Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

take a listen. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th if you were asked by an outside commission -- >> sure. next question. >> you would? >> change now. another story we're following this morning, tennis star novak djokovic officially the number one seed in the australian open men's singles draw, will he get to play? questions about whether he broke the rules everyone else has to follow. and president biden set to speak next hour to announce a new federal plan to deploy military medical teams to hospitals that are grappling with the omicron surge. >> let's get right to our top story this hour, house minority leader kevin mccarthy refusing to cooperate with the january 6th committee. cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider is following the story from washington. jessica, what more are you learning? >> bianna and jim, mccarthy doubling down now on his refusal to talk. he released that statement last night condemning the investigation as illegitimate. that's a common talking point we have heard from republicans. mccarthy alleging the only priority for the panel is damaging political opponents and just minutes ago, mccarthy accused democrats of using the january 6th investigation as a distraction. take a listen. >> this is a distraction because they don't want people looking at what's happening. is it a coincidence that they sent me the letter yesterday when it just came out the numbers, the highest inflation we had in the last 40 years. this committee is not a legitimate committee. >> but the committee has laid out all that they want to know from mccarthy and turns out it is a lot. he told news outlets months ago did speak with trump as the attack on the capitol was unfolding january 6th. so they want to talk to him about that. it also has come it to light that mccarthy had concerns before january 6th, right after january 6th, he apparently told chief of staff mark meadows that trump's objections to the electoral count were doomed to fail. and then after january 6th, he did speak with white house staff, even the former president himself, expressing concerns about trump's state of mind and even bringing up possible resignation for trump or invoking the 25th amendment. but then remember, suddenly, after trump left office, mccarthy met with him down at mar-a-lago, and that's when mccarthy's tune seemed to change. the committee wants to know what happened that made mccarthy suddenly back up the former president. and, jim and bianna, we now have with mccarthy now three republican lawmakers refusing to cooperate. mccarthy and then there is republican congressman jim jordan and scott perry. the question looming here is will the committee resort to issuing subpoenas, which, of course, would further fracture what has already become this huge partisan wedge between the committee and those republicans? >> listen, mccarthy changed his position, we know that, because it is on tape as we played there. jessica schneider, thank you very much. with us now, harry litman, former u.s. attorney, legal affairs columnist for "the l.a. times," and scott jennings, cnn political commentator, "usa today" columnist, worked for mitch mcconnell. thanks to both of you. can the committee compel mccarthy to testify beyond the politics of this, will they? >> let me answer the second first because i think, jim, they will. this is a step you cannot take, i think, unless you're ready to take the next one. and everything about the committee and the letter from thompson yesterday shows they have the resolve. they are preparing to go big or go home. notwithstanding that they'll have a legal fight on their hands, and notwithstanding that mccarthy promised all manner of petty retribution should he go in the speaker's house when -- in the speaker's seat when there will be investigations for sure about any jaywalking incident. so i think they're ready to follow through. will they be able to? my best guess is yes. my best guess is the courts, even though it is a little bit unexplored territory, this is up to congress. and if a majority says that they want to talk to someone from congress or even subpoena him, that's not for the courts to interfere. >> so, harry, even if you say your best guess is yes, and the courts might side with this committee, it is about timing, right? we are up against a calendar and politically kevin mccarthy is thinking about one thing, and that is the midterm election, where he could possibly turn once again into house speaker. what is the likelihood that this can be done within the next several weeks or months? >> right. so it is always the issue with them, but i will say that in the last few months, the courts have been sensitive to this. so let's say they take the next step and they also -- the house committee is very aware of the timing, and mccarthy says see you in court. the courts in the district have shown real sensitivity and e expedited matters and can do it in time, maybe not if it goes to the d.c. circuit, the supreme court, of course it could be stalled. but right now the timing would be permit a resolution in the courts if the courts are attuned to it as they seem to be now where as they weren't last time. >> scott jennings, i'm a glass half full guy, i try to be. there have been some interesting soundings in the last week from republicans. senator mike rounds openly challenge the big lie. trump immediately attacked him. republicans including your former boss, mitch mcconnell, came to his defense. mitt romney came to his defense. so did kevin cramer who is a trump ally said, yeah, you know, perfectly fine for him to say joe biden won the election. does that give you some hope and support for the big lie, which you yourself have challenged repeatedly could be waning in the midst of all this? >> well, i think it is -- i think, first of all, there is a difference between the average u.s. senator and the average republican in the u.s. house. we have seen this play out, the senators have been more willing to do some criticism on this, and to say what we all know to be the truth. they have six-year terms and you know the dynamics at play there. among the republican grassroots, no, if you look at the polling and sentiment on the ground among republican party activists out there, they still believe what donald trump has to say about this, and, you look at what kevin mccarthy is doing, his posture on this, that's a nod towards where the majority of the base of his party is. so i'm not surprised to see some of the senators saying what they're saying, but the party as a whole i think is really more in line with trump, even though what i -- what rounds said is objectively true, as you and i both know. >> the glass is half empty then. >> you tried. you tried, jim. can't blame you for trying to start the morning off on a half full note. scott, let me pick up on that. the house specifically wants to bring up conversations that mccarthy had with the president on the 6th and the days immediately following and that raises questions about the president's state of mind, not only what he was doing at that time, but his state of mind. what does that tell you about what mccarthy and many other republicans were concerned about, and that was his mental fitness. >> well, i don't think there is a lot of mystery here. some of the conversations that people are interested in have already been reported. mccarthy even acknowledged that, you know, some of the things he said were to the world and on tape and we already know about it. we know now via text messages that his own children were begging the white house staff to get him to call off the riot. so i'm not sure about how much mystery there is about what happened. what i think is interesting and i agree with harry that the proper venue for this to be worked out is in the courts, i think what is interesting