Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709 : comparemel

Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709

>> conspiracy theories -- >> that could have been mickey mouse -- >> i'm watching going this is the craziest thing i've ever seen. and people bought it. lawsuits -- >> they try to not have your votes counted. they did not want your vote to count. >> potentially illegal pressure campaigns. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> what he was asking for wasn't supported by the facts, wasn't supported by the constitution. >> extraordinary scheming. >> let's talk about -- >> just breathtaking that you would have laid out such a clear game plan that so clearly violated the constitution. >> and all too many in the republican party -- >> we believe this was a free and fair election. >> -- and maga media who followed along. >> unverifiable dumps of votes. >> we will never give up. we will never concede. >> stop the steal! >> it all might have worked if not for a few people in key places. notably among them brave republicans. >> in the moments of truth, you need the right people to pass the most difficult tests. we had just enough people on january 6th pass the test. >> pursuant to the constitution and the laws of the united states -- >> do you think donald trump attempted to stage a coup? >> i don't know what you could call it other than a coup. >> i have real concerns about the future of this democracy. [ chants ] >> i'm deeply afraid for our country. >> tonight, a cnn special report. "trumping democracy: an american coup." >> you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength. >> january 6th was the line that can't be crossed. january 6th was an unconstitutional attempt led by the president of the united states to overturn an american election and reinstall himself in power illegitimately. [ chants ] that's fallen nation territory, that's third world country territory. my family left cuba to avoid that fate. i will not let it happen here. >> that's republican congressman anthony gonzalez of ohio. >> i rise today in support of the cuban people -- >> grandson of an immigrant, he has a quintessentially american success story. a talented wide receiver who played three years for ohio state, five more in the nfl, and when injuries sidelined him, he got a business degree from stanford. all this before age 34 when gonzalez felt called to run for congress. >> i got into this because, look, my family came here from cuba, my father's family came here from cuba. we come from a country that has fallen. we come from a failed nation, and we've seen what happens when the rule of law is dismantled, when a strongman is allowed to take hold, and democratic norms cease to exist. >> now the conservative republican has a warning for all of us about what trump and his minions tried to do when they tried to steal the election. >> this country's been through a lot. we fought through it, and we've persevered. as much as i despise almost every policy of the biden administration, the country can survive a round of bad policy. the country can't survive torching the constitution. that's the one thing the country can't survive. >> it's going to be fraud all over the place. a rigged election. there's going to be fraud. >> donald trump's plan to undermine american democracy began months before the voting started. >> what's he going to do with these ballots? where are they going? >> with a return to lies he had been telling for years. in 2012 he tweeted, quote, more reports of voting machines switching romney votes to obama. pay close attention to the machines. don't let your vote be stolen. not true. in 2016, quote, ted cruz didn't win iowa, he stole it. not true. and this after he won the electoral college, hence the presidency in 2016. quote, i won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. also not true. >> president trump started a commission to look for that in 2017. they could find nothing. they disbanded before they could even file a report. >> in 2020, mail-in ballots, which were going to be more prevalent because of the pandemic, became a perfect new foil for trump's old claim. >> voting by mail is wrought with fraud and abuse. when you do all mail-in voting ballots, you're asking for fraud. >> melissa farrah was the white house communications director for then-president trump from april through december 2020. >> we actually had to pull together a meeting in the oval to remind him that many of our voters, particularly senior citizens, were going to vote by mail, and that we were deterring people from turning out and from voting in the way that they would. >> all this caught the attention of congresswoman liz cheney. a rock red conservative and daughter of former vice president dick cheney. at the time, she was number three in house republican leadership, the conference chair. >> it concerned me because we wanted people to be able to vote as republicans. i wasn't concerned about it from a constitutional perspective at all. those concerns clearly came later on. >> there are going to be millions of missing ballots. >> cheney's constitutional concerns came about five weeks before election day. then president trump was asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power. >> win, lose, or draw in this election, will you commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the election? >> we're going to have to see what happens, you know that. i've been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster. >> you tweeted a response to that. you wrote, "the peaceful transfer of power is enshrined in our constitution, and fundamental to the survival of our republic. america's swear an oath, " that suggests to me that you were worried. >> i was. there's a basic fundamental thing. every president really is responsible for safeguarding the peaceful transfer of power. >> we're going to have to see what happens. >> so for president trump not to be willing to make that commitment was stunning. >> that was september 2020, when donald trump also stunned republican al schmidt. >> we either need to get them on board or move the polling place. >> schmidt is one of three city commissioners philadelphia. his job is to oversee the city's elections. >> there was a big problem. in philadelphia they went in to watch. they were called poll watchers. they were thrown out. they weren't allowed to watch. you know why? because bad things happen in philadelphia. bad things. >> so you're watching the debate, and president trump says bad things happen in philadelphia. what goes through your mind? >> i think i said out loud, "i see what you're doing." we had the sitting president trying to discredit the results coming from the city of philadelphia before a single vote was cast in the city. >> watch those ballots. i don't like it. thousands of ballots all over the country are being reported. some thrown in garbage cans with my name on them. did you see today? there was a big mishap with the ballots, another one. >> not only was trump spreading distrust of the electoral process -- >> did you see they found 50,000 ballots in like a river? >> -- he was doing it in states such as pennsylvania and michigan where the margins were expected to be tight, and the wait for results was expected to be unusually long. >> in most of america there is a big traditional skew between early votes and election day votes. the republicans usually win election day, and the democrats usually win early voting and absentee voting. we've got all this vote flowing in. >> chris steirwalt was part of fox news decision desk -- >> do republicans do well enough to offset it? >> in 2020, the divide was expected to be more pronounced than usual because trump had been telling republicans not to trust mail-in ballots. this set the stage for what experts predicted would prompt misleading early vote counts. >> there may be what some folks call a red mirage so that trump's numbers may be highest election night and then the blue wave as more absentees come in that in the last couple of decades have come in overwhelmingly democrat. the big caveat is we've never had early voting like this. >> we all knew that some states were going to show him up, and then it was going to get closer. did he not know that? >> no, he had been told that repeatedly and he didn't care. before the summer when it was clear that the pandemic was going to change the way by mail voted and expanded he started laying the groundwork for this can't be trusted. >> everyone who followed the elections closely knew about this. but then -- >> some breaking news to talk about. >> right before the actual election day a convenient alternative explanation. a false conspiracy theory popped up. >> there would be many more in the days ahead. >> voters in the final hours of making a monumental decision for this country. >> keeping an eye on the key battleground. >> president trump will win the state of florida. >> former president trump was in the residence. he had people coming up and down but there were staffers, aides, friends, hangers on in the east room. munching on mini burgers and celebrating what they believed once the state of florida was called for trump would be a repeat of 2016. >> a big win for president trump in florida. >> trump was in a decent move until -- >> calling arizona for joe biden. that is a big get for the biden campaign. >> he believed what he was being told by some advisers after he won florida which was this is looking good for us. this is looking just like 2016. these states that were supposed to go for biden are going for you. and then we got to the arizona call, and it all fell apart. >> it's a significant victory for joe biden, as i say the first flip of the night in the presidential race. >> the fox news decision desk made that call hours before the "associated press" and days before the major news networks. >> people were sending me what people were saying on social media, and it was this sort of, you know, psychotic murderous rage about us, and we don't do anything. we're just the weathermen. i'm just telling you where the storm is going. i don't make the weather. >> he started calling talent at fox and urging them to retract it. >> right, as though it was the call that made that true, not the votes that were cast. ♪ >> he had made up his mind weeks before that he was going to go to the podium if election night showed he was losing, and he was going to say he won. that's exactly what he did. >> this is a fraud on the american public. this is an embarrassment to our country. we were getting ready to win this election. frankly, we did win this election. [ cheers ] >> and then he said this -- >> we want all voting to stop. we don't want them to find any ballots at 4:00 in the morning and add them to the list, okay. [ applause ] >> but nobody was voting. they were just counting. the focus at this point was mostly on mail-in ballots. in 2020, more democrats voted this way than republicans. >> we were winning everything and all of a sudden it was just called off. >> what an ideal time to stop the counting if you're a republican president who wants to hold on to office no matter what the voters actually want. >> i've been saying this from the day i heard they were going to send out tens of millions of ballots. i said -- get your personalpoints plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping. ignore us. i've lost, like, 28 pounds. you look great! wow. i love that my clothes fit better. but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start? join today for 50% off at hurry, offer ends january 10th. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. i love this country and democracy and it makes me sad to see what many in my party are doing. >> bill gates is a conservative republican who worked on voter integrity issues for the arizona republican party for years. >> i'm one of these kind of alex p. keaton kids from the '80s. i've been a republican my whole life. >> vice chair gates -- >> thank you so much. >> nowadays he's the vice chair of the maricopa county board of supervisors, the governing board for the county which is arizona's most populous. among the board's responsibilities, running elections. >> this election was run well. there was no fraud involved in this. no corruption. why do i feel confident about that? because this has been the most scrutinized election we've ever run. my job was to make sure that there wasn't anything improper or fraudulent that was going on. >> you weren't discounting anything. >> no. my job is to investigate what was being brought to me, and so i followed up on those with our elections officials. >> and? >> and there was nothing to it. >> hey, ken. >> good morning, sir. >> for gates and his colleagues, the madness began in the hours after the polls closed. >> as far as i'm concerned, we already have won. >> before the tally was finished, supporters who believed then-president trump when he said he won arizona began flocking to the counting site. [ chants ] >> it was a circus. i mean, it really was lollapalooza for the alt-right. they were outside of the elections center which is -- i mean, really off the beaten path. >> across the united states, local election officials were scrambling to get a record number of mail-in ballots counted. among them in philadelphia was al schmidt, one of three city commissioners and the only republican. he ran for office promising to protect election integrity. >> one of the things that i was involved in as part of the republican party in the city and republican party in the state was election integrity. since coming into office in 2012 i've referred more than two dozen cases for investigation to city, state, and federal law enforcement. our election operations were centered in the pennsylvania convention center in center city, philadelphia. there was one tv on that i happened to be walking past. ♪ the president saying, why are they still counting? we already got the results. >> we're winning pennsylvania by a tremendous amount. [ applause ] >> i want to be clear about what then-president trump was calling for. he wanted millions of americans to be disenfranchised. >> which is completely at odds with democracy. it was pretty upsetting to see that. >> let's get a key race alert in some of the battleground states. >> when half of your voters, 325,000 voters vote by mail it takes days to count all those ballots because you can't even begin processing the envelopes they came in until 7:00 on election morning. >> because that's the law that the republicans made. >> that is the law the republicans made and refused to change. >> and this is a key point especially in pennsylvania. >> this is the most significant modernization of our elections code in decades. >> expanded vote-by-mail legislation had been passed before the pandemic in 2019 by the republican legislature. these were republican rules. >> the refusal to count those mail votes early and be prepared really hurt the country. if you can't get the ballots counted accurately, efficiently, expeditiously, you create this space. for trump and his squad and these goons to go out there and plant lies, to try to steal this election. >> we're going to prove to the american people that arizona is trump country. [ cheers ] >> it was happening most notably in swing states. in arizona, there was sharpie-gate. the trump campaign falsely alleged sharpie markers on the ballots made them unreadable by the counting machines. >> that was through the beginning of this -- let's start and throw, you know, chum out in the water for folks that want to try and overturn this election. >> in georgia, a big lie that spread on the internet was that this legal case of ballots was actually a secret suitcase of false biden votes being added to the count. >> i saw four suitcases come out from underneath the table. >> something the republican lieutenant governor jeff duncan and his colleagues looked into and found completely without merit. >> it was cut and spliced. to take the time to watch it from beginning to end there's a sequenced pattern that can be explained all the way through there. those weren't suitcases. those were actually preapproved cases already used all over the state. >> in philadelphia, trump did better than he had in 2016. better than romney in 2012 or mccain in 2008. he was losing pennsylvania because he did so much worse in the philadelphia suburbs. nonetheless, because trump decided discrediting big cities was going to be one of his false political attacks, in philadelphia trump's lawyers falsely claimed republican observers had been barred from the counting rooms. >> one of the attorneys for trump asks a judge, judge diamond, for an emergency order to stop the counting. and they're claiming that they had no people in the room. that's what they had been claiming outside the courtroom. but inside the courtroom, this trump lawyer concedes that there were a, quote, nonzero number of their own observers in the room. and essentially the case is laughed out of court. >> short of that lawyer lying to the judge and committing perjury, clearly went as far as he could. we had republican observers there every minute of every day that we were operating and counting votes right in front of us. >> this is rampant corruption. >> despite the barrage from trump and his allies -- >> we will await more votes to come in to pennsylvania. >> -- that counting ended quite momentously the saturday after the election. >> ultimately the final decision of this very long election week came down to philly. and after philly was decided and announced -- >> cnn projects joseph r. biden jr. is elected the 46th president of the united states. >> joe biden declared victory. what was that like? >> to have our voters' votes result in the election being called was an incredible thing to watch. [ cheers ] while all that is happening, we're also aware that rudy giuliani's coming to philadelphia. >> wow, what a beautiful day. thank you. >> going to the four seasons landscaping place to say that our voters' votes shouldn't be counted. >> i was about to bring up four seasons total landscaping. because -- >> in philadelphia they keep the vote of dead people secret. >> -- it was the most -- >> very suspect method of voting -- >> -- degrading -- >> there was no security, zero. >> -- pathetic -- >> people of this country have no assurance at all -- >> -- preposterous -- >> that those ballots were actually cast -- >> -- farcical moment in my view of this post-election day challenge of this all. >> and appropriate. >> it would have had to have been unanimously cast for joe biden to catch up. >> they didn't want this at an industrial area across from a crematorium and next to a sex shop. >> and it was the day trump got the news he did not want to hear. >> he was told by two of his top political advisers that basically it was over, and he listened and he decided that he wanted to keep fighting. >> so -- >> trump decided he wanted to put giuliani in charge, and that's exactly what he did. giuliani was willing to do what he wanted. >> and that is what led to this now-infamous press conference mid-november 2020 featuring rudy giuliani and another lawyer named sydney powell. >> the dominion voting systems were created in venezuela at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election. >> the only thing left is the vote. that could have been the same person 30 times. >> one of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. >> thank you. >> ben ginsburg, the preeminent republican party election attorney who has battled with democrats on many recounts and recalls, was watching. >> when i first heard that press conference, i said, oh, my god, can that really be true? because if there was nothing there, they wouldn't just be making it up. and then they went through the entire press conference, and i sort of remember looking out the window and saying, they just made all that up. >> they did. this campaign memo from six days before the press conference first reported by "the new york times" says, "dominion has no company ties to venezuela. dominion and one of its former employees would later sue giuliani and powell for more than $1 billion. a court document filed by powell's lawyer said, quote, no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact. someone should tell that to the republican national committee because they still have powell's lies in its social media feed. in a deposition for another related case, giuliani said he got his information about a former dominion employee having antifa ties from social media. >> those social media posts get all -- facebook, instagram, twitter -- >> social media postings -- >> or something else. i think it was facebook. >> he also admitted that he did not have the time, he said, to investigate the claims himself. alissa farrah was the white house communications director when all these lies were being fed to then-president trump. you saying that in november there seemed to be a tacit acknowledgment by the president that he lost, but then something changed. >> yeah. so something did change, and i think this was when the -- the more conspiracy theorist individuals started getting access to the president, the sydney powells, the mike lindells, michael flynns, and even steve bannon was in his ear. and it did take a turn. i think he believes it. >> this election was a fraud. >> the former president believes that he won the election. and that's scary, and the other thing, though, that your viewers need to know is the people around the president, the sane ones, know that he did not win. and they are lying to you, and they are lying to him when they suggest that the election was stolen. >> there were more than 60 lawsuits filed by the trump campaign or its supporters. they only prevailed in one case from pennsylvania, but the number of ballots affected was too small to change the results from the state. >> none of the claims he made were found meritorious by any court in any way that would have reversed the results of the election. >> georgia faced more than a dozen of these suits. >> many of these lawsuits, they just wanted to throw out the results and then have the general assembly pick their own set of electors. >> brad raffensperger, georgia's republican secretary of state, a