Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

first, breaking overnight, new york attorney general's office saying for the first time that her office has uncovered significant evidence that the trump organization misrepresented the value of its assets to boost its bottom line, the a.g. now asking a judge to order the former president, his children don junior and ivanka trump, all to sit down for questioning and hand over documents. also cnn was first to report that the january 6 committee has now obtained phone records for trump's younger son eric and don junior's fiancee, kimberly guilfoyle. these are the first known subpoenas targeting the trump family. and later today, the national archives will release trump-era white house documents to the january 6 house committee. it's a small batch of documents out of a much larger pool requested, but it's the first time the panel will get any of the white house records that trump wants to keep secret. >> all right. let's bring in cnn legal analyst. great to have you with us. the remarkable filing and tweet from the new york attorney general, she says they've uncovered significant evidence of wrongdoing at the trump organization. jennifer, how do you see this playing out in court? >> well, you know, it's unusual for an a.g. to show her hand in this way, but she's having to litigate over whether trump and his two adult children will show up for deposition. so that's why she's disclosed this. and honestly, it's virtually unheard of for a judge to interfere in an ongoing investigation before a complaint is even filed. i suspect that the judge will, partially based on this representation, but mostly based on the fact that judges never, never do this will go ahead and let the investigation proceed, including the depositions. >> jennifer, i don't know about you, but don't you just find this entire thing so highly unusual? i mean, for the a.g. to say in a tweet note, in the middle of an investigation, that she's essentially found significant, significant evidence of wrongdoing instead of waiting to say that, sort of letting the complaint speak for itself, letting the legal paper speak for itself. i just wonder, given this and given the stakes out of everything you've seen so far, if this is what tish james has, then this is what the manhattan d.a. has as well. do these allegations rise to a criminal level? >> well, we're waiting to find out, laura. i mean, obviously as you know, the criminal requirements are much higher than that of civil requirements in terms of whether you can file a complaint criminally versus civilly. we'll see, the a.g. is still putting together her civil case, much less a criminal case at the d.a.'s office. we don't know yet. it is unusual, but it does sound from what her filing said, she is moving forward. i do expect she will be in position to file a civil complaint down the road. >> jennifer, this latest round of subpoenas from the house committee investigating january 6th, now they have phone records. they have phone records from eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle. help our viewers understand how investigators use these things if they don't have the substance of what was actually said. >> well, that's right. so, they're really useful just to make connections if you're trying to find out who might have been involved in some sort of wrongdoing, a conspiracy, for example. you want to know who the players are. so you start to look at the folks you do know are involved and who they're talking to. so that's really what's happening here. were eric and kimberly involved in the height of the conspiracy, the height of the events leading up to january 6, who were they talking to, who was talking to the former president, that sort of thing. they're looking where to direct their next moves in the investigation. >> we know they participated in some of the funding surrounding the big lie. i'm sure that's something the committee wants to dig deeper into. jennifer, the committee on top of everything, subpoenaing the former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, among other trump lawyers, people like jenna ellis, sidney powell who peddled a fair amount of conspiracy theories themselves. arguably, though, these people are attorneys. they served as attorneys for the president. putting aside how great their legal advice was, don't they have a better claim to attorney/client privilege? >> it does complicate things. it's not entirely clear whether the attorney/client privilege applies in congressional investigations, but certainly i think they're going to claim it and that will slow things down because if the committee doesn't accept it, likely these folks will file in court to quash the subpoenas. so it does complicate matters ultimately, especially given the crime fraud exception you can't claim privilege where there is a crime or fraud involved in the communications. it's probably not going to carry the day, but unfortunately they will claim it and it will take time to sort it out. >> jennifer rodgers, legal analyst. so night nice to see you with all these legal news. thank you. >> thanks. >> thank you. the white house official says the biden administration is making 400 million n95 masks available to the public for free beginning next week. free masks. they will come from the u.s. strategic national stockpile. people will be able to pick them up at local pharmacies and community health centers. >> you get a mask, you also get a test, four of them in fact. this new website to order free at-home coronavirus tests is up and running successfully. began working to us to make sure it was functioning seamlessly. the at-home tests are expected to ship later this month. it is limited to four per home. >> did you sign up? >> i did. >> difficult, too. it was an easy process to sign up. archi >> it was. i was waiting for the computer glitches. it didn't happen. airlines cancelling because of the new 5g rollout today. plus, secretary of state blinken arriving in ukraine a short time ago to try to stave off a war. just hours from now, president biden's first news conference in months. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? 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so many airlines had to make a decision yesterday. they're long haul flights. they had to let staff and passengers know what was going on. also the nature of yesterday, we saw such chaotic mixed messages. you had the airlines saying they were facing catastrophic disruption, calling for a delay. you had mobile operators saying it was safe, but the faa had had long enough. they delayed this decision before. they didn't want to delay it again. so i think international airlines here playing it safe. so despite all that chaos, hopefully passengers do feel safe traveling to and from the u.s. today. >> anna, thank you so much for your reporting. all right. 5g, of course, a tech revolution. let's dig in with cnn aviation analyst myles o'brien. 5th generation is what it means. it helps with faster down loads and up loads, faster streaming and video calls. if 1 g was 10 cent a minute long distance on a phone on an actual phone line, 5g is how we live our lives, right? we're streaming, using social media, the holograms at basketball games. this is the future. you're a pilot. how does this technology affect airplanes? >> yeah, you know, i want 5g, too, but it's important to know that this part of the 5g frequency band, the c-band right next door to the part of the spectrum used by a crucial device on airliners, the radar altimeter, it's designed to tell an aircraft how close it is to the ground when it's getting really close to the ground in really bad weather in particular. you need a couple of radar altimeters operating well on that proverbial dark and stormy night when you're flying in to land. and if it doesn't operate well, truly catastrophic things can happen. so, while it may be not a likely scenario, the airline industry is looking at a problem which has serious potential consequences here. >> so you can understand why they're worried. i mean, what you just explained is sort of terrifying, worst case scenario. but 5g has rolled out safely in dozens of other countries. so why does it seem like the u.s. is sort of behind the ball here? >> yeah, it can be implemented. it has been done. it's a matter of reducing the power on some of the towers, pointing the antennas downward instead of upward, creating corridors or bubbles around the runways in question. but the fcc and the faa have been in this long-running, i guess game of chicken, if you will, over who is going to blink first. the faa demanding that these sort of precautions be taken and the fcc saying, you're overstating the worry. but the airline industry is all about improbable worst case scenarios. and that's what the situation here, that's why they're raising this concern. so even though it might be remote, they don't want to be in the position of taking that chance, particularly when there are passengers strapped in seats behind them. >> of course, there's no margin for error when you're talking about an airplane full of people. so how do you see, myles, the battle affecting travel in the coming months? >> well, there's going to be a little ripple effect because the lead time here, and that's why you've seen those long haul flights that had to be canceled kind of way in advance, are still occurring. but i think they've come up with a solution to provide these kinds of buffers and corridors at affected run ways. we're okay in the short term. long term, there's too much money at stake for this not to get solved. $65 billion bet on 5g c-band by at&t and verizon, and, of course, the airline industry has its concerns. they're going to solve this. they're going to have to solve this. but why it came to this is a stunning failure of government, in my view. how could this possibly happen, just a complete failure of leadership? >> sort of happening at the 11th hour when they had all this time to plan. does raise some questions. miles o'brien, aviation analyst for cnn, thank you so much, sir. >> nice to see you, miles. >> thank you, sir. >> you're welcome. good to see you. what the secretary of state said about the russia buildup. police officers rush into a burning building. see the rescue as he saw it. do your eyes bother you? 