Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

trump legal trouble. a georgia da asking for a special grand jury to investigate the former president's interference with the results of the 2020 election in that state, which he lost fair and square. and the january 6th committee asking ivanka trump to voluntarily cooperate and testify. also ahead an amazing discovery, scientists finding a giant coral reef deep in the ocean off the coast of tahiti. and startling news from superstar singer adele. >> i'm so sorry, but my show ain't ready. >> postponing her shows in las vegas after record breaking ticket sales. we're going to tell you why coming up. but i want to bring in now cnn senior legal analyst elie honig and harry litman. let's talk about what's happening with the former president's daughter. the january 6th committee wants to know a whole lot from ivanka surrounding january 6th. and a major loss at the supreme court that's going to free up potentially explosive evidence about his actions then. and rudy giuliani, there's more, right? there's more. his attorney involved with putting up fake electors according to sources. where does he face the biggest legal peril here? >> well, don, that's a lot of legal peril in a lot of different forms. we're talking civil. we're talking congressional. we're talking people associated with him. but to me the biggest risk is down in georgia from the fulton county district attorney, first of all, because we're talking about potential criminal charges there. that's a whole different ball game than the civil kind of charges he's looking at from the new york attorney general or whatever may come out of congress which could be enormously damaging, but you don't go to prison for that. today, of course, the move of asking for this special grand jury is a big step forward for the da. it shows the da is getting very serious about this investigation, will soon be armed with the subpoena power. and don, it's important to understand we're not talking about prosecutorial grand jury subpoenas. these are not the congressional subpoenas everyone's just sort of brushing off with no consequence. these are the real kind of subpoenas. they are a different being legally, and witnesses are going to have to comply with them or else face consequences. that's where i see the biggest risk for the former president right now. >> finally a subpoena that, you know, big people have to comply with unlike the little folks who just go along and comply with subpoenas because they have to. harry, look, the committee's letter to ivanka trump includes testimony from keith kellogg ivanka witnessed her father pressuring mike pence. why do they need her to talk about, or are they trying to get to trump's state of mind here or his intent? >> it's part of it. she's there when he says you're a wimp, i chose the wrong guy and you didn't have the courage to do it. it's not just that, though. she's, of course, the one who tries to talk him down and the only one who can in the middle of january 6th. and she's supposedly around after january 6th when there is opinion given to trump personally that the whole big lie is bogus. so she figures in a lot of different ways. moreover, i think it's an inflammatory kind of shot across the bow to trump himself. he's called that previously the red line. and it puts ivanka in a kind of funny position. she wants to be the moderate more so she may have a political future. i think she may feel she needs to cooperate a little bit. we'll see if she has the same sort of stiff arm. very quickly, i agree with what elie says. it's a very discreet, clean case and that audiotape they have the january 2nd conversation makes it very dangerous for trump. >> in the letter the committee says they have information suggesting trump's white house counsel may have concluded what trump was directing pence to do may have been illegal. they want to hear from ivanka if her father was aware of that. explain it. why? what's going on here? >> there's so many fascinating bits of information in this letter, and that one jumped off the page to me, don, because this is the first time we're hearing that people in the white house, and not just anybody, the white house counsel may have advised the president or others that this scheme to try to challenge the election was unconstitutional and illegal, and here's why it matters. because it goes to intent. the defense we're hearing is, well, donald trump legitimately thought he won the election. and it's not a crime to put up a legal defense even if it's a sort of novel or aggressive legal challenge. but this takes it into different territory. if the white house counsel said that's illegal, that's unconstitutional and donald trump and his people said we're doing it anyway, now we're crossing into much grayer areas of potential criminal intent. >> harry, it's also clear they're looking into why trump didn't make an address asking the rioters to go home and instead he released this video. watch this. >> this is a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. we have to have peace. so go home, we love you, you're very special. >> the -- that gets me every time, you're very special. the committee wants to see the different takes of that video. they have information trump did not explicitly ask rioters to leave. why are they chasing this particular lead? >> well, i mean it's very explosive because this is part and parcel of the big 183 minutes where he's not calling them off. this is hardly an emphatic calling them off. and by the way, they also have information the white house didn't want him to go out and make an unscripted address because who knows what he would say. so it's more evidence of intent the same with the evidence he was jubilant as it was going on. these are not the words of someone who's appalled and is looking to make the insurrectionists stand down. these are words for a sympathetic guy being forced to say something. >> interesting. i appreciate it. i want to turn now to michael d'antonio, also author of the book "high crimes." hope you're doing well. thank you so much for joining. >> good to see you, don. >> the january 6th committee officially asking from testimony from ivanka trump today. i can't imagine she cooperates without a subpoena. what will trump's reaction be to this, you think? >> well, i think as harry litman said, the former president has always tried to indicate that there was some sort of red line drawn around his children. in this case, the committee's, i think, trying to solicit the cooperation of the brightest of his three children. ivanka was the one who was smart enough to avoid speaking at the ellipse on january 6th. and i think she's smart enough to recognize that she's at an inflection point. and what she's going to have to decide is she a woman who's going to do her duty, do her civic duty and cooperate with this committee? perhaps she can ask for a subpoena and be forced to cooperate. or is she going to be a trump? is she going to continue to stone wall in the tradition of her father? and i think a lot is going to ride on whether she thinks he's going down now. does she imagine that his future is over and that her long life is yet to be lived? and, you know, i think if she does that, the president and the former president might actually recognize that she had no choice because he's in decline. and i don't know that there's anything that's going to rescue him from the judgment of history or the judgment of the american people. >> what do you mean is she