Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

ongoing on this. just three hours after alex hawke made that decision, we are back in court and hearing this decision's hearing. now, what we know is djokovic will not be detained or deported tonight. it is 11:00 p.m. melbourne time. he will be going with immigration officials 8:00 a.m. friday, 4:00 p.m., eastern. from that point on, he will be considered detained. there will be australia border force officials, two officials accompanying him. so he will have that interview with immigration officials. then a couple hours later, he will be allowed to go to his lawyer's office to determine the next steps. but of course that again will be while he is detained. he will be accompanied by those officials. and then after that, he will, we understand, be in detention. this is going to a higher court. judge kelly, who presided and rein stated the visa back on monday, said this will go to the federal court of australia now. we heard from djokovic's lawyers pointing out that the immigration minister's argument is that him staying here would excite anti vax sentiment. they say that is irrational and a new approach. we understand that is what they will be fighting against at this point. now, scott morrison, the prime minister said that this does prove and backs up the fact that australians have to fire the rules closely and this backs that up his decision by the immigration minister, saying that it does justify the sacrifices that australians have made. it shows friday night djokovic will fight as long as he can. they would like this to go to the higher court on sunday. so potentially he could play the australian open monday. >> time is running out. paula hancocks, thank you very much. rennae stubbs, former world number one in doubles, she joins us now. humor me for a second. i want to interview as if you're two people, an australian and then a tennis star. your reaction just as an australian. >> well, i mean, that's a big issue here, isn't it? australia really has a tough lockdown particularly here in melbourne. so a lot of victorians are pretty upset that he was allowed in the country. australians haven't been able to go across state borders to visit family members. borders have been shut down well over a year. it has been a difficult time for australians down here. you can understand the agitation and anger towards allowing any unvaccinated person into the country. now, as a former tennis player, i understand also the rigors and the problems of traveling around the world and all the issues they're going to face. and novak is going to continue to face this throughout the world. but in australia in particular this country is really, really tough on anyone coming into the country at all. >> i just want to remind people that djokovic himself admitted this week that he broke covid protocols. and after he tested positive, after he knowingly tested positive, he sat down for an interview with journalists with covid. he also admitted his travel documents were wrong, that there were lies on his travel documents to enter australia. so people need to know that is part of the situation. so, rennae, this is three days before the beginning of the open. >> yeah. >> what are you hearing from the players there about the turmoil that this is causing? >> well, i mean, quite frankly, most of the players are pretty much over it. i think a lot of people are over it, including novak. but mainly the tennis players, they're on, you know, dennis players are pretty selfish in their own right. they have been in their own little bubble. i was one prior, so i know. so they are really thinking about their own draw, how they're playing and what's going on. they're not really concerned because novak doesn't sort of mean anything to them unless he's one of your opponents. they are sticking to their own matches, practices and worrying about themselves. i'm sure they will be very happy when this is over and done with at some point. >> i see no reason or avenue for this to be overturned by the australian minister. but if somehow djokovic does end up playing, what do you think the reaction will be when he takes the court? >> it will be a little bit mixed. expats live here, particularly in melbourne. he gets a rousing response from him. the majority of the australian public won't be necessarily on his side. he will get a little bit of some boos to come his way because it's been so stressful for australians in general here with covid. i don't think he will have aggressive fans on his side if he plays monday night. >> no. and if he doesn't, the world number one won't play, which is something the tournament will have to grapple with. rennae stubbs, thank you so much. for the first time, the justice department is unveiling charges of seditious conspiracy against 11 participants in the january 6th capitol riot. is, what do these new charges tell us? five takeaways from our marshall cohen, who has been following these cases every step of the way. prosecutors sending a clear message after criticism from lawmakers and legal experts who thought the doj was going too easy on the rioters. >> the charges show the extent of advanced planning. as we learned, many of the rioters were expecting war. the indictment also shows the attack could have been far worse. the oath keepers accused of coordinating to get inside the senate chamber. >> it was clear that the plot went beyond january 6th. one spent thousands of dollars on weapons and equipment to oppose the biden administration. finally, the charges show prosecutors are focusing on the top of the food chain as some oath keepers have turned up on the group's leaders. joining me now is attorney john moseley representing stewart rhodes before the january 6th committee and in civil lawsuits against him and the group. john, thank you so much for being with us. your reaction to this indictment? >> well, they are very serious charges. and it's ironic to talk about them with the overnight news from kazakhstan. they are very concerning. the thing is that we don't see any new facts. they have added a new legal label, as you say, after congressional criticism. but as i go through it, there's more social media discussions that are named. but i would be concerned with the fbi found some new revelation that shows they will go after very seriously. it's about 18 individual oath keepers now -- 20, i guess, that are in the usa caldwell group that will have serious work to go after that. oath keepers feel like their videos in the smartphone video camera revolution, the whole new world we have now with all this new video, show people did do what the government alleges, but it wasn't them. they had very tough talk among themselves, that's true. as you say, they are going after leaders in this sense, what they perceive to be leaders. the government admits these oath keepers did not do any violence, did not attack police officers. >> no, they don't -- jon, that's actually incorrect according to this indictment. it talks about them forcibly pushing into the capitol and past law enforcement. so that's just a misrepresentation of what's going on. you're talking about tough talk here. there's more than tough talk. there's talk about essentially overthrowing a government. and there are new things here. there are a lot of signal communications, including with your clients, that paint a very clear picture of what happened before the insurrection, during, and after. >> well, outside the indictment they admit they didn't damage any property. they claimed they organized some of that. which in court the entire document has to be put before the court, not snippets of things. >> there i read the indictment, jon. it says they forcibly pushed past police officers. that they used force. >> right. and the video shows they did not. the prosecutors know that we know they're lying. we have the video. we have the documents, including non-public documents. the charges are a serious hurdle to overcome. i want to see the complete conversations they allege there -- >> jon, i just have to stop you for a moment. we're watching video of them forcibly pushing their way into the capitol. >> not the oath keepers. >> they were part of a mob that did this. what are you trying to say, the people around them were doing it and they weren't? >> the people you see on video were on the other side of the building, which is as big as a cruise ship. there were very violent events, but they were on the west side of the building. the oath keepers were on the east side. it's as big as a cruise ship. that's why we believe -- >> i hear what you're saying. you're saying, you know, we have seen the video of officer fanone. they were forcibly entering the capitol and pushing past police officers. i don't want to get hung up on that. we have video of it. i don't want to litigate that. you are trying to say the worst of the worst we have seen, that wasn't them. they're using force here. tell me how you defend against this. how you defend against all the planning that is laid out very clearly here in the indictment? >> i want to see the entire documents. thing was about events in florida, december 12th, november 14th. it was about their fanciful idea that the president would follow-up, which i don't understand. but they thought trump would activate them as a militia. so we think most of the votes are misrepresented. not to say serious things didn't happen on january 6th. their main defense will be they weren't the ones doing it. >> you are saying the training wasn't about january 6th. explain this. want kins saying we are in the main dome right now, we are in the phez screen. we are rocking it. it goes on to say this is what we effing something up for. now we're talking. that's what i came up here for. and james then instructed the group to get their gear and get ready to head to the capitol. roads then, sometime after that when it was very clear what happened at the capitol said anyone in d.c. who is not tasked with a security detail, come to u.s. capitol on the supreme court side. come to capitol on the northeast corner. he was calling them to join in. we all knew what was happening at that point, jon. >> remember, they had a permit on the supreme court side -- >> no. jon, you