Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

what do you make of democrat's decision to move forward with this vote, move forward with this plan, even though as christine pointed out it's dead on arrival by all accounts? >> well, good morning, laura. i think that's right. look, they're going through with these votes now in part because they made this commitment to civil rights leaders. it was central to biden's promise of governance. quo, and republican led states to restrict voting, make it harder to vote than it was in 2020. but in part, this is because they need to fulfill a promise, and it's not going to get any easier, in part this is because they want to be able to campaign on this issue and say they've done everything they can, and in part it's because they have to exhaust all of these big picture eff efforts at reform before they can try to remove any smaller attempts at if i cans where they potentially might have a better chance. >> it seems like part of this is an exercise in trying, in showing people that you tried, and even if it fails, show them that you made that effort. >> i think that's right, but there are some alternatives that they can consider, right, i mean, one, there is -- biden himself has always talked about a return to the talking filibuster, can you make people actually debate even if you keep it at a 60 vote threshold, and there is potential talk about a bipartisan effort to clarify some of the processes around the electoral vote count, and vice president's role. but none of these address the larger picture issues, which is protecting, you know, access to early voting, protecting access to mail-in voting, allowing people to give other people water in line, making election day a holiday, a whole range of efforts to standardize creative baseline nationally. none of those efforts touch that. >> margaret, a handful of moderate republicans have indicated they're open to some election legislation proposals. just not the bills as they stand here. do you expect to see anyone from the gop actually following through here, what could moderate republicans get behind? >> yeah, christine, what they have signalled is that they also want to clarify that, again, the vice president's role is to -- is mostly ceremonial. it's just to reflect what the electoral college did. of course, there are a number of republicans, especially in the senate, who are really overtry willing to say they don't want to ever see a repeat of the efforts that the former president trump tried to mount even before january 6th itself. the question is, when they get to the debate about that, right, if democrats or republicans actually say, okay, we're going to reform the electoral count, is it only going to fall apart anyway because they disagree over -- i think there is some bipartisan type of reform. the question is, what will get across the finish line and will it actually protect any americans' right to vote in the next upcoming -- >> right, that's the question. margaret, cnn political analyst, thanks so much, appreciate it. on the foreign policy side in ukraine, a strong show of support as a group of u.s. senators met with president vladimir zelensky, with top officials with the threat of a potential russian invasion looming. four democrats and three republicans were there to reaffirm the u.s. commitment to the country. matthew chance joins us live in kiev. what is ukraine expecting from these senators, what do they want to see? >> reporter: i've spoken to ukrainian officials about exactly that, and they're saying they want these senators and expect these senators to go back to washington, with what they call strong recommendations, to increase the amount of sanctions on russia, if it were to invade, and to increase the military aid to ukraine, in their woords, to deter russian aggression. the ukrainian officials say this russian delegation is bipartisan senators that came is a strong show across party support from the united states to this country in its hour of need. it's not the only assurance that ukrainians have been getting over the course of the past day or so, really since negotiations last week, between the u.s. and russia, broke down over that core demand by moscow for nato expansion to stop, and for ukraine never to be allowed to join the western military alliance. nato has just an angst that it will deepen its technological issues with ukraine, addressing cyberattacks over the kind that ukraine suffered from a suspected russian source, just a few days ago. and then britain has annexed as well, it has taken the decision to supply ukraine with anti-tank weaponry. we're getting this kind of like general, you know, kind of grouping around, behind ukraine in this very tense, very difficult situation the country is experiencing. >> matthew live for us in kyiv for us this morning. florida's orange crop is the smallest since world war ii. that's down more than 3% from december's estimate, down 16% from a year earlier, the problem, something called citrus greening, it causes fruit to grow smaller than usual and prematurely drop from the trees. on the inflation front. the target chief executive predicts that americans will drive less and make fewer trips to stores this year because of rising gas prices and inflation. consumer prices rose 7% last year, the fastest 12 month pace since 1982. aaa shows gas prices rising this month. this will force shoppers to eat at home and look for cheaper brands. >> i wonder if that means more people are doing shopping online which leads to more problems with truck drivers which then leads to more problems. >> it's so interesting how it's working. this is not inflation like the late 1970s and '80s. in the 80s you had one grocery store. there's a lot more consumers can do to change their behavior. >> try to work around a shortage in cream cheese. also this morning, a stark warning from the fbi, and homeland security, faith-based communities will likely remain targets for violence, this warning days after that hoz taj situation at the synagogue in texas. we're learning more about those desperate final hours of the standoff as the hostages dashed out a side door when the gunman turned to pour himself a soda. >> up until that point we were very willing to wait for law enforcement to do their thing. at that point we knew we had to get out. and at one point he even said that i'm going to put a bullet in each of you, get down on your knees. at which point i glared at him, raised up in my seat. i may have shaked my head. and i mouthed no. >> when i saw an opportunity where he wasn't in a good position, i asked -- made sure that the two gentlemen who were still with me, that they were -- that they were ready to go, that the exit wasn't too far away. i told them to go. i threw a chair at the gunman. and i headed for the door. and all three of us were able to get out without even a shot being fired. >> i want to make it clear, two things, we were not released. we were not rescued. okay, we escaped, and we escaped because we kept presence of mind, because we made plans, because we strategically moved people. >> just imagine, imagine that. local law enforcement is being urged to reevaluate security for large gatherings at religious events. >> that they had security training it was so amazing. >> aall credit it. >> i just thought yesterday, isn't it something in the united states of america, places of worship and schools, we teach people how to kraekt in case of something like this, and it's a shame that we have to, but thank goodness, thank goodness they had that training. >> yes, the places that should be the most safe, targets. >> right, all right, coming up, a tv host details his battle with covid, a battle he says he almost lost. plus, more trouble for boris johnson, his former top aid telling all. the asteroid making a close encounter with earth, just hours from now. e mutation and stopped the growth of tumor c cells. there's a place that's making one advanced c cancer discovey after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. 