is whether democrats are going to be willing to escalate this. it was sort of unprecedented for pelosi to not accept the republicans mccarthy wanted on the committee. now people denying the committee's attempts and subpoena -- this escalation is really sort of on an upward incline and it will be interesting to see if the democrats pursue it because if they do, you'll have republicans most likely in the majority after november and then we'll see what they pursue and they'll feel like they got to be on an escalation. so it really is a bullet train of partisan warfare that we're on in the u.s. house right now. >> yeah. >> harry litman and scott jennings, as always, thank you so much. we'll continue to follow this story. and still to come, president biden will lay out a plan next hour to deploy military medical teams to hospitals struggling across the country. details ahead. and listen to this, some positive signs beginning to emerge in locations hit hard by omicron early in the surge. is the surge peaking? we're going to take a closer look at the data coming up. you'll want to see it. plus, protests in fayetteville, north carolina, after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man by an off duty officer. we're going to have the latest on that investigation coming up. r will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at (jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. 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>> yeah, we already know that more than 14,000 national guard have been activated across the country as well. thank you so much. well, while the number of new covid infections is rising in several cities across the country, some states along the east coast are seeing a slowdown. in washington, d.c., new cases are trending down slightly after seeing a massive surge over the past month. maybe, jim, this is the glass half full area you were looking for earlier. >> maybe. and following it seems a pattern that we saw in other countries such as south africa and the uk. in new york state, another early epicenter of this, governor kathy hochul says the downward trend there could be, quote, a glimmer of hope. so joining us now to talk about this, dr. paul sachs, professor of medicine at brigham and women's hospital and harvard medical school. good to have you this morning. looking at this data, what is key here, this has been the hope that that early fast surge would be followed by an early tailing off, burning out of this. south africa has seen it, are we seeing the same pattern here in the u.s. based on this data? >> we're starting to see it in some of the cities, especially in the northeast, here in boston, for example, for the first time in quite several weeks we have actually no increase in the number of hospitalizations from covid from yesterday to today. and also i heard that some of the universities that are testing regularly are starting to have a slowing of the positive test numbers. in addition, we monitor waste water sars covid 2, the virus that causes covid concentrations and we're seeing very encouraging trends here in boston with declining numbers. the reason that's important is because monitoring the waste water is not subject to test limitations. it really does give you a clear indication of the amount of virus that is circulating in the xha community. all of that is good news. it is not over yet. i want to emphasize that, but it is the kind of news we were looking for. >> yeah. and, doctor, i want to ask you and pick up on that waste water statistic. i believe it is down about 40% since it peaked on january 1st. i'm curious if this is something we should be looking more at throughout the country. obviously we look at what is happening in south africa, and europe as giving us an indication of perhaps where we may be. but given how much larger the united states is and how much more diverse it is, as far as statistics and bellwethers, is that what we should be focusing on in different regions and cities going forward? >> well, i think it is actually a great way of using science to apply to epidemiology. it is something we couldn't have done, for example, you know, a couple of decades ago, but now we have the tools where we can monitor this and as i mentioned, it doesn't require increasing testing capacity, because really it is science that is actually directly applicable to the waste water. and it has been an extremely reliable bellwether of what's coming and what's behind us. we know, for example, that the levels seen now, even though they're down as you mentioned, 40%, 50%, are still substantially higher than they were last winter, which is why i want to emphasize that there is still quite a lot of covid-19 out there, but i completely agree with you, bianna, this is a very good metric we should be using more nationally. >> the administration has a plan to send hundreds of millions of tests out, it appears that as soon as next week that will happen. i hate to ask, but is that too late? is it going to be happening after the horse has already fled the barn or whatever the expression is? >> jim, it is not too late. as i said, there is still a lot of covid-19 out there. i think in targeted ways using the tests for more safe return to work, more safe staying at school, more safe socializing, are all things that can help us get back to something approaching normal, because as you know, things have really been bad since december in the united states with just skyrocketing cases. everybody knows, many people who have had covid-19 fortunately most of the cases are mild, but given the gigantic increase in numbers we had huge numbers of hospitalized people as well and would like to see an end to that. it is not too late. i think one thing important lesson to learn from previously from this past summer is not to do anything with those excess supplies if that occurs, we should try to stockpile testing because there is a chance that covid could come back. a very good chance. we have to watch for that. >> yeah, it is a lesson we learned with masks, et cetera. just when you think you don't need them anymore, you might need them. dr. paul sax, thanks so much. >> thank you for inviting me. coming up next, cnn has new details about the republican game plan if they win back the majority in the house in 2022. it involves lots of investigations of the democrats. >> something we were talking about earlier. plus, we are moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stock futures higher this morning, despite another key inflation report hitting a record high this morning. and boeing shares are rallying on the news that china will allow its 737 max flights to resume this month. we're also watching an unexpected rise in the weekly jobless claims that just came out. a bit surprising. a live report on those numbers just ahead. power e*trade gives you an award-winning mobile app with powerful, easy-to-use tools, and interactive charts to give you an edge, 24/7 support when you need it the most. plus, zero-dollar commissions for online u.s. listed stocks. 