Transcripts For CNN Reframed Marilyn Monroe 20240709 : compa

Transcripts For CNN Reframed Marilyn Monroe 20240709

this is a transaction. >> magnificent. >> the female power that she's harnessed is phenomenal. >> she's arching her back, and her arm is up to create beautiful lines, beautiful angles. they look like 19th century nudes. >> she wasn't afraid of showing off her body, which was a great body. >> but it's easy to forget what a conservative country america was. >> nude modeling was not considered respectable. >> it could have ended her career. >> are you sure they won't recognize me? he said, i promise. ♪ this is hollywood. this is a symbol for magic, entertainment, and make-believe. >> after "love happy," marilyn thought she was on the brink of stardom. she's done it. she's there. >> but it doesn't happen. it's like marilyn is just another blonde girl. but one thing that all the great movie stars shared was determination. so of course she went back and tried again. >> a savvy 23-year-old marilyn is preparing for a photo shoot. >> marilyn was out of contract, and so she decided that she needed strategy to get her noticed. ♪ >> this picture of her in a two-piece bathing suit and a funky little dog. she's looking down and going, okay. but she looks fantastic. >> she was just free-wheeling, you know, in every sense. just letting rip and having fun. >> this shoot is taking place at the home of marilyn's first major movie agent, johnny hyde. >> johnny hyde was one of the most powerful agents in hollywood. marilyn wanted respect. she wanted somebody to say, you can be a star. and johnny hyde gave her that affirmation. >> she loves to be in front of the camera. it's all coming from up here. she's staging it, and the photographer is clicking it. >> i can't imagine him saying, oh, hang on to that tree. put your legs up. it's just like, follow the yellow brick road. follow marilyn, and you'll get the shot. >> she seemed to really have an intimate understanding of what the camera needed from her. >> she used whatever she could to try to get herself in the best position possible to be hired by these studios. >> not only is johnny her agent, he fell for marilyn hook, line, and sinker. >> moving into his mansion when she was in her 20s and he was in his 50s was convenient for her and shrewd, but she did seem to also genuinely care for him. >> they were both taking things from it professionally as well as personally. >> johnny had a heart condition. he wanted to marry her. he wanted to give her his money, but she would not take it. >> she doesn't want to be seen as this gold digger. she's determined to become a star. >> johnny secures marilyn an audition at 20th century fox for director joseph menk wits's new film, "all about eve." >> there's about a dozen other aspiring starlets for this tiny walk-on role. and menk vits later claims that marilyn just blows everyone out of the water. >> here is marilyn monroe in a magnificent lineup of big-name stars, and she's given a very small but key role. >> mankiewicz shoots her coming up the stairs. betty davis is in the shot. >> i distinctly remember crossing you off my guest list. what are you doing here? >> bette davis. that's why we're in the movie house. that's why we bought the popcorn. but he's got the camera directed right at marilyn. >> we've never met. maybe that's why. >> ms. casswell is an actress. >> now, who the hell is she? he shoots her coming into our life. >> you see that man? that's max fabian. >> she's given a showcase moment. >> why do they always look like unhappy rabbits? >> because that's what they are. >> the question is when you get in there, can you do it? and right in that star-studded cast, she delivers it. >> oh, waiter. >> that isn't the waiter, my dear. that's a butler. >> well, i can't yell, oh, bu bu butler, can i? maybe somebody's name is butler. >> she looks and talks like the monroe we would come to know. >> now there's something a girl could make sacrifices for. >> there's something about marilyn that makes you feel as if you can reach out to the screen and actually touch flesh. >> i don't want to make trouble. all i want is a drink. >> it's the blonde hair. it's the beautiful mouth, that yield in her body. >> well done. i can see your career rising in the east like the sun. >> i'm happy to announce that the winner is -- "all about eve." >> despite all about eve's picture win at the oscars, the head of 20th century fox, darryl zanuck, still doesn't see marilyn's potential. >> zanuck never likes her. he never thinks she's much of an actress. >> sometimes the way women look overpowers their ability to see they are very gifted with a lot to offer beyond that. >> he simply couldn't see that marilyn could be anything other than a pretty face. but johnny hyde persuades zanuck to give her another shot. >> it's the final thing johnny hyde does for marilyn. days later, he died from his heart problems. >> marilyn was extremely upset. he was the only person who had believed in her for her whole career. all of a sudden, she was on her own again and wondering what's going to happen next. >> announcer: this cnn original series, "reframed: marilyn monroe," is brought to you by aspen dental. we know the power of a smile and will do anything to help you smile again. book today at plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. welcome to the next level. this is the all-new lexus nx. with intuitive tech... 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yes, this is how we like our women. we like them objectified, and she was excellent at being objectified. >> darryl zanuck said, when i look at her, i don't see star. but he was a shrewd businessman, and he saw the potential to make money. >> at the start of the '50s, around 80% of moviegoers are women, and zanuck wants to draw in the men. >> you'll sneak a thousand wolf whistles at harriet. >> you know it's a rule. i never mix business and pleasure. >> the new obsession in the '50s is very much with the hourglass-shaped woman. marilyn speaks to fantasy, and a big part of that is her bust size, her waist size, her, as they called it often in magazines of the time, her chassis. >> zanuck signs marilyn up to a seven-year contract with fox. >> everybody in the business at that time wanted a studio contract. it meant you were in the door. you had a chance. but the bad thing about the contract was you really were owned in a sense by the studio. you had to play the roles they wanted. so, you know, you were in a box. ♪ >> in the first year of her new contract, marilyn appears in seven films. >> what do you say we have dinner together? >> wonderful. where? >> oh, someplace where we don't have to dress, like your apartment. >> she was doing a lot of bikini shots and small roles as gold diggers. >> marilyn's swimsuits are changing, but the roles are not. >> honey, you're not even human. you're just a living doll. >> nice to have met you. >> hollywood is packaging her as t & a, accessible, non-threatening. >> the sexism of hollywood is so appalling and disgusting, and it's a very scary thing to think about because we still see it to this day. >> one time a very wonderful director said i had no ambition. that was my problem. but i would like very much to be a fine actress. >> she wanted to get ahead. she was determined, and she had to have strategy to do that. >> she hangs out with a publicist to learn how to do publicity and then becomes better than they are. >> marilyn develops her sexy on-screen persona to become an even larger-than-life celebrity. >> she would arrive at a party late to make people notice her in some impossibly tight dress that she could barely walk in, and she would cause a stir. >> she realized people want to come snap pictures of me. people want to know about me. she was sort of an original kardashian in that way. >> she created a narrative that was visual. she would have been huge on instagram, like the biggest influencer of all time. >> she could look even beautiful in a potato sack. >> she had a wonderful sense of humor. she held up a mirror to the viewer, saying, this is what you consider sexy, huh? okay, here it is. how am i doin'? >> even though she was playing these small roles on-screen, there was a lot of interest in her. so it was a stepping stone towards stardom. >> marilyn's fame explodes after the press is tipped off that she's dating a major league star, joe dimaggio. >> joe hits safely in 56 consecutive ball games. the yankee clipper was a magician with a 40-ounce bat. >> a lot of people said it was a publicity stunt. it very possibly was a publicity stunt. you leverage somebody else's stardom to add to your own. dating joe dimaggio was a very smart thing to do. he was one of the most famous heroes in the united states. >> marilyn is flooded with thousands of fan letters every week. but as her fame grows, the past comes back to haunt her. >> early on in 1952, the nude photographs marilyn took as an anonymous model gained popularity and started popping up in gas stations and all over the place. soon people began to make the connection, is this the actress marilyn monroe? 