Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

jacksonville, he thanked the audience. he said, i had no idea i did a two-hour set tonight. i'm happily addicted again to this. for years, saget made america laugh, often at him, right, as the host of "america's funniest home videos." he made america laugh at itself as well but best known for being the wholesome single dad on "full house." >> daddy? am i still your little princess? >> oh, you got it, dude. >> the wholesome tv dad image was nothing like his standup which was dirty with a capital "d" it would make danny tanner blush. his fellow cast members loved him dearly. >> his "full house" co-stars weighed in, john stamos he'll never have another friend like him, olson twins are deeply saddened and heartbroken. saget raised money for comedians during the pandemic and came on "new day" and he was delightful. >> i made my own face mask out of my underwear. >> oh, god. >> hard to find humor in these times. don't get it out of the hamper, people, that's all i'll say. >> joining us comedian and friend of bob saget gilbert gottfried. you spoke to bob a few days ago. >> he sounded great. and is it is funny, like you mentioned, everybody thought that was him, the guy from "full house" like he was just this beloved, wholesome dad, and i found always talking to him the minute anything seemed to become at all sincere, or serious or heartfelt, it immediately we turn it to bad taste, and outrageousness. >> one of the things like gilbert it sounds like talking to you and all of his friends maybe in a different way than danny tanner, bob saget had such a good heart. you said he was beloved as this father. he was beloved as bob saget. >> yes, everybody liked him. i found out yesterday, last night jeff ross called me and he said, "sad news, bob saggette has died." i always enjoy a sick joke and so i was waiting for the punch line, and then that didn't come, and now i feel like it's a day later, i'm still waiting for the punch line to happen to say no, it was all a joke. because yeah, everybody liked bob. >> 65 years of punch lines and laughs and joy together. some i would say at your expense, actually. i think we have a clip of bob saget roasting you, and this is sort of typical without the foul language of what his humor was like. listen. >> gilbert gottfried, gilbert. [ cheers and applause ] why are you always squinting? seriously. it's like you're staring at an eclipse. i'm sorry, it's your career. >> so tell us what it was like? what was the conversation between you and bob saget like? >> it would be like i said sometimes we got serious about something. if we got serious, we'd get poor taste and outrageous. i remember in particular for a while, we started sending emails to each other, and then we both had an idea, let's put all these emails together, and make it into a book, and then his manager read the emails and said, no, the public is not seeing this. and that was kind of like talking to bob, because i had spoken to him recently, and he's been on my podcast and i've been on his, and we always turned to something deranged and, but no, he was a caring person, and very quick, and yes, i remember one time recently talking on the phone with him and we were discussing norm mcdonald's passing, and now this. so it's been a bad couple of weeks. >> yes. it's been a lot, a big loss for the comedy world. we were watching norm mcdonald's comments about bob saget earlier and one of the things, gilbert, that is difficult for people today is just 65 is young and this was so sudden. >> yes, i remember growing up they would have like comedy sketches or sometimes more serious, and there would be a decrepit old man on a park bench with a long, white beard and his hands shaking and holding his cane, and he'd go "i'm 60 years old," and back then, 60, that was, yes, your, that was as old as you could imagine, and now, him being 65, that's not an old age anymore. so you know, i'm still? shock by it. >> too young. too young and too soon. gilbert gottfried, we thank you for your time this morning. we are sorry for your loss. i know the entire community which you're a key part of this morning misses bob saget dearly. he was a friend to all of you. thank you. >> thank you. this morning at least 19 people have died including new york city's deadliest fire in 30 years in the bronx. 60 people were injured and 32 went to the hospital with life-threatening conditions. firefighters arrived within minutes, they found victims on every floor of the building and officials say that the death toll is likely to climb. we just heard that from new york city's mayor. shimon prokupecz live from the bronx. so many questions, it was a smoke event how the smoke spread so rapidly through the building and why there weren't precautions in place that were working to stop it. >> right. and the key here, what we're hearing from fire officials is the fact when they got here, they got here within minutes. there were flames shooting out of a third floor apartment, and the smoke, it was the smoke that spread through this entire building, this 19-story building, where smoke enveloped the entire building, and the people inside that burning apartment running out, the fire was so hot, they ran out of the apartment, and the door, the door to the apartment remained open, which then allowed smoke to spread through the entire 19-story building, stairwells and every floor of the building and people panicked. the fire department started getting 911 calls of people saying they were trapped inside their apartments and as they tried to escape, they went through the stairwells and there was thick, black smoke, choking many of them, trapping them, fire officials finding many people unconscious, including kids, nine dead kids inside the stairwells. the mayor spoke about the investigation and what they are looking at is that door. there was a mechanism for it to close shut when people leave and for some reason, that did not happen. the mayor talking about that this morning. >> we were instructed there were self-closing doors. we need to see if there was any form of malfunction. we can't make that determination until the fire marshals conduct their thorough investigation, but the doors in the building did have self-closing mechanism. we're looking at that specific door. >> it was heroic efforts by the firefighters who themselves were running out of air as their oxygen tanks were completed, as they were trying to rescue so many people out of this building. 19 people dead, nine of them children. there is video and photos of firefighters carrying small kids out of the building, trying to save them and as you said, b brianna, there is an investigation. the fire to a mattress which caused the thick, black smoke to spread through the building. >> just unimaginable loss. shimon, thank you for the report. breaking overnight, a legal victory for tennis star novak djokovic, what we just learned about his covid diagnosis and what he decided to do the day he tested positive, and hundreds of thousands of children in chicago home from school, a fourth straight day. how long will this standoff last? and the golden globes were last night. they were perhaps you say? yes, they were. maybe you didn't see them. you were not alone. we have the big winners and the big surprises. breaking overnight a stunning court victory for novak djokovic. a judge in australia ordering the tennis star's release from immigration detention, reversing the state's decision to cancel his visa, but his tenure in australia and whether he'll be allowed to compete in the australian open are still open questions. paula hancocks joins us from melbourne, australia, with the latest. paula, this caused the uproar in a country that suffered through so many lockdowns. >> that's right, brianna. he has won the battle but maybe not the war. we know novak djokovic is a free man. we've been here from a press conference, his family in serbia says he's already gone on to a tennis court to practice, trying to get his mind towards the australian open. what we heard from the judge today was that he ordered him to be released, ordered that the government pay for all his legal costs and said that there was procedural issues with him being refused or canceling that visa, saying that he was not allowed to speak to his lawyer or to tennis australia organizers and that was incorrect. so now he is a free man, but we've already heard from the immigration ministry saying that they reserve the right for the minister himself to actually turn this over once again, and say that he personally will cancel the visa. we do not know if he will do that. we know that the ministry is currently looking at this. what we have heard today has really risen some questions, there was an affidavit djokovic tested positive for covid-19 on december 16th, the same day as he went to a public event without a mask. we also saw in the next day, he went to public events maskless as well. he was surrounded at one point by a number of young people, so certainly there are questions as to why he would have been in that situation knowing he tested positive for covid-19. sentiment in australia itself, there are serbian supporters of djokovic in melbourne that support him but in the wider australian public, there is little sympathy for him. there has been some tough decisions made in this country during covid. they've had some of the most strict border controls in the world and there have been some heartbreaking stories of australians not being able to