just said the training was not about january 6th. it clearly was. >> they got training on september 30 in florida. they claim it was paramilitary training, which is illegal in florida. and they said we didn't train them. we did standard gun training on september 30. you ask how i respond to it. they are serious charges. but how i respond is putting the entire context in front of the court and the entire conversations. >> roads hears them. what could they have said that is going to somehow change the meaning of what is in this indictment unless they said just kidding after all of it. >> they went to the capitol to provide security at a demonstration that turned into demonstration. they had a permit from u.s. capitol police, alexander's group. they were supposed to be there to do -- >> jon, by their own the admission, that is not true. they said this is what we -- everything we effing trained for. now we're talking. that is what i came up here for. after all of that is said, rhodes calls even more people to the capitol. this isn't mission creep. they are making clear this is what they were there for. further more, if you are saying this somehow went off the rails, then why is your client then, after having spent thousands and thousands of dollars including on a platform-style ar rifle, why is he then spending thousands and thousands more dollars on all kinds of weapons and equipment following january 6th? >> well, as we've seen, they did believe that they were going to have to respond to antifa or be called up by the president. but what's interesting is they didn't bring any of that into the district of columbia. they left it in virginia. so if they were going to do any of those things, they would have brought weapons with them into the capitol. and they didn't do that. >> they talked about it. jon, they talked about bringing weapons. they discussed it. and then they discussed putting them on a boat. for people who aren't familiar with virginia and d.c., a small river separates the two. and your clients were talking about putting heavy weapons on a boat from a dock or some sort of water access area in the pentagon, which is like a stone's throw from the lincoln memorial and driving it over to the lincoln memorial. >> there were those chats, like you said. but if you see it in full context they will say, if -- they say it with acronyms and expletive. if things go all to hell, they would have those weapons over there. but they never brought them into the district. so, you know, i'm not saying i would advise them to do any of the things they did. but that's what we're -- again, you're asking how do we intend to defend it. those will be the things we would look at. they clearly talked about coming up to do security. beyond all that, the prosecution know it. their purpose in coming to d.c. was mainly to provide security for permitted -- >> they actually -- they're talking very clearly they are not providing security. they are saying there is exactly what they trained for. rhodes, your client, actually said at one point when he is -- in response to a claim by an oath keeper's affiliate that antifa breached the capitol, he said, nope. i'm right here. they are patriots. he was clearly the organizer of all of this. >> well, at that moment. but i'm saying why did they come to d.c.? why did they do these things? the indictment says practically they ate a hamburger on their way up here in order to make their way up here. i'm speaking hypothetically. the prosecution knows that's false. not in the indictment. that's why i'm concerned about the indictment as a work of fiction. >> okay, then explain this. because this doesn't seem like tpeubgsz. this is your client. we will have to do a bloody, massively blood where revolution against them. that's what's going to have to happen. . >> yeah. i think a lot of people pre predicted things like that. and, you know, i believe that whether somebody wanted it to happen and where we're headed may not be the same thing. my main concern in how to defend this is i want to see the entire conversations. >> he said, we aren't getting through this without a civil war. too late for that. prepared your mind, body, spirit. this is what he was telling other oath keepers. >> right. but that doesn't mean he's the one starting the civil war. i believe that too. but i don't think people on the right are going to be responsible for the civil war. >> they were training -- the indictment shows them training for ambushes, jon. . >> yeah. which is -- which the government knowsis a lie. because i've talked to the trainer. i'm calling the trainer as a witness. and that didn't happen. >> look at -- this is rhodes, your client. we will have to do a bloody, massively bloody revolution against them. that's not reactive. >> well, i think it is. from what everybody was saying -- >> what is that reactive to, jon? >> to what they believe the left and the deep state and other people were doing. it was a very common conversation people were having at the time that this is going south. and, you know, we're heading in a very bad way. >> wait. so what were they reacting -- don't just tell me vaguely what the deep state was doing, which is -- i don't even know what you're talking about. what were they reacting to specifically? if you're saying they weren't starting anything. >> i think everything from new censorship of sort of everything where they felt that the election was being manipulated and then stolen. >> it wasn't manipulated or stolen, jon. >> okay. i'm saying the discussion at the time is they think this is all going bad. it's not us doing it, but we're going to have to do something about it. >> then we are responding to acknowledge imaginary thing is not a defense. going to have >> seditious conspiracy was thrown out by a judge in 2010 because they said political diatribe were not -- >> i went through that case, jon. jon, that is apples and watermelons. that is not a case you can look at. okay. that is not a case you can look at and say it has anything that is similar to what happened on january 6th. that would be an embarrassing defense to use in court. >> they were in the capitol, forcibly pushing back hraefpt in the capitol to turn over the results of the election. >> at trial, the video will show they did not force their way past. >> i would like to put the video up of them forcing their way past law enforcement. >> i can't see it here. >> if you're talking about the arch tunnel, that's the west side. >> no. we have video that as they have entered -- we're not talking about the west side. they have forcibly entered the east side. and this is video of that, from the justice department. >> the oath keepers. >> of who? >> the oath keepers. >> i have seen people forcibly entering, but they were not the oath keepers. they weren't there yet. they didn't arrive at the stairs until 2:35 p.m. >> we have a picture of them. >> uh-huh. we have a picture of them, too. of them singing the national anthem at the top of the stairs. and the doors open, which you cannot open from the outside. the columbus doors are like a bank vault. and someone opened the doors from the inside. and they just calmly walk in and the police officers let them. we have this video. that's why i say the prosecutor knows that we know that they know we have all the proof. >> all right. jon, i'm going to end our conversation there. jon moseley, attorney for stewart rhodes. appreciate you being on. >> thank you very much. coming up, tough setbacks for the biden white house. what is the path forward after what has turned out to be a week to forget. breaking overnight, a crippling cyber attack on ukraine with russian troops gathered ominously on the border. and the science behind masks and how to spot fake kn-95. there's a lot of bad information out there. and unfortunately in this circumstance that information could cost someone their life. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. inner voice (kombucha brewer): i'm dramatically holding this bottle, so the light hits it just right, and people think... wow... ...he knows what he's doing... ...when i'm actually pretty lost with my payroll taxes. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers. 100% accurate payroll tax calculations guaranteed. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself... 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how can you spot a fake one? dr. sanjay gupta shows us the science behind the masks. >> reporter: in the united states, we are being drenched with omicron. a variant so contagious that it has caused daily cases to double in the past two weeks. now, just like you would put on a better rain coat in a bad storm, we need better masks more than ever. our best bet, an n-9 5 mask. >> if you are going to wear a mask, wear the best mask possible. >> aaron collins is an engineer. >> there is significant improvement. they are such a powerful tool. >> i think it's worth reminding people why exactly they work so well. it has to do with the actual material. there are electro static recharged fibers in here. it's not just filtering particles but attracting them, like your blanket attracts your socks in the dryer. it works for air coming in but also air that's potentially going out. one key thing about the n 95, you have to make sure they fit well. the two bands around the back of your head. then making sure no air is escaping around your eyes or your cheeks or your chin? studies have shown that cloth masks about 75% leakage. a surgical mask, 50%. but with an n-95, it can go down to as low as 1%. so the question is why aren't the masks being recommended for all americans. why not just recommend it? especially with the more transmissible variants. >> if we suggest or require people wear them, they won't wear them all the time. >> on thursday, president joe biden announced a step in the right direction. if you buy your own, the average cost is just under $2. a nonprofit dedicated to educating people about masks. how to pick the right one can be be willedering. the national institute for occupational safety and health, a federal agency that evaluates safety equipment like masks. >> it's an incredibly difficult market for consumers to navigate. unfortunately in this circumstance that information