Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

♪ i'm john berman with brianna keilar on this "new day". huge news moments ago that brings together the pandemic, sports, international relations. australia basically tells the world's number one tennis player to get out just days before the australian open. a landmark indictment for the leader of the far right oath keepers. for the first time, a sedition charge for the january 6th capitol riot. it has been a brutal week for president biden as he faces serious setbacks for his agenda. the two senators who added more salt to the wound. and queen elizabeth strips her son andrew from charities. the royal family now saying you're on your own. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is friday, january 14th. and breaking just a short time ago, the australian government canceled the visa for novak djokovic, the world's number one tennis player three days before the start of the australian open. this is a huge deal. djokovic is the number one seed there. he is unvaccinated. australia is struggling with rising case numbers and facing huge internal backlash over him operating under a different set of rules than the rest of the country. they have been investigating a series of errors and discrepancies in his covid testing and travel documents. djokovic is now facing deportation. if that happens, he will be unable to defend his australian open title, unavailable to break the brand slam record that he would so like to do. it's unclear what happens next year. djokovic of course will appeal. that's expected. that's likely. australian immigration minister alex hoch releasing this statement, reading in part, today i exercised my power to knowledge qaa the visa held by mr. novak djokovic on health and good order grounds, on the basis that it was in the public interest to do so. joining us now from melbourne, contributing writer at the "new york times", ben rothenberg. ben, tell us about this turn in easements? >> reporter: we've been knowing this could come for a long time. allen hawke's office were reviewing the application and trying to see what they could do. waited a long time, four days and late on friday the decision came out. many people think this could be because of the lack of time that gives djokovic to appeal. although, they are already in a virtual courtroom, his lawyers and the government's lawyers and a judge trying to hash out when things will move. djokovic making it very clear this is an extraordinary case where he has realtime pressure, the first round open coming up monday. he could play monday or tuesday. there are real tennis deadlines. he is trying to get his 2021 grand slam, which would be a record for men's singles all time. >> this decision from the australian australian minister follows the revelations that djokovic himself that, a, he broke protocols by doing a photo shoot. and also the revelation of lies, falsifications on his travel documents. he didn't fill it out, his agent did. but it said things that aren't true. >> reporter: we are still learning about what reasons the minister gave. he will provide a list of reasons and justifications for the decision. they mentioned that feeling him in the country could incite anti axe movement. they considered that to be part of this, you know, consideration to be damaging to public health concerns. that's really interesting that djokovic who has been, you know, skeptical of vaccines, various sides of that, anti-vax explicitly the last couple of years. the comments are being held against him in the court. that will be a point of contention here. >> ben, what do australians think about all this? >> reporter: it's pretty clear the decision to try to deport novak djokovic is very popular among the australians. they don't want someone to find a side door into the country. and the tournament for creating an exemption process that would allow a player like djokovic to get in without being vaccinated like everyone else is. there is a strong sense of satisfaction of the idea that he could be sent packing even before losing a tennis match here. >> and i know this is in the courtroom right now, but i know from my reading there isn't a lot of dispute over the fact that the australian immigration minister has the authority and the power to do this. it will be interesting to see what happens the next couple hours. ben, thank you very much. other major news this morning, for the first time, sedition charges handed down by tperpl pro federal prors for the -- prosecutors purchase they used cryptic communications. they stand accused of conspireing to oppose by force the execution of the laws governing the transfer of presidential power. two months before the january 6th attack, rhodes said we aren't getting through this without a civil war. his attorney was on the phone rhodes while the fbi was outside waiting to arrest him. >> republicans and right-wing pundits have been pushing the narrative that there was no insurrection. and part of how they make this case is they say, look, there's not been a single rioter charged with seditious conspiracy. january 6th committee telling jamie raskin he hopes this shuts up his colleagues on the other side of the aisle who continue to down play what happened. whitney wild joins us now from washington. a big delivery against that, i guess, talking point, you would say. hey, look, people haven't been charged with seditious conspiracy. how can it be a sedition? well, here you go. >> reporter: they suggested this was on the table almost a year ago, brianna. and a significant lull. there were a lot of people particularly on the right who used that because in not seeing these extremely aggressive indictments to say, look, doj doesn't have the goods. they can't bring a sedition charge. now answering request an extremely aggressive indictment. stewart rhodes, founder and leader of the car-right group, the act keepers, arrested in texas on charges including seditious conspiracy for his alleged involvement in the capitol attack. >> i hope that this arrest and this prosecution will shut up those of our colleagues who keep saying, well, if it was a conspiracy, how come there are no conspiracy charges? if it was she tkeurbgz, how are there no sedition charges? >> reporter: they charged 10 others with seditious conspiracy as well. >> this is such a powerful statement by the justice department. >> reporter: it's the first time federal prosecutors have used the sedition charge after bringing in more than 700 cases related to the insurrection. but prosecutors have long signaled that they were considering using the rarely applied section of federal law. and it was just last week in a speech commemorating the capitol attack where attorney general merrick garland said this. >> the actions we have taken thus far will not be our last. >> reporter: rhodes is the most high-profile individual charged in the investigation so far. court documents released thursday lay out a wide-ranging plot to storm the capitol and disrupt the certification of the 2020 election. two days after election day, rhodes allegedly urged his followers to refuse to accept the election results, writing in a signal message, we aren't getting through this without a civil war. according to federal prosecutors on his way to d.c. on january 3rd, rhodes allegedly bought an ar rival and other equipment like sights, mounts, triggers, slings and firearms tar. he said he did not enter the capitol january 6th. but other oath keepers wearing military gear forcing their way into the building in a military stacked formation. >> they are exploiting the chaos of that day. >> reporter: the new indictment alleges the group had quick reaction forces from three straits, arizona, north carolina, and florida, to rush into d.c. if needed. according to court documents, oath keeper thomas caldwell, arrested last january, claimed that he took reconnaissance trips to d.c. fryer to the insurrection. rhodes was planning for violence well beyond january 6th, allegedly referring to the capitol attack as