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short notice to take further aggressive action against ukraine. and that, of course, has gotten not only our attention, but it's gotten the attention of virtually all of our allies and partners, and not just in europe, even beyond. >> cnn's fred pleitgen is in moscow, and matthew chance joins us live from kiev. matthew, what does the ukrainian president want to hear from anthony blinken when they meet today? already strong words there. >> reporter: yeah, that's a good question. and, in fact, what the ukrainians are looking -- what they welcome from united states are the expressions of solidarity. we're seeing more of that now from the u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken saying the united states backs ukrainian sovereignty, its territory and integrity, and will work with it to fight the impending russian threat. privately, ukrainian officials are telling me they're a little frustrated with the expanse of the united states. u.s. is talking about crushing sanctions against russia if it chooses to invade. they want those sanctions placed on russia now in order to deter a russian attack. they also want more military equipment right now so they can defend against what they regard as an impending threat. behind closed doors, i'm told by ukrainian officials, they are asking for loan guarantees from the united states as well because this crisis has led to a pull-out of foreign investment in the country, and the already sort of economy on its knees has lost billions of dollars in revenue, and they want some sort of compensation for that, christine. >> actually, one of the successes already of the russian move here, without ever even invading here. hey, fred, the kremlin has repeatedly denied that it will invade, has plans to invade. says it's not on the chess board here. what will the message be to the kremlin when blinken meets with lavrov on friday? >> reporter: well, the message to the kremlin most certainly is going to be that the u.s. expects that the russians are going to take a diplomatic path. i think one of the things secretary of state blinken said on the ground there in kiev, he really hopes vladimir putin chooses a diplomatic path forward. it's quite interesting, christine. we got off the phone with the kremlin. the spokesperson does a daily conference call with journalists and there once again the russians are saying they believe this is about their security. they are the ones, they say, who feel threatened. and they also say they are still eagerly awaiting answers from the united states for those security demands that they made at the summit last week in geneva. and the russians say they want those as fast as possible. the other thing dmitry peskov said, the meeting with secretary of state blinken and russian foreign minister sergei lavrov on friday in geneva, that that is going to be of the utmost importance. he didn't say anything more than that, but he said it will be very important for the russians again. though, russians still making some of those military moves, we do now know and they've said they've moved troops into belarus, guys. >> matthew chance in moscow. thank you. president biden takes questions in his first news conference in months. former secretary joe lockhart stops by to talk about how the president can reset. and britain's boris johnson taking hours two hours from now, in the hot seat about the party scandal. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. introducing the all-new gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. it combines shaving and gentle exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ (soft piano music) ♪ - i got a hunch like me your home means a lot. - i love my home. i love my family. - you want to have the grandkids over. you want to have 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the business side of things, plenty. the president will be grilled on things like the fastest inflation since the '80s, oil prices on the rise again, supply chain issues leading to empty store shelves, and his social safety net plan effectively stalled in congress right now. >> on the flip side, the president will look for opportunities to tout accomplishments. more than 6 million jobs added in his first year in office, wages on the rise, the strongest gdp -- that's the strongest economic growth in decades as it bounces back. the economy bounces back from the pandemic. and the stock market breaking record after record last year. and that huge infrastructure bill passed in a deeply divided congress. >> here to join us, cnn political commentator and former clinton white house press secretary, joe lockhart. joe, so nice to have you this morning. you are the perfect guest to have on a morning like this. you saw us just layout some of the major challenges facing this white house, and that was only on the economy really. we didn't even touch on covid, a possible invasion of ukraine. i mean, he's got a lot on his plate. if you were prepping president biden for today's news conference, what would you advise him he needs to do? what's his message need to be? >> well, i think he needs to do two things. and i think christine touched on it. he does have to talk about what he's done over the last year. there are some remarkable things that have happened. but he also has to set or reframe the agenda for the next three to six months. i think the republicans have done a pretty good job lately of framing that agenda. he's got to grab that back and talk about what he wants to get done and how he should be measured. >> one lawmaker in our excellent washington reporting noted it is unfortunate biden's first year is ending with what he didn't get done instead of what he has gotten done. roll it out for me. either your message is wrong or your approach is wrong. something is wrong. can i tell you something, though? something feels a little bit like it did in the obama administration when they were having these successes with stimulus, and they tried to say, no, look at what's right, they were called tone deaf and hauty. how do you talk about what's going right and not appear tone deaf? >> well, some of this is a disconnect. a disconnect between what happens within washington, within the media and pundit circles, and what's going on out in the country. people experience some cross currents here. the economy is really strong. jobs are really strong. inflation is a problem, though, although most economists believe it's transitory based on some outside influences. so the president has to speak to the rest of the country who i think is a little less skeptical and maybe cynical than those of us who spend a lot of time in d.c. >> if you can't get things at the grocery store, if your gas prices are going up, if those basic necessities aren't happening for folks, that's not washington. that's basic living that people i think are struggling with. i think it reflects some of what we're seeing in the polls, joe. some of the reporting also suggests from our white house team here, it's a great story on i encourage everyone to look at it. that biden is being advised to essentially go at republicans harder, to talk about obstructionism for what it is, to talk about truch's big lie about the election for what it is. do you think that's the right strategy going forward this year? does he need to be more aggressive? >> well, there's two points there. i think he has to put in context things like oil prices. oil prices are at, i don't know, seven-year high or something because of world tensions. i'll prices has a lot more to do with what's going on in ukraine than what's going on in our economy. he just has to explain that to people. on the second point, yes, he has to be more aggressive. he has tried over the first year to work with republicans. they have refused to work with him. there is not a single policy proposal that's come out of the republican party. mitch mcconnell has said we're not going to do anything. we're going to make trouble for biden. he has to change tack, which i think he'll do. go after republicans, make them pay a political price for their obstructionism, and probably most importantly, politically, he's got to motivate democrats to get out and vote in the midterms, otherwise it's going to be a pretty tough november. >> so nice to see you this morning. cnn political commentator. we'll all be watching 4:00 p.m. when the president gives that speech -- the press conference. thank you so much. >> thanks, joe. something else the president will likely be asked about today just hours from now, democrats forging ahead, opening debate on a voting rights bill. they know it's doomed to fail. two democrats who favor the bill on its merits, senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, oppose doing the one thing necessary to passing it, changing the senate's 60-vote threshold so that it can pass with just a simple democratic majority. cnn's daniela diaz is live for us on capitol hill this morning. daniela, what's the plan this morning? they know it's going to fail, so how is all this going to shake out? >> reporter: even though it's going to fail, laura, senate majority leader chuck schumer is determined to have rules vote change today in the senate. he wants a, quote, talking filibuster to be implemented rather than just the 60-vote threshold needed to break the filibuster. but the thing is even with this talking fill bu-- filibuster, jt as you said, laura, exactly what these two senators oppose, kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. they believe legislation should be bipartisan as it passes through the senate. they are determined to support that, the 60-vote threshold they support which would require republican support for it to pass, and the pressure is mounting. the democratic leaders -- democratic caucus in the senate and members have been