Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709

2020 election. cnn's sara murray is joining us now. what have you learned, sara? >> well, look, she has sent this letter requesting a special grand jury. she wants to be able to subpoena witnesses and make it a little bit easier to collect evidence this. all goes back to, you know, the efforts that donald trump and his allies made to try to overturn georgia's election results in 2020. district attorney willis announced her investigation after the infamous phone call that donald trump had with brad raffensperger. here's a reminder what have went on during that phone call. >> but they are shredding ballots in my opinion based on what i've heard, and they are removing machinery, and they are moving it as fast as they can. both of which are criminal fines, and you can't let it happen and you are letting happen, you know. i'm notifying you that you're letting happen, so look all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> so you hear him there telling brad be rafns sperger to find the votes. we know the district attorney is also looking at a number of actions taken by donald trump's allies to try to further this campaign to overturn the georgia election so in this letter that she sent to the court she says that they have talked to folks who are reluctant to speak to her unless they are under subpoena and part of that letter she says by way of example georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger an essential witness to the investigation has indicated he won't participate in an interview or otherwise offer evidence until he's presented with a subpoena by my office we should know the secretary of state's office has already provide the district attorney with a bunch of information including recordings of that raffensperger call and a call with another official, but essentially what this letter tells you she's serious about pursuing a criminal indictment against former president trump or allies working with him n this campaign in georgia. it's not a done deal. there are juries who have to sign off in this question. >> joining us now is former u.s. district attorney for the southern district of new york. if you're the prosecutor why not? >> it's time to play hardball this. district attorney says i need to speak with witnesses and several of them have not agreed to speak with me voluntarily. that's why you need a grand jury. grand juries issue subpoenas and the it's a formal command that you must testify. that's enforceable by the courts and ultimately potentially by law enforcement and that's how you get people who may be reluctant to testify. the second reason is focus. normal grand juries, everyday grand juries, first of all, they only sit for a limited amount of time, a month, a couple month, and they are hearing different cause cases all throughout the day. by asking for a special investigative grand jury the d.a. is looking for a grand jury solely dedicated to this case and can sit for a longer period, longer than she needs. >> i want to play what this district attorney said in february of last year about what prosecutors assess when considering potential charges. >> you look at facts to see if they really have intent? did they understand what they were doing. details facts become important like asking for a specific number and then going back and investigating that that number is just one more than the number needed. it lets you know that sun had a clear mind and facts like that, that seem not important are very important. >> we're there not. what charges should trump face other? should he be worried? >> he definitely should be worried. there are a host of charges surrounding fraud, election fraud, you know, pressuring officials to commit fraud, but, you know, the bigger picture sheer that the walls are closing in on trump on a number of fronts, including at the state level. in addition to the fulton d.a., he has a case in -- at the manhattan district attorney's office that's looking into the trump organization. the department of justice is likely looking into these attempts to obstruct the congressional electoral count proceedings. the new york a.g. has a civil suit that could turn criminal if it uncovers criminal activity so all of these, are you know, basically tentacles of liability that are closing in on trump and this one in particular, ana, relates to the january 6th committee and potentially to a doj investigation because all roads lead back to trump attempting to call the outcome of the election into question so that the final certification would be, you know, contested, and, you know, on this front we know that the department of justice, for example, was also trying to pressure -- based on false claims of voter fraud. all of these are bad news for trump. >> they are all connected in different ways. we see parallel processes taking place. in all of them we are seeing the need to compel people to testify in order to make sure that the case is air tight, right, and in this particular case, the fulton county district attorney is saying one reason to move to have a special grand jury is to subpoena the likes of people like brad raffensperger who she says won't do an interview or provide certain information without a subpoena. asha, how crucial would his testimony be in this case? >> his testimony is very crucial in terms of, you know, outlining exactly, you know, how -- we have the phone call but also how he interpreted that call were. there any other efforts being made outside of that phone call to pressure him to find these votes, you know? and -- i'm sorry. i think it's very important for him to get this testimony, also have-to-have it under oath and for him specifically, you know, ana, he's doing this for political cover as well because he wants to be seen as doing this under compulsion as opposed to voluntarily because he has to try to stay in the good graces of the republican party. >> walk us through the process here, elie. how does it work with a special grand jury? >> the first step is what we saw the d.a. do just now. she has to send a letter to the chief judge asking her negotiation hanegotiation have grand jury. the judges as group will then vote on whether to grand that request. if this happens, we will have a special grand jury seated. that special grand jury will have a couple of really important powers. one is they can issue subpoenas so they can get testimony, compel testimony out of brad rafns pittsburgh earning the person she singles out in the letter and others. they can also inspect records so they can serve a subpoena saying hey i want to see whatever documents you have relating to this, but it's important to this that the d.a. says in he is record that i'm not going the injury to have the power to indict. however this, grand jury may have the power to recommend criminal charges -- do you the -- i think it bass all of these records will go to the overall effort, as i mentioned, the overall effort to try to call the election results into doubt, and so it will provide a good reference point, a documentary trail, communications trail of what was going on behind the scenes in terms of the intent in pursuing all of these different avenues to pressure individuals, to pressure state legislatures in order to achieve trump's agenda of trying to, you know, stay in power. >> asha rangappa and elie hone quick, stay with us. much more to discuss including the january 6th committee requesting the cooperation of the former president's daughter and senior white house adviser ivanka trump. stay right there. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? 