Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

♪ good morning to viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is thursday, january 7th. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. we are beginning with a rare opportunity for a struggling president to reenergize his party and to make history in the process. supreme court justice stephen breyer set to announce his retirement at the white house today, giving president biden a chance to deliver on a campaign promise to nominate the first african american female justice to the bench. >> let's get a sense of the timing, short list, and republican plans to slow down the process. jeremy diamond is there. jeremy, if i also in on the details. >> reporter: well, we learned yesterday justice breyer is set to retire after 30 years. he was tight-lipped on this. without a formal announcement, the president would not weigh in. but today they are set to make this official. and this opening gives biden a chance to nominate a justice to the supreme court and potentially make history by nominating the first black woman to serve on the bench. after nearly 30 years on the u.s. supreme court, today justice stephen breyer set to announce his retirement and join the man who will nominate his replacement at the white house. >> every justice has the right and opportunity to decide what he or she is going to do and announce it on their own. >> reporter: the 83-year-old is the oldest and most senior liberal justice, nominated by president bill clinton in 199 4. >> i, stephen breyer, do solemnly swear. >> reporter: briar is expected to stay on the bench until the end of the court term this june and until his replacement is confirmed. a well-placed source familiar with the matter tells cnn. >> in the senate, we want to be deliberate. we want to move quickly. we want to get this done as soon as possible. >> reporter: the big question now, who will president biden pick? on the campaign trail in 2020, then candidate biden vowed to make history and nominate the first black woman to the bench. >> if i'm elected president, i would have the opportunity to appoint someone to the courts, i will appoint the first black woman to the court. >> reporter: the likely front front-runner, we tangy brown jackson. she was vetted by biden and his team last year and comfortably confirmed to the circuit court of appeals, with three republicans in support. >> when you become a judge you take an oath to look only at the law in deciding your cases, that you set aside your personal views about the circumstances. >> reporter: a close second choice is california supreme court justice leondra kruger, a former acting solicitor general, she once clerked for the late john paul stephens and argued cases in front of the high court. . >> oral arguments doesn't necessarily change the outcome of cases. occasionally it does. it reveals a new dimension. it is also in the united states supreme court the first time the judges all sit down together. >> reporter: other names circulating, minnesota district court judge mimi wright. outgoing educational fund president, share lynn ifill. and judge union eunice lee. candace jackson-akiwumi, j. michelle childs. >> she has the kind of diverse background in life and education and work and an incredibly smart woman who i believe would do well. >> reporter: the eventual nominee will face a high-profile confirmation process with the 2022 midterms looming. senate democrats don't need confirmation of biden's nominee. but republican opposition could still be a factor. >> that's something that the president has an opportunity to make should there be a vacancy. >> reporter: whoever is picked, briar had this to say about the job. >> really when you put on that black robe you understand whatever the appointment process, however politically involved it was, once you put on the robe of a judge, you're a judge. and that means you're a judge for every person. >> reporter: and this decision by justice breyer came after a lot of pressure from activists to change the balance of the court and give president biden an opportunity to nominate a supreme court justice. but the president himself and the white house have been relatively silent over -- amid all of that pressure. but this does present president biden now with a huge political opportunity ahead of the 2022 midterms, particularly as his legislative agenda on voting rights and the build back better agenda has been stalled. this could be a huge win for president biden. we know democrats want to move quickly to nominate and confirm a successor to justice breyer. john. >> jeremy diamond at the white house. it will be interesting to see what the president and justice breyer have to say today. thank you. >> let's talk about this now with a former federal prosecutor, former deputy attorney general from maryland, and former clerk for justice breyer. aaro irin carmon is co-author of ""notorious rbg"." who do you think you would pick? give me the first two that you would pick. >> look, i think the short list is full of exceptional candidates. it's going to be a very difficult choice for the white house. but i think the two that everybody are talking about would be natural fits. not only are they exceptionally accomplished jurists, they're proven, they're trusted. in the case of judge jackson, you have somebody who went from harvard to harvard law school, and then clerked on the supreme court for justice breyer. i wouldn't be surprised if people thought she was a natural heir apparent to justice breyer's seat. >> and you khrerbgd with her. >> i clerked with justice breyer. the clerks know one another. we obviously have a chance to interact. but i would be overstating if i said that. >> erin, president biden has promised this historic nomination. talk to us about the significance of that. >> of course. well, i think it's important to remember that this is an institution, the supreme court, that, like many institutions of government, in the past declined to recognize the humanity of black people in general and of women in general. and of course black women. the supreme court has a grim history of doing so. i just wonder what about all the talents that we never got to know the names of who were blocked from the supreme court. president biden has also made a priority of nominating black women to the appellate courts where they also have been underrepresented. it is important to contrast it with the trump administration who nominated white men to the bench. people hoped president obama would do when he had the opportunity to fill justice scalia's seat. and it could galvanize people ahead of the 2016 election. he chose merrick garland. with this, president biden has an opportunity to say to a core constituency of the democratic party but also a constituency long overlooked, underrepresented, disproportionately by many of the court's decisions to say your voice matters, your qualifications matter. listening to the names. justice ginsburg said it would be enough if there were nine women on the seat. you could definitely fill the court with nine qualified black women. >> i wonder what you think about age playing a role in this selection process. lieu at these candidates, you know, one of them who is 61 is considered maybe a little too old because the idea is obviously that democrats would like to keep a justice on the supreme court for too long. you look at leondra kruger, she's 45. that's someone who could have a very long career on the bench. >> it's a remarkable trend. but this has become a very real factor. the court that justice breyer joined was far less politicized, far less contentious. every one of the justices on the court he joined was unanimously confirmed by overwhelming margins. today it is different. they are highly polarized and the votes are quite contentious. that means the person who gets there needs to be there for a very long time because you don't necessarily know when the next appointment is going to come. and both parties from contributed to this. both parties are guilty of this. and at the end of the day, there was a time when the average distance between one appointment and the next was just two years. when justice breyer joined, it was 10 years before the chief justice roberts was appointed to the court. that has become part of the modern trend of appointments to the supreme court. >> irin, the difference in age between kruger and childs is two years. that's two and a half presidential terms. that is