nothing compared to what's come. he allegedly spent around $17,500 on weapons equipment and ammunition. then, around inauguration day, prosecutors say rhodes told his associates to localize local militias to oppose the biden administration. another member allegedly said, after this, if nothing happens, it's war. civil war 2.0. absolutely chilling. brianna, the other big news out of washington is as doj comes down very hard on these individuals, the january 6th committee taking direct aim at private companies, subpoenaing twitter, reddit, meta and alphabet, former facebook and google. they have not gotten an adequate response in their attempt to try to get voluntary information, now again sending out subpoenas to social media companies. >> definitely something to watch. whitney, thank you. fbi senior intelligence adviser phil mudd and co-anchor of "early start" and attorney at law, laura jarrett. of all the things the oath keepers are said to have done and planned, what jumps out at you at this plot? >> where we go looking forward. if you look at the complexity they're talking about, the number of people before, the kind of military sort of process they were undergoing to think about an insurrection. instead of saying what happened before january 6th, i look at this as someone who was involved as investigations and think about how many people from these organizations -- there are millions of americans sympathetic to these people. how many people are watching saying next time, in 2024, what do i learn how i need to be careful in communications, what do i learn about what language can i attract more people to our cause so we don't turn them off, should i go more local so the feds don't have one organization to target. i have 40 or 50 chapters, which is much harder to go after with intelligence. john, i look forward and worry about a couple of years instead of just looking into investigations of people who are already going to be locked up. >> laura, tell us a little bit about seditious conspiracy, the considerations, the difficulties in this if this is a slam dunk case or if there's challenges. . >> it's a rarely used charged. really i think only used three times in recent history. the last one was in 2010. they are hard cases to make, which explains why this likely took over a year. as we heard people sort of banging on the door of merrick garland, why aren't you doing this? we have reporting from our colleague, evan perez, that initially the attorney general was hesitant to use this charge. he balked at it. until he saw page after page of signal communications of how highly coordinated this was. not just in the days surrounding january 6th. we have seen charges from oath keepers about that. this went beyond january 6th, up until joe biden was inaugurated. efforts, thousands of dollars spent on ammunition and guns after january 6th if not to go to war, then for what? >> you know, phil, you have been an investigator before. you have been in the trenches here. what's the evidence that jumps out at you? what is the evidence that you think the fbi looked at and said, aha, this is something? >> the time involved in preparations for this, the fact that the amount of weapons acquired in advance, the fact that people are using specific language that indicates this they were coordinating. they're not just talking about breaking a window in the capitol. they're talking about civil war in america. it's hard to look at that and say, hey, it was accidental they went to the capitol and happened to breach the perimeter. i'm not surprised it took them so long to get to this case. but when you look at the evidence, it's hard to step back and say, yeah, there was no planning here. the weapons, the time, the language. incredible. . >> also, guys, you have to think what is the defense going to be? i know you will talk to the lawyers soon. rhodes has given media interviews in which he said, look, folks went off mission. they went rogue. ticked off patriots, you ain't seen nothing yet. if they went off mission, why are they spending money on guns and ammunition after january 6th? . >> it sounds like one of the arguments is they were, look, and this is just part of what it sounds like the defense is. they were there to help to provide security for protesters. they were ready if antifa was going to get involved. they thought perhaps they would be called to duty by the president. what do you think of that? >> that's where the messages get them in trouble because you have realtime communications in this highly organized fashion saying go there, go to that entrance. if it was, oh, wow, we have gone too far, you wouldn't see messages like that. >> it is important to note there is no direct link to the trump white house or trump political world. they haven't written that down yet. but does that mean investigators aren't looking for that link? . >> no. heck know he will be looking for that. you have one straightline case, did people gather together with the idea this might be civil war 2.0? yes. that's a totally different question, politically explosive question of was there any communication after a congressional office. i don't sigh why you would have to put that in the indictment. that's why the january 6th committee want to talk to members of congress. did you talk to these people? we would like to see your phone records. that's why they are going to subpoenas to the silicon valley saying we want data. this is not done yet, john. . >> very interesting. phil mudd, laura jarrett, thank you very much. in a couple hours we will speak with the leader of the oath keepers ex-wife. she said she helped start this group. how she's reacting to the arrest this morning. that's coming up. and up next, the supreme court delivered a crushing blow to president biden's pandemic response. it's just the latest setback for a rough week for white house. two people in the senate, and the efforts look dead. huge turmoil inside the royal family. prince andrew stripped of some of his honors and titles. the queen cracking down some. why is she doing this? 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works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. house and major corporations try to figure out the path forward after the supreme court blocked president biden's sweeping vaccine mandate for large businesses but did allow a limited one for certain health care workers. this was a major decision by the supreme court with big implications, air ran that. the bottom line is one of the most aggressive attempts to get more people vaccinated. there's two cases before the supreme court. the first aimed at large employers. it was a testing or vaccine mandate aimed at large employers for big businesses. and the conservative majority came down to this. they said that the federal agency charged with workplace safety just did not have the authority to issue a mandate that would impact some 80 million americans. you saw the conservative state. that's overreach. and the liberals on the court issued this biting dissent. in the face of a still raging pandemic, this court tells the agency charged with protecting workplace safety that it may not do so. they were furious in dissent. in the second case, biden had a win. but it will impact fewer people. it was aimed at certain health care workers. we saw chief justice john roberts and brett kavanaugh say that mandate was okay. and the thinking is that that agency that's charged with protecting patience could act in this way. that will only impact 10 million workers. so the pwaeugz and biden himself tried to play up the win here. but the loss was tough for him. he's been pushing mandates for months. the big problem is so far near 80 million u.s. adults are still decline to go get vaccinated, john. . >> yeah. companies this morning trying to figure out how to handle this the next few days. ariane, thank you very much. president joe biden has had a very tough week with setbacks for his agenda. covid complications and the supreme court blocking his vaccine mandate, inflation