Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

there are thousands of people in lockdown in apartment buildings where there have been hundreds of covid cases detected. all the schools in the city are closed right now. and the restaurants are closed after 6:00 p.m. soccer fields are shut down, outdoor soccer fields, just some of the examples of what the government is doing to try to keep covid out even though it's clearly in this crowded city. brianna? >> ivan, thank you so much for that unusual, alarming report. ivan watson. and "new day" continues right now. ♪ welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world, it is tuesday, january 25th. i'm john berman with brianna keilar. and we do have breaking news this morning. pfizer just announced the start of a clinical trial for a new vaccine engineered to specifically target the omicron variant. the company has already started manufacturing doses and plans to have the new vaccine ready in march. joining us now is cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. sanjay, what can you tell us about this? >> well this trial, as you point out, is starting now. they've been manufacturing these specific, these omicron specific vaccines for some time. so let me show you the specifics here in terms of how they're going to approach this. and keep in mind as you look at this graphic, that they've done this before. they've created these specific vaccines for delta in the past as well. did not end up needing them. so, by virtue of the fact that they're going through this doesn't necessarily mean that an omicron specific vaccine is going to be recommended for people. but the first group of people who received two doses already and then they're going to get one or two more doses of the omicron vaccine. so essentially the omicron vaccine will be their booster. for group two, they received three doses of pfizer already and one more of the omicron and then group three are the unvaccinated. they're just going to get omicron. and they basically want to determine how much of the difference does this make in terms of infections overall, but also symptomatic illness. now let me show you one other thing just in terms of where things stand now, the pfizer vaccine effectiveness against the variants, including delta and omicron. and what you find, it's a little hard to read there, but omicron is red, delta is blue. on the left side of the screen is the first two shot. you can see there's a significant dropoff with just two shots. but when people get the booster, again, this is against people developing symptomatic illness or getting sick, you see a significant jump in protectiveness overall. so whatever we see ultimately with this new trial has got to beat what you're seeing on the screen right now which is pretty good with the booster, still. that's an important take away. >> i can see people looking at this saying, thanks. but omicron is receding at this point. if we're talking march, people, a, tens of thousands, millions of people will have previous infection. and then it may not be that present any way. how much of a difference will this make? >> yeah. i think that's exactly right. look, you've got to account for natural immunity here as well and you'll remember, john, may of last year, at that point it was predicted in the united states alone that a third of the population had been exposed to the virus. so since then we have had delta and omicron. there's a lot of natural immunity out there. >> sorry, go on, sanjay. >> so a lot of natural immunity out there. but let me just show you in terms of the benefit of the booster versus the vaccinated versus people who just are looking at case rates. what you find is that the biggest difference is really between the people who are unvaccinated, they're having the much higher case rates. you get a significant uptick in people who are vaccinated and a little bit more with the booster. i just show you that to point out that again when we think about any boosters, you've got to look at the difference on the right side of the screen. in this case between 81 and 90%. it's a benefit, no question. but is it a benefit that warrants people get boosted frequently? >> i almost want to ask you what we're learning out of real, which is health officials are recommending a fourth vaccine dose for all adults. they say a person should get it five months after their booster. what can you tell us how this works, if this is something the u.s. should be doing? >> well, this data is just coming out. we have been following the israel data for some time. if you sort of put it all together before, it was tough to make the case for a fourth shot on the earlier data because it wasn't again significantly decreasing infection rates it wasn't significantly decreasing likely getting ill. we'll see with this new data we have seen top lines where they say there's three times benefit against infection with this fourth shot. we'll see. albert, ceo of pfizer, has commented on where this is all headed. are we headed to over four, five-month boosters, yearly shots. here is what he said. >> what i'm hoping that we will have is a vaccine that we'll have to do once a year, like we do for many other things. once a year, it is easier to convince people to do it. it is easier for people to remember. from public health perspective, it is an ideal situation. >> so, he's sort of saying essentially, look, this will be like the flu shot. in fact, get it when you get your flu shot. there are other people like peter hotez who you spoke to regularly in some ways believe this may be a three-shot vaccine period. you get three shots and that's sort of your vaccine like a lot of other vaccines out there. then obviously at the other end of the spectrum is this idea that we would get regular boosters. so we'll see which of those three scenarios play out. you heard the idea on this from the pfizer ceo, but that's different from what they're saying in israel. >> i say bring it on. as i mentioned, sanjay, my entire family got sick over the holidays. we are not all vaccinated because of our ages. i will tell you, those of us who had the vaccine were incredibly grateful. i want all the protection i can get. sanjay, thank you so much. >> you got it. thank you. new this morning, a new york state supreme court judge striking down kathy hochul's mask mandate for schools and for public locations. the judge says the mandate is unconstitutional and that it violates state law since the governor no longer has emergency powers. cnn's jean casarez is joining us now on this. really interesting development that is going to change how people are living their day to day lives. some of them there in the state. tell us, jean. >> it's very interesting and came down late yesterday, brianna. a new york state judge struck down new york state's mask mandate saying it is unenforceable, ruling that the governor and the new york state department of health, they didn't have the authority to do this. that any mask mandate had to have the signoff of the state legislature. nassau county supreme court judge gave the basis for his decision that new york was no longer under that state of emergency at the time the mask mandate was announced. so the governor did not have the authority to order it. so it's really procedurally based. the governor kathy hochul is saying she will immediately try to reverse it saying, quote, my responsibility as governor is to protect new yorkers throughout this public health crisis and these measures help prevent the spread of covid-19 and save lives. but the judge said his decision was only about whether the mandate was properly enacted. to be clear, he says, this court does not intend the decision in any way to question or otherwise opine on the efficacy, need or requirement of masks as a means or tool in dealing with the covid-19 virus. the court decides only the issues of whether the subject rule was properly enacted and if so, whether the same can be enforced. now, we just received this from the new york state department of education. i want in essence to read what they are saying. they're aware of this ruling by the nassau supreme court. they're saying there's a contrary ruling by the albany supreme court and it is to their understanding that the department of health is going to appeal this ruling immediately, which will kick in an automatic stay so that the mask mandate will still be in place. now, of course, it is on the east coast a little after 7:00 in the morning. we see how this develops. but obviously this was a bomb shell late last night for new york state. >> yeah. so maybe nothing changes today but what's going to happen here in the future. jean, thank you so much for that report. >> thanks. happening now, this morning as many as 8,500 u.s. troops on heightened alert for possible deployment to eastern europe. this amid fears of a russian incursion possibly into ukraine. according to the defense department, these truths will be prepared for, quote, any contingencies. cnn's barbara starr live at the pentagon for us this morning. barbara, what does this posture mean? and what message is it intended to send? >> well, it is not about defending ukraine. that is one thing. the troops are not expected to go into ukraine at all. but as you say, john, into eastern europe. the baltics, poland, romania, possibly those countries depending on how this all sorts out. u.s. military families, troops their bases now being notified. none of it has been made public yet which troops but they are being notified at this hour that they are on a shorter string, if you will. heightened readiness to deploy to eastern europe once that final order comes. so what would trigger that? well, some u.s. troops might go unilaterally if the u.s. works out an agreement with those individual countries, but the real idea the pentagon says is this will be part of a nato response force if and when nato activates that rapid response force. u.s. troops will fall in on that and they will be part of it. the kinds of capabilities they could bring it will be a ground force we're told brigade combat teams. medical, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, logistics, support to help these countries defend against aggression and the aggressor right now is russia in the eyes of the u.s. and nato, of course. it is the idea is that this will be a defensive mission, building up the defenses of these countries. but to be clear, right now there actually is no specific detailed mission for these troops and no measurement just yet of how they will know when they are successful and when those american forces could come home. john? >> and of course an increased western troop presence in eastern europe is exactly what vladimir putin doesn't want probably part of the message as well. barbara starr, thank you so much for that. in the meantime, as tensions are ratcheting up between russia and ukraine, one democratic congressman says his office is getting phone calls, repeatedly getting these phone calls, and they're from fans of