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and i said, yes. anything wrong? >> for 20th century fox, it wasn't about, we really think sin is bad. it was like, wait a minute. sin might be bad for business. >> posing nude was such an explosive thing. >> there was great anxiety. everybody said, say you didn't. i said, but i didn't. i should say that i did. and they were very unhappy. >> the studios thought her career would be over. >> but marilyn devises a high-stakes plan to let the public decide her fate. >> eileen mosby is a very big journalist at that point in time, and a lot of people read her. it's my understanding she was already somewhat sympathetic to marilyn. >> marilyn seeks out mosby in the powder room and confides in her. >> i was in debt. i always supported myself. no one else ever supported me in my life. i had no family and had no place to go. >> crucially, what she also says is, i have nothing to be ashamed of. i've done nothing wrong. >> mosby publishes their private conversation, and the news is picked up by every wire service in the country. >> everybody was waiting to hear what she was going to say when it was exposed. >> marilyn's decision to own her nude photo shoot calendar is brave. it's bold. it's very modern. >> it was her taking ownership of her own body back, right? and it was her saying, this actually doesn't belong to you. it belongs to me. >> it was a genuinely risky move, and marilyn didn't know how it would play out. she was rolling the dice with her career in very real terms. >> she gave an honest, forthright response. and it was embraced by the public. >> once people learned more about her life, anything that might have been considered questionable was almost wiped clean. >> what are you going to do if she's not showing any shame? can't go, how dare you? >> marilyn's honesty pays off, and "life" magazine features her on the cover. >> "life" magazine, it's a true publishing empire. i mean we're talking seriously preeminent magazine. >> and so to put her on the cover, it is giving the stamp of approval. >> the nude calendar scandal really put marilyn in the vanguard of the sexual revolution. >> marilyn is now a household name, and darryl zanuck casts her in her biggest role yet. >> niagara was really a breakthrough role for marilyn. it was her first bona fide lead in an "a" list film. >> in "niagara," they stressed her sexuality. i mean that's what people went to the cinema to see. they wanted to see the low-cut dresses, the parted lips and smoldering eyes. >> get out the fire hose. >> when she comes out in that shocking pink deal, it's like this is a creature that is quite spectacular. when we see her today, that's marilyn monroe as we imagine her. the full sexuality. >> what about it, lady? >> better not. >> she walked away swinging back and forth in that suggestive way. it was like, wow! what's going on? it was a shift in the consciousness. i remember feeling that. >> she goes to the miss america pageant in atlantic city and wears this very, very low-cut dress down to her navel. it's j.lo before there was j.lo. >> we are all born sexual creatures, thank god. >> to see a woman that is so in charge of her sexuality is extremely empowering. >> marilyn is owning her sexuality. but soon others will exploit it. >> my name is hugh hefner, and i'm editor/publisher of "playboy" magazine. >> in december 1953, marilyn inadvertently makes history. >> she ended up being the first cover and centerfold of "playboy". >> marilyn had been paid 50 bucks for the photo shoot four years earlier, and on the back of those nude photographs, hugh hefner launched an empire. >> technically hugh hefner did nothing wrong since she had signed away her rights to that image. ethically, not consulting her, it's really problematic. it is. it's exploitation in my mind. >> putting those pictures in the centerfold put a layer of shame back onto the photos that marilyn had insisted she was not going to be ashamed of. >> every copy of "playboy" sells out. marilyn has become a sensation. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. oh, marco's pepperoni magnifico. classic and old world pepperoni® on one pizza—and a large is just $9.99 when ordered online?! the phrase “slice of heaven” comes to mind... marco's. pizza lovers get it. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ come seek the royal caribbean all the serums out there. this is the #1 in the world. revitalift hyaluronic acid serum from l'oréal. it seriously hydrates to visibly replump skin and reduces wrinkles revitalift hyaluronic acid serum from l'oréal paris. ♪ marilyn monroe is filming her biggest budget movie to date, the musical comedy "gentlemen prefer blondes." >> did you ever wear anything like -- >> she plays gold digger lorelai lee. >> may i just hold it for a minute? >> of course. >> the performance of lorelai is a really important milestone. >> how do you put it around your neck. >> you don't, lovie. it goes on your head. >> it was crucial in the evolution of marilyn's career and her star persona because lorelai is the dumb blonde who's not as dumb as you think she is. >> say, they told me you were stupid. you don't sound stupid to me. >> i can be smart when it's important. but most men don't like it. >> that line was marilyn's line. she insisted on using it. >> she's like, here's what this stereotypical dumb blonde is really able to do and doing. and so she's riffing on it. >> i'm too old for this sort of thing. >> you are able to not only be in on the joke of it, but to control it. that, to me, is the mark of a genius. ♪ a kiss on the hand maybe quite continental ♪ ♪ but diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> "diamonds are a girl's best friend" is lorelai's defense against the accusation of gold digging. it is simply laying out sexual economics. ♪ diamonds ♪ >> if men can look at me and want me for my looks, why can't i want men for their money? it's the same thing really. ♪ i don't need rhinestones ♪ >> this is marilyn monroe at her peak. ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> it's still one of the most imitated moments in film history. ♪ living in a material world ♪ ♪ a kiss on the hand may be quite continental ♪ ♪ but diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ ♪ best friend ♪ >> "gentlemen prefer blondes" tops the box office. >> with the success of "gentlemen prefer blondes," there is definitely a connection between lorelai leon screen and marilyn as a star. >> if you happen to have blonde hair, you're considered dumb. i don't know why that is. it's very -- i think it's a very limited view. >> people thought marilyn wasn't acting because she was a great actor. but also she's playing a stupid, dumb blonde woman. so it can't be an act because that's how women are, aren't they? >> well, there isn't much difference, marilyn. you're 25, and i'm 39. >> yes, but what about 25 years from now when i'm 50 and you're 39? >> it suited men to believe that she was dumb because it's unchallenging. >> because i can trust myself with you. >> and the supremacy of male intelligence and male capability at that time was huge. >> you're so strong, and i'm so weak. >> she's subverting our expectations and showing you, i know what you think about me, and i'm going to use that against you to get what i want. >> men's assumptions about women are challenged in 1953 when dr. alfred kinzie publishes results from the largest ever sex survey. >> the kinzie report revolutionized how people understood women's sexuality and made more and more people realize that women were sexual beings in a way they had not realized before. that women were having extramarital affairs. that about 40% of women had had sex before marriage. and people were shocked about this. >> women had orgasms. really? oh, my god. we didn't know they enjoyed it. >> kinsey came along and made scientific what marilyn was kind of demonstrating on the movie screen every week. >> so marilyn is a rebel. she is a forerunner to the very sexual decades of the '60s and into the '70s. >> whatever anybody else thought, marilyn monroe knew that she was more than just a pretty face. she knew that she had all of these other gifts that she could offer. she knew that she was funny, and so she took every opportunity that she could get to show that. >> you've got the most peculiar vision i ever saw. >> why do you say that? >> because you're reading that book upside down. >> but i'm no such thing. >> not you, the book. >> you see that she really was a brilliant all-around actress. >> oh. >> her eyes would just do something, and she was just so comedically gifted. >> this way, please. >> she began to understand that comedy could be one of her powers. >> this way, my dear. >> i'm so sorry. >> and that the way she could fuse it with sex would be her unique brand. ♪ >> there are not many hollywood actresses