in international turmoil to name a few. lauren fox joins us from capitol hill. the biden voting rights bill has been torpedoed, even by members of his own party. is there a way forward, or is this dead? >> reporter: well, his vast agenda on capitol hill is really hitting a brick wall this morning, brianna because of those two moderate democratic senators. remember, before christmas, we have to examine this in a broader capacity. before christmas, joe manchin said he would not support build back better, that he just wasn't going to get there. yesterday, just about an hour before the president came to capitol hill to have a meeting with his democratic caucus, senator kyrsten sinema went to the floor and said while she supported voting rights generally, she did not support changing the filibuster rule. then she followed bibi saying his position remain unchanged. here's what they said yesterday. . >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> i think this is the point i've been making an awful long time, and she has too. we need to make the system work better, not get rid of the filibuster. >> reporter: they went to the white house last night for an hour-long meeting. where does that leave the u.s. senate? chuck schumer went to the floor last night and said he was going to be pushing that vote on voting rights legislation to tuesday instead of over the weekend or before martin luther king jr. day in part because of covid on the hill as well as weather concerns around washington, d.c. but obviously this gives them a little more time to try to regroup over the weekend. but there, again, is no indication that manchin or sinema will change their views. without 10 republican votes or a change in their voting, there is no change >> oh, to be a fly on the wall with the president and the senators last night. lauren fox, thank you so much. at-home covid tests have been a rare commodity recently. starting this weekend, it may be just a little bit easy tore get your hands on one. plus, breaking news. less than 24 hours after the u.s. warned russia is potentially gearing up for an invasion into ukraine, we are now learning of major cyber attacks against ukraine. stand by. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. kinder bueno. it's crispy. it's creamy. it's not your average chocolate bar. it's kinder bueno! smooth milk chocolate, crispy wafer, creamy hazelnut filling. it's kinder bueno. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ the biden administration says starting tomorrow, health insurers must cover the costs of at-home covid tests. jacqueline howard joins us now with how to get your hands on these what will be free tests. jacqueline. >> reporter: that's right, john. you know, this is big news. so far tests like these, like the binaxnow and quick view, they cost about $20 to get at a local store or pharmacy so far. but starting tomorrow, if you do have health insurance, depending on your plan, you can get a test at no cost up front or, depending on your plan, submit a set for reimbursement to your test. here's what we can expect starting tomorrow. if you have health insurance, you can get it over the counter for free or file for reimbursement. some insurers may set up a preferred network of stores, pharmacies or websites where you can get your test from. if you purchase your test outside of network, insurers are required to reimburse up to $12 per test. of course there are people who don't have haeplgt insurance. and the biden administration says for all americans starting in a few days or weeks, definitely starting this month, according to the administration, they're going to set up a website where anyone can order a free test and have it delivered to them. we are expecting deliveries. we can expect that option for people without insurance. even though it's exciting news, availability is still important. if it is still hard to come by the tests, we are hearing a lot of people are having difficulty finding tests at stores or pharmacies, if that is still a problem, we have that hurdle to address. more tests available this month are expected. have a listen. . >> when i got here, we were doing fewer than 2 million tests a day. this month it is estimated that we will hit approximately 15 million tests a day. and 375 million rapid tests alone. >> reporter: the president says we can expect 375 million at-home tests available. health officials say they hope the tests will materialize soon. in bottom line in terms of what you can control, figure out if your insurer has a preferred place to buy them, and save your receipts no matter what. . >> exactly ofly. growing deentire and frustration for millions of american parents who have kids under the age of 5. there is currently no vaccination available for their children, even if they wanted one. many parents feel their voices are being ignored. a working mom with two daughters, ages 3 and 1. thank you so much for being with us. you are a mom with kids in this age group. tell me about the frustration of not having this protection for them and how your life is different from other people who have kids who are a little older and can get vaccinated. >> hi. thank you for having me. it's frustrating for sure. it's a lot on the adults and people who are eligible within our population to get vaccinated more to take those precautions. and that's hard that we have to rely on other people to keep our kids safe. and it's just really frustrating. and i think with older kids, you have that option. you are able to vocalize how they're feeling, is it covid, is it not. and parents can -- it's a little easier for parents to work remotely when there's exposure. you can't pop a 3-year-old in front of the tv. it might buy you 15 minutes, but that's about it. >> yeah. tell us about what happens at day care when there's exposure and how often that has happened for you. >> we have been pretty lucky. especially because the numbers were so low for so long. the policy is if they have a runny nose, they can't go to school. that's what happens at day care. and then my house and i are taking off work, paying for multiple child care. you pay for day care but they can't go, so you have to pay for a babysit i to watch them. >> you want to keep them from being exposed. you're out of vacation time, right? so what happens when you're at home with one of your children? >> it's just time unpaid. i'm fortunate that i have that option, but it's obviously really frustrating when you are actively losing money because your children aren't in day care. >> what do you think of the messaging? i have a 5-year-old who is vaccinated and 3-year-old who is unvaccinated. full disclosure, i gave the 3-year-old covid over christmas. when i'm talking to people and they talk about the pandemic, i can almost always tell if they have kids who are 5 and under or they don't. sit almost like living two different kinds of lives. what do you think the message is like when parents who have younger kidsverse us older? >> i don't think there's much messaging. i don't know what to do. the message is, oh, it's mild, so they will be okay. we don't know the long-term effects. we don't know if anything is happening beyond that. it's frustrating to know you can't turn to anybody. >> i was hopeful come 2022 we would be closer than we are now. it's frustrating it keeps getting pushed back. . >> we are watching and waiting. lauren, thank you so much for being with us. i think you have frustrations that so many parents are experiencing right now. we appreciate you talking about it. >> thank you. a north korean missile launch causing a last-minute scramble among defense officials. and violent protests in kazakhstan. and joe roggin is not a doctor. this just in. they are calling on spotify to take action against him after an episode filled with medical misinformation. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. overnight, north korea with another projectile. cnn has learned one of the launches caused an urgent scramble when early warning systems suggested it might be able to hit the u.s. cnn's katie bo tell us what happened here. >> reporter: there has been mystery since the launch on tuesday. why did faa issue a ground stop, some pilots in california, after the launch of a north korean mission. it splashed down pretty harmlessly between japan and china. what we learned is that early indicators, early warning sensors suggested that the missile did, in fact, have the capability to potentially hit as far as california or the allusion islands. they are dismissed as more data was available. they determined it was short range, that it would never be able to get to the united states, posed no real danger. the whole thing was over in a matter of minutes. but in the few uncertain minutes, the faa issued a ground stop keeping pilots on the ground for about 15 minutes. look, they are being conservative. they want to make sure nothing happens. what's the faa saying? >> reporter: the faa, which is always in the room for the kinds of calls that take place after launches of this kind, says it was just being prudent, taking precautionary measures. the military u.s. northern command and nor rad have been pretty frank that the decision to ground the planes was the fa a's alone. they suggested in public statements that maybe the faa got out over its skis here. but really what we saw on tuesday was officials going further down the checklist what to do in the event of a missile launch than we have seen for previous launches of this kind, at least in recent memory. bottom line, free anna, we got a glimpse of what it might look like if the threat were real. >> yeah. very interesting to see that happened. katie bo, thank you. >> reporter: my pleasure. dolling out sedition charges including to the leader of the oath keepers. we will speak to his attorney. the violent protests in kazakhstan leaving the country in sham bells. cnn is live on the ground. slash. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. this morning the president of kazakhstan said the violent unrest has caused so much damage in the larger city, it will take eight months to restore it. cnn's frederick flight again live on the ground for us there. fred, lucky to have you there. can you tell us the latest? >> reporter: hi, john. i think he's absolutely right. it is going to take a very long time to repair some of the damage that was done here. i'm in front of the mayor's office. in the outside of the building, it is completely charred. rioters entered when the protests were going on in the entire country, ransacked the place inside, and then set fire to it. kazakhstan authorities say they are in complete control but were only able to do that after a massive crackdown. let's have a look. inside the charred car cast of the mayor's office, a massive cleanup is under way. by hand and machine, work has started to repair the damage caused by violent protests that gripped kazakhstan. cnn is the first media outlet allowed inside to survey the extent of the damage. the authorities have brought in dozens, if not hundreds of workers, to clean up the aftermath of what were the straoept battles here in the largest city of owe matty. the authorities say rioters entered the building and set fire to all of it. they were dangerously close to losing control not just here but other places across the country. the president said protests that were originally against high fuel prices were hijacked by what he calls, quote, terrorists. he issued a shoot to kill order and summoned an international military force led by russia. >> translator: we prevented dangerous threats for our country's security. as part of the counter terrorist mission, we are trying to identify people who committed those crimes. >> reporter: the government says things are now largely under control. and there is evidence of that across the city. life is almost back to normal. the russian-led military force started its withdrawal, although the process is said to take another nine days. but authorities say their crackdown will continue. around 10,000 people have been detained, and more than 160 killed. opposition activist was at the protest and said things started peacefully but then he, too, was beaten by what he called provo provocateurs. he provided with us this video seeming to show what happened. and these photos of what he looked like after the attack. he said he believes the rioting was a pretext for a violent crackdown. >> the government decided to slaughter their own people. and one more great problem, i think, is a that it was done not only with the help of kazakhstan security forces but with interference of russian troops. >> reporter: the leadership denies attacking peaceful protesters and says they've launched a full investigation into who was behind the violence that erupted. meanwhile, the country's president vowed to improve people's living conditions and rebuild the sites damaged as fast as possible. and they certainly are showing they want to do it as fast as possible, john. they are putting autopsy a tarp to begin the reconstruction of the mayor's office. they are doing that in a lot of places around the country. this country does have a lot of international investment, a lot of american business here as well. and they want to show they can get things back on track as fast as possible. you do feel that the events that took place here last week, those protests that happened, the violence that happened left deep scars in this country and in its society, john. >> yeah. protecting the image of stability is important even if it may not be the reality deep down. fred pleitgen, thank you so much for being with us. >> so maybe boris johnson should just stop throwing parties. the latest shindig that has the office under fire. the australian minister revoking djokovic's visa. what is next for the tennis star? 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talk about turmoil at the highest level of the united kingdom. we are just learning of another boozy party at downing street while they were mourning the loss of prince philip? >> reporter: yeah. a period of lockdown, april of last year. two more parties at downing street, according to the telegraph and confirmed today, at least one of them by downing street. a leading party for the head of commun communications, the night before prince philip's funeral. the nation in mourning. you will remember the poignant image of the queen having to sit alone in the church at the funeral and limiting her guests to less than 30 because those were the rules. so this is another huge controversy about, you know, power, abuse -- the people responsible for creating the lockdown rules breaking the rules. we haven't heard from boris johnson because he is isolating at the top of number 10 downing street because a relative has covid. >> max, thank you so much for the latest there from england. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is friday, january 14th, and i'm brianna keilar with john berman. the visa of novak skwroerb sreufp has been revoked days before the australian open. he is unvaccinated. australia is struggling with rising case numbers and have been investigating a series of errors and discrepancies in covid testing and travel documents. . >> djokovic now faces deportation. if he is ordered to leave, he will be unavailable to defend his title and break the grand slam record he covets for now. djokovic is appealing the ruling. australian minister alex hawke said the decision was made in the public interest. paula, this is complicated. just three days before the tournament starts, where do things stand this morning? >> reporter: well, john, it gets even more complicated. er

