Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

good morning to viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is thursday january 13th and i'm brianna keilar with john berman. this morning the top republican in the house is the late et in trump's orbit to stonewall the january 6th committee. the panel seeking information from kevin mccarthy. not surprisingly, perhaps, he is refusing to cooperate calling the probe illegitimate. quite the about-face since mccarthy said this last may. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th, if you were asked by an outside commission? >> sure. next question? >> even with that, i doubt the committee ever really believed mccarthy would answer anything. what i do think is significant, if you really look at this letter sent by committee chair bennie thompson, the committee meticulously lays out a road map for what they are investigating and what they have found. what was trump doing during the hours of the insurrection? what did trump do after to shape or maybe change the story? this letter cites an interview he gave to cbs during the insurrection where mccarthy admitted to speaking with trump asking him to tell the rioters to stop. members of the committee say this information is critical. >> this is someone who clearly has information. he talked to the white house and to the president leading up to january 6th on their efforts to overturn election results. he talked with the president by public reporting on january 6th. and he was concerned about the safety of the capitol after january 6th. all of those are key bits of information that we feel are important. >> and in a cnn exclusive, liz cheney, vice chairwoman of the select committee not ruling out issuing a subpoena. jessica schneider joins us on this story. >> reporter: cheney continued to say mccarthy has an obligation, she put it, to come forward because they're contending mccarthy has crucial information. the letter sent out explains they want to know about that phone conversation mccarthy had with trump during the capitol attack, plus one he had with chief of staff mark meadows before the attack. mccarthy apparently said objections to the electoral count were doomed to fail. plus they want to know about mccarthy's discussions with white house staff and even trump himself after the capitol attack, where mccarthy apparently expressed concerns about trump's state of mind. now, despite all of that, and previously telling ar ing our r as you heard saying as representative and leader of the minority party it is neither with greet or satisfaction i decided not to cooperate with that will harm the constitution going forward. here's how vice chairman cheney responded. >> we know that leader mccarthy was pleading with the president to tell people to go home when police officers and others were being beaten here at the capitol. so, you know, i wish that he were a brave and honorable man. he's clearly trying to cover up what happened. he has an obligation to come forward, and we'll get to the truth. >> reporter: but one person from trump's white house who is apparently cooperating. press secretary kailee mcenany, appeared virtually before the committee yesterday. interestingly, hers are among the records that the committee is fighting in court to get from the national archives. so the committee getting some cooperation here. of course, they've said they've already talked to hundreds of people already, brianna. the question looms, will the committee ultimately resort to subpoenas for mccarthy, or the other two republican congressmen they want to talk to, jim jordan, scott perry, that all remains the big question here. will they move forward with any subpoenas here? brianna? >> he could have participated. could have had his party participating by appointing people not witnesses. not witnesses in all of this. thank you for the latest. joining us now, cnn correspondent, anchor of "early start" and attorney at law laura jarrett. laura, i truly think what's significant in this letter isn't what the committee is asking kevin mccarthy. it's what it's telling mccarthy. telling him and the world that this is what we have. this is where we're going. there are footnotes everywhere in this letter that says documents on file with the select committee. they're massing evidence of what trump didn't do during the 187 minutes of the insurrection and that's significant. >> once again laying out something to tempt us with. bread crumbs if you will of what they know, jessica laid out at the end, the big question what does the committee do with this, knowing what they have? how far are they willing to go against one of their own? this is somebody who could become the leader of the house. if the house flips to the republican side in november. come those midterms. somebody who would be in a leadership position is now, frankly, on the republican side, and the american people have a right to know exactly what those conversations were like. as you point out, john, one of the more interesting parts mere is -- here, he apparently told mark meadows before january 6th this whole effort to overthrow the election was doomed to fail. what was the response and what about the president boring responsibility to going down to mar-a-lago completely switching his tune? >> what about this part -- so thompson also writes, it appears you may have also discussed with president trump the potential he would face a censure resolution impeachment removal under the 25ble amendment and may have identified other possible options including president trump's immediate resignation from office. why is that significant? >> because it all speaks to, again, mccarthy's state of mind at the time. knowing that the writing was on the wall. knowing that the jig was up. knowing all of these things were doomed to fail and in contravention of the duties these people took to uphold the constitution and democracy, mccarthy knew at the time what the right thing to do was, and is essentially warning them, like so many other text messages we have seen from people who told one story in public and another story behind the scenes. >> i have to say, it isn't even mccarthy's state of mind that matters here. it's trump's state of mind, which this letter really i indicates the committee is digging into and what he did afterward. you heard liz cheney say a cover-up. public statements changed markedly since you met with trump at that meeting, or at any other time. did president trump or his representatives discuss or suggest what you should say publicly, or in any later investigation? that would be, laura, witness tampering. >> and getting to sort of obstruction of justice-type questions there. right? obviously, this is something that if -- if, you know -- could be within the purview of the justice department. right? if the president or former president, his allies, actually trying to say, if you do this for us, mccarthy, then we'll do that. that sort of quid pro quo is all the type of stuff of interest to investigators and certainly of interest of the committee. but, again, the question is, if they don't get the answers to these questions, what do they do with that? do they have enough over the course of these six pages to say, this is pretty damning? or do they think they need to fill some gaps here? >> interesting to see what those documents in possession of the committee and these footnotes actually mean. laura jarrett, stick around. much more to ask you and coming up, we'll speak with people who have interviewed with the committee. over major news overnight. breaking overnight, in fact. k novak djokovic listed as the number one seed at the australian open. this happened overnight. waiting to see whether the australian open would release its official seeding. they did, djokovic number one. cnn's paula hancocks joins us from melbourne in australia, but a delay. the seeding was delayed and everyone wondering, what's going to happen now? >> reporter: right, john, delayed well over an hour and an expectation maybe an announcement was about to come, it didn't come and then the draw went ahead. the business as usual at the australian open. we saw novak djokovic once again on the court practicing's he is physically and mentally preparing himself for playing from, from next monday. it from the start of the australian open. you wonder, what's going to happen? a case of running out of time for the immigration minister alex hawke who can personally intervene and say he should have his visa revoked. the prime minister was asked about it many times and pointed out there is still a very strict policy either being vaccinated or having a medical exemption to get into this country and hopes his government upholds this policy. it's the immigration minister that has the final say on this. he pointed out there is a difference tweeg having a visa accepted, getting to the board are and having your vaccination status accepted. this is one of the reasons given. had a visa, clearly allowed in the country. he's saying that's simply not the case. it's getting late now, thursday night here in australia. friday could be the day where we do hear from the, from the immigration minister. we heard from the deputy prime minister who summed up what many people in this country are feeling saying they don't like the idea of "someone like a tennis player or the king of spain or the queen of england coming in and having different