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>> reporter: well, look there have been around the clock conversations up here on capitol hill, phone calls, meetings, trying to convince the two moderate senators, arizona democrat kyrsten sinema and west virginia democrat joe manchin that this is the moment, this is the piece of legislation that really calls for changing the rules of the u.s. senate. now, so far they're not convinced. but we're going to watch this all take place over the next couple of days. around 10:30 this morning there will be a vote in the house of representatives, they will send over that voting rights legislation to the u.s. senate. now, once it gets over to the senate there will be a vote on both the john lewis voting rights act and the freedom to vote act. those pieces of legislation have the support of all 50 democrats. but what they don't have is ten republican senators willing to join them. so, at that point once those pieces of legislation fail, we expect that chuck schumer the majority leader will move to change the senate rules. this is when he needs unity of the democratic caucus. this is why joe biden is coming up to the u.s. senate today to try to convince those two moderate democrats to change their minds on the filibuster. but so far, there's no evidence they are moving in his direction. so likely this effort is going to fail. but it is going to take several days to play out. jim and bianna? >> as the bottom line an issue rather than a law, right? a talking point for the legislation rather than legislation. it may be the best they get. lauren fox on capitol hill, thank you very much. there is new cnn reporting that republican lawmakers are plotting an onslaught of investigations into the biden administration if they take back the house and the senate in the midterms. >> and they're promising to make the file years of biden's term as difficult as possible. and vowing retaliation against a number of other leading democrats. cnn's melanie zanona joins us now from capitol hill, with details. and, melanie, it is not as if the first year for this president has been easy, but it may be easy given what republicans are threatening to do if they take over. >> right. of course, first they have to win the majority because with it comes subpoena power. but republicans are already starting to map out exactly how they would wield those powerful committee -- and some of the probes they want to pursue include the origins of the coronavirus, hunter biden's art show and work in ukraine, biden's pullout from afghanistan, dr. fauci, the surge of migrants at the border. the list goes on and on. when republicans are in charge of the house, and donald trump was in office, they often turn a blind eye to scandals and controversies, you can rest assured with a democratic president in the white house, republicans will leave no controversy untouched. there is going to be a question of just how aggressively to use some of their investigative and oversight powers. some on the far right are already calling to launch impeachment proceedings, others are calling for republicans to probe donald trump's false claims of voter fraud, and gop leaders have been reluctant to embrace those, so far. they have, however, promised to retaliate against some democratic members by kicking them off their committees including eric swalwell, ilhan omar, in retaliation for democrats kicking marjorie taylor greene and paul gosar off their committees. we're starting to see a glimpse of the type of payback and politically charged atmosphere that we are likely to see under a gop led house. >> hard to believe that the u.s. government can get uglier or more dysfunctional than it is now. if they live to those promises, that could very well be the case. melanie zanona, thank you so much. ahead, as many as 50 democratic lawmakers are calling out the president over his strategy to get people tested for covid. is the president doing enough? i'll talk to one of those lawmakers straight ahead. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep re of what you earn. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. more than 50 house and senate democrats signed a letter to the white house earlier this week urging president biden to bolster the availability of covid-19 rapid tests. they wrote, we respectfully urge you utilize the full scope of your executive power under defense production act to manufacture enough rapid tests to ensure that each american can take at least one rapid test per week. congressman mike thompson, a democrat from california, was one of the lawmakers who signed that letter and he joins me now. congressman, thank you so much for joining us. and, listen, this is an issue that both democrats and republicans have been stressed about and worried that there are not enough tests throughout the country. the white house says it is now going to be sending out $500 million tests -- 500 million tests free of charge to the american public. vice president kamala harris said that could start as soon as next week. is that good enough in your view? >> well, good morning, bianna. thank you for having me on. i think everything we do is important. and i think the biden administration is going to great lengths to make sure we have the tests that are necessary. my colleagues and i signed that letter to make sure that they know what we're hearing from our constituents. my constituents have trouble finding tests. my constituents want to take the tests. and i think we need this in order to get ahead of the curve. the most important thing everyone can do is to get vaccinated, as you know. but the tests are critical. and the biden administration has done a great job. we went from -- just a year ago today, we were doing about 2 million tests a day. today we're doing about 12 million tests a day. so they made great strides. we need to keep it going. >> if they're doing a great job, why the letter then? >> as i said, want to make sure they know what we're hearing from our constituents and that they hear from us how important we think this is. >> do your constituents think they're doing a great job? >> my constituents -- my district does, yes. but my constituents want to get tests. they -- when they're having events, everything from dinner parties to small family gatherings, they're testing, they want to make sure there are enough tests available and i think we need to do everything we can to ensure those tests are available. >> there is a question as to whether 500 million tests is enough. especially for a country of this size. it is something you raise in the letter as well. you write that some believe that rapid tests should be conducted as frequently as two times per week per individual. that's what public health officials are recommending in the united kingdom. if the united states adopted similar recommendations, we would need roughly 2.3 billion tests per month. obviously that's a figure several times larger than 500 million. is that something that you think is feasible and why do you think the administration hasn't addressed this sooner? >> i think we need more tests. and i think we're going to continue to need more tests and i'll continue to lobby the administration to increase those numbers. >> i want to ask you about the thousand or so medical deployments that are being sent out now to hospitals, that are being overrun now with patients, influx given that the shortage and staff that we're seeing in hospitals across the country, but particularly in six states right now. do you think that will make a difference, and in terms of getting ahead of the crisis, do you think the administration is acting timely right now? >> i know that hospitals are stressed. my wife is a nurse. she's on her way to work right now. her hospital is experiencing the same situation that many other hospitals are facing. a lot of it is because there is an increased number of patients in the hospital with covid. there is also a number of healthcare providers who are out sick with covid. so anything that we can do to augment the supply of healthcare professionals in the hospital is important. >> i know something that is important to millions of americans and those included in your district. and in the state of california to be frank is whether schools can stay open and one of the factors that school officials and parents want more of is, in fact, more testing as schools. california was closed for the majority of the pandemic now, going into over two years, are you concerned that if we don't see more tests distributed to schools in particular we could face more school closures? >> well, i'm concerned that we keep our schools open. i think that's important. kid needs to be in schools. i