Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

on to the national stage a little more than a year ago and flirtation before and since with one of this country's two mainstream political parties. first, though, all we learned since last night, which is a lot. some of which, helps further bury false notions about the insurrection that we have all the been literally hearing since day one. for starters, remember the initial refrain subsequently amplified that these weren't really trump supporters but were antifa? in fact, a lot of former president's supporters still seem to make that argument. well, according to page 22 of the indictment, rhodes responded on -- on his signal chat channel to a claim that antifa broached the capitol according to the indictment, rhodes replied nope, i'm right here, these are patriots. keep that in mind as you think back to how many times over the last year, you heard lawmakers try to whitewash the insurrection with variations on the theme that the people who stormed the capitol weren't really the people that we all watched storming the capitol. so, there is that, which plays into this. at least as it relates to lawmakers spreading falsehoods and/or offering misleading answers to straightforward questions about january 6th. we played this next piece of sound for you last night but like the oath keepers' indictment, we are learning a lot more since then. so, here it is cnn's manu raju asking house republican leader kevin mccarthy about his flip-flop over whether or not he would cooperate with january 6th committ committee which wants to question him. here it is. >> down to the creation of an outside commission from the start, you also opposed the select committee. >> well that is not true. >> well, you also -- >> >> i appreciate that. >> you said sure you would be willing to testify about your conversations. >> what was the date of that? >> it was in may of last year. >> okay. >> and you are now saying you won't agree to voluntarily cooperate. so why should the public now conclude that you are trying to hide something here and hide the facts from getting out? >> great question. i hope everything gets corrected at cnn. >> i hope everything gets kregted at cnn, he said yesterday. well, we are happy to oblige and keeping 'em honest, we did go through this one of the reasons the committee wants to talk to the congressman is they want to know the president's state of mind at the time. they want to talk to people who were talking to the former president when the capitol was being assaulted. as it was being assaulted. so here is part of the q&a yesterday. >> you have a unique window into the president on that day -- january 6th. you were one of the only few people who spoke to him that day. doesn't the american public have a right to know what the president of the united states was thinking and doing while the u.s. capitol was under attack? >> that's a great question. you know, the great thing about that? i didn't wait a year later. on january 6th, i spoke to american public. not by one network but by many networks. my conversation was very short. advising the president of what was happening here. >> now, keeping him honest, as you know, it has now widely been reported that mccarthy did not, as he said yesterday, merely fill in the former president on what was happening. after all, it was happening on live tv. so president actually already knew that. that is downplaying it significantly. according to multiple accounts including one from a republican congresswoman that day, he told him to call off the jobmob and l in the national guard only to be rebuffed. but don't have to take our word for it. k-file uncovered a little noticed interview mccarthy did a local station just six days after the insurrection when i guess his memory of the call was a little fresher? so take it from him. >> i spoke to the president during the riot. i was the first person to call him. i told him to go on national tv. i say he has responsibility. he told me, personally, that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do. >> so those remarks, on the 12th of january, echo what he said the day before on a private conference call as we mentioned with house republicans. cnn today obtained a wraed readout from someone will who listened to. he says let me be clear to you, the president he bears responsibility for his words and actions. no ifs, ands, or buts. mccarthy goes on to say, then, quote, i asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened, if he feels bad about what happened. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. but he needs to acknowledge that. obviously, he never did and mccarthy, as you know, went down to mar-a-lago just a couple weeks later to make nice with him. and has been downplaying the former president's culpability ever since. he -- he's also said he doesn't have any information to add to their investigation. now, the sound we played and the transcript we just read would seem to suggest otherwise. but, look, that's just us here at cnn trying to get everything correct and stuff. wait, there is more. his answering yesterday to manu raju's question about why he was re reneging, he answered with this misleading characterization of the select committee's genesis. >> the fbi was doing their own investigation and you all know the role of congress. the only role we have is legislating. you asked me that question in may. that was two months before nancy pelosi decided, for the first time in history by any speaker, to deny the minority to even put their individuals on a committee. >> so that's misleading. speaker pelosi did reject two of mccarthy's five proposed committee members. congressman jim jordan and jim banks. now, the reason stated was concerns that they were also potential witnesses and, in fact, since then, the committee has asked to speak to both mr. jordan about the insurrection, and his conversations with the former president on the day of the attack. as well as what he might know about the possible planning of it. and speaking of pelosi actually did accept the other three republican mccarthy picks and gave him a chance to suggest another two republican members. instead, mccarthy decided to pull out entirely. and remember, this came after mccarthy had rejected a proposal for a bipartisan commission that would have given equal membership and subpoena power to democrats and republicans. only after all that, did house democrats set up a select committee, which has two republican members. the only two who would actually join. one of whom, liz cheney, was drummed out of the gop leadership. so, kevin mccarthy, we hope that corrects the record just as we hope these latest dielt indictments do the same when it comes to efforts to paint a violent insurrection as something less. more now from ed lavandera who was in court today in plano, texas. so, ed, what happened in court? >> reporter: well, stuart rhodes, who is leader of the oath keepers made his initial appearance in federal court today here in plano, texas, not too far from where he was arrested 24 hours ago, the dallas-ft. worth suburb of little elm. he appeared calm and unfazed by everything going on. essentially, it was a brief-court appearance. and essentially, what his attorneys are now focused on is getting him out of jail. he remains in custody. there will be a detention hearing next week. rhodes has pleaded not guilty. but his attorneys are trying to get him out of jail while he awaits for trial. so, that hearing has been scheduled for next thursday. but the -- there is no real comment on all of the details that were un -- unleashed in this 49-page indictment by federal prosecutors where they essentially accuse him of plotting the forceful opposition of the peaceful transfer of presidential power. all of this, stemming back to the january 6th insurrection. anderson. >> what are rhodes' supporters and ex-wife saying about all this? >> well, there were two friends of his and another lawyer with the oath keepers who showed up at the hearing today. we asked them about the text messages and the communications that rhodes had with several members of the oath keepers where he said we will have to do a bloody -- a massively bloody revolution against them. that's what's going to have to happen. we asked about all that. his supporters say that's simply overblown, that it was just rhetoric. but his ex-wife spoke -- stewart rhodes' ex-wife spoke with cnn today and she described him as a sociopath -- someone who is a dangerous man. very much, interested in creating a mythology of being a great leader around himself. anderson. >> interesting. ed lavandera, appreciate it. more now on who the defendant is, how his group came to be, and what more mr. rhodes, himself, openly said he had in mind for washington. cnn's drew griffin as that. >> oath keeper, leader, and founderings stuart rhodes spent nearly a year publicly denying he had anything to do with the violence on january 6th. >> there were no plans by the leadership -- us -- to enter the capitol. no instructions by us to do so. we didn't even know that any of our guys had done it, until afterwards. >> reporter: but this indictment tells a different story. accusing rhodes of seditious conspiracy, a complex, months-long plan for a massively bloody revolution if joe biden took office. prosecutors allege oath keepers prepared for battle, at rhodes' direction. rhodes, purchasing thousands of dollars in guns and tactical equipment. others setting up an armed quick-reaction