Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

they're capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for russia. >> unclear exactly what constitutes a minor incursion, but it caused enough of a stir that the white house had to clarify the president's remarks last night. we'll have more on that in a live report from moscow in a moment. on domestic policy the president signaling a new approach could be on the horizon. he's hoping to revive his currently stalled plan to remake america's social safety net suggesting congress could pass big chunks of build back better. >> it's clear to me that we're going to have to probably break it up. >> break it up. and breaking overnight, a major defeat as expected in the push to pass voting rights legislation in the senate. reforms that the president said were so needed that without them, the coming midterm elections could be viewed as illegitimate. >> i'm not saying it's going to be legit. the increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these, these reforms passed. >> all right. we have team coverage from every angle this morning starting with nic robertson in moscow. nic, clearly the president's remarks in ukraine did not go over well in kiev or moscow. >> reporter: yeah, one ukrainian official described it as an effective green light for president putin to invade ukraine. this was not the language that they were expecting, not what they were prepared for. the white house clearing it up and saying, look, president biden is very clear of what is seen in the past of russia's actions, be it invasions, be it cyberattacks, be it paramilitary attacks. there is and will be a joined up response from the united states and its allies, so trying to clear that up. meanwhile, here in moscow, the kremlin is really trying to interpret what they heard. president putin's spokesman dmitry peskov was asked in a meeting a few minutes ago how he interpreted what president biden was saying and was this a softening of the language. he didn't really seem quite sure how to respond to that. but he did seem to indicate that this gave them a little certain amount of hope that there was some space for diplomacy. the foreign ministry spokeswoman here, however, her language was much tougher today saying that what they've been hearing about, you know, the indications from president biden that he thought there would be an invasion coming, that this was really ukrainian and western media trying to create a narrative, a pretext for the cover for some possible big provocation, including military provocation and the spokeswoman went on to talk about how the british had been sending in weapons to ukraine over the past few days, military weapons, to support the ukrainian army. she said that this was, in effect, nato trying to draw ukraine into its orbit. i think in moscow at the moment, similar tough language to what we've heard in the past. a little bit of uncertainty over what president biden has said, but they are still sticking to their language that they want to see these written answers from the united states about their security proposals, and that's something secretary blinken has said he won't be delivering to the foreign minister of russia peskov in geneva tomorrow. >> the minor incursion language getting attention. we should point out the president said therein vegas by russia into ukraine would be a disaster for russia. that was the message he was trying to drive home there, too. nic robertson, thank you for that. laura? as christine mentioned at the top of the show, the senate's effort to pass legislation was dead on arrival. they knew it. their attempt to change the 60-vote threshold to pass the built was defeated when two democrats, senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, joined every republican in voting no. let's bring in cnn's daniela diaz live on capitol hill for us this morning. daniela, good morning. so what's the path forward now on voting rights? i understand some senators are looking to do some more modest proposals. >> reporter: they're looking and discussing a partisan appropriate sal that would have a minimal effect on voting rights legislation. democrats, laura, are back to square one. they were really hoping that they could change the minds of sinema and manchin, especially democratic leadership president joe biden, senate majority leader chuck schumer. and they were unsuccessful in changes the minds of manchin and sinema so they could pass legislation, voting rights legislation with just 51 votes instead of the 60 needed to break the filibuster. so late last night, even though they knew sinema and manchin weren't going to support this, and no republican senator supported this either, democrats -- democratic leadership still had a vote in the senate. they wanted it on record. m manchin and sinema's vote on record they did not support the rules change. as you said, laura, dead on arrival. they back to square one with the voting rights legislation, but there is a bipartisan group of senators working on possibly reforming the electoral count act and changing how the joint congress certifies election results. but that is a more, smaller scope of change that democrats were hoping. they wanted a larger scale to counter all the republican-led state legislatures voter restrictions that have been passed the last couple months. >> sure. not to mention making election day a holiday so people don't have to take off work to vote. daniela, while i have you, i also want to talk about what the president said when it comes to build back better, floating this idea of? how doing it in chunks. do we have any idea how that would work, what might come first? >> reporter: that's really interesting, laura, that he said that because president joe biden essentially acknowledging that he can't work with manchin to pass a full bill, that $2 trillion bill we talked about for months last fall. what they're probably going to do instead is split up that bill and focus on more popular provisions like lowering prescription drug costs, funding to combat climate change, expanding the child tax credit, and try to pass those separately because they are hopeful that they might be able to get some sort of republican support. some of these provisions are popular with some republican senators in their home states. but really, the bigger picture here is president joe biden is acknowledging that state of the union is coming up. it's on march 1st, and right now they can't tout voting rights legislation, passing that in the senate. so they are going to shift their focus on trying to pass more smaller provisions of the build back better act instead of that whole bill that we covered last fall. >> yeah, the timing piece of this really interesting as you mention. daniela, thank you for your reporting as usual. so, the president spent much of his nearly two-hour press conference wednesday playing defense, but he did take aim at some of the republican obstructionism he sees that that's holding back his agenda in congress. >> i did not anticipate that there would be such a stalwart effort to make sure that the most important thing was that president biden didn't get anything done. think about this. what are republicans for? what are they for? name me one thing they're for. >> all right. let's dig a little deeper into the thinking at the white house this morning after the big reset press conference. politico white house correspondent here with us today, coauthor of the west wing playbook, alex thompson. nice to see you bright and early this morning. so much to talk about. the president, alex, he covered a lot of ground, right? but it was comments on ukraine, comments on the midterms being illegitimate, that's what's making headlines this morning. it's probably not the reset the white house was hoping for at the outset. >> you know, it was definitely a mixed bag. i don't think any time you have to have your press secretary come out with a clarifying statement about what is an invasion versus what is an incursion, usually is the best result. at the same time, i can tell you that often white house aides -- not all of them, but many, sort of have this pang of anxiety whenever biden is out there talking to press because he has a habit of speaking off the cuff. he can obviously make a lot of mistakes. he gave the longest press conference in recent history, longer than the longest one by barack obama, by president trump, by president clinton, and the fact that he still only had a few of these flubs i think hardened them. at the same time to your point, there were a bunch of things they had to then sweep up and try to clarify afterward. >> alex, it's interesting because there are some this morning saying the media just want to attack joe biden no matter what. they're just going to go after him. he may have been trying to draw a line, avoid drawing a red line about ukraine and russia to give the u.s. more wiggle room. but that's not how we see it. we want to go after him. you know, that's part of the narrative i think this morning, too. there was a lot in that speech. >> oh, absolutely. i think some of the response, you know, from the media is coming from the ukraine/russian side. they feel very frustrated by virtue, of course, the white house has long felt that the media is a little bit too tough on them and is trying to pick out things. in fact, i think you could even make an argument, i think some republicans watching part of the speech yesterday were like, they should let him do this more because, yes, while reporters may nitpick at stuff, biden is sort of getting out of the basement if you will, and actually starting to communicate, could actually be helpful for his political prospects which at the moment, it couldn't hurt. >> every white house complains that the media is too tough on us. that's our job. one of the surprising things about what the president said last time, notable, after eight years in the obama administration as vice president, he was somehow surprised by the gop's in transjensen, especially in congress. my question to you, why did he think he was special? >> well, i can tell you that a lot of members in the obama administration are asking themselves this exact same question this morning. i think there were a lot of private eye rolls to biden saying that. not only because it struck them as a little bit naive, but also because i think a lot of people from the obama era think it's just not true. the fact of the matter is you had mitch mcconnell vote for one of biden's signature accomplishments in the bipartisan infrastructure bill. you had mitch mcconnell didn't play brinksmanship with the debt ceiling earlier this winter. a lot of his republican colleagues were upset with him for not playing harder ball. they stood up to