Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

on alert this morning. a powerful winter storm is bearing down. more than 80 million people are under winter weather alerts. we'll tell you when and where you can expect to see the effects. sunday, january 16th. we are so grateful to have you. thanks for waking up with us. great to see you as always. >> you too, boris, after your double duty yesterday. >> yeah. had to do an extra hour. no problem with that. >> i know. >> we start with this dramatic hostage stand offin texas. we're happy to report all four hostages are safe after nearly 11 tense hours at a synagogue near dallas. >> investigators say that suspect entered the congregation beth israel sin fa going to in colleyville, texas, during its sabbath morning service and took the rabbi and three others hostages. the services were being livestreamed at the time. one hostage was released several hours into the standoff. after hours of negotiations an fbi rescue team breached the synagogue freeing the remaining hostages and the lone suspect is dead. the suspect has been identified, authorities are not revealing his identity, however, as this investigation continues. of course, most likely will do so at some point. >> cnn security correspondent josh campbell joins us live from colleyville. josh, we don't know the suspect's name at this point but sources tell cnn that officials are zeroing in on a possible motive, right? >> reporter: that's right. the suspect is known to law enforcement. they are not releasing his name publicly, but i say was because he is dead after this elite fbi hostage rescue team stormed the synagogue behind me in an attempt to rescue those hostages. this whole ordeal started earlier in the day as the synagogue was undergoing its sabbath services. there were congregants who could watch what was happening on the live stream as the man came into the building ranting and raving. at one point an fbi crisis negotiator made contact with the suspect, as law enforcement flooded this area behind me. those negotiations went on throughout the day. at one point one of those four hostages was released. around 9:00 p.m. last night the fbi made the decision to launch the team that had come in from virginia. they stormed that building. the suspect died in that encounter with law enforcement. thankfully, the remaining three hostages were released. the head fbi agent here in the dallas area spoke after that doesn't describing what happened. take a listen. >> today's result, which was four safe hostages and the situation resolved, was really a result of a long day of hard work by nearly 200 law enforcement officers from across this region, the fbi's hostage rescue team i consider one of the crown jewels of our organization. their mission is to conduct deliberate hostage rescues when necessary and in this case, we had a necessity for that and they were successful. very proud of that. >> reporter: now the investigation continues. law enforcement sources tell cnn they are zeroing in on one possible motive, the idea that this suspect may have been inspired to seek the release of an islamic extremist who is in prison serving an 86-year sentence for attempting to kill american personnel in afghanistan. still a lot of questions about who this man was, where he came from. the fbi saying that this is now a global investigation. they have now engaged their fbi offices in london as well as tel aviv to try to get to the motive. they say there is no ongoing threat, but still a lot of investigation remains from them. obviously these hostages being freed, a good sign now, but obviously our heart goss out to the jewish community. this synagogue, the seen of the turmoil, the heartbreaking episode that went on for nearly 11 hours leading to the resolution with the release of the hostages. >> incredibly tense moments. you can't say enough about the work of law enforcement to make sure it wrapped up without further violence. thank you so much. let's hear from an expert now with former assistant secretary for the department of homeland security and cnn national security analyst juliet khiyam. always great to get your expertise on these matters. i want to get your initial reaction to what we saw unfold yesterday, the news that all the hostages, fortunately, are safe, and that the suspect is dead. >> right. you heard the police officer in josh's segment say that was their only goal, right. what happened to the perpetrator was secondary, that they just wanted to get the four hostages alive. that is, you know, that requires patience. what you saw over the course of the day was the fbi, the hostage team, taking their time to buy time with the hostage taker, with the culprit, to engage him, which they said they did consistently through the day, to have him released. one hostage over the course of the day, he did release one hostage, and then provide an opportunity essentially for him to expose a vulnerability, we don't know why at that moment he went in, so that the fbi could get the hostages out. that in this world of sort of horrible news -- obviously this is such a nightmare for the synagogue, the community and the jewish community worldwide -- this is the result that you would want. it takes time because, fortunately, he did not go in as an active shooter so the protocols are, essentially, see if they can buy time with the hostage taker and then take that opportunity to get the hostages out safely. >> yeah. nearly 11 hours the standoff between the fbi and the suspect. officials, obviously, praising the work of the hostage negotiators. take us into what those conversations are like. you have a clearly deranged person making demands, threatening innocent people. you have to keep that person calm and engaged. what is that like? >> so i can say this now because it's over, so there are basically getting hints throughout the day that are giving them confidence that they have some window. those hints began by just simply the choice of the synagogue -- i don't want to say that, you know, this was a novice play, it was obviously terrifying -- he appears to have no one around him. he has chose an synagogue publicly on the face time and streaming he chose it because it's close to an airport, meaning it's not targeted for any particular reason. it's a small synagogue. he says, according to people watching that video, that he's apologizing, so he's both sort of crazy with these rants, but also apologizing so those are the openings that the fbi can deal with in the sense that okay, well now they know at least this is someone who is not starting with shooting. over the course of that time period, they come to an understanding of who he is and what his demands would be and they are talking to him, to get him to understand how this will play out and get him to concede as a potential way that they would make this easier on him. ultimately, their goal was not his safety. their goal is the safety of the hostages that he ended up getting killed is ancillary to the overall goal. >> yeah. no question about that. and no matter what his reasons for picking the synagogue were, it's still painful to watch a house of worship become, yet again, a target of this kind of violence. we have to leave the conversation there, but thank you so much as always. >> thank you. another big story this morning serbian tennis star novak djokovic will no longer defend his title in the australian open and face degree poretation after he lost a review to overturn the cancellation of his visa for a second time. >> the reigning australian open champion his visa was revoked because of his covid vaccination status. the court siding with australian's immigration minister who canceled the visa a second time citing a concern the presence could trigger a rise in anti-vaccine sentiment. >> the orders of the court are, one, the amended application, the dismissed with costs, such costs to be agreed or failing agreement assist, two, reasons to be published at a later date. >> cnn's paula hancocks joins us live from melbourne, australia. do we know when the deportation is going to happen? has it already happened? >> reporter: boris and christi, it is going to happen within the next half hour according to a source with knowledge of this case, saying that novak djokovic will be leaving at 10:30 p.m. local time and he will be heading on a flight to dubai. it is australian open dream is over. he is leaving australia very soon, and he did give a statement earlier after the decision by that court saying, i am extremely disappointed with the court ruling to dismiss my application for judicial review of the minister's decision to cancel my visa, which means i cannot stay in australia and participate in the strallen open. he did go on to say, i respect the court's ruling and i will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country. he has been fighting this for about ten days now. he has ultimately lost. the decision by the judges was actually unanimous, all three of them siding with the government. it wasn't their job to decide whether the decision was correct or the merits, but just the legality of this. the government's argument, the immigration's argument, djokovic being here could excite anti-vaccination sentiment, civil unrest, pointing out that disregard, as they put it, for covid-19 rules that djokovic showed when he decided to go out on december 18th after testing positive for covid-19 could encourage others within the country to do so. that was rejected by djokovic's lawyers, but did it not wash with the judges themselves. they decided it was important to uphold the cancellation of the visa. we already had a political response as you can imagine. the prime minister scott morrison will be very relieved he has won this round. he had a statement saying, once again, that australians have made many sacrifices during this pandemic and they rightly expect the results of those sacrifices to be protected. >> paula hancock, we'll be watching in the next 30 minutes for the deportation, thank you so much. we appreciate all your work this weekend. there is no shortage of news this morning, christi, and not the least of which is this massive storm system that plowed through the central united states and it's already beginning to batter the southeast this