who have been fighting throughout, without resupply for weeks. they have been surrounded and they've now fallen back to this position. it's unclear how long they can hold out. they obviously clearly committed and they say they will fight to the very end, dom. >> phil black for us kyiv. thank you very much please be safe. russian troops taking aim at eastern ukraine but not everyone is fleeing. cnn on the ground speaking with the people who refuse to leave their homes. that's next. the sleep number 360® smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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[ bleep ] i want to bring in cnn military analyst, lieutenant general mark hurtling, good to see you. thank you so much for joining us. >> good to see you, don. >> cnn is still trying to verify what happened to this warship. what would it mean if ukraine did hit this ship? >> it would be a pretty good tactical victory, don. we're talking about first of all, the ukrainian intelligence service reported it first in terms of striking it with a neptune missile. now, a neptune is a ukrainian developed land-based antiship missile. i don't think the russians knew that this was a capability to ukraine, and the fact that the ukrainians were reporting it first and then it was only later that russia claimed that there was a fire in one of their ammunition carriers within the ship and that caused the damage and smoke on the ship, but if reports are to be believed that that ship has leaned toward star board or port, i don't know, i'm not a navy guy, but it's sinking fast. it has a crew of about 500 people. it had a lot of equipment on board, and it certainly was capable of reinforcing any actions that russia was perceived to have started in the odesa region. >> general, we saw the report showing us how tense the situation already is in eastern ukraine. france's military is warning russia could launch a large scale offensive in the donbas region, and that could happen in just a few days. how bad do you think this is going to get? >> i'm not sure i agree with the french assessment, don. i really think the russians still having major personnel and logistics problems. they are trying to bring some of the battle tactical groups, battalion tactical groups, excuse me, that were attacking into kyiv and kharkiv earlier in the war down to the east and attacking to the donetsk, and the hluhansk region, the donbas i'm not sure they have been able to reinforce those regions. it will be several weeks before they get any kind of capability to reinforce the actions. they are certainly showing activity in the east but it isn't significant right now. not only do they have personnel problems, but they also have logistics problems. you've seen the line of russian vehicles that are lining up in the north and people are making a big deal out of that, but truthfully, i've seen that column on your film clips, and there's a lot of things that jump out at me from that column. and not a whole lot of tanks in that particular column. not a whole lot of fuel trucks. there's a lot of bmps and btrs, which is a russian personnel carrier, but what's also important in that is most of the soldiers were on top of the vehicles. well, i see the film coming up now. that tells me as a soldier, it reinforces what i know to be the russian approach. they may be taking a break on the side of the road, but also you'll see a lot of russian soldiers not want to go get inside the vehicles because what they have seen their buddies in the first couple of fights. you're going to see more and more attacks with javelins, the new switchblades just announced that the u.s. is sending them. other nato countries are still sending antitank weapons smystes to fight the russians and i think the fight in the donbas is going to be a new type of action but it's going to be just as deadly for the russians. >> interesting. all of that, that's fascinating that you saw all of that in that video, general. thank you for that because i don't know if anybody else would have picked that up. so thank you. president biden unveiling an additional $800 million in military aid to ukraine. there's a lot in it, including attack helicopters. there's switchblade drones and howitzers, how far will this go in helping ukraine end this war? >> don, if you take a look at the fight ukraine will have to conduct in the east, they're going to have to have very mobile reserves. the fight they were fighting to the north of kyiv and the different axis of approaches was a hasty defense with limited counter attacks, and they executed that very well. when you look at the east of ukraine on a map, that's about a 300 mile frontage. what they're going to have to do is stop the russian assault in various areas. to do that, you're going to have to have a mobile reserve of people that can move fast in different weapons systems, you know, and as the biden administration announced, they provided a lot of humvees, some other equipment that were wheel equipment, some counter artillery radars, as well as some artillery pieces. all of those things contribute to the kinds of offensive operations with reserves and quick reaction force that the ukrainians are going to have to basically generate in the east to try and stop any avenue of approach that russia uses. so it will be interesting to see them using these new pieces of equipment, the artillery, the counter fire radars, the fast moving vehicles. many more pieces of javelin and stinger missiles as well as some of the new switchblade drones that they'll be getting. all of these things will contribute. it's giving ukraine a capability that is reinforcing what they've done in the past under a new type of operation. russia's going to attack on several fronts in the east. they're going to do some of the same things we saw them doing, trying to raise towns and conduct artillery strikes against civilian populations. they're also going to be coming on multiple smaller axis on a different kind of terrain. they're going to have to secure river crossings, they're going to have to secure smaller towns. what we have seen so far, don, truthfully, russia does not like to get off the roads to maneuver. they're going to be trapped on some of these lesser roads in the eastern part, and i think that's going to give the opportunity for ukraine to conduct, like i said, quick reaction forces and conducting counter attacks in more mobile warfare in the eastern areas of the donbas. >> we're always enlightened when you come on. thank you, general, we appreciate it. >> my pleasure, don, thank you. western countries united, sending aid to ukraine, and now more countries could be joining nato. are putin's attempts to divide actually bringing the rest of the world together against him? stay with us. