Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

jordan, the ranking republican and he will likely chair the committee if republicans take the house this fall. as such, you would think he would have deep respect for professional committees and the work they do when it comes to oversight. both of which he vigorously pursued when republicans ran the house. why did he snub a request to meet with the house select committee on january 6th. in his letters he said he had, quote, no relevant information to assist the select committee in advancing any legitimate legislative purpose. he didn't say he would have legislative information that would assist the committee, only a legitimate legislative purpose which he claimed he doesn't believe the committee has. it is a way of being less than honest without appearing to be. if the question is does he have anything of interest to the committee, the answer is clearly, yeah, he does. here's committee member adam schiff talking about text messages to former white house chief of staff mark meadows in and around the insurrection. >> i want to display just a few of the message he received from people in congress. if we could cue the first graphic. this one reads on january 6th, 2021, vice president mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. >> so that message he read was from congressman jordan. it is a dubious legal theory on overturning the election, which he forwarded. again, this is the ranking member of the judiciary committee fronting a theory for a potential coup. the same jim jordan who is rarely at a loss for words except when it seems about something the committee wants to know about, his conversations with the former president that day. >> on january 6th, did you speak with him before, during or after the capitol was attacked? >> i have to go -- i -- i -- i spoke with him that day after. i think after. i don't know if i spoke to him in the morning or not. i don't know. i don't know that -- when those conversations happened, but -- but what i know is i spoke to him at one time. >> this is a guy who prides himself to pepper witnesses with rapid fire questions. it seems like it's different on the receiving end, doesn't it? or maybe that's how he thinks people talk when he has nothing to hide, which he has repeatedly claimed. here he is in jewel with manu raju. >> you had conversations with him leading up to january 6th? >> i had conversations with the president all the time. >> if they call me, i got nothing to hide. >> nothing to hide he said in july. here he is in october saying the same at contempt proceedings for steve bannon. >> are you willing to tell the select committee what you know about events leading up to, during and after that. >> i've got nothing to hide. i have been straightforward all along. >> notice again how slippery the language is. in both instances he's asked whether he's willing to talk to the committee. both instances he answers, i have nothing to hide. he doesn't say, yeah, i'll talk to the select committee. that's how washington works. really something special. especially for somebody who once lectured hillary clinton during the endless benghazi hearings. >> you said, quote, i'm being as transparent as possible. more transparent than anybody else ever has been. now, my definition of transparency includes being honest and straightforward, and being honest and straightforward right from the start, right from the get go. >> joining us for more on cnn ryan nobles at the capitol who just spoke with the congressman, what did he say? >> we tried to press him more on thesecooperate. i asked him if his letter meant he completely shut down the door or closed the door to talking to the committee and all he would do was refer me back to this letter. he said the letter answers all the questions we might have, so i pressed him morement would you be willing to sit in front of the committee in a public hearing and answer questions everyone can hear and see. again, he just referred me back to that letter. and then i asked him, you said at one point that you have nothing to hide. you still have nothing to hide. he again said he had nothing to hide but went on to say all the problems he has with the committee, the way it was formed, the way they handled their business but refused to say whether or not he would talk to the committee. the last thing we asked him was whether or not he's had any communication with president trump and his legal team. he simply would not answer that question, just referred us back, once again to that letter. >> there is new reporting late tonight on former vice president mike pence in regards to the committee. what do we know? >> yeah. so what this new york times report echoes, a lot of our reporting already is that the former vice president mike pence does seem to be at least open to the idea of speaking to the january 6th select committee, but he has not yet decided whether or not he's willing to do it whachlt the times report does get into which could be of a concern to the committee is that pence is a little upset about the perception about the level of cooperation with a number of aids that worked for him in and around the time of january 6th and how much they have been talking to the committee. now, we know that mark shore, his former chief of staff has been subpoenaed by the committee and of course his former national security adviser keith kellogg sat and told us afterward he was willing to cooperate. it appears pence does not want to be seen as a full willing participant of the committee's investigation perhaps of some blowback that that could provide him with those close to the former president donald trump. but at the end of the day, anderson, he's not closed the door to the idea of speaking to the committee. we know very specifically from the chairman and other members of the committee that they are very interested in hearing from the former vice president. >> ryan nobles, appreciate it. thank you. two former commentators mia love and joe walsh. congressman love and jim jordan clearly rel rent to the january 6th investigation. he was speaking to the former president at the time on the day, apparently, but without any details. he hasn't said when or how often. does it surprise you at all that a former sitting congressman is basically blowing off a congress mall committee? >> well, you know, it is really interesting to me that the committee decided to summon him and not subpoena him, which is a big difference. and in my experience, members of congress give each other a little bit of grace period, which is a little bit of grace when it comes to hearings because they -- you know, they respect them as former members of congress. so i think it's really interesting that they actually summoned and not subpoenaed him. i think that also jim jordan is probably looking and saying, hey, i was on the list to begin with. they didn't use me then. they probably don't need me now. i think that he should go. but my guess is these are -- this is the dynamic that's playing out in washington. >> yeah. congressman walsh, you also served in the house with jim jordan. you said you used to be good friends. what do you think his end game is here? politically i understand why he wouldn't do it. it certainly plays to the people who support him, i assume. >> anderson, this is what's so sad about this republican party. jim jordan, who i do know well can't testify in front of this committee because if he testified under oath, he would have to tell the truth. and if jim jordan told the truth about that day, his -- his career as a republican would be over because he'd have to say that he communicated with the president and donald trump incited the insurrection and they tried to get the president to act and he wouldn't act. that's the truth. and jim jordan knows all of that. but, anderson, if he said that, the average republican voter out there would be done with jim jordan. i mean, that's where the republican party is today. you simply can't tell the truth. >> you know, it's so interesting you are saying this because, i mean, even a guy like jim jordan who has bent over backwards to support the former president, who has, you know, pushed the big lie repeatedly gone to the matt for the former president, you are right, even if he did testify and he just told the truth, that would nullify all the other debasement he's done of himself for the former president in the eyes of the former president and his supporters. this former president will attack anyone who tells the truth, even if they have been incredibly loyal to him. >> anderson, it's -- and i'm not the only one to say this. the republican party is a cult. i know a lot of people say that. but what does that mean? that means they are all beholden to donald trump. and the base of the party which is beholden to trump. and as a cult, you can't speak the truth. look at