conservative republican who supported trump and has fought with democrats on election issues, ordered a statewide hand count. that hand count confirmed there was no widespread fraud involved with the machine count. >> no, we never saw enough that would have turned the results of the election. we have about 250 investigations going on, but if you look at it, it's onesie, twosies, a couple people here, a couple persons there doing something. it never added up to 12,000 votes. >> still, then-president trump hate tweeted about him, and both rafensperger and his wife were threatened. >> people start threatening her, sending her sexualized texts. those kind. intimdations. >> bill gates got threats, too. so did commissioner al schmidt who testified about them in congress. >> tell the truth or your three kids will be fatally shot, included our address, included my children's names, included a picture of our home. cops can't help you. heads on spikes, treasonous schmidts. >> we've not had any sort of credible incidents raised to our level yet. >> there was an interesting timeline that started to happen, a pattern is probably a better way to put it. i would go on tv. i would speak the truth. if there's an issue, we want to make sure we understand it, investigate it. and within minutes, he would send a tweet out that would say something derogatory or inflammatory. >> his latest target is the lieutenant governor, jeff duncan, quote, georgia lieutenant governor jeff duncan, georgia, is a rino, never trumper too. dumb or corrupt to recognize massive evidence of fraud in georgia and should be replaced. >> and me or my wife would get threats show up on our phone. like blood-curdling threats from just the most awful sounding individuals and deep meaning that would know things about you and your family, that they intentionally were trying to scare us and intimidate us. it was all to try to get us to sit down and be quiet. >> then-president trump wanted some republicans to sit down. others he invited to washington. >> he starts bringing in state legislators from pennsylvania, party leaders from michigan. >> uh-huh. he starts having democrat in to the white house, yes, to visit with him. again, this is part of the sales job that he thinks he's doing. he's telling them that really he won and they ought to consider that, and they ought to consider how they submit electors and how they go ahead in certifying the election in their states, but none of them went along with it at the end of the day. [ chant ] >> joe biden had 61,000 votes -- >> in michigan despite losing to joe biden by more than 154,000 votes, trump waged a fierce fight to keep the result from being certified. [ chants ] it might have worked if one of the two republicans on the state canvassing board had not resisted intense pressure and voted with the democrats to certify. >> we must not attempt to exercise power we simply don't have. >> after that act of courage, state republicans replaced him on the board. it was all part of a presidential push for legislators to disenfranchise their own constituents based on lies. there was no credible evidence of widespread fraud. perhaps the president's most shocking push was in georgia. >> so then-president trump asked governor kemp to call a special session of the legislature so the legislators could appoint their own electors instead of the ones for biden that the voters had picked. >> you play that out, and you disenfranchise 2.5 million peoples' votes in a state -- i don't care if they're "d"s or "r"s, we would have had rioting in every street, in every community. it would have been an absolute attack on democracy. >> a version of that, of course, came later. 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this election was stolen. >> in the end, 126 house republicans signed their names to it. adam kinzinger, a republican congressman from illinois, did not. how many people that signed on to it do you think actually believed the nonsense in it? >> if i had to guess i'd say five to ten. >> i think there was a sense among those who did sign it, at least some of them, was sort of, well, we're going to do this to placate president trump. and i thought that was not doing our duty. kevin mccarthy told me directly that he wasn't going to sign it. i said, good, this is not a brief that we ought to be associated with. and a few hours later he signed it. >> the brief went out without kevin mccarthy's name, and the next day claiming that he was inadvertently left off, and he signed on to it. that was bad. he initially didn't want to sign it and then realized what the pressure was. what you see there are people that sign on to something they don't believe to avoid political pressure. it's leaders that are afraid of their base and not leading their base. >> the supreme court declined to even hear the suit. >> a majority of house republicans, like two-thirds of them, literally saying i don't want any of the votes from pennsylvania, i don't want any of them to count, based on this lie. i mean, i'll just say for me personally, as a pennsylvanian, they were trying to disenfranchise my mom and dad based on lies. >> i don't know how everyone doesn't take that personally. they try to not have your votes counted. they did not want your vote to count based on nothing whatsoever. that is so mind bending and so difficult to comprehend. >> so what's going to happen next presidential election? how many people are going to sign some brief that says overthrow this to the supreme court? that becomes the bottom-line standard. that happens every time in d.c., and a lot of those standards were broken in this season. i'm worried we'll never get them back. up next, donald trump's phone call to the top election official in georgia. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> was he telling him to break the law? >>yot certainly felt like it. urself. so when you do, make it count with crest pro-health. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ before the 2020 election, you were perceived as a rising star in the republican party in georgia. now you're not running for re-election. so what happened? >> yeah, it's funny -- talk about rising star, i don't know if i would agree with that. but one of the biggest knocks against me when i was running for lieutenant governor is that i was too conservative to be a statewide candidate. hey, georgia, it's jeff duncan again, conservative candidate for lieutenant governor -- >> in 2018 in the increasingly purple state of georgia, jeff duncan ran as a long-shot on his conservative values. >> please raise your right hand and place -- >> and he won. so no one actually can question your conservative bona fide, there's no issue with social issues or economic issues or foreign policy or -- there's no way in which you're squishy or a liberal. >> yeah. i'm a conservative because i believe in the principles of it, not because it gets me elected in georgia. i'm wired to be a conservative. i was raised that way. i think our family's conservative. the businesses that i run are conservative. that's just who i am. >> but in 2020, after duncan pushed back against the wave of false claims -- >> it's certainly disheartening to watch folks willing to put their character and morals out there just so they can spread a half truth or a lie in the efforts to maybe flip an election. [ chants ] >> duncan found himself on the receiving end of republican fury. just like georgia's secretary of state brad raffensperger whose office was flooded with calls from voters urging him to change the results of the election. >> i want to talk to brad raffensperger. i want to talk to this piece of [ bleep ] for not [ bleep ] doing the right thing. this election was [ bleep ] stolen. >> we could feel the angst and the hate building in the air over nothing, over a mirage, over a shining object to deflect from the fact that donald trump had lost the election fair and squarely. >> you could have very easily kept your mouth shut, not said anything. gone along. was all of it worth it? putting it all on the line for the truth? >> the answer is absolutely it was worth it. >> the lieutenant governor found himself amongst the few willing to speak the truth, but he was not alone. disgusted by threats his election workers were getting from misled trump supporters fellow georgia republican gabe sterling also became a vocal critic of the public lies. >> i remember we had our warehouse manager at the center for elections was taking the trash out. this is a young guy. he has been working for us for a few years. and all these people swarm around him with the cameras saying you're going to prison, you're going to prison. he is a warehouse guy. nobody should have to go through that. >> good afternoon. >> on december 1st, 2020, sterling gave a blistering warning, directed at the most powerful man in the world. >> two minutes before he was going to go up there, one of my friends called and said, gabe is about ready to go have a press conference, and you might want to watch. >> mr. president, you have not condemned these actions or this language. this is elections. this is the backbone of democracy, and all of you who have not said a damn word are complicit in this. stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. someone is going to get hurt. someone is going get shot. someone is going get killed. >> it felt like me saying those words. he said everything i wanted to say. it was heartfelt. >> this is the backbone of elections. this stuff getting done. at that level it did eat at me, and i thought i'm doing something that is vitally important. i just want all americans to know their vote is counted. >> despite sterling's pleas to tone down the rhetoric, president trump continued his pressure campaign. >> your governor could stop it very easily if he knew what the hell he was doing. he could stop it very easily. >> just days later, he publicly excoriated georgia republican such as brian kemp for not helping him overturn the election, something kemp could not legally do and had no grounds to do. >> so far we haven't been able to find the people with the courage to do the right thing. >> and here he was calling us into question only because we wouldn't lie in front of a national audience for donald trump. >> and trump leaned on the state's chief elections investigator. >> the people of georgia are so angry at what happened to me, they knew i won. won by hundreds of thousands of votes. it wasn't close. whatever you can do for frances, it would be a great thing. it is an important thing for the country. >> the surprising thing for me is how granular of a level donald trump was personally engaged in trying to overturn the election in georgia. certainly we started hearing about phone calls he was making, and of course we all heard the unfortunate 60-plus minute call with brad raffensperger. >> they are shredding ballots. in my opinion, you have out of state voters. they voted in georgia, but they were from out of state. >> it was just a complete disaster and an embarrassment to anybody who cares about democracy. >> after repeating a litany of false allegations, trump said he was, quote, notifying georgia secretary of state raffensperger that in his view, the secretary was breaking the law by ignoring his false conspiracy theories. >> you're not reporting it. that's a criminal -- that's a criminal offense. and you know, you can't let that happen. that's a big risk to you. >> did you feel like he was threatening you? >> i think you could take that as a form of pressure. >> of everything he said to you on the call, what sticks with you the most? >> well, he continually circled back on, well, all i need is -- >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> we wanted us to go out and somehow find additional votes. we had all the ballots. there were no more ballots we could add, and all those had been tabulated time and time again. >> was he telling you to break the law? >> it certainly felt like it. it's absolutely embarrassing as an american to hear a u.s. president having that type of conversation. there is just no setting where that call is appropriate. >> what he was asking for wasn't something that was supported by state law, wasn't supported by the facts, wasn't supported by the constitution. >> that phone call is now key evidence in an ongoing investigation by prosecutors in georgia who are looking into whether donald trump broke the law in his efforts to overturn the election. >> hey, good morning, guys. >> but raffensperger steadfastness to the law notwithstanding, trump was not even close to done in his efforts to overturn the election. ahead, a memo that could have destroyed democracy. >> it is a blueprint for how to ignore the vote of the people. a. press firmly to activate... and small spaces continuously eliminates and prevents odors... freshen up any small room... ...for up to 45 days. febreze. ♪la la la♪ ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit some of my best memories 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casting. >> most republicans in congress spent those first few weeks telling reporters that trump had every right to pursue legal remedies, but the cases then failed. over and over the trump team had no credible evidence of significant fraud. but most republicans would not acknowledge reality, not wanting to poke the bear. that's partly because in 2021 there were georgia senate runoff elections on january 5th that they needed trump to help them win. >> shelly fights for me. david fights for me. that i can tell you. >> and partly because they had giant spending bills they needed him to sign then. >> breaking news, biden has received the majority of electoral votes needed to win the presidency. >> on december 14th, 2020, the electoral college voted in all 50 states formalizing trump's loss. >> on january the 20th -- >> on the 15th, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell finally publicly embraced the truth. >> today i want to congratulate president-elect joe biden. >> republicans who had spent the previous weeks trying to placate donald trump now found that the vacuum their silence had left had been filled by trump's lies. trump lashed out at the few republicans who acknowledged his defeat, tweeting, quote, too soon to give up. republican party must finally learn to fight. privately the president was entertaining increasingly concerning paths forward. >> i got a tip from someone that there had been a really intense, bizarre oval office meeting. sydney powell had been having a conservation about being made special counsel within the white house to investigate election fraud. i also found out that mike flynn, the former lieutenant general of national security advisor who was fired very early on in the trump administration, was talking about seizing the voting machines and re-running the election. it was incredibly jarring that there was a conversation in the oval office with a former military leader talking about a seizure of voting machines. >> and flynn publicly spoke about this. >> he said a version of it on "news max" the night before this meeting. >> there are people talking about marshall law like something we have never done. we did -- marshall law has been instituted 64 times. >> he was told by officials, this isn't legal. we don't have the authority to do this. >> trump was eventually convinced by advisers to pass on that idea, but he became fixated on a new one, derailing the certification of electoral votes. >> once trump realizes that the fraud claims are going nowhere, he now has a new plan, which is for there to be enough doubt that he could maybe persuade some of these states, conservative states to send a separate set of electors. >> on december 19th, trump sent his first tweet encouraging supporters to come to washington d.c. on january 6th to protest the election results at a rally organized by a group called women for america first. with ties to controversial characters such as roger stone and steve bannon, that organization had become the de facto force for the false fraud claims after the election, even taking a bus tour across the country trying to sway members of congress to object to the election results. while women for america first pushed conspiracy theories around the country -- >> if you still love america! >> -- the president continued his assault in the capital. >> the attorney general of the united states bill barr is leaving the administration. >> thus began a new near daily pressure campaign on the department of justice. according to a sweeping report from the democrats on the senate judiciary committee, based on interviews with trump's top officials at the justice department, jeffrey rosen and richard donoghue, trump directly asked the doj to undermine the outcome of the election. he did so nine times. and his chief of staff mark meadows broke with longstanding policy and pressured the doj to look into election fraud claims. >> the wildest theory was this thing called italy-gate. mark meadows sent an email to the acting attorney general at the time asking him to look into this theory that there was some italian contractor who was using satellites to change vote tallies on machines, voting machines in the united states. >> on a december 27th call with the new acting attorney general jeffrey rosen, trump pushed him to quote just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the republican congressman. >> trump knows that if the justice department goes out and raises questions about corruption or fraud, just saying that they're investigating it or looking into it, that allows republican congressmen to go out there and do the rest of the work and put pressure on the states to start audits and again, gives him room to operate between then and january 6th. >> the whole notion behind it was trump and his supporters saying don't worry about it, we're going to make it up. don't pay attention to the facts. don't pay attention to the law. we're just going to make it up and forge ahead. >> trump continued to press rosen on the call saying quote, this was an illegal corrupt election. and according to acting deputy attorney general richard donoghue's notes from the conversation, trump told rosen the doj was failing to respond to reports of crime. >> rosen stood firm on this call saying there is not much the justice department could do. >> trump also plotted with another justice department official jeffrey clark to oust the acting attorney general after rosen's repeated refusals to go along with trump's fraudulent allegations, but that scheme imploded at a dramatic white house showdown on january 3rd. >> this was a scene straight out of "apprentice." trump has rosen and clark vie for the job of attorney general of the united states and the president is told that if he replaces rosen with clark, there are going to be huge consequences. number of top officials at the justice department would resign. there were probably going to be hundreds of other resignations of political appointees across the country as a result of this. it was a murder/suicide pact is the way this was described during this meeting. >> trump decided that the effort would not be worth the embarrassment of mass resignations and abandoned the plot. he then pinned hopes to overturn the election on mike pence based of a legal memo written by conservative attorney john eastman. >> let's talk about the john eastman memo. what was your reaction when you first heard about it? >> just breathtaking that you would have laid out such a clear game plan that so clearly violated the constitution. >> the eastman memo detailed a six-step plan for pence to throw the election to trump during the january 6th certification. it also called for pence to throw out all electors from seven states. and gavel president trump as reelected. eastman has since tried to publicly tried to downplay his memo and his role in attempting a coup, but he told a very different story in recent undercover video from a progressive activist. >> so giuliani and me met with 300 legislators on january 2nd via a zoom conference call. and they all spinelessly wouldn't do anything. >> and in appearances in past right wing media. >> are we to assume that this is going to be a climactic battle that will take place this week? >> it depends on the courage and the spine of the individuals involved. >> would that be a nice way to say a guy named vice president mike pence? >> yes. >> this level of corruption can't be allowed to stand and i think that makes the exercise of the vice president's power here very compelling. >> it's quite dangerous. it is a blueprint for how to ignore the vote of the people. that would have cast aside all the legal foundations upon which the country and the democracy is based. >> we now know eastman's memo was not the only plan to detail how vice president pence could use his role to overturn the results of a fair and legal election. another one was written by jenna ellis. according to betrayal the final act of the trump show a book by abc's jonathan karl the former president's own chief of staff mark meadows forwarded the ellis mem >> the foundations are laid out moe to pence in the u.s. constitution 's specifically section 1 of top article 2 it's very clear about aide. >> there how the u.s. president is 's been so much talk about the memo that john eastman wrote. he was an outside lawyer but meadows is forwarding a document that basically outlines the effort to saessentially have a coup. >> the vice president. >> publicly pence raised the hopes of trump voters. >> we'll have our day in congress. we'll hear the orkss. we'll hear the evidence. >> pence reached out to others to see if there's a way to carry out the unconstitutional move. including, according to "washington post" journalist bob woodward and rob costa fellow hoosier dan quayle who convinced pence he had no constitutional power to throw out the election. also reported by woodward and costa was steve bannon's role in pushing the plan. on a phone call with the president, bannon said, quote, you've got to call pence and get him back here today. we're going bury biden on january 6, f-ing bury him. >> pence says he's talked to all of the lawyers that he can talk to, and he has decided that he can't. he doesn't have the power