Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709

and prosecute potential election election-related crimes which trump's outgoing attorney general said were inconse inconsequential. it's the blueprint for a coup laid out in three pages. cnn has not been able to independently verify this draft, and it's not clear who wrote it, but it is believed to be part of a massive batch of documents, about 700 pages now in the hands of the january 6th house select committee. let's go to cnn's senior legal analyst elie honig, former federal prosecutor for the southern district of new york. this is just bonkers stuff. if the former president had actually gone through with this executive order back in december of 2020, it would not have been remotely legal, right? >> no, jim, n-0, no way. absolutely not. everything in this memo is wrong, dangerous, not remotely legal. if you look at this draft executive order it's dressed up with legal language, heretofores there, citations. it is all bunk. first of all, the military, the department of defense absolutely does not have the power constitutionally or otherwise to seize control of voting rvoting. i actually doubt the military would have followed that order, and second of all appointment of special counsel as the executive order calls for would have been completely illegal. it would have violated the special counsel regulations. i think the committee needs to get to the bottom of this. who drafted this memo? who ordered that it be drafted and how far did it get? because god forbid if this had been issued, it would have caused absolute chaos. >> yeah, no question about it, and the january 6th committee also wants ivanka trump to come in and voluntarily testify. in their letter to her, they say she was in the oval office on january 6th while trump was pressuring then vice president mike pence, general keith kellogg who was also there, he's an adviser to pence at the time, was asked about trump saying things to pence like -- we put this on screen -- you don't have the courage to make a hard decision, mike, it's not right. you can do this. i'm counting on you to do this. if you don't do it, i picked the wrong man four years ago. he said trump did use words like that and he also testified at the end of the call that ivanka said mike pence is a good man. how critical is she as a bnwitns and how surprising it is that general kellogg was so helpful in this investigation? i find that to be very interesting. >> yeah, so the committee made clear in its letter to ivanka trump seeking her testimony they have good information from the inner inner sanctum here. they cite text. as to ivanka trump, it's hard to think of a more central witness. she was by the president's side before the coup attempt, specifically she was there for the attempts to pressure mike pence, during those crucial hours she was the one who people were coming to and saying, please try to talk some sense into your father. it didn't work. and then afterwards, tried to sort of cover it up and tidy it up. there's this bizarre assumption around ivanka trump she's sort of above it all. why should she not have to testify. she's not being asked for information because she's the president's daughter the she's being asked for information because she was a senior adviser. she took that job. she took that west wing office, and her spokesperson's response was very sort of blow offish, she doesn't feel like testifying. too bad. you take that job, you have a responsibility to come forward and i think it's fair for the committee to ask why not? why is she not willing to do this? >> yeah, elie, when i was reporting at the trump white house, you know, that was the thing that they kbrimpressed onl of us. ivanka trump is a real white house official here, not just the first daughter. you can't have it both ways. i also want to ask you about rudy giuliani. sources tell cnn that he oversaw this scheme to install fake electors in seven states that trump lost. what kind of legal jeopardy could he be in in just this matter? we should narrow the question. >> yeah, it's hard to know where to begin with rudy giuliani. i think the least surprising news of the week was once we heard about this scheme, these fake elector certificates from seven different states, immediately i think it was obvious this has to have been centralized somehow. there's no way seven different states all came one this same idea. shocker, turns out the man in the middle of it all was rudy giuliani. for all of rudy giuliani's misconduct, for all of his abuses of power, this one to me stands out because you are not in a gray area when you are authoring or having other people author fake documents to submit to the united states government. i mean, in virtually any other context that's a crime. it's a crime to submit a fake document to the social security administration, to the irs. you name it. what is rudy giuliani doing here? he's overseeing the creation of fake documents to try to steal an election that gets submitted to the national archives. so again, i think this is something the committee needs to focus on and potentially prosecutors as well. >> and you know, the georgia -- the fulton county georgia district attorney has requested a special grand jury to gather evidence, compel witnesses to look at trump's attempts to overturn the election results in that state and the new york attorney general's office says it has identified numerous, quote, misleading statements and omissions in the trump organization financial statements between those two investigations. what do you think about all this? which investigation should trump be more worried about, do you think? >> i think it's much more likely that we see something out of the new york attorney general's office, but i think what that's likely to be is a civil complaint, a lawsuit seeking money damages. i think letitia james, the attorney general, her statement this week made pretty clear to me that they do have evidence of fraud. i don't know that it's enough for them to bring criminal charges, but i think civil complaints are very likely out of the new york attorney general. that said, that's money. donald trump has been sued, is being sueded many times before. we're not talking about the most serious consequence. when you're thinking about that, you have to look to potential criminal charges. where's doj. we still don't quite know where they are on the president, but we do know that the d.a. in georgia took a big step forward when she requested the special grand jury. now she has subpoena power. i don't know why it took her a year to get subpoena power. as a prosecutor, you kind of want that right off the bat and now she has a dedicated grand jury to focus on this. we don't know where this will go. if there is a charge, obviously that i think is the only real consequence that donald trump ever may feel and may take to heart. >> elie honig, thank you very much. great to see you. immate want to bring in som on the front line fending off trump conspiracy theories after the election, secretary of state we appreciate it. what is your reaction to this preliminary plan to seize election machines with the help of the military that was reported in "politico"? i really just wanted to get your reaction to that. i mean, what would you have made if you had seen u.s. troops showing up in michigan to seize vo vo voting machines? >> thank you for having me and having this important conversation. we're really just seeing the tip of the iceberg for the numerous race in which the former president and his most ardent supporters tried to block the will of the people in 2020. we had heard of this and many of the other things, this is really what i lived through for the two months as we worked to protect the results of our election against all of these attempts. we have two things in fwmichiga one a very robust audit system, we executed 250 audits that affirmed the machine counts and the paper ballots were indeed an accurate reflection of the will of the people, but we were also prepared in conversation with law enforcement to ensure the constitution was followed, that our election clerks were protected, and that citizens also knew that we had already done a very public verification of our voting machines prior to the election to show their legitimacy, and we were, again, prepared to protect our equipment and machines against what this really was, which was an attempt to seize control of election equipment to somehow undo the results of a valid, accurate presidential election. >> and you know, secretary benson, we now know happening around the same time was this plot to certify fake electors from seven states trump lost including michigan. former trump campaign adviser admitted his involvement and shared more details. this was on nmsnbc yesterday. let's watch. >> yes, that was part of the process to make sure there were alternate electors for when as we hoped the challenges to the seated electors would be heard. everything that was done was done by the trump legal team according to the rules, and under the leadership of rudy giuliani. >> what was your awareness of all of this at the time, secretary benson, and what is your response to what you just heard there? >> well, we know this was a nationally coordinated effort that hit michigan and many other states to subvert the will and nullify the are of the people in our state and, you know, remember this time in december of 2020, rudy giuliani had just come to michigan on december 2nd and testified before a, you know, sham legislative hearing throwing all of these false allegations at our elections process. there were also individuals who showed up outside our state capitol building the day the actually electors, the true electors met to certify