leave, to attend funerals of loved ones, not being able to come into the country for two years to see loved ones, even those that are sick, and so amongst many australians, there is a sentiment that there is a celebrity who has been subjected to different rules than they were. brianna? >> we'll see if that stands, as you mentioned. paula hancocks, thank you so much. so our next guest says djokovic is another whiney sports superstar with screwy ideas in an exaggerated sense of entitlement. joining us now, "washington post" columnist max bout. max, how do you really feel? >> well, this is just so nauseating, this whole spectacle, john, of having novak djokovic try to flout the rules to gain the system and to have his father compare him to spartacus to represent the poor of the world, give me a break. this is absurd. >> this may not be the end of it as you heard in paula's report. the ministry that has jurisdiction, max, could still pull this. do you think they should? >> absolutely. kick him out of the country and i think the u.s. should not let him in to play the u.s. open unless he gets vaccinated. at the end of the day, novak djokovic refuses to get vaccinated. he thinks he knows better than the medical establishment and every country in the world saying you have to get vaccinated to keep yourself safe and to keep other people safe. he refuses to do it and in 2020, during the height of the pandemic, he even held a tennis tournament in the balkans where people were partying indoors, he and his wife got sick, he seems to have learned nothing from that experience and let me just point out, brianna, that he is claiming that he should be allowed into australia based on having gotten an infection supposedly on december 16th, even though he was seen in public without a mask in the days that followed, but what was he planning to do if he wasn't infected on december 16th? that was his whole plan to get into the u.s. open, to catch a deadly disease? it doesn't add up. >> so you're questioning whether or not he even has the covid he said he had, which is what grants him the technical exemption under the rules. how did the nation or i don't know what you call this a kingdom, brianna keilar, australia? the country of australia. >> don't embarrass me, pop quiz i should know. >> the country has one set of rules that would not let him in but the state of victoria, where the tournament is has another set which would let him in with the tournament's okay if he had the previous case in december. you're questioning whether, max, he had it. >> i do question. skepticism is in order. why would this number one world tennis player rely on getting sick with this disease in order to be able to play this grand slam tournament. it doesn't make a lot of sense. all i know is djokovic is admitting that he refuses to get vaccinated and australia is a country that has had some of the strictest lockdowns in the world, dealing with another surge of the disease. this is the kind of behavior that no ordinary person could possibly get away with, you know. somebody is showing up in australia who is not a famous mult multijillianaire tennis superstar. clearly one rule for athletes and one for another. it was an egalitarian country, australia. >> max boot, "washington post" columnist and apparently new rafael nadal fan. >> i love federer and nadal, they're classy. djokovic a great player about you no class. >> thanks, marx. 340,000 students in chicago waking up this morning and not going to school. we're going to speak to a parent who is taking action against the teachers union there. really stunning video of a cliff collapsing onto tourist boats in brazil. what caused this. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at a four-alarm fire in the bronx apartment complex left 19 people dead including nine children. officials say it appears the blaze was sparked by a malfunctioning space heater. more than 60 people were injured and officials expect the death toll to climb. joining us now is dr. ernest patty from st. barnabas hospital, new york, who treated patients being brought in from the fire all day. i know the entire city, the bronx grateful to you and the work that you did but i also know it must have been just horrible yesterday. >> thank you, john, for having me. yes, it was horrible and you have to remember, we had a tremendous team yesterday at st. barnabas hospital. i'm just a small piece of it. we're bronx strong and st. barnabas always ritzs to the challenge but i have to say, all of us being parents and having family members and loved ones, it was a really tragic day for us. >> you say being parents, is that because many of the people you were seeing were children? >> yes. >> and the patients that you were treating, what were they there with? >> the vast majority of patients that came in, you have to remember, this was considered a mass casucasualty incident, clo to 30 patients within a short period of time, with smoke inhalation and many came in cardiopulmonary arrest requiring immediate care, immediate, that including cpr and airway secure and a lot of critical conditions came in at one time. >> smoke inhalation, cardiac care, of course which speaks to the issue there. wasn't necessarily the fire itself, it was the smoke that took so many lives there. you say it was a mass casualty event, 20, 30 patients coming in at once. what's that like when you're in the er? >> it's a period where we have to mobilize all of our resources rapidly. we got a quick phone call on our red phone from ems letting us know there was a fire in the bronx close by. we activated our alarms and get staff from the other areas of the hospital critical care, medicine, nursing, everyone converges on the emergency department to help in the resuscitation effort of all these people. we break into teams and each team gets assigned to a patient and all of this happens simultaneously, which is challenging, john. >> especially when you know more people are coming in. smoke inhalation, how do you treat that? >> basically we have to be very careful. requires oxygen administration and many times intubating people and putting them on a ventilator or respirator. don't forget, not only is it the smoke that sort of clogs your lungs, it's also the heat that can injure your airways, causing them to swell and preventing you from breathing and exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. it's a very challenging situation, so many of the folks went on ventilators and respirators and then you send them to hyperbaric chambers so we transferred out a number of folks for hyperbaric medicine, you give them higher concentrations of oxygen so our surrounding hospitals that have hyperbaric chambers helped us out in that venture. >> all the more challenging and taxing when it is children you're dealing with. dr. patti, thank you to you and your entire team for everything you continue to do. >> my pleasure. i just want to remember, it's the compassion and the human condition, you know, everybody rose to the challenge yesterday to try to help our community. thank you, john. >> the community is grateful. thanks, doc. this morning, classes at chicago public schools are canceled again. we're not talking remote, just flat-out canceled for the fourth day in a row as the standoff between the city and the chicago teachers union drags on amid a covid-19 surge. chicago mayor lori lightfoot praised parents for speaking out against the teachers union. >> parents are outraged, and they are making their outrage known to the teachers union. this is a very different dynamic than ever before. we've got enormous amount of parent activism. they are writing letters, emails, they are protesting, they're holding press conferences. >> joining me now is michelle eagan, whose daughter attends a chicago public school. she's organized a petition that urges the chicago teachers union to report to work and reopen schools, and it has garnered a lot of support online. michelle, you're getting about a thousand new signatures a day here. tell us, you know, what you want and who you're holding accountable for this shutdown. >> absolutely. so we want cps first and foremost to know that we do not want to go to remote learning, and we want them to continue to hold their ground. we do not want to see cps give in to the teachers' demands or walkout. the science around this is so clear and we want the decisions to be based on science. we're very frustrated that there are no public health leaders standing up and saying that we should be moving to remote learning environment, especially for a district of this size, and so we want our union and we want cps to be making this decision based on science. >> so what do you think is going on here? because just for people who aren't familiar with the chicago public school district. >> yes. >> almost all of the teachers are vaccinated, right? >> that's right. 