of that era that combined clear physical attractiveness, and physical comedy of a slap stick style like she does in "how to marry a millionaire" where she's a bit blind and keeps running into walls. >> the movie is marilyn's third hit of 1953, earning fox a total of $15 million. the equivalent of $150 million today. >> she was a star then. she got first billing in that movie. so she made it. >> a few weeks later, production is due to start on marilyn's next film for fox "the girl in pink tights." >> darryl zanuck wanted to continue to place her in lighthearted musical comedies. "pink tights" was pretty one-note, and she didn't want to be stereotyped. she literally labeled it trash. >> she also discovered that her co-star, frank sinatra, was being paid more than three times as much as she was, and she was furious. >> the consciousness has been for centuries that men are worth more than women. >> she was the main attraction. i mean she was the reason that people flocked to the theater. so it was insane that she wasn't given a much more power position in terms of salary. >> it was time to put her foot in the ground and say, no more. and she decided just to not show up to work. >> this was an early instance of time's up. >> for anyone who thinks monroe was a perpetual victim, she walked off the set of "pink tights." enough said. the world is full of make or break moments. especially if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, it's time to make your move to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. don't wait for a break. call your doctor now and ask how prolia® can help you. 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[sound of heartbeat on ultrasound] ♪ well, would you look at that? jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! ugh. unbelievable. ♪ ♪ at lowe's, you never have to be finished with your finishing touches. with aisles of ways to refresh and restyle. for whatever style you're feeling. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. the marriage of marilyn monroe and joe dimaggio. >> after two years of dating, marilyn and joe's marriage captivates the nation. >> just because it began as a publicity stunt doesn't mean they couldn't have fallen in love and had a real relationship after that. it does seem to have been what happened. >> he has a very sensitive nature in many respects. when he was young, he had a very difficult time, so he understood some things about me, and i understood some things about him. >> there's no surprise in the fact that it attracted a record crowd to the san francisco court where the ceremony was performed. >> there were hundreds of reporters. i think we can assume that joe didn't tip them off because he hated all that stuff. >> the story was that actually it was marilyn who called up the journalists. she recognized that this was an opportunity. >> she was very savvy about the media. she knew she needed the media, and the media knew that she needed them. >> now after congratulations, they were off on their honeymoon. >> marilyn refuses to work until 20th century fox improves her pay and conditions. and now she has more leverage. >> marilyn was now mrs. joe dimaggio. she was suddenly on the front pages, so it did her a lot of favors because the studios could not brush her under the carpet. >> joe was in japan for the start of the baseball season. >> mrs. joe dimaggio, marilyn monroe, that is, arrives with joe in tokyo. >> he was really supposed to be the star of this trip. >> it's clear the japanese people want to see her much more than dimaggio. >> and joe, he's the forgotten man, which is something in japan where baseball is so popular. >> joe dimaggio was quite old-fashioned in his beliefs. he wanted a nice old-fashioned wife, and, you know, he didn't get one. >> i was married when i was 18, stupidly, and i said, well, i'm not going to do any cooking or cleaning. i'm working. i got berated that i was not a real woman. >> it seems clear that joe dimaggio expected marilyn to stop working. it's less clear that marilyn ever had any intention of fulfilling that expectation. >> on their second day in tokyo, marilyn gets an unexpected offer. >> in 1954, the united states still has 330,000 troops in korea. because they're concerned about containing the spread of the soviet sphere of influence. >> she was asked to entertain the troops, and she jumped at the opportunity. service men were a big part of making her a star, and she wanted to pay it back. >> she goes to korea, and dimaggio gets angry. >> the only thing that i have to complain about is i haven't seen very much of marilyn. she is touring through the camps, and so maybe after that, why, she will be able to spend a little time. >> he felt that once they were married, her sexual appeal belonged to him, but it doesn't seem to have occurred to him that it might have been marilyn's. >> she goes to something like ten locations with 10,000 men at each location, and the troops go crazy. >> watching the footage of marilyn in korea really puts in the spotlight how much more politically involved and aware and cognizant she was and also an immense sense of care for other human beings. it just radiates out of her. >> it was snowing. it was freezing cold. she had this teeny, tiny spaghetti strap dress on. but she was determined she was going to entertain these gis. ♪ >> she said, hey, guys, you've made me who and what i am, and here i am doing this for you. ♪ >> it's her taking charge of her persona and using it in a deliberate and generous way. ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> the highlight of my life was singing for the soldiers there. i stood out on an open stage. it was cold, but i swear i didn't feel a thing except good. >> going onstage in front of 100,000 screaming fans is a different kind of affirmation of your popularity. >> she gets incredible publicity over the korean tour. >> the blonde movie star would yous -- wows them, and the candid cameras go into action. >> at that point, i think zanuck gives up. he can't stop her. >> 20th century fox relents and gives marelilyn a significant p raise. >> but as famous and wealthy and beautiful as she was, respect really is the one thing that she's craving. make a name for yourself. 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school, the last day at their current address. for the mornings when everything's wrong. for the manicure that makes everything right, for right now. show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at ♪ when marilyn arrived in new york to film with billy wilder and "the seven year itch," there was a huge reaction. you could see how loved she was by people because of the size of the crowds that followed her wherever she went. >> some fabulous location shots are going to be made next saturday night walking over the subway grating and a gust of wind catches you and so forth. i imagine you'll stop traffic on saturday night. >> well, i'm looking forward to working very much. >> this wasn't about filming a movie. this was about publicizing an event. >> i was there. all of us went. it was late at night. and there were photographers all around. >> 300, 400 there on the roofs, upper windows of the buildings. >> she and her co-star tom ewell walk out of the movie theater and she approaches a subway grating. >> oh, you feel the breeze from the subway? isn't it delicious? >> marilyn's friend, the photographer sam shaw, is in the crowd. his photos create history. >> it's almost like she's saying this one's for you, sam. she's playing to the photographer. and she's really turning it on. >> that is the image that most people remember. it's just an exhilarating moment because you feel it's something that's happening accidentally and yet it isn't. >> it's a woman having fun with her own body and having a laugh to the camera. and i think that's why it's lasted the test of time. >> here comes another one. >> we thought it would be over in a minute and a half. it was two hours of craziness. billy wilder shot the scene 80 times to get one shot. >> there was more and more cheering and reporters, gawkers, and marilyn at the center of this spectacle. >> it's hard to separate the image of self-possession and beauty from feeling like she was getting eaten alive by the press. and that is the pain of our business. you become a commodity to the world. >> i was standing next to joe. after about the tenth the skirt going up he began to tremble and i put my hand on his arm and said joe, it's just a movie, it's not real. and he said, i realize that, but it's my wife showing off her panties. joe turned around and left. we don't know what happened. no one was in her hotel room. it was just joe and marilyn that night. >> there are stories about dimaggio beat her. those charges have never been proven one way or the other. and it's important to say that. but the stories that were told are certainly plausible. >> three weeks later their marriage is over. >> let me know, fellas, when you've