force. and communicating as they stormed the capitol. >> you are executing citizens' arrests. arrest this assembly. we have probable cause acts of treason, election fraud. >> reporter: a promoter of the big lie, rhodes constantly and publicly called for donald trump to invoke the insurrection act over the november 2020 election or else -- >> he does not do it, we will have to fight a bloody civil war or bloody revolution. >> reporter: that fiery language about revolution isn't new for rhodes. he's been obsessed with fears of a deep-state government for over a dozen years. rhodes formed the oath keepers in 2009. after america elected its first black president. his loose military-based group's swears allegiance, they claim, to the constitution and nothing else. >> orders martial law, i will not obey. >> rhodes started with an oath keeper blog but his messages were soon spread to millions of people by conspiracy theorists and stop the steal organizer alex jones. rhodes has been a regular on jones' info wars show for more than a dozen years. >> why did you start oath keepers? >> reporter: together, jones and rhodes would whip up conspiracy theories and talk about government internment camps, and plots to confiscate ammunition. >> homeland security department is buying and has bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo. >> they are buying it because they think might have to use it pretty soon. um, so they -- they believe -- almost every gun owner i spoke to is very concerned that this is -- this is for all the marbles and we are heading for civil war. >> reporter: armed oath keepers acting as vigilantes began showing up at civil disturbances, marches, protests, all while rhodes pushed the idea that a real war would need to be fought to preserve the u.s. from so-called elites and leftists. unless we can deactivate brainwashing, we are going to have eventually to fight them but it will be a different billion ball game. >> just days before election night 2020, rhodes told info wars' viewers the time he had been predicting was coming. >> civil war because you have, um, sitting politicians who are part of the enemy's -- enemy's rask ranks but good news for us though, is we have 14 million veterans at least. massive pool of combat veterans who are awake and aware. >> after trump locket the election, oath keepers acted as security as stop the steal rallies and rhodes talked about providing protection for alex jones and others. he also broadcast donald trump his shadowy army was in position. >> we have men stationed outside d.c. as a nuclear option in case they attempt to remove the president illegally, we will step in and stop it prepared to go in. >> reporter: and as the plans for january 6th started in motion, according to rhodes' attorney, the oath keepers were asked by january 6th rally organizers to provide security. >> they were coming to the capitol for demonstration that alex jones were going to have. that went off the rails and didn't happen. >> reporter: two days before the insurrection, rhodes pocketed an alert bulletin of the oath keepers' website. all patriots who can get to d.c. need to be in d.c. stand now, he wrote, or kneel forever. they came, armed, in battle fatigues. and according to prosecutors, began executing their plan to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power, including multiple ways to deploy force. >> overran the capitol. >> and drew griffin joins us now. it is really fascinating to -- to see the background of -- of this person. you mentioned some of the people in the report who have not been charged, yet seem to have been in close contact with rhodes and the oath keepers, so-called, and planning for january 6th. is it possible this is only the beginning? >> anderson, that is the big question and what makes these connections so interesting. even going beyond this indictment, if you look at what happened leading up to january 6th, you see rhodes and/or oath keepers interacting -- interacting not only with alex jones -- that conspiracy theorist and ali alexander -- the stop the steal organizer -- but others involved in the rallies, the rhetoric, and threats including members of congress. >> drew griffin, appreciate it. thank you. number one ranked tennis star in limbo tonight with his bid for a 21st grand slam on the line. novak djokovic is being detained again in australia. we will have a live report from melbourne and talk with former-professional tennis player james blake next. and family and friends gathered today for bob saget's funeral off. week there has been on outpouring of love and remembrance for the actor and comedian. we will have that ahead. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at welcome to the next level. what's the plan? 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and what more did you learn about what his visa was revoke f ed for a second time? >> anderson, this morning's hearing was about getting the parties together. and preparing them to come back tomorrow to argue the case in detail. and to decide whether or not djokovic's cancelled visa should remain cancelled or whether he should be allowed to be free, and then ultimately play here in the australian open. that happened after he reported to australian authorities to be taken into detention. he is now under mandatory detention here because he doesn't have a visa. he is allowed to spend time with his lawyers preparing his case, but tonight he will be sleeping in a visa immigration detention center. the argument here has changed, though, from the start of the week. at the start of the week, lawyers were arguing in court that djokovic was wrong to think he could come to the country unvaccinated because he had recently recovered from covid-19. now, government is arguing we are told from djokovic's lawyers that he represents a threat -- according to the government -- to the australian public because his skeptical stance on vaccines could excite over members of the anti-vax community here. that's gonna be the focus of the argument when they all get together in a virtual courtroom sunday. anderson. >> what is expected to happen? >> so written submissions -- that is, the written arguments will be put in by both sides by the end of today. then, they are going to speak for around -- the lawyers will -- each gets 90 minutes each to make their case and the expectation is you would hope there would be a decision, and certainly djokovic hopes this. there will be a quick decision as early as tomorrow evening, tomorrow afternoon melbourne time. and if that timetable follows, and if that decision does come in, then it does leave open the possibility that even after having spent another weekend in immigration detention, djokovic could walk out on to center court on monday and play in the opening round of the australian open. >> how are players reacting to -- to him being detained for a second time? >> yeah. i think it's a mix of some sympathy but also a lot of frustration. sympathy that a great player is enduring what is essentially a fairly undignified form of treatment. even the defending women's champion naomi osaka said a short time ago that it's very sad that he is going to be remembered by many people for this whole saga. but there is also growing frustration, too, from players because players have all come here to play tennis, talk about tennis. but this is taking all the attention away from the other competitors at the moment. very little talk of what is expected to be some world-class tennis here over the coming weeks. and there was also absolutely an awareness that is expressed here i think by a lot of players and that is what is being experienced here by novak djokovic is absolutely a consequence of the decisions that he has made personally in the run-up to this tournament. >> if he loses that appeal on sunday, does he then have to leave the country? >> he does. yeah. possibly, pretty quickly. he would remain in immigration detention in that case, and then the government would facilitate his removal from the country as quickly as he could get on a flight. um, but he would stay in detention until that was able to happen and one of the questions that still hasn't quite been answered here is whether or not there would be a further ban on him returning to the country. these decisions from the minister normally carry a three-year entry ban on -- on entering the country again. that would obviously have a big impact on his ability to come back here in subsequent years and play in the australian open. the government has some discretion in waiving that ban, but hasn't indicated whether it is prepared to do so. >> phil black, thanks. let's bring in former professional tennis player james blake. james, gooed to see you again. what do you make of what we just learned from phil black here? >> last time i was on, i appreciate being on a second time this week but it's sad i am not talking about serves and back hands. i share the same frustration i think a lot of the players share in talking about that this isn't -- we are not talking about tennis. this is take over all the headlines and doesn't look good for really anyone. i think the government doesn't look good in this, novak doesn't look good in this and it is sad one of if not our greatest champion is going to possibly be remembered, especially this year, for this incident and this situation. um, it really -- i wish it had been from the beginning handled a little more clearly, little more transparency from the government, from novak, as