rules than the rest of us." >> yeah. at this point, everyone waiting for the definitive decision about whether he can stay or go. paula hancocks, thank you very much. an ex girlfriend of florida republican matt gaetz testified in a long-running trafficking investigation. accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl back in 2017. let's bring laura jarrett back on this story. okay, look. this is something going on, as i mentioned, a really long time, laura. the fact they're talking to this ex-girlfriend seems to be a sign perhaps this is pushing to a critical point? >> yeah. if you're matt gaetz this morning you cannot be happy about this news. no comfort in the fact this is not going away, but could be progressing into a more serious stage. if you're bringing in a witness to the grand jury, someone like a former ex-girlfriend, former girlfriend, i should say, former staffer, someone who was privy to some of the interactions apparently, allegedly, with this other young woman, that's a sign that they might be trying to get a material witness to cooperate against him. they already have one person, joel greenberg, this former florida politician, who has agreed to cooperate in this probe. so if they get another person with intimate knowledge of the facts here that is not good news for matt gaetz. i mention, of course, he denied wrongdoing in any of this saying he didn't do anything wrong. didn't pay for sex. the whole allegation, he's violated federal sex trafficking laws by paying somebody underage for sex, crossing state lines, potentially luring her in with gifts and money and other things. so it is an ominous sign for him. >> yeah. look, the fact he's still employed may be a sign of the times that we are in right now. laura, thank you so much for that. >> sure. coming up, six states getting hit the hardest from the latest omicron surge may be getting assistance they so desperately need. talking about president biden's plan for that next. plus, welcome to club covid. it's all the rage. shouldn't be, though. why people are now trying to get the virus on purpose. former president obama the first newspaper op-ed since leaving office. what he found so important that he just had to write. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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we're going through this and our empathy is taking a hard hit. we will fight and take care of every patient who comes through our walls regardless of background but our empathy has take an hit. imagine a 50-car pileup on the highway and be roads of icy and car 50 is coming in. car 50 coming in, warned roads are icy, slippery. why are they going into that? have we taken the necessary precautions? >> so matthews is urging the public to get vaccinated, get boosted and wear a mask. brand new this morning. officials in some east coast cities are saying the surge seems to be slowing and may have even peaked. in boston, you can see new cases finally starting to drop. look at that. in washington, d.c., what saw a huge surge, cases also trending downward. and cases in new york city have also begun to plateau. governor kathy hochul says while casing are increasing elsewhere in the state, this change could be a "glimmer of hope." look, across the entire nation numbers are still rising in many places, but the fact that the decline might have begun in the places hit first and hardest could be a pretty big deal. >> one we will certainly keep our eye on. still, there are people out there trying to get omicron on purpose. we're serious. doctors warning not only is this a bad idea, it's dangerous. let's bring in cnn's elizabeth cohen. elizabeth, i will tell people they do not want to have this. do not want to try to get this. >> reporter: that's right. i think the thoughts in some people's minds, look, it's everywhere. inevitable, might as well try to get to it. that is very, very poor reasoning. you're putting yourself and others at risk. so sandy lamont, good friend and colleague here at cnn wrote a wonderful piece about the five reasons you don't want to get covid. take a look. number one, it's not a bad cold. i know people keep saying that but i personally know people who have covid and are miserable, out for days and days and days. do anything to avoid it. don't try it. recently the omicron kind. remember long covid. we hope people who get omicron don't go on to get long covered id but we just don't know. eve an mild illness with omicron it's possible you will get long covid. the virus surprised us before. also, if you intentionally get omicron you might spread it to children who cannot be vaccinated, meaning little ones under age of 5. might also spread it to adults whose vaccines didn't work well. there are millions of immune compromised who did what they should do, boosted twice, some, but still vaccines might not be working well because they're immune compromised. also, you might stress out the health care system. this relates to what that doctor was just saying to us. if you intentionally get covid, you could end up in the hospital even if you're healthy and don't have underlying disease. it's possible that you could end up in the hospital, basically saying to doctors and nurses, i got myself sick. i don't care i'm putting you at risk that i'm giving you more work. what a terrible thing to say to our doctors and nurses who have been heroes throughout this pandemic. brianna? >> yeah, look, i got it. and i did get an unvaccinated 3-year-old sick. and he took it the worst of any of us, and it was terrible to watch. i feel awful about it. i supposed a friend who has a child who is vulnerable before i realized i had it, and it was a mess. you know? it was a mess of a terrible waiting game. nobody wants to do it. elizabeth, if you really think about it. so we really riceally appreciat it and will read that online. it's essential. thanks. so just a couple of hours president biden will go to capitol hill to make the case on new voting rights legislation. former president obama also lending his voice to the fight to pass elections reforms, he wrote an op-ed backing the push to change the senate filibuster rules. cnn's laura fox is live on capitol hill with the late et. the latest legislative process is beginning even if we sort of know what will happen in the end. >> reporter: exactly. a major assist, though, for president biden with his former president, president barack obama, penning that op-ed saying, i support the changes to the senate rules. i want to read a piece of that. it says, i fully support president biden's call to modify senate rules as necessary to make sure pending voting rights legislation gets called for a vote. and every american who cares about the survival of our most cherished institutions should support the president's call as well. that last part seemingly a shot across the bow as some moderate democrats who still are on the fence about those rules changes making it clear they may not ultimately back them, john. >> so chuck schumer, senate majority leader, like, two weeks ago told me this was an uphill fight to change the filibuster rules and yesterday still called it an uphill fight. what's the actual process to try? >> reporter: this is going to transpire over the next several days. the first thing to expect, the house will send over past legislation rights. freedom to vote act and the john lewis right to vote act. at that point the senate will vote on that legislation. here's the catch. they do not have ten republicans to support it. despite the fact they worked very hard to get manchin and sinema onboard with the two pieces of legislation, they don't have republicans. at that point, chuck schumer, majority leader, will turn to try to change the senate rules. so that they could pass those bills through a carveout that would just affect the senate rules for voting rights legislation. we don't have details exactly how that rules change would work, but essentially allow them to pass this with just 51 votes. of course, a major catch. that both joe manchin and kyrsten sinema still do not support that filibuster reform, despite the fact they've had around the clock calls and meetings to try to convince them otherwise. john? >> to be clear, shown zero sign they're going to change their minds. lauren fox, thank you very much. skyrocketing costs of groceries and gas burning a hole in american's pockets. we have that report next. and armorer from the film "rust" is filing a lawsuit against the movie's gun supplier. who she's now alleging was at fault. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit the highest rate it's been since 1982. american, saying they feel it every day. cnn's reporter has the numbers. good morning, vanessa. >> reporter: good morning. 2021 was a very expense ib year for americans. we started to see some prices cool down last month, but not many. americans we spoke to say they're trying to live with these higher prices. they're trying to budget, but that sticker shock still stings. despite a cold december, inflation was red hot. consumer prices grew at the fastest annual pace since 1982. 