that the president says he has. and trump turns on him. yells at him. says that essentially he's betrayed him and the meeting doesn't end very well between the two men. >> but that did not stop the president from publicly pressuring the vice president on twitter ahead of the certification. up next -- >> we were on a conference call and i told kevin mccarthy when people are convinced that the election was stolen and there is a route out, there is going to be violence. his response was simply "operator, next caller." three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at stop the steal! stop the steal! stop the steal! >> we have the power of numbers. we came here to protect our republic. >> fight for trump! >> january 6th, 2021. >> fight for trump! >> where were you? do you remember that day? >> i remember that day crystal clear. >> there are some days that stick out, 9/11, war, stuff like that. this is among those. >> on the day congress was scheduled to certify the election for president-elect joe biden -- >> usa! >> you will listen! >> -- thousands of people descended on our nation's capital. >> biden did not win this election. >> what do you think happened? >> fraud. it's not made up. >> angry at what they falsely believed had been a stolen election. >> unquestionable that our votes were stolen. >> the supreme court isn't helping us. nobody is helping us. >> we're taking this country back. >> i wake up at 4:30. buses were everywhere. you couldn't get a clear path into the office from where i was. >> this line wraps around the washington monument. >> and there is all kinds of traffic at 4:30 in the morning, 5:00 in the morning and strobe lights already on the national mall and couple thousand people milling around at that hour, it just felt like something was off. >> fight for america! fight for america! >> when did you start becoming worried about january 6th as a day? >> a couple days before january 6th we were on a conference call, all the house republicans. kevin mccarthy, who at this point we did not know how he was going to go on certification, he says he's going to object. and i say, "kevin, you have to understand there will be violence. when people are convinced that the election was stolen and there is a root out, there is going to be violence." his response was simply, "operator, next caller." so on january 6th, it was obvious what was going to happen. >> fight for trump! fight for trump! >> they thought they could steal this election. >> the crowd had been told lies about the election not just by trump but by his supporters on capitol hill and in maga media. they were encouraged to take action. >> i don't know how this is going to end, but if they want to fight, they better believe they got one! >> and told how to think about those republicans who acknowledge joe biden won. those who were grounded in reality. >> this is about as mindless as i've ever seen these republican rino establishment hacks behave. >> we're coming for you. >> many of famous faces peddling the big lie were there. >> we are going to take our country back. >> but not just to rev up the crowd at the rally. according to the book "peril" by bob woodward and robert costa, on the days surrounding january 6, steve bannon, john eastman, rudy giuliani and others gathered at a hotel just two blocks from the white house, discussing plans to delay the certification. >> i'll tell you this. it's not going to happen the way you think it's going to happen. >> just the day before on january 5th, bannon ominously teased what was to come on his podcast "war room." >> it's going to be quite extraordinarily different. you've made this happen and tomorrow it's game day, so strap in. let's get ready. >> everything points to bannon was very closely associated with anything the campaign was doing. >> i think an overwhelming majority of that crowd was there to try to overturn democracy at that point, or the democratic process. >> bullshit! bullshit! bullshit! >> i knew i was kind of the face of so-called the deep state and the republican party so i didn't want to be out in public too much so i never bring my gun into the capitol complex. i brought it that day. >> i was sort of nervous for the morning. i was curious to see what the rally was. i was hoping not to hear some of the speeches that i ultimately heard. some of the more inflammatory ones. >> we know there was fraud. >> speakers at the rally included john eastman, the author of that memo detailing how pence could violate the constitution and keep trump in office, as well as many other republican officials who saw opportunity in joining in on the big lie. >> are you willing to do what it takes to fight for america? start taking down names and kicking ass. >> let's have trial by combat. >> but as he preferred it -- >> fight for trump! fight for trump! >> the marquee speaker was the president himself. >> president donald j. trump! [ cheers ] >> meanwhile inside the chambers of congress, the certification of the votes paused. >> i would object to further reading. >> with objections from republican senators and some republican house members. >> i rise today to object -- >> i rise to support the objection. >> i rise to support the objection. >> earlier that day vice president pence put out a statement saying he would not going to follow trump's instructions. >> usa! usa! >> which upset the president as he conveyed to the massive crowd. >> mike pence, i hope you're going to stand up for the good of our constitution and for the good of our country. and if you're not, i'm going to be very disappointed in you. >> trump continued to rile up the crowd demanding they take action. >> you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength and you have to be strong. >> many at the rally took his words literally. and we all watched as the effort to overturn the election. >> it's over! >> came to a violent, bloody crescendo. >> it was so unimaginable. that you would have a mob having broken into the capitol and attacked police officers. >> treason! treason! treason! >> attempting to break into the floor of the chamber of the house of representatives. you just couldn't compute that that was happening because so it's fundamentally un-american. >> un-american -- >> objection to counting the electoral votes. >> -- yet very close to happening in america. this video shows utah republican senator mitt romney, someone the angry mob considered an enemy unknowingly walking towards the rioters. capitol police officer eugene goodman tells romney to get out of harm's way and runs to confront the insurrectionists. leading them from the senate chamber. vice president pence. >> president and vice president -- >> the man many rioters called to be hanged that day. >> hang mike pence! hang mike pence! >> was inside the chamber and had to be rushed to safety with his family from the senate floor. minutes after rioters breached the capitol. according to reporting from "the washington post," one of the vice president's aides greg jacob who was with pence during the insurrection sent an email to john eastman after they were escorted off the senate floor. >> he said in the email, "thanks to your bullshit, we're now under siege." >> eastman fired back blaming the riots on the vice president and his staff. >> they broke through. it's on! >> he's been responded by saying that it was actually the vice president's fault and mr. jacob's fault for the quote unquote siege. he said if you would have done what you needed to be done and been transparent and have a debate, if you would have gone forward like we asked you to go, it wouldn't be happening to you right now. >> he's got a gun! >> the conversation you had with your wife, you've been off to war before having conversations with loved ones. was it like that? >> this was different, you know. i never really had a sense i might not survive this. there was a real sense that if they're in the capitol complex and they've already overrun two or three lines of police barricades, there is nothing to stop them from the rest of the complex. yeah, it was an emotional conversation. it was nothing i ever had before. i hope to never have to have that conversation again. >> we have two young kids and i didn't want to alarm my wife. at the time, it felt like anything was possible. because you're seeing the bomb threats. you're tracking it on twitter. i'm seeing messages on telegram and some of these other platforms come through about organized militia groups will storm the capitol and some folks saying they're going to kill whoever they find and all these sorts of things. and so at the time, you don't know how it's going to end. >> on the other end of pennsylvania avenue at the white house, trump remained isolated, watching the events unfold on television. >> when he found out about what was going on, the violence, his supporters attacking policemen, beating policemen, members of congress hiding, running for their lives, what was his response? >> kevin mccarthy had a conversation with him telling him just how bad it was, people breaking into my office and they're doing this. and trump's response was, well, kevin, i guess they're more upset about the rules of the election than you are. >> it was chaos, when some on the biden team were genuinely worried that there would be no transition, sources tell cnn, that trump and his mob had successfully disrupted the counting of electors and might find a way to cling to power. >> stop the steal! stop the steal! >> thank god that there weren't more people killed. at the time you don't know that. at the time you know there is an angry, violent mob who believes the election was stolen in the united states of america. you're seeing even members of congress saying this is our 1776 moment, which, as a reminder, that's a bloody violent revolution. >> let's take a seat, people! >> this is our country. this is our house. >> well, of course you're going to have violence and of course you're going to have a riot at the capitol. >> people, come on! >> and that's what all this was about. it wasn't just an attack on our symbols of democracy. it was an actual attack on the peaceful transfer of power from one president to another. >> after the insurrection was over, hundreds had been injured. five dead. and the capitol had been breached for the first time in more than 200 years. >> it's a -- revolution. let's take this shit. this is ours. coming up, will trump try to steal the election again? 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>> not a word of it. i don't think they believe any of it. but i think you can convince yourself if you're determined to that i'll just play the game a little longer so that i'll be here to lead to a new direction. or i'll play the game because i don't have the power and influence to change the ship. when you think about the heroics on flight 93 on 9/11 all those passengers standing up, rushing the cockpit and saving the capitol. had todd beamer or any of those others alone charged the cockpit, we would have probably a rebuild capitol today and a lot of casualties. but they all decided to do it together. when you only have a few people speaking out, it's no doubt that's not going to turn the ship. everybody has to, particularly the leaders of the party. >> hatred for donald trump. >> the lie continued on maga media, where justifying the rioters' anger became a common refrain. >> these are not conspiracy theorists motivated just by lies. that's a bunch of non-sense people want to tell us. these are people that understand first principles and free markets. >> one week later the house voted to impeach president trump for willful incitement of the january 6 insurrection. >> my vote to impeach the sitting president isn't fear based. >> there is no excuse for president trump's actions. >> while some republicans spoke in favor, once again the majority of house republicans sided with trump refusing to vote for impeachment. >> the ayes are 232. the nays are 197. >> ten republicans breaking ranks. >> but ten republicans did vote to impeach him. three of them you've heard from tonight. >> i voted to impeach him because i think it's very clear as has been public that he provoked the violence that day. >> i felt like i had no choice in the matter. as conservative republicans, we are constitutionalists. we believe in the rule of law. >> were you surprised only ten republicans voted to impeach? >> it was a point a couple days before the vote, maybe a day before i thought we hit 25. because i talked to 25 people. i look at those people that were going to vote for impeachment, and i recognize every one of them that ended up not voting that way, they always mentioned a concern for what it meant for their reelection. >> hi, everyone. thanks. >> congresswoman liz cheney was the third ranking republican in the house when she voted for impeachment. because she was so concerned about where trump's big lie was leading the nation. >> you had local officials who were getting death threats. you had members of congress who said to me that they believed that the president should be impeached after the 6th but that they were afraid to cast a vote that way because of their security, the security of their families. you know, that is a place that we haven't been certainly since the civil war and never when that threat of violence comes from a sitting president. >> we'll have to fight much harder. >> this will remain a cancer on our constitutional republic. >> cheney has become a leading critic of those who engaged in the big lie and attempted to subvert democracy including house republican leader kevin mccarthy who said this two days after the election. >> president trump won this election so everyone listening, do not be quiet. [ applause ] >> in may, republican new york congresswoman elise stefanik challenged cheney. for her leadership post. cheney is more conservative than stefanik. cheney had voted to support trump policies more often than stefanik, but stefanik supports trump's election lies, and stefanik defeated cheney for the leadership position. >> it just became increasingly clear that to stay in house republican leadership, i would have to be willing to perpetuate the big lie, and i just simply wasn't comfortable with that. >> how many of your republican colleagues that perpetuate the big lie either with their comments or their votes, how many of them do you think actually believe it? >> very few. very few. too many are putting their political future and their political fortunes ahead of doing their duty. and so i think that, you know, in some instances, there is fear. physical fear about what trump would do or the threats that might come, but in other cases, i think it's a political calculation, which is pretty craven if you think about it. >> what is the danger to elected officials that might know better acquiescing to these demands, to these requests, or winking and nodding about the big lie? >> the danger is that once you do it on this issue, why wouldn't you do it on any other issue? >> this isn't about right and left at all. it's about right and wrong. >> the institutions don't hold themselves in the moments of truth you need the right people to pass the most difficult tests. we had just enough people on january 6th pass the test. we have to make sure we have equal number of people to continue to pass the test going forward. >> one of your colleagues said to us the guard rails held but barely and only because there were specific individuals at great risk to themselves professionally and personally who stood by those guardrails, people like the maricopa county board of supervisor, people like secretary of state raffensperger in georgia, people like commissioner al schmidt in philadelphia. do you think that ultimately a dozen of these people replaced by other people, trump people and the guardrails don't hold and democracy falls under? >> oh, i certainly think that's a real threat. and, you know, any time you're driving on the highway and you see a guardrail that's been hit, it's mangled, right, it held. it wouldn't withstand a second impact. coming up next, that second impact lead by former president trump may becoming. >> he either wins legitimately, which he may do, or if he loses again, just try to steal it. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! 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who stood in his way? and he is going methodically, state by state at races, you know, state senate races all the way down to county commissioner races trying to get the people who -- the republicans, the rinos, in his words, who stopped him from stealing the election. he is trying to get them removed. >> what scares me is that the secretary of state roles, because those are extremely powerful in terms of dealing with elections. >> the focus for our office -- >> in georgia the secretary of state that refused to quote find the votes trump needed to win georgia is facing a challenge from republican congressman jody hice. hice has been all in on trump's election lie and endorsed by donald trump. in arizona, a state representative named mark finchum wants the job. >> arizona state representative mark finchum is with us tonight, and what a job he's done. mark? >> he's already received the endorsement of donald trump. he has said over and over again that this was a fraudulent election. he's called for decertification. he's got a descent chance to win this primary. if we have people like that in these key positions moving forward, i think we are in danger. >> eight of the ten house republicans who voted for impeachment are now facing primary challenges from republicans endorsed by trump or energized by him, including liz cheney. >> donald trump is very vocally supporting your defeat. are you worried? >> no. i intend to win. >> you could lose. you're saying you won't but anything is possible. if you lose your career because of this position you're taking, will it have been worth it? >> well, i will no matter what happens never stop fighting for the constitution, never stop fighting for the rule of law. to me, there is not even really a choice or a calculation. it's just what is the right thing here and what has to be done. >> two of the ten decided not to run for reelection. one of them is congressman gonzalez. he's retiring after two terms. >> this lifestyle, the constant travel, the constant fund raising, it wasn't working prior to impeachment. it's pretty clear now is the time to get out of this. >> the other one is congressman adam kinzinger who without saying trump's name announced he wanted to fight against the politics of division instead of for re-election. the exits are happening at the state level, too. jeff duncan, the lieutenant governor in georgia, is not running for re-election. >> i don't want to have to do and say the things i have to say and do right now to win a primary with donald trump playing the games he's playing. >> duncan began speaking about the republican party after trump and wrote a book called "gop 2.0." and it's not just elected officials who are stepping out of or being pushed from public view. remember chris stirewalt, the fox political editor who correctly called the state of arizona for biden? he was fired in january 2021. fox blamed restructuring. stirewalt's boss retired. >> a source at fox news told "the washington post" that i was fired because my ratings weren't as good as dan bongino's and that audiences were not responding to me as favorably as they were to dan bongino, which made me really laugh because i -- that's not my job. right? my job is not to tell you what you want to hear. >> bongino is a conservative pundit, not a reporter. on top of this, integrity laws that tighten access to the ballot to prevent widespread voter fraud, you know, the kind that did not happen. 