Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

keilar. major news this morning in a story that cnn broke overnight. for the first time, the department of justice is public acknowledging that it is looking into a specific aspect of the plot from high-level donald trump allies to overturn the 2020 election. this was a cnn exclusive. we learned that federal prosecutors are reviewing the fake electoral college certifications from 2020 that falsely declared former president trump the winner of seven states, states that he lost. this is the deputy attorney general lisa monaco. >> on the issue you raised in terms of fraudulent elector certifications has been reported. we've received those referrals. our prosecutors are looking at those. and i can't say anything more on ongoing investigations. but more broadly, look, the attorney general has been very, very clear we are going to follow the facts and the law wherever they lead to address conduct of any kind and at any level that is part of an assault on our democracy. >> the fake electoral certifications were signed by trump allies, who false lip claimed to be the rightful electors in nevada, arizona, new mexico, pennsylvania, michigan, georgia, wisconsin. evan perez broke the story. he is in washington with more. evan, tell us the latest here. >> reporter: well, brianna, this is an important acknowledgment by the justice department. as you know, they normally don't talk about what they're doing. they don't even tell us when they're looking at these types of allegations. so it was an important thing for the deputy attorney general to say that they're on the job and they're taking a look at these certifications. certainly we heard from states yesterday that had sent some of these referrals, including michigan and new mexico. they said they were gratified because there could be some federal crime. we don't know if the justice department will ever get to that point. but one of the things that has happened as a result of these false claims of vote fraud, it is driving a lot of threats that are being made against election workers around the country. and it's making it hard to recruit people to do a job that is a key part of our democracy. lisa monaco, the deputy attorney general, talked a little bit about those threats and the concerns they raise. >> i'm concerned about the really disturbing nature of the threats that we've seen. they have been disturbingly aggressive and violent and personal. we set up an election threats task force. and you are seeing the fruits of some of that work. you saw an indictment just last week that is a result of that election threat task force. that case and that indictment and those charges were the first coming out of that task force, but they will not be the last. >> reporter: brianna, john, you heard her there. it won't be the last. that's one of the things that i think you will hear from merrick garland, the attorney general, is this is seen as a broader effort to try to protect people against these types of threats. . >> evan, big developments. thank you for breaking that story. evan perez. >> joining us now is former fbi director peter strzok. his book is now out in paperback. the deputy director, lisa m monaco, carefully chosen words. how do you read it? >> well, absolutely. you know, in my experience, any time the department of justice or fbi makes a comment on an ongoing investigation, particularly at a high level, the words have very carefully chosen and scrutinized. certainly when you hear them coming from the deputy attorney general herself, i have no doubt that the intention and the plan to do than was probably went up to the attorney general and certainly the office of the attorney general. and it's careful -- it's very carefully. there are two things i see in there. one, prosecutors are looking at it. s to me is they are examining the allegations, looking at federal law, seeing where the evidence falls and doesn't fall. and the second thing, the last point is she says she can't comment anymore on ongoing investigations. that means exactly what it says. that means right now there are investigations, plural, that are open and ongoing within the department of justice about this matter. so that's a very significant event. and to me it indicates just how high the level of investigation is now going within doj. >> even if this turns out, peter, that it wasn't illegal but exploiting a vulnerability, what is the benefit of having this investigation? . >> well, i think any time you have an investigation, one, certainly, this is very important from the january 6th committee. these are investigations of violations of criminal law. to get there you have to meet a certain threshold to be able to open a case. certainly when you open a case, you begin as an investigator certainly to develop a lot of information. so whether or not you reach the threshold in any one particular event to charge a crime, you're gathering a great deal of information about what was going on. and certainly these can't be viewed in isolation. this isn't just a case in one state or in a different state or a third or fourth or fifth o st. you have to look at these. and i'm south korean the fbi or doj will. were these coordinated? were these planned in advance? if so, who did that and what was their intention behind doing so. . >> one thing to make clear is that reporting from cnn that rudy giuliani was involved. boris epshteyn was talking about this the other day on tv. this really does get to the higher levels of trump's political world. the acknowledgment that there is an investigation into them significant in and of its. peter, something else is interesting, as you point out. the way this has come to light and the route this has taken is a little bit unusual. how so? . >> well, when you look at the source documents, these were found by a nonprofit information who posted the material back in march of last year. so the question is, you know, that was 11 months ago. and the question in my mind is what is it that has occurred, you know, between then and now. the underlying documents, the underlying events were not only public. but before they were released they had to be processed by the freedom of information act. so the government was aware of them before turning them over to this nonprofit organization. the question in my mind is, what's going on? it could be a couple of things. one, just the false slates of electors wasn't enough to open a case and there's other information that in the totality caused the case or cases to be opened. and the other thing is there was something so much going on at the time, it has taken the government this long to get its arms around all the potential illegal activity that was going on. only through efforts like the january 6th committee, only through the efforts of the ongoing investigations within the department of justice, the broad scope of everything that was going on did it finally come to light. and to your mention of giuliani, there is an ongoing investigation in the southern district of new york. it may well be, all his links to ukraine and all his electronic media that was seized, additional legal process was obtained to get records out of his email, his devices, and that there is information in that material that led to these cases. you know, that's speculation. the point is julian cancer is should utley key to a lot of this. he has a lot of legal issues on a variety of fronts. he is the president's attorney, and it doesn't get much closer than that. . >> i hadn't thought about that, about the investigations possibly being connected. a lot to chew on there. peter strzok, thank you for being with us. "compromised" out in paperback today. >> thank you. people with weakened immune systems say many many pharmacies are refusing to give them a fourth dose despite recommendations from the cdc that they get it. cnn's elizabeth cohen is with us. what's going on here? >> reporter: john, this is really terrible. the cdc recommends that people with compromised immune systems, about 7 million in the united states, they need to get four doses. these are people whose immune systems are weak because they taken a certain medicine or have a certain disease. a large number of immune compromised people say they have been turned away, pharmacies, large and small pharmacies, pharmacies as part of hospitals, say what are you talking about? it is three doses. they have brought notes from doctors, and it doesn't help. it is going to be straightened out, i think. part of the reason why is we called and said, hey, what are you doing? so people are rethinking this. but part of the reason why we're told there is this confusion is the cdc recommended them in language that is well confusing. i want you to look at what is on the cdc's website. this is on the page for public. this is not for doctors. this is for the public. they say, after completing the primary series, some moderately or severe live immune compromised people should get an additional primary shot. everyone 12 years and old, including immunocompromised people should get a booster shot. if you are eligible for an additional primary shot, you should get this dose first before you get a booster shot. i had to read it 10 times to understand what it said. i have read legal briefs that were simpler and understand this. i have a masters in public health and i read these for a living. it was very confusing. here's what folks in the immune compromised community would say. they wish they would say, look, if you're immune compromised, get two shots like everyone else, get a third shot 28 date lays and a fourth shot five months later. hospitals and pharmacies would see that and understand what it is we are supposed to do. we contacted the cdc. they said they stand by their wording but they are working hard so pharmacies understand exactly what it is they are had he supposed to do. >> three shots was actually the primary dose, and the fourth shot is the booster. is