Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

over the course of his historic 30-year military career, the general successfully flew more than 400 combat missions across three wars flying in world war ii, korea, vietnam. he has received numerous accolades throughout his career including the congressional gold medal in 2007. it's a brand new hour, and i'm happy to be with you. i'm victor blackwell. alisyn is off. more than 50 million people are under winter weather warnings across the east coast. in the southeast yesterday, this brutal storm brought freezing rain and snow and ice to a region where this kind of thing is rare. more than 215,000 people are still without power. road conditions are dangerous as crews are working to clear the snow before low temperatures set in causing slick and icy conditions. north carolina highway patrol has responded to more than 600 car accidents because of the storm. this storm is also causing major disruptions and headaches for air travelers. cnn's pete muntean is at reagan national airport outside of washington, d.c. so i know thousands of flights yesterday, how many today have been cancelled or impacted? >> reporter: we're still seeing the reverb from yesterday, victor. 1,600 flights cancelled today so far according to flight aware. 3,000 cancelled yesterday, so the travel chaos really not done just yet because this snow, as you mentioned, hits if places that typically do not get it. major hubs for the airlines like charlotte, that's a big hub for american airlines, 90% of all departures at charlotte yesterday cancelled. about a third of all departures there closed today. the airport posted an update. it is open, and anticipates things being pretty busy today because of all of those folks who have their flights cancelled not once, not twice, but three times in some cases. listen to one passenger who had to camp out in the airport. >> i had one for tomorrow morning. that was cancelled so i switched to tomorrow afternoon. hopefully that one isn't cancelled. >> a bit of good news here, the airlines, american, delta, united, southwest have posted travel waivers for those who have been impacted by this storm, meaning they can rebook their flights free of charge, victor. >> that's at least some good news. let me switch up topics here, 5g rollout, there was a request to delay from the cell phone companies. that has happened. they're going to begin the rollout. what should we expect? >> reporter: well, the rollout for 5g is supposed to happen on wednesday. airlines pleaded for this because they say that 5g signals can actually cause errors in critical instruments that commercial pilots need to land in low visibility. the delay is now set to happen on wednesday. 5g set to turn on on wednesday, and now airlines have written the department of transportation to say there should be another delay again. the faa just yesterday said they tested these issues at certain airports and found most of the problems not really to exist, but airlines still call it their number one issue and say this could be a huge problem for passengers delaying flights, cancelling flights. the telecom industry says this has already worked in plenty of other countries and the u.s. shouldn't worry that much about it. >> we don't need another thing delaying flights. pete muntean at reagan national, thank you so much. now to that terrifying hostage rescue at a synagogue in texas. the fbi is now investigating it as a terrorism related incident. the suspect has been identified as a british citizen who arrived in the u.s. in late december. he was killed after an eleven-hour standoff, and the four hostages escaped unarmed. cnn's natasha chen is live in colleyville, texas, so what more are you learning about the suspect and the investigation. >> reporter: investigators, law enforcement sources told cnn that he arrived in late december and was vetted. he was not on a terror watch list. british intelligence officials also say that there was no derogatory information about akram. they are trying to figure out how he got from new york to texas. we know he spent a few days in a homeless shelter here in the dallas area before this incident. it was truly terrifying for this congregation that was having services on saturday. the services were being live streamed, so there were a number of people at home watching this unfold. you can imagine those tense moments. here's the rabbi talking about how the suspect initially appeared in the building, and how he then realized the moment when this was a true threat. >> when i took him in, i stayed with him, making tea was an opportunity for me to talk with him, and in that moment, i didn't hear anything suspicious. while we were praying and my back was turned, we face toward jerusalem when we pray. right before he revealed himself. but this was, you know, plenty of time in. i heard a click. and it could have been anything. it turned out that it was his gun. >> reporter: police ended up recovering a gun from the suspect, but no explosives. just really terrifying moments. the rabbi also said in a statement yesterday that what really came in as a helpful tool here was their previous crisis training, active shooter training that the congregation took. it's unfortunate that they felt that was needed but also unfortunate that it came into play here. the rabbi had described in that final hour how the suspects became more belligerent, more threatening, and he said he saw a moment where the suspect cwas not in a good place, made a signal to the remaining hostages at that time to try and make a run for it by the exit, and actually threw a chair at the suspect to try to get them out safely, victor. >> so fortunate those hostages were able to escape natasha chen, thank you. north korea appears to have tested even more short range missiles. the u.s. announced sanctions on eight north korean and russian individuals and entities for supporting the ballistic missile programs. cnn's oren liebermann joins us now live from the pentagon. what do we know about what was launched? >> reporter: victor, the u.s. says they monitored the launch and are in touch with allies such as japan and south korea. japan put out a map of where the missiles landed, east of north korea in the sea there. the south koreans released a few more details, they reached an altitude of 25 miles, and flew just under 250 miles. in that sense, these two suspected short range ballistic missiles are very similar to the last two short range ballistic missiles that were launched late last week. those, north korea said, were not a test of the missiles but were a test of the rail cars that launched them, essentially a launching mechanism. what's alarming, what's note worthy for the united states is simply the frequency with which north korea is carrying out these tests. secretary of state, antony blinken spoke with his south korea counter part, assured the u.s. is behind them and with them as this pace continued. as you noted, victor, it's in light of and despite all of the sanctions that the u.s. put on north koreans for assisting the ballistic missile system, and the foreign ministry coming out and saying ballistic missiles and advanced weaponry like this is a national priority, and they will continue pushing forward before this last round of short range ballistic missiles. it was essentially a week ago today that north korea fired off a missile. the initial readings indicating it might be a threat to the united states. a ground stop was quickly lifted when they realized it was no longer a threat. clearly, north korea not letting up here even as the u.s. and south korea say look, they're open to diplomacy. >> oren liebermann at the pentagon, thank you. joining me now to discuss further is cnn diplomatic editor nic robertson, good to see you. let me start here with these sanctions, and what's happened since. are the sanctions in addition to those against north koreans, against russians and russian entities any more convincing, any more consequential now that you add this to this packet of consequences? >> i think north koreans will find work arounds, which is essentially