Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

we begin with sad news out of hollywood. bob saget who played danny tanner on "full house", has died. saget was only 65. and he was undeniably one of america's most prolific and beloved tv fathers. >> play with me, dad. >> okay. ♪ >> you know, sometimes grace and coordination skip a generation. >> saget was found dead in his room at the orlando ritz-carlton on sunday. police say there was no sign of foul play or drug use. >> the thing about bob saget is, as much as fans loved him, his fellow comics and collaborators adored him, adored. you can tell from the outpouring last night. candace one of the best human beings i've ever known. john stamos, i will never ever another friend like him. jon stewart described him as the funniest and nicest person. cnn's natasha chen on the life and legacy of bob saget. >> how are you doing? i'm dan tanner, d.j.'s dad. >> reporter: he was the dad raising three daughters on the show "full house". >> okay. i have turkey all white meat, swiss, no turkey, turkey all dark extra tomato. half dark meat, half white meat. and peanut butter and banana, hold the turkey. >> reporter: the show dominated primetime airwaves eight years and rebooted as "fuller house" in 2016 on netflix, starring many of the same child actors, now grown up. >> i screamed the loudest when i saw them. i said, oh, my god, i'm bob saget! >> i do that, too, when i wake up in the morning. >> reporter: and he was host of america's funniest home videos. on sunday nights from 198 9 to 1997 showing america's most embarrassing moments in an era where the camcorder became ubiquitous in middle-class households. >> if you think i am going to do a bad impression of a french chef, you are right, mom au mi. >> a roommate i only caught a glimpse of. >> reporter: telling tv children through nine seasons just exactly how he met their mother. but saget's career was made much more of a family man persona. >> hey, welcome to the neighborhood. >> hey. bob saget. >> but do me a favor don't [ bleep ] daughters. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: he had an edgy-rated sense of humor, pushing back his success from squeaky-clean show. he displayed his raunchiness from roasts where comedians try to tell the filthiest possible setup on the same setup. a documentary was made in 2005 filming 100 comedians telling that same a aristocrat's joke. . >> and the point was censorship, different ways people can do an arlt form and alltel the same thing. everybody paint the same painting and see what happens. but it really was about freedom of speech. >> reporter: freedom not to hold back. >> i'm here today because i'm addicted to marijuana. >> marijuana is not a drug. i used to suck [ bleep ] for coke. >> reporter: his real-life addiction so to speak was comedy. he said i had no idea i did a two-hour set tonight. i'm happily addicted again to this [ bleep ]. >> there's no barrier. it's a simple form. person with a mic talking to a lot of people. the oldest form of theater, monologue of sorts. >> reporter: he drew attention to causes important to him. fund-raising for the scleroderma research. he lost his sister to the chronic disease in 1994. and at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, saget performed on the comedy gives back laugh aid telethon in april 2020, supporting comedians who could not work. he came on cnn's "new day" to promote the event and bring a little levity in a moment of darkness. >> i made my own face mask out of my underwear. hard to find humor in these times. it was a mistake. don't get it out of the hamper, people. that's all i have to say. >> reporter: in a 2013 else squire interview, saget was asked to define his humor. he said, quote, i am basically a 9-year-old boy that evolved. but family and friends remember the man that evolved, not just the comedian. his family said he was everything to us, and we want you to know how much he loved his fans, performing live, and bringing people from all walks of life together with laughter. norman lear shared, bob saget was as lovely a human as he was funny. john stamos posted, quote, i am broken. i am gutted. i am in complete and utter shock. i will never ever have another friend like him. >> i love them all. john and dave are like brothers to me. >> you stuck it out. >> just like we always do. >> just like we always will. >> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, los angeles. >> you know, i will tell you, i felt, berman, that -- i just felt quite affected when i learned he had passed away. and i realized it was because what a part of my life he had been over the years. >> i miss "full house" when it was on tv. one of the things i've always been struck by with bob saget, how much he was just adored by his fellow comedians. he was the guy they all thought was hilarious and also one of the nicest guys around. >> that's one of the things we will explore today, talking to friends and fellow comedians. let's start with long time friend allen zweibel. i imagine you are very much in shock. how are you putting this loss into words? >> it's really hard. i haven't totally figured out how to put it into words yet. i heard all the tributes you just got from everybody. when i heard last night, it came out of nowhere. and i just sat and i was shaking. and my wife came in, and i told her. and i know a lot of other people who feel exactly the same way. this was -- we lost a good friend, but a good human being. you know, you'll hear all day from people how funny he was. you know, i met him in the late '80s. i had co-created a show called "the gary shandling show." you are children were very young at that time. they loved him. we took him to a couple tapings. and danny tanner was part of their young lives. last night, the oldest of whom is 40, called. they called me to see how i was, but they were calling because they were mourning the loss of bob saget and danny tanner. their child. he was their childhood. >> alan, we're so sorry for your loss. we appreciate you talking to us. you are just proving my point which is you and so many others in the comedy community just adored bob saget. with some people, you see this. this is really just a genuine love that you show. so tell me about bob. what was it about him that you love so much? >> he was a big kid. and there was a duality there. but bob saget that, yeah, who was raunchy on stage, he was one of the guys, you know? danny tanner was bob saget the father. that's why children were drawn to him. we in the comedy community knew that we can -- a couple of things. that he can make us laugh. but his heart, i'm telling you, john, his heart -- whatever you needed him for. he started the scalera derma foundation which he started after his sister died. any time we needed somebody to perform for gill la rad der foundation, bob came as a fund-raiser or whatever. if the kids were sick or he heard something was wrong, he called. i want was the human being. it was the combo platter in a way. he was danny tanner in real life. he was embracing. and you felt how he felt about you. you could not help but love and embrace bob saget. it's a real loss in terms of the human being. the kind of person you want other people to be. >> i think -- and as we're watching some of these clips from "full house", i did not miss "full house". i watched so many episodes of "full house". and he was such a dorky, dorky dad, alan. but he was so loving. and i think what's amazing -- and we're talking about this. as you said, that's who he was. that's the thing he sort of brought. even as this dorky dad, he brought this model of just showing so much love to the people around him, and it wasn't an act. >> i've got to tell you something, you're absolutely right. to a great extent, we're all dorky dads. there's no manual, okay. there's no book saying this is how you do this. this is how you handle that. so we all stumble our way through it somehow. but it's the love of our children and the love for our children that gets us through it and prioritizes things. let me just tell you, and i guess i can say it now, bob's old email address was bobbydaddy. that speaks volumes. what was his priority? bobby daddy. that's who he was. the dorkiness was something that kids related to and parents related to. and it was -- but you knew that no matter what he was stumbling through, it was out of love and well meaning. >> yeah. and that's certainly -- that's what a family needs. you know, so, look, alan, we are thinking very much of you today, his friends today, and certainly his family. this is incredibly shocking. we're going to continue today to pay tribute to bob's legacy. so thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> so stick around, because our coverage of america's beloved tv dad, bob saget, will continue with long time friend and comedian george wallace, who knew him for four decades. and gilbert gottfried who spoke to him four days ago. 19 people are dead, including nine children in the bronx. this is new york's deadliest fire in 50 years. firefighters arrived within minutes, finding victims on every floor of the building. officials say the death toll is likely to climb. let's get to cnn's brynn gingras live in the bronx with the latest on this horrible tragedy, brynn. >> reporter: yeah. just unimaginable devastation. as families lost loved ones within a matter of minutes. the fire was in one apartment of this building, and it actually stayed in that building. but the smoke quickly spread throughout the entire building, suffocating people as they tried to escape. 