Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240708

war. there are new indications that russia is moving more supplies to the border with ukraine as the threat of an invasion looms. we will take you to moscow for a live update. we're so grateful to have you this sunday, january 30th. thanks so much for waking up with us. >> yes, good morning to you. we are always grateful that you are here. hey, boris. >> hey. >> so let's talk about what you didn't get yesterday in terms of the snow. i thought d.c. was in the path, but more than 15 million of you from maine to southern florida, if you have not stepped outside, you know it's cold, but you're waking up under this windchill alert and that's actually a remnant from yesterdays nor'easter. >> the frigid cold follows historic snowfall that broke records throughout the northeast, and this is what it looked like in boston. officials there still are urging residents to stay home and off the roads. appears to be whiteout conditions. and it wasn't just snow, a lot of places saw coastal flooding, t too. >> that's the moment i would be looking for an exit. >> exactly. running for the exits. observation waves crashing against the wind toe of a hotel in plymouth, massachusetts, yesterday. >> the headaches are not over, by the way. more than 1,200 flights to u.s. airports have been canceled today alone which affects not just people in that region but those who may have been trying to get there. >> we have the latest forecast from the cnn weather center coming up in just a moment, but let's go to boston and cnn's polo sandoval, he is live for us this morning. polo, boston recording its snowiest january on record, temperatures there right now in the teens. what should folks expect for the rest of their day? what is it like right now? >> reporter: well, guys, can you tell that we had a blizzard here in boston? the first in four years. that's because there is a certain set of criteria that has to actually happen of conditions that have to come together in order for that to actually happen here. you have to have those heavy winds of over 35 miles an hour for an extended period of time, low visibility and snowfall, extreme snowfall. as you mentioned, one of the snowiest days on record. the snowfall that we saw in boston just under 24 inches tying an amount that was logged in 2003, making for really -- really tying for the single snowiest day for boston. we are standing in a park right now but i want to get you a look at the streets, that's what's going to affect a lot of people as they get up and go about their sunday. seeing what we actually observed in the downtown boston area but also images throughout the city, the city has really done a pretty remarkable job in terms of the main roads of making sure that they're clear. you can see black top throughout the streets and a lot of the side roads as well. that was a challenge when you get getting from 2 to 3 inches an hour yesterday afternoon. authorities were certainly concerned they weren't going to be able to keep up but they basically worked throughout the night and continue to work this morning to make sure those roads are clear. power outages that's one of the big areas of concern, a lot of that along the massachusetts coastal areas, areas that saw some of that coastal flooding. you can bet utilities companies will be working as hard as they can to make sure people get back on line as soon as possible. we checked with the utilities companies this morning and the numbers are dropping in terms of power outages. the temperature feeling about negative 7 degrees the real feel here in boston right now. >> yeah, that's what i thought. i thought that there was some really cold weather behind this thing that was coming in. you take care of yourself there, polo. thank you so much. >> negative 7 degrees no joke. >> no kidding. all right. tyler, talk to us about where we go from here. >> yeah, so the temperatures only going to go down, that means the snowfall that fell yesterday is going to stick around for a couple more days. look at some of these snowfall totals, big winner was up in not massachusetts, 30.9 inches, we all were give or take around 2 feet or so. boston, massachusetts, they tied that record for the snowiest single day on record at 23.6 inches. that snowfall as i mentioned is going to linger around because even though the system is out of here, we have some northerly winds coming in and it's bringing in arctic air. temperatures are plummeting and you're feeling it outside. we have windchill alerts for maine down into the carolinas. now, the temperatures combined with the wind currently making it feel like it's below zero out there. new york is feeling like it's 3 degrees, albany minus 10, boston minus 5. so that's the kind of air that we have plunging down. we do rebound come the afternoon but still well below average. anytime you're below average in january you know it's going to be pretty uncomfortable. temperatures in burlington you should be sitting at 29 but you will actually only top out today at 17 degrees. it's not just here, guys, this cold air is being felt all the way down into florida where temperatures this morning are in the 20s and 30s as far south as central and southern florida. >> all right. tyler, thank you so much. we appreciate all your work the last couple days. it's the question that we've been trying to sort out since yesterday afternoon, will he or won't he? football fans trying to figure out exactly what the g.o.a.t. will do after espn reported that nfl quarterback tom brady is going to retire at the end of the season. >> so think about it, 22 seasons, seven super bowl wins, he's 44 years old and he says, i'm still undecided. cnn's sports ankle andy scholes reports. >> reporter: have we seen the nfl's most accomplished player walk off the field for the final time? espn's adam schefter and jeff darlington reporting saturday afternoon that after 22 seasons tampa bay buccaneers quarterback tom brady plans to retire. after orchestrating yet another incredible come back in the loss to the rams last sunday brady had said on his podcast monday any decision to walk away would be a family call. >> the biggest difference now that i'm older is i have kids now, too, you know, and i care about them a lot as well and, you know, they've been my biggest supporters, my wife is my biggest supporter. you know, it pains her to see me get hit out there. you know, she deserves what she needs from me as a husband and my kids deserve what they need from me as a dad. i would say i'm proud and satisfied of everything we accomplished this year. i know when i give it my all that's something to be proud of and i've literally given everything i have had this year, last year, the year before that, the year before that. i don't leave anything half-assed. >> reporter: the seven-time super bowl champ has always maintained he wanted to play to 45 years old. brady will celebrate his 45th birthday in august. his bucs teammate devin white was quick to offer congratulations on a great career via social media but some close to brady have told media outlets that his future is still undecided. brady's agent releasing a statement to espn saying i understand the advanced speculation about tom's future. without getting into the accuracy or inaccuracy of what's being reported, tom will be the only person to express his plans with complete accuracy. he knows the realities of the football business and planning calendar as well as anybody, so that should be soon. brady's father, tom brady sr. also telling multiple reporters his son hasn't made up his mind. the bucs head coach bruce arians says he has not been told brady is retiring. cnn has reached out to the bucs, brady's representatives and the nfl but haven't received responses about the situation. if this is it for brady he leaves as the greatest quarterback to ever play the game, a sixth round pick that was once the huge underdog ends with the most passing yards and most touchdowns in nfl history and those seven super bowl rings are more than any other team in league history. >> he's able to step aside while still playing at an extraordinarily high level at an advanced age and the word satisfaction also came into play. he had all that he accomplished in new england and if he had stepped aside at that point it would have been more than enough to ensure his place in history right at the top of the pyramid. then he goes and wins another super bowl with the bucs and he plays at an extremely high level this year, change a play or two and he's in the conference championship game tomorrow. so leaving at that level, very, very few athletes, even among the greatest of the great, get to go out on their own terms that way. >> thanks to andy scholes for that report. let's bring in now cnn sports correspondent carolyn manno. carolyn, we have seen tom brady pull off some incredible last second come backs before. is this really the end for the greatest quarterback of all time? >> yeah, at this point it appears that way, boris. i think what you just heard in andy's report from tom brady himself really echos that. that he doesn't like to do things halfway. he has proven to be so meticulous in every single aspect of his career and there's really just the sense that this narrative somehow escaped his control on saturday. i had a chance to speak with multiple people who are and have been close with him, they tell me their sense is that he was planning on ultimately making this decision but he doesn't like other people communicating what he feels is his business or are his plans. this is a man that produces his own pregame hype videos, i would be shocked truly if there weren't a clearly defined strategy around this decision to retire. from covering him myself for many years in new england i have known him to be a historian of the game. i doubt he would have timed it this way. this is the eve of the today's championship conference games, he played in 14 of those over the course of his career. he won ten of them. he's made it look very easy but he knows firsthand how difficult it is to get to this point for the teams that are left in the playoffs and so with the respect as a player, as a leader, the example that he strives to set creating a circus with the final two games before the super bowl looming doesn't seem to align with his personal values, either. >> all right. so here is my question, do you have any ideas how this confusion started, because we were talking yesterday and somebody said it almost sounds like somebody who was close to him leaked it out, which would really be sad. >> yeah, it's really difficult to speculate. i think, christi, there certainly is the notion that somebody on his team wanted to get ahead of this narrative, it's all about controlling that. that maybe, you know that is correct got back to tom and he said i need to do things my way. his dad tom sr. in the past has gotten a playful wrist slap from his son about maybe leaking information about how the quarterback is feeling. if those things are the case it would be unfortunate. there's also been talk about a spite season, tom brady may be coming back for another year so he can truly do things exactly his own way. however the information came out i think what we're learning now is this is the future, a league without tom brady and of course there is no regrets there. he's got nothing left on the table. >> that is true. he's generally done it all. carolyn manno, thank you so much. >> thanks, carolyn. still ahead this hour, russia is claiming it doesn't want war with ukraine. but its actions suggest otherwise. we will talk about it coming up. stay close. plus former president trump hinting he might pardon the january 6th rioters if he takes back the white house in 2024. hear exactly what he said after a quick break. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge 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minutes past the hour right now. during a rally in texas, former president donald trump teased a presidential run in the 2024 election, and said he would consider pardoning those who were charged in connection with the deadly january 6th attack on the capitol if, of course, he wins the white house again. his comments last night reflect this growing sentiment among some republicans that the rioters should be forgiven. >> if i run and if i win, we will treat those people from january 6th fairly. we will treat them fairly. and if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons, because they are being treated so unfairly. >> clearly living another version of reality removed from reality. the comments come as the house select committee investigating the insurrection has already issued scores of subpoenas and they're expected to release some of their findings this summer. in the next hour we're going to take a deeper dive into trump's latest comments with cnn's brian shelter. stay tuned for that. major news close to the white house, more than 100 influential black women from across the country thanked president biden in a letter after he vowed to honor his promise to nominate a black woman to the supreme court. it would be a historic pick. the first ever to sit on the bench if she is confirmed. >> this is a show of appreciation for the president and a show of support for the possible nominees. from key democrats as he continues to take criticism from republicans over that announcement. cnn white house reporter jasmine wright is with us now. so talk to us about the goal from those who were signing this letter. >> reporter: yeah, christi and boris, the goal is two pronged here. first it is to thank the president for following through on that pledge, but second, it is really to make it very clear that there are a group of very influential black women around this country ready to rally around whoever that potential nominee may be. so in a letter sent to the president on friday, that was signed by more than 100 leading black women, they applaud biden for seizing this moment in history to lead with the vision of america at its best and ensuring that the leadership of our democracy reflects a diversity of lived experiences at the highest levels. now, they add that nominating a black woman with the necessary compassion, sense of justice and brilliant legal mind will bolster the integrity of the supreme court. so now this comes, boris and christi, as we've started to see messaging and rhetoric heat up from republicans on this issue. we have heard disparaging and frankly some racist comments with some implying that if a black woman is nominated that they will not be qualified for the seat or even when it comes to senator roger wicker of mississippi, a republican, where he said that basically the -- whoever is chosen will be a beneficiary of affirmative action and will be fulfilling a quota. now, these women who sent this letter to president biden they are influential as we said, they are civil rights leaders, political -- political -- people in the political spectrum from all types of work, media personalities and they were really active in pushing the president, then candidate, to pick a black woman vice president in 2020. they've been involved in voting rights efforts at the white house as well as police reform, but now here is their goal is to protect this nominee whoever it should be. remember, we don't know who it is yet, but they want to protect them and make sure they get to this confirmation process fairly, swiftly and with the least amount of damage to their name as possible. christi and boris. >> and jasmine, president biden says he's going to select the nominee by the end of february. what can we expect over the course of the next few weeks? >> reporter: well, we can expect a bit of a hustle. we know that the white house has confirmed that they are considering judge michelle childs of south carolina who has is being pushed by biden ally jim clyburn. we see on the screen more people we believe are under consideration from the white house to fulfill this role. now, you said president biden says he wants to have a nominee by the end of february and of course chuck schumer majority leader in the senate says he wants the confirmation process to go quickly. we will hear a this rhetoric about where it is, where the white house is in the process of things really for the next few weeks. boris, christi? >> jasmine wright, thank you. good to see you this morning. so there is optimism this morning as the united states turns a corner on this latest surge of covid cases. that states might start easing restrictions. >> cnn health reporter jacqueline howard has more. >> reporter: christi and boris, there is a lot of optimism but that doesn't mean that the united states is going to roll back its covid-19 measures or recommendations quite yet. the reason why most covid-19 policies are based on levels of community transmission of the coronavirus and right now nearly every single county in the u.s. is still experiencing high levels of transmission. you see on this map here only a handful, about four counties, have gotten transmission down to low levels, two in rural texas, one in nebraska and one in hawaii. so low transmission means there are fewer than ten new covid-19 cases per 100,000 people in a week and the test positivity rates in a community is less than 5%. whereas, high transmission means there are at least 100 new covid-19 cases per 100,000 people in a week and the test positivity in that community is at 10% or greater. now, cnn has reached out to some cities and counties from seattle to north carolina, and their health officials tell us that they are keeping an eye on transmission levels to help determine the best path to take to return to what we used to think of as normal. u.s. surgeon general dr. vivek murthy told our colleague jake tapper that he is optimistic, but we must remain vigilant. have a listen. >> well, i certainly share the optimism that we are in a better place now and we will be in a better place in a few weeks, but i don't think that means that we should take our foot off the accelerator. >> reporter: you see there he and other health officials say let's not take our foot off the accelerator quite yet. christi, boris? >> jacqueline howard, thank you so much. a top military official warns a russian invasion of ukraine would be horrific, so why is ukraine saying there's no reason to panic? we will take you live to moscow after a quick break. k... wow... ...he knows what he's doing... ...when i'm actually pretty lost with my payroll taxes. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers. 100% accurate payroll tax calculations guaranteed. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, 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what could be another ominous sign in the crisis between russia and ukraine. two senior defense officials tell cnn there are indications russia has positioned blood supplies near ukraine's border. >> you add that to a buildup of troops and military equipment and u.s. officials say it could be another sign that russia is planning an invasion where casualties would have to be treated. meantime, ukraine's deputy defense minister is pushing back forcefully on that report, they're denying that it's true. >> cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson is with us from moscow. talk to us about what you're learning regarding russia potentially positioning these blood supplies along the border. >> reporter: russia continues to say that this is all military training and certainly many military experts would say blood supplies would be part of military training exercises, you know, they were put the medical units through the same sort of drills they would put the other units through. it is concerning. there are few details about the blood supplies, how much, where it's going, towards which units. is it close to which units might it be supporting? could it be those first into combat? there's a lot of detail we don't have but it's very clear the ukrainians are trying to tamp down the idea that this invasion could be imminent because they don't want to spread tensions and fear and panic among their own politician. the deputy defense minister said this is essentially part of psychological warfare. of course, this is what the ukrainians feel russia has been exposing them to over the last number of years. they are used to this. they feel that we don't understand it and that we don't get it, but i think, you know, the real information is in the details that we don't have about the blood supplies. it is really how much, to which units, is it just to some really rear medical training facility that's out there for these so-called military exercises, or is it something else? and that's important to know that. >> reporting from no, sir could you, nic robertson, thanks for the update. so what does vladimir putin want? that's a question getting asked a lot in the crisis between russia and ukraine, but other countries, including germany and france, also have a stake in how all of this plays out. >> cnn's tom foreman breaks it all down for us here. >> reporter: hey, boris and christi, this dangerous and complicated situation is made much more so by the fact that everybody wants something different. so let's break it down by starting with ukraine. what does president zelensky want there? he wants to keep a united independent country, he would like to continue building ties with the west with nato and less so with russia, he would like the russians to stay on their side of the border, even though there's still some fighting in the eastern part of his country already, and ultimately he would like everyone to tamp down the language a little bit. he says he's not convinced that the russians are ready to invade, so don't provoke them by saying too much. what about the russians what do they want? vladimir putin has long made it clear that he still considers ukraine and some of the other satellites from the old soviet union that broke up in 1991 still considers them socially, culturally part of russia and would still like them to be part of russia. most of all, though, he wants them to not be part of the west and not be part of nato. his argument to his own people is, look, we have to put troops here along the border because, look, the united states, nato, all those countries, they might try to break into russia and take our energy sources. you know how they view us. so putin sees it in a different way. the united states, different still. russia says assure us that you won't let ukraine into nato. the united states says, no, we're not going to assure you that. ukraine might become part of nato and by golly we're going to stand by ukraine right now because we think you are trying to expand your empire once again. don't give us all that talk of culture and society. the ukrainians are independent, they are a democracy, they should remain so. by the way, we saw what you did in crimea, we're not going to stand for that again. then it goes beyond to places like germany. germany gets a lot of its power from russia. they don't want to send any offensive weapons into ukraine against the russians. we really think we should be able to work everything out. france says similar things. we should be able to work it out, but france says if it doesn't work out we're not going to stand for military incursions there. you see how it all shapes up. this is a real mix of people saying let's talk it over and people saying let's get ready to fight and it's really quite on a knife edge. with so many competing interests it might not take much to tip it either way, christi, boris? >> thanks to tom foreman for breaking down all those competing interests for us. coming up, we will tell you about a small town in alabama where some people say that getting stopped by police feels like a shakedown. don't go anywhere. stay with cnn. ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ to make my vision a reality. i have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. with my varilux progressive lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. and see every detail in sharp focus. when you see no limits, there are no limits. book now at your local essilor experts to push the limits of your vision. varilux lenses by essilor. 