19 states have new laws. >> it's trying to solve a problem that doesn't exactly exist. some people say voter fraud never occurs. it does occur. it occurs infrequently. >> beyond efforts making it more difficult to vote are efforts making it easier to undo the results of an election. eight states enacted 11 laws that strengthen the role partisan politicians have in determining the outcome of elections. for instance, in georgia, some of the power that secretary of state brad raffensperger used to have now lies with the republican state legislature. >> a number of states have tried to take running of elections away from professionals in giving it to politicians. so in state legislatures like georgia give power to the state legislature to potentially overturn results, that's very worrisome. >> this past year there has been no better example of a politicized counting process than the so-called audit of ballots in maricopa county, arizona. this past spring and summer by a group calling themselves the cyber ninjas. >> they have no experience at all in election audits. they're headed by this doug logan who has been in that trump orbit ever since the election. >> people saw images of these cyber ninjas looking at ballots through ultraviolet lights. what were they looking for with the ultraviolet light in the ballots? >> they were actually looking for bamboo on the ballots because there was one of these conspiracy theories that thousands of ballots had been sent in nefariously from somewhere in asia. and if there was bamboo, that would indicate that these were in fact those ballots. >> if you buy into conspiracy theories or believe the falsehood that the election was stolen from donald trump, the so-called audit made you more suspicious of the ballot counting process. in the end the ninjas concluded biden did win maricopa county, arizona, which is what the county had certified. still now pennsylvania may be on the verge of conducting a similarly partisan audit as well. >> do you think these republicans believe this is fraud or is this just look how pro-trump i am? >> i think because their primaries are right around the corner, i think that's a big motivator for what they're doing. >> all of this has been happening in the aftermath of the 2020 election, a planned attempt to undo the will of the american people with dozens of events maneuvering, pressure campaigns, threats of violence, actual violence carried out over months and continuing to this day. >> do you think that what president trump and his minions were attempting was a coup? >> well, when you are trying to not count voters' votes, when you are trying to overturn the will of the people, i wouldn't know how else to describe that. you know, it is hard for me to attach the words coup in america. that sounds like just a third world notion. i don't know what you could call it other than a coup. >> i think there are a number of things you could call it, but no president in history has done it before and we have to make sure no president ever does it again. >> but if donald trump manages to replace enough opponents with loyalists and enough laws are changed, it could happen again, but this time it might work. >> if we re-run the scenario with people holding the most powerful positions in key institutions being more beholden to him then they're oath, i think it's pushing towards one of two outcomes. he either wins legitimately, which he may do. or if he loses again, he'll just try to steal it. should he be the nominee or should he run again, i'll do everything i can to stop him. i believe as a kcitizen of this country, that's my responsibility. >> the nightmare scenario is this, and it is not too far out of the realm of possibility. donald trump is running again. joe biden is going to be 82 years old by 2024. many around him don't think he's going to run again. there is very much a scenario where donald trump could be president again, and this is a man who has challenged our institutions near to the breaking point. >> and for those who have worked with trump, the fear is not just his undermining american democracy, but once back in the white house also undoing the american experiment. you any that he will try to impose some form of autocracy? >> i think he absolutely would. there were things he wanted to do when he was in power the first time that were well beyond the scope of what the u.s. president should be able to do. but oftentimes it was the motivation of hoping to win re-election that kept him from doing things. it is very different in the second term. that's what scares me the most. >> can you give me an example? >> weaponizing the justice department against political opponent, going after the free press, using the military for political reasons as well. >> that's terrifying. >> uh-huh. as a warning, we are bringing you from conservative republicans, you might have noticed that other than the few journalists, the voices you have heard tonight have been exclusive by gop because there is nothing partisan, nothing liberal about supporting democracy. the american experiment is an experiment. it's not guaranteed. i mean, when ben franklin said a republic, if you can keep it, he wasn't being cheeky. he meant that this democracy has to be fought for. how worried are you? >> i have real concerns about the future of this democracy. and i never thought that i would. i didn't think that we had this sort of pull towards authoritarianism in our democracy. >> i'm deeply afraid for our country. yeah. i'm afraid that the kind of political violence, the kind of abandonment of the rule of law, the abandonment of the constitution that we watched does threaten the foundations of democracy, the foundations of our system and the fact that so many in my party are willing to be silent, are complicit, are enabling it adds very much to the peril because it is a very dangerous place for the country to be. >> i was discussing the subject of our documentary tonight, the erosion of american democracy, the continued undermining of basic rule of law and respect for facts. stay sane, he said to me and then eluding to that famous joined that chained joe mccarthy in 1954, my friend said, somebody has to sit up and say at long last, have you no decency? on the other hand, my friend said, somebody has to be listening when he says it. the thing is a bunch of folks have been saying this, journalists, politicians, conservative republicans that you heard from tonight, terrified about the end of the american experiment. they have been shouting, have you no decency at trump. and the problem is trump has answered, and the answer is no. he does not. and his supporters do not seem to care. and if the vast majority of republican-elected officials do care, as they should, well, they're not acting that way. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. family is just very important. she's my sister and we depend on each other a lot. she's the rock of the family. she's the person who holds everything together. it's a battle, you know. i'm going to be there. keytruda and chemotherapy meant treating my cancer with two different types of medicine. in a clinical trial, keytruda and chemotherapy was proven to help people live longer than chemotherapy alone. keytruda is used to treat more patients with advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. trelegy for copd. 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Poll Watchers , Things , Mind , They Weren T , Debate , Results , In The City , Thousands , Name , Process , Mishap , Garbage Cans , Distrust , 50000 , Pennsylvania , Michigan , Wait , Margins , River , Most , Democrats , Election Day , Absentee Voting , Skew , Republicans , Fox News , Divide , Decision Desk , Chris Steirwalt , Folks , Set , Counts , Experts , Stage , Red Mirage , Numbers , Election Night , Absentees , Caveat , Blue Wave , Care , Everyone , News , Groundwork , Conspiracy Theory , Alternative Explanation , Decision , Eye , Former , State Of Florida , Battleground , Staffers , Hangers On , Residence , Aides , East Room , Friends , Trump , Repeat , Burgers , Joe Biden , Move , Campaign , Arizona , Advisers , Get , Victory , Race , Arizona Call , Flip , Desk , Social Media , Associated Press , News Networks , Psychotic Murderous Rage , Anything , Call , Storm , Weathermen , Talent , Weather , Public , Podium , Losing , Cheers , Embarrassment , Applause , Nobody , Add , List , 00 , 4 , Everything , Point , Focus , Office , Counting , Matter , Tens , Ww , Ice Cream , Shopping , Personalpoints , Clothes , James Corden , 28 , Kind , Foods , Food , Limits , Hurry , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Ww Com , Avocado , January 10th , 10 , 50 , Diabetes , Glucose Levels , Ray , Vacations , No , Libre 2 , 2 , Mystery , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Criminal , Heart , Boogie , Beat , Pop , Trouble , Butter , Left , Side Step , Talk , Step , Side , Rock , Heat , Moon , Baby , Feel , Times , Sugar , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Chance , Cupcake , Batteries , Aa Battery , Tragedy , Case Closed , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , House Republican Leader , Bill Gates , Arizona Republican Party , Issues , Voter Integrity , Board , Vice Chair Gates , Life , Maricopa County Board Of Supervisors , County , Alex P Keaton Kids From The 80s , Vice Chair , 80 , Responsibilities , Populous , Corruption , Fraudulent , Elections Officials , You Weren T Discounting , Ken , Supporters , Colleagues , Polls , Tally , Sir , Madness , Counting Site , Circus , Lollapalooza , Alt Right , Officials , Record Number , Scrambling , Beaten Path , State Of Georgia , Election Integrity , Marshall Law , Investigation , Cases , Election Operations , Enforcement , Pennsylvania Convention Center , Two , Saying , Tv , Amount , Odds , Some , Half , Battleground States , Race Alert , Envelopes , 7 , 325000 , Modernization , Elections Code , Legislature , Rules , Legislation , 2019 , Space , Refusal , Plant , Goons , Squad , Markers , Swing States , Counting Machines , Beginning , Sharpie , Lie , Case , Internet , Suitcase , Throw , Water , Chum , Jeff Duncan , Something , Count , Suitcases , Underneath , Merit , Table , Four , Pattern , Spliced , Those Weren T Suitcases , Mccain , 2008 , 2016 Better , Observers , Lawyers , Counting Rooms , Cities , Attacks , Suburbs , Room , Courtroom , Judge , Attorneys , Emergency Order , Diamond , Court , Trump Lawyer , Nonzero , Lawyer , Front , Perjury , Barrage , Allies , Philly , President Of The United States , Cnn Projects Joseph R Biden Jr , 46 , Rudy Giuliani , Happening , Shouldn T , What A Beautiful Day , Seasons , Landscaping , Wow , Method , Degrading , Security , Challenge , View , Assurance , Zero , Area , Sex Shop , Crematorium , Fighting , Charge , Sydney Powell , Press Conference Mid November 2020 Featuring Rudy Giuliani , Dominion Voting Systems , November 2020 , Person , Direction , Features , Venezuela , Hugo Chavez , 30 , Press Conference , Ben Ginsburg , Flip Votes , God , Recounts , Recalls , Wouldn T , Up , Window , Dominion , The New York Times , Campaign Memo , Company Ties , Employees , Press Conference First , Six , Someone , Powell S , Fact , Statements , Court Document , 1 Billion , Billion , Republican National Committee , Ties , Deposition , Employee , Information , Social Media Posts , Social Media Postings , On Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , Something Else , Alissa Farrah , Individuals , Acknowledgment , Change , Conspiracy Theorist , Access , Sydney Powells , Steve Bannon , Turn , Ear , Michael Flynns , Mike Lindells , Ones , Viewers , None , Electors , Assembly , Suits , Dozen , Brad Raffensperger , Hand Count , Machine Count , Conservative , Investigations , Onesie , Twosies , 250 , Him , Wife , Persons , Rafensperger , 12000 , Threats , Texts , Intimdations , Home , Names , Cops Can T , Kids , Address , Children , Picture , Treasonous Schmidts , Heads On Spikes , Level , Timeline , Sort , Incidents , Issue , Lieutenant Governor , Tweet , Rino , Target , Never Trumper Too , Evidence , Blood , Phone , Others , State Legislators , Washington , White House , Party Leaders , Yes , Uh Huh , Chant , 61000 , Fight , Result , Being Certified , 154000 , Pressure , Courage , Canvassing Board , Act , Legislators , State Republicans , Push , Constituents , Governor , Session , Peoples , Out , 2 5 Million , Course , Attack , Version , D , Community , Rioting , Care , Street , R S , Immune System , Vitamins C , Centrum Multigummies , Zinc , Customer , Carvana , Car , Moms , Experience , Respect , Sore Throat Pain , Birthday , Clerk , Honey Lemon , Sore Throat Relief , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon Chill , Wooo Vaporize , Ingestion , Action , Pepto Bismol , Relief , Farmers , Heartburn , Upset Stomach , Coating , Soothing , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Diarrheaaaa , Bum , Quote Today , Woman , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Recording , Elodia , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Projectup , 10 Million , 1 , Tools , Possibilities , Bill Barr , Claims , Department Of Justice , Court Losses , Inauguration Day , Closer , Credence , Might , Memo , Prosecutors , Mr , Fbi , Department , Allegations , Certified , Steps , Voter Fraud , Signs , Contradicted Trump , Interview , Ascertains , Baseless , Outcome , Scale , Aid , Shouting Match , Is Furious , Characters , Clowns , Ilk , He Wouldn T , Work , Supporter , Lawsuit Arguing , Texas Attorney General , Kent Packston , States , Suit , Texas Solicitor General , Litany , Balloting , Filing , Wisconsin , Doesn T Use , Dominion Indian Voting Machines , Lawsuit , Lead , Probability , Analysis , Absurdity , On November 4th , Given , November 4th 2020 , 3 , Zeros , Quadrillion , Comma , 15 , Trump Campaign , Effort , Backing , Mendacity , State Attorneys General , 17 , Email , Brief , Mike Johnson , Request , Louisiana , Paxton , Phone Calls , Colleague , Aren T You , Wait A Minute , In The End , Adam Kinzinger , Illinois , 126 , Sense , Nonsense , Ten , Kevin Mccarthy , Good , Duty , Off , Majority , Leaders , Supreme Court , Mom , Pennsylvanian , Dad , Them , Bending , Standards , Overthrow , Season , Up Next , Official , Yot , Urself , It Count , Crest , Mouth , Areas , Crest Pro Health , Brand , 8 , Google , Lotion , Nose , Tissues , Theo Blows , Puffs , Need , Loan , Lotion Tissue , Money , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , 0 , Family Room Slash Gym , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Daybed , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Slash Classroom , Vacation , Family Needs , App , Vrbo , Rising Star , Re Election , Knocks , Funny , Candidate , Hand , Values , Ran , 2018 , Bona Fide , Foreign Policy , He , Liberal , Principles , Businesses , Character , Wave , Morals , Efforts , Secretary Of State , Calls , Receiving End , Fury , Piece , Air , Angst , Hate Building , Bleep , Object , Mirage , Mouth Shut , Few , Answer , Critic , Election Workers , Gabe Sterling , Guy , Prison , Center , Trash , Warehouse Manager , Cameras , Man , World , Warehouse Guy , Sterling , On December 1st , December 1st 2020 , Actions , Backbone , Language , Words , Word , Acts , Stuff , Pressure Campaign , Rhetoric , Pleas , Hell , Grounds , Brian Kemp , Audience , Chief Elections Investigator , Question , Haven T , Whatever , Frances , It Wasn T Close , Hundreds Of Thousands , Making , State Voters , Shredding Ballots , Opinion , Anybody , Raffensperger , Secretary , Notifying Georgia Secretary Of State , Form , Risk , Offense , Back On , The Call , All I Need Is , Conversation , State Law , Setting , Type , U S Constitution , Raffensperger Steadfastness , Guys , Blueprint , A Press , Spaces , Odors , La , Febreze , 45 , Ww Personalpoints Plan , Memories , Cooking , Kitchen , Advisor , Taking Align , Discomfort , Bloating , Gas , Northwestern Mutual , Health , Quality Probiotic , Pros , Try Align , 24 7 , Reality , Mark Meadows , Particular , Jared Kushner , Reporters , Wish Casting , Team , Remedies , Bear , Georgia Senate , Runoff Elections , Bills , Spending , Shelly , David , 5 , January 5th , States Formalizing Trump , Breaking News , On December 14th , 14 , December 14th 2020 , Mitch Mcconnell , Loss , 20 , January The 20th , Silence , Defeat , Tweeting , Vacuum , Tip , Paths , Election Fraud , Mike Flynn , Counsel , Conservation , Oval Office , National Security Advisor , Military Leader , Seizure , News Max , Authority , Idea , Isn T Legal , 64 , Certification , Nowhere , Doubt , Rally , Election Results , Group , Called Women For America First , On December 19th , December 19th , 19 , Members , Bus Tour , Organization , Force , Roger Stone , De Facto , Capital , Women , Assault , America First Pushed , Senate Judiciary Committee , Chief Of Staff , Jeffrey Rosen , Richard Donoghue , Interviews , Nine , Attorney General , Doj , Wildest Theory , Italy Gate , Theory , Contractor , Vote Tallies , Satellites , Italian , Congressman , Rest , Acting , December 27th Call , 27 , December 27th , Justice , Questions , Don T , Audits , Notion , Pay Attention , Press Rosen , Crime , Notes , Acting Attorney General , Refusals , Scheme , Department Official Jeffrey Clark , Showdown On January 3rd , January 3rd , Scene , Apprentice , Vie , Trump Has Rosen , Consequences , Resignations , Hundreds , Murder Suicide Pact , Appointees , Mike Pence , John Eastman , Hopes , Plot , Reaction , Let , January 6th Certification , Role , Gavel , Seven , Conference Call , Video , Activist , Spinelessly Wouldn , Story , A Zoom , 300 , January 2nd , Battle , Media , Appearances , Vice President , Spine , Exercise , Guy Named , Foundations , Jenna Ellis , Mem , Section , Moe , Act Of The Trump Show A Book By Abc S , Jonathan Karl , Document , Meadows , Aide , Article , Pence , Saessentially , Bob Woodward , Washington Post , Orkss , Dan Quayle , Rob Costa , Bury , F Ing , January 6 , Men , Doesn T End , Next Caller , Route Out , Music , Phone Beep , Birds Chirping , Personalpoints Program , Phone Clicks , Goals , 26 , Car Vending Machines , Announcer , Control , Car Buying , Financing , 100 , Terms , Cars , Penny , Aren T , Pay , Payment , Down Payment , Budget , Browse , Credit Score , Protein , Way , Energy , Ride , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Nutrients , Excited Yell , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , Emotions , Kid , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , War , 9 11 , Supreme Court Isn T Helping Us , Nation S Capital , Couldn T , Everywhere , Path , Washington Monument , Buses , Kinds , Lights , Strobe , Mall , Traffic , Root , Crowd , Operator , Capitol Hill , Big Lie , Famous , Rino Establishment , Book , Peril , Hotel , Plans , Blocks , Everything Points , Game Day , War Room , Let S Get Ready , Podcast , Strap , Bullshit , Gun , The Deep State , Morning , Face , Capitol Complex , Speakers , Speeches , Saw Opportunity , Speaker , Ass , Marquee , Trial By Combat , Chambers , Objection , Statement , Senators , Objections , Instructions , House Members , Reading , Crescendo , Capitol , Treason , Mob , Police Officers , Chamber , Floor , Mitt Romney , Utah , Rioters , Eugene Goodman , Insurrectionists , Enemy , Reporting , Safety , Insurrection , Thanks , Greg Jacob , Siege , Riots , Staff , Fault , It Wouldn T , Jacob S Fault For The Quote Unquote Siege , Conversations , Loved Ones , Lines , Police Barricades , Complex , Bomb Threats , Platforms , Telegram , Messages , Militia Groups , End , Events , Television , Pennsylvania Avenue , Beating Policemen , Hiding , Lives , Transition , Upset , Chaos , Sources , Biden Team , Angry , Reminder , Bloody Violent Revolution , Which , 1776 , House , It Wasn T , Riot , Seat , Symbols , Another , Time , Revolution , 200 , Shit , Autocracy , Coming Up , Customers , T Mobile , Ronald , Iphone 13 , Iphone On T Mobile , Magenta Max , 13 , Gonna Get Creamed , Student Loan Debt , Rates , Fees , 000 , 1000 , Glass , January 6 2021 , Floors , Business , Stairs , Opportunity , Heal , Remarks , Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania , The End , Steve Scalise , Cause , Shed , Game , Cockpit , Ship , Passengers , 93 , No Doubt , Any , Rebuild Capitol Today , Casualties , Todd Beamer , Party , Everybody , Hatred , Refrain , Anger , Bunch , Conspiracy Theorists , Markets , Impeachment , Excuse , Incitement , Favor , Isn T Fear Based , Ranks , Ayes , Nays , 197 , 232 , Choice , Constitutionalists , 25 , In The House , Concern , Ranking , Hi , Death Threats , Families , Civil War , Threat , Cancer , Sitting , Listening , Stefanik Supports Trump , Policies , Leadership Post , May , Elise Stefanik , New York , Wasn , Leadership Position , Comments , Fear , Instances , Fortunes , Danger , Calculation , Requests , Demands , Winking , Acquiescing , Nodding , Institutions , Wrong , Rails , Guardrails , Supervisor , Commissioner Al Schmidt In Philadelphia , Guardrails Don T Hold , Guardrail , Impact , Highway , Hit , Look , Ace , Centrum , Clearchoice , Teeth , Chantell , Implants , Suffering , Dental Implants , Awada , Musician , My Name , Fingersticks , Austin James , Glucose Numbers , System , Scan , 8 2 , 6 7 , Freestylelibre Us Deposit , Simplicity , Chase , Handful , Moving , Kidding , Xfinity , Movers , Offers , Services , Yep , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Poll Numbers , Midterms , Human Being , Loyalists , Primaries , Progressive Activist , Spineless , 2022 , Precondition , Behavior , Races , State By , County Commissioner , All The Way , Rinos , Jody Hice , Roles , On Trump , State Representative , Mark Finchum , Endorsement , Decertification , Arizona State Representative , Primary , Positions , Descent , Eight , Challenges , Career , Position , Constant Fund Raising , Gonzalez , Travel , Wasn T Working , Saying Trump , Politics , Exits , State Level , Who , Division , Games , Gop 2 0 , He S Playing , 2 0 , The Fox Political Editor , The State Of Arizona , Chris Stirewalt , Stirewalt S Boss Retired , January 2021 , Source , Audiences , Dan Bongino , Ratings , Integrity Laws , Ballot , Reporter , Pundit , Top , Politicians , Instance , 11 , State Legislature , State Legislatures , Running , Professionals , Audit , Maricopa County , Counting Process , Example , Doug Logan , Cyber Ninjas , Election Audits , Ultraviolet Lights , Ultraviolet Light , Saw , Orbit , Images , Bamboo , Somewhere In Asia , Ballot Counting Process , Ninjas , Falsehood , Verge , Conducting A , Win , Motivator , Corner , Will , Dozens , Aftermath , Events Maneuvering , History , Third World Notion , Scenario , Opponents , Outcomes , Nominee , Kcitizen , Responsibility , Nightmare Scenario , The Realm Of Possibility , 82 , 2024 , Breaking Point , The American Experiment , 1954 , Fifteen , Thirteen ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Special Report 20240709