19 killed, 9 of them children. dozens more fighting for their lives this morning. this morning, the new york city fire department and fire marshalls are investigating a deadly fire at a 19-story apartment building in the bronx. at least 19 people lost their lives, including nine children. dozens more were injured, including 13 people in life-threatening condition, according to fire commissioner daniel nyegrow. >> it is certainly traumatizing when we can't save a life. fire and ems tried to bring some of these people back and to bring them out as quickly as they could. >> reporter: the commissioner said the fire started yesterday morning just before 11:00 when a space heater malfunctioned in an apartment on the second and third floors of the building. the fire then spread throughout the building. when the door to that apartment and at least one stairwell door were left open. >> the smoke spread throughout the building. some of them could not escape because of the volume of smoke. >> reporter: sreuplts were found in stairways on every floor of the building, many in cardiac arrest. one women who did escape described the fear she felt. >> i was very scared. that smoke really hit me. by the time i got to the exit and had the mask on, i couldn't even see. i thought i went blind. i couldn't see. >> reporter: the fire commissioner said the heat was on in the building and there were working smoke detectors. one said the fire alarm regularly goes off even when there is not a fire. . >> how are you supposed to know if it's a fire if it's always going off? >> reporter: the building housed a lot of gambian residents. they should not be afraid to ask for help. >> if you need assistance, your names will not be turned over to i.c.e. or any other institution. we're all feeling this. we're going to be here for this community to help them navigate through this. >> reporter: new york's governor announced the state will establish a victims compensation fund. we will not forget you. we will not abandon you. we are here for you. >> reporter: it is so important to note the incredible work of the fdny. about 200 members arrived within three minutes of the 911 call, putting out the flames, working rescues. in some cases, john, there are firefighters who ran out of oxygen in their tanks as they were trying to bring people to safety. john. >> brynn, what a horrible situation. they were there within minutes. please keep us posted. we will speak with mayor eric adams and a survivor of the deadly fire. plus, novak djokovic scored a big win against australia. despite being unvaccinated, he, at least as of now, will be allowed to stay in australia. what will this mean for his future at the australian open? 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(birds chirping) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ (phone beep) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ we have breaking news out of australia. a huge win for novak djokovic off the court. an australian judge freeing the tennis star from his nearly one-week detention. but that legal win is sparking anger among leaders. paula hancocks live from melbourne. paula, tell us the latest here. >> reporter: well, brianna, novak djokovic may have won the battle, but the war could still be up for grabs. what we know is the tennis star is a free man tonight. the judge ordered him released from detention. they ordered the ministry to pay his legal costs. and the judge said he was not given enough time to order to be able to respond at immigration, saying he was unable to speak to his lawyers, unable to speak to organizers of the tournament. so it really was a procedural matter, which is why he has been released. but that may not be all we have heard from the ministry. the minister may, in fact, use his personal power in order to step in and revoke the visa himself. it's uncertain at this point whether or not he will do that. what we have been seeing is quite interesting in court. an affidavit said he was aware he had tested positive for covid on december 16th. of course this raises questions on the 16th and 17th we did see him in public through photos on social media, on his own social media. he was at a panel discussion maskless. he was also at a tennis awards ceremony. so that is raising questions as to why he was out and about knowing he was positive with covid-19 at that point. now, when it comes to the public sentiment here, there is limb sympathy for this tennis star here in australia. the border controls have been among the tightest in the world in australia. many citizens have fallen foul of him. they don't want to see a celebrity getting what they think may be special treatment. brianna. >> yeah. they have weathered shutdowns, lockdowns especially in melbourne where you are. paula, thank you for the report. we know this isn't the end of it. here with me is espn tennis commentator and tennis great patrick mcenroe. what a mess. >> well, if this were a tennis match, he would have been down two sets to love. it is 2-2. he is up in the fifth set. but as you heard from your reporter down under, it's not quite over yet. it sounds to me that justice, at least in this particular instance, has been served. djokovic answered all the questions. he had all the documentation that was necessary he thought to get in the country. the border patrol told him he would get a few hours to talk to his attorney in the middle of the night after he had been in the airport in melbourne for a number of hours. that he would have a few hours to talk to the governing body which approved his visa and application. then they sort of reneged on that and made him sign this form saying his visa had been canceled. that's where the judge came down hardest. they said it was inappropriate, unfair. now the ball is in the proverbial court of the minister of home affairs, who controls immigration in the country. and he could apparently still cancel the visa and kick djokovic out of the country. i would be shocked at this point if that happens based on all that has transpired the last couple of days. >> it would be an aggressive move, bold move. when you say justice, you're not talking about whether or not someone should be vaccinated. you're not talking about justice in terms of -- >> no. >> -- whether or not djokovic has behaved nobly the last couple of years ago. you're talking about the process itself to play in the australian open. >> that's absolutely correct. i'm not talking about what djokovic has done. he has his own views on vaccination, particularly for covid. it's his right to do that. i don't believe it's his right to then go into any country that he wants. he did get a medical tkpeplz for this particular instance. he did follow the rules and do what he was supposed to do. as a reporter noted, there's questions, big-time questions, john, that he apparently tested positive on december 16th. he got the positive test report back later that day. and then he was seen out and about over the course of the next couple of days. those are the questions that novak djokovic personally is going to have to answer. but as for this particular case, this is why i believe justice was served. he clearly was not treated fairly. he was put in a detention center. and i think the judge also warned the government, listen, this has become way bigger than just novak djokovic at this point. so tread very carefully if you intend to cancel his visa and kick him out of the country. >> yeah. look, if he tested positive on the 16th and on the 17th he was out and about, that might make him a jerk. that may be someone's opinion there. but it doesn't in and of itself cause him to not be allowed to play in the australian open by the rules that the tournament and the state of victoria had laid out there. what's this going to be like? assuming he does get to play, what's this boeing to be like when he takes the court? >> can you say an absolute zoo, john. you're 100% right on the moral side of it and the legal side of it. already we have seen video of apparently the car that djokovic was in leaving his lawyer's office. they did let him leave the detention center to listen to the appeal with his team. people were jumping on top of the car apparently that djokovic was in. this was just him leaving the offices of his legal team. it was absolutely chaos. it's now after 10:00 p.m. local time in melbourne. if i were novak djokovic, this is what i would do right now. go to my house that i rented where his team is at, coach, trainer. i would pick up my rackets and go straight to center court where he will be playing in a week and get on the practice court, get video. i know his parents are saying they're about to do a live video press conference with novak. do that if you want to. it's a huge story. we know that in serbia. i'm going right to the practice court right now. . >> patrick mcenroe, i know you will be covering this every night for the next several weeks here. we look forward to speaking to you again. >> thanks for having me, john. four straight days with no school for children in chicago. why the mayor says teachers abandoned 300,000 students and their families. and michelle obama out with an urgent message to voters and democrats. her new push and a warning ahead of the midterm elections. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. breaking overnight, classes in chicago public schools canceled for the fourth straight day. a standoff between the chicago teachers union and city officials is dragging on as covid cases do rise there. angry parents, though, rising up. adrienne broaddus live in chicago. fourth day in a row. kids caught in the middle here, adrienne. >> reporter: john, they absolutely are caught in the middle. and so are their parents. negotiations took place over the weekend. but still here we are monday morning, no learning plan for nearly 340,000 students. there was some bending, but we haven't seen a breakthrough. let's begin with what members of the union and the city disagree on. the main point of contention boils down to remote learning. that's what the city's mayor lori lightfoot is saying. the mayor alleges members of the union want a district-wide shutdown if there's a surge in covid cases. and school officials with cps, as well as the mayor, say they categorically reject this. the mayor says they've offered a trigger which would trigger a school-by-school or case-by-case metric system. members of the chicago teachers union have asked for better testing, more masks. and that's something the city and members of the union agree on. but the negotiations will continue today. and here we are, the fourth straight day students in chicago public schools aren't in the classroom. john. >> parents infuriated at this point. adrienne broaddus, thank you very much. michelle obama's new push to get out the vote ahead of the midterms, and the brother of fallen officer brian sicknick speaking out on the insurrection that claimed his brother's life one year ago. rescue efforts are under way after a dramatic video in brazil captured a cliff collapsing on several tourist boats, killing pe 10 people and injuring dozens s more. where the investigation stands ahead. over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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to continue engaging in democracy amid an historic attack on voting rights. joining us now to talk about this is bakari sellers, cnn political commentator and also, and we're going to talk about this in a moment, an author. but an author of a new children's book "who are your people?" it's a delightful back. we will talk about that, as i said, in a moment. bakari, bringing in the big guns here, michelle obama, what does this signify to you? >> reporter: it's necessary. one of the things democrats are trying to figure out and most people who find themselves on the side of democracy is how they will overcome some of the obstruction from joe manchin, kyrsten sinema and how to make progress when you don't have changes, adaptations to the voting rights law. so one of the things the former first lady says, which many people are saying is it takes action. that action means we have to register voters. i want people to understand we are not just talking about new york, massachusetts and california, but we need to go to mississippi, jackson, mississippi, albany, georgia, charlotte, north carolina, columbia, south carolina, throughout the south and make sure you are registering hundreds of thousands of voters. and that can change the dynamic and overcome nip laws that are regressive. >> is this less about the who is asking for it, bakari, and more about the what she is asking for here? it only matters if people are being registered. >> reporter: no. i can't necessarily agree with you. because any time michelle obama speaks, it's the who. and the reason being is because she doesn't speak often. the individuals in our party who have that level of gravitas, not just -- i mean, listen, this cuts across party lines. when barack obama and hi shell obama speak, especially after the last four years of donald trump and kind of the malaise we're in now with the resurgence of the virus, inflation, et cetera, then barack obama and michelle obama cut through that. and we all know michelle obama is the most popular obama anyway. so in this case it's about the who, but the what is also very powerful. because we're talking about an action item. and we're talking about something everybody can do, which is get out and register voters. >> all right. so i mentioned your book, your new book, bakari, which i have. mine's at home because i read it to my kids. i read a lot of kids books, bakari. this one is so special. i just want to tell you, i opened it up. i opened up the envelope, read the book. it is an incredibly beautiful message and also the illustrations. tell us about this "who are your people"? >> reporter: the first thing they ask in the south, who are your people. that's how they get to know you. what stock you come from, where are you from. and so i wanted to write a book where my kids and kids around the country could see themselves in it. i wanted them to be able to see that level of representation. and i wanted them to be proud of where they come from. and i wanted them to be proud of who their people are. and so during this time where we're having these very tough conversations about race and other things, i think this is a book that teaches empathy and pride. and i've been a -- i've written a book before, but i am most excited about this project i'm working on right now. >> i don't want to give away the ending, but i'm going to give away the ending, bakari. i really did love this. on the last page you ask, so, what will you dream and how will you change the world? i just love the fact that you left readers and their parents, kids and parents, with that question, that challenge, actually. >> reporter: yeah. i hope that as you're reading this -- and i hope parents think about it, too. when they are asking their children this question, maybe they will dream big dreams. you know, the imagery, she is the president of the united states and he is an astronaut. and i think that as we go through this we have to dedicate ourselves to dreaming with our eyes open. if we teach our kids to dream, we will be in a much better place than we are today. >> can i say happy late birthday to sadie and stokely. >> reporter: they wore us out. they danced four hours on saturday. i am exhausted. their mother is exhausted. shout out my wife for putting on an amazing birthday party. with he take birthdays very seriously around our parts. with sadie's health issues, we treat every single year as a blessing. >> it is. and, look, this book is a blessing. like i said, i've read a lot of kids books. i haven't seen anything like this. it is an important contribution to a child's library that you put together here. it is very special, bakari. thank you. >> reporter: thank you guys for the opportunity. it's on sale tomorrow, so i hope preorder it, go out and get it and give it a chance. thank you guys for talking about it this morning. i'm very proud of it >> i'm going to take a couple copies to my kids's school. great to see you. >> reporter: always good. up next, the video seen around the world. we're learning so much about the afghan baby given to american soldiers during the chaotic evacuation. so what happened and where is he now? and u.s.-russia talks under way in geneva at this moment in what could be the most precarious moment since the end of the cold war. russian troops on the border of ukraine. any progress to report? we're live from geneva and moscow. ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to 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attempted to evacuate afghanistan, has been found and reunited with his family. the infant was reportedly taken in by a 29-year-old taxi driver who found the baby crying on the ground on the other side of the wall. now, the child's parents handed him to the soldier in desperation, fearing their 2-month-old infant would get crushed in the crowd. they never thought it would have taken this long to be reunited with him. the baby is with his grandfather in kabul as they try to reunite him with his parents in the u.s. talks are under way with u.s. and russian officials in geneva. and you say nato raised concerns about the border of ukraine, all while attempting to broker some kind of diplomatic solution. alex march quqmarquardt. people called this the most tenuous moment since the end of the cold war. >> reporter: john, these talks are absolutely critical, aimed at deterring any sort of russian military incursion into ukraine. the talks between u.s. and russia have been taking place four hours' time at the mission in geneva. now, there are a number of things on the table. there are a number of things not on the table. the u.s. is coming in with a sense of realism because they have been dealing with russia so long on u.n. security issues. but the russians have said they are disappointed with the signals they have been hearing from d.c. ahead of the talks. and the u.s. said they don't expect to come out with any sort of concrete breakthrough. that is in part because the stuff that russia wants to talk about is not necessarily what the u.s. wants to talk about or consider. that includes the membership of ukraine in nato, as well as nato presence in eastern europe. the u.s. said repeatedly they don't want to talk about ukraine without ukraine in the room or nato in the room. but russia wants to deal with the u.s. on those issues. they are talking about direct issues with the u.s. and russia they can eventually come to some sort of agreement on. that would be missiles in ukraine, missiles in europe, the scale and scope of military exercises, both by nato and by russia. but the u.s. has said that if nato does anything, that that then needs to be reciprocated by russia. john, this meeting today here in geneva is really the first in a series of meetings that we'll see throughout the course of the week. on wednesday, the meetings then move on to nato in brussels and then on the osce in europe on thursday. all of this trying to prevent war in ukraine. and if these talks fail, john, the u.s. says they will be forced to turn to economic sanctions, unprecedented, massive sanctions against russia in order to make the possibility of going into ukraine very untenable for them. john. >> all kinds of concerns about diplomatic traps being set by the russians this week. we're lucky to have you there. please keep us posted. all right. let's get the view from moscow on these talks and bring in cnn's matthew chance. math chew, if you can give us a sense how russia is approaching the talks and what's at stake here. >> reporter: well, as alex was saying, i mean, it looks like these are the kinds of talks that are doomed from the outset with the extraordinary, you know, unacceptable demands, according to officials that the russians have set out as a basis for the discussions. namely, an end to any expansion of the nato military alliance, a pull back of weapons from countries in nato that joined the alliance after the fall of the soviet union. you know, western officials have made it quite clear that that is not something they're prepared to exceed to and not even prepared to discuss. but, you know, i think you have to understand there are areas in the demands that russia has made to get these talks going, there could be some cooperation on. alex mentioned the possibility of talks about deploying nuclear capable missiles on the continent of europe. that's something that russia wants an agreement on. it's something the united states is prepared to discuss as well. and things like the extent and the number of exercises that are taking place. close to the borders or on the borders. that's something that will be up for negotiations as well, as well as bilateral issues and diplomats in each other's countries. there are 120 diplomats approximately in the u.s. embassy in moscow. more than 1,200 not that long ago. there are all these areas for possible agreement. i think from a russian point of view, they are trying to shake the diplomatic tree, see what falls out, see what concessions they will be able to pick up. it's not necessarily the precursor for an invasion of ukraine, briannbrianna. >> we will see what comes out of this. perhaps some areas of agreement as well. matthew chance in moscow. thanks. up next, a final game of the nfl regular season that hollywood could not script. the chargers and raiders forcing the entire city of pittsburgh to hold its breath until the very last second. and remembering comedian bob saget, his life, legacy and the moments that made us all laugh. we're going to speak to two of his close friends in the comedy community. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 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picture is set after a thrilling last weekend of the regular season. andy scholes has this morning's "bleacher report" from indianapolis, the site of tonight's college football national championship game. wow. this was quite the game that we were watching yesterday. >> reporter: yeah. never seen anything like this, brianna. a wild scenario breaking out in the nfl yesterday. the winner between the chargers and raiders would make the playoffs. because the colts lost to the jags earlier in the day, if both tie, they would both make it. and it was this close to happening. chargers were down by 15 in the fourth quarter but rallied late, scoring two touchdowns with no time on the clock. justin herbert found mike williams. the tie was actually in play. the teams traded field goals. the raiders had the ball in the final seconds. the chargers, though, for some reason, called a time out with 38 seconds left while the raiders were running out the clock. instead of taking a knee and both teams making the playoffs, the raiders got in position and made a 47-yard field goal. raiders win 35-32. so they and the steelers ended up making the playoffs. meanwhile, here in indianapolis tonight, alabama will face georgia for the national title. alabama has beaten them seven straight times, including the beatdown a month ago. but the dogs say they have learned from that game. >> after the last alabama game, it was our wakeup call. we realized we had a lot of work to do. we haven't arrived yet. i had three shots at alabama and haven't beaten them yet. that's speaking for myself. as a team, winning a national championship, this is what we're grinding f,

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U S , John Berman , Viewers , Brianna Keilar , Around The World , January 10th , 10 , Monday January 10th , Bob Saget , Danny Tanner , Full House , News , Hollywood , Who , 65 , One , Dad , Play , Tv Fathers , Generation , Room , Coordination , On Sunday , Skip , Ritz Carlton , Orlando , Thing , Fans , Foul Play , Police , Collaborators , Sign , Drug Use , Comics , Last Night , Human Beings , Candace One Of The Best , Life , Friend , Person , Legacy , John Stamos , Cnn , Funniest , Nicest , Jon Stewart , Natasha Chen , Reporter , The Gary Shandling Show , Daughters , Dan Tanner , D J , Three , Turkey , Meat , Half , Dark Meat , Tomato , Peanut Butter , Banana , Swiss , Child , Many , Actors , Fuller House , Netflix , The Show Dominated Primetime Airwaves , Eight , 2016 , Host , America S Funniest Home Videos , God , Camcorder , 1997 , 9 , 198 , Households , Impression , Chef , Mom Au Mi , French , Mother , Tv Children , More , Roommate , Family Man Persona , Career , Seasons , Glimpse Of , Neighborhood , Nine , Humor , Bleep , Sense , Success , Me A Favor Don T , Comedians , Raunchiness , Setup , Documentary , Roasts , 2005 , People , Point Of View , Form , Ways , Everybody Paint , Painting , Aristocrat , Filming , Censorship , Joke , Arlt , 100 , Marijuana , Freedom , Drug , Freedom Of Speech , Comedy , Set , Idea , Addiction , Coke , Two , Lot , Mic Talking , Sorts , Fund Raising , Barrier , Theater , Causes , Monologue , Attention , Scleroderma Research , Sister , Chronic Disease , Aid Telethon , Beginning , Pandemic , Covid , 1994 , April 2020 , 19 , Little Levity In A Moment Of Darkness , Mask , Face , Underwear , Event , 2020 , Don T , In These Times , Mistake , Hamper , Interview , 2013 , Family , Comedian , Everything , Man , Walks Of Life Together With Laughter , Friends , Boy , Human , Norman Lear , Shock , Brothers , Dave , Los Angeles , Things , Part , Tv , Guys , Thought , Guy , Loss , Allen Zweibel , Talking To Friends , Words , Everybody , Haven T , Tributes , Way , Wife , Nowhere , Human Being , 80 , Children , Lives , Couple Tapings , 40 , Alan , Childhood , Comedy Community , Others , Love , Bob , There , Kid , Duality , Father , Stage , Heart , Couple , Laugh , Scalera Derma Foundation , Something , Kids , Whatever , Somebody , Fund Raiser , Gill La Rad Der Foundation , Danny Tanner In Real Life , Combo Platter , Kind , Terms , Clips , Episodes , Dorky Dad , Dorky , Wasn T An Act , , Model , Book , Extent , Manual , Stumble , Dorky Dads , Bob S , Prioritizes , Email Address , Parents , Bobby Daddy , Dorkiness , Volumes , Priority , Bobbydaddy , Matter , Family Needs , Tribute , Friends Today , George Wallace , Tv Dad , Coverage , Four , Fire , Gilbert Gottfried , New York , The Bronx , 50 , Firefighters , Building , Officials , Floor , Bronx , Death Toll , Brynn Gingras , Families , Apartment , Latest , Tragedy , Devastation , Loved Ones , Smoke , Dozens , Fighting , Their , Apartment Building , Marshalls , New York City Fire Department , The Fire Commissioner , Condition , Daniel Nyegrow , 13 , Some , Commissioner , Ems , 00 , 11 , Floors , Space Heater , Door , Women , Fear , Volume , Stairways , Sreuplts , Cardiac Arrest , Fire Alarm , Smoke Detectors , Heat , Mask On , Exit , Couldn T See , Residents , Gambian , Help , Institution , Ice , Names , Assistance , Community , Estate , Governor , Victims Compensation Fund , Members , Work , Call , Flames , Working Rescues , 911 , 200 , Cases , Tanks , Safety , Oxygen , Situation , Novak Djokovic , Win , Australia , Eric Adams , Being Unvaccinated , Survivor , Mayor , Teachers Union , Students , Future , Standoff , Australian Open , Chicago , Instruction , Home , Now , 340000 , Isn T , Limu , Whistles , Insurance , Doug , Limu Emu , Sec , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Music , What A Wonderful World Trelegy For Copd , Copd , Coughing , On By , High , Breeze Driftin , Trelegy , Medicines , Stand , Inhaler , Power , Copd Medicine , Feelin Good , Doctor , High Blood Pressure , Risk , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Heart Condition , Lung Function , Pneumonia , Thrush , Won T , Breathing , Chest Pain , Pain , Vision Changes , Swelling , Osteoporosis , Mouth , Problems Urinating , Eye , Tongue , Trelegy Com , Plan , Mom , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Cooking , Memories , Kitchen , Cgrp Protein , Nutrients , Energy , Health , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Office , World , President , Narrator , Tyranny , Greatest , Beach , Oval , Threat , Nuclear War , Wall , Voting Rights , Preacher , Alabama , Gate , Bridge , Enemy Superpower Tear , Selma , West Berlin , Justice , Continent , Generations , Leaders , Ideals , Democracy , Passing The Freedom To Vote Act , The Call , Back , John Lewis , Voting Rights Act , Nausea , Ubrelvy , Migraine , Dose , Inhibitors , Tiredness , Side Effects , Tracks , Migraine Medicine , 2 , Cyp3 , Phone Beep , Birds Chirping , Phone Clicks , Center Court , Judge , Detention , Tennis Star , Paula Hancocks , Anger , War , Melbourne , Battle , Grabs , Immigration , Ministry , Costs , Lawyers , Order , Fact , Tournament , Organizers , Minister May , Visa , Seeing , Affidavit , Covid On December 16th , Questions , Course , Social Media , Photos On Social Media , Panel Discussion Maskless , Tennis Awards Ceremony , December 16th , 17 , 16 , Border , Controls , Sympathy , Sentiment , Limb , Tightest , Covid 19 , Citizens , Treatment , Shutdowns , Report , Celebrity , Lockdowns , Tennis , Commentator , Mess , Tennis Match , The End , Patrick Mcenroe , Espn , Instance , Sets , Down Under , Djokovic , Country , Documentation , Attorney , Border Patrol , Number , Airport , Governing Body , Application , Ball , Minister Of Home Affairs , Unfair , And Kick Djokovic , Someone , Move , Right , Views , Process , Vaccination , Rules , Tkpeplz , Test Report , Case , Government , Detention Center , Listen , Tread , Jerk , Doesn T , It , Opinion , Victoria , Car , Side , Video , Lawyer , Boeing , Zoo , Team , Appeal , Top , Jumping , House , Offices , Chaos , Coach , Practice Court , Video Press Conference , Trainer , Rackets , Court , Story , Serbia , Michelle Obama , John , School , Voters , Message , Thanks , Teachers , 300000 , Elections , Push , Warning , Democrats , Card , Fee , How Bizarre , Omc , Moderate , Psoriasis , Choices , Entrance , Splash , Pill , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Depression , Otezla , Cream , Skin , Choice , Plaque Psoriasis , 75 , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Weight , Headache , History , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Planning , Strength , Protection , Leaks , Strong , Trust , Performance , Depend , Panic Room , Basement Slash , The Living Room , Yoga