morning with snow and freezing rain. this could cause a crippling ice event in parts of the carolinas and virginia today. >> cnn's allison chinchar is live in the weather center. where is it right now, alison? >> right. good morning, guys. the bulk of it is focused over the southeast as we speak. that's where we see a lot of the rain, the snow, the sleet, and even the freezing rain kind of mixed in. but this is eventually going to make its way all up and down the eastern seaboard. the mid-atlantic and the northeast will get their share of the precipitation in the coming days. for right now, we're already starting to see that transition over into snow for cities like nashville and memphis, all rain at the moment for atlanta and huntsville, but that is expected to change in the coming hours. farther to the east, again, ice right now for areas like columbia, south carolina, and charlotte. i wish i had better news, but it's likely going to continue that way for the next several hours. by several i mean 6 to 12 hours for a lot of these areas. then the system from there, again, starts to get a lot of colder air pulling back in. you're going to see that transition to snow for atlanta, chattanooga, huntsville, and then eventually the system begins to slide to the north. washington, d.c., philadelphia, maybe a little bit of snow on the front end, but it's going to melt once the warmer air from the southeast pulls in and everything changes back over into rain. same thing for new york and boston. it's the bulk of this is going to be rain and heavy rain during the morning commute tomorrow. i realize not everybody has to work tomorrow for the holiday but those of you that do give yourself some extra time tomorrow. interior new england, lots of snow, maybe a little bit of a mix at some point, but those snowfall rates are going to accumulate pretty quickly as we go through the day on monday, especially with some of the wrap around bands. down to the south because you have so much warm air in place, places like atlanta, huntsville, you're likely going to get just about 1 to 2 inches. the heaviest snow will be between nashville and charlotte, but it's the ice, boris and christi, the biggest concern. when you have it this high, not only does it cause dangerous roadways but widespread power outages as well. >> and more time to be able to get back on the road because i've seen people -- meteorologists warning of dangerous to impossible travel, impossible travel, alison. how many days do you think based on temperatures? >> if you don't have to go out, just don't do it. >> yeah. >> sounds good. thank you so much. we appreciate it. a lot of states are preparing for what alison is talking about here, this dangerous storm, potentially causing power outages and, as i mentioned, travel woes. airlines have canceled more than 2,000 flight as southeast states are seeing, as you heard her there, the rain, sleet, snow. >> let's go to nadia romero, live from buford, georgia. what are you seeing there right now? >> reporter: boris and christi, it is a wet, sloppy and chilly start to our sunday morning. perhaps it's the hour of the day and the fact that we're on the weekend we haven't seen too many cars out here right outside of the i-85 corridor. that's part of the expectation that we're hearing from meteorologists and from local leaders. they've asked people to stay off the roads over the next couple days as they deal with the winter storms. the concern is not really how many inches of snow but the threat of ice. ice that can really weigh down those tree branches that can fall on top of power lines causing mass power outages and ice that can turn our roads into skating rinks. that's why the georgia department of transportation says it started brining roads on friday and as of last night they've pretreated some 20,000 miles of roads that are in the path of this storm. now, this storm has caused the emergency declaration for the state of south carolina and for georgia. listen to the governor of south carolina talking about the threat headed his way. >> this is going to be a pretty bad storm in the upper part of the state, notably from anderson, greenville, spartanburg, over to rock hill, in that area. the good news is, it will be coming on the weekend and we have a holiday on monday, mlk day, so the schools will be closed. there will be a lot of offices closed then. >> reporter: and that, perhaps, is going to be the one silver lining of this storm, is that it will happen for what is a three-day weekend for many people in this area as they won't have to get on those roads to go to school and to work. christi and bore sflis. >> as we heard from allison chinchar, if you don't have to go out, do not. stay inside. nadia romero, thank you so much. >> stay safe, you and the crew there. we haven't event mentioned covid yet and it is shaping up to be an important week in the fight against the virus as registration opens for americans to receive those free at home coronavirus tests. we'll tell you how you can get yours. president biden is attempting to turn the page after a week that really saw his agenda take hits on several fronts. how he'll attempt to regain momentum on the eve of his one-year anniversary in office this week. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? 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where do you see some of those people being placed as you said, 23 military staff coming to help and support the help you already have? >> unfortunately, we're short in almost every area of our hospital, but we have areas, of course, that are hit harder than others. our emergency room, our intensive care units, but also areas of the hospital that have critical roles that aren't directly clinical, but needed to move the hospital around. transporters and environmental service workers, food service workers, we're short in all of those areas, very important crucial jobs, and there's going to be a lot of work to go around for these incredible heros, joining our heros at the hospital. >> you mentioned there the covid patients you have. i understand there's about 150 covid patients at your hospital. you mentioned that 75% of them are unvaccinated. contrast for us the care needed for somebody vaccinated versus somebody who is not? >> it's really the same playbook for somebody admitted with covid-19. the good news is that about 60% of them are patients with covid but not here for the classic covid disease, so covid pneumonia requiring intensive respiratory care, ventilator care and respiratory care, about 40% of patients with covid in our hospital and those are folks that are asymmetrically unvaccinated. if you're unvaccinated you're likely to get severe disease from covid and require all the classic things we've had to do over the last two years. contrast that with folks who are fully vaccinated or boosted who may have the disease but that's not why they're here for the most part. i think it's important to understand the distinction and the value of vaccination which is still really, really important, which is why we have a big role in our community in newark spreading the word about it, a vaccination clinic and continue to see demand for boosters which is good news. >> i understand that newark is an 80% minority community and that you say you've been quote devastated asymmetrically for the last two years. distinguish the problems that you see in your hospital versus perhaps others? have you had conversations with doctors at other hospitals? >> it. >> i'm glad you're asking about that, because our experience is similar to other urban areas across the community, majority minority areas, densely populated, comprised by essential workers of who to expose themselves to this risk two years now over others and we've been impacted by this and also been, therefore, experiencing worse staffing shortages on average than other hospitals that may not be serving such a vulnerable community. i think it's important the biden administration prioritized hospitals in areas of the country like ours. it speaks to their priority on health equity but where the pandemic has been hitting the most. so i think it's an indicator, frankly, this administration is listening to the priorities of health equity. >> dr. shareef, we appreciate all the work you're doing and taking time to talk with us. best of luck to you. >> my pleasure. still ahead a russian buildup on the border with ukraine. some now wondering is the cold war over or has it only been on pause for vladimir putin? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. president biden is facing major challenges at home and abroad as his first year in office is coming to an end this week . >> let's go to jasmine wright traveling with the president in wilmington, delaware. president biden holding a news conference this week. what are you expecting to hear from him? >> boris, we expect to hear a lot from the president because wednesday presents a golden opportunity for the president who is in badly need of a reset. he will have the opportunity among a group of journalist, a fun group i might add, to talk about the way he sees moving his agenda forward, after really a tough set of setbacks this past week. so wednesday's press conference from the president coincides with a day that voting rights legislation is going to be taken up in the senate. we expect that vote to fail. remember that is one of the president's top priorities so we expect him to talk about the way forward on that. on managing the pandemic, another big issue for the president, we expect him to talk about it because last week the supreme court conservative leaning supreme court struck down the vaccine mandate that applied to employers with 100 or more workers. we expect for the president to present a plan on how he wants to go forward with managing the pandemic. of course those are two things, but on other things like the record level of inflation that this white house is facing, of course, russia and russian relation, and, of course, the president's sinking poll numbers are all things that we expect the president to address here. so it is a long list for president biden on wednesday when he marks one year in office with the press conference, really as he tries to turn the page and move forward with