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at there are new satellite im images tonight that show russian forces continuing to redeploy and move into eastern ukraine. this adding to mounting evidence vladimir putin's army is ramping up its assault on the donbas region. joining me now is a former defense secretary william cohen. secretary cohen, always a pleasure, good to see you, sir. >> good evening, don. >> it's clear at this point that putin isn't looking for an off ramp so where does that leave the ukrainians tonight? talk about the days and the weeks they are in for coming up. >> well, you just heard from general hurtling, and you indicated it was always enlightening, it's also up lifting to hear the general analyze the battle situation and provide a lot of positive words in terms of what this new equipment will do, with the fighting will of the ukrainian forces will do, and to provide them with a great morale boost as the weapons are coming in. the russians will have their hands full, even though they have more manpower and equipment, and try to overwhelm the ukrainians by the size, quantity has a quality of its own, but listening to general hurtling analyze it, i think the ukrainians have a quality of their own that the russians don't have. we have seen what the russians are capable of, the barbarism, the plunder, the absolute horror they can inflict, but even so the ukrainians are still there, still fighting and they're going to be more capable of fighting. i think there's reason to be hopeful even though there's going to be a lot of war damage, killing of people and personnel, innocent civilians as well as the soldiers involved. so war is not a happy occasion for anyone, and long wars certainly don't benefit anyone, and the longer this goes on, however, i think the ukrainians have a better chance of prevailing. >> barbarism was the right word that you said, i heard that. a senior defense official tells cnn that russian forces are having significant morale issues, this official says that they have been disillusioned by the war, weren't properly informed or trained, weren't ready physically or mentally. what kind of an impact do you think that's going to have in the next phase of this fight? you mentioned it in your answer a moment ago, but, i mean, they're dealing with a lot, and they're bringing in new people who don't seem to even be as enthused about this war as the people that were there before? >> well, what's happening is they're seeing the truth. they have been lied to, the russian people have been lied to. putin has been main lighting lies and disinformation directly into the arteries and the minds of the russian people including the russian military personnel. and what they're doing now is seeing the truth, and our hope is going to be ultimately that the russian people see the truth of what putin calls this noble effort. show the pictures of all of that carnage, show the pictures of those mothers grieving over their dead sons. and then put the word noble up next to putin's picture. that tells you why it's really important for all of us to go back and read orr orwell's innovate "1984" where you have the creation of a truth ministry, and that's what's happening here, and that's why the morale has been impacted. the soldiers redeployed, those who have survived, we'll see what happens when they jump in their personnel carriers and they see some of these switchblade drone aircraft and killing them at will. i think that's going to have an even bigger impact, plus the fact when the word gets out that one of their major flagships has been sunk in an attack by a missile fired by the ukrainians, i think that the morale problem is going to increase. it doesn't leave much of an off ramp for president putin. i don't think he thought he would have to have one. there are some that want to give him one at this point. and i think at this point president zelenskyy has said on multiple occasions from the very beginning, i'm willing to talk about remaining neutral, and not trying to join nato, but putin has just dismissed it and said i'm going to kill you instead, and so he's finding out that's a very hard thing to do, especially when the western countries unite and help someone who is not a nato member but stands for democracy rather than dictatorship, and that's really what's at stake here because you see the kind of freedom that they're fighting for and what the russians are doing in their own country by arresting people for saying it's a war, for saying i'm not for the war and being arrested and told on by students. now you see what's happening in russia, so when the truth finally gets out, i think president putin is going to be in real trouble. >> yeah. secretary, always a pleasure. thank you so much, we appreciate it. >> thank you, don. >> thank you. severe weather warnings for more than 37 million americans tonight. we're going to tell you if you're in the path of the storm. that's next. meets power? you try y crazy things... ...because you're crazy... ...and you like it. you get bigger... ...badder... ...faster. ♪ you can never have too much of a good thing... and power is a very good thing. ♪ 37 million americans from the gulf coast to the great lakes under threat of severe weather with a dangerous combination of damaging winds, strong tornadoes, and giant hail. tornado leaving an eight-mile trail of destruction in texas on tuesday. in memphis today, video of a funnel cloud near the mississippi river. we want to go now to the weather center. this is serious stuff. i'm seeing tracking these threats of extreme weather. what are you seeing? >> don, a couple more hours of this at least. this system here, the most aggressive, we've seen the line moving in the last couple of hours, producing light strikes on the order of 700 strikes per minute. the frontal boundary stretches 800 miles from ohio down to the gulf coast. we know it's a storm system that means business. across portions of atlanta, western areas of alabama. so some of these storms could still produce tornadoes. in fact, severe thunderstorm warnings are still in place here in advance of this feature where some of these storms can produce wind gusts of 60 plus miles per hour. that's the concern moving forward. anytime you see tornadoes developing, they're twice as more likely than those during the daytime hours. notice the vast majority of what we've seen today has been with tremendously strong straight-line wins, 50, 60 miles per hour, a lot of trees down and roircadways blocked. we expect portions of the northeast to get in on the action, but the threat drops significantly and gusty winds are the primary threat for thursday afternoon, don. >> be safe, everyone. thank you. we appreciate it. next, arrested. the nypd arresting frank james after he called their tip line on himself. all the details of the subway shooting suspect's arrest after this. rapid grass is a revolutionary mix ofof seed and fertilizer that will change the way you grow grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass in just weeks. after growing grass this fast, everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. download the scotts my lawn app today for your personalized lawn plan. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. this is "don lemon tonight." the man suspected of opening fire on a packed new york city subway train in custody tonight. police say 62-year-old frank james was arrested without incident this afternoon in lower manhattan. in a strange twist to the story, sources say james himself called into the nypd's crime stoppers hotline to report that he was sitting at a mcdonald's in manhattan's east village. police put him in handcuffs an hour later after