what they have been doing. these developments prohibited, they found ways to acquire the technology, just the same way that they did to find the technology and the parts to develop their nuclear systems. this ballistic missile, hyper sonic missile systems that they talk about they're finding work arounds. this is going to shut down one avenue to them or the avenues that these people offered but in some cases they already now have the know how and technology required to do, you know, to improve these missile systems, and that's, i think, something that we've seen and certainly kim jong un is going to take away from this, you know, these series of tests are showing him that these programs are on the right track, that he is making progress, so i think, you know, for him, it will all be about finding another work around, other people to help him get the components that he's not able to buy legally on the international market. >> i wonder, you know, these offers of talks, north korea's not responded yet to those. with this administration, the last administration had a very different rhetorical and diplomatic approach to kim, the love letters and falling in love between president trump and kim jong un. is it likely that that will have to be the level of engagement that you'll have to see more like, although we'll never see this from president biden, but more what they expect now after what they have seen from president trump. >> kim jong un used that time of president trump to ob fob fu skate, and engage to develop the weapons systems he wants to develop. he's absolutely going to try the same tactic with president biden and sanctions probably can't come strong enough and hard enough to do this. the country is facing serious economic difficulties at the moment, food shortages in part because they have, you know, they've closed their borders to keep covid out. they trade heavily with china normally. there are indications that the borders may open up again with china soon. these missile tests don't cross china's hard red lines about testing nuclear missiles, so you would get the indication here that china on the one hand is quietly supportive of what kim jong un is doing here, continuing these tests. so he appears to have an ally of sorts in china, so as long as he feels he's got a friend, it's very unlikely we're going to see him compromised in the short-term to get into realistic talks with the united states, he's just not shown the track record for wanting to do that or doing that. >> let's turn to russia and the russian foreign minister has rejected the suggestion from u.s. intel that russia is preparing for this false flag operation to use as a pretext to invade. what do we know from the 2014 invasion, and from georgia before then about the likelihood that that could be the way that they will try to get in or give the explanation to the rest of the world of why they're going into, if they choose to, into ukraine. >> in a way, you know, president biden has put himself more in a corner right now with ukraine because he has drawn this huge international scrutiny. he's built up the troops on the border, he's forced the united states and nato and the osc to get into these high pressure diplomatic talks last week, so the world is focused on him. so, you know, what we saw in 2014 and 2008, the world wasn't so keenly watching president putin, and there were indications of this hybrid sort of, you know, false narratives being created, and then unmarked troops landing on the ground, being in crimea. there was a level that was a deniability. i think it's very hard for the russian foreign minister to be as credible as he might have been a few years ago. because the world is watching and it's watching more closely. >> very closely, indeed, nic robertson, thank you. on the day the country commemorates the life and legacy of the reverend dr. martin luther king jr., his family calls for no celebration without voting rights legislation for the next generation, which includes mlk's granddaughter, who called out to specific senators. >> senator sinema, senator manchin, our future hinges on your decision, and history will remember what choice you made. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. and if you're taking a multivitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece. preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. 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(vo) t-mobile for business wants to make this the best year for your business yet. when you switch and bring your own device, we'll pay off your phone up to $800. you can keep your phone. and keep your number. visit your local t-mobile store today. 35 years since the nation's first martin luther king day. his family says today is no time to celebrate. they're using the day to demand that congress deliver on voting ri rights legislation, in the senate. martin luther king iii, his wife and daughter joined a peace walk this morning across the frederick douglass memorial bridge in d.c., and they're urging congress to work against dozens of new state laws that restrict voting in 19 states. and today, vice president harris said voting rights are under assault. >> we know the threat we face. we know that this assault on our freedom to vote will be felt by every american in every community in every political party. we know that if we stand idly by, our entire nation will pay the price for generations to come. >> joining me now, democratic congresswoman, na key -- nakima williams of georgia. thank you for your time. >> happy to be here and have this conversation. >> everyone who spoke today acknowledges that there's not going to be a legislative process when this vote is held this week, so what is the path forward? we all know why you believe and many believe it's vital, but what is the plan? >> i think it's important to remember that everybody who's fighting for their right to vote is less concerned with a legislative maneuvering or what the actual process is. what we need is something that we can get to the president's desk, and while we might still be pushing to get the filibuster change, we have to remember that this isn't just about the selection cycle. it's not just about this one moment. this is a movement, and it always has been. congressman lewis reminded us that it's not just a moment for today or tomorrow. our struggle is of a lifetime, so we have work to do and we're going to continue to call on those senators, not just those two democratic senators because we can't let the 50 republican senators off the hook. they have to stand up for what is fair, just and right, so right now, we have decisions to make in this country. this is our civil rights moment, and what side of history will you be on. >> i hear that congresswoman, you said that this is a movement, not a moment. but there is a clock, and the midterm election is coming -- >> if you're only looking toward one election cycle. this is about more than just this next election cycle. >> i hear that, but when i say there's a clock, there's a clock on control potentially of the house, and if you're going to get a bill to president biden's desk, you're likely going to need control of the house to be able to bring it to a vote, and that may not be the case after january 2023, so when you say that you're on the clock, there has to be a plan, there has to be a time in this moment to get that legislation there more than just the necessity of doing it from your perspective, how do you get it there, and i've still not heard that answer. >> so we are still calling on those senators in the u.s. senate to reconsider their position that they hold today because we must have a change to the filibuster if we're going on that route. we're still calling on the white house to continue to use the full power of the white house to make sure that we restore the vote in this country, restore the voting rights act, which is now the john lewis voting rights act and stand up and push back against these restrictions that we've seen across the country. we still have options, and we're still exploring all of them, everything should