could cost someone their life. >> kelly carothers is the director of government affairs at project 95. the problem, she says, is counterfeits have infiltrated the market. you can find a list of niosh approved products on the website, but here's what to look for. remember the head straps, niosh approved will have straps instead of ear loops. it will say niosh with an identifying number starting with "tc." . >> if you can tolerate an n-95, do it. if you want a kn-95 is fine. there is a gradation of capability of preventing you from getting infected and from you transmitting it to someone else. so we should be wearing the best possible mask we can get. >> the kn 95 is another fit tradition mask but finding one of these can be trickier. it is a chinese standard, meaning none of these are currently approved in the united states. even worse, the cdc says about 60% of the masks are fake, yes, even the ones you buy online. >> there's no way to tell if the manufacturer has met the qualifications or not. it is difficult for a person to discern whether or not it's a safe mask. >> while it doesn't mean all kn 9 5s are bad, but it means you will have to do your homework, checking to see if the manufacturer has a valid lab report. >> we recommend better filtration masks and a general public mask standard so we can cover all the range of masks that people want to use. we can go abouting to pretty much normal quote-unquote life if we all had really good respirators. >> something so simple that could help us slow the pandemic. >> and dr. sanjay gupta joins us now. a point of personal privilege and full disclosure i have two masks i use at any one time. i use them for a week or two weeks straight. is that a good idea or bad idea? >> it's not a bad idea. originally they were designed as single use. what they find unless it becomes visibly soiled or there is damage to it or it becomes wet you can wear them for several days. many people do exactly as you do. they sort of rotate between a few different masks, even one for monday, one for tuesday, et cetera. so you can wear them several days at least. maybe even a couple of weeks. and the thing about the n 95, you have to make sure you are continuously inspecting them. >> i thought i was going to get in trouble. i appreciate it. thank you very much for that. >> a huge cyber attack crashing government websites in ukraine. a spokesman for the foreign ministry says it is too early to draw conclusions about who may be behind it. he does point out there is a long history of russian cyber attacks against ukraine. it comes as a warning that some attacks could come to the ukraine. sam kiley, give us the latest there. >> reporter: so as of this morning there was an announcement that a number of government websites, but not all of them had been crashed in what looks like a ddos, denial of service event. pretty low level but irritating and important symbolically, coming at the end of the week of diplomacy, osce, bilateral talks between russia and the united states all aimed at trying to deescalate tensions around ukraine with a buildup of 120,000 russian troops on ukraine's border and ongoing insurgency inside ukraine backed by russia. in that context, this is a bit of a wiggle as far as the ukrainians are concerned. they took websites off line in order to prevent further attacks and now getting them back up again. it is symbolic of the pressure that is relentlessly put on ukraine. in the past, were it the case that the russians would like to do a much more significant cyber event, we have had warnings from the united kingdom and the nsa and the united states both saying that reuters could be attacked by russia. it is not outside the russian capability to do something much, much worse, perhaps a warning being given to the ukrainians. >> the timing suspicious and concerning. sam kiley, thank you very much. the biden white house hits a brick wall on voting rights. what now for the president and his party. and scientists and doctors calling out joe roggin for spreading misinformation. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> yes, we need to sign a voting rights act. their positions hasn't changed. they don't think it is good for the senate or the country at all. they worry what might happen when the republicans take back the senate, which, by the way, wasn't that far off. two years ago they had complete control. they are looking to force them to work in a bipartisan way. but senator manchin completely agrees we need to reform our voting rights, and he's working on it and working on a bill and hoping he can get nine more repub republicans. but these things aren't easy, and they take time. >> nina, what do you make -- >> brianna, i have to -- >> yes. >> preservation, my behind, brianna. we need to preserve democracy now. i've got to disagree with my colleague here. they better not utter one quote from the reverend dr. martin luther king jr. as we come up on his birthday saturday and the national celebration on monday. this is -- these people are cowards. they are soulless cowards to hold up a doggone rule. filibuster is a rule. it is not written in the constitution. it is not a right. it is a rule. and they are standing in the way of it. this is nonsense they worried about what the republicans are going to do. let's take care of 2022. let's do what democrats can do right now. they are the power. and my message to president biden. he done wasted a whole bunch of time with these folks inviting them out to the white house, being diplomatic. tight out for it. he needs to hold a press conference, either you need to be by my side, you're either going to be with me or i'm gassing up the jet on your behind, and i will be in west virginia and arizona and let the american people know who is standing in the way of my entire agenda, not just voting rights. so, president biden, gas up the jet and cancel student debt. those two things. >> jonathan? >> that's not how congress works. president biden is a long -- has a long history of working with senators. he knows the best way to do it, has worked with them, had constructive conversations. that's why he had the two of them over to the white house last night. they're going to keep working together. he's had a great first year, historic first year, and democrats should be celebrating that and running on that in 2022. gassing up the jet and heading to west virginia and arizona is not actually going to get it done. there are ways people can get things done in d.c. senator manchin and sinema prove that with a historic infrastructure bill they just passed. that's how they get things done. slogans and yelling isn't the way it works. if you want to get something done, sit down with them and keep talking. and that's what senator manchin is going to keep doing. >> give me a break. they have been sitting down and talking, brianna. and that infrastructure bill, while we need to repair infrastructure in the united states of america, that is not giving people something they can feel. people can't -- poor people are suffering in this country, and you have senators who had set for the rest of their natural lives playing games. the president already sat down with them, brianna. that tactic, that strategy is not working. and the rest of the senators on the democratic side need to hold their colleagues accountable because allegedly sinema and manchin are the only two holding out, which we know is not true. if in fact, it is true, let melee that out there, they need to hold their colleagues accountable. you know what, brianna, there is a woman in chicago, her name is martes martese chisholm that sent me a text saying how sad she is. she watched her foreparents her great-grandmother was murdered january 11th, 1966. you know why she was murdered? because she was standing up for voting rights. ran off the road by white supremacists and decapitated. so there are people still alive today who were either children during that time or elders during that time fighting like hell and heaven to get voting rights. and here we are in 2022 kissing the behinds of two senators who could care less about the people in this country. so, jonathan, spare me. that's not how you're going to get things down. yeah, i am outraged with a whole bunch of other folks who need to be outraged about those two and what others behind them hiding behind them. so president biden, gas up the jet on these people. >> nina and jonathan, i hear your frustration, nina. i think this is such an important conversation to have. spirited as it is, the word i would use, this is i think the division within your party right now talking about these issues and this is going to be so essential to discuss more in the year ahead. nina, jonathan, thank you so much to both of you. breaking overnight, australia revoking novak djokovic's visa days before the australian open. >> kevin mccarthy tries to rewrite history. fortunately, there's video. a speak peek at the new cnn original series "reframed, marilyn monroe," airing monday on cnn. >> marilyn monroe knew she was more than just a pretty face. >> she wanted control of her own destiny. >> it's frustrating that people can't think about her in terms of her intellect. >> marilyn challenges what it means to have agency as a woman. >> to see a woman that is so in charge of her sexuality is extremely empowering. >> this woman is so comfortable in her skin. >> she was rolling the dice with her career in very real terms. >> marilyn would have been the biggest influencer of all time. being her own productive company, getting films made. >> marilyn monroe is a mere more for ideas about women's sexuality and women's power. >> it's hard to know where to start if you don't start with the truth. >> "reframed marilyn monroe" sunday at 9:00 on cnn. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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mccarthy refused to testify in front of the january 6th commission. presumably for fear of implicating donald trump or himself. but because the guy's got a sense of humor, it happened to be one year to the day exactly since he took to the floor of the house and said this. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. and make no mistake, those who are responsible for wednesday's chaos will be brought to justice. >> yes, that day he called for a fact finding commission. and he's been trying to kill it ever since. so when asked by a reporter why he abruptly changed his position after a visit to mar-a-lago, three weeks after the attack, here's what mccarthy said. >> what changed? >> what changed from what you said on the floor, criticizing him, saying that he was -- >> my criticism went to everyone on that day. why was the capitol so ill prepared that day? >> it is sad to see a grown man so scared of an ex-president. because his criticism was directed at donald trump that day, it wasn't a free floating condemnation of everyone. and notice how fast he wanted to pivot to his preferred talking point, about capitol hill police preparation, which he repeated three times. that's because that's the new lie. an insinuation that speaker nancy pelosi might somehow be responsible for the capitol being overrun by a violent mob of trump supporters. he's trying out the trump playbook of project and deflect. now, one major reason why the committee wants to talk with mccarthy is because he spoke with donald trump that day. one of his republican colleagues said it was a screaming match, the president didn't want to call off the rioters which is incredibly relevant to trump's state of mind. after telling cnn he would testify, mccarthy has done a 180. he doesn't want to offer any details about the trump call and he's really upset that phone records have been requested. the republican co-chair of the committee liz cheney said he's clearly trying to cover up what happened. now, the number one rule of project and deflect is to accuse your opponents about what you've been accused of. he denounced the commission as an abuse of power. here's the part of why he says it is illegitimate. >> nancy pelosi waited four months, and that time period as we came here and discussed many times, you were here, you asked me questions, my fear began to erode that she would play politics with this. never did i think a speaker would play such politics and in appoint a chairman who starts the committee by saying the only person out of bounds is the speaker. >> playing politics. because he's trying to memory hold the entire thing under layers of mock outrage, here's what really happened. mccarthy wrote a letter to speaker pelosi in late february, demanding three conditions, co-equal subpoena power and no predetermined conclusions. pelosi agreed. but then in may, mccarthy was trying to whip votes against the commission that he requested, 35 house republicans defected. and when pelosi unilaterally created the special commission, mccarthy tried to appoint republicans who believed the big lie. jim jordan, who had been trying to overturn the election with trump and jim banks. pelosi rejected these two poison pill participants and then mccarthy pulled all his picks. spare us the crocodile tears, congressman. likewise, mccarthy's claim that they can only investigate for purpose ignores congressional changes to strengthen our democracy like reforming the electoral count act. despite mccarthy's cries to the contrary, the real outrage isn't the january 6th commission, it is the attack on our capitol that was inspired by a president's attempts to overturn the election. the fact that gop leaders like mccarthy decided to fall in line with the big lie after the fact and try to rewrite recent history is straight out of orwell. might as well be campaigning under the banner that says ignorance is strength. it shows they're willing to sacrifice almost anything on the altar of their ambition. and that's just more evidence why the threat to our democracy is far from over. and that's your reality check. john avlon, thank you very much. the world knows marilyn monroe the movie star, the blond bombshell and the cultural icon. but now after a reckoning in hollywood, the new cnn original series "reframed" says it is time to see marilyn through a more modern feminist lens. here's a look. >> she loves to be in front of the camera. it is all coming from up here, she's staging it. and the photographer is clicking it. i can't imagine him saying, hang on to that tree, put your legs up. it is, like, follow the yellow brick road. follow marilyn and you'll get the shot. she seemed to really have an intimate understanding of what the camera needed from her. she used whatever she could to try to get herself in the best position possible to be hired by the studios. >> joining us now is alicia malone, who you recognize from that documentary. she is a host at turner classic movies and she appears in this new series, an amazing series. i cannot wait to see it, alicia. tell us a little bit about this, the reframing of marilyn monroe, not just looking at her as a blond bombshell, but as something more. >> yeah. i think we have been doing so much reframing of women in the public eye over the last couple of years, and so marilyn is perfect for this topic because people see her as being simply a sex object, but she was so much more than that. she was very ambitious and very driven. the whole blond bombshell marilyn monroe persona was of her own making because she knew that it would sell to audiences. and she wasn't an overnight success. she worked very hard, for many years and was in many small roles before she became a star. so many of the hollywood executives didn't see her potential, so it was really her drive that got her to the position that she is still in today, where we're still talking about her. >> she saw her potential. and i wonder, if she had not passed away, what do you think her role would have been in politics, pop culture, what do you think? >> well, i think she definitely would have had many stories to share during the me too movement. because even back in 1953, she wrote an article for motion picture magazine called wolves i have known, where she talked about the predatory men she had encountered, not only in hollywood, but in her days as a model before she became a star. so i think she definitely would have had many of those stories to share, and she also has a lot to say about sexuality and how we treat female sexuality as something to be laughed at or something to be scared of. she had a lot of jokes made about her, but actually she was very smart in the way that she used her body, she was also -- she liked her body, she liked the way she looked. >> body positivity, very of the moment for sure. alicia, thank you so much. we're really looking forward to this. looks amazing. alicia malone, thanks. >> thank you so much. you can be sure to tune in, the all new cnn original series "reframed: marilyn monroe" will premiere with back-to-back episodes on sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is friday, january 14th. we do have breaking news overnight the australian government canceled the visa for novak djokovic. the world's number one tennis player, just three days before the start of the australian open. this is a big deal. djokovic is the number one seed in the tournament. he is unvaccinated. australia is struggling with rising case numbers and facing huge internal backlash for the idea that djokovic would operate under a different set of rules than the rest of the country. australian immigration officials have been investigating a series of errors and discrepancies in his covid testing and travel documents. >> djokovic is now facing deportation and if that happens, he would, of course, be unable to defend hi

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, State Borders , Family Members , Agitation , Novak Doesn T , Rigors , Person , Tennis Player , Issues , Problems , Traveling , Anger , Anyone , Covid Protocols , Travel Documents , Positive , Lies , Journalists , Covid , Players , Part , Most , Situation , Beginning , Turmoil , The Open , Right , Tennis Players , Dennis , Little Bubble , Anything , What S Going On , Opponents , Draw , Reason , Avenue , Matches , Practices , Djokovic , Minister , End Up Playing , The Way , Side , Bit , Response , Won T , Majority , Expats , Boos , Fans , Monday Night , Something , Play , Time , Justice , Department , Prosecutors , Charges , Step , Cases , January 6th Capitol Riot , Participants , Takeaways , Is , Seditious Conspiracy , Our Marshall Cohen , 6 , Five , January 6th , Indictment , Planning , Rioters , Criticism , Message , War , Doj , Experts , Lawmakers , Many , Extent , Oath Keepers , Attack , Weapons , Senate , Equipment , Coordinating , Thousands , Plot , Joe Biden , Usa Caldwell Group , Leaders , Top , Administration , The Food Chain , Attorney For Stewart Rhodes , January 6th Committee , Lawsuits , Thing , Facts , News , Label , Kazakhstan , Discussions , Fbi , Social Media , Revelation , Work , 18 , 20 , Video , Videos , Video Camera Revolution , Knowsis , Sense , Talk , Wasn T Them , Jon Moseley , U S Capitol , Police Officers , Law Enforcement , Violence , Misrepresentation , Signal Communications , Paint , Clients , Picture , Insurrection , Document , Property , Snippets , Force , Conversations , Hurdle , Mob , Way , Building , Cruise Ship , Events , West Side , Hang On , Fanone , East Side , Worst , President , Idea , Florida , November 14th , December 12th , 14 , 12 , Trump , Votes , Things , Militia , Defense , Ones , Kins , Training Wasn T About January 6th , Gear , Dome , Phez Screen , James , Roads , D C , Security Detail , Supreme Court Side , Corner , Permit On The Supreme Court Side , Training For Ambushes , Training , September 30 , 30 , 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Reverend , Quote , Celebration , Martin Luther , Rule , Standing , Constitution , Nonsense , Take Care , Cowards , Let , Folks , Press Conference , Bunch , 2022 , Jet , Agenda , American , Arizona , Works , Long , Student Debt , Last Night , Gassing Up The Jet , Ways , 2022 Gassing , Yelling Isn T , Infrastructure , Slogans , Talking , Infrastructure Bill , Suffering , Colleagues , Rest , Strategy , Tactic , Lives , Games , Woman , Holding Out , Name , Melee , Chicago , Text , Great Grandmother , Martes Martese Chisholm , Children , Ran Off The Road , White Supremacists , Decapitated , January 11th 1966 , 1966 , Behinds , Spare Me , Elders , Heaven , Others , Word , Frustration , Division , Kevin Mccarthy , Revoking , Novak Djokovic , Breaking Overnight , Reframed Marilyn Monroe , Cnn , Speak Peek , Terms , Intellect , Destiny , On Cnn , Sexuality , Charge , Skin , Dice , Career , Influencer , Films , Company , Women , Ideas , Truth , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu Emu , Doug , Personal Record , Limu , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Heart , Liberty , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Sleep Number , Sleep , Bed , Breathing Rate , Heart Rate , Movement , Temperature Balancing , Circadian Rhythm , 360 , Sale , Recording , Elodia , 10 Million , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Tools , Internet , Millions , Projectup , 1 Billion , 10 , Billion , Possibilities , Words , House Minority Leader , Reality Check , John Avlon , Capitol Insurrection , Man , House , Speaker , Standards , Big Lie , Presser , Fear , Attempts , January 6th Commission , Scene , Floor , Guy , Responsibility , Congress , Fact Finding Commission , Saw , Chaos , Mob Rioters , Wednesday , Position , Visit , What Mccarthy , Mar A Lago , Everyone , Ex President , Notice , Talking Point , Condemnation , Capitol Hill Police Preparation , Nancy Pelosi , Times , Playbook , Insinuation , Supporters , Mob Of Trump , Committee , Screaming Match , Phone Records , Call , Details , State Of Mind , 180 , Commission , Abuse , Liz Cheney , Accused Of , Questions , Four , Chairman , Politics , Out Of Bounds , Memory , Layers , Letter , Playing Politics , Mock Outrage , Speaker Pelosi In Late February , Conditions , Subpoena , May , Jim Jordan , Special Commission , Banks , Poison Pill , Congressman , Picks , Crocodile Tears , Count , Contrary , The Real Outrage Isn T January 6th Commission , Act , Changes , Cries , Banner , Strength , Ignorance , Campaigning , Orwell , Threat , Ambition , Altar , Evidence , Blond Bombshell , Reckoning , Icon , The Movie Star , Hollywood , Camera , Look , Lens , Tree , Photographer , Him , Legs , Yellow Brick Road , Shot , Understanding , The Studios , Alicia Malone , Documentary , Host , Turner Classic Movies , Reframing , The Public Eye , Persona , Sex Object , Topic , Star , Hollywood Executives Didn T , Roles , Making , Audiences , Success , Drive , Potential , Role , Article , Stories , Pop Culture , Wolves , Motion Picture Magazine , Me Too Movement , 1953 , Model , Men , Share , Jokes , Thanks , Body Positivity , Tune In , Episodes , Viewers , Government , Breaking News , All Around The World , Friday January 14th , Backlash , Deal , Seed , Set , Testing ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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ongoing on this. just three hours after alex hawke made that decision, we are back in court and hearing this decision's hearing. now, what we know is djokovic will not be detained or deported tonight. it is 11:00 p.m. melbourne time. he will be going with immigration officials 8:00 a.m. friday, 4:00 p.m., eastern. from that point on, he will be considered detained. there will be australia border force officials, two officials accompanying him. so he will have that interview with immigration officials. then a couple hours later, he will be allowed to go to his lawyer's office to determine the next steps. but of course that again will be while he is detained. he will be accompanied by those officials. and then after that, he will, we understand, be in detention. this is going to a higher court. judge kelly, who presided and rein stated the visa back on monday, said this will go to the federal court of australia now. we heard from djokovic's lawyers pointing out that the immigration minister's argument is that him staying here would excite anti vax sentiment. they say that is irrational and a new approach. we understand that is what they will be fighting against at this point. now, scott morrison, the prime minister said that this does prove and backs up the fact that australians have to fire the rules closely and this backs that up his decision by the immigration minister, saying that it does justify the sacrifices that australians have made. it shows friday night djokovic will fight as long as he can. they would like this to go to the higher court on sunday. so potentially he could play the australian open monday. >> time is running out. paula hancocks, thank you very much. rennae stubbs, former world number one in doubles, she joins us now. humor me for a second. i want to interview as if you're two people, an australian and then a tennis star. your reaction just as an australian. >> well, i mean, that's a big issue here, isn't it? australia really has a tough lockdown particularly here in melbourne. so a lot of victorians are pretty upset that he was allowed in the country. australians haven't been able to go across state borders to visit family members. borders have been shut down well over a year. it has been a difficult time for australians down here. you can understand the agitation and anger towards allowing any unvaccinated person into the country. now, as a former tennis player, i understand also the rigors and the problems of traveling around the world and all the issues they're going to face. and novak is going to continue to face this throughout the world. but in australia in particular this country is really, really tough on anyone coming into the country at all. >> i just want to remind people that djokovic himself admitted this week that he broke covid protocols. and after he tested positive, after he knowingly tested positive, he sat down for an interview with journalists with covid. he also admitted his travel documents were wrong, that there were lies on his travel documents to enter australia. so people need to know that is part of the situation. so, rennae, this is three days before the beginning of the open. >> yeah. >> what are you hearing from the players there about the turmoil that this is causing? >> well, i mean, quite frankly, most of the players are pretty much over it. i think a lot of people are over it, including novak. but mainly the tennis players, they're on, you know, dennis players are pretty selfish in their own right. they have been in their own little bubble. i was one prior, so i know. so they are really thinking about their own draw, how they're playing and what's going on. they're not really concerned because novak doesn't sort of mean anything to them unless he's one of your opponents. they are sticking to their own matches, practices and worrying about themselves. i'm sure they will be very happy when this is over and done with at some point. >> i see no reason or avenue for this to be overturned by the australian minister. but if somehow djokovic does end up playing, what do you think the reaction will be when he takes the court? >> it will be a little bit mixed. expats live here, particularly in melbourne. he gets a rousing response from him. the majority of the australian public won't be necessarily on his side. he will get a little bit of some boos to come his way because it's been so stressful for australians in general here with covid. i don't think he will have aggressive fans on his side if he plays monday night. >> no. and if he doesn't, the world number one won't play, which is something the tournament will have to grapple with. rennae stubbs, thank you so much. for the first time, the justice department is unveiling charges of seditious conspiracy against 11 participants in the january 6th capitol riot. is, what do these new charges tell us? five takeaways from our marshall cohen, who has been following these cases every step of the way. prosecutors sending a clear message after criticism from lawmakers and legal experts who thought the doj was going too easy on the rioters. >> the charges show the extent of advanced planning. as we learned, many of the rioters were expecting war. the indictment also shows the attack could have been far worse. the oath keepers accused of coordinating to get inside the senate chamber. >> it was clear that the plot went beyond january 6th. one spent thousands of dollars on weapons and equipment to oppose the biden administration. finally, the charges show prosecutors are focusing on the top of the food chain as some oath keepers have turned up on the group's leaders. joining me now is attorney john moseley representing stewart rhodes before the january 6th committee and in civil lawsuits against him and the group. john, thank you so much for being with us. your reaction to this indictment? >> well, they are very serious charges. and it's ironic to talk about them with the overnight news from kazakhstan. they are very concerning. the thing is that we don't see any new facts. they have added a new legal label, as you say, after congressional criticism. but as i go through it, there's more social media discussions that are named. but i would be concerned with the fbi found some new revelation that shows they will go after very seriously. it's about 18 individual oath keepers now -- 20, i guess, that are in the usa caldwell group that will have serious work to go after that. oath keepers feel like their videos in the smartphone video camera revolution, the whole new world we have now with all this new video, show people did do what the government alleges, but it wasn't them. they had very tough talk among themselves, that's true. as you say, they are going after leaders in this sense, what they perceive to be leaders. the government admits these oath keepers did not do any violence, did not attack police officers. >> no, they don't -- jon, that's actually incorrect according to this indictment. it talks about them forcibly pushing into the capitol and past law enforcement. so that's just a misrepresentation of what's going on. you're talking about tough talk here. there's more than tough talk. there's talk about essentially overthrowing a government. and there are new things here. there are a lot of signal communications, including with your clients, that paint a very clear picture of what happened before the insurrection, during, and after. >> well, outside the indictment they admit they didn't damage any property. they claimed they organized some of that. which in court the entire document has to be put before the court, not snippets of things. >> there i