an entire presidency too. democrats, not just on value but a game theory, why wouldn't they go as young as they can? why not find someone in college practically. >> president trump no, ma'am nataled extremely young people to the federal bench. amy coney barrett was 48. justice gorsuch, 49. and so this was certainly something republicans were doing. justice ginsburg was 60 when she was nominated. merrick garland, the attempted nominee who never got a hearing, was 63. i remember as a reporter at the time somebody said before he was named, there's no way he's too old. so this is something that frustrated progressive activists. you're not going to see i think a democrat nominate a 63-year-old again. for the same reasons. look at the track record. these people in their late 40s on the supreme court nominated -- trump had three nominees. they are set to enact a conservative agenda for many decades to come. anybody who does join the court at least in the short-term is going to be in the minority. they're probably going to say dissenting. this is the role that breyer reluctantly found himself in. if you have a more progressive agenda, maybe they can see the balance of the court change as well. >> this is going to be a historic proceeding ahead of us. i appreciate you, thiru and irin, for being here to talk about it. why did a graphic novel about the holocaust just get banned from tennessee schools? overnight, heated words from china and the taiwan on the olympics. they told antony blinken stop playing with fire. and matt gaetz sex trafficking investigation. we have new details ahead. iablek is going ultra! with verizon 5g ultra wideband now in many more cities. hey, it's mindy! downloading a movie up to 10 times faster than before. whoa! is that done? 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how bomb-y. chad, what are we talking about here? >> reporter: a low in the rockies has to make its way across the country, get to the atlantic ocean and run up the east coast. it will use the warm water from the gulfstream, relatively warm, and will get deep and low pressure like what a rapidly intensifying hurricane would do, except we don't have that warm of water out there. it's very cold. we have cold air in place. now if we put the moisture, that's where we get the problem. this weather brought to you by safe light, vehicle glass and recalibration experts. where do we go from here? massachusetts to the care lines, we have watches. this is not a storm for scranton, albany, state college. this is a coastal storm. if you're thinking you're going to get snow days, east of, let's say, from buffalo to binghamton, no, this isn't for you. this is a coastal low that is going to run up the east coast. good news, it's a saturday storm. at least there's something about that. you may not have to drive in it. this is the european model. it is putting down more snow than the american model for sure. we will take you through saturday and on into sunday. you can see the snow is along i-95 and even east and west of there. the american model says, not so fast. this is going out into the ocean. and all the snow will be in the ocean except for the cape and down east maine. yes, massachusetts will get a lot of snow, too, the east part. the american model is much different than the european model which says 14 inches for new york city. 2 to 14 is not a forecast. we can't settle on this yet because it's going to take some time. we will need another 24 hours for the models to maybe agree. some spots say they could get 30 inches of snow. where does it go? if it's close to land, the snow goes to the west. over this perfect spot, that's where the heaviest snow is. if it's off to the east, we get very little. >> there i had plans to be up in the boston area this weekend. and i saw one of the forecasts talking more than two feet of snow possibly chad. what needs to happen? what is the determining factor here? . >> we're waiting in the low to get to the gulf coast. if it takes this line, lots of snow everywhere. maybe even a little bit of mixing with sleet in boston. if it takes this line over the 70-40 marker. that is perfect to put snow in the big cities. then we probably get 12 to 24. nantucket will get snow, the cape, even boston will get 12. worst-case scenario, boston 30. best case scenario, probably 12. the train to boston may be the best part. you may want to take your work-from-home stuff with you. >> bombs away. thank you very much. >> bomby. is that even a word? >> i just in invesigated i-- invented it. >> there i don't think that will fly at all. i'm going to try it. drivers in north carolina are feeling the pain at the pump as gas prices hit the biggest increases in seven years. companies fear this could put them out of business as aaa warns prices aren't coming down. they might even go higher. vanessa is live in charlotte, north carolina with more. well, that is bad news, vanessa. >> reporter: it's bad news. and prices are up five cents a gallon in just the last month. that makes an impact for drivers here in the state. those coming to the state, driving through the state. and we saw maybe a glimmer of hope, prices stabilizing over the holidays. now these prices are right back up. the price of gas on the rise again. >> we use a whole lot of fuel. >> reporter: when you're filling up 500 trucks a week, it gets expensive. >> diesel fuel is one of our single biggest expenses to run these trucks. >> reporter: shawn brown is mayor of clarmont, north carolina, and works for his family's 50-year-old trucking company. >> each truck has 200 gallon total capacity in their fuel tanks. drivers run on average around 2,000 miles a week. some more, some less. you do the math on that. >> reporter: we did. and with diesel up more than a dollar a gallon on average the last year, that is about $736 each time one of these fills up. $200 more per truck on average from a year ago. >> any cost that goes up will hurt your profitability. >> reporter: in north carolina, prices have seen the biggest annual increase in seven years. up five cents a gallon for regular fuel in the last month, in line with national increases. >> gas prices really have been a roller coaster ride. these are places where gas prices don't tend to drop as they do in other places around the country because they are year-round destinations. >> reporter: and with the price of crude oil, which makes fuel jumping 30% since september due to increased demand but less product on the market, the cost to fill up could continue to rise. >> it is not something that you can put down. gas is a must. you cannot get from here to there without the gas. so there's no getting by it. >> reporter: some drivers have found a way. >> i saw you have north carolina plates. >> looking to save some money. 10 minutes i can save 20 cents. >> reporter: just a short drive from charlotte, north carolina into south carolina, can save drivers 10 to 20 cents a gallon on average. >> if we're working over here, we always get gas over here on this side. christine cardell works for a landscaping company that services north carolina and south carolina. she said the price of gas in any state is too much. >> it's cost me well into $140, $150 to fill up. >> reporter: when you look at that price, what do you think? >> i think it sucks. it can put me out of business. there are some jobs that i don't even take now because it costs me too much to get there. >> reporter: and about half the drivers we spoke to say they don't feel they have any control over gas prices. they just have to pay it. the other half did believe that the federal government, joe biden did have some control over these gas prices. we know the president authorized the release of about 50 million barrels of oil from the country's strategic petroleum reserve. we'll see if that makes an impact. brianna, when you're thinking about gas prices, what you pay at the pump, you have to think about it globally. there are so few countries that control the oil market. they are called opec. they have said they don't plan on releasing any more oil, which means you will probably get stuck paying these prices and maybe even higher at the pump. brianna. . >> all right. vanessa yurkevic, thank you for that. while you were sleeping, ash barty punching her ticket to the australian open final. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. >> reporter: a special moment for ash barty. australia her home. cruising to a straight set win over madison keys in the semifinals. she's now the first australian woman to make it to the aussie final in 42 years. the 25-year-old is the reigning champ. won the french open in 2019. barty will face american danielle collins in the final. she was ranked 27th in the tournament. amazing comeback continues. and she had a tennis ball-sized sift from her ovary. her first evergrande slam final. should be a great one. yesterday marked two years since kobe bryant and his daughter and seven others lost their lives in that helicopter crash. ar m carmelo anthony and dwyane wade paying tributes. a statue was placed at the site yesterday. it shows kobe with his arm around gigi. the base of the statue had the names of all the crash victims. heroes come and go but legends are forever. guys, just hard to believe. it's been more than two years since the terrible helicopter crash. >> lovely statue. that is lovely and sad. >> reporter: it gave a chance for a lot of people to go by and pay their respects. >> thanks, andy. appreciate it. >> reporter: all right. a search is under way for a man who snuck into an iowa hospital and bottle fed a baby. the thing is, the baby wasn't his. the bizarre details ahead. and a pulitzer prize winning novel about the holocaust banned from some tennessee schools. we'll tell you why. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. this morning we're learning about a story that gives reason to worry about kids's futures. what message are we sending? a tennessee school board decided to ban a graphic novel maus." a deeply personal true story about art spiegelman about his mother and father. the nazis are cats. the jews are mice. it is riveting, beautiful, and horrible. it's the only graphic novel ever to win the pulitzer. mckin county school board in tennessee has banned the book. one board member says it shows people hanging, killing kids. why does the educational system promote this kind of stuff, it is not wise or healthy. being in the schools, educators and stuff we don't need to enable or somewhat promote this stuff. laura jarrett, anchoror of "early start". >> reporter: as you mentioned, "maus" is the gold standard when teaching kids about the holocaust, given its unique voice, unique approach. if you are an eighth grader in mckin county, you will not be winning this pulitzer prize winning novel in english class. the school board said it it is not about denialism. it is because it has rough language and a picture of a naked woman. you can imagine a lot of books probably meet that standard. this is getting a lot of pushback. art spiegelman said this. it is leaving me with my jaw open. like, what? i also understand that tennessee is obviously demented. there is something going on very, very haywire there. some teachers at the meeting did push back. they essentially made the point, yeah, it has harsh language because the holocaust was horrific and it needs to meet the moment. we are seeing it in conservative states whether book bans, desantis in florida banning conversations in schools where white kids may feel uncomfortable with the subject matters. a lot is happening about parental skhoeus and what's appropriate context and which history gets told and which is banned. >> i submit if you're concerned about teaching the holocaust is too many swear words and too much nudity, you might be thinking about it the wrong way. >> reporter: i think that's fair to say. "maus" is seminal work, cats and mice. what better way is there to reach children? how do you want to teach children about the holocaust or don't you at all? >> reporter: well, and the author said so many kids told me it changed my life. it changed my view how to look at the holocaust. >> think about what you're doing. that's all i ask. just think about what you're doing here. laura jarrett, thank you very much for that. >> reporter: sure. spotify just called neil young's bluff. why you won't be hearing his music on the platform anymore, but you can still listen to joe rogan. sarah palin returns to the restaurant where she skirted vaccine rules. this time testing approximate positive for covid. what the restataurant is now saying. ever get a sign the universe is tryingo tell you something? thclues are all around us! not that one. that's the one. at university of phoenix, you could earn your master's degree in less than a year for under $11k. learn more at ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? 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should i be speaking up? he has that kind of reputation in the industry. >> scott, neil young was willing to put his money where his mouth is on this. >> yeah, he was. you know what, if that's what he wants to do, that's fine. i think it is interesting that he is trying to rally people against spotify because they choose to be in business with joe rogan. covid broke a lot of people. neil young is obviously one of them. he has given up a huge amount of personal revenue by having his music removed from this. i find it interesting that you have a number of people who generally identify with the phreul left who have gone from being free speech advocates to being the speech police. have there always been cranks, people who are wrong and all kind of views in america. it is not normal for us to have an entire political ideology moving towards the idea that speech is somewhat violence or speech is unsafe. this is a country that values the concept of speech. we'll sort it outline in the public square. young doesn't value that unique american thing, the idea that we can all speak and we will sort it out. i find that to be the most interesting thing about this whole episode. >> scott, can you speak a little more about that? we had a story out of tennessee, kentucky. >> tennessee. >> they are ban pulling this graphic novel about the holocaust. this idea of protesting or boycotting something does not seem to be necessarily one sided if you're going to lump them together. >> i am a passionate advocate for free speech. the three of you sitting here on this show this morning may say something i disagree with. but i would lay down on a train track for your right or ability to say it. i don't think there is any doubt that there is an impulse on the political left to silence people on the conservative side of our spectrum. there is impulse to say why are they loud to have a platform, espouse views that i find personally hateful. i get it you don't like it. but that shouldn't stop you from believing this is a country big enough and strong enough internally to embrace all kinds of speech. brianna, i'm not for banning speech of any kind. i am always on the side of free speech. that's where i will come down on this issue. >> scott, you're not for banning speech of any kind. they are banning "maus" in schools. are you against the banning of teaching certain things? >> reporter: i am not for teaching children that they are inherently evil or wrong or wrong because they were born a certain way. a strongly oppose that because i don't think it's true. i'm for speech but not for in doctrination of children into ideologies that their parents don't know about or haven't had a say in. that is a different issue altogether. we are talking about commercial speech and the idea of people using their platforms to try to silence folks that they don't like. neil young doesn't like joe rogan. he doesn't have to listen to it. it's his right to put his music wherever he wants. this impulse against banning speech is very difficult in the united states. >> i have to talking about art spiegelman and "maus." it is one of the greatest works of literature to come out in the last 100 years. it's one of the best graphic novels ever. and i think part of this argument is addressed by simply reading "maus." if people haven't read "maus," they should check it out and read it and think to themselves, do they want their kids reading this? they will absolutely say yes. it is a great way to learn about history. it is emotional, smart, incredibly artistic, passionate. it's a great work of history. that's why it won the pulitzer prize. it is sad that it is banned. as an author myself who writes for young people, i understand how difficult it is to reach them. "maus" is one of those works that really manages to get kids to care about history and care about it passionately. it's sad if that's pulled from the shelves for certain kids because it is such a great work. people should check it out if they have any questions about what's going on with it. >> had