that the issue here? >> reporter: exactly. >> they write it like it is james joyce. >> reporter: right. exactly. exactly. and for people who look to johnson & johnson, that's different. that's right, john. you and i got two shots because they are not immune compromised. people who are immune compromised should get three and one later. we are now learning a virginia woman threatened, harassed and stalked apple ceo tim cook for more than a year. a judge has granted a restraining order after the woman not only trespassed on his property but sent him disturbing pictures. alison kosik is joining us on this story. what happened here? >> reporter: you're talking about just some of the bizarre things this woman allegedly did. targeting tim cook, one of the most well-known ceos. apple won a restraining order against the woman who has been threatening, harassing and stalking cook for more than a year. this from a court filing last week from the santa clara county superior court. the woman, who cnn is not identifying, has tkpeubgted erraticaoe rat -- exhibited erratic and bizarre behavior. she drove to california and trespassed on his property on two occasions. the filing says she claimed to be his wife and said they had twins together. the court documents also say that for more than a year the woman sent threats directly to cook through email, twitter as well, where she included pictures of a loaded gun and ammunition. she would tag cook in these tweets and write private messages that insinuated she wanted a sexual relationship. and between october and mid-november 2020, the filing says the woman sent the ceo nearly 200 emails that showed a significant escalation in tone, becoming threatening and highly disturbing. it was in october of last year that police detained her after she trespassed on his private property where she allegedly told law enforcement she could be violent. and that's not all. it claims the woman tried to open fraudulent businesses under coulding's name. she demanded $500,000 to forget and forgive. apple said the woman may still be armed in the south bay of san francisco and intends to return to the ceo's residence or locate him otherwise in the future. there is a hearing on the matter, brianna, scheduled for march 29th. brianna. that is incredibly scary. alison kosik, thank you for the report. coming up, president biden warns of personal sanctions against putin if they invade ukraine. michael avenatti going to represent himself in court setting the stage for him to confront his former client, stormy daniels, on the witness stand. the greatest clutch hitter of all time. the man who lifted an entire city on his burly shoulders. big papi on your boston red sox, headed to the hall of fame. >> yes! cheers. >> huge controversy over who did not get in this year. shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. it's time for sleep number's january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start?! don't pay until spring. join today at offer ends january 30th. i made it clear to -- earlier on to president putin that if he were to move into ukraine that there would be severe consequences, including significant economic sanctions as well as i would feel obliged to beef up our nato presence on the eastern front. >> would you ever see yourself personally sanctioning him if he did invade ukraine? . >> yes. >> you would? >> i would see that. >> definitive yes from president biden threatening vladimir putin with personal sanctions, as our kaitlan collins asked the question, if putin invades ukraine. the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine and currently vice president of strategic stability at the u.s. institute of peace. ambassador, thank you for being with us this morning. when you hear the president say that, permanent sanctions, yes, is that something to get putin's ears to perk up? >> brianna, i'm sure it does. presidents in the past have not gone that far. we have hesitated to put sanctions on heads of state. president biden yesterday said that he would consider that. we also heard from administration officials talking about going to the top of the escalation ladder on sanctions. and that would be the top. there's no doubt about it. we have to remember that the sanctions threats on president putin, on the russian economy, they are designed, they are made, those throats threats are made to deter president putin from making a terrible decision to invade ukraine, killing tens of thousands of ukrainian military and civilians, thousands of russian deaths, russian soldiers would also die. this is very serious. so this merits the kind of threat, the kind of possible sanctions on president putin that president biden talked about yesterday. again, the idea, the goal, the intent is to deter him from making that bad decision. >> what would those sanctions, personal sanctions feel like for putin? >> president putin, like many russian oligarchs, has many billions of dollars in banks around the world. certainly in the united states. certainly in the uk. this kind of sanction on him would freeze those accounts. he would not have access to the billions of dollars that he has put in foreign banks, number one. the other kind of sanctions that could apply personally are on his travel. so he wouldn't get a visa to travel to the united states. not clear that he would want one. his family would also be prohibited from traveling. his family would not be able to go to schools in the uk. they have theesque of focusing on an individual and people around him. the oligarchs around him giving him advice. >> tell us where we are here. because the u.s. has positioned that an invasion is imminent. ukraine is not going that far. what do you say? >> brianna, the ukrainian president, president zelensky, is trying to keep a firm stance to the russians. he has been unrattled so far. this big buildup on three of his borders, of president zelensky's borders, is designed, i'm sure, to try to intimidate president zelensky. it is probably intended to intimidate president biden and nato. so far president zelensky, president biden, nato, the west has not been intimidated. they have not blinked. they have stared him down. and yet there is this real threat of an invasion. mr. putin might actually invade. he has invaded before. we know he is capable of doing this. he invaded ukraine in 2014. so he has done this before. he surprised us. he could do this again. they need to be prepared. the ukrainians need to be prepared. so he has, president zelensky has this balancing act, avoid panic, maintain determination, and have the preparations, have his military be very prepared for every contingency. >> bill taylor, thank you so much, former u.s. ambassador to ukraine. >> thank you, brianna. and coming up, a showdown in the courtroom between michael avenatti and stormy daniels. he is representing himself. she is likely to take the witness stand. what should we expect there? a giant blinking sign of what might happen in the midterms. a huge turnaround on who says they are excited to vote. since suzie's got goals, she'll want a plan to reach them. so she'll get some help from fidelity, and she'll feel so good about her plan, she can focus on living it. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪ calum scott's "you are the reason" ♪ celebrate every kiss... that led... this one. get 20 to 40% off engagement, wedding and anniversary rings at kay. this morning, something you almost never see in a high-profile trial, which could create huge courtroom drama. lawyer michael avenatti has been granted permission to represent himself in thinks criminal trial. he is expected to directly cross-examine the former adult film actress in court. she accuses him of cheating her out of $300,000 in book proceeds. cnn's kara scannell joins us with the latest here. this is a huge risk for avenatti. >> reporter: oh, absolutely, john. a lot of drama in the courtroom already. it was just after the lunch break that avenatti told the judge there had been a breakdown between the relationship between him and his court-appointed counsel that went to the heart of his ability to mount a defense. avenatti's court-appointed counsel had recently been cut off by the judge. he was doing cross-examination of the first witness, stormy daniels' book agent. in 43 minutes of question, avenatti's lawyers did not ask one relevant question. he said after the lunch break he wanted to represent himself. they were about to begin direct examination of the former office manager. he said he wanted to directly cross-examine her because he knew the most specific information about this, more than anyone else. after going back and forth, the judge allowed it. prosecutors said they didn't object but noted this could be a strategy at play. the judge said, yes, one could warn this is gamesmanship. but you the judge said you need to abide by the quorum of the courtroom. his lawyer said there was a likelihood he would testify in his own defense. and then of course with stormy daniels, the government's star witness. prosecutors say it is not likely she will be on the stand today, but it's possible. they will have their direct examination of her first. and then avenatti will have his chance to cross-examine her. these two were joined at the hip. now they will be squaring off in court >> that could be explosive. thank you so much to or that report. please keep us posted. this morning, new signs that democrats have a huge enthusiasm problem ahead of the midterms. we'll tell you what the new numbers are. plus -- >> will you trust the next election? 