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are we essentially just going to have to get shots every five or six months? >> we may. this data is really new and really preliminary. it's out of israel. they looked at the pfizer vaccine. gave a fourth shot, and then looked at antibodies in 250 patients. they found the antibodies were higher after the third dose but not enough to prevent the spread of omicron. we were looking if it meant diff different masking or quarantining guidelines. that is not the case. we still need to do that even if we get a fourth dose. >> parrot of what's frustrating for people, israel are so out ahead of us, we end up following in their path a short time later. seems like -- i wish we could stay on top of it at the same time. i guess that's not how it works. christine, i didn't mean to cut you off. >> i wanted to ask practical advice here. the timing of the omicron surge comes after a bunch of teenagers basically were starting to get their shots, and then they're in line for boosters. so many of these kids racing through the high schools, middle schools, omicron is. you have kids with the virus. when should they get their boosters? all these kids are asking, do i have to get my booster even if they recovered from covid? what do you think? >> they have to wait. there is good data that shows initially we said six months to the booster, but data came out that about five months is where we start seeing the antibody levels declining for the pfizer doses. so we have good data on this, right now five months is how long you have to wait. again, to make sure the entire population's levels get back up where they should be. >> doctor, the c.e.o. of moderna says they're working on a booster that would combine the vaccines for covid, flu and rsv. parents are kids worry about it a lot, respiratory virus. it's not going to be ready until the fall of next year. do you think it could be an effective long-term tool to effectively fight covid in that way? >> i do. like you said, right now covid, flu, rsv, the most common respiratory viruses that end up hospitalizing kids and adults. the fact is we've got a lot of people who are hesitant to get shots. they believe in them, but especially kids and teenagers, they don't want to get multiple shots. even adults have a hard time taking time off work and going to the doctor. so we've got these great mechanisms through pediatricians and primary care providers to get regular immunizations. i think that is exactly what a shot like this could do if it was a combination. >> all right, 2023 they say. dr. ali raja, harvard medical school. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you, doctor. >> thank you. dr. steven a. smith is back, he said his covid infection nearly killed him. the it attacked his liver, gave him infections in both lungs. as a non-smoker, he did not expect to get hit so hard. >> you're assuming that you're going to have a fever. might have a cough. going to have that massive headache. but you'll get over it. >> yes. >> and in a lot of cases that was the case. in my case it was totally different. i had 103-degree fever every night. woke up with chills, pool of sweat, headaches were massive, coughing profusely. and it got to a point that right before new year's eve, i was in the hospital new year's eve, into new year's day. that's how i brought in the new year. and they told me had i not been vaccinated, i wouldn't be here. >> wow. smith says he is still not 100%, but he's on the road to recovery and he urged his viewers to wear masks to protect others. >> it just goes to show you never know whether you're going to be the one. the vast majority of people who are fully vaccinated and boosted end up just fine. you just can't be too careful. >> we thank him for telling his story. really important we tell these stories. thank you so much, steven a. smith. >> coming up after a brutal week, president biden gearing up for a big news conference to mark his first year in office. more on the high stakes ahead. and the rams will gear up for tampa after a big playoff win last night. >> he did a great job -- e high. boost® high protein also has key nutrientnts for immune support. boost® high protein. ♪ for skin that nevever holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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second quarter kyler murray throws the interception in his own end zone. the 30-yard pick six in playoff history, previous record was five years. arizona had 40 yards of offense in the first half. rams win in a rou 34-11 as stafford gets his first-ever playoff win. rams now going to head to tampa on sunday to play tom brady and the bucs. here's a look at this weekend's schedule. chiefs will host the bills on sunday. titans and bengals get the division round -- divisional round started on saturday afternoon. that game is going to be followed by packers hosting the niners. novak djokovic is now back in his native serbia after losing his legal challenge to stay in australia. now there is a big question about whether he'll be able to compete in the next grand slam event, the french open in may. the french parliament has approved a bill requiring proof of vaccination to enter most public places, including sporting venues. that means djokovic, who is unvaccinated, could lose his chance to defend his title in paris. telling cnn, there will be no exceptions for professional athletes. to the nba, the brooklyn nets taking to the court in cleveland without the superstar kevin durant who is expected to be out for several weeks with a knee injury. nets needed durant down the stretch in this one. they were held to two points during the final 3:43 of the game. cleveland would win 114-107. kyrie irving who can only play in road games because he's not vaccinated saying durant being out won't change his mind about getting the shot. >> it's not going to be swayed because of one thing in this nba life that somehow is, you know, somehow it's brought to my attention to be more important. it's not happening for me. again, i respect everyone else's decision. i'm not going to ever try to convince anyone of anything. i understand the ruling, what i believe in. >> mlk day always a special day in the nba. teams across the league honoring the life and legacy of dr. martin luther king, jr., yesterday. players wearing special t-shirts during warm ups with his iconic "i have a dream" speech. ernie johnson leading a round table discussion on race and equality on our sister tnt. charles barkley shared his opinion on the lack of black coaches in the sport. >> give us a chance to suck. that's all i say. and i'm not one of those guys, i don't yell and scream. we need black coaches to get an opportunity. if they suck, fire them. but you can't keep having these retread white coaches who go from one organization to the next and they get another opportunity. these young black coaches deserve an opportunity to get a head coaching job. >> yeah, guys, the lack of black coaches in the nfl, front and center right now is mike tomlin is the only black head coach in the entire league right now. we'll wait and see. this is a window where more coaches get hired in the nfl. we'll see if any more black coaches get an opportunity. >> leave it to chuck to always speak frankly. >> keep it real. >> i love him. nice to see you, andy. thank you. >> thank you, andy. next, the biden white house hopes a covid recovery could lead to a political comeback. and what a strange time to take a selfie. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. - i've said it before and i'll say it again. if i thought a reverse mortgage was just some kind of trick to take your home, i wouldn't even be here. it's just a loan, like any other with one big difference and that difference is how you choose to pay it back. - [narrator] learn how americans 62 years and older are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse mortgage loan from aag. - of course, you can use it to pay some bills, cover medical costs, update or repair your home, but best of all, it eliminates those monthly mortgage payments, so you get more cash in your pocket every month. if you're looking for some extra cash for whatever reason, your home's 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courts for being excessive. >> cnn has reporters covering the global pandemic live from hong kong, india, australia and paris where we begin with melissa bell. >> reporter: well, that earlier decision to have an outdoor mask mandate struck down as being disproportionate only last week. french authorities coming back with a french one -- fresh one for paris. which means if you're standing in a line where there's more than ten people outdoors, for public transport, outside a mall, where there's more than ten people close by to you, you'll have to wear a mask even if you're outside. here's kristie lu stout in hong kong. >> reporter: tickets for the upcoming olympics won't be sold to people. it comes after beijing