got the speed up. >> miss monroe will have nothing to say this morning. all i can say as her attorney is this is what we would say was the conflict of careers. >> the tears are just streaming down on her face. now, somebody says that oh, she's a good actress. no, no, no. that was -- those are real tears. >> if domestic violence played a part in the ending of her marriage, that was not something that marilyn monroe had the option of saying. >> this is during an era in which it was still seen as a husband's prerogative to hit his wife. women are always considered responsible. so marilyn is very brave to go through with the divorce. >> my marriage wasn't a happy one. it ended in nine months, unfortunately. >> marilyn returns to work at fox studios. >> but she just felt under zanuck's leadership her career was going to flounder because the films weren't going to be good. >> she could not get away from the typecasting. >> she could see that the act was starting to exploit her. she needed to deconstruct what she was doing so it it wouldn't eat her alive. >> at the pinnacle of her success marilyn monroe walks away from hollywood. >> it's astonishing that she would do that. she was flying without a net. >> she was feeling her power. and i think she wanted to see how far she could push herself. >> she had created marilyn monroe. she had made marilyn monroe a star. it was time to take marilyn monroe on the next st. paul of her journey. >> next on "reframed: marilyn monroe." >> she wanted control of her own destiny. >> people said she's david against goliath. >> she was entering a new ring. >> "bus stop," it was very brave. >> marilyn had a fear of being called a home wrecker. >> arthur miller is a risky proposition romantically and professionally for marilyn. he is a married man who was subpoenaed by the u.s. government. >> are you a member of the communist party? >> she doesn't realize she's heading into a storm. hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching "cnn newsroom," and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, treacherous road conditions are a major concern for millions of americans as a vicious winter storm pummels much of the east coast. djokovic deported. the australian open is now under way without the world's top tennis player. plus north korea test-fires more

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, Body Back , Dice , Terms , The Public , Honest , Shame , Questionable , Cover , Magazine , Honesty , True Publishing Empire , Can T Go , How Dare You , Scandal , Stamp , Approval , Sexual Revolution , Vanguard , Household Name , Breakthrough Role , Niagara , Bona Fide , Sexuality , Cinema , A List Film , Eyes , Dresses , Fire Hose , Lips , Creature , Deal , Lady , Consciousness , What S Going On , Shift , Miss America Pageant , Navel , J Lo , Atlantic City , Charge , Creatures , God , Playboy , Publisher , My Name , Editor , Others , Hugh Hefner , December 1953 , 1953 , Centerfold , Photo , 50 Bucks , Image , Empire , Rights , Photos , Layer , Exploitation , Mind , Sensation , Copy , Sells Out , Marco , Old World Pepperoni , Pepperoni Magnifico , 99 , 9 99 , Pizza Lovers , Phrase , Fee , Marco S , Slice Of Heaven , How Bizarre , Omc , Card , Royal Caribbean , Hyaluronic Acid Serum , Revitalift , There , Serums , Skin , Wrinkles , L OrÉal , L OrÉal Paris , Budget Movie , Gentlemen Prefer Blondes , Gold Digger Lorelai Lee , Star Persona , Performance , Milestone , Neck , Evolution , Lovie , Blonde , Lorelai , Riffing , Sort , Hand , Kiss , Mark , Diamonds Are A Girl S , Joke , Genius , Best Friend , Diamonds , Gold Digging , Defense , Diamonds Are A Girl S Best Friend , Accusation , Sexual Economics , Looks , Material World , Living , Film History , Peak , Friend , Box Office , Lorelai Leon Screen , View , Aren T , Act , Actor , Difference , Wasn T Acting , 25 , Unchallenging , 39 , Intelligence , Expectations , Supremacy , Capability , Dr , Assumptions , Results , Sex Survey , Alfred Kinzie , More , Beings , Kinzie , Marriage , Sex , Extramarital Affairs , Kinsey , Movie Screen , Rebel , Forerunner , 60 , Opportunity , Gifts , Anybody , Thought , 70 , Vision , Saw , Reading , Upside Down , Powers , Actresses , Brand , How To Marry A Millionaire , Slap Stick Style , Walls , Physical Attractiveness , Hit , Equivalent , Billing , Fox A Total , 50 Million , 5 Million , 15 Million , 150 Million , Film , Production , The Girl In Pink Tights , Comedies , Pink Tights , It Trash , Times , Frank Sinatra , Three , Power Position , Attraction , Theater , Wasn T Given A , Reason , Foot , Instance , Salary , Say , Ground , Anyone , Time S Up , Set , Victim , Enough , Fracture , Break , Risk , Make , Osteoporosis , Help , Prolia , Blood , Calcium , Blood Pressure , Bones , Reactions , Take Xgeva , 6 , Pain , Jaw Bone Problems , Dental Problems , Trouble Breathing , Thigh Bone Fractures , Throat Tightness , Stopping , Thigh , Hives , Tongue , Lip , Swelling , Hip , Groin , Skin Problems , Bone Fractures , Bone , Joint , Spine , Infections , Hospitalization , Can , Cheering , Vocalizing , Sound , Bride , Birthday , Don T Wait , Dental Machine , Mom , Baby Girl , Heartbeat , Job , Clapping , Dad , We Love You , Sound Of Ocean , Oh My God , Walks , Ultrasound , Trust Me , Jerry , 15 , Old , Wish , Moon , Unbelievable , Cold , Nighttime , Symptoms , Flu , Relief , Sunday Night , Coughing , Sleep , Stuffy , Sniffling , Aching , Sneezing , Medicine , Love , Nation , Relationship , Nature , Surprise , Respects , Crowd , Fact , San Francisco , Reporters , Joe Didn T , Story , Court , Stuff , Ceremony , Hundreds , Tip , Media , Honeymoon , Congratulations , Journalists , Mrs , Leverage , Pages , Pay , Japan , Start , Carpet , Favors , Baseball Season , Joe In Tokyo , Trip , Wife , Baseball , Beliefs , Cooking , Cleaning , 18 , Intention , Expectation , Stop Working , Troops , North Korea , Tokyo , Soviet Sphere Of Influence , 330000 , 1954 , Haven T , Appeal , Camps , Location , Locations , 10000 , Ten , Care , Footage , Spotlight , Human Beings , Teeny , Strap , Gis , Guys , Taking Charge , Highlight , Stage , Soldiers , Good , Kind , Fans , Korean Tour , Blonde Movie Star Would Yous , 100000 , Cameras , Action , Marelilyn A Significant P , Raise , Craving , Wealthy , Thanks , Firm Grip , Dress For Success , Show Em Who S Boss , Hustle , Growing Up , Food , Memories , Kitchen , Version , Planning , Most , Meal , Northwestern Mutual , Dose , Advisor , Reaction , The Seven Year Itch , New York , Billy Wilder , Crowds , Size , Wind , Grating , Gust , Saturday Night Walking , Subway , Wasn T About Filming , Around 300 , Photographers , Windows , Roofs , 300 , 400 , Tom Ewell , Movie Theater , Buildings , Breeze , Walk Out , Subway Grating , Sam Shaw , History , This One S For You , Laugh , Test , Half , Craziness , One Shot , Scene , Gawkers , Center , Feeling , Self Possession , Spectacle , Beauty , The Press , Skirt , Commodity , Tenth , Stories , Hotel Room , Panties , Left , Other , Charges , Fellas , Attorney , Speed Up , Miss , Tears , Careers , Conflict , Ending , Domestic Violence , Husband , Option , Prerogative , Divorce , My Marriage Wasn T A Happy One , Leadership , Films Weren T , Nine , Typecasting , Pinnacle , Net , Flying , Marilyn Monroe A Star , Journey , Destiny , Ring , Bus Stop , David , Paul , Goliath , Arthur Miller , Romantically , Fear , Proposition , Government , Home Wrecker , Member , Communist Party , Storm , Viewers , Road Conditions , Hello , Concern , Cnn Newsroom , All Around The World , Rosemary Church , Tennis Player , Australian Open , Winter Storm Pummels , East Coast , Djokovic ,

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Transcripts For CNN Reframed Marilyn Monroe 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Reframed Marilyn Monroe 20240709