continue to be on the table until we get this done. >> you want the white house to stand up, push back, use the full weight and authority of the white house, what are they not doing that you want to see? specifically. >> right now, we have to continue the conversations in the u.s. senate. the house has done their job. vice president harris was in the senate as senator harris, and president biden, he's an institutionalist, he knows that body well. he has deep relationships there, and we're going to have to continue to press on them. i encourage them to continue to have those conversations. they were just down at the capitol last week having conversations in the democratic caucus, but we have to explore other options. everybody has a vote in this, and we cannot let those republicans who are not standing up for voting rights off the hook. >> so let's turn now to the republicans. we heard from senator bill cassidy, a republican, and let's say this party, the republican party historically has supported reauthorization of the voting rights act. not now, not this legislation. here's senator cassidy. >> the supreme court decided, the supreme court decided that the conditions in 1965 are different than they are now. imagine that. we've had an african-american elected president of the united states, an african-american elected to the vice president, an african-american elected to the senate in south carolina. if anyone can't see the circumstances have changed they're not believing their lying eyes. >> blacks have been elected, times have changed, what's your reaction to what you heard there? >> clearly he has not read the legislation because this is a new formula. congresswoman terry soul has done extensive work, a new era, post 1996 and any state that has infractions to the right to vote since then, those are the states that will be held accountable. that's what the supreme court instructed us to do. for congress to go back and develop a new formula for modern times, which is exactly what we have done, and i'm happy to sit down with the senator and go through the points of the bill so that he understands that this is for modern day infractions on the right to vote. >> you know, you are -- i'm glad we're talking to you. your district obviously was held by john lewis for so many terms. dr. king's birthplace, the king center, his final resting place all there in atlanta, and we hear every king day and throughout the year, politicians on either side of the aisle invoke dr. king and his speeches and some of his well known quotes for policy gains. here is the new governor of georgia speaking about critical race theory. >> we're not going to teach our children to view everything through a lens of race but to actually teach our children that one group is advantaged and another is disadvantaged, simply because of the color of their skin cuts across everything we know to be true. in the immortal words of dr. martin luther king ring in our ears, we must judge one another by the content of our character, not the color of our skin. this is what will be the founding principle of our executive order, what we're going to do in virginia schools. >> and of course that's glenn youngkin of virginia, what do you hear there with the indication there of dr. king to defend against what they say is critical race theory in schools. >> that was the conversation that dr. bernice king today at the pulpit that her father preached from at ebenezer and what we need to teach are facts in our schools, and i'm not going to stem back. i have a first grader who is in georgia public schools, and i want him to be taught accurate history, the facts. are we not going to teach the legacy of drf. king our nation' history has a sorted pass but we have an obligation to make sure we teach those facts for the next generation. >> congresswoman, always a pleasure. thank you. >> thank you, victor. how well could a fourth dose of the covid vaccine protect you. we have new details about an additional booster, next. behind neuriva plus. ve thee unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> well, victor, let's go back to why it is that we get vaccines. yes, it would be nice if vaccines can prevent symptomatic infection, because thankfully, who wants to get ill and who wants to pass it on to others. ultimately, the most important reason to get vaccinated is to prevent severe infection. we are spoiled because these vaccines are so good, they are so effective at preventing hospitalization, and death, even two doses but now we know that a third dose can reduce hospitalization and death even more and that it's also even more effective against preventing symptomatic infection, so at this point, i do think that it is beyond time for the fda and cdc to change their definition of fully vaccinated to being three doses. i don't think, though, that we should be talking about a fourth dose yet, especially when there are so many americans, more than half of those who are eligible to get boosted have not gotten their booster doses. let's emphasize getting those boosters and getting those who are not yet vaccinated, vaccinated. >> part of the guidance we recently got from the cdc is what to do after five days of isolation once you're out, you have no more symptoms, they say these are the people you should stay away from after you end your covid five-day isolation, people who are overweight, battling depression, current or former smokers and pregnant people. that's nearly nine out of ten people. i don't know how i'm supposed to know if someone is a former smoker. what do you see from the guidance from the cdc, how do we adhere to that? >> i think the guidance is confusing and the cdc has messed up their medicatiossaging in a things, including on boosters. if you're an essential worker and you have to go back to work, you can go back to work after five days but you have to keep on your mask the entire time. don't take off your mask including to have meals with your family and others in your household. you could still be infectious in that six to ten day period. keep that mask on if you're going to be interacting with others. the cdc has not said this, but i think it's reasonable for individuals who want to to take a test to test themselves out of isolation. i hope that's something that the cdc begins to embrace over time because we should have a reasonable policy that's based on science, and that's not entirely what they have done. >> dr. leana wen, thank you. convicted sex trafficker, ghislaine max well, ends her fight to keep names secret of those eight john does, we'll explain why and when the names could be revealed, next. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪"don't ya leave" by squeak e clean♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] all the delivery. no delivery fees. dashpass. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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>> i think that's going to depend on who these john does are. as you said, this is part of the civil lawsuit that's been going on for quite some time, and the judge has unsealed thousands of pages of documents. now, maxwell's attorney had initially asked for the information and the documents and the names of john does to remain under seal ahead of her criminal trial saying she was concerned it could impact the jury, prejudice the jury. she was convicted last month. her attorney said in a court filing they do not wish to address this anymore. they're saying that the attorneys for the john does, there are eight of them, could ably argue for their privacy rights if they want to take that up. now, an attorney for giuffre says there's no reason to keep these under seal any longer. in a court filing one of the attorneys wrote, generalized aversion to embarrassment and negative is not enough to warrant continued sealing of information, this is especially true with respect to this case of great public interest involving serious allegations of the sex trafficking of minors. maxwell was convicted last month on five of six charges. the john does will have a chance to respond to this, and a decision will