going to be a trump? when has she not been a trump? she's always -- she left out the first part of her letter where she said they were patriots. i mean, come on, her tweet that she deleted. but come on. >> look at what her husband chose to do. jared bugged out as soon as the election was over. he saw where this whole clown car was headed and he didn't want to be any part of it. and i can't imagine that he's not pulling her in the direction of doing the right thing. now, i agree with you that the impulse there is always to be a trump. but she's -- of all of them she's been the one who's wanted to be somewhat different. she hasn't pulled it off, i agree with you there. but at some point it could dawn on her she's in more trouble than she bargained for, more trouble than certainly any first daughter has ever been. and, you know, there's no father-daughter privilege for her to claim. >> wanted to be different or just pretended because there's a whole difference. >> it's very deep psychology there. >> yeah. so listen, as we learn more about rudy's involvement, rudy giuliani's involvement in this bizarre scheme to send false electors, what do we think the odds are it wasn't done with the knowledge of the former president? >> absolutely zero. i'm sure that rudy was in touch with donald trump, very gleeful about the plot that he was hatching. you know, it's really a lot of craziness. and i think that some people around the white house recognize that. certainly sean hannity recognized this was all craziness. but anything that rudy would have been able to bring to donald trump to give him a shred of hope would have thrilled then-president trump, and it would have made rudy very relevant. and, you know, he's spent a lot of time being irrelevant. and he's spent quite a bit of time in the last few years being very relevant. and i think he prefers the latter. >> it really is just a clown car of characters. >> it is. >> thank you, michael. i appreciate it. it's good to see you. >> thanks, don. one year ago tonight president joe biden was newly inaugurated. he was elected to be a problem solver, so what does he need to do going forward? plus, a bill advancing in florida that would bar schools and business from making anyone feel discomfort when they teach or train people about discrimination. so now you can't teach the facts if they make people uncomfortable? >> this is governor desantis' move to try to stop the teaching of true american black history. our history is a part of american history. and also my white counterparts are a part of that very history. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. we are stronger than we were a year ago today. >> we're bringing on new drivers. we're expanding. the fear that was there is going away. business is booming. >> exciting time for the auto industry. we're building our bridges, our goals, the transit system. and jobs, that that's what this administration has been doing. >> from our toughest times america has always built a brighter future. >> that was tom hanks narrating a new ad from the biden inaugural committee. exactly one year ago tonight there were fireworks in washington. president biden and first lady jill biden celebrating a new era on their first night in the white house. now, many view biden's inauguration as a much needed reset after the turmoil of the trump presidency and the horrors of the january 6th attack on the capitol. he told the country he was elected to solve problems and that he has a record with some big accomplishments like covid relief and the bipartisan infrastructure bill. but, of course, the president is still facing challenges heading into the mid-term elections. so i want to bring in now paul begalla and joe lockheart. they both worked with former president bill clinton, i should say. paul as chief strategist during his 1992 campaign and then counsel to the president. and joe in the 1996 re-election campaign and then white house press secretary. big résumés here. gentlemen, good evening. good to see you both of you. paul, i'm going to start with you. what's your assessment of the president's first year in office? >> i think he had a great first year. he'd had a terrible last couple of weeks. if you put together the recovery act for covid and the bipartisan infrastructure that's over $3 trillion on spending on things most americans think we need, saving the economy, rebuilding our roads and bridges. i think what he needs to do now is the first year was about legislating. the second year needs to be about leading. hand-off the legislative matters to your vice president who's an experienced senator, your staff who's got a lot of talent. he needs to go out in the country and this is what clinton did. he played to his strengths. and like clinton biden's greatest strength is his empathy. and he needs to go out in the country and comfort the families. we lost 100,000 to opioids and no elite ever seems to give a damn. biden cares, so that's what i want to see more is him taking these accomplishments. the recovery act has $4 billion to help people addicted to opioids. go to those clinic, go to the communities, the inner cities and small towns and communities being devastated by opioids. he could do so much with the empathy so powerful in him. >> listen, i don't disagree with that but it's going to be tough to do with covid because we don't want the president of the united states being exposed so much to covid. we'll see. joe, similar question to what i asked paul. one year in the biden administration made a lot of significant changes, but tonight the narrative is voting rights failed in the senate, build back better stalled, inflation hitting nearly a four-decade high and the list goes on. i mean, this is a wakeup call for democrats. what do they need to do now to turn things around? >> yeah, listen, i agree with paul that the year was significant and successful. i think what the president needs to do and democrats need to do, and this is what bill clinton did, which is he made republicans start to pay a price for getting in the way of things the public wants. the public wants a lot of the things that are in build back better, they want voting rights. they want to see their government working for them. and you've got 50 republicans who were against everything. and right now they're not paying any price at all -- >> so how does he do that? how do they do that? >> well, you know, i think the president has to shift. i think the president has to shift from saying that i can make a deal, i'm the great compromiser to basically the republican party is screwing you, and they need to pay a price. i mean, right now i -- you know, there was a lot of people have been doing things on the first year. i've not heard a word about 50 republican senators being against voting rights. 