know it, parents know it, and the schools know it. anything we can do to help ensure those schools can stay open and the kids and the teachers can stay healthy is important and tests, yes, are very important part of that. >> while i have you here, another issue that is critical for americans right now is the economy and inflation. and we continue to see inflation numbers going up now at 40-year highs. you are a big proponent of getting the build back better bill back on track. i know you are speaking with senators manchin and sinema on this issue as well. senator manchin has some real reservations, in particular, with the inflation rate going up. what is it that he's telling you if anything that can be done to get him to come back to the negotiating table on this issue? >> i think everybody is concerned about the inflation numbers. and we all want to see those come down. build back better is not going to be an inflation increase. we know that. it is paid for. and that is not going to cause issues with inflation. as to what senator manchin wants, i don't think we need to negotiate that on television. he's working with the white ho house, with senator schumer and his colleagues in the house and the senate, and i'm confident that we're going to be able to find that sweet spot, where we'll be able to pass legislation that is important to the american people, important to our economy, and will pass muster. >> the window is getting ever so short, but it is nice to hear some optimism as well this morning. congressman mike thompson, thank you. we appreciate it. thank you your wife for everything she and her colleagues are doing. >> thank you very much. they're absolutely wonderful. >> they are. >> for sure. people doing their part. coming up, another story we're following, an off duty officer in north carolina is now under scrutiny after killing an unarmed black man. what he says happened coming up. others say that, but not everyone gets the best deal. like what if i give you a lollipop... then i give you our r best lollipop. that's not fair. at at&t we thinknk it's only fair that all customers get our bestst deals... ...and you get a choice of plans. she said everyone? 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>> reporter: a lot of controversy around this case so far. you talk about those protests, where people have been taking to the streets over the last few nights. the police chief is asking for calm and she's been doing a lot of media recently to make sure she sort of is tamping down what is being said on social media. what we know so far, apparently lieutenant hash was driving his car, you heard that 911 call and he says that jason walker ran across the street and started attacking his car. now, here's where all the questions sort of start playing into this. people don't understand why he got out of the car and then pulled his weapon and then fired some shots. he says this was self-defense, he was concerned about his family. you can understand the community on the other side is asking so many questions about exactly what led up to this shooting, and why would a man attack a car? the 37-year-old man cannot talk at this point because he's no longer alive. so people taking to the streets in protests over the last few nights. something we should bring up here is the social media chatter about this particular story has made it particularly difficult for the fayetteville police department because as they try to figure out the information moving forward, we know the police chief has actually said she's going to try to get more body camera information the officers had in the minutes afterward so the public can see exactly what they're working with in the investigation. they called in state investigators to look into this case. but right now it is the protesters who are going to the street night after night. listen to the chief talking on the radio about trying to keep things calm as they do this investigation. >> there >> there was misinformation. that had nothing to do with the shooting. the importance of having people be honest and truthful about their sickness is crucial. that is the main point about the investigation. >> reporter: we know jason walker's family has hired an attorney to represent them moving forward in this investigation. anybody can go online and see only of the information spread about this. the problem for the police is what they're trying to do is talk to any credible witnesses there at the scene so they can go through this piece by piece and there's sort of what's exasperating the situation right now in terms of what happened on that saturday afternoon when this shooting happened. >> ryan, can you describe in the simplest terms what misinformation the police chief is talking about there? >> reporter: there are claims of where the vehicle was and whether or not it hit mr. walker first, did he jump on the car, and then did the tep ti shoot from inside the car or outside? there's a lot of questions about that. >> i see. >> reporter: that's the reason why they're trying to avoid that part as of right now. >> understood. >> as always, transparency is going to be key as this investigation goes forward. >> reporter: absolutely. >> ryan young, thank you. coming up, novak djokovic officially listed as the number-one seed in the australian open, but will he be allowed to stay in the country? the tournament begins in just days. we're live coming up next. of ri. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> it's turned into an international scandal, but they're scrutinizing his medical exemption to enter the country and his admission to breaking isolation while having covid last month. paula hancocks is live if melbourne with the latest. good evening to you. >> reporter: it's good morning, 2:00 in the morning here on friday, which means that thursday when we expected something from the immigration minister, it didn't come, so the speculation is friday we might hear whether alex hawk is going to personally intervenale and revoke that gvisa for djokovic. he was training today. we saw the draw for the australian open showing they are going on regardless, assuming he will be part of it. but we simply don't know at this point. we heard from the prime minister, scott morrison, on thursday. he was asked about this as he is every time he is in public, saying that, again, the rules are the rules, saying that having a visa is different from entering into the country and in the vaccination process during the pandemic. you have to be vaccinated or you have to have a medical exemption showing a medical reason why you are not vaccinated. so he is sticking to his guns at this point. but we still don't know whether or not the immigration minister will go ahead and try and revoke that visa. >> this is the fallout from not following the rules and not doing what all the other tennis players there who will be performing have done and they have been vaccinated. paula, thank you so much. up very early for us in melbourne. we appreciate it. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga. >> i'm jim sciutto. the nation's health care system under heavy pressure in a number of places but relief is on the way. president biden set to announce this hour a new deployment of military medical teams to overwhelmed hospitals facing critical staffing shortages amid a record number of covid infections as well as hospitalizations. a top fema official says the government is ready to help. >> as we've seen the rise in the omicron cases recently, the number-one request continues to be staffing. so these teams are going t