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Search Warrant , Storage Locker , Pieces , Debit Cards , U Haul Card , Unit , Philadelphia , Work , Case , Material , Last , Thebds , U S , Points , Direction , Prosecutors , Government , Attorneys , Department Of Justice , Reporting , Casey Jordan , Law Enforcement Analyst , Jonathan , Capture , Say , Bread Crumbs , State Of Mind , Anything , Phone Call , Credit Cards , Mentioning , Goal , Mayhem , Terrorism , Form , A Cry For Help , Attention , Idea , It , Point , Services , 15 Minutes Of Fame , Subconscious Level , Touch , 15 , Guy , Borough , Course , Anger , Cameras , Country , Don T , Police Force , Location , Plane Sight , Make Excuses , Anybody , Citizen , Come On , Police Department , A Billion , Somebody , Relisten , 38 , Lot , Citizens , Danger , Lot Of , Hold On , Police Officers , One , Threat , Circumstances , Totality , Instance , Chaos , Confusion , Partners , Site , Value , Items , Van , Custody , All Of Us , Someone , Report , Call , Yes , Needs , Crime Stopper Telephone Numbers , Telephone Numbers , Photographs , Ton , News Outlet , Help , Public , Police Commissioner , Last Night , Outreach , Money , Subway System , Matrix , Be , Brill Bratton , 2014 , Safety , Cost , Taxes , Infrastructure Costs , Finances , New Yorkers Riding On Mass Transit , Process , Community , Supporter , Implementation , Solutions , Resources , Technology , Funding , Candor , Posting , Leakage , Everyone , Happening , Social Media , Don T Have A Therapist , Rate , Authorities , Ocean , Law Enforcement , Sites , Amendment , Anyone , Any , On , Intelligence , Arrests , New Jersey , 1998 , 2007 , 1992 , Didn T , Loved Ones , Edge , Communities , Loved One , Transportation System , Society , Aspect , Questions , Appointment , Thanks , Millions , Forces , Ground , Shelling , Positions , Front Line , Route , Front Line Inwards , Breaks , Actor , Action , Liberty Mutual , Need , Car Insurance , Phone Rings , Liberty Butchemel Cut , Liberty Biberty Cut , Whatchya , Pay , 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500 , 00 , Capital City , War Efforts , Fail , Eastern Front , Ben Wedeman , Donbas , Region , Offensive , Of Barvinkov , Part , Mortars , Onslaught , Officer , Assessment , Bravado , Lieutenant , Girl , Relasidentso , 16 , Leave , Supplies , Galena , Soldiers , Power , Yadmila , God , 83 , Gathering Storm Be Dammed , Wife , Home , Oud , Put , Hand , Advantage , Mother Nature , Rain , Forecast , Ukrainian Army , Warship , Front , Missile Strike , Armor , Mines , Digging Trenches , Hasn T , Ship , Moskova , Warships , Soldier , Inflaamous , Something Else , Snake Island , Don T Have , Lieutenant General , Military Analyst , Mark Hurtling , Terms , Neptune , Victory , Service , Neptune Missile , Capability , Antiship Missile , Reports , Ammunition Carriers , Damage , Smoke , Navy Guy , Star Board Or Port , General , Actions , Crew , Odesa Region , Military , Warning , Scale , France , Personnel , Some , Logistics Problems , Battalion Tactical Groups , Groups , Battle , Regions , Donetsk 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Mystery , Scan , 8 2 , 6 7 , Move , Satellite Im , Army , Secretary Cohen , Putin Isn T , Sir , Donbas Region , Off Ramp , Hurtling , Will , Battle Situation , Morale , Quality , Quantity , Boost , Size , Manpower , Barbarism , Listening , Plunder , Horror , War Damage , Occasion , Wars , Civilians , Noble Up , Official , Defense Official , Weren T , Chance , Issues , Impact , Answer , Phase , Truth , Lighting , Hope , Arteries , Disinformation , Russian Military Personnel , Mothers , Picture , Pictures , Sons , Carnage , Innovate , Creation , Orr Orwell , Truth Ministry , 1984 , Carriers , Switchblade Drone Aircraft , Morale Problem , Missile , Flagships , It Doesn T , Occasions , Zelenskyy , Finding , Thing , Freedom , Stands , Stake , Dictatorship , Democracy , Secretary , Students , Trouble , Weather , Warnings , The Path Of Storm , 37 Million , Badder , Faster , Combination , Gulf Coast , Great Lakes , Tornadoes , Trail , Winds , Tornado , Hail , Funnel Cloud , Mississippi River , Texas , Memphis , Eight , Weather Center , Least , Aggressive , Storm System , Strikes , Order , Ohio , 700 , 800 , Storms , Wind Gusts , Portions , Thunderstorm Warnings , Advance , Western Areas , Business , Feature , Alabama , Atlanta , 60 , Concern , Miles Per Hour , Majority , Wins , Trees , Roircadways , 50 , Northeast , Seed , Rapid Grass , Tip Line , Subway Shooting Suspect , Details , Fertilizer , Mix Ofof , Grass , Fast , Lawn Season , Yard , App , Green Grass , My Lawn , Scotts , Statin Medication , Brand , Statin Drug , Lawn Plan , Levels , Cholesterol , Qunol Coq10 , Don Lemon Tonight , New York City Subway , Opening , Qunol , 62 , Hotline , Twist , Lower Manhattan , Mcdonald S In Manhattan , East Village , Sources ,

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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708

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yesterday arrested by parole officers in the east village neighborhood today, but he turned himself in. that's why i said did they get him or did he get himself. another crazy turn in the story that is full. law enforcement sources telling us that the suspect himself called in a tip that led to his arrest. how much more bizarre can this get. they say that james told them he was at a mcdonald's on the lower east side of manhattan. they didn't find him there but spotted him just a couple of blocks away and arrested him without incident. he's due to appear in court tomorrow. he's going to face multiple counts, including violating a law that prohibits terrorists and other violent attacks against a mass transportation system. he could face life in prison if he is convicted. to the new video obtained by cnn, it appears to show the suspect walking down the street before the subway attack took place yesterday morning. take a look at that. he's carrying a bag. he's pulling a blcart while wearing an orange construction jacket, and helmet. take a look at this video. this was oebtained by our cnn affiliate, wnbc. and it shows a man law enforcement believes to be the suspect there, criminal complaint reviewed by cnn states that james was wearing similar clothes to the man seen in this video. now, investigators are trying to piece together the answers to the biggest question in all of this, why. why set off smoke grenades and fire, and fire a hand grenade 33 times at strangers on a crowded subway train. why. why create that terror? police combing multiple rambling you tube vildeos linked to the suspect for clues, why. >> more mass shootings, we need to see more mass shootings. listen, you going down. no, it's not about the shooter. no. it's not about the shooter. it's about the environment in which he actually exists. >> bizarre. a lot more to come on this story. a lot more to come. and as vladimir putin's war rages on, we're learning tonight there are preliminary discussions about sending a high ranking member of the biden administration to ukraine, possibly the defense secretary, lloyd austin or secretary of state tony blinken. that is according to a source. but they caution the decision is far from finalized and the visit might not happen, and there is new video evidence tonight that russia may be using cluster bombs in civilian areas around kharkiv. take a look at this. you can see the final explosions towards the upper left of your screen followed by a series of multiple explosions in the road there. then that car drives away, and you see something land on the double line. you