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>> aprila, this is a big move by the committee, really moving on the former president's innermost circle. now it's notable. this is a voluntary request for her cooperation. this is not a subpoena and, look, the committee has said they have been gathering evidence about what she was up to on january 6th. they say they are firsthand testimony that she asked her father at least tries to do something to stop the violence, but in this eight-page letter that they sent her today, ana, astonishing new details about just how deep these lawmakers are in the trump white house and how much they have learned about what was going on that day. for example. they say that they want to talk to ivanka about a meeting that she observed in the oval office on january 6th. it was a phone call between trump and his vice president mike pence where trump allegedly pressured pence to try to go along with his plan to undermine the certification of electoral votes. they want to talk to ivanka with what she heard on at least one end of that phone call. they also want to know why the president didn't just go to the briefing room. there's always a live cameras, plenty of reporters in the briefing room just steps away from his office, why didn't he go there and call for an end to the violence? they are also seeking to talk to her about whether trump did or did not ask to deploy the national guard and there were staff members trying to deflect questions about what was going on with the national guard at that time. interestingly they also in detailed evidence that they have gathered about efforts to keep the president away, from quote, crazy people. apparently this was an effort in an effort they are gathered by fox news host sean hannity. kayleigh mcenany tried to keep them away from the crazy people that were hatching a plan that were trying to get him to the inauguration day, quote, land the plane, as hannity said. a stunning amount of new details in this letter it. real paints the picture of the a chaotic white house and staff members trying to keep the president away from people who did not have their best interests at heart and much of this evidence could be used to support the committee's theory that the former president abdicated his responsibility to the country and the details really speaks to the significance and the importance of witness interviews and talking to people who are in the room while this was all happening and they say ivanka was present for many of these key moments and they want to talk to her about what she knows. we each reached out to ivanka trump and we have not gotten any response about how she intends to deal with this request. >> paula reid, wow. thank you. elie honeig and asha rangappa, your reaction to this ivanka news. >> this tells me that the committee is looking right at the inner circle of the trump white house right on the key date of january 6th and leading up to it and the committee is making very clear in this letter we're already there. we're not just sort of grasping at straws here. the committee makes a point in this letter to demonstrate to ivanka trump and to all of us, i think, that they have a lot of evidence about what was going on in these key conversations. they have spoken with other witnesses who have told them what was going on. they have seen documents that confirm what was going on, and i think the key role that ivanka trump played here, according to the committee's view, is people in and around the white house viewed her as one of the only people, perhaps the only person who was capable of talking sense into donald trump that day as this was going down. the committee essentially says various other people came to you, ivanka trump, asked you, begged you to have your father do something to call off these rioters. >> asha, that's exactly what went through my head which is what elie just said, and that is as we hear what they are writing in this letter, it reveals, right, what they already have in a lot of ways. i just wonder if they actually expect ivanka to come and talk to them or if this was just their avenue of making public some of the information that they have learned. >> it can be both, and, ana, this left, as you note, signals that they have a lot of information and also cabins the people that they are asking them to come let them know they don't have a lot of wiggle room. in the conversation in the oval office while trump is talking to vice president pence trying to pressure him, not only was iadvantage tlarks but there was a third person whom they already interviewed and they already have firsthand knowledge information about that -- about trump's end of the phone call, so if ivanka trump tries to talk to them, she can't make up something or gloss over things. they have that side of the conversation. she's going have to confirm it and -- and flesh it out. i also think that, you know, she had unfettered access to the president more than any other person so she has, you know, a lot of firsthand knowledge and observational testimony that she can give, but i'm not sure that they necessarily need, it especially now that they are going to get this tranche of documents from the national archives. they will further flesh out the communications that were kind of happening as this picture was unfolding. >> this ivanka news comes just as the supreme court officially shot down former president trump's effort to keep some 700-plus white house documents under wraps, means possible january 6th secheltons he wanted kept in closets. they will soon be in investigators' hands. elie, how significant was that decision and what does that mean for the investigation now? >> so, it was a big deal on two levels, aprila, up, as you say, the investigators now have the document. the committee members have already started going through them. these are contemporaneous documents showing what people were wright, saying and doing as this attack happened. this is the most valuable kind of evidence because it's happened and it's created before nip has a chance to try to get their talking point or their stories straight. more broadly, legally speaking, these decisions, the federal court opinions from the federal court of appeals and yesterday from the supreme court really shoot down this idea that donald trump has had a legitimate claim of executive prif 11. the fact that they's a former president is not what's driving us here. the fact is that he has no argument on the merits and on the substance so any other witness whether it's ivanka trump or anyone else who tries to say, well, executive privilege, that's now been dealt a real blow by yesterday's supreme court ruling. >> let's put that graphic back up because i want to emphasize what these documents include. activity and call logs, schedules, speech notes, three pages of handwritten notes from then white house chief of staff mark meadows around january 6th, memos about supposed election fraud and efforts to overturn, trump's loss. asha, if you're one of the investigators on this committee, what's one of the first things you want to see or learn from these dock snumts. >> ana, i want to know two things. first, i want to know how conscious was trump and the people around him that what they were putting out there were false claims you? know, are they reaching out? are they conspireing with department of justice and the state legislatures knowing that what they are putting out there are false claims, and this is -- you know, this perpetuation of the big lie is a big focus of the committee. the second thing i want to know is in these document and particularly in the versions of the speeches that are leading up to trump's speech at the elimits, how much of that was toned down is this there's a lot being made that he told the marchers to march peacefully. what version was that? you know, did he really have stronger language that, you know, his aides and staff were trying to revise because this goes to, aprila, you know, did they anticipate that there could be potentially, you know, riotous or slept activity that day that they were trying to stave off, and did trump know that as well? >> elie, you point out that some of these documents could shed light on trump's state of mind. was he upset? was he pleased? outside the committee work, what could learning this mean for potential charges? >> well, so, intent is a key word, and we actually heard in the last segment the district attorney down in georgia willis say inten. all of this -- when you're talking about criminal charges, have you to prove intent. have you to prove that there was an intent to steal an election, that the president did not legitimately believe he won. you have to prove that you had what is called criminal or corrupt attempt and all of these documents could go to that and to me the best evidence you have intent is what people were doing and saying at the moment before they have had a chance to think about it. the law