mike pence. look at all the supplicating he did to donald trump for four or five years. and then on january 6th, anderson, he does his constitutional duty and as far as the republican party base is concerned, he's done. >> yeah. >> jordan knows that. >> congresswoman love, the fact that congressman jordon could become chairman of the judiciary committee if republicans take the house this year, it is fascinating when you look at his performance during the benghazi hearings, he was prosecuting that very strongly, asking -- he was relentless on that. it's just so different when the tables are turned. i mean, the hypocrisy here. >> yeah. and i think that's what's really difficult for representative jim jordan because if he does, i do agree if he does take the stand, it will put him -- i shouldn't say take the stand but actually appear before the committee, it would really put him in a difficult situation because he will be -- he will have to tell the truth and talk about everything that he knows what happened on january 6th. but i do disagree with the cult statement. i'm still a member of the republican party. i'm not abdicating my position. as a matter of fact, if you look at the former president's numbers and the support that he had, it's actually going down. and i'm pleased with that because campaigns really weren't about what happens yesterday. they're not about what happens today. they're about what is next. i think the american people are looking for leaders that are going to say this is -- i want you to prevent this from happening again. >> but the former president is still the standard bearer of the republican party. obviously, you are part of the republican party -- >> not mine. >> -- that has principals and adheres to basic facts and truth, but that's not -- i mean, could you win today running in that republican party without supporting the former president? >> i think you could. and you could look at youngkin who stayed away from being -- from trying to be tied to the president. he actually didn't run with the president, and he ran on issues that were important to the -- to his -- to the state and to the areas that he is going to represent. so i think that there is a path forward and we can see that, again, with the dropping numbers of support that the president is having. and i know there are members of congress that are actually going and they're trying to run still supporting the president. and i think those -- i think those members are going to lose or those people looking to be members of congress are going to lose. >> congressman walsh? >> i respect the heck out of mia love. but the fact is if you don't say donald trump won the election, you don't have -- you can't get elected this year as a republican. if you say january 6th was a violent attempt to overthrow the election, if you say that truth, anderson, there is no way on god's green earth as a republican you could win. >> look at ted cruz just saying the word "terrorist" about people who attack police officers on the day of the insurrection. >> yeah. >> and he gets, you know, a starring role in a way he didn't want on tucker carlson's show and dug probably severe damage to himself. but we shall see if support is fading. >> we shall see. >> appreciate it. thank you. >> thanks, anderson. coming up next, one of the lawmakers suing the former president after the judge hearing their case questions the lawyers who say a sitting president can say anything and not be held accountable in civil court. congressman eric swalwell joins us on that. and the latest on tennis great knonovak djokovic getting the o to play. which solves one problem of his playing. does nothing to answer questions about what he was doing out in public when he was supposed to be quarantining. more on that ahead. we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. 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>> we believe today that we presented enough facts to show that donald trump incited a mob, a violent mob at the capitol and that is well outside the bounds of presidential immunity. i know the judge had a lot of tough question for both seeds and we welcome that and i think he's going to carefully review it. this is about accountability. for too long, accountability has been a stranger that donald trump has never encountered. today in that courtroom, he met it. >> the former president cannot be held liable for actions he did not take. what do you say to that? >> in the key action, of course, that the judge pressed the former president's lawyer on was, well, if donald trump did not intend to incite the mob on january 6th, why didn't he just call off the mob? why did it take over two hours, three hours before he said anything at all? and there was no good answer other than, well, he's the president. he can say what he wants and he can't be held accountable for that. that's not good enough. in the law, when you incite a mob, you are held accountable. and this president did not do that in his official capacity as president. he did it as a loser of a presidential campaign. someone who had lost and was throwing out the legal means of trying to win the election and relying on violence and rhetoric. >> what is your -- what is the purpose in pursuing this lawsuit? >> accountability, anderson, to show the former president and those who stood with him that day that we are a country of law and order. and when you lose an election, you can see. you don't use violence. you don't use violent rhetoric. you don't fire up a mob and you don't stop me and my colleagues from lawfully counting the votes. if he's not held accountable for that, i'm convinced, anderson, that he's going to seek to do it again when he loses in 2024. again, this is about bringing something that has been a long time coming for donald trump, and that's accountability. >> do you -- i mean, if the judge rules in your favor, do you worry then in the future, any president can be sued by anybody for anything? >> well, you know, the judge in a moment that revealed just how difficult of a case this is, i think he noted that this is a very difficult, complex case because thankfully we have every had a president do this before. we have never had a president use, you know, his social media to call people to washington and then tell them when they're there that they have to fight like hell and they should go to the capital. thankfully that's never happened before. i would say, anderson, if the president is held accountable, it would be a message that that should never happen again. and that you to not have absolute immunity to do anything you want. you are a president. you are not a king, and that's what this lawsuit is about. >> there is multiple lawsuits at play. you know, you have house republican leader kevin mccarthy said today that if the gop wins back the house later this year, he'll seek to kick you and two of your democratic colleagues off your committees in retaliation for democrats kicking two fringe republicans off their committees, marjorie taylor greene and others and paul cosar for posting a video of killing alexandria ocasio-cortez in anime. >> he spends a lot of time thinking about and talking about me and mr. schiff. i'll say this. we are thinking about and doing what we can to help people and focussed on winning the midterms. he's targeting me and mr. schiff and ms. omar was we're effective. this is the trumpization of politics, that he's doing it purely for retaliation purposes and he's not offering a fig leaf as to why he's doing. we are calling him for the clu clux can elements in his caucus. he's projecting on to us what he can't do with his own colleagues. >> congressman swalwell, i appreciate your time. thank you. up next, will chicago schools be closed for yet another day, tomorrow? the latest showdown and we hear from one of several parents suing the teacher's union now over the walk-out. better skin from your body wash? try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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>> sure. thanks, anderson. our lawsuit alleges that what the union is doing is wrong. they cannot strike. both under illinois law and under the contract, they're prevented from going on strike unless the contract is terminated or expired, and it's not. so what they're doing is illegal and our lawsuit intends to stop it. >> laurel, you are the mom of three chicago public school students, an 11-year-old, twine 9-year-old boys. >> yes. >> first of all, how are you guys coping? i mean, how are you doing? >> it's a challenge every day. the boys -- my boys, they want to be in school. they want to be learning. and it's fairly chaotic around the house trying to find things to keep them busy, trying to get them to do some of the instructional assignments that they're putting forth on line that the schools are putting out. but there is no point in doing them