Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

fight for higher wages for workers. thanks for being here, everyone. big developments and growing fears that europe is closer to the brink of war. this morning, the state department is reducing personnel at the u.s. embassy in kyiv, ukraine, starting with the departure of non-essential staff and family members. nato allies sending additional ships and fighters, a move kremlin is slamming as hysteria. president biden is considering deploying several thousand u.s. troops to the region to mark a major escalation from him. secretary of state tony blinken now is also warning that if a single russian unit enters ukraine, it would trigger a swift, severe and united response from the u.s. and europe. we have every angle covered on this rapidly developing story with reporters in ukraine, russia, and washington at this hour. let's begin with cnn's matthew chance in kyiv. matthew, what is the latest there? >> reporter: the latest, kate, it's been quite a strong reaction from the ukrainians, that decision by the u.s. state department to allow non-essential diplomats to leave the country and order the families of diplomats out of the country. there's no need noirfor that kif action, they're saying, the security situation on the border has not changed significantly in the last several days or longer than that to warrant that and coin it an overreaction, excessive amount of caution, i think is the phrase that the foreign ministry used and it kind of exposes, once again, the difference of opinion, the frustrations, the disagreements that exist behind the scenes between the united states and ukraine, even though this is close military and diplomatic partnership. there is a certain amount of blue water between how they see this conflict developing. the ukrainian leadership is trying to play down the possibility of being impending russian invasion saying the security invasion, the threat has not changed really for years and they've been seeing this build-up of russian forces on their border since last year. and they're playing down the possibility that this is something that's going to happen imminently but that's not supported by the united states and it's not supported by the ukrainians either, which i've seen, which indicates more than 100,000 russian troops still poised on that border near ukraine. kate? >> matthew, thank you so much for that. the uk is also sounding alarm. british prime minister boris johnson warning this morning a russian invasion of ukraine would be a painful, violent and bloody business. it's how he put it. as britain claims it has intelligence russia has been plotting to install a pro-kremlin leader in kyiv replacing the democratically elected leader of ukraine. nic robertson in moscow. what's the view from there? >> the view from the kremlin is, and we heard president putin spokesman today that this is informational hysteria. false information are the words he used to describe the information coming from the british about russia trying to back a puppet leader for ukraine after they've invaded and decided to occupy the country. what we're hearing from the kremlin is their interpretation of what's happening in united states, london as well. a pretext among those countries being created for some sort of military action around ukraine. so they're really pushing back very hard as they have been all along, but the strength of clarity of message that's coming from europe and from london today, from boris johnson is absolutely made very clear for president putin in particular to read. this is what boris johnson said about how painful an invasion could be. >> we need to make it very clear to the kremlin, to russia, that would be a disastrous step. but we also need to get the message that invading ukraine from a russian perspective is going to be a painful, violent and bloody business. and i think it's very important that people in russia understand this could be a new chechnya. >> uk today telling its foreign secretary to meet with nato secretary general in brussels as well. just to button up the unity. really tightly. >> nic, thank you so much for that. all of this has president biden weighing his options now as well. possibly boosting troop levels in eastern europe and possibly moving away from his administration's do not provoke strategy so far. jeremy diamond live at the white house for us. i know the president just got back to the white house, jeremy. what are the options considered at this hour? >> reporter: we know president biden is mulling options for sending additional troops to europe and baltic allies. as many as 5,000 troops, 1,000 to 5,000 troops one of the troops under consideration and we now learn from our pentagon correspondent barbara starr that the biden administration is in the final stages of identifying specific military units the president to send to europe and drafting up the military orders for those deployments, so it certainly seems like something that's being seriously considered by the president at this hour and that does signal a shift in strategy from the biden administration which so far has really focused much more on the threat of sanctions as a deterrent to russia potentially invading ukraine but not so much actions and military movements of forces that would come before any potential invasion. one thing that has been consistent though is that u.s. forces are in no way intended to go to ukraine to fight russia. that's something the president made clear last month. listen. >> the idea of the united states going to unilateral force to confront russia, invading ukraine is not in the cards right now, but what will happen is it will be severe consequences. >> reporter: those troops that would go to eastern european and baltic allies, not intended to shore up the allies and then also to have them available to help potentially evacuate any civilians from the area. we know that already the state department has ordered family members of staff at the embassy in kyiv to evacuate, to leave the country but they're not doing military evacuations at this point. kate? >> we'll see what comes to the white house today. joining me in the meantime, david sanger, national security correspondent for the "new york times," of course. we talked about diplomacy living to fight another day after the meetings we were seeing and this week, it seems in a very different place with nato ships and troops moving into the region and let me play now the warning from tony blinken and once again, the warning from the uk prime minister. >> if a single additional russian force goes into ukraine in an aggressive way, as i said, that would trigger a swift, a severe and united response from us and from europe. >> we also need to get over the message that invading ukraine, from a russian perspective, is going to be a painful, violent and bloody business. and i think it's very important to people in russia to understand this could be a new che chechnya. >> you have reporting of the uk intel on a russian plot going further into ukraine. i mean, is this getting hotter rather than cooling off? >> it certainly is getting hotter, kate, and i think it's fair to say that we are probably closer now than we've been in many decades to a really major war in europe. that does not mean it's going to happen. there are still diplomatic off ramps for this and you're going to see the united states and nato offer back to the russians some written responses in the coming days that i think are going to make some proposals, but there's clearly been a pivot under way here in