Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

the former vice president to testify. >> i kept coming back to the terror that must have been in the mind of those. >> life sentences for the three men who killed ahmaud arbery. a warning from president. >> i gave an order to law enforcement agencies and the army to shoot to kill without warning. >> what's behind the unrest? the details of tennis star novak. what we're learning this morning from newly released court documents. newsroom starts right now. good morning to you on this saturday, january 8th. i'm christi paul. >> i'm boris sanchez. >> there's drama to tell you about inside the biden administration. >> the next month could be brutal. the latest cdc forecast predicted more than 84,000 americans could die from covid over the next four weeks. hospitals already on the brink as icus are over run with unvaccinated patients. >> despite the surge, some state officials are pushing to reopen schools. the georgia governor has announce and he is loosening covid protocols to get public school teachers back in the classroom for in person learning. >> let's get to the very latest on covid. good morning. >> we are seeing businesses and workplaces throughout the country really re-introducing many of those measures we have seen in the past to try to curve the spread of omicron. some are loosening them. it's been a week of clashes, confrontations and a lot of angst over schools reopen. chicago with classes in limbo because of a stand out of with the teachers union and chicago public schools. the union insisting on virtual learning while the mayor is pushing for schools to stay open. >> i think we have made significant progress over the last two days but i want to deal done this weekend. i want our kids back in school. schools are safe. >> reporter: in ga eogeorgia, p school teachers remain positive but remain asymptommatic no longer have to isolate before returning to school with masks. in new york, neearly 13% of new york students have tested positive for covid-19. that's according to sample testing for the new york department of education on thursday. the u.s. needs to change the cope covid-19 strategy to face a new normal. >> the new normal is the way we live with the flu, we're going to live with the coronavirus. it's going to be around. people will get infected and hopefully few people will be hospitalized and few people will die from it and we'll be able to go about our lives as we did before. >> reporter: the fda has amended the emergency use authorization for the covid vaccine. experts say vaccines need to evolve. >> what we need similar prove on our vaccines. you'll see a lot of work being done to try to get us the next generation vaccines. over the course of the next weeks to month s a much more wide scale availability of these effective drugs if given early in the illness can greatly reduce the likelihood of severe disease, hospitalizations and deaths. if you combine vaccines and drugs together, i think we really can put a big dent in this virus not just in high income countries but around the world. >> reporter: nearly two third of the eligible u.s. population now fully vaccinated against covid-19 according to the cdc. in order to get to a place with the coronavirus is endemic like the flu. >> we have to get to a situation where what we're seeing from coronavirus is not big surges. we need many more people vaccinated in this case. we need additional therapies, not just the couple of oral therapies we currently have. we need to upgrade our air filtration system. we got to get the prevalent down and then we'll be able to gept to a new normal. >> reporter: just yesterday california became the latest state to activate the national guard. 200 service members you can expect at about 50 sites throughout the state of california. they will be not only assisting with increasing the capacity but also back fill for some of that permanent staff that's absent. >> that testing capacity badly needed. thank you so much. >> thank you. former health and human services secretary under president obama with us now. secretary, good morning to you. we're so grateful you took time to talk with us. >> thank you. >> we wanted to begin with the growing criticisms of cdc director. i want to listen to dr. megan r rainey. what she told cnn about the missteps we're seeing and who is responsible for the information about isolation and about testing that's getting out that is proving to be confusion for people. >> i love the idea of her improving her communication style. it's different as a government official as it is as a private sector individual. i don't think it's fair to put all the blame on her. she could communicate perfectly but the reality is when grow to the cdc web page, this policy makes no sense. one of my friends said it feels like a choose your own adventure game. >> as former secretary in this realms. realm, can you help us understand or identify why two years into this pandemic there's not been a better crafting of this response. >> i would start by saying we are seeing a virus evolve in realtime. each phase of this is different and requires a different response and a different reaction. the communication has to change on a regular basis. what we had over the period of the last month when people were involved in holidays, hanukkah and christmas and trying to keep their lives organized is a lot of information coming out. i would hope that dr. wollensky and the cdc have a restart in january. i would urge them to do daily press conferences, daily releases. there's so much noise in this atmosphere. we have crank information coming from all sides. we have misinformation being willfully pushed on people. we have local and state governments disagreeing with the federal government. the cdc on a regular basis would become the public health information. we do not have enough people who have had their second vaccination. we have about close to 75% with one dose. just over 60% with two doses. we're at 25% for boosters. while it's great to continue to urge people to get vaccinated in the first place, let's go to the willing. the people who have stepped up and had one shot and let's get people fully vaccinated an get people boosted. whose eligible for the booster? cdc needs to make that clear. that guidance has been changing depending on which vaccine you got. that would be an important message. what you should do if you think you've been in contact with people. that needs to be clarified. i went