come. it will be several weeks from now, victor. >> one more for you, we learned that prince andrew's legal team, they want to depose some people who were close to virginia giuffre, who do they want to talk to? >> that's right, victor, they want to speak with giuffre's husband. they want to ask him about how they met. they want to speak to her psychologist. their argument there is that giuffre may have a false memory of these events that she recalls of being sexually assaulted by the prince, and they also want to test her allegations that she has suffered some kind of psychological harm based on this experience. giuffre's lawyers say they want to speak to a former assistant of the prince. they want to speak to a woman who has come forward and spoken publicly that she recalled seeing the prince and a young girl at the tramps nightclub in march of 20016. that is the same time period giuffre says she was there with the prince. former prosecutor joins me now to talk about this. this question over the depositions of former psychologist and giuffre's husband. what does this tell you about the strategy potentially for prince andrew's attorneys and what they're looking for here? >> they're going to try to portray this as essentially she hasn't been harmed. there actually hasn't been any damage that's been done to her permanently. it's a way of trying to undermine the lawsuit, essentially show that, you know, she's seeking, trying to argue that she's seeking publicity, that she's really trying to, you know, extort the prince rather than, you know, obtain any sort of fair competition for some harm that she's caused. it's actually kind of -- it's something that is an unfortunate aspect of these cases, often somebody victimized by in this case a horrific crime experience a difficult part of the lawsuit. >> this is a civil case. it is not a criminal case but is there any protection against deposition of a spouse of a mental health, a medical professional? >> yeah, i have to say generally the mental health professional is going to be deposed in a case like this because they have to establish the harm that's been done to the plaintiff in this case, and, you know, that unfortunately waving your right to have privacy over your medical records, including your mental health records, is something that you give up when you file a suit like this. it's difficult, i have represented clients who have been in a similar situation, and it's a very challenging thing, and that's unfortunately something she's likely going to have to go through in this case. let's talk about the john does, and ghislaine maxwell saying she will no longer fight to keep those names secret. this is up to the judge, but what's the significance of ghislaine maxwell, her team saying we're not going to fight against revealing those names. >> well, you know, i will say, kara did know one difference, the trial's over. they don't need to be concerned about publicity. another thing is she doesn't need to stay on the good side of these john does anymore. now that she's lost her criminal trial, she doesn't have to worry about these individuals potentially testifying against her, so i just -- my read on it after reading everything that was filed was that she doesn't want to bear the expense, the legal defense of trying to fight something that's not her fight anymore. i suspect these john does, they're very, you know, sophisticated attorneys will do that themselves. >> giuffre's attorney said that, listen, generalized embarrassment and aversion to that is not a good enough reason to keep these names secret. what will this judge likely consider in the decision making? >> well, the judge is going to be -- the presumption is going to be, the judge is going to be leaning towards at a start, releasing this information because that's the presumption, and that's the appropriate legal standard that in this country, court records are public, and so there has to be a pretty substantial, you know, something pretty substantial on the other side to overcome that presumption. obviously you could imagine that being associated with jeffrey epstein, ghislaine maxwell could ruin someone's life, and that reputation, substantial harm to some people. that's what the judge is going to be weighing on one side, as opposed to the public's right to know, the press's right to know, what exactly is happening in our courts, including this case. >> good to see you, sir, thank you. an underwater volcano near tonga has erupted multiple times in the last four days. one eruption so massive, it can be seen from space. and it also created tsunami warnings from japan to california. we'll look at what's happening with a huge ash cloud, next. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ an underwater volcano near the island nation of tonga has erupted at least two times in the past four days. look at these. the satellite images of the saturday eruption, they are incredible. they show this massive ash cloud and shockwaves that shoot out of this underwater volcano. experts say the eruption was likely the largest in 30 years. meteorologist tom sater joins me. what's the situation like in the region now? >> there's still some rumbling. we still have minor quakes which means magma trying to get up to the surface. we can confirm, too, of course, blasts but we're not sure if a third. the last one that was stronger was in 1991 but you've got vanuatu, american samoa. this force is so great that as the energy transferred up through the water, the water dispersed. so we'll get to the tsunami in a moment. first a sonic boom they heard. then the ash was falling and residents said it was tough to breathe. communication is spotty but australia has been able to get reconnaissance craft and aid to the area. then the tsunami. nothing like we saw with the fukushima megathrust earthquake in japan or previous to that in indonesia. this was, however, felt across the entire basin of the pacific. warnings were out for tsunamis from hawaii to the aleutian chain and alaskan coast. not only that force through the water dispersed it but also maybe there was a landslide, a submarine under the water. when you have force like this, what we're seeing is a collapsing of the cauldron. there could have been, as you can see satellite images. 1.2 kilometers, three quarters of a mile, it's almost now gone. it collapsed instead of building an island and that could have caused as well the tsunami effect. but still a lot of activity with this. we'll continue to watch it in the days ahead. >> tom sater, thank you. it's virginia governor glen youngkin's first week in office. he's already in a standoff with schools that says parents can choose whether to have their kids mask up in schools. more on that ahead when "the lead" with jake tapper starts after a break. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80, what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling. so call now for free information. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit as reverend martin luther king jr. said, the faith is taking the leap even when you don't see the whole staircase. >> some glimmers of hope as the surgeon general warns omicron is not done with the united states just yet. and now china is canceling a key part of the winter olympics because of the virus. then it's only his first week in office and virginia's new governor is already in a fight with the largest school district in his state. plus, we'r

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240709