fox's chief propagandist tucker carlson, saying that the u.s. should be siding with russia over ukraine. what you may say? well, you wouldn't be surprised if you watched his pro-russia stance every night. >> all of them are promoting war against russia on behalf of our new and deeply beloved ally the government of ukraine. vladimir putin is our most dangerous enemy they scream. we can't let him hurt ukraine. so turns out russia gate was more effective than we realized. the steele dossier was debunked. russia, russia, russia, russia is bad. apparently ukraine's eastern border with russia, unlike say our southern border with mexico is a sacred boundary, created by god that must be protected at all costs up to and including american lives. why is it disloyal to side with russia but loyal to side with ukraine? they're both foreign countries that don't care anything about the united states. kind of strange. >> easy answer there, one is a democracy, the other is a brutal autocracy. the real question is why is rupert murdoch allowing this anti-democratic b.s. on the air. let's talk with democratic congressman on the house foreign affairs and homeland security committees among others. you know, first, sir, thank you for being with us this morning. can you just tell us about these phone calms that your office is getting? >> this sure, it really started yesterday. i was in my district office in new jersey and phones were ringing and my district director came to me and said i just spent an hour on the phone with like four people telling me that they watched tucker carlson last night and why are we going to be going to war for ukraine, russia is making reasonable proposals for peace and we should just do what russia wants. and you know, i knew this -- i knew this was happening. i've actually had many conversations with republican colleagues in the house of representatives about what's happening on fox with respect to russia. but this was the first time i started feeling it for my own constituents who were watching this garbage. >> and so, i mean, the line is direct here. tucker carlson says something and they parrot it, right? >> yes. that's not surprising. people watch tv and they pick up stuff. and in this case, you know, we have such a partisan media environment where there are some people who only watch people like tucker carlson. and that's all they get night after night after night. and he's whipped them up into believing we're going to war, which is, as you just reported, not the case. we're not -- president biden is not promising to fight for ukraine. we're just taking the side of a democracy that is being threatened with invasion by a dictatorship because, well, ever since world war ii, it's been america's policy in the world that dictators shouldn't get to change borders with tanks. that's how world war ii started. it's important to us not to let that happen. and so this is it's really, really disturbing. and i think the main point here is we have to be united about this. and in congress, republicans and democrats so far this is the good news. we're pretty united in standing by ukraine, recognizing putin as our adversary. but i think some of my republican colleagues have got to come face to face with the fact that one of their chief propagandist who is putting out this stuff to millions of their supporters every night is effectively taking russia's side. >> so, then let's talk about what you think republicans should do because, you know, a federal judge said in a somewhat recent case that was, you know, fox and tucker carlson, fox's lawyers defended carlson effectively they said basically people don't believe him. they know that it's not real. clearly people do believe him. they're calling up your office and just repeating what he says. what do republicans need to do? >> they've got to call this out. some of them have. there was a republican congressman who went on carlson's show a couple of months ago and debated him on ukraine. it was very good. but it didn't stop fox news from putting this out to people every night. and i got to say, i've raised this with some of my republican colleagues in the last few days and they say, what? i didn't know. they pretend it's not happening because it's an uncomfortable subject. of course it's not just tucker carlson. it goes back to the trump administration and the former president and it's just hard for them to acknowledge there's a segment of their party that is siding with russia. and i think they've got to acknowledge it and confront it as uncomfortable as it is because most of them actually -- we agree on the policy. we agree the united states has got to defend democracies when dictators like putin try to seize their territory by force. and if we're going to sustain that policy, we've got to communicate why that's important to the american people. to every side of the political spectrum. >> so, tucker carlson obviously, i mean, he enjoys freedom of speech. this is america. he can say whatever the heck he wants. but in russia critics are poisoned, they're killed. his opinions are anti-democratic. i try to think about what would happen if the shoe were on the other foot here. what conservatives might say if, you know, barack obama was saying something like this and media was supporting what he said. >> imagine if democrats or liberals after 9/11 were going on tv and saying well, you know, that was bad but the terrorists have legitimate grievances and we should negotiate with them and give them what they want. yeah. free speech but i think american people would have no tolerance for that sort of thing. and i think, you know, we've got to apply a similar standard here. of course he has a right to his opinions. everybody has a right to their opinions. but, none of us have a right to have a primetime show on fox news or cnn or any other network to be able to say this kind of nonsense to millions of people every night. >> well, i will say here we are talking about him, which i think is exactly what he wants. maybe that's why he says some of this craziness. congressman -- >> let's use it as an opportunity to talk about why it's important to stand by ukraine here and why what putin is doing is a threat to america's national security. let's turn it around. >> yeah. thank you so much for being here to do that. congressman, tom malinowski, we appreciate you. >> thank you. sarah palin caught eating inside a new york city restaurant, proudly unvaccinated. how the restaurant is responding to her skirting the rules. plus, president biden calls a reporter an s.o.b. and he did not abbreviate. hear how he tried to make amends. >> neil young says to spotify it's either joe rogen or me. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. inner voice (kombucha brewer): i'm dramatically holding this bottle, so the light hits it just right, and people think... wow... ...he knows what he's doing... ...when i'm actually pretty lost with my payroll taxes. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers. 100% accurate payroll tax calculations guaranteed. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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>> thank you. thank you. all. >> political liability? >> that's a great asset. more inflation. what a stupid son of a bitch. >> little context, brian steltder, he is a thorn in the side often of jen psaki of president biden. in the end, though, the president called him to apologize. and look, he handled it -- he sort of laughed it off and said this had happened. what did you make of that? >> you see the smile on biden's face. i don't think he's surprised this was caught on mic. i think he knows what he was doing. but no matter who the president is, whether it was donald trump saying chuck todd was an s.o.b. or whether it's president biden saying peter doocy is an s.o.b., it's wrong no matter what. the easiest thing to be in life is be consistent, regardless of party and president and just recognize when something is wrong, recognize that presidents should be held to the highest standards. so in this case, biden was out of line. i think he knew it because he called right away to say sorry and put it as water under the bridge. it's not the biggest story in the world. that's why i'm glad you didn't lead with it. it's not the most important thing in the world. fox will milk it. it's one of these minor interesting moments that shows how the president really feels. by the way, that is newsworthy. it is newsworthy when you hear the president and feel how he actually is thinking about fox. the bigger issue, brianna, what you get at a lot, how should fox be treated and handled at this time in american life? fox is not what it was 20 years ago, not when peter doocy's dad steve started fox. the network is much more hard core, extreme and radicalized. having a white house correspondent is different now than it was 20 years ago. the clinton white house had to make choices how to handle fox. the biden white house has to make choices too. they've mostly chosen to play footsy with fox, appear on fox sometimes, take questions from ducey. i think a lot of democrats would like to see the white house do something very different and treat fox more aggressively. that's why people were cheering for biden yesterday on twitter. lots of liberals were cheering for biden when he called ducey an s.o.b. to me, it's beneath the presidency. >> there are a lot of winners here. biden gets to say he stood up to fox. ducey gets the publicity of the interaction with the president. ducey also i do think handled it well. ducey himself is not making it seem like it's the biggest thing in the world. and shrugged it off and accepted the apology from the president. the loser here is, i suppose, the discourse around the media. i don't think we should mind as reporters by the way being seen as pains to authority. i think we want to be seen as something that challenges authority. the swearing is where it goes too far. >> right. right. it's about when ever i call an executive, i'll write a story about them they won't like, it will be a tense conversation and you acknowledge that up front. i agree with you the profanity is where it's out of line. >> i'll disagree. i think it was a full on hot mic moment. he seemed to catch himself, biden did. i thought-realizing a little bit that he was on mic and was kind of -- the b. word got a little muffled. >> oh, well, i would like to hear the president's real feelings all the time even if it needs a sensor. >> yeah. >> so what about neil young an artist i have great admiration along with bob dylan used as punishment in road trips. but neil young a wonderful artist, canadian singer of great round, has told spotify it's either me or joe rogen here? what's going on. >> it's so interesting. his associates wrote a letter demanding his music be pulled off spotify unless joe rogen's podcast is pulled off spotify. because rogen continues to book guests and bring on anti-vaccination arguments and he's been toying with this anti-vax line for many, many months. neil