might not even notice if you were in a car trying to drive away from the explosion. now, watch that circle, right. there's another explosion. that's why cluster bombs are so dangerous. they randomly scatter what are called bomblets that explode later. more on all of this straight ahead this evening. i want to beginning with the new developments in new york city and the subway bombing. cnn's shimon prokupecz is in brooklyn with the latest tonight. shimon, good evening to you, you got him, those are the words from mayor eric adams on the arrest of the suspected subway shooter. now we're learning the suspect call the tip in himself, so who got whom here, what do you know? >> i think everything kind of, don, happened at the same time here. there's a lot going on here. the nypd through their crime stoppers gets this tip from him. he calls himself. he says to this operator that, you know, i've just saw some video of myself that you guys are looking for me. i'm at this mcdonald's. here i am, come and get he. he said he was charging his phone in the mcdonald's, but he didn't stay and wait for the police. he walked out of the mcdonald's, went for a stroll through the lower east side, and that is when they found them, the police found them. there may have been people who called tips in to 911 to say they saw him. so a lot happened at the same time. the police officer saw him, they took him into custody. what's also really interesting, don, is that there was another person, a 17-year-old kid who was out on a field trip for school who saw him hours earlier around 10:30 in the morning, jake griffin is this kid's name. i spoke to him. i spoke to his mother. he took photos of the suspect as well. he called the police. they didn't call him back right away. you could see in the photos that the suspect sitting around on the lower east side, sitting outside a restaurant, people are walking by, without a care in the world as if nothing had happened, it was as if there wasn't this man hunt for him. so a lot was going on this morning, and finally, finally, police are able to catch up with him and take him into custody, don. >> let's talk about these videos online. we showed just a short segment of them, shimon. what do they show? >> so really disturbing, right, don, there's several of these videos where he talks about wanting to kill people, talks about watching people die. and also just talks about just hatred and violence. here's more of what he said in these videos, don. >> i've been through a lot of. [ bleep ] where i can say i wanted to kill people, i wanted to watch them die right in front of my [ bleep ] face immediately. but i thought about the fact, hey, man, i don't want to go to prison. >> reporter: also interestingly he talked about crime in the subways, and mentioned the mayor, mayor eric adams saying how he can't stop it. there were other threats made, and we saw the nypd increase security around the mayor, don. >> shimon, a lot of new information revealed by investigators. what are they finding now? we saw some of the things he left behind on the train, what else are they finding? >> there are also videos, more videos that they have been able to view and obtain of him walking, carrying this cart, walking, they say, with this orange vest, and the helmet that he used in the subway, and that witnesses reported seeing the alleged shooter, wearing during the attack, and also they have recovered the gun. they say that the gun, according to their records that was purchased legally by the suspect in 2011, and there was nothing to stop him or to prevent him from buying this gun. so they have that evidence. the gun was recovered here in brooklyn on the subway station. they also found a lot of other things, they say, that linked him to the scene. they found debit cards, they have the u haul card. they also have a storage locker, a unit out in philadelphia that they were able to access through a search warrant where they found other pieces of evidence, other kind of like stuff that he was stockpiled. they believe he was there, retrieving material, so they've done a lot of work here in the last, in the overnight hours to try and build this case, and thebds they say they have a lot of evidence that they believe points him to the direction of being here, and tomorrow, we're expecting that he's going to be in court. and we'll likely hear more evidence and more about the prosecutors here. he's now charged by the federal government. he'll be in the u.s. attorneys, he'll be over here at the department of justice in brooklyn tomorrow. >> shimon, you'll be reporting, and we'll be following up. thank you very much, shimon prokupecz. i want to bring in cnn law enforcement analyst, jonathan, and criminologist, casey jordan. the suspect frank james called a tip that led to the capture of himself. that's strange. what does that say about his state of mind? does that tell you anything. >> that along with all of the so called bread crumbs you finished mentioning, the credit cards, keys left at the scene. he didn't try really to get away. he stayed right in new york city and walked around for a day or so and made the phone call himself, told the police where they could find him. this man never intended to get away with it. i don't see t even though legally he's going to be charged with a form of terrorism. his goal was not to terrorize people. i think his goal was simply to cause as much mayhem as possible, get as much attention as possible, and he knows that he's going to prison for the rest of his life. remember, he called police. i think and i don't like using a cry for help. he's all in. he's resigned to the idea he's homeless, probably unployable at this point, he never got the services he needs, and you know what, he can get those in prison. i'm not sure he's in touch with it, don, but at some subconscious level he did it knowing he would be caught, wanting to be caught, get his 15 minutes of fame, cause a lot of mayhem because of course he is seething with anger, but he knows where he's going, and he seems to be okay with it. >> jonathan, this guy is just walking around, i mean, he's gone from, look, i don't know how he got to the other borough, but he got to a whole other borough, if he got to it on the train, on the subway, if he walked, all of these cameras, we're going to get him. he called himself. come on, what's up with that? >> listen, don, you're right, and i understand what you're saying. but listen, new york city is a great location to hide in plane sight. >> jonathan, i get that, but don't make excuses, this is new york city, we have the best police force in the country, we have more cameras than anybody. we have, what, a billion people who take the subway a year. come on, i'm a citizen of new york city. and if my police department can't find this guy with all of these cameras, i'm worried about that. that concerns me. >> relisten, don, this incident occurred just about 38 hours ago and we now have somebody in custody. >> yeah, why so long? >> what's that? >> why so long? >> that's a whole lot of time. that's a lot of other people who are in danger. there are a lot of citizens, a lot of, hold on, a lot of people are in danger, a lot of citizens, people who live in new york city, a lot of visitors. 