and validate the electoral vote to send to washington and the national archives. so this was a follow-up on all of those things, and our responsibility now is to, you know, connect the dots for the federal investigators, for the january 6th committee, which is exactly how this has come out now. we sent this information to the committee. our attorney general has given it to the justice department. we'll be sending more information this week as cnn has published this recording of the cochair of the michigan republican party admitting that the former president's campaign asked her to recruit and carry out this fake elector scheme in our state. again, there's two things for people to know is we're just at the forefront of seeing the depth of which people are willing to go to overturn election in our country, and we have to see all this, not just through the lens of there must be accountability, justice, and consequences but we must put protections in place to make sure if and when any of these attempts tried again in the future and they will be, we've got to prepare for that, that we're ready for them and we're ready to defeat those efforts again as well as we did in 2020. >> and sounds like election fraud to you? >> yes, that's the irony of all of this. the heart of so many false allegations were meritless, calls for investigations of fraud that didn't exist. there was no evidence of widespread fraud in our elections. yet this, this is election fraud. this an effort to lie to the government about the results of an election and the effort to subvert the will of the people and install someone who was not elected by the people of michigan or through the electoral college, and therefore, overturn our entire system of democracy, and it was unsuccessful, and of course it led to the tragedy in our u.s. capitol on january 6th, but we all need to look at this through the lens of if and when this happens again, this is tried again, how will we thwart it again knowing at the same time those on the other side, those who led these efforts are also becoming even more sophisticated and honing their strategy as well to potentially try this again in the future. >> we're seeing all these threats coming in to election workers stemming from trump's big lie. they have not subsided to the point where the justice department in washington has stepped in. cnn recently spoke to one michigan election worker who said she feels like she has to carry a gun around. she felt the need to buy a gun because of these threats. >> when somebody's looking at me come from my porch, when somebody knows my routine, when they know i have a dog and they don't live around here, that makes me think i need protection. >> what is the status of all of these threats in your state, and what is being done to make sure election workers like that lady there are protected, that they're safe? s >> the detroit city clerk is someone who like me actually had people show up at her home in december of 2020 threatening her as they threatened myself, my son, my family, and so this was very real for us, and this is something we live with every day. the threats are not just these violent threats, these hateful threats to us as people, as individuals, but they're also threats of criminalization. you see efforts to pass laws in some states to criminalize election duties to somehow intimidate election officials away from just simply doing their job. the police force that governor desantis talks about in florida is an example of that, the sort of fear and intimidation that someone's going to somehow become criminally culpable for simply doing their job of protecting democracy, and there's also harassment through the legal process that many local elected officials are struggling with, and i'm grateful for folks like ben ginsburg, have created a legal defense fund for local election clerks who need it to protect themselves against this legal harassment, and finally the justice department -- one thing that we didn't have on our side going through this in 2020, the fbi, the justice department has been upfront and proactive to use all of their resources to help us defend against these attacks. that culture of fear and constant anxiety is still there and it is prevalent, and it is causing many as many have reported to walk away from the profession, which is a real detriment to democracy at a time like this. >> all right, thank you very much for talking with us, michigan secretary of state jocelyn benson, appreciate everything folks are going through in your state, all over the country to keep elections safe and secure. thanks very much for your time. we appreciate it. >> of course. thanks for having me. cnn nchgs has uncovered video showing an organizers of the stop the steal rally saying he would work with two extremist groups, members from those groups were later charged in connection with the january 6th attack on the capitol. stop the steal organizer ali alexander said he would reach out to the proud boys and oath keepers about providing security and housing for the rally. >> i'm going to talk to the proud boys. i'm fg to talk to the oath keepers and i'm going to try to get patrols going. >> i'll find you a room. my team will find you a room. i talked tonight to the proud boys to make sure they were all covered. >> an attorney for alexander denied that his client worked with the proud boys but acknowledged he did try to help them with housing. the attorney also said the oath keepers did provide security for several events. alexander claimed to have worked with members of congress. >> i have talked with mo brooks. we are talking personally. i've talked with the staff and i've talked with him. who worked with congressman mo brooks to whip up votes in the house, congressman paul gosar, to whip up votes in the house. congressman andy bigs to not only whip up votes in the house but also let me know who the soft senators were because he briefed them in the steering committee. boom. >> none of the lawmakers contacted by cnn responded to repeated request for comment. spokespersons for congressmen andy bigs and mo brooks have denied planning rallies or coordinating with alexander in any way. other clips unearthed alexander uses heated rhetoric about the 2020 election. >> if you believe what i believe, which is that our election was stolen, if you believe what i believe and that's that we'll never have another fair election again, then like it's time to burn the house, you know, before giving it to the enemy. >> we're going to get the outcome we need. that outcome might lead to civil war. that will be sad. there's no circumstance that i think is legitimate that joe biden should enter the white house. i think the white house should burn down, you know, and i'm not saying -- i'm not telling anyone to, but i'm just saying i literally believe that a bolt of lightning should hit the white house and light it on fire before it's handed over. >> alexander's attorney said he was joking and exaggerating in those clips. though it doesn't sound like it. alexander has not been charged or implicated in any unlawful act and has denied working with anyone to attack the capitol. he testified before the january 6th committee in december and handed over thousands of text messages and communication records about his interactions with members of congress and trump's inner circle, and be sure to tune in as i host "democracy in peril" where we will delve into the dangers and threats of democracy. and coming up, mitch please. why that phrase was trending during a pivotal week in voting rights. hold on for that next. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to 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country. >> what's your message for voters of color who are concerned that without the john lewis voting rights act they're not going to be able to vote in the midterm. >> the concern is misplaced because if you look at the statistics, african american voters are voting in just as high a percentage as americans. >> now, mcconnell has said since all of this that he misspoke there, but that did not convince the countless citizens on social media who started t the #mitchplease and posted pictures with the message we are americans. perhaps many people remember what mcconnell and other gop leaders said back in 2006, not that long ago, when every republican in the senate voted to reauthorize the voting rights act and it passed, at that time, 98-0. >> one of my favorite sayings that many of us use from time to time, if it ain't broke don't fix it, and this is a good piece of legislation that has served an important purpose over many, many years, and this landmark piece of legislation will continue to make a difference, not only in the south but for all of america and for all of us, whether we're african americans or not. >> i hope 25 years from now it can be said that there will be no need for the voting rights act because things have changed for the better. >> it would be nice if there were no need for a voting rights act as 2006 senator lindsey graham just said, but consider what's been taking place in these republican state houses. for starters, the new voting restrictions passed in those 19 gop-led states have been predicated on the big lie that the election was rigged. it wasn't. we all know that now, and if you're still saying it was rigged, please get help. then there are the various provisions in the state laws that appear to target voters with color that offer less time to request an absentee ballot among other ways that make it harder to vote. georgia famgsly pass add law that threatens to punish people who hand out water and snacks to voters waiting in long lines. ain't that a peach. studies in recent years have shown that voting lines are