reported its first local case of the omicron variant on saturday and in zero covid china that means an entire office building with the workers still inside was sealed off and locked down. since saturday beijing reported two more cases of the variant. now to delhi. >> reporter: the defense ministry reported 2,000 daily cases of covid-19 for the six consecutive day. new delhi and mumbai have reported a significant drop in covid-19 numbers, but other states say that their cases are going up ahead of state elections in five states. but election watch dog has extended a ban on political rallies. now to phil black in melbourne, australia. >> reporter: australia has recorded its highest daily death toll of the pandemic, 74 people. it follows explosive growth in case numbers through december into january, as the omicron variant fuels this country's first pandemic wave. australia had long been successful at suppressing widespread disease and widespread death through lockdowns and shutting its borders. but now with vaccination rates for over 60s at 90%, the government is pushing a policy of living with the virus. but there are concerns because the health system, hospitals are under increasing pressure, and it's still unclear precisely when this wave will peak. christine, laura, back to you. >> all right, phil and everybody, thank you for those reports. to washington now. inflation and a stalled legislative agenda, you can see it in his falling approval ratings. still, in the white house there is hope that a covid recovery could fuel a fast comeback for the president. cnn's john harwood joins us this morning. nice to see you, john. is it reasonable to think the president's approval ratings can bounce back just as quickly as they think if we can get some progress on covid here? >> reporter: it's not unreasonable. the question is whether that scenario is reasonable. you know, the report that you just played with correspondents around the world shows how covid has turned the entire world upside down. the same thing is happening in the united states with significant related effects on the economy. those things, the persistence of those effects, inflation that we've seen, supply chain disruption, the disruption of normal day to day life that has occurred, first by delta, then by omicron in terms of extending the pandemic despite vaccinations. that has dragged joe biden down. faster than people like ronald regan, barack obama, bill clinton fell at similar points in their presidency. most presidents when they start have a difficult patch. the question is do we cross the wave, you know, the correspondent in australia talked about living with the virus. if we can cross over to the point where the pandemic becomes endemic and it's not disrupting schools, it's not disrupting workplaces, it's something that people accept and can manage, the health system can manage that's correct has the potential for lifting the public mood, helping the economy and having all sorts of effects that could help joe biden. long shot at the moment, not impossible. >> yeah, but that seems to be what the white house wants to do, and the hope is once the cases are not at this explosively high level, that's when they can start to work towards. the president is going to hold his first conference of the year tomorrow at the white house. john, what message does he need to send? he has so much on his plate now, so many arrows coming at him. what's the main driver tomorrow? >> reporter: i think for a president at the one-year mark who is in the situation joe biden's in, the most significant thing he needs to reflect to the american people is, i hear your discontent, i understand it, and i'm working on it. for the biden white house, that means after this voting rights push is over, we know that is now doomed because manchin and sinema are not willing to adjust the filibuster to move legislation that they support, that is something that the white house is going to see through to the end that effort, but it's going to fail. after that they want to get back to fundamentals. the covid pandemic, that means masks, testing, vaccination, and the economy, doing what they can on inflation, trying to help with supply chains, and then trying to pass that build back better agenda in some form. if they can negotiate with manchin, get that done, then democrats are going to have an array of concrete benefits they can tell the american people, this is what we've done for you. shift into campaign mode and see if they can hold onto the congress. right now republicans are strongly favored to win control of the congress, but democrats aren't ready to give up that fight. >> i would argue that's what they have been doing, right? they think that has been the message all along, but they've been stonewalled in congress, and voting rights as you said, seems dead on arrival as well which is going to be another loss to have to recover from in order to move on. but we will see where this goes. i'm sure a lot of good questions tomorrow from the white house press core. john, thank you. >> thanks, john. all right, the former top aide to britain's prime minister said boris johnson knew about the party at 10 downing street that's landed him in hot water recently. he said he had prior knowledge of the bring your own alcohol party during the covid lockdown in may of 2020 and brushed aside any concerns. cnn's salma abdelaziz joins us now. he said that's not true, that's not the case. what more are you learning? >> reporter: this is important because in this growing party gate scandal, in this list of allegations, partying it up at 10 downing street, from the start of the pandemic in the summer of 2020 all the which through the spring of 2021, out of all of those allegations, so far prime minister boris johnson has admitted to attending just one event. he stood up in parliament and said he was at that may 20th, 2020 event because he believed it was a work function. now one of his former top aides calling the prime minister a liar. he says not only did the prime minister know that event was a party, he was warned about it. he was told to cancel it. he was told that it broke rules. still, the prime minister dismissed all that and went ahead anyways. now, of course, 10 downing street denying this latest allegation, but again, it's just the latest chapter in a growing saga that paints the picture of a government and an administration that willfully broke covid rules. that brazenly partied it up during a pandemic. all of this is now under investigation. prime minister boris johnson waiting for the results of that in the coming days, but already preparing his defenses, trying to clear house, set out some populist policies to win back his approval rating, but it's hard to imagine how he can turn this, how he can escape this scandal, laura. >> all right. salma, thank you for your reporting. okay, to canada now, ottowa, canada, strangers helped save a woman whose car plunged into icy waters on the frozen river. what hasn't been explained, there's her yellow car. this photo showing the woman taking a selfie during the ordeal. residents say the driver flew across the ice, the ice cracked, the car began to sink. two men found a kayak, flung it into the river and brought her to safety. she is charged with dangerous operation of the motor vehicle. we don't know why the selfie. maybe for the insurance claim, not sure. >> that's charitable, christine. who knows. thankfully she was saved. some good samaritans came to her rescue. >> if you don't take a picture, if you don't take a selfie, did it really happen? that's what the world has come to. in the world, the super rich keep getting richer, the billionaires adding to their bottom line next. how close is too close? the asteroid hurtling close to earth as we speak. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! 