50 republican senators being against things like paid leave and expanding the child tax credit, things that people need. the social safety net is broken, and there's not a single republican who wants to fix it. and right now they're paying no price. democrats and the president have to start exacting a price from them. >> they're not as good as messengers as the republicans. paul, some are comparing biden's presidency so far to jimmy carter who served just one term. but your former boss, bill clinton, also had a rough first term, was able to turn it around. do you have advice to give to biden to lead him down the clinton path? is that what you said, leave the legislating to other folks? >> i do. i think joe's right that he needs to make the republicans pay a price. you know, clinton wanted to be a uniter, and he really did. and yet he had to draw the line when newt gingrich and the other republicans wanted to cut medicare. and show he did. and he made them pay a price for it. joe is exactly right. but beyond that clinton understood the presidency has vast powers outside of legislating. it's not just he signs bills. for example, clinton created i think 19 national monuments, millions and millions of acres that he set aside to protect w wilderness. and of course the republicans as clinton said they squealed like a hog stuck under a gate, but he used his executive power to protect the environment. and then he picked a big fight. clintp picked a big fight with big tobacco. and it was politically courageous, and it was politically successfully. i want to see biden pick a big fight with big tech. there are right wing republicans who are very skeptical of big tech. why not use your powers to rein in some of the excesses. he could do a lot, pick a big fight with big tech and people will notice and appreciate it. >> president biden was elected as a moderate, someone to restore order. has he drifted too far from that? >> well, i don't -- i don't think so. here's my view. one thing he's restored honesty and civility in the white house and that's a very big deal. trump was -- i don't think we've even gotten to the depths of the damage the trump presidency has done to this country. i think that he got a fnumber o things done early, covid relief, infrastructure. and he saw an opportunity to go and restore the social safety net in this country. and he -- he went big. and he went big to try to reverse 30 years of neglect. you know what? and he didn't have the votes. and, you know, in washington just trying -- you know, you don't get credit for just trying. you get credit for winning. but i think if you look at what he was trying to do, i don't think it was drifting to the left or trying to appeal to the moderates. it was about taking on a really big problem and trying to solve it at once, which, you know, it just doesn't happen very much in washington these days. >> thank you, joe. thank you, paul, i appreciate it. >> thanks, don. further lawmakers sounding the alarm over a new bill pushed by ron desantis plus a stunning undersea discovery right off the coast of tahiti. gorgeous. did you know that even after you sanitize a surface, every touch can leave new bacteria behind? 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>> well, this is the republicans winning the cancel wars. we talk about cancel culture. i call it a narrative war for the soul of america. and this banning of african-american history, this banning of black history really impoverishes all of us. it's a threat to american democracy, and it's a continuation of the lost cause from the 19th century that really transformed our understanding of the civil war instead of thinking about the emancipationest legacy of the civil war we instead start to celebrate confederate generals and confederate military heroesch and again, that led to public policies that segregated, that punished, that brutalized, that impoverished african americans. but by doing so it led to the impoverishment and segregation of the entire nation. and i think what we're seeing now is just this pushback from 2020 and the racial and political reckoning we saw in the aftermath of george floyd, breonna taylor and the protests and the inequality in the context of the pandemic. and we're seeing, again, the gop is really -- has won this war or is winning the war right now in terms of what people sometimes call cancel culture. this is not just sort of attacking somebody on twitter. this is actual legislation. in addition to the voter suppression that has proliferated since 2013, this is actual canceling of american history. >> well, it's interesting because the right likes to talk so much about snowflakes, and it seems like they may be raising snowflakes because if they think people are going to be uncomfortable by the actual facts -- facts are uncomfortable. when you think about slavery, lynching. and it's not just black history. i mean think about the internment camps in this country during world war ii or learning what happened in germany at the time of the holocaust. i mean, shouldn't people feel uncomfortable or upset or angry when they're learning about things that would make any normal human being upset, uncomfortable or angry? >> no, absolutely. i think, you know, this narrative war is connected to -- you know, we've talked about 1619, don. i'm somebody who read and enjoyed your books. i'm going to talk about your book. i think what you did in "this is the fire" you talked about slave rebellions in louisiana. you talked about 1898 in wilmington, the white riot in wilmington, north carolina. that was the first coup d'etat in the united states that slaughtered dozens of black people. and you talked about that in the context of american democracy and transformation. the reason you brought that up in that book is not because you hate america but because you love america and love the country. but the only way we can move forward is by facing that history. james baldwin reminds us not everything that we confront can be faced and transformed, but without facing it, it's never going to be over. so i think what we're seeing with these neighboraarrative wa republican party that doesn't want to face not just the narrative of slavery but inequality and segregation and poverty and violence that is owed to that legacy of slavery. the only way we're ever going to get over this is to have truth, justice and reconciliation is if we tell that shared history. and that shared history shouldn't make white people or anybody feel uncomfortable because we have white heroes who are part of that story alongside black heroes and asian and latinx and other and queer folks who are part of that rich history. maybe we start erecting monuments not only to the black survivors and strugglers of that history but to the abolitionists, the white and black abolitionists and indigenous people who wanted a new america. we should be thinking and not be ashamed. that reconstructionists legacy are the supporters of multiracial democracy then and now. and that redemptionist legacy then and now. this country has always had those dual warring challenges within it, but we shouldn't be ashamed of the redemptionist park because we have had all these different people who want a multi-racial america and now who want an america where we have our queer brothers and sisters, we have our trans women, disabled folks. we have so many different people in this sort of multi-culture america. and that's the america that we can be proud of. that is the america that is liberty and guardian around the world. if we face-up holistic to our history we don't lose. we actually win. whether it's a 5-year-old -- my youngest is a first grader. i want her to know the good, the bad and the ugly of america so she can aspire towards martin luther king's beloved community. >> it makes you a more well-rounded person and not a snowflake. thank you very much. i appreciate it. a rare discovery off the coast of tahiti. a coral reef stretching miles long untouched by climate change. look how beautiful that is. scientists think there's more to be found. air wick. connect to nature. - i've said it before and i'll say it again. if i thought a reverse mortgage was just some kind of trick to take your home, i wouldn't even be here. it's just a loan, like any other with one big difference and that difference is how you choose to pay it back. - [narrator] learn how americans 62 years and older are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse mortgage loan from aag. - of course, you can use it to pay some bills, cover medical costs, update or repair your home, but best of all, it eliminates those monthly mortgage payments, so you get more cash in your pocket every month. if you're looking for some extra cash for whatever reason, your home's equity just might be the right solution. - [narrator] talk to aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. america's leader in reverse mortgages is ready to help you reach your retirement goals. - why don't you give aag a call? 