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Downing Street , Relative , Around The World , January 14th , Novak Skwroerb Sreufp , Documents , Covid Testing , Alex Hawke , Leave , Ruling , Er , The Public Interest , Paula ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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♪ i'm john berman with brianna keilar on this "new day". huge news moments ago that brings together the pandemic, sports, international relations. australia basically tells the world's number one tennis player to get out just days before the australian open. a landmark indictment for the leader of the far right oath keepers. for the first time, a sedition charge for the january 6th capitol riot. it has been a brutal week for president biden as he faces serious setbacks for his agenda. the two senators who added more salt to the wound. and queen elizabeth strips her son andrew from charities. the royal family now saying you're on your own. good morning to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. it is friday, january 14th. and breaking just a short time ago, the australian government canceled the visa for novak djokovic, the world's number one tennis player three days before the start of the australian open. this is a huge deal. djokovic is the number one seed there. he is unvaccinated. australia is struggling with rising case numbers and facing huge internal backlash over him operating under a different set of rules than the rest of the country. they have been investigating a series of errors and discrepancies in his covid testing and travel documents. djokovic is now facing deportation. if that happens, he will be unable to defend his australian open title, unavailable to break the brand slam record that he would so like to do. it's unclear what happens next year. djokovic of course will appeal. that's expected. that's likely. australian immigration minister alex hoch releasing this statement, reading in part, today i exercised my power to knowledge qaa the visa held by mr. novak djokovic on health and good order grounds, on the basis that it was in the public interest to do so. joining us now from melbourne, contributing writer at the "new york times", ben rothenberg. ben, tell us about this turn in easements? >> reporter: we've been knowing this could come for a long time. allen hawke's office were reviewing the application and trying to see what they could do. waited a long time, four days and late on friday the decision came out. many people think this could be because of the lack of time that gives djokovic to appeal. although, they are already in a virtual courtroom, his lawyers and the government's lawyers and a judge trying to hash out when things will move. djokovic making it very clear this is an extraordinary case where he has realtime pressure, the first round open coming up monday. he could play monday or tuesday. there are real tennis deadlines. he is trying to get his 2021 grand slam, which would be a record for men's singles all time. >> this decision from the australian australian minister follows the revelations that djokovic himself that, a, he broke protocols by doing a photo shoot. and also the revelation of lies, falsifications on his travel documents. he didn't fill it out, his agent did. but it said things that aren't true. >> reporter: we are still learning about what reasons the minister gave. he will provide a list of reasons and justifications for the decision. they mentioned that feeling him in the country could incite anti axe movement. they considered that to be part of this, you know, consideration to be damaging to public health concerns. that's really interesting that djokovic who has been, you know, skeptical of vaccines, various sides of that, anti-vax explicitly the last couple of years. the comments are being held against him in the court. that will be a point of contention here. >> ben, what do australians think about all this? >> reporter: it's pretty clear the decision to try to deport novak djokovic is very popular among the australians. they don't want someone to find a side door into the country. and the tournament for creating an exemption process that would allow a player like djokovic to get in without being vaccinated like everyone else is. there is a strong sense of satisfaction of the idea that he could be sent packing even before losing a tennis match here. >> and i know this is in the courtroom right now, but i know from my reading there isn't a lot of dispute over the fact that the australian immigration minister has the authority and the power to do this. it will be interesting to see what happens the next couple hours. ben, thank you very much. other major news this morning, for the first time, sedition charges handed down by tperpl pro federal prors for the -- prosecutors purchase they used cryptic communications. they stand accused of conspireing to oppose by force the execution of the laws governing the transfer of presidential power. two months before the january 6th attack, rhodes said we aren't getting through this without a civil war. his attorney was on the phone rhodes while the fbi was outside waiting to arrest him. >> republicans and right-wing pundits have been pushing the narrative that there was no insurrection. and part of how they make this case is they say, look, there's not been a single rioter charged with seditious conspiracy. january 6th committee telling jamie raskin he hopes this shuts up his colleagues on the other side of the aisle who continue to down play what happened. whitney wild joins us now from washington. a big delivery against that, i guess, talking point, you would say. hey, look, people haven't been charged with seditious conspiracy. how can it be a sedition? well, here you go. >> reporter: they suggested this was on the table almost a year ago, brianna. and a significant lull. there were a lot of people particularly on the right who used that because in not seeing these extremely aggressive indictments to say, look, doj doesn't have the goods. they can't bring a sedition charge. now answering request an extremely aggressive indictment. stewart rhodes, founder and leader of the car-right group, the act keepers, arrested in texas on charges including seditious conspiracy for his alleged involvement in the capitol attack. >> i hope that this arrest and this prosecution will shut up those of our colleagues who keep saying, well, if it was a conspiracy, how come there are no conspiracy charges? if it was she tkeurbgz, how are there no sedition charges? >> reporter: they charged 10 others with seditious conspiracy as well. >> this is such a powerful statement by the justice department. >> reporter: it's the first time federal prosecutors have used the sedition charge after bringing in more than 700 cases related to the insurrection. but prosecutors have long signaled that they were considering using the rarely applied section of federal law. and it was just last week in a speech commemorating the capitol attack where attorney general merrick garland said this. >> the actions we have taken thus far will not be our last. >> reporter: rhodes is the most high-profile individual charged in the investigation so far. court documents released thursday lay out a wide-ranging plot to storm the capitol and disrupt the certification of the 2020 election. two days after election day, rhodes allegedly urged his followers to refuse to accept the election results, writing in a signal message, we aren't getting through this without a civil war. according to federal prosecutors on his way to d.c. on january 3rd, rhodes allegedly bought an ar rival and other equipment like sights, mounts, triggers, slings and firearms tar. he said he did not enter the capitol january 6th. but other oath keepers wearing military gear forcing their way into the building in a military stacked formation. >> they are exploiting the chaos of that day. >> reporter: the new indictment alleges the group had quick reaction forces from three straits, arizona, north carolina, and florida, to rush into d.c. if needed. according to court documents, oath keeper thomas caldwell, arrested last january, claimed that he took reconnaissance trips to d.c. fryer to the insurrection. rhodes was planning for violence well beyond january 6th, allegedly referring to the capitol attack as nothing compared to what's come. he allegedly spent around $17,500 on weapons equipment and