Shanti Slash , Vacation , App , Vrbo , Entertainment , Binge Watching , Apps , Bag , Xfinity , Nice , Place , Sports , Touchdown , Cost , Voice , The Hits Won T Quit , Irish , Cheering , Peacock Premium , Classes , Chicago Public Schools , City , Adrienne Broaddus , Rise , Row , Live In Chicago , Negotiations , We Haven T , Learning Plan , Weekend , Middle , Bending , Learning , Breakthrough , Union , Contention , Disagree On , School Officials , Shutdown , The Union , Cps , Lori Lightfoot , Trigger , School By , Metric System , Chicago Teachers Union , Masks , Aren T , Testing , Brother , Brian Sicknick , Classroom , Midterms , Insurrection , Rescue Efforts , Cliff Collapsing , Brazil , Tourist Boats , Killing Pe , Charity , Investigation , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million , Two Hundred And Twenty Five Million Dollars , Company , Car Company , None , Jeff , Bonnie , Robert , Difference , Subaru , Care , On Unsweetened Lipton , Lipton , Sippin , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Ww , Personalpoints Plan , Ice Cream , Shopping , Clothes , James Corden , 28 , Food , Limits , Foods , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Avocado , Ww Com , Hurry , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job Description , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire At Vanguard , Owner , Tools , Advice , Investor , Access , Smoking , Cold Turkey , Nicorette , Protein , High Protein , Muscle Health , Immune Support , Boost , 20 , Letter , Fight For Our Vote , Mrs , New York Times , Voting Rights Organization , Ad , Attack , Author , Political Commentator , Bakari Sellers , Guns , Don T Have Changes , Progress , Obstruction , Kyrsten Sinema , Voting Rights Law , Joe Manchin , Saying , Action , Alabama Will Face Georgia , Mississippi , Albany , Jackson , California , Massachusetts , South , Nip Laws , Thousands , Dynamic , Charlotte , Hundreds , South Carolina , North Carolina , Columbia , Reason , Individuals , Level , Party , Barack Obama , Party Lines , Gravitas , Cuts , Shell , Resurgence , Inflation , Virus , Malaise , Donald Trump , Et Cetera , Register , Action Item , Kids Books , Envelope , Illustrations , Stock , Representation , Empathy , Pride , Race , Conversations , Ending , Project , Page , Book Before , Question , Readers , Challenge , Astronaut , Dreams , Imagery , Eyes , Dream , Sadie , Birthday Party , Birthday , Stokely , Blessing , Parts , Health Issues , Birthdays , Go Out , Anything , Preorder , Contribution , Chance , Library , Opportunity , Sale , Up Next , Talks , Baby , Russia , Soldiers , Evacuation , Afghan , Geneva , Ukraine , Me And You , Troops , Cold War , U S Embassy In Moscow , Version , Birds Flyin , Driftin , What S Next , Save , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Theaters , December 17th , Soldier , Kabul Airport , Infant , Taxi Driver , Ground , 29 , Desperation , Crowd , Grandfather , Concerns , Nato , Kabul , Solution , Alex March Quqmarquardt , Sort , Mission , Military , Russians , Table , Realism , Security Issues , Concrete Breakthrough , Hearing , Signals , D C , Stuff , Eastern Europe , Presence , Membership , Agreement , Issues , Missiles , The Room , Meeting , Military Exercises , Scale , Scope , Has , First , Meetings , Series , Osce , Brussels , Sanctions , Possibility , Kinds , View , Traps , Matthew Chance , Stake , Math Chew , End , Discussions , Outset , Basis , Demands , Expansion , Military Alliance , Countries , Pull , Weapons , Alliance , After The Fall , Soviet Union , Western , Areas , Cooperation On , Exercises , Borders , Diplomats , 120 , Concessions , Tree , 1200 , Precursor , Invasion , Briannbrianna , Raiders , Chargers , Season , Breath , Second , Nfl , Matthew Chance In Moscow , Pittsburgh , Moments , Remembering , Serena , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , 3 , Cause , Older Medicines , Cyp3a4 , Stop Rybelsus , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Majority , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , 1 , Stomach Pain , Changes , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , 0 , Battle Sounds Stop , Battle Sounds From Phone , Phone , Wealth , Dragon Roar , Planning Effect , Picture , Investing Strategies , Morning , Bleacher Report , Playoff Picture , Andy Scholes , Site , Scenario , Winner , College Football National Championship Game , Indianapolis , Playoffs , Tie , Colts , Jags , 15 , Clock , Field Goals , Justin Herbert , Mike Williams , Teams , Knee , Position , Time Out , 38 , Field Goal , Steelers , 32 , 35 , 47 , Times , Game , Wakeup Call , Title , Dogs , Seven , Shots , Championship ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240709

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we begin with sad news out of hollywood. bob saget who played danny tanner on "full house", has died. saget was only 65. and he was undeniably one of america's most prolific and beloved tv fathers. >> play with me, dad. >> okay. ♪ >> you know, sometimes grace and coordination skip a generation. >> saget was found dead in his room at the orlando ritz-carlton on sunday. police say there was no sign of foul play or drug use. >> the thing about bob saget is, as much as fans loved him, his fellow comics and collaborators adored him, adored. you can tell from the outpouring last night. candace one of the best human beings i've ever known. john stamos, i will never ever another friend like him. jon stewart described him as the funniest and nicest person. cnn's natasha chen on the life and legacy of bob saget. >> how are you doing? i'm dan tanner, d.j.'s dad. >> reporter: he was the dad raising three daughters on the show "full house". >> okay. i have turkey all white meat, swiss, no turkey, turkey all dark extra tomato. half dark meat, half white meat. and peanut butter and banana, hold the turkey. >> reporter: the show dominated primetime airwaves eight years and rebooted as "fuller house" in 2016 on netflix, starring many of the same child actors, now grown up. >> i screamed the loudest when i saw them. i said, oh, my god, i'm bob saget! >> i do that, too, when i wake up in the morning. >> reporter: and he was host of america's funniest home videos. on sunday nights from 198 9 to 1997 showing america's most embarrassing moments in an era where the camcorder became ubiquitous in middle-class households. >> if you think i am going to do a bad impression of a french chef, you are right, mom au mi. >> a roommate i only caught a glimpse of. >> reporter: telling tv children through nine seasons just exactly how he met their mother. but saget's career was made much more of a family man persona. >> hey, welcome to the neighborhood. >> hey. bob saget. >> but do me a favor don't [ bleep ] daughters. [ bleep ]. >> reporter: he had an edgy-rated sense of humor, pushing back his success from squeaky-clean show. he displayed his raunchiness from roasts where comedians try to tell the filthiest possible setup on the same setup. a documentary was made in 2005 filming 100 comedians telling that same a aristocrat's joke. . >> and the point was censorship, different ways people can do an arlt form and alltel the same thing. everybody paint the same painting and see what happens. but it really was about freedom of speech. >> reporter: freedom not to hold back. >> i'm here today because i'm addicted to marijuana. >> marijuana is not a drug. i used to suck [ bleep ] for coke. >> reporter: his real-life addiction so to speak was comedy. he said i had no idea i did a two-hour set tonight. i'm happily addicted again to this [ bleep ]. >> there's no barrier. it's a simple form. person with a mic talking to a lot of people. the oldest form of theater, monologue of sorts. >> reporter: he drew attention to causes important to him. fund-raising for the scleroderma research. he lost his sister to the chronic disease in 1994. and at the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic, saget performed on the comedy gives back laugh aid telethon in april 2020, supporting comedians who could not work. he came on cnn's "new day" to promote the event and bring a little levity in a moment of darkness. >> i made my own face mask out of my underwear. hard to find humor in these times. it was a mistake. don't get it out of the hamper, people. that's all i have to say. >> reporter: in a 2013 else squire interview, saget was asked to define his humor. he said, quote, i am basically a 9-year-old boy that evolved. but family and friends remember the man that evolved, not just the comedian. his family said he was everything to us, and we want you to know how much he loved his fans, performing live, and bringing people from all walks of life together with laughter. norman lear shared, bob saget was as lovely a human as he was funny. john stamos posted, quote, i am broken. i am gutted. i am in complete and utter shock. i will never ever have another friend like him. >> i love them all. john and dave are like brothers to me. >> you stuck it out. >> just like we always do. >> just like we always will. >> reporter: natasha chen, cnn, los angeles. >> you know, i will tell you, i felt, berman, that -- i just felt quite affected when i learned he had passed away. and i realized it was because what a part of my life he had been over the years. >> i miss "full house" when it was on tv. one of the things i've always been struck by with bob saget, how much he was just adored by his fellow comedians. he was the guy they all thought was hilarious and also one of the nicest guys around. >> that's one of the things we will explore today, talking to friends and fellow comedians. let's start with long time friend allen zweibel. i imagine you are very much in shock. how are you putting this loss into words? >> it's really hard. i haven't totally figured out how to put it into words yet. i heard all the tributes you just got from everybody. when i heard last night, it came out of nowhere. and i just sat and i was shaking. and my wife came in, and i told her. and