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>> it makes a lot of sense. this is old research i did which essentially looked at party i.d. of people who turned out to vote versus all registered voters since 1978, republicans relative to democrats. under a republican president like we had in 2018, there's basically no difference, right? republicans were one more point likely to turn out against democrats. it phefps very well with what we saw with republicans being far more enthusiastic to vote in the upcoming midterms. >> put this into your harry enten math machine and tell us what this might mean for 2022. >> reporter: these are all theoretical numbers. let's look at the generic ballot. republicans hold a two-point advantage on the national generic ballot. assume the historic turnout differences with republicans more likely to turn out than democrats because there is a democratic president. the two-point advantage republicans have could jump to republicans being up by as much as seven percentage points. that's one of the key things people need to keep in mind looking at the polls right now. we are looking mostly at registered voters. once we flip over and take into account the enthusiasm that republicans seem to have, i think republicans could be up significantly more in the national house ballot. the two-point lead would shift to a seven-point republican advantage if they hold. >> that could be not just a wave but a historic big aware. >> reporter: that's right. look like 1994, 2010, big republican years where they flipped the house. and in 1994, the senate as well. >> we talk a lot about divisions in this country. but one thing people seem to agree on is football and the notion that fans would flee over the controversies taking place that donald trump would help drive fans away. it hasn't happened. >> reporter: no, it hasn't. i'm a fan of football. you know that. in 2021, ipsos asked this question. 51% said yes, they would consider themselves a fan of professional football. that's the same percentage said they were fans of professional football in 2007. baseball bans, only 38%. that was the next highest fandom. a lot of professional football fans, at least among adults. >> zero change since 2007. any party split, harry? >> reporter: no. that's the beautiful thing about all of this. 51% of democrats, 50% republicans, 55% independents. in a country in which things are so partisanly divided, it brings republicans, democrats and independents together. i love it, john. >> harry, you know i was sending my deepest sympathies for what happened to the bills, seriously, genuinely. i felt for you. i know what it is like to have your heart ripped up and jumped all over like that. that said, a lot of people watched the game. >> reporter: yeah. a lot of people watched the game. my mother was not one of them because she told me last night she thought the bills had one, and she genuinely meant that. i had to explain they lost in one of heartbreaking fashion. she was not one of the 43 million who watched that football game. 34 million in the biden-harris inauguration. the nfl is king in this country. it brings americans together. it doesn't bring my mother and i together, though. love brings us together, as my uncle once said. >> love will bring you together. nice to see you out and about again. >> reporter: it was nice. i was basically in a blanket on monday. it was the most depressed i've ever been. there's a lot of romance in losing. you'll get to talk about that for a long time to come. >> you're back. >> reporter: i'm back, baby. >> only one elected to the baseball hall of fame, the important one, whose picture we are not showing here, david ortiz, an important historical figure. others that were not collected, and it's creating controversies. and aaron rodgers said fans tuned in to sunday's game to root against him and not because of his performance on the field. here's the reason why. ider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> the hall of fame has become sort of this, i don't know, it has turned into a -- you have to get in not because of your abilities but your purity as a player. he was a terrible fielder. they didn't hold that against him. he was a tremendous hitter, as you pointed out. it's almost like augusta national where you can't just be in because you're great. you have to be the right kind of person. players like not just bonds and clemens, who have the steroids thing, but scott roland, andruw jones, you think they would be in because they're good players and stats are great. they're kept out. it is a museum, no the a shine. you don't say don't put in van gogh because he was kooky. >> it is quite the selection process. it's not always the same for every player. but i wonder what you think, mara. i'm having a hard time figuring out where i am on this about who should be in, who shouldn't be in, who the rules play to, and what kind of players are being held up as examples. >> yeah. it raises discrepancies. bonds, clemens and ortiz all faced accusations of doping. they all denied it. yet we see in this case ortiz was inducted into the hall of fame. and the other two will not because they are no longer eligible. one of the big differentiators is ortiz was great with the sports media. john, you don't have to recuse yourself for loving big papi. everybody loved big papi. he had a great relationship with the sports writers. they are voting on the hall of fame inductees. a lot of people are asking, if barry bonds were a nicer guy, would he be inducted by now? should that be a i criteria for induction? is this about acknowledging and honoring the best players of a specific era? and if it is, they really missed the mark with these two. barry bonds is the michael jordan of baseball. >> two quick points. it is apples and oranges was david ortiz was accused of and bonds and clemens. he had this mass test part of a leaked release. it was before the rules were in place. bonds and clemens are accused of being steroid factories. barry bonds in "game of shadows." it is a different thing. and clemens listed in the report page after page after page. in the 2000s, kids taking their lives using steroids. kids were watching baseball, pumping themselves full of performance-enhancing drugs. so it did have an impact there. but let's talk about aaron rodgers, happy sports subjects, right? >> yeah. >> aaron rodgers said his vaccine status is why people watch football. watch. >> there were a ton of people tuning in, rooting against us for one reason and one reason only. it's because of, you know, my vaccination status. and them wanting to see us lose so they could pile on and enjoy and revel in the fact that, you know, my vaccination status was, you know, some sort of reason why we haven't had success in the playoffs. >> rodgers, who is a fantastic player, obviously, you know -- first, he has an ego complex. we're only watching the game because of his vaccination status? you just pointed out how popular football is. we watched the game if it was joe smith playing football. oh, people are out to get me because i didn't get vaccinated. we should point out that he lied about his vaccination status too. that's a factor. it is extraordinary that think that's the reason why people decided to watch this game. i think there are people, by the way, john who at the end of the day thought good for the 49ers because they beat the guy that lied about his vaccination status. but that is not the reason people watch the game. it's a pretty extraordinary exhibition of ego to say, oh, people watch because of my vaccination status. >> all right. we have a whole lot more to discuss. mara, you will tee us off in our next segment. we will be talking about a number of fascinating topics, including actor peter dinklage, who is criticizing disney for making an effing backward remake of snow why the and the seven tk dwarves. and breaking silence on vaccine remarks. ak it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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"game of thrones" actor peter dinklage said it puts an effing backward story. here he is. >> they're very proud to cast a latino actress as snow white, yeah. but you are still telling the story of snow white and the seven pwrar was. . take a step back and look at what you're doing to me. it makes no sense to me. you can be progressive in one way but you are still making the [ bleep ] story about seven dwarves living in a cave. what the [bleep] are you doing, man. have i done nothing to advance the cause from my soapbox? i guess i'm not loud enough. >> maybe he is, though. let's bring back mara schiavocampo. it has gotten a ton of attention. >> people say, come on, what is the big deal, these are children's movies. but he has a valid point. a lot of these stories don't age well. let's look at a few examples. sleeping beauty who was rescued from a kiss who she could not consent to because she was unconscious. and the fabulous life under the sea to marry a man who never heard her speak. they don't hold up well over time. they don't need to be made into a live action version. i think the good news for disney is dinklage raising concerns gives an opportunity to address it and find a way to update the stories in a way that preserves dig dignity, doesn't reinforce stereotypes. anybody who has kids know they watch these stories multiple times a day. they are very formative. >> bill? >> well, i think it's a very interesting point he made. they have ala tina actress as snow white, which means it's not snow white anymore. so they are showing progressive ideals there. and i guess they will have a dwarf and call him dopey. that's pretty awful. so i hope they listen to him. in fact, they have now responded. and they are going to take this -- they're going to look at some people's commentary who are little people and have some feelings about this. >> disney responded here in a statement to "the wrap" saying they will be called magical creatures and they said to avoid reinforcing stereotypes from the original animated film, we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community. to his point but touting they have ala tina actress playing snow white, it seems the more minority a minority community is the less representation they have. whether it's someone who is in the dwarfism community or someone who is native american. there is just less representation. they are more likely to be exploited in these portrayals. >> absolutely. that's why representation is so important. people will say where does it end? you have the little per dade is black, and snow white is latina. we are making great strides to represent the diversity of the country and the world. but there are always groups that are left behind. it is important to listen, to hear and to acknowledge that we can always do better. disney has made vast strides towards changing story lines. look at

