> and i'm alisyn camerota. we have two attempts of the january 6 committee. iv they are"> > and i'm alisyn camerota. we have two attempts of the january 6 committee. iv they are" property="og:description"> > and i'm alisyn camerota. we have two attempts of the january 6 committee. iv they are">

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

top of the hour on "cnn newsroom," i'm victor blackwell. >> and i'm alisyn camerota. we have two attempts of the january 6 committee. iv they are seeking a voluntary interview with ivanka trump to know why this has been kept secret for so long. >> this was january 2nd of 2021, georgia da requests a grand jury for the trump election probe. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> we're with sara murray. sara, tell us why the doj requested this grand jury. >> now ivanka trump sent a letter to the grand jury. she wants to compel witnesses to testify with subpoenas and more readily gather evidence. as you pointed out, this stemmed from the recording of this incredible call between former president donald trump and brad raffensperger. here is a portion of that. >> the people of georgia are angry. the people of the country are angry, and there is nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated. >> mr. president, the challenge that you have is the data you have is wrong. >> reporter: now, in her letter, willis says they're having trouble getting witnesses to cooperate. she wants to talk to witnesses by subpoena. she specifically said brad raffensperger is one of those witnesses. they already provided some documents from staffers. they think it's very clear from this letter to try to seat the grand jury. she is seriously looking at potential criminal charges against either donald trump or some of his allies. >> sara murray, thank you very much for that reporting. let's get more now on that request from the house select committee. they want to interview the former president's daughter, ivanka, to sit for a voluntary interview. >> cnn's jessica snyder joins us. jes jessica, they revealed they have detailed information on her father that day. >> reporter: they said because they have details on his state of mind, they want her to interview voluntarily. this isn't a subpoena, but they want her to come talk to them. they're suggesting beginning of february for a possible date. a spokesperson for ivanka did not say whether she would or would not comply with the request but did write this statement, saying, as the committee already knows, ivanka did not speak at the january 6 rally. as she publicly stated that day at 3:15 p.m., any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. the violence must stop immediately. please be peaceful. they say she was in the oval office when trump called vp mike pence to pressure him to stop the vote count. they want to know more about that phone call. and the committee says they are also investigating trump's response to the capitol riot. they want to know more about the reports that white house staff pleaded with ivanka on multiple occasions to get trump to take action to stop the violence. since, of course, many in the white house believe ivanka was the only person who could persuade the president to act. in addition to that, the committee also wants to know about that filmed video statement that trump finally made and released about 4:20 that day. that was hours, though, after the capitol was breached. they want to hear from ivanka about why it took her father so long to respond. they want to get her response to public reports that she had been urging trump to ask the people to leave the capitol for two hours by the point he released that taped statement, and additionally they want to know why trump didn't walk out to the press briefing room where there are always cameras poised and ready to broadcast. finally the committee said even fox hosts were trying to get trump to stop talking about what he called the stolen election even after january 6. we've seen the texts, sean hannity imploring, mike mcenany to keep trump from, quote, crazy people. the letter to ivanka says, the select committee would like to discuss the effort after january 6th to persuade president trump not to associate himself with certain people, and to avoid further discussion regarding election fraud allegations. it is several pages in this letter detailing what they want from the former president's daughter who was constantly by his side. ivanka hasn't directly said she would sit down with the committee, but she might resist as so many people already have. we have page pate, constitutional law attorney. the idea that they want her to tell them why president trump didn't feel the need to try to save the lives of police officers and lawmakers as this bloody attack was going down, don't we sort of already know it's because he didn't care and he was sort of excited, as the reporting says, watching this bloody attack on tv? what more can she tell them? >> we think so. but, alisyn, it's not only why in this case, it's also what. they want to nail down, as jessica was saying, she's thickly involved here, before, during and after. she's in the call when trump says pence is a wimp who doesn't have the courage to make a decision here. she's in the infamous 183 minutes when he's doing nothing, and she's after -- and this is an important point -- when he's being told, says the committee, by the white house council, that the stop the steal stuff needs to stop because it's all wrong factually. so she paints not only the state of mind but the what, and that's the same if you saw the subpoena document request that they successfully got from the supreme court yesterday, they are first about getting a narrative of everything he did and who he was trying to pressure, et cetera. i think they will draw their own conclusions, as will the american people, about the why, but they've got a lot more what to pursue. >> page, is there any distinction between ivanka trump and, let's say, general kellogg who is also in the room? any protection she would have or credibly could claim if she decides to resist this request? >> well, victor, i would be very surprised if she didn't claim some sort of executive privilege here. obviously not only is she the daughter of the former president, but she was serving as a white house advisor at the time. i think by issuing this letter, by issuing this request, the committee is effectively saying we want her to cooperate, but we're not going to go ahead with a subpoena, we're not going to try to force her hand because then we have to weigh this issue against a witness we would prefer not to. she probably won't agree to do it, and i think that will be the end of getting her testimony before the committee. >> page, i want to stick with you and go to georgia about what the da is doing in asking for a special grand jury, because she says that the investigation into the phone call between president trump and secretary of state brad raffensperger, and all of the phone calls president trump was calling and trying to find votes that didn't exist, she's saying, i think the secretary of state has been reluctant to appear without a subpoena as well as other important witnesses. so what will change now if this request is granted? >> alisyn, it's not common in georgia to have a special grand jury. most cases go in front of a regular grand jury. you present witnesses if you're the da, maybe present some documents. then you ask them, vote up or down on the case? do you indict or not indict? a special grand jury is like an investigative grand jury. they can subpoena witnesses, they can subpoena documents, and they can take their time which is not the case with a regular grand jury. what i think is happening here, vonnie willis, she's been investigating this case for over a year but now she's at a dead end. she has witnesses not willing to testify and the only way to get them to do that is in front of a grand jury. this grand jury won't decide whether to indict them or not. that