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>> it was wonderful because, i mean, we are full of this ideas of the sea which is damaged by the global warming. we experienced many coral dying around the world. so when you find a place so pristine and so alive, so rich i mean you just are happy and touched. and then what i want to say is that what -- the immensity of this. the coral reef we were exploring was endless, really endless. and you can watch this roses, like roses shape. >> yeah, i see it. >> also we use under water scooters and then we can ride for over 1 kilometer without anything stopping, without seeing any dead coral, without anything was wrong in this place. it was a true paradise. >> could you believe your eyes? >> yes, i believe my eyes because i know the sea and i know that, of course, we are because the situation is not good, but the sea is strong. and we as divers we can experience many, many place which are still alive and pristine and reacting to us or is carrying on with its own life. so not everything is damage and destructed, and this is well-known. so what i say it doesn't mean that we are to stop working and struggling for the ecosystem to protect, but this means that we are not doing something useless. because if everything was dead then we were doing something useless. and all of our effort are very important because just because this is not destroyed yet, just because the ocean is still alive, so we just have to protect and let them live as it was before. >> let me jump in here. let me jump in here because i want to ask you because there's only i think about 20% of the ocean floor currently mapped. do you think there are more huge and healthy reeves out there that we just haven't found yet? >> i'm sure of this. i'm sure of this but i'm also sure -- we love to dive deep. and dive deep is something that's ridiculous because if you think a normal dive can dive around 40 meters which is under 20 feet, we do double 200 meters, 300, but the area of the ocean is 3,000 meters. so 90,000, 100,000 feet. i mean, this shows that we know nothing about oceans, but we are doing in our discussion now, we are considering the ocean like the land. in land we are on the surface, but the ocean is a place, is a world where life is a three-dimensional area, i mean is in volume. we have life on the ground to the top of the trees. but when you're at sea and you're in a place where the seafloor, seabed is 3,000 meters deep than the life is from 3,000 meter up to surface is a huge volume. and we are not considering this. so when we say that we -- that the sea cover 70% of the earth's surface, okay, we misunderstand that the volume, the animals and the natural is crawling in the water is much, much more because it's in the volume. it's not on the surface. >> there's a lot there. listen, one of the most fascinating things i've ever seen, gosh, i think it's from the '90s, the blue planet, which shows you the vastness of the ocean. but, hey, listen, that's all we have time for. roberto, thank you so much. it's so beautiful what you've done. continue the work. we really appreciate you joining us on cnn. thanks so much. so before she even had the chance to say hello adele now postponing -- i had to do that, right. now postponing her las vegas residency the day before it was set to begin. >> and i'm gutted. i'm gutted. construct. construction. there is a crack. oh god are you kidding me?! oh god... hi, aren't you tired of this? 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240709

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trump legal trouble. a georgia da asking for a special grand jury to investigate the former president's interference with the results of the 2020 election in that state, which he lost fair and square. and the january 6th committee asking ivanka trump to voluntarily cooperate and testify. also ahead an amazing discovery, scientists finding a giant coral reef deep in the ocean off the coast of tahiti. and startling news from superstar singer adele. >> i'm so sorry, but my show ain't ready. >> postponing her shows in las vegas after record breaking ticket sales. we're going to tell you why coming up. but i want to bring in now cnn senior legal analyst elie honig and harry litman. let's talk about what's happening with the former president's daughter. the january 6th committee wants to know a whole lot from ivanka surrounding january 6th. and a major loss at the supreme court that's going to free up potentially explosive evidence about his actions then. and rudy giuliani, there's more, right? there's more. his attorney involved with putting up fake electors according to sources. where does he face the biggest legal peril here? >> well, don, that's a lot of legal peril in a lot of different forms. we're talking civil. we're talking congressional. we're talking people associated with him. but to me the biggest risk is down in georgia from the fulton county district attorney, first of all, because we're talking about potential criminal charges there. that's a whole different ball game than the civil kind of charges he's looking at from the new york attorney general or whatever may come out of congress which could be enormously damaging, but you don't go to prison for that. today, of course, the move of asking for this special grand jury is a big step forward for the da. it shows the da is getting very serious about this investigation, will soon be armed with the subpoena power. and don, it's important to understand we're not talking about prosecutorial grand jury subpoenas. these are not the congressional subpoenas everyone's just sort of brushing off with no consequence. these are the real kind of subpoenas. they are a different being legally, and witnesses are going to have to comply with them or else face consequences. that's where i see the biggest risk for the former president right now. >> finally a subpoena that, you know, big people have to comply with unlike the little folks who just go along and comply with subpoenas because they have to. harry, look, the committee's letter to ivanka trump includes testimony from keith kellogg ivanka witnessed her father pressuring mike pence. why do they need her to talk about, or are they trying to get to trump's state of mind here or his intent? >> it's part of it. she's there when he says you're a wimp, i chose the wrong guy and you didn't have the courage to do it. it's not just that, though. she's, of course, the one who tries to talk him down and the only one who can in the middle of january 6th. and she's supposedly around after january 6th when there is opinion given to trump personally that the whole big lie is bogus. so she figures in a lot of different ways. moreover, i think it's an inflammatory kind