longer in minority communities and texas, the state's republican party tweeted the quiet part out loud saying recently if you can wait in line for a covid test, you can wait in line to rote. then there are more recent developments in places like florida where governor ron desantis is improposing an election police force. >> to ensure that elections are conducted in accordance with the rule of law, i propose an election integrity unit whose sole focus will be the enforcement of florida's election laws. this will facilitate the faithful enforcement of election laws and will provide floridians with the confidence that their vote will matter. >> which is wild because desantis was bragging right after the 2020 election that florida was a model for the nation when it comes to running elections. >> people are actually looking at florida and asking the question why can't these states be more like florida. >> why can't these states be more like florida, he asked. georgia republican candidate for governor david perdue wants to be more like desantis. he's also proposing an election police force saying in a statement the purpose of this law enforcement unit is to give georgians confidence that only legal votes will be counted, and that anyone who tries to interfere with our elections will be aurrrested and prosecut, but we have not gotten to the most egregious part yet and that's the ongoing efforts to place the most trumpy republicans, the same positions that preside over our elections. we're talking about people like mark finship who was the trump-backed gop candidate for secretary of state in arizona. he has supported qanon conspiracy theortheories. >> i look forward to the day that we set assign an ir redeemably flawed election. that's the election of 2020. with all the evidence we have, the arizona election should be decertified by the -- with cause by the legislature. >> donald trump who looks like he's running for president or pretending to run for president, honestly, what's the difference, sounds pretty interested in who will be counting the votes next time around. >> we have to be a lot sharper the next time when it comes to counting the rvote. there's a famous statement, sometimes the vote counter is more important than the candidate. we can't let that ever happen again. they have to get tougher and smarter. >> if ron desantis wants to put that election police force to good use, he might consider sending them over to mar-a-lago, you know, just ask a few questions about an attempted coup. yes, officer ron, i'd like to report an insurrection, the one on january 6th. but all of this is why the various investigations into trump's actions leading up to and during the january 6th attack on the capitol are so monumentally important right now. the january 6th committee's probe is moving closer to trump focusing on the big names in his in inner circle, people like his daughter ivanka trump who received a letter from the committee asking for information about her father's actions in the days leading up to and on january 6th, and nen there's rudy giuliani, apparently he did more than hold a news conference at the four seasons total landscaping company. he was leading effort to have bogus electors send in fake certificates to the national archives falsely claiming trump won seven battleground states. giuliani seems to have free time on his hands these days as he appears to be selling autographed 9/11 t-shirts for $911. rudy never forgets how to make a buck. some on the far right apparently want you to forget the sacrifices made by john lewis and other icons of the civil rights movement. during their epic struggle for equal access to the ballot box in the 1960s, states like florida are attempting to limit discussions of race in public schools, barring instruction that makes students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin. are they allowed to teach kids about what happened to john lewis, or might that hurt their feelings? well, this is what happened to john lewis, on march 7th, 1965 when he and other civil rights leaders marched across the edmund pettus bridge in alabama. they were beaten by police simply because they believed in something as simple as equal access to the voting booth. lewis suffered a cracked skull on that day, which became known as bloody sunday. lewis spoke about the struggle during his address to the democratic convention in 2012. >> not too long ago people stood in unmovable lines. they had to pass a so-called literacy test. pay a poll tax. on one occasion a man was asked to tap the number in a bar of soap. on another occasion, one was asked to count the jellybeans in a jar, all to keep them from casting their ballot. i've seen this before. i lived this before. too many people struggled, suffered, and died to make it possible for every american to exercise their right to vote. >> john lewis used to talk about the virtues of good trouble, something tells me the politicians standing in the way of voting rights are about to get a lesson in what that's all about. perhaps these efforts to stop the vote will backfire and actually motivate people to stand in long lines to cast their ballots. cops or no cops. make sure to pack plenty of snacks and water. they're going to need it. we'll be right back. ant to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. essential mist 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>> i'm okay. yeah, you know that's live tv for you. it's all good. i actually got hit by a car in college too just like that. >> wow. >> i am so glad i'm okay. you're okay w. we're all good. >> she later said she went to the hospital just to get checked out and was okay, just sore. the anchor there tim ertz, he couldn't really see what was happening, just audio in his ear piece and total confusion. he also said he was very grateful that she's okay. and tori jones me now. you lived to tell the tale. >> hello, thank you for having me. tell us how you're doing. >> i proeappreciate it. i'm doing well. i did go get checked out. my boss drove me to the hospital. nothing broken. i'm actually feeling even better today than i was yesterday as far as soreness goes. it's all good. everything is going well. i appreciate you asking. >> and take us through exactly what happened and what was going through your mind when you were suddenly on the ground. i suppose it was one of those things, you kept broadcasting which, you know, as somebody who used to be in local news, a tip of the hat to you, you been believable job there maintaining your composure and keeping the live shot going, but i had to think, you know, after the live shot was over that, you know, you were not feeling very well. >> thank you. yeah, after the live shot was over, i think that's when everything did kind of hit me, no pun intended, but during it, you know, i was assigned to do a weather live shot, and i had heard about a water main break in a town over from charleston, dunbar, west virginia, and so i figured, well, that's a good element for my story to give people a visual since nothing was really happening. there was some light rain, no ice, no snow. so nothing to get the viewers to see, that was coming later on in the evening. i figured i would go there and i parked in the apartment complex right on the hill and i just set up and then as i was getting ready to talk, she came and hit me in the side and i did kind of blank out, but i don't know, you know, i think i just was kind of shocked and i did at one point think i was getting kind of run over, going under her tire. in the end it was fine, and i knew instantly i was okay, so when the shock and adrenaline kind of came over me, i was kind of in that split second, let me get up and tell everyone i'm good. i'm okay. >> a lot of people don't understand in local markets, you know, reporters like yourself, you were doing a public service. you're out there, you know, doing a live shot on the side of the road, which by the way, a lot of, you know, veterans in the business like myself, i just get so worried sick when i see folks like yourself standing live on the side of the road. i hope to god everything is being done to make sure you're being totally safe, and i know the local reporters are obviously wise enough to do that, but you were there to report on the weather, or the traffic conditions, things are happening in local communitiy s. talk about that, why is it so important to go out there and do that kind of reporting that you do that found yourself in the situation you were in the other day? >> absolutely. i go out there so you don't have to. i go out there to alert you as to what's going on. at that moment, nothing was going on with the weather. i figured i could kind of just talk about the water main break since that most likely happened due to the temperatures shifting a bit. that's just something we kind of sea wit see with colder temps. i think it's important for us to get out there. i do hope that people kind of take away that thousands of journalists are out there doing ever everything, one man band, one woman banding it, we're kind of just reporting, writing, editing, shooting video all on our own, and i am grateful that i had that opportunity because it's really helped me become a better journalist, i believe, and in that moment, i had a lot of emergency lights behind me. my news vehicle was parked about ten feet in front of me, and i wasn't on the road. i was next to the road, but i was in the an apartment complex entrance exit area right at the bottom of this pretty steep hill. it is west virginia. but at that point i felt really safe. my boss always preached to me if you don't feel safe, don't do it. had i felt in any tape of danger i would have left. i'm glad people are talking about safety and having