Transcripts For CNN Reliable Sources With Brian Stelter 2024

Transcripts For CNN Reliable Sources With Brian Stelter 20240709

and later carl bernstein is here about chasing history and why he decidesed to write it all down. first, a story you will only see on "reliable sources," tests for social media sites to dominate our public discourses. we know that facebook contributes to right wing radicalization. this new "washington post" republicia probe said facebook played a critical role that spread false narratives of foment violence last year. but this is so much about a year or single day in the country, they hyper charged political polarization and cultural divides which populists already exploit. the denialism is now. january 6th was the breaking point for some, including some inside facebook. this week's brand-new "the wall street journal" headline, facebook's former election boss now questions social media's impact on politics. katie harbath said she left facebook disillusioned you about now the journal says she's pushing for more online guardrails. quoting the story, she's the highest ranking former facebook executive now working with the integrity institute. that's a nonprofit founded by former facebook staffers who left for specific reasons and are worried now about the product are harming society. katie harbath is with me now. she was the facebook public policy director and now founder and ceo of anchor change. katie, thank you for coming on the program. >> thank you for having me. >> you told the journal january 6th was run of the reasons you decided to leave facebook last year. can you tell us why? >> absolutely. as i watched the events unfold on january 6th, it struck me the two entities i had spent my career working for, the republican party and facebook, now looked very different to me for different reasons. i didn't know where i fit in anymore. and i wanted to and i didn't know how i could help in trying to find the solutions to these problems. it really led me to try to find somewhere where i can go to find impact and that led me to creating my own company and helping the guys at the integrity institute as well as joining the bipartisan policy center. >> how much blame do you place on facebook for what happened at the capitol? >> like i said in the journal story, i think they're right they don't deserve sole blame. this is a massive problem across the ecosystem of the media and how people get their news and information. but i think there needs to be more soul searching around how could we have done better as a company, how could we have potentially presented this? going as far as back as december 2015, when then-candidate trump's first post about banning muslims, what are the things we could have done differently? as we look forward to the elections this year and massive ones happening in 2024 so we can be prepared and don't make the same mistakes again. >> it's easy to say that now though, isn't it? you were inside facebook january 5th. you must have seen what was brewing. >> it is absolutely to say now, and i can't go back and change what was happening, the decisions that were made inside the company. i wasn't really working on election stuff. that stopped for me in late 2019. i'm not here to say i shouldn't be held responsible for the decisions and actions i made inside the company. but what i'm trying to do now is trying to actually rethink and try to go back and learn from those mistakes, think about the things we did right, the things we might have done wrong and how to move forward and that's all i can do in trying to help be a part of solving these problems. >> right, right. you do have a number of critics, including some of who have been tweeting at me saying, hey, she was inside for a decade, she made a lot of money. she was putting in place policies that hurt countries around the world. now she says it's time to leave and fix it and it's been too long, you've had too long to do that. what do you say to those folks who just feel like, you know, it's convenient to come out now and try to clean your hands? >> after 2016 i really hoped that i could continue to make change within the company. i think we did do a lot of really great things around bringing more transparency to political and issue ads, the work teams do in core authentic behavior and creating a civic team. but after 25 years, the company changed a lot and i couldn't have the impact i could. i'm grateful for the opportunities -- they changed a lot in terms they got a lot larger. i think the company was really evolving in terms of how they were handling political speech on the platform. they also, you know, in terms of some of the decisions that the company was making, as it got larger, there were more leaks. and in terms of the teams in what we could actually do. and is and there are absolutely things i agree with the company did. there were intentions good that the company made and i'm trying to reckon myself that some of the decisions were probably wrong and weren't the ones we meant to have. so i'm trying to do things like volunteering with the institute and giving back my time in the nonprofit space to think about how to solve these problems. >> what should change and what should be done differently at facebook today? >> i would really like to first of all see a lot more long-term planning. in 2024, we will not only have the u.s. presidential election but elections in indonesia, ukraine, taiwan, mexico, and the united kingdom parliament. this has never happened before. to build up the products and teams takes time. we have a bunch of elections happening this year around the world in brazil, france, philippines, kenya and united states mid-terms. i would like to better understand what things they would like to take from 2020 that they found work, what things they're going to change, how much effort they're going to put into protecting the integrity of these elections. >> right, because in some ways facebook has been on the forefront helping people register to vote, for example. there are positives to point to. you've been doing that in this interview. at the same time, there's this sense facebook supercharges the worst impulses of lies and disinformation, not just in the u.s. but around the world. we put up the map of countries -- some of the countries where there are key elections in 2024. is it true that the united states has the best version of facebook, meaning the most managed, you know, where as it is more of a free for all in other countries? >> no, not necessarily. we did a lot of work particularly in the international elections in 2019 also in india and indonesia and those places. the company truly did keep evolving' after each one. but we don't know yet, they haven't said what they're going to do from 2020, which was the most we've seen so far in any of these elections, what are they going to do internationally? i would like to see that not just from facebook but from all of the social platforms. >> we all know about francis hall gren, the former facebook staffer that came forward and some who identify themselves as whistle-blowers. is that how you think about yourself? how are you describing your post-facebook life? >> no, i don't think of myself as a whistle-blower at all. what i'm trying to do with my perspective of ten years inside the country, trying to bring a more nuanced view and different perspective to these questions to try to think about the right solutions going forward. i think too often we get caught in the binary of let's keep content up or take it down. should we deplatform a politician or not? what does that do in terms of vis-a-vis free speech? i think we need to think about more nuanced views of this and also a better understanding of what's happening inside these companies. and that's some of the perspective i hope to bring so i'm constructively criticizing where warranted but pointing out the good things happening as well. >> i want to underline you are a republican. you're looking at this and saying these platforms, this is not the evil liberal media. oftentimes you hear republican senators and lawmakers saying facebook is not to censor conservatives or republicans. sounds like you do not subscribe to that. >> i do not subscribe to that at all. i think inside the companies what i have found is, again, real commitment to try to understand how to bring a balanced and perspective and balancing a lot of really impossible tradeoffs that come with this. but the fact of the matter is too we have to understand, and some of the research done on the essays integrity book, when misinformation comes from elected officials and others, it has a huge impact on people, not just social media but other places. so back when i first started, we thought it would be awesome to thought it would be awesome to have politicians using at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at planning helps you live your dreams today. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. have you ever sat here and wondered: "couldn't i do this from home?" with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin? at new chapter its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness well done now to the media and mental health. polars at suffolk university found something that crosses all of america's partisan lines and that something is mental health stress. 