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>> conspiracy theories -- >> that could have been mickey mouse -- >> i'm watching going this is the craziest thing i've ever seen. and people bought it. lawsuits -- >> they try to not have your votes counted. they did not want your vote to count. >> potentially illegal pressure campaigns. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> what he was asking for wasn't supported by the facts, wasn't supported by the constitution. >> extraordinary scheming. >> let's talk about -- >> just breathtaking that you would have laid out such a clear game plan that so clearly violated the constitution. >> and all too many in the republican party -- >> we believe this was a free and fair election. >> -- and maga media who followed along. >> unverifiable dumps of votes. >> we will never give up. we will never concede. >> stop the steal! >> it all might have worked if not for a few people in key places. notably among them brave republicans. >> in the moments of truth, you need the right people to pass the most difficult tests. we had just enough people on january 6th pass the test. >> pursuant to the constitution and the laws of the united states -- >> do you think donald trump attempted to stage a coup? >> i don't know what you could call it other than a coup. >> i have real concerns about the future of this democracy. [ chants ] >> i'm deeply afraid for our country. >> tonight, a cnn special report. "trumping democracy: an american coup." >> you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength. >> january 6th was the line that can't be crossed. january 6th was an unconstitutional attempt led by the president of the united states to overturn an american election and reinstall himself in power illegitimately. [ chants ] that's fallen nation territory, that's third world country territory. my family left cuba to avoid that fate. i will not let it happen here. >> that's republican congressman anthony gonzalez of ohio. >> i rise today in support of the cuban people -- >> grandson of an immigrant, he has a quintessentially american success story. a talented wide receiver who played three years for ohio state, five more in the nfl, and when injuries sidelined him, he got a business degree from stanford. all this before age 34 when gonzalez felt called to run for congress. >> i got into this because, look, my family came here from cuba, my father's family came here from cuba. we come from a country that has fallen. we come from a failed nation, and we've seen what happens when the rule of law is dismantled, when a strongman is allowed to take hold, and democratic norms cease to exist. >> now the conservative republican has a warning for all of us about what trump and his minions tried to do when they tried to steal the election. >> this country's been through a lot. we fought through it, and we've persevered. as much as i despise almost every policy of the biden administration, the country can survive a round of bad policy. the country can't survive torching the constitution. that's the one thing the country can't survive. >> it's going to be fraud all over the place. a rigged election. there's going to be fraud. >> donald trump's plan to undermine american democracy began months before the voting started. >> what's he going to do with these ballots? where are they going? >> with a return to lies he had been telling for years. in 2012 he tweeted, quote, more reports of voting machines switching romney votes to obama. pay close attention to the machines. don't let your vote be stolen. not true. in 2016, quote, ted cruz didn't win iowa, he stole it. not true. and this after he won the electoral college, hence the presidency in 2016. quote, i won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. also not true. >> president trump started a commission to look for that in 2017. they could find nothing. they disbanded before they could even file a report. >> in 2020, mail-in ballots, which were going to be more prevalent because of the pandemic, became a perfect new foil for trump's old claim. >> voting by mail is wrought with fraud and abuse. when you do all mail-in voting ballots, you're asking for fraud. >> melissa farrah was the white house communications director for then-president trump from april through december 2020. >> we actually had to pull together a meeting in the oval to remind him that many of our voters, particularly senior citizens, were going to vote by mail, and that we were deterring people from turning out and from voting in the way that they would. >> all this caught the attention of congresswoman liz cheney. a rock red conservative and daughter of former vice president dick cheney. at the time, she was number three in house republican leadership, the conference chair. >> it concerned me because we wanted people to be able to vote as republicans. i wasn't concerned about it from a constitutional perspective at all. those concerns clearly came later on. >> there are going to be millions of missing ballots. >> cheney's constitutional concerns came about five weeks before election day. then president trump was asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power. >> win, lose, or draw in this election, will you commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the election? >> we're going to have to see what happens, you know that. i've been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster. >> you tweeted a response to that. you wrote, "the peaceful transfer of power is enshrined in our constitution, and fundamental to the survival of our republic. america's swear an oath, " that suggests to me that you were worried. >> i was. there's a basic fundamental thing. every president really is responsible for safeguarding the peaceful transfer of power. >> we're going to have to see what happens. >> so for president trump not to be willing to make that commitment was stunning. >> that was september 2020, when donald trump also stunned republican al schmidt. >> we either need to get them on board or move the polling place. >> schmidt is one of three city commissioners philadelphia. his job is to oversee the city's elections. >> there was a big problem. in philadelphia they went in to watch. they were called poll watchers. they were thrown out. they weren't allowed to watch. you know why? because bad things happen in philadelphia. bad things. >> so you're watching the debate, and president trump says bad things happen in philadelphia. what goes through your mind? >> i think i said out loud, "i see what you're doing." we had the sitting president trying to discredit the results coming from the city of philadelphia before a single vote was cast in the city. >> watch those ballots. i don't like it. thousands of ballots all over the country are being reported. some thrown in garbage cans with my name on them. did you see today? there was a big mishap with the ballots, another one. >> not only was trump spreading distrust of the electoral process -- >> did you see they found 50,000 ballots in like a river? >> -- he was doing it in states such as pennsylvania and michigan where the margins were expected to be tight, and the wait for results was expected to be unusually long. >> in most of america there is a big traditional skew between early votes and election day votes. the republicans usually win election day, and the democrats usually win early voting and absentee voting. we've got all this vote flowing in. >> chris steirwalt was part of fox news decision desk -- >> do republicans do well enough to offset it? >> in 2020, the divide was expected to be more pronounced than usual because trump had been telling republicans not to trust mail-in ballots. this set the stage for what experts predicted would prompt misleading early vote counts. >> there may be what some folks call a red mirage so that trump's numbers may be highest election night and then the blue wave as more absentees come in that in the last couple of decades have come in overwhelmingly democrat. the big caveat is we've never had early voting like this. >> we all knew that some states were going to show him up, and then it was going to get closer. did he not know that? >> no, he had been told that repeatedly and he didn't care. before the summer when it was clear that the pandemic was going to change the way by mail voted and expanded he started laying the groundwork for this can't be trusted. >> everyone who followed the elections closely knew about this. but then -- >> some breaking news to talk about. >> right before the actual election day a convenient alternative explanation. a false conspiracy theory popped up. >> there would be many more in the days ahead. >> voters in the final hours of making a monumental decision for this country. >> keeping an eye on the key battleground. >> president trump will win the state of florida. >> former president trump was in the residence. he had people coming up and down but there were staffers, aides, friends, hangers on in the east room. munching on mini burgers and celebrating what they believed once the state of florida was called for trump would be a repeat of 2016. >> a big win for president trump in florida. >> trump was in a decent move until -- >> calling arizona for joe biden. that is a big get for the biden campaign. >> he believed what he was being told by some advisers after he won florida which was this is looking good for us. this is looking just like 2016. these states that were supposed to go for biden are going for you. and then we got to the arizona call, and it all fell apart. >> it's a significant victory for joe biden, as i say the first flip of the night in the presidential race. >> the fox news decision desk made that call hours before the "associated press" and days before the major news networks. >> people were sending me what people were saying on social media, and it was this sort of, you know, psychotic murderous rage about us, and we don't do anything. we're just the weathermen. i'm just telling you where the storm is going. i don't make the weather. >> he started calling talent at fox and urging them to retract it. >> right, as though it was the call that made that true, not the votes that were cast. ♪ >> he had made up his mind weeks before that he was going to go to the podium if election night showed he was losing, and he was going to say he won. that's exactly what he did. >> this is a fraud on the american public. this is an embarrassment to our country. we were getting ready to win this election. frankly, we did win this election. [ cheers ] >> and then he said this -- >> we want all voting to stop. we don't want them to find any ballots at 4:00 in the morning and add them to the list, okay. [ applause ] >> but nobody was voting. they were just counting. the focus at this point was mostly on mail-in ballots. in 2020, more democrats voted this way than republicans. >> we were winning everything and all of a sudden it was just called off. >> what an ideal time to stop the counting if you're a republican president who wants to hold on to office no matter what the voters actually want. >> i've been saying this from the day i heard they were going to send out tens of millions of ballots. i said -- get your personalpoints plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping. ignore us. i've lost, like, 28 pounds. you look great! wow. i love that my clothes fit better. but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personalpoints program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start? join today for 50% off at hurry, offer ends january 10th. ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit ♪ smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover ♪ ♪ gon' pop like trouble ♪ ♪ breaking into your heart like that ♪ ♪ do the boogie, like ♪ ♪ side step, right-left, to my beat ♪ ♪ high like the moon, rock with me, baby ♪ ♪ know that i got that heat ♪ ♪ let me show you 'cause talk is cheap ♪ ♪ side step, right ♪ ♪ get it, let it roll ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. it was a tragedy. with knockoff batteries, little miss cupcake never stood a chance. until, energizer ultimate lithium. who wants a cupcake? the number one longest-lasting aa battery. yay! case closed. i love this country and democracy and it makes me sad to see what many in my party are doing. >> bill gates is a conservative republican who worked on voter integrity issues for the arizona republican party for years. >> i'm one of these kind of alex p. keaton kids from the '80s. i've been a republican my whole life. >> vice chair gates -- >> thank you so much. >> nowadays he's the vice chair of the maricopa county board of supervisors, the governing board for the county which is arizona's most populous. among the board's responsibilities, running elections. >> this election was run well. there was no fraud involved in this. no corruption. why do i feel confident about that? because this has been the most scrutinized election we've ever run. my job was to make sure that there wasn't anything improper or fraudulent that was going on. >> you weren't discounting anything. >> no. my job is to investigate what was being brought to me, and so i followed up on those with our elections officials. >> and? >> and there was nothing to it. >> hey, ken. >> good morning, sir. >> for gates and his colleagues, the madness began in the hours after the polls closed. >> as far as i'm concerned, we already have won. >> before the tally was finished, supporters who believed then-president trump when he said he won arizona began flocking to the counting site. [ chants ] >> it was a circus. i mean, it really was lollapalooza for the alt-right. they were outside of the elections center which is -- i mean, really off the beaten path. >> across the united states, local election officials were scrambling to get a record number of mail-in ballots counted. among them in philadelphia was al schmidt, one of three city commissioners and the only republican. he ran for office promising to protect election integrity. >> one of the things that i was involved in as part of the republican party in the city and republican party in the state was election integrity. since coming into office in 2012 i've referred more than two dozen cases for investigation to city, state, and federal law enforcement. our election operations were centered in the pennsylvania convention center in center city, philadelphia. there was one tv on that i happened to be walking past. ♪ the president saying, why are they still counting? we already got the results. >> we're winning pennsylvania by a tremendous amount. [ applause ] >> i want to be clear about what then-president trump was calling for. he wanted millions of americans to be disenfranchised. >> which is completely at odds with democracy. it was pretty upsetting to see that. >> let's get a key race alert in some of the battleground states. >> when half of your voters, 325,000 voters vote by mail it takes days to count all those ballots because you can't even begin processing the envelopes they came in until 7:00 on election morning. >> because that's the law that the republicans made. >> that is the law the republicans made and refused to change. >> and this is a key point especially in pennsylvania. >> this is the most significant modernization of our elections code in decades. >> expanded vote-by-mail legislation had been passed before the pandemic in 2019 by the republican legislature. these were republican rules. >> the refusal to count those mail votes early and be prepared really hurt the country. if you can't get the ballots counted accurately, efficiently, expeditiously, you create this space. for trump and his squad and these goons to go out there and plant lies, to try to steal this election. >> we're going to prove to the american people that arizona is trump country. [ cheers ] >> it was happening most notably in swing states. in arizona, there was sharpie-gate. the trump campaign falsely alleged sharpie markers on the ballots made them unreadable by the counting machines. >> that was through the beginning of this -- let's start and throw, you know, chum out in the water for folks that want to try and overturn this election. >> in georgia, a big lie that spread on the internet was that this legal case of ballots was actually a secret suitcase of false biden votes being added to the count. >> i saw four suitcases come out from underneath the table. >> something the republican lieutenant governor jeff duncan and his colleagues looked into and found completely without merit. >> it was cut and spliced. to take the time to watch it from beginning to end there's a sequenced pattern that can be explained all the way through there. those weren't suitcases. those were actually preapproved cases already used all over the state. >> in philadelphia, trump did better than he had in 2016. better than romney in 2012 or mccain in 2008. he was losing pennsylvania because he did so much worse in the philadelphia suburbs. nonetheless, because trump decided discrediting big cities was going to be one of his false political attacks, in philadelphia trump's lawyers falsely claimed republican observers had been barred from the counting rooms. >> one of the attorneys for trump asks a judge, judge diamond, for an emergency order to stop the counting. and they're claiming that they had no people in the room. that's what they had been claiming outside the courtroom. but inside the courtroom, this trump lawyer concedes that there were a, quote, nonzero number of their own observers in the room. and essentially the case is laughed out of court. >> short of that lawyer lying to the judge and committing perjury, clearly went as far as he could. we had republican observers there every minute of every day that we were operating and counting votes right in front of us. >> this is rampant corruption. >> despite the barrage from trump and his allies -- >> we will await more votes to come in to pennsylvania. >> -- that counting ended quite momentously the saturday after the election. >> ultimately the final decision of this very long election week came down to philly. and after philly was decided and announced -- >> cnn projects joseph r. biden jr. is elected the 46th president of the united states. >> joe biden declared victory. what was that like? >> to have our voters' votes result in the election being called was an incredible thing to watch. [ cheers ] while all that is happening, we're also aware that rudy giuliani's coming to philadelphia. >> wow, what a beautiful day. thank you. >> going to the four seasons landscaping place to say that our voters' votes shouldn't be counted. >> i was about to bring up four seasons total landscaping. because -- >> in philadelphia they keep the vote of dead people secret. >> -- it was the most -- >> very suspect method of voting -- >> -- degrading -- >> there was no security, zero. >> -- pathetic -- >> people of this country have no assurance at all -- >> -- preposterous -- >> that those ballots were actually cast -- >> -- farcical moment in my view of this post-election day challenge of this all. >> and appropriate. >> it would have had to have been unanimously cast for joe biden to catch up. >> they didn't want this at an industrial area across from a crematorium and next to a sex shop. >> and it was the day trump got the news he did not want to hear. >> he was told by two of his top political advisers that basically it was over, and he listened and he decided that he wanted to keep fighting. >> so -- >> trump decided he wanted to put giuliani in charge, and that's exactly what he did. giuliani was willing to do what he wanted. >> and that is what led to this now-infamous press conference mid-november 2020 featuring rudy giuliani and another lawyer named sydney powell. >> the dominion voting systems were created in venezuela at the direction of hugo chavez to make sure he never lost an election. >> the only thing left is the vote. that could have been the same person 30 times. >> one of its most characteristic features is its ability to flip votes. >> thank you. >> ben ginsburg, the preeminent republican party election attorney who has battled with democrats on many recounts and recalls, was watching. >> when i first heard that press conference, i said, oh, my god, can that really be true? because if there was nothing there, they wouldn't just be making it up. and then they went through the entire press conference, and i sort of remember looking out the window and saying, they just made all that up. >> they did. this campaign memo from six days before the press conference first reported by "the new york times" says, "dominion has no company ties to venezuela. dominion and one of its former employees would later sue giuliani and powell for more than $1 billion. a court document filed by powell's lawyer said, quote, no reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact. someone should tell that to the republican national committee because they still have powell's lies in its social media feed. in a deposition for another related case, giuliani said he got his information about a former dominion employee having antifa ties from social media. >> those social media posts get all -- facebook, instagram, twitter -- >> social media postings -- >> or something else. i think it was facebook. >> he also admitted that he did not have the time, he said, to investigate the claims himself. alissa farrah was the white house communications director when all these lies were being fed to then-president trump. you saying that in november there seemed to be a tacit acknowledgment by the president that he lost, but then something changed. >> yeah. so something did change, and i think this was when the -- the more conspiracy theorist individuals started getting access to the president, the sydney powells, the mike lindells, michael flynns, and even steve bannon was in his ear. and it did take a turn. i think he believes it. >> this election was a fraud. >> the former president believes that he won the election. and that's scary, and the other thing, though, that your viewers need to know is the people around the president, the sane ones, know that he did not win. and they are lying to you, and they are lying to him when they suggest that the election was stolen. >> there were more than 60 lawsuits filed by the trump campaign or its supporters. they only prevailed in one case from pennsylvania, but the number of ballots affected was too small to change the results from the state. >> none of the claims he made were found meritorious by any court in any way that would have reversed the results of the election. >> georgia faced more than a dozen of these suits. >> many of these lawsuits, they just wanted to throw out the results and then have the general assembly pick their own set of electors. >> brad raffensperger, georgia's republican secretary of state, a conservative republican who supported trump and has fought with democrats on election issues, ordered a statewide hand count. that hand count confirmed there was no widespread fraud involved with the machine count. >> no, we never saw enough that would have turned the results of the election. we have about 250 investigations going on, but if you look at it, it's onesie, twosies, a couple people here, a couple persons there doing something. it never added up to 12,000 votes. >> still, then-president trump hate tweeted about him, and both rafensperger and his wife were threatened. >> people start threatening her, sending her sexualized texts. those kind. intimdations. >> bill gates got threats, too. so did commissioner al schmidt who testified about them in congress. >> tell the truth or your three kids will be fatally shot, included our address, included my children's names, included a picture of our home. cops can't help you. heads on spikes, treasonous schmidts. >> we've not had any sort of credible incidents raised to our level yet. >> there was an interesting timeline that started to happen, a pattern is probably a better way to put it. i would go on tv. i would speak the truth. if there's an issue, we want to make sure we understand it, investigate it. and within minutes, he would send a tweet out that would say something derogatory or inflammatory. >> his latest target is the lieutenant governor, jeff duncan, quote, georgia lieutenant governor jeff duncan, georgia, is a rino, never trumper too. dumb or corrupt to recognize massive evidence of fraud in georgia and should be replaced. >> and me or my wife would get threats show up on our phone. like blood-curdling threats from just the most awful sounding individuals and deep meaning that would know things about you and your family, that they intentionally were trying to scare us and intimidate us. it was all to try to get us to sit down and be quiet. >> then-president trump wanted some republicans to sit down. others he invited to washington. >> he starts bringing in state legislators from pennsylvania, party leaders from michigan. >> uh-huh. he starts having democrat in to the white house, yes, to visit with him. again, this is part of the sales job that he thinks he's doing. he's telling them that really he won and they ought to consider that, and they ought to consider how they submit electors and how they go ahead in certifying the election in their states, but none of them went along with it at the end of the day. [ chant ] >> joe biden had 61,000 votes -- >> in michigan despite losing to joe biden by more than 154,000 votes, trump waged a fierce fight to keep the result from being certified. [ chants ] it might have worked if one of the two republicans on the state canvassing board had not resisted intense pressure and voted with the democrats to certify. >> we must not attempt to exercise power we simply don't have. >> after that act of courage, state republicans replaced him on the board. it was all part of a presidential push for legislators to disenfranchise their own constituents based on lies. there was no credible evidence of widespread fraud. perhaps the president's most shocking push was in georgia. >> so then-president trump asked governor kemp to call a special session of the legislature so the legislators could appoint their own electors instead of the ones for biden that the voters had picked. >> you play that out, and you disenfranchise 2.5 million peoples' votes in a state -- i don't care if they're "d"s or "r"s, we would have had rioting in every street, in every community. it would have been an absolute attack on democracy. >> a version of that, of course, came later. 