yeah. and you do write for young people. so you are also very aware of what is going on in schools. can you just respond to what scott said, c.j. on one hand this idea -- look, there are many people who share scott's view, which is if you're talking about race in a certain way in school, it's in doctrination, even arguing saying you don't want joe rogan on the air, that is condemning free speech. >> yeah. i think we have to separate out the idea that we are talking about facts, things that are factually wrong. hundreds of doctors have come out and said certain things that joe rogan said on the air that were factually incorrect, and talking about ideas of free marketplace of ideas where you can debate things and talk about things and talk about various ideas. and i think you have to separate out the two competing ideas there, the idea about facts that can be wrong or right, and ideas where people can be differing opinions about what they mean. >> scott, c.j., thanks to both of you. >> thank you. >> reporter: thank you. schools in virginia now dividing students by those who choose to wear masks and those who don't. is that a good idea? we'll see the debate on that. pressure mounting on republican congressman matt gates as a third witness is now cooperating with the feds in its sex trafficking investigation that could be connected to him. we have new details ahead. this is the planning effect from fidelity. ben isn't worried about retirement becacause his plan is backed by the team at fidelity. a group of investment professionals manages ben's ira for him, analyzing mamarket conditions and helping him stay on target. he gets one-onon-one coaching when he wants some advice, and can adjust his plan whenever he needs to. and now he's so prepared for retirement, ben is feeling totally zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the seicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding w ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to t office... wait. an office? what's an office? ...or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. wherever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. life happens in the moment. in the quiet and the chaos. you shouldn't have to miss out on all the moments you love just to lose the weight you want. ww's all new personalpoints program. for the first time ever your plan is designed 100% for you. live the life you love, lose the weight you want. the all new ww personalpoints program. download the ww app today for a 14 day free trial. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. hello. i'm brianna keilar with john berman on this "new day". a seat on the supreme court is about to open up, paving the way for an historic replacement overnight, china firing off strong words to the united states saying stop messing with the olympics. after throughouting new york's vaccine rules, sarah palin is dining out again days after testing positive for covid. and the bomb cyclone coming to a weekend near you rolling to the northeast. ♪

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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♪ good morning to viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is thursday, january 7th. i'm brianna keilar with john berman. we are beginning with a rare opportunity for a struggling president to reenergize his party and to make history in the process. supreme court justice stephen breyer set to announce his retirement at the white house today, giving president biden a chance to deliver on a campaign promise to nominate the first african american female justice to the bench. >> let's get a sense of the timing, short list, and republican plans to slow down the process. jeremy diamond is there. jeremy, if i also in on the details. >> reporter: well, we learned yesterday justice breyer is set to retire after 30 years. he was tight-lipped on this. without a formal announcement, the president would not weigh in. but today they are set to make this official. and this opening gives biden a chance to nominate a justice to the supreme court and potentially make history by nominating the first black woman to serve on the bench. after nearly 30 years on the u.s. supreme court, today justice stephen breyer set to announce his retirement and join the man who will nominate his replacement at the white house. >> every justice has the right and opportunity to decide what he or she is going to do and announce it on their own. >> reporter: the 83-year-old is the oldest and most senior liberal justice, nominated by president bill clinton in 199 4. >> i, stephen breyer, do solemnly swear. >> reporter: briar is expected to stay on the bench until the end of the court term this june and until his replacement is confirmed. a well-placed source familiar with the matter tells cnn. >> in the senate, we want to be deliberate. we want to move quickly. we want to get this done as soon as possible. >> reporter: the big question now, who will president biden pick? on the campaign trail in 2020, then candidate biden vowed to make history and nominate the first black woman to the bench. >> if i'm elected president, i would have the opportunity to appoint someone to the courts, i will appoint the first black woman to the court. >> reporter: the likely front front-runner, we tangy brown jackson. she was vetted by biden and his team last year and comfortably confirmed to the circuit court of appeals, with three republicans in support. >> when you become a judge you take an oath to look only at the law in deciding your cases, that you set aside your personal views about the circumstances. >> reporter: a close second choice is california supreme court justice leondra kruger, a former acting solicitor general, she once clerked for the late john paul stephens and argued cases in front of the high court. . >> oral arguments doesn't necessarily change the outcome of cases. occasionally it does. it reveals a new dimension. it is also in the united states supreme court the first time the judges all sit down together. >> reporter: other names circulating, minnesota district court judge mimi wright. outgoing educational fund president, share lynn ifill. and judge union eunice lee. candace jackson-akiwumi, j. michelle childs. >> she has the kind of diverse background in life and education and work and an incredibly smart woman who i believe would do well. >> reporter: the eventual nominee will face a high-profile confirmation process with the 2022 midterms looming. senate democrats don't need confirmation of biden's nominee. but republican opposition could still be a factor. >> that's something that the president has an opportunity to make should there be a vacancy. >> reporter: whoever is picked, briar had this to say about the job. >> really when you put on that black robe you understand whatever the appointment process, however politically involved it was, once you put on the robe of a judge, you're a judge. and that means you're a judge for every person. >> reporter: and this decision by justice breyer came after a lot of pressure from activists to change the balance of the court and give president biden an opportunity to nominate a supreme court justice. but the president himself and the white house have been relatively silent over -- amid all of that pressure. but this does present president biden now with a huge political opportunity ahead of the 2022 midterms, particularly as his legislative agenda on voting rights and the build back better agenda has been stalled. this could be a huge win for president biden. we know democrats want to move quickly to nominate and confirm a successor to justice breyer. john. >> jeremy diamond at the white house. it will be interesting to see what the president and justice breyer have to say today. thank you. >> let's talk about this now with a former federal prosecutor, former deputy attorney general from maryland, and former clerk for justice breyer. aaro irin carmon is co-author of ""notorious rbg"." who do you think you would pick? give me the first two that you would pick. >> look, i think the short list is full of exceptional candidates. it's going to be a very difficult choice for the white house. but i think the two that everybody are talking about would be natural fits. not only are they exceptionally accomplished jurists, they're proven, they're trusted. in the case of judge jackson, you have somebody who went from harvard to harvard law school, and then clerked on the supreme court for