this agenda. boris and christi? >> we will be watching closely. jasmine wright from wilmington, delaware, thanks so much. let's dig deeper. "new york times" white house and national security correspondent david singer with us and politico playbook author rachel bade. thank you for sharing your sunday with us. first to you, president biden set to take questions from the press this week. what are you expecting to hear from biden with his popularity rating at a low? >> well, as you just heard, he does need a reset. he's got three sets of problems here. one is with his own party. the reason that the voting rights act is likely to fail on wednesday just before the press conference is because he can't bring along all 50 of his members of the senate, and he's going to have to explain the strategy of what he's going to do to get things done between now and the midterm elections when he's likely to lose his majority. his second big problem, he has a virus where the various strategies have so far failed to bring it under control. this is not where he expected to be a year into his presidency. he's got to make the case that it will look different in six months. and then third, he has a set of international challenges, the biggest of which, of course, coming from the confrontation in ukraine with russia, which, as you noted before, has hints of a cold war. >> yeah. i do want to ask you about that, david, but first rachel, your thoughts, what are you anticipating from the president on wednesday? what should the white house prioritize in messaging? >> look, i think it's going to be tough for biden for a reset. they tried to have a reset after christmas when build back better was put on ice and joe manchin walked away from the negotiating table and turned to an issue, frankly, they knew was never going to pass, so the so-called voting rights bill to expand access to early voting and federalize elections and campaigns, that is something that was never going to be playsble in terms of getting two moderate senators on board to basically go nuclear and get rid of the filibuster to pass the legislation. we've seen them sort of set themselves up, you know, for failure here, both by talking about a lot of things they want to pass but never had the numbers to do it, and turning to a bill over and over again that has failed in the senate. it will be interesting to see if they take a more realistic approach on wednesday, do they talk about things they've already passed like the bipartisan infrastructure bill, pandemic relief, or do they sort of keep trying to dig in on these sort of two issues that have befuddled the party and highlighted their dynamics in particular and haven't been able to get done. >> sticking with that, rachel, i got the chance to speak with congresswoman abigail spanberger and she told me she plans to campaign on the things that democrats have accomplished. the covid relief bill, the bipartisan infrastructure package, but how well is that going to translate at the ballot box this fall? >> it's going to be tough because they have made a lot of promises and the reality is that a lot of democrats turned out last election to vote for the party specifically because they were talking about things like paid leave, for universal pre-k, expanded medicare and medicaid, and the reality is they don't have the votes for that. that's going to be tricky, specifically for the base. i will say there are some moderates who, perhaps, are little more relieved that they don't have some of these things going into effect because they are concerned about blowback and if you look at poll numbers right now, you can see that americans, for the first time in a really long time, they want less government, not more government, and it's a tricky balance that they're going to have to strike right now. >> david, shifting from domestic follows what you noted, the new cold war, shades of the cuban missile crisis in 1961. i want to share something that you wrote this week with our viewers. you wrote, quote, a senior russian diplomat said moscow was preparing to place unspecified weapons systems in unspecified places. that merged with american and intelligence assessments that russia could be considering new nuclear deployments, perhaps tactical nuclear weapons or a powerful emerging arsenal of hypersonic missiles. putin not subtly hinting these weapons would threaten the nation's capital. doesn't appear the cold war ended for vladimir putin. should the united states engage with him in a more forceful way? >> it's been pretty forceful so far. i think they learned some lessons from the messiness of the afghan withdrawal and they've drawn some pretty hard red lines with putin. the question now is, i think twofold -- first does putin invade ukraine, and if so, does the united states then carry through with its promise of sanctions on a scale we have not seen before, including technology sanctions? and then the second question is, does putin decide that this isn't going to be limited to ukraine? as many of his aides were hinting, and he himself hinted, maybe it's bluster, begin to try to do things that would threaten europe or the united states, and that -- the easiest thing he could do is the redeployment of his nuclear weapons. i don't think we're back in a full-scale cold war. it doesn't feel like that. but it sure looks like we're seeing some cold war-like behavior and if he does do the redeployment, it will, as you suggested, bring back comparison to the 1962 crisis. >> it certainly appears from an outsider's perspective that he's trying to rebuild the soviet union. david sanger, rachel bade, thank you for the time. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. stay with cnn. we'll be right back. share the love event,e subau we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ when i say decades, i mean decades of disappointment in southwest ohio, but you bengals fans, i bet they're celebrating right now. >> they probably are, yeah. they're watching us to go to sleep. coy wire is with us right now. coy, 31 years of misery, almost completely wiped out in one afternoon in cincinnati. >> yeah. look, boris, christi, the bengals had the longest active drought between playoff wins. the last win was 1991 before text messages started. cincinnati, they summoned some of the rock and roll from the other side of the state and they also brought in the legend to show up to do the shuffle like when he ran for the bengals the last time they won a playoff game. the 25-year-old star, joe burrow, throwing a touchdown on the very first drive of his playoff career finding c.j., look at them busting out the ickey shuffle. burrow going to find boyd wide open, raiders players, they stop, they say they heard a whistle, they're arguing the catch, the head of officiating said the whistle came after the catch. listen. >> wow. the play not reviewable. touchdown stands. those seven points likely the difference in the game. fourth, final seconds, raiders need a touchdown stinds of a field goal to tie it. derek carr intercepted by jermaine pratt. cincinnati holds on 26-19. just listen to the love. >> now, to buffalo. buffalo busting out the six-packs pregame. we're talking about the players. shirtless, frozen nose hairs weather. fourth coldest game in team history, windchills in the negative, but the bills on fire. huge interception on the pats' first drive and josh allen and the offense had that swag and they were in there. allen, more touchdown passes than incompletions. five of them to four. when he's on he's the best qb in the league. how about this, 320 pound rookie lineman tommy doyle. bills could not be stopped. first team in playoff history to score a touchdown on the first seven drives. 47-17 blowout. and they did it against the bill belichick defense. one of the best in the league. put the league on notice, look out, lots of playoff games today, but the bills are rolling, boris and christi. >> and you're excited about it. >> i played six years there so i'm a little biassed. >> just a little. >> it was cold out there too. >> oh, baby, it's cold outside. i was getting the flashbacks when we had to use the hot chicken soup to warm our hands on the sideline. i was having flashbacks. >> if you have a six-pack show it off, regardless. >> that's right. we might have like 4 1/2 now, but i'll rock it. >> all right. coy wire, thank you so much. we'll be right back. ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. [♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. former prisoners often struggle to find work because of their backgrounds, especially women of color, bought food business in chicago is trying to give ex-inmates another chance. adrian broadist has more. >> you keep looking and keep looking, but it's all these nos, no, no. >> reporter: she spent time in prison for second-degree murder and struggled to find long-term work when released in 2017. >> i applied to numerous places. i remember i went to like o'hare to look for a job. >> reporter: it's difficult for former prisoners to find a job. >> you want to be honest because if they look they're going to see it. there was no return phone calls or follow-up. >> reporter: it's particularly hard for black women. they're unemployed at almost double the rate of formerly incarcerated white women. 