91% of democrats and 80% of republicans agree there is a mental health crisis in the united states. researcher david paligio said this story, quote, tells a story of despair that just don't know when the madness of covid will end. the madness of covid. there's a segment of americans who tuned out the pandemic a while ago. they dropped the masks and moved ob, despite appeals from public health officials. some are at high risk now due to omicron. but i want to focus on the other segment of americans, those who are vaccinated and paying attention to the pandemic and hearing about omicron on skol closures and the rest. this moment in the pandemic is really complicated because a mostly mild variant is still bringing hospitals to the brink of capacity and care. a lot of people are confused what to doth believe. many doctors are doing a major juggling act given the circumstances. and yet i think we're also potentially seeing and hearing from doomsday doctors who push people even toward more fear, anxiety and depression. i'm not trying to call out anybody in particular, i think this is obviously really nuanced, but is there an undo amount of fear being spread, especially in those twitter threads and facebook posts and corners of available tv where if it feels like covid zero is the only goal, covid zero is the idea you can completely eliminate covid from the environment, which is an impossibility. our next guest is a practicing internist in washington. she's been calling out other medical pros who potentially are fearmongering. her name is dr. lucy mcbride and she's here with me now. also here cnn's oliver darcy. thank you both for coming in. dr. mcbride, doomsday doctors is an inflammatory term, i want to be careful about it. but i want to know what you see firsthand. you treat patients. they come in and ask you about covid. what are you hearing? what are you seeing personally? >> as you just opened with, brian, this is a parallel pandemic of mental health in crisis. we are bathing in fear. people have been worried and panicked necessarily because of the threat of covid-19, which is absolutely real and present. that said, those of us in the medical profession, particularly those of us who are patient facing, who help people every day understand their unique vulnerability for disease, whether it's from covid or cancer, we have an obligation to help people frame risk, to deliver fact-based nuanced information. fear does harm. it only makes people afraid, it doesn't make people's decisions. when i'm on twitter, or right now with you, i'm trying to help people understand that, look, your risk for covid is as different as someone else's. and revving the emotional engines of people's anxiety only does harm. >> what's a specific example of that kind of fear, that kind of pa panic porn you have seen recently? >> a lot of doctors are talking about what if your child ends up in the cicu and you die from th same covid infection and you're parentless? that's not covid. listen, i don't describe ill-intent as doctors. i think most people went into physicians to help people, and a lot are trying to offset their own anxiety by broadcasting to the public the wider anxiety in the air. but if doctors and public health officials don't check their own anxieties and own fears and take a moment to reflect on how they're messaging and how they're potentially doing harm by, again, sharing fear-based messaging, then we really, really should take a break. because look doctors are people too. we are seeing a mental health crisis among health care providers as well. we're human. it's normal to feel anxious. it's normal to want to share our stress with others. but when it's affecting people's everyday behaviors and affecting the way they feel and their decisions, fear isn't motivating. fear just makes people afraid. for me to motivate someone to get a vaccine, to try to lose weight, reduce their risk of covid, for example, i don't say if you don't lose weight you're going to get covid and die. if you don't lose weight, you're going to have a heart attack or stroke. i try to help them with giving them knowledge, giving them tools, giving them information so they can take that home with them and engage in productive nuanced behaviors that help them with their unique risks. >> right. oliver, you have been writing about some of this in "reliable sources" logs. here's a broad question for you. is the media out of touch about covid? >> i think it's hard to argue the media is a large group of people but a lot of the media does seem, when i look at it and then travel the country, to be very out of touch with people. if you travel the country, people are not really living in the same bubble that it seems that most of the media is messaging towards. >> right. >> and so i think this is an issue because if people are tuning out what's going on in cable news, if year not messaging towards the general population, they're just, you know, ignoring everything and living their lives and we're not really getting the information that they need to them. >> here's a great example i think of how to cover this moment in time. here's the "today" show, here's savannah guthrie interviewing the cdc director, being in touch with the public, recognizing the cdc turned into a punchline. it's so sad but true, the cdc has turned into a punchline. watch. >> all of this mixed messages or new messages led to a meme on social media poking fun at the cdc's advice. tweets like cdc recommends eating straight off the floor at waffle house. the cdc says it's in fact okay to eat tide pods. the cdc said go ahead and get bangs. it's amusing but is there a larger credibility problem with your agency right now? >> the answer is yes, there's a huge credibility crisis for the cdc. oliver, to your point, it just causes people if they hear all of these mixed messages and confusion and it's just too complicated, they just moved on and ignore it. >> that's exactly right. we're supposed to be getting information i think to these people so when we're messaging towards a very small group of people who are maybe taking the pandemic far more seriously than the average person, i think we're not doing our jobs as effectively as we should be doing. i think we need to generalize the message. there are a lot of instances stories ahead of thanksgiving and the holidays advising people to take all of these precautions. it's not that it's bad to take those precautions but it felt like when i was reading it and talking to other people, no, people are not reading these articles and doing every step in the playbook. we need to be maybe coming up with a realistic solution and advice to the general public when talking about covid. >> meet viewers where they are. meet readers where they are and people are in a wide array of places right now when it comes to risk assessment. dr. mcbride, i just have a few seconds, the reality of living with covid, we have to focus on the living part. >> we have to learn how to live with covid, which is not equivalent to saying let it rip, don't protect the vulnerable. we need to do everything we can to protect the vulnerable. but remember, brian, vulnerability means many things. it could mean vulnerability to depression and isolation and also mean vulnerability to covid-19. we need to be broad and inclusive and honest. >> thank you, oliver. up next -- the new fight within conservative media over january 6th. and put 48 hour s and 1 quarter moisturizers in. dove 0% aluminum deodorant lasting protection that's kinder on skin. see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? 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the very expression of this internal warfare is carlton lee cruise, forcing him to apologize for calling the terror a day of attack. he used the phrase many times before but one day after he used it, he called and explained for forgiveness. cruz was explicit saying ted, you're helping the other side. you're helping the democrats! >> why did you use that word? you're playing into the other side's characterization. i was talking about people who commit violence against cops and you and i both agree if you commit violence against cops, you should go to jail. >> but you're not a terrorist, you know, you're not. >> cruz v carlson is the cringest example of a daily tug of war. among the majority of the people of the 1/6 issue, they know it was violent and republicans were at fault. but at this point 4 in 10 say president trump bears at least a modern amount for the riots. you have anderson cooper saying it was the minority that understands the election was legit and you have this ensiters by trump. it was an intermural fight. how much to blame trump. but you know what? no other fox shows followed up on that fact. they never covered the cruz interview. that will go in history books about what happened in the republican party and fox books just pretended it didn't happen. this is what happens on fox, they ignore their own role in driving the gop. this week the house's january 6th committee asked sean hannity for help because he knows a lot of what's going on inside the trump white house before and after the riot but he's never told viewers about it. hannity kept his own audience in the dark about his interactions with trump, about his messages to trump's aides. what did hannity know and when did he know it? he's never told his viewers so the committee wants to know. the committee published a few text messages and requested his assistance. but fox only mentioned it on air very briefly and as "the washington post" pointed out, fox never mentioned why the committee wants hannity's help. that's the whole story, right? hannity's role, what hannity knew about trump's state of mind. fox never explained it to the viewers. so i guess that's how rupert and lackland murdoch want it to be. they're the owners. they're the bosses. they don't want to look inward. they don't want to know. they want to reckon with their own role in radicalizing the grand old party, and in republicaning the trump presidency, by the way. they helped take down trump. they don't want to recon their responsibility, something others do. let's bring in amanda carpenter, political comment irto the bulwark. amanda, you are a former staffer. you might know what he was doing and thinking. what was he thinking? >> to me it's not ted cruz's humiliation, which is what most of the media is focusing on. it's not ted cruz's humiliation that is important but the