of shot across the bow to trump himself. he's called that previously the red line. and it puts ivanka in a kind of funny position. she wants to be the moderate more so she may have a political future. i think she may feel she needs to cooperate a little bit. we'll see if she has the same sort of stiff arm. very quickly, i agree with what elie says. it's a very discreet, clean case and that audiotape they have the january 2nd conversation makes it very dangerous for trump. >> in the letter the committee says they have information suggesting trump's white house counsel may have concluded what trump was directing pence to do may have been illegal. they want to hear from ivanka if her father was aware of that. explain it. why? what's going on here? >> there's so many fascinating bits of information in this letter, and that one jumped off the page to me, don, because this is the first time we're hearing that people in the white house, and not just anybody, the white house counsel may have advised the president or others that this scheme to try to challenge the election was unconstitutional and illegal, and here's why it matters. because it goes to intent. the defense we're hearing is, well, donald trump legitimately thought he won the election. and it's not a crime to put up a legal defense even if it's a sort of novel or aggressive legal challenge. but this takes it into different territory. if the white house counsel said that's illegal, that's unconstitutional and donald trump and his people said we're doing it anyway, now we're crossing into much grayer areas of potential criminal intent. >> harry, it's also clear they're looking into why trump didn't make an address asking the rioters to go home and instead he released this video. watch this. >> this is a fraudulent election, but we can't play into the hands of these people. we have to have peace. so go home, we love you, you're very special. >> the -- that gets me every time, you're very special. the committee wants to see the different takes of that video. they have information trump did not explicitly ask rioters to leave. why are they chasing this particular lead? >> well, i mean it's very explosive because this is part and parcel of the big 183 minutes where he's not calling them off. this is hardly an emphatic calling them off. and by the way, they also have information the white house didn't want him to go out and make an unscripted address because who knows what he would say. so it's more evidence of intent the same with the evidence he was jubilant as it was going on. these are not the words of someone who's appalled and is looking to make the insurrectionists stand down. these are words for a sympathetic guy being forced to say something. >> interesting. i appreciate it. i want to turn now to michael d'antonio, also author of the book "high crimes." hope you're doing well. thank you so much for joining. >> good to see you, don. >> the january 6th committee officially asking from testimony from ivanka trump today. i can't imagine she cooperates without a subpoena. what will trump's reaction be to this, you think? >> well, i think as harry litman said, the former president has always tried to indicate that there was some sort of red line drawn around his children. in this case, the committee's, i think, trying to solicit the cooperation of the brightest of his three children. ivanka was the one who was smart enough to avoid speaking at the ellipse on january 6th. and i think she's smart enough to recognize that she's at an inflection point. and what she's going to have to decide is she a woman who's going to do her duty, do her civic duty and cooperate with this committee? perhaps she can ask for a subpoena and be forced to cooperate. or is she going to be a trump? is she going to continue to stone wall in the tradition of her father? and i think a lot is going to ride on whether she thinks he's going down now. does she imagine that his future is over and that her long life is yet to be lived? and, you know, i think if she does that, the president and the former president might actually recognize that she had no choice because he's in decline. and i don't know that there's anything that's going to rescue him from the judgment of history or the judgment of the american people. >> what do you mean is she going to be a trump? when has she not been a trump? she's always -- she left out the first part of her letter where she said they were patriots. i mean, come on, her tweet that she deleted. but come on. >> look at what her husband chose to do. jared bugged out as soon as the election was over. he saw where this whole clown car was headed and he didn't want to be any part of it. and i can't imagine that he's not pulling her in the direction of doing the right thing. now, i agree with you that the impulse there is always to be a trump. but she's -- of all of them she's been the one who's wanted to be somewhat different. she hasn't pulled it off, i agree with you there. but at some point it could dawn on her she's in more trouble than she bargained for, more trouble than certainly any first daughter has ever been. and, you know, there's no father-daughter privilege for her to claim. >> wanted to be different or just pretended because there's a whole difference. >> it's very deep psychology there. >> yeah. so listen, as we learn more about rudy's involvement, rudy giuliani's involvement in this bizarre scheme to send false electors, what do we think the odds are it wasn't done with the knowledge of the former president? >> absolutely zero. i'm sure that rudy was in touch with donald trump, very gleeful about the plot that he was hatching. you know, it's really a lot of craziness. and i think that some people around the white house recognize that. certainly sean hannity recognized this was all craziness. but anything that rudy would have been able to bring to donald trump to give him a shred of hope would have thrilled then-president trump, and it would have made rudy very relevant. and, you know, he's spent a lot of time being irrelevant. and he's spent quite a bit of time in the last few years being very relevant. and i think he prefers the latter. >> it really is just a clown car of characters. >> it is. >> thank you, michael. i appreciate it. it's good to see you. >> thanks, don. one year ago tonight president joe biden was newly inaugurated. he was elected to be a problem solver, so what does he need to do going forward? plus, a bill advancing in florida that would bar schools and business from making anyone feel discomfort when they teach or train people about discrimination. so now you can't teach the facts if they make people uncomfortable? 