96% i believe. >> so it's sort of a mixed bag obviously with the kids, which is the case all over the country. >> right. >> what is going on here, do you think, that has the teachers union saying no? three out of four teachers in the district? >> you know, it's a great question, and one of the things that we're really frustrated about is, it's very clear public health leaders are saying the classroom is the safest place for our kids, and even the rates, the covid rates that cps has published, they're lower within the cps community than they are out in the general community, so as parents, you know, we saw over the holiday break, we saw our teachers going on vacations and visiting families, and they absolutely should be doing that, but to return to school three days later, and say that they don't feel comfortable being in the classroom, when the public health community says it's safe, and the rates within the community of kids is lower than what they face when they go to the grocery store or when they get their nails done, or when they're out in just the general community living their lives. you know, we have to move on. we have to live our lives with this pandemic, and so we really want the teachers to get back to work. >> what was it like for your daughter doing remote learning? >> it was hard. i was talking with her last night about it, and she said you know, i was doing so well before the pandemic, and in remote learning, like millions of kids, she struggled, and so when we went back to school in the fall, she came back, you know, her grades came back. she figured out a way to, you know, work and get back to where she was before, and she's really proud of that, and so now, to have this happen, and to have this kind of threat of moving an entire district of this size to remote learning, and thinking about her going back through that again, she said to me last night, she said "mom, this is when i'm supposed to be preparing for high school" and she should be given that opportunity to really test herself and push herself in the classroom. but the remote learning environment isn't going to cut it. >> so covid testing was not great in chicago public schools. just to be clear, it's not like every student got tested before they were to go back and a lot of testing results were invalidated. do you think this would be more clear-cut'testing had been better by the public school system? >> you know, i really don't know. i think maybe that's possible. cps is on an opt-in testing program, which puts the decision of whether or not a child gets tested in the hands of the parents, and for a community of this size, and for a community that's this diverse, you know, some parents have access to technology and some parents, there's even language barriers as well. and so cps has to take all those things into account when they're deciding what the best path is and i think the mayor beliefs right now in the opt-in program and putting that power and decision back into the hands of the parents and that seems to be the right thing to do right now. >> whoever is accountable here, and people have different opinions on it, clearly you have yours. it's the kids that are paying for it, that is what is so clear. >> absolutely. >> it's cost them so much already. michelle, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. here's what else to watch today. some are calling this the most tenuous moment in europe since the end of the cold war. we have the latest on the high stakes talks that are under way right now between the u.s. and russia. and what a supreme court justice said about kids and covid that was wrong. we have a fact check next. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360® smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. time for "5 things to know" for your new day. tributes pouring in for one of america's most beloved tv fathers, bob saget, playing danny tanner on "full house passed away. his body found in an orlando hotel room. no signs of foul play or drug use. bob saget was 65 years old. at least 19 people died, including nine children in the bronx in new york city's deadliest fire in 30 years. 63 people were injured and still 32 who have gone to the hospital with life-threatening conditions. fire fighters found victims on every floor of the building and officials say the death toll is likely to climb. novak djokovic, the world's number one tennis player says he wants to stay in australia and compete in the's frailian open after a stunning victory in court. a judge ordered the government to restore the tennis star's visa and release him from immigration detention. the government warns it may still cancel his visa from being unvaccinated ahead of next week's australian open. a standoff between the teachers union and chicago's public schools drags into a second week, students missing a fourth consecutive day of school. both sides are talking but remain far apart on covid protocols. officials from the u.s. and russia holding high-stakes talks in geneva. the u.s. is seeking to prevent the russian invasion of ukraine and russia eyes expansive security demands. diplomats are publicly pessimistic about the chances of progress. >> you can see more on these stories all day on cnn and and download the 5 things podcast every morning, go to and find it wherever you get your podcasts. during supreme court oral arguments over president biden's mandates justice sonia sotomayor made a false claim about child hospitalizations. >> those numbers show that omicron is as dead ly and cause as much serious in the unvaccinated as delta did. we have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before in serious condition and many on ventilators. >> cnn's daniel dale has a fact check. >> the justice was just plain inaccurate here. according to the latest federal data, there are actually about 5,000 people under the age of 18 in u.s. hospitals with cases of covid-19. that is far from over 100,000, and not all of those roughly 5,000 are in "serious condition." now the justice could have correctly said that the number of u.s. children in hospital with covid-19 is at a record level, and she could have said that the rate is rising sharply, but over 100,000 in serious condition? that's just wrong. john and breeja that? ? brianna. people have died after a huge slab of rock fell off of a cliff on to several tourist boats below. cnn's matt rivers has more on this. >> i'm matt rivers in mexico city. further south in brazil a horrific tragedy you almost have to see to believe. a warning to our viewers, some might find the video disturbing, from a blake in brazil, part of a rock face collapses in spectacular fashion down onto the lake below, all that dirt and rock, some of it fell onto boats on the lake at the time. authorities saying that ten people were killed as a result of this collapse, an additional 32 injured at least so far. a geologist told cnn brazil it was likely a preexisting fracture in the rock along with heavy rain over the past couple of weeks that caused the collapse. >> terrible video. two security soldiers have been killed in kazakhstan, the discovery hours after the country's president claimed order had been restored and framed the recent deadly protests as an attempted coup. cnn's frederik pleitgen is live on the border with the latest in this real sense of upheaval inside kazakhstan. >> you're right. a sense of upheaval and fast-moving situation inside kazakhstan. one of the things the president of the country said is he did say he believed this was an attempted coup and also said he believed that some of the protesters were trained outside of the country. again, once again talking about foreign influence on all of that, so far we have to say no evidence has been provided by the kazakh government. they say that so far around 8,000 people have been detained in relation to those protests. of course, they were so tough and deadly and took place in kazakhstan last week. the death toll at 165, and more than 100 of those in one city alone of almati the largest city and where we did see a lot of the video of security forces opening fire on people and going there house to house and street to street. a lot of the violence taking place there in that city. the kazakh government said they are getting the situation under control and turned off the internet for a while and the reason why they're getting it under control, they have foreign troops on the ground and most of those foreign troops are coming from russia. there was a call today from the collective security treaty organization, that's a russia-led military alliance here in this area, and on that call, vladimir putin also said that he believed foreign influence was at play there. he said that he believed midon tactics were being used, referring to the protest that happened in ukraine in 2014 and the russians are saying their troops are going to stay on the ground there as long as needed. once again, you can see the russians expanding their influence here in the region. >> huge international implications there with russia perhaps exploiting the situation. frederik pleitgen, thank you for being there for us. just released data that spells bad news for one of president biden's major policy goals. and a major loss overnight of the one and only bob saget. >> i don't know where i'll see you next, on the show, on a tape or in front of your home, but i have to say, take care of yourselves and keep those cameras safely rolling. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? 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the latest on where things stand with the omicron surge. spoiler alert, player 001 in "s "squid game" did i say that right, i'm afraid to watch it, is a winner again. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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, Efforts , Oxygen Tanks , Air , Video , Children , Photos , B Brianna , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Victory , Mattress , Thick , Report , Covid 19 , Standoff , School , Home , Chicago , Thousands , Diagnosis , Hundreds , Winners , Surprises , Golden Globes , Judge , Australia , Decision , Court Victory , Immigration Detention , Estate , Release , Tennis Star S , Latest , Visa , Paula Hancocks , Australian Open , Melbourne , Tenure , Uproar , Country , Lockdowns , War , Battle , Man , Family , Tennis Court , Mind , Press Conference , Practice , Serbia , Government , Pay , Costs , Issues , Lawyer , Immigration Ministry , Minister , Tennis Australia , Organizers , Ministry , Covid 19 On December 16th , Affidavit , Number , Event , Maskless , Events , Saw , Point , December 16th , 16 , Situation , Sentiment , Djokovic , Itself , Supporters , World , Wider Australian , Decisions , Stories , Sympathy , Border Controls , Sick , Funerals , Loved Ones , Leave , Rules , Celebrity , Stands , Guest , Whiney Sports Superstar , Sense , Ideas , Columnist , Entitlement , Washington Post , Max Bout , Spectacle , Break , System , Poor , Max Boot , End , Jurisdiction , Paula S Report , Establishment , U S Open , Safe , Tennis Tournament , Experience , Height , Wife , Balkans , 2020 , Infection , Plan , Disease , Questioning , It Doesn T Add Up , Exemption , Kingdom , Nation , Pop Quiz , Question , Tournament , Case , Victoria , Questioning Whether , Order , Tennis Player , It Doesn T , Skepticism , Grand Slam , Omicron Surge , Kind , Somebody , Behavior , Mult Multijillianaire Tennis Superstar , Another , Rule , Nadal , Athletes , Federer , Rafael Nadal Fan , Parent , Player , Thanks , Teachers Union , There , Students , Class , Action , Djokovic A Great , Marx , 340000 , Brazil , Cliff Collapsing Onto Tourist Boats , Me And You , Trees , Green Red , What A Wonderful World , Migraine , Dose , Nausea , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Tracks , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Side Effects , 2 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Administration , Breathing , Folks , Heat , Lungs , Airways , Exchange , Carbon Dioxide , Hyperbaric Medicine , Respirators , Concentrations , Hospitals , Venture , Patti , Pleasure , Hyperbaric Chambers , Human Condition , Classes , Compassion , Doc , Chicago Public Schools , Chicago Teachers Union , Row , Lori Lightfoot , Dynamic , Amount , Outrage , Michelle Eagan , Change Org , Daughter , Press Conferences , Activism , Writing Letters , Schools , Support , Shutdown , Petition , A Thousand , Remote Learning Environment Isn T , Ground , Teachers , Science , Walkout , Demands , Cps Give , Cps , Health , District , Size , Leaders , Union , Learning Environment , Aren T , Bag , Three , 96 , Classroom , Rates , Cps Community , Holiday Break , Families , Vacations , Grocery Store , Nails , Grades , Millions , Threat , High School , Mom , Opportunity , Again , Student , Covid Testing , Testing Results , Don T Know , Public School System , Clear Cut Testing , Child , Program , Whether , Opt In Testing , Barriers , Path , Technology , Account , Power , Opt In Program , Beliefs , Opinions , Russia , High Stakes , Supreme Court Justice , Cold War , Europe , Sleep , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Fact Check , Problem , Temperature Balancing , Prices , Season , Cold , Movements , 360 , Delivery , Weekend Special , Interest , Miss , Base , Night After , Plus , Ends Monday , Smart Beds , 1000 , 0 , 36 , 000 , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , On By , High , Breeze Driftin , Medicines , Stand , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Ways , Feelin Good , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Won T , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Risk , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Pain , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Swelling , Eye , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Circle , Therapies , Healthcare , Mental Illness , Trelegy Com , Researchers , Professionals , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Mental Illness To Wellness , Someone , Brain Performance , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Six , Neuriva , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , Carvana , 100 , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Value , Spot , House , Tv Fathers , Tributes , 5 , Body , Signs , Hotel Room , Orlando , 63 , The World , Supreme Court , Tennis Star , Number One , Frailian Open , Being Unvaccinated , Sides , Covid Protocols , Ukraine , Security Demands , Invasion , Talks , Eyes , Diplomats , Holding High , Geneva , Russian , Cnn , Progress , Chances , President , Justice , Child Hospitalizations , Podcasts , Claim , Biden S Mandates , Oral Arguments , Sonia Sotomayor , Numbers , Omicron , Ly , Unvaccinated , Delta , 100000 , Data , Condition , Ventilators , Age , Daniel Dale , 5000 , Cases , Serious Condition , 18 , Rate , Level , Rock , Slab , Cliff , Mexico City , South , Matt Rivers , Lake , Dirt , Rock Face , Tragedy , Fashion , Warning , Result , Collapse , Geologist , Boats , Authorities , Ten , Kazakhstan , Preexisting , Fracture , Security Soldiers , Heavy Rain , Protests , Coup , Upheaval , Frederik Pleitgen , Border , Protesters , Influence , Evidence , Kazakh Government , Relation , 8000 , 165 , Violence , Street To , Almati , Security Forces , Troops , Most , Internet , Call , Vladimir Putin , Area , Military Alliance , Collective Security Treaty Organization , Midon , Protest , Russians , Region , Implications , Tactics , 2014 , Joe Biden , Policy Goals , The One And Only , Bad News , Yourselves , Tape , Front , Cameras , Moderate , Psoriasis , On Unsweetened Lipton , Choices , Splash , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Pill , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Otezla , Cream , Entrance , 75 , Depression , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Weight , History , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Planning , High Standards , Bath , Treatment , Headache , Quality , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Homes , Bath Fitter , Bathfitter Com , Consultation , Two Million , Burning , Itching , Stinging , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Painful , Symptoms , Medication , Infections , Reactions , Ability , Grilled Cheese , Cheese , Vaccine , Mac , Advisor , Inventions , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Wealth , Panera , , Planning Effect , Balance , Picture , Reward , Direction , Carbon Emissions , Analysis , Increase , 6 , Planet Cooking Pollution Emissions , Implication , Climate Goals , Bill Weir , Chief Climate Correspondent , 2021 , Coal , Fuel , Shutdowns , Vengeance , Economy , Shortage , Time , Incentives , Utilities , Natural Gas , Punishments , 17 , Scientists , Emissions , Levels , Pledges , 2005 , Eight , Version , Eu , Price , Information , Copernicus , Climate Inaction , Nasa , Trend , Rest , La Nina , Pacific , Seven , Confirmation , 00 Billion , 100 Billion , Bill , Disaster Costs , Climate , Trillion , 1 Trillion , L A Public Schools , Testing Program , Positive Covid , You Bet , 201 , 50000 , Squid Game , Alone , Spoiler Alert , 001 , Winner , Doug , Northwestern Mutual , Limu Emu , Limu , Isn T , Whistles , Sec , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Liberty Serena , 3 , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Cgrp Protein , Cause , Serena , Cyp3a4 , Next , Health Insurance , Preventive Care , Blood Pressure Checkups , Cholesterol , California , Baby , Enrollment Ends , Coveredca Com , January 31st , 31 , Breakout Star From The Hit , Stuff , Korean , Television , Best Actor In A Supporting Role , 77 , Ento Res , Speeches , O Yeong Su , Squid Games , Irony , Fans , I Wish You A Beautiful Life , Uppers , Need , Ted Lasso , Lasso , Jason , Ted , He Tsedakis , List , Coverage , I Don T Know Why , English , Bia Bianno Golodryga , Apartment Complex , Worst , Jim Sciutto , Injured ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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jacksonville, he thanked the audience. he said, i had no idea i did a two-hour set tonight. i'm happily addicted again to this. for years, saget made america laugh, often at him, right, as the host of "america's funniest home videos." he made america laugh at itself as well but best known for being the wholesome single dad on "full house." >> daddy? am i still your little princess? >> oh, you got it, dude. >> the wholesome tv dad image was nothing like his standup which was dirty with a capital "d" it would make danny tanner blush. his fellow cast members loved him dearly. >> his "full house" co-stars weighed in, john stamos he'll never have another friend like him, olson twins are deeply saddened and heartbroken. saget raised money for comedians during the pandemic and came on "new day" and he was delightful. >> i made my own face mask out of my underwear. >> oh, god. >> hard to find humor in these times. don't get it out of the hamper, people, that's all i'll say. >> joining us comedian and friend of bob saget gilbert gottfried. you spoke to bob a few days ago. >> he sounded great. and is it is funny, like you mentioned, everybody thought that was him, the guy from "full house" like he was just this beloved, wholesome dad, and i found always talking to him the minute anything seemed to become at all sincere, or serious or heartfelt, it immediately we turn it to bad taste, and outrageousness. >> one of the things like gilbert it sounds like talking to you and all of his friends maybe in a different way than danny tanner, bob saget had such a good heart. you said he was beloved as this father. he was beloved as bob saget. >> yes, everybody liked him. i found out