right radical media. you're talking about whether the term terrorism apply to people who commit violent acts against police officers. ted cruz came up in politics as a tough prosecutor who understood it was good politics to be tough on crime, whether it was the right or left. when there was violence on your side, you distance yourself from it and you went forward. those rules don't apply anymore. what tucker carlson is saying, and you know the fact turker carlson has a three-part documentary called "patriot purge" which depicts these criminals as political prisoners probably should have been a clue. tucker carlson doesn't believe in that. the takeaway, what they ended up agreeing upon at the end of that interview it is okay to call left-wing protesters who might be advocating for black lives matter, if they commit violence against cops, it's okay to call those people terrorists. but when right wing people do it, you can't call them that. it's just something bad that happened. to me that is the real takeaway of that interview because we know how the politics of this play out. you can't do that because the democrats politicized this word, it's the politics. how does that play out? we've seen the example. how that plays out is president trump orders troops and tear gas for people who were on lafayette square. but when his guys go to the capitol you get sweet messages about how we love you, please go home and everyone's whitewashes what happened. has what happened in that interview and that's what scares me the most. i don't think it's funny. i don't think it's funny at all. i think it's worrisome. we should take it very seriously because this is how tucker carlson is guiding the message for the republican party on that net work. >> yes, for the gop. cruz is there trying to distance himself from the violence, while tucker is giving the rioters a big bear hug. it's not just tucker. donald trump on oan this week was bragging about the size of his preriot rally, the one over by the ellipse that was peaceful. he was bragging about the size of the rally, oliver. saying the corrupt media doesn't show the truth about how many people were there. you should show how big my crowd was. he's still proud he got those folks to go to d.c. because of a lie. he's not running away from it but bragging about it. >> and the right wing media, the riot didn't really happen. it was a large protest and some people got out of hand. you watch tucker carlson, i think a lot of people need to pay attention to what people like tucker carlson are telling the republican party. they're really dictating where it goes. i think when we talk about that interview, the one thing it showed to me is how powerful tucker carmson has become in the gop that he can bring somebody like ted cruz and have him grovel before him for forgiveness. tucker carlson is telling his audience that these people are political prisoners, there was maybe a riot that happened. he kind of admitted to that but for the most part, people are peacefully protesting an election they thought might have been rigged, might be some evidence for that, and this is really the future of the republican party and it's being dictated by tucker carlson. >> and if you thought anniversaries or commemorations would change minds, no, think about. oan didn't even air biden's incredible speech. fox does the bear minimum to cover it and moved on as fast as they could. let's talk about the biggest media mistake, politico playbook. they thought they spotted supreme court justice sotomayor dining with chuck schumer. in fact it was not sotomayor, it was chuck schumer and his wife. you have this photo out there, even after politico runs the correction, here's the photo, you still have this lie being spread all across social media and it's really insidious. it's implying kind of why are they meeting together? it's saying, hey, sotomayor, she was remote for a supreme court hearing but she's going out to dinner without a mask. there were multiple levels of ugliness associated with this error and now politico's excused. a person sent us tape in a picture. politico standards say we must verify this information. the editor who received the tip failed to verify it and we deeply regret it. they get a picture, submit it from a tipster and just run with it without calling sotomayor's office? how does that happen? >> it's shocking, brian, particularly in this information environment where you have to play error-free ball because all sorts of conspiracy theories have come out of this, mistakes they made. they could have very easily verified it by texting schumer's spokesperson saying we have this tip, we wonder if you can authenticate what we heard. and they apparently did not do that. and so this error that they made, this is a pretty big error about top democratic leadership and supreme court justice, has now given birth to all of these different lies out there are that not there. >> one more note to include here, president biden coming up on his one-year mark in office. here's the ap headline, biden shying away from news conferences and interviews in year one. he's given fewer pressers than his predecessors and fewer interviews with members of the media. he does do more of those kind of casual q&as, we he will walk over and take questions. he does a lot more of those. but amand gentleman, the grumbling from the press corps, put it into context for us, how much do you think it matters? >> i think it matters hugely not just the press corps but voters. we live in anxious, confusing times and there needs to be clear messages from the top. if for some reason joe biden is not capable of doing this, the democratic party needs to find better messengers who can be out there every day having some kind of presence and perspective on the airwaves, on the internet everywhere about where the democratic party wants to lead the country. >> right. amanda, oliver, thank you both. tonight join fareed zakaria as he investigates the fight to save american democracy. his new special starts tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time here on cnn. up next -- a former cult member is here to talk about something sensitive, deprogramming. we're going to get into that in a moment. with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. have you ever sat here and wondered: "couldn't i do this from home?" with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. 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>> i think what's really important to understand here is there's a direct line of what we traditionally think of as the most important dangerous aspects of a cult and what's going on with the mass radicalization today in society. you can draw that line between the cult -- a consult leader and attributions of a cult leader and attributes of an authoritarian leadership like donald trump. also you can draw a line between the tactics, and that's the most important thing, the tactics that are being used to take advantage of people's vulnerabilities and how they hold him there is the same and the exit strategy is also the same. >> is what you see currently with trump -- it's so hard to talk about this honestly, diane. we're talking about american neighbors. do you think some of your neighbors in this country are basically been sucked into a cult, a political cult? >> well, in short, yes. i think the word cult, people have these ideas of what a cult is but, again, if you point to the techniques, tactics used, they're exactly the same. i think that people are vulnerable. we live in a time where it's hard to understand this world. technology has made a huge change much like the industrial revolution. so any time when there's social unrest, i think people are more vulnerable and there's fear and there's anger about what's going on in the world, and people want easy answers to these questions and they get sucked in and then they get constantly fed by all of these media sources that are feeding them the main messaging that cults do, us versus them. because if you can first divide people into us versus them, you can make the other side evil and wrong, and you keep feeding that messaging, eventually what you can do is weaponize your side. that's what's going on and that's why this is the most frightening thing i have ever seen as i look through the lens of cults and radicalization. >> what i hear you saying about politics also applies to vaccines and disinformation about covid and how people want easy answers to a complex pandemic. so is the answer to this empathy? what's the key word answer? >> yes, i think empathy. look, people come to my nonprofit for support groups, people who have loved ones who have been radicalized and don't know what to do, don't know how to talk with them. the first place we want to get them to is empathy. they need to understand how psychological manipulation works and we need effective tools of communication to again the process of us versus them mentality and try to talk to them about the possibility that they have been taken advantage of. and that's a hard conversation. it's the only thing that works. in my years of helping people exit cults of various kinds, it's the only thing that works is to help them understand what's happened to them on a psychological level. >> i know i said it before, but as much as we talk to political reporters we need to talk about psychologists about what happened to our country because it's psychological. diane, thank you so much for being on the program. go ahead, i'm sorry. >> thank you so much. i was just going to say psychologists need to understand too the specific psychological situation. >> yes, i agree. thank you, diane. still ahead here, carl bernstein, the underachiever? 