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over the course of his historic 30-year military career, the general successfully flew more than 400 combat missions across three wars flying in world war ii, korea, vietnam. he has received numerous accolades throughout his career including the congressional gold medal in 2007. it's a brand new hour, and i'm happy to be with you. i'm victor blackwell. alisyn is off. more than 50 million people are under winter weather warnings across the east coast. in the southeast yesterday, this brutal storm brought freezing rain and snow and ice to a region where this kind of thing is rare. more than 215,000 people are still without power. road conditions are dangerous as crews are working to clear the snow before low temperatures set in causing slick and icy conditions. north carolina highway patrol has responded to more than 600 car accidents because of the storm. this storm is also causing major disruptions and headaches for air travelers. cnn's pete muntean is at reagan national airport outside of washington, d.c. so i know thousands of flights yesterday, how many today have been cancelled or impacted? >> reporter: we're still seeing the reverb from yesterday, victor. 1,600 flights cancelled today so far according to flight aware. 3,000 cancelled yesterday, so the travel chaos really not done just yet because this snow, as you mentioned, hits if places that typically do not get it. major hubs for the airlines like charlotte, that's a big hub for american airlines, 90% of all departures at charlotte yesterday cancelled. about a third of all departures there closed today. the airport posted an update. it is open, and anticipates things being pretty busy today because of all of those folks who have their flights cancelled not once, not twice, but three times in some cases. listen to one passenger who had to camp out in the airport. >> i had one for tomorrow morning. that was cancelled so i switched to tomorrow afternoon. hopefully that one isn't cancelled. >> a bit of good news here, the airlines, american, delta, united, southwest have posted travel waivers for those who have been impacted by this storm, meaning they can rebook their flights free of charge, victor. >> that's at least some good news. let me switch up topics here, 5g rollout, there was a request to delay from the cell phone companies. that has happened. they're going to begin the rollout. what should we expect? >> reporter: well, the rollout for 5g is supposed to happen on wednesday. airlines pleaded for this because they say that 5g signals can actually cause errors in critical instruments that commercial pilots need to land in low visibility. the delay is now set to happen on wednesday. 5g set to turn on on wednesday, and now airlines have written the department of transportation to say there should be another delay again. the faa just yesterday said they tested these issues at certain airports and found most of the problems not really to exist, but airlines still call it their number one issue and say this could be a huge problem for passengers delaying flights, cancelling flights. the telecom industry says this has already worked in plenty of other countries and the u.s. shouldn't worry that much about it. >> we don't need another thing delaying flights. pete muntean at reagan national, thank you so much. now to that terrifying hostage rescue at a synagogue in texas. the fbi is now investigating it as a terrorism related incident. the suspect has been identified as a british citizen who arrived in the u.s. in late december. he was killed after an eleven-hour standoff, and the four hostages escaped unarmed. cnn's natasha chen is live in colleyville, texas, so what more are you learning about the suspect and the investigation. >> reporter: investigators, law enforcement sources told cnn that he arrived in late december and was vetted. he was not on a terror watch list. british intelligence officials also say that there was no derogatory information about akram. they are trying to figure out how he got from new york to texas. we know he spent a few days in a homeless shelter here in the dallas area before this incident. it was truly terrifying for this congregation that was having services on saturday. the services were being live streamed, so there were a number of people at home watching this unfold. you can imagine those tense moments. here's the rabbi talking about how the suspect initially appeared in the building, and how he then realized the moment when this was a true threat. >> when i took him in, i stayed with him, making tea was an opportunity for me to talk with him, and in that moment, i didn't hear anything suspicious. while we were praying and my back was turned, we face toward jerusalem when we pray. right before he revealed himself. but this was, you know, plenty of time in. i heard a click. and it could have been anything. it turned out that it was his gun. >> reporter: police ended up recovering a gun from the suspect, but no explosives. just really terrifying moments. the rabbi also said in a statement yesterday that what really came in as a helpful tool here was their previous crisis training, active shooter training that the congregation took. it's unfortunate that they felt that was needed but also unfortunate that it came into play here. the rabbi had described in that final hour how the suspects became more belligerent, more threatening, and he said he saw a moment where the suspect cwas not in a good place, made a signal to the remaining hostages at that time to try and make a run for it by the exit, and actually threw a chair at the suspect to try to get them out safely, victor. >> so fortunate those hostages were able to escape natasha chen, thank you. north korea appears to have tested even more short range missiles. the u.s. announced sanctions on eight north korean and russian individuals and entities for supporting the ballistic missile programs. cnn's oren liebermann joins us now live from the pentagon. what do we know about what was launched? >> reporter: victor, the u.s. says they monitored the launch and are in touch with allies such as japan and south korea. japan put out a map of where the missiles landed, east of north korea in the sea there. the south koreans released a few more details, they reached an altitude of 25 miles, and flew just under 250 miles. in that sense, these two suspected short range ballistic missiles are very similar to the last two short range ballistic missiles that were launched late last week. those, north korea said, were not a test of the missiles but were a test of the rail cars that launched them, essentially a launching mechanism. what's alarming, what's note worthy for the united states is simply the frequency with which north korea is carrying out these tests. secretary of state, antony blinken spoke with his south korea counter part, assured the u.s. is behind them and with them as this pace continued. as you noted, victor, it's in light of and despite all of the sanctions that the u.s. put on north koreans for assisting the ballistic missile system, and the foreign ministry coming out and saying ballistic missiles and advanced weaponry like this is a national priority, and they will continue pushing forward before this last round of short range ballistic missiles. it was essentially a week ago today that north korea fired off a missile. the initial readings indicating it might be a threat to the united states. a ground stop was quickly lifted when they realized it was no longer a threat. clearly, north korea not letting up here even as the u.s. and south korea say look, they're open to diplomacy. >> oren liebermann at the pentagon, thank you. joining me now to discuss further is cnn diplomatic editor nic robertson, good to see you. let me start here with these sanctions, and what's happened since. are the sanctions in addition to those against north koreans, against russians and russian entities any more convincing, any more consequential now that you add this to this packet of consequences? >> i think north koreans will find work arounds, which is essentially what they have been doing. these developments prohibited, they found ways to acquire the technology, just the same way that they did to find the technology and the parts to develop their nuclear systems. this ballistic missile, hyper sonic missile systems that they talk about they're finding work arounds. this is going to shut down one avenue to them or the avenues that these people offered but in some cases they already now have the know how and technology required to do, you know, to improve these missile systems, and that's, i think, something that we've seen and certainly kim jong un is going to take