washington because i think a week or two ago, people were saying, let's not do anything militarily that would give the russians a pretext for invasion and now i think they think that moment's kind of passed, that the russians, they believe, are so close to invasion that you want to get troops rolling to the rest of the nato nations. >> why do you think, kind of along that same vein, i was going to ask you, out of the uk as well as the administration, why do you think the administration is releasing kind of classified intelligence on russian intentions here? is there a, you're talking about a shift in strategy, is there a strategy to this? >> i certainly think there is. and it's quite coordinated, particularly between the united states and britain. about a week and a half ago, you saw the u.s. release information that suggested that the russians might attempt to create some kind. the british intelligence on saturday night suggested something different than, in fact, what the russians might do was try to stage some kind of change of government. and the reason you're seeing all of this come out is that they're trying to undercut the disinformation they anticipate here. they're trying to cut off an avenue for the russians by saying, yeah, we know already that you're drtrying to install this and trying to create, defuse it. >> it was in response to your question last week that president biden said putin is likely to move in, that he's got to do something. and you asked him at the time during the press conference about a possible off-ramp. does an off-ramp seem any more likely now? >> you know, that all depends on what vladimir putin's real ultimate goal here is. if his goal is merely to make sure that during the time that he is president of russia, ukraine does not join nato, well, he's got that already because you heard the president say in response to that question, ukraine wouldn't be ready to join nato for some time. if the issue is, would the united states put major weaponry, offensive weaponry in ukraine, the u.s. would have no intention to do that but if his goal is actually a bigger one, kate, if his goal is actually to stop countries from freely deciding in the future other countries that they want to join nato, if his goal is to get all nuclear weapons out of europe, i don't think that's going to work, and what we just don't know is what's his real goal here? is it about ukraine or is it something bigger? >> it's interesting because fiona hill, former russia adviser we got to know well during the trump impeachment, she writes a new piece in the "new york times" that putin already factored another into the calculation so that's not going to deter him but writes about what she thinks will deter him. u.s. censure, widespread vocal opposition and countries outside europe taking action to pull back on their relations with russia might give him pause. what do you think of that, david? >> i think she's right. i think the question here is, can the message, series of messages sent to putin before he sends troops over the border be so unanimous that he thinks the cost of it will just be too high and then to go back to what you had the british prime minister say earlier that if he doesn't invade, so long and bloody, this porcupine strategy that ukraine would be hard to swallow that he would have great casualties, but basically saying to putin is the cost of this will be so high that it will destabilize your own regime in russia and the question is, does he believe it? and we don't know because that's all in putin's mind. >> good to see you, david. thank you so much. >> thank you. we also have some breaking news coming in. the u.s. supreme court has agreed to hear a pair of cases challenging race-based affirmative action policies at two major universities. the cases could decide the future of affirmative action in college admissions. cnn's supreme court action joan biskupic with more on this. tell us about these cases. >> sure, kate. good morning. it is a major development because it sets the stage now for a major reversal of precedent that dates back to the 1970s that has allowed universities to look at race as one criteria when deciding who gets a coveted spot on campus. the cases were brought against harvard and the university of north carolina. so we have a private university and a state school. so the ultimate ruling could be quite sweeping. the justices will hear these cases in the session that begins in october with a ruling likely by june of next year. and what's crucial here is that we have a supreme court that has engaged in a trend against race-based policies. so this challenge plays right to where our court is today and it was originally started back in 2014 by challengers, led by a man of edward bloom who engineered the 2013 case that led to the ruling against the voting rights act. so this is a very serious case brought against these two universities and it's based on, what they say, the challengers say, is that any use of race in admissions violates the constitution's equal protection guarantee and federal law that prohibits schools that receive federal funds from using race as any criteria. in both cases, they're challenging policies that have helped through the years, especially black and hispanic students and in the harvard case, there's a twist there that says that those practices have actually hurt asian american applicants. so really, momentous case coming now and for a group of justices that have already shown their hand, even before we had the three new trump appointees to the court. so, as i said, momentous challenge and especially given the track record of the challengers who were behind the shelby county versus holder case of 2013 that scaled back significantly the voting rights act. i think that is at least where we're headed at this point, kate. >> all right, joan. definitely one to watch. thank you very much. i appreciate it. coming up for us, congressional investigators have now talked to another key trump ally. former attorney general bill barr. what could he reveal to their probe? 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works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. latest now to the capitol insurrection. the house committee investigating the siege spoke with former attorney general bill barr according to the panel's chairman. you remember barr resigned days before the capitol attack after rebuking donald trump's claims about widespread election fraud. joining me now with more on this, cnn senior legal affairs corres corres corres corres corres correspondent paula reid. >> they had preliminary conversations but we know from our reporting that during these discussions with the former attorney general, they asked if he had any information that would be relevant to their investigation and barr didn't believe he had much of them because he left in december 2020. they know that the committee's work extends far back well before january 6th all the way to the election, in the days leading up to the election. over the weekend, of course, we learn about this draft executive order that was presented to president trump, suggesting that the secretary of defense could seize voting machines. thompson they are aware of the draft order but don't believe there was any operational plan to follow through. but it's clear, kate, that barr's value, potential value as a witness, is not in any way diminished because he left in december of 2020 and certainly could potentially have a lot of valuable information for the committee, especially as they talk to more witnesses and learn