yesterday, last night jeff ross called me and he said, "sad news, bob saggette has died." i always enjoy a sick joke and so i was waiting for the punch line, and then that didn't come, and now i feel like it's a day later, i'm still waiting for the punch line to happen to say no, it was all a joke. because yeah, everybody liked bob. >> 65 years of punch lines and laughs and joy together. some i would say at your expense, actually. i think we have a clip of bob saget roasting you, and this is sort of typical without the foul language of what his humor was like. listen. >> gilbert gottfried, gilbert. [ cheers and applause ] why are you always squinting? seriously. it's like you're staring at an eclipse. i'm sorry, it's your career. >> so tell us what it was like? what was the conversation between you and bob saget like? >> it would be like i said sometimes we got serious about something. if we got serious, we'd get poor taste and outrageous. i remember in particular for a while, we started sending emails to each other, and then we both had an idea, let's put all these emails together, and make it into a book, and then his manager read the emails and said, no, the public is not seeing this. and that was kind of like talking to bob, because i had spoken to him recently, and he's been on my podcast and i've been on his, and we always turned to something deranged and, but no, he was a caring person, and very quick, and yes, i remember one time recently talking on the phone with him and we were discussing norm mcdonald's passing, and now this. so it's been a bad couple of weeks. >> yes. it's been a lot, a big loss for the comedy world. we were watching norm mcdonald's comments about bob saget earlier and one of the things, gilbert, that is difficult for people today is just 65 is young and this was so sudden. >> yes, i remember growing up they would have like comedy sketches or sometimes more serious, and there would be a decrepit old man on a park bench with a long, white beard and his hands shaking and holding his cane, and he'd go "i'm 60 years old," and back then, 60, that was, yes, your, that was as old as you could imagine, and now, him being 65, that's not an old age anymore. so you know, i'm still? shock by it. >> too young. too young and too soon. gilbert gottfried, we thank you for your time this morning. we are sorry for your loss. i know the entire community which you're a key part of this morning misses bob saget dearly. he was a friend to all of you. thank you. >> thank you. this morning at least 19 people have died including new york city's deadliest fire in 30 years in the bronx. 60 people were injured and 32 went to the hospital with life-threatening conditions. firefighters arrived within minutes, they found victims on every floor of the building and officials say that the death toll is likely to climb. we just heard that from new york city's mayor. shimon prokupecz live from the bronx. so many questions, it was a smoke event how the smoke spread so rapidly through the building and why there weren't precautions in place that were working to stop it. >> right. and the key here, what we're hearing from fire officials is the fact when they got here, they got here within minutes. there were flames shooting out of a third floor apartment, and the smoke, it was the smoke that spread through this entire building, this 19-story building, where smoke enveloped the entire building, and the people inside that burning apartment running out, the fire was so hot, they ran out of the apartment, and the door, the door to the apartment remained open, which then allowed smoke to spread through the entire 19-story building, stairwells and every floor of the building and people panicked. the fire department started getting 911 calls of people saying they were trapped inside their apartments and as they tried to escape, they went through the stairwells and there was thick, black smoke, choking many of them, trapping them, fire officials finding many people unconscious, including kids, nine dead kids inside the stairwells. the mayor spoke about the investigation and what they are looking at is that door. there was a mechanism for it to close shut when people leave and for some reason, that did not happen. the mayor talking about that this morning. >> we were instructed there were self-closing doors. we need to see if there was any form of malfunction. we can't make that determination until the fire marshals conduct their thorough investigation, but the doors in the building did have self-closing mechanism. we're looking at that specific door. >> it was heroic efforts by the firefighters who themselves were running out of air as their oxygen tanks were completed, as they were trying to rescue so many people out of this building. 19 people dead, nine of them children. there is video and photos of firefighters carrying small kids out of the building, trying to save them and as you said, b brianna, there is an investigation. the fire to a mattress which caused the thick, black smoke to spread through the building. >> just unimaginable loss. shimon, thank you for the report. breaking overnight, a legal victory for tennis star novak djokovic, what we just learned about his covid diagnosis and what he decided to do the day he tested positive, and hundreds of thousands of children in chicago home from school, a fourth straight day. how long will this standoff last? and the golden globes were last night. they were perhaps you say? yes, they were. maybe you didn't see them. you were not alone. we have the big winners and the big surprises. breaking overnight a stunning court victory for novak djokovic. a judge in australia ordering the tennis star's release from immigration detention, reversing the state's decision to cancel his visa, but his tenure in australia and whether he'll be allowed to compete in the australian open are still open questions. paula hancocks joins us from melbourne, australia, with the latest. paula, this caused the uproar in a country that suffered through so many lockdowns. >> that's right, brianna. he has won the battle but maybe not the war. we know novak djokovic is a free man. we've been here from a press conference, his family in serbia says he's already gone on to a tennis court to practice, trying to get his mind towards the australian open. what we heard from the judge today was that he ordered him to be released, ordered that the government pay for all his legal costs and said that there was procedural issues with him being refused or canceling that visa, saying that he was not allowed to speak to his lawyer or to tennis australia organizers and that was incorrect. so now he is a free man, but we've already heard from the immigration ministry saying that they reserve the right for the minister himself to actually turn this over once again, and say that he personally will cancel the visa. we do not know if he will do that. we know that the ministry is currently looking at this. what we have heard today has really risen some questions, there was an affidavit djokovic tested positive for covid-19 on december 16th, the same day as he went to a public event without a mask. we also saw in the next day, he went to public events maskless as well. he was surrounded at one point by a number of young people, so certainly there are questions as to why he would have been in that situation knowing he tested positive for covid-19. sentiment in australia itself, there are serbian supporters of djokovic in melbourne that support him but in the wider australian public, there is little sympathy for him. there has been some tough decisions made in this country during covid. they've had some of the most strict border controls in the world and there have been some heartbreaking stories of australians not being able to leave, to attend funerals of loved ones, not being able to come into the country for two years to see loved ones, even those that are sick, and so amongst many australians, there is a sentiment that there is a celebrity who has been subjected to different rules than they were. brianna? >> we'll see if that stands, as you mentioned. paula hancocks, thank you so much. so our next guest says djokovic is another whiney sports superstar with screwy ideas in an exaggerated sense of entitlement. joining us now, "washington post" columnist max bout. max, how do you really feel? >> well, this is just so nauseating, this whole spectacle, john, of having novak djokovic try to flout the rules to gain the system and to have his father compare him to spartacus to represent the poor of the world, give me a break. this is absurd. >> this may not be the end of it as you heard in paula's report. the ministry that has jurisdiction, max, could still pull this. do you think they should? >> absolutely. kick him out of the country and i think the u.s. should not let him in to play the u.s. open unless he gets vaccinated. at the end of the day, novak djokovic refuses to get vaccinated. he thinks he knows better than the medical establishment and every country in the world saying you have to get vaccinated to keep yourself safe and to keep other people safe. he refuses to do it and in 2020, during the height of the pandemic, he even held a tennis tournament in the balkans where people were partying indoors, he and his wife got sick, he seems to have learned nothing from that experience and let me just point out, brianna, that he is claiming that he should be allowed into australia based on having gotten an infection supposedly on december 16th, even