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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take a listen. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th if you were asked by an outside commission -- >> sure. next question. >> you would? >> change now. another story we're following this morning, tennis star novak djokovic officially the number one seed in the australian open men's singles draw, will he get to play? questions about whether he broke the rules everyone else has to follow. and president biden set to speak next hour to announce a new federal plan to deploy military medical teams to hospitals that are grappling with the omicron surge. >> let's get right to our top story this hour, house minority leader kevin mccarthy refusing to cooperate with the january 6th committee. cnn justice correspondent jessica schneider is following the story from washington. jessica, what more are you learning? >> bianna and jim, mccarthy doubling down now on his refusal to talk. he released that statement last night condemning the investigation as illegitimate. that's a common talking point we have heard from republicans. mccarthy alleging the only priority for the panel is damaging political opponents and just minutes ago, mccarthy accused democrats of using the january 6th investigation as a distraction. take a listen. >> this is a distraction because they don't want people looking at what's happening. is it a coincidence that they sent me the letter yesterday when it just came out the numbers, the highest inflation we had in the last 40 years. this committee is not a legitimate committee. >> but the committee has laid out all that they want to know from mccarthy and turns out it is a lot. he told news outlets months ago did speak with trump as the attack on the capitol was unfolding january 6th. so they want to talk to him about that. it also has come it to light that mccarthy had concerns before january 6th, right after january 6th, he apparently told chief of staff mark meadows that trump's objections to the electoral count were doomed to fail. and then after january 6th, he did speak with white house staff, even the former president himself, expressing concerns about trump's state of mind and even bringing up possible resignation for trump or invoking the 25th amendment. but then remember, suddenly, after trump left office, mccarthy met with him down at mar-a-lago, and that's when mccarthy's tune seemed to change. the committee wants to know what happened that made mccarthy suddenly back up the former president. and, jim and bianna, we now have with mccarthy now three republican lawmakers refusing to cooperate. mccarthy and then there is republican congressman jim jordan and scott perry. the question looming here is will the committee resort to issuing subpoenas, which, of course, would further fracture what has already become this huge partisan wedge between the committee and those republicans? >> listen, mccarthy changed his position, we know that, because it is on tape as we played there. jessica schneider, thank you very much. with us now, harry litman, former u.s. attorney, legal affairs columnist for "the l.a. times," and scott jennings, cnn political commentator, "usa today" columnist, worked for mitch mcconnell. thanks to both of you. can the committee compel mccarthy to testify beyond the politics of this, will they? >> let me answer the second first because i think, jim, they will. this is a step you cannot take, i think, unless you're ready to take the next one. and everything about the committee and the letter from thompson yesterday shows they have the resolve. they are preparing to go big or go home. notwithstanding that they'll have a legal fight on their hands, and notwithstanding that mccarthy promised all manner of petty retribution should he go in the speaker's house when -- in the speaker's seat when there will be investigations for sure about any jaywalking incident. so i think they're ready to follow through. will they be able to? my best guess is yes. my best guess is the courts, even though it is a little bit unexplored territory, this is up to congress. and if a majority says that they want to talk to someone from congress or even subpoena him, that's not for the courts to interfere. >> so, harry, even if you say your best guess is yes, and the courts might side with this committee, it is about timing, right? we are up against a calendar and politically kevin mccarthy is thinking about one thing, and that is the midterm election, where he could possibly turn once again into house speaker. what is the likelihood that this can be done within the next several weeks or months? >> right. so it is always the issue with them, but i will say that in the last few months, the courts have been sensitive to this. so let's say they take the next step and they also -- the house committee is very aware of the timing, and mccarthy says see you in court. the courts in the district have shown real sensitivity and e expedited matters and can do it in time, maybe not if it goes to the d.c. circuit, the supreme court, of course it could be stalled. but right now the timing would be permit a resolution in the courts if the courts are attuned to it as they seem to be now where as they weren't last time. >> scott jennings, i'm a glass half full guy, i try to be. there have been some interesting soundings in the last week from republicans. senator mike rounds openly challenge the big lie. trump immediately attacked him. republicans including your former boss, mitch mcconnell, came to his defense. mitt romney came to his defense. so did kevin cramer who is a trump ally said, yeah, you know, perfectly fine for him to say joe biden won the election. does that give you some hope and support for the big lie, which you yourself have challenged repeatedly could be waning in the midst of all this? >> well, i think it is -- i think, first of all, there is a difference between the average u.s. senator and the average republican in the u.s. house. we have seen this play out, the senators have been more willing to do some criticism on this, and to say what we all know to be the truth. they have six-year terms and you know the dynamics at play there. among the republican grassroots, no, if you look at the polling and sentiment on the ground among republican party activists out there, they still believe what donald trump has to say about this, and, you look at what kevin mccarthy is doing, his posture on this, that's a nod towards where the majority of the base of his party is. so i'm not surprised to see some of the senators saying what they're saying, but the party as a whole i think is really more in line with trump, even though what i -- what rounds said is objectively true, as you and i both know. >> the glass is half empty then. >> you tried. you tried, jim. can't blame you for trying to start the morning off on a half full note. scott, let me pick up on that. the house specifically wants to bring up conversations that mccarthy had with the president on the 6th and the days immediately following and that raises questions about the president's state of mind, not only what he was doing at that time, but his state of mind. what does that tell you about what mccarthy and many other republicans were concerned about, and that was his mental fitness. >> well, i don't think there is a lot of mystery here. some of the conversations that people are interested in have already been reported. mccarthy even acknowledged that, you know, some of the things he said were to the world and on tape and we already know about it. we know now via text messages that his own children were begging the white house staff to get him to call off the riot. so i'm not sure about how much mystery there is about what happened. what i think is interesting and i agree with harry that the proper venue for this to be worked out is in the courts, i think what is interesting is whether democrats are going to be willing to escalate this. it was sort of unprecedented for pelosi to not accept the republicans mccarthy wanted on the committee. now people denying the committee's attempts and subpoena -- this escalation is really sort of