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with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. north korea just conducted its fourth missile test of the year, launching two projectiles into the ocean on monday from the east coast of the korean peninsula. ivan watson tracking these developments for us from hong kong. ivan, what do we know? >> reporter: well, that has been condemned by the state department since the monday morning, early launch. north korea is prohibited from launching ballistic missiles by united nations security council resolutions. but, christine, they've been very busy lately. six missiles launched in just the last two weeks. on january 5th, what they describe as a hypersonic missile, january 11th, another hypersonic missile. january 14th, two ballistic missiles from a train. and then launching these two short-range ballistic missiles early monday morning. after one of these launches there was an alarm that went up where the faa actually grounded some planes on the west coast of the u.s., admittedly mistakenly as a response. this has alarmed neighbors like south korea and japan, close u.s. allies. the biden administration imposed sanctions last week after one of these launches. north korea says it has broken through with a new kind of dangerous missile, and it seems that its latest launches are in response to sanctions from the biden administration. so keep watching this space. >> yeah, i know you will, too. all right, ivan watson, thank you, in hong kong. let's get a check on cnn business. markets around the world, asian shares mixed. europe has opened lower here. and on wall street, stock index futures also leaning down here. u.s. markets were closed monday for the king holiday. the focus this week, corporate earnings and how well companies are weathering inflation and the omicron variant. today some big banks, including goldman sachs, will report their earnings. last week bank stocks fell. jpmorgan chase said its fourth quarter profits were 14% lower than the year before. that's largely because of a drop in trading revenue. it's been a rocky start to the year for stocks following a stellar 2021. volatile trading sent the nasdaq nearly 5% down from its high. the dow was down about 1%. the s&p just about 2% lower. all right. when times are tough, the rich get richer. when times are good, the rich get richer. sense the pattern? the pandemic, no exception. a new report from oxfam finds the billionaires have added $5 trillion with a t, trillion dollars to their fortunes since march 2020. a bigger jump than in the previous 14 years combined. and the wealth of the world's ten richest men more than doubles, climbing a collective $1.3 billion per day. central banks pumped trillions of dollars into financial markets to save the economy. that set off a stock market boom lining the pockets of billionaires. oxfam said it's not by chance, it's by choice and governments should tax those gains and use the money to fund health care, vaccines and to address the climate crisis. >> that is revealing. all right, christine, get ready for this. an asteroid nearly missing the earth. it may sound like the plot of a farfetched movie from the late '90s. >> if this comet continues on this path around the sun and keeps its present course, sometime on august 16th, roughly a year from now, there is a chance that we might have impact. >> thankfully today, we won't see a real-life deep impact. an asteroid is expected to make a close encounter with earth, though we're told it will not hit. cnn's tyler malden is here to show us. all right, tyler, we're told it will not hit. help us calm down about this. >> yeah, you're right, guys. it's not going to hit us. everyone can calm down. asteroid 2k 22 continues t-minus 11 hours until it makes that close approach to earth. again, you don't have to worry about it, but if you do have a small telescope, you can peek this asteroid as it passes by earth. this is the closest it's been to earth since 1933, and it's not going to be this close until about 200 years from now. it is jetting through space. it is moving at about 44,000 miles per hour, and on this approach it's actually going to be -- it is going to be close, but it's actually going to be about 5 1/2 times the distance, the moon's distance from earth. so it's close relatively. now, this was discovered way back in 1994, and the reason we're able to know that it hasn't been this close since 1933 is because of the data that we've been able to pick up on this, on this asteroid. it's well established, this orbit. so we know the exact track it's going to go on, and we know that it won't be this close for another 200 years. look at how big this thing is. 5400 feet, that is nearly four times the size of the empire state building. >> wow. >> tyler, thanks for that. all right. let's bring in keith cowling, editor of space, nasa space biologist. keith, good morning. >> good morning. >> this is kind of amazing that we haven't seen anything this close since the 1930s. and we're not going to see it again for 200 years? >> well, we haven't seen this asteroid this close since the 1930s, but things like this zoom by all the time. >> gosh, so close. but not too close for comfort in your view? >> yeah, this is a don't look up. >> i saw that. >> look, nasa is testing a program called dartt, double asteroid dias detroit test. what can you tell us about that? do we have a handle on it, were it to get so close, we're going to do something about it? >> hopefully. it's going to hit an asteroid about the same size. it is a little moon. what they're going to do is hit it really hard and look very carefully at the moon. and if they've changed the course, even a little bit, you'll see the orbit change. if that happens, then you know that you can smack one of these things years before it becomes a problem. otherwise, you're getting into sci-fi and nuclear weapons and stuff like that. >> i'm all for smacking these things. if they can figure out the technical way to smack them, that's good. >> so, keith, is this the kind of thing you can go out in your backyard with your handy dandy telescope and see this with your naked eye? >> probably not with your naked eye. if you have a pretty small telescope you can buy or got for christmas and you know exactly where to look -- i hope nasa has something online about this -- you probably can see it. it's probably best to just wait for the internet to get the geeks to put the stuff up and you can get a better view. >> we love the geeks. >> all right, keith, editor of, thank you. okay, what's your favorite, armageddon or deep impact? what's your favorite movie? >> deep impact. i do like armageddon. >> thank you so much. nice to see you. with the movie review and the science. >> anything morgan freeman plays the president. >> totally. got it. >> thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240709

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what do you make of democrat's decision to move forward with this vote, move forward with this plan, even though as christine pointed out it's dead on arrival by all accounts? >> well, good morning, laura. i think that's right. look, they're going through with these votes now in part because they made this commitment to civil rights leaders. it was central to biden's promise of governance. quo, and republican led states to restrict voting, make it harder to vote than it was in 2020. but in part, this is because they need to fulfill a promise, and it's not going to get any easier, in part this is because they want to be able to campaign on this issue and say they've done everything they can, and in part it's because they have to exhaust all of these big picture eff efforts at reform before they can try to remove any smaller attempts at if i cans where they potentially might have a better chance. >> it seems like part of this is an exercise in trying, in showing people that you tried, and even if it fails, show them that you made that effort. >> i think that's right, but there are some alternatives that they can consider, right, i mean, one, there is -- biden himself has always talked about a return to the talking filibuster, can you make people actually debate even if you keep it at a 60 vote threshold, and there is potential talk about a bipartisan effort to clarify some of the processes around the electoral vote count, and vice president's role. but none of these address the larger picture issues, which is protecting, you know, access to early voting, protecting access to mail-in voting, allowing people to give other people water in line, making election day a holiday, a whole range of efforts to standardize creative baseline nationally. none of those efforts touch that. >> margaret, a handful of moderate republicans have indicated they're open to some election legislation proposals. just not the bills as they stand here. do you expect to see anyone from the gop actually following through here, what could moderate republicans get behind? >> yeah, christine, what they have signalled is that they also want to clarify that, again, the vice president's role is to -- is mostly ceremonial. it's just to reflect what the electoral college did. of