that conversation, i think it needs to be had, but for me personally i did not feel unsafe in that situation. >> you thought this was more of a freak accident than, you know, local reporters putting themselves in an unsafe situation unnecessarily. and i have to think that you heard from people all over the place, friends you haven't heard from in a long time, regularregulatives and so on, what's that experience been like? >> it was my last day yesterday, i'm going to start a new job at wtae in pittsburgh next week, so i'm trying -- thank you. i'm trying to kind of keep my life moving in the sense of literally packing up my life and moving, so it's been kind of a lot and a little overwhelming, but i really appreciate all the kind words. people are really, really very sweet, and i definitely want to make sure i do say too my anchor obviously couldn't see what happened in that shot. his eyes were on the camera. his confusion came that he didn't see me in the frame, you know, after it had happened. he was kind of, okay, you got hit by a car? okay, but you're up, so where did the car hit you. >> for the record, he was being a good guy. he's a good guy. >> he really is. he's a great guy. he's like a dad to me. he has checked on me. we talked this morning. he was checking on me. he's a phenomenal person and i definitely want people to know that and take that away from this too. >> tory yurgey good luck to you. on your way to pittsburgh as we speak. i remember those days moving market-to-market. i started off in knoxville, tennessee, and went to dallas and chicago. i know what you're going through right now. i used to have moving boxes with moving stickers on them on top of moving stickers from all the different moves i did. hats off to you tory great job. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. thank you. >> all right, good luck. coming up, we'll be switching to the situation that's unfolding right now in new york city. new york city police officer killed, another clinging to life after a shooting. it's part of a string of attacks on police this month. we'll get a live report next. it's a beautiful reflection of everything you've been through. dove body wash, with 5 skin conditioning ingredients, boosts skin's ceramides renewal for hydrated, visibly moisturized skin. renew the love with dove body wash. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> well, that's the central point that we're arriving to right now. this is the aftermath of this very violent week that we've seen especially with these -- with both of these officers who were shot last night, one who was killed. right now it's about two things, investigators trying to figure out how the weapon got into the gunman's hands and finding a way to curtail the violence. on the investigation front, officials from the atf are traveling. they're doing their work, they're trying to figure out where this gun was sold, where it was purchased. how it found its way into the gunman who was identified as lashawn mcneil, how it arrived in his hands. now, meanwhile today eric adams is back out onto the street. he's talking to dmcommunity organizers, he's trying to figure out to get to the bottom of the violence. now, as we've seen, it's five officers that have been shot so far since the start of the year, and we have officer jason morrow who was killed -- sorry, officer jason rivera who was killed and officer wilbert morrow who is fighting for his life currently. that's where we stand at the moment. >> and mark, these shootings are just the latest in a series of crimes across the city, pressure is already mounting on this new mayor to restore public safety. what more can you tell us about that? >> right. well, the mayor's going to release his plan for what he's calling the blueprint for safety. that's going to be released within the cominging days. he's getting together with the nypd officials, with all of law enforcement and nthey're trying to put together a comprehensive plan to tackle this violence. >> mark morales, thank you very much. we'll be right back. roug share the love event, the su we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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"politico" has obtained what looks to be one of those newly released files. a draft executive order from december 2020, that directed the u.s. military to seize voting machines and look for evidence of fraud in an election that trump had lost

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Jim Acosta 20240709

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and prosecute potential election election-related crimes which trump's outgoing attorney general said were inconse inconsequential. it's the blueprint for a coup laid out in three pages. cnn has not been able to independently verify this draft, and it's not clear who wrote it, but it is believed to be part of a massive batch of documents, about 700 pages now in the hands of the january 6th house select committee. let's go to cnn's senior legal analyst elie honig, former federal prosecutor for the southern district of new york. this is just bonkers stuff. if the former president had actually gone through with this executive order back in december of 2020, it would not have been remotely legal, right? >> no, jim, n-0, no way. absolutely not. everything in this memo is wrong, dangerous, not remotely legal. if you look at this draft executive order it's dressed up with legal language, heretofores there, citations. it is all bunk. first of all, the military, the department of defense absolutely does not have the power constitutionally or otherwise to seize control of voting rvoting. i actually doubt the military would have followed that order, and second of all appointment of special counsel as the executive order calls for would have been completely illegal. it would have violated the special counsel regulations. i think the committee needs to get to the bottom of this. who drafted this memo? who ordered that it be drafted and how far did it get? because god forbid if this had been issued, it would have caused absolute chaos. >> yeah, no question about it, and the january 6th committee also wants ivanka trump to come in and voluntarily testify. in their letter to her, they say she was in the oval office on january 6th while trump was pressuring then vice president mike pence, general keith kellogg who was also there, he's an adviser to pence at the time, was asked about trump saying things to pence like -- we put this on screen -- you don't have the courage to make a hard decision, mike, it's not right. you can do this. i'm counting on you to do this. if you don't do it, i picked the wrong man four years ago. he said trump did use words like that and he also testified at the end of the call that ivanka said mike pence is a good man. how critical is she as a bnwitns and how surprising it is that general kellogg was so helpful in this investigation? i find that to be very interesting. >> yeah, so the committee made clear in its letter to ivanka trump seeking her testimony they have good information from the inner inner sanctum here. they cite text. as to ivanka trump, it's hard to think of a more central witness. she was by the president's side before the coup attempt, specifically she was there for the attempts to pressure mike pence, during those crucial hours she was the one who people were coming to and saying, please try to talk some sense into your father. it didn't work. and then afterwards, tried to sort of cover it up and tidy it up. there's this bizarre assumption around ivanka trump she's sort of above it all. why should she not have to testify. she's not being asked for information because she's the president's daughter the she's being asked for information because she was a senior adviser. she took that job. she took that west wing office, and her spokesperson's response was very sort of blow offish, she doesn't feel like testifying. too bad. you take that job, you have a responsibility to come forward and i think it's fair for the committee to ask why not? why is she not willing to do this? >> yeah, elie, when i was reporting at the trump white house, you know, that was the thing that they kbrimpressed onl of us. ivanka trump is a real white house official here, not just the first daughter. you can't have it both ways. i also want to ask you about rudy giuliani. sources tell cnn that he oversaw this scheme to install fake electors in seven states that trump lost. what kind of legal jeopardy could he be in in just this matter? we should narrow the question. >> yeah, it's hard to know where to begin with rudy giuliani. i think the least surprising news of the week was once we heard about this scheme, these fake elector certificates from seven different states, immediately i think it was obvious this has to have been centralized somehow. there's no way seven different states all came one this same idea. shocker, turns out the man in the middle of it all was rudy giuliani. for all of rudy giuliani's misconduct, for all of his abuses of power, this one to me stands out because you are not in a gray area when you are authoring or having other people author fake documents to submit to the united states government. i mean, in virtually any other context that's a crime. it's a crime to submit a fake document to the social security administration, to the irs. you name it. what is rudy giuliani doing here? he's overseeing the creation of fake documents to try to steal an election that gets submitted to the national archives. so again, i think this is something the committee needs to focus on and potentially prosecutors as well. >> and you know, the georgia -- the fulton county georgia district attorney has requested a special grand jury to