will be another grand jury after the investigators have completed their work. >> not only is brad raffensperger the secretary of state here, but we know lindsey graham made calls, jr pak who thought he was about to be fired. should we expect they, too, could get called in front of this special grand jury, or is that a different process? >> no, we should, it's the same process, and as page said, it permits kind of a longitudinal way that you have in the system. a lot of people just want the subpoena to be able to show to trump or whomever, hey, i didn't have a choice, i had to go there. i'm actually surprised she hasn't asked for it sooner. the case is clean and discreet, and for that reason i think it's dangerous for trump, particularly so because it all centers around the call, and they have the audiotape of the call which is all unusual. yes, i think you can expect her to call different people into the grand jury and for them to do an overall investigation, as page says. that's what they're doing. they'll then take that corpus of evidence wherever the grand jury is sitting for two months, turn to them and say, would you return this indictment to what we recommend, if that's where they wind up. >> okay, page and harry litman, thank you. >> thanks, guys. joe biden is in damage control mode after hearing russia will not budge from moving the military. the florida senate approves bill to shield people from comfort over historic actions by their race, nationality or gender. that's next. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> reporter: as you know, there's been a huge amount of consternation about president biden's comments last night where he seemed to indicate that a minor incursion from the russians wouldn't necessarily result in a full-throated retaliation from the united states. the pr the secretary of state wrote earlier, we want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations. just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones. i say this as the president of a great power. they are picking a twitter fight with the president of the united states. fair to say, victor and alisyn, that people were, in the words of one ukranian official, stunned and shocked to hear those words in president biden's comments last night. and we've seen a real effort from the white house to clarify those comments. we also saw, as you played just there, secretary of state tony blinken's comments, trying to reaffirm a strong stance against russian aggression and also trying to reaffirm crucially that the idea that there is unity between the different nato member states about how any potential russian aggression should be responded to. you'll remember that president biden also in his comments might have alluded to the fact that there might be a difference of opinion in the white house about how a minor incursion should be dealt with, and a lot of fears that here in kiev that projects weakness and sends a very bad message to russia. in fact, one individual felt like it was giving a green light to russia to go ahead and start an invasion. >> on that point, clarissa, do we have any idea how vladimir putin is interpreting all this -- so those are the words, but interpreting the actions and weapons to ukraine? >> reporter: i think what we can see and understand is president vladimir putin is trying to maximize the pressure and underscore his seriousness ahead of these meetings between the russian foreign minister serge lavrov and secretary of state blinken tomorrow. the russians had asked that the u.s. respond with a written statement to their list of security requests, and blinken has already said that's not going to happen, at least in written form. but one has to be prepared at this stage for every possible eventuality. is there still a chance for diplomacy to save the day? many analysts seem to think that there is, but one cannot minimize the risk of potential invasion, and no one knows what shape that would take, including, potentially, president trump himself who many believe has not arrived at that decision yet. >> there was discussion from those among the administration trying to clarify the president's comments, saying encouraging could be cyber, but you don't amass 100,000 troops on the border and call in the russians to begin some exercises if you're going in the direction of a cyberattack, do you? >> what's interesting about president putin, if he looks at the thing that's least expected. he's talked in the past about the way he responds to threats. the first thing he says is "tough trick, asymmetrical. if they're waiting for him, they're really in an untenable position here trying to understand what the position is and trying to adapt and prepare to respond to that. it has to be prepared for all eventualities and that runs a huge gamut right now. >> clarissa ward in kiev, thank you. putin is not the only person the president is trying to smooth over. we're going to talk about the criticism the president is facing and the push-back. what is the georgia gop candidate calling for with the police? the world works with servicenow. subway's eat fresh refresh has so many new footlongs, here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka "the smokeshow." save big. order through the app. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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>> since he decided he wanted to be the heir apparent for the republican base and the trump base and be the favorite to run for president in 2024. this is a very different ron desantis than he was when he first was sworn in as florida's governor. he was much more inclusive back then. i'm so disappointed, i really am, that florida, the legislature and the governor, keep waging these fictional culture wars and creating issues that don't exist. here is the fact. crt, the critical race theory, is not taught in any of the public schools, in any of the schools in florida. so we are waging war against something that doesn't exist. i would say to some of those legislators, including some of the americans who are voting to pass this legislation, that we should be uncomfortable with some of the things that have happened in history in this country and in our state. we should be uncomfortable. those cuban american legislators should be uncomfortable that there were signs in the '60s in miami that read, no blacks, no cubans, no dogs. they should be uncomfortable that this is a country that had slavery. they should be uncomfortable that we turned away jewish immigrants fleeing the holocaust who were coming here on ships. so if we don't learn from history, how are we going to avoid repeating some of the same mistakes? this is such a short-sided, ignorant, stupid, political, unnecessary act by the florida legislature and the government. >> speaking of learning from history, he cherry-picked one line from the dr. martin luther king speech while trying to justify that would make people feel uncomfortable because of what their ancestors did. he should read books by dr. king, more sermons, and see if he should nitpick things. california senator david purdue is now following the lead of the governor in florida and wants his own election police force in georgia. his campaign is centered around, essentially, the big lie in georgia. he's trying to unseat the current governor in georgia. why is this happening now that you've got this competition, i guess, between florida and georgia on who could be the furthest on the right on these police forces? >> i don't know what an election police is. i don't know what they are supposed to do. i do know that there are many states that have passed measures that curtail the right to vote and make it harder. they are moving polling places. they are moving or eliminating drop-off boxes. they are curtailing early voting. they are making it harder to get an absentee ballot. they are making voting by mail much harder. they are gerrymandering and drawing up partisan redistricting maps which is now something that's happening after the census. all those measures and they're doing it without the extra set of eyes and review from the department of justice, which is what the john lewis voting act was going to restore. so when people question, will there be a fair election, will there be an even playing field. these measures have passed and they are going to suppress the vote and make it harder for people to vote. i in florida used to have to register to vote by mail once every eight or ten years. now it's every two years. people don't know that. that's going to affect how many people do that, but even before, republicans used to win the vote by mail, now democrats do. so the republicans in charge are trying to make those changes. if they're going to quote martin lute either king, they should really remember the quote about the subvertive hip oc -- hypocrisy of martin luther king this they don't want the vote. what is like ly not sickenig u.s. officials around the world. that's next. it's our january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and it's temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now $1,999. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. ♪"don't ya leave" by squeak e clean♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] all the delivery. no delivery fees. dashpass. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit indeed.com/hire (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. 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>> yes, good to be with you, victor. this is a very planned, coordinated response by the agency. one has to question why the agency, after only a few months of investigating something that actually has been going on for far more than just havana where i represent half a dozen or ten or so folks from down in nevada in 2016. this has been going on. we have reports back in the '90s of people that were impacted in various places around the world. the agency knows it because most of them were their people. so why come out with an interim report basically saying that, well, we haven't been able to find anything that indicates some widespread attack among our people, but there is a bunch of cases -- this is being lost -- a dozen or so cases -- and actually the number is higher, even according to their own info -- that possibly are some sort of foreign attack. so the real story gets lost in this bigger pr campaign that there is nothing there to see. and it's a problem of their own doing, because there was the cia that actually sent out notices to all of its people around the world and said, if you're suffering any type of similar symptom, please report it. and then they medevaced all those people back home. they're actually a victim of their own success, but it undermines the credibility of the true people who actually have suffered attacks. >> mark, let me ask you this, because you say this is planned and coordinated. it sounds like you are suggesting here that the cia is involved in some conspiracy to cover this up. am i misreading that? >> no, i don't think that's a misreading. you know, they did this uncoordinated with their own sister agencies. >> the question is why would they do that, mark? >> because they don't want it known of the evidence of whatever number that there is an issue with some one or more foreign governments that have been perpetrating whatever this is. i don't weigh in on what it is. we have theories. the national academy of sciences have said they think it's some sort of directed energy weapon. there is widespread information that dates back into the '60s where we know the russians were using microwaves against our people. there were hearings in the late '70s in the senate, our senate, that the russians were bombarding our microwaves and we don't know what kind of impact. >> there are going to be people who -- i know you won't be offended by this -- hear tin foil hat talk. how do you convince them what you're describing here, the cia is involved in some conspiracy, it goes back decades, the government is covering it up, that there is something here that needs to be exposed. >> we filed another lawsuit for intelligence that existed in writing since 2012 about an adversary that was using a microwave weapon -- this was an nso document -- that was used to maim or kill a victim overseas without evidence. i get information all the time that a fedex guy was impacting them. something clearly was impacting them, but i don't think it's foreign government attacks. i'm talking about technology that has been used, not necessarily to impact, but it has a direct impact on our people. >> the cia said, quote, this finding does not change the fact that our officers are suffering real symptoms, nor does it explain every report. i got there in rapid time, but thanks so much. i know you have interviewed the people. >> victor, it is a new mayor. and the first woman nominated to head the los angeles fire department, and she's up next. e feel like i've got it all under control. because i do. oh she is good. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile, customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 ...and t-mobile will pay for it! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile... let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers, can upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. a first for los angeles. mayor garcetti has nominated a woman to run the fire department. she joins me now. chief, good to see you. >> thank you. >> if the committee accepts this nomination, which i think they will, what will it mean to you and to the department? >> for me it's a personal step in my own professional development, but it's a huge step forward for the los angeles fire department, and even bigger than that it's challenging the status quo in regards to the leaders we've had previously in the fire department. it's a big historic event. >> it also sounds like you would have your work cut out for you. i'm reading this l.a. board survey that said, a long-a waited survey of the department's workplace culture found that more than half of female employees and 40% of black and native hawaiian or pacific islanders said bullying and harassment are problems within the department. do you see the problems there? >> i think it's important to see and listen and truly hear what our members are feeling. i'm going to use that as a road map to better understand how we can strategically create that path forward. the work environment issue is going to be and should be our number one and my number one priority, to ensure that our members come have you been subjected to fill in the blank bullying or sexism or harassment? >> sure. i think the fire service isn't that different than a lot of other agencies. i think because it is unique environment where we live together, eat together, run calls together for 24 hours. that makes us unique. in my own 22 years on the l.a. city fire department i've had a handful of issues but how i dealt with them was at a low level, very candid conversation with the individual where they stepped out of line or were inappropriate. so i had the skill set. i want to make sure i pass that on to everybody. more importantly just taking an approach and drawing the line in the sand with regard to how we'll treat one another in the work environment. obviously provide the training but more importantly the, to ent twine how we'll treat one another in the fire station. >> what would be your first move if you get this position? >> the first move for me is just to get out there and talk to our members. i'm going to utilize the assessment that we have as a road map but it is important that our members see me out there, that i can connect with them, bring my command staff along, and really set a path forward, a path that we can sustain so that it's just not here and now, that we can actually address any issues for a long-term strategy, so that moving forward this organization and the members will understand what that line is in the sand and make sure that we have an accountability piece but training is an essential piece as well. and just ensuring that our supervisors understand how we can help our members through this and counsel, discipline if needed, but it starts with me at the top. >> well, it sounds like it's overdue for an overhaul. so we'll be watching what happens next. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you for having me. well, if you're anything like me and planning to have a margarita in about 45 minutes, the world health federation says no amount of alcohol is good for your heart >> i don't believe that. >> yeah. i don't want to. we'll explain why and what happened to all those red wine health benefits? >> that's what i want to know. >> coming up next. >> okay. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ inner voice (kombucha brewer): i'm dramatically holding this bottle, so the light hits it just right, and people think... wow... ...he knows what he's doing... ...when i'm actually pretty lost with my payroll taxes. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers. 100% accurate payroll tax calculations guaranteed. age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. and if you're taking a multivitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece. preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. "preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies" "and its from the eye experts at bausch and lomb" so, ask your doctor about adding preservision. and fill in a missing piece of your plan. like i did with preservision" .. there is a new recommendation that no amount of alcohol is good for your heart health. the american heart association has said moderation is key when it comes to drinking but the new assessment suggests maybe cut it all out. >> cnn's senior medical correspondent joins us now. time-out, elizabeth. time-out. i have been putting a lot of stock in those previous studies that found that red wine is good for your heart health. doesn't it lower bad cholesterol or have something, has that all been debunked? >> i just feel terrible sitting here and talking to you today. i want to fully tell you that i feel like i am the least popular person on cnn today. >> might be. >> unfortunately all those studies that got so much -- might be -- all of those studies that got so much attention in the '90s and the 2000s weren't necessarily debunked but more came out that said it's not clear because these studies are very hard to do. you look at populations that, you know, they maybe drink a glass of wine a day. maybe have better heart health. maybe there were other things about them that were healthier, too. it is really hard to say. let me sort of tell you what this report said and give you kind of a bottom line here. this report said that drinking is associated with a whole bunch of health problems including coronary disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and some types of cancer. they say when you look worldwide in 2019 there were 2.4 million deaths attributed to alcohol not just because of heart problems but many of the other things i named. what the american heart association says is, look. don't think because you think it is going to make you healthy. maybe, maybe, maybe red wine is associated with heart health but you could also eat blue berries and get the same flavanoids and things. a glass of wine, bowl of blue berries. you don't need to have the wine. if you are going to drink, drink moderately. let's look at what moderate drinking is according to the american heart association. that is one to two drinks for men, one for women per day. a drink is 12 ounces of beer or five ounces of wine. a toast to all of you. sorry to brink you this news. one or two a day. i can live with that. >> yeah. >> i'm good with that. >> okay. >> i'm a big believer. everything in moderation including moderation. >> i knew i liked you. >> awesome. thank you for all of that. >> thanks. oh, and "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. cleanup on aisle 1600. "the lead" starts right now. from russia to election legitimacy president joe biden being forced to clarify today some of his comments after the nearly two-hour, free wheeling news conference. white house press secretary jen psaki is moments away from joining me live. new clues about the letter ivanka trump received today the january 6 committee revealing interesting details as it calls on donald trump's daughter to testify and good news for parents of childreun

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Victor Blackwell , Cnn Newsroom , Alisyn Camerota , Attempts , Two , 6 , January 6 , Ivanka Trump , Interview , Special Grand Jury , Secret , Georgia Da , Trump Election Probe , 2 , January 2nd Of 2021 , 2021 , 11780 , Votes , U S , Sara Murray , Doj , One , Letter , Witnesses , Evidence , Subpoenas , People , Brad Raffensperger , Donald Trump , Call , Country , Nothing , Georgia , Recording , Portion , President , Reporter , Vonnie Willis , Data , Mr , Challenge , Subpoena , Documents , Staffers , Trouble , Some , Reporting , Allies , Grand Jury , Charges , Request , Jes Jessica , Daughter , Cnn , House Select Committee , Sit , Jessica Snyder , State Of Mind , Information , Details , Talk , Isn T A Subpoena , Spokesperson , Committee , Saying , Statement , Security Breach , Rally , 3 , 15 , Trump , Phone Call , Mike Pence , Violence , Vote Count , Office , Law Enforcement , Disrespect , Response , Staff , Action , Course , White House , Many , Occasions , Capitol Riot , Person , Capitol , Video Statement , Act , Addition , 20 , 4 , Reports , Father , The Point , Press Briefing Room , Cameras , Trump Didn T Walk Out , Fox , Election , Texts , Sean Hannity , Mike Mcenany , Quote , Effort , Crazy People , January 6th , Discussion , Pages , Election Fraud Allegations , Ivanka Hasn T , Side , Constitutional Law Attorney , Don T , Attack , Idea , Trump Didn T Feel The Need , Police Officers , Care , Lawmakers , Case , Tv , Wimp , Courage , Doesn T , Pence , Decision , 183 , Point , Council , Stop , Wrong , Stuff , Same , Subpoena Document Request , Everything , What , Narrative , Supreme Court Yesterday , Lot , Page , Pressure , Distinction , Why , Conclusions , Et Cetera , Room , Sort , Kellogg , Say , Credibly , Protection , Executive Privilege , Let , Advisor , Issue , Hand , Witness , It , Investigation , Doing , Da , End , Testimony , Wall , Calling , Phone Calls , Didn T Exist , Cases , Front , Investigative Grand Jury , Way , Won T , Whether , Dead End , 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 : Comparemela.com

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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top of the hour on "cnn newsroom," i'm victor blackwell. >> and i'm alisyn camerota. we have two attempts of the january 6 committee. iv they are seeking a voluntary interview with ivanka trump to know why this has been kept secret for so long. >> this was january 2nd of 2021, georgia da requests a grand jury for the trump election probe. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. >> we're with sara murray. sara, tell us why the doj requested this grand jury. >> now ivanka trump sent a letter to the grand jury. she wants to compel witnesses to testify with subpoenas and more readily gather evidence. as you pointed out, this stemmed from the recording of this incredible call between former president donald trump and brad raffensperger. here is a portion of that. >> the people of georgia are angry. the people of the country are angry, and there is nothing wrong with saying that, you know, that you've recalculated. >> mr. president, the challenge that you have is the data you have is wrong. >> reporter: now, in her letter, willis says they're having trouble getting witnesses to cooperate. she wants to talk to witnesses by subpoena. she specifically said brad raffensperger is one of those witnesses. they already provided some documents from staffers. they think it's very clear from this letter to try to seat the grand jury. she is seriously looking at potential criminal charges against either donald trump or some of his allies. >> sara murray, thank you very much for that reporting. let's get more now on that request from the house select committee. they want to interview the former president's daughter, ivanka, to sit for a voluntary interview. >> cnn's jessica snyder joins us. jes jessica, they revealed they have detailed information on her father that day. >> reporter: they said because they have details on his state of mind, they want her to interview voluntarily. this isn't a subpoena, but they want her to come talk to them. they're suggesting beginning of february for a possible date. a spokesperson for ivanka did not say whether she would or would not comply with the request but did write this statement, saying, as the committee already knows, ivanka did not speak at the january 6 rally. as she publicly stated that day at 3:15 p.m., any security breach or disrespect to our law enforcement is unacceptable. the violence must stop immediately. please be peaceful. they say she was in the oval office when trump called vp mike pence to pressure him to stop the vote count. they want to know more about that phone call. and the committee says they are also investigating trump's response to the capitol riot. they want to know more about the reports that white house staff pleaded with ivanka on multiple occasions to get trump to take action to stop the violence. since, of course, many in the white house believe ivanka was the only person who could persuade the president to act. in addition to that, the committee also wants to know about that filmed video statement that trump finally made and released about 4:20 that day. that was hours, though, after the capitol was breached. they want to hear from ivanka about why it took her father so long to respond. they want to get her response to public reports that she had been urging trump to ask the people to leave the capitol for two hours by the point he released that taped statement, and additionally they want to know why trump didn't walk out to the press briefing room where there are always cameras poised and ready to broadcast. finally the committee said even fox hosts were trying to get trump to stop talking about what he called the stolen election even after january 6. we've seen the texts, sean hannity imploring, mike mcenany to keep trump from, quote, crazy people. the letter to ivanka says, the select committee would like to discuss the effort after january 6th to persuade president trump not to associate himself with certain people, and to avoid further discussion regarding election fraud allegations. it is several pages in this letter detailing what they want from the former president's daughter who was constantly by his side. ivanka hasn't directly said she would sit down with the committee, but she might resist as so many people already have. we have page pate, constitutional law attorney. the idea that they want her to tell them why president trump didn't feel the need to try to save the lives of police officers and lawmakers as this bloody attack was going down, don't we sort of already know it's because he didn't care and he was sort of excited, as the reporting says, watching this bloody attack on tv? what more can she tell them? >> we think so. but, alisyn, it's not only why in this case, it's also what. they want to nail down, as jessica was saying, she's thickly involved here, before, during and after. she's in the call when trump says pence is a wimp who doesn't have the courage to make a decision here. she's in the infamous 183 minutes when he's doing nothing, and she's after -- and this is an important point -- when he's being told, says the committee, by the white house council, that the stop the steal stuff needs to stop because it's all wrong factually. so she paints not only the state of mind but the what, and that's the same if you saw the subpoena document request that they successfully got from the supreme court yesterday, they are first about getting a narrative of everything he did and who he was trying to pressure, et cetera. i think they will draw their own conclusions, as will the american people, about the why, but they've got a lot more what to pursue. >> page, is there any distinction between ivanka trump and, let's say, general kellogg who is also in the room? any protection she would have or credibly could claim if she decides to resist this request? >> well, victor, i would be very surprised if she didn't claim some sort of executive privilege here. obviously not only is she the daughter of the former president, but she was serving as a white house advisor at the time. i think by issuing this letter, by issuing this request, the committee is effectively saying we want her to cooperate, but we're not going to go ahead with a subpoena, we're not going to try to force her hand because then we have to weigh this issue against a witness we would prefer not to. she probably won't agree to do it, and i think that will be the end of getting her testimony before the committee. >> page, i want to stick with you and go to georgia about what the da is doing in asking for a special grand jury, because she says that the investigation into the phone call between president trump and secretary of state brad raffensperger, and all of the phone calls president trump was calling and trying to find votes that didn't exist, she's saying, i think the secretary of state has been reluctant to appear without a subpoena as well as other important witnesses. so what will change now if this request is granted? >> alisyn, it's not common in georgia to have a special grand jury. most cases go in front of a regular grand jury. you present witnesses if you're the da, maybe present some documents. then you ask them, vote up or down on the case? do you indict or not indict? a special grand jury is like an investigative grand jury. they can subpoena witnesses, they can subpoena documents, and they can take their time which is not the case with a regular grand jury. what i think is happening here, vonnie willis, she's been investigating this case for over a year but now she's at a dead end. she has witnesses not willing to testify and the only way to get them to do that is in front of a grand jury. this grand jury won't decide whether to indict them or not. that will be another grand jury after the investigators have completed their work. >> not only is brad raffensperger the secretary of state here, but we know lindsey graham made calls, jr pak who thought he was about to be fired. should we expect they, too, could get called in front of this special grand jury, or is that a different process? >> no, we should, it's the same process, and as page said, it permits kind of a longitudinal way that you have in the system. a lot of people just want the subpoena to be able to show to trump or whomever, hey, i didn't have a choice, i had to go there. i'm actually surprised she hasn't asked for it sooner. the case is clean and discreet, and for that reason i think it's dangerous for trump, particularly so because it all centers around the call, and they have the audiotape of the call which is all unusual. yes, i think you can expect her to call different people into the grand jury and for them to do an overall investigation, as page says. that's what they're doing. they'll then take that corpus of evidence wherever the grand jury is sitting for two months, turn to them and say, would you return this indictment to what we recommend, if that's where they wind up. >> okay, page and harry litman, thank you. >> thanks, guys. joe biden is in damage control mode after hearing russia will not budge from moving the military. the florida senate approves bill to shield people from comfort over historic actions by their race, nationality or gender. that's next. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> reporter: as you know, there's been a huge amount of consternation about president biden's comments last night where he seemed to indicate that a minor incursion from the russians wouldn't necessarily result in a full-throated retaliation from the united states. the pr the secretary of state wrote earlier, we want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations. just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones. i say this as the president of a great power. they are picking a twitter fight with the president of the united states. fair to say, victor and alisyn, that people were, in the words of one ukranian official, stunned and shocked to hear those words in president biden's comments last night. and we've seen a real effort from the white house to clarify those comments. we also saw, as you played just there, secretary of state tony blinken's comments, trying to reaffirm a strong stance against russian aggression and also trying to reaffirm crucially that the idea that there is unity between the different nato member states about how any potential russian aggression should be responded to. you'll remember that president biden also in his comments might have alluded to the fact that there might be a difference of opinion in the white house about how a minor incursion should be dealt with, and a lot of fears that here in kiev that projects weakness and sends a very bad message to russia. in fact, one individual felt like it was giving a green light to russia to go ahead and start an invasion. >> on that point, clarissa, do we have any idea how vladimir putin is interpreting all this -- so those are the words, but interpreting the actions and weapons to ukraine? >> reporter: i think what we can see and understand is president vladimir putin is trying to maximize the pressure and underscore his seriousness ahead of these meetings between the russian foreign minister serge lavrov and secretary of state blinken tomorrow. the russians had asked that the u.s. respond with a written statement to their list of security requests, and blinken has already said that's not going to happen, at least in written form. but one has to be prepared at this stage for every possible eventuality. is there still a chance for diplomacy to save the day? many analysts seem to think that there is, but one cannot minimize the risk of potential invasion, and no one knows what shape that would take, including, potentially, president trump himself who many believe has not arrived at that decision yet. >> there was discussion from those among the administration trying to clarify the president's comments, saying encouraging could be cyber, but you don't amass 100,000 troops on the border and call in the russians to begin some exercises if you're going in the direction of a cyberattack, do you? >> what's interesting about president putin, if he looks at the thing that's least expected. he's talked in the past about the way he responds to threats. the first thing he says is "tough trick, asymmetrical. if they're waiting for him, they're really in an untenable position here trying to understand what the position is and trying to adapt and prepare to respond to that. it has to be prepared for all eventualities and that runs a huge gamut right now. >> clarissa ward in kiev, thank you. putin is not the only person the president is trying to smooth over. we're going to talk about the criticism the president is facing and the push-back. what is the georgia gop candidate calling for with the police? the world works with servicenow. subway's eat fresh refresh has so many new footlongs, here's how they line up. we got the new chicken & bacon ranch, new baja steak & jack, and the new baja chicken & bacon, aka "the smokeshow." save big. order through the app. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? 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>> since he decided he wanted to be the heir apparent for the republican base and the trump base and be the favorite to run for president in 2024. this is a very different ron desantis than he was when he first was sworn in as florida's governor. he was much more inclusive back then. i'm so disappointed, i really am, that florida, the legislature and the governor, keep waging these fictional culture wars and creating issues that don't exist. here is the fact. crt, the critical race theory, is not taught in any of the public schools, in any of the schools in florida. so we are waging war against something that doesn't exist. i would say to some of those legislators, including some of the americans who are voting to pass this legislation, that we should be uncomfortable with some of the things that have happened in history in this country and in our state. we should be uncomfortable. those cuban american legislators should be uncomfortable that there were signs in the '60s in miami that read, no blacks, no cubans, no dogs. they should be uncomfortable that this is a country that had slavery. they should be uncomfortable that we turned away jewish immigrants fleeing the holocaust who were coming here on ships. so if we don't learn from history, how are we going to avoid repeating some of the same mistakes? this is such a short-sided, ignorant, stupid, political, unnecessary act by the florida legislature and the government. >> speaking of learning from history, he cherry-picked one line from the dr. martin luther king speech while trying to justify that would make people feel uncomfortable because of what their ancestors did. he should read books by dr. king, more sermons, and see if he should nitpick things. california senator david purdue is now following the lead of the governor in florida and wants his own election police force in georgia. his campaign is centered around, essentially, the big lie in georgia. he's trying to unseat the current governor in georgia. why is this happening now that you've got this competition, i guess, between florida and georgia on who could be the furthest on the right on these police forces? >> i don't know what an election police is. i don't know what they are supposed to do. i do know that there are many states that have passed measures that curtail the right to vote and make it harder. they are moving polling places. they are moving or eliminating drop-off boxes. they are curtailing early voting. they are making it harder to get an absentee ballot. they are making voting by mail much harder. they are gerrymandering and drawing up partisan redistricting maps which is now something that's happening after the census. all those measures and they're doing it without the extra set of eyes and review from the department of justice, which is what the john lewis voting act was going to restore. so when people question, will there be a fair election, will there be an even playing field. these measures have passed and they are going to suppress the vote and make it harder for people to vote. i in florida used to have to register to vote by mail once every eight or ten years. now it's every two years. people don't know that. that's going to affect how many people do that, but even before, republicans used to win the vote by mail, now democrats do. so the republicans in charge are trying to make those changes. if they're going to quote martin lute either king, they should really remember the quote about the subvertive hip oc -- hypocrisy of martin luther king this they don't want the vote. what is like ly not sickenig u.s. officials around the world. that's next. it's our january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to relieve pressure points. and it's temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save $1,000 on the sleep number 360 special edition smart bed, queen now $1,999. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. ♪"don't ya leave" by squeak e clean♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] all the delivery. no delivery fees. dashpass. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit indeed.com/hire (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. 