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at new chapter its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness well done see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste . you know him as a pioneer of investigative journalism, but before carl bernstein was winning awards, he was accepting coffee orders as a teenager coffee boy at the washington star. in his new book "chasing history," bernstein reports his own experience as a determined young journalist in d.c. it's a prequel to his watergate days. carl, congratulations on the book launch. it is subtitled "a kid in the "newsroom."" would a kid like you make it into a newsroom now? >> i think it would be difficult. i was 16 years old when i went to work at "the washington star." i was able to get hired for two reasons. one, i had taken typing with the girls in high school so i could type about 90 words a minute. second, i had a kind of perseverance and i kept knocking on the door of the production editor of the paper who hired me eventually. he might not have had a choice or otherwise i wouldn't have gone away. i kept knocking on his door. >> i love that. anybody who wants to win about the golden age of newspapers is going to love this book. i love the way you describe the rhythm of the newsroom, the smell of the paper. why did you want to put all this down in "chasing history?" >> two reasons. one, it was the formative and maybe most glorious period of my life in terms of the fun and the sheer learning experience of it, but also it resonates today, i hope, because it's about reporting. it's about the kind of basic reporting that we need to be doing. yes, at the same time it's about this kid who gets the best seat in the country at the age of 16 and watches the civil rights movement coalesce and watches the kennedy administration and gets to go to kennedy's press conferences, and at the age of 16, yeah, i got sent to cover the president's inauguration. i got to do all those things, but it's also everything i know about reporting pretty much, i learned at "the washington star" from great reporters and a great mentor, the city editor, sid epstein particularly and ben bradley at "the washington post." >> to me it's about the emphasis on teamwork, that you cannot put out a paper or a website or a network alone. this is a team sport. >> it's a team sport, yes, but everybody has the same objective which is to achieve the best obtainable version of the truth, to use the phrase that woodward and i used in watergate. but i learned pretty much that phrase at "the star." the truth in all its complexity, going to multiple sources so that you've got to be a good listener. you've got to knock on doors. you've got to be persistent. you don't take no for an answer. at the same time, i think there's a line in the book where they say i learned that the truth is not neutral. i learned that covering civil rights and from great southern reporters who were covering the civil rights movement, that the best obtainable version of the truth is not just simple disparate facts strung together, but it's about context and complexity and, again, multiple sources, observation, learning everything that you can. >> there's a frustrating headline from one of your other former papers this morning from "the washington post." it says "republican leadership in iowa bars journalists from the senate floor, worrying press advocates." i hope those republican leaders in iowa that have barred those reporters, i hope they all read this book. they need to understand the role of real reporting and how it actually helps, doesn't hurt society. carl, thanks for coming on. best of luck with the book "chasing history." we're out of time. t we'll see you back here this time next week. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste we're having a baby, so the new law came at a perfect time. for less than 30 a month, the whole family is covered. i love my job and it pays really well. there's just no health coverage. for $182 a month, i found the perfect plan. all that stress about coverage just went away. for $14 a month, my plan covers my meds, vision and dental. now, more people can get financial assistance. what you pay depends in part on how much you make. new law. lower prices. more people qualify. at have you ever sat here and wondered: "couldn't i do this from home?" with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. clerk: hello, how can i? 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, Newspapers , Rhythm , Golden Age , Formative , Learning Experience , Fun , Reporting , Age , Basic , Seat , Press Conferences , Administration , Kennedy , Inauguration , Civil Rights Movement , City Editor , Teamwork , Website , Emphasis , Network , Sid Epstein , Team Sport , Everybody , Objective , The Truth , Watergate , Complexity , Doors , Listener , The Star , Rights , Great Southern , Learning Everything , Observation , Iowa , Worrying Press Advocates , Papers , Senate , Thanks , Doesn T Hurt Society , Luck , Law , Job , Health Coverage , Baby , Family , 82 , 30 , 182 , Coverage , Vision , Dental , Meds , 14 , Healthcare Gov , Prices , Way , Looks , Paisley , Oh My God , House , Aerotrainer , Host , Squad , Info , Carriers , Switch , Phone , Carrier , Engine Revving , Xfinity Mobile , Store , 5g Phone , Bill , 200 , Switch Squad , Russians , Consequences , Test , Aggression , Russian , Democracy , Secretary Of State , Leverage , Learning , Thousands , Peril , School Wars , Kids , Mayor , Antony Blinken Next ,

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Transcripts For CNN Reliable Sources With Brian Stelter 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN Reliable Sources With Brian Stelter 20240709

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and later carl bernstein is here about chasing history and why he decidesed to write it all down. first, a story you will only see on "reliable sources," tests for social media sites to dominate our public discourses. we know that facebook contributes to right wing radicalization. this new "washington post" republicia probe said facebook played a critical role that spread false narratives of foment violence last year. but this is so much about a year or single day in the country, they hyper charged political polarization and cultural divides which populists already exploit. the denialism is now. january 6th was the breaking point for some, including some inside facebook. this week's brand-new "the wall street journal" headline, facebook's former election boss now questions social media's impact on politics. katie harbath said she left facebook disillusioned you about now the journal says she's pushing for more online guardrails. quoting the story, she's the highest ranking former facebook executive now working with the integrity institute. that's a nonprofit founded by former facebook staffers who left for specific reasons and are worried now about the product are harming society. katie harbath is with me now. she was the facebook public policy director and now founder and ceo of anchor change. katie, thank you for coming on the program. >> thank you for having me. >> you told the journal january 6th was run of the reasons you decided to leave facebook last year. can you tell us why? >> absolutely. as i watched the events unfold on january 6th, it struck me the two entities i had spent my career working for, the republican party and facebook, now looked very different to me for different reasons. i didn't know where i fit in anymore. and i wanted to and i didn't know how i could help in trying to find the solutions to these problems. it really led me to try to find somewhere where i can go to find impact and that led me to creating my own company and helping the guys at the integrity institute as well as joining the bipartisan policy center. >> how much blame do you place on facebook for what happened at the capitol? >> like i said in the journal story, i think they're right they don't deserve sole blame. this is a massive problem across the ecosystem of the media and how people get their news and information. but i think there needs to be more soul searching around how could we have done better as a company, how could we have potentially presented this? going as far as back as december 2015, when then-candidate trump's first post about banning muslims, what are the things we could have done differently? as we look forward to the elections this year and massive ones happening in 2024 so we can be prepared and don't make the same mistakes again. >> it's easy to say that now though, isn't it? you were inside facebook january 5th. you must have seen what was brewing. >> it is absolutely to say now, and i can't go back and change what was happening, the decisions that were made inside the company. i wasn't really working on election stuff. that stopped for me in late 2019. i'm not here to say i shouldn't be held responsible for the decisions and actions i made inside the company. but what i'm trying to do now is trying to actually rethink and try to go back and learn from those mistakes, think about the things we did right, the things we might have done wrong and how to move forward and that's all i can do in trying to help be a part of solving these problems. >> right, right. you do have a number of critics, including some of who have been tweeting at me saying, hey, she was inside for a decade, she made a lot of money. she was putting in place policies that hurt countries around the world. now she says it's time to leave and fix it and it's been too long, you've had too long to do that. what do you say to those folks who just feel like, you know, it's convenient to come out now and try to clean your hands? >> after 2016 i really hoped that i could continue to make change within the company. i think we did do a lot of really great things around bringing more transparency to political and issue ads, the work teams do in core authentic behavior and creating a civic team. but after 25 years, the company changed a lot and i couldn't have the impact i could. i'm grateful for the opportunities -- they changed a lot in terms they got a lot larger. i think the company was really evolving in terms of how they were handling political speech on the platform. they also, you know, in terms of some of the decisions that the company was making, as it got larger, there were more leaks. and in terms of the teams in what we could actually do. and is and there are absolutely things i agree with the company did. there were intentions good that the company made and i'm trying to reckon myself that some of the decisions were probably wrong and weren't the ones we meant to have. so i'm trying to do things like volunteering with the institute and giving back my time in the nonprofit space to think about how to solve these problems. >> what should change and what should be done differently at facebook today? >> i would really like to first of all see a lot more long-term planning. in 2024, we will not only have the u.s. presidential election but elections in indonesia, ukraine, taiwan, mexico, and the united kingdom parliament. this has never happened before. to build up the products and teams takes time. we have a bunch of elections happening this year around the world in brazil, france, philippines, kenya and united states mid-terms. i would like to better understand what things they would like to take from 2020 that they found work, what things they're going to change, how much effort they're going to put into protecting the integrity of these elections. >> right, because in some ways facebook has been on the forefront helping people register to vote, for example. there are positives to point to. you've been doing that in this interview. at the same time, there's this sense facebook supercharges the worst impulses of lies and disinformation, not just in the u.s. but around the world. we put up the map of countries -- some of the countries where there are key elections in 2024. is it true that the united states has the best version of facebook, meaning the most managed, you know, where as it is more of a free for all in other countries? >> no, not necessarily. we did a lot of work particularly in the international elections in 2019 also in india and indonesia and those places. the company truly did keep evolving' after each one. but we don't know yet, they haven't said what they're going to do from 2020, which was the most we've seen so far in any of these elections, what are they going to do internationally? i would like to see that not just from facebook but from all of the social platforms. >> we all know about francis hall gren, the former facebook staffer that came forward and some who identify themselves as whistle-blowers. is that how you think about yourself? how are you describing your post-facebook life? >> no, i don't think of myself as a whistle-blower at all. what i'm trying to do with my perspective of ten years inside the country, trying to bring a more nuanced view and different perspective to these questions to try to think about the right solutions going forward. i think too often we get caught in the binary of let's keep content up or take it down. should we deplatform a politician or not? what does that do in terms of vis-a-vis free speech? i think we need to think about more nuanced views of this and also a better understanding of what's happening inside these companies. and that's some of the perspective i hope to bring so i'm constructively criticizing where warranted but pointing out the good things happening as well. >> i want to underline you are a republican. you're looking at this and saying these platforms, this is not the evil liberal media. oftentimes you hear republican senators and lawmakers saying facebook is not to censor conservatives or republicans. sounds like you do not subscribe to that. >> i do not subscribe to that at all. i think inside the companies what i have found is, again, real commitment to try to understand how to bring a balanced and perspective and balancing a lot of really impossible tradeoffs that come with this. but the fact of the matter is too we have to understand, and some of the research done on the essays integrity book, when misinformation comes from elected officials and others, it has a huge impact on people, not just social media but other places. so back when i first started, we thought it would be awesome to thought it would be awesome to have politicians using at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at planning helps you live your dreams today. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. at intra-cellular therapies, we're inspired by our circle. a circle that includes our researchers, driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with to help improve - and even change - people's lives. moving from mental illness to mental wellness starts in our circle. this is intra-cellular therapies. have you ever sat here and wondered: "couldn't i do this from home?" with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. wondering what actually goes into your multi-vitamin? at new chapter its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness well done now to the media and mental health. polars at suffolk university found something that crosses all of america's partisan lines and that something is mental health stress. 91% of democrats and 80% of republicans agree there is a mental health crisis in the united states. researcher david paligio said this story, quote, tells a story of despair that just don't know when the madness of covid will end. the madness of covid. there's a segment of americans who tuned out the pandemic a while ago. they dropped the masks and moved ob, despite appeals from public health officials. some are at high risk now due to omicron. but i want to focus on the other segment of americans, those who are vaccinated and paying attention to the pandemic and hearing about omicron on skol closures and the rest. this moment in the pandemic is really complicated because a mostly mild variant is still bringing hospitals to the brink of capacity and care. a lot of people are confused what to doth believe. many doctors are doing a major juggling act given the circumstances. and yet i think we're also potentially seeing and hearing from doomsday doctors who push people even toward more fear, anxiety and depression. i'm not trying to call out anybody in particular, i think this is obviously really nuanced, but is there an undo amount of fear being spread, especially in those twitter threads and facebook posts and corners of available tv where if it feels like covid zero is the only goal, covid zero is the idea you can completely eliminate covid from the environment, which is an impossibility. our next guest is a practicing internist in washington. she's been calling out other medical pros who potentially are fearmongering. her name is dr. lucy mcbride and she's here with me now. also here cnn's oliver darcy. thank you both for coming in. dr. mcbride, doomsday doctors is an inflammatory term, i want to be careful about it. but i want to know what you see firsthand. you treat patients. they come in and ask you about covid. what are you hearing? what are you seeing personally? >> as you just opened with, brian, this is a parallel pandemic of mental health in crisis. we are bathing in fear. people have been worried and panicked necessarily because of the threat of covid-19, which is absolutely real and present. that said, those of us in the medical profession, particularly those of us who are patient facing, who help people every day understand their unique vulnerability for disease, whether it's from covid or cancer, we have an obligation to help people frame risk, to deliver fact-based nuanced information. fear does harm. it only makes people afraid, it doesn't make people's decisions. when i'm on twitter, or right now with you, i'm trying to help people understand that, look, your risk for covid is as different as someone else's. and revving the emotional engines of people's anxiety only does harm. >> what's a specific example of that kind of fear, that kind of pa panic porn you have seen recently? >> a lot of doctors are talking about what if your child ends up in the cicu and you die from th same covid infection and you're parentless? that's not covid. listen, i don't describe ill-intent as doctors. i think most people went into physicians to help people, and a lot are trying to offset their own anxiety by broadcasting to the public the wider anxiety in the air. but if doctors and public health officials don't check their own anxieties and own fears and take a moment to reflect on how they're messaging and how they're potentially doing harm by, again, sharing fear-based messaging, then we really, really should take a break. because look doctors are people too. we are seeing a mental health crisis among health care providers as well. we're human. it's normal to feel anxious. it's normal to want to share our stress with others. but when it's affecting people's everyday behaviors and affecting the way they feel and their decisions, fear isn't motivating. fear just makes people afraid. for me to motivate someone to get a vaccine, to try to lose weight, reduce their risk of covid, for example, i don't say if you don't lose weight you're going to get covid and die. if you don't lose weight, you're going to have a heart attack or stroke. i try to help them with giving them knowledge, giving them tools, giving them information so they can take that home with them and engage in productive nuanced behaviors that help them with their unique risks. >> right. oliver, you have been writing about some of this in "reliable sources" logs. here's a broad question for you. is the media out of touch about covid? >> i think it's hard to argue the media is a large group of people but a lot of the media does seem, when i look at it and then travel the country, to be very out of touch with people. if you travel the country, people