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felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. the small town of brookside, alabama, has no traffic lights, but it does have police s.w.a.t. vehicles and a tank. residents have complained for years about excessive fines and fees imposed by law enforcement, amounting to ultimately half of the town's budget. >> the policing problems have only gotten worse in recent years, putting the town under some new scrutiny here and cnn's nick valencia went to take a look. >> reporter: less than 30 minutes north of birmingham sits the small town of brookside, alabama. it's a former mining town with no stoplights, no retail stores other than the dollar general and no major crimes. a stretch of interstate 22 runs directly through brookside and the town has a lot of cops to police it. brookside is only about three miles long and has just over 1,200 residents, but the police here, they feel the need for at least three s.w.a.t. vehicles. not only that, they also have a tank, which looks brand-new. according to the local media outlet between 2018 and 2020 under brookside police chief mike jones income from fees and forfeitures increased by 640%. the outlet says the money amounts to half of the town's total income or roughly $1.2 million. >> you feel like they tried to ruin her name? >> yes, they d they did. >> reporter: pastor vance says he is one of the countless victims of the policing for profit. in 2019 he says he was unjustly pulled over for having temporary plates on his new car. he has filed a lawsuit for defamation of character and filing false charges. >> they're policing for revenue. they're pulling people over for bogus charges. >> reporter: 24-year-old college student jori jones said her interaction with the brookside police felt like a shakedown after being pulled over for driving without her lights just before dusk jones says her car was impounded and she was left stranded on the side of the road. jones' attorney says she will also sue the police department. >> even though i was pulled over, i was following the laws of the road. >> reporter: the jefferson county sheriff's office says for years there's been a slue of complaints against the brookside police department. this week police chief mike jones suddenly resigned. >> hey there. my name is nick valencia -- >> reporter: we went to brookside to talk to who is in charge now. >> so the town of brookside does not have a current police chief? >> reporter: but we're told they don't have a new chief. >> no comment. >> reporter: the brookside police gave us this statement. this will confirm that mike jones resigned as the police chief for the town of brookside. since this involves a personnel matter the town has no further comment. brookside's mayor was in the office but he declined our request for an interview, responding to the allegations of predatory policing he handed us this statement, in part saying, to investigate and address the issues raised by recent news accounts of our police department the town of brookside requested the alabama peace officers standards and training commission perform a compliance audit of the brookside police department and officers. the town continues to investigate these issues and will take any other appropriate action that may be determined miss. leah nelson with the social justice nonprofit alabama apple seed says alabama doesn't generate enough revenue from taxation to public policy incentivizes cities and counties to get that revenue another way. >> the path of least resistant is ticketing people for low level offenses. >> reporter: brookside residents wonder if the new tactics will consider under a new chief. mike jones never got back to us. the town still does not have a police chief but the mayor says he has directed the police department to no longer patrol interstate 22 unless they're responding to accidents. the mayor added he has also met with a representative from the lieutenant governor's office and he is cooperating fully. state lawmakers in alabama tell us they are currently drafting legislation to address predatory policing so that this happens nowhere else in the state. nick valencia, cnn, atlanta. >> thanks so much to nick for that report. there's going to be an important conversation about race and policing tonight at 9:00 p.m. on cnn as sara sidner reports on the increasing danger of driving while black in america. it's a new cnn special report traffic stop and it begins tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. i'm going to ask you a question, would you take your paycheck in bitcoin? new york's new mayor promised to do so. we're talking to the mayor of jackson, tennessee, next because he wants to give all city employees that option. hear his plans. we will be right back. r words. when a cough tries to steal dad's punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? soothe your cough naturally. if i go to sleep right now, i can get more.... four hours. that's not good. what is time? time. time is just a construct. construct. construction. there is a crack. oh god are you kidding me?! oh god... hi, aren't you tired of this? -yes! good days start with good nights. seems like a good time to find out about both. why are you talking like that? is this an ad? are we in an ad? it's time for sleep number's january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the 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(burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ 47 minutes past the hour. new york city mayor eric adams might be taking home less money than he expected after promising to get paid in bitcoin and following through by converting his first through paychecks to cryptocurrency. now bitcoin has fallen almost 50% since hitting a record high back in november but despite the price drop a lot of politicians, athletes, celebrities still see block chain technology as the future. los angeles' staples center recently changed name to arena. in miami mayor francis suarez is pushing for his city to be the crypto capital of the world and here with us now jackson, tennessee, mayor scott conger who says bitcoin is the next step in the evolutionary process of currency. thank you for being with us. we know you are proposing to give city employees the option of converting their paychecks into the cryptocurrency but i wanted to first ask you because you call this particular kind of currency a great financial equalizer that can bridge the wealth gap. how so? >> thanks for having me on this morning. i think that bitcoin and cryptocurrency have that option because you look at the numbers of roughly 90% of americans have access to a smartphone. utilizing crypto with dollar costs averaging if it's a dollar a day, $5 a day or week, that savings and growth pro residential. you talk about the 50% drop in the last several months but overall there is a 273,000% appreciation since bitcoin has been established in 2010. that appreciation and trajectory keeps going the long term appreciation cycle. >> people to get in that now do not benefit obviously from that rise in the value as you suggested. i want to read a couple of headlines you alluded to as well what's been happening in the last couple of months and these are headlines over the last 48 hours. bitcoin is reeling from a two-month free-fall. that was on a yahoo news. cnbc has paul krugman says crypto has disturbing parallels with subprime mortgage meltdown. you have the hill saying crept toe volatility hits banks, celebs and every day investors. what convinces you that crypto is a solid investment? >> you know, no one blinks an eye when a stock market has a dip. i think that's the same thing with bitcoin. you see short-term volatility as long as people are trying to day trade and the way that we're looking at this in jackson, tennessee, when we talk about employees being able to take that option of investing, it's not day trading, it's not trying to capitalize on short term gains it's about long term horizon investing and that's part of the education piece that we have and we are looking at our platform to provide that option for employees. >> so how have city employees received this? >> it's been across the board, some have come to my door and knocked on it and say, hey, we're ready to do this, i'm? some are more skeptical. that's why education is an important piece. we offer our employees an ira plan so this will be not dissimilar to that. we will still pay them in u.s. dollars and then they will have an option with a third-party platform we contract with to utilize crypto, utilize bitcoin, we hope it's bitcoin, to look at that long-term investing strategy we want them to do with the same strategy they have for their iras for retirement. >> let me ask you this, i know you've given a blueprint of plans to install a digital mining network at city hall. some people might look at this and say on your personal time, sure, go ahead and do what you want to do with your finances. there may be some trepidations about bringing this into city and state government. to what you say what? >> first off, that was a plan and unfortunately right now in the state of tennessee we can't do that because local governments can't hold any crypto on the balance sheet. making a small investment utilizing those mining rigs in off peak hours which will help regulate our electricity grid would be a benefit not only to our energy authority but to our -- being able for us to prepare for and pay for our electricity bills, you know, this would not be a gamble and investment, this would be utilizing the mining machines to do that investment for us and mining while we're still going on with regular business. look at 10, 15, 20 years down the road when that appreciation cycle has come up on where the projections think it will be then local governments will be able to ask the and question instead of the or question we're faced with every day now. >> mayor scott conger, appreciate you taking the time to be with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> of course. aaa says that gas prices are not coming down anytime soon. it's not the news that drivers want to hear. we have details just ahead. ♪ got my hair ♪ ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? 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[crowd] yeah! because i do. ok, that was awesome. voya. be confident to and through retirement. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. as the price of gasoline ticks up across the country everyone is feeling that pain at the pump, but perhaps no one harder than the companies who have to fill their trucks with hundreds of gallons of fuel every day. >> and now they're fearing the damage to their bottom line is, you know, what's going to happen to it if prices continue to spike. cnn's vanessa your cave vich has the story from north carolina. >> reporter: the price the gas on the rise again. >> every week we use a whole lot of fuel. >> reporter: and when you're filling up 500 trucks a week, it gets expensive. >> diesel fuel is one of our single biggest expenses to run these trucks. >> reporter: sean brown is mayor of claremont, north carolina, and works for his family's 50-year-old trucking company. >> each truck has 200 gallon total capacity in their fuel tanks. drivers run on average 2,000 miles a week, some more, some less. do you the math on that. >> reporter: we did and with diesel up more than a dollar a gallon on average the last year that's about $736 each time one of these fills up. $200 more per truck on average from a year ago. >> any cost that goes up will hurt your profitability. >> reporter: in north carolina prices have seen the biggest annual increase in seven years, up 5 cents a gallon for regular fuel in just the last month, in line with national increases. >> gas prices really have been a roller coaster ride. these are places where gas prices don't tend to drop as they do in other places around the country because they are year-round destinations. >> reporter: and with the price of crude oil which makes fuel jumping 30% since december due to increased demand, but less product on the market, the cost to fill up could continue to rise. >> it's like the necessity of food, it's not something that you can put down. gas is a must. you cannot get from here to there without the gas. so there's no way getting by it. >> reporter: but some drivers have found a way. >> we're here. south carolina. >> reporter: i saw you have north carolina plates. >> looking to save some money. ten minutes i can say 20 cents. >> reporter: just a short drive from charlotte, north carolina, into south carolina can save drivers 10 to 20 cents a gallon on average. >> if we're working over here we always get gas over here on the side. >> reporter: christine works for a landscaping company that services north and south carolina. she says the price of gas in any state is too much. >> it's cost me well into $140, $150 just to fill up. >> reporter: when you look at that price, what do you think? >> i think it sucks. it can put me out of business. there are some jobs that i don't even take now because it costs me too much to get there. >> a lot of people facing that, not just in north carolina, but thank you so much, vanessa. great story there. next hour of your "new day" starts right now. so you are waking up on sunday, january 30th, take a nice deep breath, we're so glad to have you with us. >> thanks so much for waking up with us, christi, always a pleasure to be with you. this morning more than 15 million americans from maine to southern florida are waking up under windchill alerts because of some very dangerous cold temperatures. >> yeah, take a look at what the situation was in boston. all four screens a mess. the powerful nor'easter brought historic snowfall, it broke records really throughout the northeast. it didn't stop one rhode island couple, though, from going through with their wedding plans. congratulations to them this morning. that's memorable for everybody there. piles of snow and strong winds,

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Christi Paul , Areas , Boris Sanchez , Weather , Parts , Many , Cyclone , Christi , Snowfall Records , New England , Bomb , Relief Millions , Tom Brady Sr , People , Question , Confusion , Reports , Folks , Power , Step , He , Field , Isn , Good , One , Invasion , Russia , Border , Ukraine , Update , Supplies , Indications , War , Threat , Thanks , U S , Yes , January 30th , Sunday January 30th , 30 , Terms , Path , Snow , Outside , Maine To Southern Florida , 15 Million , Extreme Snowfall , Cold , Records , Northeast , Windchill , Remnant , Yesterdays Nor Easter , Wasn T Just Snow , Places , Roads , Boston , T Too , Residents , Officials , Home , Whiteout Conditions , Observation , Exit , Exits , Wind Toe , Hotel , Way , Cnn , Region , Headaches , Forecast , Airports , Massachusetts , Weather Center , Plymouth , 1200 , Temperatures , Record , Polo , Teens , Let S Go , Polo Sandoval , Reporter , Guys , Set , Conditions , Rest , Criteria , Blizzard , Order , Four , Winds , Visibility , 35 , Amount , Day For Boston , Days On Record , 24 , 2003 , City , Streets , Look , Sunday , Park , Images , Downtown Boston Area , Side , Authorities , Job , Challenge , 3 , 2 , Power Outages , Flooding , Saw , Concern , Massachusetts Coastal Areas , Utilities Companies , Feel , Companies , Numbers , Temperature Feeling , Line , 7 , Thing , Care , Joke , Kidding , Tyler , Snowfall Totals , Winner , Single , Feet , 30 9 , 23 6 , Alerts , System , Carolinas , Arctic Air , Maine , Wind , New York , Kind , Degrees , Air , Minus 5 , Zero , Minus 10 , Average , 29 , Work , Cold Air , Where , Southern Florida , The 20s And 30s , 20 , 17 , Goat , Football Fans , Espn , Super Bowl , Season , It , Nfl , Seasons , Wins , Sports Ankle Andy Scholes Reports , 22 , Seven , 44 , Reporting , Player Walk , Adam Schefter , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Jeff Darlington , Kids , Decision , Rams Last Sunday Brady , Incredible , Difference , Loss , Family Call , Podcast , Wife , Supporter , Supporters , Hit , Husband , Everything , Something , Dad , Wall , Devin White , Bucs , Birthday , Half Assed , Congratulations , Champ , 45 , Statement , Career , Accuracy , Social Media , Speculation , Media Outlets , Tom S , Agent , Inaccuracy , Plans , Planning , Dad Tom Sr , Person , Football Business , Realities , Anybody , Calendar , Father , Brady S , Mind , Reporters , Son , Bruce Arians , Hasn T , Situation , League History , Haven T , Play The Game , Quarterback , This Is It , Responses , Representatives , Yards , Underdog , Touchdowns , Team , Level , Satisfaction , Word , Age , Place , Point Of View , Play , Top , Pyramid , Athletes , Two , Game , Greatest , Report , Carolyn Manno , End , Now Cnn Sports Correspondent , Second Come Backs Before , Things , Aspect , Andy , Business , Sense , Chance , Narrative , Control , Man , Strategy , Videos , Historian , Hype , Pregame , There Weren T A , Course , Games , Eve , Ten , 14 , Playoffs , Respect , Teams , Example , Player , Leader , Doesn T , Values , Circus , Somebody , Ideas , Notion , Information , Tom , Feeling , Case , Slap , Wrist , Talk , Learning , Regrets , League , Nothing , Table , Doesn T Want War , President , Former , Rioters , White House , Actions , January 6th , 6 , 2024 , Break , Breaking Point , Blend , Best , Nutrients , Emergen C , Emergen C My Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Psoriatic Arthritis , Burning , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Joints , Painful , Stinging , Tremfya , Symptoms , Adults , Reactions , Medication , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , 16 , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Ability , Risk , Vaccine , Plan , Customers , Magenta , Iphone 13 , T Mobile , 13 , Mental Health Meds , Story , Movements , Body , Mental Health , Treatment , Ingrezza , Td , Food , Td Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Prescription Medicine , Pill , 80 , Ingredients , Side Effects , Don T , Sleepiness , Activities , Dose , Operate Heavy Machinery , Ingrezza May , Don T Drive , 10 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Zero Dollars , 1 , Rally , Texas , Donald Trump , Election , Connection , Run , Attack , Capitol If , Republicans , Sentiment , Version , Reality , Pardons , House Select Committee , Comments , Insurrection , Dive , Trump , Subpoenas , Summer , Scores , Findings , Biden Ally , Country , Letter , Woman , Women , News , Promise , Supreme Court , Brian Shelter , 100 , Appreciation , Show , Support , Nominees , Criticism , Pick , Democrats , Bench , Goal , Jasmine Wright , Announcement , Nominee , Second , Pledge , Group , On Friday , Levels , Democracy , Vision , Nominating , Experiences , Leadership , Diversity , Rhetoric , Heat , Compassion , Justice , Messaging , Integrity Of The Supreme Court , Republican , Roger Wicker , Issue , Seat , Disparaging , Mississippi , Leaders , Affirmative Action , Beneficiary , Rights , Quota , Vice President , Spectrum , Media Personalities , Types , Voting Rights Efforts , 2020 , Damage , Confirmation Process , Police Reform , Name , Bit , Jasmine , Hustle , The End , South Carolina , Michelle Childs , Consideration , Screen , Role , Jim Clyburn , Chuck Schumer , Senate , Optimism , Covid 19 , Process , Surge , Corner , Health , Cases , States , Jacqueline Howard , Easing Restrictions , Covid , Doesn T Mean , 19 , Transmission , Policies , Reason , Recommendations , Community Transmission , County , Coronavirus , Counties , Handful , Map , Rural Texas , Nebraska , Hawaii , Community , Test , Positivity Rates , High , 100000 , 5 , North Carolina , Cities , Health Officials , Greater , Test Positivity , Seattle , Help , Eye , Vivek Murthy , Surgeon General , Jake Tapper , Transmission Levels , Foot , Accelerator , Listen , Military Official , Payroll Taxes , Payroll Tax Calculations , Intuit Quickbooks , Doing , K Wow , Cheers , Trouble , Heart , Boogie , Pop , Butter , Criminal , Side Step , Moon , Baby , Rock , Beat , Cupcake , Batteries , Aa Battery , Tragedy , Case Closed , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Master , Staffing , Size , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Yep , Network , Nice , 5g , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Shouldn T , Icing , Cake , Yup , Nice Ride , Xfinity Mobile , Wait , 400 Bucks , 400 , Blood Supplies , Sign , Crisis , Defense Officials , Buildup , Watching , Deputy Defense Minister , Troops , Military Equipment , Casualties , Nic Robertson , Moscow , Part , Military Experts , Military Training Exercises , Military Training , Units , Details , Drills , Sort , Ukrainians , Detail , Idea , Combat , Tensions , Politician , Number , Fear , Panic , Psychological Warfare , Training , Something Else , Military Exercises , Facility , Sir , No , Vladimir Putin , Countries , Stake , Germany , Tom Foreman , France , Plays Out , More , Everybody , Down , Fact , Zelensky , Russians , Nato , West , Fighting , Ties , Everyone , Language , Some , Satellites , Most , Soviet Union , 1991 , Argument , Energy Sources , Won T Let Ukraine , Golly , Empire , Talk Of Culture And Society , Crimea , Weapons , Military Incursions , Doesn T Work Out , Interests , Mix , Knife Edge , Town , Coming Up , Shakedown , Alabama , Anywhere , Don T Go , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Stay , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Someone , Perspective , Turn , Liberty , Tex , Pay , Hang On , Progressive Lenses , Sharp Focus , Limits , Experts , Varilux Lenses , Essilor , Meal , Panera , You Pick , Fantastic , Fun , Classic , Pairings , Fresh , Mood , Bold , Craveable , 465 , Running , Meetings , Errands , World , Dream , Advisor , Immunotherapy , Northwestern Mutual , Growth , Cancer , Oxygen Levels , Cancer Discovery , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Egfr , 75 , Asthma , Everywhere , Anything , Dana Farber , Shingles , Nunormal , Mouth , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Face , Swelling , Tongue , Nucala , Headache , Asthma Specialist , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Tank , Brookside , Vehicles , Traffic Lights , Swat , Fees , Policing Problems , Fines , Law Enforcement , Budget , Scrutiny , Nick Valencia , Mining Town , Stoplights , Retail , Valencia , Birmingham , Dollar General , Crimes , Stretch , Cops , Runs , Interstate 22 , Three , Brookside Police , Need , Media Outlet A L Com , 2018 , Money , Mike Jones , Outlet , Half , Forfeitures , 2 Million , 1 2 Million , 640 , Policing , Profit , Pastor , Victims , 2019 , Car , Revenue , Plates , Charges , Character , Lawsuit , Defamation , Jori Jones , Interaction , Driving , Lights , Dusk Jones , Road , Police Department , Police Chief , Complaints , Laws , Jefferson County Sheriff S Office , Slue , Attorney , Comment , Chief , Charge , My Name , Mayor , Office , Interview , Personnel , Request , Issues , Saying , Training Commission , Alabama Peace Officers Standards , News Accounts , Allegations , Officers , Action , Miss , Compliance Audit , Leah Nelson With The Social Justice Nonprofit Alabama Apple , Alabama Doesn T , Least , Seed , Taxation , Ticketing , Public Policy Incentivizes , Offenses , Tactics , Lieutenant Governor , Representative , Accidents , State Lawmakers , Estate , Legislation , Nowhere , Atlanta , Special Report , Driving While Black In America , Traffic Stop , On Cnn , Race , Conversation , Danger , Sara Sidner , 9 , 00 , Bitcoin , Employees , Option , Tennessee , Jackson , Paycheck , R , Cough , Words , Punchlines , Naturals , Robitussin , Me Hanging , Construct , Construction , Crack , Time , Oh God , God , Aren T , Ad , Both , Hi , Sleep Number , Sale , 360 , Sleep , Smart Bed , Problem , Bed , Temperature Balancing , Night After , Science , Fanduel Sportsbook , Interest , Queen , Plus , Smart Beds , 999 , 000 , 0 , 1000 , 48 , 1999 , Odds , Playoff Game , Lifetime , Catch , Bet , Suzie , 50 , 150 , , Discount , Burke , Goals , Planning Effect , Farmers , Fidelity , Auto Insurance , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Forty Five , Bum , Discounts , Sup , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Pa Dum , Seventeen , 47 , Cryptocurrency , Eric Adams , Paychecks , Francis Suarez , Politicians , Price Drop , Staples Center , Celebrities , Block Chain Technology , Los Angeles , Miami , Scott Conger , Crypto Capital Of The World , Currency , City Employees , Equalizer , Smartphone , Wealth Gap , 90 , Crypto , Residential , Dollar Costs , Drop , Savings , Pro , 273000 , Appreciation Cycle , Trajectory , 2010 , Headlines , Rise , Couple , Value , Parallels , Yahoo News , Cnbc , Subprime Mortgage Meltdown , The Hill , Paul Krugman , Investment , Investors , Stock Market , No One , Celebs , Toe Volatility Hits Banks , Volatility , Investing , Trading , Trade , Dip , Platform , Education Piece , Horizon , Education , Door , Board , Say , Dollars , Piece , Utilize Bitcoin , Mining , Retirement , Iras , Blueprint , City Hall , State Government , Finances , Trepidations , Governments , Mining Rigs , First Off , Balance Sheet , Electricity Grid , Energy Authority , Benefit , Gamble , Electricity Bills , Mining Machines , Projections , 15 , Gas Prices , Aaa , Drivers , Head , Brains , Soul , Ears , Hair , Life , Nightmare , Stabbing Pains , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Burning Sensation , Sharp , Virus , Rash , Events , Weekend Getaways , Chickenpox , Customer , Moms , Pharmacist , Carvana , Experience , Cue , Family , Ways , Cue Health , Home Test , Test Results , Speed , Nba , Twins , Voya , Go Cue , Investments , Plant Burgers , Crowd , Guidance , Em , Vegan , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Six , Neuriva , Price , Trucks , Pain , Gasoline , Pump , Prices , Bottom Line , Gallons , Hundreds , Cave Vich , Gas , Fuel , 500 , Truck , Trucking Company , Expenses , Diesel Fuel , Sean Brown , Claremont , 200 , Math , Fuel Tanks , 736 , 2000 , 36 , Cost , Increase , Profitability , Increases , Destinations , Roller Coaster Ride , Market , Crude Oil , Product , Demand , Necessity , Must , Drive , Charlotte , Company , Christine Works For A Landscaping , 140 , 40 , Out Of Business , Jobs , Vanessa , Deep Breath , Pleasure , Powerful Nor Easter , Cold Temperatures , Mess , Take A Look , Snowfall , Wedding Plans , It Didn T , Piles , Rhode Island ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240708

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war. there are new indications that russia is moving more supplies to the border with ukraine as the threat of an invasion looms. we will take you to moscow for a live update. we're so grateful to have you this sunday, january 30th. thanks so much for waking up with us. >> yes, good morning to you. we are always grateful that you are here. hey, boris. >> hey. >> so let's talk about what you didn't get yesterday in terms of the snow. i thought d.c. was in the path, but more than 15 million of you from maine to southern florida, if you have not stepped outside, you know it's cold, but you're waking up under this windchill alert and that's actually a remnant from yesterdays nor'easter. >> the frigid cold follows historic snowfall that broke records throughout the northeast, and this is what it looked like in boston. officials there still are urging residents to stay home and off the roads. appears to be whiteout conditions. and it wasn't just snow, a lot of places saw coastal flooding, t too. >> that's the moment i would be looking for an exit. >> exactly. running for the exits. observation waves crashing against the wind toe of a hotel in plymouth, massachusetts, yesterday. >> the headaches are not over, by the way. more than 1,200 flights to u.s. airports have been canceled today alone which affects not just people in that region but those who may have been trying to get there. >> we have the latest forecast from the cnn weather center coming up in just a moment, but let's go to boston and cnn's polo sandoval, he is live for us this morning. polo, boston recording its snowiest january on record, temperatures there right now in the teens. what should folks expect for the rest of their day? what is it like right now? >> reporter: well, guys, can you tell that we had a blizzard here in boston? the first in four years. that's because there is a certain set of criteria that has to actually happen of conditions that have to come together in order for that to actually happen here. you have to have those heavy winds of over 35 miles an hour for an extended period of time, low visibility and snowfall, extreme snowfall. as you mentioned, one of the snowiest days on record. the snowfall that we saw in boston just under 24 inches tying an amount that was logged in 2003, making for really -- really tying for the single snowiest day for boston. we are standing in a park right now but i want to get you a look at the streets, that's what's going to affect a lot of people as they get up and go about their sunday. seeing what we actually observed in the downtown boston area but also images throughout the city, the city has really done a pretty remarkable job in terms of the main roads of making sure that they're clear. you can see black top throughout the streets and a lot of the side roads as well. that was a challenge when you get getting from 2 to 3 inches an hour yesterday afternoon. authorities were certainly concerned they weren't going to be able to keep up but they basically worked throughout the night and continue to work this morning to make sure those roads are clear. power outages that's one of the big areas of concern, a lot of that along the massachusetts coastal areas, areas that saw some of that coastal flooding. you can bet utilities companies will be working as hard as they can to make sure people get back on line as soon as possible. we checked with the utilities companies this morning and the numbers are dropping in terms of power outages. the temperature feeling about negative 7 degrees the real feel here in boston right now. >> yeah, that's what i thought. i thought that there was some really cold weather behind this thing that was coming in. you take care of yourself there, polo. thank you so much. >> negative 7 degrees no joke. >> no kidding. all right. tyler, talk to us about where we go from here. >> yeah, so the temperatures only going to go down, that means the snowfall that fell yesterday is going to stick around for a couple more days. look at some of these snowfall totals, big winner was up in not massachusetts, 30.9 inches, we all were give or take around 2 feet or so. boston, massachusetts, they tied that record for the snowiest single day on record at 23.6 inches. that snowfall as i mentioned is going to linger around because even though the system is out of here, we have some northerly winds coming in and it's bringing in arctic air. temperatures are plummeting and you're feeling it outside. we have windchill alerts for maine down into the carolinas. now, the temperatures combined with the wind currently making it feel like it's below zero out there. new york is feeling like it's 3 degrees, albany minus 10, boston minus 5. so that's the kind of air that we have plunging down. we do rebound come the afternoon but still well below average. anytime you're below average in january you know it's going to be pretty uncomfortable. temperatures in burlington you should be sitting at 29 but you will actually only top out today at 17 degrees. it's not just here, guys, this cold air is being felt all the way down into florida where temperatures this morning are in the 20s and 30s as far south as central and southern florida. >> all right. tyler, thank you so much. we appreciate all your work the last couple days. it's the question that we've been trying to sort out since yesterday afternoon, will he or won't he? football fans trying to figure out exactly what the g.o.a.t. will do after espn reported that nfl quarterback tom brady is going to retire at the end of the season. >> so think about it, 22 seasons, seven super bowl wins, he's 44 years old and he says, i'm still undecided. cnn's sports ankle andy scholes reports. >> reporter: have we seen the nfl's most accomplished player walk off the field for the final time? espn's adam schefter and jeff darlington reporting saturday afternoon that after 22 seasons tampa bay buccaneers quarterback tom brady plans to retire. after orchestrating yet another incredible come back in the loss to the rams last sunday brady had said on his podcast monday any decision to walk away would be a family call. >> the biggest difference now that i'm older is i have kids now, too, you know, and i care about them a lot as well and, you know, they've been my biggest supporters, my wife is my biggest supporter. you know, it pains her to see me get hit out there. you know, she deserves what she needs from me as a husband and my kids deserve what they need from me as a dad. i would say i'm proud and satisfied of everything we accomplished this year. i know when i give it my all that's something to be proud of and i've literally given everything i have had this year, last year, the year before that, the year before that. i don't leave anything half-assed. >> reporter: the seven-time super bowl champ has always maintained he wanted to play to 45 years old. brady will celebrate his 45th birthday in august. his bucs teammate devin white was quick to offer congratulations on a great career via social media but some close to brady have told media outlets that his future is still undecided. brady's agent releasing a statement to espn saying i understand the advanced speculation about tom's future. without getting into the accuracy or inaccuracy of what's being reported, tom will be the only person to express his plans with complete accuracy. he knows the realities of the football business and planning calendar as well as anybody, so that should be soon. brady's father, tom brady sr. also telling multiple reporters his son hasn't made up his mind. the bucs head coach bruce arians says he has not been told brady is retiring. cnn has reached out to the bucs, brady's representatives and the nfl but haven't received responses about the situation. if this is it for brady he leaves as the greatest quarterback to ever play the game, a sixth round pick that was once the huge underdog ends with the most passing yards and most touchdowns in nfl history and those seven super bowl rings are more than any other team in league history. >> he's able to step aside while still playing at an extraordinarily high level at an advanced age and the word satisfaction also came into play. he had all that he accomplished in new england and if he had stepped aside at that point it would have been more than enough to ensure his place in history right at the top of the pyramid. then he goes and wins another super bowl with the bucs and he plays at an extremely high level this year, change a play or two and he's in the conference championship game tomorrow. so leaving at that level, very, very few athletes, even among the greatest of the great, get to go out on their own terms that way. >> thanks to andy scholes for that report. let's bring in now cnn sports correspondent carolyn manno. carolyn, we have seen tom brady pull off some incredible last second come backs before. is this really the end for the greatest quarterback of all time? >> yeah, at this point it appears that way, boris. i think what you just heard in andy's report from tom brady himself really echos that. that he doesn't like to do things halfway. he has proven to be so meticulous in every single aspect of his career and there's really just the sense that this narrative somehow escaped his control on saturday. i had a chance to speak with multiple people who are and have been close with him, they tell me their sense is that he was planning on ultimately making this decision but he doesn't like other people communicating what he feels is his business or are his plans. this is a man that produces his own pregame hype videos, i would be shocked truly if there weren't a clearly defined strategy around this