read the indictment, jon. it says they forcibly pushed past police officers. that they used force. >> right. and the video shows they did not. the prosecutors know that we know they're lying. we have the video. we have the documents, including non-public documents. the charges are a serious hurdle to overcome. i want to see the complete conversations they allege there -- >> jon, i just have to stop you for a moment. we're watching video of them forcibly pushing their way into the capitol. >> not the oath keepers. >> they were part of a mob that did this. what are you trying to say, the people around them were doing it and they weren't? >> the people you see on video were on the other side of the building, which is as big as a cruise ship. there were very violent events, but they were on the west side of the building. the oath keepers were on the east side. it's as big as a cruise ship. that's why we believe -- >> i hear what you're saying. you're saying, you know, we have seen the video of officer fanone. they were forcibly entering the capitol and pushing past police officers. i don't want to get hung up on that. we have video of it. i don't want to litigate that. you are trying to say the worst of the worst we have seen, that wasn't them. they're using force here. tell me how you defend against this. how you defend against all the planning that is laid out very clearly here in the indictment? >> i want to see the entire documents. thing was about events in florida, december 12th, november 14th. it was about their fanciful idea that the president would follow-up, which i don't understand. but they thought trump would activate them as a militia. so we think most of the votes are misrepresented. not to say serious things didn't happen on january 6th. their main defense will be they weren't the ones doing it. >> you are saying the training wasn't about january 6th. explain this. want kins saying we are in the main dome right now, we are in the phez screen. we are rocking it. it goes on to say this is what we effing something up for. now we're talking. that's what i came up here for. and james then instructed the group to get their gear and get ready to head to the capitol. roads then, sometime after that when it was very clear what happened at the capitol said anyone in d.c. who is not tasked with a security detail, come to u.s. capitol on the supreme court side. come to capitol on the northeast corner. he was calling them to join in. we all knew what was happening at that point, jon. >> remember, they had a permit on the supreme court side -- >> no. jon, you just said the training was not about january 6th. it clearly was. >> they got training on september 30 in florida. they claim it was paramilitary training, which is illegal in florida. and they said we didn't train them. we did standard gun training on september 30. you ask how i respond to it. they are serious charges. but how i respond is putting the entire context in front of the court and the entire conversations. >> roads hears them. what could they have said that is going to somehow change the meaning of what is in this indictment unless they said just kidding after all of it. >> they went to the capitol to provide security at a demonstration that turned into demonstration. they had a permit from u.s. capitol police, alexander's group. they were supposed to be there to do -- >> jon, by their own the admission, that is not true. they said this is what we -- everything we effing trained for. now we're talking. that is what i came up here for. after all of that is said, rhodes calls even more people to the capitol. this isn't mission creep. they are making clear this is what they were there for. further more, if you are saying this somehow went off the rails, then why is your client then, after having spent thousands and thousands of dollars including on a platform-style ar rifle, why is he then spending thousands and thousands more dollars on all kinds of weapons and equipment following january 6th? >> well, as we've seen, they did believe that they were going to have to respond to antifa or be called up by the president. but what's interesting is they didn't bring any of that into the district of columbia. they left it in virginia. so if they were going to do any of those things, they would have brought weapons with them into the capitol. and they didn't do that. >> they talked about it. jon, they talked about bringing weapons. they discussed it. and then they discussed putting them on a boat. for people who aren't familiar with virginia and d.c., a small river separates the two. and your clients were talking about putting heavy weapons on a boat from a dock or some sort of water access area in the pentagon, which is like a stone's throw from the lincoln memorial and driving it over to the lincoln memorial. >> there were those chats, like you said. but if you see it in full context they will say, if -- they say it with acronyms and expletive. if things go all to hell, they would have those weapons over there. but they never brought them into the district. so, you know, i'm not saying i would advise them to do any of the things they did. but that's what we're -- again, you're asking how do we intend to defend it. those will be the things we would look at. they clearly talked about coming up to do security. beyond all that, the prosecution know it. their purpose in coming to d.c. was mainly to provide security for permitted -- >> they actually -- they're talking very clearly they are not providing security. they are saying there is exactly what they trained for. rhodes, your client, actually said at one point when he is -- in response to a claim by an oath keeper's affiliate that antifa breached the capitol, he said, nope. i'm right here. they are patriots. he was clearly the organizer of all of this. >> well, at that moment. but i'm saying why did they come to d.c.? why did they do these things? the indictment says practically they ate a hamburger on their way up here in order to make their way up here. i'm speaking hypothetically. the prosecution knows that's false. not in the indictment. that's why i'm concerned about the indictment as a work of fiction. >> okay, then explain this. because this doesn't seem like tpeubgsz. this is your client. we will have to do a bloody, massively blood where revolution against them. that's what's going to have to happen. . >> yeah. i think a lot of people pre predicted things like that. and, you know, i believe that whether somebody wanted it to happen and where we're headed may not be the same thing. my main concern in how to defend this is i want to see the entire conversations. >> he said, we aren't getting through this without a civil war. too late for that. prepared your mind, body, spirit. this is what he was telling other oath keepers. >> right. but that doesn't mean he's the one starting the civil war. i believe that too. but i don't think people on the right are going to be responsible for the civil war. >> they were training -- the indictment shows them training for ambushes, jon. . >> yeah. which is -- which the government knowsis a lie. because i've talked to the trainer. i'm calling the trainer as a witness. and that didn't happen. >> look at -- this is rhodes, your client. we will have to do a bloody, massively bloody revolution against them. that's not reactive. >> well, i think it is. from what everybody was saying -- >> what is that reactive to, jon? >> to what they believe the left and the deep state and other people were doing. it was a very common conversation people were having at the time that this is going south. and, you know, we're heading in a very bad way. >> wait. so what were they reacting -- don't just tell me vaguely what the deep state was doing, which is -- i don't even know what you're talking about. what were they reacting to specifically? if you're saying they weren't starting anything. >> i think everything from new censorship of sort of everything where they felt that the election was being manipulated and then stolen. >> it wasn't manipulated or stolen, jon. >> okay. i'm saying the discussion at the time is they think this is all going bad. it's not us doing it, but we're going to have to do something about it. >> then we are responding to acknowledge imaginary thing is not a defense. going to have >> seditious conspiracy was thrown out by a judge in 2010 because they said political diatribe were not -- >> i went through that case, jon. jon, that is apples and watermelons. that is not a case you can look at. okay. that is not a case you can look at and say it has anything that is similar to what happened on january 6th. that would be an embarrassing defense to use in court. >> they were in the capitol, forcibly pushing back hraefpt in the capitol to turn over the results of the election. >> at trial, the video will show they did not force their way past. >> i would like to put the video up of them forcing their way past law enforcement. >> i can't see it here. >> if you're talking about the arch tunnel, that's the west side. >> no. we have video that as they have entered -- we're not talking about the west side. they have forcibly entered the east side. and this is video of that, from the justice department. >> the oath keepers. >> of who? >> the oath keepers. >> i have seen people forcibly entering, but they were not the oath keepers. they weren't there yet. they didn't arrive at the stairs until 2:35 p.m. >> we have a picture of them. >> uh-huh. we have a picture of them, too. of them singing the national anthem at the top of the stairs. and the doors open, which you cannot open from the outside. the columbus doors are like a bank vault. and someone opened the doors from the inside. and they just calmly walk in and the police officers let them. we have this video. that's why i say the prosecutor knows that we know that they know we have all the proof. >> all right. jon, i'm going to end our conversation there. jon moseley, attorney for stewart rhodes. appreciate you being on. >> thank you very much. coming up, tough setbacks for the biden white house. what is the path forward after what has turned out to be a week to forget. breaking overnight, a crippling cyber attack on ukraine with russian troops gathered ominously on the border. and the science behind masks and how to spot fake kn-95. there's a lot of bad information out there. and unfortunately in this circumstance that information could cost someone their life. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. inner voice (kombucha brewer): i'm dramatically holding this bottle, so the light hits it just right, and people think... wow... ...he knows what he's doing... ...when i'm actually pretty lost with my payroll taxes. intuit quickbooks helps you manage your payroll taxes. cheers. 100% accurate payroll tax calculations guaranteed. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself... 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how can you spot a fake one? dr. sanjay gupta shows us the science behind the masks. >> reporter: in the united states, we are being drenched with omicron. a variant so contagious that it has caused daily cases to double in the past two weeks. now, just like you would put on a better rain coat in a bad storm, we need better masks more than ever. our best bet, an n-9 5 mask. >> if you are going to wear a mask, wear the best mask possible. >> aaron collins is an engineer. >> there is significant improvement. they are such a powerful tool. >> i think it's worth reminding people why exactly they work so well. it has to do with the actual material. there are electro static recharged fibers in here. it's not just filtering particles but attracting them, like your blanket attracts your socks in the dryer. it works for air coming in but also air that's potentially going out. one key thing about the n 95, you have to make sure they fit well. the two bands around the back of your head. then making sure no air is escaping around your eyes or your cheeks or your chin? studies have shown that cloth masks about 75% leakage. a surgical mask, 50%. but with an n-95, it can go down to as low as 1%. so the question is why aren't the masks being recommended for all americans. why not just recommend it? especially with the more transmissible variants. >> if we suggest or require people wear them, they won't wear them all the time. >> on thursday, president joe biden announced a step in the right direction. if you buy your own, the average cost is just under $2. a nonprofit dedicated to educating people about masks. how to pick the right one can be be willedering. the national institute for occupational safety and health, a federal agency that evaluates safety equipment like masks. >> it's an incredibly difficult market for consumers to navigate. unfortunately in this circumstance that information could cost someone their life. >> kelly carothers is the director of government affairs at project 95. the problem, she says, is counterfeits have infiltrated the market. you can find a list of niosh approved products on the website, but here's what to look for. remember the head straps, niosh approved will have straps instead of ear loops. it will say niosh with an identifying number starting with "tc." . >> if you can tolerate an n-95, do it. if you want a kn-95 is fine. there is a gradation of capability of preventing you from getting infected and from you transmitting it to someone else. so we should be wearing the best possible mask we can get. >> the kn 95 is another fit tradition mask but finding one of these can be trickier. it is a chinese standard, meaning none of these are currently approved in the united states. even worse, the cdc says about 60% of the masks are fake, yes, even the ones you buy online. >> there's no way to tell if the manufacturer has met the qualifications or not. it is difficult for a person to discern whether or not it's a safe mask. >> while it doesn't mean all kn 9 5s are bad, but it means you will have to do your homework, checking to see if the manufacturer has a valid lab report. >> we recommend better filtration masks and a general public mask standard so we can cover all the range of masks that people want to use. we can go abouting to pretty much normal quote-unquote life if we all had really good respirators. >> something so simple that could help us slow the pandemic. >> and dr. sanjay gupta joins us now. a point of personal privilege and full disclosure i have two masks i use at any one time. i use them for a week or two weeks straight. is that a good idea or bad idea? >> it's not a bad idea. originally they were designed as single use. what they find unless it becomes visibly soiled or there is damage to it or it becomes wet you can wear them for several days. many people do exactly as you do. they sort of rotate between a few different masks, even one for monday, one for tuesday, et cetera. so you can wear them several days at least. maybe even a couple of weeks. and the thing about the n 95, you have to make sure you are continuously inspecting them. >> i thought i was going to get in trouble. i appreciate it. thank you very much for that. >> a huge cyber attack crashing government websites in ukraine. a spokesman for the foreign ministry says it is too early to draw conclusions about who may be behind it. he does point out there is a long history of russian cyber attacks against ukraine. it comes as a warning that some attacks could come to the ukraine. sam kiley, give us the latest there. >> reporter: so as of this morning there was an announcement that a number of government websites, but not all of them had been crashed in what looks like a ddos, denial of service event. pretty low level but irritating and important symbolically, coming at the end of the week of diplomacy, osce, bilateral talks between russia and the united states all aimed at trying to deescalate tensions around ukraine with a buildup of 120,000 russian troops on ukraine's border and ongoing insurgency inside ukraine backed by russia. in that context, this is a bit of a wiggle as far as the ukrainians are concerned. they took websites off line in order to prevent further attacks and now getting them back up again. it is symbolic of the pressure that is relentlessly put on ukraine. in the past, were it the case that the russians would like to do a much more significant cyber event, we have had warnings from the united kingdom and the nsa and the united states both saying that reuters could be attacked by russia. it is not outside the russian capability to do something much, much worse, perhaps a warning being given to the ukrainians. >> the timing suspicious and concerning. sam kiley, thank you very much. the biden white house hits a brick wall on voting rights. what now for the president and his party. and scientists and doctors calling out joe roggin for spreading misinformation. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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>> yes, we need to sign a voting rights act. their positions hasn't changed. they don't think it is good for the senate or the country at all. they worry what might happen when the republicans take back the senate, which, by the way, wasn't that far off. two years ago they had complete control. they are looking to force them to work in a bipartisan way. but senator manchin completely agrees we need to reform our voting rights, and he's working on it and working on a bill and hoping he can get nine more repub republicans. but these things aren't easy, and they take time. >> nina, what do you make -- >> brianna, i have to -- >> yes. >> preservation, my behind, brianna. we need to preserve democracy now. i've got to disagree with my colleague here. they better not utter one quote from the reverend dr. martin luther king jr. as we come up on his birthday saturday and the national celebration on monday. this is -- these people are cowards. they are soulless cowards to hold up a doggone rule. filibuster is a rule. it is not written in the constitution. it is not a right. it is a rule. and they are standing in the way of it. this is nonsense they worried about what the republicans are going to do. let's take care of 2022. let's do what democrats can do right now. they are the power. and my message to president biden. he done wasted a whole bunch of time with these folks inviting them out to the white house, being diplomatic. tight out for it. he needs to hold a press conference, either you need to be by my side, you're either going to be with me or i'm gassing up the jet on your behind, and i will be in west virginia and arizona and let the american people know who is standing in the way of my entire agenda, not just voting rights. so, president biden, gas up the jet and cancel student debt. those two things. >> jonathan? >> that's not how congress works. president biden is a long -- has a long history of working with senators. he knows the best way to do it, has worked with them, had constructive conversations. that's why he had the two of them over to the white house last night. they're going to keep working together. he's had a great first year, historic first year, and democrats should be celebrating that and running on that in 2022. gassing up the jet and heading to west virginia and arizona is not actually going to get it done. there are ways people can get things done in d.c. senator manchin and sinema prove that with a historic infrastructure bill they just passed. that's how they get things done. slogans and yelling isn't the way it works. if you want to get something done, sit down with them and keep talking. and that's what senator manchin is going to keep doing. >> give me a break. they have been sitting down and talking, brianna. and that infrastructure bill, while we need to repair infrastructure in the united states of america, that is not giving people something they can feel. people can't -- poor people are suffering in this country, and you have senators who had set for the rest of their natural lives playing games. the president already sat down with them, brianna. that tactic, that strategy is not working. and the rest of the senators on the democratic side need to hold their colleagues accountable because allegedly sinema and manchin are the only two holding out, which we know is not true. if in fact, it is true, let melee that out there, they need to hold their colleagues accountable. you know what, brianna, there is a woman in chicago, her name is martes martese chisholm