7% year over year, and up .5% last month. >> who can budget? you just have to pay the price. >> reporter: americans on average paying about $250 more for the same things they were buying a year ago. gas topping the charts up nearly 50% from a year ago. same for furniture, up just over 17%. and food, up 6.3%. >> i used to buy, let's say last year, that would cost me around $50 in groceries almost doubles right now. >> reporter: at the pump, prices soared to over $4 a gallon in some states. prompting president biden to release 50 million barrels of oil from the nation's strategic petroleum reserve in november. last month, gas prices dropped by .5%. but for this list driver, still burning through gas to find customers and burning a hole in his wallet. >> not drive too many miles, spend too much on gas. gas is like double now. up know? what i used to buy is now double. >> reporter: higher prices are even scaring some drivers away. tommy hondros owns this gas sn sn station in lower manhattan. >> 150. look how many i have now. nothing. one. it's insane. i used to have people come and fill up. now, let me get $5. i've seen $2, on a vehicle. >> reporter: used car sales rose by 37% year over year as were less new cars coming to market. >> credit shortages from vehicles to lumber to clothing causing prices to rise. >> reporter: trickling down to the cost of food. groceries rose by 6.5%. >> it's a constant rejuggling of budgets to try to keep up with the food prices lately. meats especially are increasingly expensive. >> reporter: but the price of meat declined slightly last month since november, by .4%. same for fish and eggs. but for restaurants already struggling with labor shortages and a new omicron variant, taking on another battle of high food prices has been challenging. >> how one week it's $14 and the next week $s 24. now it's $28. so that's a, that's the most dramatic. >> reporter: yet some encouraging news this winter. energy costs dipped from november to december by .4%. >> i think we're seeing the worst of the inflation now. i think delta did a lot of damage. of course, omicron will hurt as well. i think by this time next year the world should look a bit better. inflation should be down. >> reporter: now, wages did increase last year by 4.7%. that might have helped offset some of these higher prices, but, john, low-income americans, the ones that really struggle with inflation, they have lower wages, less disposable income and spending more on these everyday necessities that are simply more expensive, and, john, economists have agreed that inflation is going to start to cool down this year, but where these prices will land, that's anyone's guess, john. >> look, the economy is boothing, unemployment incredibly low, but when you have inflation like this it changes the way people feel about it. vanessa, thank you very much. so this morning, republicans promising a slew of investigations into democrats if the tables turn after the mid-term elections. how far will they go? 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joining me, our reporter and what's a good way to look at ron johnson's chances for re-election? >> reporter: a good way, look at history and what do we know about midterm elections? the presidential party is's often penalized during midterms and extreme correlation how they vote at the top, feel about the president, and how they vote for the senate. ron johnson and senate midterm since 1982 have won 86 out of 87 times in states where the opposition party outperformed the national vote share in the prior two presidential elections. 86 out of 87. that's pretty much complete. pretty much 100%. just south of it and wisconsin, of course a state even though joe biden won it in 2020, he did worse than nationally. wisconsin matches that. >> extrapolate that out to other key races for senate this year. >> reporter: sure. beyond just looking at incumbents. right? 86 our 87 times, that's all the gop incumbents running, we can look at open seats as well. where there's no elected incumbent running. that includes every retiring gop senator in 2022. won 32 out of 35 times in states where the opposition party outperformed national vote share in the the two prior presidential elections. if you're looking whether it's incumbents, 86 our 87 times or retiring seats, those retiring gop senators, where it's 32 out of 35 times since 1982, history points a very, very good picture for the gop in those seats. >> it's almost always statistically. when, harry, though, does a president's party gain seats? >> reporter: yeah. it happen as few times, if we look back at history. one is when the president's approval rating is above 60%. that's not the case right now. quinnipiac says close to lower 40s. not anywhere near that 60% mark. a popular governor is running in, say, a particular seat. in 2010 joe manchin won an open seat in west virginia. that's not the case right now in pretty much any of those seats the gop is looking to hold on to. then, of course, if the state leans towards the president's party in the prior two presidential election, that's not the case in any of the gop seats right now. you know, you go back four years ago. gop was able to gain in states like north dakota. able to gain in indiana and missouri, of course, those are states that actually voted for the president's party in the prior presidential election. not the case in any of the states gop is looking to fill now. >> and the presidential approval, way off where an incumbent president wants to be to pick up seats. it isn't as high to gain those seats historically. talk about an issue here, harry. schools. something that republicans are leaning really heavy into. >> reporter: yeah. leaning heavily into the idea of school closures, and there's a pretty good reason why, if you look at polling. essentially you see, if you ask folks how necessary is it to do certain things in order to control the coronavirus, and what you see is, look at this. close k-12 schools, make it remote learning only. only 48% of folks think that was necessary in a 2021 average poll. lowest of any things pew research polled, whether masks on planes, avoiding large gathering, take-outs in restaurants. all others reached 50% or above and well above for most. k-12 remote learning only, just 48%. gop sees polling like that and says we can take advantage and why we're going hard at this issue. >> to be clear, no prominent democrats calling for schools to be closed either. just republicans are seizing on it right now. democrats maybe not as much. to an extent, harry, helping flip a traditional advantage on education for democrats? >> reporter: absolutely is. polling traditionally, ask who is more trusted on education issues, democrats overwhelmingly win that. 2017, four, five years ago, democrats 18-point edge. look where it was in 2021. democrat hs a small edge but down to four points. that doesn't happen unless something overwhelming changed outwardly. the school issue was the thing that moved the numbers. >> certainly mattered in virginia. >> reporter: it absolutely mattered in virginia. this was, i think, a perfect test case. essentially pre-election polling is, which candidate you trust most on education? in 2017 democrat won by 13 points. more trusted than the republican ed gillespie. flip forward to 221, glenn youngkin leading. within margin of error. a major shift we saw in virginia. same shift we saw nationally. that doesn't happen unless something changed and glenn youngkin pushed that school closure issue saying i want your kids back in school, no remote learning and those numbers pushed. >> again, to be clear, you don't hear democrats pushing for remote learning either. see if they can rehab their image on this one going forward. thank you so much. new this morning. the finger pointing at the "rust" armorer is now filing a lawsuit against the film's gun supplier. plus, billions of dollars spent last year on music catalogs of some of the biggest artists. what is with this latest trend? 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'60s pop icon ronnie spector has died. led singer of the ronettes known for her voice, sky high beehive. hits like "be my baby." she really was an icon. her family says she died in the arms of her husband after a brief battle with cancer. ronnie spector was 78. 