justice breyer. i wouldn't be surprised if people thought she was a natural heir apparent to justice breyer's seat. >> and you khrerbgd with her. >> i clerked with justice breyer. the clerks know one another. we obviously have a chance to interact. but i would be overstating if i said that. >> erin, president biden has promised this historic nomination. talk to us about the significance of that. >> of course. well, i think it's important to remember that this is an institution, the supreme court, that, like many institutions of government, in the past declined to recognize the humanity of black people in general and of women in general. and of course black women. the supreme court has a grim history of doing so. i just wonder what about all the talents that we never got to know the names of who were blocked from the supreme court. president biden has also made a priority of nominating black women to the appellate courts where they also have been underrepresented. it is important to contrast it with the trump administration who nominated white men to the bench. people hoped president obama would do when he had the opportunity to fill justice scalia's seat. and it could galvanize people ahead of the 2016 election. he chose merrick garland. with this, president biden has an opportunity to say to a core constituency of the democratic party but also a constituency long overlooked, underrepresented, disproportionately by many of the court's decisions to say your voice matters, your qualifications matter. listening to the names. justice ginsburg said it would be enough if there were nine women on the seat. you could definitely fill the court with nine qualified black women. >> i wonder what you think about age playing a role in this selection process. lieu at these candidates, you know, one of them who is 61 is considered maybe a little too old because the idea is obviously that democrats would like to keep a justice on the supreme court for too long. you look at leondra kruger, she's 45. that's someone who could have a very long career on the bench. >> it's a remarkable trend. but this has become a very real factor. the court that justice breyer joined was far less politicized, far less contentious. every one of the justices on the court he joined was unanimously confirmed by overwhelming margins. today it is different. they are highly polarized and the votes are quite contentious. that means the person who gets there needs to be there for a very long time because you don't necessarily know when the next appointment is going to come. and both parties from contributed to this. both parties are guilty of this. and at the end of the day, there was a time when the average distance between one appointment and the next was just two years. when justice breyer joined, it was 10 years before the chief justice roberts was appointed to the court. that has become part of the modern trend of appointments to the supreme court. >> irin, the difference in age between kruger and childs is two years. that's two and a half presidential terms. that is an entire presidency too. democrats, not just on value but a game theory, why wouldn't they go as young as they can? why not find someone in college practically. >> president trump no, ma'am nataled extremely young people to the federal bench. amy coney barrett was 48. justice gorsuch, 49. and so this was certainly something republicans were doing. justice ginsburg was 60 when she was nominated. merrick garland, the attempted nominee who never got a hearing, was 63. i remember as a reporter at the time somebody said before he was named, there's no way he's too old. so this is something that frustrated progressive activists. you're not going to see i think a democrat nominate a 63-year-old again. for the same reasons. look at the track record. these people in their late 40s on the supreme court nominated -- trump had three nominees. they are set to enact a conservative agenda for many decades to come. anybody who does join the court at least in the short-term is going to be in the minority. they're probably going to say dissenting. this is the role that breyer reluctantly found himself in. if you have a more progressive agenda, maybe they can see the balance of the court change as well. >> this is going to be a historic proceeding ahead of us. i appreciate you, thiru and irin, for being here to talk about it. why did a graphic novel about the holocaust just get banned from tennessee schools? 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how bomb-y. chad, what are we talking about here? >> reporter: a low in the rockies has to make its way across the country, get to the atlantic ocean and run up the east coast. it will use the warm water from the gulfstream, relatively warm, and will get deep and low pressure like what a rapidly intensifying hurricane would do, except we don't have that warm of water out there. it's very cold. we have cold air in place. now if we put the moisture, that's where we get the problem. this weather brought to you by safe light, vehicle glass and recalibration experts. where do we go from here? massachusetts to the care lines, we have watches. this is not a storm for scranton, albany, state college. this is a coastal storm. if you're thinking you're going to get snow days, east of, let's say, from buffalo to binghamton, no, this isn't for you. this is a coastal low that is going to run up the east coast. good news, it's a saturday storm. at least there's something about that. you may not have to drive in it. this is the european model. it is putting down more snow than the american model for sure. we will take you through saturday and on into sunday. you can see the snow is along i-95 and even east and west of there. the american model says, not so fast. this is going out into the ocean. and all the snow will be in the ocean except for the cape and down east maine. yes, massachusetts will get a lot of snow, too, the east part. the american model is much different than the european model which says 14 inches for new york city. 2 to 14 is not a forecast. we can't settle on this yet because it's going to take some time. we will need another 24 hours for the models to maybe agree. some spots say they could get 30 inches of snow. where does it go? if it's close to land, the snow goes to the west. over this perfect spot, that's where the heaviest snow is. if it's off to the east, we get very little. >> there i had plans to be up in the boston area this weekend. and i saw one of the forecasts talking more than two feet of snow possibly chad. what needs to happen? what is the determining factor here? . >> we're waiting in the low to get to the gulf coast. if it takes this line, lots of snow everywhere. maybe even a little bit of mixing with sleet in boston. if it takes this line over the 70-40 marker. that is perfect to put snow in the big cities. then we probably get 12 to 24. nantucket will get snow, the cape, even boston will get 12. worst-case scenario, boston 30. best case scenario, probably 12. the train to boston may be the best part. you may want to take your work-from-home stuff with you. >> bombs away. thank you very much. >> bomby. is that even a word? >> i just in invesigated i-- invented it. >> there i don't think that will fly at all. i'm going to try it. drivers in north carolina are feeling the pain at the pump as gas prices hit the biggest increases in seven years. companies fear this could put them out of business as aaa warns prices aren't coming down. they might even go higher. vanessa is live in charlotte, north carolina with more. well, that is bad news, vanessa. >> reporter: it's bad news. and prices are up five cents a gallon in just the last month. that makes an impact for drivers here in the state. those coming to the state, driving through the state. and we saw maybe a glimmer of hope, prices stabilizing over the holidays. now these prices are right back up. the price of gas on the rise again. >> we use a whole lot of fuel. >> reporter: when you're filling up 500 trucks a week, it gets expensive. >> diesel fuel is one of our single biggest expenses to run these trucks. >> reporter: shawn brown is mayor of clarmont, north carolina, and works for his family's 50-year-old trucking company. >> each truck has 200 gallon total capacity in their fuel tanks. drivers run on average around 2,000 miles a week. some more, some less. you do the math on that. >> reporter: we did. and with diesel up more than a dollar a gallon on average the last year, that is about $736 each time one of these fills up. $200 more per truck on average from a year ago. >> any cost that goes up will hurt your profitability. >> reporter: in north carolina, prices have seen the biggest annual increase in seven years. up five cents a gallon for regular fuel in the last month, in line with national increases. >> gas prices really have been a roller coaster ride. these are places where gas prices don't tend to drop as they do in other places around the country because they are year-round destinations. >> reporter: and with the price of crude oil, which makes fuel jumping 30% since september due to increased demand but less product on the market, the cost to fill up could continue to rise. >> it is not something that you can put down. gas is a must. you cannot get from here to there without the gas. so there's no getting by it. >> reporter: some drivers have found a way. >> i saw you have north carolina plates. >> looking to save some money. 