the voting rights bill. i think it's a little unfair to say so far in his first year they've been more obstructionist than they were during the obama years. >> that's a good point. our jeff zeleny was there to ask the president what he plans to do differently in year two. here's what he said. >> out of this place more often. i'm going to go out and talk to the public. i'm going to do public fora. i'm going to interface with them. i'm going to make the case of what we've already done, why it's important, and what we'll do if -- what will happen if they support what else i want to do. >> i mean, in particular he's saying the public supports these little elements and big elements of build back better. he has to take the message to them. >> when every president is in trouble, they say we're going to communicate more. >> just go on the road. >> exactly. we're going to go on the road. now, we'll see. is he going to start taking a lot of his weekends he's been spending up in delaware, is he actually going to start hitting the road? i guess it's yet to be seen. i'm still not sure. >> alex, finally for you here, i wonder about what you thought about what he said about breaking up build back better. obviously he wants to get something passed. it's stalled right now. what do you think, can he get it done? >> the white house remains cautiously optimistic they're going to get something done. whatever they get done is going to be just pale in comparison to their original ambitions here. i think the most likely thing we're going to get is some sort of climate package with some sort of early education thrown in there, but it's not even close to the 3 trillion, 6 trillion they were originally envisioning over the next decade. >> all right, alex thompson, political white house correspondent, thank you. the element feeds into this inflation fighting mode the president wants to be in, right. he can go around the country and say you're concerned about higher prices. by the way, that's the fed and that's not in our hands. well, then, we need to make sure we get money into families' pockets so they can absorb it better. that's the message i think they'll be trying to push out. meantime the president said it is the job of the federal reserve to fight inflation. >> a critical job in making sure that the elevated prices don't become entrenched rests with the federal reserve, which has a mandate, full employment and stable prices. the fed reserve provided extraordinary support during the crisis for the previous year and a half. given the strength of our economy, and the pace of recent price increases, it's appropriate as the federal chairman, chairman powell, the fed chairman powell has indicated, to recalibrate the support that is now necessary. >> so if you read between the lines there, the president signalling to the fed chair, the white house won't push back hard on interest rate hikes. those are coming, by the way. could be read as the president's tacit endorsement of tightening with 7% inflation in 2021, mr. biden's approval rating is suffering. the fed is trying to pitch pivot away from the ultra low rate without hurting the economy. laundry now the latest victim of the big i word. proctor gamible saying it is raising prices for retailers, bounce, dryer sheets. p & g says it is trying to offset cost pressures. and after a brief retreat into december, prices at the pump are on their way up again. we'll talk to a petroleum analyst about that coming up in just a few minutes. all right. new this morning, a prominent texas congressman under investigation it appears by the fbi. the agency said in a statement last night it was conducting a court-authorized search of democrat henry's home. they loaded large bags, plastic bins and a computer into a government truck there. he told cnn the congressman will fully cooperate with any investigation. it is unclear what the issue is, christine. >> we'll follow that for more details. up next, the pivotal supreme court ruling on donald trump's white house documents. he can't keep them a secret any more. and breaking right now, new arrests in the uk over that attack on a texas synagogue. and developing overnight, high drama on the high seas as a u.s. destroyer challenges china. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x lonr for 12 hours. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. better skin from your body wash? try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. welcome back. the u.s. supreme court has handed a win to the january 6 committee investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol n. a short order last night, the justices rejelcted trump's efforts to block lawmakers from getting their hands on hundreds of pages of white house documents. i'm talking about documents that include call logs, internal memos, speech notes from then white house chief of staff mark meadows. cnn's kaitlan pollance joins us live from washington. i understand the national archives has already started turning over hundreds of pages to the committee since the ruling came out last night. >> reporter: that's right, laura. we don't actually know what the white house is getting yet, but we did hear in a statement last night from them that they are starting to receive these documents. and really, this supreme court case is quite a big decision against trump. it is the end of the road for him. he had come to court back in october to try and block these documents to keep them from the house. they are documents the house believes were quite crucial to understanding what was happening around the top advisers of trump leading up to january 6 and on january 6, and because he was in court up to this point, he was able to block them from these documents. no longer. that's it. now, what this decision does is very important. basically, the supreme court is agreeing with a lower court's ruling, they're signing off on a lower court's decision that the reasons trump had given to try and stop the house probe, to try and claim executive privilege, those reasons just weren't good enough. and what the lower court had actually found was that the reasons trump was giving, they he weren't good enough if he was the former president, and they weren't going to even be good enough to stop the house if he was the sitting president. that said, the supreme court also did not go there on the big question that trump had raised in this case. he had wanted them to look at the power of a former president to step in and keep secret information from his white house, the supreme court did not get to that. this was quite narrow actually. >> so, given that narrow decision from the high court, what does this mean for other trump allies who have been stiff arming the committee, people like steve bannon and mark meadows, what does it mean in implications for executive privilege claims there? >> reporter: we don't actually know yet. we do know meadows has been using this ongoing court case to say, i can't talk to the committee about my documents. you can't get access to them because trump was trying to keep them secret. but what we're seeing here is momentum from the committee. i mean, there is someone who had hundreds of pages of records that were held up in this court fight. that's kayleigh mcenany. she had gone in and spoken to the committee. so the house is gaining momentum. they're gaining more documents. they're beganing access to people and the people who were using executive privilege as a shield to not talk to the house are now going to have to make a choice. do they try and bring a fight similar to what trump has done in this and still try to use executive privilege as a reason they can't talk to the committee? or do they just relent and go in at this point. >> and, kaitlan, quickly while i have you, i know you've been following this interesting thread about somebody anonymous trying to keep their identity secret who has been suing the house select committee. the chief judge now says they have to come out with who they are. what do you know about that? >> reporter: that's right. this is one of 17 people who have gone to court and sued the house select committee saying that they shouldn't have subpoena power. this was a person, we don't know who it is, we don't have speculation of who it is. they just said that their identity -- it was immaterial to this case. what they just wanted to do was block a phone record subpoena. so it was someone, one of hundreds of people that the house had requested phone records on. and all of these cases except for this one, we have known who is suing to challenge the house. it is people like mark meadows as i mentioned. people like alex jones. michael flynn brought a case at one point. all of these cases haven't be gotten far off the ground. but i will tell you, today in court we do have one of them before a judge, taylor's spokesman for trump. he is trying to get a court to get rid of records that the house has already obtained related to his financial records. >> i know when you find out who this anonymous person is, you will bring it to us. kaitlan, thank you. >> thanks. >> 24 minutes past the hour. happening right now, snow for the morning rush hour in washington, d.c. and new york city, parts of tennessee and kentucky, too. let's get right to derek van dam live in atlanta. the snow is not quite here yet. it's rain, cold rain where i am. >> yeah, that's because the temperature is well above freezing. in fact, a little bit warmer than what we anticipated. let's talk about what the storm isn't. it's not a block buster storm, but it is the timing you mention that makes it so difficult for people. and temperatures here are ranging anywhere from 40 to 42 degrees across the major met poll -- metropolitans from new york to d.c. it is crashing near the front. that is going to transition from rain to snowfall between the 7:00 and 8:00 hour when most of us head to work in the mornings. we have winter weather advisory across this particular region, over 60 million americans feeling the impacts from this long very drawn out cold front. you can see the precipitation across the long island region into new york as well as connecticut. still rainfall right along the coast, about you that shading of white indicating the snow that will start crashing in along the i-95 corridor within the next couple of hours. this extends right into d.c. where it still is rain, but again, that precipitation also starting to transition as well. ice storm warnings newly issued this morning across the carolinas. heads up on that, up to half an inch possible in and around wilmington. laura, back to you. >> thanks for the heads up. laura? next we have breaking details on two new arrests in the texas synagogue attack. and a dazzling new discovery deep in the pacific ocean. nooooo... nonooooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent, so you can ususe less. bounty, the e quicker picker upper. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. breaking overnight, two men have been arrested in england as part of the investigation into that hostage standoff at a texas synagogue over the weekend. let's go straight to cnn's scott mclane. he's in london for us. what can you tell us about these men? >> reporter: hey, christine, precious little at this point. we know that one man was arrested in birmingham, another was arrested in manchester. of course, as you mention, this is in relation to ha hostage taking at that section synagogue over the weekend. hot hostage taker was faisal, he was known in england. they investigated him in 2020 and deemed him not to be a threat and moved on. now investigators are surely trying to comb through his communications, travel history to try to figure out whether this was a wider plot or a lone wolf attack. his family said he had mental issues. the attack seemed to be fairly unsophisticated. it is difficult what to make of these new arrests, christine. according to the british appreciate association, two teenagers arrested on tuesday, they were questioned and then released. you may also remember the liverpool bombing in november. that was another terrorism incident. three men in that case were arrested, questioned and released later on when they realized they had nothing to do with this. it is difficult to know without more evidence, more information whether or not these arrests are any kind of a sign of a wider plot or a current threat, christine. >> all right, scott mclane, keep us posted if there are any new developments. thanks, scott. laura? just ahead, the world making life for the unvaccinated tough. and a stern warning for the beijing olympics. those who break a long-standing rule risk punishment. as a barista during rush hour. and a nanny to a couple of rambunctious kids. now, all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults, with a career that makes a difference. ♪ apply today. ♪ kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment (man 1 vo) i'm living with cll and thanks to imbruvica (man 2 vo) i'm living longer. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ french president manuel macron's strategy is to make life difficult for the unvaccinated. now france's anti-vaxers are pushing bag as they reported an increase for new daily cases, nearly half a million. let's go live to paris. we want to bring in cnn's melissa bell. what's different is france's new vaccine passport plan. >> reporter: that's right, a vaccine pass that will essentially make life difficult for the unvaccinated. it's proved controversial. as the government battles those record breaking covid-19 figures, again, the omicron variant really spreading very fast. the authorities doing all they can, laura, to stop it. three protests in a single week. medical workers, teachers and ordinary citizens angered by the french government's handling of the pandemic. but with the fifth wave bringing record covid figures, it's determined to keep up the pressure on the unvaccinated. >> translator: make the simple gesture for you, for your country men, for our country, the whole of france is counting on you. >> reporter: emanuel macron's tone changing days later when he told a newspaper that he wanted with his vaccine pass to piss off france's unvaccinated citizens, roughly 7.5% of the population. it appears to have worked. protesters angry that the unvaccinated will be excluded from cafes, restaurants, cinema,s theaters, and even transport between regions. anger reflected also in parliament as lawmakers debated the tightening of covid regulations. slowly we'll see people hiding in the toileted to eat their sandwiches. >> reporter: one lawmaker showing the three kilograms of equipment he'll be carrying around till the end of his life as the result of catching covid-19. >> translator: when i take the train, i don't worry about whether or not i'll be able to eat peanuts. i ask myself whether or not i'm going to get out of the train in one piece. or whether i'll be going back to hell. >> reporter: more than 300 death threats have been reported against elected officials since july 2021, according to the ministry of the interior. the majority of them from anti-vaxxers. this lawmaker from macron's party, now has his home patrolled by the police. >> what we fear now is that with the pandemic, there are some people who used to be normal citizens will become marginalized and will feel themselves in a kind of brocade. >> reporter: the assembly was longer than the government expected. his words he wanted to piss off the unvaccinated, certainly didn't help. he was seeking as a reforming president, as a strong president, to look ahead to an election that is now less than three months away. >> when he said that it's if re-elected, i will continue to do this kind of thing. i will continue to reform france even if you don't like it. >> reporter: the french president has yet to confirm that he'll run, but his covid policies look set to loom large. president candidates taking part in recent protests, with several like the far-right's le pen opposed not so much to vaccine per se, as to the vaccine pass. and there is little pass emanuel macron will seek reelection. on tuesday he was announcing fresh investments aimed at making the country more competitive and already looking ahead to the next five years. we head into this election period, then, with both rounds of the french presidential election in april with a particularly divided and fractious political landscape. and even as those covid-19 figures have yet to peak, the omicron wave still hasn't peaked here in france with growing pressure on hospitalizations and also on the government to try and get to the bottom of this, to get to the end of this ahead of the poll. laura and christine? >> thank you for that in paris. laura? now to the stark warning from an official with the beijing winter olympics. athletes can be punished for any speech or protest that violates chinese law. cnn's kristie lu stout joins us live on this story from hong kong. the laws here are very broad and very vague. a lot of speech could be covered. >> reporter: a lot of speech could be covered here, and now we're hearing of a warning against such speech. look, a chinese olympic official is now warning against violations of the olympic spirit. the i.o.c. has made it clear athletes are free to express themselves during press conferences and interviews, even inside the beijing olympic bubble. just not during competition or medal ceremonies, but at this virtual meeting that took place on wednesday we heard from a chinese official. he was asked about concerns and safety of athletes who speak out about, say, human rights issues during the games. and this is what we heard from him. he is the deputy director general, the inter relations department. he said, quote, any expression that is in line with the olympic spirit i'm sure will be protected and anything and any behavior or speeches that is against the olympic spirit, especially against chinese laws and regulations, are also subject to certain punishment, unquote. now, as you pointed out, laura, we don't know what constitutes a violation of the olympic spirit, but he said a potential punishment would be cancellation of accreditation which is in line with the organizers' playbook. laura. >> the basic message is shut up, or else. >> christie, thank you. gas prices climbing right now. how can we pump the brakes? and a deep ocean discovery in the twilight zone. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. all right. let's get a check on cnn business this thursday morning. looking eight markets around the world, asian shares have closed mixed, but a big pop in hong kong. europe is opened slightly lower here. on wall street stock index futures this thursday morning leaning higher, but stocks fell wednesday. the nasdaq slipping into a technical correction. a 10% drop from recent highs. tech hit hard this year. high-value stocks like tech are worth less as interest rates rise. the ten year treasury yield back at pre-pandemic levels. that could lead to higher borrowing costs for cars, homes and other consumer debt. inflation alert. u.s. crude oil prices the highest now since 2014, blame geopolitical concerns and some outages. expect gas prices to follow behind the national averages currently $3.32 a gallon. that's up more than a dollar from last year. let's bring in patrick de haan to discuss. so nice to see you bright and early. we expect gas prices to be uncomfortably high this year. >> well, absolutely. we're in january and february. this is the time of year that gas prices usually are fairly tame. but keep in mind as you just mentioned, geopolitical concerns now come into the equation. in march, april and may, that's when gas prices tend to be more active. in fact, in a normal year, gas prices nationally rise some 35 to 75 cents a gallon between this time of year and memorial day weekend. factoring in those geopolitical concerns that could bring instability to oil production. we could see the national average climbing close to $4 a gallon by the time we get out to celebrate memorial day. >> $4 for the average, you're talking about much higher prices on the coasts. gas prices disproportionately hurt rural drivers, low-income drivers. this isn't the '70s or '80s inflation, right? it's not quite the same as it was in those bad old days. gas prices get everybody so riled up. give us some perspective. >> well, you know, a lot of what we're seeing is not necessarily a new norm. this is simply another covid imbalance. there are so many imbalances created by covid. all it took was a couple of months of vastly-changed consumer behavior, and suddenly we're in this kind of temporary era. supply is catching up to demand and that will probably take the rest of this year. but eventually there is light at the end of the tunnel by the end of this year. we could see additional oil production come online as part of the high prices we expect, and that will eventually lead to a return to some of the prices that we're more used to seeing. it will take some time to get there. >> the irony of the high prices is that it makes producers want to make more oil, sell more oil so they can get the money. presidents always get the blame when gas prices rise. the white house tapped the strategic oil reserves once. will do they it again? this is a big global market. >> given the geopolitical concerns coming into light, the fact that it's not impossible that if russia makes some action into ukraine, u.s. could issue sanctions. we've already seen russia play with europe in