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this is a transaction. >> magnificent. >> the female power that she's harnessed is phenomenal. >> she's arching her back, and her arm is up to create beautiful lines, beautiful angles. they look like 19th century nudes. >> she wasn't afraid of showing off her body, which was a great body. >> but it's easy to forget what a conservative country america was. >> nude modeling was not considered respectable. >> it could have ended her career. >> are you sure they won't recognize me? he said, i promise. ♪ this is hollywood. this is a symbol for magic, entertainment, and make-believe. >> after "love happy," marilyn thought she was on the brink of stardom. she's done it. she's there. >> but it doesn't happen. it's like marilyn is just another blonde girl. but one thing that all the great movie stars shared was determination. so of course she went back and tried again. >> a savvy 23-year-old marilyn is preparing for a photo shoot. >> marilyn was out of contract, and so she decided that she needed strategy to get her noticed. ♪ >> this picture of her in a two-piece bathing suit and a funky little dog. she's looking down and going, okay. but she looks fantastic. >> she was just free-wheeling, you know, in every sense. just letting rip and having fun. >> this shoot is taking place at the home of marilyn's first major movie agent, johnny hyde. >> johnny hyde was one of the most powerful agents in hollywood. marilyn wanted respect. she wanted somebody to say, you can be a star. and johnny hyde gave her that affirmation. >> she loves to be in front of the camera. it's all coming from up here. she's staging it, and the photographer is clicking it. >> i can't imagine him saying, oh, hang on to that tree. put your legs up. it's just like, follow the yellow brick road. follow marilyn, and you'll get the shot. >> she seemed to really have an intimate understanding of what the camera needed from her. >> she used whatever she could to try to get herself in the best position possible to be hired by these studios. >> not only is johnny her agent, he fell for marilyn hook, line, and sinker. >> moving into his mansion when she was in her 20s and he was in his 50s was convenient for her and shrewd, but she did seem to also genuinely care for him. >> they were both taking things from it professionally as well as personally. >> johnny had a heart condition. he wanted to marry her. he wanted to give her his money, but she would not take it. >> she doesn't want to be seen as this gold digger. she's determined to become a star. >> johnny secures marilyn an audition at 20th century fox for director joseph menk wits's new film, "all about eve." >> there's about a dozen other aspiring starlets for this tiny walk-on role. and menk vits later claims that marilyn just blows everyone out of the water. >> here is marilyn monroe in a magnificent lineup of big-name stars, and she's given a very small but key role. >> mankiewicz shoots her coming up the stairs. betty davis is in the shot. >> i distinctly remember crossing you off my guest list. what are you doing here? >> bette davis. that's why we're in the movie house. that's why we bought the popcorn. but he's got the camera directed right at marilyn. >> we've never met. maybe that's why. >> ms. casswell is an actress. >> now, who the hell is she? he shoots her coming into our life. >> you see that man? that's max fabian. >> she's given a showcase moment. >> why do they always look like unhappy rabbits? >> because that's what they are. >> the question is when you get in there, can you do it? and right in that star-studded cast, she delivers it. >> oh, waiter. >> that isn't the waiter, my dear. that's a butler. >> well, i can't yell, oh, bu bu butler, can i? maybe somebody's name is butler. >> she looks and talks like the monroe we would come to know. >> now there's something a girl could make sacrifices for. >> there's something about marilyn that makes you feel as if you can reach out to the screen and actually touch flesh. >> i don't want to make trouble. all i want is a drink. >> it's the blonde hair. it's the beautiful mouth, that yield in her body. >> well done. i can see your career rising in the east like the sun. >> i'm happy to announce that the winner is -- "all about eve." >> despite all about eve's picture win at the oscars, the head of 20th century fox, darryl zanuck, still doesn't see marilyn's potential. >> zanuck never likes her. he never thinks she's much of an actress. >> sometimes the way women look overpowers their ability to see they are very gifted with a lot to offer beyond that. >> he simply couldn't see that marilyn could be anything other than a pretty face. but johnny hyde persuades zanuck to give her another shot. >> it's the final thing johnny hyde does for marilyn. days later, he died from his heart problems. >> marilyn was extremely upset. he was the only person who had believed in her for her whole career. all of a sudden, she was on her own again and wondering what's going to happen next. >> announcer: this cnn original series, "reframed: marilyn monroe," is brought to you by aspen dental. we know the power of a smile and will do anything to help you smile again. book today at plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. welcome to the next level. this is the all-new lexus nx. with intuitive tech... 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yes, this is how we like our women. we like them objectified, and she was excellent at being objectified. >> darryl zanuck said, when i look at her, i don't see star. but he was a shrewd businessman, and he saw the potential to make money. >> at the start of the '50s, around 80% of moviegoers are women, and zanuck wants to draw in the men. >> you'll sneak a thousand wolf whistles at harriet. >> you know it's a rule. i never mix business and pleasure. >> the new obsession in the '50s is very much with the hourglass-shaped woman. marilyn speaks to fantasy, and a big part of that is her bust size, her waist size, her, as they called it often in magazines of the time, her chassis. >> zanuck signs marilyn up to a seven-year contract with fox. >> everybody in the business at that time wanted a studio contract. it meant you were in the door. you had a chance. but the bad thing about the contract was you really were owned in a sense by the studio. you had to play the roles they wanted. so, you know, you were in a box. ♪ >> in the first year of her new contract, marilyn appears in seven films. >> what do you say we have dinner together? >> wonderful. where? >> oh, someplace where we don't have to dress, like your apartment. >> she was doing a lot of bikini shots and small roles as gold diggers. >> marilyn's swimsuits are changing, but the roles are not. >> honey, you're not even human. you're just a living doll. >> nice to have met you. >> hollywood is packaging her as t & a, accessible, non-threatening. >> the sexism of hollywood is so appalling and disgusting, and it's a very scary thing to think about because we still see it to this day. >> one time a very wonderful director said i had no ambition. that was my problem. but i would like very much to be a fine actress. >> she wanted to get ahead. she was determined, and she had to have strategy to do that. >> she hangs out with a publicist to learn how to do publicity and then becomes better than they are. >> marilyn develops her sexy on-screen persona to become an even larger-than-life celebrity. >> she would arrive at a party late to make people notice her in some impossibly tight dress that she could barely walk in, and she would cause a stir. >> she realized people want to come snap pictures of me. people want to know about me. she was sort of an original kardashian in that way. >> she created a narrative that was visual. she would have been huge on instagram, like the biggest influencer of all time. >> she could look even beautiful in a potato sack. >> she had a wonderful sense of humor. she held up a mirror to the viewer, saying, this is what you consider sexy, huh? okay, here it is. how am i doin'? >> even though she was playing these small roles on-screen, there was a lot of interest in her. so it was a stepping stone towards stardom. >> marilyn's fame explodes after the press is tipped off that she's dating a major league star, joe dimaggio. >> joe hits safely in 56 consecutive ball games. the yankee clipper was a magician with a 40-ounce bat. >> a lot of people said it was a publicity stunt. it very possibly was a publicity stunt. you leverage somebody else's stardom to add to your own. dating joe dimaggio was a very smart thing to do. he was one of the most famous heroes in the united states. >> marilyn is flooded with thousands of fan letters every week. but as her fame grows, the past comes back to haunt her. >> early on in 1952, the nude photographs marilyn took as an anonymous model gained popularity and started popping up in gas stations and all over the place. soon people began to make the connection, is this the actress marilyn monroe? >> everyone said to marilyn, you've got an up and coming career. if this is true, it will absolutely ruin you. get $1,500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪ you booked a sunny vrbo ski chalet. with endless views of snow-covered peaks. 