away from this, you know, these series of tests are showing him that these programs are on the right track, that he is making progress, so i think, you know, for him, it will all be about finding another work around, other people to help him get the components that he's not able to buy legally on the international market. >> i wonder, you know, these offers of talks, north korea's not responded yet to those. with this administration, the last administration had a very different rhetorical and diplomatic approach to kim, the love letters and falling in love between president trump and kim jong un. is it likely that that will have to be the level of engagement that you'll have to see more like, although we'll never see this from president biden, but more what they expect now after what they have seen from president trump. >> kim jong un used that time of president trump to ob fob fu skate, and engage to develop the weapons systems he wants to develop. he's absolutely going to try the same tactic with president biden and sanctions probably can't come strong enough and hard enough to do this. the country is facing serious economic difficulties at the moment, food shortages in part because they have, you know, they've closed their borders to keep covid out. they trade heavily with china normally. there are indications that the borders may open up again with china soon. these missile tests don't cross china's hard red lines about testing nuclear missiles, so you would get the indication here that china on the one hand is quietly supportive of what kim jong un is doing here, continuing these tests. so he appears to have an ally of sorts in china, so as long as he feels he's got a friend, it's very unlikely we're going to see him compromised in the short-term to get into realistic talks with the united states, he's just not shown the track record for wanting to do that or doing that. >> let's turn to russia and the russian foreign minister has rejected the suggestion from u.s. intel that russia is preparing for this false flag operation to use as a pretext to invade. what do we know from the 2014 invasion, and from georgia before then about the likelihood that that could be the way that they will try to get in or give the explanation to the rest of the world of why they're going into, if they choose to, into ukraine. >> in a way, you know, president biden has put himself more in a corner right now with ukraine because he has drawn this huge international scrutiny. he's built up the troops on the border, he's forced the united states and nato and the osc to get into these high pressure diplomatic talks last week, so the world is focused on him. so, you know, what we saw in 2014 and 2008, the world wasn't so keenly watching president putin, and there were indications of this hybrid sort of, you know, false narratives being created, and then unmarked troops landing on the ground, being in crimea. there was a level that was a deniability. i think it's very hard for the russian foreign minister to be as credible as he might have been a few years ago. because the world is watching and it's watching more closely. >> very closely, indeed, nic robertson, thank you. on the day the country commemorates the life and legacy of the reverend dr. martin luther king jr., his family calls for no celebration without voting rights legislation for the next generation, which includes mlk's granddaughter, who called out to specific senators. >> senator sinema, senator manchin, our future hinges on your decision, and history will remember what choice you made. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. age-related macular degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. and if you're taking a multivitamin alone, you may be missing a critical piece. preservision. preservision areds 2 contains the only clinically proven nutrient formula recommended by the national eye institute to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. 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(vo) t-mobile for business wants to make this the best year for your business yet. when you switch and bring your own device, we'll pay off your phone up to $800. you can keep your phone. and keep your number. visit your local t-mobile store today. 35 years since the nation's first martin luther king day. his family says today is no time to celebrate. they're using the day to demand that congress deliver on voting ri rights legislation, in the senate. martin luther king iii, his wife and daughter joined a peace walk this morning across the frederick douglass memorial bridge in d.c., and they're urging congress to work against dozens of new state laws that restrict voting in 19 states. and today, vice president harris said voting rights are under assault. >> we know the threat we face. we know that this assault on our freedom to vote will be felt by every american in every community in every political party. we know that if we stand idly by, our entire nation will pay the price for generations to come. >> joining me now, democratic congresswoman, na key -- nakima williams of georgia. thank you for your time. >> happy to be here and have this conversation. >> everyone who spoke today acknowledges that there's not going to be a legislative process when this vote is held this week, so what is the path forward? we all know why you believe and many believe it's vital, but what is the plan? >> i think it's important to remember that everybody who's fighting for their right to vote is less concerned with a legislative maneuvering or what the actual process is. what we need is something that we can get to the president's desk, and while we might still be pushing to get the filibuster change, we have to remember that this isn't just about the selection cycle. it's not just about this one moment. this is a movement, and it always has been. congressman lewis reminded us that it's not just a moment for today or tomorrow. our struggle is of a lifetime, so we have work to do and we're going to continue to call on those senators, not just those two democratic senators because we can't let the 50 republican senators off the hook. they have to stand up for what is fair, just and right, so right now, we have decisions to make in this country. this is our civil rights moment, and what side of history will you be on. >> i hear that congresswoman, you said that this is a movement, not a moment. but there is a clock, and the midterm election is coming -- >> if you're only looking toward one election cycle. this is about more than just this next election cycle. >> i hear that, but when i say there's a clock, there's a clock on control potentially of the house, and if you're going to get a bill to president biden's desk, you're likely going to need control of the house to be able to bring it to a vote, and that may not be the case after january 2023, so when you say that you're on the clock, there has to be a plan, there has to be a time in this moment to get that legislation there more than just the necessity of doing it from your perspective, how do you get it there, and i've still not heard that answer. >> so we are still calling on those senators in the u.s. senate to reconsider their position that they hold today because we must have a change to the filibuster if we're going on that route. we're still calling on the white house to continue to use the full power of the white house to make sure that we restore the vote in this country, restore the voting rights act, which is now the john lewis voting rights act and stand up and push back against these restrictions that we've seen across the country. we still have options, and we're still exploring all of them, everything should continue to be on the table until we get this done. >> you want the white house to stand up, push back, use the full weight and authority of the white house, what are they not doing that you want to see? specifically. >> right now, we have to continue the conversations in the u.s. senate. the house has done their job. vice president harris was in the senate as senator harris, and president biden, he's an institutionalist, he