more, have more questions. >> exactly. what all was going on in the justice department, even below attorney general bill barr. let me ask you about the oath keepers founders. court hearing for a detention hearing. pleaded not guilty to charges of seditious conspiracy. everyone will remember when this came out. why would anyone, i have to ask, paula, anyone charged with sedition be allowed out on bail? what could happen today? >> the federal prosecutors in the case would agree with you, kate, they argue there's no conditions to guarantee his release and they are arguing to this judge that will hear this today in texas. they point to the fact that he tried to allegedly destroy evidence, conceal the identities of co-conspirators and they say that there is no reason that he should be let out. so they would absolutely agree there are no circumstances that would allow his safe release or the fact to guarantee that he would actually return to court for subsequent hearings. that will be up to a federal judge in texas later today. >> back to the congressional investigation though. the new attorney general of virginia fired the top lawyer for the university of virginia which wouldn't typically grab so much attention except that this lawyer is also the top staff investigator for the house committee investigating the attack. what is going on here? >> that's right. important to know that the university of virginia is a public university in the state of virginia. and tim is a top lawyer at the university of virginia. he took some time out to lead the investigative efforts by the house select committee investigating january 6th. now, he was fired on friday by virginia's new republican attorney general. the attorney general's office insist that this move has nothing to do with january 6th and that these top lawyers at universities serve at the pleasure of the state attorney, but if you look at husis resume very impressive. former u.s. attorney. led the investigation into charlottesville's handling of the unite the right rally. some democrats are calling foul, arguing this was, in some cways plit iolitically motivated but through the fall. he'll be busy. >> thank you so much for the updates. really appreciate it. coming up still for us, new york city's new mayor planning to address the rise in violent crime in the city this afternoon. after an ambush killed one police officer and critically wounded another. details and a live report next. magenta! do you suffer from cartridge conniptions? 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and how do you take them off the street? some are illegal guns that have been stolen. guns that people passed along through gang members and other ways. that should not be on the street and so that is going to be the big task for the maw yor and certainly, the police department, to get these illegal dw guns off the street. >> much more focus on this this week with the funeral for officer riviera coming up. dr. anthony fauci said the omicron wave headed in the right direction but a warning there could be more pain ahead. that's next. i answered questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. join today for 50% off at hurry! offer ends january 24th! if you have medicare and medicaid, a unitedhealthcare dual complete plan can give you extra benefits at no cost to you. like up to $150 for covered over-the-counter items and groceries every month. with unitedhealthcare dual complete... ...there's more for you. to make my vision a reality. i have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. with my varilux progressive lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. and see every detail in sharp focus. when you see no limits, there are no limits. book now at your local essilor experts to push the limits of your vision. varilux lenses by essilor. 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>> jreremy, thank you so much fr the update. much more to come from the white house, that's for sure. positive news on the pandemic. dr. anthony fauci suggesting now that the omicron wave in the united states is peaking. but he also warns it's not over. >> the pattern follows the trend that we see in other places such as the northeast, i believe that you will start to see a turnaround throughout the entire country. there may be a bit more pain and suffering with hospitalizations in those areas of the country that have not been fully vaccinated or have not gotten boosted but we do know and these are the recent data that have come out from the cdc, that even with omicron, boosting makes a major, major difference in protecting you from hospitalization and severe outcomes. so things are looking good. we don't want to get overconfident but they look like they're going in the right direction right now. >> joining me right now for more on this, dr. peter hotez, the co-director for the vaccine development at texas children's hospital. what do you think of the latest assessment from dr. fauci? >> i think it is starting to come down in the northeast and new york city and washington, new york state and that's good news. but still a lot of unknowns. i mean, will this go down with the same trajectory that it went up, or does it get stuck halfway down like in the past in the uk? >> is that that long tale you hear people talking about? >> just stuck halfway down, plateaus and stays there for a few weeks and months. question number two, does it also start to decline as it is in the northeast and the rest of the country. that's the hope. but we'll see and we'll know this over the next week or two. the next week or two will be absolutely critical and then we figure out assuming we do get past this say over the last month what the post-omicron world looks like and the fact that i'm concerned that protection offered by omicron infection, if you're not vaccinated on top of it, is going to be short-lived and will look like upper respiratory coronaviruses and then we'll be vulnerable again for a big wave coming over the summer. so what's the plan for the nation to get ready for the summer? that's the other big question. >> and a lot of big questions, of course, come with this. what are the mandates? what are the requirements? what is the best guidance and how to live in the midst of this? in virginia, the new governor there, he has a new executive order lifting school mask mandates effective today which are allowing parents to decide whether their kids wear masks in school. what do you think about lifting, even if it's looking better, what do you think about lifting school mask mandates right now? >> well, look. this is the most highly transmissible variant we've seen. we've got something on the order of measles and therefore, if you start lifting mask mandates now, you're basically condemning all the kids to get infected with omicron. and having to live with those consequences, which that means some kids have to be hospitalized or possibly worse. it makes no sense to lift mask mandates at this point. it makes every bit of sense to maximize vaccinations because we know that's having a huge impact, especially the boosters on reducing hospitalizations, reducing emergency room visits by quite a bit. so if you've only gotten two doses of the vaccine, you need that third dose to stay out of the hospital in the emergency room, point one, and we need to max out vaccinating our kids and we're just not doing that nationally and therefore, we invite omicron to continue to linger. and so, you know, we should talk about this like it's out of our hands. it's every bit in our hands to get rid of omicron out