young is trying to use the only power he has, take off my music. we'll see if it comes to pass but shows how artists can use whatever leverage they have on these big platforms. >> as much as i love neil young, spotify have to choose, wouldn't they choose joe rogen. >> they would choose joe rogen. he brought in a lot of listeners, subscribers. that's the keyword, subscribers. the company has not shown any real concern about the content on the podcast. that's really at issue. >> rogen songs nowhere near as good as neil young's. [ laughter ]. >> oh, you left it wide open but i won't say anything. i want to finally ask you about this question of cbs evening news. there's brian williams, i know you have some reporting about some sort of possibility or overture there. what happened? >> brian williams is now a free agent, he left nbc late last year without a new job lined up, which is rare in television. he's been out there thinking about what to do next and there were overtures from cbs for him to come anchor the evening news. of course remember he used to anchor the nbc nightly news. he turned it down. he said, no. no thanks. not interested. seems like brian williams would like to do something else with the next stage of his career, but it's unusual to hear cbs out there seeing if he's available and brian williams turning them down. i guess we'll find out in the months to come if he has another gig lined up. i think brian williams, by the way, great singer in his other life, so maybe there's some synergy there with spotify. just thinking outloud. >> brian wilson, beach boys. totally different person you're thinking about there. >> sensor orchestra, yeah, yeah. >> oh, yeah. stray cats too. very good. brian, thank you very much. i love all your albums. a new bill pushed in florida to limit how lgbtq issues are discussed in school. critics call it the don't say gay bill. the husband of transportation secretary pete buttigieg says the bill will kill kids. he joins us live. plus this -- >> roads, where we're going, we don't need roads. >> we'll show you the real life delorean that just got flight certified. the new ww personal points program. it's particular to you. what's your favorite food? 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soothe your cough naturally. when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou the insurance company getenwasn't fair.ity y cablele. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. llll theararnes rmrm now the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ virginia republican governor glenn youngkin and florida republican governor ron desantis becoming breakout stars in the gop. the two men gaining much notoriety in their party for how they handle hot button issues. tell us as you take a look at these two sort of gop stars as we said what you found. >> that's right, brianna. they are two rising stars within the republican party. two republican governors who are making headlines for taking on polarizing issues like mask mandates and critical race theory, both going all in on conservative issues ahead of the crucial mid term elections. two republican governors, two of their party's biggest stars who took different paths to getting to the top doubling down on their base's biggest issues like keeping kids in classrooms during the pandemic and ending mask mandates and keeping critical race theory out of schools. glenn youngkin defeated his opponent last november in virginia's hard-fought gubernatorial election. >> all righty, virginia, we won this thing! >> reporter: and once in office, he got to work fulfilling campaign promises. he promised the republican base. >> let me be clear on day one, we will not have political agendas in the classroom and i will ban critical race theory. on day one, we're standing up for law enforcement because they stand up for us. we're going to protect qualified immunity. >> reporter: issues desantis has been taking on ever since he got the top job in florida. >> we also have to protect people and protect our kids from some very pernicious ideologies that are trying to be forced upon them all across the country. >> reporter: both banned mask mandates in schools. youngkin's executive order started as the omicron surge just started waning. >> feel really disappointed. >> why? >> because i'm scared. i'm scared for my kid. i'm scared for her classmates. yeah. i feel like this is what other protection do we have? >> reporter: youngkin's order is the subject of lawsuits from several school districts. another lawsuit was filed by a group of parents of public school students in chesapeake. they are asking the state supreme court to block the executive order, pointing to the state law that says schools must follow cdc covid guidelines. in response to the suit's youngkin's spokesmen says those suing are ignoring parents rights which they say youngkin repeated will voted to protect, but as the controversy began the new governor wasn't backing down. >> we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what we can do and will do in order to make sure that parent's rights are protected. >> reporter: youngkin's stance dollar to the defiant actions on covid desantis has taken consistently. which has made him one of the most popular figures in the party. and while youngkin steered clear of the party's most popular figure, former president donald trump, desantis has been a close ally who proudly accepted trump's endorsement. >> florida has a great republican governor and it had a great republican governor, it's got ron desantis. >> i think you'll get tired of me calling you and asking for things for florida, but i look forward to that. i think we'll have a great partnership. >> reporter: until recently, now he's speaking out against the trump administration's early guidelines to contain covid in 2020 and doubling down on his decision to keep his state open. >> i never thought in february, early march it would lead to locking down the country. i think if knowing now what i know then, if that was a threat earlier, i would have been much louder. >> reporter: the key unknown here is former president donald trump, governor desantis had a long history of supporting the president, but newly elected glenn youngkin, he ran a campaign notorious void of my references to the former president and desantis and the former president had public disagreements in the last few weeks, so we'll see which strategy plays out for him here. >> bit of a power struggle there. thank you for the report. here is connected to all this, a republican led committee in the florida state house just advanced a bill that would ban most discussions of sexuality and gender identity in schools arguing preserves parental rights. critics call the don't say gay bill and our next guest says it will kill kids. joining us now is author and educator chasten buttigieg, married to the biden secretary of transportation, pete buttigieg. i appreciate you being with us this morning. you say this bill will kill kids. how? >> yeah. that's a staggering number. so the tweet i put out mentioned a survey by the trevor project in which 42% of lgbtq kids, comfortable enough to take the survey, said they have seriously considered taking their own life. and we should be approaching that number with urgency and with compassion and care. wondering what we're doing what kind of country we're building in florida what kind of state are you building where you're essentially pushing kids back into the closet and saying we can't talk about you, we can't talk about your families. and you know, as a kid who grew up for 18 years being told you don't belong, something about you is wrong, sometimes you take that trauma to heart. unfortunately there are a lot of kids in this country who do the worse because we tell them something about you is twisted and you don't belong here. >> what happens in your mind in your understanding of this bill if a child, you know, maybe your own children who were to live in florida eight years from now were to say i have two daddies in class. >> they're all talking about their weekends and hypothetically a kid like mine says i had the best weekend with my dads. we went to the zoo. we went and got ice cream. is the teacher supposed to say, hey, hey, hey, we don't talk about things like that in this classroom. not only does that do to kids like mine, or do a kid in the classroom might realize they're different. this bill is essentially doing is pushing lgbtq families back into the classroom and teaching lgbtq kids that something is wrong about them. >> talk to me about your own experience. i don't think you came out until after high school. but talk to me about your own experience of what it's like to be a closeted student. >> yeah. i grew up in northern michigan and so in many ways it's similar to some places in fla fl. he was a good christian county boy. there was no differentiating from the norm. i grew up learning about matthew shepherd and thought for sure something like that could have happened to me if someone found out i was different. i really did fear for my safety and my life. i saw parents and educators telling me that gay people are wrong. sometimes saying even worse things. and as i mentioned, that trevor project survey, kids take that to heart. they learn from a very young age whether they're accepted or not. they're constantly listening. for 18 years all i learned was something about you is twisted. so we have to approach these things with urgency. making sure that kids feel safe enough to come to school. sometimes teachers, especially for me, were my safe place. teachers want to be that place where kids feel comfortable learning and we should be making sure that school is a place where kids feel safe. safe to learn. and i certainly appreciated having teachers that made me feel that way when i was younger. >> i want to pick up on the last point there because the supporters of this bill say, it's about parental rights. one of the provisions is somehow making the school legally liable. they can be sued, i think, if a teacher or a school administrator doesn't tell a parent if it learns that a student is gay. what's the impact there? >> yeah. i'm a little confused by the bill, too. i don't know if you looked at it. but i think the language is a bit broad. sounds like you might be responsible for outing kids if they're straight, too. i just want to focus on teaching as a teacher. i don't want to be calling out my parns every night saying, hey, i wonder if you knew your kid was straight. schools should be a place where definitely kids feel they can be themselves and feel safe enough to be themselves. but i don't think this is about parent's rights. parent's rights to do what? tell lgbtq kids they don't belong? push lgbtq families away and into the closet? hypothetically having a bake sale on friday, would my husband and i not be welcome at the school because we're in a same sex relationship? i just don't think this is what the governor should be focussing on. i think this hurts kids. this will hurt families. and this isn't about education or parent's rights. i think it's about using lgbtq community as a scapegoat which we've been used as multiple times throughout history. and i just don't agree with it. >> i appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you so much. >> thanks so much. breaking overnight, the parties at 10 downing street during the united kingdom lockdown now being investigated by london police. so how much trouble could prime minister boris johnson be in. we'll show you the real life "chitty chitty bang bang" that just got certified to fly. ♪ ♪ this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to is is. . ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ ♪ what's happening? oh! it's fantastic! oh! you're a genius! >> if you always dreamed of taking off in a car like chitty chitty bang bang, it could soon be a reality. maybe even a little cooler, maybe better cgi. the manufacturer of air car, a dual mode car and aircraft, says it just got a certificate of air worthiness by the slovak transportation or transport authority. cnn's anna stewart has the details. >> reporter: i'm anna stewart in london. a flying car has been granted a certificate of air worthiness. potentially moving them a step closer to reality. the air car was granted approval by slovakian authorities after completing more than 70 hours of test flights, including more than 200 takeoffs and landings. in one of those flights last year, the air car spent 35 minutes flying between two cities in slovakia after landing the aircraft was transformed into a car and drive noon into city center. don't expect it to land in a car showroom near you, it is a concept car and you'll need to be a qualified pilot to fly one. >> anna stewart, i love that thing, but you're not fitting into a compact spot with that. >> no. no. hard to parallel park in the air, i'm told. >> i love it. so we do have some more on the breaking news this morning. pfizer is actually about to launch trials for its omicron specific vaccine. how soon is that going to be available? >> plus, children in atlanta and chicago killed by stray bullets as the violence swirls in new york city. its mayor revealing his plan for guns. he joins us live. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? 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>> reporter: look, the uk had been anxiously awaiting the -- a civil service report investigation into all of these accusations of parties at downing street. well, now, the publishing of that report will be pushed back because things have gotten a lot more complicated, brianna. as you mentioned, the police are involved. previously, the police said they were not interested in investigating because there was not enough evidence and their policy was not to go back and investigate the type of covid breaches retroactively. but this morning the chief of police said that, well, they have been investigating the most flagrant breaches and based on new information that includes several events that took place at downing street. and the justification or the criteria that she used to justify this investigation is pretty telling. that criteria includes evidence of the people involved knew what they were doing was an offense, and that there was very clearly no reasonable defense. now, on the surface, even if boris johnson or any of his top aides are found to be -- to have been in breach of covid rules at time, it would only really result in a fine or perhaps several fines. the real danger for boris johnson here, brianna, is that it would undoubtedly say in plain writing that boris johnson, in fact, broke the law, and that may convince many mps to call for a vote on his leadership, which could end up him being booted from office. there is debate on this, urgent debate happening as we speak now in the house of commons. the deputy leader of the opposition called it damning and there is also competing arguments as to how this should be framed, especially given the threats from russia and the situation in ukraine. on the one hand, boris johnson's own party is framing this as, look, this is no time to change leaders. on the other hand, another opposition leader said this is exactly why we need to change leaders, and get boris johnson out of office. obviously as well, brianna, this, you know, this reporting from itv news about the parties at downing street, birthday parties in 2020, certainly does not help

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Will Kill Kids , Real Life Delorean , Avocadado , Over , Flight Certified , Food , Bathtub , Guacamole , Points Program , Ww , Pay , Ww Com , Offer Ends January 30th , January 30th , Plan , Indeed Instant Match , Man , Master , Size , Staffing , Candidates , Technologies , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Workforce , Convenience , Uncharted Waters , Necessity , Vmware , Discoveries , Workspace , Companies , Change , Outcomes , App , Solutions , Anywhere , Cloud , Faster , Cough , Words , Dad , Moss , Punchlines , Naturals , Ingredients , Welcome Change , Tree Mendous Views , Robitussin , Me Hanging , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Firm , Truck Hit , Rich Barnes , Accident Case , Barnes , I Didid T Kn Whahatmy C Caswa , Worth H Barnes , Juryry Aorneneys Hehelpou , T Ouour , Worth , Result , Insurance Company Getenwasn T Fair Ity Y Cablele , Llll Theararnes Rmrm , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Glenn Youngkin , Ron Desantis , Stars , Men , Virginia , Hot Button Issues , Notoriety , Mask Mandates , Governors , Race Theory , Elections , Headlines , Mid Term , Kids , Base , Classrooms , Paths , Top , Keeping , Pandemic , Righty , Opponent , Gubernatorial Election , Classroom , Law Enforcement , Agendas , Day One , Campaign Promises , Executive Order , Ideologies , Omicron Surge , Kid , Classmates , Parents , School Districts , Students , Public School , Lawsuits , Lawsuit , Chesapeake , Rights , Response , State Supreme Court , Suit , Spokesmen , Cdc Covid Guidelines , Isn T About Education Or Parent , Controversy , Resource , Wasn T Backing , Actions , The Party , Figures , Figure , Covid Desantis , Endorsement , Partnership , Guidelines , 2020 , State Open , History , Campaign , Void , References , Unknown , Led Committee , This , Strategy , Disagreements , Power Struggle , Florida State House , Discussions , Guest , Gender Identity , Sexuality , The Don T Say Gay , Author , Educator Chasten Buttigieg , Secretary Of Transportation , Chitty Bang , Survey , Tweet , Trevor Project , 42 , Closet , Urgency , Compassion , Heart , Worse , Trauma , 18 , Children , Child , Understanding , Daddies , Eight , Teacher , Class , Dads , Zoo , Ice Cream , Teaching , Lgbtq , Experience , Student , High School , Northern Michigan , Places , Learning , Thought , Christian County , Boy , Norm , Differentiating , Fla Fl , Matthew Shepherd , Safety , Educators , Trevor Project Survey , Age , Teachers , Safe , Kids Feel Safe , Provisions , Bill Say , Impact , Language , Outing Kids , Parns , Bake Sale , Focussing On , Relationship , Sex , Lgbtq Community , Scapegoat , Breaking Overnight , Police , Boris Johnson , Parties , Trouble , Downing Street , London , United Kingdom , 10 Downing Street , 10 , Certified , Work , Last , Servicenow Platform , Flow , Limu , Isn T , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Whistles , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Liberty , Liberty What S Happening , Reality , Genius , Cooler , Air Car , Certificate , Aircraft , Anna Stewart , Manufacturer , Mode , Cgi , Details , Air Worthiness , Flying Car , Step , Approval , In London , Slovakian , 70 , Landings , Test Flights , Flights , Takeoffs , Cities , Slovakia , 35 , 200 , Concept Car , Car Showroom , Land , Pilot , City Center , Park , Air , Trials , Spot , Mayor , Car , Bullets , Violence Swirls , Guns , Decompression Zone , Children In Atlanta , Chicago , Investors , Experts , Music Vo , Service , Singers , Landscape , Technology , Windshield , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Asthma , Path , Gold , Potential , Returns , Nunormal , Help , Breathing , Breathing Problems , Mouth , Tongue , Swelling , Add On Treatment , Nucala , Asthma Specialist , Back Pain , Headache , Injection Site Reactions , Shingles , Fatigue , Don T Stop Steroids , Batteries , Tragedy , Cupcake , Chance , Aa Battery , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Case Closed , Baby Got Back , Discover , Unlimited Cashback Match , Emergen C It , Sleep Number , Sale , 360 , Pressure Points , Interest , Neuroscientist , Sleep , Bed , Smart Bed , Movements , Temperature Balancing , Queen , 24 , 1999 , 000 , 0 , 999 , 1000 , Trelegy , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Science , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Six , Copd , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Birds Flyin , Medicines , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Lung Function , High Blood Pressure , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Heart Condition , Stand , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Pain , Trelegy Com , Eye , Problems Urinating , Developments , Coup , West Africa , Burkina Faso , Army , Correspondents , Team , Takeover , Release , Globe , United Nations , Missiles , Abu Dhabi , Patriot Missile Interceptors , U S Central Command , U S Military , Attack , Personnel , Service Members , Effort , Casualties , United Arab Emirates , 2000 , Sdf , Yemeni Houthi Rebels , Iranian , In Istanbul , Arwa Damon , Fighters , Into A Prison Last Thursday , Isis , Kurdish Fighting Force , Northeastern Syria , Ground , Air Strikes , Air Support , Warning , Journalist , Killing , Attacks , Death , Assailants , Lourdes Maldonado Lopez , Patrick Oppmann , Cuba , Havana , Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador , Tijuana , 2019 , Danger , Reporters Without Borders , Organization , Events , Law , Metropolitan Police , United , Kingdom , Ten , Birthday Parties , Restrictions , Gatherings , Scott Mcclain , June Of 2020 , Publishing , Civil Service , Accusations , Type , Evidence , Chief , Covid Breaches , Breaches , Criteria , Investigation , Information , Justification , Flagrant , Breach , Any , Defense , Offense , Surface , Aides , Covid Rules , Fines , Fine , Mps , Vote , Writing , Debate , Opposition , Leadership , Deputy Leader , House Of Commons , Leaders , Hand , Party , Opposition Leader , Threats , Itv News ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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there are thousands of people in lockdown in apartment buildings where there have been hundreds of covid cases detected. all the schools in the city are closed right now. and the restaurants are closed after 6:00 p.m. soccer fields are shut down, outdoor soccer fields, just some of the examples of what the government is doing to try to keep covid out even though it's clearly in this crowded city. brianna? >> ivan, thank you so much for that unusual, alarming report. ivan