reading repeatedly with manchin and sinema to try to convince them to change their minds so they can do something about voting rights to counter the republican state-led legislature bills across the country that restrict voting a being process. they -- access. they want something done before the 2022 midterms. with these two not supporting, it is doomed to fail. they are going to proceed with it anyway. at least that's what they want. >> all right, daniela, thank you. britain's prime minister facing questions today in the house of commons over repeated denials he knew a byob party for at least 100 staffers at 110 downing street broke covid rules at a time the rest of the country was under strict lockdown. cnn's salma abdelaziz is live in london for us following every twist and turn of this political party story. pun intended. what's the latest for boris johnson, salma? >> reporter: christine, he is back in parliament today for regularly scheduled pmqs and he's fighting for his suri vive. he apologized to the house, he apologized to the public and even to the queen. johnson seems to be digging himself deeper and deeper into this hole of a scandal. there are two ways in which the prime minister can be pushed out. first, if it is found that he has lied or misled parliament, the custom, the tradition is he would resign. and the second is his own party. if his party turns against him, if a critical mass of 54 conservative mps decide to trigger a vote of no confidence, that's when his seat can be threatened. so that's what we're going to watch for in parliament today, christine. what does johnson look like? is he still that winning voter who can get conservative heartland's behind him? is he still that popular prime minister or on shaky ground? can he continue to represent his party even when he's accused of lying to the public, partying it up during a pandemic, and offending essentially everyone in the country. >> salma, all right. thank you so much. keep us posted. laura? back here in new york dramatic new video of the n.y.p.d. officers risking their lives to save a woman trapped after an apparent explosion. look at that. this newly released body cam videos show the officers rescuing the woman after a deadly fire in a bronx building that killed one person and injured eight people on tuesday. watch. >> down. >> this house, under the couch. >> back out, back out. back up. >> over here, over here. >> ah! >> one, two, let's go. get her over the couch. >> get her out. >> my heart is racing just watching this, christine. no official word on the cause of that explosion. this is obviously still under investigation. and on top of the fire last week in the bronx. >> you know, my heart goes out to all of those first responders. their day at the office is not like our day at the office, and we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude for so quickly running into danger. all right. 39 minutes past the hour. up next, the supreme court justice 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constitutional court expected to rule friday on whether the government's plan for a nationwide vaccine pass can become law. cnn has reporters covering the pandemic live from around the globe. let's begin with jim bittermann in paris. jim. >> reporter: christine and laura, the court is expected to approve that change, not so subtle change in the health pass law. it's going to change the health pass into a vaccination pass, making it essentially mandatory for any kind of access in the public activity like going to bars and restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theaters, taking long-distance trains. it comes as the report from the president's advisory council, in fact, the health pass has worked to increase the number of vaccinations in the country. the council estimates 4,000 french may have been saved because of the health pass. now, over to blake essex in tokyo. >> reporter: covid cases here in japan top 30,000 for the first time yesterday. that is an increase of 415% as a result of the rapid increase the japanese government has extended border restrictions. essentially banning all nonresidents through the end of february. exami and just about an hour ago, declared a quasi-state of emergency totaling 16. >> reporter: 419 covid deaths, the health ministry has recorded a 40% rise in fatalities, almost 143,000 cases of covid-19 have been reported in the last 24 hours. the high single-day rise since may last year. according to health officials, the hospitalization rate remains relatively low for now. over to ivan watson in hong kong. >> reporter: the hong kong government wants residents of this city, anybody who bought a pet hamster on or after december 22nd, to turn their pet over to officials to have it killed. this after officials say an employee at a pet store tested positive for covid this week, and then officials found that at least 11 hamsters in the shop also tested positive, and they're worried that hamsters could be a vector of covid transmission in a city where the government is trying to impose zero covid, zero-covid policy. the plans to call some 2,000 pet hamsters have activists protesting online, signing petitions, saying, this is a cruel policy. back to you, christine and laura. >> that is very interesting reporting. ivan and the rest of our team, thank you so much for all of that global reporting. when it comes to covid, a divided u.s. supreme court, just like us, there's been a notable physical absence on the bench recently as justice sonya sotomayor has been hearing oral argument from her chambers instead of in-person with the rest of her colleagues. but we are now learning the reason why she's doing this. the justice who sits next to her won't put on a mask. cnn's ariane de vogue joins us live with this story. good morning. you're reporting on this story, i find just incredible. it's such a powerful example of i think the split we see in the country on covid, on masks, on what to do, how to live with this virus. so, what do you know? >> reporter: well, justice sonya sotomayor suffers from diabetes. because of that that puts her at a high-risk category. and since the beginning of the term last fall, she wore a mask every day to oral arguments. and the other justices back then didn't. but in january when we saw these infection rates starting to surge, the court put out a statement saying that sotomayor had decided to participate remotely, and the court made clear that she was not ill. but we have learned she feels uncomfortable sitting on the bench if other colleagues are unmasked. and she made these concerns known to chief justice john roberts. we don't know what he did with the information, but we know that. so that in the first sitting in january, when the justices returned, eight of them came out, and for the first time they were all wearing masks except for justice neil gorsuch, who as you said, sits next to her. and during oral arguments, some of the justices keep the masks on for most of arguments. some take them off for long periods of time. the two liberals, kagan and breyer, they are always with their masks even when they're asking questions. we asked the court why gorsuch isn't wearing a mask. we don't know. they haven't responded yet, but it's worth noting all of the justices are vaccinated. they're boosted. and they're tested regularly. so as you said, the court, like the country, is struggling a bit with this. >> very interesting reporting. we'll see where this goes. it seems to be sort of an unfortunate break down of some of the collegiality you expect to see on the court. you know, the justices disagree vigorously. but behind the scenes have a rapport with each other. unfortunate to see that. great reporting. thank you. also some sad news to report this morning. former creative director at vogue andre leon tally died at 73. standing at 6'6", he was an iconic presence at fashion shows around the globe, often sitting with vogue editor anna wintour before the two parliamented ways. tally was widely known as a fashion pioneer, award-winning author and host of america's top model. >> a trail blazer indeed. sad news there. let's get a check on cnn business this morning. looking at markets around the world, you can see asian shares mixed with the tokyo had kind of a big tumble there. european shares have opened just narrowly higher. on wall street, stock index futures this hour also barely leaning up. look, tough day on wall street. the culprit, a rising ten year note yield. stock market losses across the board, but worse for tech. the nasdaq just shy of what we call an official correction. that's down 10% from recent highs. the den year treasury yield topped 1.8% tuesday for the first time since the pandemic, since january 2020. those rising interest rates will eventually lead to higher borrowing costs for autos, for homes, and for other consumer debt. goldman sachs, tough day there. disappointing investors. the stock down about 7%. fourth quarter profit, missed expectation, lower trading volume -- activity, rather, and higher cost for compensation. they paid their bankers more. more corporate earnings today for morgan stanley, bank of america, united airlines we'll hear from. meantime, this is probably the most important story in global markets at this hour. global oil prices hit a seven-year high just as goldman sachs warns that brent crude will hit $100 a barrel later this year. the bank blamed a tight supply, less appetite for oil investments due to the energy transition. there's a lot going on in geopolitics, too, laura. so any time there is uncertainty around the world, ukraine, for example, north korea and the like, sometimes that can send oil prices up, too. >> if you've taught me nothing, the markets do not enjoy uncertainty. >> exactly. >> to sports now, cowboys quarterback dak prescott is criticized for praising fans for throwing things at officials after sunday's loss. andy scholes has it in this morning's bleacher report. that doesn't sound good. >> it didn't when he said it. football is an emotional game. one thing you can't ever do or tolerate is throwing things