of the country right now. >> great point. great to see you, dr. hotez. thank you chbttle. coming up for us. the granddaughter of roy disney. abigail diz sney joins me live next. (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. it is known as the happiest place on earth. disneyland, disney world. the whole disney brand. but a new documentary premiering at the sun dance film festival tonight puts that to the test. here's a preview. >> by show of hands, how many of you have someone you know that works at disney that's on food stamps? wow. how many of you know somebody who works at disney who slept in their car in the last years? how many of you know somebody who have gone without medical care because they can't afford it? how many of you all have children? >> i am somebody who doesn't have kids. i don't have the finances to take care of a child in the way that i would like to. it's affected my ability to family-plan and to look towards my future as far as my personal life. and it's not, you know, this is not where i thought i'd be at 33. >> the film is called "the american dream and other fairytales," directed, produced, narrated by roy's granddaughter, abigail disney. she's with me now. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> wage inequality. you began speaking out about this a few years ago. what is it about yeah. you know, i've been tortured since i was a little girl by the fact i knew i was so lucky. it just always bothered me. it never felt right. i was raised in a pretty religious home. it doesn't match with what i thought i was hearing every sunday. so you have always worked in one way or another in trying to make the world a better place. honestly, when i saw this so close to home, i felt like i couldn't stay silent. >> i have to say, that part of the documentary that we just filmed, it's very, very impactful. you're sitting down with a group of employees from disneyland. what do the employees that you profile, especially the four you mainly profile, what do they think about this film? and the publicity and the focus now? >> i am so proud to say that they have all told me they really love it and they're proud to have worked with us. they were engaged with the union already, because they felt it shouldn't be happening to them. they didn't want it to happen on other people either. they all work so hard. so i'm excited that they all feel really delighted. three of them have talked about moving on and they aren't at disney anymore, which you heartbreak to go me, because disney used to be a place you stayed a lifetime, but it isn't true with the low-wage employees anymore. >> i want to read for until the statement that disney offered -- the well-being and sit spiritations of our stories and cast will always be our top priority. we have a package that includes competitives pay and comprehensive benefits to grow their careers and care for their families. that starts with fair pay, but also including affordable medical coverage, access to higher education, subsidized child, as well as pathway -- a spokesperson also pointed to that the company outpaces statewide minimum wage levels in both florida and california, and recently the company agreed to a 16% raise for certain workers. do you see that as progress? >> yes, i absolutely do. it's a great step in the right direction. it is only a step. low-wage employees are not simply about getting more dollars into their pockets. they're also looking to be treated like humans. there are a lot of things, and i think that education piece of it that they always feature when they push back on me is an interesting place to focus and draw a little deeper on. they offered education on the they're there's like this ladder you climb. sure, you're in a low-wage job today, but if you take this education, you move up to a better paying job. it sounds right, and it is a belief system americans hold tightly, but the dark side of that mythology is that you're assuming someone is going to come in at that same wage and do that same job when you rise into the next one. so you're accepting that there is perpetually an underclass of people that have to do these incredibly hard jobs for not enough money. so $24 an hour is closer to the living wage in anaheim. they have come up to $18, which is brilliant, i'm happy, good job, disney, but i'm talking about a living wage. i'm talking about employers treating every single one of their employees as though they were in that job, or as though their son or daughter were in that job. >> this is personal for you, obviously, you have made clear, but is this about changing companies and corporate culture? or is this about changing laws? does a billionaires tax fix what you have learned through filming this? >> this is a question of both. the problem is you can never boil things down to one thing. i know for a fact that a campaign was waged to change our country's norms around how companies should handle their employees, what it was each american's job to do to take care of themselves. we went from somewhat of a communal culture making sured broad classes of people were okay, to a culture that said every man for themselves and i don't really care how anyone else is doing. that's what justified the low tax environment, the attack on unions and so forth. all of these things have left workers in a really terrible place. norm shifting was really important, but those norms feed law changes, regulation changes, so we're not going to find the political will unless we shift our norms, but in the meantime, you know, there has to be a billionaires tax. there has to be higher corporate tax. there has to be regulation on corporations so the i.r.s. is well funded enough to collect all the taxes they're supposed to get. corporate culture must change. >> the film is called "the american dream and other fairytales." abigail disney, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. 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Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN At This Hour With Kate Bolduan 20240708

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fight for higher wages for workers. thanks for being here, everyone. big developments and growing fears that europe is closer to the brink of war. this morning, the state department is reducing personnel at the u.s. embassy in kyiv, ukraine, starting with the departure of non-essential staff and family members. nato allies sending additional ships and fighters, a move kremlin is slamming as hysteria. president biden is considering deploying several thousand u.s. troops to the region to mark a major escalation from him. secretary of state tony blinken now is also warning that if a single russian unit enters ukraine, it would trigger a swift, severe and united response from the u.s. and europe. we have every angle covered on this rapidly developing story with reporters in ukraine, russia, and washington at this hour. let's begin with cnn's matthew chance in kyiv. matthew, what is the latest there? >> reporter: the latest, kate, it's been quite a strong reaction from the ukrainians, that decision by the u.s. state department to allow non-essential diplomats to leave the country and order the families of diplomats out of the country. there's no need noirfor that kif action, they're saying, the security situation on the border has not changed significantly in the last several days or longer than that to warrant that and coin it an overreaction, excessive amount of caution, i think is the phrase that the foreign ministry used and it kind of exposes, once again, the difference