course, there are a number of republicans, especially in the senate, who are really overtry willing to say they don't want to ever see a repeat of the efforts that the former president trump tried to mount even before january 6th itself. the question is, when they get to the debate about that, right, if democrats or republicans actually say, okay, we're going to reform the electoral count, is it only going to fall apart anyway because they disagree over -- i think there is some bipartisan type of reform. the question is, what will get across the finish line and will it actually protect any americans' right to vote in the next upcoming -- >> right, that's the question. margaret, cnn political analyst, thanks so much, appreciate it. on the foreign policy side in ukraine, a strong show of support as a group of u.s. senators met with president vladimir zelensky, with top officials with the threat of a potential russian invasion looming. four democrats and three republicans were there to reaffirm the u.s. commitment to the country. matthew chance joins us live in kiev. what is ukraine expecting from these senators, what do they want to see? >> reporter: i've spoken to ukrainian officials about exactly that, and they're saying they want these senators and expect these senators to go back to washington, with what they call strong recommendations, to increase the amount of sanctions on russia, if it were to invade, and to increase the military aid to ukraine, in their woords, to deter russian aggression. the ukrainian officials say this russian delegation is bipartisan senators that came is a strong show across party support from the united states to this country in its hour of need. it's not the only assurance that ukrainians have been getting over the course of the past day or so, really since negotiations last week, between the u.s. and russia, broke down over that core demand by moscow for nato expansion to stop, and for ukraine never to be allowed to join the western military alliance. nato has just an angst that it will deepen its technological issues with ukraine, addressing cyberattacks over the kind that ukraine suffered from a suspected russian source, just a few days ago. and then britain has annexed as well, it has taken the decision to supply ukraine with anti-tank weaponry. we're getting this kind of like general, you know, kind of grouping around, behind ukraine in this very tense, very difficult situation the country is experiencing. >> matthew live for us in kyiv for us this morning. florida's orange crop is the smallest since world war ii. that's down more than 3% from december's estimate, down 16% from a year earlier, the problem, something called citrus greening, it causes fruit to grow smaller than usual and prematurely drop from the trees. on the inflation front. the target chief executive predicts that americans will drive less and make fewer trips to stores this year because of rising gas prices and inflation. consumer prices rose 7% last year, the fastest 12 month pace since 1982. aaa shows gas prices rising this month. this will force shoppers to eat at home and look for cheaper brands. >> i wonder if that means more people are doing shopping online which leads to more problems with truck drivers which then leads to more problems. >> it's so interesting how it's working. this is not inflation like the late 1970s and '80s. in the 80s you had one grocery store. there's a lot more consumers can do to change their behavior. >> try to work around a shortage in cream cheese. also this morning, a stark warning from the fbi, and homeland security, faith-based communities will likely remain targets for violence, this warning days after that hoz taj situation at the synagogue in texas. we're learning more about those desperate final hours of the standoff as the hostages dashed out a side door when the gunman turned to pour himself a soda. >> up until that point we were very willing to wait for law enforcement to do their thing. at that point we knew we had to get out. and at one point he even said that i'm going to put a bullet in each of you, get down on your knees. at which point i glared at him, raised up in my seat. i may have shaked my head. and i mouthed no. >> when i saw an opportunity where he wasn't in a good position, i asked -- made sure that the two gentlemen who were still with me, that they were -- that they were ready to go, that the exit wasn't too far away. i told them to go. i threw a chair at the gunman. and i headed for the door. and all three of us were able to get out without even a shot being fired. >> i want to make it clear, two things, we were not released. we were not rescued. okay, we escaped, and we escaped because we kept presence of mind, because we made plans, because we strategically moved people. >> just imagine, imagine that. local law enforcement is being urged to reevaluate security for large gatherings at religious events. >> that they had security training it was so amazing. >> aall credit it. >> i just thought yesterday, isn't it something in the united states of america, places of worship and schools, we teach people how to kraekt in case of something like this, and it's a shame that we have to, but thank goodness, thank goodness they had that training. >> yes, the places that should be the most safe, targets. >> right, all right, coming up, a tv host details his battle with covid, a battle he says he almost lost. plus, more trouble for boris johnson, his former top aid telling all. the asteroid making a close encounter with earth, just hours from now. e mutation and stopped the growth of tumor c cells. there's a place that's making one advanced c cancer discovey after another for 75 years. i am here... i am here.... because of dana-farber. what we do here changes lives everywhere. i am here. 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are we essentially just going to have to get shots every five or six months? >> we may. this data is really new and really preliminary. it's out of israel. they looked at the pfizer vaccine. gave a fourth shot, and then looked at antibodies in 250 patients. they found the antibodies were higher after the third dose but not enough to prevent the spread of omicron. we were looking if it meant diff different masking or quarantining guidelines. that is not the case. we still need to do that even if we get a fourth dose. >> parrot of what's frustrating for people, israel are so out ahead of us, we end up following in their path a short time later. seems like -- i wish we could stay on top of it at the same time. i guess that's not how it works. christine, i didn't mean to cut you off. >> i wanted to ask practical advice here. the timing of the omicron surge comes after a bunch of teenagers basically were starting to get their shots, and then they're in line for boosters. so many of these kids racing through the high schools, middle schools, omicron is. you have kids with the virus. when should they get their boosters? all these kids are asking, do i have to get my booster even if they recovered from covid? what do you think? >> they have to wait. there is good data that shows initially we said six months to the booster, but data came out that about five months is where we start seeing the antibody levels declining for the pfizer doses. so we have good data on this, right now five months is how long you have to wait. again, to make sure the entire population's levels get back up where they should be. >> doctor, the c.e.o. of moderna says they're working on a booster that would combine the vaccines for covid, flu and rsv. parents are kids worry about it a lot, respiratory virus. it's not going to be ready until the fall of next year. do you think it could be an effective long-term tool to effectively fight covid in that way? >> i do. like you said, right now covid, flu, rsv, the most common respiratory viruses that end up hospitalizing kids and adults. the fact is we've got a lot of people who are hesitant to get shots. they believe in them, but especially kids and teenagers, they don't want to get multiple shots. even adults have a hard time taking time off work and going to the doctor. so we've got these great mechanisms through pediatricians and primary care providers to get regular immunizations. i think that is exactly what a shot like this could do if it was a combination. >> all right, 2023 they say. dr. ali raja, harvard medical school. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you, doctor. >> thank you. dr. steven a. smith is back, he said his covid infection nearly killed him. the it attacked his liver, gave him infections in both lungs. as a non-smoker, he did not expect to get hit so hard. >> you're assuming that you're going to have a fever. might have a cough. going to have that massive headache. but you'll get over it. >> yes. >> and in a lot of cases that was the case. in my case it was totally different. i had 103-degree fever every night. woke up with chills, pool of sweat, headaches were massive, coughing profusely. and it got to a point that right before new year's eve, i was in the hospital new year's eve, into new year's day. that's how i brought in the new year. and they told me had i not been vaccinated, i wouldn't be here. >> wow. smith says he is still not 100%, but he's on the road to recovery and he urged his viewers to wear masks to protect others. >> it just goes to show you never know whether you're going to be the one. the vast majority of people who are fully vaccinated and boosted end up just fine. you just can't be too careful. >> we thank him for telling his story. really important we tell these stories. thank you so much, steven a. smith. >> coming up after a brutal week, president biden gearing up for a big news conference to mark his first year in office. more on the high stakes ahead. and the rams will gear up for tampa after a big playoff win last night. >> he did a great job -- e high. boost® high protein also has key nutrientnts for immune support. boost® high protein. ♪ for skin that nevever holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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second quarter kyler murray throws the interception in his own end zone. the 30-yard pick six in playoff history, previous record was five years. arizona had 40 yards of offense in the first half. rams win in a rou 34-11 as stafford gets his first-ever playoff win. rams now going to head to tampa on sunday to play tom brady and the bucs. here's a look at this weekend's schedule. chiefs will host the bills on sunday. titans and bengals get the division round -- divisional round started on saturday afternoon. that game is going to be followed by packers hosting the niners. novak djokovic is now back in his native serbia after losing his legal challenge to stay in australia. now there is a big question about whether he'll be able to compete in the next grand slam event, the french open in may. the french parliament has approved a bill requiring proof of vaccination to enter most public places, including sporting venues. that means djokovic, who is unvaccinated, could lose his chance to defend his title in paris. telling cnn, there will be no exceptions for professional athletes. to the nba, the brooklyn nets taking to the court in cleveland without the superstar kevin durant who is expected to be out for several weeks with a knee injury. nets needed durant down the stretch in this one. they were held to two points during the final 3:43 of the game. cleveland would win 114-107. kyrie irving who can only play in road games because he's not vaccinated saying durant being out won't change his mind about getting the shot. >> it's not going to be swayed because of one thing in this nba life that somehow is, you know, somehow it's brought to my attention to be more important. it's not happening for me. again, i respect everyone else's decision. i'm not going to ever try to convince anyone of anything. i understand the ruling, what i believe in. >> mlk day always a special day in the nba. teams across the league honoring the life and legacy of dr. martin luther king, jr., yesterday. players wearing special t-shirts during warm ups with his iconic "i have a dream" speech. ernie johnson leading a round table discussion on race and equality on our sister tnt. charles barkley shared his opinion on the lack of black coaches in the sport. >> give us a chance to suck. that's all i say. and i'm not one of those guys, i don't yell and scream. we need black coaches to get an opportunity. if they suck, fire them. but you can't keep having these retread white coaches who go from one organization to the next and they get another opportunity. these young black coaches deserve an opportunity to get a head coaching job. >> yeah, guys, the lack of black coaches in the nfl, front and center right now is mike tomlin is the only black head coach in the entire league right now. we'll wait and see. this is a window where more coaches get hired in the nfl. we'll see if any more black coaches get an opportunity. >> leave it to chuck to always speak frankly. >> keep it real. >> i love him. nice to see you, andy. thank you. >> thank you, andy. next, the biden white house hopes a covid recovery could lead to a political comeback. and what a strange time to take a selfie. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. - i've said it before and i'll say it again. if i thought a reverse mortgage was just some kind of trick to take your home, i wouldn't even be here. it's just a loan, like any other with one big difference and that difference is how you choose to pay it back. - [narrator] learn how americans 62 years and older are accessing hundreds of thousands of dollars with a reverse mortgage loan from aag. - of course, you can use it to pay some bills, cover medical costs, update or repair your home, but best of all, it eliminates those monthly mortgage payments, so you get more cash in your pocket every month. if you're looking for some extra cash for whatever reason, your home's 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congestion. save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. 32 minutes back here in new york. in paris, a new rule requiring masks in crowded outdoor locations is rolling out soon. just last week, a mask mandate for all outdoor areas in the city was struck down by the courts for being excessive. >> cnn has reporters covering the global pandemic live from hong kong, india, australia and paris where we begin with melissa bell. >> reporter: well, that earlier decision to have an outdoor mask mandate struck down as being disproportionate only last week. french authorities coming back with a french one -- fresh one for paris. which means if you're standing in a line where there's more than ten people outdoors, for public transport, outside a mall, where there's more than ten people close by to you, you'll have to wear a mask even if you're outside. here's kristie lu stout in hong kong. >> reporter: tickets for the upcoming olympics won't be sold to people. it comes after beijing reported its first local case of the omicron variant on saturday and in zero covid china that means an entire office building with the workers still inside was sealed off and locked down. since saturday beijing reported two more cases of the variant. now to delhi. >> reporter: the defense ministry reported 2,000 daily cases of covid-19 for the six consecutive day. new delhi and mumbai have reported a significant drop in covid-19 numbers, but other states say that their cases are going up ahead of state elections in five states. but election watch dog has extended a ban on political rallies. now to phil black in melbourne, australia. >> reporter: australia has recorded its highest daily death toll of the pandemic, 74 people. it follows explosive growth in case numbers through december into january, as the omicron variant fuels this country's first pandemic wave. australia had long been successful at suppressing widespread disease and widespread death through lockdowns and shutting its borders. but now with vaccination rates for over 60s at 90%, the government is pushing a policy of living with the virus. but there are concerns because the health system, hospitals are under increasing pressure, and it's still unclear precisely when this wave will peak. christine, laura, back to you. >> all right, phil and everybody, thank you for those reports. to washington now. inflation and a stalled legislative agenda, you can see it in his falling approval ratings. still, in the white house there is hope that a covid recovery could fuel a fast comeback for the president. cnn's john harwood joins us this morning. nice to see you, john. is it reasonable to think the president's approval ratings can bounce back just as quickly as they think if we can get some progress on covid here? >> reporter: it's not unreasonable. the question is whether that scenario is reasonable. you know, the report that you just played with correspondents around the world shows how covid has