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this election was stolen. >> in the end, 126 house republicans signed their names to it. adam kinzinger, a republican congressman from illinois, did not. how many people that signed on to it do you think actually believed the nonsense in it? >> if i had to guess i'd say five to ten. >> i think there was a sense among those who did sign it, at least some of them, was sort of, well, we're going to do this to placate president trump. and i thought that was not doing our duty. kevin mccarthy told me directly that he wasn't going to sign it. i said, good, this is not a brief that we ought to be associated with. and a few hours later he signed it. >> the brief went out without kevin mccarthy's name, and the next day claiming that he was inadvertently left off, and he signed on to it. that was bad. he initially didn't want to sign it and then realized what the pressure was. what you see there are people that sign on to something they don't believe to avoid political pressure. it's leaders that are afraid of their base and not leading their base. >> the supreme court declined to even hear the suit. >> a majority of house republicans, like two-thirds of them, literally saying i don't want any of the votes from pennsylvania, i don't want any of them to count, based on this lie. i mean, i'll just say for me personally, as a pennsylvanian, they were trying to disenfranchise my mom and dad based on lies. >> i don't know how everyone doesn't take that personally. they try to not have your votes counted. they did not want your vote to count based on nothing whatsoever. that is so mind bending and so difficult to comprehend. >> so what's going to happen next presidential election? how many people are going to sign some brief that says overthrow this to the supreme court? that becomes the bottom-line standard. that happens every time in d.c., and a lot of those standards were broken in this season. i'm worried we'll never get them back. up next, donald trump's phone call to the top election official in georgia. >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> was he telling him to break the law? >>yot certainly felt like it. urself. so when you do, make it count with crest pro-health. it protects the 8 areas dentists check for a healthier mouth. the #1 toothpaste brand in america. crest. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ordinary tissues burn when theo blows. so puffs plus lotion rescued his nose. with up to 50% more lotion, puffs bring soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. this is your home. this is your family room slash gym. the guest bedroom slash music studio. the daybed slash dog bed. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash classroom. and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. ♪ before the 2020 election, you were perceived as a rising star in the republican party in georgia. now you're not running for re-election. so what happened? >> yeah, it's funny -- talk about rising star, i don't know if i would agree with that. but one of the biggest knocks against me when i was running for lieutenant governor is that i was too conservative to be a statewide candidate. hey, georgia, it's jeff duncan again, conservative candidate for lieutenant governor -- >> in 2018 in the increasingly purple state of georgia, jeff duncan ran as a long-shot on his conservative values. >> please raise your right hand and place -- >> and he won. so no one actually can question your conservative bona fide, there's no issue with social issues or economic issues or foreign policy or -- there's no way in which you're squishy or a liberal. >> yeah. i'm a conservative because i believe in the principles of it, not because it gets me elected in georgia. i'm wired to be a conservative. i was raised that way. i think our family's conservative. the businesses that i run are conservative. that's just who i am. >> but in 2020, after duncan pushed back against the wave of false claims -- >> it's certainly disheartening to watch folks willing to put their character and morals out there just so they can spread a half truth or a lie in the efforts to maybe flip an election. [ chants ] >> duncan found himself on the receiving end of republican fury. just like georgia's secretary of state brad raffensperger whose office was flooded with calls from voters urging him to change the results of the election. >> i want to talk to brad raffensperger. i want to talk to this piece of [ bleep ] for not [ bleep ] doing the right thing. this election was [ bleep ] stolen. >> we could feel the angst and the hate building in the air over nothing, over a mirage, over a shining object to deflect from the fact that donald trump had lost the election fair and squarely. >> you could have very easily kept your mouth shut, not said anything. gone along. was all of it worth it? putting it all on the line for the truth? >> the answer is absolutely it was worth it. >> the lieutenant governor found himself amongst the few willing to speak the truth, but he was not alone. disgusted by threats his election workers were getting from misled trump supporters fellow georgia republican gabe sterling also became a vocal critic of the public lies. >> i remember we had our warehouse manager at the center for elections was taking the trash out. this is a young guy. he has been working for us for a few years. and all these people swarm around him with the cameras saying you're going to prison, you're going to prison. he is a warehouse guy. nobody should have to go through that. >> good afternoon. >> on december 1st, 2020, sterling gave a blistering warning, directed at the most powerful man in the world. >> two minutes before he was going to go up there, one of my friends called and said, gabe is about ready to go have a press conference, and you might want to watch. >> mr. president, you have not condemned these actions or this language. this is elections. this is the backbone of democracy, and all of you who have not said a damn word are complicit in this. stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence. someone is going to get hurt. someone is going get shot. someone is going get killed. >> it felt like me saying those words. he said everything i wanted to say. it was heartfelt. >> this is the backbone of elections. this stuff getting done. at that level it did eat at me, and i thought i'm doing something that is vitally important. i just want all americans to know their vote is counted. >> despite sterling's pleas to tone down the rhetoric, president trump continued his pressure campaign. >> your governor could stop it very easily if he knew what the hell he was doing. he could stop it very easily. >> just days later, he publicly excoriated georgia republican such as brian kemp for not helping him overturn the election, something kemp could not legally do and had no grounds to do. >> so far we haven't been able to find the people with the courage to do the right thing. >> and here he was calling us into question only because we wouldn't lie in front of a national audience for donald trump. >> and trump leaned on the state's chief elections investigator. >> the people of georgia are so angry at what happened to me, they knew i won. won by hundreds of thousands of votes. it wasn't close. whatever you can do for frances, it would be a great thing. it is an important thing for the country. >> the surprising thing for me is how granular of a level donald trump was personally engaged in trying to overturn the election in georgia. certainly we started hearing about phone calls he was making, and of course we all heard the unfortunate 60-plus minute call with brad raffensperger. >> they are shredding ballots. in my opinion, you have out of state voters. they voted in georgia, but they were from out of state. >> it was just a complete disaster and an embarrassment to anybody who cares about democracy. >> after repeating a litany of false allegations, trump said he was, quote, notifying georgia secretary of state raffensperger that in his view, the secretary was breaking the law by ignoring his false conspiracy theories. >> you're not reporting it. that's a criminal -- that's a criminal offense. and you know, you can't let that happen. that's a big risk to you. >> did you feel like he was threatening you? >> i think you could take that as a form of pressure. >> of everything he said to you on the call, what sticks with you the most? >> well, he continually circled back on, well, all i need is -- >> i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> we wanted us to go out and somehow find additional votes. we had all the ballots. there were no more ballots we could add, and all those had been tabulated time and time again. >> was he telling you to break the law? >> it certainly felt like it. it's absolutely embarrassing as an american to hear a u.s. president having that type of conversation. there is just no setting where that call is appropriate. >> what he was asking for wasn't something that was supported by state law, wasn't supported by the facts, wasn't supported by the constitution. >> that phone call is now key evidence in an ongoing investigation by prosecutors in georgia who are looking into whether donald trump broke the law in his efforts to overturn the election. >> hey, good morning, guys. >> but raffensperger steadfastness to the law notwithstanding, trump was not even close to done in his efforts to overturn the election. ahead, a memo that could have destroyed democracy. >> it is a blueprint for how to ignore the vote of the people. a. press firmly to activate... and small spaces continuously eliminates and prevents odors... freshen up any small room... ...for up to 45 days. febreze. ♪la la la♪ ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no'. everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to. and... when he wants to. so ray... can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit some of my best memories 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casting. >> most republicans in congress spent those first few weeks telling reporters that trump had every right to pursue legal remedies, but the cases then failed. over and over the trump team had no credible evidence of significant fraud. but most republicans would not acknowledge reality, not wanting to poke the bear. that's partly because in 2021 there were georgia senate runoff elections on january 5th that they needed trump to help them win. >> shelly fights for me. david fights for me. that i can tell you. >> and partly because they had giant spending bills they needed him to sign then. >> breaking news, biden has received the majority of electoral votes needed to win the presidency. >> on december 14th, 2020, the electoral college voted in all 50 states formalizing trump's loss. >> on january the 20th -- >> on the 15th, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell finally publicly embraced the truth. >> today i want to congratulate president-elect joe biden. >> republicans who had spent the previous weeks trying to placate donald trump now found that the vacuum their silence had left had been filled by trump's lies. trump lashed out at the few republicans who acknowledged his defeat, tweeting, quote, too soon to give up. republican party must finally learn to fight. privately the president was entertaining increasingly concerning paths forward. >> i got a tip from someone that there had been a really intense, bizarre oval office meeting. sydney powell had been having a conservation about being made special counsel within the white house to investigate election fraud. i also found out that mike flynn, the former lieutenant general of national security advisor who was fired very early on in the trump administration, was talking about seizing the voting machines and re-running the election. it was incredibly jarring that there was a conversation in the oval office with a former military leader talking about a seizure of voting machines. >> and flynn publicly spoke about this. >> he said a version of it on "news max" the night before this meeting. >> there are people talking about marshall law like something we have never done. we did -- marshall law has been instituted 64 times. >> he was told by officials, this isn't legal. we don't have the authority to do this. >> trump was eventually convinced by advisers to pass on that idea, but he became fixated on a new one, derailing the certification of electoral votes. >> once trump realizes that the fraud claims are going nowhere, he now has a new plan, which is for there to be enough doubt that he could maybe persuade some of these states, conservative states to send a separate set of electors. >> on december 19th, trump sent his first tweet encouraging supporters to come to washington d.c. on january 6th to protest the election results at a rally organized by a group called women for america first. with ties to controversial characters such as roger stone and steve bannon, that organization had become the de facto force for the false fraud claims after the election, even taking a bus tour across the country trying to sway members of congress to object to the election results. while women for america first pushed conspiracy theories around the country -- >> if you still love america! >> -- the president continued his assault in the capital. >> the attorney general of the united states bill barr is leaving the administration. >> thus began a new near daily pressure campaign on the department of justice. according to a sweeping report from the democrats on the senate judiciary committee, based on interviews with trump's top officials at the justice department, jeffrey rosen and richard donoghue, trump directly asked the doj to undermine the outcome of the election. he did so nine times. and his chief of staff mark meadows broke with longstanding policy and pressured the doj to look into election fraud claims. >> the wildest theory was this thing called italy-gate. mark meadows sent an email to the acting attorney general at the time asking him to look into this theory that there was some italian contractor who was using satellites to change vote tallies on machines, voting machines in the united states. >> on a december 27th call with the new acting attorney general jeffrey rosen, trump pushed him to quote just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the republican congressman. >> trump knows that if the justice department goes out and raises questions about corruption or fraud, just saying that they're investigating it or looking into it, that allows republican congressmen to go out there and do the rest of the work and put pressure on the states to start audits and again, gives him room to operate between then and january 6th. >> the whole notion behind it was trump and his supporters saying don't worry about it, we're going to make it up. don't pay attention to the facts. don't pay attention to the law. we're just going to make it up and forge ahead. >> trump continued to press rosen on the call saying quote, this was an illegal corrupt election. and according to acting deputy attorney general richard donoghue's notes from the conversation, trump told rosen the doj was failing to respond to reports of crime. >> rosen stood firm on this call saying there is not much the justice department could do. >> trump also plotted with another justice department official jeffrey clark to oust the acting attorney general after rosen's repeated refusals to go along with trump's fraudulent allegations, but that scheme imploded at a dramatic white house showdown on january 3rd. >> this was a scene straight out of "apprentice." trump has rosen and clark vie for the job of attorney general of the united states and the president is told that if he replaces rosen with clark, there are going to be huge consequences. number of top officials at the justice department would resign. there were probably going to be hundreds of other resignations of political appointees across the country as a result of this. it was a murder/suicide pact is the way this was described during this meeting. >> trump decided that the effort would not be worth the embarrassment of mass resignations and abandoned the plot. he then pinned hopes to overturn the election on mike pence based of a legal memo written by conservative attorney john eastman. >> let's talk about the john eastman memo. what was your reaction when you first heard about it? >> just breathtaking that you would have laid out such a clear game plan that so clearly violated the constitution. >> the eastman memo detailed a six-step plan for pence to throw the election to trump during the january 6th certification. it also called for pence to throw out all electors from seven states. and gavel president trump as reelected. eastman has since tried to publicly tried to downplay his memo and his role in attempting a coup, but he told a very different story in recent undercover video from a progressive activist. >> so giuliani and me met with 300 legislators on january 2nd via a zoom conference call. and they all spinelessly wouldn't do anything. >> and in appearances in past right wing media. >> are we to assume that this is going to be a climactic battle that will take place this week? >> it depends on the courage and the spine of the individuals involved. >> would that be a nice way to say a guy named vice president mike pence? >> yes. >> this level of corruption can't be allowed to stand and i think that makes the exercise of the vice president's power here very compelling. >> it's quite dangerous. it is a blueprint for how to ignore the vote of the people. that would have cast aside all the legal foundations upon which the country and the democracy is based. >> we now know eastman's memo was not the only plan to detail how vice president pence could use his role to overturn the results of a fair and legal election. another one was written by jenna ellis. according to betrayal the final act of the trump show a book by abc's jonathan karl the former president's own chief of staff mark meadows forwarded the ellis mem >> the foundations are laid out moe to pence in the u.s. constitution 's specifically section 1 of top article 2 it's very clear about aide. >> there how the u.s. president is 's been so much talk about the memo that john eastman wrote. he was an outside lawyer but meadows is forwarding a document that basically outlines the effort to saessentially have a coup. >> the vice president. >> publicly pence raised the hopes of trump voters. >> we'll have our day in congress. we'll hear the orkss. we'll hear the evidence. >> pence reached out to others to see if there's a way to carry out the unconstitutional move. including, according to "washington post" journalist bob woodward and rob costa fellow hoosier dan quayle who convinced pence he had no constitutional power to throw out the election. also reported by woodward and costa was steve bannon's role in pushing the plan. on a phone call with the president, bannon said, quote, you've got to call pence and get him back here today. we're going bury biden on january 6, f-ing bury him. >> pence says he's talked to all of the lawyers that he can talk to, and he has decided that he can't. he doesn't have the power that the president says he has. and trump turns on him. yells at him. says that essentially he's betrayed him and the meeting doesn't end very well between the two men. >> but that did not stop the president from publicly pressuring the vice president on twitter ahead of the certification. up next -- >> we were on a conference call and i told kevin mccarthy when people are convinced that the election was stolen and there is a route out, there is going to be violence. his response was simply "operator, next caller." three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. 