that sent me a text saying how sad she is. she watched her foreparents her great-grandmother was murdered january 11th, 1966. you know why she was murdered? because she was standing up for voting rights. ran off the road by white supremacists and decapitated. so there are people still alive today who were either children during that time or elders during that time fighting like hell and heaven to get voting rights. and here we are in 2022 kissing the behinds of two senators who could care less about the people in this country. so, jonathan, spare me. that's not how you're going to get things down. yeah, i am outraged with a whole bunch of other folks who need to be outraged about those two and what others behind them hiding behind them. so president biden, gas up the jet on these people. >> nina and jonathan, i hear your frustration, nina. i think this is such an important conversation to have. spirited as it is, the word i would use, this is i think the division within your party right now talking about these issues and this is going to be so essential to discuss more in the year ahead. nina, jonathan, thank you so much to both of you. breaking overnight, australia revoking novak djokovic's visa days before the australian open. >> kevin mccarthy tries to rewrite history. fortunately, there's video. a speak peek at the new cnn original series "reframed, marilyn monroe," airing monday on cnn. >> marilyn monroe knew she was more than just a pretty face. >> she wanted control of her own destiny. >> it's frustrating that people can't think about her in terms of her intellect. >> marilyn challenges what it means to have agency as a woman. >> to see a woman that is so in charge of her sexuality is extremely empowering. >> this woman is so comfortable in her skin. >> she was rolling the dice with her career in very real terms. >> marilyn would have been the biggest influencer of all time. being her own productive company, getting films made. >> marilyn monroe is a mere more for ideas about women's sexuality and women's power. >> it's hard to know where to start if you don't start with the truth. >> "reframed marilyn monroe" sunday at 9:00 on cnn. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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mccarthy refused to testify in front of the january 6th commission. presumably for fear of implicating donald trump or himself. but because the guy's got a sense of humor, it happened to be one year to the day exactly since he took to the floor of the house and said this. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. and make no mistake, those who are responsible for wednesday's chaos will be brought to justice. >> yes, that day he called for a fact finding commission. and he's been trying to kill it ever since. so when asked by a reporter why he abruptly changed his position after a visit to mar-a-lago, three weeks after the attack, here's what mccarthy said. >> what changed? >> what changed from what you said on the floor, criticizing him, saying that he was -- >> my criticism went to everyone on that day. why was the capitol so ill prepared that day? >> it is sad to see a grown man so scared of an ex-president. because his criticism was directed at donald trump that day, it wasn't a free floating condemnation of everyone. and notice how fast he wanted to pivot to his preferred talking point, about capitol hill police preparation, which he repeated three times. that's because that's the new lie. an insinuation that speaker nancy pelosi might somehow be responsible for the capitol being overrun by a violent mob of trump supporters. he's trying out the trump playbook of project and deflect. now, one major reason why the committee wants to talk with mccarthy is because he spoke with donald trump that day. one of his republican colleagues said it was a screaming match, the president didn't want to call off the rioters which is incredibly relevant to trump's state of mind. after telling cnn he would testify, mccarthy has done a 180. he doesn't want to offer any details about the trump call and he's really upset that phone records have been requested. the republican co-chair of the committee liz cheney said he's clearly trying to cover up what happened. now, the number one rule of project and deflect is to accuse your opponents about what you've been accused of. he denounced the commission as an abuse of power. here's the part of why he says it is illegitimate. >> nancy pelosi waited four months, and that time period as we came here and discussed many times, you were here, you asked me questions, my fear began to erode that she would play politics with this. never did i think a speaker would play such politics and in appoint a chairman who starts the committee by saying the only person out of bounds is the speaker. >> playing politics. because he's trying to memory hold the entire thing under layers of mock outrage, here's what really happened. mccarthy wrote a letter to speaker pelosi in late february, demanding three conditions, co-equal subpoena power and no predetermined conclusions. pelosi agreed. but then in may, mccarthy was trying to whip votes against the commission that he requested, 35 house republicans defected. and when pelosi unilaterally created the special commission, mccarthy tried to appoint republicans who believed the big lie. jim jordan, who had been trying to overturn the election with trump and jim banks. pelosi rejected these two poison pill participants and then mccarthy pulled all his picks. spare us the crocodile tears, congressman. likewise, mccarthy's claim that they can only investigate for purpose ignores congressional changes to strengthen our democracy like reforming the electoral count act. despite mccarthy's cries to the contrary, the real outrage isn't the january 6th commission, it is the attack on our capitol that was inspired by a president's attempts to overturn the election. the fact that gop leaders like mccarthy decided to fall in line with the big lie after the fact and try to rewrite recent history is straight out of orwell. might as well be campaigning under the banner that says ignorance is strength. it shows they're willing to sacrifice almost anything on the altar of their ambition. and that's just more evidence why the threat to our democracy is far from over. and that's your reality check. john avlon, thank you very much. the world knows marilyn monroe the movie star, the blond bombshell and the cultural icon. but now after a reckoning in hollywood, the new cnn original series "reframed" says it is time to see marilyn through a more modern feminist lens. here's a look. >> she loves to be in front of the camera. it is all coming from up here, she's staging it. and the photographer is clicking it. i can't imagine him saying, hang on to that tree, put your legs up. it is, like, follow the yellow brick road. follow marilyn and you'll get the shot. she seemed to really have an intimate understanding of what the camera needed from her. she used whatever she could to try to get herself in the best position possible to be hired by the studios. >> joining us now is alicia malone, who you recognize from that documentary. she is a host at turner classic movies and she appears in this new series, an amazing series. i cannot wait to see it, alicia. tell us a little bit about this, the reframing of marilyn monroe, not just looking at her as a blond bombshell, but as something more. >> yeah. i think we have been doing so much reframing of women in the public eye over the last couple of years, and so marilyn is perfect for this topic because people see her as being simply a sex object, but she was so much more than that. she was very ambitious and very driven. the whole blond bombshell marilyn monroe persona was of her own making because she knew that it would sell to audiences. and she wasn't an overnight success. she worked very hard, for many years and was in many small roles before she became a star. so many of the hollywood executives didn't see her potential, so it was really her drive that got her to the position that she is still in today, where we're still talking about her. >> she saw her potential. and i wonder, if she had not passed away, what do you think her role would have been in politics, pop culture, what do you think? >> well, i think she definitely would have had many stories to share during the me too movement. because even back in 1953, she wrote an article for motion picture magazine called wolves i have known, where she talked about the predatory men she had encountered, not only in hollywood, but in her days as a model before she became a star. so i think she definitely would have had many of those stories to share, and she also has a lot to say about sexuality and how we treat female sexuality as something to be laughed at or something to be scared of. she had a lot of jokes made about her, but actually she was very smart in the way that she used her body, she was also -- she liked her body, she liked the way she looked. >> body positivity, very of the moment for sure. alicia, thank you so much. we're really looking forward to this. looks amazing. alicia malone, thanks. >> thank you so much. you can be sure to tune in, the all new cnn original series "reframed: marilyn monroe" will premiere with back-to-back episodes on sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern only on cnn. "new day" continues right now. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is friday, january 14th. we do have breaking news overnight the australian government canceled the visa for novak djokovic. the world's number one tennis player, just three days before the start of the australian open. this is a big deal. djokovic is the number one seed in the tournament. he is unvaccinated. australia is struggling with rising case numbers and facing huge internal backlash for the idea that djokovic would operate under a different set of rules than the rest of the country. australian immigration officials have been investigating a series of errors and discrepancies in his covid testing and travel documents. >> djokovic is now facing deportation and if that happens, he would, of course, be unable to defend hi

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