actually recognize that, there's a special power in contemporaneous document, notes, texts and e-mails because they tend to show a person's true state of mind better than things down the line. >> you said it's it's important for the d.a. to prosecute trump for obstruction even if it's an uphill battle even to prevent a future president from acting similarly. first, do you think that there's enough evidence already for the justice department to take that step and, second, what's the biggest risk of going there if prosecutors are not confident they can win? >> yes. so, aprila this, goes back, way back several crimes ago to the muller investigation and what he accumulated with regards to obstruction of justice and at the time there were 400 former federal prosecutors who said there was enough evidence at least on several of the ten dhunts were outlined in the muller report to prosecute trump and the reason that i think that this is super important is that obstruction of justice is sort of the building block of criminality for someone who occupies the oval office. if they can stop investigations, if they can thwart, you know, law enforcement looking into their misconduct, then basically they have a green light to do anything, and so i think that it's very important to move forward on that or at the very least i do think as the statute of limitations expires this year, starting in may, that the attorney general at least inform the american public why he's not choosing to bring a case on those specific charges. >> elie, what's next? is it time for the public hearings to start? >> yeah. i think that's where we're headed, april a. the committee says they tend to put on public hearings the first half of this year and i think the committee will have a lot to choose from here because they have done an exceptional job of finding and building facts and they have to choose very carefully. who will we put in front of cameras and put in front. american people to make this story come to life? it's one thing for us to see the press releases that come out of commit, the letters. they tell us and give us a lot of evidence, but if they really want to drive home for people what this means, have you to think about your live witnesses. the example i'll give is the first and only public hearing that we've had thus far from the committee is when we heard from the for you police officers who defended the capitol that day. and i think that hearing really helped this -- drive this home in the american public's mind of just what happened there. now we're going to be focused on behind the scenes. >> elie honig and asha rangappa, thanks so much for spending time with us. with tensions threatening to spill over in eastern europe president biden trying to clarify a statement that he made yesterday suggesting that a minor incursion by russia would elicit less of a response from the u.s. than a full-scale invasion of ukraine. what he's saying now next. you gotta hustle. you gotta go the extra mile. make a name for yourself. have a firm grip. always dress for success. and you gotta show 'em who's boss. thanks for coming in. we'll get back to you. hustle, sure, but for what matters. when you do, it leads to amazing. welcome to the next level. the all-new lexus nx. ♪ narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. 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>> well, the foreign money industry, they have called essentially president biden's estimation that russia may invade, they have called this part of ukranian and western media effort to sort of get up some big campaign that's going to cover what they describe as a big provocative action by the united states and nato, so they are playing that up. slightly more diplomatic response from the kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov who said, look, there's possibly here in what president biden is saying here, he implied that it gives us some reason to hope that there are some areas that we could discuss, but i think the bottom line takeaway from the crepe lynn was that really nothing much has changed. they are still waiting for a written response with the united states and the security concerns as they put the most demands to nato that the united states and nato are not going to accept. >> ukraine was clearly upset about the remarks that the president made and just today the president of ukraine said this. we want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones. i say this as the president of a great power, end quote. max, did president biden's comments shake up an already fraught process or change the trajectory of the situation, or do you think they did little in that effect? >> well, there's no question that what biden said was a gaffe, and it's one that the white house immediately recognize and they have been trying to clean it up with statements from the white house press secretary as well as from biden himself and, of course, secretary of state tony blinken who is now in europe who just gave a speech where he vowed that there would be swift, severe and united repercussions for russia should they invade ukraine at any level. so i'm not sure this actually changes the trajectory of the conflict because i think putin is smart enough to understand that this was a slip of the tongue, but it's also one that -- that gets at a larger truth which is that in fact if russia limits their aggression, for example, to a cyber attack which is what i think biden was referring to, there's not going to be the same level of u.s. and european response as there would be if russian tanks are rolling across the border. >> so max, what do you think putin actually wants? what's he hoping to gain from all of this? >> well, that's a great question. he's repeatedly denied that ukraine is a separate sovereign country, and he's repeatedly said that his ultimate goal is to basically undo what he called the geostrategic catastrophe of the 20th century which was the dissolution of the soviet union so there's no question he's trying to reassemble the soviet empire. it's hard to know exactly what he's aiming for. in the case of ukraine, clearly he wants ukraine to be part of the russian sphere of influence and to deny it to europe and to nato and the united states as part of their sphere of influence, but how far he's willing to take it, whether he's actually going to try to invade and occupy ukraine or if he's going to try to get a land bridge from crimea to dombas or not invade at all. that's up to putin. he's an absolute dictator so it's pretty hard to second guess what his immediate intensions >> have to leave it there. thank you both. turning now to the state of the economy and an unexpected jump in weekly jobless claims which rose to 286,000 last week, the highest level since october. cnn's matt egan is joining us now. matt, what is driving these numbers up, and how do they compare as we take a step back to where we were a year ago? >> reporter: well, ana, this three-month high in jobless claims is likely a reflection of covid-related stress, layoffs, disruptions in the job markets. we have to pay attention to that very closely, but the overall trend remains very strong. a year ago about 800,000 people were filing for first time jobless claims a week. that figure has dropped by two-thirds. the unemployment rate is heading in the right direction fwoun do 3.9% as of december which compares to 6.4% when president biden took office, and we saw more than 6 million jobs added last year. that is the best for a first year of a presidency in 45 years, and then there's stock market. the s&p 500 is up by about 19% under president biden. that's a very strong number, but, ana, we've seen the market cool off a bit in recent weeks, and we do need to pay attention to that because households have built up a lot of wealth in the stock market during this market boom, and you've got to wonder what happens to consumer confidence if stocks keep going down. >> yeah. you point out that unemployment is going the right direction, stock market is going the right direction overall but inflation still remains a approximate right? remains sky high. are wages keeping up? >> well, wage growth is hot, but inflation is even hotter. we saw consumer prices rise in december at the fastest pace in 39 years after years of subdued inflation. we've really seen prices go up. prices at the pump, we know that's part of t.gasoline prices up by 49% from a year ago, but we also saw record price spikes in december for new cars, fast food, men's apparel. that means all too often paychecks aren't going as far as they used to, and here's a concrete example from anderson economic group. the average price of a used car rose by $6,000 between november 2020 and november 2021, but average weekly earnings are only up by $33 over that span. that means that americans needed to work on average five more weeks in 2021 to afford a used car. ana, that is exactly the kind of sticker shock that is overshadowing all the bright spots in the job market. >> matt egan, appreciate it. up next. the headline that may be hard for some to swallow. a world heart organization saying no amount of alcohol is healthy or safe. their new guidance next. 