gather evidence, compel witnesses to look at trump's attempts to overturn the election results in that state and the new york attorney general's office says it has identified numerous, quote, misleading statements and omissions in the trump organization financial statements between those two investigations. what do you think about all this? which investigation should trump be more worried about, do you think? >> i think it's much more likely that we see something out of the new york attorney general's office, but i think what that's likely to be is a civil complaint, a lawsuit seeking money damages. i think letitia james, the attorney general, her statement this week made pretty clear to me that they do have evidence of fraud. i don't know that it's enough for them to bring criminal charges, but i think civil complaints are very likely out of the new york attorney general. that said, that's money. donald trump has been sued, is being sueded many times before. we're not talking about the most serious consequence. when you're thinking about that, you have to look to potential criminal charges. where's doj. we still don't quite know where they are on the president, but we do know that the d.a. in georgia took a big step forward when she requested the special grand jury. now she has subpoena power. i don't know why it took her a year to get subpoena power. as a prosecutor, you kind of want that right off the bat and now she has a dedicated grand jury to focus on this. we don't know where this will go. if there is a charge, obviously that i think is the only real consequence that donald trump ever may feel and may take to heart. >> elie honig, thank you very much. great to see you. immate want to bring in som on the front line fending off trump conspiracy theories after the election, secretary of state we appreciate it. what is your reaction to this preliminary plan to seize election machines with the help of the military that was reported in "politico"? i really just wanted to get your reaction to that. i mean, what would you have made if you had seen u.s. troops showing up in michigan to seize vo vo voting machines? >> thank you for having me and having this important conversation. we're really just seeing the tip of the iceberg for the numerous race in which the former president and his most ardent supporters tried to block the will of the people in 2020. we had heard of this and many of the other things, this is really what i lived through for the two months as we worked to protect the results of our election against all of these attempts. we have two things in fwmichiga one a very robust audit system, we executed 250 audits that affirmed the machine counts and the paper ballots were indeed an accurate reflection of the will of the people, but we were also prepared in conversation with law enforcement to ensure the constitution was followed, that our election clerks were protected, and that citizens also knew that we had already done a very public verification of our voting machines prior to the election to show their legitimacy, and we were, again, prepared to protect our equipment and machines against what this really was, which was an attempt to seize control of election equipment to somehow undo the results of a valid, accurate presidential election. >> and you know, secretary benson, we now know happening around the same time was this plot to certify fake electors from seven states trump lost including michigan. former trump campaign adviser admitted his involvement and shared more details. this was on nmsnbc yesterday. let's watch. >> yes, that was part of the process to make sure there were alternate electors for when as we hoped the challenges to the seated electors would be heard. everything that was done was done by the trump legal team according to the rules, and under the leadership of rudy giuliani. >> what was your awareness of all of this at the time, secretary benson, and what is your response to what you just heard there? >> well, we know this was a nationally coordinated effort that hit michigan and many other states to subvert the will and nullify the are of the people in our state and, you know, remember this time in december of 2020, rudy giuliani had just come to michigan on december 2nd and testified before a, you know, sham legislative hearing throwing all of these false allegations at our elections process. there were also individuals who showed up outside our state capitol building the day the actually electors, the true electors met to certify and validate the electoral vote to send to washington and the national archives. so this was a follow-up on all of those things, and our responsibility now is to, you know, connect the dots for the federal investigators, for the january 6th committee, which is exactly how this has come out now. we sent this information to the committee. our attorney general has given it to the justice department. we'll be sending more information this week as cnn has published this recording of the cochair of the michigan republican party admitting that the former president's campaign asked her to recruit and carry out this fake elector scheme in our state. again, there's two things for people to know is we're just at the forefront of seeing the depth of which people are willing to go to overturn election in our country, and we have to see all this, not just through the lens of there must be accountability, justice, and consequences but we must put protections in place to make sure if and when any of these attempts tried again in the future and they will be, we've got to prepare for that, that we're ready for them and we're ready to defeat those efforts again as well as we did in 2020. >> and sounds like election fraud to you? >> yes, that's the irony of all of this. the heart of so many false allegations were meritless, calls for investigations of fraud that didn't exist. there was no evidence of widespread fraud in our elections. yet this, this is election fraud. this an effort to lie to the government about the results of an election and the effort to subvert the will of the people and install someone who was not elected by the people of michigan or through the electoral college, and therefore, overturn our entire system of democracy, and it was unsuccessful, and of course it led to the tragedy in our u.s. capitol on january 6th, but we all need to look at this through the lens of if and when this happens again, this is tried again, how will we thwart it again knowing at the same time those on the other side, those who led these efforts are also becoming even more sophisticated and honing their strategy as well to potentially try this again in the future. >> we're seeing all these threats coming in to election workers stemming from trump's big lie. they have not subsided to the point where the justice department in washington has stepped in. cnn recently spoke to one michigan election worker who said she feels like she has to carry a gun around. she felt the need to buy a gun because of these threats. >> when somebody's looking at me come from my porch, when somebody knows my routine, when they know i have a dog and they don't live around here, that makes me think i need protection. >> what is the status of all of these threats in your state, and what is being done to make sure election workers like that lady there are protected, that they're safe? s >> the detroit city clerk is someone who like me actually had people show up at her home in december of 2020 threatening her as they threatened myself, my son, my family, and so this was very real for us, and this is something we live with every day. the threats are not just these violent threats, these hateful threats to us as people, as individuals, but they're also threats of criminalization. you see efforts to pass laws in some states to criminalize election duties to somehow intimidate election officials away from just simply doing their job. the police force that governor desantis talks about in florida is an example of that, the sort of fear and intimidation that someone's going to somehow become criminally culpable for simply doing their job of protecting democracy, and there's also harassment through the legal process that many local elected officials are struggling with, and i'm grateful for folks like ben ginsburg, have created a legal defense fund for local election clerks who need it to protect themselves against this legal harassment, and finally the justice department -- one thing that we didn't have on our side going through this in 2020, the fbi, the justice department has been upfront and proactive to use all of their resources to help us defend against these attacks. that culture of fear and constant anxiety is still there and it is prevalent, and it is causing many as many have reported to walk away from the profession, which is a real detriment to democracy at a time like this. >> all right, thank you very much for talking with us, michigan secretary of state jocelyn benson, appreciate everything folks are going through in your state, all over the country to keep elections safe and secure. thanks very much for your time. we appreciate it. >> of course. thanks for having me. cnn nchgs has uncovered video showing an organizers of the stop the steal rally saying he would work with two extremist groups, members from those groups were later charged in connection with the january 6th attack on the capitol. stop the steal organizer ali alexander said he would reach out to the proud boys and oath keepers about providing security and housing for the rally. >> i'm going to talk to the proud boys. i'm fg to talk to the oath keepers and i'm going to try to get patrols going. >> i'll find you a room. my team will find you a room. i talked tonight to the