to what was gonna happen. and how the treatment should be fair. >> i mean, how much of this back and forth could have been avoided if this wasn't a huge international star? i mean, for better or for worse. >> yeah. i mean, we saw a female player that was supported and there was not much news around her. she feels like she was not treated fairly as well but there haven't been as many stories about her you so i think it is a bit of a double-edged sword being the superstar novak is and out spoken as he is with the fact that he did probably have treatment that he was seven days late in his application for the exemption. so would a rank-and-file player have gotten that same -- that same treatment? but this circus around his detention and this hearing and so it's -- um, it is a bit of a double-edged sword. i don't think we would be talking about it nearly as much if this was the 100th ranked player in the world. >> also just from a playing standpoint, i mean, again, he has not been practicing all during this time. >> yeah. this is really difficult. i am also a little surprised tennis australia had this set up so that he is playing on monday. i think they could have had the opportunity to play his half of the draw tuesday. um, but playing monday -- him not being able to practice today, yesterday. being in this detention hotel makes it pretty difficult to be prepared the way he normally would prepare for these -- for these matches. physically, i think he will be fine. he has done all the hard work to get there but you are kind of fine tuning skills in those last couple days they may not be there. and we will see if he is able -- if he does win his appeal, and get back on court this would be one of the greatest challenges he would have to overcome on the court. um, dealing with the crowds and dealing with the rust that he may feel from not having these couple days of prangctice. >> did you ever mention the tennis community can become kind of a global flash point in the fight over covid-19 vaccinations? >> i never thought it would be like this. i mean, so many sports have come together. obvious lirks in the nba, the kyrie irving case or aaron rodgers in the nfl. but i really didn't think with tennis, i think we have 97% of the men in the top hundred are vaccinated. and they have gone through all the protocols. they ever done everything that -- that atp and wta have asked. so it seems like it has been going very smoothly for an international sport. but this, obviously, i guess was bound to happen in someone that was extremely anti-vax, and wanted to -- to make his case and -- and stand up for his freedoms and his rights. and it became very public wone f the countries that is most locked down. >> how much pressure do you think there is on australian authorities to allow him to play since he is the number one player? i mean, again, you know, players who are not as highly ranked as him are gone by now. who -- who, you know, didn't follow the rules. >> yeah. this is so tough. i think on the government. me never wanting to be in politics because it is a difficult decision and these are very high stakes. it's actually really high stakes for novak because as you heard phil black say, if he gets this visa cancelled, he could be out for three years. this is a risk he took getting on this plane, coming here with the kechpechlgz and not positivf he was correct or not. i believe he went thinking he was correct but if he had just left immediately, i don't believe he would have had faced this possible three-year ban so it is a huge, huge risk for him and the politicians. i know an election is coming up there soon and they are putting a lot of chips in this basket to say this is what we feel is best for the australian population. the pop lagz's been so locked down and it could come back to backfire in this election soon. or it could -- it could push them over the edge for being elected. so i am not sure how the australian political system will go and how this election will go but i think they are taking a big risk with this -- with this because it is such a public matter and it is novak djokovic. >> yeah. james blake, good to talk to you. thank you very much. >> thanks. coming up, the next shoe to drop in the case of the fake presidential electors. i mean, it's true but such a weird story. these are some of them in michigan. and now, michigan's attorney general wants federal authorities to investigate. she joins us, next. well, would you look at that? 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>> yeah. well, we received, um, the information about this actually from the governor's office in january. of 2020. late january. and they had it because they had received something from the national archivist indicating that they had received this false slate of trump electors and they were basically rejecting it, and they just wanted us to know about that. uh, and as soon as i saw it, i was really amazed. i knew of course that there was this false slate of electors. i was there at the state capitol when they tried to force their way in. i know, in fact, that they were not there, and they were not counted because i was in the room where it actually occurred with the actual 16 electors that were, of course, biden and harris electors. but i was amazed and astonished to find out later these individuals -- not only had they signed this form, but they actually had filed it. and they sent it to the national archivist. they sent it to the president of the senate. they sent it to the chief judge of the western district of michigan. you know, and they sent it to the michigan secretary of state. which those are all the places that that form goes. but it's the legitimate form, not this forgery that they sent. so it's -- it was a very big deal. and we began investigating. we had decided on charges that we thought were appropriate. but then, when the january 6th commission started to investigate and we saw that, really, this was a piece of a much larger puzzle, we thought that it was better situated for the department of justice to put that puzzle together, given now what they have learned. >> i mean, is it clear to you from -- from your vantage point who was behind this? i mean, who orchestrated this? >> well, i know who signed the certificate. i mean, their names are on there. we verify it of course with the secretary of state. >> but who recruited these people? >> well, i think that's going to be for u.s. attorney merrick garland and the department of justice to determine. >> yeah. what kind of charges toocould te signers of the fake document be facing? >> well first of all, they can -- they can still face state charges, at the same time they are facing federal charges. i would like the feds to pursue this. but we decided in state -- you know, under state law that they had committed forgery of a public record which is a 14-year offense. and election law forgery, which is a five-year offense. under federal law, i think there is a variety of charges, depending on what's uncovered, certainly forgery of a public record for the purposes of defrauding the united states. that's a ten-year felony. conspiracy to commit an offense to defraud the united states is a five-year felony. these are crimes that involve the intent, um, really to impair the administration of the federal government. there are a number of other crimes, in addition to that. but, you know, the -- the federal authorities will have to make that decision. it seems pretty clear that they are guilty of having committed these crimes, though. >> yeah. as -- as just -- in a video we are going to show, the michigan republicans who signed this fake document were not trying to hide it. i mean, they clearly wanted media attention. they engage in this at the door of the state capitol. >> they certainly did. but i mean, they have to be held accountable the way same way anybody else would. you know, i -- i look at what they did here, and honestly, i just -- you know, maybe it wasn't as physically threatening as what happened on january the 6th. but it every bit as much served to undermine the fabric of our system of government. and, you know, you can't call a political theater when you are committing a crime just because you commit it in front of cameras. it's still, um, is something people need to be held accountable for. and it's really outrageous when you think about the fact that they certainly, obviously, thought that they could get away with it. >> i got to say that state troop -- i don't know if it is a state trooper or capitol police officer. very, very -- uh, had very good presence of mind in just how he interacted with these people. attorney general, appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thanks for having me. tensions between ukraine and russia are intensifying after new intelligence indicates russia's planning to escalate the conflict. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. u.s. officials says new intelligence indicates that russia is planning a so-called false-flag operation in eastern ukraine to justify an invasion of ukraine. and the pentagon is calling the intelligence very credible. according to the u.s. official, there is evidence that russia has already positioned a group of operatives trained in urban warfare and using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against russia's own proxy forces. and today, ukraine also accuses russia of carrying out a cyberattack on dozens of their government websites request w a threatening message saying be afraid and wait for the worst. this comes just days after the u.s. and russia held talks aimed at diffusing tensions over ukraine. joining us now, cnn national security correspondent, kylie atwood, who is at the state department. what is the latest on these latest russian operatives? >> anderson, this is some really significant around information from the biden administration today. as you said, the biden administration saying they have credible information that russia has put into place operatives to essentially carry out a sabotage campaign. and what that means is that these operatives would go after russian proxy troops that are in ukraine or russian speakers that are in ukraine with the hope, therefore, of creating the pretext -- the excuse for potentially invading ukraine. essentially, saying because these attacks are happening, we have to go in. of course, the key here being they would be the ones carrying out those attacks. and they have to consider this information -- this piece of information in the context of the larger picture, of course. russi russia also has 100,000 troops along the border with ukraine. they are also carrying out a disinformation campaign. they carried out potentially that cyberattack overnight. ukrainians saying the russians carried out that cyberattack on their government websites. the u.s. not yet saying who is responsible but the context here is key. it's clear that russia is laying down the foundation for the potential of a multipronged approach that would allow them to invade ukraine. and that is the biggest fear here. >> is it clear what kind of action the united states would be prepared to take? diplomatic, military, or other? >> yeah. i mean, that -- that's the question, right? you look at this week. and the biden administration will say we put every effort we could into diplomacy with russia. we sat down with russia in three different instances for a tremendous number of hours. we tried to find common ground. the u.s. saying the biden administration -- our hope here is to continue diplomacy. that is the only way out here, to find some common ground and essentially to create some incentive for russia to deescalate the situation with ukraine. russia not yet committing to continuing that diplomacy. making some demands. we will have to see where that goes. and then, when it comes to the other alternative route that the biden administration has been clear that they are willing to pursue -- these sanctions. the u.s. has been clear that these will be very, very expensive sanctions. essentially, trying to take russia out of the global economy. the question here is, is europe ready to go alongside the biden administration? the biden administration says they are but there are some questions about that. and of course, the military. the u.s. is willing to provide more defensive weaponry to ukraine if they are invaded. they have already provided a tremendous amount of that defensive weaponry to date. but of course, what the u.s. is saying they will not do is put u.s. troops on the ground there ukraine to fight against any potential invasion. >> yeah. kylie atwood, appreciate it. thank you. up next, the tributes for actor and comedian bob saget who was laid to rest today. . . . growing up, bilal was obsessed, obsessed with superman! not because he could fly, but because superman stood up for people. maybe it's because of our family's own immigrant story, or he's just that nerdy. throughout his career in the obama administration and the private sector, bilal has never stopped helping others. we don't need a superhero to solve san francisco's biggest problems like crime and homelessness, just the innovation and courage to lead. join me. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. family and friends gathered for a private funeral in los angeles for bob saget. the 65-year-old actor and comedian was found dead in his orlando, florida, hotel room last sunday. he had done a stand-up comedy show the night before. unclear how he died. it could be weeks before autopsy findings are released. there's been tributes for him. with that here's randi kaye. ♪ >> reporter: to those who knew and loved bob saget, he was more than just a tv dad. >> a word that came up a lot was the sweetest and bob was the sweetest. he was the sweetest man. >> reporter: an emotional jimmy kimmel paid tribute to his friend on his late night show. >> he had something funny to say about everything and nothing bad to say about anyone. he was very kind to everyone and he had no problem telling you that he loved you and what you meant to him. >> reporter: now his loved ones and friends are sharing what he meant to them after the actor's sudden death in an orlando hotel room sunday. his close friend and fellow cast member from "full house," john stamos posted this picture with saget on instagram writing, i'm not ready to accept that he's gone. i'm not going to say good-bye yet. i'm going to imagine him out there still on the road doing what he loves with all his heart and humor. >> we're on the 405 remembering bob saget. >> reporter: his close friends are picking up pieces of his life. they made this live instagram video as they retrieved saget's car from los angeles airport. >> i was saying i wish -- i wish to god i had 100 more things like this to do because that would be an awesome thing to lean on, you know. >> tomorrow we're going to pick up his dry cleaning. john brought bob home. that means a lot. thank you for that. there's no windshield wipers for their eyes. only for the windshield. >> reporter: kenan thompson clearly moved by saget's death. he told "the view" he saw him recently in l.a. >> you know, it hurts a lot. he never like put that air on of, you know, being a diva or anything like that because of his status. he was just a genuinely great person. >> reporter: sirius xm host rich eisen remembered his humor and big heart. >> he would open his mouth and the fill it'siest things would come out of it and that was his style. that was his sense of fumer. he was just so nice and his heart was so big. part of that big heart and his love of life and family, his sister died of an awful, awful disease called clscleraderma. it killed his sister and spent his entire working life working for the research foundation. >> tom arnold mourned the loss of his friend an a great comedian. >> he was an amazing, amazing comic. i think being a stand-up comic was the most important thing to him. he certainly has the respect of everyone in my business. >> reporter: bob saget, a friend to so many, a loss too great to comprehend. >> so many people speaking so highly of him and his life and how he was. how else are people remembering bob saget? >> reporter: well, anderson, you heard rich mention the foundation, the charity that was close to bob saget's heart because he lost his 44-year-old sister to it. a very rare autoimmune disease and there's been an outpouring of foundations as a result of bob saget's death. the foundation says they've had more than 1500 donations from around the world totaling more than $90,000, also one of the board members who served with bob saget on the board for that foundation has donated a $1.5 million grant and that is being used to match any donations that are made in bob saget's name so certainly a lot of help for that foundation but also, anderson, all of his friends, many of his friends who helped him raise money for that foundation. they appeared with him as comedians at some of these fund-raisers. they have said that they know how much it meant to him and will continue to support the scleraderma foundation in his honor. >> thanks, randi. we'll be right back. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪ hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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"reframed: marilyn monroe" sunday 9:00 p.m. the news continues with laura coates and cnn tonight. >> that song is stuck in all of our heads. have a great weekend with that earworm. >> welcome to "cnn tonight." today's news could be filed under the category of, well, well, well. that's exactly what you probably have been thinking as you heard the day's news

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Awaiting Another Court Hearing In Australia , Star In Limbo Tonight , Line , Number One , Steal , Organizer , Threats , Bid , Grand Slam , 21 , Actor , Family , Bob Saget , Comedian , James Blake , Outpouring , Up Next , Remembrance , Love , Australia , Melbourne , Funeral Off , Treatment , Doctor , Biktarvy , H I V , Adults , Pill , Amount , Cure , Virus , Lab Test , Research , Liver Problems , Side Effects , Kidney Problems , Can , Sex , Kidney Failure , Buildup , Lactic Acid , Rifampin , Dofetilide , Breastfeeding , Headache , Kidney , Medicines , Hepatitis , Nausea , Diarrhea , Hepatitis B , Memories , Cooking , Mom , Kitchen , World , Advisor , Level , Moon , Baby , Warp Speed , Northwestern Mutual , Nm Com , Save Earth , Everybody , Experience , See Moonfall , Enjoy The Ride , Lexus Nx , 4 , February 4th , Cooking Timer Rings , Company , General , Insurance , Montell Jordan , 60 , Go , Call , Low Rate , Coverage , The General , Phil Black , Visa , Covid , More Fwraeking , F Ed 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Toocould , Offense , Election Law Forgery , State Law , Feds , 14 , Felony , Conspiracy , Variety , Law , Defrauding , Purposes , Ten , Crimes , Number , Intent , Addition , Video , Show , Media Attention , Door , Wasn T , Anybody , Theater , Fabric , January The 6th , Crime , State Troop , Accountable , Cameras , Front , Eastern Ukraine , Presence , Tensions , State Trooper , Police Officer , Russia , Intelligence , Conflict , Heart , Boogie , Pop , Trouble , Butter , Beat , Criminal , Side Step , Side , Step , Heat , Rock , Picture , Planning Effect , Fidelity , Whatever , Things , Road , Healthcare , Investing Strategies , Wealth , Invasion , Evidence , Official , Officials , False Flag Operation , Pentagon , Operatives , Cyberattack , Websites , Dozens , Proxy Forces , Sabotage , Explosives , Urban Warfare , Kylie Atwood , Latest , Talks , Worst , State Department , Cnn National Security Correspondent , Message , Sabotage Campaign , Place , Ukraine , Hope , Troops , Speakers , 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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