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>> so, dr. anthony fauci said that he thinks that he is hopeful that there will be vaccines for children under 5 within about a month. that was sort of surprising because the last that we heard from pfizer, which was about a month ago, it was when they did clinical trials for 2 to 4-year-olds, they found the dosage wasn't high enough and that they need -- they need to kind of change the clinical trial and amend it to include a third dose because the one that they did was only two doses so they have to do this sort whole of new page of a clinical trial and so it seems unlikely it would be within a month, but let's take a look at what pfizer told us today. we reached out to fooiz, and they said we hope to have results in the first half of 2022, and if successful, be able to submit for emergency use authorization shortly after, so they are now saying within a month and a month ago dr. fauci says the first quarter of 2022 so we don't know what changed his mind. why was he saying a month ago the first quarter, and now he's saying within a month? that's a very different time frame. we will have to wait and see. maybe dr. fauci knows something that we don't, and maybe phizer is more ready than they seem to be. they haven't submitted data on children under 5 as far as we know or at least finished submitting data, so we'll have to wait and hear from pfizer. aprila? >> ultimately it's up to the fda to give that green light. elizabeth cohen, thank you. today, bob saget's widow kelly rizzo opening up about the man she and america loved so much, including her final words to him. >> everything that i've been surrounded by has been a reminder of him and, you know, a memory of him so it's been very, very sad. >> what was the last text? >> just i love you so much and i can't wait to see you tomorrow and i love you so much and can't wait to see you tomorrow. he just wanted to spread love and laughter and he did it so amazingly, and i'm just so proud of him because he truly brought people together and, i mean, he was just so wonderful. i was just so honored to be his wife and to be able to be a part of it and bring him any bit of happiness that i could because he deserved it so much. >> rizzo went on to say that while saget did have covid-19 in december, his symptoms were not anything serious, and the investigation into his cause of death is still ongoing. for years now, u.s. spies, service members, diplomats serving overseas, they have been struck with mysterious symptoms known as havana symptoms. now the cia has released an intelligence assess president on these unexplained and sometimes severe medical episodes. what they found next. slash panic room . maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240709

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2020 election. cnn's sara murray is joining us now. what have you learned, sara? >> well, look, she has sent this letter requesting a special grand jury. she wants to be able to subpoena witnesses and make it a little bit easier to collect evidence this. all goes back to, you know, the efforts that donald trump and his allies made to try to overturn georgia's election results in 2020. district attorney willis announced her investigation after the infamous phone call that donald trump had with brad raffensperger. here's a reminder what have went on during that phone call. >> but they are shredding ballots in my opinion based on what i've heard, and they are removing machinery, and they are moving it as fast as they can. both of which are criminal fines, and you can't let it happen and you are letting happen, you know. i'm notifying you that you're letting happen, so look all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> so you hear him there telling brad be rafns sperger to find the votes. we know the district attorney is also looking at a number of actions taken by donald trump's allies to try to further this campaign to overturn the georgia election so in this letter that she sent to the court she says that they have talked to folks who are reluctant to speak to her unless they are under subpoena and part of that letter she says by way of example georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger an essential witness to the investigation has indicated he won't participate in an interview or otherwise offer evidence until he's presented with a subpoena by my office we should know the secretary of state's office has already provide the district attorney with a bunch of information including recordings of that raffensperger call and a call with another official, but essentially what this letter tells you she's serious about pursuing a criminal indictment against former president trump or allies working with him n this campaign in georgia. it's not a done deal. there are juries who have to sign off in this question. >> joining us now is former u.s. district attorney for the southern district of new york. if you're the prosecutor why not? >> it's time to play hardball this. district attorney says i need to speak with witnesses and several of them have not agreed to speak with me voluntarily. that's why you need a grand jury. grand juries issue subpoenas and the it's a formal command that you must testify. that's enforceable by the courts and ultimately potentially by law enforcement and that's how you get people who may be reluctant to testify. the second reason is focus. normal grand juries, everyday grand juries, first of all, they only sit for a limited amount of time, a month, a couple month, and they are hearing different cause cases all throughout the day. by asking for a special investigative grand jury the d.a. is looking for a grand jury solely dedicated to this case and can sit for a longer period, longer than she needs. >> i want to play what this district attorney said in february of last year about what prosecutors assess when considering potential charges. >> you look at facts to see if they really have intent? did they understand what they were doing. details facts become important like asking for a specific number and then going back and investigating that that number is just one more than the number needed. it lets you know that sun had a clear mind and facts like that, that seem not important are very important. >> we're there not. what charges should trump face other? should he be worried? >> he definitely should be worried. there are a host of charges surrounding fraud, election fraud, you know, pressuring officials to commit fraud, but, you know, the bigger picture sheer that the walls are closing in on trump on a number of fronts, including at the state level. in addition to the fulton d.a., he has a case in -- at the manhattan district attorney's office that's looking into the trump organization. the department of justice is likely looking into these attempts to obstruct the congressional electoral count proceedings. the new york a.g. has a civil suit that could turn criminal if it uncovers criminal activity so all of these, are you know, basically tentacles of liability that are closing in on trump and this one in particular, ana, relates to the january 6th committee and potentially to a doj investigation because all roads lead back to trump attempting to call the outcome of the election into question so that the final certification would be, you know, contested, and, you know, on this front we know