because they're not graded and they're completely optional. >> wow, really. i didn't realize that. >> yeah. some of the principals have them put out instructional pamphlets that the kids can work on at home, busy work. >> and how much time have they spent just in the last, you know, during this pandemic, you know, from home instead of at school? >> in this most recent strike and shutdown? overall? they were home from september of 2020 until march of 2021. then they finished the school year until june. and then they went back to school in september of 2021 and were successfully attending in person every day up until this christmas break on december 17th was their last day. then they came back for two days in january now and they have been home ever since and now they're not even doing remote learning. >> and you have noticed -- i have talked to so many parents that no matter how hard you try with remote learning, you have noticed a difference in the results. >> oh, absolutely. two out of my three children have 504 plans which have accommodations and obviously with remote learning those accommodations cannot be met. it is impossible. >> jeffrey, i know the teachers union did something similar to this last year. how are they able to make a unilateral decision that impacts 340,000 students and families? >> well, the reality is because cps and the mayor refuse to enforce the law. and so they have let them do it last year. they let them do it last year around this time when cps was trying to get back to a hybrid model where kids would go back to school two days a week. that was delayed about a month because ctu tried to pull the same thing. in our lawsuit, we will try to end this so it doesn't happen again in the future. this is a tactic that ctu should not be able to use. >> laurel, how much do you think this is about covid and, you know, understandable concerns that some have about covid and how much do you think this is about the mayor and union's inability to get along. >> that was for laurel. >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> that's all right. >> i believe in the science. the science says that it's safe for the kids to be in school and it's safe for the teachers to be there. and since the beginning of this pandemic, our children have been used as pawns in this political hot potato between the ctu, the cps and mayor lightfoot. and it is our children that are paying the ultimate price for this. you know, i spoke to the mayor i guess it was on friday. she said they are going to be working through the weekend on this. she sounded optimistic about school getting to a resolution over the weekend. clearly that didn't happen. do you have any sense of how long this may go on for? >> i received an e-mail from two out of my three boys' schools this afternoon already, about 3:00, informing me that there was no school for tomorrow already. so i already -- i know there is nothing for tomorrow. and then i'll get another e-mail tomorrow afternoon probably telling me there is nothing for wednesday. >> laurel golden, i really appreciate you talking. you have been finding the time to do this must be difficult with all you have going on. jeffrey swab as well will continue to follow as well what happens in court. coming up, a different perspective on the covid surge, how the governor of colorado is pushing vaccines and saying no to shutdowns and how voters and health officials are reacting to it. to split across the top five stocks in the s&p 500®. you can also unlock short videos, step-by-step guides, and other easy-to-use tools designed for people just getting started. plus, investment professionals are on standby 24/7 if you ever have a question. it's the smarter way to start investing. ♪ one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. 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>> well, i see it as the end of the medical emergency, frankly. people who want to be protected are. those who get sick, it is almost entirely their own darn fault. >> dr. mark johnson is the president of the colorado medical society. he recently retired from his post as the public health director of jefferson county outside of denver. >> to say it's over feeds in to those who want it to be over and are telling us in medicine and in public health that we're overdoing it. it is not like we're trying to control people's lives, but that's kind of what it came off as. >> every recipe is my mom's, my dad's, my grandma's. >> daniel and his family operate four different restaurants in three different counties, each with their own set of local health guidelines. that's part of the local control the governor has advocated. >> how stressful is that? >> it's pretty stressful. it is a whirlwind. >> and confusing. >> very confusing. you never know what you are going to get. you see that in the industry. but now with so many different county rules, you really don't know what you're going to get any day of the week. >> and you're okay with that? >> of course we are. we have to figure out a way and continue moving forward. >> now we had the governor on a short time ago. is there any scenario under which the governor says he's going to return to statewide covid restrictions? >> well, we asked him that directly. a spokesperson for the governor didn't say -- answer that question directly, however. about 70% of the state's population in colorado over the age of 5 is fully vaccinated, so the spokesperson for the governor says that they are kind of moving beyond passed this idea of a small group of unvaccinated people in that state infringing on everyone else's ability to move beyond the pandemic. so you clearly get the sense they're trying to strike this balance between pushing the vaccine and getting people's lives back to normal as quickly as possible to kind of unravel the economic disruptions that the state and the country has suffered for most of the last two years. >> appreciate it. thank you. up next, karl bernstein joins us to talk about his first big assignment covering the kennedy inauguration to how his career led him to become the legend we all know. a new book out "chasing history." it feels too good to be true. it's kicking back and relaxing as we pick up your car. and when you get paid on the spot, it feels like scoring big. you know the feeling. you just never imagined you could get it from selling your car. well, with carvana, you can. experience the new way to sell a car. ♪"don't ya leave" by squeak e clean♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] all the delivery. no delivery fees. dashpass. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. we are always happy to have people on the program when they bring something that makes the act of reading and freshly experiencing a moment in time a pure pleasure. that goes double tonight. our guest is legendary journalist carl bernstein. his new book "chasing history: a kid in the news room" tells us how it began. it is such a great read. viewers familiar with your work in "the washington post," they may be surprised to know you began your work at the washington star. it is really a love letter to a newspaper industry which, sadly, in so many ways no longer exists. what made you decide to revisit that time? >> it was in some ways the most joyous experience of my life. i went to work in this great news room, got the greatest seat in the country at the age of 16. worked at the washington star from 1960 to '65 when so much was happening in america, in the capitol of the united states, civil rights, the assassination of kennedy. it was an amazing time in our history, and i was taught by the most amazing reporters of the 20th century in many regards. it's the best education you could have, and i dropped out of college and got really a superior education from these people who became my family really at "the star". >> what are the differences you see between a conservative paper in the 1960s and the conservative media of today? >> well, because this was a paper that was committed to the best obtainable version of the truth, to use a phrase that bob woodward and i used a lot during watergate, but that phrase has its roots in what i learned at the star. we called it the complexity of the truth. and it involves the kind of thing we did at watergate, knocking on a lot of doors, being good listeners, seeking outsources, being per se veerns, but that is something we were taught. t"the washington post" bled its editorial opinions on to the front page in those days and "the evening star" did not. it was conservative, but it had a much greater commitment to the truth in all its complexity and had reporters and editors. and that was their -- it was their first prin pl, that we are trying to tell and report and get the truth through great reporting. >> you know, i think part of the polarization of today is because journalism, we don't have the newspapers and