Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Bo

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

christi paul. >> and i'm boris sanchez. rising covid cases, hospitals being pushed to the breaking point and bitter confrontations again over how to keep kids safe in school. the biden administration working to reassure americans as the cdc faces a credibility crisis. >> and a mark seen more than a year after the deadly january 6th riot, the committee considering the insurrection is considering asking vice president mike pence to vary voluntarily before the panel. plus, more than 100 mayors penning a letter urging congress to take action on voting rights. we'll hear from one. also tennis star novak djokovic being held in a detention center in australia. what we're learning this morning from newly released court documents. ♪ well, welcome to your weekend. we are so grateful to see you through the lens, so to speak. thank you for waking up with us, hey, boris. >> hey, christi, good morning. it is saturday, january 8th, and we start with growing concern for our nation's kids as the omicron variant fuels a surge in hospitalizations. federal data shows a record level of covid hospitalizations among kids, averaging nearly 800 new hospital admissions a day. you can see on this chart, it's the highest it's ever been, an 80% increase in just one week. >> wow, 80%. states across the country are facing -- or racing, i should say, to face some staffing shortages they're dealing with, as more front line workers calling out sick or they're under quarantine due to covid exposure. and with child hospitalizations hitting new records, the feuds over in-person learning playing out across the country. cnn's polo sandoval is looking into this. polo, what is the latest from your vantage point? and good morning to you. >> christi, boris, good morning to you. we're seeing in schools across the country, schools are essentially reintroducing those measures. trying to curb the omicron spread right now. give you an example, in new york, we just heard from kathy hochul yesterday who will introduced a new wave of measures, stricter masking, testing at nursing homes. and for health care workers in the state, people who haven't been boosted, now required to do so. >> reporter: it's been a week of clashes, confrontations and a lot of angst over schools reopening. chicago, the largest school district in the nation with asses in limb bo, that's because of a standoff bean the tweechers union and chicago public schools. the union insisting on virtual learning while the mayor is pushing for schools to stay open. >> i think we'vele made significant progress over the last two days. but i want a deal done this weekend. our kids need to be back in school. schools are safe. >> reporter: in georgia, public school teachers who test positive for covid-19 but remain asearchmatic no longer have to isolate before returning to school if masked. and contact tracing in schools no longer required. that's according to a letter to school leaders released thursday from governor brian kemp and public health commissioner kathryn toomey. and in new york, 13% of students have tested positive for covid-19, that's according to sample testing by the new york city department of education on thursday. health experts say the u.s. needs to change its covid-19 strategy to face a new normal. >> a new normal is the way we live with flu, we're going to live with the consideration. it's going to be around. people are going to get infected. but hopefully, few people will be hospitalized. and even fewer people will die from it. and we'll be able to go about our lives as we did before. >> reporter: the fda has now amended the emergency use authorization for moderna's covid vaccine, shortening the period of time between initial vaccination and the booster shot to at least five months for those over the age of 18. meanwhile, experts say vaccines need to evolve. >> what we need, first of all, improve on our vaccines and you're going to see a lot of work being done to try to get us what we call the next generation vaccines. over the course of next weeks to months is a much more wide scale availability of these very effective drugs if given early in the illness can actually greatly reduce the need for hospitalizations and death. if you combine the vaccines and drugs together i think we really can put a big dent on this virus, not just isn't high-income countries, but around the world. >> reporter: nearly two-thirds of the eligible u.s. population now fully vaccinated against covid-19 according to the cdc. a top health expert said, in order to get to a place where the coronavirus is endemic like the flu, the u.s. has a lot to do. >> we have to get to a situation where what we're seeing, from coronavirus is not big surges. we need many more people vaccinated in this case. we need additional theorys, not just the couple of oral therapies, we currently have. we need to update our air filtration system. we got to get the prevalence down. and then we'll get -- be able to get to a new normal. >> so, yesterday, we learned that california is becoming one of the latest states to deploy its national guard to try to help with its covid response. we're talking about 200 guard members deploying across 50 sites to try to expand covid testing. this is a priority, christi and boris. no doubt omicron playing effective there. >> polo sandoval, thank you so much. the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol, they're