are not really living in the same bubble that it seems that most of the media is messaging towards. >> right. >> and so i think this is an issue because if people are tuning out what's going on in cable news, if year not messaging towards the general population, they're just, you know, ignoring everything and living their lives and we're not really getting the information that they need to them. >> here's a great example i think of how to cover this moment in time. here's the "today" show, here's savannah guthrie interviewing the cdc director, being in touch with the public, recognizing the cdc turned into a punchline. it's so sad but true, the cdc has turned into a punchline. watch. >> all of this mixed messages or new messages led to a meme on social media poking fun at the cdc's advice. tweets like cdc recommends eating straight off the floor at waffle house. the cdc says it's in fact okay to eat tide pods. the cdc said go ahead and get bangs. it's amusing but is there a larger credibility problem with your agency right now? >> the answer is yes, there's a huge credibility crisis for the cdc. oliver, to your point, it just causes people if they hear all of these mixed messages and confusion and it's just too complicated, they just moved on and ignore it. >> that's exactly right. we're supposed to be getting information i think to these people so when we're messaging towards a very small group of people who are maybe taking the pandemic far more seriously than the average person, i think we're not doing our jobs as effectively as we should be doing. i think we need to generalize the message. there are a lot of instances stories ahead of thanksgiving and the holidays advising people to take all of these precautions. it's not that it's bad to take those precautions but it felt like when i was reading it and talking to other people, no, people are not reading these articles and doing every step in the playbook. we need to be maybe coming up with a realistic solution and advice to the general public when talking about covid. >> meet viewers where they are. meet readers where they are and people are in a wide array of places right now when it comes to risk assessment. dr. mcbride, i just have a few seconds, the reality of living with covid, we have to focus on the living part. >> we have to learn how to live with covid, which is not equivalent to saying let it rip, don't protect the vulnerable. we need to do everything we can to protect the vulnerable. but remember, brian, vulnerability means many things. it could mean vulnerability to depression and isolation and also mean vulnerability to covid-19. we need to be broad and inclusive and honest. >> thank you, oliver. up next -- the new fight within conservative media over january 6th. and put 48 hour s and 1 quarter moisturizers in. dove 0% aluminum deodorant lasting protection that's kinder on skin. see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? 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the very expression of this internal warfare is carlton lee cruise, forcing him to apologize for calling the terror a day of attack. he used the phrase many times before but one day after he used it, he called and explained for forgiveness. cruz was explicit saying ted, you're helping the other side. you're helping the democrats! >> why did you use that word? you're playing into the other side's characterization. i was talking about people who commit violence against cops and you and i both agree if you commit violence against cops, you should go to jail. >> but you're not a terrorist, you know, you're not. >> cruz v carlson is the cringest example of a daily tug of war. among the majority of the people of the 1/6 issue, they know it was violent and republicans were at fault. but at this point 4 in 10 say president trump bears at least a modern amount for the riots. you have anderson cooper saying it was the minority that understands the election was legit and you have this ensiters by trump. it was an intermural fight. how much to blame trump. but you know what? no other fox shows followed up on that fact. they never covered the cruz interview. that will go in history books about what happened in the republican party and fox books just pretended it didn't happen. this is what happens on fox, they ignore their own role in driving the gop. this week the house's january 6th committee asked sean hannity for help because he knows a lot of what's going on inside the trump white house before and after the riot but he's never told viewers about it. hannity kept his own audience in the dark about his interactions with trump, about his messages to trump's aides. what did hannity know and when did he know it? he's never told his viewers so the committee wants to know. the committee published a few text messages and requested his assistance. but fox only mentioned it on air very briefly and as "the washington post" pointed out, fox never mentioned why the committee wants hannity's help. that's the whole story, right? hannity's role, what hannity knew about trump's state of mind. fox never explained it to the viewers. so i guess that's how rupert and lackland murdoch want it to be. they're the owners. they're the bosses. they don't want to look inward. they don't want to know. they want to reckon with their own role in radicalizing the grand old party, and in republicaning the trump presidency, by the way. they helped take down trump. they don't want to recon their responsibility, something others do. let's bring in amanda carpenter, political comment irto the bulwark. amanda, you are a former staffer. you might know what he was doing and thinking. what was he thinking? >> to me it's not ted cruz's humiliation, which is what most of the media is focusing on. it's not ted cruz's humiliation that is important but the right radical media. you're talking about whether the term terrorism apply to people who commit violent acts against police officers. ted cruz came up in politics as a tough prosecutor who understood it was good politics to be tough on crime, whether it was the right or left. when there was violence on your side, you distance yourself from it and you went forward. those rules don't apply anymore. what tucker carlson is saying, and you know the fact turker carlson has a three-part documentary called "patriot purge" which depicts these criminals as political prisoners probably should have been a clue. tucker carlson doesn't believe in that. the takeaway, what they ended up agreeing upon at the end of that interview it is okay to call left-wing protesters who might be advocating for black lives matter, if they commit violence against cops, it's okay to call those people terrorists. but when right wing people do it, you can't call them that. it's just something bad that happened. to me that is the real takeaway of that interview because we know how the politics of this play out. you can't do that because the democrats politicized this word, it's the politics. how does that play out? we've seen the example. how that plays out is president trump orders troops and tear gas for people who were on lafayette square. but when his guys go to the capitol you get sweet messages about how we love you, please go home and everyone's whitewashes what happened. has what happened in that interview and that's what scares me the most. i don't think it's funny. i don't think it's funny at all. i think it's worrisome. we should take it very seriously because this is how tucker carlson is guiding the message for the republican party on that net work. >> yes, for the gop. cruz is there trying to distance himself from the violence, while tucker is giving the rioters a big bear hug. it's not just tucker. donald trump on oan this week was bragging about the size of his preriot rally, the one over by the ellipse that was peaceful. he was bragging about the size of the rally, oliver. saying the corrupt media doesn't show the truth about how many people were there. you should show how big my crowd was. he's still proud he got those folks to go to d.c. because of a lie. he's not running away from it but bragging about it. >> and the right wing media, the riot didn't really happen. it was a large protest and some people got out of hand. you watch tucker carlson, i think a lot of people need to pay attention to what people like tucker carlson are telling the republican party. they're really dictating where it goes. i think when we talk about that interview, the one thing it showed to me is how powerful tucker carmson has become in the gop that he can bring somebody like ted cruz and have him grovel before him for forgiveness. tucker carlson is telling his audience that these people are political prisoners, there was maybe a riot that happened. he kind of admitted to that but for the most part, people are peacefully protesting an election they thought might have been rigged, might be some evidence for that, and this is really the future of the republican party and it's being dictated by tucker carlson. >> and if you thought anniversaries or commemorations would change minds, no, think about. oan didn't even air biden's incredible speech. fox does the bear minimum to cover it and moved on as fast as they could. let's talk about the biggest media mistake, politico playbook. they thought they spotted supreme court justice sotomayor dining with chuck schumer. in fact it was not sotomayor, it was chuck schumer and his wife. you have this photo out there, even after politico runs the correction, here's the photo, you still have this lie being spread all across social media and it's really insidious. it's implying kind of why are they meeting together? it's saying, hey, sotomayor, she was remote for a supreme court hearing but she's going out to dinner without a mask. there were multiple levels of ugliness associated with this error and now politico's excused. a person sent us tape in a picture. politico