turned the entire world upside down. the same thing is happening in the united states with significant related effects on the economy. those things, the persistence of those effects, inflation that we've seen, supply chain disruption, the disruption of normal day to day life that has occurred, first by delta, then by omicron in terms of extending the pandemic despite vaccinations. that has dragged joe biden down. faster than people like ronald regan, barack obama, bill clinton fell at similar points in their presidency. most presidents when they start have a difficult patch. the question is do we cross the wave, you know, the correspondent in australia talked about living with the virus. if we can cross over to the point where the pandemic becomes endemic and it's not disrupting schools, it's not disrupting workplaces, it's something that people accept and can manage, the health system can manage that's correct has the potential for lifting the public mood, helping the economy and having all sorts of effects that could help joe biden. long shot at the moment, not impossible. >> yeah, but that seems to be what the white house wants to do, and the hope is once the cases are not at this explosively high level, that's when they can start to work towards. the president is going to hold his first conference of the year tomorrow at the white house. john, what message does he need to send? he has so much on his plate now, so many arrows coming at him. what's the main driver tomorrow? >> reporter: i think for a president at the one-year mark who is in the situation joe biden's in, the most significant thing he needs to reflect to the american people is, i hear your discontent, i understand it, and i'm working on it. for the biden white house, that means after this voting rights push is over, we know that is now doomed because manchin and sinema are not willing to adjust the filibuster to move legislation that they support, that is something that the white house is going to see through to the end that effort, but it's going to fail. after that they want to get back to fundamentals. the covid pandemic, that means masks, testing, vaccination, and the economy, doing what they can on inflation, trying to help with supply chains, and then trying to pass that build back better agenda in some form. if they can negotiate with manchin, get that done, then democrats are going to have an array of concrete benefits they can tell the american people, this is what we've done for you. shift into campaign mode and see if they can hold onto the congress. right now republicans are strongly favored to win control of the congress, but democrats aren't ready to give up that fight. >> i would argue that's what they have been doing, right? they think that has been the message all along, but they've been stonewalled in congress, and voting rights as you said, seems dead on arrival as well which is going to be another loss to have to recover from in order to move on. but we will see where this goes. i'm sure a lot of good questions tomorrow from the white house press core. john, thank you. >> thanks, john. all right, the former top aide to britain's prime minister said boris johnson knew about the party at 10 downing street that's landed him in hot water recently. he said he had prior knowledge of the bring your own alcohol party during the covid lockdown in may of 2020 and brushed aside any concerns. cnn's salma abdelaziz joins us now. he said that's not true, that's not the case. what more are you learning? >> reporter: this is important because in this growing party gate scandal, in this list of allegations, partying it up at 10 downing street, from the start of the pandemic in the summer of 2020 all the which through the spring of 2021, out of all of those allegations, so far prime minister boris johnson has admitted to attending just one event. he stood up in parliament and said he was at that may 20th, 2020 event because he believed it was a work function. now one of his former top aides calling the prime minister a liar. he says not only did the prime minister know that event was a party, he was warned about it. he was told to cancel it. he was told that it broke rules. still, the prime minister dismissed all that and went ahead anyways. now, of course, 10 downing street denying this latest allegation, but again, it's just the latest chapter in a growing saga that paints the picture of a government and an administration that willfully broke covid rules. that brazenly partied it up during a pandemic. all of this is now under investigation. prime minister boris johnson waiting for the results of that in the coming days, but already preparing his defenses, trying to clear house, set out some populist policies to win back his approval rating, but it's hard to imagine how he can turn this, how he can escape this scandal, laura. >> all right. salma, thank you for your reporting. okay, to canada now, ottowa, canada, strangers helped save a woman whose car plunged into icy waters on the frozen river. what hasn't been explained, there's her yellow car. this photo showing the woman taking a selfie during the ordeal. residents say the driver flew across the ice, the ice cracked, the car began to sink. two men found a kayak, flung it into the river and brought her to safety. she is charged with dangerous operation of the motor vehicle. we don't know why the selfie. maybe for the insurance claim, not sure. >> that's charitable, christine. who knows. thankfully she was saved. some good samaritans came to her rescue. >> if you don't take a picture, if you don't take a selfie, did it really happen? that's what the world has come to. in the world, the super rich keep getting richer, the billionaires adding to their bottom line next. how close is too close? the asteroid hurtling close to earth as we speak. then break it. every emergen-c gives you a potent blend of nutrients so you can emerge your best with emergen-c. living with diabetes? glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment we're getting destroyed out there. we need a plan! 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with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. north korea just conducted its fourth missile test of the year, launching two projectiles into the ocean on monday from the east coast of the korean peninsula. ivan watson tracking these developments for us from hong kong. ivan, what do we know? >> reporter: well, that has been condemned by the state department since the monday morning, early launch. north korea is prohibited from launching ballistic missiles by united nations security council resolutions. but, christine, they've been very busy lately. six missiles launched in just the last two weeks. on january 5th, what they describe as a hypersonic missile, january 11th, another hypersonic missile. january 14th, two ballistic missiles from a train. and then launching these two short-range ballistic missiles early monday morning. after one of these launches there was an alarm that went up where the faa actually grounded some planes on the west coast of the u.s., admittedly mistakenly as a response. this has alarmed neighbors like south korea and japan, close u.s. allies. the biden administration imposed sanctions last week after one of these launches. north korea says it has broken through with a new kind of dangerous missile, and it seems that its latest launches are in response to sanctions from the biden administration. so keep watching this space. >> yeah, i know you will, too. all right, ivan watson, thank you, in hong kong. let's get a check on cnn business. markets around the world, asian shares mixed. europe has opened lower here. and on wall street, stock index futures also leaning down here. u.s. markets were closed monday for the king holiday. the focus this week, corporate earnings and how well companies are weathering inflation and the omicron variant. today some big banks, including goldman sachs, will report their earnings. last week bank stocks fell. jpmorgan chase said its fourth quarter profits were 14% lower than the year before. that's largely because of a drop in trading revenue. it's been a rocky start to the year for stocks following a stellar 2021. volatile trading sent the nasdaq nearly 5% down from its high. the dow was down about 1%. the s&p just about 2% lower. all right. when times are tough, the rich get richer. when times are good, the rich get richer. sense the pattern? the pandemic, no exception. a new report from oxfam finds the billionaires