local newspapers like we used to. we don't have in one sitting we don't have multiple newspapers covering things and that sense of community which one got and participation which one got from having those multiple points of view. you just don't have that anymore. >> no, you don't. and the other thing you don't have is the kind of aggressive reporting that was somewhat standard operating procedure in those days, knocking on doors as i have said. going to visit your sources not just in their offices but going to see them at night, having a relationship with them, sitting across from them at the table and really learn what's on their minds. one of the things about reporters is they're often not really good listeners. we were taught to be good listeners, that people may try to tell you the truth if you give them the chance, rather than shove a microphone in their face and run the other way and run back to the office once they have told you something. so we had a very different approach to what we see in so much mainstream news today. that's not to say there is not an awful lot of great reporting going on today. and to demonstrate it all you have to do is look at the reporting on the trump presidency. some of the greatest white house reporting in history. >> you know, i mean, there is so many great stories in this book. you were 16 years old. you saw john f. kennedy speak in 1960 when he was running for president in the book. >> he came to my high school. >> yeah, right. >> and i had just started at the paper and the state editor. and said, hey, you know the turf there. why don't you go with our that's what i did. >> but the speech didn't make any sense. >> no, it didn't. kennedy that day, kennedy, who could be the most eloquent of speakers, he had mixed up the pages of his speech with a speech that was supposed to have been given in california. and he said, no, i'm right here with the senator from california. he was actually there with the senator from tennessee. it was a mess. >> the crowd didn't care. >> the crowd did not care. they were mesmerized. i had gone to the rock 'n roll show in new york a couple years earlier when jerry lee lewis threw his jacket into the audience and the girls went wild. i'd never seen anything like it. the same thing happened with kennedy. if he hadn't pulled back from the crowd they would have taken his jacket off and stripped his shirt off. >> i love that you're 16 years old, you're going to high school and you're reporting on kennedy at your high school for a paper. i mean it's incredible. the book is just "chasing history, a kid in the newsroom" and comes out tomorrow. carl is going to join me wednesday on our digital show for more full circle. up next, now that a judge has okayed know novak djokovic to play in the australian open because he tested positive for covid on december 16th, here is a question. what was he doing on december 17th maskless at a public event for kids? we'll talk about it with former pro james blake. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit tennis star novak djokovic is now out of detention and a judge paved the way for him to stay in australia. but the saga isn't over yet. a spokesperson for australia's immigration minister says he is still considering canceling the visa and this, as questions surround his medical exemption. according to documents from australia's federal circuit court, djokovic was granted a vaccine exemption after testing positive for covid in december but multiple pictures on social media show him unmasked at events on the day he supposedly tested positive. it is unclear if he knew his results before attending the events. joining us, former professional tennis player james blake. >> so james, what do you make of the judge's decision today to restore his visa? >> well, i think it is a bit of a sad day for tennis, just because i think nobody looks good. it is good, we want to have the best players playing in every event, but it seems like the way it went down here, there was missed communication between tennis australia, state government, federal government, and novak not entirely being transparent about all of what he was doing, missing a deadline for the exemption. so the big thing for me as a player and as a tournament director is i want a fair field for everyone. if he had been transparent through the whole process this would be a lot easier to digest for a lot of people. >> djokovic said he tested positive on december 16th and he was seen at a live event without a mask that same day as well as the next day. it is kind of hard to square that. >> yeah. again, it raises a lot of questions. if i am a player, a rank and file player ranked 60th in the world that went through all the correct processes to be playing there, whether it is getting vaccinated, putting in your medical exemption earlier than december 10th, getting that exemption, and getting squared away to play, i'd have that question. why is his different? and what is different? there may be a simple answer. maybe he has, in his first press conference he will explain all this and let us know why he was unmasked on the 17th and 18th and still showing that he tested positive on the 16th. i don't know what that would be. but maybe he has a simple answer. >> do you worry that djokovic may have been treated differently for good or bad because of his status as a wealthy professional athlete? >> oh, definitely. i think there was a huge spotlight on him and that's where it would have made more sense to be transparent. because i think people were still in the dark about it. what is he going to do? he vaccinated, unvaccinated? and then he just pops up on social media and says i'm getting on a plane. and i think that threw everyone into a bit of a tizzy. in australia they were pretty frustrated with the fact they've been under these serious lockdowns and one of the greatest athletes of all time who is clearly one of the fittest athletes just says, well, i have my medical exemption and i'm ready to go without any explanation. i know tennis australia got two different types of information, the federal government saying covid in the last six months is okay. the state government saying, no, that's not okay. then not communicating that with the players accurately. because i do believe djokovic got on a plane thinking he had done everything he was supposed to do and he was ready to go. >> he is certainly no stranger to controversy, even though this situation is unique in his career. if he does get to play, how do you think it affects his chances for success from a mental standpoint? because he has, he seems to kind of thrive off, kind of, him against the world. >> yeah. i think he has done so well. there are certain athletes in general that thrive off that and want that me against the world attitude. some really shrivel under that and think they need the fans on their side and he has proven he has risen to the occasion when he has the crowd against him, when he is even portrayed as a villain, which i don't think he ever should be, but he is not a fan favorite a lot of times. and i think for him to get through the australian open, if he is able to play this year, would be one of the greatest accomplishments any tennis player has ever done mentally because of what he has been through. and not being able to train or be active at all for the last five days, go through all of this he has been through, and i can only imagine what he is going to walk out to in his first match and every match in australia, with all the fans who have been through what they've been through i have a feeling it is going to be really difficult to focus on strictly tennis. he has proven to be the best in the world at that but this is a challenge like he's never seen before. >> a pleasure to talk to you. thank you so much. >> thanks, anderson. >> the news continues. i'll hand it over to don f ff for "don lemon tonight." this is cnn breaking news. >> yes, we are beginning with breaking news. this is "don lemon tonight." the chicago teachers union is accepting a deal to open the schools. the mayor lori lightfoot is speaking. >> everything the parents have done over the difficult few days to make sure their voices were heard, i encourage you, keep going. we need you at the table always. some will ask who won and who lost

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Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240709