terms of its natural gas shipments to europe. will russia do the same with oil? so i think it would be a poor time to tap the spr simply because the spr is for strategic reserves and we may need those. but i don't really think that the president gets a fair rap for this. there's nothing any president could do regardless if they were on the right or the left side of the political spectrum. a president can't really overpower global fundamentals when it comes to the price of oil. >> all right, patrick, head of p petroleum gas. so nice to see you. >> thank you. a stunning discovery off of coast of tahiti. a coral reef found blossoming in what's known as the ocean's twilight zone. let's bring in cnn meteorologist derek van dam. what's the plan to keep this coral reef safe? >> we need to protect it. that's the number one priority. what we're looking at is in the french polynesian island of tahiti, this large expanse stretching 2 miles of living flourishing coral that was found about 230 feet under the surface of the water, now until this discovery, scientists believed that coral was only habitable or living up to about a depth of about 80 feet. so you can imagine that this is a significant discovery. the twilight zone as known between that 200 to 1,000 foot d depth under the ocean's surface. below that we would have absolute light, nothing could live underneath that. with living coral that's declined over the past several decades and will continue to decline through the rest of the century, this is amazing discovery because there could be additional flourishing corals in this twilight zone that they're talking about. so this just gives us a good indication and underscores that need to protect the planet's remaining living healthy coral eco systems. >> all right. derek, thank you. so, 50 points in 27 minutes, philadelphia's star center with a night to remember. andy scholes with the bleacher report. >> good morning, christine. yeah, the stars were out in the nba last night. 15 players had 30-point games. tied for the most on any day in nba history. nobody had a bigger night than joel embiid. he did it really fast. the sixers star center tied a career 50 points, 12 rebounds in just 27 minutes of action. he joins warriors star blake thompson the only player to score 50 points in less than 28 minutes. philly beating the magic in that one 123-110. nikola making his case for a second straight mvp league award. he had ten triple doubles. 49 points, ten rebounds, ten assists. the last assist was a big one. in overtime, jokic going to make the great pass here, all the way to the corner for aaron gordon. he nailed the three with two seconds left. denver beats the clip nerz that one 130-128. lebron/lakers beahosting the pacers. catching the alley-oop for the reverse slam. lebron got his 10,000th rebound of his career in this game. making the only player to have 30,000 points, 9,000 assists. the lakers had a 15-point lead in the first half. losing to the parisers 111-104. they fall below .500 putting frank vogel on the hot seat. buccaneers head coach bruce arians fined $50,000 by the nfl for slapping one of his own players during sunday's playoff game against the eagles. he smacked safety andrew adams in the helmet after the bucs recovered a fumble in the punt return. he said he was going to fight the fine because he was trying to prevent adams getting called for a penalty. >> i'll appeal it. it didn't have anything to do with the game, so we're good. >> the bucs host the rams on sunday. fun fact, guys. 44-year-old tom brady, he's actually older than every other nfc head coach still left in the playoffs. sean mcvay 35, kyle shanahan 42. i don't think we'll ever be able to stay is that again, where one of the starting quarterbacks is older than the other head coaches. >> andy, who hits their player? do they have history? >> he got caught up in the heat of the moment, didn't want a penalty call. i'm sure he regrets doing it. an >> andy, nice to see you. thanks so much. >> i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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U S , Laura Jarrett , Everyone , Thanks , Start , Viewers , Around The World , Christine Romans , New York , January 20th , Thursday January 20th , 20 , Two , 5 , 00 , Joe Biden , President , Bit , White House , Ukraine , First , Words , Will , Reset , Foreign Policy , Russian , Incursion , Minor , Outcry , Et Cetera , Disaster , Remarks , Force , Border , Stir , Last Night , Congress , Build , Chunks , Report , Plan , Approach , Moscow , Horizon , On Domestic Policy , Safety Net , Defeat , Push , Legislation , Reforms , Increase , Senate , Elections , Prospect , To Pass Voting Rights , Proportion , Team Coverage , Is , Angle , Nic Robertson In Moscow , Nic , Reporter , Language , President Putin , Light , Ukrainian , Kiev , One , Attacks , Actions , It Invasions , It Cyberattacks , Saying , Response , Allies , Kremlin , Dmitry Peskov , Meeting , Softening , Invasion , Spokeswoman , Foreign Ministry , Indications , Hearing , Amount , Hope , Diplomacy , Space , Media , Narrative , Cover , Big Provocation , Pretext , Military Provocation , Effect , Weapons , Nato , Ukrainian Army , British , Answers , Orbit , Uncertainty , Something , Secretary , Foreign Minister , Security Proposals , Attention , Peskov In Geneva , Message , Home , Nic Robertson , Joe Manchin , Effort , Democrats , Republican , Voting , Threshold , Built , Attempt , Arrival , Show , Top , Kyrsten Sinema , 60 , Senators , Cnn , Voting Rights , Daniela Diaz , Proposals , Path , Capitol Hill , Voting Rights Legislation , Minds , Leadership , Sal , Square One , Chuck Schumer , Votes , 51 , Vote , Record , Senator , Manchin Weren T , Filibuster , Rules , M Manchin , Dead On Arrival , Count , Group , More , Act , Election Results , Change , Joint , Scope , Scale , People , Work , Restrictions , Estate , Legislatures , Voter , Election Day , Holiday , Bill , Idea , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Provisions , Focus , Prescription Drug Costs , Funding , Child Tax Credit , Climate Change , Sort , Support , Some , Home States , Picture , State Of The Union , Tout Voting Rights Legislation , March 1st , 1 , Timing , Aim , Piece , Reporting , Press Conference Wednesday Playing Defense , Thing , Anything , Biden Didn T , Agenda , Obstructionism , Republicans , Thinking , Let , Big Reset Press Conference , Dig A Little Deeper , Alex Jones , Lot , Alex Thompson , Comments , Ground , Playbook , Correspondent , Midterms , Politico , Coauthor Of The West Wing , Bag , Morning , Press Secretary , Making , Outset , Statement , Result , Many , Anxiety , Pang , Aides , Barack Obama , Press Conference , Habit , Cuff , Mistakes , Fact , Point , Things , Trump , Few , Flubs , Bunch , Clinton , Red Line , No Matter What , Speech , Part , Wiggle Room , Course , Virtue , Side , Reporters , Yes , Basement , Stuff , Argument , Job , Prospects , It Couldn T Hurt , Question , Administration , Vice President , In Transjensen , Eight , Members , Eye , Mitch Mcconnell , Didn T , Matter , Infrastructure Bill , Accomplishments , Winter , Brinksmanship , Colleagues , Debt Ceiling , Ball , Jeff Zeleny , Voting Rights Bill , Case , Place , Public , Public Fora , Elements , He , Trouble , On The Road , Delaware , Road , Comparison , Ambitions , Climate Package , Education , 3 Trillion , 6 Trillion , Prices , Country , Way , Hands , Fed , Element , Inflation Fighting Mode , Money , Inflation , Families , Reserve , Pockets , Mandate , Employment , Crisis , Half , Chairman , Economy , Powell , Strength , Price Increases , Pace , Fed Chairman Powell , Signalling , Tightening , Chair , Interest Rate Hikes , Endorsement , Between The Lines , Won T Push , Suffering , Rate , Approval Rating , Low , Pivot , Mr , Laundry , Ultra , 2021 , 7 , P G , Cost Pressures , Bounce , Victim , Retailers , Proctor Gamible , Big I Word , Dryer Sheets , Investigation , Congressman , Retreat , Pump , Petroleum Analyst , Texas , Agency , Government Truck , Bags , Computer , Bins , Fbi , Henry S , Documents , Christine , Details , Donald Trump , Issue , Secret , The Pivotal Supreme Court , Up Next , Attack , Arrests , Challenges , Destroyer , High Seas , Drama , Texas Synagogue , China , Mucinex , Congestion , Kim , Save It Slimeball , Australia , 12 , 3 , Sugar , Times , Electorlytes , Three , Feel , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Body Wash , Skin , Nutrients , Best , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Body Wash Hydrates , Emergen C , Blend , Olay , Olay Body , U S Supreme Court , Committee , Rejelcted Trump , Win , Justices , U S Capitol , 6 , January 6 , Lawmakers , Hundreds , Pages , Memos , Efforts , Logs , Chief Of Staff , Mark Meadows , Washington , Kaitlan Pollance , House Select Committee , Ruling , That S Right , The National Archives , House , Decision , End Of The Road , Lower Court , Understanding , Advisers , Longer , Executive Privilege , Reasons , House Probe , He Weren T , Information , Power , The Big Question , High Court , Implications , Mean , Steve Bannon , Momentum , Access , Court Case , Meadows , Someone , Records , Kayleigh Mcenany , Court Fight , Fight , Reason , Shield , Choice , Somebody , Thread , Identity Secret , Person , Subpoena Power , Chief Judge , 17 , Phone Records , Speculation , Identity , Phone Record Subpoena , Cases , Wall , Haven T , Michael Flynn , Spokesman , Taylor , Snow , Thanks , Rush Hour , Derek Van Dam , Kentucky , Tennessee , 24 , Rain , Cold Rain , Storm Isn T , Temperature , Talk , Freezing , Atlanta , Poll , Temperatures , Metropolitans , Block Buster Storm , 42 , 40 , Head , Region , Most , Mornings , Front , Winter Weather Advisory , Impacts , 8 , 60 Million , Precipitation , Coast , Cold Front , White , Rainfall , Shading , Long Island , I 95 , Connecticut , 95 , Heads Up , Ice Storm Warnings , Carolinas , Wilmington , Discovery , Texas Synagogue Attack , Pacific Ocean , Nooooo , Nonooooo , Absorbent , Bounty , Picker Upper , 2 , Asthma , Nunormal , Nucala , Infections , Doctor , Breathing , Reactions , Breathing Problems , Help , Add On Treatment , Tongue , Face , Mouth , Swelling , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Infection , Lotion , Nose , Headache , Injection Site Reactions , Asthma Specialist , Tissues , Fatigue , Back Pain , Theo Blows , 50 , Puffs , Need , Relief , Lotion Tissue , 4 , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Health , Excited Yell , Men , Hostage Standoff , England , Man , Scott Mclane , Weekend , Little , Synagogue , Another , Let S Go , Manchester , London , Birmingham , Hot Hostage Taker , Section Synagogue , Relation , Hostage Taking , Faisal , Threat , Travel History , Plot , Communications , Investigators , Lone Wolf , 2020 , Family , Issues , Teenagers , Appreciate Association , Nothing , Terrorism Incident , Evidence , Liverpool , Bombing , Kind , Sign , The World Making Life , Developments , Couple , Warning , Nanny , Rule Risk Punishment , Tough , Barista , Kids , Beijing Olympics , Career , Adults , Caregiver , Experience , Difference , Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Number , Carbsteady , Glucerna , 30 , Vo , Imbruvica , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , Side Effects , Symptoms , Blood Thinners , Problems , Death , Chills , Therapy , Fevers , Cancers , Heart Rhythm Problems , Risk , High Blood Pressure , Confusion , Blood Counts , Heart Failure , Kidney Failure , Heart Disease , Weakness , Decrease , Tumor Lysis , Diarrhea , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Problems , Signs , Seizure , Fluids , Bleeding , Psoriasis , Fail , Cosentyx , Try , Five , Vaccine , Don T , Crohn S Disease , Tuberculosis , Ability , Reaction , Move , Dermatologist , Discount , Policies , Burke , Farmers , Auto Insurance , Wife , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Discounts , Coverage , Dad , Sup , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Forty Five , Pa Dum , Bum , Garage , Seventeen , Unvaccinated , Life , Anti Vaxers , French , Manuel Macron , A Million , Vaccine Pass , Vaccine Passport Plan , Paris , Melissa Bell , Government , Protests , Figures , Authorities , Omicron Variant , 19 , Pressure , Citizens , Pandemic , Workers , Handling , Teachers , Fifth Wave Bringing Record Covid , Translator , Newspaper , Country Men , Tone , Whole , Emanuel Macron , Gesture , Restaurants , Cinema , Population , S Theaters , Cafes , Protesters Angry , 7 5 , Anger , Regions , Covid Regulations , Parliament , Sandwiches , Toileted , Covid 19 , Train , Equipment , Peanuts , The End , Kilograms , Officials , Death Threats , Majority , Ministry Of The Interior , Hell , 300 , July 2021 , Lawmaker , Party , Police , Anti Vaxxers , Assembly , Brocade , Election , Didn T Help , Candidates , Le Pen , Investments , Reelection , Per Se , Rounds , Landscape , Hasn T , End , Bottom , Peak , Hospitalizations , Omicron Wave , Athletes , Official , Laws , Protest , Hong Kong , Story , Law , Winter Olympics , Beijing , Kristie Lu Stout , Olympic Spirit , Violations , Olympic Official , Concerns , Interviews , Press Conferences , Competition , Medal , Ceremonies , Olympic Bubble , Ioc , Games , Expression , Safety , Human Rights , Deputy Director General , Quote , Inter Relations Department , Punishment , Speeches , Regulations , Behavior , Line , Violation , Cancellation , Accreditation , Organizers , Gas Prices , Twilight Zone , Christie , Else , Brakes , Deep Ocean , Strypaper , Preservatives , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Biotrue , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Save , Ready , Business , Set , Sale , Internet , Installation , Backing , Expert Team , Value , Price Guarantee , Voice , Prepaid Card , 4 99 , 64 99 , 24 7 , 500 , Possibilities , Deal , Comcast Business , Markets , Check , Cnn Business This , World , Stocks , Correction , Highs , Shares , Stock Index Futures , Europe , Wall Street , Morning Leaning Higher , Big Pop , Asian , Nasdaq , 10 , Homes , Interest Rates , Borrowing Costs , Consumer Debt , Levels , Treasury Yield , Cars , Tech Hit , Ten , Crude Oil Prices , Gallon , Averages , Inflation Alert , Outages , Dollar , Patrick De Haan , 2014 , 3 32 , 32 , Mind , Equation , May , 35 , Oil Production , Factoring , Climbing , Instability , Memorial Day Weekend , 75 , , Drivers , Memorial Day , Coasts , Average , Isn T The 70s Or 80s Inflation , 80 , 70 , Covid Imbalance , Norm , Everybody , Perspective , It , Supply , Imbalances , Consumer Behavior , Return , Rest , The End Of Tunnel , Oil , Presidents , Irony , Oil Reserves , Blame , Producers , Play , Action , Sanctions , Big Global Market , Spr , Same , Natural Gas , Reserves , Terms , Price , Spectrum , Fundamentals , Patrick , Fair Rap , P Petroleum Gas , Coral Reef , The Ocean , Tahiti , Safe , Island , Meteorologist Derek , Priority , French Polynesian , Coral , Feet , Surface , Depth , Scientists , Water , 230 , Ocean , D , 200 , 1000 , Corals , Living Coral , Points , Underscores , Planet , Indication , Living Healthy Coral Eco Systems , 27 , Last , Players , Andy Scholes , Bleacher Report , Star Center With A Night To Remember , Nba , Stars , Philadelphia , 15 , Player , Nobody , Rebounds , Warriors Star Blake Thompson , Sixers Star Center , Joel Embiid , Triple , Nikola Making His Case For A Second Straight Mvp League Award , Magic , 123 , 110 , 49 , 28 , Big One , Assists , Overtime , Pass , Denver , Corner , All The Way , Aaron Gordon , Jokic , Clip Nerz , Lebron , Game , Reverse Slam , 10000th Rebound , Pacers , Lakers Beahosting , Alley Oop , 130 , 128 , 10000 , Lead , Seat , Lakers , Frank Vogel , 30000 , 9000 , 111 , 104 , Bruce Arians , Bucs , Playoff Game , Slapping , Eagles , Helmet , Fumble , Buccaneers , Andrew Adams , Punt Return , Nfl , 50000 , 0000 , Fine , Penalty , Rams On Sunday , Playoffs , Head Coach , Quarterbacks , Nfc , Tom Brady , Sean Mcvay , Kyle Shanahan , 44 , Head Coaches , Heat , Penalty Call , Nice , Technologies , Lives , Servicenow Platform , Ways , Customers , Flow , Office , Challenge , Workplace , Rurn , Servicenow , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Indicators , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , Six , Network , 5g , Cities , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , Movie , Mindy , Yep , Mom Becomes A , Let S Work Offsite , 5g Internet , Safer , Places , Cable , Wi Fi , Go Get , Em , Get Charmin , Squirmy , Scratchy , Ultra Strong , Go , Diamond Weave Texture , Goodbye Itchy Squirm , Recording Artist , Students , Recording , Millions , Elodia , 10 Million , Comcast , Tools , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

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they're capable of doing with the force amassed on the border, it is going to be a disaster for russia. >> unclear exactly what constitutes a minor incursion, but it caused enough of a stir that the white house had to clarify the president's remarks last night. we'll have more on that in a live report from moscow in a moment. on domestic policy the president signaling a new approach could be on the horizon. he's hoping to revive his currently stalled plan to remake america's social safety net suggesting congress could pass big chunks of build back better. >> it's clear to me that we're going to have to probably break it up. >> break it up. and breaking overnight, a major defeat as expected in the push to pass voting rights legislation in the senate. reforms that the president said were so needed that without them, the coming midterm elections could be viewed as illegitimate. >> i'm not saying it's going to be legit. the increase in the prospect of being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these, these reforms passed. >> all right. we have team coverage from every angle this morning starting with nic robertson in moscow. nic, clearly the president's remarks in ukraine did not go over well in kiev or moscow. >> reporter: yeah, one ukrainian official described it as an effective green light for president putin to invade ukraine. this was not the language that they were expecting, not what they were prepared for. the white house clearing it up and saying, look, president biden is very clear of what is seen in the past of russia's actions, be it invasions, be it cyberattacks, be it paramilitary attacks. there is and will be a joined up response from the united states and its allies, so trying to clear that up. meanwhile, here in moscow, the kremlin is really trying to interpret what they heard. president putin's spokesman dmitry peskov was asked in a meeting a few minutes ago how he interpreted what president biden was saying and was this a softening of the language. he didn't really seem quite sure how to respond to that. but he did seem to indicate that this gave them a little certain amount of hope that there was some space for diplomacy. the foreign ministry spokeswoman here, however, her language was much tougher today saying that what they've been hearing about, you know, the indications from president biden that he thought there would be an invasion coming, that this was really ukrainian and western media trying to create a narrative, a pretext for the cover for some possible big provocation, including military provocation and the spokeswoman went on to talk about how the british had been sending in weapons to ukraine over the past few days, military weapons, to support the ukrainian army. she said that this was, in effect, nato trying to draw ukraine into its orbit. i think in moscow at the moment, similar tough language to what we've heard in the past. a little bit of uncertainty over what president biden has said, but they are still sticking to their language that they want to see these written answers from the united states about their security proposals, and that's something secretary blinken has said he won't be delivering to the foreign minister of russia peskov in geneva tomorrow. >> the minor incursion language getting attention. we should point out the president said therein vegas by russia into ukraine would be a disaster for russia. that was the message he was trying to drive home there, too. nic robertson, thank you for that. laura? as christine mentioned at the top of the show, the senate's effort to pass legislation was dead on arrival. they knew it. their attempt to change the 60-vote threshold to pass the built was defeated when two democrats, senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, joined every republican in voting no. let's bring in cnn's daniela diaz live on capitol hill for us this morning. daniela, good morning. so what's the path forward now on voting rights? i understand some senators are looking to do some more modest proposals. >> reporter: they're looking and discussing a partisan appropriate sal that would have a minimal effect on voting rights legislation. democrats, laura, are back to square one. they were really hoping that they could change the minds of sinema and manchin, especially democratic leadership president joe biden, senate majority leader chuck schumer. and they were unsuccessful in changes the minds of manchin and sinema so they could pass legislation, voting rights legislation with just 51 votes instead of the 60 needed to break the filibuster. so late last night, even though they knew sinema and manchin weren't going to support this, and no republican senator supported this either, democrats -- democratic leadership still had a vote in the senate. they wanted it on record. m manchin and sinema's