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. we are stronger than we were a year ago today. >> we're bringing on new drivers. we're expanding. the fear that was there is going away. business is booming. >> exciting time for the auto industry. we're building our bridges, our goals, the transit system. and jobs, that that's what this administration has been doing. >> from our toughest times america has always built a brighter future. >> that was tom hanks narrating a new ad from the biden inaugural committee. exactly one year ago tonight there were fireworks in washington. president biden and first lady jill biden celebrating a new era on their first night in the white house. now, many view biden's inauguration as a much needed reset after the turmoil of the trump presidency and the horrors of the january 6th attack on the capitol. he told the country he was elected to solve problems and that he has a record with some big accomplishments like covid relief and the bipartisan infrastructure bill. but, of course, the president is still facing challenges heading into the mid-term elections. so i want to bring in now paul begalla and joe lockheart. they both worked with former president bill clinton, i should say. paul as chief strategist during his 1992 campaign and then counsel to the president. and joe in the 1996 re-election campaign and then white house press secretary. big résumés here. gentlemen, good evening. good to see you both of you. paul, i'm going to start with you. what's your assessment of the president's first year in office? >> i think he had a great first year. he'd had a terrible last couple of weeks. if you put together the recovery act for covid and the bipartisan infrastructure that's over $3 trillion on spending on things most americans think we need, saving the economy, rebuilding our roads and bridges. i think what he needs to do now is the first year was about legislating. the second year needs to be about leading. hand-off the legislative matters to your vice president who's an experienced senator, your staff who's got a lot of talent. he needs to go out in the country and this is what clinton did. he played to his strengths. and like clinton biden's greatest strength is his empathy. and he needs to go out in the country and comfort the families. we lost 100,000 to opioids and no elite ever seems to give a damn. biden cares, so that's what i want to see more is him taking these accomplishments. the recovery act has $4 billion to help people addicted to opioids. go to those clinic, go to the communities, the inner cities and small towns and communities being devastated by opioids. he could do so much with the empathy so powerful in him. >> listen, i don't disagree with that but it's going to be tough to do with covid because we don't want the president of the united states being exposed so much to covid. we'll see. joe, similar question to what i asked paul. one year in the biden administration made a lot of significant changes, but tonight the narrative is voting rights failed in the senate, build back better stalled, inflation hitting nearly a four-decade high and the list goes on. i mean, this is a wakeup call for democrats. what do they need to do now to turn things around? >> yeah, listen, i agree with paul that the year was significant and successful. i think what the president needs to do and democrats need to do, and this is what bill clinton did, which is he made republicans start to pay a price for getting in the way of things the public wants. the public wants a lot of the things that are in build back better, they want voting rights. they want to see their government working for them. and you've got 50 republicans who were against everything. and right now they're not paying any price at all -- >> so how does he do that? how do they do that? >> well, you know, i think the president has to shift. i think the president has to shift from saying that i can make a deal, i'm the great compromiser to basically the republican party is screwing you, and they need to pay a price. i mean, right now i -- you know, there was a lot of people have been doing things on the first year. i've not heard a word about 50 republican senators being against voting rights. 50 republican senators being against things like paid leave and expanding the child tax credit, things that people need. the social safety net is broken, and there's not a single republican who wants to fix it. and right now they're paying no price. democrats and the president have to start exacting a price from them. >> they're not as good as messengers as the republicans. paul, some are comparing biden's presidency so far to jimmy carter who served just one term. but your former boss, bill clinton, also had a rough first term, was able to turn it around. do you have advice to give to biden to lead him down the clinton path? is that what you said, leave the legislating to other folks? >> i do. i think joe's right that he needs to make the republicans pay a price. you know, clinton wanted to be a uniter, and he really did. and yet he had to draw the line when newt gingrich and the other republicans wanted to cut medicare. and show he did. and he made them pay a price for it. joe is exactly right. but beyond that clinton understood the presidency has vast powers outside of legislating. it's not just he signs bills. for example, clinton created i think 19 national monuments, millions and millions of acres that he set aside to protect w wilderness. and of course the republicans as clinton said they squealed like a hog stuck under a gate, but he used his executive power to protect the environment. and then he picked a big fight. clintp picked a big fight with big tobacco. and it was politically courageous, and it was politically successfully. i want to see biden pick a big fight with big tech. there are right wing republicans who are very skeptical of big tech. why not use your powers to rein in some of the excesses. he could do a lot, pick a big fight with big tech and people will notice and appreciate it. >> president biden was elected as a moderate, someone to restore order. has he drifted too far from that? >> well, i don't -- i don't think so. here's my view. one thing he's restored honesty and civility in the white house and that's a very big deal. trump was -- i don't think we've even gotten to the depths of the damage the trump presidency has done to this country. i think that he got a fnumber o things done early, covid relief, infrastructure. and he saw an opportunity to go and restore the social safety net in this country. and he -- he went big. and he went big to try to reverse 30 years of neglect. you know what? and he didn't have the votes. and, you know, in washington just trying -- you know, you don't get credit for just trying. you get credit for winning. but i think if you look at what he was trying to do, i don't think it was drifting to the left or trying to appeal to the moderates. it was about taking on a really big problem and trying to solve it at once, which, you know, it just doesn't happen very much in washington these days. >> thank you, joe. thank you, paul, i appreciate it. >> thanks, don. further lawmakers sounding the alarm over a new bill pushed by ron desantis plus a stunning undersea discovery right off the coast of tahiti. gorgeous. did you know that even after you sanitize a surface, every touch can leave new bacteria behind? 