at the refs. after the cowboys loss on sunday, fans were seen throwing things on the field. at first dak thought they were throwing them at the players. then he found out it was directed at the refs and he said this. >> for people to react that way, you're supposed to be a supporter and be with us through thick and thin. that's tough. >> even if throwing at the referees. >> [ bleep ] credit to them, then. yeah. all the credit, credit to them. >> yeah, so dak taking to social media to apologize for those comments, saying, i deeply regret the comments i made regarding the officials after the game on sunday. i was caught up in the emotion of a disappointing loss and my words were uncalled for and unfair. he went on to tweet. that was a mistake on my behalf, and i am sorry. exactly 64 years after reed broke the nhl color barrier, the boston bruins raising his number 22 to the rafters in an emotional ceremony before last night's game. the 86-year-old hockey hall of famer couldn't be there, but expressed his gratitude in a taped speech that aired before the banner raised. >> i will never forget how my teammates in the bruins locker room, accepted me as one of their own. this was a time when some of the fans and opposing players were not ready to see a black man in the nhl. this is an unforgettable day. i am overwhelmed and thrilled to be a part of the bruins forever. >> reed's groundbreaking achievement, even more remarkable he lost 95% of the sight in his right eye after he was hit by an errant puck. two seasons before he got his nhl call. he never told anyone he was blind in that right eye. >> feel the rhythm. feel the rhyme. get on up. it's time. cool running! >> one of the best sports movies of all time, going real life in beijing. of course, you all remember the jamaican bobsled team in cool running. based on the real life squad that made it to the winter olympics. we'll get to feel the rhythm, feel the "right this minute" next month. the first time in 24 years, jamaica is sending a four-man bobsled to the beijing games. the caribbean nation also qualified for the two-man and women's bob event, making it the first time jamaica has qualified for three olympic bobsled events in a single games. guys, i don't know about you, i used to watch cool runinings weekly. >> the egg in his jacket pocket. i love it. >> that movie stands the test of time. some of the movies in the '80s were quite bad. all right, guys, guess who is not the biggest fan of u2. ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ >> yeah, that guy, bon owe. the lead singer reveals he's embarrassed by the band's name. also, he cringes at the sound of his own voice on the older songs when he hears them on the radio. that voice, by the way, helped u2 win 22 grammys. he's not giving any of the money back, i'm sure. >> a little self-deprivation goes a long way. >> sure does. >> it's nice to see. >> all right. we love you, bon owe, and we like you, too. thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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U S , Lot , Christine And Laura , Thanks , Viewers , Right , Laura Jarrett , All Around The World , Start , Christine Romans , January 19th , New York , Wednesday January 19th , 19 , 5 , 00 , President , Hold Trump , Family , Woes , Developments , Friends , Push , Name Sake Company Accountable , 24 , Three , Office , A G , Time , Evidence , Judge , New York Attorney General , Value , First , Bottom Line , Organization , Assets , Cnn , Committee , Phone Records , Documents , Wall , Children , Hand , Trump , Questioning , Ivanka Trump , Junior , Son Eric And Don Junior , January 6 , 6 , The National Archives , Subpoenas , House Committee , Fiancee , Batch , Pool , Kimberly Guilfoyle , White House , Panel , Jennifer Rodgers , Wrongdoing , Attorney General , Playing Out In Court , Filing , Analyst , Tweet , Trump Organization , Complaint , Way , Investigation , Adult , Deposition , Of , Two , Thing , Fact , Don T , Judges , Depositions , Will , Representation , Waiting , Significant , Tweet Note , Middle , Everything , Level , Paper , Allegations , Stakes , Tish James Has , Manhattan D A , Requirements , Terms , Case , Position , Sound , Road , D A , House Committee Investigating January 6th , Eric Trump , Round , January 6th , Things , Sort , Example , Conspiracy , Players , Investigators , Substance , Connections , Folks , Height , Events , Something , Some , Top , Moves , Funding , Subpoenaing , Big Lie , People , Attorneys , Rudy Giuliani , Amount , Fair , Trump Lawyers , Conspiracy Theories , Jenna Ellis , Sidney Powell Who Peddled , Investigations , Advice , Claim , Attorney Client Privilege , It , Court , Matters , Crime , Committee Doesn T , Fraud , Crime Fraud Exception , Privilege , News , Communications , Biden For Today , Masks , Public , Official , Administration , Strategic National Stockpile , 400 Million , Mask , Test , Community Health Centers , Pharmacies , Website , Home Coronavirus Tests , Four , Home , Tests , Covidtest Gov , United Airlines , Tony Blinken , Secretary Of State , It Didn T , Process , Plus , Computer Glitches , Difficult , Archi , World , News Conference , War , Dream , Plan , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Diabetes , Scan , System , My Name Is Austin James , Advisor , Fingersticks , Challenge , Musician , Libre 2 , One , 2 , A1c , Glucose Numbers , Mystery , 6 7 , 8 2 , Freestylelibre Us Nyquil , Symptoms , Cold , Nighttime , Flu , Relief , Sunday Night , Sniffling , Psoriasis , Cosentyx , Medicine , Fail , Head , Coughing , Sleep , Stuffy , Aching , Try , Sneezing , Hope , Five , Vaccine , Infection , Doctor , Risk , Tuberculosis , Ability , Crohn S Disease , Millions , Move , Reaction , Taking Align , Discomfort , Quality Probiotic , Gas , Bloating , Dermatologist , 24 7 , Health , Gut , Pros , Users , Try Align , Alignprobiotics Com , Dualbiotics , Man , More , Discount , Burke , Policies , Farmers , Auto Insurance , Wife , Jet Skis , Hon , Honey , Boat , Discounts , Dad , Sup , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Kid , Forty Five , Cancer , Pa Dum , Immunotherapy , Oxygen Levels , Garage , Gene Mutation , Bum , Egfr , Seventeen , Place , Growth , Cancer Discovery , Everywhere , Tumor Cells , Dana Farber , 75 , Uncertainty , Flights , Number , Companies , Airplane Safety Technology , Anna Stewart , Cell Phone Service , Reporter , Decision , 5g , Cancellations , Flight Cancellations , Airport , Rollout , Japan Airlines , India , Emirates , Ana , 11 , Aircraft , Flight , 5g Interference , Many , Air Aircraft , Lufthansa , Miami , Passengers , Disruption , Airports , Messages , 5g Rollout , Staff , Nature , Delays , Faa , Operators , Safe , Delay , Course , Reporting , Tech Revolution , Traveling , Chaos , It Safe , Myles O Brien , Loads , Video Calls , 5th Generation , Dig In , Let , 10 , 1 , Phone , Lives , Phone Line , Social Media , Airplanes , Technology , Pilot , Holograms At Basketball Games , Part , C Band , Airliners , 5g Frequency Band , Spectrum , Device , Radar Altimeter , Ground , Particular , Radar Altimeters , Weather , Couple , Problem , Airline Industry , Doesn T Operate Well , Scenario , Ball , Countries , Consequences , Terrifying , Dozens , Worst Case Scenario , Matter , Corridors , Power , Towers , Antennas , Bubbles , Saying , Game , Question , Runways , Chicken , Precautions , Fcc , Scenarios , Concern , Worry , Situation , Chance , Airplane , Seats , Margin , Error , Myles , Kind , Haul , Advance , Ripple Effect , Battle Affecting Travel , Term , Stake , Ways , Money , Kinds , Buffers , Solution , Verizon , At T , 5 Billion , 65 Billion , Hong Kong Government , Concerns , Failure , View , Miles , Sir , Questions , Leadership , Building , Rescue , Police Officers , Russia , Buildup , Eyes , Sandpaper , Combo , Protein , Energy , Preservatives , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Biotrue , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Thirty , Mucinex , Sugar , Nutrients , Congestion , Kim , Australia , Save It Slimeball , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , 12 , Customers , Magenta , Iphone 13 , T Mobile , 13 , 3 , Times , Electorlytes , Feel , Old , Pedialyte , Powder Packs , Walks , Amazing , Jerry , Trust Me , 15 , Asthma , Anything , Nunormal , Nucala , Infections , Face , Trouble , Reactions , Breathing , Help , Breathing Problems , Add On Treatment , Swelling , Tongue , Mouth , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Injection Site Reactions , Headache , Asthma Specialist , Back Pain , Fatigue , Veterans , Struggling , Low , Prescription Copays , Resources , Don T Wait , Walgreens , Reach Out , Zero Dollars , Zero , Save , Prescriptions , Medicare , Ukraine , Notice , Plans , Troop Buildup , Border , Force , Attention , Action , Capacity , Partners , Allies , Matthew Chance , Europe , Fred Pleitgen , Kiev , Moscow , Words , Solidarity , Expressions , Officials , Threat , Integrity , Territory , Backs Ukrainian Sovereignty , Sanctions , Expanse , Order , Attack , Loan , Military Equipment , Behind Closed Doors , Country , Compensation , Economy , Led , Investment , Billions , Revenue , Knees , Crisis , Pull Out , Kremlin , Successes , Chess Board , Message , Path , Russians , Conference Call , Spokesperson , Journalists , Vladimir Putin , Security , Answers , Summit , Ones , Meeting , Geneva , Foreign Minister , Sergei Lavrov , Dmitry Peskov , Military Moves , Troops , Importance , Guys , Matthew Chance In Moscow , Belarus , Joe Lockhart , Boris Johnson , Scandal , In The Hot Seat , Emergen C , Britain , Blend , Best , Kisses , Kiss , With Kay , Shave , Stroke , Gillettelabs , Gentle Exfoliation , Exfoliating Bar , Shaving , 4 , Piano Music , Hunch , Aag , Reverse Mortgage Loan , Narrator , Expenses , Water , Mortgage Payments , Grandkids , Screen , Credit Card Bills , Interest , Idea , 62 , Participant , Retirement Money , The One , Reverse Mortgage Guide , Stuff , Outside , Blood Vessels , Diabetic Retinopathy , Inside , Actions , Vision Loss , Blindness , Treatments , Diabetes Management , Eye Care , Sight , Muscle Health , Age , Control , Visit Noweyesee Com , 16 , 20 , High Protein , Immune Support , Brain Performance , Someone , Memory Supplements , Neuroscientist , Science , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Six , Neuriva , Yes , Rise , Oil Prices , Inflation , Reporters , Business Side , Supply Chain , 80 , Jobs , Accomplishments , Flip Side , Safety Net Plan , Issues , Store Shelves , Opportunities , Congress , 6 Million , Pandemic , Record , Infrastructure Bill , Stock Market , Gdp , Morning , Challenges , Political Commentator , Clinton White House Press Secretary , Guest , Zero Covid , Plate , Republicans , Agenda , Job , Lawmaker , Washington , Approach , Stimulus , Obama , Disconnect , Media , Pundit , Tone Deaf , Hauty , What S Going On , Cross Currents , Circles , Economists , Rest , Grocery Store , Little , Influences , Gas Prices , Necessities , Polls , Obstructionism , Everyone , Truch , Team , Story , Election , Strategy , Points , Context , I Don T Know , Seven , Prices , Point , World Tensions , Policy , Tack , Proposal , Mitch Mcconnell , Price , Vote , Midterms , Democrats , November , Speech , Debate , Commentator , Press Conference , Something Else , Senate , Joe Manchin , Voting Rights Bill , Bill , Merits , Kyrsten Sinema , 60 , Threshold , Majority , Daniela Diaz , Capitol Hill , Filibuster , Chuck Schumer , Quote , Rules , Legislation , Senators , Talking Fill Bu , Leaders , Pressure , Reading , Caucus , Members , Support , Bills , Voting Rights , Legislature , Minds , Access , Least , 2022 , Party , Prime Minister , House Of Commons , Denials , Downing Street , Covid Rules , 110 , 110 Downing Street , 100 , Parliament , Lockdown , Latest , Twist , Salma Abdelaziz , Salma , London , Pun , House , Fighting , Queen , Suri Vive , Pmqs , Tradition , Second , Hole , Voter , Confidence , Seat , Mps , Critical Mass , 54 , Heartland , Popular , Officers , Woman , Explosion , Video , Nypd , Fire , Person , Watch , Body Cam Videos , Eight , Down , Couch , Let S Go , Heart , Debt , Word , Cause , Responders , The Bronx , Lead Singer , Justice , Gratitude , Won T , Supreme Court Justice , Danger , Up Next , 39 , Beautiful Day , U2 , Critic , Reach , Diner , Refill , Bus , Aisle , Routine , Pfizer , 7 , Hundreds , Pursuit , Life , Treasures , Landmarks , Extras , Viking , Viking Longships , Wi Fi , Readers , Cruise Line , Ship , Excursions , Cultural Enrichment , CondÉ Nast , River , Mom , Girl , Ready , Voice , Set , Sale , Business , Internet , Price Guarantee , Installation , 4 99 , 64 99 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , Expert Team , Backing , Deal , Prepaid Card , 500 , Globe , Law , Constitutional Court , France , Jim Bittermann , In Paris , Health Pass , Change , Vaccination Pass , Health Pass Law , Council , Activity , Report , Restaurants , Vaccinations , Trains , Cafes , Cinemas , Theaters , Bars , Covid Cases Here In Japan Top 30000 For The First Time , In Tokyo , French , Essex , 4000 , 30000 , Increase , Border Restrictions , Result , Nonresidents , Japanese , 415 , Emergency , Quasi State , Exami , 419 Covid Deaths , 419 , Health Officials , Cases , Fatalities , Health Ministry , 40 , 143000 , City , Anybody , Pet , Hospitalization Rate , Hamster , Ivan Watson , Residents , Hong Kong , December 22nd , Hamsters , Pet Store , Employee , 22 , Vector , Positive , Shop , Zero Covid Policy , Covid Transmission , 2000 , Pet Hamsters , Global Reporting , Petitions , Sonya Sotomayor , Bench , Argument , U S Supreme Court , Chambers , Absence , Colleagues , Reason , Ariane De Vogue , Split , Virus , Justices , Arguments , Infection Rates , Beginning , Category , Surge , Sotomayor , Statement , Sitting , John Roberts , Information , Liberals , Neil Gorsuch , Oral Arguments , Most , Kagan , Gorsuch Isn T , Haven T , Worth , Breyer , Break , Collegiality , Bit , Creative Director , Great Reporting , Each Other , Scenes , Rapport , Tally , Anna Wintour , Presence , Fashion Shows , Vogue Andre Leon , 73 , Shares , Markets , Author , Model , Host , Fashion Pioneer , Check , Parliamented Ways , America , Trail Blazer , Asian , Stock Market Losses , Note Yield , Tumble , Culprit , Wall Street , Stock Index Futures , Tokyo , Ten , Board , Official Correction , Highs , Tech , Nasdaq , 1 8 , January 2020 , Investors , Homes , Stock , Interest Rates , Autos , Consumer Debt , Borrowing Costs , Profit , Goldman Sachs , 2020 , Expectation , Bankers , Cost , Trading Volume , Earnings , Bank Of America , Morgan Stanley , Investments , Supply , Oil , High , Bank , Barrel , Appetite , Energy Transition , Brent Crude , Sports , Nothing , Geopolitics , Like , Cowboys Quarterback , Too , North Korea , Loss , Fans , Andy Scholes , Dak Prescott , Bleacher Report , Football , Praising , Doesn T Sound Good , Refs , Cowboys Loss On Sunday , First Dak , The Field , Credit , Bleep , Supporter , Referees , Comments , Dak , Emotion , Uncalled , Game On Sunday , Mistake , Behalf , Rafters , Nhl , Boston Bruins , Color Barrier , 64 , Hockey Hall Of Famer Couldn T , Ceremony , Banner , Last Night , 86 , Teammates , Black Man , Locker Room , Reed , Eye , 95 , Bruins , Achievement , Hit , Errant Puck , 95 , Rhythm , Seasons , Rhyme , Call , Anyone , Squad , It S Time , Sports Movies , Cool Running , One Of The Best , Real Life In Beijing , Winter Olympics , Jamaican Bobsled Team , Games , Women S Bob Event , Nation , Bobsled , Jamaica , Beijing , Caribbean , Jacket Pocket , Olympic , Cool Runinings , The Egg , It S A Beautiful Day , Guess Who , Fan , Movie , Guy , Bon , The Movies In 80s , Name , Radio , Songs , The Band , Grammys , Money Back , Any , We Love You , Win , Sure , Bond , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Skin , Nutrition , Strength , Mission , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , 30 ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

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first, breaking overnight, new york attorney general's office saying for the first time that her office has uncovered significant evidence that the trump organization misrepresented the value of its assets to boost its bottom line, the a.g. now asking a judge to order the former president, his children don junior and ivanka trump, all to sit down for questioning and hand over documents. also cnn was first to report that the january 6 committee has now obtained phone records for trump's younger son eric and don junior's fiancee, kimberly guilfoyle. these are the first known subpoenas targeting the trump family. and later today, the national archives will release trump-era white house documents to the january 6 house committee. it's a small batch of documents out of a much larger pool requested, but it's the first time the panel will get any of the white house records that trump wants to keep secret. >> all right. let's bring in cnn legal analyst. great to have you with us. the remarkable filing and tweet from the new york attorney general, she says they've uncovered significant evidence of wrongdoing at the trump organization. jennifer, how do you see this playing out in court? >> well, you know, it's unusual for an a.g. to show her hand in this way, but she's having to litigate over whether trump and his two adult children will show up for deposition. so that's why she's disclosed this. and honestly, it's virtually unheard of for a judge to interfere in an ongoing investigation before a complaint is even filed. i suspect that the judge will, partially based on this representation, but mostly based on the fact that judges never, never do this will go ahead and let the investigation proceed, including the depositions. >> jennifer, i don't know about you, but don't you just find this entire thing so highly unusual? i mean, for the a.g. to say in a tweet note, in the middle of an investigation, that she's essentially found significant, significant evidence of wrongdoing instead of waiting to say that, sort of letting the complaint speak for itself, letting the legal paper speak for itself. i just wonder, given this and given the stakes out of everything you've seen so far, if this is what tish james has, then this is what the manhattan d.a. has as well. do these allegations rise to a criminal level? >> well, we're waiting to find out, laura. i mean, obviously as you know, the criminal requirements are much higher than that of civil requirements in terms of whether you can file a complaint criminally versus civilly. we'll see, the a.g. is still putting together her civil case, much less a criminal case at the d.a.'s office. we don't know yet. it is unusual, but it does sound from what her filing said, she is moving forward. i do expect she will be in position to file a civil complaint down the road. >> jennifer, this latest round of subpoenas from the house committee investigating january 6th, now they have phone records. they have phone records from eric trump and kimberly guilfoyle. help our viewers understand how investigators use these things if they don't have the substance of what was actually said. >> well, that's right. so, they're really useful just to make connections if you're trying to find out who might have been involved in some sort of wrongdoing, a conspiracy, for example. you want to know who the players are. so you start to look at the folks you do know are involved and who they're talking to. so that's really what's happening here. were eric and kimberly involved in the height of the conspiracy, the height of the events leading up to january 6, who were they talking to, who was talking to the former president, that sort of thing. they're looking where to direct their next moves in the investigation. >> we know they participated in some of the funding surrounding the big lie. i'm sure that's something the committee wants to dig deeper into. jennifer, the committee on top of everything, subpoenaing the former new york city mayor rudy giuliani, among other trump lawyers, people like jenna ellis, sidney powell who peddled a fair amount of conspiracy theories themselves. arguably, though, these people are attorneys. they served as attorneys for the president. putting