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jordan, the ranking republican and he will likely chair the committee if republicans take the house this fall. as such, you would think he would have deep respect for professional committees and the work they do when it comes to oversight. both of which he vigorously pursued when republicans ran the house. why did he snub a request to meet with the house select committee on january 6th. in his letters he said he had, quote, no relevant information to assist the select committee in advancing any legitimate legislative purpose. he didn't say he would have legislative information that would assist the committee, only a legitimate legislative purpose which he claimed he doesn't believe the committee has. it is a way of being less than honest without appearing to be. if the question is does he have anything of interest to the committee, the answer is clearly, yeah, he does. here's committee member adam schiff talking about text messages to former white house chief of staff mark meadows in and around the insurrection. >> i want to display just a few of the message he received from people in congress. if we could cue the first graphic. this one reads on january 6th, 2021, vice president mike pence as president of the senate should call out all electoral votes that he believes are unconstitutional as no electoral votes at all. >> so that message he read was from congressman jordan. it is a dubious legal theory on overturning the election, which he forwarded. again, this is the ranking member of the judiciary committee fronting a theory for a potential coup. the same jim jordan who is rarely at a loss for words except when it seems about something the committee wants to know about, his conversations with the former president that day. >> on january 6th, did you speak with him before, during or after the capitol was attacked? >> i have to go -- i -- i -- i spoke with him that day after. i think after. i don't know if i spoke to him in the morning or not. i don't know. i don't know that -- when those conversations happened, but -- but what i know is i spoke to him at one time. >> this is a guy who prides himself to pepper witnesses with rapid fire questions. it seems like it's different on the receiving end, doesn't it? or maybe that's how he thinks people talk when he has nothing to hide, which he has repeatedly claimed. here he is in jewel with manu raju. >> you had conversations with him leading up to january 6th? >> i had conversations with the president all the time. >> if they call me, i got nothing to hide. >> nothing to hide he said in july. here he is in october saying the same at contempt proceedings for steve bannon. >> are you willing to tell the select committee what you know about events leading up to, during and after that. >> i've got nothing to hide. i have been straightforward all along. >> notice again how slippery the language is. in both instances he's asked whether he's willing to talk to the committee. both instances he answers, i have nothing to hide. he doesn't say, yeah, i'll talk to the select committee. that's how washington works. really something special. especially for somebody who once lectured hillary clinton during the endless benghazi hearings. >> you said, quote, i'm being as transparent as possible. more transparent than anybody else ever has been. now, my definition of transparency includes being honest and straightforward, and being honest and straightforward right from the start, right from the get go. >> joining us for more on cnn ryan nobles at the capitol who just spoke with the congressman, what did he say? >> we tried to press him more on thesecooperate. i asked him if his letter meant he completely shut down the door or closed the door to talking to the committee and all he would do was refer me back to this letter. he said the letter answers all the questions we might have, so i pressed him morement would you be willing to sit in front of the committee in a public hearing and answer questions everyone can hear and see. again, he just referred me back to that letter. and then i asked him, you said at one point that you have nothing to hide. you still have nothing to hide. he again said he had nothing to hide but went on to say all the problems he has with the committee, the way it was formed, the way they handled their business but refused to say whether or not he would talk to the committee. the last thing we asked him was whether or not he's had any communication with president trump and his legal team. he simply would not answer that question, just referred us back, once again to that letter. >> there is new reporting late tonight on former vice president mike pence in regards to the committee. what do we know? >> yeah. so what this new york times report echoes, a lot of our reporting already is that the former vice president mike pence does seem to be at least open to the idea of speaking to the january 6th select committee, but he has not yet decided whether or not he's willing to do it whachlt the times report does get into which could be of a concern to the committee is that pence is a little upset about the perception about the level of cooperation with a number of aids that worked for him in and around the time of january 6th and how much they have been talking to the committee. now, we know that mark shore, his former chief of staff has been subpoenaed by the committee and of course his former national security adviser keith kellogg sat and told us afterward he was willing to cooperate. it appears pence does not want to be seen as a full willing participant of the committee's investigation perhaps of some blowback that that could provide him with those close to the former president donald trump. but at the end of the day, anderson, he's not closed the door to the idea of speaking to the committee. we know very specifically from the chairman and other members of the committee that they are very interested in hearing from the former vice president. >> ryan nobles, appreciate it. thank you. two former commentators mia love and joe walsh. congressman love and jim jordan clearly rel rent to the january 6th investigation. he was speaking to the former president at the time on the day, apparently, but without any details. he hasn't said when or how often. does it surprise you at all that a former sitting congressman is basically blowing off a congress mall committee? >> well, you know, it is really interesting to me that the committee decided to summon him and not subpoena him, which is a big difference. and in my experience, members of congress give each other a little bit of grace period, which is a little bit of grace when it comes to hearings because they -- you know, they respect them as former members of congress. so i think it's really interesting that they actually summoned and not subpoenaed him. i think that also jim jordan is probably looking and saying, hey, i was on the list to begin with. they didn't use me then. they probably don't need me now. i think that he should go. but my guess is these are -- this is the dynamic that's playing out in washington. >> yeah. congressman walsh, you also served in the house with jim jordan. you said you used to be good friends. what do you think his end game is here? politically i understand why he wouldn't do it. it certainly plays to the people who support him, i assume. >> anderson, this is what's so sad about this republican party. jim jordan, who i do know well can't testify in front of this committee because if he testified under oath, he would have to tell the truth. and if jim jordan told the truth about that day, his -- his career as a republican would be over because he'd have to say that he communicated with the president and donald trump incited the insurrection and they tried to get the president to act and he wouldn't act. that's the truth. and jim jordan knows all of that. but, anderson, if he said that, the average republican voter out there would be done with jim jordan. i mean, that's where the republican party is today. you simply can't tell the truth. >> you know, it's so interesting you are saying this because, i mean, even a guy like jim jordan who has bent over backwards to support the former president, who has, you know, pushed the big lie repeatedly gone to the matt for the former president, you are right, even if he did testify and he just told the truth, that would nullify all the other debasement he's done of himself for the former president in the eyes of the former president and his supporters. this former president will attack anyone who tells the truth, even if they have been incredibly loyal to him. >> anderson, it's -- and i'm not the only one to say this. the republican party is a cult. i know a lot of people say that. but what does that mean? that means they are all beholden to donald trump. and the base of the party which is beholden to trump. and as a cult, you can't speak the truth. look at mike pence. look at all the supplicating he did to donald trump for four or five years. and then on january 6th, anderson, he does his constitutional duty and as far as the republican party base is concerned, he's done. >> yeah. >> jordan knows that. >> congresswoman love, the fact that congressman jordon could become chairman of the judiciary committee if republicans take the house