of opinion, the frustrations, the disagreements that exist behind the scenes between the united states and ukraine, even though this is close military and diplomatic partnership. there is a certain amount of blue water between how they see this conflict developing. the ukrainian leadership is trying to play down the possibility of being impending russian invasion saying the security invasion, the threat has not changed really for years and they've been seeing this build-up of russian forces on their border since last year. and they're playing down the possibility that this is something that's going to happen imminently but that's not supported by the united states and it's not supported by the ukrainians either, which i've seen, which indicates more than 100,000 russian troops still poised on that border near ukraine. kate? >> matthew, thank you so much for that. the uk is also sounding alarm. british prime minister boris johnson warning this morning a russian invasion of ukraine would be a painful, violent and bloody business. it's how he put it. as britain claims it has intelligence russia has been plotting to install a pro-kremlin leader in kyiv replacing the democratically elected leader of ukraine. nic robertson in moscow. what's the view from there? >> the view from the kremlin is, and we heard president putin spokesman today that this is informational hysteria. false information are the words he used to describe the information coming from the british about russia trying to back a puppet leader for ukraine after they've invaded and decided to occupy the country. what we're hearing from the kremlin is their interpretation of what's happening in united states, london as well. a pretext among those countries being created for some sort of military action around ukraine. so they're really pushing back very hard as they have been all along, but the strength of clarity of message that's coming from europe and from london today, from boris johnson is absolutely made very clear for president putin in particular to read. this is what boris johnson said about how painful an invasion could be. >> we need to make it very clear to the kremlin, to russia, that would be a disastrous step. but we also need to get the message that invading ukraine from a russian perspective is going to be a painful, violent and bloody business. and i think it's very important that people in russia understand this could be a new chechnya. >> uk today telling its foreign secretary to meet with nato secretary general in brussels as well. just to button up the unity. really tightly. >> nic, thank you so much for that. all of this has president biden weighing his options now as well. possibly boosting troop levels in eastern europe and possibly moving away from his administration's do not provoke strategy so far. jeremy diamond live at the white house for us. i know the president just got back to the white house, jeremy. what are the options considered at this hour? >> reporter: we know president biden is mulling options for sending additional troops to europe and baltic allies. as many as 5,000 troops, 1,000 to 5,000 troops one of the troops under consideration and we now learn from our pentagon correspondent barbara starr that the biden administration is in the final stages of identifying specific military units the president to send to europe and drafting up the military orders for those deployments, so it certainly seems like something that's being seriously considered by the president at this hour and that does signal a shift in strategy from the biden administration which so far has really focused much more on the threat of sanctions as a deterrent to russia potentially invading ukraine but not so much actions and military movements of forces that would come before any potential invasion. one thing that has been consistent though is that u.s. forces are in no way intended to go to ukraine to fight russia. that's something the president made clear last month. listen. >> the idea of the united states going to unilateral force to confront russia, invading ukraine is not in the cards right now, but what will happen is it will be severe consequences. >> reporter: those troops that would go to eastern european and baltic allies, not intended to shore up the allies and then also to have them available to help potentially evacuate any civilians from the area. we know that already the state department has ordered family members of staff at the embassy in kyiv to evacuate, to leave the country but they're not doing military evacuations at this point. kate? >> we'll see what comes to the white house today. joining me in the meantime, david sanger, national security correspondent for the "new york times," of course. we talked about diplomacy living to fight another day after the meetings we were seeing and this week, it seems in a very different place with nato ships and troops moving into the region and let me play now the warning from tony blinken and once again, the warning from the uk prime minister. >> if a single additional russian force goes into ukraine in an aggressive way, as i said, that would trigger a swift, a severe and united response from us and from europe. >> we also need to get over the message that invading ukraine, from a russian perspective, is going to be a painful, violent and bloody business. and i think it's very important to people in russia to understand this could be a new che chechnya. >> you have reporting of the uk intel on a russian plot going further into ukraine. i mean, is this getting hotter rather than cooling off? >> it certainly is getting hotter, kate, and i think it's fair to say that we are probably closer now than we've been in many decades to a really major war in europe. that does not mean it's going to happen. there are still diplomatic off ramps for this and you're going to see the united states and nato offer back to the russians some written responses in the coming days that i think are going to make some proposals, but there's clearly been a pivot under way here in washington because i think a week or two ago, people were saying, let's not do anything militarily that would give the russians a pretext for invasion and now i think they think that moment's kind of passed, that the russians, they believe, are so close to invasion that you want to get troops rolling to the rest of the nato nations. >> why do you think, kind of along that same vein, i was going to ask you, out of the uk as well as the administration, why do you think the administration is releasing kind of classified intelligence on russian intentions here? is there a, you're talking about a shift in strategy, is there a strategy to this? >> i certainly think there is. and it's quite coordinated, particularly between the united states and britain. about a week and a half ago, you saw the u.s. release information that suggested that the russians might attempt to create some kind. the british intelligence on saturday night suggested something different than, in fact, what the russians might do was try to stage some kind of change of government. and the reason you're seeing all of this come out is that they're trying to undercut the disinformation they anticipate here. they're trying to cut off an avenue for the russians by saying, yeah, we know already that you're drtrying to install this and trying to create, defuse it. >> it was in response to your question last week that president biden said putin is likely to move in, that he's got to do something. and you asked him at the time during the press conference about a possible