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John Berman , Brianna Keilar , United States , Viewers , Around The World , January 26th , 26 , Wednesday January 26th , It , Story , Level , Cnn , Department Of Justice , Public , Time , News , Aspect , Plot , Trump Allies , Donald Trump , President , Certifications , Prosecutors , States , Election , Electoral College , Winner , Cnn Exclusive , 2020 , Seven , Lisa M Monaco , Issue , Referrals , Terms , Fraudulent Elector , Investigations , Attorney General , Law , Look , Anything , Facts , Kind , Democracy , Electors , Part , Lip , Assault , Conduct , New Mexico , Nevada , Arizona , Michigan , Pennsylvania , Wisconsin , Georgia , Reporter , Stories Don T , Acknowledgment , Allegations , Evan Perez , Types , More , Washington , Thing , Job , Some , One , Things , Point , Result , Crime , Department , Justice , Claims , Vote Fraud , Lot , People , Threats , Country , Election Workers , Bit , Nature , Concerns , Case , Task Force , Indictment , Work , Election Threat , Election Threats Task Force , Fruits , Last , Won T , Charges , Merrick Garland , Effort , Big Developments , Peter Strzok , Paperback , Book , Deputy Director , Fbi , Investigation , Words , Comment , Experience , Intention , Plan , Office Of The Attorney General , No Doubt , Two , Falls , Evidence , Doesn T Fall , Event , Matter , Plural , Wasn T , Criminal Law , Benefit , January 6th Committee , Vulnerability , Violations , January 6th , 6 , Information , Threshold , Investigator , Estate , Deal , Isn T , Isolation , Fifth O St , Advance , South Korean , Doj Will , Reporting , Tv , Boris Epshteyn , Rudy Giuliani , Way , World , Levels , Trump , Route , Its , Something Else , Question , Mind , Documents , Nonprofit Information , Material Back , March Of Last , 11 , Government , Events , Freedom Of Information Act , What S Going On , Wasn , Nonprofit Organization , Couple , Slates , Totality , Something , Cases , Efforts , Arms , Activity , Scope , Everything , Giuliani , Mention , Ukraine , Email , Links , Records , Media , Process , Devices , Southern District Of New York , Material , Led , Attorney , Issues , Speculation , Fronts , Cancer , Variety , Utley , Doesn T , Hadn T , Dose , Cdc , Immune Systems , Pharmacies , Recommendations , Elizabeth Cohen , Doses , 7 Million , Four , Number , Medicine , Disease , Hospitals , Three , Reason , Doctors , Doesn T Help , Confusion , Notes , Page , Series , Language , Website , Booster Shot , Primary Shot , Everyone , 12 , Times , Briefs , 10 , Community , Health , Living , Masters , Folks , Shot , Shots , Everyone Else , Five , 28 , Booster , Wording , Johnson , James Joyce , Woman , Virginia , Judge , Tim Cook , Property , Restraining Order , Apple , Pictures , Alison Kosik , Ceos , Threatening , Court Filing , Santa Clara County Superior Court , Stalking , Tkpeubgted , Wife , Filing , Trespassed , Occasions , Behavior , Erraticaoe Rat , California , Well , Twins , Ammunition , Gun , Tweets , Twitter , Court Documents , Relationship , Emails , Messages , Mid November , Tone , Escalation , 200 , November 2020 , Police , Law Enforcement , Businesses , Name , Residence , Coulding , San Francisco , South Bay , 500000 , 00000 , Biden Yesterday , Report , Hearing , Coming Up , March 29th , 29 , Putin , Michael Avenatti , Sanctions , Stormy Daniels , Court , Witness Stand , Stage , Man , Big Papi , Boston Red Sox , Clutch Hitter , Hall Of Fame , City , Shoulders , Controversy , Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , Sleep Number , Sale , Bed , 360 , Problem , Sleep , Smart Bed , Temperature Balancing , Cold , Movements , Interest , Care , Wall , Science , Queen , Night After , Plus , Smart Beds , 24 , 000 , 1000 , 0 , 1999 , 999 , Workforce , Discoveries , Convenience , Necessity , Outcomes , Uncharted Waters , Vmware , Workspace , Change , Companies , Solutions , Anywhere , App , Welcome Change , Cloud , Faster , Asthma , Help , Face , Nunormal , Reactions , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Swelling , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Trouble , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Shingles , Headache , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Mouth , Tongue , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Points , Ww , Ice Cream , Shopping , Lbs , Clothes , James Corden , Food , Pay , Program , Limits , Foods , Ww Com Offer Ends January 30th , Sandwiches , Avocado , 30 , January 30th , Consequences , Presence , Nato , Yes , Eastern Front , President Putin , Ambassador , Kaitlan Collins , Vice President , Stability , U S Institute Of Peace , Presidents , Ears , Heads Of State , Top , Officials , Administration , Escalation Ladder , Decision , Russian , Economy , Throats , Tens Of Thousands , Thousands , Soldiers , Civilians , Deaths , Threat , Intent , Idea , Goal , Billions , Banks , Oligarchs , Access , Sanction , Accounts , Uk , Number One , Visa , Dollars , Travel , Family , Traveling , Schools , Him , Individual , Theesque , Zelensky , Invasion , Ukrainian President , Stance , Borders , Unrattled , Buildup , West , Mr , 2014 , Ukrainians , Avoid Panic , Balancing Act , Brianna , Contingency , Preparations , Military , Determination , Bill Taylor , Courtroom , Sign , Showdown , Giant Blinking , Midterms , Turnaround , Goals , Fidelity , Planning Effect , Suzie , Candidates , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Find Themself , Place , Best , Nutrients , Breaking Point , Blend , Emergen C , Rhythm , Emergen C Calum Scott , Engagement , Kiss , 20 , 40 , Wedding , Anniversary Rings At Kay , Trial , Courtroom Drama , Adult Film Actress In Court , Permission , Cheating , Book Proceeds , 300000 , Lunch Break , Risk , Breakdown , Drama , Kara Scannell , Defense , Heart , Ability , Counsel , Court Appointed Counsel , Cross Examination , Cut Off , Witness , Lawyers , Book Agent , 43 , Examination , Office Manager , Gamesmanship , Play , Anyone Else , Strategy , Lawyer , Quorum , Course , Likelihood , The Stand Today , Chance , Squaring Off , Signs , Hip , Numbers , Democrats , Enthusiasm Problem , Peter Dinklage , Disney , Remake , Snow White , American Democracy , Faith , Supporters , Nutrition , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , Balanced N , 27 , Side , Voice , Intuit Quickbooks , Furniture , Protein , Furniture Maker , Lost , Staff , Cupcake , Business , Business Stands , Batteries , Tragedy , Success Starts , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Aa Battery , Case Closed , Adults , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Pain , Burning , Itching , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Skin , Symptoms , Vaccine , 16 , Joining Mow , Harry Enten , Who , Shift , Turnout , Voting , Republicans , Voter Preference , Nbc News , Poll , 61 , 59 , 2017 , 59 , 49 , 47 , December 2017 , Enthusiasm , Opposite , Sense , Research , 2018 , Voters , Difference , Party I D , 1978 , It Phefps , Math Machine , 2022 Reporter , 2022 , Advantage , Ballot , House Ballot , Polls , Account , That S Right , Lead , Wave , 1994 , Football , Fans , House , Divisions , Notion , Senate , 2010 , Controversies , Fan , Ipsos , It Hasn T , Hasn T , Drive , 2021 , Percentage , Baseball Bans , 2007 , 51 , Fandom , Zero Change , Party Split , 38 , Zero , Independents , 55 , 50 , Over , Bills , Sympathies , Game , Mother , Last Night , Nfl , King , Fashion , Inauguration , 43 Million , 34 Million , Love , It Doesn T , Uncle , Blanket On Monday , Baby , Most , Romance , Losing , Baseball Hall Of Fame , Aaron Rodgers , Figure , Others , Picture , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Chances , Performance , Car Insurance , The Field , Ider , Someone , Turn , Record , Tex , Hang On , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Kids , Version , Liberty , Mom , Northwestern Mutual , Planning , Fee , How Bizarre , Omc , Grandpa , Card , Views , Peaks , Retirement , Ski Lessons , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Location , Vrbo , Store Managers , Applicants , Advisors , Hiring Site , Role , Jobs , Announcer , Ready , Set , Save , Internet , Price Guarantee , New Start 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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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keilar. major news this morning in a story that cnn broke overnight. for the first time, the department of justice is public acknowledging that it is looking into a specific aspect of the plot from high-level donald trump allies to overturn the 2020 election. this was a cnn exclusive. we learned that federal prosecutors are reviewing the fake electoral college certifications from 2020 that falsely declared former president trump the winner of seven states, states that he lost. this is the deputy attorney general lisa monaco. >> on the issue you raised in terms of fraudulent elector certifications has been reported. we've received those referrals. our prosecutors are looking at those. and i can't say anything more on ongoing investigations. but more broadly, look, the attorney general has been very, very clear we are going to follow the facts and the law wherever they lead to address conduct of any kind and at any level that is part of an assault on our democracy. >> the fake electoral certifications were signed by trump allies, who false lip claimed to be the rightful electors in nevada, arizona, new mexico, pennsylvania, michigan, georgia, wisconsin. evan