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on to the national stage a little more than a year ago and flirtation before and since with one of this country's two mainstream political parties. first, though, all we learned since last night, which is a lot. some of which, helps further bury false notions about the insurrection that we have all the been literally hearing since day one. for starters, remember the initial refrain subsequently amplified that these weren't really trump supporters but were antifa? in fact, a lot of former president's supporters still seem to make that argument. well, according to page 22 of the indictment, rhodes responded on -- on his signal chat channel to a claim that antifa broached the capitol according to the indictment, rhodes replied nope, i'm right here, these are patriots. keep that in mind as you think back to how many times over the last year, you heard lawmakers try to whitewash the insurrection with variations on the theme that the people who stormed the capitol weren't really the people that we all watched storming the capitol. so, there is that, which plays into this. at least as it relates to lawmakers spreading falsehoods and/or offering misleading answers to straightforward questions about january 6th. we played this next piece of sound for you last night but like the oath keepers' indictment, we are learning a lot more since then. so, here it is cnn's manu raju asking house republican leader kevin mccarthy about his flip-flop over whether or not he would cooperate with january 6th committ committee which wants to question him. here it is. >> down to the creation of an outside commission from the start, you also opposed the select committee. >> well that is not true. >> well, you also -- >> >> i appreciate that. >> you said sure you would be willing to testify about your conversations. >> what was the date of that? >> it was in may of last year. >> okay. >> and you are now saying you won't agree to voluntarily cooperate. so why should the public now conclude that you are trying to hide something here and hide the facts from getting out? >> great question. i hope everything gets corrected at cnn. >> i hope everything gets kregted at cnn, he said yesterday. well, we are happy to oblige and keeping 'em honest, we did go through this one of the reasons the committee wants to talk to the congressman is they want to know the president's state of mind at the time. they want to talk to people who were talking to the former president when the capitol was being assaulted. as it was being assaulted. so here is part of the q&a yesterday. >> you have a unique window into the president on that day -- january 6th. you were one of the only few people who spoke to him that day. doesn't the american public have a right to know what the president of the united states was thinking and doing while the u.s. capitol was under attack? >> that's a great question. you know, the great thing about that? i didn't wait a year later. on january 6th, i spoke to american public. not by one network but by many networks. my conversation was very short. advising the president of what was happening here. >> now, keeping him honest, as you know, it has now widely been reported that mccarthy did not, as he said yesterday, merely fill in the former president on what was happening. after all, it was happening on live tv. so president actually already knew that. that is downplaying it significantly. according to multiple accounts including one from a republican congresswoman that day, he told him to call off the jobmob and l in the national guard only to be rebuffed. but don't have to take our word for it. k-file uncovered a little noticed interview mccarthy did a local station just six days after the insurrection when i guess his memory of the call was a little fresher? so take it from him. >> i spoke to the president during the riot. i was the first person to call him. i told him to go on national tv. i say he has responsibility. he told me, personally, that he does have some responsibility. i think a lot of people do. >> so those remarks, on the 12th of january, echo what he said the day before on a private conference call as we mentioned with house republicans. cnn today obtained a wraed readout from someone will who listened to. he says let me be clear to you, the president he bears responsibility for his words and actions. no ifs, ands, or buts. mccarthy goes on to say, then, quote, i asked him personally today if he holds responsibility for what happened, if he feels bad about what happened. he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. but he needs to acknowledge that. obviously, he never did and mccarthy, as you know, went down to mar-a-lago just a couple weeks later to make nice with him. and has been downplaying the former president's culpability ever since. he -- he's also said he doesn't have any information to add to their investigation. now, the sound we played and the transcript we just read would seem to suggest otherwise. but, look, that's just us here at cnn trying to get everything correct and stuff. wait, there is more. his answering yesterday to manu raju's question about why he was re reneging, he answered with this misleading characterization of the select committee's genesis. >> the fbi was doing their own investigation and you all know the role of congress. the only role we have is legislating. you asked me that question in may. that was two months before nancy pelosi decided, for the first time in history by any speaker, to deny the minority to even put their individuals on a committee. >> so that's misleading. speaker pelosi did reject two of mccarthy's five proposed committee members. congressman jim jordan and jim banks. now, the reason stated was concerns that they were also potential witnesses and, in fact, since then, the committee has asked to speak to both mr. jordan about the insurrection, and his conversations with the former president on the day of the attack. as well as what he might know about the possible planning of it. and speaking of pelosi actually did accept the other three republican mccarthy picks and gave him a chance to suggest another two republican members. instead, mccarthy decided to pull out entirely. and remember, this came after mccarthy had rejected a proposal for a bipartisan commission that would have given equal membership and subpoena power to democrats and republicans. only after all that, did house democrats set up a select committee, which has two republican members. the only two who would actually join. one of whom, liz cheney, was drummed out of the gop leadership. so, kevin mccarthy, we hope that corrects the record just as we hope these latest dielt indictments do the same when it comes to efforts to paint a violent insurrection as something less. more now from ed lavandera who was in court today in plano, texas. so, ed, what happened in court? >> reporter: well, stuart rhodes, who is leader of the oath keepers made his initial appearance in federal court today here in plano, texas, not too far from where he was arrested 24 hours ago, the dallas-ft. worth suburb of little elm. he appeared calm and unfazed by everything going on. essentially, it was a brief-court appearance. and essentially, what his attorneys are now focused on is getting him out of jail. he remains in custody. there will be a detention hearing next week. rhodes has pleaded not guilty. but his attorneys are trying to get him out of jail while he awaits for trial. so, that hearing has been scheduled for next thursday. but the -- there is no real comment on all of the details that were un -- unleashed in this 49-page indictment by federal prosecutors where they essentially accuse him of plotting the forceful opposition of the peaceful transfer of presidential power. all of this, stemming back to the january 6th insurrection. anderson. >> what are rhodes' supporters and ex-wife saying about all this? >> well, there were two friends of his and another lawyer with the oath keepers who showed up at the hearing today. we asked them about the text messages and the communications that rhodes had with several members of the oath keepers where he said we will have to do a bloody -- a massively bloody revolution against them. that's what's going to have to happen. we asked about all that. his supporters say that's simply overblown, that it was just rhetoric. but his ex-wife spoke -- stewart rhodes' ex-wife spoke with cnn today and she described him as a sociopath -- someone who is a dangerous man. very much, interested in creating a mythology of being a great leader around himself. anderson. >> interesting. ed