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>> yes, good to be with you, victor. this is a very planned, coordinated response by the agency. one has to question why the agency, after only a few months of investigating something that actually has been going on for far more than just havana where i represent half a dozen or ten or so folks from down in nevada in 2016. this has been going on. we have reports back in the '90s of people that were impacted in various places around the world. the agency knows it because most of them were their people. so why come out with an interim report basically saying that, well, we haven't been able to find anything that indicates some widespread attack among our people, but there is a bunch of cases -- this is being lost -- a dozen or so cases -- and actually the number is higher, even according to their own info -- that possibly are some sort of foreign attack. so the real story gets lost in this bigger pr campaign that there is nothing there to see. and it's a problem of their own doing, because there was the cia that actually sent out notices to all of its people around the world and said, if you're suffering any type of similar symptom, please report it. and then they medevaced all those people back home. they're actually a victim of their own success, but it undermines the credibility of the true people who actually have suffered attacks. >> mark, let me ask you this, because you say this is planned and coordinated. it sounds like you are suggesting here that the cia is involved in some conspiracy to cover this up. am i misreading that? >> no, i don't think that's a misreading. you know, they did this uncoordinated with their own sister agencies. >> the question is why would they do that, mark? >> because they don't want it known of the evidence of whatever number that there is an issue with some one or more foreign governments that have been perpetrating whatever this is. i don't weigh in on what it is. we have theories. the national academy of sciences have said they think it's some sort of directed energy weapon. there is widespread information that dates back into the '60s where we know the russians were using microwaves against our people. there were hearings in the late '70s in the senate, our senate, that the russians were bombarding our microwaves and we don't know what kind of impact. >> there are going to be people who -- i know you won't be offended by this -- hear tin foil hat talk. how do you convince them what you're describing here, the cia is involved in some conspiracy, it goes back decades, the government is covering it up, that there is something here that needs to be exposed. >> we filed another lawsuit for intelligence that existed in writing since 2012 about an adversary that was using a microwave weapon -- this was an nso document -- that was used to maim or kill a victim overseas without evidence. i get information all the time that a fedex guy was impacting them. something clearly was impacting them, but i don't think it's foreign government attacks. i'm talking about technology that has been used, not necessarily to impact, but it has a direct impact on our people. >> the cia said, quote, this finding does not change the fact that our officers are suffering real symptoms, nor does it explain every report. i got there in rapid time, but thanks so much. i know you have interviewed the people. >> victor, it is a new mayor. and the first woman nominated to head the los angeles fire department, and she's up next. e feel like i've got it all under control. because i do. oh she is good. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! i have a plan... right now at t-mobile, customers on magenta max can get the new iphone 13 ...and t-mobile will pay for it! i'm talking new customers! i'm talking existing customers like ronald! the new iphone on t-mobile... let's do it! new and existing t-mobile and sprint customers, can upgrade to the iphone 13 on us. on our most popular max plan. do we have a plan for the second half? 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. a first for los angeles. mayor garcetti has nominated a woman to run the fire department. she joins me now. chief, good to see you. >> thank you. >> if the committee accepts this nomination, which i think they will, what will it mean to you and to the department? >> for me it's a personal step in my own professional development, but it's a huge step forward for the los angeles fire department, and even bigger than that it's challenging the status quo in regards to the leaders we've had previously in the fire department. it's a big historic event. >> it also sounds like you would have your work cut out for you. i'm reading this l.a. board survey that said, a long-a waited survey of the department's workplace culture found that more than half of female employees and 40% of black and native hawaiian or pacific islanders said bullying and harassment are problems within the department. do you see the problems there? >> i think it's important to see and listen and truly hear what our members are feeling. i'm going to use that as a road map to better understand how we can strategically create that path forward. the work environment issue is going to be and should be our number one and my number one priority, to ensure that our members come have you been subjected to fill in the blank bullying or sexism or harassment? >> sure. i think the fire service isn't that different than a lot of other agencies. i think because it is unique environment where we live together, eat together, run calls together for 24 hours. that makes us unique. in my own 22 years on the l.a. city fire department i've had a handful of issues but how i dealt with them was at a low level, very candid conversation with the individual where they stepped out of line or were inappropriate. so i had the skill set. i want to make sure i pass that on to everybody. more importantly just taking an approach and drawing the line in the sand with regard to how we'll treat one another in the work environment. obviously provide the training but more importantly the, to ent twine how we'll treat one another in the fire station. >> what would be your first move if you get this position? >> the first move for me is just to get out there and talk to our members. i'm going to utilize the assessment that we have as a road map but it is important that our members see me out there, that i can connect with them, bring my command staff along, and really set a path forward, a path that we can sustain so that it's just not here and now, that we can actually address any issues for a long-term strategy, so that moving forward this organization and the members will understand what that line is in the sand and make sure that we have an accountability piece but training is an essential piece as well. and just ensuring that our supervisors understand how we can help our members through this and counsel, discipline if needed, but it starts with me at the top. >> well, it sounds like it's overdue for an overhaul. so we'll be watching what happens next. thank you so much for your time. >> thank you for having me. well, if you're anything like me and planning to have a margarita in about 45 minutes, the world health federation says no amount of alcohol is good for your heart >> i don't believe that. >> yeah. i don't want to. we'll explain why and what happened to all those red wine health benefits? >> that's what i want to know. >> coming up next. >> okay. as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ inner voice (kombucha brewer): i'm dramatically holding this bottle, so the light hits it just right, and people think... wow... ...he knows what he's doing... ...when i'm actually pretty lost with my payroll taxes. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers. 100% accurate payroll tax calculations guaranteed. age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. and if you're taking a multivitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece. preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. "preservision is backed by 20 years of clinical studies" "and its from the eye experts at bausch and lomb" so, ask your doctor about adding preservision. and fill in a missing piece of your plan. like i did with preservision" .. there is a new recommendation that no amount of alcohol is good for your heart health. the american heart association has said moderation is key when it comes to drinking but the new assessment suggests maybe cut it all out. >> cnn's senior medical correspondent joins us now. time-out, elizabeth. time-out. i have been putting a lot of stock in those previous studies that found that red wine is good for your heart health. doesn't it lower bad cholesterol or have something, has that all been debunked? >> i just feel terrible sitting here and talking to you today. i want to fully tell you that i feel like i am the least popular person on cnn today. >> might be. >> unfortunately all those studies that got so much -- might be -- all of those studies that got so much attention in the '90s and the 2000s weren't necessarily debunked but more came out that said it's not clear because these studies are very hard to do. you look at populations that, you know, they maybe drink a glass of wine a day. maybe have better heart health. maybe there were other things about them that were healthier, too. it is really hard to say. let me sort of tell you what this report said and give you kind of a bottom line here. this report said that drinking is associated with a whole bunch of health problems including coronary disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and some types of cancer. they say when you look worldwide in 2019 there were 2.4 million deaths attributed to alcohol not just because of heart problems but many of the other things i named. what the american heart association says is, look. don't think because you think it is going to make you healthy. maybe, maybe, maybe red wine is associated with heart health but you could also eat blue berries and get the same flavanoids and things. a glass of wine, bowl of blue berries. you don't need to have the wine. if you are going to drink, drink moderately. let's look at what moderate drinking is according to the american heart association. that is one to two drinks for men, one for women per day. a drink is 12 ounces of beer or five ounces of wine. a toast to all of you. sorry to brink you this news. one or two a day. i can live with that. >> yeah. >> i'm good with that. >> okay. >> i'm a big believer. everything in moderation including moderation. >> i knew i liked you. >> awesome. thank you for all of that. >> thanks. oh, and "the lead" with jake tapper starts right now. cleanup on aisle 1600. "the lead" starts right now. from russia to election legitimacy president joe biden being forced to clarify today some of his comments after the nearly two-hour, free wheeling news conference. white house press secretary jen psaki is moments away from joining me live. new clues about the letter ivanka trump received today the january 6 committee revealing interesting details as it calls on donald trump's daughter to testify and good news for parents of childreun

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, Competition , Big Lie In Georgia , Measures , Election Police , Police Forces , Absentee Ballot , Boxes , Polling Places , Mail , Redistricting Maps , Set , Drawing , Census , Gerrymandering , Question , Review , Voting Act , John Lewis , Restore , Vote , Field , Eight , Ten , Charge , Changes , Quote Martin Lute , Subvertive , Hypocrisy , Hip Oc , Sleep Number , Officials , Pressure Points , Interest , Movements , Sleep , Bed , Smart Bed , Ly , Sale , Temperature Balancing , Queen , Plus , 0 , 360 , 000 , 1999 , 1000 , 999 , Doorbell , Squeak E , Don T Ya Leave , 24 , Stop Trulicity , Type 2 Diabetes , Change , Delivery , Blood Sugar , Delivery Fees , A1c , Dose , Dashpass , It Isn T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Children , Reaction , Use , Lump , Swelling , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , 1 , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision , Taking Trulicity , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Diabetic Retinopathy , Man , Plan , Kidney Problems , Staffing , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Master , Size , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Discount , Burke , Policies , Auto Insurance , Farmers , Job Description , Wife , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Discounts , Home , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Dad , Sup , Garage , Kid , Forty Five , Seventeen , Marcia , Bum , Health , Periodontal Disease , Teeth , Clearchoice , Forde , Pa Dum , Dental Implants , Solution , Key , Silver Lining , Vacation , Reasons , Flight Delays , Airport , Centurion Lounge Access , Cia , Amex Platinum , Doubt , Casting Doubt , Syndrome , Casting , Subset , Anyhavana , Attacks , Headaches , Brain Injury , Five , Life , Middle , Spinning , Terrifying , Experience , Vertigo , Report , Havana Syndrome , Moscow , Gaone Away , Mike Zain , Agency , To Be With You , The Agency , Disinformation , Folks , Nevada , 2016 , 90 , Anything , We Haven T , Places , Most , Bunch , Number , Info , Pr Campaign , Problem , Victim , Type , Symptom , Notices , Conspiracy , Success , Credibility , Mark , Sister Agencies , Misreading , Uncoordinated , Governments , Whatever , Perpetrating , Microwaves , National Academy Of Sciences , Theories , Directed Energy Weapon , Hearings , 70 , Impact , Kind , Tin Foil Hat Talk , Lawsuit , Adversary , Nso Document , Intelligence , Microwave Weapon , Writing , 2012 , Overseas , Government Attacks , Fedex , Guy , Technology , Officers , Finding , Much , Woman , Mayor , Los Angeles Fire Department , Customers , T Mobile , Iphone 13 , Well Invested , Magenta Max , Voya , 13 , Half , Ronald , Iphone On T Mobile , Gonna Get Creamed , Vo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , Blood Thinners , Chills , Fevers , Therapy , High Blood Pressure , Heart Rhythm Problems , Blood Counts , Heart Disease , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Decrease , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Heart Problems , Fluids , Bleeding , Garcetti , Los Angeles , Chief , Step , Nomination , Development , Leaders , Status Quo , L A Board Survey , Event , Department S Workplace Culture , Employees , Pacific Islanders , 40 , Members , Bullying , Harassment , Road Map , Work Environment Issue , Number One , Feeling , Priority , Sexism , Environment , Agencies , Handful , Unique , 22 , Level , Everybody , Skill Set , Conversation , Another , Sand , Work Environment , Approach , Ent Twine , Move , Assessment , Fire Station , Here And Now , Command Staff , Path Forward , Accountability Piece , Essential Piece , Organization , Strategy , Supervisors , Discipline , Counsel , Top , Overhaul , Alcohol , Heart , Planning , World Health Federation , Margarita , 45 , Red Wine , I Don T Want To , Health Benefits , Customization , Throwback , Dj , Payroll Taxes , Bottle , Intuit Quickbooks , Hits , Kombucha Brewer , Liberty Inner Voice , Preservision , Piece , Payroll Tax Calculations , Multivitamin , Vision Loss , Nutrient Formula , Preservision Areds 2 , Macular Degeneration , Cheers , 100 , Studies , Moderate , National Eye Institute , Eye Experts , Progression , With Preservision , Heart Health , American Heart Association , Moderation , Recommendation , Time Out , Correspondent , Stock , Elizabeth , Cholesterol , Sitting , Weren T , Cnn Today , Attention , 2000 , Glass , Populations , Drinking , Health Problems , Bottom Line , Coronary Disease , Stroke , Deaths , 2019 , 2 4 Million , Wine , Berries , Flavanoids , Bowl , Drinks , Drink , Women , Men , Beer , Toast , 12 , News , All Of You , Everything In Moderation , Big Believer , Jake Tapper , Cleanup On Aisle , Free Wheeling , Legitimacy , White House Press Secretary , Jen Psaki , 1600 , Parents , Clues , Childreun ,

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