knows that body well. he has deep relationships there, and we're going to have to continue to press on them. i encourage them to continue to have those conversations. they were just down at the capitol last week having conversations in the democratic caucus, but we have to explore other options. everybody has a vote in this, and we cannot let those republicans who are not standing up for voting rights off the hook. >> so let's turn now to the republicans. we heard from senator bill cassidy, a republican, and let's say this party, the republican party historically has supported reauthorization of the voting rights act. not now, not this legislation. here's senator cassidy. >> the supreme court decided, the supreme court decided that the conditions in 1965 are different than they are now. imagine that. we've had an african-american elected president of the united states, an african-american elected to the vice president, an african-american elected to the senate in south carolina. if anyone can't see the circumstances have changed they're not believing their lying eyes. >> blacks have been elected, times have changed, what's your reaction to what you heard there? >> clearly he has not read the legislation because this is a new formula. congresswoman terry soul has done extensive work, a new era, post 1996 and any state that has infractions to the right to vote since then, those are the states that will be held accountable. that's what the supreme court instructed us to do. for congress to go back and develop a new formula for modern times, which is exactly what we have done, and i'm happy to sit down with the senator and go through the points of the bill so that he understands that this is for modern day infractions on the right to vote. >> you know, you are -- i'm glad we're talking to you. your district obviously was held by john lewis for so many terms. dr. king's birthplace, the king center, his final resting place all there in atlanta, and we hear every king day and throughout the year, politicians on either side of the aisle invoke dr. king and his speeches and some of his well known quotes for policy gains. here is the new governor of georgia speaking about critical race theory. >> we're not going to teach our children to view everything through a lens of race but to actually teach our children that one group is advantaged and another is disadvantaged, simply because of the color of their skin cuts across everything we know to be true. in the immortal words of dr. martin luther king ring in our ears, we must judge one another by the content of our character, not the color of our skin. this is what will be the founding principle of our executive order, what we're going to do in virginia schools. >> and of course that's glenn youngkin of virginia, what do you hear there with the indication there of dr. king to defend against what they say is critical race theory in schools. >> that was the conversation that dr. bernice king today at the pulpit that her father preached from at ebenezer and what we need to teach are facts in our schools, and i'm not going to stem back. i have a first grader who is in georgia public schools, and i want him to be taught accurate history, the facts. are we not going to teach the legacy of drf. king our nation' history has a sorted pass but we have an obligation to make sure we teach those facts for the next generation. >> congresswoman, always a pleasure. thank you. >> thank you, victor. how well could a fourth dose of the covid vaccine protect you. we have new details about an additional booster, next. behind neuriva plus. ve thee unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> well, victor, let's go back to why it is that we get vaccines. yes, it would be nice if vaccines can prevent symptomatic infection, because thankfully, who wants to get ill and who wants to pass it on to others. ultimately, the most important reason to get vaccinated is to prevent severe infection. we are spoiled because these vaccines are so good, they are so effective at preventing hospitalization, and death, even two doses but now we know that a third dose can reduce hospitalization and death even more and that it's also even more effective against preventing symptomatic infection, so at this point, i do think that it is beyond time for the fda and cdc to change their definition of fully vaccinated to being three doses. i don't think, though, that we should be talking about a fourth dose yet, especially when there are so many americans, more than half of those who are eligible to get boosted have not gotten their booster doses. let's emphasize getting those boosters and getting those who are not yet vaccinated, vaccinated. >> part of the guidance we recently got from the cdc is what to do after five days of isolation once you're out, you have no more symptoms, they say these are the people you should stay away from after you end your covid five-day isolation, people who are overweight, battling depression, current or former smokers and pregnant people. that's nearly nine out of ten people. i don't know how i'm supposed to know if someone is a former smoker. what do you see from the guidance from the cdc, how do we adhere to that? >> i think the guidance is confusing and the cdc has messed up their medicatiossaging in a things, including on boosters. if you're an essential worker and you have to go back to work, you can go back to work after five days but you have to keep on your mask the entire time. don't take off your mask including to have meals with your family and others in your household. you could still be infectious in that six to ten day period. keep that mask on if you're going to be interacting with others. the cdc has not said this, but i think it's reasonable for individuals who want to to take a test to test themselves out of isolation. i hope that's something that the cdc begins to embrace over time because we should have a reasonable policy that's based on science, and that's not entirely what they have done. >> dr. leana wen, thank you. convicted sex trafficker, ghislaine max well, ends her fight to keep names secret of those eight john does, we'll explain why and when the names could be revealed, next. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪"don't ya leave" by squeak e clean♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] all the delivery. no delivery fees. dashpass. my daughter has type 2 diabetes and lately i've seen this change in her. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c. it lowers blood sugar from the first dose. and you could lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? 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>> i think that's going to depend on who these john does are. as you said, this is part of the civil lawsuit that's been going on for quite some time, and the judge has unsealed thousands of pages of documents. now, maxwell's attorney had initially asked for the information and the documents and the names of john does to remain under seal ahead of her criminal trial saying she was concerned it could impact the jury, prejudice the jury. she was convicted last month. her attorney said in a court filing they do not wish to address this anymore. they're saying that the attorneys for the john does, there are eight of them, could ably argue for their privacy rights if they want to take that up. now, an attorney for giuffre says there's no reason to keep these under seal any longer. in a court filing one of the attorneys wrote, generalized aversion to embarrassment and negative is not enough to warrant continued sealing of information, this is especially true with respect to this case of great public interest involving serious allegations of the sex trafficking of minors. maxwell was convicted last month on five of six charges. the john does will have a chance to respond to this, and a decision will come. it will be several weeks from now, victor. >> one more for you, we learned that prince andrew's legal team, they want to depose some people who were close to virginia giuffre, who do they want to talk to? >> that's right, victor, they