i know a lot of other people who feel exactly the same way. this was -- we lost a good friend, but a good human being. you know, you'll hear all day from people how funny he was. you know, i met him in the late '80s. i had co-created a show called "the gary shandling show." you are children were very young at that time. they loved him. we took him to a couple tapings. and danny tanner was part of their young lives. last night, the oldest of whom is 40, called. they called me to see how i was, but they were calling because they were mourning the loss of bob saget and danny tanner. their child. he was their childhood. >> alan, we're so sorry for your loss. we appreciate you talking to us. you are just proving my point which is you and so many others in the comedy community just adored bob saget. with some people, you see this. this is really just a genuine love that you show. so tell me about bob. what was it about him that you love so much? >> he was a big kid. and there was a duality there. but bob saget that, yeah, who was raunchy on stage, he was one of the guys, you know? danny tanner was bob saget the father. that's why children were drawn to him. we in the comedy community knew that we can -- a couple of things. that he can make us laugh. but his heart, i'm telling you, john, his heart -- whatever you needed him for. he started the scalera derma foundation which he started after his sister died. any time we needed somebody to perform for gill la rad der foundation, bob came as a fund-raiser or whatever. if the kids were sick or he heard something was wrong, he called. i want was the human being. it was the combo platter in a way. he was danny tanner in real life. he was embracing. and you felt how he felt about you. you could not help but love and embrace bob saget. it's a real loss in terms of the human being. the kind of person you want other people to be. >> i think -- and as we're watching some of these clips from "full house", i did not miss "full house". i watched so many episodes of "full house". and he was such a dorky, dorky dad, alan. but he was so loving. and i think what's amazing -- and we're talking about this. as you said, that's who he was. that's the thing he sort of brought. even as this dorky dad, he brought this model of just showing so much love to the people around him, and it wasn't an act. >> i've got to tell you something, you're absolutely right. to a great extent, we're all dorky dads. there's no manual, okay. there's no book saying this is how you do this. this is how you handle that. so we all stumble our way through it somehow. but it's the love of our children and the love for our children that gets us through it and prioritizes things. let me just tell you, and i guess i can say it now, bob's old email address was bobbydaddy. that speaks volumes. what was his priority? bobby daddy. that's who he was. the dorkiness was something that kids related to and parents related to. and it was -- but you knew that no matter what he was stumbling through, it was out of love and well meaning. >> yeah. and that's certainly -- that's what a family needs. you know, so, look, alan, we are thinking very much of you today, his friends today, and certainly his family. this is incredibly shocking. we're going to continue today to pay tribute to bob's legacy. so thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> so stick around, because our coverage of america's beloved tv dad, bob saget, will continue with long time friend and comedian george wallace, who knew him for four decades. and gilbert gottfried who spoke to him four days ago. 19 people are dead, including nine children in the bronx. this is new york's deadliest fire in 50 years. firefighters arrived within minutes, finding victims on every floor of the building. officials say the death toll is likely to climb. let's get to cnn's brynn gingras live in the bronx with the latest on this horrible tragedy, brynn. >> reporter: yeah. just unimaginable devastation. as families lost loved ones within a matter of minutes. the fire was in one apartment of this building, and it actually stayed in that building. but the smoke quickly spread throughout the entire building, suffocating people as they tried to escape. 19 killed, 9 of them children. dozens more fighting for their lives this morning. this morning, the new york city fire department and fire marshalls are investigating a deadly fire at a 19-story apartment building in the bronx. at least 19 people lost their lives, including nine children. dozens more were injured, including 13 people in life-threatening condition, according to fire commissioner daniel nyegrow. >> it is certainly traumatizing when we can't save a life. fire and ems tried to bring some of these people back and to bring them out as quickly as they could. >> reporter: the commissioner said the fire started yesterday morning just before 11:00 when a space heater malfunctioned in an apartment on the second and third floors of the building. the fire then spread throughout the building. when the door to that apartment and at least one stairwell door were left open. >> the smoke spread throughout the building. some of them could not escape because of the volume of smoke. >> reporter: sreuplts were found in stairways on every floor of the building, many in cardiac arrest. one women who did escape described the fear she felt. >> i was very scared. that smoke really hit me. by the time i got to the exit and had the mask on, i couldn't even see. i thought i went blind. i couldn't see. >> reporter: the fire commissioner said the heat was on in the building and there were working smoke detectors. one said the fire alarm regularly goes off even when there is not a fire. . >> how are you supposed to know if it's a fire if it's always going off? >> reporter: the building housed a lot of gambian residents. they should not be afraid to ask for help. >> if you need assistance, your names will not be turned over to i.c.e. or any other institution. we're all feeling this. we're going to be here for this community to help them navigate through this. >> reporter: new york's governor announced the state will establish a victims compensation fund. we will not forget you. we will not abandon you. we are here for you. >> reporter: it is so important to note the incredible work of the fdny. about 200 members arrived within three minutes of the 911 call, putting out the flames, working rescues. in some cases, john, there are firefighters who ran out of oxygen in their tanks as they were trying to bring people to safety. john. >> brynn, what a horrible situation. they were there within minutes. please keep us posted. we will speak with mayor eric adams and a survivor of the deadly fire. plus, novak djokovic scored a big win against australia. despite being unvaccinated, he, at least as of now, will be allowed to stay in australia. what will this mean for his future at the australian open? a standoff between chicago's mayor and the teachers union there, forcing 340,000 students to stay home without instruction for a fourth consecutive day. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. narrator: on a faraway beach, the generation called "our greatest" saved the world from tyranny. in an office we know as "oval," a new-generation president faced down an imminent threat of nuclear war. on a bridge in selma, alabama, the preacher of his time marched us straight to passing voting rights for every american. at a gate in west berlin, a late-generation american president demanded an enemy superpower tear down a wall and liberate a continent. american generations answering the call of their time with american ideals. freedom. liberty. justice. for today's generation of leaders, the call has come again to protect our freedom to vote, to fortify our democracy by passing the freedom to vote act and the john lewis voting rights act because america - john lewis: we are not going back, we are going forward. it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. (birds chirping) ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ (phone beep) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (music quieter) ♪ (phone clicks) ♪ ♪ we have breaking news out of australia. a huge win for novak djokovic off the court. an australian judge freeing the tennis star from his nearly one-week detention. but that legal win is sparking anger among leaders. paula hancocks live from melbourne. paula, tell us the latest here. >> reporter: well, brianna, novak djokovic may have won the battle, but the war could still be up for grabs. what we know is the tennis star is a free man tonight. the judge ordered him released from detention. they ordered the ministry to pay his legal costs. and the judge said he was not given enough time to order to be able to respond at immigration, saying he was unable to speak to his lawyers, unable to speak to organizers of the tournament. so it really was a procedural matter, which is why he has been released. but that may not be all we have heard from the ministry. the minister may, in fact, use his personal power in order to step in and revoke the visa himself. it's uncertain at this point whether or not he will do that. what we have been seeing is quite interesting in court. an affidavit said he was aware he had tested positive for covid on december 16th. of course this raises questions on the 16th and 17th we did see him in public through photos on social media, on his own social media. he was at a panel discussion maskless. he was also at a tennis awards ceremony. so that is raising questions as to why he was out and about knowing he was positive with covid-19 at that point. now, when it comes to the public sentiment here, there is limb sympathy for this tennis star here in australia. the border controls have been among the tightest in the world in australia. many citizens have fallen foul of him. they don't want to see a celebrity getting what they think may be special treatment. brianna. >> yeah. they have