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>> well, this is the republicans winning the cancel wars. we talk about cancel culture. i call it a narrative war for the soul of america. and this banning of african-american history, this banning of black history really impoverishes all of us. it's a threat to american democracy, and it's a continuation of the lost cause from the 19th century that really transformed our understanding of the civil war instead of thinking about the emancipationest legacy of the civil war we instead start to celebrate confederate generals and confederate military heroesch and again, that led to public policies that segregated, that punished, that brutalized, that impoverished african americans. but by doing so it led to the impoverishment and segregation of the entire nation. and i think what we're seeing now is just this pushback from 2020 and the racial and political reckoning we saw in the aftermath of george floyd, breonna taylor and the protests and the inequality in the context of the pandemic. and we're seeing, again, the gop is really -- has won this war or is winning the war right now in terms of what people sometimes call cancel culture. this is not just sort of attacking somebody on twitter. this is actual legislation. in addition to the voter suppression that has proliferated since 2013, this is actual canceling of american history. >> well, it's interesting because the right likes to talk so much about snowflakes, and it seems like they may be raising snowflakes because if they think people are going to be uncomfortable by the actual facts -- facts are uncomfortable. when you think about slavery, lynching. and it's not just black history. i mean think about the internment camps in this country during world war ii or learning what happened in germany at the time of the holocaust. i mean, shouldn't people feel uncomfortable or upset or angry when they're learning about things that would make any normal human being upset, uncomfortable or angry? >> no, absolutely. i think, you know, this narrative war is connected to -- you know, we've talked about 1619, don. i'm somebody who read and enjoyed your books. i'm going to talk about your book. i think what you did in "this is the fire" you talked about slave rebellions in louisiana. you talked about 1898 in wilmington, the white riot in wilmington, north carolina. that was the first coup d'etat in the united states that slaughtered dozens of black people. and you talked about that in the context of american democracy and transformation. the reason you brought that up in that book is not because you hate america but because you love america and love the country. but the only way we can move forward is by facing that history. james baldwin reminds us not everything that we confront can be faced and transformed, but without facing it, it's never going to be over. so i think what we're seeing with these neighboraarrative wa republican party that doesn't want to face not just the narrative of slavery but inequality and segregation and poverty and violence that is owed to that legacy of slavery. the only way we're ever going to get over this is to have truth, justice and reconciliation is if we tell that shared history. and that shared history shouldn't make white people or anybody feel uncomfortable because we have white heroes who are part of that story alongside black heroes and asian and latinx and other and queer folks who are part of that rich history. maybe we start erecting monuments not only to the black survivors and strugglers of that history but to the abolitionists, the white and black abolitionists and indigenous people who wanted a new america. we should be thinking and not be ashamed. that reconstructionists legacy are the supporters of multiracial democracy then and now. and that redemptionist legacy then and now. this country has always had those dual warring challenges within it, but we shouldn't be ashamed of the redemptionist park because we have had all these different people who want a multi-racial america and now who want an america where we have our queer brothers and sisters, we have our trans women, disabled folks. we have so many different people in this sort of multi-culture america. and that's the america that we can be proud of. that is the america that is liberty and guardian around the world. if we face-up holistic to our history we don't lose. we actually win. whether it's a 5-year-old -- my youngest is a first grader. i want her to know the good, the bad and the ugly of america so she can aspire towards martin luther king's beloved community. >> it makes you a more well-rounded person and not a snowflake. thank you very much. i appreciate it. a rare discovery off the coast of tahiti. a coral reef stretching miles long untouched by climate change. look how beautiful that is. scientists think there's more to be found. air wick. connect to nature. - i've said it before and i'll say it again. if i thought a reverse mortgage was just some kind of trick to take your home, i wouldn't even be here. it's just a loan, like any other with one big difference and that difference is how you choose to pay it back. - [narrator] learn how americans 62 years and older are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse mortgage loan from aag. - of course, you can use it to pay some bills, cover medical costs, update or repair your home, but best of all, it eliminates those monthly mortgage payments, so you get more cash in your pocket every month. if you're looking for some extra cash for whatever reason, your home's equity just might be the right solution. - [narrator] talk to aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. america's leader in reverse mortgages is ready to help you reach your retirement goals. - why don't you give aag a call? 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>> it was wonderful because, i mean, we are full of this ideas of the sea which is damaged by the global warming. we experienced many coral dying around the world. so when you find a place so pristine and so alive, so rich i mean you just are happy and touched. and then what i want to say is that what -- the immensity of this. the coral reef we were exploring was endless, really endless. and you can watch this roses, like roses shape. >> yeah, i see it. >> also we use under water scooters and then we can ride for over 1 kilometer without anything stopping, without seeing any dead coral, without anything was wrong in this place. it was a true paradise. >> could you believe your eyes? >> yes, i believe my eyes because i know the sea and i know that, of course, we are because the situation is not good, but the sea is strong. and we as divers we can experience many, many place which are still alive and pristine and reacting to us or is carrying on with its own life. so not everything is damage and destructed, and this is well-known. so what i say it doesn't mean that we are to stop working and struggling for the ecosystem to protect, but this means that we are not doing something useless. because if everything was dead then we were doing something useless. and all of our effort are very important because just because this is not destroyed yet, just because the ocean is still alive, so we just have to protect and let them live as it was before. >> let me jump in here. let me jump in here because i want to ask you because there's only i think about 20% of the ocean floor currently mapped. do you think there are more huge and healthy reeves out there that we just haven't found yet? >> i'm sure of this. i'm sure of this but i'm also sure -- we love to dive deep. and dive deep is something that's ridiculous because if you think a normal dive can dive around 40 meters which is under 20 feet, we do double 200 meters, 300, but the area of the ocean is 3,000 meters. so 90,000, 100,000 feet. i mean, this shows that we know nothing about oceans, but we are doing in our discussion now, we are considering the ocean like the land. in land we are on the surface, but the ocean is a place, is a world where life is a three-dimensional area, i mean is in volume. we have life on the ground to the top of the trees. but when you're at sea and you're in a place where the seafloor, seabed is 3,000 meters deep than the life is from 3,000 meter up to surface is a huge volume. and we are not considering this. so when we say that we -- that the sea cover 70% of the earth's surface, okay, we misunderstand that the volume, the animals and the natural is crawling in the water is much, much more because it's in the volume. it's not on the surface. >> there's a lot there. listen, one of the most fascinating things i've ever seen, gosh, i think it's from the '90s, the blue planet, which shows you the vastness of the ocean. but, hey, listen, that's all we have time for. roberto, thank you so much. it's so beautiful what you've done. continue the work. we really appreciate you joining us on cnn. thanks so much. so before she even had the chance to say hello adele now postponing -- i had to do that, right. now postponing her las vegas residency the day before it was set to begin. >> and i'm gutted. i'm gutted. construct. construction. there is a crack. oh god are you kidding me?! oh god... hi, aren't you tired of this? 