38 hours is a long time, especially in a city like new york that has so many police officers. the best police officers in the country. >> it's way too long. >> way too long. >> so what's up, i know people don't want to talk about that. >> one hour is way too long when you have somebody, an unmitigated threat walking around new york city, i do think that, you know, in this instance, looking at the totality of the circumstances, the confusion, the mass chaos at the point of incident. nypd working with their federal partners work very swiftly to identify items of evidentiary value at that site, and then act upon it. listen, i would have rather have had them get the suspect last night when they had that van. they didn't get it. your point is well taken. this person was out in the city, way too long. that was too close for comfort fi for all of us. at the end of the day, this was resolved. he was taken into custody without incident. >> there were reports that at least a report that someone called and police never responded, did not respond to the call, said they saw the guy on the lower east side and they never got a call, police never went. did you hear that? >> yes, i heard that reporting. that needs to be investigated very quickly, and here's why, ton, you know, all day long every news outlet, reporting in story has been putting up the telephone numbers, and photographs of the suspect, crime stopper telephone numbers, asking for the public's help. when the public does help, and they make outreach, you have to act upon it because this could have been, you know, addressed in the suspect taken into custody hours earlier. >> so look, i had the former police commissioner on last night, brill bratton, and he sad in 2014, he proposed new cameras for the subway system that they be connected somehow, all be in a matrix. they didn't want to spend the money, so what's the break down? what do you make of that? >> it's in infrastructure costs, right, people are putting finances above the safety and security of new yorkers riding on mass transit. >> do you know how much my taxes are here? what do you mean the cost? taxes are high in new york city. they should be able to afford that. >> the cost of implementation. don, listen, i'm a big supporter of, you know, implementing different technological solutions to make our community safer but it's also a process of people and process in technology to make that work, but it all takes funding and the right resources. listen, this is the moment. let's seize this moment to make that happen now. >> thank you for your candor, i appreciate that. casey, when someone is posting about mass violence in shootings, putting it all out there, what does that tell you, and what should be done about that? >> we call that leakage. we need to take it very seriously. but we have to understand that it is happening, don, at such a prolific rate. it's so massive because social media is so core to our being these days that everyone just very often when they can't, don't have a therapist, can't get the mental services they need, they rant on social media. it's an ocean. there is no way that law enforcement and authorities at social media sites can actually investigate and what can you do? you have a first amendment. people are allowed to vent. they have to make a very specific threat. i don't know that he really did that in any of his videos, he was not specifically making a threat that anyone could act on, and all you can do is gather information, gather intelligence, and all that does is help you identify who the person is once they have committed their violence. yes, call it in, when people see this, they need to alert authorities. understand authorities are drowning in the ocean of social media because there's so much of this out there. >> you're right about that. he was known to the authorities. he had nine prior arrests in new york from 1992 to 1998. three arrests in new jersey. one as recently as 2007. >> yeah. >> in court tomorrow. >> thank you, jonathan. didn't mean to be hard on you. people want answers. i live in the city, i'm worried about my safety every single day and the safety of my loved ones. >> you bring up a great point, the last 38 hours have left new yorkers on edge, and you know, we have to start building safer communities. that involves the transportation system and every aspect of our society. listen, those are hard questions that need to be answered. >> i know people today including my loved one who did not take the subway today, they walked to every appointment because they were afraid to take the subway because someone was out there and there are millions of people afraid to take the subway in new york city. thank you both, appreciate it. >> good to be here. >> thanks, don. as vladimir putin's war rages, cnn is on the ground across ukraine. we're going to go there live right after this. that is so close, those are russian positions. they're shelling towards us. we are just over a mile away from the russian forces. this is their route into kharkiv and on into ukraine. for now, this is the front line: that could change at any moment now. they are trying as hard as they can to push that front line inwards. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel— cut. liberty biberty— cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for whatchya... line? 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[laughs] we'll drive you happy at carvana. the his oorrors of vladimir putin's war, the heartbreaking moment a ukrainian mother, her worst nightmare, her fear in this moment, the discovery of her son's lifeless body dumped in a well after the retreat of russian forces. >> my little son, she screams. let's go to cnn's phil black live in kyiv. that's awful. i mean, it's awful. gut wrenching, and probably all too common with the atrocities that are being uncovered in this area. >> yeah, that mother recognized her son, identified his body because of the shoes that he was wearing, as you say, screamed out my little son. these scenes are still playing out in the towns and communities around the capital of kyiv that were until recently occupied by russian forces. their bodies are still being recovered. the individual circumstances surround each of those killings are still being investigated. there's still also a big operation to find, identify, and deal with munitions, bombs, explosives, that ukrainian officials say have been deliberately left behind to make the area unsafe. there's a big effort to understand all that took place while these communities were behind russian lines, and it's expected to take some time to play out. don. >> there's new video, phil, that appears to show putin's forces using banned weapons, and you can see what seems to be a cluster munition going off in kharkiv. what are you hearing about this attack in kharkiv? >> so we know what the video shows. you can see the bomblets disbursing across a civilian area, and they detonate in buildings, and then on a road. this isn't the first time that russians, or there has been evidence that the russians have been using cluster munitions in built up areas. a new report by the security and operation in europe released today looking at breaches of international humanitarian and human rights law, makes the point that using these munitions in built up populations like areas like this, is almost always a war crime, and it is aware of at least 134 incidents of these weapons being used don. >> the russian