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(excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health. how not to be a hero: because that's the last thing they need you to be. you don't have to save the day. you just have to navigate the world so that a foster child isn't doing it solo. you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at stop the steal! stop the steal! stop the steal! >> we have the power of numbers. we came here to protect our republic. >> fight for trump! >> january 6th, 2021. >> fight for trump! >> where were you? do you remember that day? >> i remember that day crystal clear. >> there are some days that stick out, 9/11, war, stuff like that. this is among those. >> on the day congress was scheduled to certify the election for president-elect joe biden -- >> usa! >> you will listen! >> -- thousands of people descended on our nation's capital. >> biden did not win this election. >> what do you think happened? >> fraud. it's not made up. >> angry at what they falsely believed had been a stolen election. >> unquestionable that our votes were stolen. >> the supreme court isn't helping us. nobody is helping us. >> we're taking this country back. >> i wake up at 4:30. buses were everywhere. you couldn't get a clear path into the office from where i was. >> this line wraps around the washington monument. >> and there is all kinds of traffic at 4:30 in the morning, 5:00 in the morning and strobe lights already on the national mall and couple thousand people milling around at that hour, it just felt like something was off. >> fight for america! fight for america! >> when did you start becoming worried about january 6th as a day? >> a couple days before january 6th we were on a conference call, all the house republicans. kevin mccarthy, who at this point we did not know how he was going to go on certification, he says he's going to object. and i say, "kevin, you have to understand there will be violence. when people are convinced that the election was stolen and there is a root out, there is going to be violence." his response was simply, "operator, next caller." so on january 6th, it was obvious what was going to happen. >> fight for trump! fight for trump! >> they thought they could steal this election. >> the crowd had been told lies about the election not just by trump but by his supporters on capitol hill and in maga media. they were encouraged to take action. >> i don't know how this is going to end, but if they want to fight, they better believe they got one! >> and told how to think about those republicans who acknowledge joe biden won. those who were grounded in reality. >> this is about as mindless as i've ever seen these republican rino establishment hacks behave. >> we're coming for you. >> many of famous faces peddling the big lie were there. >> we are going to take our country back. >> but not just to rev up the crowd at the rally. according to the book "peril" by bob woodward and robert costa, on the days surrounding january 6, steve bannon, john eastman, rudy giuliani and others gathered at a hotel just two blocks from the white house, discussing plans to delay the certification. >> i'll tell you this. it's not going to happen the way you think it's going to happen. >> just the day before on january 5th, bannon ominously teased what was to come on his podcast "war room." >> it's going to be quite extraordinarily different. you've made this happen and tomorrow it's game day, so strap in. let's get ready. >> everything points to bannon was very closely associated with anything the campaign was doing. >> i think an overwhelming majority of that crowd was there to try to overturn democracy at that point, or the democratic process. >> bullshit! bullshit! bullshit! >> i knew i was kind of the face of so-called the deep state and the republican party so i didn't want to be out in public too much so i never bring my gun into the capitol complex. i brought it that day. >> i was sort of nervous for the morning. i was curious to see what the rally was. i was hoping not to hear some of the speeches that i ultimately heard. some of the more inflammatory ones. >> we know there was fraud. >> speakers at the rally included john eastman, the author of that memo detailing how pence could violate the constitution and keep trump in office, as well as many other republican officials who saw opportunity in joining in on the big lie. >> are you willing to do what it takes to fight for america? start taking down names and kicking ass. >> let's have trial by combat. >> but as he preferred it -- >> fight for trump! fight for trump! >> the marquee speaker was the president himself. >> president donald j. trump! [ cheers ] >> meanwhile inside the chambers of congress, the certification of the votes paused. >> i would object to further reading. >> with objections from republican senators and some republican house members. >> i rise today to object -- >> i rise to support the objection. >> i rise to support the objection. >> earlier that day vice president pence put out a statement saying he would not going to follow trump's instructions. >> usa! usa! >> which upset the president as he conveyed to the massive crowd. >> mike pence, i hope you're going to stand up for the good of our constitution and for the good of our country. and if you're not, i'm going to be very disappointed in you. >> trump continued to rile up the crowd demanding they take action. >> you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength and you have to be strong. >> many at the rally took his words literally. and we all watched as the effort to overturn the election. >> it's over! >> came to a violent, bloody crescendo. >> it was so unimaginable. that you would have a mob having broken into the capitol and attacked police officers. >> treason! treason! treason! >> attempting to break into the floor of the chamber of the house of representatives. you just couldn't compute that that was happening because so it's fundamentally un-american. >> un-american -- >> objection to counting the electoral votes. >> -- yet very close to happening in america. this video shows utah republican senator mitt romney, someone the angry mob considered an enemy unknowingly walking towards the rioters. capitol police officer eugene goodman tells romney to get out of harm's way and runs to confront the insurrectionists. leading them from the senate chamber. vice president pence. >> president and vice president -- >> the man many rioters called to be hanged that day. >> hang mike pence! hang mike pence! >> was inside the chamber and had to be rushed to safety with his family from the senate floor. minutes after rioters breached the capitol. according to reporting from "the washington post," one of the vice president's aides greg jacob who was with pence during the insurrection sent an email to john eastman after they were escorted off the senate floor. >> he said in the email, "thanks to your bullshit, we're now under siege." >> eastman fired back blaming the riots on the vice president and his staff. >> they broke through. it's on! >> he's been responded by saying that it was actually the vice president's fault and mr. jacob's fault for the quote unquote siege. he said if you would have done what you needed to be done and been transparent and have a debate, if you would have gone forward like we asked you to go, it wouldn't be happening to you right now. >> he's got a gun! >> the conversation you had with your wife, you've been off to war before having conversations with loved ones. was it like that? >> this was different, you know. i never really had a sense i might not survive this. there was a real sense that if they're in the capitol complex and they've already overrun two or three lines of police barricades, there is nothing to stop them from the rest of the complex. yeah, it was an emotional conversation. it was nothing i ever had before. i hope to never have to have that conversation again. >> we have two young kids and i didn't want to alarm my wife. at the time, it felt like anything was possible. because you're seeing the bomb threats. you're tracking it on twitter. i'm seeing messages on telegram and some of these other platforms come through about organized militia groups will storm the capitol and some folks saying they're going to kill whoever they find and all these sorts of things. and so at the time, you don't know how it's going to end. >> on the other end of pennsylvania avenue at the white house, trump remained isolated, watching the events unfold on television. >> when he found out about what was going on, the violence, his supporters attacking policemen, beating policemen, members of congress hiding, running for their lives, what was his response? >> kevin mccarthy had a conversation with him telling him just how bad it was, people breaking into my office and they're doing this. and trump's response was, well, kevin, i guess they're more upset about the rules of the election than you are. >> it was chaos, when some on the biden team were genuinely worried that there would be no transition, sources tell cnn, that trump and his mob had successfully disrupted the counting of electors and might find a way to cling to power. >> stop the steal! stop the steal! >> thank god that there weren't more people killed. at the time you don't know that. at the time you know there is an angry, violent mob who believes the election was stolen in the united states of america. you're seeing even members of congress saying this is our 1776 moment, which, as a reminder, that's a bloody violent revolution. >> let's take a seat, people! >> this is our country. this is our house. >> well, of course you're going to have violence and of course you're going to have a riot at the capitol. >> people, come on! >> and that's what all this was about. it wasn't just an attack on our symbols of democracy. it was an actual attack on the peaceful transfer of power from one president to another. >> after the insurrection was over, hundreds had been injured. five dead. and the capitol had been breached for the first time in more than 200 years. >> it's a -- revolution. let's take this shit. this is ours. coming up, will trump try to steal the election again? 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>> not a word of it. i don't think they believe any of it. but i think you can convince yourself if you're determined to that i'll just play the game a little longer so that i'll be here to lead to a new direction. or i'll play the game because i don't have the power and influence to change the ship. when you think about the heroics on flight 93 on 9/11 all those passengers standing up, rushing the cockpit and saving the capitol. had todd beamer or any of those others alone charged the cockpit, we would have probably a rebuild capitol today and a lot of casualties. but they all decided to do it together. when you only have a few people speaking out, it's no doubt that's not going to turn the ship. everybody has to, particularly the leaders of the party. >> hatred for donald trump. >> the lie continued on maga media, where justifying the rioters' anger became a common refrain. >> these are not conspiracy theorists motivated just by lies. that's a bunch of non-sense people want to tell us. these are people that understand first principles and free markets. >> one week later the house voted to impeach president trump for willful incitement of the january 6 insurrection. >> my vote to impeach the sitting president isn't fear based. >> there is no excuse for president trump's actions. >> while some republicans spoke in favor, once again the majority of house republicans sided with trump refusing to vote for impeachment. >> the ayes are 232. the nays are 197. >> ten republicans breaking ranks. >> but ten republicans did vote to impeach him. three of them you've heard from tonight. >> i voted to impeach him because i think it's very clear as has been public that he provoked the violence that day. >> i felt like i had no choice in the matter. as conservative republicans, we are constitutionalists. we believe in the rule of law. >> were you surprised only ten republicans voted to impeach? >> it was a point a couple days before the vote, maybe a day before i thought we hit 25. because i talked to 25 people. i look at those people that were going to vote for impeachment, and i recognize every one of them that ended up not voting that way, they always mentioned a concern for what it meant for their reelection. >> hi, everyone. thanks. >> congresswoman liz cheney was the third ranking republican in the house when she voted for impeachment. because she was so concerned about where trump's big lie was leading the nation. >> you had local officials who were getting death threats. you had members of congress who said to me that they believed that the president should be impeached after the 6th but that they were afraid to cast a vote that way because of their security, the security of their families. you know, that is a place that we haven't been certainly since the civil war and never when that threat of violence comes from a sitting president. >> we'll have to fight much harder. >> this will remain a cancer on our constitutional republic. >> cheney has become a leading critic of those who engaged in the big lie and attempted to subvert democracy including house republican leader kevin mccarthy who said this two days after the election. >> president trump won this election so everyone listening, do not be quiet. [ applause ] >> in may, republican new york congresswoman elise stefanik challenged cheney. for her leadership post. cheney is more conservative than stefanik. cheney had voted to support trump policies more often than stefanik, but stefanik supports trump's election lies, and stefanik defeated cheney for the leadership position. >> it just became increasingly clear that to stay in house republican leadership, i would have to be willing to perpetuate the big lie, and i just simply wasn't comfortable with that. >> how many of your republican colleagues that perpetuate the big lie either with their comments or their votes, how many of them do you think actually believe it? >> very few. very few. too many are putting their political future and their political fortunes ahead of doing their duty. and so i think that, you know, in some instances, there is fear. physical fear about what trump would do or the threats that might come, but in other cases, i think it's a political calculation, which is pretty craven if you think about it. >> what is the danger to elected officials that might know better acquiescing to these demands, to these requests, or winking and nodding about the big lie? >> the danger is that once you do it on this issue, why wouldn't you do it on any other issue? >> this isn't about right and left at all. it's about right and wrong. >> the institutions don't hold themselves in the moments of truth you need the right people to pass the most difficult tests. we had just enough people on january 6th pass the test. we have to make sure we have equal number of people to continue to pass the test going forward. >> one of your colleagues said to us the guard rails held but barely and only because there were specific individuals at great risk to themselves professionally and personally who stood by those guardrails, people like the maricopa county board of supervisor, people like secretary of state raffensperger in georgia, people like commissioner al schmidt in philadelphia. do you think that ultimately a dozen of these people replaced by other people, trump people and the guardrails don't hold and democracy falls under? >> oh, i certainly think that's a real threat. and, you know, any time you're driving on the highway and you see a guardrail that's been hit, it's mangled, right, it held. it wouldn't withstand a second impact. coming up next, that second impact lead by former president trump may becoming. >> he either wins legitimately, which he may do, or if he loses again, just try to steal it. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! 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who stood in his way? and he is going methodically, state by state at races, you know, state senate races all the way down to county commissioner races trying to get the people who -- the republicans, the rinos, in his words, who stopped him from stealing the election. he is trying to get them removed. >> what scares me is that the secretary of state roles, because those are extremely powerful in terms of dealing with elections. >> the focus for our office -- >> in georgia the secretary of state that refused to quote find the votes trump needed to win georgia is facing a challenge from republican congressman jody hice. hice has been all in on trump's election lie and endorsed by donald trump. in arizona, a state representative named mark finchum wants the job. >> arizona state representative mark finchum is with us tonight, and what a job he's done. mark? >> he's already received the endorsement of donald trump. he has said over and over again that this was a fraudulent election. he's called for decertification. he's got a descent chance to win this primary. if we have people like that in these key positions moving forward, i think we are in danger. >> eight of the ten house republicans who voted for impeachment are now facing primary challenges from republicans endorsed by trump or energized by him, including liz cheney. >> donald trump is very vocally supporting your defeat. are you worried? >> no. i intend to win. >> you could lose. you're saying you won't but anything is possible. if you lose your career because of this position you're taking, will it have been worth it? >> well, i will no matter what happens never stop fighting for the constitution, never stop fighting for the rule of law. to me, there is not even really a choice or a calculation. it's just what is the right thing here and what has to be done. >> two of the ten decided not to run for reelection. one of them is congressman gonzalez. he's retiring after two terms. >> this lifestyle, the constant travel, the constant fund raising, it wasn't working prior to impeachment. it's pretty clear now is the time to get out of this. >> the other one is congressman adam kinzinger who without saying trump's name announced he wanted to fight against the politics of division instead of for re-election. the exits are happening at the state level, too. jeff duncan, the lieutenant governor in georgia, is not running for re-election. >> i don't want to have to do and say the things i have to say and do right now to win a primary with donald trump playing the games he's playing. >> duncan began speaking about the republican party after trump and wrote a book called "gop 2.0." and it's not just elected officials who are stepping out of or being pushed from public view. remember chris stirewalt, the fox political editor who correctly called the state of arizona for biden? he was fired in january 2021. fox blamed restructuring. stirewalt's boss retired. >> a source at fox news told "the washington post" that i was fired because my ratings weren't as good as dan bongino's and that audiences were not responding to me as favorably as they were to dan bongino, which made me really laugh because i -- that's not my job. right? my job is not to tell you what you want to hear. >> bongino is a conservative pundit, not a reporter. on top of this, integrity laws that tighten access to the ballot to prevent widespread voter fraud, you know, the kind that did not happen. 