perez broke the story. he is in washington with more. evan, tell us the latest here. >> reporter: well, brianna, this is an important acknowledgment by the justice department. as you know, they normally don't talk about what they're doing. they don't even tell us when they're looking at these types of allegations. so it was an important thing for the deputy attorney general to say that they're on the job and they're taking a look at these certifications. certainly we heard from states yesterday that had sent some of these referrals, including michigan and new mexico. they said they were gratified because there could be some federal crime. we don't know if the justice department will ever get to that point. but one of the things that has happened as a result of these false claims of vote fraud, it is driving a lot of threats that are being made against election workers around the country. and it's making it hard to recruit people to do a job that is a key part of our democracy. lisa monaco, the deputy attorney general, talked a little bit about those threats and the concerns they raise. >> i'm concerned about the really disturbing nature of the threats that we've seen. they have been disturbingly aggressive and violent and personal. we set up an election threats task force. and you are seeing the fruits of some of that work. you saw an indictment just last week that is a result of that election threat task force. that case and that indictment and those charges were the first coming out of that task force, but they will not be the last. >> reporter: brianna, john, you heard her there. it won't be the last. that's one of the things that i think you will hear from merrick garland, the attorney general, is this is seen as a broader effort to try to protect people against these types of threats. . >> evan, big developments. thank you for breaking that story. evan perez. >> joining us now is former fbi director peter strzok. his book is now out in paperback. the deputy director, lisa m monaco, carefully chosen words. how do you read it? >> well, absolutely. you know, in my experience, any time the department of justice or fbi makes a comment on an ongoing investigation, particularly at a high level, the words have very carefully chosen and scrutinized. certainly when you hear them coming from the deputy attorney general herself, i have no doubt that the intention and the plan to do than was probably went up to the attorney general and certainly the office of the attorney general. and it's careful -- it's very carefully. there are two things i see in there. one, prosecutors are looking at it. s to me is they are examining the allegations, looking at federal law, seeing where the evidence falls and doesn't fall. and the second thing, the last point is she says she can't comment anymore on ongoing investigations. that means exactly what it says. that means right now there are investigations, plural, that are open and ongoing within the department of justice about this matter. so that's a very significant event. and to me it indicates just how high the level of investigation is now going within doj. >> even if this turns out, peter, that it wasn't illegal but exploiting a vulnerability, what is the benefit of having this investigation? . >> well, i think any time you have an investigation, one, certainly, this is very important from the january 6th committee. these are investigations of violations of criminal law. to get there you have to meet a certain threshold to be able to open a case. certainly when you open a case, you begin as an investigator certainly to develop a lot of information. so whether or not you reach the threshold in any one particular event to charge a crime, you're gathering a great deal of information about what was going on. and certainly these can't be viewed in isolation. this isn't just a case in one state or in a different state or a third or fourth or fifth o st. you have to look at these. and i'm south korean the fbi or doj will. were these coordinated? were these planned in advance? if so, who did that and what was their intention behind doing so. . >> one thing to make clear is that reporting from cnn that rudy giuliani was involved. boris epshteyn was talking about this the other day on tv. this really does get to the higher levels of trump's political world. the acknowledgment that there is an investigation into them significant in and of its. peter, something else is interesting, as you point out. the way this has come to light and the route this has taken is a little bit unusual. how so? . >> well, when you look at the source documents, these were found by a nonprofit information who posted the material back in march of last year. so the question is, you know, that was 11 months ago. and the question in my mind is what is it that has occurred, you know, between then and now. the underlying documents, the underlying events were not only public. but before they were released they had to be processed by the freedom of information act. so the government was aware of them before turning them over to this nonprofit organization. the question in my mind is, what's going on? it could be a couple of things. one, just the false slates of electors wasn't enough to open a case and there's other information that in the totality caused the case or cases to be opened. and the other thing is there was something so much going on at the time, it has taken the government this long to get its arms around all the potential illegal activity that was going on. only through efforts like the january 6th committee, only through the efforts of the ongoing investigations within the department of justice, the broad scope of everything that was going on did it finally come to light. and to your mention of giuliani, there is an ongoing investigation in the southern district of new york. it may well be, all his links to ukraine and all his electronic media that was seized, additional legal process was obtained to get records out of his email, his devices, and that there is information in that material that led to these cases. you know, that's speculation. the point is julian cancer is should utley key to a lot of this. he has a lot of legal issues on a variety of fronts. he is the president's attorney, and it doesn't get much closer than that. . >> i hadn't thought about that, about the investigations possibly being connected. a lot to chew on there. peter strzok, thank you for being with us. "compromised" out in paperback today. >> thank you. people with weakened immune systems say many many pharmacies are refusing to give them a fourth dose despite recommendations from the cdc that they get it. cnn's elizabeth cohen is with us. what's going on here? >> reporter: john, this is really terrible. the cdc recommends that people with compromised immune systems, about 7 million in the united states, they need to get four doses. these are people whose immune systems are weak because they taken a certain medicine or have a certain disease. a large number of immune compromised people say they have been turned away, pharmacies, large and small pharmacies, pharmacies as part of hospitals, say what are you talking about? it is three doses. they have brought notes from doctors, and it doesn't help. it is going to be straightened out, i think. part of the reason why is we called and said, hey, what are you doing? so people are rethinking this. but part of the reason why we're told there is this confusion is the cdc recommended them in language that is well confusing. i want you to look at what is on the cdc's website. this is on the page for public. this is not for doctors. this is for the public. they say, after completing the primary series, some moderately or severe live immune compromised people should get an additional primary shot. everyone 12 years and old, including immunocompromised people should get a booster shot. if you are eligible for an additional primary shot, you should get this dose first before you get a booster shot. i had to read it 10 times to understand what it said. i have read legal briefs that were simpler and understand this. i have a masters in public health and i read these for a living. it was very confusing. here's what folks in the immune compromised community would say. they wish they would say, look, if you're immune compromised, get two shots like everyone else, get a third shot 28 date lays and a fourth shot five months later. hospitals and pharmacies would see that and understand what it is we are supposed to do. we contacted the cdc. they said they stand by their wording but they are working hard so pharmacies understand exactly what it is they are had he supposed to do. >> three shots was actually the primary dose, and the fourth shot is the booster. is that the issue here? >> reporter: exactly. >> they write it like it is james joyce. >> reporter: right. exactly. exactly. and for people who look to johnson & johnson, that's different. that's right, john. you and i got two shots because they are not immune compromised. people who are immune compromised should get three and one later. we are now learning a virginia woman threatened, harassed and stalked apple ceo tim cook for more than a year. a judge has granted a restraining order after the woman not only trespassed on his property but sent him disturbing pictures. alison kosik is joining us on this story. what happened here? >> reporter: you're talking about just some of the bizarre things this woman allegedly did. targeting tim cook, one of the most well-known ceos. apple won a restraining order against the woman who has been threatening, harassing and stalking cook for more than a year. this from a court filing last week from the santa clara county superior court. the woman, who cnn is not identifying, has tkpeubgted erraticaoe rat -- exhibited erratic and bizarre behavior. she drove to california and trespassed on his property on two occasions. the filing says she claimed to be his wife and said they had