though he was seen in public without a mask in the days that followed, but what was he planning to do if he wasn't infected on december 16th? that was his whole plan to get into the u.s. open, to catch a deadly disease? it doesn't add up. >> so you're questioning whether or not he even has the covid he said he had, which is what grants him the technical exemption under the rules. how did the nation or i don't know what you call this a kingdom, brianna keilar, australia? the country of australia. >> don't embarrass me, pop quiz i should know. >> the country has one set of rules that would not let him in but the state of victoria, where the tournament is has another set which would let him in with the tournament's okay if he had the previous case in december. you're questioning whether, max, he had it. >> i do question. skepticism is in order. why would this number one world tennis player rely on getting sick with this disease in order to be able to play this grand slam tournament. it doesn't make a lot of sense. all i know is djokovic is admitting that he refuses to get vaccinated and australia is a country that has had some of the strictest lockdowns in the world, dealing with another surge of the disease. this is the kind of behavior that no ordinary person could possibly get away with, you know. somebody is showing up in australia who is not a famous mult multijillianaire tennis superstar. clearly one rule for athletes and one for another. it was an egalitarian country, australia. >> max boot, "washington post" columnist and apparently new rafael nadal fan. >> i love federer and nadal, they're classy. djokovic a great player about you no class. >> thanks, marx. 340,000 students in chicago waking up this morning and not going to school. we're going to speak to a parent who is taking action against the teachers union there. really stunning video of a cliff collapsing onto tourist boats in brazil. what caused this. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. we're a different kind of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. when you have xfinity xfi, you have peace of mind built in at no extra cost. advanced security helps keep your family protected online. pause wifi whenever for ultimate control with the xfinity app. and family-safe browsing gives parents one less thing to worry about. security, control and peace of mind. with xfinity xfi, it's all built in at no extra cost. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at a four-alarm fire in the bronx apartment complex left 19 people dead including nine children. officials say it appears the blaze was sparked by a malfunctioning space heater. more than 60 people were injured and officials expect the death toll to climb. joining us now is dr. ernest patty from st. barnabas hospital, new york, who treated patients being brought in from the fire all day. i know the entire city, the bronx grateful to you and the work that you did but i also know it must have been just horrible yesterday. >> thank you, john, for having me. yes, it was horrible and you have to remember, we had a tremendous team yesterday at st. barnabas hospital. i'm just a small piece of it. we're bronx strong and st. barnabas always ritzs to the challenge but i have to say, all of us being parents and having family members and loved ones, it was a really tragic day for us. >> you say being parents, is that because many of the people you were seeing were children? >> yes. >> and the patients that you were treating, what were they there with? >> the vast majority of patients that came in, you have to remember, this was considered a mass casucasualty incident, clo to 30 patients within a short period of time, with smoke inhalation and many came in cardiopulmonary arrest requiring immediate care, immediate, that including cpr and airway secure and a lot of critical conditions came in at one time. >> smoke inhalation, cardiac care, of course which speaks to the issue there. wasn't necessarily the fire itself, it was the smoke that took so many lives there. you say it was a mass casualty event, 20, 30 patients coming in at once. what's that like when you're in the er? >> it's a period where we have to mobilize all of our resources rapidly. we got a quick phone call on our red phone from ems letting us know there was a fire in the bronx close by. we activated our alarms and get staff from the other areas of the hospital critical care, medicine, nursing, everyone converges on the emergency department to help in the resuscitation effort of all these people. we break into teams and each team gets assigned to a patient and all of this happens simultaneously, which is challenging, john. >> especially when you know more people are coming in. smoke inhalation, how do you treat that? >> basically we have to be very careful. requires oxygen administration and many times intubating people and putting them on a ventilator or respirator. don't forget, not only is it the smoke that sort of clogs your lungs, it's also the heat that can injure your airways, causing them to swell and preventing you from breathing and exchange oxygen for carbon dioxide. it's a very challenging situation, so many of the folks went on ventilators and respirators and then you send them to hyperbaric chambers so we transferred out a number of folks for hyperbaric medicine, you give them higher concentrations of oxygen so our surrounding hospitals that have hyperbaric chambers helped us out in that venture. >> all the more challenging and taxing when it is children you're dealing with. dr. patti, thank you to you and your entire team for everything you continue to do. >> my pleasure. i just want to remember, it's the compassion and the human condition, you know, everybody rose to the challenge yesterday to try to help our community. thank you, john. >> the community is grateful. thanks, doc. this morning, classes at chicago public schools are canceled again. we're not talking remote, just flat-out canceled for the fourth day in a row as the standoff between the city and the chicago teachers union drags on amid a covid-19 surge. chicago mayor lori lightfoot praised parents for speaking out against the teachers union. >> parents are outraged, and they are making their outrage known to the teachers union. this is a very different dynamic than ever before. we've got enormous amount of parent activism. they are writing letters, emails, they are protesting, they're holding press conferences. >> joining me now is michelle eagan, whose daughter attends a chicago public school. she's organized a petition that urges the chicago teachers union to report to work and reopen schools, and it has garnered a lot of support online. michelle, you're getting about a thousand new signatures a day here. tell us, you know, what you want and who you're holding accountable for this shutdown. >> absolutely. so we want cps first and foremost to know that we do not want to go to remote learning, and we want them to continue to hold their ground. we do not want to see cps give in to the teachers' demands or walkout. the science around this is so clear and we want the decisions to be based on science. we're very frustrated that there are no public health leaders standing up and saying that we should be moving to remote learning environment, especially for a district of this size, and so we want our union and we want cps to be making this decision based on science. >> so what do you think is going on here? because just for people who aren't familiar with the chicago public school district. >> yes. >> almost all of the teachers are vaccinated, right? >> that's right. 96% i believe. >> so it's sort of a mixed bag obviously with the kids, which is the case all over the country. >> right. >> what is going on here, do you think, that has the teachers union saying no? three out of four teachers in the district? >> you know, it's a great question, and one of the things that we're really frustrated about is, it's very clear public health leaders are saying the classroom is the safest place for our kids, and even the rates, the covid rates that cps has published, they're lower within the cps community than they are out in the general community, so as parents, you know, we saw over the holiday break, we saw our teachers going on vacations and visiting families, and they absolutely should be doing that, but to return to school three days later, and say that they don't feel comfortable being in the classroom, when the public health community says it's safe, and the rates within the community of kids is lower than what they face when they go to the grocery store or when they get their nails done, or when they're out in just the general community living their lives. you know, we have to move on. we have to live our lives with this pandemic, and so we really want the teachers to get back to work. >> what was it like for your daughter doing remote learning? >> it was hard. i was talking with her last night about it, and she said you know, i was doing so well before the pandemic, and in remote learning, like millions of kids, she struggled, and so when we went back to school in the fall, she came back, you know, her grades came back. she figured out a way to, you know, work and get back to where she was before, and she's really proud of that, and so now, to have this happen, and to have this kind of threat of moving an entire district of this size to remote learning, and thinking about her going back through that again, she said to me last night, she said "mom, this is