military, phil, is also threatening to strike ukrainian decision making centers including where you are in kyiv. how worried are ukrainian officials tonight about this? >> they have no reason to doubt the will and the intent of russia to follow through on this threat, given everything that russia has already done to this country through this war. russia has made this threat to strike what it describes as decision making centers. it says it has evidence that the ukrainians thinking about and planning more operations to strike targets across the border on the territory of the russian federation. there's only been one really high profile attack which the russians blame ukraine for. that was the destruction of a fuel depot in the city of belgrade a few weeks ago. at the time, ukrainian officials were quite unwilling to confirm or deny, reluctant to talk about it at all. one of the theories to explain their reluctance, they feared escalation, they thought russia might strike back. now that's exactly what russia is saying it will do if the ukrainians even continue to think about launching these sorts of attacks on russian soil. dom. >> russian forces have been pommelling the port city of mariupol. we have been talking about that for weeks. we have been seeing this happening for weeks. the mayor says 180,000 people are still waiting to be evacuated. how bad have things gotten there? >> well, yeah, 120,000 in the city itself. that's the estimated number. another 60,000 in the areas surrounding it. these are people who have been there throughout the siege. throughout the blockade and bombardment as the city has been destroyed, and we have heard that the humanitarian situation there is truly desperate. what we think, though, is that these people would not be under daily bombardment as before because russian forces now control most of the city. they have driven the ukrainian defenders back now into one small isolated area where these fighters are now essentially preparing for a last stand. these are people who have been fighting throughout, without resupply for weeks. they have been surrounded and they've now fallen back to this position. it's unclear how long they can hold out. they obviously clearly committed and they say they will fight to the very end, dom. >> phil black for us kyiv. thank you very much please be safe. russian troops taking aim at eastern ukraine but not everyone is fleeing. cnn on the ground speaking with the people who refuse to leave their homes. that's next. the sleep number 360® smart bed is on sale now. why choose proven quality sleep from sleep number? 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[ bleep ] i want to bring in cnn military analyst, lieutenant general mark hurtling, good to see you. thank you so much for joining us. >> good to see you, don. >> cnn is still trying to verify what happened to this warship. what would it mean if ukraine did hit this ship? >> it would be a pretty good tactical victory, don. we're talking about first of all, the ukrainian intelligence service reported it first in terms of striking it with a neptune missile. now, a neptune is a ukrainian developed land-based antiship missile. i don't think the russians knew that this was a capability to ukraine, and the fact that the ukrainians were reporting it first and then it was only later that russia claimed that there was a fire in one of their ammunition carriers within the ship and that caused the damage and smoke on the ship, but if reports are to be believed that that ship has leaned toward star board or port, i don't know, i'm not a navy guy, but it's sinking fast. it has a crew of about 500 people. it had a lot of equipment on board, and it certainly was capable of reinforcing any actions that russia was perceived to have started in the odesa region. >> general, we saw the report showing us how tense the situation already is in eastern ukraine. france's military is warning russia could launch a large scale offensive in the donbas region, and that could happen in just a few days. how bad do you think this is going to get? >> i'm not sure i agree with the french assessment, don. i really think the russians still having major personnel and logistics problems. they are trying to bring some of the battle tactical groups, battalion tactical groups, excuse me, that were attacking into kyiv and kharkiv earlier in the war down to the east and attacking to the donetsk, and the hluhansk region, the donbas i'm not sure they have been able to reinforce those regions. it will be several weeks before they get any kind of capability to reinforce the actions. they are certainly showing activity in the east but it isn't significant right now. not only do they have personnel problems, but they also have logistics problems. you've seen the line of russian vehicles that are lining up in the north and people are making a big deal out of that, but truthfully, i've seen that column on your film clips, and there's a lot of things that jump out at me from that column. and not a whole lot of tanks in that particular column. not a whole lot of fuel trucks. there's a lot of bmps and btrs, which is a russian personnel carrier, but what's also important in that is most of the soldiers were on top of the vehicles. well, i see the film coming up now. that tells me as a soldier, it reinforces what i know to be the russian approach. they may be taking a break on the side of the road, but also you'll see a lot of russian soldiers not want to go get inside the vehicles because what they have seen their buddies in the first couple of fights. you're going to see more and more attacks with javelins, the new switchblades just announced that the u.s. is sending them. other nato countries are still sending antitank weapons smystes to fight the russians and i think the fight in the donbas is going to be a new type of action but it's going to be just as deadly for the russians. >> interesting. all of that, that's fascinating that you saw all of that in that video, general. thank you for that because i don't know if anybody else would have picked that up. so thank you. president biden unveiling an additional $800 million in military aid to ukraine. there's a lot in it, including attack helicopters. there's switchblade drones and howitzers, how far will this go in helping ukraine end this war? >> don, if you take a look at the fight ukraine will have to conduct in the east, they're going to have to have very mobile reserves. the fight they were fighting to the north of kyiv and the different axis of approaches was a hasty defense with limited counter attacks, and they executed that very well. when you look at the east of ukraine on a map, that's about a 300 mile frontage. what they're going to have to do is stop the russian assault in various areas. to do that, you're going to have to have a mobile reserve of people that can move fast in different weapons systems, you know, and as the biden administration announced, they provided a lot of humvees, some other equipment that were wheel equipment, some counter artillery radars, as well as some artillery pieces. all of those things contribute to the kinds of offensive operations with reserves and quick reaction force that the ukrainians are going to have to basically generate in the east to try and stop any avenue of approach that russia uses. so it will be interesting to see