75% face homelessness. >> reporter: business consultant camille kerr looked at the problem and saw an opportunity. she envisioned a business run by former innatsz would feed chicago's neediest people. >> they are the board of directors. they are the owners. they are the management of this organization. >> reporter: kerr worked with local organizers to recruit bryant and four other founding members. bryant proudly accepted the role of cook. >> that's the only hope you got, trying to figure out trying to open your own business once you leave business. >> reporter: chi fresh kitchen launched, an organization in desperate need of meals welcomed its services. >> we had 50 meals our first contract. after that, we was at like 500 to 1,000 meals. in a matter of like weeks. >> reporter: nearly two years later, the business is still thriving. the team provides over 1500 meals a week. >> when everybody else is trying to recruit workers and people aren't staying, we're getting so many calls because this is the type of work that people want to have. >> doing good. all right. >> reporter: in 2020, chi fresh will move to a new, 6,000 square foot kitchen, and the founders plan to serve more meals and second chances. >> on three. one, two, three. >> we were formerly incarcerated but we're making a difference not only for us but the women we left behind, for our families to ensure them that look, we made a mistake in life, but this is who we are today. >> wishing them the best of everything. there is a new cnn original series premiering tonight at 9:00 p.m. on the life of marilyn monroe. look at this. >> 21-year-old marilyn monroe decides to pursue another one of hollywood's biggest players. >> joe had a huge estate and he would just hold saturday night parties and a lot of people from hollywood would be there. and marilyn is invited to his parties. a lot of contract girls are. >> it was understood among the studio heads that these girls were there for the men at the studios to date. and then once their contract was up they would be discarded and in would come a fresh new crop. >> watch "he reframed marilyn monroe" tonight on cnn. we'll be right back. ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? 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Sabbath Services , Stream , Attempt , Area , Contact , Crisis Negotiator , Building Ranting , Decision , Team , Building , Encounter , Virginia , Last Night , 00 , 9 , Result , Listen , Head , Agent , Situation , Doesn T , One Of The Best , Case , Organization , Law Enforcement Officers , Mission , Region , Crown Jewels , 200 , Law Enforcement Sources , Necessity , Idea , Zeroing , Lot , Questions , Release , Prison , Personnel , Sentence , Extremist , Afghanistan , Islamic , 86 , Threat , Offices , In London , Tel Aviv , Hostages Being Freed , Jewish Community , Episode , Sign , Heart Goss , Turmoil , Work , Violence , Expert , Resolution , Assistant Secretary , News , Reaction , Juliet Khiyam , Expertise , Matters , Department Of Homeland Security , Cnn National Security , Goal , Segment Say , Police Officer , Safe , Perpetrator , Hostage Taker , Patience , Opportunity , Culprit , Community , Sort , Nightmare , World , Vulnerability , Hostages Out , Protocols , Shooter , Hostage 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Joe Manchin , Something , Playsble , Senators , Legislation , Terms , Campaigns , Filibuster , Bill , Failure , Issues , Infrastructure Bill , Relief , Approach , Keep , Chance , Abigail Spanberger , Dynamics , Reality , Relief Bill , Promises , Ballot Box , Democrats , Leave , Pre K , Medicare And Medicaid , Election , Moderates , Poll Numbers , Base , Blowback , Votes , Time , Balance , Cuban Missile Crisis , Domestic , Weapons Systems , Viewers , Diplomat , Moscow , 1961 , Weapons , Assessments , Missiles , Intelligence , Hypersonic , Deployments , Arsenal , Nation , Capital , Lessons , Putin , Messiness , Lines , Withdrawal , Isn T , Many , Technology Sanctions , Sanctions , Scale , Promise , Aides , Redeployment , Bluster , Europe , Back Comparison , It Doesn T , Behavior , Looks , Perspective , Crisis , Outsider , David Sanger , Soviet Union , 1962 , Car , Company , Stay , Love Event , Charity , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Difference , Car Company , None , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Yoga Shanti Slash , Subaru , The Living Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Neuroscientist , App , Vrbo , Tv , Brain Performance , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Indicators , Memory Supplements , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Family , Don T Take Rybelsus , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Stomach Pain , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Possibility , Vision Problems , Changes , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Hair Damage , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 98 , 0 , Hair , Dove , Damage , Lock , Repair , Signs , Sandra , Animals , Planning Effect , Advisor , Fidelity , Investing Strategies , Picture , Wealth , Protein , More , Whatever , Healthcare , Thirty , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Limu Emu , Limu , Whistles , Doug , Sec , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Bengals Fans , Disappointment , Southwest Ohio , Bengals , Coy Wire , Misery , Cincinnati , 31 , Text Messages , Side , Shuffle , Win , Drought , Playoff Wins , Legend , Rock And Roll , 1991 , Joe Burrow , Finding C J , Drive , Playoff Game , 25 , Players , Raiders , Whistle , Officiating , Ickey Shuffle , The Catch , Wide Open , Points , Catch , Touchdown Stands , Seven , Game , Field Goal , Fourth , Touchdown Stinds , Jermaine Pratt , Derek Carr , 26 , Love , Pregame , Shirtless , To Buffalo , Buffalo , Bills , Swag , On Fire , Interception , Hairs , Offense , Team History , Windchills , Pats , Negative , Allen , League , Five , Incompletions , Qb , Rookie , Tommy Doyle , 320 , Playoff Games , Playoff History , Blowout , Defense , Notice , Bill Belichick , 47 , Baby , Flashbacks , Cold , It S Cold Outside , Little , Biassed , Sideline , Hands , Chicken Soup , Show It Off , 4 1 2 , Heart , Soul , Run , Nicorette , Smoking , Marathon , Life Nicorette , Otezla , Cream , Choices , Psoriasis , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Splash , Entrance , Depression , Feelings , History , Don T , Planning , Weight Loss , Headache , Weight , Treatment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Car Vending Machines , License Plate , Carvana , Offer , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Muscle Health , Glucose Control , Diabetes , Blood Sugar Levels , Support , Drink , Hunger , Prisoners , Food Business , Backgrounds , Color , Feed Chicago , Adrian Broadist , Nos , Murder , 2017 , O Hare , Return Phone Calls , Rate , White Women , Face Homelessness , Camille Kerr , Business Consultant , Business Run , Owners , Organizers , Former , Board Of Directors , Management , Bryant , Innatsz , Meals , Contract , Need , Chi Fresh Kitchen , 1000 , 500 , Aren T Staying , 1500 , Kitchen , Type , Calls , Doing Good , 6000 , Chances , Founders , Left Behind , Families , Look , Mistake , He Reframed Marilyn Monroe , Hollywood , 21 , Parties , Saturday Night Parties , Marilyn , Contract Girls , Girls , Studios , Studio , Crop , Pop , Trouble , On Cnn , Step , Boogie , Rock , Talk , Left , Beat , Moon , Side Step , Heat , Touch , Pampers , Brand , It Roll , Pediatrician , First , Cooking , Memories , Mom , Growing Up , Version , Meal , Northwestern Mutual , Ww , Shopping , James Corden , 28 , Foods , Ice Cream , Limits , Sandwiches , Clothes , Ww Personalpoints Program , Sir , Baby Got Back , Unlimited Cashback Match , Discover , Buenos Diaz , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic Out , Morning , Court , Reasoning , Winte ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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on alert this morning. a powerful winter storm is bearing down. more than 80 million people are under winter weather alerts. we'll tell you when and where you can expect to see the effects. sunday, january 16th. we are so grateful to have you. thanks for waking up with us. great to see you as always. >> you too, boris, after your double duty yesterday. >> yeah. had to do an extra hour. no problem with that. >> i know. >> we start with this dramatic hostage stand offin texas. we're happy to report all four hostages are safe after nearly 11 tense hours at a synagogue near dallas. >> investigators say that suspect entered the congregation beth israel sin fa going to in colleyville, texas, during its sabbath morning service and took the rabbi and three others hostages. the services were being livestreamed at the time. one hostage was released several hours into the standoff. after hours of negotiations an fbi rescue team breached the synagogue freeing the remaining hostages and the lone suspect is dead. the suspect has been identified, authorities are not revealing his identity, however, as this investigation continues. of course, most likely will do so at some point. >> cnn security correspondent josh campbell joins us live from colleyville. josh, we don't know the suspect's name at this point but sources tell cnn that officials are zeroing in on a possible motive, right? >> reporter: that's right. the suspect is known to law enforcement. they are not releasing his name publicly, but i say was because he is dead after this elite fbi hostage rescue team stormed the synagogue behind me in an attempt to rescue those hostages. this whole ordeal started earlier in the day as the synagogue was undergoing its sabbath services. there were congregants who could watch what was happening on the live stream as the man came into the building ranting and raving. at one point an fbi crisis negotiator made contact with the suspect, as law enforcement flooded this area behind me. those negotiations went on throughout the day. at one point one of those four hostages was released. around 9:00 p.m. last night the fbi made the decision to launch the team that had come in from virginia. they stormed that building. the suspect died in that encounter with law enforcement. thankfully, the remaining three hostages were released. the head fbi agent here in the dallas area spoke after that doesn't describing what happened. take a listen. >> today's result, which was four safe hostages and the situation resolved, was really a result of a long day of hard work by nearly 200 law enforcement officers from across this region, the fbi's hostage rescue team i consider one of the crown jewels of our organization. their mission is to conduct deliberate hostage rescues when necessary and in this case, we had a necessity for that and they were successful. very proud of that. >> reporter: now the investigation continues. law enforcement sources tell cnn they are zeroing in on one possible motive, the idea that this suspect may have been inspired to seek the release of an islamic extremist who is in prison serving an 86-year sentence for attempting to kill american personnel in afghanistan. still a lot of questions about who this man was, where he came from. the fbi saying that this is now a global investigation. they