twins together. the court documents also say that for more than a year the woman sent threats directly to cook through email, twitter as well, where she included pictures of a loaded gun and ammunition. she would tag cook in these tweets and write private messages that insinuated she wanted a sexual relationship. and between october and mid-november 2020, the filing says the woman sent the ceo nearly 200 emails that showed a significant escalation in tone, becoming threatening and highly disturbing. it was in october of last year that police detained her after she trespassed on his private property where she allegedly told law enforcement she could be violent. and that's not all. it claims the woman tried to open fraudulent businesses under coulding's name. she demanded $500,000 to forget and forgive. apple said the woman may still be armed in the south bay of san francisco and intends to return to the ceo's residence or locate him otherwise in the future. there is a hearing on the matter, brianna, scheduled for march 29th. brianna. that is incredibly scary. alison kosik, thank you for the report. coming up, president biden warns of personal sanctions against putin if they invade ukraine. michael avenatti going to represent himself in court setting the stage for him to confront his former client, stormy daniels, on the witness stand. the greatest clutch hitter of all time. the man who lifted an entire city on his burly shoulders. big papi on your boston red sox, headed to the hall of fame. >> yes! cheers. >> huge controversy over who did not get in this year. shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. it's time for sleep number's january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start?! don't pay until spring. join today at offer ends january 30th. i made it clear to -- earlier on to president putin that if he were to move into ukraine that there would be severe consequences, including significant economic sanctions as well as i would feel obliged to beef up our nato presence on the eastern front. >> would you ever see yourself personally sanctioning him if he did invade ukraine? . >> yes. >> you would? >> i would see that. >> definitive yes from president biden threatening vladimir putin with personal sanctions, as our kaitlan collins asked the question, if putin invades ukraine. the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine and currently vice president of strategic stability at the u.s. institute of peace. ambassador, thank you for being with us this morning. when you hear the president say that, permanent sanctions, yes, is that something to get putin's ears to perk up? >> brianna, i'm sure it does. presidents in the past have not gone that far. we have hesitated to put sanctions on heads of state. president biden yesterday said that he would consider that. we also heard from administration officials talking about going to the top of the escalation ladder on sanctions. and that would be the top. there's no doubt about it. we have to remember that the sanctions threats on president putin, on the russian economy, they are designed, they are made, those throats threats are made to deter president putin from making a terrible decision to invade ukraine, killing tens of thousands of ukrainian military and civilians, thousands of russian deaths, russian soldiers would also die. this is very serious. so this merits the kind of threat, the kind of possible sanctions on president putin that president biden talked about yesterday. again, the idea, the goal, the intent is to deter him from making that bad decision. >> what would those sanctions, personal sanctions feel like for putin? >> president putin, like many russian oligarchs, has many billions of dollars in banks around the world. certainly in the united states. certainly in the uk. this kind of sanction on him would freeze those accounts. he would not have access to the billions of dollars that he has put in foreign banks, number one. the other kind of sanctions that could apply personally are on his travel. so he wouldn't get a visa to travel to the united states. not clear that he would want one. his family would also be prohibited from traveling. his family would not be able to go to schools in the uk. they have theesque of focusing on an individual and people around him. the oligarchs around him giving him advice. >> tell us where we are here. because the u.s. has positioned that an invasion is imminent. ukraine is not going that far. what do you say? >> brianna, the ukrainian president, president zelensky, is trying to keep a firm stance to the russians. he has been unrattled so far. this big buildup on three of his borders, of president zelensky's borders, is designed, i'm sure, to try to intimidate president zelensky. it is probably intended to intimidate president biden and nato. so far president zelensky, president biden, nato, the west has not been intimidated. they have not blinked. they have stared him down. and yet there is this real threat of an invasion. mr. putin might actually invade. he has invaded before. we know he is capable of doing this. he invaded ukraine in 2014. so he has done this before. he surprised us. he could do this again. they need to be prepared. the ukrainians need to be prepared. so he has, president zelensky has this balancing act, avoid panic, maintain determination, and have the preparations, have his military be very prepared for every contingency. >> bill taylor, thank you so much, former u.s. ambassador to ukraine. >> thank you, brianna. and coming up, a showdown in the courtroom between michael avenatti and stormy daniels. he is representing himself. she is likely to take the witness stand. what should we expect there? a giant blinking sign of what might happen in the midterms. a huge turnaround on who says they are excited to vote. since suzie's got goals, she'll want a plan to reach them. so she'll get some help from fidelity, and she'll feel so good about her plan, she can focus on living it. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪ calum scott's "you are the reason" ♪ celebrate every kiss... that led... this one. get 20 to 40% off engagement, wedding and anniversary rings at kay. this morning, something you almost never see in a high-profile trial, which could create huge courtroom drama. lawyer michael avenatti has been granted permission to represent himself in thinks criminal trial. he is expected to directly cross-examine the former adult film actress in court. she accuses him of cheating her out of $300,000 in book proceeds. cnn's kara scannell joins us with the latest here. this is a huge risk for avenatti. >> reporter: oh, absolutely, john. a lot of drama in the courtroom already. it was just after the lunch break that avenatti told the judge there had been a breakdown between the relationship between him and his court-appointed counsel that went to the heart of his ability to mount a defense. avenatti's court-appointed counsel had recently been cut off by the judge. he was doing cross-examination of the first witness, stormy daniels' book agent. in 43 minutes of question, avenatti's lawyers did not ask one relevant question. he said after the lunch break he wanted to represent himself. they were about to begin direct examination of the former office manager. he said he wanted to directly cross-examine her because he knew the most specific information about this, more than anyone else. after going back and forth, the judge allowed it. prosecutors said they didn't object but noted this could be a strategy at play. the judge said, yes, one could warn this is gamesmanship. but you the judge said you need to abide by the quorum of the courtroom. his lawyer said there was a likelihood he would testify in his own defense. and then of course with stormy daniels, the government's star witness. prosecutors say it is not likely she will be on the stand today, but it's possible. they will have their direct examination of her first. and then avenatti will have his chance to cross-examine her. these two were joined at the hip. now they will be squaring off in court >> that could be explosive. thank you so much to or that report. please keep us posted. this morning, new signs that democrats have a huge enthusiasm problem ahead of the midterms. we'll tell you what the new numbers are. plus -- >> will you trust the next election? >> probably not. >> but that's a terrible thing, right? >> trump supporters say they're losing faith in american democracy. what else they say. and peter dinklage to disney, the snow white remake is effing backward. what set him off and how disney is responding. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced n nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ inner voice (furniture maker): i'm constantly nodding... ...because i know everything about furniture ...but with the business side... ...i'm feeling a little lost. quickbooks can help. an easy way to get paid, pay your staff, and know where your business stands. new business? no problem. success starts with intuit quickbooks. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. joining mow is senior data reporter harry enten. thank you for being with us this morning. it is lovely to see your face. there are new numbers, which show a big shift -- i mean, big -- in who was excited to vote. . >> >> reporter: that's exactly right. they are about voter preference and turnout, turnout, turnout. take a look from the most recent nbc news poll. high interest in voting in the upcoming midterms. republicans, 61% of them report high interest. first just 47% of democrats. compare that to where we were four years ago in december 2017. it was flipped where democrats, 59% had high interest versus republicans at 49% had high interest. you saw the enthusiasm ahead of 2018 for democrats. now we have the exact opposite. high republican enthusiasm. >> almost the exact opposite. it makes sense historically, right? >> it makes a lot of sense. this is old research i did which essentially looked at party i.d. of people who turned out to vote versus all registered voters since 1978, republicans relative to democrats. under a republican president like we had in 2018, there's basically no difference, right? republicans were one more point likely to turn out against democrats. it phefps very well with what we saw with republicans being far more enthusiastic to vote in the upcoming midterms. >> put this into your harry enten math machine and tell us what this might mean for 2022. >> reporter: these are all theoretical numbers. let's look at the generic ballot. republicans hold a two-point advantage on the national generic ballot. assume the historic turnout differences with republicans more likely to turn out than democrats because there is a democratic president. the two-point advantage republicans have could jump to republicans being up by as much as seven percentage points. that's one of the key things people need to keep in mind looking at the polls right now. we are looking mostly at registered voters. once we flip over and take into account the enthusiasm that republicans seem to have, i think republicans could be up significantly more in the national house ballot. the two-point lead would shift to a seven-point republican advantage if they hold. >> that could be not just a wave but a historic big aware. >> reporter: that's right. look like 1994, 2010, big republican years where they flipped the house. and in 1994, the senate as well. >> we talk a lot about divisions in this country. but one thing people seem to agree on is football and the notion that fans would flee over the controversies taking place that donald trump would help drive fans away. it hasn't happened. >> reporter: no, it hasn't. i'm a fan of football. you know that. in 2021, ipsos asked this question. 51% said yes, they would consider themselves a fan of professional football. that's the same percentage said they were fans of professional football in 2007. baseball bans, only 38%. that was the next highest fandom. a lot of professional football fans, at least among adults. >> zero change since 2007. any party split, harry? >> reporter: no. that's the beautiful thing about all of this. 51% of democrats, 50% republicans, 55% independents. in a country in which things are so partisanly divided, it brings republicans, democrats and independents together. i love it, john. >> harry, you know i was sending my deepest sympathies for what happened to the bills, seriously, genuinely. i felt for you. i know what it is like to have your heart ripped up and jumped all over like that. that said, a lot of people watched the game. >> reporter: yeah. a lot of people watched the game. my mother was not one of them because she told me last night she thought the bills had one, and she genuinely meant that. i had to explain they lost in one of heartbreaking fashion. she was not one of the 43 million who watched that football game. 34 million in the biden-harris inauguration. the nfl is king in this country. it brings americans together. it doesn't bring my mother and i together, though. love brings us together, as my uncle once said. >> love will bring you together. nice to see you out and about again. >> reporter: it was nice. i was basically in a blanket on monday. it was the most depressed i've ever been. there's a lot of romance in losing. you'll get to talk about that for a long time to come. >> you're back. >> reporter: i'm back, baby. >> only one elected to the baseball hall of fame, the important one, whose picture we are not showing here, david ortiz, an important historical figure. others that were not collected, and it's creating controversies. and aaron rodgers said fans tuned in to sunday's game to root against him and not because of his performance on the field. here's the reason why. ider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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>> the hall of fame has become sort of this, i don't know, it has turned into a -- you have to get in not because of your abilities but your purity as a player. he was a terrible fielder. they didn't hold that against him. he was a tremendous hitter, as you pointed out. it's almost like augusta national where you can't just be in because you're great. you have to be the right kind of person. players like not just bonds and clemens, who have the steroids thing, but scott roland, andruw jones, you think they would be in because they're good players and stats are great. they're kept out. it is a museum, no the a shine. you don't say don't put in van gogh because he was kooky. >> it is quite the selection process. it's not always the same for every player. but i wonder what you think, mara. i'm having a hard time figuring out where i am on this about who should be in, who shouldn't be in, who the rules play to, and what kind of players are being held up as examples. >> yeah. it raises discrepancies. bonds, clemens and ortiz all faced accusations of doping. they all denied it. yet we see in this case ortiz was inducted into the hall of fame. and the other two will not because they are no longer eligible. one of the big differentiators is ortiz was great with the sports media. john, you don't have to recuse yourself for loving big papi. everybody loved big papi. he had a great relationship with the sports writers. they are voting on the hall of fame inductees. a lot of people are asking, if barry bonds were a nicer guy, would he be inducted by now? should that be a i criteria for induction? is this about acknowledging and honoring the best players of a specific era? and if it is, they really missed the mark with these two. barry bonds is the michael jordan of baseball. >> two quick points. it is apples and oranges was david ortiz was accused of and bonds and clemens. he had this mass test part of a leaked release. it was before the rules were in place. bonds and clemens are accused of being steroid factories. barry bonds in "game of shadows." it is a different thing. and clemens listed in the report page after page after page. in the 2000s, kids taking their lives using steroids. kids were watching baseball, pumping themselves full of performance-enhancing drugs. so it did have an impact there. but let's talk about aaron rodgers, happy sports subjects, right? >> yeah. >> aaron rodgers said his vaccine status is why people watch football. watch. >> there were a ton of people tuning in, rooting against us for one reason and one reason only. it's because of, you know, my vaccination status. and them wanting to see us lose so they could pile on and enjoy and revel in the fact that, you know, my vaccination status was, you know, some sort of reason why we haven't had success in the playoffs. >> rodgers, who is a fantastic player, obviously, you know -- first, he has an ego complex. we're only watching the game because of his vaccination status? you just pointed out how popular football is. we watched the game if it was joe smith playing football. oh, people are out to get me because i didn't get vaccinated. we should point out that he lied about his vaccination status too. that's a factor. it is extraordinary that think that's the reason why people decided to watch this game. i think there are people, by the way, john who at the end of the day thought good for the 49ers because they beat the guy that lied about his vaccination status. but that is not the reason people watch the game. it's a pretty extraordinary exhibition of ego to say, oh, people watch because of my vaccination status. >> all right. we have a whole lot more to discuss. mara, you will tee us off in our next segment. we will be talking about a number of fascinating topics, including actor peter dinklage, who is criticizing disney for making an effing backward remake of snow why the and the seven tk dwarves. and breaking silence on vaccine remarks. ak it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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"game of thrones" actor peter dinklage said it puts an effing backward story. here he is. >> they're very proud to cast a latino actress as snow white, yeah. but you are still telling the story of snow white and the seven pwrar was. . take a step back and look at what you're doing to me. it makes no sense to me. you can be progressive in one way but you are still making the [ bleep ] story about seven dwarves living in a cave. what the [bleep] are you doing, man. have i done nothing to advance the cause from my soapbox? i guess i'm not loud enough. >> maybe he is, though. let's bring back mara schiavocampo. it has gotten a ton of attention. >> people say, come on, what is the big deal, these are children's movies. but he has a valid point. a lot of these stories don't age well. let's look at a few examples. sleeping beauty who was rescued from a kiss who she could not consent to because she was unconscious. and the fabulous life under the sea to marry a man who never heard her speak. they don't hold up well over time. they don't need to be made into a live action version. i think the good news for disney is dinklage raising concerns gives an opportunity to address it and find a way to update the stories in a way that preserves dig dignity, doesn't reinforce stereotypes. anybody who has kids know they watch these stories multiple times a day. they are very formative. >> bill? >> well, i think it's a very interesting point he made. they have ala tina actress as snow white, which means it's not snow white anymore. so they are showing progressive ideals there. and i guess they will have a dwarf and call him dopey. that's pretty awful. so i hope they listen to him. in fact, they have now responded. and they are going to take this -- they're going to look at some people's commentary who are little people and have some feelings about this. >> disney responded here in a statement to "the wrap" saying they will be called magical creatures and they said to avoid reinforcing stereotypes from the original animated film, we are taking a different approach with these seven characters and have been consulting with members of the dwarfism community. to his point but touting they have ala tina actress playing snow white, it seems the more minority a minority community is the less representation they have. whether it's someone who is in the dwarfism community or someone who is native american. there is just less representation. they are more likely to be exploited in these portrayals. >> absolutely. that's why representation is so important. people will say where does it end? you have the little per dade is black, and snow white is latina. we are making great strides to represent the diversity of the country and the world. but there are always groups that are left behind. it is important to listen, to hear and to acknowledge that we can always do better. disney has made vast strides towards changing story lines. look at