watson. and "new day" continues right now. ♪ welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world, it is tuesday, january 25th. i'm john berman with brianna keilar. and we do have breaking news this morning. pfizer just announced the start of a clinical trial for a new vaccine engineered to specifically target the omicron variant. the company has already started manufacturing doses and plans to have the new vaccine ready in march. joining us now is cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. sanjay, what can you tell us about this? >> well this trial, as you point out, is starting now. they've been manufacturing these specific, these omicron specific vaccines for some time. so let me show you the specifics here in terms of how they're going to approach this. and keep in mind as you look at this graphic, that they've done this before. they've created these specific vaccines for delta in the past as well. did not end up needing them. so, by virtue of the fact that they're going through this doesn't necessarily mean that an omicron specific vaccine is going to be recommended for people. but the first group of people who received two doses already and then they're going to get one or two more doses of the omicron vaccine. so essentially the omicron vaccine will be their booster. for group two, they received three doses of pfizer already and one more of the omicron and then group three are the unvaccinated. they're just going to get omicron. and they basically want to determine how much of the difference does this make in terms of infections overall, but also symptomatic illness. now let me show you one other thing just in terms of where things stand now, the pfizer vaccine effectiveness against the variants, including delta and omicron. and what you find, it's a little hard to read there, but omicron is red, delta is blue. on the left side of the screen is the first two shot. you can see there's a significant dropoff with just two shots. but when people get the booster, again, this is against people developing symptomatic illness or getting sick, you see a significant jump in protectiveness overall. so whatever we see ultimately with this new trial has got to beat what you're seeing on the screen right now which is pretty good with the booster, still. that's an important take away. >> i can see people looking at this saying, thanks. but omicron is receding at this point. if we're talking march, people, a, tens of thousands, millions of people will have previous infection. and then it may not be that present any way. how much of a difference will this make? >> yeah. i think that's exactly right. look, you've got to account for natural immunity here as well and you'll remember, john, may of last year, at that point it was predicted in the united states alone that a third of the population had been exposed to the virus. so since then we have had delta and omicron. there's a lot of natural immunity out there. >> sorry, go on, sanjay. >> so a lot of natural immunity out there. but let me just show you in terms of the benefit of the booster versus the vaccinated versus people who just are looking at case rates. what you find is that the biggest difference is really between the people who are unvaccinated, they're having the much higher case rates. you get a significant uptick in people who are vaccinated and a little bit more with the booster. i just show you that to point out that again when we think about any boosters, you've got to look at the difference on the right side of the screen. in this case between 81 and 90%. it's a benefit, no question. but is it a benefit that warrants people get boosted frequently? >> i almost want to ask you what we're learning out of real, which is health officials are recommending a fourth vaccine dose for all adults. they say a person should get it five months after their booster. what can you tell us how this works, if this is something the u.s. should be doing? >> well, this data is just coming out. we have been following the israel data for some time. if you sort of put it all together before, it was tough to make the case for a fourth shot on the earlier data because it wasn't again significantly decreasing infection rates it wasn't significantly decreasing likely getting ill. we'll see with this new data we have seen top lines where they say there's three times benefit against infection with this fourth shot. we'll see. albert, ceo of pfizer, has commented on where this is all headed. are we headed to over four, five-month boosters, yearly shots. here is what he said. >> what i'm hoping that we will have is a vaccine that we'll have to do once a year, like we do for many other things. once a year, it is easier to convince people to do it. it is easier for people to remember. from public health perspective, it is an ideal situation. >> so, he's sort of saying essentially, look, this will be like the flu shot. in fact, get it when you get your flu shot. there are other people like peter hotez who you spoke to regularly in some ways believe this may be a three-shot vaccine period. you get three shots and that's sort of your vaccine like a lot of other vaccines out there. then obviously at the other end of the spectrum is this idea that we would get regular boosters. so we'll see which of those three scenarios play out. you heard the idea on this from the pfizer ceo, but that's different from what they're saying in israel. >> i say bring it on. as i mentioned, sanjay, my entire family got sick over the holidays. we are not all vaccinated because of our ages. i will tell you, those of us who had the vaccine were incredibly grateful. i want all the protection i can get. sanjay, thank you so much. >> you got it. thank you. new this morning, a new york state supreme court judge striking down kathy hochul's mask mandate for schools and for public locations. the judge says the mandate is unconstitutional and that it violates state law since the governor no longer has emergency powers. cnn's jean casarez is joining us now on this. really interesting development that is going to change how people are living their day to day lives. some of them there in the state. tell us, jean. >> it's very interesting and came down late yesterday, brianna. a new york state judge struck down new york state's mask mandate saying it is unenforceable, ruling that the governor and the new york state department of health, they didn't have the authority to do this. that any mask mandate had to have the signoff of the state legislature. nassau county supreme court judge gave the basis for his decision that new york was no longer under that state of emergency at the time the mask mandate was announced. so the governor did not have the authority to order it. so it's really procedurally based. the governor kathy hochul is saying she will immediately try to reverse it saying, quote, my responsibility as governor is to protect new yorkers throughout this public health crisis and these measures help prevent the spread of covid-19 and save lives. but the judge said his decision was only about whether the mandate was properly enacted. to be clear, he says, this court does not intend the decision in any way to question or otherwise opine on the efficacy, need or requirement of masks as a means or tool in dealing with the covid-19 virus. the court decides only the issues of whether the subject rule was properly enacted and if so, whether the same can be enforced. now, we just received this from the new york state department of education. i want in essence to read what they are saying. they're aware of this ruling by the nassau supreme court. they're saying there's a contrary ruling by the albany supreme court and it is to their understanding that the department of health is going to appeal this ruling immediately, which will kick in an automatic stay so that the mask mandate will still be in place. now, of course, it is on the east coast a little after 7:00 in the morning. we see how this develops. but obviously this was a bomb shell late last night for new york state. >> yeah. so maybe nothing changes today but what's going to happen here in the future. jean, thank you so much for that report. >> thanks. happening now, this morning as many as 8,500 u.s. troops on heightened alert for possible deployment to eastern europe. this amid fears of a russian incursion possibly into ukraine. according to the defense department, these truths will be prepared for, quote, any contingencies. cnn's barbara starr live at the pentagon for us this morning. barbara, what does this posture mean? and what message is it intended to send? >> well, it is not about defending ukraine. that is one thing. the troops are not expected to go into ukraine at all. but as you say, john, into eastern europe. the baltics, poland, romania, possibly those countries depending on how this all sorts out. u.s. military families, troops their bases now being notified. none of it has been made public yet which troops but they are being notified at this hour that they are on a shorter string, if you will. heightened readiness to deploy to eastern europe once that final order comes. so what would trigger that? well, some u.s. troops might go unilaterally if the u.s. works out an agreement with those individual countries, but the real idea the pentagon says is this will be part of a nato response force if and when nato activates that rapid response force. u.s. troops will fall in on that and they will be part of it. the kinds of capabilities they could bring it will be a ground force we're told brigade combat teams. medical, intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, logistics, support to help these countries defend against aggression and the aggressor right now is russia in the eyes of the u.s. and nato, of course. it is the idea is that this will be a defensive mission, building up the defenses of these countries. but to be clear, right now there actually is no specific detailed mission for these troops and no measurement just yet of how they will know when they are successful and when those american forces could come home. john? >> and of course an increased western troop presence in eastern europe is exactly what vladimir putin doesn't want probably part of the message as well. barbara starr, thank you so much for that. in the meantime, as tensions are ratcheting up between russia and ukraine, one democratic congressman says his office is getting phone calls, repeatedly getting these phone calls, and they're from fans of fox's chief propagandist tucker carlson, saying that the u.s. should be siding with russia over ukraine. what you may say? well, you wouldn't be surprised if you watched his pro-russia stance every night. >> all of them are promoting war against russia on behalf of our new and deeply beloved ally the government of ukraine. vladimir putin is our most dangerous enemy they scream. we can't let him hurt ukraine. so turns out russia gate was more effective than we realized. the steele dossier was debunked. russia, russia, russia, russia