ammunition. then, around inauguration day, prosecutors say rhodes told his associates to localize local militias to oppose the biden administration. another member allegedly said, after this, if nothing happens, it's war. civil war 2.0. absolutely chilling. brianna, the other big news out of washington is as doj comes down very hard on these individuals, the january 6th committee taking direct aim at private companies, subpoenaing twitter, reddit, meta and alphabet, former facebook and google. they have not gotten an adequate response in their attempt to try to get voluntary information, now again sending out subpoenas to social media companies. >> definitely something to watch. whitney, thank you. fbi senior intelligence adviser phil mudd and co-anchor of "early start" and attorney at law, laura jarrett. of all the things the oath keepers are said to have done and planned, what jumps out at you at this plot? >> where we go looking forward. if you look at the complexity they're talking about, the number of people before, the kind of military sort of process they were undergoing to think about an insurrection. instead of saying what happened before january 6th, i look at this as someone who was involved as investigations and think about how many people from these organizations -- there are millions of americans sympathetic to these people. how many people are watching saying next time, in 2024, what do i learn how i need to be careful in communications, what do i learn about what language can i attract more people to our cause so we don't turn them off, should i go more local so the feds don't have one organization to target. i have 40 or 50 chapters, which is much harder to go after with intelligence. john, i look forward and worry about a couple of years instead of just looking into investigations of people who are already going to be locked up. >> laura, tell us a little bit about seditious conspiracy, the considerations, the difficulties in this if this is a slam dunk case or if there's challenges. . >> it's a rarely used charged. really i think only used three times in recent history. the last one was in 2010. they are hard cases to make, which explains why this likely took over a year. as we heard people sort of banging on the door of merrick garland, why aren't you doing this? we have reporting from our colleague, evan perez, that initially the attorney general was hesitant to use this charge. he balked at it. until he saw page after page of signal communications of how highly coordinated this was. not just in the days surrounding january 6th. we have seen charges from oath keepers about that. this went beyond january 6th, up until joe biden was inaugurated. efforts, thousands of dollars spent on ammunition and guns after january 6th if not to go to war, then for what? >> you know, phil, you have been an investigator before. you have been in the trenches here. what's the evidence that jumps out at you? what is the evidence that you think the fbi looked at and said, aha, this is something? >> the time involved in preparations for this, the fact that the amount of weapons acquired in advance, the fact that people are using specific language that indicates this they were coordinating. they're not just talking about breaking a window in the capitol. they're talking about civil war in america. it's hard to look at that and say, hey, it was accidental they went to the capitol and happened to breach the perimeter. i'm not surprised it took them so long to get to this case. but when you look at the evidence, it's hard to step back and say, yeah, there was no planning here. the weapons, the time, the language. incredible. . >> also, guys, you have to think what is the defense going to be? i know you will talk to the lawyers soon. rhodes has given media interviews in which he said, look, folks went off mission. they went rogue. ticked off patriots, you ain't seen nothing yet. if they went off mission, why are they spending money on guns and ammunition after january 6th? . >> it sounds like one of the arguments is they were, look, and this is just part of what it sounds like the defense is. they were there to help to provide security for protesters. they were ready if antifa was going to get involved. they thought perhaps they would be called to duty by the president. what do you think of that? >> that's where the messages get them in trouble because you have realtime communications in this highly organized fashion saying go there, go to that entrance. if it was, oh, wow, we have gone too far, you wouldn't see messages like that. >> it is important to note there is no direct link to the trump white house or trump political world. they haven't written that down yet. but does that mean investigators aren't looking for that link? . >> no. heck know he will be looking for that. you have one straightline case, did people gather together with the idea this might be civil war 2.0? yes. that's a totally different question, politically explosive question of was there any communication after a congressional office. i don't sigh why you would have to put that in the indictment. that's why the january 6th committee want to talk to members of congress. did you talk to these people? we would like to see your phone records. that's why they are going to subpoenas to the silicon valley saying we want data. this is not done yet, john. . >> very interesting. phil mudd, laura jarrett, thank you very much. in a couple hours we will speak with the leader of the oath keepers ex-wife. she said she helped start this group. how she's reacting to the arrest this morning. that's coming up. and up next, the supreme court delivered a crushing blow to president biden's pandemic response. it's just the latest setback for a rough week for white house. two people in the senate, and the efforts look dead. huge turmoil inside the royal family. prince andrew stripped of some of his honors and titles. the queen cracking down some. why is she doing this? 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works on that too, and lasts 12 hours. 12 hours?! who studies that long? mucinex dm relieves wet and dry coughs. house and major corporations try to figure out the path forward after the supreme court blocked president biden's sweeping vaccine mandate for large businesses but did allow a limited one for certain health care workers. this was a major decision by the supreme court with big implications, air ran that. the bottom line is one of the most aggressive attempts to get more people vaccinated. there's two cases before the supreme court. the first aimed at large employers. it was a testing or vaccine mandate aimed at large employers for big businesses. and the conservative majority came down to this. they said that the federal agency charged with workplace safety just did not have the authority to issue a mandate that would impact some 80 million americans. you saw the conservative state. that's overreach. and the liberals on the court issued this biting dissent. in the face of a still raging pandemic, this court tells the agency charged with protecting workplace safety that it may not do so. they were furious in dissent. in the second case, biden had a win. but it will impact fewer people. it was aimed at certain health care workers. we saw chief justice john roberts and brett kavanaugh say that mandate was okay. and the thinking is that that agency that's charged with protecting patience could act in this way. that will only impact 10 million workers. so the pwaeugz and biden himself tried to play up the win here. but the loss was tough for him. he's been pushing mandates for months. the big problem is so far near 80 million u.s. adults are still decline to go get vaccinated, john. . >> yeah. companies this morning trying to figure out how to handle this the next few days. ariane, thank you very much. president joe biden has had a very tough week with setbacks for his agenda. covid complications and the supreme court blocking his vaccine mandate, inflation in international turmoil to name a