them using these new pieces of equipment, the artillery, the counter fire radars, the fast moving vehicles. many more pieces of javelin and stinger missiles as well as some of the new switchblade drones that they'll be getting. all of these things will contribute. it's giving ukraine a capability that is reinforcing what they've done in the past under a new type of operation. russia's going to attack on several fronts in the east. they're going to do some of the same things we saw them doing, trying to raise towns and conduct artillery strikes against civilian populations. they're also going to be coming on multiple smaller axis on a different kind of terrain. they're going to have to secure river crossings, they're going to have to secure smaller towns. what we have seen so far, don, truthfully, russia does not like to get off the roads to maneuver. they're going to be trapped on some of these lesser roads in the eastern part, and i think that's going to give the opportunity for ukraine to conduct, like i said, quick reaction forces and conducting counter attacks in more mobile warfare in the eastern areas of the donbas. >> we're always enlightened when you come on. thank you, general, we appreciate it. >> my pleasure, don, thank you. western countries united, sending aid to ukraine, and now more countries could be joining nato. are putin's attempts to divide actually bringing the rest of the world together against him? 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you mentioned it in your answer a moment ago, but, i mean, they're dealing with a lot, and they're bringing in new people who don't seem to even be as enthused about this war as the people that were there before? >> well, what's happening is they're seeing the truth. they have been lied to, the russian people have been lied to. putin has been main lighting lies and disinformation directly into the arteries and the minds of the russian people including the russian military personnel. and what they're doing now is seeing the truth, and our hope is going to be ultimately that the russian people see the truth of what putin calls this noble effort. show the pictures of all of that carnage, show the pictures of those mothers grieving over their dead sons. and then put the word noble up next to putin's picture. that tells you why it's really important for all of us to go back and read orr orwell's innovate "1984" where you have the creation of a truth ministry, and that's what's happening here, and that's why the morale has been impacted. the soldiers redeployed, those who have survived, we'll see what happens when they jump in their personnel carriers and they see some of these switchblade drone aircraft and killing them at will. i think that's going to have an even bigger impact, plus the fact when the word gets out that one of their major flagships has been sunk in an attack by a missile fired by the ukrainians, i think that the morale problem is going to increase. it doesn't leave much of an off ramp for president putin. i don't think he thought he would have to have one. there are some that want to give him one at this point. and i think at this point president zelenskyy has said on multiple occasions from the very beginning, i'm willing to talk about remaining neutral, and not trying to join nato, but putin has just dismissed it and said i'm going to kill you instead, and so he's finding out that's a very hard thing to do, especially when the western countries unite and help someone who is not a nato member but stands for democracy rather than dictatorship, and that's really what's at stake here because you see the kind of freedom that they're fighting for and what the russians are doing in their own country by arresting people for saying it's a war, for saying i'm not for the war and being arrested and told on by students. now you see what's happening in russia, so when the truth finally gets out, i think president putin is going to be in real trouble. >> yeah. secretary, always a pleasure. thank you so much, we appreciate it. >> thank you, don. >> thank you. severe weather warnings for more than 37 million americans tonight. we're going to tell you if you're in the path of the storm. that's next. meets power? you try y crazy things... ...because you're crazy... ...and you like it. you get bigger... ...badder... ...faster. ♪ you can never have too much of a good thing... and power is a very good thing. ♪ 37 million americans from the gulf coast to the great lakes under threat of severe weather with a dangerous combination of damaging winds, strong tornadoes, and giant hail. tornado leaving an eight-mile trail of destruction in texas on tuesday. in memphis today, video of a funnel cloud near the mississippi river. we want to go now to the weather center. this is serious stuff. i'm seeing tracking these threats of extreme weather. what are you seeing? >> don, a couple more hours of this at least. this system here, the most aggressive, we've seen the line moving in the last couple of hours, producing light strikes on the order of 700 strikes per minute. the frontal boundary stretches 800 miles from ohio down to the gulf coast. we know it's a storm system that means business. across portions of atlanta, western areas of alabama. so some of these storms could still produce tornadoes. in fact, severe thunderstorm warnings are still in place here in advance of this feature where some of these storms can produce wind gusts of 60 plus miles per hour. that's the concern moving forward. anytime you see tornadoes developing, they're twice as more likely than those during the daytime hours. notice the vast majority of what we've seen today has been with tremendously strong straight-line wins, 50, 60 miles per hour, a lot of trees down and roircadways blocked. we expect portions of the northeast to get in on the action, but the threat drops significantly and gusty winds are the primary threat for thursday afternoon, don. >> be safe, everyone. thank you. we appreciate it. next, arrested. the nypd arresting frank james after he called their tip line on himself. all the details of the subway shooting suspect's arrest after this. rapid grass is a revolutionary mix ofof seed and fertilizer that will change the way you grow grass. it grows two times faster than seed alone for full, green grass in just weeks. after growing grass this fast, everything else just seems... slow. it's lawn season. let's get to the yard. download the scotts my lawn app today for your personalized lawn plan. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. this is "don lemon tonight." the man suspected of opening fire on a packed new york city subway train in custody tonight. police say 62-year-old frank james was arrested without incident this afternoon in lower manhattan. in a strange twist to the story, sources say james himself called into the nypd's crime stoppers hotline to report that he was sitting at a mcdonald's in manhattan's east village. police put him in handcuffs an hour later after