vote on record they did not support the rules change. as you said, laura, dead on arrival. they back to square one with the voting rights legislation, but there is a bipartisan group of senators working on possibly reforming the electoral count act and changing how the joint congress certifies election results. but that is a more, smaller scope of change that democrats were hoping. they wanted a larger scale to counter all the republican-led state legislatures voter restrictions that have been passed the last couple months. >> sure. not to mention making election day a holiday so people don't have to take off work to vote. daniela, while i have you, i also want to talk about what the president said when it comes to build back better, floating this idea of? how doing it in chunks. do we have any idea how that would work, what might come first? >> reporter: that's really interesting, laura, that he said that because president joe biden essentially acknowledging that he can't work with manchin to pass a full bill, that $2 trillion bill we talked about for months last fall. what they're probably going to do instead is split up that bill and focus on more popular provisions like lowering prescription drug costs, funding to combat climate change, expanding the child tax credit, and try to pass those separately because they are hopeful that they might be able to get some sort of republican support. some of these provisions are popular with some republican senators in their home states. but really, the bigger picture here is president joe biden is acknowledging that state of the union is coming up. it's on march 1st, and right now they can't tout voting rights legislation, passing that in the senate. so they are going to shift their focus on trying to pass more smaller provisions of the build back better act instead of that whole bill that we covered last fall. >> yeah, the timing piece of this really interesting as you mention. daniela, thank you for your reporting as usual. so, the president spent much of his nearly two-hour press conference wednesday playing defense, but he did take aim at some of the republican obstructionism he sees that that's holding back his agenda in congress. >> i did not anticipate that there would be such a stalwart effort to make sure that the most important thing was that president biden didn't get anything done. think about this. what are republicans for? what are they for? name me one thing they're for. >> all right. let's dig a little deeper into the thinking at the white house this morning after the big reset press conference. politico white house correspondent here with us today, coauthor of the west wing playbook, alex thompson. nice to see you bright and early this morning. so much to talk about. the president, alex, he covered a lot of ground, right? but it was comments on ukraine, comments on the midterms being illegitimate, that's what's making headlines this morning. it's probably not the reset the white house was hoping for at the outset. >> you know, it was definitely a mixed bag. i don't think any time you have to have your press secretary come out with a clarifying statement about what is an invasion versus what is an incursion, usually is the best result. at the same time, i can tell you that often white house aides -- not all of them, but many, sort of have this pang of anxiety whenever biden is out there talking to press because he has a habit of speaking off the cuff. he can obviously make a lot of mistakes. he gave the longest press conference in recent history, longer than the longest one by barack obama, by president trump, by president clinton, and the fact that he still only had a few of these flubs i think hardened them. at the same time to your point, there were a bunch of things they had to then sweep up and try to clarify afterward. >> alex, it's interesting because there are some this morning saying the media just want to attack joe biden no matter what. they're just going to go after him. he may have been trying to draw a line, avoid drawing a red line about ukraine and russia to give the u.s. more wiggle room. but that's not how we see it. we want to go after him. you know, that's part of the narrative i think this morning, too. there was a lot in that speech. >> oh, absolutely. i think some of the response, you know, from the media is coming from the ukraine/russian side. they feel very frustrated by virtue, of course, the white house has long felt that the media is a little bit too tough on them and is trying to pick out things. in fact, i think you could even make an argument, i think some republicans watching part of the speech yesterday were like, they should let him do this more because, yes, while reporters may nitpick at stuff, biden is sort of getting out of the basement if you will, and actually starting to communicate, could actually be helpful for his political prospects which at the moment, it couldn't hurt. >> every white house complains that the media is too tough on us. that's our job. one of the surprising things about what the president said last time, notable, after eight years in the obama administration as vice president, he was somehow surprised by the gop's in transjensen, especially in congress. my question to you, why did he think he was special? >> well, i can tell you that a lot of members in the obama administration are asking themselves this exact same question this morning. i think there were a lot of private eye rolls to biden saying that. not only because it struck them as a little bit naive, but also because i think a lot of people from the obama era think it's just not true. the fact of the matter is you had mitch mcconnell vote for one of biden's signature accomplishments in the bipartisan infrastructure bill. you had mitch mcconnell didn't play brinksmanship with the debt ceiling earlier this winter. a lot of his republican colleagues were upset with him for not playing harder ball. they stood up to the voting rights bill. i think it's a little unfair to say so far in his first year they've been more obstructionist than they were during the obama years. >> that's a good point. our jeff zeleny was there to ask the president what he plans to do differently in year two. here's what he said. >> out of this place more often. i'm going to go out and talk to the public. i'm going to do public fora. i'm going to interface with them. i'm going to make the case of what we've already done, why it's important, and what we'll do if -- what will happen if they support what else i want to do. >> i mean, in particular he's saying the public supports these little elements and big elements of build back better. he has to take the message to them. >> when every president is in trouble, they say we're going to communicate more. >> just go on the road. >> exactly. we're going to go on the road. now, we'll see. is he going to start taking a lot of his weekends he's been spending up in delaware, is he actually going to start hitting the road? i guess it's yet to be seen. i'm still not sure. >> alex, finally for you here, i wonder about what you thought about what he said about breaking up build back better. obviously he wants to get something passed. it's stalled right now. what do you think, can he get it done? >> the white house remains cautiously optimistic they're going to get something done. whatever they get done is going to be just pale in comparison to their original ambitions here. i think the most likely thing we're going to get is some sort of climate package with some sort of early education thrown in there, but it's not even close to the 3 trillion, 6 trillion they were originally envisioning over the next decade. >> all right, alex thompson, political white house correspondent, thank you. the element feeds into this inflation fighting mode the president wants to be in, right. he can go around the country and say you're concerned about higher prices. by the way, that's the fed and that's not in our hands. well, then, we need to make sure we get money into families' pockets so they can absorb it better. that's the message i think they'll be trying to push out. meantime the president said it is the job of the federal reserve to fight inflation. >> a critical job in making sure that the elevated prices don't become entrenched rests with the federal reserve, which has a mandate, full employment and stable prices. the fed reserve provided extraordinary support during the crisis for the previous year and a half. given the strength of our economy, and the pace of recent price increases, it's appropriate as the federal chairman, chairman powell, the fed chairman powell has indicated, to recalibrate the support that is now necessary. >> so if you read between the lines there, the president signalling to the fed chair, the white house won't push back hard on interest rate hikes. those are coming, by the way. could be read as the president's tacit endorsement of tightening with 7% inflation in 2021, mr. biden's approval rating is suffering. the fed is trying to pitch pivot away from the ultra low rate without hurting the economy. laundry now the latest victim of the big i word. proctor gamible saying it is raising prices for retailers, bounce, dryer sheets. p & g says it is trying to offset cost pressures. and after a brief retreat into december, prices at the pump are on their way up again. we'll talk to a petroleum analyst about that coming up in just a few minutes. all right. new this morning, a prominent texas congressman under investigation it appears by the fbi. the agency said in a statement last night it was conducting a court-authorized search of democrat henry's home. they loaded large bags, plastic bins and a computer into a government truck there. he told cnn the congressman will fully cooperate with any investigation. it is unclear what the issue is, christine. >> we'll follow that for more details. up next, the pivotal supreme court ruling on donald trump's white house documents. he can't keep them a secret any more. and breaking right now, new arrests in the uk over that attack on a texas synagogue. and developing overnight, high drama on the high seas as a u.s. destroyer challenges china. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x lonr for 12 hours. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. find your rhythm. your happy place. find your breaking point. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. better skin from your body wash? try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. welcome back. the u.s. supreme court has handed a win to the january 6 committee investigating the attack on the u.s. capitol n. a short order last night, the justices rejelcted trump's efforts to block lawmakers from getting their hands on hundreds of pages of white house documents. i'm talking about documents that include call logs, internal memos, speech notes from then white house chief of staff mark meadows. cnn's kaitlan pollance joins us live from washington. i understand the national archives has already started turning over hundreds of pages to the committee since the ruling came out last night. >> reporter: that's right, laura. we don't actually know what the white house is getting yet, but we did hear in a statement last night from them that they are starting to receive these documents. and really, this supreme court case is quite a big decision against trump. it is the end of the road for him. he had come to court back in october to try and block these documents to keep them from the house. they are documents the house believes were quite crucial to understanding what was happening around the top advisers of trump leading up to january 6 and on january 6, and because he was in court up to this point, he was able to block them from these documents. no longer. that's it. now, what this decision does is very important. basically, the supreme court is agreeing with a lower court's ruling, they're signing off on a lower court's decision that the reasons trump had given to try and stop the house probe, to try and claim executive privilege, those reasons just weren't good enough. and what the lower court had actually found was that the reasons trump was giving, they he weren't good enough if he was the former president, and they weren't going to even be good enough to stop the house if he was the sitting president. that said, the supreme court also did not go there on the big question that trump had raised in this case. he had wanted them to look at the power of a former president to step in and keep secret information from his white house, the supreme court did not get to that. this was quite narrow actually. >> so, given that narrow decision from the high court, what does this mean for other trump allies who have been stiff arming the committee, people like steve bannon and mark meadows, what does it mean in implications for executive privilege claims there? >> reporter: we don't actually know yet. we do know meadows has been using this ongoing court case to say, i can't talk to the committee about my documents. you can't get access to them because trump was trying to keep them secret. but what we're seeing here is momentum from the committee. i mean, there is someone who had hundreds of pages of records that were held up in this court fight. that's kayleigh mcenany. she had gone in and spoken to the committee. so the house is gaining momentum. they're gaining more documents. they're beganing access to people and the people who were using executive privilege as a shield to not talk to the house are now going to have to make a choice. do they try and bring a fight similar to what trump has done in this and still try to use executive privilege as a reason they can't talk to the committee? or do they just relent and go in at this point. >> and, kaitlan, quickly while i have you, i know you've been following this interesting thread about somebody anonymous trying to keep their identity secret who has been suing the house select committee. the chief judge now says they have to come out with who they are. what do you know about that? >> reporter: that's right. this is one of 17 people who have gone to court and sued the house select committee saying that they shouldn't have subpoena power. this was a person, we don't know who it is, we don't have speculation of who it is. they just said that their identity -- it was immaterial to this case. what they just wanted to do was block a phone record subpoena. so it was someone, one of hundreds of people that the house had requested phone records on. and all of these cases except for this one, we have known who is suing to challenge the house. it is people like mark meadows as i mentioned. people like alex jones. michael flynn brought a case at one point. all of these cases haven't be gotten far off the ground. but i will tell you, today in court we do have one of them before a judge, taylor's spokesman for trump. he is trying to get a court to get rid of records that the house has already obtained related to his financial records. >> i know when you find out who this anonymous person is, you will bring it to us. kaitlan, thank you. >> thanks. >> 24 minutes past the hour. happening right now, snow for the morning rush hour in washington, d.c. and new york city, parts of tennessee and kentucky, too. let's get right to derek van dam live in atlanta. the snow is not quite here yet. it's rain, cold rain where i am. >> yeah, that's because the temperature is well above freezing. in fact, a little bit warmer than what we anticipated. let's talk about what the storm isn't. it's not a block buster storm, but it is the timing you mention that makes it so difficult for people. and temperatures here are ranging anywhere from 40 to 42 degrees across the major met poll -- metropolitans from new york to d.c. it is crashing near the front. that is going to transition from rain to snowfall between the 7:00 and 8:00 hour when most of us head to work in the mornings. we have winter weather advisory across this particular region, over 60 million americans feeling the impacts from this long very drawn out cold front. you can see the precipitation across the long island region into new york as well as connecticut. still rainfall right along the coast, about you that shading of white indicating the snow that will start crashing in along the i-95 corridor within the next couple of hours. this extends right into d.c. where it still is rain, but again, that precipitation also starting to transition as well. ice storm warnings newly issued this morning across the carolinas. heads up on that, up to half an inch possible in and around wilmington. laura, back to you. >> thanks for the heads up. laura? next we have breaking details on two new arrests in the texas synagogue attack. and a dazzling new discovery deep in the pacific ocean. nooooo... nonooooo... quick, the quicker picker upper! bounty picks up messes quicker and is 2x more absorbent, so you can ususe less. bounty, the e quicker picker upper. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. breaking overnight, two men have been arrested in england as part of the investigation into that hostage standoff at a texas synagogue over the weekend. let's go straight to cnn's scott mclane. he's in london for us. what can you tell us about these men? >> reporter: hey, christine, precious little at this point. we know that one man was arrested in birmingham, another was arrested in manchester. of course, as you mention, this is in relation to ha hostage taking at that section synagogue over the weekend. hot hostage taker was faisal, he was known in england. they investigated him in 2020 and deemed him not to be a threat and moved on. now investigators are surely trying to comb through his communications, travel history to try to figure out whether this was a wider plot or a lone wolf attack. his family said he had mental issues. the attack seemed to be fairly unsophisticated. it is difficult what to make of these new arrests, christine. according to the british appreciate association, two teenagers arrested on tuesday, they were questioned and then released. you may also remember the liverpool bombing in november. that was another terrorism incident. three men in that case were arrested, questioned and released later on when they realized they had nothing to do with this. it is difficult to know without more evidence, more information whether or not these arrests are any kind of a sign of a wider plot or a current threat, christine. >> all right, scott mclane, keep us posted if there are any new developments. thanks, scott. laura? just ahead, the world making life for the unvaccinated tough. and a stern warning for the beijing olympics. those who break a long-standing rule risk punishment. as a barista during rush hour. and a nanny to a couple of rambunctious kids. now, all that experience has led her to a job that feels like home. with home instead, you too can become a caregiver to older adults, with a career that makes a difference. ♪ apply today. ♪ kim is now demonstrating her congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment (man 1 vo) i'm living with cll and thanks to imbruvica (man 2 vo) i'm living longer. 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(burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ french president manuel macron's strategy is to make life difficult for the unvaccinated. now france's anti-vaxers are pushing bag as they reported an increase for new daily cases, nearly half a million. let's go live to paris. we want to bring in cnn's melissa bell. what's different is france's new vaccine passport plan. >> reporter: that's right, a vaccine pass that will essentially make life difficult for the unvaccinated. it's proved controversial. as the government battles those record breaking covid-19 figures, again, the omicron variant really spreading very fast. the authorities doing all they can, laura, to stop it. three protests in a single week. medical workers, teachers and ordinary citizens angered by the french government's handling of the pandemic. but with the fifth wave bringing record covid figures, it's determined to keep up the pressure on the unvaccinated. >> translator: make the simple gesture for you, for your country men, for our country, the whole of france is counting on you. >> reporter: emanuel macron's tone changing days later when he told a newspaper that he wanted with his vaccine pass to piss off france's unvaccinated citizens, roughly 7.5% of the population. it appears to have worked. protesters angry that the unvaccinated will be excluded from cafes, restaurants, cinema,s theaters, and even transport between regions. anger reflected also in parliament as lawmakers debated the tightening of covid regulations. slowly we'll see people hiding in the toileted to eat their sandwiches. >> reporter: one lawmaker showing the three kilograms of equipment he'll be carrying around till the end of his life as the result of catching covid-19. >> translator: when i take the train, i don't worry about whether or not i'll be able to eat peanuts. i ask myself whether or not i'm going to get out of the train in one piece. or whether i'll be going back to hell. >> reporter: more than 300 death threats have been reported against elected officials since july 2021, according to the ministry of the interior. the majority of them from anti-vaxxers. this lawmaker from macron's party, now has his home patrolled by the police. >> what we fear now is that with the pandemic, there are some people who used