have added $5 trillion with a t, trillion dollars to their fortunes since march 2020. a bigger jump than in the previous 14 years combined. and the wealth of the world's ten richest men more than doubles, climbing a collective $1.3 billion per day. central banks pumped trillions of dollars into financial markets to save the economy. that set off a stock market boom lining the pockets of billionaires. oxfam said it's not by chance, it's by choice and governments should tax those gains and use the money to fund health care, vaccines and to address the climate crisis. >> that is revealing. all right, christine, get ready for this. an asteroid nearly missing the earth. it may sound like the plot of a farfetched movie from the late '90s. >> if this comet continues on this path around the sun and keeps its present course, sometime on august 16th, roughly a year from now, there is a chance that we might have impact. >> thankfully today, we won't see a real-life deep impact. an asteroid is expected to make a close encounter with earth, though we're told it will not hit. cnn's tyler malden is here to show us. all right, tyler, we're told it will not hit. help us calm down about this. >> yeah, you're right, guys. it's not going to hit us. everyone can calm down. asteroid 2k 22 continues t-minus 11 hours until it makes that close approach to earth. again, you don't have to worry about it, but if you do have a small telescope, you can peek this asteroid as it passes by earth. this is the closest it's been to earth since 1933, and it's not going to be this close until about 200 years from now. it is jetting through space. it is moving at about 44,000 miles per hour, and on this approach it's actually going to be -- it is going to be close, but it's actually going to be about 5 1/2 times the distance, the moon's distance from earth. so it's close relatively. now, this was discovered way back in 1994, and the reason we're able to know that it hasn't been this close since 1933 is because of the data that we've been able to pick up on this, on this asteroid. it's well established, this orbit. so we know the exact track it's going to go on, and we know that it won't be this close for another 200 years. look at how big this thing is. 5400 feet, that is nearly four times the size of the empire state building. >> wow. >> tyler, thanks for that. all right. let's bring in keith cowling, editor of space, nasa space biologist. keith, good morning. >> good morning. >> this is kind of amazing that we haven't seen anything this close since the 1930s. and we're not going to see it again for 200 years? >> well, we haven't seen this asteroid this close since the 1930s, but things like this zoom by all the time. >> gosh, so close. but not too close for comfort in your view? >> yeah, this is a don't look up. >> i saw that. >> look, nasa is testing a program called dartt, double asteroid dias detroit test. what can you tell us about that? do we have a handle on it, were it to get so close, we're going to do something about it? >> hopefully. it's going to hit an asteroid about the same size. it is a little moon. what they're going to do is hit it really hard and look very carefully at the moon. and if they've changed the course, even a little bit, you'll see the orbit change. if that happens, then you know that you can smack one of these things years before it becomes a problem. otherwise, you're getting into sci-fi and nuclear weapons and stuff like that. >> i'm all for smacking these things. if they can figure out the technical way to smack them, that's good. >> so, keith, is this the kind of thing you can go out in your backyard with your handy dandy telescope and see this with your naked eye? >> probably not with your naked eye. if you have a pretty small telescope you can buy or got for christmas and you know exactly where to look -- i hope nasa has something online about this -- you probably can see it. it's probably best to just wait for the internet to get the geeks to put the stuff up and you can get a better view. >> we love the geeks. >> all right, keith, editor of, thank you. okay, what's your favorite, armageddon or deep impact? what's your favorite movie? >> deep impact. i do like armageddon. >> thank you so much. nice to see you. with the movie review and the science. >> anything morgan freeman plays the president. >> totally. got it. >> thanks for joining us. i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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Nighttime , Sleep , Stuffy , Sunday Night , Sneezing , Aching , Sniffling , 4 , Mucinex , Congestion , Save It Slimeball , Asthma , Kim , Help , Nunormal , Breathing Problems , Breathing , Reactions , Nucala , Add On Treatment , Swelling , Tongue , Mouth , Face , Shingles , Injection Site Reactions , Back Pain , Fatigue , Asthma Specialist , Don T Stop Steroids , Mask Mandate , Rule , Locations , Areas , New York , 32 , Hong Kong , Courts , Reporters , City , India , Melissa Bell , Standing , Authorities , French , French One , Ten , Mask , Mall , Public Transport , Kristie Lu Stout , Tickets , Olympics , China , Beijing , Zero , Workers , Variant , Office Building , Defense Ministry , New Delhi , Saturday Beijing , 2000 , 19 , Drop , Numbers , State Elections , Election , Have , Dog , Mumbai , Phil Black , Rallies , Daily , Ban , Death Toll , Melbourne , 74 , Disease , Case Numbers , Pandemic Wave , Lockdowns , Hospitals , Government , Concerns , Pressure , Policy , Borders , Living , Health System , Vaccination Rates , 90 , Will Peak , Reports , Back To You , Everybody , To Washington , John Berman , Hope , Agenda , Falling Approval Ratings , John Harwood , Report , Approval Ratings , Progress , Scenario , Economy , Effects , Persistence , Correspondents , Supply Chain Disruption , World Upside Down , Disruption , Vaccinations , Terms , First By Delta , Presidency , Presidents , Correspondent , Patch , Bill Clinton , Ronald Regan , Barack Obama , Workplaces , Potential , Level , Mood , Sorts , Driver , Conference , Message , Plate , Arrows , Mark , Discontent , Sinema , Over , Legislation , Voting Rights Push , Manchin , Testing , Fundamentals , The End , Done , Build , Supply Chains , Form , Benefits , Array , Congress , Democrats Aren T , Control , Doing , Campaign Mode , Fight , Loss , Voting Rights , Order , Stonewalled , Press Core , Prime Minister , Thanks , Right , Aide , Water , Knowledge , Downing Street , 10 Downing Street , 10 , Salma Abdelaziz , Covid 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Price Guarantee , Installation , Value , 64 99 , 00 , 24 7 , 500 , 4 99 , Possibilities , Comcast Business , North Korea , Missile Test , Projectiles , Ocean , East Coast , Korean Peninsula , Missiles , Ivan Watson , Monday Morning , Developments , State Department , Ivan , Missile , Resolutions , Lately , United Nations Security Council , On January 5th , January 11th , 5 , January 5th , Alarm , Train , January 14th , Faa , 14 , Response , Planes , South Korea , West Coast , Allies , Neighbors , Japan , Launches , Space , Markets , Check , Shares , Wall Street , Cnn Business , Stock Index Futures , Asian , Europe , Goldman Sachs , Earnings , Weathering Inflation , King , Focus , Companies , Jpmorgan Chase , Bank Stocks , Stocks , Trading Revenue , Stellar 2021 , Profits , Trading , Lower , Pattern , Dow , Nasdaq , Oxfam , Exception , Fortunes , Jump , Wealth , 5 Trillion , Trillion , March 2020 , Doubles , Pockets , Trillions , Stock Market Boom , Central Banks , 1 3 Billion , 3 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, Lung Problems , Liver Problems , Heartbeat , Change , Skin Reactions , Chest Pain , Blood Cell , Dizziness , Breastfeeding , Yellowing , Pain , Treatment , Tiredness , Appetite , Urine , Rash , Grapefruit , Bruising , Daily Vicks , Supplement , Vitamin C , Strength , Pack , Super C , B Vitamins , Dayquil , Power , Cue , Test Results , Family , Cue Health , Home Test , Speed , Accuracy , Go Cue , Recording Artist , Students , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Comcast , Tools , Projectup , Billion , 1 Billion , All Around The World , Bria Brianna , Kasie Hunt , January 18th , 18 , Tuesday January 18th , Concern , Move , News , Capitals , Vladimir Putin , Children , Diplomats , Emptying , Consulates , Embassy , Wives , Ride , Boarding Buses , Ukrainian Capital Kiev , Moscow , 15 , Thinning , Propaganda , Intelligence , Precursor , Embassies , Tens Of Thousands , Troops , Seven ,

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