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, 1992 , Assessment , Office , Big RÉsumÉs , Gentlemen , Things , Recovery Act For Covid , Infrastructure , African Americans , Roads , Economy , 3 Trillion , Trillion , Legislating , Staff , Vice President , Senator , Talent , Matters , Clinton Biden , Empathy , Strength , Strengths , Families , Biden Cares , Elite , Damn , Billion , 4 Billion , Communities , Opioids , Clinic , Cities , Towns , Narrative , Voting Rights , Changes , Question , President Of The United States , Democrats , Inflation , Wakeup Call , List , Florida State Senate , Four , Everything , Republicans , Price , Public , Government , Wants , Build , 50 , Deal , Great Compromiser , Republican Party , Word , Senators , Child Tax Credit , Voting , Leave , Social Safety Net , Some , Republican , Messengers , Term , Jimmy Carter , Path , Boss , Uniter , Line , Newt Gingrich , Bills , Powers , Cut Medicare , Monuments , Millions , Example , Acres , Gate , Hog Stuck , Protect W Wilderness , 19 , Fight , Environment , Executive Power , Clintp , Big Tobacco , Big Tech , Wing , Tech , Excesses , Moderate , View , Civility , Honesty , Restore Order , Damage , Depths , Opportunity , Covid Relief , Fnumber , Votes , Neglect , Safety Net , 30 , Credit , Left , Problem , Moderates , Lawmakers , Alarm , Stunning Undersea Discovery , Gorgeous , Surface , Bacteria , Surfaces , Cycle , Microban , 99 9 , 24 , Doesn T , Disinfectants , Propellants , Propellant , Aerosols , Febreze , Pressure , Air , Bottle Spray , Lows , Highs , Kindness , Bipolar , Ask , Take Control , Medicines , Depressive , Episodes , Vraylar , Manic , Thoughts , Psychosis , Stroke , Behavior , Antidepressants , Patients , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , Sleepiness , Fever , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Coma , Issues , Stomach , Restlessness , Movement Dysfunction , Discomfort , Quote , Guilt , Making Others , Her , Governor , Account , Form , Color , Distress , School , Sex , Origin , Anguish , Race , Freedom , Approval , Ban , Member , Professor , Cnn , University Of Texas , Culture , This Banning Of Black History , African American History , Wars , Narrative War For The Soul Of America , Democracy , 19th Century , Continuation , All Of Us , Threat , Cause , Civil War , Legacy , Generals , Policies , Thinking , Led , Understanding , Military Heroesch , Emancipationest , Segregation , Pushback , Nation , Impoverishment , Brutalized , Inequality , Context , We , Aftermath , Pandemic , Saw , Reckoning , Protests , George Floyd , Breonna Taylor , Somebody , War , Addition , Legislation , Terms , Voter Suppression , Twitter , Snowflakes , Likes , 2013 , Slavery , Learning , Internment Camps , Lynching , World War Ii , Human Being , Holocaust , Upset , Shouldn , Germany , Books , 1619 , Fire , Riot , Slave Rebellions , Coup D Etat , Wilmington , Louisiana , North Carolina , 1898 , Reason , Transformation , Dozens , It , James Baldwin , Violence , Poverty , Neighboraarrative Wa , Reconciliation , History Shouldn T , Justice , Truth , Story , Heroes , Latinx , Asian , Abolitionists , Survivors , Strugglers , Then And Now , Supporters , Redemptionist Legacy Then And Now , Redemptionist Park , Women , Multi Culture America , Sisters , Brothers , Youngest , Around The World , History , Grader , Guardian , The Good Bad And Ugly , 5 , Community , Snowflake , Person , Martin Luther King , Climate Change , Air Wick , Connect To Nature , Reverse Mortgage , Loan , Trick , Narrator , Thousands , Reverse Mortgage Loan , Hundreds , Aag , 62 , Cash , Mortgage Payments , Pocket , Costs , Leader , Mortgages , Equity , Solution , Reverse Mortgage Solutions , Retirement Goals , Mucinex , Kim , Call , Congestion , Save It Slimeball , Australia , 12 , Ancestry , Threads , Baptiste Caretto , Firm , Car Accident , Barnes , Insurance Wasn T Fair , Car Hit My Motorcycle , Result , Best , Firm Injury Attorneys , Atat T Bararnefirmrm , R , Attneysys Wk Hahard , Inry , Mit Bebe Sprisised , You U , Eight Million , Eight Hundred , World , Condition , Coral Reeves , Reporter , Rene Marsh , 230 , Researchers , Twilight Zone , It Diving , United Nations Led Scientific Mission , Waters , 200 , Half , Planet , Couple , Projections , 90 , Network , Will , Norwegian Oceanographer Evert , Processes , Mission , Seabed , Climate , Parts , Shape , Influences , Ocean Currents , Extent , 2030 , Climate Models , Currents , Topyography , Ocean Floor Impacts Climate , Climate Crisis , Glaciers , Lots , Ocean Seafloor , Storm Surge , Sorts , Equivalent , Science , Modeling , 20 , Technology , Appetite , Continent , Land Mass , Continent Of Asia , Earth , Africa , 5 Billion , Sea , Data , Work , Countries , Leaders , Militaries , Citizens , Map , Entities , Seabed 2030 Mission , Oil And Gas , Position , Bulk Carrier , Master , Skipper , Yaht , Ferry Boat Captain , Coral Reefs , Website , Boat , United Nations , Reefs , Coastlines , Storms , Rest Of The World , Erosion , Roberto Rinaldi , Ocean Team , Gosh , Control Room , Team , Ocean , Reef , Ideas , Place , Coral , Roses , What , Immensity , Water Scooters , Anything Stopping , Kilometer , Eyes , Paradise , Many , Divers , Situation , Destructed , Ecosystem , Effort , Haven T , Dive , 40 , Area , Feet , 3000 , 90000 , 300 , Land , Oceans , Discussion , Nothing , Volume , Top , Ground , Trees , Seafloor , Sea Cover , Crawling , Animals , 70 , Water , Listen , The 90s , Vastness , On Cnn , Superstar Adele , Residency , Chance , Construct , Construction , Crack , Oh God , God , Aren T , Both , Blendjet S , Hi , Power , Resolutions , Ice , Ingredients , Fruit , Blendjet 2 , Blender On The Go , Smoothie , Blendjet , Blend , Plug In , Drop , Soap , Usb Port , Kick , Anywhere , Scent , Febreze Fade Defy Plug , La , Fanduel Sportsbook , Customers , Lifetime , Playoffs , Catch , Playoff Game , Bet , , 150 , Show , Impacting Everything , Wish , Voice , Instagram , Delivery Delays , Crew , Wave , Shows , Siris , Colosseum At Caesars Palace , Coverage , Set , Dishwasr , Dishwasher , Dishes , Grease , Hidden Limescale , Action Formula Hygienically , Finish , Pay , Friend , Asset , Research , Payments , Coventry Direct , Appointment , Thought , Whispers , Care , Home Health Testing , Letsgetchecked , Healthcare , Test , Treatment , Good , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Mind , Business Owner , Service , Contracts , Data Plans , Gig , Line Activation Fees , 00 , 500 , Comcast Business , Internet , Powering Possibilities , Viewers , Hello , President Putin , Misunderstanding , Cnn Newsroom , Isa Soares In London , Units , Invasion , Border , Ukraine , Russian ,

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