weathered shutdowns, lockdowns especially in melbourne where you are. paula, thank you for the report. we know this isn't the end of it. here with me is espn tennis commentator and tennis great patrick mcenroe. what a mess. >> well, if this were a tennis match, he would have been down two sets to love. it is 2-2. he is up in the fifth set. but as you heard from your reporter down under, it's not quite over yet. it sounds to me that justice, at least in this particular instance, has been served. djokovic answered all the questions. he had all the documentation that was necessary he thought to get in the country. the border patrol told him he would get a few hours to talk to his attorney in the middle of the night after he had been in the airport in melbourne for a number of hours. that he would have a few hours to talk to the governing body which approved his visa and application. then they sort of reneged on that and made him sign this form saying his visa had been canceled. that's where the judge came down hardest. they said it was inappropriate, unfair. now the ball is in the proverbial court of the minister of home affairs, who controls immigration in the country. and he could apparently still cancel the visa and kick djokovic out of the country. i would be shocked at this point if that happens based on all that has transpired the last couple of days. >> it would be an aggressive move, bold move. when you say justice, you're not talking about whether or not someone should be vaccinated. you're not talking about justice in terms of -- >> no. >> -- whether or not djokovic has behaved nobly the last couple of years ago. you're talking about the process itself to play in the australian open. >> that's absolutely correct. i'm not talking about what djokovic has done. he has his own views on vaccination, particularly for covid. it's his right to do that. i don't believe it's his right to then go into any country that he wants. he did get a medical tkpeplz for this particular instance. he did follow the rules and do what he was supposed to do. as a reporter noted, there's questions, big-time questions, john, that he apparently tested positive on december 16th. he got the positive test report back later that day. and then he was seen out and about over the course of the next couple of days. those are the questions that novak djokovic personally is going to have to answer. but as for this particular case, this is why i believe justice was served. he clearly was not treated fairly. he was put in a detention center. and i think the judge also warned the government, listen, this has become way bigger than just novak djokovic at this point. so tread very carefully if you intend to cancel his visa and kick him out of the country. >> yeah. look, if he tested positive on the 16th and on the 17th he was out and about, that might make him a jerk. that may be someone's opinion there. but it doesn't in and of itself cause him to not be allowed to play in the australian open by the rules that the tournament and the state of victoria had laid out there. what's this going to be like? assuming he does get to play, what's this boeing to be like when he takes the court? >> can you say an absolute zoo, john. you're 100% right on the moral side of it and the legal side of it. already we have seen video of apparently the car that djokovic was in leaving his lawyer's office. they did let him leave the detention center to listen to the appeal with his team. people were jumping on top of the car apparently that djokovic was in. this was just him leaving the offices of his legal team. it was absolutely chaos. it's now after 10:00 p.m. local time in melbourne. if i were novak djokovic, this is what i would do right now. go to my house that i rented where his team is at, coach, trainer. i would pick up my rackets and go straight to center court where he will be playing in a week and get on the practice court, get video. i know his parents are saying they're about to do a live video press conference with novak. do that if you want to. it's a huge story. we know that in serbia. i'm going right to the practice court right now. . >> patrick mcenroe, i know you will be covering this every night for the next several weeks here. we look forward to speaking to you again. >> thanks for having me, john. four straight days with no school for children in chicago. why the mayor says teachers abandoned 300,000 students and their families. and michelle obama out with an urgent message to voters and democrats. her new push and a warning ahead of the midterm elections. ♪ ♪ ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe 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[cheering] that was awesome. and, the hits won't quit, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. all that entertainment built in. xfinity. a way better way to watch. breaking overnight, classes in chicago public schools canceled for the fourth straight day. a standoff between the chicago teachers union and city officials is dragging on as covid cases do rise there. angry parents, though, rising up. adrienne broaddus live in chicago. fourth day in a row. kids caught in the middle here, adrienne. >> reporter: john, they absolutely are caught in the middle. and so are their parents. negotiations took place over the weekend. but still here we are monday morning, no learning plan for nearly 340,000 students. there was some bending, but we haven't seen a breakthrough. let's begin with what members of the union and the city disagree on. the main point of contention boils down to remote learning. that's what the city's mayor lori lightfoot is saying. the mayor alleges members of the union want a district-wide shutdown if there's a surge in covid cases. and school officials with cps, as well as the mayor, say they categorically reject this. the mayor says they've offered a trigger which would trigger a school-by-school or case-by-case metric system. members of the chicago teachers union have asked for better testing, more masks. and that's something the city and members of the union agree on. but the negotiations will continue today. and here we are, the fourth straight day students in chicago public schools aren't in the classroom. john. >> parents infuriated at this point. adrienne broaddus, thank you very much. michelle obama's new push to get out the vote ahead of the midterms, and the brother of fallen officer brian sicknick speaking out on the insurrection that claimed his brother's life one year ago. rescue efforts are under way after a dramatic video in brazil captured a cliff collapsing on several tourist boats, killing pe 10 people and injuring dozens s more. where the investigation stands ahead. over two hundred and twenty five million dollars to charity. you can get a car from any company, but none will make a difference like subaru. 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to continue engaging in democracy amid an historic attack on voting rights. joining us now to talk about this is bakari sellers, cnn political commentator and also, and we're going to talk about this in a moment, an author. but an author of a new children's book "who are your people?" it's a delightful back. we will talk about that, as i said, in a moment. bakari, bringing in the big guns here, michelle obama, what does this signify to you? >> reporter: it's necessary. one of the things democrats are trying to figure out and most people who find themselves on the side of democracy is how they will overcome some of the obstruction from joe manchin, kyrsten sinema and how to make progress when you don't have changes, adaptations to the voting rights law. so one of the things the former first lady says, which many people are saying is it takes action. that action means we have to register voters. i want people to understand we are not just talking about new york, massachusetts and california, but we need to go to mississippi, jackson, mississippi, albany, georgia, charlotte, north carolina, columbia, south carolina, throughout the south and make sure you are registering hundreds of thousands of voters. and that can change the dynamic and overcome nip laws that are regressive. >> is this less about the who is asking for it, bakari, and more about the what she is asking for here? it only matters if people are being registered. >> reporter: no. i can't necessarily agree with you. because any time michelle obama speaks, it's the who. and the reason being is because she doesn't speak often. the individuals in our party who have that level of gravitas, not just -- i mean, listen, this cuts across party lines. when barack obama and hi shell obama speak, especially after the last four years of donald trump and kind of the malaise we're in now with the resurgence of the virus, inflation, et cetera, then barack obama and michelle obama cut through that. and we all know michelle obama is the most popular obama anyway. so in this case it's about the who, but the what is also very powerful. because we're talking about an action item. and we're talking about something everybody can do, which is get out and register voters. >> all right. so i mentioned your book, your new book, bakari, which i have. mine's at home because i read it to my kids. i read a lot of kids books, bakari. this one is so special. i just want to tell you, i opened it up. i opened up the envelope, read the book. it is an incredibly beautiful message and also the illustrations. tell us about this "who are your people"? >> reporter: the first thing they ask in the south, who are your people. that's how they get to know you. what stock you come from, where are you from. and so i wanted to write a book where my kids and kids around the country could see themselves in it. i wanted them to be able to see that level of representation. and i wanted them to be proud of where they come from. and i wanted them to be proud of who their people are. and so during this time where we're having these very tough conversations about