decision to retire. from covering him myself for many years in new england i have known him to be a historian of the game. i doubt he would have timed it this way. this is the eve of the today's championship conference games, he played in 14 of those over the course of his career. he won ten of them. he's made it look very easy but he knows firsthand how difficult it is to get to this point for the teams that are left in the playoffs and so with the respect as a player, as a leader, the example that he strives to set creating a circus with the final two games before the super bowl looming doesn't seem to align with his personal values, either. >> all right. so here is my question, do you have any ideas how this confusion started, because we were talking yesterday and somebody said it almost sounds like somebody who was close to him leaked it out, which would really be sad. >> yeah, it's really difficult to speculate. i think, christi, there certainly is the notion that somebody on his team wanted to get ahead of this narrative, it's all about controlling that. that maybe, you know that is correct got back to tom and he said i need to do things my way. his dad tom sr. in the past has gotten a playful wrist slap from his son about maybe leaking information about how the quarterback is feeling. if those things are the case it would be unfortunate. there's also been talk about a spite season, tom brady may be coming back for another year so he can truly do things exactly his own way. however the information came out i think what we're learning now is this is the future, a league without tom brady and of course there is no regrets there. he's got nothing left on the table. >> that is true. he's generally done it all. carolyn manno, thank you so much. >> thanks, carolyn. still ahead this hour, russia is claiming it doesn't want war with ukraine. but its actions suggest otherwise. we will talk about it coming up. stay close. plus former president trump hinting he might pardon the january 6th rioters if he takes back the white house in 2024. hear exactly what he said after a quick break. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge 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minutes past the hour right now. during a rally in texas, former president donald trump teased a presidential run in the 2024 election, and said he would consider pardoning those who were charged in connection with the deadly january 6th attack on the capitol if, of course, he wins the white house again. his comments last night reflect this growing sentiment among some republicans that the rioters should be forgiven. >> if i run and if i win, we will treat those people from january 6th fairly. we will treat them fairly. and if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons, because they are being treated so unfairly. >> clearly living another version of reality removed from reality. the comments come as the house select committee investigating the insurrection has already issued scores of subpoenas and they're expected to release some of their findings this summer. in the next hour we're going to take a deeper dive into trump's latest comments with cnn's brian shelter. stay tuned for that. major news close to the white house, more than 100 influential black women from across the country thanked president biden in a letter after he vowed to honor his promise to nominate a black woman to the supreme court. it would be a historic pick. the first ever to sit on the bench if she is confirmed. >> this is a show of appreciation for the president and a show of support for the possible nominees. from key democrats as he continues to take criticism from republicans over that announcement. cnn white house reporter jasmine wright is with us now. so talk to us about the goal from those who were signing this letter. >> reporter: yeah, christi and boris, the goal is two pronged here. first it is to thank the president for following through on that pledge, but second, it is really to make it very clear that there are a group of very influential black women around this country ready to rally around whoever that potential nominee may be. so in a letter sent to the president on friday, that was signed by more than 100 leading black women, they applaud biden for seizing this moment in history to lead with the vision of america at its best and ensuring that the leadership of our democracy reflects a diversity of lived experiences at the highest levels. now, they add that nominating a black woman with the necessary compassion, sense of justice and brilliant legal mind will bolster the integrity of the supreme court. so now this comes, boris and christi, as we've started to see messaging and rhetoric heat up from republicans on this issue. we have heard disparaging and frankly some racist comments with some implying that if a black woman is nominated that they will not be qualified for the seat or even when it comes to senator roger wicker of mississippi, a republican, where he said that basically the -- whoever is chosen will be a beneficiary of affirmative action and will be fulfilling a quota. now, these women who sent this letter to president biden they are influential as we said, they are civil rights leaders, political -- political -- people in the political spectrum from all types of work, media personalities and they were really active in pushing the president, then candidate, to pick a black woman vice president in 2020. they've been involved in voting rights efforts at the white house as well as police reform, but now here is their goal is to protect this nominee whoever it should be. remember, we don't know who it is yet, but they want to protect them and make sure they get to this confirmation process fairly, swiftly and with the least amount of damage to their name as possible. christi and boris. >> and jasmine, president biden says he's going to select the nominee by the end of february. what can we expect over the course of the next few weeks? >> reporter: well, we can expect a bit of a hustle. we know that the white house has confirmed that they are considering judge michelle childs of south carolina who has is being pushed by biden ally jim clyburn. we see on the screen more people we believe are under consideration from the white house to fulfill this role. now, you said president biden says he wants to have a nominee by the end of february and of course chuck schumer majority leader in the senate says he wants the confirmation process to go quickly. we will hear a this rhetoric about where it is, where the white house is in the process of things really for the next few weeks. boris, christi? >> jasmine wright, thank you. good to see you this morning. so there is optimism this morning as the united states turns a corner on this latest surge of covid cases. that states might start easing restrictions. >> cnn health reporter jacqueline howard has more. >> reporter: christi and boris, there is a lot of optimism but that doesn't mean that the united states is going to roll back its covid-19 measures or recommendations quite yet. the reason why most covid-19 policies are based on levels of community transmission of the coronavirus and right now nearly every single county in the u.s. is still experiencing high levels of transmission. you see on this map here only a handful, about four counties, have gotten transmission down to low levels, two in rural texas, one in nebraska and one in hawaii. so low transmission means there are fewer than ten new covid-19 cases per 100,000 people in a week and the test positivity rates in a community is less than 5%. whereas, high transmission means there are at least 100 new covid-19 cases per 100,000 people in a week and the test positivity in that community is at 10% or greater. now, cnn has reached out to some cities and counties from seattle to north carolina, and their health officials tell us that they are keeping an eye on transmission levels to help determine the best path to take to return to what we used to think of as normal. u.s. surgeon general dr. vivek murthy told our colleague jake tapper that he is optimistic, but we must remain vigilant. have a listen. >> well, i certainly share the optimism that we are in a better place now and we will be in a better place in a few weeks, but i don't think that means that we should take our foot off the accelerator. >> reporter: you see there he and other health officials say let's not take our foot off the accelerator quite yet. christi, boris? >> jacqueline howard, thank you so much. a top military official warns a russian invasion of ukraine would be horrific, so why is ukraine saying there's no reason to panic? we will take you live to moscow after a quick break. k... wow... ...he knows what he's doing... ...when i'm actually pretty lost with my payroll taxes. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers. 100% accurate payroll tax calculations guaranteed. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, 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what could be another ominous sign in the crisis between russia and ukraine. two senior defense officials tell cnn there are indications russia has positioned blood supplies near ukraine's border. >> you add that to a buildup of troops and military equipment and u.s. officials say it could be another sign that russia is planning an invasion where casualties would have to be treated. meantime, ukraine's deputy defense minister is pushing back forcefully on that report, they're denying that it's true. >> cnn international diplomatic editor nic robertson is with us from moscow. talk to us about what you're learning regarding russia potentially positioning these blood supplies along the border. >> reporter: russia continues to say that this is all military training and certainly many military experts would say blood supplies would be part of military training exercises, you know, they were put the medical units through the same sort of drills they would put the other units through. it is concerning. there are few details about the blood supplies, how much, where it's going, towards which units. is it close to which units might it be supporting? could it be those first into combat? there's a lot of detail we don't have but it's very clear the ukrainians are trying to tamp down the idea that this invasion could be imminent because they don't want to spread tensions and fear and panic among their own politician. the deputy defense minister said this is essentially part of psychological warfare. of course, this is what the ukrainians feel russia has been exposing them to over the last number of years. they are used to this. they feel that we don't understand it and that we don't get it, but i think, you know, the real information is in the details that we don't have about the blood supplies. it is really how much, to which units, is it just to some really rear medical training facility that's out there for these so-called military exercises, or is it something else? and that's important to know that. >> reporting from no, sir could you, nic robertson, thanks for the update. so what does vladimir putin want? that's a question getting asked a lot in the crisis between russia and ukraine, but other countries, including germany and france, also have a stake in how all of this plays out. >> cnn's tom foreman breaks it all down for us here. >> reporter: hey, boris and christi, this dangerous and complicated situation is made much more so by the fact that everybody wants something different. so let's break it down by starting with ukraine. what does president zelensky want there? he wants to keep a united independent country, he would like to continue building ties with the west with nato and less so with russia, he would like the russians to stay on their side of the border, even though there's still some fighting in the eastern part of his country already, and ultimately he would like everyone to tamp down the language a little bit. he says he's not convinced that the russians are ready to invade, so don't provoke them by saying too much. what about the