proud boys to make sure they were all covered. >> an attorney for alexander denied that his client worked with the proud boys but acknowledged he did try to help them with housing. the attorney also said the oath keepers did provide security for several events. alexander claimed to have worked with members of congress. >> i have talked with mo brooks. we are talking personally. i've talked with the staff and i've talked with him. who worked with congressman mo brooks to whip up votes in the house, congressman paul gosar, to whip up votes in the house. congressman andy bigs to not only whip up votes in the house but also let me know who the soft senators were because he briefed them in the steering committee. boom. >> none of the lawmakers contacted by cnn responded to repeated request for comment. spokespersons for congressmen andy bigs and mo brooks have denied planning rallies or coordinating with alexander in any way. other clips unearthed alexander uses heated rhetoric about the 2020 election. >> if you believe what i believe, which is that our election was stolen, if you believe what i believe and that's that we'll never have another fair election again, then like it's time to burn the house, you know, before giving it to the enemy. >> we're going to get the outcome we need. that outcome might lead to civil war. that will be sad. there's no circumstance that i think is legitimate that joe biden should enter the white house. i think the white house should burn down, you know, and i'm not saying -- i'm not telling anyone to, but i'm just saying i literally believe that a bolt of lightning should hit the white house and light it on fire before it's handed over. >> alexander's attorney said he was joking and exaggerating in those clips. though it doesn't sound like it. alexander has not been charged or implicated in any unlawful act and has denied working with anyone to attack the capitol. he testified before the january 6th committee in december and handed over thousands of text messages and communication records about his interactions with members of congress and trump's inner circle, and be sure to tune in as i host "democracy in peril" where we will delve into the dangers and threats of democracy. and coming up, mitch please. why that phrase was trending during a pivotal week in voting rights. hold on for that next. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to 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country. >> what's your message for voters of color who are concerned that without the john lewis voting rights act they're not going to be able to vote in the midterm. >> the concern is misplaced because if you look at the statistics, african american voters are voting in just as high a percentage as americans. >> now, mcconnell has said since all of this that he misspoke there, but that did not convince the countless citizens on social media who started t the #mitchplease and posted pictures with the message we are americans. perhaps many people remember what mcconnell and other gop leaders said back in 2006, not that long ago, when every republican in the senate voted to reauthorize the voting rights act and it passed, at that time, 98-0. >> one of my favorite sayings that many of us use from time to time, if it ain't broke don't fix it, and this is a good piece of legislation that has served an important purpose over many, many years, and this landmark piece of legislation will continue to make a difference, not only in the south but for all of america and for all of us, whether we're african americans or not. >> i hope 25 years from now it can be said that there will be no need for the voting rights act because things have changed for the better. >> it would be nice if there were no need for a voting rights act as 2006 senator lindsey graham just said, but consider what's been taking place in these republican state houses. for starters, the new voting restrictions passed in those 19 gop-led states have been predicated on the big lie that the election was rigged. it wasn't. we all know that now, and if you're still saying it was rigged, please get help. then there are the various provisions in the state laws that appear to target voters with color that offer less time to request an absentee ballot among other ways that make it harder to vote. georgia famgsly pass add law that threatens to punish people who hand out water and snacks to voters waiting in long lines. ain't that a peach. studies in recent years have shown that voting lines are longer in minority communities and texas, the state's republican party tweeted the quiet part out loud saying recently if you can wait in line for a covid test, you can wait in line to rote. then there are more recent developments in places like florida where governor ron desantis is improposing an election police force. >> to ensure that elections are conducted in accordance with the rule of law, i propose an election integrity unit whose sole focus will be the enforcement of florida's election laws. this will facilitate the faithful enforcement of election laws and will provide floridians with the confidence that their vote will matter. >> which is wild because desantis was bragging right after the 2020 election that florida was a model for the nation when it comes to running elections. >> people are actually looking at florida and asking the question why can't these states be more like florida. >> why can't these states be more like florida, he asked. georgia republican candidate for governor david perdue wants to be more like desantis. he's also proposing an election police force saying in a statement the purpose of this law enforcement unit is to give georgians confidence that only legal votes will be counted, and that anyone who tries to interfere with our elections will be aurrrested and prosecut, but we have not gotten to the most egregious part yet and that's the ongoing efforts to place the most trumpy republicans, the same positions that preside over our elections. we're talking about people like mark finship who was the trump-backed gop candidate for secretary of state in arizona. he has supported qanon conspiracy theortheories. >> i look forward to the day that we set assign an ir redeemably flawed election. that's the election of 2020. with all the evidence we have, the arizona election should be decertified by the -- with cause by the legislature. >> donald trump who looks like he's running for president or pretending to run for president, honestly, what's the difference, sounds pretty interested in who will be counting the votes next time around. >> we have to be a lot sharper the next time when it comes to counting the rvote. there's a famous statement, sometimes the vote counter is more important than the candidate. we can't let that ever happen again. they have to get tougher and smarter. >> if ron desantis wants to put that election police force to good use, he might consider sending them over to mar-a-lago, you know, just ask a few questions about an attempted coup. yes, officer ron, i'd like to report an insurrection, the one on january 6th. but all of this is why the various investigations into trump's actions leading up to and during the january 6th attack on the capitol are so monumentally important right now. the january 6th committee's probe is moving closer to trump focusing on the big names in his in inner circle, people like his daughter ivanka trump who received a letter from the committee asking for information about her father's actions in the days leading up to and on january 6th, and nen there's rudy giuliani, apparently he did more than hold a news conference at the four seasons total landscaping company. he was leading effort to have bogus electors send in fake certificates to the national archives falsely claiming trump won seven battleground states. giuliani seems to have free time on his hands these days as he appears to be selling autographed 9/11 t-shirts for $911. rudy never forgets how to make a buck. some on the far right apparently want you to forget the sacrifices made by john lewis and other icons of the civil rights movement. during their epic struggle for equal access to the ballot box in the 1960s, states like florida are attempting to limit discussions of race in public schools, barring instruction that makes students feel discomfort, guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress on account of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin. are they allowed to teach kids about what happened to john lewis, or might that hurt their feelings? well, this is what happened to john lewis, on march 7th, 1965 when he and other civil rights leaders marched across the edmund pettus bridge in alabama. they were beaten by police simply because they believed in something as simple as equal access to the voting booth. lewis suffered a cracked skull on that day, which became known as bloody sunday. lewis spoke about the struggle during his address to the democratic convention in 2012. >> not too long ago people stood in unmovable lines. they had to pass a so-called literacy test. pay a poll tax. on one occasion a man was asked to tap the number in a bar of soap. on another occasion, one was asked to count the jellybeans in a jar, all to keep them from casting their ballot. i've seen this before. i lived this before. too many people struggled, suffered, and died to make it possible for every american to exercise their right to vote. >> john lewis used to talk about the virtues of good trouble, something tells me the politicians standing in the way of voting rights are about to get a lesson in what that's all about. perhaps these efforts to stop the vote will backfire and actually motivate people to stand in long lines to cast their ballots. cops