10 minutes i can save 20 cents. >> reporter: just a short drive from charlotte, north carolina into south carolina, can save drivers 10 to 20 cents a gallon on average. >> if we're working over here, we always get gas over here on this side. christine cardell works for a landscaping company that services north carolina and south carolina. she said the price of gas in any state is too much. >> it's cost me well into $140, $150 to fill up. >> reporter: when you look at that price, what do you think? >> i think it sucks. it can put me out of business. there are some jobs that i don't even take now because it costs me too much to get there. >> reporter: and about half the drivers we spoke to say they don't feel they have any control over gas prices. they just have to pay it. the other half did believe that the federal government, joe biden did have some control over these gas prices. we know the president authorized the release of about 50 million barrels of oil from the country's strategic petroleum reserve. we'll see if that makes an impact. brianna, when you're thinking about gas prices, what you pay at the pump, you have to think about it globally. there are so few countries that control the oil market. they are called opec. they have said they don't plan on releasing any more oil, which means you will probably get stuck paying these prices and maybe even higher at the pump. brianna. . >> all right. vanessa yurkevic, thank you for that. while you were sleeping, ash barty punching her ticket to the australian open final. andy scholes has this morning's bleacher report. >> reporter: a special moment for ash barty. australia her home. cruising to a straight set win over madison keys in the semifinals. she's now the first australian woman to make it to the aussie final in 42 years. the 25-year-old is the reigning champ. won the french open in 2019. barty will face american danielle collins in the final. she was ranked 27th in the tournament. amazing comeback continues. and she had a tennis ball-sized sift from her ovary. her first evergrande slam final. should be a great one. yesterday marked two years since kobe bryant and his daughter and seven others lost their lives in that helicopter crash. ar m carmelo anthony and dwyane wade paying tributes. a statue was placed at the site yesterday. it shows kobe with his arm around gigi. the base of the statue had the names of all the crash victims. heroes come and go but legends are forever. guys, just hard to believe. it's been more than two years since the terrible helicopter crash. >> lovely statue. that is lovely and sad. >> reporter: it gave a chance for a lot of people to go by and pay their respects. >> thanks, andy. appreciate it. >> reporter: all right. a search is under way for a man who snuck into an iowa hospital and bottle fed a baby. the thing is, the baby wasn't his. the bizarre details ahead. and a pulitzer prize winning novel about the holocaust banned from some tennessee schools. we'll tell you why. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. i am here because they revolutionized immunotherapy. i am here because they saw how cancer adapts to different oxygen levels and starved it. i am here because they switched off egfr gene mutation and stopped the growth of tumor cells. there's a place that's making one advanced cancer discovery after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. this morning we're learning about a story that gives reason to worry about kids's futures. what message are we sending? a tennessee school board decided to ban a graphic novel maus." a deeply personal true story about art spiegelman about his mother and father. the nazis are cats. the jews are mice. it is riveting, beautiful, and horrible. it's the only graphic novel ever to win the pulitzer. mckin county school board in tennessee has banned the book. one board member says it shows people hanging, killing kids. why does the educational system promote this kind of stuff, it is not wise or healthy. being in the schools, educators and stuff we don't need to enable or somewhat promote this stuff. laura jarrett, anchoror of "early start". >> reporter: as you mentioned, "maus" is the gold standard when teaching kids about the holocaust, given its unique voice, unique approach. if you are an eighth grader in mckin county, you will not be winning this pulitzer prize winning novel in english class. the school board said it it is not about denialism. it is because it has rough language and a picture of a naked woman. you can imagine a lot of books probably meet that standard. this is getting a lot of pushback. art spiegelman said this. it is leaving me with my jaw open. like, what? i also understand that tennessee is obviously demented. there is something going on very, very haywire there. some teachers at the meeting did push back. they essentially made the point, yeah, it has harsh language because the holocaust was horrific and it needs to meet the moment. we are seeing it in conservative states whether book bans, desantis in florida banning conversations in schools where white kids may feel uncomfortable with the subject matters. a lot is happening about parental skhoeus and what's appropriate context and which history gets told and which is banned. >> i submit if you're concerned about teaching the holocaust is too many swear words and too much nudity, you might be thinking about it the wrong way. >> reporter: i think that's fair to say. "maus" is seminal work, cats and mice. what better way is there to reach children? how do you want to teach children about the holocaust or don't you at all? >> reporter: well, and the author said so many kids told me it changed my life. it changed my view how to look at the holocaust. >> think about what you're doing. that's all i ask. just think about what you're doing here. laura jarrett, thank you very much for that. >> reporter: sure. spotify just called neil young's bluff. why you won't be hearing his music on the platform anymore, but you can still listen to joe rogan. sarah palin returns to the restaurant where she skirted vaccine rules. this time testing approximate positive for covid. what the restataurant is now saying. ever get a sign the universe is tryingo tell you something? thclues are all around us! not that one. that's the one. at university of phoenix, you could earn your master's degree in less than a year for under $11k. learn more at ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? 