12-time grammy winner john legend, the latest super star to sell his latest catalog. also the youngest we note at age 43. sold his catalog and royalty rights for an undisclosed amount and others have been cashing in like bob dylan. estate of david bowie. bruce springsteen, stevie nicks and joining us to talk about this author of the new book "zero: "zero o'clock." why are artists doing this? >> it's a trend we're searing. throughout the history of the music industry artists have been ripped off, haven't made the money they felt they deserved and finally this is a way to cash in and cash in big. in the case of john legend, he's always been about his business. this is a guy that went to the university of pennsylvania, who once worked for boston consulting group, and i've interviewed the guy. he knows about business. so it makes sense that some younger artist is going to pioneer what's going on here, it would be him, because he's a guy that knows business. >> the issue is, is that the more traditional ways for these artists to make money just aren't as lucrative anymore. explain that. >> yeah. you know, of course, right now, you know, the way artists used to make money selling physical copies of their work. of course, no one's really buying cds. last year vinyl records actually out-paced cds in sales. shows you physical forms of music are all kind of curiosity these days. you really can't make a whole lot of money, you know, big, real money, through just streaming. you need to have other ways of making money, and that usually has been through touring. of course, now with covid, touring is now a spotty possibility. this is another way of opening up a revenue stream for artists so they can make the big money, and they can also, it looks to the way in thhip-hop culture influences wider musical culture. back in the '90s, not selling out. finally hip-hoppers came along and said i'm telling, buying in, making money, it's a good thing, if do it with your own music and seen rise of hip-hop billionaires like jay-z and kanye west and hip-hop millionaires like rianna and beyonce. we want the big money and this is one way to do that. >> numbers of huge. john berman may take issue with whether david bowie ho should h gotten less than bruce springsteen. >> shouldn't have. better songs. >> clear position on this. quick, chris what do you think? >> yeah. david bowie, of course, a great pioneer. not only of music, also revenue streams. issued bowie bonds back in the '90s as a new way for artists to make money. elated what's going on, i think he would be. mentioning why this is happening is low interest rates. people have access to the capital to make these kinds of big deals, and taking advantage of it. >> it's very fascinating. chris, thank you so much for walking us through this. >> thank you. programming note. you know her face, of course, but do you know her whole story? discover the life and legacy of "reframed" premiering sunday, 9:00 p.m. eastern. and the armorer in "rust" is suing seth kenney and his company for allegedly supplying live bullets mixed in with dummy and blank rounds before actor alec baldwin fired the shot that killed ed halyna hutchins duri rehearsal in october. and introduced as the york yankees newest minor league manager. what she had to say about reactions to her new gig. the top republican in the house stiff arms the january 6th committee. what kevin mccarthy is now saying and what he said in the past. advisor will work witu on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. 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John Berman , United States , Viewers , Around The World , Brianna Keilar , 13 , Thursday January 13th , Trump , Information , Republican , Kevin Mccarthy , In The House , Stonewall The January 6th Committee , Panel , Orbit , January 6th , 6 , Probe , Conversation , May , Donald Trump On January 6th , Stiff Arms The January 6th Committee , Anything , Letter , Question , Bennie Thompson , Think , Commission , Insurrection , Behind The Scenes , Interview , Road Map , Someone , Melania Trump , Members , White House , Rioters , Cbs , President , Capitol , Election Results , Efforts , Safety , Public Reporting On January 6th , Liz Cheney , Wall , Committee , Bits , Cnn Exclusive , Reporter , Obligation , Subpoena , Jessica Schneider , Phone , Attack , Chief Of Staff , Conversation Mccarthy , Plus One , Mark Meadows , One , Capitol Attack , Count , Staff , Discussions , Objections , Concerns , State Of Mind , Ar Ing , Leader , Minority , Greet , Representative , Satisfaction , People , Leader Mccarthy , Others , Police Officers , Constitution , Person , Man , Truth , Kailee Mcenany , Fighting , Court , Records , The National Archives , Course , Subpoenas , Hundreds , Congressmen , Cooperation , Question Looms , Scott Perry , Jim Jordan , Two , Opposition Party , Witnesses , Cnn , Law Laura Jarrett , Start , Isn T , Latest , Correspondent , Attorney , World , Documents , Everywhere , What Trump Didn T , File , Evidence , Something , Bread Crumbs , 187 , Somebody , House , The End , The Big Question , Midterms , Right , Side , Leadership Position , Conversations , Election , Effort , Response , Part , Responsibility , Tune , A Lago , Potential , Office , Significant , Censure Resolution Impeachment Removal , Options , Resignation , Amendment , 25 , Things , Writing , Jig , Contravention , Duties , Thing , Democracy , Public , Text Messages , Liz Cheney Say A , Statements , Representatives , Meeting , Investigation , Questions , Witness Tampering , Purview , Obstruction Of Justice , Justice Department , Interest , Investigators , Type , Allies , Stuff , Quid Pro Quo , Answers , Possession , Pages , Gaps , Six , Fact , News , Breaking Overnight , We Saw Novak Djokovic , Australian Open , Seed , Everyone , Seeding , Number One , Paula Hancocks , Delay , Australia , Melbourne , Didn T , Announcement , Draw , Expectation , Business As Usual , Case , It , Court Practicing , Running Out Of Time , Times , Alex Hawke , Visa , Prime Minister , Policy , Country , Government , Say , Exemption , Reasons , Status , Vaccination , Accepted , Tweeg , Board , Difference , Idea , Deputy Prime Minister , Rules , Point , Rest , Decision , Queen , King , Tennis Player , Spain , England , Sex , Ex Girlfriend , Trafficking Investigation , Florida , Matt Gaetz , Sign , Story , Girl , Jarrett , 2017 , 17 , Critical Point , Comfort , Witness , Interactions , Staffer , Girlfriend , Stage , Woman , Grand Jury , Joel Greenberg , Facts , Knowledge , Material , Pay , Wrongdoing , Sex Trafficking Laws , Somebody Underage , Allegation , State Lines , Real Money , Gifts , Hunter Biden , Welcome To Club Covid , Car Hit My Motorcycle , States , Plan , Omicron Surge , Assistance , Coming Up , President Obama , Virus , Purpose , Newspaper , Op Ed , Rage , Shouldn T Be , Low , Prescription Copays , Medicare , Walgreens , Zero , Zero Dollars , Prescriptions , Delivery , Save , Larry , 90 , Music , Battle Sounds From Phone , Battle Sounds Stop , Dragon Roar , Price , Commitment , Investors , Trades , Trade , Stocks , Fidelity , Etfs , Decision Tech , 5 Billion , 1 5 Billion , Care , Work , Friends , Animals , Dinner , Myasthenia Gravis , Adults , Treatment , Activities , Family Photos , Fda , Neurologist , Life , Explosion , Ingredients , Chicken Sausage , Pepperoni , Flatbread , Craft , Heartiness , Panera , Yes , , 1 , Vitamin C , Routine , Support , Centrum , Body , Season , Immune System , Look , D , Defenses , Ace , Zinc , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Migraine , 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, Deals , Kinds , Sunday , Face , Chris , Programming Note , Eastern , Reframed , 9 , Seth Kenney , Alec Baldwin , Company , Bullets , Rounds , Manager , Reactions , Gig , York Yankees , Minor League , Ed Halyna Hutchins Duri Rehearsal , Wealth , Investing Strategies , Planning Effect , Phone Beep , Birds Chirping , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Phone Clicks , Coaching , 45 , Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stages , American Cancer Society , Yep , 92 , Results , Insurance Policy , Accident , Accidents , Provider , Enrollment , Insurance , Pain , Benefits , Hr Data , Paycom , Single , Software , Schedule A Demo Today , Visit Paycom Com , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Me And You , Health , Green Red , Trees , Sugar , What A Wonderful World , Bleacher Report , Update , Rachel Balkovec , Baseball , Journey , Minor League Manager , Andy Scholes , Hiring , The American Dream , Progress , Affiliate , Modern Baseball League History , Tampa Tarpons , 34 , Negativity , Pulse , Job , Matter , Ilarious , Sister , Name , Women , Rachel ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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good morning to viewers here in the united states and around the world. it is thursday january 13th and i'm brianna keilar with john berman. this morning the top republican in the house is the late et in trump's orbit to stonewall the january 6th committee. the panel seeking information from kevin mccarthy. not surprisingly, perhaps, he is refusing to cooperate calling the probe illegitimate. quite the about-face since mccarthy said this last may. >> would you be willing to testify about your conversation with donald trump on january 6th, if you were asked by an outside commission? >> sure. next question? >> even with that, i doubt the committee ever really believed mccarthy would answer anything. what i do think is significant, if you really look at this letter sent by committee chair bennie thompson, the committee meticulously lays out a road map for what they are investigating and what they have found. what was trump doing during the hours of the insurrection? what did trump do after to shape or maybe change the story? this letter cites an interview he gave to cbs during the insurrection where mccarthy admitted to speaking with trump asking him to tell the rioters to stop. members of the committee say this information is critical. >> this is someone who clearly has information. he talked to the white house and to the president leading up to january 6th on their efforts to overturn election results. he talked with the president by public reporting on january 6th. and he was concerned about the safety of the capitol after january 6th. all of those are key bits of information that we feel are important. >> and in a cnn exclusive, liz cheney, vice chairwoman of the select committee not ruling out issuing a subpoena. jessica schneider joins us on this story. >> reporter: cheney continued to say mccarthy has an obligation, she put it, to come forward because they're contending mccarthy has crucial information. the letter sent out explains they want to know about that phone conversation mccarthy had with trump