this year, it is fascinating when you look at his performance during the benghazi hearings, he was prosecuting that very strongly, asking -- he was relentless on that. it's just so different when the tables are turned. i mean, the hypocrisy here. >> yeah. and i think that's what's really difficult for representative jim jordan because if he does, i do agree if he does take the stand, it will put him -- i shouldn't say take the stand but actually appear before the committee, it would really put him in a difficult situation because he will be -- he will have to tell the truth and talk about everything that he knows what happened on january 6th. but i do disagree with the cult statement. i'm still a member of the republican party. i'm not abdicating my position. as a matter of fact, if you look at the former president's numbers and the support that he had, it's actually going down. and i'm pleased with that because campaigns really weren't about what happens yesterday. they're not about what happens today. they're about what is next. i think the american people are looking for leaders that are going to say this is -- i want you to prevent this from happening again. >> but the former president is still the standard bearer of the republican party. obviously, you are part of the republican party -- >> not mine. >> -- that has principals and adheres to basic facts and truth, but that's not -- i mean, could you win today running in that republican party without supporting the former president? >> i think you could. and you could look at youngkin who stayed away from being -- from trying to be tied to the president. he actually didn't run with the president, and he ran on issues that were important to the -- to his -- to the state and to the areas that he is going to represent. so i think that there is a path forward and we can see that, again, with the dropping numbers of support that the president is having. and i know there are members of congress that are actually going and they're trying to run still supporting the president. and i think those -- i think those members are going to lose or those people looking to be members of congress are going to lose. >> congressman walsh? >> i respect the heck out of mia love. but the fact is if you don't say donald trump won the election, you don't have -- you can't get elected this year as a republican. if you say january 6th was a violent attempt to overthrow the election, if you say that truth, anderson, there is no way on god's green earth as a republican you could win. >> look at ted cruz just saying the word "terrorist" about people who attack police officers on the day of the insurrection. >> yeah. >> and he gets, you know, a starring role in a way he didn't want on tucker carlson's show and dug probably severe damage to himself. but we shall see if support is fading. >> we shall see. >> appreciate it. thank you. >> thanks, anderson. coming up next, one of the lawmakers suing the former president after the judge hearing their case questions the lawyers who say a sitting president can say anything and not be held accountable in civil court. congressman eric swalwell joins us on that. and the latest on tennis great knonovak djokovic getting the o to play. which solves one problem of his playing. does nothing to answer questions about what he was doing out in public when he was supposed to be quarantining. more on that ahead. we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. 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>> we believe today that we presented enough facts to show that donald trump incited a mob, a violent mob at the capitol and that is well outside the bounds of presidential immunity. i know the judge had a lot of tough question for both seeds and we welcome that and i think he's going to carefully review it. this is about accountability. for too long, accountability has been a stranger that donald trump has never encountered. today in that courtroom, he met it. >> the former president cannot be held liable for actions he did not take. what do you say to that? >> in the key action, of course, that the judge pressed the former president's lawyer on was, well, if donald trump did not intend to incite the mob on january 6th, why didn't he just call off the mob? why did it take over two hours, three hours before he said anything at all? and there was no good answer other than, well, he's the president. he can say what he wants and he can't be held accountable for that. that's not good enough. in the law, when you incite a mob, you are held accountable. and this president did not do that in his official capacity as president. he did it as a loser of a presidential campaign. someone who had lost and was throwing out the legal means of trying to win the election and relying on violence and rhetoric. >> what is your -- what is the purpose in pursuing this lawsuit? >> accountability, anderson, to show the former president and those who stood with him that day that we are a country of law and order. and when you lose an election, you can see. you don't use violence. you don't use violent rhetoric. you don't fire up a mob and you don't stop me and my colleagues from lawfully counting the votes. if he's not held accountable for that, i'm convinced, anderson, that he's going to seek to do it again when he loses in 2024. again, this is about bringing something that has been a long time coming for donald trump, and that's accountability. >> do you -- i mean, if the judge rules in your favor, do you worry then in the future, any president can be sued by anybody for anything? >> well, you know, the judge in a moment that revealed just how difficult of a case this is, i think he noted that this is a very difficult, complex case because thankfully we have every had a president do this before. we have never had a president use, you know, his social media to call people to washington and then tell them when they're there that they have to fight like hell and they should go to the capital. thankfully that's never happened before. i would say, anderson, if the president is held accountable, it would be a message that that should never happen again. and that you to not have absolute immunity to do anything you want. you are a president. you are not a king, and that's what this lawsuit is about. >> there is multiple lawsuits at play. you know, you have house republican leader kevin mccarthy said today that if the gop wins back the house later this year, he'll seek to kick you and two of your democratic colleagues off your committees in retaliation for democrats kicking two fringe republicans off their committees, marjorie taylor greene and others and paul cosar for posting a video of killing alexandria ocasio-cortez in anime. >> he spends a lot of time thinking about and talking about me and mr. schiff. i'll say this. we are thinking about and doing what we can to help people and focussed on winning the midterms. he's targeting me and mr. schiff and ms. omar was we're effective. this is the trumpization of politics, that he's doing it purely for retaliation purposes and he's not offering a fig leaf as to why he's doing. we are calling him for the clu clux can elements in his caucus. he's projecting on to us what he can't do with his own colleagues. >> congressman swalwell, i appreciate your time. thank you. up next, will chicago schools be closed for yet another day, tomorrow? the latest showdown and we hear from one of several parents suing the teacher's union now over the walk-out. better skin from your body wash? try olay body wash with skincare super ingredient collagen! olay body wash hydrates to improve skin 3x better, from dry and dull to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. ♪ ♪ wow, we're crunching tons of polygons here! what's going on? where's regina? hi, i'm ladonna. i invest in invesco qqq, a fund that gives me access to the nasdaq-100 innovations, like real time cgi. okay... yeah... oh. don't worry i got it! become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. why does walgreens offer prescription copays as low as zero dollars? 