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and i said, yes. anything wrong? >> for 20th century fox, it wasn't about, we really think sin is bad. it was like, wait a minute. sin might be bad for business. >> posing nude was such an explosive thing. >> there was great anxiety. everybody said, say you didn't. i said, but i didn't. i should say that i did. and they were very unhappy. >> the studios thought her career would be over. >> but marilyn devises a high-stakes plan to let the public decide her fate. >> eileen mosby is a very big journalist at that point in time, and a lot of people read her. it's my understanding she was already somewhat sympathetic to marilyn. >> marilyn seeks out mosby in the powder room and confides in her. >> i was in debt. i always supported myself. no one else ever supported me in my life. i had no family and had no place to go. >> crucially, what she also says is, i have nothing to be ashamed of. i've done nothing wrong. >> mosby publishes their private conversation, and the news is picked up by every wire service in the country. >> everybody was waiting to hear what she was going to say when it was exposed. >> marilyn's decision to own her nude photo shoot calendar is brave. it's bold. it's very modern. >> it was her taking ownership of her own body back, right? and it was her saying, this actually doesn't belong to you. it belongs to me. >> it was a genuinely risky move, and marilyn didn't know how it would play out. she was rolling the dice with her career in very real terms. >> she gave an honest, forthright response. and it was embraced by the public. >> once people learned more about her life, anything that might have been considered questionable was almost wiped clean. >> what are you going to do if she's not showing any shame? can't go, how dare you? >> marilyn's honesty pays off, and "life" magazine features her on the cover. >> "life" magazine, it's a true publishing empire. i mean we're talking seriously preeminent magazine. >> and so to put her on the cover, it is giving the stamp of approval. >> the nude calendar scandal really put marilyn in the vanguard of the sexual revolution. >> marilyn is now a household name, and darryl zanuck casts her in her biggest role yet. >> niagara was really a breakthrough role for marilyn. it was her first bona fide lead in an "a" list film. >> in "niagara," they stressed her sexuality. i mean that's what people went to the cinema to see. they wanted to see the low-cut dresses, the parted lips and smoldering eyes. >> get out the fire hose. >> when she comes out in that shocking pink deal, it's like this is a creature that is quite spectacular. when we see her today, that's marilyn monroe as we imagine her. the full sexuality. >> what about it, lady? >> better not. >> she walked away swinging back and forth in that suggestive way. it was like, wow! what's going on? it was a shift in the consciousness. i remember feeling that. >> she goes to the miss america pageant in atlantic city and wears this very, very low-cut dress down to her navel. it's j.lo before there was j.lo. >> we are all born sexual creatures, thank god. >> to see a woman that is so in charge of her sexuality is extremely empowering. >> marilyn is owning her sexuality. but soon others will exploit it. >> my name is hugh hefner, and i'm editor/publisher of "playboy" magazine. >> in december 1953, marilyn inadvertently makes history. >> she ended up being the first cover and centerfold of "playboy". >> marilyn had been paid 50 bucks for the photo shoot four years earlier, and on the back of those nude photographs, hugh hefner launched an empire. >> technically hugh hefner did nothing wrong since she had signed away her rights to that image. ethically, not consulting her, it's really problematic. it is. it's exploitation in my mind. >> putting those pictures in the centerfold put a layer of shame back onto the photos that marilyn had insisted she was not going to be ashamed of. >> every copy of "playboy" sells out. marilyn has become a sensation. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. oh, marco's pepperoni magnifico. classic and old world pepperoni® on one pizza—and a large is just $9.99 when ordered online?! the phrase “slice of heaven” comes to mind... marco's. pizza lovers get it. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ ♪ come seek the royal caribbean all the serums out there. this is the #1 in the world. revitalift hyaluronic acid serum from l'oréal. it seriously hydrates to visibly replump skin and reduces wrinkles revitalift hyaluronic acid serum from l'oréal paris. ♪ marilyn monroe is filming her biggest budget movie to date, the musical comedy "gentlemen prefer blondes." >> did you ever wear anything like -- >> she plays gold digger lorelai lee. >> may i just hold it for a minute? >> of course. >> the performance of lorelai is a really important milestone. >> how do you put it around your neck. >> you don't, lovie. it goes on your head. >> it was crucial in the evolution of marilyn's career and her star persona because lorelai is the dumb blonde who's not as dumb as you think she is. >> say, they told me you were stupid. you don't sound stupid to me. >> i can be smart when it's important. but most men don't like it. >> that line was marilyn's line. she insisted on using it. >> she's like, here's what this stereotypical dumb blonde is really able to do and doing. and so she's riffing on it. >> i'm too old for this sort of thing. >> you are able to not only be in on the joke of it, but to control it. that, to me, is the mark of a genius. ♪ a kiss on the hand maybe quite continental ♪ ♪ but diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> "diamonds are a girl's best friend" is lorelai's defense against the accusation of gold digging. it is simply laying out sexual economics. ♪ diamonds ♪ >> if men can look at me and want me for my looks, why can't i want men for their money? it's the same thing really. ♪ i don't need rhinestones ♪ >> this is marilyn monroe at her peak. ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> it's still one of the most imitated moments in film history. ♪ living in a material world ♪ ♪ a kiss on the hand may be quite continental ♪ ♪ but diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ ♪ best friend ♪ >> "gentlemen prefer blondes" tops the box office. >> with the success of "gentlemen prefer blondes," there is definitely a connection between lorelai leon screen and marilyn as a star. >> if you happen to have blonde hair, you're considered dumb. i don't know why that is. it's very -- i think it's a very limited view. >> people thought marilyn wasn't acting because she was a great actor. but also she's playing a stupid, dumb blonde woman. so it can't be an act because that's how women are, aren't they? >> well, there isn't much difference, marilyn. you're 25, and i'm 39. >> yes, but what about 25 years from now when i'm 50 and you're 39? >> it suited men to believe that she was dumb because it's unchallenging. >> because i can trust myself with you. >> and the supremacy of male intelligence and male capability at that time was huge. >> you're so strong, and i'm so weak. >> she's subverting our expectations and showing you, i know what you think about me, and i'm going to use that against you to get what i want. >> men's assumptions about women are challenged in 1953 when dr. alfred kinzie publishes results from the largest ever sex survey. >> the kinzie report revolutionized how people understood women's sexuality and made more and more people realize that women were sexual beings in a way they had not realized before. that women were having extramarital affairs. that about 40% of women had had sex before marriage. and people were shocked about this. >> women had orgasms. really? oh, my god. we didn't know they enjoyed it. >> kinsey came along and made scientific what marilyn was kind of demonstrating on the movie screen every week. >> so marilyn is a rebel. she is a forerunner to the very sexual decades of the '60s and into the '70s. >> whatever anybody else thought, marilyn monroe knew that she was more than just a pretty face. she knew that she had all of these other gifts that she could offer. she knew that she was funny, and so she took every opportunity that she could get to show that. >> you've got the most peculiar vision i ever saw. >> why do you say that? >> because you're reading that book upside down. >> but i'm no such thing. >> not you, the book. >> you see that she really was a brilliant all-around actress. >> oh. >> her eyes would just do something, and she was just so comedically gifted. >> this way, please. >> she began to understand that comedy could be one of her powers. >> this way, my dear. >> i'm so sorry. >> and that the way she could fuse it with sex would be her unique brand. ♪ >> there are not many hollywood actresses of that era that combined clear physical attractiveness, and physical comedy of a slap stick style like she does in "how to marry a millionaire" where she's a bit blind and keeps running into walls. >> the movie is marilyn's third hit of 1953, earning fox a total of $15 million. the equivalent of $150 million today. >> she was a star then. she got first billing in that movie. so she made it. >> a few weeks later, production is due to start on marilyn's next film for fox "the girl in pink tights." >> darryl zanuck wanted to continue to place her in lighthearted musical comedies. "pink tights" was pretty one-note, and she didn't want to be stereotyped. she literally labeled it trash. >> she also discovered that her co-star, frank sinatra, was being paid more than three times as much as she was, and she was furious. >> the consciousness has been for centuries that men are worth more than women. >> she was the main attraction. i mean she was the reason that people flocked to the theater. so