lavandera, appreciate it. more now on who the defendant is, how his group came to be, and what more mr. rhodes, himself, openly said he had in mind for washington. cnn's drew griffin as that. >> oath keeper, leader, and founderings stuart rhodes spent nearly a year publicly denying he had anything to do with the violence on january 6th. >> there were no plans by the leadership -- us -- to enter the capitol. no instructions by us to do so. we didn't even know that any of our guys had done it, until afterwards. >> reporter: but this indictment tells a different story. accusing rhodes of seditious conspiracy, a complex, months-long plan for a massively bloody revolution if joe biden took office. prosecutors allege oath keepers prepared for battle, at rhodes' direction. rhodes, purchasing thousands of dollars in guns and tactical equipment. others setting up an armed quick-reaction force. and communicating as they stormed the capitol. >> you are executing citizens' arrests. arrest this assembly. we have probable cause acts of treason, election fraud. >> reporter: a promoter of the big lie, rhodes constantly and publicly called for donald trump to invoke the insurrection act over the november 2020 election or else -- >> he does not do it, we will have to fight a bloody civil war or bloody revolution. >> reporter: that fiery language about revolution isn't new for rhodes. he's been obsessed with fears of a deep-state government for over a dozen years. rhodes formed the oath keepers in 2009. after america elected its first black president. his loose military-based group's swears allegiance, they claim, to the constitution and nothing else. >> orders martial law, i will not obey. >> rhodes started with an oath keeper blog but his messages were soon spread to millions of people by conspiracy theorists and stop the steal organizer alex jones. rhodes has been a regular on jones' info wars show for more than a dozen years. >> why did you start oath keepers? >> reporter: together, jones and rhodes would whip up conspiracy theories and talk about government internment camps, and plots to confiscate ammunition. >> homeland security department is buying and has bought 1.6 billion rounds of ammo. >> they are buying it because they think might have to use it pretty soon. um, so they -- they believe -- almost every gun owner i spoke to is very concerned that this is -- this is for all the marbles and we are heading for civil war. >> reporter: armed oath keepers acting as vigilantes began showing up at civil disturbances, marches, protests, all while rhodes pushed the idea that a real war would need to be fought to preserve the u.s. from so-called elites and leftists. unless we can deactivate brainwashing, we are going to have eventually to fight them but it will be a different billion ball game. >> just days before election night 2020, rhodes told info wars' viewers the time he had been predicting was coming. >> civil war because you have, um, sitting politicians who are part of the enemy's -- enemy's rask ranks but good news for us though, is we have 14 million veterans at least. massive pool of combat veterans who are awake and aware. >> after trump locket the election, oath keepers acted as security as stop the steal rallies and rhodes talked about providing protection for alex jones and others. he also broadcast donald trump his shadowy army was in position. >> we have men stationed outside d.c. as a nuclear option in case they attempt to remove the president illegally, we will step in and stop it prepared to go in. >> reporter: and as the plans for january 6th started in motion, according to rhodes' attorney, the oath keepers were asked by january 6th rally organizers to provide security. >> they were coming to the capitol for demonstration that alex jones were going to have. that went off the rails and didn't happen. >> reporter: two days before the insurrection, rhodes pocketed an alert bulletin of the oath keepers' website. all patriots who can get to d.c. need to be in d.c. stand now, he wrote, or kneel forever. they came, armed, in battle fatigues. and according to prosecutors, began executing their plan to stop the lawful transfer of presidential power, including multiple ways to deploy force. >> overran the capitol. >> and drew griffin joins us now. it is really fascinating to -- to see the background of -- of this person. you mentioned some of the people in the report who have not been charged, yet seem to have been in close contact with rhodes and the oath keepers, so-called, and planning for january 6th. is it possible this is only the beginning? >> anderson, that is the big question and what makes these connections so interesting. even going beyond this indictment, if you look at what happened leading up to january 6th, you see rhodes and/or oath keepers interacting -- interacting not only with alex jones -- that conspiracy theorist and ali alexander -- the stop the steal organizer -- but others involved in the rallies, the rhetoric, and threats including members of congress. >> drew griffin, appreciate it. thank you. number one ranked tennis star in limbo tonight with his bid for a 21st grand slam on the line. novak djokovic is being detained again in australia. we will have a live report from melbourne and talk with former-professional tennis player james blake next. and family and friends gathered today for bob saget's funeral off. week there has been on outpouring of love and remembrance for the actor and comedian. we will have that ahead. for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at welcome to the next level. what's the plan? 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and what more did you learn about what his visa was revoke f ed for a second time? >> anderson, this morning's hearing was about getting the parties together. and preparing them to come back tomorrow to argue the case in detail. and to decide whether or not djokovic's cancelled visa should remain cancelled or whether he should be allowed to be free, and then ultimately play here in the australian open. that happened after he reported to australian authorities to be taken into detention. he is now under mandatory detention here because he doesn't have a visa. he is allowed to spend time with his lawyers preparing his case, but tonight he will be sleeping in a visa immigration detention center. the argument here has changed, though, from the start of the week. at the start of the week, lawyers were arguing in court that djokovic was wrong to think he could come to the country unvaccinated because he had recently recovered from covid-19. now, government is arguing we are told from djokovic's lawyers that he represents a threat -- according to the government -- to the australian public because his skeptical stance on vaccines could excite over members of the anti-vax community here. that's gonna be the focus of the argument when they all get together in a virtual courtroom sunday. anderson. >> what is expected to happen? >> so written submissions -- that is, the written arguments will be put in by both sides by the end of today. then, they are going to speak for around -- the lawyers will -- each gets 90 minutes each to make their case and the expectation is you would hope there would be a decision, and certainly djokovic hopes this. there will be a quick decision as early as tomorrow evening, tomorrow afternoon melbourne time. and if that timetable follows, and if that decision does come in, then it does leave open the possibility that even after having spent another weekend in immigration detention, djokovic could walk out on to center court on monday and play in the opening round of the australian open. >> how are players reacting to -- to him being detained for a second time? >> yeah. i think it's a mix of some sympathy but also a lot of frustration. sympathy that a great player is enduring what is essentially a fairly undignified form of treatment. even the defending women's champion naomi osaka said a short time ago that it's very sad that he is going to be remembered by many people for this whole saga. but there is also growing frustration, too, from players because players have all come here to play tennis, talk about tennis. but this is taking all the attention away from the other competitors at the moment. very little talk of what is expected to be some world-class tennis here over the coming weeks. and there was also absolutely an awareness that is expressed here i think by a lot of players and that is what is being experienced here by novak djokovic is absolutely a consequence of the decisions that he has made personally in the run-up to this tournament. >> if he loses that appeal on sunday, does he then have to leave the country? >> he does. yeah. possibly, pretty quickly. he would remain in immigration detention in that case, and then the government would facilitate his removal from the country as quickly as he could get on a flight. um, but he would stay in detention until that was able to happen and one of the questions that still hasn't quite been answered here is whether or not there would be a further ban on him returning to the country. these decisions from the minister normally carry a three-year entry ban on -- on entering the country again. that would obviously have a big impact on his ability to come back here in subsequent years and play in the australian open. the government has some discretion in waiving that ban, but hasn't indicated whether it is prepared to do so. >> phil black, thanks. let's bring