few. lauren fox joins us from capitol hill. the biden voting rights bill has been torpedoed, even by members of his own party. is there a way forward, or is this dead? >> reporter: well, his vast agenda on capitol hill is really hitting a brick wall this morning, brianna because of those two moderate democratic senators. remember, before christmas, we have to examine this in a broader capacity. before christmas, joe manchin said he would not support build back better, that he just wasn't going to get there. yesterday, just about an hour before the president came to capitol hill to have a meeting with his democratic caucus, senator kyrsten sinema went to the floor and said while she supported voting rights generally, she did not support changing the filibuster rule. then she followed bibi saying his position remain unchanged. here's what they said yesterday. . >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> i think this is the point i've been making an awful long time, and she has too. we need to make the system work better, not get rid of the filibuster. >> reporter: they went to the white house last night for an hour-long meeting. where does that leave the u.s. senate? chuck schumer went to the floor last night and said he was going to be pushing that vote on voting rights legislation to tuesday instead of over the weekend or before martin luther king jr. day in part because of covid on the hill as well as weather concerns around washington, d.c. but obviously this gives them a little more time to try to regroup over the weekend. but there, again, is no indication that manchin or sinema will change their views. without 10 republican votes or a change in their voting, there is no change >> oh, to be a fly on the wall with the president and the senators last night. lauren fox, thank you so much. at-home covid tests have been a rare commodity recently. starting this weekend, it may be just a little bit easy tore get your hands on one. plus, breaking news. less than 24 hours after the u.s. warned russia is potentially gearing up for an invasion into ukraine, we are now learning of major cyber attacks against ukraine. stand by. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. kinder bueno. it's crispy. it's creamy. it's not your average chocolate bar. it's kinder bueno! smooth milk chocolate, crispy wafer, creamy hazelnut filling. it's kinder bueno. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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(music) ♪ i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ the biden administration says starting tomorrow, health insurers must cover the costs of at-home covid tests. jacqueline howard joins us now with how to get your hands on these what will be free tests. jacqueline. >> reporter: that's right, john. you know, this is big news. so far tests like these, like the binaxnow and quick view, they cost about $20 to get at a local store or pharmacy so far. but starting tomorrow, if you do have health insurance, depending on your plan, you can get a test at no cost up front or, depending on your plan, submit a set for reimbursement to your test. here's what we can expect starting tomorrow. if you have health insurance, you can get it over the counter for free or file for reimbursement. some insurers may set up a preferred network of stores, pharmacies or websites where you can get your test from. if you purchase your test outside of network, insurers are required to reimburse up to $12 per test. of course there are people who don't have haeplgt insurance. and the biden administration says for all americans starting in a few days or weeks, definitely starting this month, according to the administration, they're going to set up a website where anyone can order a free test and have it delivered to them. we are expecting deliveries. we can expect that option for people without insurance. even though it's exciting news, availability is still important. if it is still hard to come by the tests, we are hearing a lot of people are having difficulty finding tests at stores or pharmacies, if that is still a problem, we have that hurdle to address. more tests available this month are expected. have a listen. . >> when i got here, we were doing fewer than 2 million tests a day. this month it is estimated that we will hit approximately 15 million tests a day. and 375 million rapid tests alone. >> reporter: the president says we can expect 375 million at-home tests available. health officials say they hope the tests will materialize soon. in bottom line in terms of what you can control, figure out if your insurer has a preferred place to buy them, and save your receipts no matter what. . >> exactly ofly. growing deentire and frustration for millions of american parents who have kids under the age of 5. there is currently no vaccination available for their children, even if they wanted one. many parents feel their voices are being ignored. a working mom with two daughters, ages 3 and 1. thank you so much for being with us. you are a mom with kids in this age group. tell me about the frustration of not having this protection for them and how your life is different from other people who have kids who are a little older and can get vaccinated. >> hi. thank you for having me. it's frustrating for sure. it's a lot on the adults and people who are eligible within our population to get vaccinated more to take those precautions. and that's hard that we have to rely on other people to keep our kids safe. and it's just really frustrating. and i think with older kids, you have that option. you are able to vocalize how they're feeling, is it covid, is it not. and parents can -- it's a little easier for parents to work remotely when there's exposure. you can't pop a 3-year-old in front of the tv. it might buy you 15 minutes, but that's about it. >> yeah. tell us about what happens at day care when there's exposure and how often that has happened for you. >> we have been pretty lucky. especially because the numbers were so low for so long. the policy is if they have a runny nose, they can't go to school. that's what happens at day care. and then my house and i are taking off work, paying for multiple child care. you pay for day care but they can't go, so you have to pay for a babysit i to watch them. >> you want to keep them from being exposed. you're out of vacation time, right? so what happens when you're at home with one of your children? >> it's just time unpaid. i'm fortunate that i have that option, but it's obviously really frustrating when you are actively losing money because your children aren't in day care. >> what do you think of the messaging? i have a 5-year-old who is vaccinated and 3-year-old who is unvaccinated. full disclosure, i gave the 3-year-old covid over christmas. when i'm talking to people and they talk about the pandemic, i can almost always tell if they have kids who are 5 and under or they don't. sit almost like living two different kinds of lives. what do you think the message is like when parents who have younger kidsverse us older? >> i don't think there's much messaging. i don't know what to do. the message is, oh, it's mild, so they will be okay. we don't know the long-term effects. we don't know if anything is happening beyond that. it's frustrating to know you can't turn to anybody. >> i was hopeful come 2022 we would be closer than we are now. it's frustrating it keeps getting pushed back. . >> we are watching and waiting. lauren, thank you so much for being with us. i think you have frustrations that so many parents are experiencing right now. we appreciate you talking about it. >> thank you. a north korean missile launch causing a last-minute scramble among defense officials. and violent protests in kazakhstan. and joe roggin is not a doctor. this just in. they are calling on spotify to take action against him after an episode filled with medical misinformation. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. overnight, north korea with another projectile. cnn has learned one of the launches caused an urgent scramble when early warning systems suggested it might be able to hit the u.s. cnn's katie bo tell us what happened here. >> reporter: there has been mystery since the launch on tuesday. why did faa issue a ground stop, some pilots in california, after the launch of a north korean mission. it splashed down pretty harmlessly between japan and china. what we learned is that early indicators, early warning sensors suggested that the missile did, in fact, have the capability to potentially hit as far as california or the allusion islands. they are dismissed as more data was available. they determined it was short range, that it would never be able to get to the united states, posed no real danger. the whole thing was over in a matter of minutes. but in the few uncertain minutes, the faa issued a ground stop keeping pilots on the ground for about 15 minutes. look, they are being conservative. they want to make sure nothing happens. what's the faa saying? >> reporter: the faa, which is always in the room for the kinds of calls that take place after launches of this kind, says it was just being prudent, taking precautionary measures. the military u.s. northern command and nor rad have been pretty frank that the decision to ground the planes was the fa a's alone. they suggested in public statements that maybe the faa got out over its skis here. but really what we saw on tuesday was officials going further down the checklist what to do in the event of a missile launch than we have seen for previous launches of this kind, at least in recent memory. bottom line, free anna, we got a glimpse of what it might look like if the threat were real. >> yeah. very interesting to see that happened. katie bo, thank you. >> reporter: my pleasure. dolling out sedition charges including to the leader of the oath keepers. we will speak to his attorney. the violent protests in kazakhstan leaving the country in sham bells. cnn is live on the ground. slash. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. this morning the president of kazakhstan said the violent unrest has caused so much damage in the larger city, it will take eight months to restore it. cnn's frederick flight again live on the ground for us there. fred, lucky to have you there. can you tell us the latest? >> reporter: hi, john. i think he's absolutely right. it is going to take a very long time to repair some of the damage that was done here. i'm in front of the mayor's office. in the outside of the building, it is completely charred. rioters entered when the protests were going on in the entire country, ransacked the place inside, and then set fire to it. kazakhstan authorities say they are in complete control but were only able to do that after a massive crackdown. let's have a look. inside the charred car cast of the mayor's office, a massive cleanup is under way. by hand and machine, work has started to repair the damage caused by violent protests that gripped kazakhstan. cnn is the first media outlet allowed inside to survey the extent of the damage. the authorities have brought in dozens, if not hundreds of workers, to clean up the aftermath of what were the straoept battles here in the largest city of owe matty. the authorities say rioters entered the building and set fire to all of it. they were dangerously close to losing control not just here but other places across the country. the president said protests that were originally against high fuel prices were hijacked by what he calls, quote, terrorists. he issued a shoot to kill order and summoned an international military force led by russia. >> translator: we prevented dangerous threats for our country's security. as part of the counter terrorist mission, we are trying to identify people who committed those crimes. >> reporter: the government says things are now largely under control. and there is evidence of that across the city. life is almost back to normal. the russian-led military force started its withdrawal, although the process is said to take another nine days. but authorities say their crackdown will continue. around 10,000 people have been detained, and more than 160 killed. opposition activist was at the protest and said things started peacefully but then he, too, was beaten by what he called provo provocateurs. he provided with us this video seeming to show what happened. and these photos of what he looked like after the attack. he said he believes the rioting was a pretext for a violent crackdown. >> the government decided to slaughter their own people. and one more great problem, i think, is a that it was done not only with the help of kazakhstan security forces but with interference of russian troops. >> reporter: the leadership denies attacking peaceful protesters and says they've launched a full investigation into who was behind the violence that erupted. meanwhile, the country's president vowed to improve people's living conditions and rebuild the sites damaged as fast as possible. and they certainly are showing they want to do it as fast as possible, john. they are putting autopsy a tarp to begin the reconstruction of the mayor's office. they are doing that in a lot of places around the country. this country does have a lot of international investment, a lot of american business here as well. and they want to show they can get things back on track as fast as possible. you do feel that the events that took place here last week, those protests that happened, the violence that happened left deep scars in this country and in its society, john. >> yeah. protecting the image of stability is important even if it may not be the reality deep down. fred pleitgen, thank you so much for being with us. >> so maybe boris johnson should just stop throwing parties. the latest shindig that has the office under fire. the australian minister revoking djokovic's visa. what is next for the tennis star? 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talk about turmoil at the highest level of the united kingdom. we are just learning of another boozy party at downing street while they were mourning the loss of prince philip? >> reporter: yeah. a period of lockdown, april of last year. two more parties at downing street, according to the telegraph and confirmed today, at least one of them by downing street. a leading party for the head of commun communications, the night before prince philip's funeral. the nation in mourning. you will remember the poignant image of the queen having to sit alone in the church at the funeral and limiting her guests to less than 30 because those were the rules. so this is another huge controversy about, you know, power, abuse -- the people responsible for creating the lockdown rules breaking the rules. we haven't heard from boris johnson because he is isolating at the top of number 10 downing street because a relative has covid. >> max, thank you so much for the latest there from england. "new day" continues right now. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is friday, january 14th, and i'm brianna keilar with john berman. the visa of novak skwroerb sreufp has been revoked days before the australian open. he is unvaccinated. australia is struggling with rising case numbers and have been investigating a series of errors and discrepancies in covid testing and travel documents. . >> djokovic now faces deportation. if he is ordered to leave, he will be unavailable to defend his title and break the grand slam record he covets for now. djokovic is appealing the ruling. australian minister alex hawke said the decision was made in the public interest. paula, this is complicated. just three days before the tournament starts, where do things stand this morning? >> reporter: well, john, it gets even more complicated. er

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Downing Street , Relative , Around The World , January 14th , Novak Skwroerb Sreufp , Documents , Covid Testing , Alex Hawke , Leave , Ruling , Er , The Public Interest , Paula ,

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