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Search Warrant , Storage Locker , Pieces , Debit Cards , U Haul Card , Unit , Philadelphia , Work , Case , Material , Last , Thebds , U S , Points , Direction , Prosecutors , Government , Attorneys , Department Of Justice , Reporting , Casey Jordan , Law Enforcement Analyst , Jonathan , Capture , Say , Bread Crumbs , State Of Mind , Anything , Phone Call , Credit Cards , Mentioning , Goal , Mayhem , Terrorism , Form , A Cry For Help , Attention , Idea , It , Point , Services , 15 Minutes Of Fame , Subconscious Level , Touch , 15 , Guy , Borough , Course , Anger , Cameras , Country , Don T , Police Force , Location , Plane Sight , Make Excuses , Anybody , Citizen , Come On , Police Department , A Billion , Somebody , Relisten , 38 , Lot , Citizens , Danger , Lot Of , Hold On , Police Officers , One , Threat , Circumstances , Totality , Instance , Chaos , Confusion , Partners , Site , Value , Items , Van , Custody , All Of Us , Someone , Report , Call , Yes , Needs , Crime Stopper Telephone Numbers , Telephone Numbers , Photographs , Ton , News Outlet , Help , Public , Police Commissioner , Last Night , Outreach , Money , Subway System , Matrix , Be , Brill Bratton , 2014 , Safety , Cost , Taxes , Infrastructure Costs , Finances , New Yorkers Riding On Mass Transit , Process , Community , Supporter , Implementation , Solutions , Resources , Technology , Funding , Candor , Posting , Leakage , Everyone , Happening , Social Media , Don T Have A Therapist , Rate , Authorities , Ocean , Law Enforcement , Sites , Amendment , Anyone , Any , On , Intelligence , Arrests , New Jersey , 1998 , 2007 , 1992 , Didn T , Loved Ones , Edge , Communities , Loved One , Transportation System , Society , Aspect , Questions , Appointment , Thanks , Millions , Forces , Ground , Shelling , Positions , Front Line , Route , Front Line Inwards , Breaks , Actor , Action , Liberty Mutual , Need , Car Insurance , Phone Rings , Liberty Butchemel Cut , Liberty Biberty Cut , Whatchya , Pay , Statue Of Liberty , Carvana , Susan , Salespeople , Budget , Seven , Guess Who , Mom , Oorrors , The War , Son , Body , Nightmare , Discovery , Fear , Retreat , Kyiv , Let S Go To Cnn Phil Black , Gut Wrenching , Area , Atrocities , Shoes , Scenes , Towns , Capital , Killings , Bodies , Officials , Operation , Munitions , Bombs , Explosives , Find , Identify , Unsafe , Weapons , Effort , Lines , Phil Black , Cluster Munition , Video Shows , Disbursing , Buildings , Russians , Cluster Munitions , Breaches , Isn T The First Time , Europe , Populations , War Crime , Human Rights Law , 134 , Decision Making Centers , Russian Military , Reason , Intent , Profile Attack , Territory , Operations , Border , Targets , Destruction , City Of Belgrade , Fuel Depot , Soil , Port City Of Mariupol , Escalation , Theories , Reluctance , Dom , Pommelling , In The City , 120000 , 180000 , Bombardment , Number , Another , Blockade , Siege , 60000 , Situation , Most , Defenders , Fighting , Fighters , Resupply , Last Stand , Safe , Troops , Aim , Position , End , Homes , Sleep Number , Sleep , Smarted , Smart Bed , Sale , Movement , Ep , Temperaturealancing , 360 , Miss , Interest , Science , Weekend Special , Sleepnumber Com , Plus 0 , 1000 , 000 , 24 , Happiness , Ratings , Reviews , Angi , Angi Com , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , A1c , Adults , Heart Attack , Stroke , Risk , Weight , Heart Disease , 12 , 7 , Don T Take Ozempic , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Needles , Death , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Reuse , Share , Pens , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , 1 , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Changes , Stop Ozempic , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Diarrhea , 5 , 25 , 3 , Price , Groceries , Prescription , 5g Network , Xfinity Mobile , Verizon , Concert Tickets , Shows , Savings , 500 , 00 , Capital City , War Efforts , Fail , Eastern Front , Ben Wedeman , Donbas , Region , Offensive , Of Barvinkov , Part , Mortars , Onslaught , Officer , Assessment , Bravado , Lieutenant , Girl , Relasidentso , 16 , Leave , Supplies , Galena , Soldiers , Power , Yadmila , God , 83 , Gathering Storm Be Dammed , Wife , Home , Oud , Put , Hand , Advantage , Mother Nature , Rain , Forecast , Ukrainian Army , Warship , Front , Missile Strike , Armor , Mines , Digging Trenches , Hasn T , Ship , Moskova , Warships , Soldier , Inflaamous , Something Else , Snake Island , Don T Have , Lieutenant General , Military Analyst , Mark Hurtling , Terms , Neptune , Victory , Service , Neptune Missile , Capability , Antiship Missile , Reports , Ammunition Carriers , Damage , Smoke , Navy Guy , Star Board Or Port , General , Actions , Crew , Odesa Region , Military , Warning , Scale , France , Personnel , Some , Logistics Problems , Battalion Tactical Groups , Groups , Battle , Regions , Donetsk , Hluhansk , Activity , Personnel Problems , Isn T Significant , Vehicles , Column , Deal , Film Clips , Film , Tanks , Fuel Trucks , Russian Personnel Carrier , Btrs , Bmps , Approach , Side , Break , Countries , Nato , Fights , Switchblades , Javelins , Buddies , Fight , Type , Weapons Smystes , Military Aid , Attack Helicopters , 00 Million , 800 Million , East , Switchblade Drones , Ukraine , Howitzers , Reserves , Axis , Counter Attacks , Defense , Approaches , North , Map , Reserve , Assault , Weapons Systems , Frontage , 300 , Kinds , Wheel Equipment , Offensive Operations , Artillery Pieces , Counter Artillery Radars , Humvees , Counter Fire Radars , Reaction Force , Avenue , Artillery , Missiles , Javelin , Stinger , Fronts , Terrain , Artillery Strikes , Doing , River Crossings , Roads , Opportunity , Pleasure , Warfare , Western , Aid , Attempts , United , Diabetes , Austin James , Stay , Musician , Challenge , Fingersticks , My Name , Libre 2 , System , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , Scan , 8 2 , 6 7 , Move , Satellite Im , Army , Secretary Cohen , Putin Isn T , Sir , Donbas Region , Off Ramp , Hurtling , Will , Battle Situation , Morale , Quality , Quantity , Boost , Size , Manpower , Barbarism , Listening , Plunder , Horror , War Damage , Occasion , Wars , Civilians , Noble Up , Official , Defense Official , Weren T , Chance , Issues , Impact , Answer , Phase , Truth , Lighting , Hope , Arteries , Disinformation , Russian Military Personnel , Mothers , Picture , Pictures , Sons , Carnage , Innovate , Creation , Orr Orwell , Truth Ministry , 1984 , Carriers , Switchblade Drone Aircraft , Morale Problem , Missile , Flagships , It Doesn T , Occasions , Zelenskyy , Finding , Thing , Freedom , Stands , Stake , Dictatorship , Democracy , Secretary , Students , Trouble , Weather , Warnings , The Path Of Storm , 37 Million , Badder , Faster , Combination , Gulf Coast , Great Lakes , Tornadoes , Trail , Winds , Tornado , Hail , Funnel Cloud , Mississippi River , Texas , Memphis , Eight , Weather Center , Least , Aggressive , Storm System , Strikes , Order , Ohio , 700 , 800 , Storms , Wind Gusts , Portions , Thunderstorm Warnings , Advance , Western Areas , Business , Feature , Alabama , Atlanta , 60 , Concern , Miles Per Hour , Majority , Wins , Trees , Roircadways , 50 , Northeast , Seed , Rapid Grass , Tip Line , Subway Shooting Suspect , Details , Fertilizer , Mix Ofof , Grass , Fast , Lawn Season , Yard , App , Green Grass , My Lawn , Scotts , Statin Medication , Brand , Statin Drug , Lawn Plan , Levels , Cholesterol , Qunol Coq10 , Don Lemon Tonight , New York City Subway , Opening , Qunol , 62 , Hotline , Twist , Lower Manhattan , Mcdonald S In Manhattan , East Village , Sources ,

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