or no cops. make sure to pack plenty of snacks and water. they're going to need it. we'll be right back. ant to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. essential mist 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>> i'm okay. yeah, you know that's live tv for you. it's all good. i actually got hit by a car in college too just like that. >> wow. >> i am so glad i'm okay. you're okay w. we're all good. >> she later said she went to the hospital just to get checked out and was okay, just sore. the anchor there tim ertz, he couldn't really see what was happening, just audio in his ear piece and total confusion. he also said he was very grateful that she's okay. and tori jones me now. you lived to tell the tale. >> hello, thank you for having me. tell us how you're doing. >> i proeappreciate it. i'm doing well. i did go get checked out. my boss drove me to the hospital. nothing broken. i'm actually feeling even better today than i was yesterday as far as soreness goes. it's all good. everything is going well. i appreciate you asking. >> and take us through exactly what happened and what was going through your mind when you were suddenly on the ground. i suppose it was one of those things, you kept broadcasting which, you know, as somebody who used to be in local news, a tip of the hat to you, you been believable job there maintaining your composure and keeping the live shot going, but i had to think, you know, after the live shot was over that, you know, you were not feeling very well. >> thank you. yeah, after the live shot was over, i think that's when everything did kind of hit me, no pun intended, but during it, you know, i was assigned to do a weather live shot, and i had heard about a water main break in a town over from charleston, dunbar, west virginia, and so i figured, well, that's a good element for my story to give people a visual since nothing was really happening. there was some light rain, no ice, no snow. so nothing to get the viewers to see, that was coming later on in the evening. i figured i would go there and i parked in the apartment complex right on the hill and i just set up and then as i was getting ready to talk, she came and hit me in the side and i did kind of blank out, but i don't know, you know, i think i just was kind of shocked and i did at one point think i was getting kind of run over, going under her tire. in the end it was fine, and i knew instantly i was okay, so when the shock and adrenaline kind of came over me, i was kind of in that split second, let me get up and tell everyone i'm good. i'm okay. >> a lot of people don't understand in local markets, you know, reporters like yourself, you were doing a public service. you're out there, you know, doing a live shot on the side of the road, which by the way, a lot of, you know, veterans in the business like myself, i just get so worried sick when i see folks like yourself standing live on the side of the road. i hope to god everything is being done to make sure you're being totally safe, and i know the local reporters are obviously wise enough to do that, but you were there to report on the weather, or the traffic conditions, things are happening in local communitiy s. talk about that, why is it so important to go out there and do that kind of reporting that you do that found yourself in the situation you were in the other day? >> absolutely. i go out there so you don't have to. i go out there to alert you as to what's going on. at that moment, nothing was going on with the weather. i figured i could kind of just talk about the water main break since that most likely happened due to the temperatures shifting a bit. that's just something we kind of sea wit see with colder temps. i think it's important for us to get out there. i do hope that people kind of take away that thousands of journalists are out there doing ever everything, one man band, one woman banding it, we're kind of just reporting, writing, editing, shooting video all on our own, and i am grateful that i had that opportunity because it's really helped me become a better journalist, i believe, and in that moment, i had a lot of emergency lights behind me. my news vehicle was parked about ten feet in front of me, and i wasn't on the road. i was next to the road, but i was in the an apartment complex entrance exit area right at the bottom of this pretty steep hill. it is west virginia. but at that point i felt really safe. my boss always preached to me if you don't feel safe, don't do it. had i felt in any tape of danger i would have left. i'm glad people are talking about safety and having that conversation, i think it needs to be had, but for me personally i did not feel unsafe in that situation. >> you thought this was more of a freak accident than, you know, local reporters putting themselves in an unsafe situation unnecessarily. and i have to think that you heard from people all over the place, friends you haven't heard from in a long time, regularregulatives and so on, what's that experience been like? >> it was my last day yesterday, i'm going to start a new job at wtae in pittsburgh next week, so i'm trying -- thank you. i'm trying to kind of keep my life moving in the sense of literally packing up my life and moving, so it's been kind of a lot and a little overwhelming, but i really appreciate all the kind words. people are really, really very sweet, and i definitely want to make sure i do say too my anchor obviously couldn't see what happened in that shot. his eyes were on the camera. his confusion came that he didn't see me in the frame, you know, after it had happened. he was kind of, okay, you got hit by a car? okay, but you're up, so where did the car hit you. >> for the record, he was being a good guy. he's a good guy. >> he really is. he's a great guy. he's like a dad to me. he has checked on me. we talked this morning. he was checking on me. he's a phenomenal person and i definitely want people to know that and take that away from this too. >> tory yurgey good luck to you. on your way to pittsburgh as we speak. i remember those days moving market-to-market. i started off in knoxville, tennessee, and went to dallas and chicago. i know what you're going through right now. i used to have moving boxes with moving stickers on them on top of moving stickers from all the different moves i did. hats off to you tory great job. >> thank you so much. thanks for having me. thank you. >> all right, good luck. coming up, we'll be switching to the situation that's unfolding right now in new york city. new york city police officer killed, another clinging to life after a shooting. it's part of a string of attacks on police this month. we'll get a live report next. it's a beautiful reflection of everything you've been through. dove body wash, with 5 skin conditioning ingredients, boosts skin's ceramides renewal for hydrated, visibly moisturized skin. renew the love with dove body wash. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> well, that's the central point that we're arriving to right now. this is the aftermath of this very violent week that we've seen especially with these -- with both of these officers who were shot last night, one who was killed. right now it's about two things, investigators trying to figure out how the weapon got into the gunman's hands and finding a way to curtail the violence. on the investigation front, officials from the atf are traveling. they're doing their work, they're trying to figure out where this gun was sold, where it was purchased. how it found its way into the gunman who was identified as lashawn mcneil, how it arrived in his hands. now, meanwhile today eric adams is back out onto the street. he's talking to dmcommunity organizers, he's trying to figure out to get to the bottom of the violence. now, as we've seen, it's five officers that have been shot so far since the start of the year, and we have officer jason morrow who was killed -- sorry, officer jason rivera who was killed and officer wilbert morrow who is fighting for his life currently. that's where we stand at the moment. >> and mark, these shootings are just the latest in a series of crimes across the city, pressure is already mounting on this new mayor to restore public safety. what more can you tell us about that? >> right. well, the mayor's going to release his plan for what he's calling the blueprint for safety. that's going to be released within the cominging days. he's getting together with the nypd officials, with all of law enforcement and nthey're trying to put together a comprehensive plan to tackle this violence. >> mark morales, thank you very much. we'll be right back. roug share the love event, the su we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. (jeff) thank you. (bonnie) thank you. 