that the department of justice, for example, was also trying to pressure -- based on false claims of voter fraud. all of these are bad news for trump. >> they are all connected in different ways. we see parallel processes taking place. in all of them we are seeing the need to compel people to testify in order to make sure that the case is air tight, right, and in this particular case, the fulton county district attorney is saying one reason to move to have a special grand jury is to subpoena the likes of people like brad raffensperger who she says won't do an interview or provide certain information without a subpoena. asha, how crucial would his testimony be in this case? >> his testimony is very crucial in terms of, you know, outlining exactly, you know, how -- we have the phone call but also how he interpreted that call were. there any other efforts being made outside of that phone call to pressure him to find these votes, you know? and -- i'm sorry. i think it's very important for him to get this testimony, also have-to-have it under oath and for him specifically, you know, ana, he's doing this for political cover as well because he wants to be seen as doing this under compulsion as opposed to voluntarily because he has to try to stay in the good graces of the republican party. >> walk us through the process here, elie. how does it work with a special grand jury? >> the first step is what we saw the d.a. do just now. she has to send a letter to the chief judge asking her negotiation hanegotiation have grand jury. the judges as group will then vote on whether to grand that request. if this happens, we will have a special grand jury seated. that special grand jury will have a couple of really important powers. one is they can issue subpoenas so they can get testimony, compel testimony out of brad rafns pittsburgh earning the person she singles out in the letter and others. they can also inspect records so they can serve a subpoena saying hey i want to see whatever documents you have relating to this, but it's important to this that the d.a. says in he is record that i'm not going the injury to have the power to indict. however this, grand jury may have the power to recommend criminal charges -- do you the -- i think it bass all of these records will go to the overall effort, as i mentioned, the overall effort to try to call the election results into doubt, and so it will provide a good reference point, a documentary trail, communications trail of what was going on behind the scenes in terms of the intent in pursuing all of these different avenues to pressure individuals, to pressure state legislatures in order to achieve trump's agenda of trying to, you know, stay in power. >> asha rangappa and elie hone quick, stay with us. much more to discuss including the january 6th committee requesting the cooperation of the former president's daughter and senior white house adviser ivanka trump. stay right there. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ready to turn your dreams into plans and your actions into achievements? 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>> aprila, this is a big move by the committee, really moving on the former president's innermost circle. now it's notable. this is a voluntary request for her cooperation. this is not a subpoena and, look, the committee has said they have been gathering evidence about what she was up to on january 6th. they say they are firsthand testimony that she asked her father at least tries to do something to stop the violence, but in this eight-page letter that they sent her today, ana, astonishing new details about just how deep these lawmakers are in the trump white house and how much they have learned about what was going on that day. for example. they say that they want to talk to ivanka about a meeting that she observed in the oval office on january 6th. it was a phone call between trump and his vice president mike pence where trump allegedly pressured pence to try to go along with his plan to undermine the certification of electoral votes. they want to talk to ivanka with what she heard on at least one end of that phone call. they also want to know why the president didn't just go to the briefing room. there's always a live cameras, plenty of reporters in the briefing room just steps away from his office, why didn't he go there and call for an end to the violence? they are also seeking to talk to her about whether trump did or did not ask to deploy the national guard and there were staff members trying to deflect questions about what was going on with the national guard at that time. interestingly they also in detailed evidence that they have gathered about efforts to keep the president away, from quote, crazy people. apparently this was an effort in an effort they are gathered by fox news host sean hannity. kayleigh mcenany tried to keep them away from the crazy people that were hatching a plan that were trying to get him to the inauguration day, quote, land the plane, as hannity said. a stunning amount of new details in this letter it. real paints the picture of the a chaotic white house and staff members trying to keep the president away from people who did not have their best interests at heart and much of this evidence could be used to support the committee's theory that the former president abdicated his responsibility to the country and the details really speaks to the significance and the importance of witness interviews and talking to people who are in the room while this was all happening and they say ivanka was present for many of these key moments and they want to talk to her about what she knows. we each reached out to ivanka trump and we have not gotten any response about how she intends to deal with this request. >> paula reid, wow. thank you. elie honeig and asha rangappa, your reaction to this ivanka news. >> this tells me that the committee is looking right at the inner circle of the trump white house right on the key date of january 6th and leading up to it and the committee is making very clear in this letter we're already there. we're not just sort of grasping at straws here. the committee makes a point in this letter to demonstrate to ivanka trump and to all of us, i think, that they have a lot of evidence about what was going on in these key conversations. they have spoken with other witnesses who have told them what was going on. they have seen documents that confirm what was going on, and i think the key role that ivanka trump played here, according to the committee's view, is people in and around the white house viewed her as one of the only people, perhaps the only person who was capable of talking sense into donald trump that day as this was going down. the committee essentially says various other people came to you, ivanka trump, asked you, begged you to have your father do something to call off these rioters. >> asha, that's exactly what went through my head which is what elie just said, and that is as we hear what they are writing in this letter, it reveals, right, what they already have in a lot of ways. i just wonder if they actually expect ivanka to come and talk to them or if this was just their avenue of making public some of the information that they have learned. >> it can be both, and, ana, this left, as you note, signals that they have a lot of information and also cabins the people that they are asking them to come let them know they don't have a lot of wiggle room. in the conversation in the oval office while trump is talking to vice president pence trying to pressure him, not only was iadvantage tlarks but there was a third person whom they already interviewed and they already have firsthand knowledge information about that -- about trump's end of the phone call, so if ivanka trump tries to talk to them, she can't make up something or gloss over things. they have that side of the conversation. she's going have to confirm it and -- and flesh it out. i also think that, you know, she had unfettered access to the president more than any other person so she has, you know, a lot of firsthand knowledge and observational testimony that she can give, but i'm not sure that they necessarily need, it especially now that they are going to get this tranche of documents from the national archives. they will further