is bad. apparently ukraine's eastern border with russia, unlike say our southern border with mexico is a sacred boundary, created by god that must be protected at all costs up to and including american lives. why is it disloyal to side with russia but loyal to side with ukraine? they're both foreign countries that don't care anything about the united states. kind of strange. >> easy answer there, one is a democracy, the other is a brutal autocracy. the real question is why is rupert murdoch allowing this anti-democratic b.s. on the air. let's talk with democratic congressman on the house foreign affairs and homeland security committees among others. you know, first, sir, thank you for being with us this morning. can you just tell us about these phone calms that your office is getting? >> this sure, it really started yesterday. i was in my district office in new jersey and phones were ringing and my district director came to me and said i just spent an hour on the phone with like four people telling me that they watched tucker carlson last night and why are we going to be going to war for ukraine, russia is making reasonable proposals for peace and we should just do what russia wants. and you know, i knew this -- i knew this was happening. i've actually had many conversations with republican colleagues in the house of representatives about what's happening on fox with respect to russia. but this was the first time i started feeling it for my own constituents who were watching this garbage. >> and so, i mean, the line is direct here. tucker carlson says something and they parrot it, right? >> yes. that's not surprising. people watch tv and they pick up stuff. and in this case, you know, we have such a partisan media environment where there are some people who only watch people like tucker carlson. and that's all they get night after night after night. and he's whipped them up into believing we're going to war, which is, as you just reported, not the case. we're not -- president biden is not promising to fight for ukraine. we're just taking the side of a democracy that is being threatened with invasion by a dictatorship because, well, ever since world war ii, it's been america's policy in the world that dictators shouldn't get to change borders with tanks. that's how world war ii started. it's important to us not to let that happen. and so this is it's really, really disturbing. and i think the main point here is we have to be united about this. and in congress, republicans and democrats so far this is the good news. we're pretty united in standing by ukraine, recognizing putin as our adversary. but i think some of my republican colleagues have got to come face to face with the fact that one of their chief propagandist who is putting out this stuff to millions of their supporters every night is effectively taking russia's side. >> so, then let's talk about what you think republicans should do because, you know, a federal judge said in a somewhat recent case that was, you know, fox and tucker carlson, fox's lawyers defended carlson effectively they said basically people don't believe him. they know that it's not real. clearly people do believe him. they're calling up your office and just repeating what he says. what do republicans need to do? >> they've got to call this out. some of them have. there was a republican congressman who went on carlson's show a couple of months ago and debated him on ukraine. it was very good. but it didn't stop fox news from putting this out to people every night. and i got to say, i've raised this with some of my republican colleagues in the last few days and they say, what? i didn't know. they pretend it's not happening because it's an uncomfortable subject. of course it's not just tucker carlson. it goes back to the trump administration and the former president and it's just hard for them to acknowledge there's a segment of their party that is siding with russia. and i think they've got to acknowledge it and confront it as uncomfortable as it is because most of them actually -- we agree on the policy. we agree the united states has got to defend democracies when dictators like putin try to seize their territory by force. and if we're going to sustain that policy, we've got to communicate why that's important to the american people. to every side of the political spectrum. >> so, tucker carlson obviously, i mean, he enjoys freedom of speech. this is america. he can say whatever the heck he wants. but in russia critics are poisoned, they're killed. his opinions are anti-democratic. i try to think about what would happen if the shoe were on the other foot here. what conservatives might say if, you know, barack obama was saying something like this and media was supporting what he said. >> imagine if democrats or liberals after 9/11 were going on tv and saying well, you know, that was bad but the terrorists have legitimate grievances and we should negotiate with them and give them what they want. yeah. free speech but i think american people would have no tolerance for that sort of thing. and i think, you know, we've got to apply a similar standard here. of course he has a right to his opinions. everybody has a right to their opinions. but, none of us have a right to have a primetime show on fox news or cnn or any other network to be able to say this kind of nonsense to millions of people every night. >> well, i will say here we are talking about him, which i think is exactly what he wants. maybe that's why he says some of this craziness. congressman -- >> let's use it as an opportunity to talk about why it's important to stand by ukraine here and why what putin is doing is a threat to america's national security. let's turn it around. >> yeah. thank you so much for being here to do that. congressman, tom malinowski, we appreciate you. >> thank you. sarah palin caught eating inside a new york city restaurant, proudly unvaccinated. how the restaurant is responding to her skirting the rules. plus, president biden calls a reporter an s.o.b. and he did not abbreviate. hear how he tried to make amends. >> neil young says to spotify it's either joe rogen or me. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. my plaque psoriasis... ...the itching... the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. inner voice (kombucha brewer): i'm dramatically holding this bottle, so the light hits it just right, and people think... wow... ...he knows what he's doing... ...when i'm actually pretty lost with my payroll taxes. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers. 100% accurate payroll tax calculations guaranteed. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. 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xfinity mobile. it's wireless that does it all and saves a lot. like a lot, a lot. ♪ this morning a new development in a major legal case involving former alaska governor sarah palin. her defamation trial against "the new york times" is being delayed after she tested positive for covid. the judge noted that she is unvaccinated. now here is where things get interested. she was seen saturday dining at a new york restaurant despite the city's proof of vaccination requirement. joining us now cnn chief media correspondent and the anchor of reliable sources, brian stelter. so, brian, how did sarah palin get in a restaurant? >> yeah, the restaurant says it's going to investigate. says it's going to get to the bottom of this. the restaurant says it usually does check for vaccine passports. that's what new yorkers are used to showing when ever they enter a restaurant. but you know, i suspected, john, some people are slipping through the cracks and this might be the first very public famous example. i do think what's a lot more scandalous is that pailen was telling her supporters i'm never getting vaccinated. you'll have to do it over my cold, dead body. i will never get this shot. and instead of just doing her civic duty and encouraging her fans and followers to go ahead and get protected, she was out there doing the opposite. so, it's a little embarrassing for her spending four years suing "the new york times," finally getting her day in court and then it gets scrubbed because she just didn't do the basic, bare minimum thing that most americans did almost a year ago. >> yeah. it's embarrassing, well, it should be. i don't know if she'll be embarrassed by it. should be. the big story, the big sort of media story is joe biden being caught on a hot mic saying this to a reporter who is from fox and was asking about inflation. let's listen. >> will you take questions on inflation then? >> thank you. thank you. all. >> political liability? >> that's a great asset. more inflation. what a stupid son of a bitch. >> little context, brian steltder, he is a thorn in the side often of jen psaki of president biden. in the end, though, the president called him to apologize. and look, he handled it -- he sort of laughed it off and said this had happened. what did you make of that? >> you see the smile on biden's face. i don't think he's surprised this was caught on mic. i think he knows what he was doing. but no matter who the president is, whether it was donald trump saying chuck todd was an s.o.b. or whether it's president biden saying peter doocy is an s.o.b., it's wrong no matter what. the easiest thing to be in life is be consistent, regardless of party and president and just recognize when something is wrong, recognize that presidents should be held to the highest standards. so in this case, biden was out of line. i think he knew it because he called right away to say sorry and put it as water under the bridge. it's not the biggest story in the world. that's why i'm glad you didn't lead with it. it's not the most important thing in the world. fox will milk it. it's one of these minor interesting moments that shows how the president really feels. by the way, that is newsworthy. it is newsworthy when you hear the president and feel how he actually is thinking about fox. the bigger issue, brianna, what you get at a lot, how should fox be treated and handled at this time in american life? fox is not what it was 20 years ago, not when peter doocy's dad steve started fox. the network is much more hard core, extreme and radicalized. having a white house correspondent is different now than it was 20 years ago. the clinton white house had to make choices how to handle fox. the biden white house has to make choices too. they've mostly chosen to play footsy with fox, appear on fox sometimes, take questions from ducey. i think a lot of democrats would like to see the white house do something very different and treat fox more aggressively. that's why people were cheering for biden yesterday on twitter. lots of liberals were cheering for biden when he called ducey an s.o.b. to me, it's beneath the presidency. >> there are a lot of winners here. biden gets to say he stood up to fox. ducey gets the publicity of the interaction with the president. ducey also i do think handled it well. ducey