to the website myself and it's a little confusing. wear a mask any time you're indoors. some simple things we can do and particularly vaccines are still free. vaccines are available. boosters are available. i think people are getting very confused about the difference between a lack of availability of tests and the wide availability of vaccines and boosters. that can be clarified by saying it over and over and over again and trying to cut through the noise with one clear public health message would be really important in this day and age. >> it's been a disconnect and this has been another one of the criticisms what the cdc says and the white house says, as well. white house officials who aided president biden, his transition regarding covid are coming out and saying this just this week. the journal of medical association said without a strategy or strategic plan for the new normal with indemic covid-19, more people in the u.s. will experience health morbidity and mortality and trillions will be lost from the u.s. economy. the nation must learn and prepare effectively for the future. you made such a good point. this is a fluid virus. t changed over and over again. it was a learning curve for all of us going into this. if you were in your secretarial position, what would you say to the president? >> i think the president has been doing an amazing job with rapidly evolving situation. the former advisers who you mentioned who put out an article have opinions. they are not the white house. they are not advising the president currently. the head of the cdc is the head of the gold standard public health agency. she needs to be a very clear voice of public health, state and local officials, listen to the cdc, cooperate with the cdc. they track and trace disease. she needs to be front and center. we also need to urge people to get a flu vaccine for heavens sakes. we have been dealing with that for years where 50,000 americans a year, approximately, die from the flu. the combination of coronavirus and the flu is really difficult for lot of already compromised individuals. as we're promoting vavaccines, need to throw in the flu along with it. i do think while i have great admiration for the advice that we need upgradegraded vak d vac have to look at new variants. it's rapidly spreading and focus on folk who is can really arm themselves up to children down to the age of 5 can be vaccinated. children over 12 can be boosted. let's get people fully armored against what we know is spreading right now and get information to people on a daily basis about what they can do, how they can take care of thems and their family. hold up they can continue to work and be in school. if we didn't learn anything else, what we know about last year and the year before, frankly, is that lockdowns are not good for anybody. children have suffered enormous trauma just by not being in schools. we know that families go into a tail spin if the income is cut off and if they can't go to work. let's figure out how to keep people in school, keep people at work and make them safe and secure as possible. >> i only have about 15 seconds but i wanted to ask about children. there's a real debate going on about in person versus remote learning. we know remote has hurt a lot of the kids. where do you stand on that? >> i think as much as possible, schools need to stay open and need to stay safe. masking, testing, vaccinating and boosting is the way to go. >> always good to have your insight and perspective. thank you for making time for us. stay safe. >> sure. nice to talk to you. the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol is considering asking former vice president mike pence to appear before the panel. >> rumor that pence certified the 2020 election despite the extensive pressure campaign led by former president trump and his allies to try to throw a wrench in the process. what more can you tell us about this potential next step by the committee to call forth the former vice president. >> the committee chairman told our team earlier this week that the committee wants to hear directly from mike pence and here is why. pence, as you mentioned, certified the presidential election despite really intense pressure campaign from trump and his allies to not do so. that pressure campaign, who was involved, how deep it went, is a key investigative thread of the committee that pence can provide key testimony on. he's also an important witness for the committee because he was at the capitol on january 6th and witnessed the violence unfold that day. he also was at the white house in the days leading up to the attack and privy to some km conversations that could shed new light. they will meet later this week to discuss next steps. it's a voluntary request the committee will make. it's not subpoena that's legally binding like they have done with other witnesses. in the meantime, while they are figuring out when they will be talking with pence which we know will be coming up soon, sources have told us that multiple pence aides have been cooperating and providing key testimony to their investigation. >> before we let you go, i know the community is not ruling out the possibility that donald trump's actions amount to a crime. is there any clarify as to whether that can be pursued? >> the committee is focused on what trump was doing on the days leading up to the attack and specifically on that day. we know that's key investigating threat. they are focusing on the 187 minutes between when the violence started at the capitol and when trump intervened. the committee says they have first hand testimony from witnesses. they have text messages. they have documents on file that are starting to fill in these holes of what the trump did that day. it's important to note that's a long way off from being able to prosecute a crime and it's important to note that the committee does not have the power to prosecute. that's not within its mandate. the job is to write a report about what happened leading up to january 6th and investigate those facts. if it comes across crimes in its investigation, it has to refer those crimes to the department of justice who then would decide if they will prosecute. in the meantime the committee can put out legislative recommendations to prevent the attack from happening again. as you can see, the committee is far way off from being able to connect the dots between donald trump, a crime, on january 6th. this is clearly a theme that members op n the panel want to keep talking about. >> thanks so much for your reporting. new details are emerging this morning about the world's number one tennis player. what court documents revealing about novak and his vaccine fight. how russia is helping to restore order in kazakhstan after the president sent a deadly warning to protesters. machine to improve your skin's resilience. cetaphil. complete care for your sensitive skin. what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? it feels amazing. when you get a great offer in seconds... 