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>> sure. thanks, anderson. our lawsuit alleges that what the union is doing is wrong. they cannot strike. both under illinois law and under the contract, they're prevented from going on strike unless the contract is terminated or expired, and it's not. so what they're doing is illegal and our lawsuit intends to stop it. >> laurel, you are the mom of three chicago public school students, an 11-year-old, twine 9-year-old boys. >> yes. >> first of all, how are you guys coping? i mean, how are you doing? >> it's a challenge every day. the boys -- my boys, they want to be in school. they want to be learning. and it's fairly chaotic around the house trying to find things to keep them busy, trying to get them to do some of the instructional assignments that they're putting forth on line that the schools are putting out. but there is no point in doing them because they're not graded and they're completely optional. >> wow, really. i didn't realize that. >> yeah. some of the principals have them put out instructional pamphlets that the kids can work on at home, busy work. >> and how much time have they spent just in the last, you know, during this pandemic, you know, from home instead of at school? >> in this most recent strike and shutdown? overall? they were home from september of 2020 until march of 2021. then they finished the school year until june. and then they went back to school in september of 2021 and were successfully attending in person every day up until this christmas break on december 17th was their last day. then they came back for two days in january now and they have been home ever since and now they're not even doing remote learning. >> and you have noticed -- i have talked to so many parents that no matter how hard you try with remote learning, you have noticed a difference in the results. >> oh, absolutely. two out of my three children have 504 plans which have accommodations and obviously with remote learning those accommodations cannot be met. it is impossible. >> jeffrey, i know the teachers union did something similar to this last year. how are they able to make a unilateral decision that impacts 340,000 students and families? >> well, the reality is because cps and the mayor refuse to enforce the law. and so they have let them do it last year. they let them do it last year around this time when cps was trying to get back to a hybrid model where kids would go back to school two days a week. that was delayed about a month because ctu tried to pull the same thing. in our lawsuit, we will try to end this so it doesn't happen again in the future. this is a tactic that ctu should not be able to use. >> laurel, how much do you think this is about covid and, you know, understandable concerns that some have about covid and how much do you think this is about the mayor and union's inability to get along. >> that was for laurel. >> i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> that's all right. >> i believe in the science. the science says that it's safe for the kids to be in school and it's safe for the teachers to be there. and since the beginning of this pandemic, our children have been used as pawns in this political hot potato between the ctu, the cps and mayor lightfoot. and it is our children that are paying the ultimate price for this. you know, i spoke to the mayor i guess it was on friday. she said they are going to be working through the weekend on this. she sounded optimistic about school getting to a resolution over the weekend. clearly that didn't happen. do you have any sense of how long this may go on for? >> i received an e-mail from two out of my three boys' schools this afternoon already, about 3:00, informing me that there was no school for tomorrow already. so i already -- i know there is nothing for tomorrow. and then i'll get another e-mail tomorrow afternoon probably telling me there is nothing for wednesday. >> laurel golden, i really appreciate you talking. you have been finding the time to do this must be difficult with all you have going on. jeffrey swab as well will continue to follow as well what happens in court. coming up, a different perspective on the covid surge, how the governor of colorado is pushing vaccines and saying no to shutdowns and how voters and health officials are reacting to it. to split across the top five stocks in the s&p 500®. you can also unlock short videos, step-by-step guides, and other easy-to-use tools designed for people just getting started. plus, investment professionals are on standby 24/7 if you ever have a question. it's the smarter way to start investing. ♪ one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. 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>> well, i see it as the end of the medical emergency, frankly. people who want to be protected are. those who get sick, it is almost entirely their own darn fault. >> dr. mark johnson is the president of the colorado medical society. he recently retired from his post as the public health director of jefferson county outside of denver. >> to say it's over feeds in to those who want it to be over and are telling us in medicine and in public health that we're overdoing it. it is not like we're trying to control people's lives, but that's kind of what it came off as. >> every recipe is my mom's, my dad's, my grandma's. >> daniel and his family operate four different restaurants in three different counties, each with their own set of local health guidelines. that's part of the local control the governor has advocated. >> how stressful is that? >> it's pretty stressful. it is a whirlwind. >> and confusing. >> very confusing. you never know what you are going to get. you see that in the industry. but now with so many different county rules, you really don't know what you're going to get any day of the week. >> and you're okay with that? >> of course we are. we have to figure out a way and continue moving forward. >> now we had the governor on a short time ago. is there any scenario under which the governor says he's going to return to statewide covid restrictions? >> well, we asked him that directly. a spokesperson for the governor didn't say -- answer that question directly, however. about 70% of the state's population in colorado over the age of 5 is fully vaccinated, so the spokesperson for the governor says that they are kind of moving beyond passed this idea of a small group of unvaccinated people in that state infringing on everyone else's ability to move beyond the pandemic. so you clearly get the sense they're trying to strike this balance between pushing the vaccine and getting people's lives back to normal as quickly as possible to kind of unravel the economic disruptions that the state and the country has suffered for most of the last two years. >> appreciate it. thank you. up next, karl bernstein joins us to talk about his first big assignment covering the kennedy inauguration to how his career led him to become the legend we all know. a new book out "chasing history." it feels too good to be true. it's kicking back and relaxing as we pick up your car. and when you get paid on the spot, it feels like scoring big. you know the feeling. you just never imagined you could get it from selling your car. well, with carvana, you can. experience the new way to sell a car. ♪"don't ya leave" by squeak e clean♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] ♪ [doorbell] all the delivery. no delivery fees. dashpass. i've always been running. to meetings. errands. now i'm running for me. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. we are always happy to have people on the program when they bring something that makes the act of reading and freshly experiencing a moment in time a pure pleasure. that goes double tonight. our guest is legendary journalist carl bernstein. his new book "chasing history: a kid in the news room" tells us how it began. it is such a great read. viewers familiar with your work in "the washington post," they may be surprised to know you began your work at the washington star. it is really a love letter to a newspaper industry which, sadly, in so many ways no longer exists. what made you decide to revisit that time? >> it was in some ways the most joyous experience of my life. i went to work in this great news room, got the greatest seat in the country at the age of 16. worked at the washington star from 1960 to '65 when so much was happening in america, in the capitol of the united states, civil rights, the assassination of kennedy. it was an amazing time in our history, and i was taught by the most amazing reporters of the 20th century in many regards. it's the best education you could have, and i dropped out of college and got really a superior education from these people who became my family really at "the star". >> what are the differences you see between a conservative paper in the 1960s and the conservative media of today? >> well, because this was a paper that was committed to the best obtainable version of the truth, to use a phrase that bob woodward and i used a lot during watergate, but that phrase has its roots in what i learned at the star. we called it the complexity of the truth. and it involves the kind of thing we did at watergate, knocking on a lot of doors, being good listeners, seeking outsources, being per se veerns, but that is something we were taught. t"the washington post" bled its editorial opinions on to the front page in those days and "the evening star" did not. it was conservative, but it had a much greater commitment to the truth in all its complexity and had reporters and editors. and that was their -- it was