off-ramp. does an off-ramp seem any more likely now? >> you know, that all depends on what vladimir putin's real ultimate goal here is. if his goal is merely to make sure that during the time that he is president of russia, ukraine does not join nato, well, he's got that already because you heard the president say in response to that question, ukraine wouldn't be ready to join nato for some time. if the issue is, would the united states put major weaponry, offensive weaponry in ukraine, the u.s. would have no intention to do that but if his goal is actually a bigger one, kate, if his goal is actually to stop countries from freely deciding in the future other countries that they want to join nato, if his goal is to get all nuclear weapons out of europe, i don't think that's going to work, and what we just don't know is what's his real goal here? is it about ukraine or is it something bigger? >> it's interesting because fiona hill, former russia adviser we got to know well during the trump impeachment, she writes a new piece in the "new york times" that putin already factored another into the calculation so that's not going to deter him but writes about what she thinks will deter him. u.s. censure, widespread vocal opposition and countries outside europe taking action to pull back on their relations with russia might give him pause. what do you think of that, david? >> i think she's right. i think the question here is, can the message, series of messages sent to putin before he sends troops over the border be so unanimous that he thinks the cost of it will just be too high and then to go back to what you had the british prime minister say earlier that if he doesn't invade, so long and bloody, this porcupine strategy that ukraine would be hard to swallow that he would have great casualties, but basically saying to putin is the cost of this will be so high that it will destabilize your own regime in russia and the question is, does he believe it? and we don't know because that's all in putin's mind. >> good to see you, david. thank you so much. >> thank you. we also have some breaking news coming in. the u.s. supreme court has agreed to hear a pair of cases challenging race-based affirmative action policies at two major universities. the cases could decide the future of affirmative action in college admissions. cnn's supreme court action joan biskupic with more on this. tell us about these cases. >> sure, kate. good morning. it is a major development because it sets the stage now for a major reversal of precedent that dates back to the 1970s that has allowed universities to look at race as one criteria when deciding who gets a coveted spot on campus. the cases were brought against harvard and the university of north carolina. so we have a private university and a state school. so the ultimate ruling could be quite sweeping. the justices will hear these cases in the session that begins in october with a ruling likely by june of next year. and what's crucial here is that we have a supreme court that has engaged in a trend against race-based policies. so this challenge plays right to where our court is today and it was originally started back in 2014 by challengers, led by a man of edward bloom who engineered the 2013 case that led to the ruling against the voting rights act. so this is a very serious case brought against these two universities and it's based on, what they say, the challengers say, is that any use of race in admissions violates the constitution's equal protection guarantee and federal law that prohibits schools that receive federal funds from using race as any criteria. in both cases, they're challenging policies that have helped through the years, especially black and hispanic students and in the harvard case, there's a twist there that says that those practices have actually hurt asian american applicants. so really, momentous case coming now and for a group of justices that have already shown their hand, even before we had the three new trump appointees to the court. so, as i said, momentous challenge and especially given the track record of the challengers who were behind the shelby county versus holder case of 2013 that scaled back significantly the voting rights act. i think that is at least where we're headed at this point, kate. >> all right, joan. definitely one to watch. thank you very much. i appreciate it. coming up for us, congressional investigators have now talked to another key trump ally. former attorney general bill barr. what could he reveal to their probe? 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works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. latest now to the capitol insurrection. the house committee investigating the siege spoke with former attorney general bill barr according to the panel's chairman. you remember barr resigned days before the capitol attack after rebuking donald trump's claims about widespread election fraud. joining me now with more on this, cnn senior legal affairs corres corres corres corres corres correspondent paula reid. >> they had preliminary conversations but we know from our reporting that during these discussions with the former attorney general, they asked if he had any information that would be relevant to their investigation and barr didn't believe he had much of them because he left in december 2020. they know that the committee's work extends far back well before january 6th all the way to the election, in the days leading up to the election. over the weekend, of course, we learn about this draft executive order that was presented to president trump, suggesting that the secretary of defense could seize voting machines. thompson they are aware of the draft order but don't believe there was any operational plan to follow through. but it's clear, kate, that barr's value, potential value as a witness, is not in any way diminished because he left in december of 2020 and certainly could potentially have a lot of valuable information for the committee, especially as they talk to more witnesses and learn more, have more questions. >> exactly. what all was going on in the justice department, even below attorney general bill barr. let me ask you about the oath keepers founders. court hearing for a detention hearing. pleaded not guilty to charges of seditious conspiracy. everyone will remember when this came out. why would anyone, i have to ask, paula, anyone charged with sedition be allowed out on bail? what could happen today? >> the federal prosecutors in the case would agree with you, kate, they argue there's no conditions to guarantee his release and they are arguing to this judge that will hear this today in texas. they point to the fact that he tried to allegedly destroy evidence, conceal the identities of co-conspirators and they say that there is no reason that he should be let out. so they would absolutely agree there are no circumstances that would allow his safe release or the fact to guarantee that he would actually return to court for subsequent hearings. that will be up to a federal judge in texas later today. >> back to the congressional investigation though. the new attorney general of virginia fired the top lawyer for the university of virginia which wouldn't typically grab so much attention except that this lawyer is also the top staff investigator for the house committee investigating the attack. what is going on here? >> that's right. important to know that the university of virginia is a public university in the state of virginia. and tim is a top lawyer at the university of virginia. he took some time out to lead the investigative efforts by the house select committee investigating january 6th. now, he was fired on friday by virginia's new republican attorney general. the attorney general's office insist that this move has nothing to do with january 6th and that these top lawyers at universities serve at the pleasure of the state attorney, but if you look at husis resume very impressive. former u.s. attorney. led the investigation into charlottesville's handling of the unite the right rally. some democrats are calling foul, arguing this was, in some cways plit iolitically motivated but through the fall. he'll be busy. >> thank you so much for the updates. really appreciate it. coming up still for us, new york city's new mayor planning to address the rise in violent crime in the city this afternoon. after an ambush killed one police officer and critically wounded another. details and a live report next. magenta! do you suffer from cartridge conniptions? 