standards say we must verify this information. the editor who received the tip failed to verify it and we deeply regret it. they get a picture, submit it from a tipster and just run with it without calling sotomayor's office? how does that happen? >> it's shocking, brian, particularly in this information environment where you have to play error-free ball because all sorts of conspiracy theories have come out of this, mistakes they made. they could have very easily verified it by texting schumer's spokesperson saying we have this tip, we wonder if you can authenticate what we heard. and they apparently did not do that. and so this error that they made, this is a pretty big error about top democratic leadership and supreme court justice, has now given birth to all of these different lies out there are that not there. >> one more note to include here, president biden coming up on his one-year mark in office. here's the ap headline, biden shying away from news conferences and interviews in year one. he's given fewer pressers than his predecessors and fewer interviews with members of the media. he does do more of those kind of casual q&as, we he will walk over and take questions. he does a lot more of those. but amand gentleman, the grumbling from the press corps, put it into context for us, how much do you think it matters? >> i think it matters hugely not just the press corps but voters. we live in anxious, confusing times and there needs to be clear messages from the top. if for some reason joe biden is not capable of doing this, the democratic party needs to find better messengers who can be out there every day having some kind of presence and perspective on the airwaves, on the internet everywhere about where the democratic party wants to lead the country. >> right. amanda, oliver, thank you both. tonight join fareed zakaria as he investigates the fight to save american democracy. his new special starts tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern time here on cnn. up next -- a former cult member is here to talk about something sensitive, deprogramming. we're going to get into that in a moment. with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. have you ever sat here and wondered: "couldn't i do this from home?" with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. [♪] did you know, styling hair is easier when it's hydrated? try pantene daily moisture renewal conditioner. the active pro-v nutrients, provide up to 72 hours of hydration for easier and more flexible styling. try pantene. see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste democratic lawmaker jamie raskin is out with a new book. he's been talking in blunt terms about donald trump's party and what he says is cult-like behavior. just listen to the way he frames it. talking about people who are in denial about january 6th. >> i feel bad for those people because they are essentially in a political religious cult, and their cult leader, donald trump, is telling them they can't believe their own eyes, the evidence of their own experience and their own ears. so we should try to embrace those people and help them through what they're going through because they've been fed lies and they're swallowing the lies and some of them may have thought they were clever at the beginning, that they could just go along with it and not believe it, but many of them have allowed the lies really to seep into their sole and it's beginning to rot their minds. >> taking it even a step further, raskin told "the new york times" he's aware of books about cults and deprogramming to try to understand his republican colleagues. hearing that reading that made me want to talk to diane benscoter, firsthand experience with the cult member with the reunification church in the 1970s. she wrote about her experience in "shoes of a servant: my unconditional devotion to a lie." diane, you're an expert in psychological manipulation. when you hear sitting lawmakers talking about cults, what do you think they need to know? >> i think what's really important to understand here is there's a direct line of what we traditionally think of as the most important dangerous aspects of a cult and what's going on with the mass radicalization today in society. you can draw that line between the cult -- a consult leader and attributions of a cult leader and attributes of an authoritarian leadership like donald trump. also you can draw a line between the tactics, and that's the most important thing, the tactics that are being used to take advantage of people's vulnerabilities and how they hold him there is the same and the exit strategy is also the same. >> is what you see currently with trump -- it's so hard to talk about this honestly, diane. we're talking about american neighbors. do you think some of your neighbors in this country are basically been sucked into a cult, a political cult? >> well, in short, yes. i think the word cult, people have these ideas of what a cult is but, again, if you point to the techniques, tactics used, they're exactly the same. i think that people are vulnerable. we live in a time where it's hard to understand this world. technology has made a huge change much like the industrial revolution. so any time when there's social unrest, i think people are more vulnerable and there's fear and there's anger about what's going on in the world, and people want easy answers to these questions and they get sucked in and then they get constantly fed by all of these media sources that are feeding them the main messaging that cults do, us versus them. because if you can first divide people into us versus them, you can make the other side evil and wrong, and you keep feeding that messaging, eventually what you can do is weaponize your side. that's what's going on and that's why this is the most frightening thing i have ever seen as i look through the lens of cults and radicalization. >> what i hear you saying about politics also applies to vaccines and disinformation about covid and how people want easy answers to a complex pandemic. so is the answer to this empathy? what's the key word answer? >> yes, i think empathy. look, people come to my nonprofit for support groups, people who have loved ones who have been radicalized and don't know what to do, don't know how to talk with them. the first place we want to get them to is empathy. they need to understand how psychological manipulation works and we need effective tools of communication to again the process of us versus them mentality and try to talk to them about the possibility that they have been taken advantage of. and that's a hard conversation. it's the only thing that works. in my years of helping people exit cults of various kinds, it's the only thing that works is to help them understand what's happened to them on a psychological level. >> i know i said it before, but as much as we talk to political reporters we need to talk about psychologists about what happened to our country because it's psychological. diane, thank you so much for being on the program. go ahead, i'm sorry. >> thank you so much. i was just going to say psychologists need to understand too the specific psychological situation. >> yes, i agree. thank you, diane. still ahead here, carl bernstein, the underachiever? i know that's hard to believe. but the legendary reporter is offering new insight into his storied early career. hear about his new book next. and 1 quarter moisturizers in. dove 0% aluminum deodorant lasting protection that's kinder on skin. what does the future of strength look like? ♪ ♪ it's a personal trainer that assesses your strength and adds weight as you progress. it's dynamic weight that adjusts for you in real time for a more efficient workout. c'mom and it's a roster of coaches that motivate you to get stronger, faster. the future is strength you can feel and results you can see. and you can only experience it... 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at new chapter its innovation organic ingredients and fermentation. fermentation? yes, formulated to help your body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness well done see blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of early gum damage. parodontax active gum repair kills plaque bacteria at the gum line to help keep the gum sealed tight. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste . you know him as a pioneer of investigative journalism, but before carl bernstein was winning awards, he was accepting coffee orders as a teenager coffee boy at the washington star. in his new book "chasing history," bernstein reports his own experience as a determined young journalist in d.c. it's a prequel to his watergate days. carl, congratulations on the book launch. it is subtitled "a kid in the "newsroom."" would a kid like you make it into a newsroom now? >> i think it would be difficult. i was 16 years old when i went to work at "the washington star." i was able to get hired for two reasons. one, i had taken typing with the girls in high school so i could type about 90 words a minute. second, i had a kind of perseverance and i kept knocking on the door of the production editor of the paper who hired me eventually. he might not have had a choice or otherwise i wouldn't have gone away. i kept knocking on his door. >> i love that. anybody who wants to win about the golden age of newspapers is going to love this book. i love the way you describe the rhythm of the newsroom, the smell of the paper. why did you want to put all this down in "chasing history?" >> two reasons. one, it was the formative and maybe most glorious period of my life in terms of the fun and the sheer learning experience of it, but also it resonates today, i hope, because it's about reporting. it's about the kind of basic reporting that we need to be doing. yes, at the same time it's about this kid who gets the best seat in the country at the age of 