during the capitol attack, plus one he had with chief of staff mark meadows before the attack. mccarthy apparently said objections to the electoral count were doomed to fail. plus they want to know about mccarthy's discussions with white house staff and even trump himself after the capitol attack, where mccarthy apparently expressed concerns about trump's state of mind. now, despite all of that, and previously telling ar ing our r as you heard saying as representative and leader of the minority party it is neither with greet or satisfaction i decided not to cooperate with that will harm the constitution going forward. here's how vice chairman cheney responded. >> we know that leader mccarthy was pleading with the president to tell people to go home when police officers and others were being beaten here at the capitol. so, you know, i wish that he were a brave and honorable man. he's clearly trying to cover up what happened. he has an obligation to come forward, and we'll get to the truth. >> reporter: but one person from trump's white house who is apparently cooperating. press secretary kailee mcenany, appeared virtually before the committee yesterday. interestingly, hers are among the records that the committee is fighting in court to get from the national archives. so the committee getting some cooperation here. of course, they've said they've already talked to hundreds of people already, brianna. the question looms, will the committee ultimately resort to subpoenas for mccarthy, or the other two republican congressmen they want to talk to, jim jordan, scott perry, that all remains the big question here. will they move forward with any subpoenas here? brianna? >> he could have participated. could have had his party participating by appointing people not witnesses. not witnesses in all of this. thank you for the latest. joining us now, cnn correspondent, anchor of "early start" and attorney at law laura jarrett. laura, i truly think what's significant in this letter isn't what the committee is asking kevin mccarthy. it's what it's telling mccarthy. telling him and the world that this is what we have. this is where we're going. there are footnotes everywhere in this letter that says documents on file with the select committee. they're massing evidence of what trump didn't do during the 187 minutes of the insurrection and that's significant. >> once again laying out something to tempt us with. bread crumbs if you will of what they know, jessica laid out at the end, the big question what does the committee do with this, knowing what they have? how far are they willing to go against one of their own? this is somebody who could become the leader of the house. if the house flips to the republican side in november. come those midterms. somebody who would be in a leadership position is now, frankly, on the republican side, and the american people have a right to know exactly what those conversations were like. as you point out, john, one of the more interesting parts mere is -- here, he apparently told mark meadows before january 6th this whole effort to overthrow the election was doomed to fail. what was the response and what about the president boring responsibility to going down to mar-a-lago completely switching his tune? >> what about this part -- so thompson also writes, it appears you may have also discussed with president trump the potential he would face a censure resolution impeachment removal under the 25ble amendment and may have identified other possible options including president trump's immediate resignation from office. why is that significant? >> because it all speaks to, again, mccarthy's state of mind at the time. knowing that the writing was on the wall. knowing that the jig was up. knowing all of these things were doomed to fail and in contravention of the duties these people took to uphold the constitution and democracy, mccarthy knew at the time what the right thing to do was, and is essentially warning them, like so many other text messages we have seen from people who told one story in public and another story behind the scenes. >> i have to say, it isn't even mccarthy's state of mind that matters here. it's trump's state of mind, which this letter really i indicates the committee is digging into and what he did afterward. you heard liz cheney say a cover-up. public statements changed markedly since you met with trump at that meeting, or at any other time. did president trump or his representatives discuss or suggest what you should say publicly, or in any later investigation? that would be, laura, witness tampering. >> and getting to sort of obstruction of justice-type questions there. right? obviously, this is something that if -- if, you know -- could be within the purview of the justice department. right? if the president or former president, his allies, actually trying to say, if you do this for us, mccarthy, then we'll do that. that sort of quid pro quo is all the type of stuff of interest to investigators and certainly of interest of the committee. but, again, the question is, if they don't get the answers to these questions, what do they do with that? do they have enough over the course of these six pages to say, this is pretty damning? or do they think they need to fill some gaps here? >> interesting to see what those documents in possession of the committee and these footnotes actually mean. laura jarrett, stick around. much more to ask you and coming up, we'll speak with people who have interviewed with the committee. over major news overnight. breaking overnight, in fact. k novak djokovic listed as the number one seed at the australian open. this happened overnight. waiting to see whether the australian open would release its official seeding. they did, djokovic number one. cnn's paula hancocks joins us from melbourne in australia, but a delay. the seeding was delayed and everyone wondering, what's going to happen now? >> reporter: right, john, delayed well over an hour and an expectation maybe an announcement was about to come, it didn't come and then the draw went ahead. the business as usual at the australian open. we saw novak djokovic once again on the court practicing's he is physically and mentally preparing himself for playing from, from next monday. it from the start of the australian open. you wonder, what's going to happen? a case of running out of time for the immigration minister alex hawke who can personally intervene and say he should have his visa revoked. the prime minister was asked about it many times and pointed out there is still a very strict policy either being vaccinated or having a medical exemption to get into this country and hopes his government upholds this policy. it's the immigration minister that has the final say on this. he pointed out there is a difference tweeg having a visa accepted, getting to the board are and having your vaccination status accepted. this is one of the reasons given. had a visa, clearly allowed in the country. he's saying that's simply not the case. it's getting late now, thursday night here in australia. friday could be the day where we do hear from the, from the immigration minister. we heard from the deputy prime minister who summed up what many people in this country are feeling saying they don't like the idea of "someone like a tennis player or the king of spain or the queen of england coming in and having different rules than the rest of us." >> yeah. at this point, everyone waiting for the definitive decision about whether he can stay or go. paula hancocks, thank you very much. an ex girlfriend of florida republican matt gaetz testified in a long-running trafficking investigation. accused of paying for sex with a 17-year-old girl back in 2017. let's bring laura jarrett back on this story. okay, look. this is something going on, as i mentioned, a really long time, laura. the fact they're talking to this ex-girlfriend seems to be a sign perhaps this is pushing to a critical point? >> yeah. if you're matt gaetz this morning you cannot be happy about this news. no comfort in the fact this is not going away, but could be progressing into a more serious stage. if you're bringing in a witness to the grand jury, someone like a former ex-girlfriend, former girlfriend, i should say, former staffer, someone who was privy to some of the interactions apparently, allegedly, with this other young woman, that's a sign that they might be trying to get a material witness to cooperate against him. they already have one person, joel greenberg, this former florida politician, who has agreed to cooperate in this probe. so if they get another person with intimate knowledge of the facts here that is not good news for matt gaetz. i mention, of course, he denied wrongdoing in any of this saying he didn't do anything wrong. didn't pay for sex. the whole allegation, he's violated federal sex trafficking laws by paying somebody underage for sex, crossing state lines, potentially luring her in with gifts and money and other things. so it is an ominous sign for him. >> yeah. look, the fact he's still employed may be a sign of the times that we are in right now. laura, thank you so much for that. >> sure. coming up, six states getting hit the hardest from the latest omicron surge may be getting assistance they so desperately need. talking about president biden's plan for that next. plus, welcome to club covid. it's all the rage. shouldn't be, though. why people are now trying to get the virus on purpose. former president obama the first newspaper op-ed since leaving office. what he found so important that he just had to write. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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we're going through this and our empathy is taking a hard hit. we will fight and take care of every patient who comes through our walls regardless of background but our empathy has take an hit. imagine a 50-car pileup on the highway and be roads of icy and car 50 is coming in. car 50 coming in, warned roads are icy, slippery. why are they going into that? have we taken the necessary precautions? >> so matthews is urging the public to get vaccinated, get boosted and wear a mask. brand new this morning. officials in some east coast cities are saying the surge seems to be slowing and may have even peaked. in boston, you can see new cases finally starting to drop. look at that. in washington, d.c., what saw a huge surge, cases also trending downward. and cases in new york city have also begun to plateau. governor kathy hochul says while casing are increasing elsewhere in the state, this change could be a "glimmer of hope." look, across the entire nation numbers are still rising in many places, but the fact that the decline might have begun in the places hit first and hardest could be a pretty big deal. >> one we will certainly keep our eye on. still, there are people out there trying to get omicron on purpose. we're serious. doctors warning not only is this a bad idea, it's dangerous. let's bring in cnn's elizabeth cohen. elizabeth, i will tell people they do not want to have this. do not want to try to get this. >> reporter: that's right. i think the thoughts in some people's minds, look, it's everywhere. inevitable, might as well try to get to it. that is very, very poor reasoning. you're putting yourself and others at risk. so sandy lamont, good friend and colleague here at cnn wrote a wonderful piece about the five reasons you don't want to get covid. take a look. number one, it's not a bad cold. i know people keep saying that but i personally know people who have covid and are miserable, out for days and days and days. do anything to avoid it. don't try it. recently the omicron kind. remember long covid. we hope people who get omicron don't go on to get long covered id but we just don't know. eve an mild illness with omicron it's possible you will get long covid. the virus surprised us before. also, if you intentionally get omicron you might spread it to children who cannot be vaccinated, meaning little ones under age of 5. might also spread it to adults whose vaccines didn't work well. there are millions of immune compromised who did what they should do, boosted twice, some, but still vaccines might not be working well because they're immune compromised. also, you might stress out the health care system. this relates to what that doctor was just saying to us. if you intentionally get covid, you could end up in the hospital even if you're healthy and don't have underlying disease. it's possible that you could end up in the hospital, basically saying to doctors and nurses, i got myself sick. i don't care i'm putting you at risk that i'm giving you more work. what a terrible thing to say to our doctors and nurses who have been heroes throughout this pandemic. brianna? >> yeah, look, i got it. and i did get an unvaccinated 3-year-old sick. and he took it the worst of any of us, and it was terrible to watch. i feel awful about it. i supposed a friend who has a child who is vulnerable before i realized i had it, and it was a mess. you know? it was a mess of a terrible waiting game. nobody wants to do it. elizabeth, if you really think about it. so we really riceally appreciat it and will read that online. it's essential. thanks. so just a couple of hours president biden will go to capitol hill to make the case on new voting rights legislation. former president obama also lending his voice to the fight to pass elections reforms, he wrote an op-ed backing the push to change the senate filibuster rules. cnn's laura fox is live on capitol hill with the late et. the latest legislative process is beginning even if we sort of know what will happen in the end. >> reporter: exactly. a major assist, though, for president biden with his former president, president barack obama, penning that op-ed saying, i support the changes to the senate rules. i want to read a piece of that. it says, i fully support president biden's call to modify senate rules as necessary to make sure pending voting rights legislation gets called for a vote. and every american who cares about the survival of our most cherished institutions should support the president's call as well. that last part seemingly a shot across the bow as some moderate democrats who still are on the fence about those rules changes making it clear they may not ultimately back them, john. >> so chuck schumer, senate majority leader, like, two weeks ago told me this was an uphill fight to change the filibuster rules and yesterday still called it an uphill fight. what's the actual process to try? >> reporter: this is going to transpire over the next several days. the first thing to expect, the house will send over past legislation rights. freedom to vote act and the john lewis right to vote act. at that point the senate will vote on that legislation. here's the catch. they do not have ten republicans to support it. despite the fact they worked very hard to get manchin and sinema onboard with the two pieces of legislation, they don't have republicans. at that point, chuck schumer, majority leader, will turn to try to change the senate rules. so that they could pass those bills through a carveout that would just affect the senate rules for voting rights legislation. we don't have details exactly how that rules change would work, but essentially allow them to pass this with just 51 votes. of course, a major catch. that both joe manchin and kyrsten sinema still do not support that filibuster reform, despite the fact they've had around the clock calls and meetings to try to convince them otherwise. john? >> to be clear, shown zero sign they're going to change their minds. lauren fox, thank you very much. skyrocketing costs of groceries and gas burning a hole in american's pockets. we have that report next. and armorer from the film "rust" is filing a lawsuit against the movie's gun supplier. who she's now alleging was at fault. nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure... ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond pure moisture lotion. 24-hour hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. feel stuck with credit card debt? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ move your high-interest debt to a sofi personal loan. you could save with low rates and no fees. earn $10 just for viewing your rate and get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ maybe it's another refill at your favorite diner... or waiting for the 7:12 bus... or sunday afternoon in the produce aisle. these moments may not seem remarkable. but at pfizer, protecting the regular routine, and everyday drives us to reach for exceptional. working to impact hundreds of millions of lives... young and old. it's what we call, the pursuit of normal. ♪ ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit the highest rate it's been since 1982. american, saying they feel it every day. cnn's reporter has the numbers. good morning, vanessa. >> reporter: good morning. 2021 was a very expense ib year for americans. we started to see some prices cool down last month, but not many. americans we spoke to say they're trying to live with these higher prices. they're trying to budget, but that sticker shock still stings. despite a cold december, inflation was red hot. consumer prices grew at the fastest annual pace since 1982. 7% year over year, and up .5% last month. >> who can budget? you just have to pay the price. >> reporter: americans on average paying about $250 more for the same things they were buying a year ago. gas topping the charts up nearly 50% from a year ago. same for furniture, up just over 17%. and food, up 6.3%. >> i used to buy, let's say last year, that would cost me around $50 in groceries almost doubles right now. >> reporter: at the pump, prices soared to over $4 a gallon in some states. prompting president biden to release 50 million barrels of oil from the nation's strategic petroleum reserve in november. last month, gas prices dropped by .5%. but for this list driver, still burning through gas to find customers and burning a hole in his wallet. >> not drive too many miles, spend too much on gas. gas is like double now. up know? what i used to buy is now double. >> reporter: higher prices are even scaring some drivers away. tommy hondros owns this gas sn sn station in lower manhattan. >> 150. look how many i have now. nothing. one. it's insane. i used to have people come and fill up. now, let me get $5. i've seen $2, on a vehicle. >> reporter: used car sales rose by 37% year over year as were less new cars coming to market. >> credit shortages from vehicles to lumber to clothing causing prices to rise. >> reporter: trickling down to the cost of food. groceries rose by 6.5%. >> it's a constant rejuggling of budgets to try to keep up with the food prices lately. meats especially are increasingly