have now engaged their fbi offices in london as well as tel aviv to try to get to the motive. they say there is no ongoing threat, but still a lot of investigation remains from them. obviously these hostages being freed, a good sign now, but obviously our heart goss out to the jewish community. this synagogue, the seen of the turmoil, the heartbreaking episode that went on for nearly 11 hours leading to the resolution with the release of the hostages. >> incredibly tense moments. you can't say enough about the work of law enforcement to make sure it wrapped up without further violence. thank you so much. let's hear from an expert now with former assistant secretary for the department of homeland security and cnn national security analyst juliet khiyam. always great to get your expertise on these matters. i want to get your initial reaction to what we saw unfold yesterday, the news that all the hostages, fortunately, are safe, and that the suspect is dead. >> right. you heard the police officer in josh's segment say that was their only goal, right. what happened to the perpetrator was secondary, that they just wanted to get the four hostages alive. that is, you know, that requires patience. what you saw over the course of the day was the fbi, the hostage team, taking their time to buy time with the hostage taker, with the culprit, to engage him, which they said they did consistently through the day, to have him released. one hostage over the course of the day, he did release one hostage, and then provide an opportunity essentially for him to expose a vulnerability, we don't know why at that moment he went in, so that the fbi could get the hostages out. that in this world of sort of horrible news -- obviously this is such a nightmare for the synagogue, the community and the jewish community worldwide -- this is the result that you would want. it takes time because, fortunately, he did not go in as an active shooter so the protocols are, essentially, see if they can buy time with the hostage taker and then take that opportunity to get the hostages out safely. >> yeah. nearly 11 hours the standoff between the fbi and the suspect. officials, obviously, praising the work of the hostage negotiators. take us into what those conversations are like. you have a clearly deranged person making demands, threatening innocent people. you have to keep that person calm and engaged. what is that like? >> so i can say this now because it's over, so there are basically getting hints throughout the day that are giving them confidence that they have some window. those hints began by just simply the choice of the synagogue -- i don't want to say that, you know, this was a novice play, it was obviously terrifying -- he appears to have no one around him. he has chose an synagogue publicly on the face time and streaming he chose it because it's close to an airport, meaning it's not targeted for any particular reason. it's a small synagogue. he says, according to people watching that video, that he's apologizing, so he's both sort of crazy with these rants, but also apologizing so those are the openings that the fbi can deal with in the sense that okay, well now they know at least this is someone who is not starting with shooting. over the course of that time period, they come to an understanding of who he is and what his demands would be and they are talking to him, to get him to understand how this will play out and get him to concede as a potential way that they would make this easier on him. ultimately, their goal was not his safety. their goal is the safety of the hostages that he ended up getting killed is ancillary to the overall goal. >> yeah. no question about that. and no matter what his reasons for picking the synagogue were, it's still painful to watch a house of worship become, yet again, a target of this kind of violence. we have to leave the conversation there, but thank you so much as always. >> thank you. another big story this morning serbian tennis star novak djokovic will no longer defend his title in the australian open and face degree poretation after he lost a review to overturn the cancellation of his visa for a second time. >> the reigning australian open champion his visa was revoked because of his covid vaccination status. the court siding with australian's immigration minister who canceled the visa a second time citing a concern the presence could trigger a rise in anti-vaccine sentiment. >> the orders of the court are, one, the amended application, the dismissed with costs, such costs to be agreed or failing agreement assist, two, reasons to be published at a later date. >> cnn's paula hancocks joins us live from melbourne, australia. do we know when the deportation is going to happen? has it already happened? >> reporter: boris and christi, it is going to happen within the next half hour according to a source with knowledge of this case, saying that novak djokovic will be leaving at 10:30 p.m. local time and he will be heading on a flight to dubai. it is australian open dream is over. he is leaving australia very soon, and he did give a statement earlier after the decision by that court saying, i am extremely disappointed with the court ruling to dismiss my application for judicial review of the minister's decision to cancel my visa, which means i cannot stay in australia and participate in the strallen open. he did go on to say, i respect the court's ruling and i will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country. he has been fighting this for about ten days now. he has ultimately lost. the decision by the judges was actually unanimous, all three of them siding with the government. it wasn't their job to decide whether the decision was correct or the merits, but just the legality of this. the government's argument, the immigration's argument, djokovic being here could excite anti-vaccination sentiment, civil unrest, pointing out that disregard, as they put it, for covid-19 rules that djokovic showed when he decided to go out on december 18th after testing positive for covid-19 could encourage others within the country to do so. that was rejected by djokovic's lawyers, but did it not wash with the judges themselves. they decided it was important to uphold the cancellation of the visa. we already had a political response as you can imagine. the prime minister scott morrison will be very relieved he has won this round. he had a statement saying, once again, that australians have made many sacrifices during this pandemic and they rightly expect the results of those sacrifices to be protected. >> paula hancock, we'll be watching in the next 30 minutes for the deportation, thank you so much. we appreciate all your work this weekend. there is no shortage of news this morning, christi, and not the least of which is this massive storm system that plowed through the central united states and it's already beginning to batter the southeast this morning with snow and freezing rain. this could cause a crippling ice event in parts of the carolinas and virginia today. >> cnn's allison chinchar is live in the weather center. where is it right now, alison? >> right. good morning, guys. the bulk of it is focused over the southeast as we speak. that's where we see a lot of the rain, the snow, the sleet, and even the freezing rain kind of mixed in. but this is eventually going to make its way all up and down the eastern seaboard. the mid-atlantic and the northeast will get their share of the precipitation in the coming days. for right now, we're already starting to see that transition over into snow for cities like nashville and memphis, all rain at the moment for atlanta and huntsville, but that is expected to change in the coming hours. farther to the east, again, ice right now for areas like columbia, south carolina, and charlotte. i wish i had better news, but it's likely going to continue that way for the next several hours. by several i mean 6 to 12 hours for a lot of these areas. then the system from there, again, starts to get a lot of colder air pulling back in. you're going to see that transition to snow for atlanta, chattanooga, huntsville, and then eventually the system begins to slide to the north. washington, d.c., philadelphia, maybe a little bit of snow on the front end, but it's going to melt once the warmer air from the southeast pulls in and everything changes back over into rain. same thing for new york and boston. it's the bulk of this is going to be rain and heavy rain during the morning commute tomorrow. i realize not everybody has to work tomorrow for the holiday but those of you that do give yourself some extra time tomorrow. interior new england, lots of snow, maybe a little bit of a mix at some point, but those snowfall rates are going to accumulate pretty quickly as we go through the day on monday, especially with some of the wrap around bands. down to the south because you have so much warm air in place, places like atlanta, huntsville, you're likely going to get just about 1 to 2 inches. the heaviest snow will be between nashville and charlotte, but it's the ice, boris and christi, the biggest concern. when you have it this high, not only does it cause dangerous roadways but widespread power outages as well. >> and more time to be able to get back on the road because i've seen people -- meteorologists warning of dangerous to impossible travel, impossible travel, alison. how many days do you think based on temperatures? >> if you don't have to go out, just don't do it. >> yeah. >> sounds good. thank you so much. we appreciate it. a lot of states are preparing for what alison is talking about here, this dangerous storm, potentially causing power outages and, as i mentioned, travel woes. airlines have canceled more than 2,000 flight as southeast states are seeing, as you heard her there, the rain, sleet, snow. >> let's go to nadia romero, live from buford, georgia. what are you seeing there right now? >> reporter: boris and christi, it is a wet, sloppy and chilly start to our sunday morning. perhaps it's the hour of the day and the fact that we're on the weekend we haven't seen too many cars out here right outside of the i-85 corridor. that's part of the expectation that we're hearing from meteorologists and from local leaders. they've asked people