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>> well, as you pointed out, we don't know exactly everything that's going on because the internet has been cut off. there's no good media out yn lets that are left to remain. we know putin has a problem on his southern border. he sent 2500 troops to help the president of kazakhstan crush protesters and that should tell us something is he really can't afford to let this country on his southern border get out of his grasp. we're entering into tense negotiations with moscow over ukraine. that should change putin's calculus. what i argue in the washington post is simple is we should make it toucher for him to have his cake and eat it too. he will try to crush the protest in kazakhstan and start a war in ukraine. that's a lot. can he do it? we should make sure he doesn't try. we can do that by taking a tough line on negotiations and giving ukraine military a lot of weapons that they need. not just weapons, other things they need to resist a russian invasion. the situation on the ground has changed. that's a tragedy for kazakhstan but it's an opportunity for the west and ukraine to show putin he can't fight two wars on two fronts and he really shouldn't try. >> josh, in that piece you outlined an array of military weapons and support that the united states could provide ukraine. i'm not going to list them all now. it's a long list but you pointed out that so far what the u.s. has supplied in recent months in two patrol boats. why do you think there's such a hesitation from the yunited states to arm ukraine when clearly slvladimir putin has aggressive intentions on that border? >> right. i think it goes back to what natasha reported. the biden administration scared of what putin will do back. they don't want russia to attack europe because we helped ukraine. i get that. it makes sense on paper. coming up with let's give them three helicopter and not six. we'll give them the good radar but not the great radar because we don't want to anger putin anymore. it's crazy way to think about protecting the things we believe in and standing up for our allies. what i argue is let's just see putin for what he is, thug that's trying to threaten us to giving him concessions and his position is not as strong as he wants us to think it is. we can stand up for things we believe in in kazakhstan, if we wanted to, which is to fight corruption and support the people in their struggle for better agency and better rights which neither of the two warring factions in the government there are providing them. that takes energy. it takes the biden administration to put more time and effort into getting involved in this region. it doesn't seem like they really want to do that. we'll see what happens when the biden team gets to geneva to meet on monday. this will come to a head. don't give into putin's threats and realize that all these strong men dictators talk big but they all eventually die. that means we should stand with the people and not the rulers. >> conceding to a bully emboldens them. you mentioned energy and i want to ask you about a spercific kid of energy and the way putin has tried to drive a wedge. a key western ally in this united front to keep russia out of ukraine is eager to shoot itself in the foot by shutting down this pipeline in order to protect yukraine sovereignty. >> we had this situation in washington for two years where we're trying to deal the germans not to do the deal on the pipeline but they're like we want the pipeline. they're like no, don't tell us what we can and can't. it's a little awkward to tell our ally they shouldn't do something and who we are to tell them they shouldn't do it. the implications are clear. if it goes into effect then ukraine will suffer. russia will have more power and it's going to be real problem that we can never fix and russia will have more power over us. that seems like a bad thing. >> it seems like a simple schoolyard sfrrp thing. if you keep giving the bully what he wants, he'll want more. great to have you. thanks. >> any time. as schools across the country are struggling to keep up with the covid cases and the fluidity of the virus, a superintendent in boston is making headlines for stepping up when a school really needed her. we'll talk to her, next. when a cough tries to steal dad's punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? 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>> thanks for having me on. i went into my car at 9:00 p.m. that night and my chief of schools was still in the garage. i know he leaves sometimes early because he gets up really early. i gave him a call and said why are you still here. he said i'm still trying to cover one school. i said, that's okay. i got it covered. i called up my chairwoman as well. that was the school she went to school at when she was just little and said would you substitute the kindergarten. i'll take the fourth grade. we stepped in because it's all hands on deck here. >> wow. takes a village. i understand that boston public schools reported more than 1170 positive cases since december 30th. help us understand your confidence level for testing in your area right now? do you have enough? >> we could certainly use more testing. our state has been providing and working with us all year on school testing as well as test and state program here to keep kids in school. yes, we need more tests available. we need our teachers to be included in those tests because right now vaccinated students and teachers are not included in those tests. we do need some shifts in policy, particularly when we're in times of surge. >> how are the children holding up? >> well, the ones i taught had a great day. then yesterday they had a snow day. that brought them a bit of joy. i got some texts from parents of them sledding and making snow men. it was wonderful day for us here in boston yesterday. you know, i do think overall, the strain of the past two years have been very difficult