himself is not making it seem like it's the biggest thing in the world. and shrugged it off and accepted the apology from the president. the loser here is, i suppose, the discourse around the media. i don't think we should mind as reporters by the way being seen as pains to authority. i think we want to be seen as something that challenges authority. the swearing is where it goes too far. >> right. right. it's about when ever i call an executive, i'll write a story about them they won't like, it will be a tense conversation and you acknowledge that up front. i agree with you the profanity is where it's out of line. >> i'll disagree. i think it was a full on hot mic moment. he seemed to catch himself, biden did. i thought-realizing a little bit that he was on mic and was kind of -- the b. word got a little muffled. >> oh, well, i would like to hear the president's real feelings all the time even if it needs a sensor. >> yeah. >> so what about neil young an artist i have great admiration along with bob dylan used as punishment in road trips. but neil young a wonderful artist, canadian singer of great round, has told spotify it's either me or joe rogen here? what's going on. >> it's so interesting. his associates wrote a letter demanding his music be pulled off spotify unless joe rogen's podcast is pulled off spotify. because rogen continues to book guests and bring on anti-vaccination arguments and he's been toying with this anti-vax line for many, many months. neil young is trying to use the only power he has, take off my music. we'll see if it comes to pass but shows how artists can use whatever leverage they have on these big platforms. >> as much as i love neil young, spotify have to choose, wouldn't they choose joe rogen. >> they would choose joe rogen. he brought in a lot of listeners, subscribers. that's the keyword, subscribers. the company has not shown any real concern about the content on the podcast. that's really at issue. >> rogen songs nowhere near as good as neil young's. [ laughter ]. >> oh, you left it wide open but i won't say anything. i want to finally ask you about this question of cbs evening news. there's brian williams, i know you have some reporting about some sort of possibility or overture there. what happened? >> brian williams is now a free agent, he left nbc late last year without a new job lined up, which is rare in television. he's been out there thinking about what to do next and there were overtures from cbs for him to come anchor the evening news. of course remember he used to anchor the nbc nightly news. he turned it down. he said, no. no thanks. not interested. seems like brian williams would like to do something else with the next stage of his career, but it's unusual to hear cbs out there seeing if he's available and brian williams turning them down. i guess we'll find out in the months to come if he has another gig lined up. i think brian williams, by the way, great singer in his other life, so maybe there's some synergy there with spotify. just thinking outloud. >> brian wilson, beach boys. totally different person you're thinking about there. >> sensor orchestra, yeah, yeah. >> oh, yeah. stray cats too. very good. brian, thank you very much. i love all your albums. a new bill pushed in florida to limit how lgbtq issues are discussed in school. critics call it the don't say gay bill. the husband of transportation secretary pete buttigieg says the bill will kill kids. he joins us live. plus this -- >> roads, where we're going, we don't need roads. >> we'll show you the real life delorean that just got flight certified. the new ww personal points program. it's particular to you. what's your favorite food? 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soothe your cough naturally. when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou the insurance company getenwasn't fair.ity y cablele. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. llll theararnes rmrm now the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ virginia republican governor glenn youngkin and florida republican governor ron desantis becoming breakout stars in the gop. the two men gaining much notoriety in their party for how they handle hot button issues. tell us as you take a look at these two sort of gop stars as we said what you found. >> that's right, brianna. they are two rising stars within the republican party. two republican governors who are making headlines for taking on polarizing issues like mask mandates and critical race theory, both going all in on conservative issues ahead of the crucial mid term elections. two republican governors, two of their party's biggest stars who took different paths to getting to the top doubling down on their base's biggest issues like keeping kids in classrooms during the pandemic and ending mask mandates and keeping critical race theory out of schools. glenn youngkin defeated his opponent last november in virginia's hard-fought gubernatorial election. >> all righty, virginia, we won this thing! >> reporter: and once in office, he got to work fulfilling campaign promises. he promised the republican base. >> let me be clear on day one, we will not have political agendas in the classroom and i will ban critical race theory. on day one, we're standing up for law enforcement because they stand up for us. we're going to protect qualified immunity. >> reporter: issues desantis has been taking on ever since he got the top job in florida. >> we also have to protect people and protect our kids from some very pernicious ideologies that are trying to be forced upon them all across the country. >> reporter: both banned mask mandates in schools. youngkin's executive order started as the omicron surge just started waning. >> feel really disappointed. >> why? >> because i'm scared. i'm scared for my kid. i'm scared for her classmates. yeah. i feel like this is what other protection do we have? >> reporter: youngkin's order is the subject of lawsuits from several school districts. another lawsuit was filed by a group of parents of public school students in chesapeake. they are asking the state supreme court to block the executive order, pointing to the state law that says schools must follow cdc covid guidelines. in response to the suit's youngkin's spokesmen says those suing are ignoring parents rights which they say youngkin repeated will voted to protect, but as the controversy began the new governor wasn't backing down. >> we will use every resource within the governor's authority to explore what we can do and will do in order to make sure that parent's rights are protected. >> reporter: youngkin's stance dollar to the defiant actions on covid desantis has taken consistently. which has made him one of the most popular figures in the party. and while youngkin steered clear of the party's most popular figure, former president donald trump, desantis has been a close ally who proudly accepted trump's endorsement. >> florida has a great republican governor and it had a great republican governor, it's got ron desantis. >> i think you'll get tired of me calling you and asking for things for florida, but i look forward to that. i think we'll have a great partnership. >> reporter: until recently, now he's speaking out against the trump administration's early guidelines to contain covid in 2020 and doubling down on his decision to keep his state open. >> i never thought in february, early march it would lead to locking down the country. i think if knowing now what i know then, if that was a threat earlier, i would have been much louder. >> reporter: the key unknown here is former president donald trump, governor desantis had a long history of supporting the president, but newly elected glenn youngkin, he ran a campaign notorious void of my references to the former president and desantis and the former president had public disagreements in the last few weeks, so we'll see which strategy plays out for him here. >> bit of a power struggle there. thank you for the report. here is connected to all this, a republican led committee in the florida state house just advanced a bill that would ban most discussions of sexuality and gender identity in schools arguing preserves parental rights. critics call the don't say gay bill and our next guest says it will kill kids. joining us now is author and educator chasten buttigieg, married to the biden secretary of transportation, pete buttigieg. i appreciate you being with us this morning. you say this bill will kill kids. how? >> yeah. that's a staggering number. so the tweet i put out mentioned a survey by the trevor project in which 42% of lgbtq kids, comfortable enough to take the survey, said they have seriously considered taking their own life. and we should be approaching that number with urgency and with compassion and care. wondering what we're doing what kind of country we're building in florida what kind of state are you building where you're essentially pushing kids back into the closet and saying we can't talk about you, we can't talk about your families. and you know, as a kid who grew up for 18 years being told you don't belong, something about you is wrong, sometimes you take that trauma to heart. unfortunately there are a lot of kids in this country who do the worse because we tell them something about you is twisted and you don't belong here. >> what happens in your mind in your understanding of this bill if a child, you know, maybe your own children who were to live in florida eight years from now were to say i have two daddies in class. >> they're all talking about their weekends and hypothetically a kid like mine says i had the best weekend with my dads. we went to the zoo. we went and got ice cream. is the teacher supposed to say, hey, hey, hey, we don't talk about things like that in this classroom. not only does that do to kids like mine, or do a kid in the classroom might realize they're different. this bill is essentially doing is pushing lgbtq families back into the classroom and teaching lgbtq kids that something is wrong about them. >> talk to me about your own experience. i don't think you came out until after high school. but talk to me about your own experience of what it's like to be a closeted student. >> yeah. i grew up in northern michigan and so in many ways it's similar to some places in fla fl. he was a good christian county boy. there was no differentiating from the norm. i grew up learning about matthew shepherd and thought for sure something like that could have happened to me if someone found out i was different. i really did fear for my safety and my life. i saw parents and educators telling me that gay people are wrong. sometimes saying even worse things. and as i mentioned, that trevor project survey, kids take that to heart. they learn from a very young age whether they're accepted or not. they're constantly listening. for 18 years all i learned was something about you is twisted. so we have to approach these things with urgency. making sure that kids feel safe enough to come to school. sometimes