to stay off the roads over the next couple days as they deal with the winter storms. the concern is not really how many inches of snow but the threat of ice. ice that can really weigh down those tree branches that can fall on top of power lines causing mass power outages and ice that can turn our roads into skating rinks. that's why the georgia department of transportation says it started brining roads on friday and as of last night they've pretreated some 20,000 miles of roads that are in the path of this storm. now, this storm has caused the emergency declaration for the state of south carolina and for georgia. listen to the governor of south carolina talking about the threat headed his way. >> this is going to be a pretty bad storm in the upper part of the state, notably from anderson, greenville, spartanburg, over to rock hill, in that area. the good news is, it will be coming on the weekend and we have a holiday on monday, mlk day, so the schools will be closed. there will be a lot of offices closed then. >> reporter: and that, perhaps, is going to be the one silver lining of this storm, is that it will happen for what is a three-day weekend for many people in this area as they won't have to get on those roads to go to school and to work. christi and bore sflis. >> as we heard from allison chinchar, if you don't have to go out, do not. stay inside. nadia romero, thank you so much. >> stay safe, you and the crew there. we haven't event mentioned covid yet and it is shaping up to be an important week in the fight against the virus as registration opens for americans to receive those free at home coronavirus tests. we'll tell you how you can get yours. president biden is attempting to turn the page after a week that really saw his agenda take hits on several fronts. how he'll attempt to regain momentum on the eve of his one-year anniversary in office this week. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ liz, you nerd, cough if you're in here! shh! i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. what about rob's dry cough? 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where do you see some of those people being placed as you said, 23 military staff coming to help and support the help you already have? >> unfortunately, we're short in almost every area of our hospital, but we have areas, of course, that are hit harder than others. our emergency room, our intensive care units, but also areas of the hospital that have critical roles that aren't directly clinical, but needed to move the hospital around. transporters and environmental service workers, food service workers, we're short in all of those areas, very important crucial jobs, and there's going to be a lot of work to go around for these incredible heros, joining our heros at the hospital. >> you mentioned there the covid patients you have. i understand there's about 150 covid patients at your hospital. you mentioned that 75% of them are unvaccinated. contrast for us the care needed for somebody vaccinated versus somebody who is not? >> it's really the same playbook for somebody admitted with covid-19. the good news is that about 60% of them are patients with covid but not here for the classic covid disease, so covid pneumonia requiring intensive respiratory care, ventilator care and respiratory care, about 40% of patients with covid in our hospital and those are folks that are asymmetrically unvaccinated. if you're unvaccinated you're likely to get severe disease from covid and require all the classic things we've had to do over the last two years. contrast that with folks who are fully vaccinated or boosted who may have the disease but that's not why they're here for the most part. i think it's important to understand the distinction and the value of vaccination which is still really, really important, which is why we have a big role in our community in newark spreading the word about it, a vaccination clinic and continue to see demand for boosters which is good news. >> i understand that newark is an 80% minority community and that you say you've been quote devastated asymmetrically for the last two years. distinguish the problems that you see in your hospital versus perhaps others? have you had conversations with doctors at other hospitals? >> it. >> i'm glad you're asking about that, because our experience is similar to other urban areas across the community, majority minority areas, densely populated, comprised by essential workers of who to expose themselves to this risk two years now over others and we've been impacted by this and also been, therefore, experiencing worse staffing shortages on average than other hospitals that may not be serving such a vulnerable community. i think it's important the biden administration prioritized hospitals in areas of the country like ours. it speaks to their priority on health equity but where the pandemic has been hitting the most. so i think it's an indicator, frankly, this administration is listening to the priorities of health equity. >> dr. shareef, we appreciate all the work you're doing and taking time to talk with us. best of luck to you. >> my pleasure. still ahead a russian buildup on the border with ukraine. some now wondering is the cold war over or has it only been on pause for vladimir putin? 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. president biden is facing major challenges at home and abroad as his first year in office is coming to an end this week . >> let's go to jasmine wright traveling with the president in wilmington, delaware. president biden holding a news conference this week. what are you expecting to hear from him? >> boris, we expect to hear a lot from the president because wednesday presents a golden opportunity for the president who is in badly need of a reset. he will have the opportunity among a group of journalist, a fun group i might add, to talk about the way he sees moving his agenda forward, after really a tough set of setbacks this past week. so wednesday's press conference from the president coincides with a day that voting rights legislation is going to be taken up in the senate. we expect that vote to fail. remember that is one of the president's top priorities so we expect him to talk about the way forward on that. on managing the pandemic, another big issue for the president, we expect him to talk about it because last week the supreme court conservative leaning supreme court struck down the vaccine mandate that applied to employers with 100 or more workers. we expect for the president to present a plan on how he wants to go forward with managing the pandemic. of course those are two things, but on other things like the record level of inflation that this white house is facing, of course, russia and russian relation, and, of course, the president's sinking poll numbers are all things that we expect the president to address here. so it is a long list for president biden on wednesday when he marks one year in office with the press conference, really as he tries to turn the page and move forward with this agenda. boris and christi? >> we will be watching closely. jasmine wright from wilmington, delaware, thanks so much. let's dig deeper. "new york times" white house and national security correspondent david singer with us and politico playbook author rachel bade. thank you for sharing your sunday with us. first to you, president biden set to take questions from the press this week. what are you expecting to hear from biden with his popularity rating at a low? >> well, as you just heard, he does need a reset. he's got three sets of problems here. one is with his own party. the reason that the voting rights act is likely to fail on wednesday just before the press conference is because he can't bring along all 50 of his members of the senate, and he's going to have to explain the strategy of what he's going to do to get things done between now and the midterm elections when he's likely to lose his majority. his second big problem, he has a virus where the various strategies have so far failed to bring it under control. this is not where he expected to be a year into his presidency. he's got to make the case that it will look different in six months. and then third, he has a set of international challenges, the biggest of which, of course, coming from the confrontation in ukraine with russia, which, as you noted before, has hints of a cold war. >> yeah. i do want to ask you about that, david, but first rachel, your thoughts, what are you anticipating from the president on wednesday? what should the white house prioritize in messaging? >> look, i think it's going to be tough for biden for a reset. they tried to have a reset after christmas when build back better was put on ice and joe manchin walked away from the negotiating table and turned to an issue, frankly, they knew was never going to pass, so the so-called voting rights bill to expand access to early voting and federalize elections and campaigns, that is something that was never going to be playsble in terms of getting two moderate senators on board to basically go nuclear and get rid of the filibuster to pass the legislation. we've seen them sort of set themselves up, you know, for failure here, both by talking about a lot of things they want to pass but never had the numbers to do it, and turning to a bill over and over again that has failed in the senate. it will be interesting to see if they take a more realistic approach on wednesday, do they talk about things they've already passed like the bipartisan infrastructure bill, pandemic relief, or do they sort of keep trying to dig in on these sort of two issues that have befuddled the party and highlighted their dynamics in particular and haven't been able to get done. >> sticking with that, rachel, i got the chance to speak with congresswoman abigail spanberger and she told me she plans to campaign on the things that democrats have accomplished. the covid relief bill, the bipartisan infrastructure package, but how well is that going to translate at the ballot box this fall? >> it's going to be tough because they have made a lot of promises and the reality is that a lot of democrats turned out last election to vote for the party specifically because they were talking about things like paid