race and other things, i think this is a book that teaches empathy and pride. and i've been a -- i've written a book before, but i am most excited about this project i'm working on right now. >> i don't want to give away the ending, but i'm going to give away the ending, bakari. i really did love this. on the last page you ask, so, what will you dream and how will you change the world? i just love the fact that you left readers and their parents, kids and parents, with that question, that challenge, actually. >> reporter: yeah. i hope that as you're reading this -- and i hope parents think about it, too. when they are asking their children this question, maybe they will dream big dreams. you know, the imagery, she is the president of the united states and he is an astronaut. and i think that as we go through this we have to dedicate ourselves to dreaming with our eyes open. if we teach our kids to dream, we will be in a much better place than we are today. >> can i say happy late birthday to sadie and stokely. >> reporter: they wore us out. they danced four hours on saturday. i am exhausted. their mother is exhausted. shout out my wife for putting on an amazing birthday party. with he take birthdays very seriously around our parts. with sadie's health issues, we treat every single year as a blessing. >> it is. and, look, this book is a blessing. like i said, i've read a lot of kids books. i haven't seen anything like this. it is an important contribution to a child's library that you put together here. it is very special, bakari. thank you. >> reporter: thank you guys for the opportunity. it's on sale tomorrow, so i hope preorder it, go out and get it and give it a chance. thank you guys for talking about it this morning. i'm very proud of it >> i'm going to take a couple copies to my kids's school. great to see you. >> reporter: always good. up next, the video seen around the world. we're learning so much about the afghan baby given to american soldiers during the chaotic evacuation. so what happened and where is he now? and u.s.-russia talks under way in geneva at this moment in what could be the most precarious moment since the end of the cold war. russian troops on the border of ukraine. any progress to report? we're live from geneva and moscow. ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ (coughing) ♪ breeze driftin' on by ♪ ♪ you know how i feel ♪ copd may have gotten you here, but you decide what's next. start a new day with trelegy. ♪ ...feelin' good ♪ no once-daily copd medicine has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps people breathe easier and improves lung function. it also helps prevent future flare-ups. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. take a stand and start a new day with trelegy. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy. and save at superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. a baby, who was handed to a u.s. soldier at the kabul airport as thousands attempted to evacuate afghanistan, has been found and reunited with his family. the infant was reportedly taken in by a 29-year-old taxi driver who found the baby crying on the ground on the other side of the wall. now, the child's parents handed him to the soldier in desperation, fearing their 2-month-old infant would get crushed in the crowd. they never thought it would have taken this long to be reunited with him. the baby is with his grandfather in kabul as they try to reunite him with his parents in the u.s. talks are under way with u.s. and russian officials in geneva. and you say nato raised concerns about the border of ukraine, all while attempting to broker some kind of diplomatic solution. alex march quqmarquardt. people called this the most tenuous moment since the end of the cold war. >> reporter: john, these talks are absolutely critical, aimed at deterring any sort of russian military incursion into ukraine. the talks between u.s. and russia have been taking place four hours' time at the mission in geneva. now, there are a number of things on the table. there are a number of things not on the table. the u.s. is coming in with a sense of realism because they have been dealing with russia so long on u.n. security issues. but the russians have said they are disappointed with the signals they have been hearing from d.c. ahead of the talks. and the u.s. said they don't expect to come out with any sort of concrete breakthrough. that is in part because the stuff that russia wants to talk about is not necessarily what the u.s. wants to talk about or consider. that includes the membership of ukraine in nato, as well as nato presence in eastern europe. the u.s. said repeatedly they don't want to talk about ukraine without ukraine in the room or nato in the room. but russia wants to deal with the u.s. on those issues. they are talking about direct issues with the u.s. and russia they can eventually come to some sort of agreement on. that would be missiles in ukraine, missiles in europe, the scale and scope of military exercises, both by nato and by russia. but the u.s. has said that if nato does anything, that that then needs to be reciprocated by russia. john, this meeting today here in geneva is really the first in a series of meetings that we'll see throughout the course of the week. on wednesday, the meetings then move on to nato in brussels and then on the osce in europe on thursday. all of this trying to prevent war in ukraine. and if these talks fail, john, the u.s. says they will be forced to turn to economic sanctions, unprecedented, massive sanctions against russia in order to make the possibility of going into ukraine very untenable for them. john. >> all kinds of concerns about diplomatic traps being set by the russians this week. we're lucky to have you there. please keep us posted. all right. let's get the view from moscow on these talks and bring in cnn's matthew chance. math chew, if you can give us a sense how russia is approaching the talks and what's at stake here. >> reporter: well, as alex was saying, i mean, it looks like these are the kinds of talks that are doomed from the outset with the extraordinary, you know, unacceptable demands, according to officials that the russians have set out as a basis for the discussions. namely, an end to any expansion of the nato military alliance, a pull back of weapons from countries in nato that joined the alliance after the fall of the soviet union. you know, western officials have made it quite clear that that is not something they're prepared to exceed to and not even prepared to discuss. but, you know, i think you have to understand there are areas in the demands that russia has made to get these talks going, there could be some cooperation on. alex mentioned the possibility of talks about deploying nuclear capable missiles on the continent of europe. that's something that russia wants an agreement on. it's something the united states is prepared to discuss as well. and things like the extent and the number of exercises that are taking place. close to the borders or on the borders. that's something that will be up for negotiations as well, as well as bilateral issues and diplomats in each other's countries. there are 120 diplomats approximately in the u.s. embassy in moscow. more than 1,200 not that long ago. there are all these areas for possible agreement. i think from a russian point of view, they are trying to shake the diplomatic tree, see what falls out, see what concessions they will be able to pick up. it's not necessarily the precursor for an invasion of ukraine, briannbrianna. >> we will see what comes out of this. perhaps some areas of agreement as well. matthew chance in moscow. thanks. up next, a final game of the nfl regular season that hollywood could not script. the chargers and raiders forcing the entire city of pittsburgh to hold its breath until the very last second. and remembering comedian bob saget, his life, legacy and the moments that made us all laugh. we're going to speak to two of his close friends in the comedy community. serena: it's my 3:10 no-exit-in-sight migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. people everywhere living with type 2 diabetes are waking up to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 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picture is set after a thrilling last weekend of the regular season. andy scholes has this morning's "bleacher report" from indianapolis, the site of tonight's college football national championship game. wow. this was quite the game that we were watching yesterday. >> reporter: yeah. never seen anything like this, brianna. a wild scenario breaking out in the nfl yesterday. the winner between the chargers and raiders would make the playoffs. because the colts lost to the jags earlier in the day, if both tie, they would both make it. and it was this close to happening. chargers were down by 15 in the fourth quarter but rallied late, scoring two touchdowns with no time on the clock. justin herbert found mike williams. the tie was actually in play. the teams traded field goals. the raiders had the ball in the final seconds. the chargers, though, for some reason, called a time out with 38 seconds left while the raiders were running out the clock. instead of taking a knee and both teams making the playoffs, the raiders got in position and made a 47-yard field goal. raiders win 35-32. so they and the steelers ended up making the playoffs. meanwhile, here in indianapolis tonight, alabama will face georgia for the national title. alabama has beaten them seven straight times, including the beatdown a month ago. but the dogs say they have learned from that game. >> after the last alabama game, it was our wakeup call. we realized we had a lot of work to do. we haven't arrived yet. i had three shots at alabama and haven't beaten them yet. that's speaking for myself. as a team, winning a national championship, this is what we're grinding f,

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