aside how great their legal advice was, don't they have a better claim to attorney/client privilege? >> it does complicate things. it's not entirely clear whether the attorney/client privilege applies in congressional investigations, but certainly i think they're going to claim it and that will slow things down because if the committee doesn't accept it, likely these folks will file in court to quash the subpoenas. so it does complicate matters ultimately, especially given the crime fraud exception you can't claim privilege where there is a crime or fraud involved in the communications. it's probably not going to carry the day, but unfortunately they will claim it and it will take time to sort it out. >> jennifer rodgers, legal analyst. so night nice to see you with all these legal news. thank you. >> thanks. >> thank you. the white house official says the biden administration is making 400 million n95 masks available to the public for free beginning next week. free masks. they will come from the u.s. strategic national stockpile. people will be able to pick them up at local pharmacies and community health centers. >> you get a mask, you also get a test, four of them in fact. this new website to order free at-home coronavirus tests is up and running successfully. began working to us to make sure it was functioning seamlessly. the at-home tests are expected to ship later this month. it is limited to four per home. >> did you sign up? >> i did. >> difficult, too. it was an easy process to sign up. archi >> it was. i was waiting for the computer glitches. it didn't happen. airlines cancelling because of the new 5g rollout today. plus, secretary of state blinken arriving in ukraine a short time ago to try to stave off a war. just hours from now, president biden's first news conference in months. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? 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so many airlines had to make a decision yesterday. they're long haul flights. they had to let staff and passengers know what was going on. also the nature of yesterday, we saw such chaotic mixed messages. you had the airlines saying they were facing catastrophic disruption, calling for a delay. you had mobile operators saying it was safe, but the faa had had long enough. they delayed this decision before. they didn't want to delay it again. so i think international airlines here playing it safe. so despite all that chaos, hopefully passengers do feel safe traveling to and from the u.s. today. >> anna, thank you so much for your reporting. all right. 5g, of course, a tech revolution. let's dig in with cnn aviation analyst myles o'brien. 5th generation is what it means. it helps with faster down loads and up loads, faster streaming and video calls. if 1 g was 10 cent a minute long distance on a phone on an actual phone line, 5g is how we live our lives, right? we're streaming, using social media, the holograms at basketball games. this is the future. you're a pilot. how does this technology affect airplanes? >> yeah, you know, i want 5g, too, but it's important to know that this part of the 5g frequency band, the c-band right next door to the part of the spectrum used by a crucial device on airliners, the radar altimeter, it's designed to tell an aircraft how close it is to the ground when it's getting really close to the ground in really bad weather in particular. you need a couple of radar altimeters operating well on that proverbial dark and stormy night when you're flying in to land. and if it doesn't operate well, truly catastrophic things can happen. so, while it may be not a likely scenario, the airline industry is looking at a problem which has serious potential consequences here. >> so you can understand why they're worried. i mean, what you just explained is sort of terrifying, worst case scenario. but 5g has rolled out safely in dozens of other countries. so why does it seem like the u.s. is sort of behind the ball here? >> yeah, it can be implemented. it has been done. it's a matter of reducing the power on some of the towers, pointing the antennas downward instead of upward, creating corridors or bubbles around the runways in question. but the fcc and the faa have been in this long-running, i guess game of chicken, if you will, over who is going to blink first. the faa demanding that these sort of precautions be taken and the fcc saying, you're overstating the worry. but the airline industry is all about improbable worst case scenarios. and that's what the situation here, that's why they're raising this concern. so even though it might be remote, they don't want to be in the position of taking that chance, particularly when there are passengers strapped in seats behind them. >> of course, there's no margin for error when you're talking about an airplane full of people. so how do you see, myles, the battle affecting travel in the coming months? >> well, there's going to be a little ripple effect because the lead time here, and that's why you've seen those long haul flights that had to be canceled kind of way in advance, are still occurring. but i think they've come up with a solution to provide these kinds of buffers and corridors at affected run ways. we're okay in the short term. long term, there's too much money at stake for this not to get solved. $65 billion bet on 5g c-band by at&t and verizon, and, of course, the airline industry has its concerns. they're going to solve this. they're going to have to solve this. but why it came to this is a stunning failure of government, in my view. how could this possibly happen, just a complete failure of leadership? >> sort of happening at the 11th hour when they had all this time to plan. does raise some questions. miles o'brien, aviation analyst for cnn, thank you so much, sir. >> nice to see you, miles. >> thank you, sir. >> you're welcome. good to see you. what the secretary of state said about the russia buildup. police officers rush into a burning building. see the rescue as he saw it. do your eyes bother you? 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short notice to take further aggressive action against ukraine. and that, of course, has gotten not only our attention, but it's gotten the attention of virtually all of our allies and partners, and not just in europe, even beyond. >> cnn's fred pleitgen is in moscow, and matthew chance joins us live from kiev. matthew, what does the ukrainian president want to hear from anthony blinken when they meet today? already strong words there. >> reporter: yeah, that's a good question. and, in fact, what the ukrainians are looking -- what they welcome from united states are the expressions of solidarity. we're seeing more of that now from the u.s. secretary of state anthony blinken saying the united states backs ukrainian sovereignty, its territory and integrity, and will work with it to fight the impending russian threat. privately, ukrainian officials are telling me they're a little frustrated with the expanse of the united states. u.s. is talking about crushing sanctions against russia if it chooses to invade. they want those sanctions placed on russia now in order to deter a russian attack. they also want more military equipment right now so they can defend against what they regard as an impending threat. behind closed doors, i'm told by ukrainian officials, they are asking for loan guarantees from the united states as well because this crisis has led to a pull-out of foreign investment in the country, and the already sort of economy on its knees has lost billions of dollars in revenue, and they want some sort of compensation for that, christine. >> actually, one of the successes already of the russian move here, without ever even invading here. hey, fred, the kremlin has repeatedly denied that it will invade, has plans to invade. says it's not on the chess board here. what will the message be to the kremlin when blinken meets with lavrov on friday? >> reporter: well, the message to the kremlin most certainly is going to be that the u.s. expects that the russians are going to take a diplomatic path. i think one of the things secretary of state blinken said on the ground there in kiev, he really hopes vladimir putin chooses a diplomatic path forward. it's quite interesting, christine. we got off the phone with the kremlin. the spokesperson does a daily conference call with journalists and there once again the russians are saying they believe this is about their security. they are the ones, they say, who feel threatened. and they also say they are still eagerly awaiting answers from the united states for those security demands that they made at the summit last week in geneva. and the russians say they want those as fast as possible. the other thing dmitry peskov said, the meeting with secretary of state blinken and russian foreign minister sergei lavrov on friday in geneva, that that is going to be of the utmost importance. he didn't say anything more than that, but he said it will be very important for the russians again. though, russians still making some of those military moves, we do now know and they've said they've moved troops into belarus, guys. >> matthew chance in moscow. thank you. president biden takes questions in his first news conference in months. former secretary joe lockhart stops by to talk about how the president can reset. and britain's boris johnson taking hours two hours from now, in the hot seat about the party scandal. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. ♪ ♪ to all the kisses... ...that led... this one. celebrate every kiss, with kay. introducing the all-new gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. it combines shaving and gentle exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ (soft piano music) ♪ - i got a hunch like me your home means a lot. - i love my home. i love my family. - you want to have the grandkids over. you want to have 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the business side of things, plenty. the president will be grilled on things like the fastest inflation since the '80s, oil prices on the rise again, supply chain issues leading to empty store shelves, and his social safety net plan effectively stalled in congress right now. >> on the flip side, the president will look for opportunities to tout accomplishments. more than 6 million jobs added in his first year in office, wages on the rise, the strongest gdp -- that's the strongest economic growth in decades as it bounces back. the economy bounces back from the pandemic. and the stock market breaking record after record last year. and that huge infrastructure bill passed in a deeply divided congress. >> here to join us, cnn political commentator and former clinton white house press secretary, joe lockhart. joe, so nice to have you this morning. you are the perfect guest to have on a morning like this. you saw us just layout some of the major challenges facing this white house, and that was only on the economy really. we didn't even touch on covid, a possible invasion of ukraine. i mean, he's got a lot on his plate. if you were prepping president biden for today's news conference, what would you advise him he needs to do? what's his message need to be? >> well, i think he needs to do two things. and i think christine touched on it. he does have to talk about what he's done over the last year. there are some remarkable things that have happened. but he also has to set or reframe the agenda for the next three to six months. i think the republicans have done a pretty good job lately of framing that agenda. he's got to grab that back and talk about what he wants to get done and how he should be measured. >> one lawmaker in our excellent washington reporting noted it is unfortunate biden's first year is ending with what he didn't get done instead of what he has gotten done. roll it out for me. either your message is wrong or your approach is wrong. something is wrong. can i tell you something, though? something feels a little bit like it did in the obama administration when they were having these successes with stimulus, and they tried to say, no, look at what's right, they were called tone deaf and hauty. how do you talk about what's going right and not appear tone deaf? >> well, some of this is a disconnect. a disconnect between what happens within washington, within the media and pundit circles, and what's going on out in the country. people experience some cross currents here. the economy is really strong. jobs are really strong. inflation is a problem, though, although most economists believe it's transitory based on some outside influences. so the president has to speak to the rest of the country who i think is a little less skeptical and maybe cynical than those of us who spend a lot of time in d.c. >> if you can't get things at the grocery store, if your gas prices are going up, if those basic necessities aren't happening for folks, that's not washington. that's basic living that people i think are struggling with. i think it reflects some of what we're seeing in the polls, joe. some of the reporting also suggests from our white house team here, it's a great story on i encourage everyone to look at it. that biden is being advised to essentially go at republicans harder, to talk about obstructionism for what it is, to talk about truch's big lie about the election for what it is. do you think that's the right strategy going forward this year? does he need to be more aggressive? >> well, there's two points there. i think he has to put in context things like oil prices. oil prices are at, i don't know, seven-year high or something because of world tensions. i'll prices has a lot more to do with what's going on in ukraine than what's going on in our economy. he just has to explain that to people. on the second point, yes, he has to be more aggressive. he has tried over the first year to work with republicans. they have refused to work with him. there is not a single policy proposal that's come out of the republican party. mitch mcconnell has said we're not going to do anything. we're going to make trouble for biden. he has to change tack, which i think he'll do. go after republicans, make them pay a political price for their obstructionism, and probably most importantly, politically, he's got to motivate democrats to get out and vote in the midterms, otherwise it's going to be a pretty tough november. >> so nice to see you this morning. cnn political commentator. we'll all be watching 4:00 p.m. when the president gives that speech -- the press conference. thank you so much. >> thanks, joe. something else the president will likely be asked about today just hours from now, democrats forging ahead, opening debate on a voting rights bill. they know it's doomed to fail. two democrats who favor the bill on its merits, senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema, oppose doing the one thing necessary to passing it, changing the senate's 60-vote threshold so that it can pass with just a simple democratic majority. cnn's daniela diaz is live for us on capitol hill this morning. daniela, what's the plan this morning? they know it's going to fail, so how is all this going to shake out? >> reporter: even though it's going to fail, laura, senate majority leader chuck schumer is determined to have rules vote change today in the senate. he wants a, quote, talking filibuster to be implemented rather than just the 60-vote threshold needed to break the filibuster. but the thing is even with this talking fill bu-- filibuster, jt as you said, laura, exactly what these two senators oppose, kyrsten sinema and joe manchin. they believe legislation should be bipartisan as it passes through the senate. they are determined to support that, the 60-vote threshold they support which would require republican support for it to pass, and the pressure is mounting. the democratic leaders -- democratic caucus in the senate and members have been reading repeatedly with manchin and sinema to try to convince them to change their minds so they can do something about voting rights to counter the republican state-led legislature bills across the country that restrict voting a being process. they -- access. they want something done before the 2022 midterms. with these two not supporting, it is doomed to fail. they are going to proceed with it anyway. at least that's what they want. >> all right, daniela, thank you. britain's prime minister facing questions today in the house of commons over repeated denials he knew a byob party for at least 100 staffers at 110 downing street broke covid rules at a time the rest of the country was under strict lockdown. cnn's salma abdelaziz is live in london for us following every twist and turn of this political party story. pun intended. what's the latest for boris johnson, salma? >> reporter: christine, he is back in parliament today for regularly scheduled pmqs and he's fighting for his suri vive. he apologized to the house, he apologized to the public and even to the queen. johnson seems to be digging himself deeper and deeper into this hole of a scandal. there are two ways in which the prime minister can be pushed out. first, if it is found that he has lied or misled parliament, the custom, the tradition is he would resign. and the second is his own party. if his party turns against him, if a critical mass of 54 conservative mps decide to trigger a vote of no confidence, that's when his seat can be threatened. so that's what we're going to watch for in parliament today, christine. what does johnson look like? is he still that winning voter who can get conservative heartland's behind him? is he still that popular prime minister or on shaky ground? can he continue to represent his party even when he's accused of lying to the public, partying it up during a pandemic, and offending essentially everyone in the country. >> salma, all right. thank you so much. keep us posted. laura? back here in new york dramatic new video of the n.y.p.d. officers risking their lives to save a woman trapped after an apparent explosion. look at that. this newly released body cam videos show the officers rescuing the woman after a deadly fire in a bronx building that killed one person and injured eight people on tuesday. watch. >> down. >> this house, under the couch. >> back out, back out. back up. >> over here, over here. >> ah! >> one, two, let's go. get her over the couch. >> get her out. >> my heart is racing just watching this, christine. no official word on the cause of that explosion. this is obviously still under investigation. and on top of the fire last week in the bronx. >> you know, my heart goes out to all of those first responders. their day at the office is not like our day at the office, and we all owe them a huge debt of gratitude for so quickly running into danger. all right. 