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and how do you take them off the street? some are illegal guns that have been stolen. guns that people passed along through gang members and other ways. that should not be on the street and so that is going to be the big task for the maw yor and certainly, the police department, to get these illegal dw guns off the street. >> much more focus on this this week with the funeral for officer riviera coming up. dr. anthony fauci said the omicron wave headed in the right direction but a warning there could be more pain ahead. that's next. i answered questions about my goals and the foods i love. i like that the ww personalpoints plan is built just for me. join today for 50% off at hurry! offer ends january 24th! if you have medicare and medicaid, a unitedhealthcare dual complete plan can give you extra benefits at no cost to you. like up to $150 for covered over-the-counter items and groceries every month. with unitedhealthcare dual complete... ...there's more for you. to make my vision a reality. i have to take every perspective, and see clearly from every point of view. with my varilux progressive lenses i seamlessly transition from near to far. and see every detail in sharp focus. when you see no limits, there are no limits. book now at your local essilor experts to push the limits of your vision. varilux lenses by essilor. 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>> jreremy, thank you so much fr the update. much more to come from the white house, that's for sure. positive news on the pandemic. dr. anthony fauci suggesting now that the omicron wave in the united states is peaking. but he also warns it's not over. >> the pattern follows the trend that we see in other places such as the northeast, i believe that you will start to see a turnaround throughout the entire country. there may be a bit more pain and suffering with hospitalizations in those areas of the country that have not been fully vaccinated or have not gotten boosted but we do know and these are the recent data that have come out from the cdc, that even with omicron, boosting makes a major, major difference in protecting you from hospitalization and severe outcomes. so things are looking good. we don't want to get overconfident but they look like they're going in the right direction right now. >> joining me right now for more on this, dr. peter hotez, the co-director for the vaccine development at texas children's hospital. what do you think of the latest assessment from dr. fauci? >> i think it is starting to come down in the northeast and new york city and washington, new york state and that's good news. but still a lot of unknowns. i mean, will this go down with the same trajectory that it went up, or does it get stuck halfway down like in the past in the uk? >> is that that long tale you hear people talking about? >> just stuck halfway down, plateaus and stays there for a few weeks and months. question number two, does it also start to decline as it is in the northeast and the rest of the country. that's the hope. but we'll see and we'll know this over the next week or two. the next week or two will be absolutely critical and then we figure out assuming we do get past this say over the last month what the post-omicron world looks like and the fact that i'm concerned that protection offered by omicron infection, if you're not vaccinated on top of it, is going to be short-lived and will look like upper respiratory coronaviruses and then we'll be vulnerable again for a big wave coming over the summer. so what's the plan for the nation to get ready for the summer? that's the other big question. >> and a lot of big questions, of course, come with this. what are the mandates? what are the requirements? what is the best guidance and how to live in the midst of this? in virginia, the new governor there, he has a new executive order lifting school mask mandates effective today which are allowing parents to decide whether their kids wear masks in school. what do you think about lifting, even if it's looking better, what do you think about lifting school mask mandates right now? >> well, look. this is the most highly transmissible variant we've seen. we've got something on the order of measles and therefore, if you start lifting mask mandates now, you're basically condemning all the kids to get infected with omicron. and having to live with those consequences, which that means some kids have to be hospitalized or possibly worse. it makes no sense to lift mask mandates at this point. it makes every bit of sense to maximize vaccinations because we know that's having a huge impact, especially the boosters on reducing hospitalizations, reducing emergency room visits by quite a bit. so if you've only gotten two doses of the vaccine, you need that third dose to stay out of the hospital in the emergency room, point one, and we need to max out vaccinating our kids and we're just not doing that nationally and therefore, we invite omicron to continue to linger. and so, you know, we should talk about this like it's out of our hands. it's every bit in our hands to get rid of omicron out of the country right now. >> great point. great to see you, dr. hotez. thank you chbttle. coming up for us. the granddaughter of roy disney. abigail diz sney joins me live next. (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. it is known as the happiest place on earth. disneyland, disney world. the whole disney brand. but a new documentary premiering at the sun dance film festival tonight puts that to the test. here's a preview. >> by show of hands, how many of you have someone you know that works at disney that's on food stamps? wow. how many of you know somebody who works at disney who slept in their car in the last years? how many of you know somebody who have gone without medical care because they can't afford it? how many of you all have children? >> i am somebody who doesn't have kids. i don't have the finances to take care of a child in the way that i would like to. it's affected my ability to family-plan and to look towards my future as far as my personal life. and it's not, you know, this is not where i thought i'd be at 33. >> the film is called "the american dream and other fairytales," directed, produced, narrated by roy's granddaughter, abigail disney. she's with me now. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> wage inequality. you began speaking out about this a few years ago. what is it about yeah. you know, i've been tortured since i was a little girl by the fact i knew i was so lucky. it just always bothered me. it never felt right. i was raised in a pretty religious home. it doesn't match with what i thought i was hearing every sunday. so you have always worked in one way or another in trying to make the world a better place. honestly, when i saw this so close to home, i felt like i couldn't stay silent. >> i have to say, that part of the documentary that we just filmed, it's very, very impactful. you're sitting down with a group of employees from disneyland. what do the employees that you profile, especially the four you mainly profile, what do they think about this film? and the publicity and the focus now? >> i am so proud to say that they have all told me they really love it and they're proud to have worked with us. they were engaged with the union already, because they felt it shouldn't be happening to them. they didn't want it to happen on other people either. they all work so hard. so i'm excited that they all feel really delighted. three of them have talked about moving on and they aren't at disney anymore, which you heartbreak to go me, because disney used to be a place you stayed a lifetime, but it isn't true with the low-wage employees anymore. >> i want to read for until the statement that disney offered -- the well-being and sit spiritations of our stories and cast will always be our top priority. we have a package that includes competitives pay and comprehensive benefits to grow their careers and care for their families. that starts with fair pay, but also including affordable medical coverage, access to higher education, subsidized child, as well as pathway -- a spokesperson also pointed to that the company outpaces statewide minimum wage levels in both florida and california, and recently the company agreed to a 16% raise for certain workers. do you see that as progress? >> yes, i absolutely do. it's a great step in the right direction. it is only a step. low-wage employees are not simply about getting more dollars into their pockets. they're also looking to be treated like humans. there are a lot of things, and i think that education piece of it that they always feature when they push back on me is an interesting place to focus and draw a little deeper on. they offered education on the they're there's like this ladder you climb. sure, you're in a low-wage job today, but if you take this education, you move up to a better paying job. it sounds right, and it is a belief system americans hold tightly, but the dark side of that mythology is that you're assuming someone is going to come in at that same wage and do that same job when you rise into the next one. so you're accepting that there is perpetually an underclass of people that have to do these incredibly hard jobs for not enough money. so $24 an hour is closer to the living wage in anaheim. they have come up to $18, which is brilliant, i'm happy, good job, disney, but i'm talking about a living wage. i'm talking about employers treating every single one of their employees as though they were in that job, or as though their son or daughter were in that job. >> this is personal for you, obviously, you have made clear, but is this about changing companies and corporate culture? or is this about changing laws? does a billionaires tax fix what you have learned through filming this? >> this is a question of both. the problem is you can never boil things down to one thing. i know for a fact that a campaign was waged to change our country's norms around how companies should handle their employees, what it was each american's job to do to take care of themselves. we went from somewhat of a communal culture making sured broad classes of people were okay, to a culture that said every man for themselves and i don't really care how anyone else is doing. that's what justified the low tax environment, the attack on unions and so forth. all of these things have left workers in a really terrible place. norm shifting was really important, but those norms feed law changes, regulation changes, so we're not going to find the political will unless we shift our norms, but in the meantime, you know, there has to be a billionaires tax. there has to be higher corporate tax. there has to be regulation on corporations so the i.r.s. is well funded enough to collect all the taxes they're supposed to get. corporate culture must change. >> the film is called "the american dream and other fairytales." abigail disney, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. 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Experts , Varilux Lenses , Essilor , Vo , Technologies , Lives , Gonna Keep On Lovin You , Coverage , General , Shower , Insurance , The General , Low Rate , 60 , Leaders , Video Call , Meeting , Situation Room , Crisis , Counterparts , Biden Set , Continuation , Face , Aggression , United Front , 3 , European Union , Italy , France , Germany , Russia , Planes , Materials , Baltic Nations , , Pandemic , Jreremy , Sure , Places , Peaking , Northeast , Pattern , Data , Hospitalizations , Areas , Turnaround , Suffering , Cdc , Omicron , Hospitalization , Outcomes , Good , Major , Peter Hotez , Vaccine Development , Assessment , Texas Children S Hospital , Trajectory , New York State , Unknowns , Tale , Plateaus , Hope , World , Protection , Omicron Infection , Summer , Big Wave , Coronaviruses , Executive Order Lifting School Mask , Governor , Nation , Guidance , Midst , Mandates , Requirements , Masks , Parents , School , School Mask , Lifting , Variant , Mask , Measles , Sense , Vaccinations , Mask Mandates , Bit , Emergency Room , Emergency Room Visits , Doses , Boosters , Impact , Dose , Point One , Hands , Granddaughter , Roy Disney , Great Point , Chbttle , Protein , Health , Nutrients , Sugar , Excited Yell , Abigail Diz Sney , Thirty , Happiest Place On Earth , Many , Documentary , Disneyland , Test , Preview , Show Of Hands , Disney World , Disney Brand , The Sun Dance Film Festival , Somebody , Disney , Car , Food Stamps , Care , Children , Finances , Doesn T Have Kids , Child , Family Plan , Ability , 33 , Fairytales , Directed , The American Dream , Wage Inequality , Girl , It Doesn T Match , Employees , Part , Couldn T Stay Silent , Profile , Publicity , Union , Shouldn T , Happening , Feel , Heartbreak , Lifetime , They Aren T , Statement , Cast , Stories , Top Priority , Spiritations , Well Being , Sit , Education , Package , Careers , Competitives , Wage , Pathway , Spokesperson , Levels , Florida , California , Progress , Raise , 16 , Pockets , Education Piece , Humans , Job , Job Today , Ladder , Belief System , Mythology , The Dark Side , Underclass , Jobs , Money , Living Wage In Anaheim , 8 , 4 , Employers , Son , Daughter , Companies , Culture , Billionaires , Laws , Tax Fix , Both , Campaign , Norms , Communal Culture Making Sured , Unions , Tax Environment , Classes , Will , Shifting , Law Changes , Regulation Changes , Tax , Irs , Corporations , Taxes , Inside Politics With John King , Firm , Dress For Success , Level , Show Em Who S Boss , Hustle , Lexus Nx , Interest , Heart , Cooking , Obsessed , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Personal Record , Car Insurance , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu Emu Squawks , Room , Career , Opportunities , Safelite , Singers , Safelite Repair , Song , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data Plans , Business Owner , Service , Gig , Internet , Contracts , Customers , Network , Term , Line Activation Fees , 500 , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities , Inflection Point , Fatigue , Covid ,

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