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Kellogg , Pence , Pressuring , Adviser , Oval Office , Things , Man , Courage , Words , Screen , Decision , Four , Investigation , Call , Bnwitns , The End , Information , Text , Testimony , Inner Sanctum , People , One , Attempts , Side , Sense , Saying , Coup Attempt , Witness , Central , Assumption , Sort , Father , Cover , She , It Didn T Work , Job , Responsibility , Daughter , Office , Response , Senior Adviser , She Doesn T , Blow Offish , Spokesperson , West Wing , Thing , White House , Elie , Onl , Electors , Rudy Giuliani , Scheme , Kind , Ways , Seven , Jeopardy , Sources , Trump Lost , States , News , Fake Elector , Certificates , Matter , Idea , Middle , Abuses , Misconduct , Shocker , Crime , Context , Area , Authoring , United States Government , Something , Fulton County Georgia , Prosecutors , Social Security Administration , Creation , The National Archives , Irs , Estate , Statements , New York Attorney General S Office , Election Results , Witnesses , District Attorney , Quote , Special Grand Jury , Investigations , Omissions , Trump Organization , Two , Statement , Fraud , Letitia James , Complaint , Lawsuit Seeking Money Damages , Consequence , Times , Charges , Complaints , Money , New York , Subpoena Power , Step , Where S Doj , Heart , Want , Charge , Grand Jury , Bat , Secretary Of State , Conspiracy Theories , Som , The Front Line , Immate , Help , Plan , Reaction , Michigan , Election Machines , Conversation , Race , Tip , Vo , Iceberg , Many , Will , Results , Supporters , Reflection , Ballots , Machine Counts , Audits , Audit System , Paper , 250 , Law Enforcement , Citizens , Constitution , Verification , Election Clerks , Equipment , Machines , Attempt , Valid , Legitimacy , Trump , Plot , Secretary Benson , Process , Yes , Campaign Adviser , Details , Challenges , Involvement , Let , Nmsnbc , Team , Leadership , Awareness , Rules , Elections , Individuals , Allegations , Hearing , Sham Legislative , State Capitol Building , Michigan On December 2nd , 2 , December 2nd , Vote , Investigators , Justice Department , Connect The Dots , Republican Party , Campaign , Recording , Cochair , Forefront , Country , Place , Lens , Consequences , Any , Protections , Accountability , This , Depth , Efforts , Election Fraud , Irony , Didn T , Government , Meritless , Someone , Electoral College , It Led , System , U S Capitol On January 6th , Tragedy , Need , Who , The Other Side , Threats , Point , Workers , Strategy , Justice Department In Washington , Worker , Gun , Somebody , Status , Protection , Porch , Routine , Dog , City Clerk , Lady , Detroit , Home , Officials , Ron Desantis , Police Force , Laws , Criminalization , Election Duties , Florida , Harassment , Fear , Intimidation , Example , Folks , Clerks , Defense Fund , Have , Ben Ginsburg , Resources , Fbi , Attacks , Detriment , Profession , Anxiety , Culture Of Fear , Thanks , Right , Jocelyn Benson , Rally , Members , Organizers , Stop , Extremist Groups , Groups , Video , Cnn Nchgs , Ali Alexander , Boys , Housing , Capitol , Oath Keepers , Connection , Attack , Security , Attorney , Room , Patrols , Mo Brooks , Events , Congress , Client , Votes , House , Staff , Congressman Andy , Paul Gosar , None , Senators , Steering Committee , Comment , Spokespersons , Boom , Request , Lawmakers , Clips , Planning Rallies , Rhetoric , Andy Bigs , Outcome , Enemy , Circumstance , Joe Biden , Sad , Civil War , Anyone , Lightning , Bolt , Fire , It Doesn T , Act , Joking , Communication , Text Messages , Interactions , Dangers , Thousands , Inner Circle , Voting Rights , Coming Up , Phrase , Trending , Next , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Taking Off , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Circle , Therapies , Researchers , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Medicines , Healthcare , Mental Illness , Professionals , Lives , Science , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Mental Illness To Wellness , Adults , A1c , Weight , 12 , 7 , Risk , Don T , Share , Type 1 Diabetes , Heart Attack , Needles , Isn T , Stroke , Death , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Pens , Reuse , 1 , Don T Take Ozempic , Lump , Stomach Pain , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Swelling , Neck , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Changes , Insulin , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Provider , Prescription , Health Care Provider , Substitute Teaching , Addition , Greg , 68 , 25 , 3 , 5 , Prevagen , Calling , Life , Mucinex , Kim , Congestion , Elephant , Memory , Healthier Brain , Save It Slimeball , Australia , Voting Rights Act , John Lewis , Bill , U S Senate , Democrats , Kyrsten Sinema , Joe Manchin , Lot , Voting Experts , Led , Supreme Court , 33 , 1965 , 19 , Nothing , Voters , Reporters , Mitch Mcconnell , Restrictions , Republican Leader , Color , Message , Statistics , Voting , Concern , Midterm , Percentage , African American , Pictures , Social Media , Itchplease , Leaders , 2006 , Legislation , Piece , Purpose , Use , It Ain T , Sayings , Fix It , 98 , Difference , All Of Us , Landmark Piece , South , Lindsey Graham , State Houses , Better , It Wasn T , Voting Restrictions , Starters , Water , Provisions , Add Law , Absentee Ballot , Georgia Famgsly , Lines , Snacks , Communities , Voting Lines , The State , Ain T , Minority , Studies , Peach , Texas , Line , Places , Developments , Governor , Covid Test , Rote , Election Laws , Enforcement , Election Integrity Unit , Accordance , Focus , Rule Of Law , Confidence , Floridians , Nation , Model , Candidate , David Perdue , Law Enforcement Unit , Georgians , Prosecut , Trumpy , Positions , Conspiracy Theortheories , Arizona , Mark Finship , Qanon , Ir Redeemably , Legislature , Cause , Vote Counter , Rvote , Insurrection , Ron , Questions , Mar A Lago , Actions , Probe , The One , Names , Nen , Battleground States , Landscaping Company , Giuliani , News Conference , Archives , Seasons , Some , Buck , T Shirts , 911 , 9 11 , 11 , Students , Access , Schools , Instruction , Epic Struggle , Discussions , Icons , Ballot Box , Civil Rights Movement , 1960 , Kids , Her , Distress , Account , Discomfort , Guilt , Sex , Origin , Anguish , Form , Police , Rights , Feelings , Alabama , On March 7th , Edmund Pettus Bridge , March 7th 1965 , Skull , Struggle , Voting Booth , Address , Bloody Sunday , Literacy Test , Convention , Poll Tax , 2012 , Number , Ballot , Jellybeans , Occasion , Soap , Bar , Jar , American , Virtues , Politicians , Lesson , Cops , Trouble , Protein , Glucose Control , Muscle Health , Support , Drink , Blood Sugar Levels , Hunger , Ant , Planning Effect , Advisor , Picture , Investing Strategies , Wealth , Essential Mist , Aroma , Air Wick Essential Mist Aroma , Fragrances , Essential Oils , Mood , Relaxation , Lavender , Eucalyptus , Blend , Stove , Views , Peaks , Laughter , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , Grandpa , Retirement , Cocoa , Ski Lessons , Ski Out , Plans , Achievements , Programs , Classes , Vrbo , National University , 75 , Cash , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Problem , Takeout , Cash Back , Dining , You Guys Aren T Gonna , Nu Edu , C Mon , Kev , Fee , Wallet , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Humor Me , Oooohhh , More , Chase , Car , Reporter , Hit , Tv , West Virginia , Good , Breaks , Freeze Thaw , Tim Ertz , Water Main , College , Hospital , He Couldn T , Confusion , Anchor , Audio , Ear Piece , Happening , Hello , Tale , Tori Jones Me , Boss , Soreness , Mind , Ground , Which , Hat , Broadcasting , Shot , Composure , Going , Weather , Water Main Break , Town , Pun , Viewers , Snow , Rain , Element , Story , Ice , Charleston , Dunbar , Evening , Don T Know , Apartment Complex , Blank Out , The Hill , Fine , Run Over , Shock , Tire , Adrenaline , In The End , Everyone , Road , Markets , Public Service , Split Second , Veterans , The Way , Business , Traffic Conditions , Local Communitiy S Talk About That , Reporting , Situation , What S Going On , Temperatures , Temps , Bit , Sea Wit , Hope , Journalists , Woman , One Man Band , Opportunity , On Our Own , Emergency Lights , Journalist , On The Road , Front , News Vehicle , Feet , Apartment Complex Entrance Exit Area , Ten , Safety , Safe , Danger , Tape , Steep Hill , Freak Accident , Experience , Friends You Haven T , Regularregulatives , Moving , Wtae In Pittsburgh , Couldn T , Overwhelming , Camera , Frame , Eyes , Guy , Record , Dad , Person , Good Luck , Pittsburgh , Tory Yurgey , Tennessee , Knoxville , Stickers , Moves , Top , Hats , Boxes , Dallas , Chicago , Police Officer , New York City , Luck , Clinging , Skin , Dove Body Wash , Report , Shooting , String , Renewal , Skin Conditioning Ingredients , Brain Performance , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Love , Neuriva Plus , Six , Neuriva , Work , Scholarship , Scholarships , Opportunities , University Of Phoenix , 000 , 3000 , Benefits , Over The Counter , Medicare And Medicaid , Cost , Items , Groceries , Unitedhealthcare , 150 , 50 , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Pain , Moderate , Burning , Itching , Emerge Tremfyant , Symptoms , Reactions , Infections , Infection , Ability , Vaccine , Doctor , 16 , Officers Jason Rivera , Another , Fighting , Disturbance , Left , Duty , Harlem , Officers , Last Night , Colleague Wilbert Morrow , Nypd , 22 , Mayor , Aftermath , Mark Morales , Central Point , Five , Gunman , Both , Weapon , Violence , Lashawn Mcneil , Investigation Front , Traveling , Atf , Eric Adams , The Street , Dmcommunity , Jason Morrow , Start , Pressure , Mark , City , Series , Shootings , Latest , Restore Public Safety , Cominging , Love Event , Nthey , Su , Roug , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Company , Charity , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Subaru , Car Company , Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Glucerna , 30 , Ultra , Network , Cities , Ultra Wideband , 5g , Movie , Verizon , Mindy , 10 , Jelly , Crowd , Claire In Hd Clarity , Mom Becomes A , Yep , Steve , Music , Activities , Rewards , Aetna , Aetna Medicare Advantage , 65 , Head , Brains , Hair , Soul , Ears , Marilyn , Deal , Mouth , 20th Century Fox , 20 , Roles , Profits , Magnitude , Directors , Victory , List , Hollywood , Director Approval , Rumors , Reward , Reframed Marilyn Monroe , 00 , 9 , Trees , Green Red , Me And You , What A Wonderful World , Moms , Respect , Customer , Carvana , Care , Birthday , Rental Car , Travel , Cabin , Kevin Hart , Let S Get Inside , Reason , Hundreds , Lost , Files , December 2020 ,

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