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should i be speaking up? he has that kind of reputation in the industry. >> scott, neil young was willing to put his money where his mouth is on this. >> yeah, he was. you know what, if that's what he wants to do, that's fine. i think it is interesting that he is trying to rally people against spotify because they choose to be in business with joe rogan. covid broke a lot of people. neil young is obviously one of them. he has given up a huge amount of personal revenue by having his music removed from this. i find it interesting that you have a number of people who generally identify with the phreul left who have gone from being free speech advocates to being the speech police. have there always been cranks, people who are wrong and all kind of views in america. it is not normal for us to have an entire political ideology moving towards the idea that speech is somewhat violence or speech is unsafe. this is a country that values the concept of speech. we'll sort it outline in the public square. young doesn't value that unique american thing, the idea that we can all speak and we will sort it out. i find that to be the most interesting thing about this whole episode. >> scott, can you speak a little more about that? we had a story out of tennessee, kentucky. >> tennessee. >> they are ban pulling this graphic novel about the holocaust. this idea of protesting or boycotting something does not seem to be necessarily one sided if you're going to lump them together. >> i am a passionate advocate for free speech. the three of you sitting here on this show this morning may say something i disagree with. but i would lay down on a train track for your right or ability to say it. i don't think there is any doubt that there is an impulse on the political left to silence people on the conservative side of our spectrum. there is impulse to say why are they loud to have a platform, espouse views that i find personally hateful. i get it you don't like it. but that shouldn't stop you from believing this is a country big enough and strong enough internally to embrace all kinds of speech. brianna, i'm not for banning speech of any kind. i am always on the side of free speech. that's where i will come down on this issue. >> scott, you're not for banning speech of any kind. they are banning "maus" in schools. are you against the banning of teaching certain things? >> reporter: i am not for teaching children that they are inherently evil or wrong or wrong because they were born a certain way. a strongly oppose that because i don't think it's true. i'm for speech but not for in doctrination of children into ideologies that their parents don't know about or haven't had a say in. that is a different issue altogether. we are talking about commercial speech and the idea of people using their platforms to try to silence folks that they don't like. neil young doesn't like joe rogan. he doesn't have to listen to it. it's his right to put his music wherever he wants. this impulse against banning speech is very difficult in the united states. >> i have to talking about art spiegelman and "maus." it is one of the greatest works of literature to come out in the last 100 years. it's one of the best graphic novels ever. and i think part of this argument is addressed by simply reading "maus." if people haven't read "maus," they should check it out and read it and think to themselves, do they want their kids reading this? they will absolutely say yes. it is a great way to learn about history. it is emotional, smart, incredibly artistic, passionate. it's a great work of history. that's why it won the pulitzer prize. it is sad that it is banned. as an author myself who writes for young people, i understand how difficult it is to reach them. "maus" is one of those works that really manages to get kids to care about history and care about it passionately. it's sad if that's pulled from the shelves for certain kids because it is such a great work. people should check it out if they have any questions about what's going on with it. >> had yeah. and you do write for young people. so you are also very aware of what is going on in schools. can you just respond to what scott said, c.j. on one hand this idea -- look, there are many people who share scott's view, which is if you're talking about race in a certain way in school, it's in doctrination, even arguing saying you don't want joe rogan on the air, that is condemning free speech. >> yeah. i think we have to separate out the idea that we are talking about facts, things that are factually wrong. hundreds of doctors have come out and said certain things that joe rogan said on the air that were factually incorrect, and talking about ideas of free marketplace of ideas where you can debate things and talk about things and talk about various ideas. and i think you have to separate out the two competing ideas there, the idea about facts that can be wrong or right, and ideas where people can be differing opinions about what they mean. >> scott, c.j., thanks to both of you. >> thank you. >> reporter: thank you. schools in virginia now dividing students by those who choose to wear masks and those who don't. is that a good idea? we'll see the debate on that. pressure mounting on republican congressman matt gates as a third witness is now cooperating with the feds in its sex trafficking investigation that could be connected to him. we have new details ahead. this is the planning effect from fidelity. ben isn't worried about retirement becacause his plan is backed by the team at fidelity. a group of investment professionals manages ben's ira for him, analyzing mamarket conditions and helping him stay on target. he gets one-onon-one coaching when he wants some advice, and can adjust his plan whenever he needs to. and now he's so prepared for retirement, ben is feeling totally zen. that's the planning effect from fidelity. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the seicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding w ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to t office... wait. an office? what's an office? ...or solving a workplace challenge that's yet to come. wherever the new world of work takes your business, the world works with servicenow. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. life happens in the moment. in the quiet and the chaos. you shouldn't have to miss out on all the moments you love just to lose the weight you want. ww's all new personalpoints program. for the first time ever your plan is designed 100% for you. live the life you love, lose the weight you want. the all new ww personalpoints program. download the ww app today for a 14 day free trial. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. hello. i'm brianna keilar with john berman on this "new day". a seat on the supreme court is about to open up, paving the way for an historic replacement overnight, china firing off strong words to the united states saying stop messing with the olympics. after throughouting new york's vaccine rules, sarah palin is dining out again days after testing positive for covid. and the bomb cyclone coming to a weekend near you rolling to the northeast. ♪

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Kruger , Choice , High Court , California Supreme Court Justice , Front , John Paul Stephens , Names , Time , Outcome , Oral Arguments , Dimension , Sit Down Together , Fund , Share Lynn Ifill , District Court , Mimi Wright , Minnesota , Eunice Lee , Union , Life , J Michelle Childs , Kind , Candace Jackson , Background , Education , Akiwumi , Nominee , Confirmation Process , Something , Who Don T , Factor , Midterms , Democrats , Opposition , Confirmation , 2022 , Appointment Process , Vacancy , Job , Black Robe , Person , Robe , Decision , Pressure , Activists , Wall , Balance , Over , Supreme Court Justice , Agenda , Win , Voting Rights , Build , Successor , Talk , Let , Deputy Attorney General , Co Author , Clerk , Prosecutor , Irin Carmon , Maryland , Aaro , Candidates , List , Two , Rbg , Somebody , Jurists , Everybody , Case , Fits , People , Seat , Harvard Law School , Heir Apparent , Overstating , Another , Clerks , Erin , One , Government , Course , Nomination , Institutions , Significance , Institution , Humanity , Women , Talents , Women In General , Trump , Nominating Black Women , Priority , Appellate Courts , Administration , Obama , Men , Justice Scalia , Merrick Garland , Election , Core , Constituency , 2016 , Many , Justice Ginsburg , Voice Matters , Listening , Decisions , Qualifications , Nine , Role , Selection Process , Lieu , 61 , Idea , Trend , Little , Career , 45 , Justices , Appointment , Margins , Votes , Parties , Distance , Next , Chief Justice Roberts , 10 , Part , Difference , Appointments , Kruger , Value , Presidency , Terms , College , Wouldn T , Game Theory , Amy Coney Barrett , Ma Am Nataled , Trump No , Gorsuch , 49 , 48 , Hearing , There S No Way , 63 , 60 , Anybody , Late 40s On The Supreme Court , Nominees , Reasons , Track Record , 40 , Progressive Agenda , Least , Minority , Holocaust , Graphic Novel , Proceeding , Thiru , Schools , Words , Tennessee , China , Olympics , Taiwan , Antony Blinken Stop Playing With Fire , Ultra , Cities , Times , Ultra Wideband , Movie , Matt Gaetz Sex Trafficking Investigation , Iablek , Mindy , Verizon , Ww , Vo , Sam , Same , Points Program , Pay , Ww Com , Heartburn , Anna , Reality , Sleep , It Starts , Night , Dream , Acid , Nexium 24hr , 24 , Feet , Electron , Emergency Medicine , Power , Energy , Night Protection , 40000 , Vmware , Companies , Workspace , Change , Solutions , Anywhere , Ways , Rethinking , Cloud , Plan , Help , Fidelity , Welcome Change , Goals , Faster , Suzie , Planning Effect , Subaru , Charities , Love Event , Retailers , And , Car , Company , Robert , Charity , None , Jeff , Bonnie , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Car Company , Limu , Isn T , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Sec , Liberty , Discover , Sir , Baby Got Back , Unlimited Cashback Match , Doctors , Pain , Blood Pressure , High Blood Pressure , Anything , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Trust Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Foreign Minister , Neighbor , Phone Conversation , Crisis , Winter Olympics , Ukraine , Antony Blinken , Kinds , Circles , Stop Playing With Fire On Taiwan Issues , Beijing , Kyiv , Sam Kiley , Kremlin , Both , Negotiation , Concessions , Letters , Russia , Nato , Statements , Writing , Border , Buildup , Forces , Top , Response , Worst , President Putin , Nic Robertson In Moscow , Whether , Disappointment , Spokesman , It Public , Archbishop , Core Concerns , Germany , Munich , Report , Victims , Benedict Xvi , News Conference , Delia Gallagher , Shamed , Arch Buy , More , Cardinal Marx , The Press Conference , Rome , Things , Place , Church , Allegations , The Dark Side , Accusations , View , Mirror , Fear , Harm , Statement , Cardinal , Up , Comments , Emeritus , Perspective , 75 , 00 , 19 , Northeast , Bomb , Cyclone , Snow Boots , Shovels , Sleds , Sarah Palin , Testing Positive , Covid , Dining , Neuroscientist , Play , Science , Tv , Neuriva Plus , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Yes , Neuriva , Six , World , Work , Last , Office , Customers , Servicenow Platform , Safe , Return , Flow , Challenge , Business , Workplace , Servicenow , Set , Ready , Save , Sale , Voice , Installation , Backing , Expert Team , Internet , Price Guarantee , 2 , 64 99 , 4 99 , 24 7 , Prepaid Card , Deal , Possibilities , Comcast Business , 500 , Experts , Service , Music Vo , Singers , Windshield , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Winter Storm , Bomb Cyclone , Country , Low , Water , Rockies , Atlantic Ocean , Chad , Bomb Y , East Coast , Air , Hurricane , Gulfstream , Problem , Recalibration Experts , Care Lines , Glass , Where Do We Go From Here , Massachusetts , Moisture , Light , Vehicle , Weather , East Of , Storm , Snow Days , Isn T For You , State College , Albany , Scranton , Binghamton , Buffalo , Snow , Model , News , Saturday Storm , European , Ocean , Cape , Into Sunday , I 95 , 95 , New York , Down East , Maine , 14 , Models , Forecast , Spots , Spot , East , Land , West , Boston , Forecasts , Area , Line , Everywhere , Marker , Sleet , Lots , Bit , Mixing , Gulf Coast , 70 , Scenario , Case Scenario , Nantucket , 12 , Stuff , Word , Train , Bombs , Bomby , It , Gas Prices , Drivers , Pump , North Carolina , Invesigated , Prices , Vanessa Yurkevic , Increases , Charlotte , Aaa , Seven , Estate , Impact , Glimmer , Bad News , Five , Gas , Price , Hope , Holidays , Rise , Fuel , Shawn Brown , Expenses , Mayor , Diesel Fuel , Trucks , Clarmont , Truck , Trucking Company , Math , Family , Fuel Tanks , 200 , 50 , 2000 , Cost , 736 , 36 , Increase , Profitability , Roller Coaster Ride , Places , Crude Oil , Demand , Destinations , Market , Must , Product , Money , Plates , Drive , South Carolina , 20 , Side , Landscaping Company , Christine Cardell , Average , Out Of Business , 140 , 150 , Control , Jobs , Oil , Barrels , Half , Release , Strategic Petroleum Reserve , 50 Million , Countries , Opec , Oil Market , While You Were Sleeping , Final , Bleacher Report , Andy Scholes , Morning , Ticket , Ash Barty , Australian Open , Home , Semifinals , Cruising , Australia , Madison Keys , Aussie , 25 , 42 , Barty Will Face American Danielle Collins , Comeback , Champ , Tournament , French Open , 27 , 2019 , Kobe Bryant , Others , Great One , Slam Final , Daughter , Ovary , Tennis Ball , Evergrande , Sift , Statue , Helicopter Crash , Lives , Tributes , Dwyane Wade , Carmelo Anthony , Ar M , Crash Victims , Base , Site , Legends , Arm , Heroes Come And Go , Gigi , Sad , Thanks , Respects , Thing , Pulitzer Prize , Baby , Search , Hospital , Baby Wasn T His , Iowa , Fed , Asthma , Mouth , Nunormal , Reactions , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Face , Add On Treatment , Tongue , Trouble , Swelling , Nucala , Infections , In The Woods , Infection , Doctor , Back Pain , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Asthma Specialist , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Nothing , Stages , Colon Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Screening , Around , Stool , Dna , Noninvasive , 92 , Risk , Results , Provider , Immunotherapy , Cancer , Cancer Discovery , Oxygen Levels , Gene Mutation , Growth , Tumor Cells , Egfr , Dana Farber , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Vacation , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Family Needs , Vrbo , Skin , Saw , Serum , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , Story , Kids , School Board , Futures , Message , Graphic Novel Maus , Reason , Art Spiegelman , Mice , True Story , Mother , Father , Nazis , Cats , Horrible , Beautiful , Jews , Pulitzer , Book , Board Member , Killing Kids , Mckin County School Board , Laura Jarrett , Educators , Being , Anchoror , System , Maus , Approach , Mckin County , Grader , Language , Pulitzer Prize Winning Novel In English , Picture , Denialism , Books , Standard , Pushback , Teachers , Jaw Open , Meeting , Point , States , Book Bans , Subject Matters , Context , Desantis In Florida Banning Conversations , Nudity , Children , Author , Seicenow Platform , Neil Young , Music , Life Spotify , Bluff , Joe Rogan , Restaurant , Vaccine Rules , Positive , Restataurant , Sign , Universe , Thclues , The One , Master S Degree , Polygons , Phoenix Edu , University Of Phoenix , Crunching Tons , Wow , 1k , 11k , Worry , What S Going On , Innovations , Cgi , Invesco Qqq , Regina , Ladonna , Nasdaq 100 , 100 , Workforce , Agent , Convenience , Innovation , Discoveries , Uncharted Waters , Outcomes , Necessity , Heart , Brains , Head , Ears , Hair , Soul , The Rock , Tphaoepl Young , Rogue Rogan , Remains , Ultimatum , Commentator , Vaccines , Issues , Rear Row , Clock , Hot Button , Information , It Didn T Take Spotify , C J Farley , Scott Jennings , The Business Case , Podcast , 00 Million , 100 Million , Entities , 11 Million , Authoritarianism , Free Speech Tour , Spaoef , Left , Row Rogan Won , Public Square , Iraq War , The 70s , Nixon , Reagan , Lincoln , 1959 , 80 , Everything , Emissions , Global Warming , Type Way , Winner , Cast , Loser , Songs , Love , Singer , Songwriters , Old Man , Southern Man , Apple , Musicians , Famer , American Music , Titan , Rom And Roll Hall , Reputation , Industry , Fine , Amount , Speech , Revenue , Number , Phreul , Ideology , Cranks , Speech Police , Violence , Young Doesn T , Concept , Speak , It Outline , Episode , Graphic Novel About The Holocaust , Boycotting , Kentucky , Free Speech , Advocate , Show , Impulse , Doubt , Ability , Train Track , Spectrum , Issue , Teaching , Banning , Doctrination , Platforms , Haven T , Ideologies , Parents , Folks , Right , Works , Novels , Argument , Literature , One Of The Best , People Haven T , Smart , Passionate , Care , Shelves , Write , Questions , Share Scott S View , School , Look , Race , Facts , On The Air , Hundreds , Ideas , Marketplace , Opinions , Witness , Pressure Mounting , Masks , Debate , Students , Virginia , Congressman Matt Gates , Ben Isn T , Sex Trafficking Investigation , Feds , Retirement Becacause , Investment Professionals , Advice , Target , Group , Mamarket Conditions , Coaching , Ira , Onon , Zen , Safe Return To T Office , Finding W , Plaque Psoriasis , Psoriatic Arthritis , Itching , Burning , Joints , Stinging , Tremfya , Symptoms , Adults , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Painful , 16 , Medication , Vaccine , Chaos , Weight , Program , Personalpoints , Ww Personalpoints Program , Shipping Manager , Trial , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire Liz , Cough , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , You , Mucinex , Nerd , Mucinex Dm , Coughs , Firing , Throughouting ,

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