when i'm supposed to be preparing for high school" and she should be given that opportunity to really test herself and push herself in the classroom. but the remote learning environment isn't going to cut it. >> so covid testing was not great in chicago public schools. just to be clear, it's not like every student got tested before they were to go back and a lot of testing results were invalidated. do you think this would be more clear-cut'testing had been better by the public school system? >> you know, i really don't know. i think maybe that's possible. cps is on an opt-in testing program, which puts the decision of whether or not a child gets tested in the hands of the parents, and for a community of this size, and for a community that's this diverse, you know, some parents have access to technology and some parents, there's even language barriers as well. and so cps has to take all those things into account when they're deciding what the best path is and i think the mayor beliefs right now in the opt-in program and putting that power and decision back into the hands of the parents and that seems to be the right thing to do right now. >> whoever is accountable here, and people have different opinions on it, clearly you have yours. it's the kids that are paying for it, that is what is so clear. >> absolutely. >> it's cost them so much already. michelle, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. here's what else to watch today. some are calling this the most tenuous moment in europe since the end of the cold war. we have the latest on the high stakes talks that are under way right now between the u.s. and russia. and what a supreme court justice said about kids and covid that was wrong. we have a fact check next. it's time for our lowest prices of the season on the sleep number 360® smart bed. what if i sleep hot? 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yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. time for "5 things to know" for your new day. tributes pouring in for one of america's most beloved tv fathers, bob saget, playing danny tanner on "full house passed away. his body found in an orlando hotel room. no signs of foul play or drug use. bob saget was 65 years old. at least 19 people died, including nine children in the bronx in new york city's deadliest fire in 30 years. 63 people were injured and still 32 who have gone to the hospital with life-threatening conditions. fire fighters found victims on every floor of the building and officials say the death toll is likely to climb. novak djokovic, the world's number one tennis player says he wants to stay in australia and compete in the's frailian open after a stunning victory in court. a judge ordered the government to restore the tennis star's visa and release him from immigration detention. the government warns it may still cancel his visa from being unvaccinated ahead of next week's australian open. a standoff between the teachers union and chicago's public schools drags into a second week, students missing a fourth consecutive day of school. both sides are talking but remain far apart on covid protocols. officials from the u.s. and russia holding high-stakes talks in geneva. the u.s. is seeking to prevent the russian invasion of ukraine and russia eyes expansive security demands. diplomats are publicly pessimistic about the chances of progress. >> you can see more on these stories all day on cnn and and download the 5 things podcast every morning, go to and find it wherever you get your podcasts. during supreme court oral arguments over president biden's mandates justice sonia sotomayor made a false claim about child hospitalizations. >> those numbers show that omicron is as dead ly and cause as much serious in the unvaccinated as delta did. we have over 100,000 children, which we've never had before in serious condition and many on ventilators. >> cnn's daniel dale has a fact check. >> the justice was just plain inaccurate here. according to the latest federal data, there are actually about 5,000 people under the age of 18 in u.s. hospitals with cases of covid-19. that is far from over 100,000, and not all of those roughly 5,000 are in "serious condition." now the justice could have correctly said that the number of u.s. children in hospital with covid-19 is at a record level, and she could have said that the rate is rising sharply, but over 100,000 in serious condition? that's just wrong. john and breeja that? ? brianna. people have died after a huge slab of rock fell off of a cliff on to several tourist boats below. cnn's matt rivers has more on this. >> i'm matt rivers in mexico city. further south in brazil a horrific tragedy you almost have to see to believe. a warning to our viewers, some might find the video disturbing, from a blake in brazil, part of a rock face collapses in spectacular fashion down onto the lake below, all that dirt and rock, some of it fell onto boats on the lake at the time. authorities saying that ten people were killed as a result of this collapse, an additional 32 injured at least so far. a geologist told cnn brazil it was likely a preexisting fracture in the rock along with heavy rain over the past couple of weeks that caused the collapse. >> terrible video. two security soldiers have been killed in kazakhstan, the discovery hours after the country's president claimed order had been restored and framed the recent deadly protests as an attempted coup. cnn's frederik pleitgen is live on the border with the latest in this real sense of upheaval inside kazakhstan. >> you're right. a sense of upheaval and fast-moving situation inside kazakhstan. one of the things the president of the country said is he did say he believed this was an attempted coup and also said he believed that some of the protesters were trained outside of the country. again, once again talking about foreign influence on all of that, so far we have to say no evidence has been provided by the kazakh government. they say that so far around 8,000 people have been detained in relation to those protests. of course, they were so tough and deadly and took place in kazakhstan last week. the death toll at 165, and more than 100 of those in one city alone of almati the largest city and where we did see a lot of the video of security forces opening fire on people and going there house to house and street to street. a lot of the violence taking place there in that city. the kazakh government said they are getting the situation under control and turned off the internet for a while and the reason why they're getting it under control, they have foreign troops on the ground and most of those foreign troops are coming from russia. there was a call today from the collective security treaty organization, that's a russia-led military alliance here in this area, and on that call, vladimir putin also said that he believed foreign influence was at play there. he said that he believed midon tactics were being used, referring to the protest that happened in ukraine in 2014 and the russians are saying their troops are going to stay on the ground there as long as needed. once again, you can see the russians expanding their influence here in the region. >> huge international implications there with russia perhaps exploiting the situation. frederik pleitgen, thank you for being there for us. just released data that spells bad news for one of president biden's major policy goals. and a major loss overnight of the one and only bob saget. >> i don't know where i'll see you next, on the show, on a tape or in front of your home, but i have to say, take care of yourselves and keep those cameras safely rolling. ♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. with quality that's guaranteed for life, bath fitter doesn't just fit your bath, it fits your high standards. why have over two million people welcomed bath fitter into their homes? 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the latest on where things stand with the omicron surge. spoiler alert, player 001 in "s "squid game" did i say that right, i'm afraid to watch it, is a winner again. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ from one moment to the next, our kids become the most important part of our lives. and even though the years pass, that never changes. we never stop worrying about them. that's why it's important to have health insurance. with covered california, we got a plan we could afford. it includes free preventive care, like cholesterol and blood-pressure checkups. because even though they grow up, they'll always be your baby. covered california. this way to health insurance. enrollment ends january 31st. go to time for "the good stuff." a breakout star from the hit netflix series "squid game" making history as the first korean actor to win a golden globe. ♪♪ >> the 77-year-old who plays player one won best actor in a supporting role in television there was no celebrity ento res or speeches for o yeong-su. he said i told myself for the first time you're a nice dude. thank all of you in the world, i wish you a beautiful life." >> the irony there for fans of "squid games." i don't want to give anything away, but he was great, really good. >> he was fantastic. it's been a rough pandemic and i kind of need like the uppers, right like ted lasso, jason is he tsedakis won. should i watch "squid games"? >> maybe not with the kids, but you should. ted lasso and "squid games" nothing alike. she had maybe the best year in all of television besides brianna keilar. >> maybe more so. now i have a list of things i need to watch so that's right going on there next, also english is hard for me today, i don't know why. john berman, have a great morning. cnn's coverage continues right now. good morning everyone. i'm bia bianno golodryga. >> i'm jim sciutto. nine people died, several injured, after a massive fire ripped through a new york city apartment complex, one of the worst fires the city has seen in decades. right now dozens remai