for the adults and the children. particularly, it's been challenging for our high school children and our middle school students who have had significant isolation and disregulation due to mental health issues. we were fortunate here in boston to add social workers to our teams. we had nurses in every single building. we have our counselling staff and our crisis team that we deploy. we have just a wonderful set of educators here and school leaders who work every single day to make sure our children get what they need. >> are you -- do you have a more permanent solution, i guess, at this point? do you anticipate you'll be going into the more classrooms for the foreseeable future? >> we have been working our central office team. i was one of many of our central office colleague who is are licensed to go into our schools. we deployed our central office team. i can't thank them enough to be able to go in. we also deployed secretaries and accountants and just all of our curriculum staff who went in and covered recess and school lunches time and gave teachers breaks during the day. that is something that has been incredibly heartwarming and inspiring to see this week. >> no doubt about it. we appreciate the work you're doing and thinking of all of you. thank you for being with us. still ahead, the family of ahmaud aurbery didn't hold back. what's ahead in the case? our science-powered gentlebright complex... diminishes the appearance of dark spots and enhances glow in just one week. cetaphil. complete radiance for sensitive skin. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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New York Department Of Education , Neearly , New York , 13 , 19 , Way , Flu , Normal , Strategy , Cope Covid , Lives , Vaccine , Emergency Use Authorization , Fda , Vaccines , Work , Generation , Experts , Availability , Drugs , Disease , Hospitalizations , Course , Deaths , Likelihood , Scale , Illness , World , Virus , Countries , Dent , U S Population , Situation , Place , Surges , Therapies , Case , Air Filtration System , Couple , Estate , California , Members , Staff , Capacity , Testing Capacity , Guard 200 , 50 , 200 , Secretary , Health And Human Services , Obama , Information , Criticisms , Dr , Director , Missteps , Megan R Rainey , Cnn , Confusion , Isolation , Idea , Communication , Reality , Policy , Sector , Government Official , Individual , Style , Blame , Web Page , One , Sense , Realms , Adventure Game , Friends , Realm , Response , Pandemic , Crafting , Basis , Realtime , Phase , Reaction , Restart , Hanukkah , Holidays , Wollensky , Noise , Daily Press Conferences , Sides , Atmosphere , Daily Releases , Health , Government , Governments , Misinformation Being , Vaccination , Dose , Doses , 75 , 60 , Boosters , Let S Go , One Shot , 25 , Message , Booster , Needs , Guidance , Contact , Clear , Things , Mask , Website , Confusing , Tests , Lack , Difference , Public Health , Disconnect , Officials , White House , Transition , Journal , Medical Association , Plan , Trillions , Health Morbidity , Mortality , Indemic , Economy , Point , Wall , Fluid Virus , T , Learning Curve , Nation , Job , Advisers , Position , Head , Article , Currently , Opinions , Public Health Agency , Gold Standard , Flu Vaccine , Center , Voice , Trace , Heavens Sakes , Combination , 50000 , Admiration , Advice , Vavaccines , Upgradegraded Vak D , Vac , Focus On Folk , Variants , Children , Age , 12 , 5 , Care , Family , Thems , Anything Else , Families , Tail Spin , Income , Anybody , Trauma , Lockdowns , Debate , Figure , Person Versus Remote Learning , Let , 15 , Masking , Vaccinating , Attack , Perspective , Capitol , Insight , Stay Safe , House Select Committee Investigating The January 6th , January 6th , 6 , Allies , Election , Panel , Pressure Campaign Led , Mike Pence , Rumor , Former , 2020 , Committee , Team , Chairman , Step , Process , Wrench , Pressure Campaign , Trump , Violence , Thread , Witness , Capitol On January 6th , Testimony On , Conversations , Light , Privy , Witnesses , Binding , Sources , Steps , Request , Investigation , Testimony , Pence , Aides , Actions , Crime , Possibility , Community , Donald Trump , Documents , Hand Testimony , Threat , Text Messages , File , 187 , Holes , Report , Power , Facts , Crimes , Mandate , Department Of Justice , Recommendations , Dots , Thanks , Reporting , Theme , On January 6th , The Panel , Op N , Tennis Player , Kazakhstan , Number One , Vaccine Fight , Car , Protesters , Skin , Carvana , Resilience , Machine , Cetaphil , Offer , Spot , Big , Cheering , Feeling , Sleep Number , Sleep , Bed , Play , Heart Rate , Breathing Rate , Movement , Temperature Balancing , Circadian Rhythm , 360 , Science , Sale , Harry Reid , Funeral Services , Layedly , Las Vegas , Nevada , 82 , Consequences , Eulogy , Remarks , Battle With Pancreatic Cancer , Sanctions , Invasion , Economies , Vladmir Putin , Cukraine , Range , Russia , Penalties , Part , Energy Sector , Markets , Swift International Payment System , Considerings , Ukraine , Fall Out , Concerns , State Department , Boomerang , Spike , Analysis , Treasury Department , Global Energy Prices , Kinds , Investment , Ripple Effect , European Trade , Rest , Ramifications , Governance , Add Ministration , Cost , Spcyber Space , Risk , Move , Mistake , Attacks , Infrastructure , Evidence , Protest , Fuel Prices , Demonstrations , Wake , Josh Rogen , President Ordering Security Forces , Author , Chaos , Washington Post , West , Advantage , Battle , Heaven , Crisis , China , 21 , Use , Instability , Aggression , Soviet Republic , Everything , Border , Internet , Media , Problem , Troops , Cut Off , 2500 , Something , Grasp , Kazakhstan Crush , Negotiations , Cake , Calculus , It Toucher , Weapons , Military , Line , War , Ground , Wars , Fronts , Tragedy , Opportunity , Piece , Shouldn T Try , Support , Array , List , Intentions , Slvladimir Putin , Hesitation , Patrol Boats , Yunited , Natasha , They Don T , Paper , Helicopter , Europe , Six , Radar , Putin , Concessions , Thug , Him , Energy , Factions , Agency , Corruption , Rights , Struggle , Doesn T , Threats , Region , Effort , Bully , Men Dictators , Rulers , Wedge , Kid , Spercific , Pipeline , Foot , Ally , United Front , Germans , Deal , Washington , Yukraine Sovereignty , Implications , Thing , Effect , Schoolyard , Superintendent , Boston , Headlines , Fluidity , Cough , Ingredients , Naturals , Punchlines , Dad , Robitussin , Me Hanging , 100 , Ray , Diabetes , Vacations , Glucose Levels , No , Libre 2 , 2 , Heart , Mystery , A1c , On Unsweetened 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Parole , William Bryan Yun , Back , Felony Murder , Mr , Bryan , Man , Sentence , Concept , Judge , Si Lently , Court , Statements , I Love You , Son , Death , Fact , Remorse , Leniency , Identity , Wasn T A Case , Taking Aim At A Defense Attorney , Comments , Toe Toenails , Toenails , Trial , Jog , Dirty Toenails , Action , Loss , Chance , Defr , Murder , Vehicle , Maximu , Home , Arrests , The Plurd , 23 , February 23rd 2020 , Nerve Aches , Hands , Feet , Weakness , Nervivenerve Relief , Nervive , Discomfort , Nerve Care Company , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Eyes , Combo , Preservatives , Biotrue , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Lawyers , Developments , Exemption , Djokovic , Visa , Australian Government , Unvaccinated , Australian , Champion , Immigration Detention , Deportation , Border Force , Nine , Decision , Men S World , Decidely Fate , Player , Led , Questions , Tennis Australia , Kocourt , Tennis Super Star , Pictures , Social Media , Positive , Events 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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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the former vice president to testify. >> i kept coming back to the terror that must have been in the mind of those. >> life sentences for the three men who killed ahmaud arbery. a warning from president. >> i gave an order to law enforcement agencies and the army to shoot to kill without warning. >> what's behind the unrest? the details of tennis star novak. what we're learning this morning from newly released court documents. newsroom starts right now. good morning to you on this saturday, january 8th. i'm christi paul. >> i'm boris sanchez. >> there's drama to tell you about inside the biden administration. >> the next month could be brutal. the latest cdc forecast predicted more than 84,000 americans could die from covid over the next four weeks. hospitals already on the brink as icus are over run with unvaccinated patients. >> despite the surge, some state officials are pushing to reopen schools. the georgia governor has announce and he is loosening covid protocols to get public school teachers back in the classroom for in person learning. >> let's get to the very latest on covid. good morning. >> we are seeing businesses and workplaces throughout the country really re-introducing many of those measures we have seen in the past to try to curve the spread of omicron. some are loosening them. it's been a week of clashes, confrontations and a lot of angst over schools reopen. chicago with classes in limbo because of a stand out of with the teachers union and chicago public schools. the union insisting on virtual learning while the mayor is pushing for schools to stay open. >> i think we have made significant progress over the last two days but i want to deal done this weekend. i want our kids back in school. schools are safe. >> reporter: in ga eogeorgia, p school teachers remain positive but remain asymptommatic no longer have to isolate before returning to school with masks. in new york, neearly 13% of new york students have tested positive for covid-19. that's according to sample testing for the new york department of education on thursday. the u.s. needs to change the cope covid-19 strategy to face a new normal. >> the new normal is the way we live with the flu, we're going to live with the coronavirus. it's going to be around. people will get infected and hopefully few people will be hospitalized and few people will die from it and we'll be able to go about our lives as we did before. >> reporter: the fda has amended the emergency use authorization for the covid vaccine. experts say vaccines need to evolve. >> what we need similar prove on our vaccines. you'll see a lot of work being done to try to get us the next generation vaccines. over the course of the next weeks to month s a much more wide scale availability of these effective drugs if given early in the illness can greatly reduce the likelihood of severe disease, hospitalizations and deaths. if you combine vaccines and drugs together, i think we really can put a big dent in this virus not just in high income countries but around the world. >> reporter: nearly two third of the eligible u.s. population now fully vaccinated against covid-19 according to the cdc. in order to get to a place with the coronavirus is endemic like the flu. >> we have to get to a situation where what we're seeing from coronavirus is not big surges. we need many more people vaccinated in this case. we need additional therapies, not just the couple of oral therapies we currently have. we need to upgrade our air filtration system. we got to get the prevalent down and then we'll be able to gept to a new normal. >> reporter: just yesterday california became the latest state to activate the national guard. 200 service members you can expect at about 50 sites throughout the state of california. they will be not only assisting with increasing the capacity but also back fill for some of that permanent staff that's absent. >> that testing capacity badly needed. thank you so much. >> thank you. former health and human services secretary under president obama with us now. secretary, good morning to you. we're so grateful you took time to talk with us. >> thank you. >> we wanted to begin with the growing criticisms of cdc director. i want to listen to dr. megan r rainey. what she told cnn about the missteps we're seeing and who is responsible for the information about isolation and about testing that's getting out that is proving to be confusion for people. >> i love the idea of her improving her communication style. it's different as a government official as it is as a private sector individual. i don't think it's fair to put all the blame on her. she could communicate perfectly but the reality is when grow to the cdc web page, this policy makes no sense. one of my friends said it feels like a choose your own adventure game. >> as former secretary in this realms. realm, can you help us understand or identify why two years into this pandemic there's not been a better crafting of this response. >> i would start by saying we are seeing a virus evolve in realtime. each phase of this is different and requires a different response and a different reaction. the communication has to change on a regular