on an upward incline and it will be interesting to see if the democrats pursue it because if they do, you'll have republicans most likely in the majority after november and then we'll see what they pursue and they'll feel like they got to be on an escalation. so it really is a bullet train of partisan warfare that we're on in the u.s. house right now. >> yeah. >> harry litman and scott jennings, as always, thank you so much. we'll continue to follow this story. and still to come, president biden will lay out a plan next hour to deploy military medical teams to hospitals struggling across the country. details ahead. and listen to this, some positive signs beginning to emerge in locations hit hard by omicron early in the surge. is the surge peaking? we're going to take a closer look at the data coming up. you'll want to see it. plus, protests in fayetteville, north carolina, after the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man by an off duty officer. we're going to have the latest on that investigation coming up. r will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at (jackie) i've made progress with my mental health. so when i started having unintentional body movements called tardive dyskinesia... i ignored them. but when the twitching and jerking in my face and hands affected my day to day... i finally had to say, 'it's not ok.' it was time to talk to my doctor about austedo. she said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults... while i continue with most of my mental health medications. 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>> yeah, we already know that more than 14,000 national guard have been activated across the country as well. thank you so much. well, while the number of new covid infections is rising in several cities across the country, some states along the east coast are seeing a slowdown. in washington, d.c., new cases are trending down slightly after seeing a massive surge over the past month. maybe, jim, this is the glass half full area you were looking for earlier. >> maybe. and following it seems a pattern that we saw in other countries such as south africa and the uk. in new york state, another early epicenter of this, governor kathy hochul says the downward trend there could be, quote, a glimmer of hope. so joining us now to talk about this, dr. paul sachs, professor of medicine at brigham and women's hospital and harvard medical school. good to have you this morning. looking at this data, what is key here, this has been the hope that that early fast surge would be followed by an early tailing off, burning out of this. south africa has seen it, are we seeing the same pattern here in the u.s. based on this data? >> we're starting to see it in some of the cities, especially in the northeast, here in boston, for example, for the first time in quite several weeks we have actually no increase in the number of hospitalizations from covid from yesterday to today. and also i heard that some of the universities that are testing regularly are starting to have a slowing of the positive test numbers. in addition, we monitor waste water sars covid 2, the virus that causes covid concentrations and we're seeing very encouraging trends here in boston with declining numbers. the reason that's important is because monitoring the waste water is not subject to test limitations. it really does give you a clear indication of the amount of virus that is circulating in the xha community. all of that is good news. it is not over yet. i want to emphasize that, but it is the kind of news we were looking for. >> yeah. and, doctor, i want to ask you and pick up on that waste water statistic. i believe it is down about 40% since it peaked on january 1st. i'm curious if this is something we should be looking more at throughout the country. obviously we look at what is happening in south africa, and europe as giving us an indication of perhaps where we may be. but given how much larger the united states is and how much more diverse it is, as far as statistics and bellwethers, is that what we should be focusing on in different regions and cities going forward? >> well, i think it is actually a great way of using science to apply to epidemiology. it is something we couldn't have done, for example, you know, a couple of decades ago, but now we have the tools where we can monitor this and as i mentioned, it doesn't require increasing testing capacity, because really it is science that is actually directly applicable to the waste water. and it has been an extremely reliable bellwether of what's coming and what's behind us. we know, for example, that the levels seen now, even though they're down as you mentioned, 40%, 50%, are still substantially higher than they were last winter, which is why i want to emphasize that there is still quite a lot of covid-19 out there, but i completely agree with you, bianna, this is a very good metric we should be using more nationally. >> the administration has a plan to send hundreds of millions of tests out, it appears that as soon as next week that will happen. i hate to ask, but is that too late? is it going to be happening after the horse has already fled the barn or whatever the expression is? >> jim, it is not too late. as i said, there is still a lot of covid-19 out there. i think in targeted ways using the tests for more safe return to work, more safe staying at school, more safe socializing, are all things that can help us get back to something approaching normal, because as you know, things have really been bad since december in the united states with just skyrocketing cases. everybody knows, many people who have had covid-19 fortunately most of the cases are mild, but given the gigantic increase in numbers we had huge numbers of hospitalized people as well and would like to see an end to that. it is not too late. i think one thing important lesson to learn from previously from this past summer is not to do anything with those excess supplies if that occurs, we should try to stockpile testing because there is a chance that covid could come back. a very good chance. we have to watch for that. >> yeah, it is a lesson we learned with masks, et cetera. just when you think you don't need them anymore, you might need them. dr. paul sax, thanks so much. >> thank you for inviting me. coming up next, cnn has new details about the republican game plan if they win back the majority in the house in 2022. it involves lots of investigations of the democrats. >> something we were talking about earlier. plus, we are moments away from the opening bell on wall street. stock futures higher this morning, despite another key inflation report hitting a record high this morning. and boeing shares are rallying on the news that china will allow its 737 max flights to resume this month. we're also watching an unexpected rise in the weekly jobless claims that just came out. a bit surprising. a live report on those numbers just ahead. power e*trade gives you an award-winning mobile app with powerful, easy-to-use tools, and interactive charts to give you an edge, 24/7 support when you need it the most. plus, zero-dollar commissions for online u.s. listed stocks. 