16 and watches the civil rights movement coalesce and watches the kennedy administration and gets to go to kennedy's press conferences, and at the age of 16, yeah, i got sent to cover the president's inauguration. i got to do all those things, but it's also everything i know about reporting pretty much, i learned at "the washington star" from great reporters and a great mentor, the city editor, sid epstein particularly and ben bradley at "the washington post." >> to me it's about the emphasis on teamwork, that you cannot put out a paper or a website or a network alone. this is a team sport. >> it's a team sport, yes, but everybody has the same objective which is to achieve the best obtainable version of the truth, to use the phrase that woodward and i used in watergate. but i learned pretty much that phrase at "the star." the truth in all its complexity, going to multiple sources so that you've got to be a good listener. you've got to knock on doors. you've got to be persistent. you don't take no for an answer. at the same time, i think there's a line in the book where they say i learned that the truth is not neutral. i learned that covering civil rights and from great southern reporters who were covering the civil rights movement, that the best obtainable version of the truth is not just simple disparate facts strung together, but it's about context and complexity and, again, multiple sources, observation, learning everything that you can. >> there's a frustrating headline from one of your other former papers this morning from "the washington post." it says "republican leadership in iowa bars journalists from the senate floor, worrying press advocates." i hope those republican leaders in iowa that have barred those reporters, i hope they all read this book. they need to understand the role of real reporting and how it actually helps, doesn't hurt society. carl, thanks for coming on. best of luck with the book "chasing history." we're out of time. t we'll see you back here this time next week. parodontax active gum repair toothpaste we're having a baby, so the new law came at a perfect time. for less than 30 a month, the whole family is covered. i love my job and it pays really well. there's just no health coverage. for $182 a month, i found the perfect plan. all that stress about coverage just went away. for $14 a month, my plan covers my meds, vision and dental. now, more people can get financial assistance. what you pay depends in part on how much you make. new law. lower prices. more people qualify. at have you ever sat here and wondered: "couldn't i do this from home?" with letsgetchecked, you can. it's virtual care with home health testing and more. all from the comfort of... here. letsgetchecked. care can be this good. clerk: hello, how can i? 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Researcher David Paligio , Pandemic , Public Health , Risk , Segment , Masks , Appeals , Ob , Omicron , Hearing , Attention , Variant , Rest , Omicron On Skol Closures , Sharing Fear , Doctors , Act , Circumstances , Brink , Capacity , Doth Believe , Juggling , Who , Hospitals , Anybody , Anxiety , Amount , Depression , Corners , Particular , Posts , Tv , Threads , Spread , Twitter , Practicing Internist In Washington , Idea , Goal , Impossibility , Guest , Environment , Covid Zero , Zero , Term , Pros , Oliver Darcy , Fearmongering , Name , Cnn , Patients , Brian Stelter , Crisis , Profession , Threat , Bathing , Patient Facing , 19 , Vulnerability , Cancer , Disease , Obligation , Harm , Doesn T Make People , Someone , Engines , Kind , Child , Pa Panic Porn , Ill Intent , Th , Cicu , Infection , Air , Public , Physicians , Broadcasting , Messaging , Fears , Break , Anxieties , Smell , Stress , Behaviors , Health Care Providers , Weight , Fear Isn T Motivating , Vaccine , Die , Tools , Knowledge , Heart Attack , Stroke , Question , Risks , Logs , Writing , Group , Cable News , Bubble , Everything , Population , Cdc , Messages , Punchline , Touch , Watch , Show , Savannah Guthrie , Floor , Advice , Waffle House , Tweets , Eating , Meme On Social Media Poking Fun , Answer , Credibility Problem , Credibility , Bangs , Agency , Tide Pods , Confusion , Point , Message , Person , Jobs , Precautions , Stories , Holidays , Instances , Viewers , Step , Playbook , Articles , Solution , Array , Living , Reality , Risk Assessment , Vulnerable , Isolation , Oliver , Up Next , Moisturizers , 48 , 1 , Gum , Blood , Gum Repair , Gum Line , Floss , Protection , Sign , Gum Damage , Parodontax , Plaque Bacteria , Kinder On Skin , 0 , Gum Repair Toothpaste , Nervivenerve Relief , Nerve Aches , Nerve Care Company , Discomfort , Feet , Weakness , Nervive , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Technology , Experts , Car , Vo , Music Vo , Windshield , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Service , Singers , Safelite Repair , Xfinity , Handful , Services , Moving , Kidding , Address , Save , Internet , Movers , Offers , Yep , Xfinity Com Moving , Truth , Riots , Ranks , Ruckus , Facts , Leaders , Voters , Denial , Walls , 1 6 , Conspiracy Theories , Desantis , Big Lie , Crimes , Fringe , Websites Pedaling , Florida , Terror , Expression , Warfare Is Carlton Lee Cruise , Cruz V Carlson , Phrase , Side , Times , Saying , Forgiveness , Attack , Ted , Word , Cops , Characterization , The Other Side , Violence , Terrorist , Daily , Jail , Majority , Tug Of War , Cringest , President , Fault , 10 , 4 , Ensiters , Minority , Anderson Cooper , Intermural Fight , Books , History Books , Fox Shows , Sean Hannity , What S Going On Inside The Trump , Didn T , January 6th Committee , White House , Riot , Interactions , In The Dark , Audience , Aides , Hannity Know , Committee , Assistance , Text Messages , Out , Owners , Bosses , What Hannity , State Of Mind , Lackland Murdoch , The Grand Old Party , Republicaning , Amanda Carpenter , Responsibility , Comment Irto , Humiliation , Ted Cruz , Thinking , Bulwark , Police Officers , Terrorism , Acts , Prosecutor , Crime , Turker Carlson , Left , Those Rules Don T Apply , Takeaway , Prisoners , Patriot Purge , Documentary , Clue , Criminals , Doesn T , Three , Protesters , Terrorists , Advocating For Black , The End , Play , Orders , Troops , Tear Gas , Lafayette Square , Plays Out Is , Everyone , Whitewashes , Funny , Rioters , Big Bear Hug , Ellipse , Size , Rally , Preriot Rally , Lie , D C , Crowd , Hand , Protest , Riot Didn T , Thing , Somebody , Tucker Carmson , Evidence , Joe Biden , Minds , Commemorations , Oan Didn T , Anniversaries , Being , Politico , Fast , Talk , Media Mistake , Let , Chuck Schumer , Photo , Wife , Correction , Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Dining , Calling Sotomayor , Levels , Mask , Dinner , Ugliness , Supreme Court , Tip , Error , Editor , Picture , Tape , Tipster , Standards , Office , Information Environment , Sorts , Ball , Leadership , Spokesperson , Texting Schumer , Birth , Note , Supreme Court Justice , Interviews , Year One , Pressers , News Conferences , Members , Mark , Predecessors , Ap , Biden Shying , Casual Q As , Context , Gentleman , Press Corps , Corps , Grumbling , Messengers , Presence , Reason , Top , Fareed Zakaria , Everywhere , Airwaves , American Democracy , Tonight Join , On Unsweetened Lipton , Deprogramming , Lipton , Sippin , Cult Member , 9 , 00 , Heart , Start Sippin , Stop Chuggin , Google , Clerk , Honey Lemon , Honey Lemon Chill , Hair , Hydration , Nutrients , Pantene Daily Moisture Renewal Conditioner , 72 , Styling , Try Pantene , Book , Jamie Raskin , Party , Behavior , Experience , Cult , Cult Leader , Eyes , Beginning , Ears , Many , The New York Times , Diane Benscoter , Reading , Member , Servant , Colleagues , Shoes , Reunification Church , My Unconditional Devotion , 1970 , Cults , Expert , Psychological Manipulation , Line , Consult Leader , Aspects , Radicalization Today In Society , Tactics , Attributions , Attributes , Advantage , Same , Vulnerabilities , Exit Strategy , Neighbors , Diane , Techniques , Ideas , Anger , Unrest , Industrial Revolution , Media Sources , Us Versus Them , Them , Wrong , Vaccines , Lens , Empathy , Loved Ones , Support Groups , Communication , Manipulation , Mentality , Possibility , Process , Conversation , Reporters , Psychologists , Kinds , Level , I M Sorry , Situation , Reporter , Insight , Underachiever , Strength , Trainer , Workout , Faster , Roster , Coaches , Results , C Mom , Tonal , Plan , Love , Growing Up , Food , Cooking , Memories , Mom , Kitchen , Meal , Investigative Journalism , Awards , Coffee Orders , Teenager Coffee Boy , Pioneer , Washington Star , Chasing History , Journalist , Kid , Newsroom , Prequel , Congratulations , The Book Launch , High School , Girls , Typing , 16 , Paper , Door , Perseverance , Words , Production Editor , Choice , Second , 90 , Newspapers , Rhythm , Golden Age , Formative , Learning Experience , Fun , Reporting , Age , Basic , Seat , Press Conferences , Administration , Kennedy , Inauguration , Civil Rights Movement , City Editor , Teamwork , Website , Emphasis , Network , Sid Epstein , Team Sport , Everybody , Objective , The Truth , Watergate , Complexity , Doors , Listener , The Star , Rights , Great Southern , Learning Everything , Observation , Iowa , Worrying Press Advocates , Papers , Senate , Thanks , Doesn T Hurt Society , Luck , Law , Job , Health Coverage , Baby , Family , 82 , 30 , 182 , Coverage , Vision , Dental , Meds , 14 , Healthcare Gov , Prices , Way , Looks , Paisley , Oh My God , House , Aerotrainer , Host , Squad , Info , Carriers , Switch , Phone , Carrier , Engine Revving , Xfinity Mobile , Store , 5g Phone , Bill , 200 , Switch Squad , Russians , Consequences , Test , Aggression , Russian , Democracy , Secretary Of State , Leverage , Learning , Thousands , Peril , School Wars , Kids , Mayor , Antony Blinken Next ,

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