basis. what we had over the period of the last month when people were involved in holidays, hanukkah and christmas and trying to keep their lives organized is a lot of information coming out. i would hope that dr. wollensky and the cdc have a restart in january. i would urge them to do daily press conferences, daily releases. there's so much noise in this atmosphere. we have crank information coming from all sides. we have misinformation being willfully pushed on people. we have local and state governments disagreeing with the federal government. the cdc on a regular basis would become the public health information. we do not have enough people who have had their second vaccination. we have about close to 75% with one dose. just over 60% with two doses. we're at 25% for boosters. while it's great to continue to urge people to get vaccinated in the first place, let's go to the willing. the people who have stepped up and had one shot and let's get people fully vaccinated an get people boosted. whose eligible for the booster? cdc needs to make that clear. that guidance has been changing depending on which vaccine you got. that would be an important message. what you should do if you think you've been in contact with people. that needs to be clarified. i went to the website myself and it's a little confusing. wear a mask any time you're indoors. some simple things we can do and particularly vaccines are still free. vaccines are available. boosters are available. i think people are getting very confused about the difference between a lack of availability of tests and the wide availability of vaccines and boosters. that can be clarified by saying it over and over and over again and trying to cut through the noise with one clear public health message would be really important in this day and age. >> it's been a disconnect and this has been another one of the criticisms what the cdc says and the white house says, as well. white house officials who aided president biden, his transition regarding covid are coming out and saying this just this week. the journal of medical association said without a strategy or strategic plan for the new normal with indemic covid-19, more people in the u.s. will experience health morbidity and mortality and trillions will be lost from the u.s. economy. the nation must learn and prepare effectively for the future. you made such a good point. this is a fluid virus. t changed over and over again. it was a learning curve for all of us going into this. if you were in your secretarial position, what would you say to the president? >> i think the president has been doing an amazing job with rapidly evolving situation. the former advisers who you mentioned who put out an article have opinions. they are not the white house. they are not advising the president currently. the head of the cdc is the head of the gold standard public health agency. she needs to be a very clear voice of public health, state and local officials, listen to the cdc, cooperate with the cdc. they track and trace disease. she needs to be front and center. we also need to urge people to get a flu vaccine for heavens sakes. we have been dealing with that for years where 50,000 americans a year, approximately, die from the flu. the combination of coronavirus and the flu is really difficult for lot of already compromised individuals. as we're promoting vavaccines, need to throw in the flu along with it. i do think while i have great admiration for the advice that we need upgradegraded vak d vac have to look at new variants. it's rapidly spreading and focus on folk who is can really arm themselves up to children down to the age of 5 can be vaccinated. children over 12 can be boosted. let's get people fully armored against what we know is spreading right now and get information to people on a daily basis about what they can do, how they can take care of thems and their family. hold up they can continue to work and be in school. if we didn't learn anything else, what we know about last year and the year before, frankly, is that lockdowns are not good for anybody. children have suffered enormous trauma just by not being in schools. we know that families go into a tail spin if the income is cut off and if they can't go to work. let's figure out how to keep people in school, keep people at work and make them safe and secure as possible. >> i only have about 15 seconds but i wanted to ask about children. there's a real debate going on about in person versus remote learning. we know remote has hurt a lot of the kids. where do you stand on that? >> i think as much as possible, schools need to stay open and need to stay safe. masking, testing, vaccinating and boosting is the way to go. >> always good to have your insight and perspective. thank you for making time for us. stay safe. >> sure. nice to talk to you. the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol is considering asking former vice president mike pence to appear before the panel. >> rumor that pence certified the 2020 election despite the extensive pressure campaign led by former president trump and his allies to try to throw a wrench in the process. what more can you tell us about this potential next step by the committee to call forth the former vice president. >> the committee chairman told our team earlier this week that the committee wants to hear directly from mike pence and here is why. pence, as you mentioned, certified the presidential election despite really intense pressure campaign from trump and his allies to not do so. that pressure campaign, who was involved, how deep it went, is a key investigative thread of the committee that pence can provide key testimony on. he's also an important witness for the committee because he was at the capitol on january 6th and witnessed the violence unfold that day. he also was at the white house in the days leading up to the attack and privy to some km conversations that could shed new light. they will meet later this week to discuss next steps. it's a voluntary request the committee will make. it's not subpoena that's legally binding like they have done with other witnesses. in the meantime, while they are figuring out when they will be talking with pence which we know will be coming up soon, sources have told us that multiple pence aides have been cooperating and providing key testimony to their investigation. >> before we let you go, i know the community is not ruling out the possibility that donald trump's actions amount to a crime. is