leave, for universal pre-k, expanded medicare and medicaid, and the reality is they don't have the votes for that. that's going to be tricky, specifically for the base. i will say there are some moderates who, perhaps, are little more relieved that they don't have some of these things going into effect because they are concerned about blowback and if you look at poll numbers right now, you can see that americans, for the first time in a really long time, they want less government, not more government, and it's a tricky balance that they're going to have to strike right now. >> david, shifting from domestic follows what you noted, the new cold war, shades of the cuban missile crisis in 1961. i want to share something that you wrote this week with our viewers. you wrote, quote, a senior russian diplomat said moscow was preparing to place unspecified weapons systems in unspecified places. that merged with american and intelligence assessments that russia could be considering new nuclear deployments, perhaps tactical nuclear weapons or a powerful emerging arsenal of hypersonic missiles. putin not subtly hinting these weapons would threaten the nation's capital. doesn't appear the cold war ended for vladimir putin. should the united states engage with him in a more forceful way? >> it's been pretty forceful so far. i think they learned some lessons from the messiness of the afghan withdrawal and they've drawn some pretty hard red lines with putin. the question now is, i think twofold -- first does putin invade ukraine, and if so, does the united states then carry through with its promise of sanctions on a scale we have not seen before, including technology sanctions? and then the second question is, does putin decide that this isn't going to be limited to ukraine? as many of his aides were hinting, and he himself hinted, maybe it's bluster, begin to try to do things that would threaten europe or the united states, and that -- the easiest thing he could do is the redeployment of his nuclear weapons. i don't think we're back in a full-scale cold war. it doesn't feel like that. but it sure looks like we're seeing some cold war-like behavior and if he does do the redeployment, it will, as you suggested, bring back comparison to the 1962 crisis. >> it certainly appears from an outsider's perspective that he's trying to rebuild the soviet union. david sanger, rachel bade, thank you for the time. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. stay with cnn. we'll be right back. share the love event,e subau we are proud to have donated over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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[a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ when i say decades, i mean decades of disappointment in southwest ohio, but you bengals fans, i bet they're celebrating right now. >> they probably are, yeah. they're watching us to go to sleep. coy wire is with us right now. coy, 31 years of misery, almost completely wiped out in one afternoon in cincinnati. >> yeah. look, boris, christi, the bengals had the longest active drought between playoff wins. the last win was 1991 before text messages started. cincinnati, they summoned some of the rock and roll from the other side of the state and they also brought in the legend to show up to do the shuffle like when he ran for the bengals the last time they won a playoff game. the 25-year-old star, joe burrow, throwing a touchdown on the very first drive of his playoff career finding c.j., look at them busting out the ickey shuffle. burrow going to find boyd wide open, raiders players, they stop, they say they heard a whistle, they're arguing the catch, the head of officiating said the whistle came after the catch. listen. >> wow. the play not reviewable. touchdown stands. those seven points likely the difference in the game. fourth, final seconds, raiders need a touchdown stinds of a field goal to tie it. derek carr intercepted by jermaine pratt. cincinnati holds on 26-19. just listen to the love. >> now, to buffalo. buffalo busting out the six-packs pregame. we're talking about the players. shirtless, frozen nose hairs weather. fourth coldest game in team history, windchills in the negative, but the bills on fire. huge interception on the pats' first drive and josh allen and the offense had that swag and they were in there. allen, more touchdown passes than incompletions. five of them to four. when he's on he's the best qb in the league. how about this, 320 pound rookie lineman tommy doyle. bills could not be stopped. first team in playoff history to score a touchdown on the first seven drives. 47-17 blowout. and they did it against the bill belichick defense. one of the best in the league. put the league on notice, look out, lots of playoff games today, but the bills are rolling, boris and christi. >> and you're excited about it. >> i played six years there so i'm a little biassed. >> just a little. >> it was cold out there too. >> oh, baby, it's cold outside. i was getting the flashbacks when we had to use the hot chicken soup to warm our hands on the sideline. i was having flashbacks. >> if you have a six-pack show it off, regardless. >> that's right. we might have like 4 1/2 now, but i'll rock it. >> all right. coy wire, thank you so much. we'll be right back. ♪ got my heart ♪ ♪ got my soul ♪ ♪ got my mouth ♪ ♪ i got life ♪ nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: just stop. go for a run. go for 10 runs! run a marathon. instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. [♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. former prisoners often struggle to find work because of their backgrounds, especially women of color, bought food business in chicago is trying to give ex-inmates another chance. adrian broadist has more. >> you keep looking and keep looking, but it's all these nos, no, no. >> reporter: she spent time in prison for second-degree murder and struggled to find long-term work when released in 2017. >> i applied to numerous places. i remember i went to like o'hare to look for a job. >> reporter: it's difficult for former prisoners to find a job. >> you want to be honest because if they look they're going to see it. there was no return phone calls or follow-up. >> reporter: it's particularly hard for black women. they're unemployed at almost double the rate of formerly incarcerated white women. 75% face homelessness. >> reporter: business consultant camille kerr looked at the problem and saw an opportunity. she envisioned a business run by former innatsz would feed chicago's neediest people. >> they are the board of directors. they are the owners. they are the management of this organization. >> reporter: kerr worked with local organizers to recruit bryant and four other founding members. bryant proudly accepted the role of cook. >> that's the only hope you got, trying to figure out trying to open your own business once you leave business. >> reporter: chi fresh kitchen launched, an organization in desperate need of meals welcomed its services. >> we had 50 meals our first contract. after that, we was at like 500 to 1,000 meals. in a matter of like weeks. >> reporter: nearly two years later, the business is still thriving. the team provides over 1500 meals a week. >> when everybody else is trying to recruit workers and people aren't staying, we're getting so many calls because this is the type of work that people want to have. >> doing good. all right. >> reporter: in 2020, chi fresh will move to a new, 6,000 square foot kitchen, and the founders plan to serve more meals and second chances. >> on three. one, two, three. >> we were formerly incarcerated but we're making a difference not only for us but the women we left behind, for our families to ensure them that look, we made a mistake in life, but this is who we are today. >> wishing them the best of everything. there is a new cnn original series premiering tonight at 9:00 p.m. on the life of marilyn monroe. look at this. >> 21-year-old marilyn monroe decides to pursue another one of hollywood's biggest players. >> joe had a huge estate and he would just hold saturday night parties and a lot of people from hollywood would be there. and marilyn is invited to his parties. a lot of contract girls are. >> it was understood among the studio heads that these girls were there for the men at the studios to date. and then once their contract was up they would be discarded and in would come a fresh new crop. >> watch "he reframed marilyn monroe" tonight on cnn. we'll be right back. ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ from the very first touch, pampers, the #1 pediatrician recommended brand, helps keep baby's skin drier and healthier. so every touch will protect like the first. pampers some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? 