expensive. >> reporter: but the price of meat declined slightly last month since november, by .4%. same for fish and eggs. but for restaurants already struggling with labor shortages and a new omicron variant, taking on another battle of high food prices has been challenging. >> how one week it's $14 and the next week $s 24. now it's $28. so that's a, that's the most dramatic. >> reporter: yet some encouraging news this winter. energy costs dipped from november to december by .4%. >> i think we're seeing the worst of the inflation now. i think delta did a lot of damage. of course, omicron will hurt as well. i think by this time next year the world should look a bit better. inflation should be down. >> reporter: now, wages did increase last year by 4.7%. that might have helped offset some of these higher prices, but, john, low-income americans, the ones that really struggle with inflation, they have lower wages, less disposable income and spending more on these everyday necessities that are simply more expensive, and, john, economists have agreed that inflation is going to start to cool down this year, but where these prices will land, that's anyone's guess, john. >> look, the economy is boothing, unemployment incredibly low, but when you have inflation like this it changes the way people feel about it. vanessa, thank you very much. so this morning, republicans promising a slew of investigations into democrats if the tables turn after the mid-term elections. how far will they go? 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joining me, our reporter and what's a good way to look at ron johnson's chances for re-election? >> reporter: a good way, look at history and what do we know about midterm elections? the presidential party is's often penalized during midterms and extreme correlation how they vote at the top, feel about the president, and how they vote for the senate. ron johnson and senate midterm since 1982 have won 86 out of 87 times in states where the opposition party outperformed the national vote share in the prior two presidential elections. 86 out of 87. that's pretty much complete. pretty much 100%. just south of it and wisconsin, of course a state even though joe biden won it in 2020, he did worse than nationally. wisconsin matches that. >> extrapolate that out to other key races for senate this year. >> reporter: sure. beyond just looking at incumbents. right? 86 our 87 times, that's all the gop incumbents running, we can look at open seats as well. where there's no elected incumbent running. that includes every retiring gop senator in 2022. won 32 out of 35 times in states where the opposition party outperformed national vote share in the the two prior presidential elections. if you're looking whether it's incumbents, 86 our 87 times or retiring seats, those retiring gop senators, where it's 32 out of 35 times since 1982, history points a very, very good picture for the gop in those seats. >> it's almost always statistically. when, harry, though, does a president's party gain seats? >> reporter: yeah. it happen as few times, if we look back at history. one is when the president's approval rating is above 60%. that's not the case right now. quinnipiac says close to lower 40s. not anywhere near that 60% mark. a popular governor is running in, say, a particular seat. in 2010 joe manchin won an open seat in west virginia. that's not the case right now in pretty much any of those seats the gop is looking to hold on to. then, of course, if the state leans towards the president's party in the prior two presidential election, that's not the case in any of the gop seats right now. you know, you go back four years ago. gop was able to gain in states like north dakota. able to gain in indiana and missouri, of course, those are states that actually voted for the president's party in the prior presidential election. not the case in any of the states gop is looking to fill now. >> and the presidential approval, way off where an incumbent president wants to be to pick up seats. it isn't as high to gain those seats historically. talk about an issue here, harry. schools. something that republicans are leaning really heavy into. >> reporter: yeah. leaning heavily into the idea of school closures, and there's a pretty good reason why, if you look at polling. essentially you see, if you ask folks how necessary is it to do certain things in order to control the coronavirus, and what you see is, look at this. close k-12 schools, make it remote learning only. only 48% of folks think that was necessary in a 2021 average poll. lowest of any things pew research polled, whether masks on planes, avoiding large gathering, take-outs in restaurants. all others reached 50% or above and well above for most. k-12 remote learning only, just 48%. gop sees polling like that and says we can take advantage and why we're going hard at this issue. >> to be clear, no prominent democrats calling for schools to be closed either. just republicans are seizing on it right now. democrats maybe not as much. to an extent, harry, helping flip a traditional advantage on education for democrats? >> reporter: absolutely is. polling traditionally, ask who is more trusted on education issues, democrats overwhelmingly win that. 2017, four, five years ago, democrats 18-point edge. look where it was in 2021. democrat hs a small edge but down to four points. that doesn't happen unless something overwhelming changed outwardly. the school issue was the thing that moved the numbers. >> certainly mattered in virginia. >> reporter: it absolutely mattered in virginia. this was, i think, a perfect test case. essentially pre-election polling is, which candidate you trust most on education? in 2017 democrat won by 13 points. more trusted than the republican ed gillespie. flip forward to 221, glenn youngkin leading. within margin of error. a major shift we saw in virginia. same shift we saw nationally. that doesn't happen unless something changed and glenn youngkin pushed that school closure issue saying i want your kids back in school, no remote learning and those numbers pushed. >> again, to be clear, you don't hear democrats pushing for remote learning either. see if they can rehab their image on this one going forward. thank you so much. new this morning. the finger pointing at the "rust" armorer is now filing a lawsuit against the film's gun supplier. plus, billions of dollars spent last year on music catalogs of some of the biggest artists. what is with this latest trend? 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'60s pop icon ronnie spector has died. led singer of the ronettes known for her voice, sky high beehive. hits like "be my baby." she really was an icon. her family says she died in the arms of her husband after a brief battle with cancer. ronnie spector was 78. 12-time grammy winner john legend, the latest super star to sell his latest catalog. also the youngest we note at age 43. sold his catalog and royalty rights for an undisclosed amount and others have been cashing in like bob dylan. estate of david bowie. bruce springsteen, stevie nicks and joining us to talk about this author of the new book "zero: "zero o'clock." why are artists doing this? >> it's a trend we're searing. throughout the history of the music industry artists have been ripped off, haven't made the money they felt they deserved and finally this is a way to cash in and cash in big. in the case of john legend, he's always been about his business. this is a guy that went to the university of pennsylvania, who once worked for boston consulting group, and i've interviewed the guy. he knows about business. so it makes sense that some younger artist is going to pioneer what's going on here, it would be him, because he's a guy that knows business. >> the issue is, is that the more traditional ways for these artists to make money just aren't as lucrative anymore. explain that. >> yeah. you know, of course, right now, you know, the way artists used to make money selling physical copies of their work. of course, no one's really buying cds. last year vinyl records actually out-paced cds in sales. shows you physical forms of music are all kind of curiosity these days. you really can't make a whole lot of money, you know, big, real money, through just streaming. you need to have other ways of making money, and that usually has been through touring. of course, now with covid, touring is now a spotty possibility. this is another way of opening up a revenue stream for artists so they can make the big money, and they can also, it looks to the way in thhip-hop culture influences wider musical culture. back in the '90s, not selling out. finally hip-hoppers came along and said i'm telling, buying in, making money, it's a good thing, if do it with your own music and seen rise of hip-hop billionaires like jay-z and kanye west and hip-hop millionaires like rianna and beyonce. we want the big money and this is one way to do that. >> numbers of huge. john berman may take issue with whether david bowie ho should h gotten less than bruce springsteen. >> shouldn't have. better songs. >> clear position on this. quick, chris what do you think? >> yeah. david bowie, of course, a great pioneer. not only of music, also revenue streams. issued bowie bonds back in the '90s as a new way for artists to make money. elated what's going on, i think he would be. mentioning why this is happening is low interest