there any clarify as to whether that can be pursued? >> the committee is focused on what trump was doing on the days leading up to the attack and specifically on that day. we know that's key investigating threat. they are focusing on the 187 minutes between when the violence started at the capitol and when trump intervened. the committee says they have first hand testimony from witnesses. they have text messages. they have documents on file that are starting to fill in these holes of what the trump did that day. it's important to note that's a long way off from being able to prosecute a crime and it's important to note that the committee does not have the power to prosecute. that's not within its mandate. the job is to write a report about what happened leading up to january 6th and investigate those facts. if it comes across crimes in its investigation, it has to refer those crimes to the department of justice who then would decide if they will prosecute. in the meantime the committee can put out legislative recommendations to prevent the attack from happening again. as you can see, the committee is far way off from being able to connect the dots between donald trump, a crime, on january 6th. this is clearly a theme that members op n the panel want to keep talking about. >> thanks so much for your reporting. new details are emerging this morning about the world's number one tennis player. what court documents revealing about novak and his vaccine fight. how russia is helping to restore order in kazakhstan after the president sent a deadly warning to protesters. machine to improve your skin's resilience. cetaphil. complete care for your sensitive skin. what does it feel like to sell your car to carvana? it feels amazing. when you get a great offer in seconds... 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>> well, as you pointed out, we don't know exactly everything that's going on because the internet has been cut off. there's no good media out yn lets that are left to remain. we know putin has a problem on his southern border. he sent 2500 troops to help the president of kazakhstan crush protesters and that should tell us something is he really can't afford to let this country on his southern border get out of his grasp. we're entering into tense negotiations with moscow over ukraine. that should change putin's calculus. what i argue in the washington post is simple is we should make it toucher for him to have his cake and eat it too. he will try to crush the protest in kazakhstan and start a war in ukraine. that's a lot. can he do it? we should make sure he doesn't try. we can do that by taking a tough line on negotiations and giving ukraine military a lot of weapons that they need. not just weapons, other things they need to resist a russian invasion. the situation on the ground has changed. that's a tragedy for kazakhstan but it's an opportunity for the west and ukraine to show putin he can't fight two wars on two fronts and he really shouldn't try. >> josh, in that piece you outlined an array of military weapons and support that the united states could provide ukraine. i'm not going to list them all now. it's a long list but you pointed out that so far what the u.s. has supplied in recent months in two patrol boats. why do you think there's such a hesitation from the yunited states to arm ukraine when clearly slvladimir putin has aggressive intentions on that border? >> right. i think it goes back to what natasha reported. the biden administration scared of what putin will do back. they don't want russia to attack europe because we helped ukraine. i get that. it makes sense on paper. coming up with let's give them three helicopter and not six. we'll give them the good radar but not the great radar because we don't want to anger putin anymore. it's crazy way to think about protecting the things we believe in and standing up for our allies. what i argue is let's just see putin for what he is, thug that's trying to threaten us to giving him concessions and his position is not as strong as he wants us to think it is. we can stand up for things we believe in in kazakhstan, if we wanted to, which is to fight corruption and support the people in their struggle for better agency and better rights which neither of the two warring factions in the government there are providing them. that takes energy. it takes the biden administration to put more time and effort into getting involved in this region. it doesn't seem like they really want to do that. we'll see what happens when the biden team gets to geneva to meet on monday. this will come to a head. don't give into putin's threats and realize that all these strong men dictators talk big but they all eventually die. that means we should stand with the people and not the rulers. >> conceding to a bully emboldens them. you mentioned energy and i want to ask you about a spercific kid of energy and the way putin has tried to drive a wedge. a key western ally in this united front to keep russia out of ukraine is eager to shoot itself in the foot by shutting down this pipeline in order to protect yukraine sovereignty. >> we had this situation in washington for two years where we're trying to deal the germans not to do the deal on the pipeline but they're like we want the pipeline. they're like no, don't tell us what we can and can't. it's a little awkward to tell our ally they shouldn't do something and who we are to tell them they shouldn't do it. the implications are clear. if it goes into effect then ukraine will suffer. russia will have more power and it's going to be real problem that we can never fix and russia will have more power over us. that seems like a bad thing. >> it seems like a simple schoolyard sfrrp thing. if you keep giving the bully what he wants, he'll want more. great to have you. thanks. >> any time. as schools across the country are struggling to keep up with the covid cases and the fluidity of the virus, a superintendent in boston is making headlines for stepping up when a school really needed her. we'll talk to her, next. when a cough tries to steal dad's punchlines, he takes robitussin naturals powered by 100% drug-free ingredients. are you gonna leaf me hanging? 