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Links , Records , Media , Process , Devices , Southern District Of New York , Material , Led , Attorney , Issues , Speculation , Fronts , Cancer , Variety , Utley , Doesn T , Hadn T , Dose , Cdc , Immune Systems , Pharmacies , Recommendations , Elizabeth Cohen , Doses , 7 Million , Four , Number , Medicine , Disease , Hospitals , Three , Reason , Doctors , Doesn T Help , Confusion , Notes , Page , Series , Language , Website , Booster Shot , Primary Shot , Everyone , 12 , Times , Briefs , 10 , Community , Health , Living , Masters , Folks , Shot , Shots , Everyone Else , Five , 28 , Booster , Wording , Johnson , James Joyce , Woman , Virginia , Judge , Tim Cook , Property , Restraining Order , Apple , Pictures , Alison Kosik , Ceos , Threatening , Court Filing , Santa Clara County Superior Court , Stalking , Tkpeubgted , Wife , Filing , Trespassed , Occasions , Behavior , Erraticaoe Rat , California , Well , Twins , Ammunition , Gun , Tweets , Twitter , Court Documents , Relationship , Emails , Messages , Mid November , Tone , Escalation , 200 , November 2020 , Police , Law Enforcement , Businesses , Name , Residence , Coulding , San Francisco , South Bay , 500000 , 00000 , Biden Yesterday , Report , Hearing , Coming Up , March 29th , 29 , Putin , Michael Avenatti , Sanctions , Stormy Daniels , Court , Witness Stand , Stage , Man , Big Papi , Boston Red Sox , Clutch Hitter , Hall Of Fame , City , Shoulders , Controversy , Shaggy , Discover Card , Purchases , Sleep Number , Sale , Bed , 360 , Problem , Sleep , Smart Bed , Temperature Balancing , Cold , Movements , Interest , Care , Wall , Science , Queen , Night After , Plus , Smart Beds , 24 , 000 , 1000 , 0 , 1999 , 999 , Workforce , Discoveries , Convenience , Necessity , Outcomes , Uncharted Waters , Vmware , Workspace , Change , Companies , Solutions , Anywhere , App , Welcome Change , Cloud , Faster , Asthma , Help , Face , Nunormal , Reactions , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Swelling , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Trouble , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Shingles , Headache , Back Pain , Asthma Specialist , Mouth , Tongue , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Points , Ww , Ice Cream , Shopping , Lbs , Clothes , James Corden , Food , Pay , Program , Limits , Foods , Ww Com Offer Ends January 30th , Sandwiches , Avocado , 30 , January 30th , Consequences , Presence , Nato , Yes , Eastern Front , President Putin , Ambassador , Kaitlan Collins , Vice President , Stability , U S Institute Of Peace , Presidents , Ears , Heads Of State , Top , Officials , Administration , Escalation Ladder , Decision , Russian , Economy , Throats , Tens Of Thousands , Thousands , Soldiers , Civilians , Deaths , Threat , Intent , Idea , Goal , Billions , Banks , Oligarchs , Access , Sanction , Accounts , Uk , Number One , Visa , Dollars , Travel , Family , Traveling , Schools , Him , Individual , Theesque , Zelensky , Invasion , Ukrainian President , Stance , Borders , Unrattled , Buildup , West , Mr , 2014 , Ukrainians , Avoid Panic , Balancing Act , Brianna , Contingency , Preparations , Military , Determination , Bill Taylor , Courtroom , Sign , Showdown , Giant Blinking , Midterms , Turnaround , Goals , Fidelity , Planning Effect , Suzie , Candidates , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Find Themself , Place , Best , Nutrients , Breaking Point , Blend , Emergen C , Rhythm , Emergen C Calum Scott , Engagement , Kiss , 20 , 40 , Wedding , Anniversary Rings At Kay , Trial , Courtroom Drama , Adult Film Actress In Court , Permission , Cheating , Book Proceeds , 300000 , Lunch Break , Risk , Breakdown , Drama , Kara Scannell , Defense , Heart , Ability , Counsel , Court Appointed Counsel , Cross Examination , Cut Off , Witness , Lawyers , Book Agent , 43 , Examination , Office Manager , Gamesmanship , Play , Anyone Else , Strategy , Lawyer , Quorum , Course , Likelihood , The Stand Today , Chance , Squaring Off , Signs , Hip , Numbers , Democrats , Enthusiasm Problem , Peter Dinklage , Disney , Remake , Snow White , American Democracy , Faith , Supporters , Nutrition , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , Balanced N , 27 , Side , Voice , Intuit Quickbooks , Furniture , Protein , Furniture Maker , Lost , Staff , Cupcake , Business , Business Stands , Batteries , Tragedy , Success Starts , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Aa Battery , Case Closed , Adults , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Pain , Burning , Itching , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Skin , Symptoms , Vaccine , 16 , Joining Mow , Harry Enten , Who , Shift , Turnout , Voting , Republicans , Voter Preference , Nbc News , Poll , 61 , 59 , 2017 , 59 , 49 , 47 , December 2017 , Enthusiasm , Opposite , Sense , Research , 2018 , Voters , Difference , Party I D , 1978 , It Phefps , Math Machine , 2022 Reporter , 2022 , Advantage , Ballot , House Ballot , Polls , Account , That S Right , Lead , Wave , 1994 , Football , Fans , House , Divisions , Notion , Senate , 2010 , Controversies , Fan , Ipsos , It Hasn T , Hasn T , Drive , 2021 , Percentage , Baseball Bans , 2007 , 51 , Fandom , Zero Change , Party Split , 38 , Zero , Independents , 55 , 50 , Over , Bills , Sympathies , Game , Mother , Last Night , Nfl , King , Fashion , Inauguration , 43 Million , 34 Million , Love , It Doesn T , Uncle , Blanket On Monday , Baby , Most , Romance , Losing , Baseball Hall Of Fame , Aaron Rodgers , Figure , Others , Picture , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Chances , Performance , Car Insurance , The Field , Ider , Someone , Turn , Record , Tex , Hang On , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Kids , Version , Liberty , Mom , Northwestern Mutual , Planning , Fee , How Bizarre , Omc , Grandpa , Card , Views , Peaks , Retirement , Ski Lessons , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Location , Vrbo , Store Managers , Applicants , Advisors , Hiring Site , Role , Jobs , Announcer , Ready , Set , Save , Internet , Price Guarantee , New Start , 4 99 , 2 , 64 99 , Backing , Installation , Prepaid Card , Expert Team , Value , 24 7 , 00 , 500 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Glory , Giant , Haven T , Sport , Action Figure , T Shirt , Titles , World Series , New York Yankees , Marathon Bombing , Spirits , Jersey , Boston , 2013 , Bleep , Nobody , Freedom , F Bomb , Players , Stats , Barry Bonds , Roger Clemens , Careers , Eligibility , Ballots , Steroid Use , Bill Carter , 75 , Clemens , Mara Sicavocampo , Bonds , Abilities , A , Purity , I Don T Know , Player , Augusta National , Hitter , Terrible Fielder , Person , Steroids Thing , Scott Roland , Andruw Jones , Shine , Museum , Don T Put , Van Gogh , Kooky , Rules , Selection Process , Same , Who Shouldn T Be In , Examples , Discrepancies , Ortiz , Doping , Accusations , Case Ortiz , Sports Media , Big Differentiators Is Ortiz , Everybody , Inductees , Sports Writers , Guy , Induction , Ai Criteria , Mark , Michael Jordan Of Baseball , Apples , Oranges , Test , Steroid Factories , Game Of Shadows , Release , Baseball , Steroids , Report Page , Lives , 2000 , Vaccine Status , Drugs , Sports Subjects , Impact , Vaccination Status , Ton , Watch , Fact , My Vaccination Status , Success , Sort , Ego , Playoffs , Complex , Joe Smith , Think , The End , Factor , Thought , 49ers , Exhibition , Say , Segment , Topics , Snow , Silence , Tk Dwarves , Vaccine Remarks , Emergen C This , Ak , Servicenow Platform , Ways , Customers , Return , Safe , Flow , Office , Challenge , Workplace , Servicenow , Nose , Relief , Transit , Guys , Air , Talk , Boogie , Pop , Butter , Criminal , Side Step , Beat , Rock , Moon , Step , It Roll , Heat , Points Program , Body , Hr Software , Bathtub , Guacamole , Offer Ends January 30th , Business Software Working , Social Security Number , Company , Expense , Machine , Phone , Jams , Hr , Eleven , Employees , Appointment , Demo , Each Other , Software , Hr Data , First Off , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Hon , Many , Couldn T , Healthcare , Home , Feel , Whispers , Music , Results , Treatment , Letsgetchecked , Home Health Testing , Good , Nerve Aches , Hands , Nervivenerve Relief , Discomfort , Nerve Care Company , Nervive , Feet , Weakness , Alpha Lipoic Acid , 1 , Game Of Thrones , Actress , Pwrar , Progressive , Nothing , Seven Dwarves Living In A Cave , Back , Cause , Soapbox , Attention , Mara Schiavocampo , Children , Movies , Under The Sea , Sleeping Beauty , Action , Opportunity , Stories , Stereotypes , Anybody , Dig Dignity , Bill , Ala Tina Actress , Ideals , Commentary , Dwarf , Dopey , Statement , Creatures , Feelings , The Wrap , Dwarfism Community , Approach , Film , Characters , Consulting , Members , Ala Tina Actress Playing Snow White , Representation , Minority , Native American , Strides , Black , Dade , Portrayals , Diversity , Latina , Story Lines ,

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