russians what do they want? vladimir putin has long made it clear that he still considers ukraine and some of the other satellites from the old soviet union that broke up in 1991 still considers them socially, culturally part of russia and would still like them to be part of russia. most of all, though, he wants them to not be part of the west and not be part of nato. his argument to his own people is, look, we have to put troops here along the border because, look, the united states, nato, all those countries, they might try to break into russia and take our energy sources. you know how they view us. so putin sees it in a different way. the united states, different still. russia says assure us that you won't let ukraine into nato. the united states says, no, we're not going to assure you that. ukraine might become part of nato and by golly we're going to stand by ukraine right now because we think you are trying to expand your empire once again. don't give us all that talk of culture and society. the ukrainians are independent, they are a democracy, they should remain so. by the way, we saw what you did in crimea, we're not going to stand for that again. then it goes beyond to places like germany. germany gets a lot of its power from russia. they don't want to send any offensive weapons into ukraine against the russians. we really think we should be able to work everything out. france says similar things. we should be able to work it out, but france says if it doesn't work out we're not going to stand for military incursions there. you see how it all shapes up. this is a real mix of people saying let's talk it over and people saying let's get ready to fight and it's really quite on a knife edge. with so many competing interests it might not take much to tip it either way, christi, boris? >> thanks to tom foreman for breaking down all those competing interests for us. coming up, we will tell you about a small town in alabama where some people say that getting stopped by police feels like a shakedown. don't go anywhere. stay with cnn. ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ to make my vision a reality. i have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. with my varilux progressive lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. and see every detail in sharp focus. when you see no limits, there are no limits. book now at your local essilor experts to push the limits of your vision. varilux lenses by essilor. 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felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. the small town of brookside, alabama, has no traffic lights, but it does have police s.w.a.t. vehicles and a tank. residents have complained for years about excessive fines and fees imposed by law enforcement, amounting to ultimately half of the town's budget. >> the policing problems have only gotten worse in recent years, putting the town under some new scrutiny here and cnn's nick valencia went to take a look. >> reporter: less than 30 minutes north of birmingham sits the small town of brookside, alabama. it's a former mining town with no stoplights, no retail stores other than the dollar general and no major crimes. a stretch of interstate 22 runs directly through brookside and the town has a lot of cops to police it. brookside is only about three miles long and has just over 1,200 residents, but the police here, they feel the need for at least three s.w.a.t. vehicles. not only that, they also have a tank, which looks brand-new. according to the local media outlet between 2018 and 2020 under brookside police chief mike jones income from fees and forfeitures increased by 640%. the outlet says the money amounts to half of the town's total income or roughly $1.2 million. >> you feel like they tried to ruin her name? >> yes, they d they did. >> reporter: pastor vance says he is one of the countless victims of the policing for profit. in 2019 he says he was unjustly pulled over for having temporary plates on his new car. he has filed a lawsuit for defamation of character and filing false charges. >> they're policing for revenue. they're pulling people over for bogus charges. >> reporter: 24-year-old college student jori jones said her interaction with the brookside police felt like a shakedown after being pulled over for driving without her lights just before dusk jones says her car was impounded and she was left stranded on the side of the road. jones' attorney says she will also sue the police department. >> even though i was pulled over, i was following the laws of the road. >> reporter: the jefferson county sheriff's office says for years there's been a slue of complaints against the brookside police department. this week police chief mike jones suddenly resigned. >> hey there. my name is nick valencia -- >> reporter: we went to brookside to talk to who is in charge now. >> so the town of brookside does not have a current police chief? >> reporter: but we're told they don't have a new chief. >> no comment. >> reporter: the brookside police gave us this statement. this will confirm that mike jones resigned as the police chief for the town of brookside. since this involves a personnel matter the town has no further comment. brookside's mayor was in the office but he declined our request for an interview, responding to the allegations of predatory policing he handed us this statement, in part saying, to investigate and address the issues raised by recent news accounts of our police department the town of brookside requested the alabama peace officers standards and training commission perform a compliance audit of the brookside police department and officers. the town continues to investigate these issues and will take any other appropriate action that may be determined miss. leah nelson with the social justice nonprofit alabama apple seed says alabama doesn't generate enough revenue from taxation to public policy incentivizes cities and counties to get that revenue another way. >> the path of least resistant is ticketing people for low level offenses. >> reporter: brookside residents wonder if the new tactics will consider under a new chief. mike jones never got back to us. the town still does not have a police chief but the mayor says he has directed the police department to no longer patrol interstate 22 unless they're responding to accidents. the mayor added he has also met with a representative from the lieutenant governor's office and he is cooperating fully. state lawmakers in alabama tell us they are currently drafting legislation to address predatory policing so that this happens nowhere else in the state. nick valencia, cnn, atlanta. >> thanks so much to nick for that report. there's going to be an important conversation about race and policing tonight at 9:00 p.m. on cnn as sara sidner reports on the increasing danger of driving while black in america. it's a new cnn special report traffic stop and it begins tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. i'm going to ask you a question, would you take your paycheck in bitcoin? new york's new mayor promised to do so. we're talking to the mayor of jackson, tennessee, next because he wants to give all city employees that option. hear his plans. we will be right back. r words. when a cough tries to steal dad's punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? soothe your cough naturally. if i go to sleep right now, i can get more.... four hours. that's not good. what is time? time. time is just a construct. construct. construction. there is a crack. oh god are you kidding me?! oh god... hi, aren't you tired of this? -yes! good days start with good nights. seems like a good time to find out about both. why are you talking like that? is this an ad? are we in an ad? it's time for sleep number's january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? ...or cold? no problem, the 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(burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ 47 minutes past the hour. new york city mayor eric adams might be taking home less money than he expected after promising to get paid in bitcoin and following through by converting his first through paychecks to cryptocurrency. now bitcoin has fallen almost 50% since hitting a record high back in november but despite the price drop a lot of politicians, athletes, celebrities still see block chain technology as the future. los angeles' staples center recently changed name to arena. in miami mayor francis suarez is pushing for his city to be the crypto capital of the world and here with us now jackson, tennessee, mayor scott conger who says bitcoin is the next step in the evolutionary process of currency. thank you for being with us. we know you are proposing to give city employees the option of converting their paychecks into the cryptocurrency but i wanted to first ask you because you call this particular kind of currency a great financial equalizer that can bridge the wealth gap. how so? >> thanks for having me on this morning. i think that bitcoin and cryptocurrency have that option because you look at the numbers of roughly 90% of americans have access to a smartphone. utilizing crypto with dollar costs averaging if it's a dollar a day, $5 a day or week, that savings and growth pro residential. you talk about the 50% drop in the last several months but overall there is a 273,000% appreciation since bitcoin has been established in 2010. that appreciation and trajectory keeps going the long term appreciation cycle. >> people to get in that now do not benefit obviously from that rise in the value as you suggested. i want to read a couple of headlines you alluded to as well what's been happening in the last couple of months and these are headlines over the last 48 hours. bitcoin is reeling from a two-month free-fall. that was on a yahoo news. cnbc has paul krugman says crypto has disturbing parallels with subprime mortgage meltdown. you have the hill saying crept toe volatility hits banks, celebs and every day investors. what convinces you that crypto is a solid investment? >> you know, no one blinks an eye when a stock market has a dip. i think that's the same thing with bitcoin. you see short-term volatility as long as people are trying to day trade and the way that we're looking at this in jackson, tennessee, when we talk about employees being able to take that option of investing, it's not day trading, it's not trying to capitalize on short term gains it's about long term horizon investing and that's part of the education piece that we have and we are looking at our platform to provide that option for employees. >> so how have city employees received this? >> it's been across the board, some have come to my door and knocked on it and say, hey, we're ready to do this, i'm? some are more skeptical. that's why education is an important piece. we offer our employees an ira plan so this will be not dissimilar to that. we will still pay them in u.s. dollars and then they will have an option with a third-party platform we contract with to utilize crypto, utilize bitcoin, we hope it's bitcoin, to look at that long-term investing strategy we want them to do with the same strategy they have for their iras for retirement. >> let me ask you this, i know you've given a blueprint of plans to install a digital mining network at city hall. some people might look at this and say on your personal time, sure, go ahead and do what you want to do with your finances. there may be some trepidations about bringing this into city and state government. to what you say what? >> first off, that was a plan and unfortunately right now in the state of tennessee we can't do that because local governments can't hold any crypto on the balance sheet. making a small investment utilizing those mining rigs in off peak hours which will help regulate our electricity grid would be a benefit not only to our energy authority but to our -- being able for us to prepare for and pay for our electricity bills, you know, this would not be a gamble and investment, this would be utilizing the mining machines to do that investment for us and mining while we're still going on with regular business. look at 10, 15, 20 years down the road when that appreciation cycle has come up on where the projections think it will be then local governments will be able to ask the and question instead of the or question we're faced with every day now. >> mayor scott conger, appreciate you taking the time to be with us this morning. thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> of course. aaa says that gas prices are not coming down anytime soon. it's not the news that drivers want to hear. we have details just ahead. ♪ got my hair ♪ ♪ got my head ♪ ♪ got my brains ♪ ♪ got my ears ♪ ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains, or an intense burning sensation. what is this nightmare? 