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>> thanks for having me on. i went into my car at 9:00 p.m. that night and my chief of schools was still in the garage. i know he leaves sometimes early because he gets up really early. i gave him a call and said why are you still here. he said i'm still trying to cover one school. i said, that's okay. i got it covered. i called up my chairwoman as well. that was the school she went to school at when she was just little and said would you substitute the kindergarten. i'll take the fourth grade. we stepped in because it's all hands on deck here. >> wow. takes a village. i understand that boston public schools reported more than 1170 positive cases since december 30th. help us understand your confidence level for testing in your area right now? do you have enough? >> we could certainly use more testing. our state has been providing and working with us all year on school testing as well as test and state program here to keep kids in school. yes, we need more tests available. we need our teachers to be included in those tests because right now vaccinated students and teachers are not included in those tests. we do need some shifts in policy, particularly when we're in times of surge. >> how are the children holding up? >> well, the ones i taught had a great day. then yesterday they had a snow day. that brought them a bit of joy. i got some texts from parents of them sledding and making snow men. it was wonderful day for us here in boston yesterday. you know, i do think overall, the strain of the past two years have been very difficult for the adults and the children. particularly, it's been challenging for our high school children and our middle school students who have had significant isolation and disregulation due to mental health issues. we were fortunate here in boston to add social workers to our teams. we had nurses in every single building. we have our counselling staff and our crisis team that we deploy. we have just a wonderful set of educators here and school leaders who work every single day to make sure our children get what they need. >> are you -- do you have a more permanent solution, i guess, at this point? do you anticipate you'll be going into the more classrooms for the foreseeable future? >> we have been working our central office team. i was one of many of our central office colleague who is are licensed to go into our schools. we deployed our central office team. i can't thank them enough to be able to go in. we also deployed secretaries and accountants and just all of our curriculum staff who went in and covered recess and school lunches time and gave teachers breaks during the day. that is something that has been incredibly heartwarming and inspiring to see this week. >> no doubt about it. we appreciate the work you're doing and thinking of all of you. thank you for being with us. still ahead, the family of ahmaud aurbery didn't hold back. what's ahead in the case? our science-powered gentlebright complex... diminishes the appearance of dark spots and enhances glow in just one week. cetaphil. complete radiance for sensitive skin. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. they help support your immune defenses, too. because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪ ♪ and i think to myself ♪ ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ a rich life is about more than just money. that's why at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner so you can build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ three times the electorlytes and half the sugar. ♪ pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! we're following developments of tennis star novak djokovic. >> his lawyers say he's unvaccinated. he tested positive for covid last month and he was granted an exemption but the australian government cancelled his visa. >> where do things stand with djokovic right now? >> at this moment, nine time australian champion has been detained by the australian border force and taken into immigration detention pending his deportation. while they are free to leave at any time, men's world number one tennis player is waiting for an australian court to decidely fate. that decision is expected on monday. while there's clearly a disconnect between tennis australia and the australian government that has led to this current situation involving the world number one player, there are also a lot of questions regarding the medical exemption he received from tennis australia to compete in the open earlier today based on kocourt documents filed by the lawyers appealing for him to stay in the country. we learned the tennis super star is not vaccinated an he was granted on the ground and he recovered for covid-19 after testing positive for the virus on december 16th. on the same day and the day after he was photographed mask less at events those pictures were posted on social media. all this being said, the austral yap government told tennis australia back in november that unvaccinated players with a recent covid infection would not be allowed to enter the country based on public health gui guidelines and that would explain why djokovic wasn't or isn't being allowed into the country. >> all right. blake, you cleared it up for us as much as you can. thank you. >> before we go, we have a special programming note. be sure to catch carole king and ja james taylor. thank you so much for spending part of your day with us. we appreciate you watching. >> we do. we know it's little dicy out there. we hope you can go out and make some good memories. thank you for being with us. how did olay top expensive creams? 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Parole , William Bryan Yun , Back , Felony Murder , Mr , Bryan , Man , Sentence , Concept , Judge , Si Lently , Court , Statements , I Love You , Son , Death , Fact , Remorse , Leniency , Identity , Wasn T A Case , Taking Aim At A Defense Attorney , Comments , Toe Toenails , Toenails , Trial , Jog , Dirty Toenails , Action , Loss , Chance , Defr , Murder , Vehicle , Maximu , Home , Arrests , The Plurd , 23 , February 23rd 2020 , Nerve Aches , Hands , Feet , Weakness , Nervivenerve Relief , Nervive , Discomfort , Nerve Care Company , Alpha Lipoic Acid , Eyes , Combo , Preservatives , Biotrue , Sandpaper , Eye Drops , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Strypaper , Lawyers , Developments , Exemption , Djokovic , Visa , Australian Government , Unvaccinated , Australian , Champion , Immigration Detention , Deportation , Border Force , Nine , Decision , Men S World , Decidely Fate , Player , Led , Questions , Tennis Australia , Kocourt , Tennis Super Star , Pictures , Social Media , Positive , Events 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