teachers, especially for me, were my safe place. teachers want to be that place where kids feel comfortable learning and we should be making sure that school is a place where kids feel safe. safe to learn. and i certainly appreciated having teachers that made me feel that way when i was younger. >> i want to pick up on the last point there because the supporters of this bill say, it's about parental rights. one of the provisions is somehow making the school legally liable. they can be sued, i think, if a teacher or a school administrator doesn't tell a parent if it learns that a student is gay. what's the impact there? >> yeah. i'm a little confused by the bill, too. i don't know if you looked at it. but i think the language is a bit broad. sounds like you might be responsible for outing kids if they're straight, too. i just want to focus on teaching as a teacher. i don't want to be calling out my parns every night saying, hey, i wonder if you knew your kid was straight. schools should be a place where definitely kids feel they can be themselves and feel safe enough to be themselves. but i don't think this is about parent's rights. parent's rights to do what? tell lgbtq kids they don't belong? push lgbtq families away and into the closet? hypothetically having a bake sale on friday, would my husband and i not be welcome at the school because we're in a same sex relationship? i just don't think this is what the governor should be focussing on. i think this hurts kids. this will hurt families. and this isn't about education or parent's rights. i think it's about using lgbtq community as a scapegoat which we've been used as multiple times throughout history. and i just don't agree with it. >> i appreciate you being with us this morning. thank you so much. >> thanks so much. breaking overnight, the parties at 10 downing street during the united kingdom lockdown now being investigated by london police. so how much trouble could prime minister boris johnson be in. we'll show you the real life "chitty chitty bang bang" that just got certified to fly. ♪ ♪ this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to is is. . ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ ♪ what's happening? oh! it's fantastic! oh! you're a genius! >> if you always dreamed of taking off in a car like chitty chitty bang bang, it could soon be a reality. maybe even a little cooler, maybe better cgi. the manufacturer of air car, a dual mode car and aircraft, says it just got a certificate of air worthiness by the slovak transportation or transport authority. cnn's anna stewart has the details. >> reporter: i'm anna stewart in london. a flying car has been granted a certificate of air worthiness. potentially moving them a step closer to reality. the air car was granted approval by slovakian authorities after completing more than 70 hours of test flights, including more than 200 takeoffs and landings. in one of those flights last year, the air car spent 35 minutes flying between two cities in slovakia after landing the aircraft was transformed into a car and drive noon into city center. don't expect it to land in a car showroom near you, it is a concept car and you'll need to be a qualified pilot to fly one. >> anna stewart, i love that thing, but you're not fitting into a compact spot with that. >> no. no. hard to parallel park in the air, i'm told. >> i love it. so we do have some more on the breaking news this morning. pfizer is actually about to launch trials for its omicron specific vaccine. how soon is that going to be available? >> plus, children in atlanta and chicago killed by stray bullets as the violence swirls in new york city. its mayor revealing his plan for guns. he joins us live. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? 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>> reporter: look, the uk had been anxiously awaiting the -- a civil service report investigation into all of these accusations of parties at downing street. well, now, the publishing of that report will be pushed back because things have gotten a lot more complicated, brianna. as you mentioned, the police are involved. previously, the police said they were not interested in investigating because there was not enough evidence and their policy was not to go back and investigate the type of covid breaches retroactively. but this morning the chief of police said that, well, they have been investigating the most flagrant breaches and based on new information that includes several events that took place at downing street. and the justification or the criteria that she used to justify this investigation is pretty telling. that criteria includes evidence of the people involved knew what they were doing was an offense, and that there was very clearly no reasonable defense. now, on the surface, even if boris johnson or any of his top aides are found to be -- to have been in breach of covid rules at time, it would only really result in a fine or perhaps several fines. the real danger for boris johnson here, brianna, is that it would undoubtedly say in plain writing that boris johnson, in fact, broke the law, and that may convince many mps to call for a vote on his leadership, which could end up him being booted from office. there is debate on this, urgent debate happening as we speak now in the house of commons. the deputy leader of the opposition called it damning and there is also competing arguments as to how this should be framed, especially given the threats from russia and the situation in ukraine. on the one hand, boris johnson's own party is framing this as, look, this is no time to change leaders. on the other hand, another opposition leader said this is exactly why we need to change leaders, and get boris johnson out of office. obviously as well, brianna, this, you know, this reporting from itv news about the parties at downing street, birthday parties in 2020, certainly does not help

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Will Kill Kids , Real Life Delorean , Avocadado , Over , Flight Certified , Food , Bathtub , Guacamole , Points Program , Ww , Pay , Ww Com , Offer Ends January 30th , January 30th , Plan , Indeed Instant Match , Man , Master , Size , Staffing , Candidates , Technologies , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Workforce , Convenience , Uncharted Waters , Necessity , Vmware , Discoveries , Workspace , Companies , Change , Outcomes , App , Solutions , Anywhere , Cloud , Faster , Cough , Words , Dad , Moss , Punchlines , Naturals , Ingredients , Welcome Change , Tree Mendous Views , Robitussin , Me Hanging , Insurance Company Wasn T Fair , Firm , Truck Hit , Rich Barnes , Accident Case , Barnes , I Didid T Kn Whahatmy C Caswa , Worth H Barnes , Juryry Aorneneys Hehelpou , T Ouour , Worth , Result , Insurance Company Getenwasn T Fair Ity Y Cablele , Llll Theararnes Rmrm , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Glenn Youngkin , Ron Desantis , Stars , Men , Virginia , Hot Button Issues , Notoriety , Mask Mandates , Governors , Race Theory , Elections , Headlines , Mid Term , Kids , Base , Classrooms , Paths , Top , Keeping , Pandemic , Righty , Opponent , Gubernatorial Election , Classroom , Law Enforcement , Agendas , Day One , Campaign Promises , Executive Order , Ideologies , Omicron Surge , Kid , Classmates , Parents , School Districts , Students , Public School , Lawsuits , Lawsuit , Chesapeake , Rights , Response , State Supreme Court , Suit , Spokesmen , Cdc Covid Guidelines , Isn T About Education Or Parent , Controversy , Resource , Wasn T Backing , Actions , The Party , Figures , Figure , Covid Desantis , Endorsement , Partnership , Guidelines , 2020 , State Open , History , Campaign , Void , References , Unknown , Led Committee , This , Strategy , Disagreements , Power Struggle , Florida State House , Discussions , Guest , Gender Identity , Sexuality , The Don T Say Gay , Author , Educator Chasten Buttigieg , Secretary Of Transportation , Chitty Bang , Survey , Tweet , Trevor Project , 42 , Closet , Urgency , Compassion , Heart , Worse , Trauma , 18 , Children , Child , Understanding , Daddies , Eight , Teacher , Class , Dads , Zoo , Ice Cream , Teaching , Lgbtq , Experience , Student , High School , Northern Michigan , Places , Learning , Thought , Christian County , Boy , Norm , Differentiating , Fla Fl , Matthew Shepherd , Safety , Educators , Trevor Project Survey , Age , Teachers , Safe , Kids Feel Safe , Provisions , Bill Say , Impact , Language , Outing Kids , Parns , Bake Sale , Focussing On , Relationship , Sex , Lgbtq Community , Scapegoat , Breaking Overnight , Police , Boris Johnson , Parties , Trouble , Downing Street , London , United Kingdom , 10 Downing Street , 10 , Certified , Work , Last , Servicenow Platform , Flow , Limu , Isn T , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Whistles , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Liberty , Liberty What S Happening , Reality , Genius , Cooler , Air Car , Certificate , Aircraft , Anna Stewart , 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Interest , Neuroscientist , Sleep , Bed , Smart Bed , Movements , Temperature Balancing , Queen , 24 , 1999 , 000 , 0 , 999 , 1000 , Trelegy , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Science , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Six , Copd , Driftin , What S Next , Coughing , Birds Flyin , Medicines , Copd Medicine , Inhaler , Lung Function , High Blood Pressure , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Thrush , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Heart Condition , Stand , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Pain , Trelegy Com , Eye , Problems Urinating , Developments , Coup , West Africa , Burkina Faso , Army , Correspondents , Team , Takeover , Release , Globe , United Nations , Missiles , Abu Dhabi , Patriot Missile Interceptors , U S Central Command , U S Military , Attack , Personnel , Service Members , Effort , Casualties , United Arab Emirates , 2000 , Sdf , Yemeni Houthi Rebels , Iranian , In Istanbul , Arwa Damon , Fighters , Into A Prison Last Thursday , Isis , Kurdish Fighting Force , Northeastern Syria , Ground , Air Strikes , Air Support , Warning , Journalist , Killing , Attacks , Death , Assailants , Lourdes Maldonado Lopez , Patrick Oppmann , Cuba , Havana , Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador , Tijuana , 2019 , Danger , Reporters Without Borders , Organization , Events , Law , Metropolitan Police , United , Kingdom , Ten , Birthday Parties , Restrictions , Gatherings , Scott Mcclain , June Of 2020 , Publishing , Civil Service , Accusations , Type , Evidence , Chief , Covid Breaches , Breaches , Criteria , Investigation , Information , Justification , Flagrant , Breach , Any , Defense , Offense , Surface , Aides , Covid Rules , Fines , Fine , Mps , Vote , Writing , Debate , Opposition , Leadership , Deputy Leader , House Of Commons , Leaders , Hand , Party , Opposition Leader , Threats , Itv News ,

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