it was insane that she wasn't given a much more power position in terms of salary. >> it was time to put her foot in the ground and say, no more. and she decided just to not show up to work. >> this was an early instance of time's up. >> for anyone who thinks monroe was a perpetual victim, she walked off the set of "pink tights." enough said. the world is full of make or break moments. especially if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, it's time to make your move to help reduce your risk of fracture with prolia®. only prolia® is proven to help strengthen and protect bones from fracture with 1 shot every 6 months. do not take prolia® if you have low blood calcium, are pregnant, are allergic to it, or take xgeva®. serious allergic reactions like low blood pressure, trouble breathing, throat tightness, face, lip or tongue swelling, rash, itching or hives have happened. tell your doctor about dental problems, as severe jaw bone problems may happen or new or unusual pain in your hip, groin, or thigh, as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. speak to your doctor before stopping, skipping or delaying prolia®, as spine and other bone fractures have occurred. prolia® can cause serious side effects, like low blood calcium, serious infections, which could need hospitalization, skin problems, and severe bone, joint, or muscle pain. don't wait for a break. call your doctor now and ask how prolia® can help you. [vocalizing] [sound of dental machine] open here you go buddy. thank you. ah, thank you. have a good one. you too. [singing] happy birthday you may kiss the bride. [cheering and clapping] [cheering] ♪ good job. we love you, mom. we love you, dad. [sound of ocean] oh my god. that's our baby girl. [sound of heartbeat on ultrasound] ♪ well, would you look at that? jerry, you gotta see this. seen it. trust me, after 15 walks... gets a little old. i really should be retired by now. wish i'd invested when i had the chance... to the moon! ugh. unbelievable. ♪ ♪ at lowe's, you never have to be finished with your finishing touches. with aisles of ways to refresh and restyle. for whatever style you're feeling. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms, on sunday night and every night. nyquil severe. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, best sleep with a cold, medicine. the marriage of marilyn monroe and joe dimaggio. >> after two years of dating, marilyn and joe's marriage captivates the nation. >> just because it began as a publicity stunt doesn't mean they couldn't have fallen in love and had a real relationship after that. it does seem to have been what happened. >> he has a very sensitive nature in many respects. when he was young, he had a very difficult time, so he understood some things about me, and i understood some things about him. >> there's no surprise in the fact that it attracted a record crowd to the san francisco court where the ceremony was performed. >> there were hundreds of reporters. i think we can assume that joe didn't tip them off because he hated all that stuff. >> the story was that actually it was marilyn who called up the journalists. she recognized that this was an opportunity. >> she was very savvy about the media. she knew she needed the media, and the media knew that she needed them. >> now after congratulations, they were off on their honeymoon. >> marilyn refuses to work until 20th century fox improves her pay and conditions. and now she has more leverage. >> marilyn was now mrs. joe dimaggio. she was suddenly on the front pages, so it did her a lot of favors because the studios could not brush her under the carpet. >> joe was in japan for the start of the baseball season. >> mrs. joe dimaggio, marilyn monroe, that is, arrives with joe in tokyo. >> he was really supposed to be the star of this trip. >> it's clear the japanese people want to see her much more than dimaggio. >> and joe, he's the forgotten man, which is something in japan where baseball is so popular. >> joe dimaggio was quite old-fashioned in his beliefs. he wanted a nice old-fashioned wife, and, you know, he didn't get one. >> i was married when i was 18, stupidly, and i said, well, i'm not going to do any cooking or cleaning. i'm working. i got berated that i was not a real woman. >> it seems clear that joe dimaggio expected marilyn to stop working. it's less clear that marilyn ever had any intention of fulfilling that expectation. >> on their second day in tokyo, marilyn gets an unexpected offer. >> in 1954, the united states still has 330,000 troops in korea. because they're concerned about containing the spread of the soviet sphere of influence. >> she was asked to entertain the troops, and she jumped at the opportunity. service men were a big part of making her a star, and she wanted to pay it back. >> she goes to korea, and dimaggio gets angry. >> the only thing that i have to complain about is i haven't seen very much of marilyn. she is touring through the camps, and so maybe after that, why, she will be able to spend a little time. >> he felt that once they were married, her sexual appeal belonged to him, but it doesn't seem to have occurred to him that it might have been marilyn's. >> she goes to something like ten locations with 10,000 men at each location, and the troops go crazy. >> watching the footage of marilyn in korea really puts in the spotlight how much more politically involved and aware and cognizant she was and also an immense sense of care for other human beings. it just radiates out of her. >> it was snowing. it was freezing cold. she had this teeny, tiny spaghetti strap dress on. but she was determined she was going to entertain these gis. ♪ >> she said, hey, guys, you've made me who and what i am, and here i am doing this for you. ♪ >> it's her taking charge of her persona and using it in a deliberate and generous way. ♪ diamonds are a girl's best friend ♪ >> the highlight of my life was singing for the soldiers there. i stood out on an open stage. it was cold, but i swear i didn't feel a thing except good. >> going onstage in front of 100,000 screaming fans is a different kind of affirmation of your popularity. >> she gets incredible publicity over the korean tour. >> the blonde movie star would yous -- wows them, and the candid cameras go into action. >> at that point, i think zanuck gives up. he can't stop her. >> 20th century fox relents and gives marelilyn a significant p raise. >> but as famous and wealthy and beautiful as she was, respect really is the one thing that she's craving. make a name for yourself. 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school, the last day at their current address. for the mornings when everything's wrong. for the manicure that makes everything right, for right now. show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at ♪ when marilyn arrived in new york to film with billy wilder and "the seven year itch," there was a huge reaction. you could see how loved she was by people because of the size of the crowds that followed her wherever she went. >> some fabulous location shots are going to be made next saturday night walking over the subway grating and a gust of wind catches you and so forth. i imagine you'll stop traffic on saturday night. >> well, i'm looking forward to working very much. >> this wasn't about filming a movie. this was about publicizing an event. >> i was there. all of us went. it was late at night. and there were photographers all around. >> 300, 400 there on the roofs, upper windows of the buildings. >> she and her co-star tom ewell walk out of the movie theater and she approaches a subway grating. >> oh, you feel the breeze from the subway? isn't it delicious? >> marilyn's friend, the photographer sam shaw, is in the crowd. his photos create history. >> it's almost like she's saying this one's for you, sam. she's playing to the photographer. and she's really turning it on. >> that is the image that most people remember. it's just an exhilarating moment because you feel it's something that's happening accidentally and yet it isn't. >> it's a woman having fun with her own body and having a laugh to the camera. and i think that's why it's lasted the test of time. >> here comes another one. >> we thought it would be over in a minute and a half. it was two hours of craziness. billy wilder shot the scene 80 times to get one shot. >> there was more and more cheering and reporters, gawkers, and marilyn at the center of this spectacle. >> it's hard to separate the image of self-possession and beauty from feeling like she was getting eaten alive by the press. and that is the pain of our business. you become a commodity to the world. >> i was standing next to joe. after about the tenth the skirt going up he began to tremble and i put my hand on his arm and said joe, it's just a movie, it's not real. and he said, i realize that, but it's my wife showing off her panties. joe turned around and left. we don't know what happened. no one was in her hotel room. it