39 minutes past the hour. up next, the supreme court justice who won't wear a mask. why that's a problem for the justice who sits next to him. and the famous lead singer who might be u2's biggest critic. ♪ beautiful day ♪ that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ exploring the heart of historic europe with viking, you'll get closer to iconic landmarks, to local life and legendary treasures as you sail onboard our patented, 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constitutional court expected to rule friday on whether the government's plan for a nationwide vaccine pass can become law. cnn has reporters covering the pandemic live from around the globe. let's begin with jim bittermann in paris. jim. >> reporter: christine and laura, the court is expected to approve that change, not so subtle change in the health pass law. it's going to change the health pass into a vaccination pass, making it essentially mandatory for any kind of access in the public activity like going to bars and restaurants, cafes, cinemas, theaters, taking long-distance trains. it comes as the report from the president's advisory council, in fact, the health pass has worked to increase the number of vaccinations in the country. the council estimates 4,000 french may have been saved because of the health pass. now, over to blake essex in tokyo. >> reporter: covid cases here in japan top 30,000 for the first time yesterday. that is an increase of 415% as a result of the rapid increase the japanese government has extended border restrictions. essentially banning all nonresidents through the end of february. exami and just about an hour ago, declared a quasi-state of emergency totaling 16. >> reporter: 419 covid deaths, the health ministry has recorded a 40% rise in fatalities, almost 143,000 cases of covid-19 have been reported in the last 24 hours. the high single-day rise since may last year. according to health officials, the hospitalization rate remains relatively low for now. over to ivan watson in hong kong. >> reporter: the hong kong government wants residents of this city, anybody who bought a pet hamster on or after december 22nd, to turn their pet over to officials to have it killed. this after officials say an employee at a pet store tested positive for covid this week, and then officials found that at least 11 hamsters in the shop also tested positive, and they're worried that hamsters could be a vector of covid transmission in a city where the government is trying to impose zero covid, zero-covid policy. the plans to call some 2,000 pet hamsters have activists protesting online, signing petitions, saying, this is a cruel policy. back to you, christine and laura. >> that is very interesting reporting. ivan and the rest of our team, thank you so much for all of that global reporting. when it comes to covid, a divided u.s. supreme court, just like us, there's been a notable physical absence on the bench recently as justice sonya sotomayor has been hearing oral argument from her chambers instead of in-person with the rest of her colleagues. but we are now learning the reason why she's doing this. the justice who sits next to her won't put on a mask. cnn's ariane de vogue joins us live with this story. good morning. you're reporting on this story, i find just incredible. it's such a powerful example of i think the split we see in the country on covid, on masks, on what to do, how to live with this virus. so, what do you know? >> reporter: well, justice sonya sotomayor suffers from diabetes. because of that that puts her at a high-risk category. and since the beginning of the term last fall, she wore a mask every day to oral arguments. and the other justices back then didn't. but in january when we saw these infection rates starting to surge, the court put out a statement saying that sotomayor had decided to participate remotely, and the court made clear that she was not ill. but we have learned she feels uncomfortable sitting on the bench if other colleagues are unmasked. and she made these concerns known to chief justice john roberts. we don't know what he did with the information, but we know that. so that in the first sitting in january, when the justices returned, eight of them came out, and for the first time they were all wearing masks except for justice neil gorsuch, who as you said, sits next to her. and during oral arguments, some of the justices keep the masks on for most of arguments. some take them off for long periods of time. the two liberals, kagan and breyer, they are always with their masks even when they're asking questions. we asked the court why gorsuch isn't wearing a mask. we don't know. they haven't responded yet, but it's worth noting all of the justices are vaccinated. they're boosted. and they're tested regularly. so as you said, the court, like the country, is struggling a bit with this. >> very interesting reporting. we'll see where this goes. it seems to be sort of an unfortunate break down of some of the collegiality you expect to see on the court. you know, the justices disagree vigorously. but behind the scenes have a rapport with each other. unfortunate to see that. great reporting. thank you. also some sad news to report this morning. former creative director at vogue andre leon tally died at 73. standing at 6'6", he was an iconic presence at fashion shows around the globe, often sitting with vogue editor anna wintour before the two parliamented ways. tally was widely known as a fashion pioneer, award-winning author and host of america's top model. >> a trail blazer indeed. sad news there. let's get a check on cnn business this morning. looking at markets around the world, you can see asian shares mixed with the tokyo had kind of a big tumble there. european shares have opened just narrowly higher. on wall street, stock index futures this hour also barely leaning up. look, tough day on wall street. the culprit, a rising ten year note yield. stock market losses across the board, but worse for tech. the nasdaq just shy of what we call an official correction. that's down 10% from recent highs. the den year treasury yield topped 1.8% tuesday for the first time since the pandemic, since january 2020. those rising interest rates will eventually lead to higher borrowing costs for autos, for homes, and for other consumer debt. goldman sachs, tough day there. disappointing investors. the stock down about 7%. fourth quarter profit, missed expectation, lower trading volume -- activity, rather, and higher cost for compensation. they paid their bankers more. more corporate earnings today for morgan stanley, bank of america, united airlines we'll hear from. meantime, this is probably the most important story in global markets at this hour. global oil prices hit a seven-year high just as goldman sachs warns that brent crude will hit $100 a barrel later this year. the bank blamed a tight supply, less appetite for oil investments due to the energy transition. there's a lot going on in geopolitics, too, laura. so any time there is uncertainty around the world, ukraine, for example, north korea and the like, sometimes that can send oil prices up, too. >> if you've taught me nothing, the markets do not enjoy uncertainty. >> exactly. >> to sports now, cowboys quarterback dak prescott is criticized for praising fans for throwing things at officials after sunday's loss. andy scholes has it in this morning's bleacher report. that doesn't sound good. >> it didn't when he said it. football is an emotional game. one thing you can't ever do or tolerate is throwing things at the refs. after the cowboys loss on sunday, fans were seen throwing things on the field. at first dak thought they were throwing them at the players. then he found out it was directed at the refs and he said this. >> for people to react that way, you're supposed to be a supporter and be with us through thick and thin. that's tough. >> even if throwing at the referees. >> [ bleep ] credit to them, then. yeah. all the credit, credit to them. >> yeah, so dak taking to social media to apologize for those comments, saying, i deeply regret the comments i made regarding the officials after the game on sunday. i was caught up in the emotion of a disappointing loss and my words were uncalled for and unfair. he went on to tweet. that was a mistake on my behalf, and i am sorry. exactly 64 years after reed broke the nhl color barrier, the boston bruins raising his number 22 to the rafters in an emotional ceremony before last night's game. the 86-year-old hockey hall of famer couldn't be there, but expressed his gratitude in a taped speech that aired before the banner raised. >> i will never forget how my teammates in the bruins locker room, accepted me as one of their own. this was a time when some of the fans and opposing players were not ready to see a black man in the nhl. this is an unforgettable day. i am overwhelmed and thrilled to be a part of the bruins forever. >> reed's groundbreaking achievement, even more remarkable he lost 95% of the sight in his right eye after he was hit by an errant puck. two seasons before he got his nhl call. he never told anyone he was blind in that right eye. >> feel the rhythm. feel the rhyme. get on up. it's time. cool running! >> one of the best sports movies of all time, going real life in beijing. of course, you all remember the jamaican bobsled team in cool running. based on the real life squad that made it to the winter olympics. we'll get to feel the rhythm, feel the "right this minute" next month. the first time in 24 years, jamaica is sending a four-man bobsled to the beijing games. the caribbean nation also qualified for the two-man and women's bob event, making it the first time jamaica has qualified for three olympic bobsled events in a single games. guys, i don't know about you, i used to watch cool runinings weekly. >> the egg in his jacket pocket. i love it. >> that movie stands the test of time. some of the movies in the '80s were quite bad. all right, guys, guess who is not the biggest fan of u2. ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪ >> yeah, that guy, bon owe. the lead singer reveals he's embarrassed by the band's name. also, he cringes at the sound of his own voice on the older songs when he hears them on the radio. that voice, by the way, helped u2 win 22 grammys. he's not giving any of the money back, i'm sure. >> a little self-deprivation goes a long way. >> sure does. >> it's nice to see. >> all right. we love you, bon owe, and we like you, too. thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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Color Barrier , 64 , Hockey Hall Of Famer Couldn T , Ceremony , Banner , Last Night , 86 , Teammates , Black Man , Locker Room , Reed , Eye , 95 , Bruins , Achievement , Hit , Errant Puck , 95 , Rhythm , Seasons , Rhyme , Call , Anyone , Squad , It S Time , Sports Movies , Cool Running , One Of The Best , Real Life In Beijing , Winter Olympics , Jamaican Bobsled Team , Games , Women S Bob Event , Nation , Bobsled , Jamaica , Beijing , Caribbean , Jacket Pocket , Olympic , Cool Runinings , The Egg , It S A Beautiful Day , Guess Who , Fan , Movie , Guy , Bon , The Movies In 80s , Name , Radio , Songs , The Band , Grammys , Money Back , Any , We Love You , Win , Sure , Bond , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Skin , Nutrition , Strength , Mission , Vitamins , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , 30 ,

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