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35 , Amount , Day For Boston , Days On Record , 24 , 2003 , City , Streets , Look , Sunday , Park , Images , Downtown Boston Area , Side , Authorities , Job , Challenge , 3 , 2 , Power Outages , Flooding , Saw , Concern , Massachusetts Coastal Areas , Utilities Companies , Feel , Companies , Numbers , Temperature Feeling , Line , 7 , Thing , Care , Joke , Kidding , Tyler , Snowfall Totals , Winner , Single , Feet , 30 9 , 23 6 , Alerts , System , Carolinas , Arctic Air , Maine , Wind , New York , Kind , Degrees , Air , Minus 5 , Zero , Minus 10 , Average , 29 , Work , Cold Air , Where , Southern Florida , The 20s And 30s , 20 , 17 , Goat , Football Fans , Espn , Super Bowl , Season , It , Nfl , Seasons , Wins , Sports Ankle Andy Scholes Reports , 22 , Seven , 44 , Reporting , Player Walk , Adam Schefter , Tampa Bay Buccaneers , Jeff Darlington , Kids , Decision , Rams Last Sunday Brady , Incredible , Difference , Loss , Family Call , Podcast , Wife , Supporter , Supporters , Hit , Husband , Everything , Something , Dad , Wall , Devin White , Bucs , Birthday , Half Assed , Congratulations , Champ , 45 , Statement , Career , Accuracy , Social Media , Speculation , Media Outlets , Tom S , Agent , Inaccuracy , Plans , Planning , Dad Tom Sr , Person , Football Business , Realities , Anybody , Calendar , Father , Brady S , Mind , Reporters , Son , Bruce Arians , Hasn T , Situation , League History , Haven T , Play The Game , Quarterback , This Is It , Responses , Representatives , Yards , Underdog , Touchdowns , Team , Level , Satisfaction , Word , Age , Place , Point Of View , Play , Top , Pyramid , Athletes , Two , Game , Greatest , Report , Carolyn Manno , End , Now Cnn Sports Correspondent , Second Come Backs Before , Things , Aspect , Andy , Business , Sense , Chance , Narrative , Control , Man , Strategy , Videos , Historian , Hype , Pregame , There Weren T A , Course , Games , Eve , Ten , 14 , Playoffs , Respect , Teams , Example , Player , Leader , Doesn T , Values , Circus , Somebody , Ideas , Notion , Information , Tom , Feeling , Case , Slap , Wrist , Talk , Learning , Regrets , League , Nothing , Table , Doesn T Want War , President , Former , Rioters , White House , Actions , January 6th , 6 , 2024 , Break , Breaking Point , Blend , Best , Nutrients , Emergen C , Emergen C My Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Psoriatic Arthritis , Burning , Emerge Tremfyant , Itching , Joints , Painful , Stinging , Tremfya , Symptoms , Adults , Reactions , Medication , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , 16 , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Ability , Risk , Vaccine , Plan , Customers , Magenta , Iphone 13 , T Mobile , 13 , Mental Health Meds , Story , Movements , Body , Mental Health , Treatment , Ingrezza , Td , Food , Td Movements , Tardive Dyskinesia , Prescription Medicine , Pill , 80 , Ingredients , Side Effects , Don T , Sleepiness , Activities , Dose , Operate Heavy Machinery , Ingrezza May , Don T Drive , 10 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Zero Dollars , 1 , Rally , Texas , Donald Trump , Election , Connection , Run , Attack , Capitol If , Republicans , Sentiment , Version , Reality , Pardons , House Select Committee , Comments , Insurrection , Dive , Trump , Subpoenas , Summer , Scores , Findings , Biden Ally , Country , Letter , Woman , Women , News , Promise , Supreme Court , Brian Shelter , 100 , Appreciation , Show , Support , Nominees , Criticism , Pick , Democrats , Bench , Goal , Jasmine Wright , Announcement , Nominee , Second , Pledge , Group , On Friday , Levels , Democracy , Vision , Nominating , Experiences , Leadership , Diversity , Rhetoric , Heat , Compassion , Justice , Messaging , Integrity Of The Supreme Court , Republican , Roger Wicker , Issue , Seat , Disparaging , Mississippi , Leaders , Affirmative Action , Beneficiary , Rights , Quota , Vice President , Spectrum , Media Personalities , Types , Voting Rights Efforts , 2020 , Damage , Confirmation Process , Police Reform , Name , Bit , Jasmine , Hustle , The End , South Carolina , Michelle Childs , Consideration , Screen , Role , Jim Clyburn , Chuck Schumer , Senate , Optimism , Covid 19 , Process , Surge , Corner , Health , Cases , States , Jacqueline Howard , Easing Restrictions , Covid , Doesn T Mean , 19 , Transmission , Policies , Reason , Recommendations , Community Transmission , County , Coronavirus , Counties , Handful , Map , Rural Texas , Nebraska , Hawaii , Community , Test , Positivity Rates , High , 100000 , 5 , North Carolina , Cities , Health Officials , Greater , Test Positivity , Seattle , Help , Eye , Vivek Murthy , Surgeon General , Jake Tapper , Transmission Levels , Foot , Accelerator , Listen , Military Official , Payroll Taxes , Payroll Tax Calculations , Intuit Quickbooks , Doing , K Wow , Cheers , Trouble , Heart , Boogie , Pop , Butter , Criminal , Side Step , Moon , Baby , Rock , Beat , Cupcake , Batteries , Aa Battery , Tragedy , Case Closed , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Master , Staffing , Size , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Yep , Network , Nice , 5g , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Shouldn T , Icing , Cake , Yup , Nice Ride , Xfinity Mobile , Wait , 400 Bucks , 400 , Blood Supplies , Sign , Crisis , Defense Officials , Buildup , Watching , Deputy Defense Minister , Troops , Military Equipment , Casualties , Nic Robertson , Moscow , Part , Military Experts , Military Training Exercises , Military Training , Units , Details , Drills , Sort , Ukrainians , Detail , Idea , Combat , Tensions , Politician , Number , Fear , Panic , Psychological Warfare , Training , Something Else , Military Exercises , Facility , Sir , No , Vladimir Putin , Countries , Stake , Germany , Tom Foreman , France , Plays Out , More , Everybody , Down , Fact , Zelensky , Russians , Nato , West , Fighting , Ties , Everyone , Language , Some , Satellites , Most , Soviet Union , 1991 , Argument , Energy Sources , Won T Let Ukraine , Golly , Empire , Talk Of Culture And Society , Crimea , Weapons , Military Incursions , Doesn T Work Out , Interests , Mix , Knife Edge , Town , Coming Up , Shakedown , Alabama , Anywhere , Don T Go , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Stay , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Someone , Perspective , Turn , Liberty , Tex , Pay , Hang On , Progressive Lenses , Sharp Focus , Limits , Experts , Varilux Lenses , Essilor , Meal , Panera , You Pick , Fantastic , Fun , Classic , Pairings , Fresh , Mood , Bold , Craveable , 465 , Running , Meetings , Errands , World , Dream , Advisor , Immunotherapy , Northwestern Mutual , Growth , Cancer , Oxygen Levels , Cancer Discovery , Tumor Cells , Gene Mutation , Egfr , 75 , Asthma , Everywhere , Anything , Dana Farber , Shingles , Nunormal , Mouth , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Face , Swelling , Tongue , Nucala , Headache , Asthma Specialist , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Tank , Brookside , Vehicles , Traffic Lights , Swat , Fees , Policing Problems , Fines , Law Enforcement , Budget , Scrutiny , Nick Valencia , Mining Town , Stoplights , Retail , Valencia , Birmingham , Dollar General , Crimes , Stretch , Cops , Runs , Interstate 22 , Three , Brookside Police , Need , Media Outlet A L Com , 2018 , Money , Mike Jones , Outlet , Half , Forfeitures , 2 Million , 1 2 Million , 640 , Policing , Profit , Pastor , Victims , 2019 , Car , Revenue , Plates , Charges , Character , Lawsuit , Defamation , Jori Jones , Interaction , Driving , Lights , Dusk Jones , Road , Police Department , Police Chief , Complaints , Laws , Jefferson County Sheriff S Office , Slue , Attorney , Comment , Chief , Charge , My Name , Mayor , Office , Interview , Personnel , Request , Issues , Saying , Training Commission , Alabama Peace Officers Standards , News Accounts , Allegations , Officers , Action , Miss , Compliance Audit , Leah Nelson With The Social Justice Nonprofit Alabama Apple , Alabama Doesn T , Least , Seed , Taxation , Ticketing , Public Policy Incentivizes , Offenses , Tactics , Lieutenant Governor , Representative , Accidents , State Lawmakers , Estate , Legislation , Nowhere , Atlanta , Special Report , Driving While Black In America , Traffic Stop , On Cnn , Race , Conversation , Danger , Sara Sidner , 9 , 00 , Bitcoin , Employees , Option , Tennessee , Jackson , Paycheck , R , Cough , Words , Punchlines , Naturals , Robitussin , Me Hanging , Construct , Construction , Crack , Time , Oh God , God , Aren T , Ad , Both , Hi , Sleep Number , Sale , 360 , Sleep , Smart Bed , Problem , Bed , Temperature Balancing , Night After , Science , Fanduel Sportsbook , Interest , Queen , Plus , Smart Beds , 999 , 000 , 0 , 1000 , 48 , 1999 , Odds , Playoff Game , Lifetime , Catch , Bet , Suzie , 50 , 150 , , Discount , Burke , Goals , Planning Effect , Farmers , Fidelity , Auto Insurance , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Forty Five , Bum , Discounts , Sup , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Pa Dum , Seventeen , 47 , Cryptocurrency , Eric Adams , Paychecks , Francis Suarez , Politicians , Price Drop , Staples Center , Celebrities , Block Chain Technology , Los Angeles , Miami , Scott Conger , Crypto Capital Of The World , Currency , City Employees , Equalizer , Smartphone , Wealth Gap , 90 , Crypto , Residential , Dollar Costs , Drop , Savings , Pro , 273000 , Appreciation Cycle , Trajectory , 2010 , Headlines , Rise , Couple , Value , Parallels , Yahoo News , Cnbc , Subprime Mortgage Meltdown , The Hill , Paul Krugman , Investment , Investors , Stock Market , No One , Celebs , Toe Volatility Hits Banks , Volatility , Investing , Trading , Trade , Dip , Platform , Education Piece , Horizon , Education , Door , Board , Say , Dollars , Piece , Utilize Bitcoin , Mining , Retirement , Iras , Blueprint , City Hall , State Government , Finances , Trepidations , Governments , Mining Rigs , First Off , Balance Sheet , Electricity Grid , Energy Authority , Benefit , Gamble , Electricity Bills , Mining Machines , Projections , 15 , Gas Prices , Aaa , Drivers , Head , Brains , Soul , Ears , Hair , Life , Nightmare , Stabbing Pains , Electric Shocks , Pulsing , Burning Sensation , Sharp , Virus , Rash , Events , Weekend Getaways , Chickenpox , Customer , Moms , Pharmacist , Carvana , Experience , Cue , Family , Ways , Cue Health , Home Test , Test Results , Speed , Nba , Twins , Voya , Go Cue , Investments , Plant Burgers , Crowd , Guidance , Em , Vegan , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Six , Neuriva , Price , Trucks , Pain , Gasoline , Pump , Prices , Bottom Line , Gallons , Hundreds , Cave Vich , Gas , Fuel , 500 , Truck , Trucking Company , Expenses , Diesel Fuel , Sean Brown , Claremont , 200 , Math , Fuel Tanks , 736 , 2000 , 36 , Cost , Increase , Profitability , Increases , Destinations , Roller Coaster Ride , Market , Crude Oil , Product , Demand , Necessity , Must , Drive , Charlotte , Company , Christine Works For A Landscaping , 140 , 40 , Out Of Business , Jobs , Vanessa , Deep Breath , Pleasure , Powerful Nor Easter , Cold Temperatures , Mess , Take A Look , Snowfall , Wedding Plans , It Didn T , Piles , Rhode Island ,

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