was just joe and marilyn that night. >> there are stories about dimaggio beat her. those charges have never been proven one way or the other. and it's important to say that. but the stories that were told are certainly plausible. >> three weeks later their marriage is over. >> let me know, fellas, when you've got the speed up. >> miss monroe will have nothing to say this morning. all i can say as her attorney is this is what we would say was the conflict of careers. >> the tears are just streaming down on her face. now, somebody says that oh, she's a good actress. no, no, no. that was -- those are real tears. >> if domestic violence played a part in the ending of her marriage, that was not something that marilyn monroe had the option of saying. >> this is during an era in which it was still seen as a husband's prerogative to hit his wife. women are always considered responsible. so marilyn is very brave to go through with the divorce. >> my marriage wasn't a happy one. it ended in nine months, unfortunately. >> marilyn returns to work at fox studios. >> but she just felt under zanuck's leadership her career was going to flounder because the films weren't going to be good. >> she could not get away from the typecasting. >> she could see that the act was starting to exploit her. she needed to deconstruct what she was doing so it it wouldn't eat her alive. >> at the pinnacle of her success marilyn monroe walks away from hollywood. >> it's astonishing that she would do that. she was flying without a net. >> she was feeling her power. and i think she wanted to see how far she could push herself. >> she had created marilyn monroe. she had made marilyn monroe a star. it was time to take marilyn monroe on the next st. paul of her journey. >> next on "reframed: marilyn monroe." >> she wanted control of her own destiny. >> people said she's david against goliath. >> she was entering a new ring. >> "bus stop," it was very brave. >> marilyn had a fear of being called a home wrecker. >> arthur miller is a risky proposition romantically and professionally for marilyn. he is a married man who was subpoenaed by the u.s. government. >> are you a member of the communist party? >> she doesn't realize she's heading into a storm. hello and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching "cnn newsroom," and i'm rosemary church. just ahead, treacherous road conditions are a major concern for millions of americans as a vicious winter storm pummels much of the east coast. djokovic deported. the australian open is now under way without the world's top tennis player. plus north korea test-fires more

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Model , Gas Stations , All Over The Place , Connection , Lease Cash , Rx , Sunny Vrbo , Ski Chalet , 500 , 350 , 2022 , 1500 , Stove , Views , Peaks , Laughter , Cocoa , Ski Out , Grandpa , Retirement , Ski Lessons , Vrbo , At Lowe S , Event , Prices , Save , Style , Finishing , Touches , Restyle , Aisles , Bath Style , Lowe S , Recording , Elodia , Millions , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Internet , Projectup , 10 Million , 10 , Foster Kid Need , Tools , Possibilities , 1 Billion , Billion , Questions , Address , First Day Of School , Show Up , Manicure , Wrong , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , Uh Oh , High School , Reports , Office , Nude Photos Reach Fox Studio , Calendar , Studio Heads , It Wasn T , Sin , Studios , Anxiety , Plan , Public , Eileen Mosby , Fate , Point , Journalist , Powder Room , Mosby , No One , Nothing , In My Life , Else , Wire Service , Conversation , News , Country , Photo Shoot Calendar , Decision , Ownership , Move , Marilyn Didn T , Saying , Body Back , Dice , Terms , The Public , Honest , Shame , Questionable , Cover , Magazine , Honesty , True Publishing Empire , Can T Go , How Dare You , Scandal , Stamp , Approval , Sexual Revolution , Vanguard , Household Name , Breakthrough Role , Niagara , Bona Fide , Sexuality , Cinema , A List Film , Eyes , Dresses , Fire Hose , Lips , Creature , Deal , Lady , Consciousness , What S Going On , Shift , Miss America Pageant , Navel , J Lo , Atlantic City , Charge , Creatures , God , Playboy , Publisher , My Name , Editor , Others , Hugh Hefner , December 1953 , 1953 , Centerfold , Photo , 50 Bucks , Image , Empire , Rights , Photos , Layer , Exploitation , Mind , Sensation , Copy , Sells Out , Marco , Old World Pepperoni , Pepperoni Magnifico , 99 , 9 99 , Pizza Lovers , Phrase , Fee , Marco S , Slice Of Heaven , How Bizarre , Omc , Card , Royal Caribbean , Hyaluronic Acid Serum , Revitalift , There , Serums , Skin , Wrinkles , L OrÉal , L OrÉal Paris , Budget Movie , Gentlemen Prefer Blondes , Gold Digger Lorelai Lee , Star Persona , Performance , Milestone , Neck , Evolution , Lovie , Blonde , Lorelai , Riffing , Sort , Hand , Kiss , Mark , Diamonds Are A Girl S , Joke , Genius , Best Friend , Diamonds , Gold Digging , Defense , Diamonds Are A Girl S Best Friend , Accusation , Sexual Economics , Looks , Material World , Living , Film History , Peak , Friend , Box Office , Lorelai Leon Screen , View , Aren T , Act , Actor , Difference , Wasn T Acting , 25 , Unchallenging , 39 , Intelligence , Expectations , Supremacy , Capability , Dr , Assumptions , Results , Sex Survey , Alfred Kinzie , More , Beings , Kinzie , Marriage , Sex , Extramarital Affairs , Kinsey , Movie Screen , Rebel , Forerunner , 60 , Opportunity , Gifts , Anybody , Thought , 70 , Vision , Saw , Reading , Upside Down , Powers , Actresses , Brand , How To Marry A Millionaire , Slap Stick Style , Walls , Physical Attractiveness , Hit , Equivalent , Billing , Fox A Total , 50 Million , 5 Million , 15 Million , 150 Million , Film , Production , The Girl In Pink Tights , Comedies , Pink Tights , It Trash , Times , Frank Sinatra , Three , Power Position , Attraction , Theater , Wasn T Given A , Reason , Foot , Instance , Salary , Say , Ground , Anyone , Time S Up , Set , Victim , Enough , Fracture , Break , Risk , Make , Osteoporosis , Help , Prolia , Blood , Calcium , Blood Pressure , Bones , Reactions , Take Xgeva , 6 , Pain , Jaw Bone Problems , Dental Problems , Trouble Breathing , Thigh Bone Fractures , Throat Tightness , Stopping , Thigh , Hives , Tongue , Lip , Swelling , Hip , Groin , Skin Problems , Bone Fractures , Bone , Joint , Spine , Infections , Hospitalization , Can , Cheering , Vocalizing , Sound , Bride , Birthday , Don T Wait , Dental Machine , Mom , Baby Girl , Heartbeat , Job , Clapping , Dad , We Love You , Sound Of Ocean , Oh My God , Walks , Ultrasound , Trust Me , Jerry , 15 , Old , Wish , Moon , Unbelievable , Cold , Nighttime , Symptoms , Flu , Relief , Sunday Night , Coughing , Sleep , Stuffy , Sniffling , Aching , Sneezing , Medicine , Love , Nation , Relationship , Nature , Surprise , Respects , Crowd , Fact , San Francisco , Reporters , Joe Didn T , Story , Court , Stuff , Ceremony , Hundreds , Tip , Media , Honeymoon , Congratulations , Journalists , Mrs , Leverage , Pages , Pay , Japan , Start , Carpet , Favors , Baseball Season , Joe In Tokyo , Trip , Wife , Baseball , Beliefs , Cooking , Cleaning , 18 , Intention , Expectation , Stop Working , Troops , North Korea , Tokyo , Soviet Sphere Of Influence , 330000 , 1954 , Haven T , Appeal , Camps , Location , Locations , 10000 , Ten , Care , Footage , Spotlight , Human Beings , Teeny , Strap , Gis , Guys , Taking Charge , Highlight , Stage , Soldiers , Good , Kind , Fans , Korean Tour , Blonde Movie Star Would Yous , 100000 , Cameras , Action , Marelilyn A Significant P , Raise , Craving , Wealthy , Thanks , Firm Grip , Dress For Success , Show Em Who S Boss , Hustle , Growing Up , Food , Memories , Kitchen , Version , Planning , Most , Meal , Northwestern Mutual , Dose , Advisor , Reaction , The Seven Year Itch , New York , Billy Wilder , Crowds , Size , Wind , Grating , Gust , Saturday Night Walking , Subway , Wasn T About Filming , Around 300 , Photographers , Windows , Roofs , 300 , 400 , Tom Ewell , Movie Theater , Buildings , Breeze , Walk Out , Subway Grating , Sam Shaw , History , This One S For You , Laugh , Test , Half , Craziness , One Shot , Scene , Gawkers , Center , Feeling , Self Possession , Spectacle , Beauty , The Press , Skirt , Commodity , Tenth , Stories , Hotel Room , Panties , Left , Other , Charges , Fellas , Attorney , Speed Up , Miss , Tears , Careers , Conflict , Ending , Domestic Violence , Husband , Option , Prerogative , Divorce , My Marriage Wasn T A Happy One , Leadership , Films Weren T , Nine , Typecasting , Pinnacle , Net , Flying , Marilyn Monroe A Star , Journey , Destiny , Ring , Bus Stop , David , Paul , Goliath , Arthur Miller , Romantically , Fear , Proposition , Government , Home Wrecker , Member , Communist Party , Storm , Viewers , Road Conditions , Hello , Concern , Cnn Newsroom , All Around The World , Rosemary Church , Tennis Player , Australian Open , Winter Storm Pummels , East Coast , Djokovic ,

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