19 states have new laws. >> it's trying to solve a problem that doesn't exactly exist. some people say voter fraud never occurs. it does occur. it occurs infrequently. >> beyond efforts making it more difficult to vote are efforts making it easier to undo the results of an election. eight states enacted 11 laws that strengthen the role partisan politicians have in determining the outcome of elections. for instance, in georgia, some of the power that secretary of state brad raffensperger used to have now lies with the republican state legislature. >> a number of states have tried to take running of elections away from professionals in giving it to politicians. so in state legislatures like georgia give power to the state legislature to potentially overturn results, that's very worrisome. >> this past year there has been no better example of a politicized counting process than the so-called audit of ballots in maricopa county, arizona. this past spring and summer by a group calling themselves the cyber ninjas. >> they have no experience at all in election audits. they're headed by this doug logan who has been in that trump orbit ever since the election. >> people saw images of these cyber ninjas looking at ballots through ultraviolet lights. what were they looking for with the ultraviolet light in the ballots? >> they were actually looking for bamboo on the ballots because there was one of these conspiracy theories that thousands of ballots had been sent in nefariously from somewhere in asia. and if there was bamboo, that would indicate that these were in fact those ballots. >> if you buy into conspiracy theories or believe the falsehood that the election was stolen from donald trump, the so-called audit made you more suspicious of the ballot counting process. in the end the ninjas concluded biden did win maricopa county, arizona, which is what the county had certified. still now pennsylvania may be on the verge of conducting a similarly partisan audit as well. >> do you think these republicans believe this is fraud or is this just look how pro-trump i am? >> i think because their primaries are right around the corner, i think that's a big motivator for what they're doing. >> all of this has been happening in the aftermath of the 2020 election, a planned attempt to undo the will of the american people with dozens of events maneuvering, pressure campaigns, threats of violence, actual violence carried out over months and continuing to this day. >> do you think that what president trump and his minions were attempting was a coup? >> well, when you are trying to not count voters' votes, when you are trying to overturn the will of the people, i wouldn't know how else to describe that. you know, it is hard for me to attach the words coup in america. that sounds like just a third world notion. i don't know what you could call it other than a coup. >> i think there are a number of things you could call it, but no president in history has done it before and we have to make sure no president ever does it again. >> but if donald trump manages to replace enough opponents with loyalists and enough laws are changed, it could happen again, but this time it might work. >> if we re-run the scenario with people holding the most powerful positions in key institutions being more beholden to him then they're oath, i think it's pushing towards one of two outcomes. he either wins legitimately, which he may do. or if he loses again, he'll just try to steal it. should he be the nominee or should he run again, i'll do everything i can to stop him. i believe as a kcitizen of this country, that's my responsibility. >> the nightmare scenario is this, and it is not too far out of the realm of possibility. donald trump is running again. joe biden is going to be 82 years old by 2024. many around him don't think he's going to run again. there is very much a scenario where donald trump could be president again, and this is a man who has challenged our institutions near to the breaking point. >> and for those who have worked with trump, the fear is not just his undermining american democracy, but once back in the white house also undoing the american experiment. you any that he will try to impose some form of autocracy? >> i think he absolutely would. there were things he wanted to do when he was in power the first time that were well beyond the scope of what the u.s. president should be able to do. but oftentimes it was the motivation of hoping to win re-election that kept him from doing things. it is very different in the second term. that's what scares me the most. >> can you give me an example? >> weaponizing the justice department against political opponent, going after the free press, using the military for political reasons as well. >> that's terrifying. >> uh-huh. as a warning, we are bringing you from conservative republicans, you might have noticed that other than the few journalists, the voices you have heard tonight have been exclusive by gop because there is nothing partisan, nothing liberal about supporting democracy. the american experiment is an experiment. it's not guaranteed. i mean, when ben franklin said a republic, if you can keep it, he wasn't being cheeky. he meant that this democracy has to be fought for. how worried are you? >> i have real concerns about the future of this democracy. and i never thought that i would. i didn't think that we had this sort of pull towards authoritarianism in our democracy. >> i'm deeply afraid for our country. yeah. i'm afraid that the kind of political violence, the kind of abandonment of the rule of law, the abandonment of the constitution that we watched does threaten the foundations of democracy, the foundations of our system and the fact that so many in my party are willing to be silent, are complicit, are enabling it adds very much to the peril because it is a very dangerous place for the country to be. >> i was discussing the subject of our documentary tonight, the erosion of american democracy, the continued undermining of basic rule of law and respect for facts. stay sane, he said to me and then eluding to that famous joined that chained joe mccarthy in 1954, my friend said, somebody has to sit up and say at long last, have you no decency? on the other hand, my friend said, somebody has to be listening when he says it. the thing is a bunch of folks have been saying this, journalists, politicians, conservative republicans that you heard from tonight, terrified about the end of the american experiment. they have been shouting, have you no decency at trump. and the problem is trump has answered, and the answer is no. he does not. and his supporters do not seem to care. and if the vast majority of republican-elected officials do care, as they should, well, they're not acting that way. we're carvana, the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100% online. now we've created a brand-new way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. family is just very important. she's my sister and we depend on each other a lot. she's the rock of the family. she's the person who holds everything together. it's a battle, you know. i'm going to be there. keytruda and chemotherapy meant treating my cancer with two different types of medicine. in a clinical trial, keytruda and chemotherapy was proven to help people live longer than chemotherapy alone. keytruda is used to treat more patients with advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies as your first treatment if you have advanced nonsquamous non-small cell lung cancer and you do not have an abnormal “egfr” or “alk” gene. keytruda helps your immune system fight cancer, but can also cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body. this can happen during or after treatment and may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away if you have cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, diarrhea, severe stomach pain or tenderness, severe nausea or vomiting, headache, light sensitivity, eye problems, irregular heartbeat, extreme tiredness, constipation, dizziness or fainting, changes in appetite, thirst, or urine, confusion or memory problems, muscle pain or weakness, fever, rash, itching, or flushing. these are not all the possible side effects. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions including immune system problems, or if you've had an organ transplant, had or plan to have a stem cell transplant or have had radiation to your chest area or a nervous system condition. it feels good to be here for them. living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda from merck. ask your doctor about keytruda. trelegy for copd. 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Rule Of Law , It , Wall , Lot , Minions , Warning , Fraud , Policy , Administration , Round , One , Ballots , Place , Voting , Plan , Return , American Democracy , We Wouldn T Lie , Quote , Voting Machines , Didn T Win , Attention , Machines , Reports , Obama , Ted Cruz , 2012 , 2016 , Millions , Presidency , Popular Vote , Electoral College , Iowa , Nothing , Report , Commission , 2017 , Philadelphia Trump , Mail , Pandemic , Claim , Foil , Abuse , 2020 , Meeting , Voting Ballots , Oval , White House Communications Director , Melissa Farrah , December 2020 , April , Harm S Way , Voters , Liz Cheney , Senior Citizens , Rock Red Conservative , Number , Dick Cheney , Leadership , House Of Representatives , Conference Chair , Daughter , Perspective , Power , Transfer , Transferral , Draw , Response , Disaster , Republic , Oath , Survival , Commissioner Al Schmidt , Commitment , Polling Place , September 2020 , Elections , Job , Center City , Philadelphia , City Commissioners , Problem , Poll Watchers , Things , Mind , They Weren T , Debate , Results , In The City , Thousands , Name , Process , Mishap , Garbage Cans , Distrust , 50000 , Pennsylvania , Michigan , Wait , Margins , River , Most , Democrats , Election Day , Absentee Voting , Skew , Republicans , Fox News , Divide , Decision Desk , Chris Steirwalt , Folks , Set , Counts , Experts , Stage , Red Mirage , Numbers , Election Night , Absentees , Caveat , Blue Wave , Care , Everyone , News , Groundwork , Conspiracy Theory , Alternative Explanation , Decision , Eye , Former , State Of Florida , Battleground , Staffers , Hangers On , Residence , Aides , East Room , Friends , Trump , Repeat , Burgers , Joe Biden , Move , Campaign , Arizona , Advisers , Get , Victory , Race , Arizona Call , Flip , Desk , Social Media , Associated Press , News Networks , Psychotic Murderous Rage , Anything , Call , Storm , Weathermen , Talent , Weather , Public , Podium , Losing , Cheers , Embarrassment , Applause , Nobody , Add , List , 00 , 4 , Everything , Point , Focus , Office , Counting , Matter , Tens , Ww , Ice Cream , Shopping , Personalpoints , Clothes , James Corden , 28 , Kind , Foods , Food , Limits , Hurry , Sandwiches , Ww Personalpoints Program , Ww Com , Avocado , January 10th , 10 , 50 , Diabetes , Glucose Levels , Ray , Vacations , No , Libre 2 , 2 , Mystery , A1c , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Criminal , Heart , Boogie , Beat , Pop , Trouble , Butter , Left , Side Step , Talk , Step , Side , Rock , Heat , Moon , Baby , Feel , Times , Sugar , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Chance , Cupcake , Batteries , Aa Battery , Tragedy , Case Closed , Little , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , House Republican Leader , Bill Gates , Arizona Republican Party , Issues , Voter Integrity , Board , Vice Chair Gates , Life , Maricopa County Board Of Supervisors , County , Alex P Keaton Kids From The 80s , Vice Chair , 80 , Responsibilities , Populous , Corruption , Fraudulent , Elections Officials , You Weren T Discounting , Ken , Supporters , Colleagues , Polls , Tally , Sir , Madness , Counting Site , Circus , Lollapalooza , Alt Right , Officials , Record Number , Scrambling , Beaten Path , State Of Georgia , Election Integrity , Marshall Law , Investigation , Cases , Election Operations , Enforcement , Pennsylvania Convention Center , Two , Saying , Tv , Amount , Odds , Some , Half , Battleground States , Race Alert , Envelopes , 7 , 325000 , Modernization , Elections Code , Legislature , Rules , Legislation , 2019 , Space , Refusal , Plant , Goons , Squad , Markers , Swing States , Counting Machines , Beginning , Sharpie , Lie , Case , Internet , Suitcase , Throw , Water , Chum , Jeff Duncan , Something , Count , Suitcases , Underneath , Merit , Table , Four , Pattern , Spliced , Those Weren T Suitcases , Mccain , 2008 , 2016 Better , Observers , Lawyers , Counting Rooms , Cities , Attacks , Suburbs , Room , Courtroom , Judge , Attorneys , Emergency Order , Diamond , Court , Trump Lawyer , Nonzero , Lawyer , Front , Perjury , Barrage , Allies , Philly , President Of The United States , Cnn Projects Joseph R Biden Jr , 46 , Rudy Giuliani , Happening , Shouldn T , What A Beautiful Day , Seasons , Landscaping , Wow , Method , Degrading , Security , Challenge , View , Assurance , Zero , Area , Sex Shop , Crematorium , Fighting , Charge , Sydney Powell , Press Conference Mid November 2020 Featuring Rudy Giuliani , Dominion Voting Systems , November 2020 , Person , Direction , Features , Venezuela , Hugo Chavez , 30 , Press Conference , Ben Ginsburg , Flip Votes , God , Recounts , Recalls , Wouldn T , Up , Window , Dominion , The New York Times , Campaign Memo , Company Ties , Employees , Press Conference First , Six , Someone , Powell S , Fact , Statements , Court Document , 1 Billion , Billion , Republican National Committee , Ties , Deposition , Employee , Information , Social Media Posts , Social Media Postings , On Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , Something Else , Alissa Farrah , Individuals , Acknowledgment , Change , Conspiracy Theorist , Access , Sydney Powells , Steve Bannon , Turn , Ear , Michael Flynns , Mike Lindells , Ones , Viewers , None , Electors , Assembly , Suits , Dozen , Brad Raffensperger , Hand Count , Machine Count , Conservative , Investigations , Onesie , Twosies , 250 , Him , Wife , Persons , Rafensperger , 12000 , Threats , Texts , Intimdations , Home , Names , Cops Can T , Kids , Address , Children , Picture , Treasonous Schmidts , Heads On Spikes , Level , Timeline , Sort , Incidents , Issue , Lieutenant Governor , Tweet , Rino , Target , Never Trumper Too , Evidence , Blood , Phone , Others , State Legislators , Washington , White House , Party Leaders , Yes , Uh Huh , Chant , 61000 , Fight , Result , Being Certified , 154000 , Pressure , Courage , Canvassing Board , Act , Legislators , State Republicans , Push , Constituents , Governor , Session , Peoples , Out , 2 5 Million , Course , Attack , Version , D , Community , Rioting , Care , Street , R S , Immune System , Vitamins C , Centrum Multigummies , Zinc , Customer , Carvana , Car , Moms , Experience , Respect , Sore Throat Pain , Birthday , Clerk , Honey Lemon , Sore Throat Relief , Vicks Vapocool , Honey Lemon Chill , Wooo Vaporize , Ingestion , Action , Pepto Bismol , Relief , Farmers , Heartburn , Upset Stomach , Coating , Soothing , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Diarrheaaaa , Bum , Quote Today , Woman , Pa Dum , Farmers Policy Perks , Recording , Elodia , Students , Recording Artist , Comcast , Projectup , 10 Million , 1 , Tools , Possibilities , Bill Barr , Claims , Department Of Justice , Court Losses , Inauguration Day , Closer , Credence , Might , Memo , Prosecutors , Mr , Fbi , Department , Allegations , Certified , Steps , Voter Fraud , Signs , Contradicted Trump , Interview , Ascertains , Baseless , Outcome , Scale , Aid , Shouting Match , Is Furious , Characters , Clowns , Ilk , He Wouldn T , Work , Supporter , Lawsuit Arguing , Texas Attorney General , Kent Packston , States , Suit , Texas Solicitor General , Litany , Balloting , Filing , Wisconsin , Doesn T Use , Dominion Indian Voting Machines , Lawsuit , Lead , Probability , Analysis , Absurdity , On November 4th , Given , November 4th 2020 , 3 , Zeros , Quadrillion , Comma , 15 , Trump Campaign , Effort , Backing , Mendacity , State Attorneys General , 17 , Email , Brief , Mike Johnson , Request , Louisiana , Paxton , Phone Calls , Colleague , Aren T You , Wait A Minute , In The End , Adam Kinzinger , Illinois , 126 , Sense , Nonsense , Ten , Kevin Mccarthy , Good , Duty , Off , Majority , Leaders , Supreme Court , Mom , Pennsylvanian , Dad , Them , Bending , Standards , Overthrow , Season , Up Next , Official , Yot , Urself , It Count , Crest , Mouth , Areas , Crest Pro Health , Brand , 8 , Google , Lotion , Nose , Tissues , Theo Blows , Puffs , Need , Loan , Lotion Tissue , Money , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , 0 , Family Room Slash Gym , Panic Room , Basement Slash , Daybed , Yoga Shanti Slash , The Living Room , Bedroom Slash Music Studio , Slash Classroom , Vacation , Family Needs , App , Vrbo , Rising Star , Re Election , Knocks , Funny , Candidate , Hand , Values , Ran , 2018 , Bona Fide , Foreign Policy , He , Liberal , Principles , Businesses , Character , Wave , Morals , Efforts , Secretary Of State , Calls , Receiving End , Fury , Piece , Air , Angst , Hate Building , Bleep , Object , Mirage , Mouth Shut , Few , Answer , Critic , Election Workers , Gabe Sterling , Guy , Prison , Center , Trash , Warehouse Manager , Cameras , Man , World , Warehouse Guy , Sterling , On December 1st , December 1st 2020 , Actions , Backbone , Language , Words , Word , Acts , Stuff , Pressure Campaign , Rhetoric , Pleas , Hell , Grounds , Brian Kemp , Audience , Chief Elections Investigator , Question , Haven T , Whatever , Frances , It Wasn T Close , Hundreds Of Thousands , Making , State Voters , Shredding Ballots , Opinion , Anybody , Raffensperger , Secretary , Notifying Georgia Secretary Of State , Form , Risk , Offense , Back On , The Call , All I Need Is , Conversation , State Law , Setting , Type , U S Constitution , Raffensperger Steadfastness , Guys , Blueprint , A Press , Spaces , Odors , La , Febreze , 45 , Ww Personalpoints Plan , Memories , Cooking , Kitchen , Advisor , Taking Align , Discomfort , Bloating , Gas , Northwestern Mutual , Health , Quality Probiotic , Pros , Try Align , 24 7 , Reality , Mark Meadows , Particular , Jared Kushner , Reporters , Wish Casting , Team , Remedies , Bear , Georgia Senate , Runoff Elections , Bills , Spending , Shelly , David , 5 , January 5th , States Formalizing Trump , Breaking News , On December 14th , 14 , December 14th 2020 , Mitch Mcconnell , Loss , 20 , January The 20th , Silence , Defeat , Tweeting , Vacuum , Tip , Paths , Election Fraud , Mike Flynn , Counsel , Conservation , Oval Office , National Security Advisor , Military Leader , Seizure , News Max , Authority , Idea , Isn T Legal , 64 , Certification , Nowhere , Doubt , Rally , Election Results , Group , Called Women For America First , On December 19th , December 19th , 19 , Members , Bus Tour , Organization , Force , Roger Stone , De Facto , Capital , Women , Assault , America First Pushed , Senate Judiciary Committee , Chief Of Staff , Jeffrey Rosen , Richard Donoghue , Interviews , Nine , Attorney General , Doj , Wildest Theory , Italy Gate , Theory , Contractor , Vote Tallies , Satellites , Italian , Congressman , Rest , Acting , December 27th Call , 27 , December 27th , Justice , Questions , Don T , Audits , Notion , Pay Attention , Press Rosen , Crime , Notes , Acting Attorney General , Refusals , Scheme , Department Official Jeffrey Clark , Showdown On January 3rd , January 3rd , Scene , Apprentice , Vie , Trump Has Rosen , Consequences , Resignations , Hundreds , Murder Suicide Pact , Appointees , Mike Pence , John Eastman , Hopes , Plot , Reaction , Let , January 6th Certification , Role , Gavel , Seven , Conference Call , Video , Activist , Spinelessly Wouldn , Story , A Zoom , 300 , January 2nd , Battle , Media , Appearances , Vice President , Spine , Exercise , Guy Named , Foundations , Jenna Ellis , Mem , Section , Moe , Act Of The Trump Show A Book By Abc S , Jonathan Karl , Document , Meadows , Aide , Article , Pence , Saessentially , Bob Woodward , Washington Post , Orkss , Dan Quayle , Rob Costa , Bury , F Ing , January 6 , Men , Doesn T End , Next Caller , Route Out , Music , Phone Beep , Birds Chirping , Personalpoints Program , Phone Clicks , Goals , 26 , Car Vending Machines , Announcer , Control , Car Buying , Financing , 100 , Terms , Cars , Penny , Aren T , Pay , Payment , Down Payment , Budget , Browse , Credit Score , Protein , Way , Energy , Ride , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Nutrients , Excited Yell , Hero , Foster Child Isn T , Emotions , Kid , Isn T Fluent In Bureaucracy , Foster Kids , Helpfosterchildren Com , War , 9 11 , Supreme Court Isn T Helping Us , Nation S Capital , Couldn T , Everywhere , Path , Washington Monument , Buses , Kinds , Lights , Strobe , Mall , Traffic , Root , Crowd , Operator , Capitol Hill , Big Lie , Famous , Rino Establishment , Book , Peril , Hotel , Plans , Blocks , Everything Points , Game Day , War Room , Let S Get Ready , Podcast , Strap , Bullshit , Gun , The Deep State , Morning , Face , Capitol Complex , Speakers , Speeches , Saw Opportunity , Speaker , Ass , Marquee , Trial By Combat , Chambers , Objection , Statement , Senators , Objections , Instructions , House Members , Reading , Crescendo , Capitol , Treason , Mob , Police Officers , Chamber , Floor , Mitt Romney , Utah , Rioters , Eugene Goodman , Insurrectionists , Enemy , Reporting , Safety , Insurrection , Thanks , Greg Jacob , Siege , Riots , Staff , Fault , It Wouldn T , Jacob S Fault For The Quote Unquote Siege , Conversations , Loved Ones , Lines , Police Barricades , Complex , Bomb Threats , Platforms , Telegram , Messages , Militia Groups , End , Events , Television , Pennsylvania Avenue , Beating Policemen , Hiding , Lives , Transition , Upset , Chaos , Sources , Biden Team , Angry , Reminder , Bloody Violent Revolution , Which , 1776 , House , It Wasn T , Riot , Seat , Symbols , Another , Time , Revolution , 200 , Shit , Autocracy , Coming Up , Customers , T Mobile , Ronald , Iphone 13 , Iphone On T Mobile , Magenta Max , 13 , Gonna Get Creamed , Student Loan Debt , Rates , Fees , 000 , 1000 , Glass , January 6 2021 , Floors , Business , Stairs , Opportunity , Heal , Remarks , Commonwealth Of Pennsylvania , The End , Steve Scalise , Cause , Shed , Game , Cockpit , Ship , Passengers , 93 , No Doubt , Any , Rebuild Capitol Today , Casualties , Todd Beamer , Party , Everybody , Hatred , Refrain , Anger , Bunch , Conspiracy Theorists , Markets , Impeachment , Excuse , Incitement , Favor , Isn T Fear Based , Ranks , Ayes , Nays , 197 , 232 , Choice , Constitutionalists , 25 , In The House , Concern , Ranking , Hi , Death Threats , Families , Civil War , Threat , Cancer , Sitting , Listening , Stefanik Supports Trump , Policies , Leadership Post , May , Elise Stefanik , New York , Wasn , Leadership Position , Comments , Fear , Instances , Fortunes , Danger , Calculation , Requests , Demands , Winking , Acquiescing , Nodding , Institutions , Wrong , Rails , Guardrails , Supervisor , Commissioner Al Schmidt In Philadelphia , Guardrails Don T Hold , Guardrail , Impact , Highway , Hit , Look , Ace , Centrum , Clearchoice , Teeth , Chantell , Implants , Suffering , Dental Implants , Awada , Musician , My Name , Fingersticks , Austin James , Glucose Numbers , System , Scan , 8 2 , 6 7 , Freestylelibre Us Deposit , Simplicity , Chase , Handful , Moving , Kidding , Xfinity , Movers , Offers , Services , Yep , Save , Xfinity Com Moving , Poll Numbers , Midterms , Human Being , Loyalists , Primaries , Progressive Activist , Spineless , 2022 , Precondition , Behavior , Races , State By , County Commissioner , All The Way , Rinos , Jody Hice , Roles , On Trump , State Representative , Mark Finchum , Endorsement , Decertification , Arizona State Representative , Primary , Positions , Descent , Eight , Challenges , Career , Position , Constant Fund Raising , Gonzalez , Travel , Wasn T Working , Saying Trump , Politics , Exits , State Level , Who , Division , Games , Gop 2 0 , He S Playing , 2 0 , The Fox Political Editor , The State Of Arizona , Chris Stirewalt , Stirewalt S Boss Retired , January 2021 , Source , Audiences , Dan Bongino , Ratings , Integrity Laws , Ballot , Reporter , Pundit , Top , Politicians , Instance , 11 , State Legislature , State Legislatures , Running , Professionals , Audit , Maricopa County , Counting Process , Example , Doug Logan , Cyber Ninjas , Election Audits , Ultraviolet Lights , Ultraviolet Light , Saw , Orbit , Images , Bamboo , Somewhere In Asia , Ballot Counting Process , Ninjas , Falsehood , Verge , Conducting A , Win , Motivator , Corner , Will , Dozens , Aftermath , Events Maneuvering , History , Third World Notion , Scenario , Opponents , Outcomes , Nominee , Kcitizen , Responsibility , Nightmare Scenario , The Realm Of Possibility , 82 , 2024 , Breaking Point , The American Experiment , 1954 , Fifteen , Thirteen ,

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