flesh out the communications that were kind of happening as this picture was unfolding. >> this ivanka news comes just as the supreme court officially shot down former president trump's effort to keep some 700-plus white house documents under wraps, means possible january 6th secheltons he wanted kept in closets. they will soon be in investigators' hands. elie, how significant was that decision and what does that mean for the investigation now? >> so, it was a big deal on two levels, aprila, up, as you say, the investigators now have the document. the committee members have already started going through them. these are contemporaneous documents showing what people were wright, saying and doing as this attack happened. this is the most valuable kind of evidence because it's happened and it's created before nip has a chance to try to get their talking point or their stories straight. more broadly, legally speaking, these decisions, the federal court opinions from the federal court of appeals and yesterday from the supreme court really shoot down this idea that donald trump has had a legitimate claim of executive prif 11. the fact that they's a former president is not what's driving us here. the fact is that he has no argument on the merits and on the substance so any other witness whether it's ivanka trump or anyone else who tries to say, well, executive privilege, that's now been dealt a real blow by yesterday's supreme court ruling. >> let's put that graphic back up because i want to emphasize what these documents include. activity and call logs, schedules, speech notes, three pages of handwritten notes from then white house chief of staff mark meadows around january 6th, memos about supposed election fraud and efforts to overturn, trump's loss. asha, if you're one of the investigators on this committee, what's one of the first things you want to see or learn from these dock snumts. >> ana, i want to know two things. first, i want to know how conscious was trump and the people around him that what they were putting out there were false claims you? know, are they reaching out? are they conspireing with department of justice and the state legislatures knowing that what they are putting out there are false claims, and this is -- you know, this perpetuation of the big lie is a big focus of the committee. the second thing i want to know is in these document and particularly in the versions of the speeches that are leading up to trump's speech at the elimits, how much of that was toned down is this there's a lot being made that he told the marchers to march peacefully. what version was that? you know, did he really have stronger language that, you know, his aides and staff were trying to revise because this goes to, aprila, you know, did they anticipate that there could be potentially, you know, riotous or slept activity that day that they were trying to stave off, and did trump know that as well? >> elie, you point out that some of these documents could shed light on trump's state of mind. was he upset? was he pleased? outside the committee work, what could learning this mean for potential charges? >> well, so, intent is a key word, and we actually heard in the last segment the district attorney down in georgia willis say inten. all of this -- when you're talking about criminal charges, have you to prove intent. have you to prove that there was an intent to steal an election, that the president did not legitimately believe he won. you have to prove that you had what is called criminal or corrupt attempt and all of these documents could go to that and to me the best evidence you have intent is what people were doing and saying at the moment before they have had a chance to think about it. the law actually recognize that, there's a special power in contemporaneous document, notes, texts and e-mails because they tend to show a person's true state of mind better than things down the line. >> you said it's it's important for the d.a. to prosecute trump for obstruction even if it's an uphill battle even to prevent a future president from acting similarly. first, do you think that there's enough evidence already for the justice department to take that step and, second, what's the biggest risk of going there if prosecutors are not confident they can win? >> yes. so, aprila this, goes back, way back several crimes ago to the muller investigation and what he accumulated with regards to obstruction of justice and at the time there were 400 former federal prosecutors who said there was enough evidence at least on several of the ten dhunts were outlined in the muller report to prosecute trump and the reason that i think that this is super important is that obstruction of justice is sort of the building block of criminality for someone who occupies the oval office. if they can stop investigations, if they can thwart, you know, law enforcement looking into their misconduct, then basically they have a green light to do anything, and so i think that it's very important to move forward on that or at the very least i do think as the statute of limitations expires this year, starting in may, that the attorney general at least inform the american public why he's not choosing to bring a case on those specific charges. >> elie, what's next? is it time for the public hearings to start? >> yeah. i think that's where we're headed, april a. the committee says they tend to put on public hearings the first half of this year and i think the committee will have a lot to choose from here because they have done an exceptional job of finding and building facts and they have to choose very carefully. who will we put in front of cameras and put in front. american people to make this story come to life? it's one thing for us to see the press releases that come out of commit, the letters. they tell us and give us a lot of evidence, but if they really want to drive home for people what this means, have you to think about your live witnesses. the example i'll give is the first and only public hearing that we've had thus far from the committee is when we heard from the for you police officers who defended the capitol that day. and i think that hearing really helped this -- drive this home in the american public's mind of just what happened there. now we're going to be focused on behind the scenes. >> elie honig and asha rangappa, thanks so much for spending time with us. with tensions threatening to spill over in eastern europe president biden trying to clarify a statement that he made yesterday suggesting that a minor incursion by russia would elicit less of a response from the u.s. than a full-scale invasion of ukraine. what he's saying now next. you gotta hustle. you gotta go the extra mile. make a name for yourself. have a firm grip. always dress for success. and you gotta show 'em who's boss. thanks for coming in. we'll get back to you. hustle, sure, but for what matters. when you do, it leads to amazing. welcome to the next level. the all-new lexus nx. ♪ narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered. 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>> well, the foreign money industry, they have called essentially president biden's estimation that russia may invade, they have called this part of ukranian and western media effort to sort of get up some big campaign that's going to cover what they describe as a big provocative action by the united states and nato, so they are playing that up. slightly more diplomatic response from the kremlin spokesman dmitry peskov who said, look, there's possibly here in what president biden is saying here, he implied that it gives us some reason to hope that there are some areas that we could discuss, but i think the bottom line takeaway from the crepe lynn was that really nothing much has changed. they are still waiting for a written response with the united states and the security concerns as they put the most demands to nato that the united states and nato are not going to accept. >> ukraine was clearly upset about the remarks that the president made and just today the president of ukraine said this. we want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones. i say this as the president of a great power, end quote. max, did president biden's comments shake up an already fraught process or