to be normal citizens will become marginalized and will feel themselves in a kind of brocade. >> reporter: the assembly was longer than the government expected. his words he wanted to piss off the unvaccinated, certainly didn't help. he was seeking as a reforming president, as a strong president, to look ahead to an election that is now less than three months away. >> when he said that it's if re-elected, i will continue to do this kind of thing. i will continue to reform france even if you don't like it. >> reporter: the french president has yet to confirm that he'll run, but his covid policies look set to loom large. president candidates taking part in recent protests, with several like the far-right's le pen opposed not so much to vaccine per se, as to the vaccine pass. and there is little pass emanuel macron will seek reelection. on tuesday he was announcing fresh investments aimed at making the country more competitive and already looking ahead to the next five years. we head into this election period, then, with both rounds of the french presidential election in april with a particularly divided and fractious political landscape. and even as those covid-19 figures have yet to peak, the omicron wave still hasn't peaked here in france with growing pressure on hospitalizations and also on the government to try and get to the bottom of this, to get to the end of this ahead of the poll. laura and christine? >> thank you for that in paris. laura? now to the stark warning from an official with the beijing winter olympics. athletes can be punished for any speech or protest that violates chinese law. cnn's kristie lu stout joins us live on this story from hong kong. the laws here are very broad and very vague. a lot of speech could be covered. >> reporter: a lot of speech could be covered here, and now we're hearing of a warning against such speech. look, a chinese olympic official is now warning against violations of the olympic spirit. the i.o.c. has made it clear athletes are free to express themselves during press conferences and interviews, even inside the beijing olympic bubble. just not during competition or medal ceremonies, but at this virtual meeting that took place on wednesday we heard from a chinese official. he was asked about concerns and safety of athletes who speak out about, say, human rights issues during the games. and this is what we heard from him. he is the deputy director general, the inter relations department. he said, quote, any expression that is in line with the olympic spirit i'm sure will be protected and anything and any behavior or speeches that is against the olympic spirit, especially against chinese laws and regulations, are also subject to certain punishment, unquote. now, as you pointed out, laura, we don't know what constitutes a violation of the olympic spirit, but he said a potential punishment would be cancellation of accreditation which is in line with the organizers' playbook. laura. >> the basic message is shut up, or else. >> christie, thank you. gas prices climbing right now. how can we pump the brakes? and a deep ocean discovery in the twilight zone. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. all right. let's get a check on cnn business this thursday morning. looking eight markets around the world, asian shares have closed mixed, but a big pop in hong kong. europe is opened slightly lower here. on wall street stock index futures this thursday morning leaning higher, but stocks fell wednesday. the nasdaq slipping into a technical correction. a 10% drop from recent highs. tech hit hard this year. high-value stocks like tech are worth less as interest rates rise. the ten year treasury yield back at pre-pandemic levels. that could lead to higher borrowing costs for cars, homes and other consumer debt. inflation alert. u.s. crude oil prices the highest now since 2014, blame geopolitical concerns and some outages. expect gas prices to follow behind the national averages currently $3.32 a gallon. that's up more than a dollar from last year. let's bring in patrick de haan to discuss. so nice to see you bright and early. we expect gas prices to be uncomfortably high this year. >> well, absolutely. we're in january and february. this is the time of year that gas prices usually are fairly tame. but keep in mind as you just mentioned, geopolitical concerns now come into the equation. in march, april and may, that's when gas prices tend to be more active. in fact, in a normal year, gas prices nationally rise some 35 to 75 cents a gallon between this time of year and memorial day weekend. factoring in those geopolitical concerns that could bring instability to oil production. we could see the national average climbing close to $4 a gallon by the time we get out to celebrate memorial day. >> $4 for the average, you're talking about much higher prices on the coasts. gas prices disproportionately hurt rural drivers, low-income drivers. this isn't the '70s or '80s inflation, right? it's not quite the same as it was in those bad old days. gas prices get everybody so riled up. give us some perspective. >> well, you know, a lot of what we're seeing is not necessarily a new norm. this is simply another covid imbalance. there are so many imbalances created by covid. all it took was a couple of months of vastly-changed consumer behavior, and suddenly we're in this kind of temporary era. supply is catching up to demand and that will probably take the rest of this year. but eventually there is light at the end of the tunnel by the end of this year. we could see additional oil production come online as part of the high prices we expect, and that will eventually lead to a return to some of the prices that we're more used to seeing. it will take some time to get there. >> the irony of the high prices is that it makes producers want to make more oil, sell more oil so they can get the money. presidents always get the blame when gas prices rise. the white house tapped the strategic oil reserves once. will do they it again? this is a big global market. >> given the geopolitical concerns coming into light, the fact that it's not impossible that if russia makes some action into ukraine, u.s. could issue sanctions. we've already seen russia play with europe in terms of its natural gas shipments to europe. will russia do the same with oil? so i think it would be a poor time to tap the spr simply because the spr is for strategic reserves and we may need those. but i don't really think that the president gets a fair rap for this. there's nothing any president could do regardless if they were on the right or the left side of the political spectrum. a president can't really overpower global fundamentals when it comes to the price of oil. >> all right, patrick, head of p petroleum gas. so nice to see you. >> thank you. a stunning discovery off of coast of tahiti. a coral reef found blossoming in what's known as the ocean's twilight zone. let's bring in cnn meteorologist derek van dam. what's the plan to keep this coral reef safe? >> we need to protect it. that's the number one priority. what we're looking at is in the french polynesian island of tahiti, this large expanse stretching 2 miles of living flourishing coral that was found about 230 feet under the surface of the water, now until this discovery, scientists believed that coral was only habitable or living up to about a depth of about 80 feet. so you can imagine that this is a significant discovery. the twilight zone as known between that 200 to 1,000 foot d depth under the ocean's surface. below that we would have absolute light, nothing could live underneath that. with living coral that's declined over the past several decades and will continue to decline through the rest of the century, this is amazing discovery because there could be additional flourishing corals in this twilight zone that they're talking about. so this just gives us a good indication and underscores that need to protect the planet's remaining living healthy coral eco systems. >> all right. derek, thank you. so, 50 points in 27 minutes, philadelphia's star center with a night to remember. andy scholes with the bleacher report. >> good morning, christine. yeah, the stars were out in the nba last night. 15 players had 30-point games. tied for the most on any day in nba history. nobody had a bigger night than joel embiid. he did it really fast. the sixers star center tied a career 50 points, 12 rebounds in just 27 minutes of action. he joins warriors star blake thompson the only player to score 50 points in less than 28 minutes. philly beating the magic in that one 123-110. nikola making his case for a second straight mvp league award. he had ten triple doubles. 49 points, ten rebounds, ten assists. the last assist was a big one. in overtime, jokic going to make the great pass here, all the way to the corner for aaron gordon. he nailed the three with two seconds left. denver beats the clip nerz that one 130-128. lebron/lakers beahosting the pacers. catching the alley-oop for the reverse slam. lebron got his 10,000th rebound of his career in this game. making the only player to have 30,000 points, 9,000 assists. the lakers had a 15-point lead in the first half. losing to the parisers 111-104. they fall below .500 putting frank vogel on the hot seat. buccaneers head coach bruce arians fined $50,000 by the nfl for slapping one of his own players during sunday's playoff game against the eagles. he smacked safety andrew adams in the helmet after the bucs recovered a fumble in the punt return. he said he was going to fight the fine because he was trying to prevent adams getting called for a penalty. >> i'll appeal it. it didn't have anything to do with the game, so we're good. >> the bucs host the rams on sunday. fun fact, guys. 44-year-old tom brady, he's actually older than every other nfc head coach still left in the playoffs. sean mcvay 35, kyle shanahan 42. i don't think we'll ever be able to stay is that again, where one of the starting quarterbacks is older than the other head coaches. >> andy, who hits their player? do they have history? >> he got caught up in the heat of the moment, didn't want a penalty call. i'm sure he regrets doing it. an >> andy, nice to see you. thanks so much. >> i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , Six , Network , 5g , Cities , Ultra Wideband , Verizon , Movie , Mindy , Yep , Mom Becomes A , Let S Work Offsite , 5g Internet , Safer , Places , Cable , Wi Fi , Go Get , Em , Get Charmin , Squirmy , Scratchy , Ultra Strong , Go , Diamond Weave Texture , Goodbye Itchy Squirm , Recording Artist , Students , Recording , Millions , Elodia , 10 Million , Comcast , Tools , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion ,

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