their first prin pl, that we are trying to tell and report and get the truth through great reporting. >> you know, i think part of the polarization of today is because journalism, we don't have the newspapers and local newspapers like we used to. we don't have in one sitting we don't have multiple newspapers covering things and that sense of community which one got and participation which one got from having those multiple points of view. you just don't have that anymore. >> no, you don't. and the other thing you don't have is the kind of aggressive reporting that was somewhat standard operating procedure in those days, knocking on doors as i have said. going to visit your sources not just in their offices but going to see them at night, having a relationship with them, sitting across from them at the table and really learn what's on their minds. one of the things about reporters is they're often not really good listeners. we were taught to be good listeners, that people may try to tell you the truth if you give them the chance, rather than shove a microphone in their face and run the other way and run back to the office once they have told you something. so we had a very different approach to what we see in so much mainstream news today. that's not to say there is not an awful lot of great reporting going on today. and to demonstrate it all you have to do is look at the reporting on the trump presidency. some of the greatest white house reporting in history. >> you know, i mean, there is so many great stories in this book. you were 16 years old. you saw john f. kennedy speak in 1960 when he was running for president in the book. >> he came to my high school. >> yeah, right. >> and i had just started at the paper and the state editor. and said, hey, you know the turf there. why don't you go with our that's what i did. >> but the speech didn't make any sense. >> no, it didn't. kennedy that day, kennedy, who could be the most eloquent of speakers, he had mixed up the pages of his speech with a speech that was supposed to have been given in california. and he said, no, i'm right here with the senator from california. he was actually there with the senator from tennessee. it was a mess. >> the crowd didn't care. >> the crowd did not care. they were mesmerized. i had gone to the rock 'n roll show in new york a couple years earlier when jerry lee lewis threw his jacket into the audience and the girls went wild. i'd never seen anything like it. the same thing happened with kennedy. if he hadn't pulled back from the crowd they would have taken his jacket off and stripped his shirt off. >> i love that you're 16 years old, you're going to high school and you're reporting on kennedy at your high school for a paper. i mean it's incredible. the book is just "chasing history, a kid in the newsroom" and comes out tomorrow. carl is going to join me wednesday on our digital show for more full circle. up next, now that a judge has okayed know novak djokovic to play in the australian open because he tested positive for covid on december 16th, here is a question. what was he doing on december 17th maskless at a public event for kids? we'll talk about it with former pro james blake. at fidelity, your dedicated advisor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of...this. this is the planning effect. are you taking a statin drug to reduce cholesterol? it can also deplete your coq10 levels. i recommend considering qunol coq10 along with your statin medication. the brand i trust is qunol. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit tennis star novak djokovic is now out of detention and a judge paved the way for him to stay in australia. but the saga isn't over yet. a spokesperson for australia's immigration minister says he is still considering canceling the visa and this, as questions surround his medical exemption. according to documents from australia's federal circuit court, djokovic was granted a vaccine exemption after testing positive for covid in december but multiple pictures on social media show him unmasked at events on the day he supposedly tested positive. it is unclear if he knew his results before attending the events. joining us, former professional tennis player james blake. >> so james, what do you make of the judge's decision today to restore his visa? >> well, i think it is a bit of a sad day for tennis, just because i think nobody looks good. it is good, we want to have the best players playing in every event, but it seems like the way it went down here, there was missed communication between tennis australia, state government, federal government, and novak not entirely being transparent about all of what he was doing, missing a deadline for the exemption. so the big thing for me as a player and as a tournament director is i want a fair field for everyone. if he had been transparent through the whole process this would be a lot easier to digest for a lot of people. >> djokovic said he tested positive on december 16th and he was seen at a live event without a mask that same day as well as the next day. it is kind of hard to square that. >> yeah. again, it raises a lot of questions. if i am a player, a rank and file player ranked 60th in the world that went through all the correct processes to be playing there, whether it is getting vaccinated, putting in your medical exemption earlier than december 10th, getting that exemption, and getting squared away to play, i'd have that question. why is his different? and what is different? there may be a simple answer. maybe he has, in his first press conference he will explain all this and let us know why he was unmasked on the 17th and 18th and still showing that he tested positive on the 16th. i don't know what that would be. but maybe he has a simple answer. >> do you worry that djokovic may have been treated differently for good or bad because of his status as a wealthy professional athlete? >> oh, definitely. i think there was a huge spotlight on him and that's where it would have made more sense to be transparent. because i think people were still in the dark about it. what is he going to do? he vaccinated, unvaccinated? and then he just pops up on social media and says i'm getting on a plane. and i think that threw everyone into a bit of a tizzy. in australia they were pretty frustrated with the fact they've been under these serious lockdowns and one of the greatest athletes of all time who is clearly one of the fittest athletes just says, well, i have my medical exemption and i'm ready to go without any explanation. i know tennis australia got two different types of information, the federal government saying covid in the last six months is okay. the state government saying, no, that's not okay. then not communicating that with the players accurately. because i do believe djokovic got on a plane thinking he had done everything he was supposed to do and he was ready to go. >> he is certainly no stranger to controversy, even though this situation is unique in his career. if he does get to play, how do you think it affects his chances for success from a mental standpoint? because he has, he seems to kind of thrive off, kind of, him against the world. >> yeah. i think he has done so well. there are certain athletes in general that thrive off that and want that me against the world attitude. some really shrivel under that and think they need the fans on their side and he has proven he has risen to the occasion when he has the crowd against him, when he is even portrayed as a villain, which i don't think he ever should be, but he is not a fan favorite a lot of times. and i think for him to get through the australian open, if he is able to play this year, would be one of the greatest accomplishments any tennis player has ever done mentally because of what he has been through. and not being able to train or be active at all for the last five days, go through all of this he has been through, and i can only imagine what he is going to walk out to in his first match and every match in australia, with all the fans who have been through what they've been through i have a feeling it is going to be really difficult to focus on strictly tennis. he has proven to be the best in the world at that but this is a challenge like he's never seen before. >> a pleasure to talk to you. thank you so much. >> thanks, anderson. >> the news continues. i'll hand it over to don f ff for "don lemon tonight." this is cnn breaking news. >> yes, we are beginning with breaking news. this is "don lemon tonight." the chicago teachers union is accepting a deal to open the schools. the mayor lori lightfoot is speaking. >> everything the parents have done over the difficult few days to make sure their voices were heard, i encourage you, keep going. we need you at the table always. some will ask who won and who lost

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