want to speak with giuffre's husband. they want to ask him about how they met. they want to speak to her psychologist. their argument there is that giuffre may have a false memory of these events that she recalls of being sexually assaulted by the prince, and they also want to test her allegations that she has suffered some kind of psychological harm based on this experience. giuffre's lawyers say they want to speak to a former assistant of the prince. they want to speak to a woman who has come forward and spoken publicly that she recalled seeing the prince and a young girl at the tramps nightclub in march of 20016. that is the same time period giuffre says she was there with the prince. former prosecutor joins me now to talk about this. this question over the depositions of former psychologist and giuffre's husband. what does this tell you about the strategy potentially for prince andrew's attorneys and what they're looking for here? >> they're going to try to portray this as essentially she hasn't been harmed. there actually hasn't been any damage that's been done to her permanently. it's a way of trying to undermine the lawsuit, essentially show that, you know, she's seeking, trying to argue that she's seeking publicity, that she's really trying to, you know, extort the prince rather than, you know, obtain any sort of fair competition for some harm that she's caused. it's actually kind of -- it's something that is an unfortunate aspect of these cases, often somebody victimized by in this case a horrific crime experience a difficult part of the lawsuit. >> this is a civil case. it is not a criminal case but is there any protection against deposition of a spouse of a mental health, a medical professional? >> yeah, i have to say generally the mental health professional is going to be deposed in a case like this because they have to establish the harm that's been done to the plaintiff in this case, and, you know, that unfortunately waving your right to have privacy over your medical records, including your mental health records, is something that you give up when you file a suit like this. it's difficult, i have represented clients who have been in a similar situation, and it's a very challenging thing, and that's unfortunately something she's likely going to have to go through in this case. let's talk about the john does, and ghislaine maxwell saying she will no longer fight to keep those names secret. this is up to the judge, but what's the significance of ghislaine maxwell, her team saying we're not going to fight against revealing those names. >> well, you know, i will say, kara did know one difference, the trial's over. they don't need to be concerned about publicity. another thing is she doesn't need to stay on the good side of these john does anymore. now that she's lost her criminal trial, she doesn't have to worry about these individuals potentially testifying against her, so i just -- my read on it after reading everything that was filed was that she doesn't want to bear the expense, the legal defense of trying to fight something that's not her fight anymore. i suspect these john does, they're very, you know, sophisticated attorneys will do that themselves. >> giuffre's attorney said that, listen, generalized embarrassment and aversion to that is not a good enough reason to keep these names secret. what will this judge likely consider in the decision making? >> well, the judge is going to be -- the presumption is going to be, the judge is going to be leaning towards at a start, releasing this information because that's the presumption, and that's the appropriate legal standard that in this country, court records are public, and so there has to be a pretty substantial, you know, something pretty substantial on the other side to overcome that presumption. obviously you could imagine that being associated with jeffrey epstein, ghislaine maxwell could ruin someone's life, and that reputation, substantial harm to some people. that's what the judge is going to be weighing on one side, as opposed to the public's right to know, the press's right to know, what exactly is happening in our courts, including this case. >> good to see you, sir, thank you. an underwater volcano near tonga has erupted multiple times in the last four days. one eruption so massive, it can be seen from space. and it also created tsunami warnings from japan to california. we'll look at what's happening with a huge ash cloud, next. only tylenol rapid release gels have laser drilled holes. they release medicine fast for fast pain relief. and now get relief without a pill with tylenol dissolve packs. relief without the water. 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ an underwater volcano near the island nation of tonga has erupted at least two times in the past four days. look at these. the satellite images of the saturday eruption, they are incredible. they show this massive ash cloud and shockwaves that shoot out of this underwater volcano. experts say the eruption was likely the largest in 30 years. meteorologist tom sater joins me. what's the situation like in the region now? >> there's still some rumbling. we still have minor quakes which means magma trying to get up to the surface. we can confirm, too, of course, blasts but we're not sure if a third. the last one that was stronger was in 1991 but you've got vanuatu, american samoa. this force is so great that as the energy transferred up through the water, the water dispersed. so we'll get to the tsunami in a moment. first a sonic boom they heard. then the ash was falling and residents said it was tough to breathe. communication is spotty but australia has been able to get reconnaissance craft and aid to the area. then the tsunami. nothing like we saw with the fukushima megathrust earthquake in japan or previous to that in indonesia. this was, however, felt across the entire basin of the pacific. warnings were out for tsunamis from hawaii to the aleutian chain and alaskan coast. not only that force through the water dispersed it but also maybe there was a landslide, a submarine under the water. when you have force like this, what we're seeing is a collapsing of the cauldron. there could have been, as you can see satellite images. 1.2 kilometers, three quarters of a mile, it's almost now gone. it collapsed instead of building an island and that could have caused as well the tsunami effect. but still a lot of activity with this. we'll continue to watch it in the days ahead. >> tom sater, thank you. it's virginia governor glen youngkin's first week in office. he's already in a standoff with schools that says parents can choose whether to have their kids mask up in schools. more on that ahead when "the lead" with jake tapper starts after a break. i'm jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85, and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three ps. what are the three ps? the three ps of life insurance on a fixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month. i'm 65 and take medications. what's my price? also $9.95 a month. i just turned 80, what's my price? $9.95 a month for you too. if you're age 50 to 85, call now about the #1 most popular whole life insurance plan available through the colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed. and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock so your rate can never go up for any reason. so call now for free information and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. and it's yours free just for calling. so call now for free information. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit as reverend martin luther king jr. said, the faith is taking the leap even when you don't see the whole staircase. >> some glimmers of hope as the surgeon general warns omicron is not done with the united states just yet. and now china is canceling a key part of the winter olympics because of the virus. then it's only his first week in office and virginia's new governor is already in a fight with the largest school district in his state. plus, we'r

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