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, Efforts , Oxygen Tanks , Air , Video , Children , Photos , B Brianna , Tennis Star Novak Djokovic , Victory , Mattress , Thick , Report , Covid 19 , Standoff , School , Home , Chicago , Thousands , Diagnosis , Hundreds , Winners , Surprises , Golden Globes , Judge , Australia , Decision , Court Victory , Immigration Detention , Estate , Release , Tennis Star S , Latest , Visa , Paula Hancocks , Australian Open , Melbourne , Tenure , Uproar , Country , Lockdowns , War , Battle , Man , Family , Tennis Court , Mind , Press Conference , Practice , Serbia , Government , Pay , Costs , Issues , Lawyer , Immigration Ministry , Minister , Tennis Australia , Organizers , Ministry , Covid 19 On December 16th , Affidavit , Number , Event , Maskless , Events , Saw , Point , December 16th , 16 , Situation , Sentiment , Djokovic , Itself , Supporters , World , Wider Australian , Decisions , Stories , Sympathy , Border Controls , Sick , Funerals , Loved Ones , Leave , Rules , Celebrity , Stands , Guest , Whiney Sports Superstar , Sense , Ideas , Columnist , Entitlement , Washington Post , Max Bout , Spectacle , Break , System , Poor , Max Boot , End , Jurisdiction , Paula S Report , Establishment , U S Open , Safe , Tennis Tournament , Experience , Height , Wife , Balkans , 2020 , Infection , Plan , Disease , Questioning , It Doesn T Add Up , Exemption , Kingdom , Nation , Pop Quiz , Question , Tournament , Case , Victoria , Questioning Whether , Order , Tennis Player , It Doesn T , Skepticism , Grand Slam , Omicron Surge , Kind , Somebody , Behavior , Mult Multijillianaire Tennis Superstar , Another , Rule , Nadal , Athletes , Federer , Rafael Nadal Fan , Parent , Player , Thanks , Teachers Union , There , Students , Class , Action , Djokovic A Great , Marx , 340000 , Brazil , Cliff Collapsing Onto Tourist Boats , Me And You , Trees , Green Red , What A Wonderful World , Migraine , Dose , Nausea , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Tracks , Migraine Medicine , Ubrelvy , Side Effects , 2 , Cyp3 , Patients , Life , Insurance , Dentistry , Dentistry Work , Exam , Everything , Corner , Treatment Plan , Step , Aspen Dental , 20 , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Walk In , 800 , 1 , Cost , Security , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Parents , Control , Xfinity , Family Safe Browsing , Pause Wifi , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , Kid , Emotions , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Foster Kids , Blaze , Four , Dr , Malfunctioning Space Heater , Barnabas Hospital , Ernest Patty From St , City , Work , Team , Challenge , Ritzs , Family Members , Piece , Barnabas , Smoke Inhalation , Majority , Mass Casucasualty Incident , Care , Immediate , Airway , Cardiopulmonary Arrest , Cpr , Cardiac Care , Course , Lives , Mass Casualty Event , Wasn T , Issue , Er , Red Phone , Alarms , Resources , Ems , Phone Call , Everyone , Medicine , Critical Care , Resuscitation , Staff , Areas , Effort , Emergency Department , Nursing , Teams , Patient , Oxygen , Times , Respirator , Ventilator , Administration , Breathing , Folks , Heat , Lungs , Airways , Exchange , Carbon Dioxide , Hyperbaric Medicine , Respirators , Concentrations , Hospitals , Venture , Patti , Pleasure , Hyperbaric Chambers , Human Condition , Classes , Compassion , Doc , Chicago Public Schools , Chicago Teachers Union , Row , Lori Lightfoot , Dynamic , Amount , Outrage , Michelle Eagan , Change Org , Daughter , Press Conferences , Activism , Writing Letters , Schools , Support , Shutdown , Petition , A Thousand , Remote Learning Environment Isn T , Ground , Teachers , Science , Walkout , Demands , Cps Give , Cps , Health , District , Size , Leaders , Union , Learning Environment , Aren T , Bag , Three , 96 , Classroom , Rates , Cps Community , Holiday Break , Families , Vacations , Grocery Store , Nails , Grades , Millions , Threat , High School , Mom , Opportunity , Again , Student , Covid Testing , Testing Results , Don T Know , Public School System , Clear Cut Testing , Child , Program , Whether , Opt In Testing , Barriers , Path , Technology , Account , Power , Opt In Program , Beliefs , Opinions , Russia , High Stakes , Supreme Court Justice , Cold War , Europe , Sleep , Sleep Number , Smart Bed , Fact Check , Problem , Temperature Balancing , Prices , Season , Cold , Movements , 360 , Delivery , Weekend Special , Interest , Miss , Base , Night After , Plus , Ends Monday , Smart Beds , 1000 , 0 , 36 , 000 , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , On By , High , Breeze Driftin , Medicines , Stand , Inhaler , Copd Medicine , Ways , Feelin Good , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Heart Condition , Rescue Inhaler , Won T , Breathing Problems , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Risk , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Pain , Pneumonia , Thrush , Osteoporosis , Swelling , Eye , Tongue , Problems Urinating , Mouth , Circle , Therapies , Healthcare , Mental Illness , Trelegy Com , Researchers , Professionals , Peer Counselors , Social Workers , Mental Illness To Wellness , Someone , Brain Performance , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva Plus , Tv , Six , Neuriva , Car , Car Vending Machines , Company , Carvana , 100 , Techno Wizardry , License Plate , Offer , Value , Spot , House , Tv Fathers , Tributes , 5 , Body , Signs , Hotel Room , Orlando , 63 , The World , Supreme Court , Tennis Star , Number One , Frailian Open , Being Unvaccinated , Sides , Covid Protocols , Ukraine , Security Demands , Invasion , Talks , Eyes , Diplomats , Holding High , Geneva , Russian , Cnn , Progress , Chances , President , Justice , Child Hospitalizations , Podcasts , Claim , Biden S Mandates , Oral Arguments , Sonia Sotomayor , Numbers , Omicron , Ly , Unvaccinated , Delta , 100000 , Data , Condition , Ventilators , Age , Daniel Dale , 5000 , Cases , Serious Condition , 18 , Rate , Level , Rock , Slab , Cliff , Mexico City , South , Matt Rivers , Lake , Dirt , Rock Face , Tragedy , Fashion , Warning , Result , Collapse , Geologist , Boats , Authorities , Ten , Kazakhstan , Preexisting , Fracture , Security Soldiers , Heavy Rain , Protests , Coup , Upheaval , Frederik Pleitgen , Border , Protesters , Influence , Evidence , Kazakh Government , Relation , 8000 , 165 , Violence , Street To , Almati , Security Forces , Troops , Most , Internet , Call , Vladimir Putin , Area , Military Alliance , Collective Security Treaty Organization , Midon , Protest , Russians , Region , Implications , Tactics , 2014 , Joe Biden , Policy Goals , The One And Only , Bad News , Yourselves , Tape , Front , Cameras , Moderate , Psoriasis , On Unsweetened Lipton , Choices , Splash , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Pill , Plaque Psoriasis , Skin , Otezla , Cream , Entrance , 75 , Depression , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Weight , History , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Bath Fitter Doesn T , Planning , High Standards , Bath , Treatment , Headache , Quality , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Homes , Bath Fitter , Bathfitter Com , Consultation , Two Million , Burning , Itching , Stinging , Tremfya , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Painful , Symptoms , Medication , Infections , Reactions , Ability , Grilled Cheese , Cheese , Vaccine , Mac , Advisor , Inventions , Ingredients , Flavor Fullest , Wealth , Panera , , Planning Effect , Balance , Picture , Reward , Direction , Carbon Emissions , Analysis , Increase , 6 , Planet Cooking Pollution Emissions , Implication , Climate Goals , Bill Weir , Chief Climate Correspondent , 2021 , Coal , Fuel , Shutdowns , Vengeance , Economy , Shortage , Time , Incentives , Utilities , Natural Gas , Punishments , 17 , Scientists , Emissions , Levels , Pledges , 2005 , Eight , Version , Eu , Price , Information , Copernicus , Climate Inaction , Nasa , Trend , Rest , La Nina , Pacific , Seven , Confirmation , 00 Billion , 100 Billion , Bill , Disaster Costs , Climate , Trillion , 1 Trillion , L A Public Schools , Testing Program , Positive Covid , You Bet , 201 , 50000 , Squid Game , Alone , Spoiler Alert , 001 , Winner , Doug , Northwestern Mutual , Limu Emu , Limu , Isn T , Whistles , Sec , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Liberty Serena , 3 , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Cgrp Protein , Cause , Serena , Cyp3a4 , Next , Health Insurance , Preventive Care , Blood Pressure Checkups , Cholesterol , California , Baby , Enrollment Ends , Coveredca Com , January 31st , 31 , Breakout Star From The Hit , Stuff , Korean , Television , Best Actor In A Supporting Role , 77 , Ento Res , Speeches , O Yeong Su , Squid Games , Irony , Fans , I Wish You A Beautiful Life , Uppers , Need , Ted Lasso , Lasso , Jason , Ted , He Tsedakis , List , Coverage , I Don T Know Why , English , Bia Bianno Golodryga , Apartment Complex , Worst , Jim Sciutto , Injured ,

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