change the trajectory of the situation, or do you think they did little in that effect? >> well, there's no question that what biden said was a gaffe, and it's one that the white house immediately recognize and they have been trying to clean it up with statements from the white house press secretary as well as from biden himself and, of course, secretary of state tony blinken who is now in europe who just gave a speech where he vowed that there would be swift, severe and united repercussions for russia should they invade ukraine at any level. so i'm not sure this actually changes the trajectory of the conflict because i think putin is smart enough to understand that this was a slip of the tongue, but it's also one that -- that gets at a larger truth which is that in fact if russia limits their aggression, for example, to a cyber attack which is what i think biden was referring to, there's not going to be the same level of u.s. and european response as there would be if russian tanks are rolling across the border. >> so max, what do you think putin actually wants? what's he hoping to gain from all of this? >> well, that's a great question. he's repeatedly denied that ukraine is a separate sovereign country, and he's repeatedly said that his ultimate goal is to basically undo what he called the geostrategic catastrophe of the 20th century which was the dissolution of the soviet union so there's no question he's trying to reassemble the soviet empire. it's hard to know exactly what he's aiming for. in the case of ukraine, clearly he wants ukraine to be part of the russian sphere of influence and to deny it to europe and to nato and the united states as part of their sphere of influence, but how far he's willing to take it, whether he's actually going to try to invade and occupy ukraine or if he's going to try to get a land bridge from crimea to dombas or not invade at all. that's up to putin. he's an absolute dictator so it's pretty hard to second guess what his immediate intensions >> have to leave it there. thank you both. turning now to the state of the economy and an unexpected jump in weekly jobless claims which rose to 286,000 last week, the highest level since october. cnn's matt egan is joining us now. matt, what is driving these numbers up, and how do they compare as we take a step back to where we were a year ago? >> reporter: well, ana, this three-month high in jobless claims is likely a reflection of covid-related stress, layoffs, disruptions in the job markets. we have to pay attention to that very closely, but the overall trend remains very strong. a year ago about 800,000 people were filing for first time jobless claims a week. that figure has dropped by two-thirds. the unemployment rate is heading in the right direction fwoun do 3.9% as of december which compares to 6.4% when president biden took office, and we saw more than 6 million jobs added last year. that is the best for a first year of a presidency in 45 years, and then there's stock market. the s&p 500 is up by about 19% under president biden. that's a very strong number, but, ana, we've seen the market cool off a bit in recent weeks, and we do need to pay attention to that because households have built up a lot of wealth in the stock market during this market boom, and you've got to wonder what happens to consumer confidence if stocks keep going down. >> yeah. you point out that unemployment is going the right direction, stock market is going the right direction overall but inflation still remains a approximate right? remains sky high. are wages keeping up? >> well, wage growth is hot, but inflation is even hotter. we saw consumer prices rise in december at the fastest pace in 39 years after years of subdued inflation. we've really seen prices go up. prices at the pump, we know that's part of t.gasoline prices up by 49% from a year ago, but we also saw record price spikes in december for new cars, fast food, men's apparel. that means all too often paychecks aren't going as far as they used to, and here's a concrete example from anderson economic group. the average price of a used car rose by $6,000 between november 2020 and november 2021, but average weekly earnings are only up by $33 over that span. that means that americans needed to work on average five more weeks in 2021 to afford a used car. ana, that is exactly the kind of sticker shock that is overshadowing all the bright spots in the job market. >> matt egan, appreciate it. up next. the headline that may be hard for some to swallow. a world heart organization saying no amount of alcohol is healthy or safe. their new guidance next. 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>> so, dr. anthony fauci said that he thinks that he is hopeful that there will be vaccines for children under 5 within about a month. that was sort of surprising because the last that we heard from pfizer, which was about a month ago, it was when they did clinical trials for 2 to 4-year-olds, they found the dosage wasn't high enough and that they need -- they need to kind of change the clinical trial and amend it to include a third dose because the one that they did was only two doses so they have to do this sort whole of new page of a clinical trial and so it seems unlikely it would be within a month, but let's take a look at what pfizer told us today. we reached out to fooiz, and they said we hope to have results in the first half of 2022, and if successful, be able to submit for emergency use authorization shortly after, so they are now saying within a month and a month ago dr. fauci says the first quarter of 2022 so we don't know what changed his mind. why was he saying a month ago the first quarter, and now he's saying within a month? that's a very different time frame. we will have to wait and see. maybe dr. fauci knows something that we don't, and maybe phizer is more ready than they seem to be. they haven't submitted data on children under 5 as far as we know or at least finished submitting data, so we'll have to wait and hear from pfizer. aprila? >> ultimately it's up to the fda to give that green light. elizabeth cohen, thank you. today, bob saget's widow kelly rizzo opening up about the man she and america loved so much, including her final words to him. >> everything that i've been surrounded by has been a reminder of him and, you know, a memory of him so it's been very, very sad. >> what was the last text? >> just i love you so much and i can't wait to see you tomorrow and i love you so much and can't wait to see you tomorrow. he just wanted to spread love and laughter and he did it so amazingly, and i'm just so proud of him because he truly brought people together and, i mean, he was just so wonderful. i was just so honored to be his wife and to be able to be a part of it and bring him any bit of happiness that i could because he deserved it so much. >> rizzo went on to say that while saget did have covid-19 in december, his symptoms were not anything serious, and the investigation into his cause of death is still ongoing. for years now, u.s. spies, service members, diplomats serving overseas, they have been struck with mysterious symptoms known as havana symptoms. now the cia has released an intelligence assess president on these unexplained and sometimes severe medical episodes. what they found next. slash panic room . maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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Cases , Everyday Grand Juries , Case , Prosecutors , The D A , Details , Charges , Facts , Mind , Sun , Fraud , Election Fraud , Host , Other , Pressuring , Officials , Picture , Level , Fulton D A , Fronts , Walls , Closing , Addition , Sheer , Count , Attempts , Proceedings , Congressional Electoral , A G , Trump Organization , Department Of Justice , January 6th Committee , Activity , Suit , Tentacles , Particular , Liability , Criminal , 6 , January 6th , Front , Certification , Outcome , Roads , Claims , Pressure , Voter Fraud , Order , Ways , Processes , Place , Bad News , District Attorney , Asha Rangappa , Testimony , Terms , Cover , Oath , Elie , Under Compulsion , Graces , Republican Party , Group , Step , Request , Chief Judge , Hanegotiation Have Grand Jury , To Grand , Negotiation , Judges , Special Grand Jury Seated , Person , Records , Powers , Couple , Others , Brad Rafns , Pittsburgh , End Quote , Record , Injury , Effort , Bass , Communications , Intent , Doubt , Scenes , Reference Point , Pressure State Legislatures , Avenues , Individuals , Documentary Trail , Agenda , Stay , Elie Hone , Ivanka Trump , White House , Daughter , Cooperation , Protein , Energy , Nutrition , Everyone , Mission , Strength , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , 30 , Plans , Classes , Achievements , Programs , National University , Nu Edu , Four , 75 , Car , Vo , Experts , Music Vo , Windshield , Service , Technology , Singers , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Candidates , Job , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Shortlist , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Projects , Vapors , Vicks Vaposhower , Vicks Vapobath , Take A Soothing Vicks , Hun , Father , Interactions , Democracy , Paula Reid , Bun , April A The Committee , Aprila , Move , Paula , Notable , Learning , Innermost Circle , Something , Violence , Tries , Eight , Oval Office , Meeting , Lawmakers , Astonishing , Plan , Mike Pence , Pence , Briefing Room , Didn T , Cameras , End , Reporters , Why Didn T , Staff , Whether , Members , Guard , Questions , Quote , Crazy People , Fox News , Sean Hannity , Kayleigh Mcenany , Letter It , Plane , Inauguration Day , President , Heart , Theory , Interests , Much , Country , Interviews , Responsibility , Room , Moments , Many , Significance , Importance , Response , Elie Honeig , Reaction , Ivanka News , Inner Circle , Grasping At Straws , Lot , Documents , Point , All Of Us , Conversations , View , Sense , Role , Head , Rioters , Writing , Some , Public , Note , Avenue , Making , Left , Cabins , Conversation , Wiggle Room , Knowledge , Vice President , Iadvantage Tlarks , Things , Side , Access , Tranche , Supreme Court , Flesh , The National Archives , Investigators , Decision , Closets , Hands , Documents Under Wraps , 700 , Document , Committee Members , Levels , Up , Two , Attack , Chance , Kind , Talking Point , Decisions , Nip , Stories , Federal Court , Wright , Fact , Idea , Claim , Opinions , Executive Prif , Court Of Appeals , 11 , Executive Privilege , Anyone Else , Argument , Blow , Substance , Merits , Graphic , Yesterday S Supreme Court Ruling , Notes , Mark Meadows , Speech Notes , Pages , Memos , Schedules , Call Logs , Three , First , Loss , Dock Snumts , Legislatures , Know , Thing , Speech , Speeches , Perpetuation , Versions , Big Lie , Aides , Version , Elimits , Language , Marchers , Riotous , Mean , Committee Work , State Of Mind , Word , Georgia Willis Say Inten , Segment , Attempt , Is , Law , Texts , Line , E Mails , Justice , Obstruction , Second , Department , Similarly , Uphill Battle , Risk , Back , Crimes , Regards , Yes , Report , Sort , Muller , Dhunts , Obstruction Of Justice , Ten , 400 , Investigations , Someone , Criminality , Light , Building Block , Misconduct , Anything , Attorney General , Statute , Limitations , May , Hearings , Public Hearings , The American , Finding , Half , Building , Life , Press Releases , Letters , Story , Hearing , Police Officers , Capitol , Home , Elie Honig , Biden , Ukraine , Invasion , Statement , Eastern Europe , Incursion , Minor , Russia , Tensions , Gotta Hustle , Thanks , Name , Firm Grip , Hustle , Dress For Success , Show Em Who S Boss , Lexus Nx , Generation , Narrator , Greatest , Beach , World , Preacher , Oval , Bridge , Tyranny , Threat , Nuclear War , Selma , Alabama , Generations , Voting Rights , Gate , Enemy Superpower Tear , Continent , West Berlin , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , Freedom , Liberty , The Call , Ideals , Leaders , Type 2 Diabetes , Change , John Lewis , Voting Rights Act , 2 , Children , Don T , Blood Sugar , Dose , A1c , Stop Trulicity , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Use , It Isn T , Family , 1 , Side Effects , Doctor , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Stomach Pain , Vision , Taking Trulicity , Neck , Lump , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Diabetic Retinopathy , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Blood Sugar Risk , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , 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Security Concerns , Demands , Crepe Lynn , Great Powers , Nations , Incursions , Remarks , So Max , Process , Grief , Casualties , Loved Ones , Trajectory , White House Press Secretary , Effect , Situation , Statements , Gaffe , Course , Swift , Repercussions , Tony Blinken , Conflict , Truth , Tongue , Slip , Tanks , Goal , Catastrophe , Dissolution Of The Soviet Union , Soviet Empire , 20 , Sphere Of Influence , Influence , Land Bridge , Crimea , Dombas , Intensions , Economy , Dictator , Jump , Numbers , Matt Egan , 286000 , Attention , Job Markets , Reporter , Reflection , Stress , High , Disruptions , Layoffs , Trend , Unemployment Rate , Filing , Figure , 800000 , Direction Fwoun , Presidency , Best , Jobs , 6 Million , 3 9 , 6 4 , Stock Market , Bit , Households , Market , S P 500 , 45 , 19 , Stocks , Inflation , Direction , Consumer Confidence , Unemployment , Market Boom , Wealth , Consumer Prices , Right , Growth , Wages , Sky High , We Saw , Prices , Pump , Gasoline Prices , Cars , Record Price Spikes , Fast Food , 39 , 49 , Paychecks , Anderson Economic Group , Men S Apparel , 000 , 6000 , November 2020 , November 2021 , 2021 , Earnings , 33 , Five , Headline , Organization , Job Market , World Heart , Sticker Shock , Spots , Alcohol , Safe , Guidance , Charities , Charity , Retailers , Love Event , Support , Subaru , And , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Company , Car Company , Robert , None , Jeff , Bonnie , Difference , Stop Taking Jardiance , Prescriptions , Heart Risk , Coffee , Sweat , Boston , Death , Stroke , Heart Attack , Urinary Tract Infections , Adults , Yeast , Pill , Cream , Heart Disease , Ketoacidosis , Symptoms , Infection , Side Effect , Perineum , Skin , Dialysis , Commitment , Investors , Trades , Trade , Decision Tech , Etfs , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Zero , Fidelity , Red Wine , Drink , Federation , Glass , World Heart Federation , Pun , Elizabeth Cohen , High Blood Pressure , Problems , Heart Health , Heart Failure , Studies , Show , Elements , Drinking , 80 , Data , Flavonoids , Wine , Take A Look , Blueberries , Heart Fedation , Cancer , Types , Heart Problems , Deaths , Coronary Disease , 2019 , 2 4 Million , Isn T So , Alcohol Consumption , Motivation , Anthony Fauci , News , Dr , Vaccines , Talk , Let , 5 , Trials , Last , Pfizer , 4 , Clinical Trial , Page , Doses , Dosage Wasn T , Results , Emergency Use Authorization , Fooiz , 2022 , Quarter , Frame , Haven T , Widow Kelly Rizzo , Bob Saget , Man , Fda , Green Light , Everything , Memory , Words , Love , Text , Laughter , I Love You So Much , Wife , Happiness , Have Covid 19 In December , Diplomats , Service Members , Cause , Overseas , Spies , Episodes , Vacation , Intelligence , Cia , Family Needs , Panic Room , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , App , Job Description , Vrbo , Find Themself , Sugar , Times , Electorlytes , Feel , Pedialyte , Powder Packs , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Customers , T Mobile , Health , Iphone 13 , Magenta Max , 13 , Ronald , Iphone On T Mobile , Gonna Get Creamed , Illness , Community , Sick , It Havana Syndrome , Findings , Answer , Incidents , Bo Ellis , Countries , Katie , Majority , 1000 , Factors , Conditions , Nation State , State Department , Victims , U S Intelligence Community , Serious , Suffering , Havana Strome , Doesn T , Result , Injuries , Position , Me Today , Victor Blackwell , Allison , Boggling , Twitter , Inner Voice , Break , Small Business Owner , Kombucha Brewer , Window , Owner , Furniture , Hand Gestures , Business Finances , Furniture Maker , Sneaker , Problem , Intuit Quickbooks , Lost , Business Stands , Success Starts , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Diabetes , Glucerna , Personal Record , Limu , Pay , Limu Emu Squawks , Carbsteady , Remote Learning , Teachers , Parent , 18 , Sake , School Board Members , Let S Go To Georgia , Newsroom , Aftermath , Alisyn Camerota , Hello , Centers ,

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