in former professional tennis player james blake. james, gooed to see you again. what do you make of what we just learned from phil black here? >> last time i was on, i appreciate being on a second time this week but it's sad i am not talking about serves and back hands. i share the same frustration i think a lot of the players share in talking about that this isn't -- we are not talking about tennis. this is take over all the headlines and doesn't look good for really anyone. i think the government doesn't look good in this, novak doesn't look good in this and it is sad one of if not our greatest champion is going to possibly be remembered, especially this year, for this incident and this situation. um, it really -- i wish it had been from the beginning handled a little more clearly, little more transparency from the government, from novak, as to what was gonna happen. and how the treatment should be fair. >> i mean, how much of this back and forth could have been avoided if this wasn't a huge international star? i mean, for better or for worse. >> yeah. i mean, we saw a female player that was supported and there was not much news around her. she feels like she was not treated fairly as well but there haven't been as many stories about her you so i think it is a bit of a double-edged sword being the superstar novak is and out spoken as he is with the fact that he did probably have treatment that he was seven days late in his application for the exemption. so would a rank-and-file player have gotten that same -- that same treatment? but this circus around his detention and this hearing and so it's -- um, it is a bit of a double-edged sword. i don't think we would be talking about it nearly as much if this was the 100th ranked player in the world. >> also just from a playing standpoint, i mean, again, he has not been practicing all during this time. >> yeah. this is really difficult. i am also a little surprised tennis australia had this set up so that he is playing on monday. i think they could have had the opportunity to play his half of the draw tuesday. um, but playing monday -- him not being able to practice today, yesterday. being in this detention hotel makes it pretty difficult to be prepared the way he normally would prepare for these -- for these matches. physically, i think he will be fine. he has done all the hard work to get there but you are kind of fine tuning skills in those last couple days they may not be there. and we will see if he is able -- if he does win his appeal, and get back on court this would be one of the greatest challenges he would have to overcome on the court. um, dealing with the crowds and dealing with the rust that he may feel from not having these couple days of prangctice. >> did you ever mention the tennis community can become kind of a global flash point in the fight over covid-19 vaccinations? >> i never thought it would be like this. i mean, so many sports have come together. obvious lirks in the nba, the kyrie irving case or aaron rodgers in the nfl. but i really didn't think with tennis, i think we have 97% of the men in the top hundred are vaccinated. and they have gone through all the protocols. they ever done everything that -- that atp and wta have asked. so it seems like it has been going very smoothly for an international sport. but this, obviously, i guess was bound to happen in someone that was extremely anti-vax, and wanted to -- to make his case and -- and stand up for his freedoms and his rights. and it became very public wone f the countries that is most locked down. >> how much pressure do you think there is on australian authorities to allow him to play since he is the number one player? i mean, again, you know, players who are not as highly ranked as him are gone by now. who -- who, you know, didn't follow the rules. >> yeah. this is so tough. i think on the government. me never wanting to be in politics because it is a difficult decision and these are very high stakes. it's actually really high stakes for novak because as you heard phil black say, if he gets this visa cancelled, he could be out for three years. this is a risk he took getting on this plane, coming here with the kechpechlgz and not positivf he was correct or not. i believe he went thinking he was correct but if he had just left immediately, i don't believe he would have had faced this possible three-year ban so it is a huge, huge risk for him and the politicians. i know an election is coming up there soon and they are putting a lot of chips in this basket to say this is what we feel is best for the australian population. the pop lagz's been so locked down and it could come back to backfire in this election soon. or it could -- it could push them over the edge for being elected. so i am not sure how the australian political system will go and how this election will go but i think they are taking a big risk with this -- with this because it is such a public matter and it is novak djokovic. >> yeah. james blake, good to talk to you. thank you very much. >> thanks. coming up, the next shoe to drop in the case of the fake presidential electors. i mean, it's true but such a weird story. these are some of them in michigan. and now, michigan's attorney general wants federal authorities to investigate. she joins us, next. well, would you look at that? 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>> yeah. well, we received, um, the information about this actually from the governor's office in january. of 2020. late january. and they had it because they had received something from the national archivist indicating that they had received this false slate of trump electors and they were basically rejecting it, and they just wanted us to know about that. uh, and as soon as i saw it, i was really amazed. i knew of course that there was this false slate of electors. i was there at the state capitol when they tried to force their way in. i know, in fact, that they were not there, and they were not counted because i was in the room where it actually occurred with the actual 16 electors that were, of course, biden and harris electors. but i was amazed and astonished to find out later these individuals -- not only had they signed this form, but they actually had filed it. and they sent it to the national archivist. they sent it to the president of the senate. they sent it to the chief judge of the western district of michigan. you know, and they sent it to the michigan secretary of state. which those are all the places that that form goes. but it's the legitimate form, not this forgery that they sent. so it's -- it was a very big deal. and we began investigating. we had decided on charges that we thought were appropriate. but then, when the january 6th commission started to investigate and we saw that, really, this was a piece of a much larger puzzle, we thought that it was better situated for the department of justice to put that puzzle together, given now what they have learned. >> i mean, is it clear to you from -- from your vantage point who was behind this? i mean, who orchestrated this? >> well, i know who signed the certificate. i mean, their names are on there. we verify it of course with the secretary of state. >> but who recruited these people? >> well, i think that's going to be for u.s. attorney merrick garland and the department of justice to determine. >> yeah. what kind of charges toocould te signers of the fake document be facing? >> well first of all, they can -- they can still face state charges, at the same time they are facing federal charges. i would like the feds to pursue this. but we decided in state -- you know, under state law that they had committed forgery of a public record which is a 14-year offense. and election law forgery, which is a five-year offense. under federal law, i think there is a variety of charges, depending on what's uncovered, certainly forgery of a public record for the purposes of defrauding the united states. that's a ten-year felony. conspiracy to commit an offense to defraud the united states is a five-year felony. these are crimes that involve the intent, um, really to impair the administration of the federal government. there are a number of other crimes, in addition to that. but, you know, the -- the federal authorities will have to make that decision. it seems pretty clear that they are guilty of having committed these crimes, though. >> yeah. as -- as just -- in a video we are going to show, the michigan republicans who signed this fake document were not trying to hide it. i mean, they clearly wanted media attention. they engage in this at the door of the state capitol. >> they certainly did. but i mean, they have to be held accountable the way same way anybody else would. you know, i -- i look at what they did here, and honestly, i just -- you know, maybe it wasn't as physically threatening as what happened on january the 6th. but it every bit as much served to undermine the fabric of our system of government. and, you know, you can't call a political theater when you are committing a crime just because you commit it in front of cameras. it's still, um, is something people need to be held accountable for. and it's really outrageous when you think about the fact that they certainly, obviously, thought that they could get away with it. >> i got to say that state troop -- i don't know if it is a state trooper or capitol police officer. very, very -- uh, had very good presence of mind in just how he interacted with these people. attorney general, appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> thanks for having me. tensions between ukraine and russia are intensifying after new intelligence indicates russia's planning to escalate the conflict. ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. u.s. officials says new intelligence indicates that russia is planning a so-called false-flag operation in eastern ukraine to justify an invasion of ukraine. and the pentagon is calling the intelligence very credible. according to the u.s. official, there is evidence that russia has already positioned a group of operatives trained in urban warfare and using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against russia's own proxy forces. and today, ukraine also accuses russia of carrying out a cyberattack on dozens of their government websites request w a threatening message saying be afraid and wait for the worst. this comes just days after the u.s. and russia held talks aimed at diffusing tensions over ukraine. joining us now, cnn national security correspondent, kylie atwood, who is at the state department. what is the latest on these latest russian operatives? >> anderson, this is some really significant around information from the biden administration today. as you said, the biden administration saying they have credible information that russia has put into place operatives to essentially carry out a sabotage campaign. and what that means is that these operatives would go after russian proxy troops that are in ukraine or russian speakers that are in ukraine with the hope, therefore, of creating the pretext -- the excuse for potentially invading ukraine. essentially, saying because these attacks are happening, we have to go in. of course, the key here being they would be the ones carrying out those attacks. and they have to consider this information -- this piece of information in the context of the larger picture, of course. russi russia also has 100,000 troops along the border with ukraine. they are also carrying out a disinformation campaign. they carried out potentially that cyberattack overnight. ukrainians saying the russians carried out that cyberattack on their government websites. the u.s. not yet saying who is responsible but the context here is key. it's clear that russia is laying down the foundation for the potential of a multipronged approach that would allow them to invade ukraine. and that is the biggest fear here. >> is it clear what kind of action the united states would be prepared to take? diplomatic, military, or other? >> yeah. i mean, that -- that's the question, right? you look at this week. and the biden administration will say we put every effort we could into diplomacy with russia. we sat down with russia in three different instances for a tremendous number of hours. we tried to find common ground. the u.s. saying the biden administration -- our hope here is to continue diplomacy. that is the only way out here, to find some common ground and essentially to create some incentive for russia to deescalate the situation with ukraine. russia not yet committing to continuing that diplomacy. making some demands. we will have to see where that goes. and then, when it comes to the other alternative route that the biden administration has been clear that they are willing to pursue -- these sanctions. the u.s. has been clear that these will be very, very expensive sanctions. essentially, trying to take russia out of the global economy. the question here is, is europe ready to go alongside the biden administration? the biden administration says they are but there are some questions about that. and of course, the military. the u.s. is willing to provide more defensive weaponry to ukraine if they are invaded. they have already provided a tremendous amount of that defensive weaponry to date. but of course, what the u.s. is saying they will not do is put u.s. troops on the ground there ukraine to fight against any potential invasion. >> yeah. kylie atwood, appreciate it. thank you. up next, the tributes for actor and comedian bob saget who was laid to rest today. . . . growing up, bilal was obsessed, obsessed with superman! not because he could fly, but because superman stood up for people. maybe it's because of our family's own immigrant story, or he's just that nerdy. throughout his career in the obama administration and the private sector, bilal has never stopped helping others. we don't need a superhero to solve san francisco's biggest problems like crime and homelessness, just the innovation and courage to lead. join me. new year, new start. and now comcast business is making it easy to get going with the ready. set. save. sale. get started with fast and reliable internet and voice for $64.99 a month with a 2-year price guarantee. it's easy... with flexible installation and backing from an expert team, 24/7. and for even more value, ask how to get up to a $500 prepaid card. get a great deal for your business with the ready. set. save. sale today. comcast business. powering possibilities. family and friends gathered for a private funeral in los angeles for bob saget. the 65-year-old actor and comedian was found dead in his orlando, florida, hotel room last sunday. he had done a stand-up comedy show the night before. unclear how he died. it could be weeks before autopsy findings are released. there's been tributes for him. with that here's randi kaye. ♪ >> reporter: to those who knew and loved bob saget, he was more than just a tv dad. >> a word that came up a lot was the sweetest and bob was the sweetest. he was the sweetest man. >> reporter: an emotional jimmy kimmel paid tribute to his friend on his late night show. >> he had something funny to say about everything and nothing bad to say about anyone. he was very kind to everyone and he had no problem telling you that he loved you and what you meant to him. >> reporter: now his loved ones and friends are sharing what he meant to them after the actor's sudden death in an orlando hotel room sunday. his close friend and fellow cast member from "full house," john stamos posted this picture with saget on instagram writing, i'm not ready to accept that he's gone. i'm not going to say good-bye yet. i'm going to imagine him out there still on the road doing what he loves with all his heart and humor. >> we're on the 405 remembering bob saget. >> reporter: his close friends are picking up pieces of his life. they made this live instagram video as they retrieved saget's car from los angeles airport. >> i was saying i wish -- i wish to god i had 100 more things like this to do because that would be an awesome thing to lean on, you know. >> tomorrow we're going to pick up his dry cleaning. john brought bob home. that means a lot. thank you for that. there's no windshield wipers for their eyes. only for the windshield. >> reporter: kenan thompson clearly moved by saget's death. he told "the view" he saw him recently in l.a. >> you know, it hurts a lot. he never like put that air on of, you know, being a diva or anything like that because of his status. he was just a genuinely great person. >> reporter: sirius xm host rich eisen remembered his humor and big heart. >> he would open his mouth and the fill it'siest things would come out of it and that was his style. that was his sense of fumer. he was just so nice and his heart was so big. part of that big heart and his love of life and family, his sister died of an awful, awful disease called clscleraderma. it killed his sister and spent his entire working life working for the research foundation. >> tom arnold mourned the loss of his friend an a great comedian. >> he was an amazing, amazing comic. i think being a stand-up comic was the most important thing to him. he certainly has the respect of everyone in my business. >> reporter: bob saget, a friend to so many, a loss too great to comprehend. >> so many people speaking so highly of him and his life and how he was. how else are people remembering bob saget? >> reporter: well, anderson, you heard rich mention the foundation, the charity that was close to bob saget's heart because he lost his 44-year-old sister to it. a very rare autoimmune disease and there's been an outpouring of foundations as a result of bob saget's death. the foundation says they've had more than 1500 donations from around the world totaling more than $90,000, also one of the board members who served with bob saget on the board for that foundation has donated a $1.5 million grant and that is being used to match any donations that are made in bob saget's name so certainly a lot of help for that foundation but also, anderson, all of his friends, many of his friends who helped him raise money for that foundation. they appeared with him as comedians at some of these fund-raisers. they have said that they know how much it meant to him and will continue to support the scleraderma foundation in his honor. >> thanks, randi. we'll be right back. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab. schwab! ♪ hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? 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"reframed: marilyn monroe" sunday 9:00 p.m. the news continues with laura coates and cnn tonight. >> that song is stuck in all of our heads. have a great weekend with that earworm. >> welcome to "cnn tonight." today's news could be filed under the category of, well, well, well. that's exactly what you probably have been thinking as you heard the day's news

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