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Sabbath Services , Stream , Attempt , Area , Contact , Crisis Negotiator , Building Ranting , Decision , Team , Building , Encounter , Virginia , Last Night , 00 , 9 , Result , Listen , Head , Agent , Situation , Doesn T , One Of The Best , Case , Organization , Law Enforcement Officers , Mission , Region , Crown Jewels , 200 , Law Enforcement Sources , Necessity , Idea , Zeroing , Lot , Questions , Release , Prison , Personnel , Sentence , Extremist , Afghanistan , Islamic , 86 , Threat , Offices , In London , Tel Aviv , Hostages Being Freed , Jewish Community , Episode , Sign , Heart Goss , Turmoil , Work , Violence , Expert , Resolution , Assistant Secretary , News , Reaction , Juliet Khiyam , Expertise , Matters , Department Of Homeland Security , Cnn National Security , Goal , Segment Say , Police Officer , Safe , Perpetrator , Hostage Taker , Patience , Opportunity , Culprit , Community , Sort , Nightmare , World , Vulnerability , Hostages Out , Protocols , Shooter , Hostage Negotiators , Over , Conversations , Person , Person Making Demands , Play , Choice , Hints , Confidence , Window , Airport , Reason , Openings , Video , Rants , Sense , Crazy , He S Apologizing , Someone , Understanding , Demands , Shooting , Way , Safety , Question , Matter , Reasons , House Of Worship , Kind , Conversation , Story , Target , Covid Vaccination Status , Visa , Cancellation , Title , Degree , Review , Poretation , Champion , Concern , Sentiment , Presence , Orders , Immigration Minister , Rise , Court Siding , Costs , Application , Two , Agreement , Deportation , Paula Hancocks , Melbourne , Source , Knowledge , Flight To Dubai , 10 , 30 , Statement , Minister , Dream , Judicial Review , Court Saying , Court Ruling , Go On , Relation , Strallen Open , Government , Job , Judges , Country , It Wasn T , Departure , Ten , Argument , Immigration , Merits , Testing Positive , Unrest , Disregard , December 18th , 19 , 18 , Scott Morrison , Lawyers , Response , Sacrifices , Results , Statement Saying , Round , We Haven T , Storm System , Shortage , Least , Ice , Snow , Parts , Allison Chinchar , Weather Center , Freezing Rain , Carolinas , Sleet , Bulk , The Rain , Southeast , Alison , Freezing Rain Kind , Guys , Rain , Transition , Mid Atlantic , Share , Atlanta , Northeast , Nashville , Precipitation , Eastern Seaboard , Up And Down , Memphis , Areas , South Carolina , Huntsville , Charlotte , Columbia , System , Air , Several , North , Chattanooga , 12 , 6 , Bit , Everything , End , Thing , Washington D C , New York , Southeast Pulls , Philadelphia , Boston , Everybody , Lots , Interior , Holiday , Mix , Snowfall Rates , Rain And Heavy , New England , Some , Place , Places , South , Wrap , Bands , 2 , 1 , Road , Power Outages , High , Roadways , Meteorologists , Impossible Travel , Temperatures , Sounds Good , Storm , States , Airlines , Travel Woes , Nadia Romero , Let S Go , Flight , Seeing , Georgia , Buford , 2000 , Wet , Expectation , Sunday Morning , Cars , Fact , I 85 Corridor , 85 , Roads , Winter Storms , Leaders , Georgia Department Of Transportation , Tree Branches , Power Lines , Skating Rinks , Brining Roads On Friday , Estate , Governor , Path , Emergency Declaration , 20000 , Spartanburg , Over To Rock Hill , Anderson , Greenville , Mlk Day , Schools , Holiday On Monday , Silver Lining , Stay Safe , Crew , Bore Sflis , Stay Inside , Biden , Virus , Agenda , Page , Registration , Hits , Fight , Home Coronavirus Tests , Momentum , Fronts , Eve , 4 , 3 , Cough , Works , Coughs , Rob , Phlegmy Cough , Mucinex , Mucinex Dm , Nerd , Vo , The Business , Phone , Number , Ground Running , T Mobile , Device , 800 , Business , Employees , Opportunities , Largest , 5g Network , Customers , 5 , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , On By , Breeze Driftin , Stand , Medicines , Power , Inhaler , Ways , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , Won T , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Heart Condition , Risk , Pneumonia , Mouth , Swelling , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Pain , Breathing , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Problems Urinating , Eye , Tongue , Trelegy Com , Tests , Effect , Insurance , Stores , Rules , Companies , Claim , Insurance Companies , White House , Timeline , Home Testing , Website , 7 , President , Staff , Dr , Health Commissioner , Ordering , Ceo , University Hospital In Newark , Shahreef , New Jersey , 300 , Life , Pandemic , Departments , Down Tick , Yes , Folks , Admissions , Hospital Admissions , 75 , Wave , Cases , Similar , Spring , Light , Tunnel , Adrenaline , 2020 , Hospitals , Women , Energy , Wall , Men , Staffing , Piece , Injection , Announcement , Morale , Uniform , 23 , Help , Military Staff , Needs , Hospital , Emergency Room , Intensive Care Units , Roles , Aren T , Hit , Workers , Service , Food Service , Transporters , Heros , Jobs , Somebody , Patients , 75 , Contrast , Care , Asymmetrically Unvaccinated , 150 , Playbook , 60 , Respiratory Care , Ventilator Care , 40 , Things , Disease , It , Distinction , Role , Vaccination Clinic , Vaccination , Demand , Value , Newark , Boosters , Word , Problems , Quote , Minority , Devastated Asymmetrically , 80 , Experience , Doctors , Densely Populated , Essential Workers , Staffing Shortages , Average , Administration , Most , Health Equity , Priority , Indicator , Priorities , Listening , Russian , Luck , Pleasure , Shareef , Food , Cold War , Vladimir Putin , Ukraine , Buildup , Border , Pause , Bathtub , Avocado , Plan , Skin , Ultra , Mary , Body , Verizon , 5g , Ultra Wideband , Guacamole , Offer Ends January 17th , 17 , January 17th , Cost , Times , Show , 5g Data , Entertainment Subscriptions , Lead , Speed , Shhh , Foreals , Zero , Six , Yep , Music , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , What A Wonderful World , Pill , Migraine , Dose , Tracks , Cause , Inhibitors , Older Medicines , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , Side Effects , Nausea , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Serena , Tiredness , Dog , Hard Eating Healthy , Body Wash , Skincare Super Ingredient Collagen , Body Wash Hydrates , Olay , Olay Body , Entertainment , Nice , Touchdown , Sports , Binge Watching , Voice , Apps , Bag , The Hits Won T Quit , Peacock Premium , Irish , Cheering , Home , Challenges , Office , News Conference , Wilmington , Delaware , Reset , Group , Fun Group , Journalist , Press Conference , Set , Voting Rights Legislation , Vote , Forward , Setbacks , Senate , Issue , Employers , Level , Vaccine Mandate , Inflation , Record , 100 , Numbers , List , Facing , Poll , Biden On , Jasmine Wright , Rachel Bade , Press , David Singer , New York Times , Biden Set , Dig , National Security , Politico , Let , Party , Popularity Rating , Low , Sets , Members , Voting Rights Act , 50 , Majority , Elections , Strategy , Strategies , Presidency , Which , Confrontation , Biggest , Thoughts , Messaging , Voting Rights , Voting , Access , Negotiating Table , Joe Manchin , Something , Playsble , Senators , Legislation , Terms , Campaigns , Filibuster , Bill , Failure , Issues , Infrastructure Bill , Relief , Approach , Keep , Chance , Abigail Spanberger , Dynamics , Reality , Relief Bill , Promises , Ballot Box , Democrats , Leave , Pre K , Medicare And Medicaid , Election , Moderates , Poll Numbers , Base , Blowback , Votes , Time , Balance , Cuban Missile Crisis , Domestic , Weapons Systems , Viewers , Diplomat , Moscow , 1961 , Weapons , Assessments , Missiles , Intelligence , Hypersonic , Deployments , Arsenal , Nation , Capital , Lessons , Putin , Messiness , Lines , Withdrawal , Isn T , Many , Technology Sanctions , Sanctions , Scale , Promise , Aides , Redeployment , Bluster , Europe , Back Comparison , It Doesn T , Behavior , Looks , Perspective , Crisis , Outsider , David Sanger , Soviet Union , 1962 , Car , Company , Stay , Love Event , Charity , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Difference , Car Company , None , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Yoga Shanti Slash , Subaru , The Living Room , Vacation , Family Needs , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Neuroscientist , App , Vrbo , Tv , Brain Performance , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Indicators , Memory Supplements , Science , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Family , Don T Take Rybelsus , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Stomach Pain , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Kidney Problems , Dehydration , Possibility , Vision Problems , Changes , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Hair Damage , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 98 , 0 , Hair , Dove , Damage , Lock , Repair , Signs , Sandra , Animals , Planning Effect , Advisor , Fidelity , Investing Strategies , Picture , Wealth , Protein , More , Whatever , Healthcare , Thirty , Health , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Limu Emu , Limu , Whistles , Doug , Sec , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Bengals Fans , Disappointment , Southwest Ohio , Bengals , Coy Wire , Misery , Cincinnati , 31 , Text Messages , Side , Shuffle , Win , Drought , Playoff Wins , Legend , Rock And Roll , 1991 , Joe Burrow , Finding C J , Drive , Playoff Game , 25 , Players , Raiders , Whistle , Officiating , Ickey Shuffle , The Catch , Wide Open , Points , Catch , Touchdown Stands , Seven , Game , Field Goal , Fourth , Touchdown Stinds , Jermaine Pratt , Derek Carr , 26 , Love , Pregame , Shirtless , To Buffalo , Buffalo , Bills , Swag , On Fire , Interception , Hairs , Offense , Team History , Windchills , Pats , Negative , Allen , League , Five , Incompletions , Qb , Rookie , Tommy Doyle , 320 , Playoff Games , Playoff History , Blowout , Defense , Notice , Bill Belichick , 47 , Baby , Flashbacks , Cold , It S Cold Outside , Little , Biassed , Sideline , Hands , Chicken Soup , Show It Off , 4 1 2 , Heart , Soul , Run , Nicorette , Smoking , Marathon , Life Nicorette , Otezla , Cream , Choices , Psoriasis , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , Splash , Entrance , Depression , Feelings , History , Don T , Planning , Weight Loss , Headache , Weight , Treatment , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Car Vending Machines , License Plate , Carvana , Offer , Techno Wizardry , Spot , Muscle Health , Glucose Control , Diabetes , Blood Sugar Levels , Support , Drink , Hunger , Prisoners , Food Business , Backgrounds , Color , Feed Chicago , Adrian Broadist , Nos , Murder , 2017 , O Hare , Return Phone Calls , Rate , White Women , Face Homelessness , Camille Kerr , Business Consultant , Business Run , Owners , Organizers , Former , Board Of Directors , Management , Bryant , Innatsz , Meals , Contract , Need , Chi Fresh Kitchen , 1000 , 500 , Aren T Staying , 1500 , Kitchen , Type , Calls , Doing Good , 6000 , Chances , Founders , Left Behind , Families , Look , Mistake , He Reframed Marilyn Monroe , Hollywood , 21 , Parties , Saturday Night Parties , Marilyn , Contract Girls , Girls , Studios , Studio , Crop , Pop , Trouble , On Cnn , Step , Boogie , Rock , Talk , Left , Beat , Moon , Side Step , Heat , Touch , Pampers , Brand , It Roll , Pediatrician , First , Cooking , Memories , Mom , Growing Up , Version , Meal , Northwestern Mutual , Ww , Shopping , James Corden , 28 , Foods , Ice Cream , Limits , Sandwiches , Clothes , Ww Personalpoints Program , Sir , Baby Got Back , Unlimited Cashback Match , Discover , Buenos Diaz , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic Out , Morning , Court , Reasoning , Winte ,

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