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>> reporter: well, look there have been around the clock conversations up here on capitol hill, phone calls, meetings, trying to convince the two moderate senators, arizona democrat kyrsten sinema and west virginia democrat joe manchin that this is the moment, this is the piece of legislation that really calls for changing the rules of the u.s. senate. now, so far they're not convinced. but we're going to watch this all take place over the next couple of days. around 10:30 this morning there will be a vote in the house of representatives, they will send over that voting rights legislation to the u.s. senate. now, once it gets over to the senate there will be a vote on both the john lewis voting rights act and the freedom to vote act. those pieces of legislation have the support of all 50 democrats. but what they don't have is ten republican senators willing to join them. so, at that point once those pieces of legislation fail, we expect that chuck schumer the majority leader will move to change the senate rules. this is when he needs unity of the democratic caucus. this is why joe biden is coming up to the u.s. senate today to try to convince those two moderate democrats to change their minds on the filibuster. but so far, there's no evidence they are moving in his direction. so likely this effort is going to fail. but it is going to take several days to play out. jim and bianna? >> as the bottom line an issue rather than a law, right? a talking point for the legislation rather than legislation. it may be the best they get. lauren fox on capitol hill, thank you very much. there is new cnn reporting that republican lawmakers are plotting an onslaught of investigations into the biden administration if they take back the house and the senate in the midterms. >> and they're promising to make the file years of biden's term as difficult as possible. and vowing retaliation against a number of other leading democrats. cnn's melanie zanona joins us now from capitol hill, with details. and, melanie, it is not as if the first year for this president has been easy, but it may be easy given what republicans are threatening to do if they take over. >> right. of course, first they have to win the majority because with it comes subpoena power. but republicans are already starting to map out exactly how they would wield those powerful committee -- and some of the probes they want to pursue include the origins of the coronavirus, hunter biden's art show and work in ukraine, biden's pullout from afghanistan, dr. fauci, the surge of migrants at the border. the list goes on and on. when republicans are in charge of the house, and donald trump was in office, they often turn a blind eye to scandals and controversies, you can rest assured with a democratic president in the white house, republicans will leave no controversy untouched. there is going to be a question of just how aggressively to use some of their investigative and oversight powers. some on the far right are already calling to launch impeachment proceedings, others are calling for republicans to probe donald trump's false claims of voter fraud, and gop leaders have been reluctant to embrace those, so far. they have, however, promised to retaliate against some democratic members by kicking them off their committees including eric swalwell, ilhan omar, in retaliation for democrats kicking marjorie taylor greene and paul gosar off their committees. we're starting to see a glimpse of the type of payback and politically charged atmosphere that we are likely to see under a gop led house. >> hard to believe that the u.s. government can get uglier or more dysfunctional than it is now. if they live to those promises, that could very well be the case. melanie zanona, thank you so much. ahead, as many as 50 democratic lawmakers are calling out the president over his strategy to get people tested for covid. is the president doing enough? i'll talk to one of those lawmakers straight ahead. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will work with you on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep re of what you earn. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. more than 50 house and senate democrats signed a letter to the white house earlier this week urging president biden to bolster the availability of covid-19 rapid tests. they wrote, we respectfully urge you utilize the full scope of your executive power under defense production act to manufacture enough rapid tests to ensure that each american can take at least one rapid test per week. congressman mike thompson, a democrat from california, was one of the lawmakers who signed that letter and he joins me now. congressman, thank you so much for joining us. and, listen, this is an issue that both democrats and republicans have been stressed about and worried that there are not enough tests throughout the country. the white house says it is now going to be sending out $500 million tests -- 500 million tests free of charge to the american public. vice president kamala harris said that could start as soon as next week. is that good enough in your view? >> well, good morning, bianna. thank you for having me on. i think everything we do is important. and i think the biden administration is going to great lengths to make sure we have the tests that are necessary. my colleagues and i signed that letter to make sure that they know what we're hearing from our constituents. my constituents have trouble finding tests. my constituents want to take the tests. and i think we need this in order to get ahead of the curve. the most important thing everyone can do is to get vaccinated, as you know. but the tests are critical. and the biden administration has done a great job. we went from -- just a year ago today, we were doing about 2 million tests a day. today we're doing about 12 million tests a day. so they made great strides. we need to keep it going. >> if they're doing a great job, why the letter then? >> as i said, want to make sure they know what we're hearing from our constituents and that they hear from us how important we think this is. >> do your constituents think they're doing a great job? >> my constituents -- my district does, yes. but my constituents want to get tests. they -- when they're having events, everything from dinner parties to small family gatherings, they're testing, they want to make sure there are enough tests available and i think we need to do everything we can to ensure those tests are available. >> there is a question as to whether 500 million tests is enough. especially for a country of this size. it is something you raise in the letter as well. you write that some believe that rapid tests should be conducted as frequently as two times per week per individual. that's what public health officials are recommending in the united kingdom. if the united states adopted similar recommendations, we would need roughly 2.3 billion tests per month. obviously that's a figure several times larger than 500 million. is that something that you think is feasible and why do you think the administration hasn't addressed this sooner? >> i think we need more tests. and i think we're going to continue to need more tests and i'll continue to lobby the administration to increase those numbers. >> i want to ask you about the thousand or so medical deployments that are being sent out now to hospitals, that are being overrun now with patients, influx given that the shortage and staff that we're seeing in hospitals across the country, but particularly in six states right now. do you think that will make a difference, and in terms of getting ahead of the crisis, do you think the administration is acting timely right now? >> i know that hospitals are stressed. my wife is a nurse. she's on her way to work right now. her hospital is experiencing the same situation that many other hospitals are facing. a lot of it is because there is an increased number of patients in the hospital with covid. there is also a number of healthcare providers who are out sick with covid. so anything that we can do to augment the supply of healthcare professionals in the hospital is important. >> i know something that is important to millions of americans and those included in your district. and in the state of california to be frank is whether schools can stay open and one of the factors that school officials and parents want more of is, in fact, more testing as schools. california was closed for the majority of the pandemic now, going into over two years, are you concerned that if we