rates. people have access to the capital to make these kinds of big deals, and taking advantage of it. >> it's very fascinating. chris, thank you so much for walking us through this. >> thank you. programming note. you know her face, of course, but do you know her whole story? discover the life and legacy of "reframed" premiering sunday, 9:00 p.m. eastern. and the armorer in "rust" is suing seth kenney and his company for allegedly supplying live bullets mixed in with dummy and blank rounds before actor alec baldwin fired the shot that killed ed halyna hutchins duri rehearsal in october. and introduced as the york yankees newest minor league manager. what she had to say about reactions to her new gig. the top republican in the house stiff arms the january 6th committee. what kevin mccarthy is now saying and what he said in the past. advisor will work witu on a comprehensive wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ >> announcer: "bleacher report" update brought to you by -- this morning the new york yankees making history with hiring of a minor league manager, andy scholes with the "bleacher report." hey, andy. >> good morning, john. rachel balkovec says her journey is the american dream. working in and around baseball more than ten years and now the 34-year-old in charge of the yankees low-class affiliate, tampa tarpons when the season begins. the first female manager in modern baseball league history. despite the progress made, balkovec is aware how have reacted to her barrier-breaking journey. >> i don't understand the negativity. like, if you know my story, and you have a pulse, i think it's pretty hard not to get behind what's going on here, and i just, you know, if you know yourself and you know where you came from, i just -- it doesn't really matter. so that's -- i just -- that's how i deal with the negativity or anything i hear coming my way. it's hey ilarious to me because it's the american dream. >> ten years ago struggling to get a job in baseball her sister suggested she change her name from rachel to ray on her resume. did that, actually got calls but changed her name back to rachel realizing she didn't want to work for someone who didn't want to hire women and great to see

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Omicron , Hardest , Deal , Decline , Eye , That S Right , Thoughts , Elizabeth Cohen , Risk , Sandy Lamont , Minds , Reasoning , Colleague , Piece , Take A Look , Cold , Wonderful Cnn Com , Five , Omicron Don T Go On , Id , Illness , Omicron Kind , Long Covid , Don T Know , Ones , Vaccines , Children , 5 , Some , Millions , Immune , Health Care System , Hospital , Nurses , Doctor , Disease , Any , Worst , Sick , Heroes , Mess , Child , Waiting Game , Nobody , Thanks , Voting Rights Legislation , Couple , Capitol Hill , Riceally Appreciat , Fight , Senate , Backing , Voice , Filibuster Rules , Elections Reforms , Push , Laura Fox , Changes , Penning , Process , Know , Et , Saying , Call , Vote , Shot , Democrats , Institutions , Survival , Bow , Fence , Majority Leader , Chuck Schumer , Legislation , Act , Legislation Rights , Freedom , John Lewis , Joe Manchin , Pieces , The Catch , Sinema , Ten , Details , Bills , Senate Rules For Voting Rights Legislation , Carveout , Clock Calls , Votes , Catch , Filibuster Reform , Meetings , 51 , Gas , Groceries , Hole , Skyrocketing Costs , Lauren Fox , Pockets , Armorer , Rust , Lawsuit , Film , Movie , Gun Supplier , Fault , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Moisture , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Skin , Move , Feel , Hydration , Credit Card Debt , Fragrances , Parabens , Dyes , 24 , Rates , Debt , Personal Loan , Sofi , Fees , Rate , How Bizarre , Omc , 0 , Aisle , Waiting , Card , Refill , Fee , Diner , Bus , 7 , 12 , Reach , Lives , Pursuit , Pfizer , Staffing , Master , Size , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , 1982 , Prices , Many , Vanessa , Expense , Ib , 2021 , Inflation , Budget , December , Sticker Shock , Red Hot , Consumer Prices , More , Pace , 250 , Food , Charts , Furniture , 6 3 , Barrels , Pump , Gallon , 50 Million , 4 , Gas Prices , Customers , Petroleum Reserve , List Driver , Oil , Wallet , Miles , Drivers , Station , Tommy Hondros , Nothing , Gas Sn , 150 , Cars , Market , Vehicle , Used Car Sales , 37 , 2 , Credit Shortages , Vehicles , Cost , Clothing , Constant Rejuggling , 6 5 , Food Prices , Budgets , Restaurants , Meat , Meats , Fish , Eggs , Labor Shortages , Battle Of High , 24 , 14 , 8 , 28 , Energy , Lot , Dramatic , Winter , Delta , Wages , This Time Next Year , Bit , Damage , 4 7 , Disposable Income , Necessities , Anyone , Economy , Boothing , Economists , Unemployment , Guess , Way , Investigations , Tables , Slew , Elections , Trernd , Sale , Hat , Price Tag , Vaccine , Body Wash Hydrates , Mask Mandates , Wing , History Lesson , Olay , Nazi Germany , Moisturizers , Dove 0 , Olay Body , 48 , Protection , Kinder On Skin , Business , Ground Running , Vo , T Mobile , Device , 00 , 800 , Employees , Number , Opportunities , Largest , 5g Network , Facebook , 200 , Protein , Age , Muscle Health , 16 , 20 , High Protein , Nutrients , Immune Support , Brain Performance , Boost , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Science , Tv , Neuriva , Firm , Barnes , Car Accident , Rich Barnes , Wondnder Whahatmy C Cas , Youour Cidedentase E , Yoyou , Ght T Beurprpris , Yoyou Ght T Beurprpris , Insurance Wasn T Fair , Worth , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Reporting , Onslaught , Impeachment Proceedings , Administration , Melanie Sa Zanona , Charge , Republicans , Chairman , Light , Power , Majorities , Pullout , Gavels , Mapping , Afghanistan , Ukrain , Few , Pressure , Win Back Majority , Leadership , Migrants , Origins , Border , Investigation Doss , Joe Biden , Voter Fraud , Claims , Calls , Leaders , Powers , Impeachment , Tension , Source , Oversight , Reluctance , Drama , Seats , Ron Johnson , Wisconsin , Great Reporting , Grabs , Running , Terms , Term , Xhchances , Chances , Correlation , Re Election , Share , Midterm , Top , 87 , 86 , Course A State , 2020 , 100 , Incumbents , Incumbents Running , Races , Extrapolate , Senator , 32 , 2022 , 35 , Senators , Picture , Harry , Running In , Mark , Approval Rating , Quinnipiac , 60 , 40 , West Virginia , Party , Seat , Open Seat , Leans , 2010 , Indiana , North Dakota , Missouri , Four , It Isn T , Approval , Issue , Polling , Schools , Into , Reason , School Closures , Learning , Folks , Order , K 12 Schools , Most , Planes , Poll , Lowest , Masks , Gathering , Pew Research Polled , Advantage , Remote Learning , K 12 , Education , Extent , Helping , Doesn T , Points , Issues , Edge , Democrat Hs A Small Edge , 18 , Test Case , School Issue , Candidate , Margin , Error , Glenn Youngkin Leading , Ed Gillespie , Flip , 221 , School , School Closure , Kids , Glenn Youngkin , Image , Finger , Artists , Trend , Plus , Billions , Music Catalogs , Film S Gun Supplier , Growing Up , Love , Memories , Mom , Cooking , Kitchen , Meal , Advisor , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Lbs , Ww , 30 , Hero , Program , App , January 17th , Announcer , Mile , Carvana , Bladder , Eyes , Depend , Aren T , Car Buying , Control , Down Payment , Payment , Car Vending Machines , Financing , Browse , Penny , Credit Score , Ride , Baby , Song , Singer , Sky High Beehive , Be My Baby , Hits , Icon , Arms , Family , Husband , Ronnie Spector , 60s Pop Icon , Ronettes , Catalog , Brief Battle With Cancer , 78 , Rights , Cashing , Royalty , Amount , David Bowie , Bob Dylan , 43 , Author , Book , Bruce Springsteen , Zero O Clock , Stevie Nicks , Music Industry Artists , Haven T , History , Big , Cash , Guy , Artist , Sense , Boston Consulting Group , University Of Pennsylvania , Ways , Cds , No One , Vinyl Records , Copies , Touring , Sales , Making Money , Forms , Kind , Curiosity , Shows , Opening , Possibility , Revenue Stream , Big Money , Thhip Hop Culture Influences Wider Musical , Back , Buying In , Hip Hoppers , Hip Hop Billionaires , Rise , Hip Hop Millionaires , Kanye West , Jay Z , Rianna , Money , Beyonce , Revenue Streams , Songs , Position , Pioneer , Shouldn T Have , Bowie Bonds , Interest Rates , Capital , What S Going On , Happening , Deals , Kinds , Sunday , Face , Chris , Programming Note , Eastern , Reframed , 9 , Seth Kenney , Alec Baldwin , Company , Bullets , Rounds , Manager , Reactions , Gig , York Yankees , Minor League , Ed Halyna Hutchins Duri Rehearsal , Wealth , Investing Strategies , Planning Effect , Phone Beep , Birds Chirping , Screening , Colon Cancer , Workouts , Phone Clicks , Coaching , 45 , Cancer , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stages , American Cancer Society , Yep , 92 , Results , Insurance Policy , Accident , Accidents , Provider , Enrollment , Insurance , Pain , Benefits , Hr Data , Paycom , Single , Software , Schedule A Demo Today , Visit Paycom Com , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Me And You , Health , Green Red , Trees , Sugar , What A Wonderful World , Bleacher Report , Update , Rachel Balkovec , Baseball , Journey , Minor League Manager , Andy Scholes , Hiring , The American Dream , Progress , Affiliate , Modern Baseball League History , Tampa Tarpons , 34 , Negativity , Pulse , Job , Matter , Ilarious , Sister , Name , Women , Rachel ,

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