don't see more tests distributed to schools in particular we could face more school closures? >> well, i'm concerned that we keep our schools open. i think that's important. kid needs to be in schools. i know it, parents know it, and the schools know it. anything we can do to help ensure those schools can stay open and the kids and the teachers can stay healthy is important and tests, yes, are very important part of that. >> while i have you here, another issue that is critical for americans right now is the economy and inflation. and we continue to see inflation numbers going up now at 40-year highs. you are a big proponent of getting the build back better bill back on track. i know you are speaking with senators manchin and sinema on this issue as well. senator manchin has some real reservations, in particular, with the inflation rate going up. what is it that he's telling you if anything that can be done to get him to come back to the negotiating table on this issue? >> i think everybody is concerned about the inflation numbers. and we all want to see those come down. build back better is not going to be an inflation increase. we know that. it is paid for. and that is not going to cause issues with inflation. as to what senator manchin wants, i don't think we need to negotiate that on television. he's working with the white ho house, with senator schumer and his colleagues in the house and the senate, and i'm confident that we're going to be able to find that sweet spot, where we'll be able to pass legislation that is important to the american people, important to our economy, and will pass muster. >> the window is getting ever so short, but it is nice to hear some optimism as well this morning. congressman mike thompson, thank you. we appreciate it. thank you your wife for everything she and her colleagues are doing. >> thank you very much. they're absolutely wonderful. >> they are. >> for sure. people doing their part. coming up, another story we're following, an off duty officer in north carolina is now under scrutiny after killing an unarmed black man. what he says happened coming up. others say that, but not everyone gets the best deal. like what if i give you a lollipop... then i give you our r best lollipop. that's not fair. at at&t we thinknk it's only fair that all customers get our bestst deals... ...and you get a choice of plans. she said everyone? 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>> reporter: a lot of controversy around this case so far. you talk about those protests, where people have been taking to the streets over the last few nights. the police chief is asking for calm and she's been doing a lot of media recently to make sure she sort of is tamping down what is being said on social media. what we know so far, apparently lieutenant hash was driving his car, you heard that 911 call and he says that jason walker ran across the street and started attacking his car. now, here's where all the questions sort of start playing into this. people don't understand why he got out of the car and then pulled his weapon and then fired some shots. he says this was self-defense, he was concerned about his family. you can understand the community on the other side is asking so many questions about exactly what led up to this shooting, and why would a man attack a car? the 37-year-old man cannot talk at this point because he's no longer alive. so people taking to the streets in protests over the last few nights. something we should bring up here is the social media chatter about this particular story has made it particularly difficult for the fayetteville police department because as they try to figure out the information moving forward, we know the police chief has actually said she's going to try to get more body camera information the officers had in the minutes afterward so the public can see exactly what they're working with in the investigation. they called in state investigators to look into this case. but right now it is the protesters who are going to the street night after night. listen to the chief talking on the radio about trying to keep things calm as they do this investigation. >> there >> there was misinformation. that had nothing to do with the shooting. the importance of having people be honest and truthful about their sickness is crucial. that is the main point about the investigation. >> reporter: we know jason walker's family has hired an attorney to represent them moving forward in this investigation. anybody can go online and see only of the information spread about this. the problem for the police is what they're trying to do is talk to any credible witnesses there at the scene so they can go through this piece by piece and there's sort of what's exasperating the situation right now in terms of what happened on that saturday afternoon when this shooting happened. >> ryan, can you describe in the simplest terms what misinformation the police chief is talking about there? >> reporter: there are claims of where the vehicle was and whether or not it hit mr. walker first, did he jump on the car, and then did the tep ti shoot from inside the car or outside? there's a lot of questions about that. >> i see. >> reporter: that's the reason why they're trying to avoid that part as of right now. >> understood. >> as always, transparency is going to be key as this investigation goes forward. >> reporter: absolutely. >> ryan young, thank you. coming up, novak djokovic officially listed as the number-one seed in the australian open, but will he be allowed to stay in the country? the tournament begins in just days. we're live coming up next. of ri. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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>> it's turned into an international scandal, but they're scrutinizing his medical exemption to enter the country and his admission to breaking isolation while having covid last month. paula hancocks is live if melbourne with the latest. good evening to you. >> reporter: it's good morning, 2:00 in the morning here on friday, which means that thursday when we expected something from the immigration minister, it didn't come, so the speculation is friday we might hear whether alex hawk is going to personally intervenale and revoke that gvisa for djokovic. he was training today. we saw the draw for the australian open showing they are going on regardless, assuming he will be part of it. but we simply don't know at this point. we heard from the prime minister, scott morrison, on thursday. he was asked about this as he is every time he is in public, saying that, again, the rules are the rules, saying that having a visa is different from entering into the country and in the vaccination process during the pandemic. you have to be vaccinated or you have to have a medical exemption showing a medical reason why you are not vaccinated. so he is sticking to his guns at this point. but we still don't know whether or not the immigration minister will go ahead and try and revoke that visa. >> this is the fallout from not following the rules and not doing what all the other tennis players there who will be performing have done and they have been vaccinated. paula, thank you so much. up very early for us in melbourne. we appreciate it. good morning, everyone. i'm bianna golodryga. >> i'm jim sciutto. the nation's health care system under heavy pressure in a number of places but relief is on the way. president biden set to announce this hour a new deployment of military medical teams to overwhelmed hospitals facing critical staffing shortages amid a record number of covid infections as well as hospitalizations. a top fema official says the government is ready to help. >> as we've seen the rise in the omicron cases recently, the number-one request continues to be staffing. so these teams are going t

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