considering asking former vice president mike pence to appear before it. >> remember, pence certified the 2020 presidential election despite an extensive pressure campaign led by former president donald trump and his allies, trying to halt the process. cnn's annie gregory joining us now. what more can you tell us about this potential next step by the committee to get mike pence to testify? >> reporter: the chairman told our team earlier this week, that they want to hear directly from mike pence. pence is really crucial to the committee's investigation. and here's why. like you mentioned, pence certified the presidential election, despite a really intense pressure campaign from trump and his allies. that pressure campaign who is involved, how deep it went, is a really big focus of the committee that pence can provide key testimony on. pence is also at the capitol on the day of the attack so he can provide his account what will he saw that day as the violence starts to unfold. he's also at the white house, privy for a lot of important conversations that can fill in a lot of holes for the committee and their investigation. now, the chairman thompson told our team that the committee will be meeting this week to discuss next steps about issuing this voluntary request for pence to come testify. and know that this is not a subpoena, and this is not a legally binding request that the committee has done with other witnesses. this is just voluntary, to start this process. but the committee really does want to hear from pence. and in the meantime, sources tell us that multiple pence aides have been cooperating with the committee and providing key testimony to their investigation. >> so, let me ask you about this, because the committee has said they're not ruling out the possibility that trump factions amount to a crime. what do we know about the potential to actually prosecute something like that, if it would come down to a snan yo of that nature? >> so, we know what trump was doing on the day leading up to the attack and specifically on the day of the attack is a key investigative thread for the committee. specifically, they have talked multiple times about wanting to learn more about the 187 minutes between when the violence started on capitol hill. and when trump put out a message calling on his supporters to go home and stop the violence. committee members have said that they think trump took way too long to call off the violence, and call off his supporters. they say they have firsthand testimony, a combination of interviews, documents, text messages from -- from allies of former president trump to fox news person knelt hosts like sean hannity who the committee really wants to hear from. even members of his own family, like ivanka, his daughter, calling on trump to intervene and stop the violence. but that's a long way off from having evidence that trump committed a crime. it's important to know that the committee does not have the power to criminally prosecute trump or anyone in their investigation. their job is to get to the bottom of the fact of what happened, if they do come across crimes in their investigation, their job is to turn that over to the department of justice who would then have to decide if they want to prosecute. so, as you can see, we're a long way off from talking about trump and crimes related to january 6th. this is clearly a topic that committee members want to talk more about and focus on. >> alrighty. annie grayer, thank you so much for bringing us the latest. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> sure. you can join fareed za cara as he investigates the fight to save american democracy. it's a new special beginning tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. we want to pivot back to coronavirus now. because as covid cases surge across the country, doctors are warning that now is not the time to relax. colorado's emergency medical services just reactivated crisis standards of care, protocols that health care providers assist those who need it most, during public health emergencies. doctors in kansas say they might soon have to do the same. one of those doctors is steven steitz, he's the chief medical officer at the kansas emergency health system. doctor, thank you so much for getting up early with us. we appreciate your time. help us understand what it would take to cross over the tipping point for you to implement the crisis standards of care? >> you bet. i think our challenge is we obviously have a lot of covid patients, lots of hospitalizations and we're impacted by the coronavirus in our staff. so, we have a lot of people who are out sick. that's even true in our glance services. for example, in our rural access hospitals, great bend hospital, we had a patient in an emergency room, we couldn't get an glance crew to transport that patient from great bend back to kansas city because too many people were out ill. as a result that person stayed in the emergency room, didn't get the appropriate level of care and died en route during transport. it's things like that saying we're not at normal, not anywhere near normal and very close to the crisis standard. >> just so folks at home understand, you described these standards as having to essentially let some people die in order that others might have a chance to live. help us understand exactly what these crisis standards entail, what goes into those really dire decisions? >> you bet. you know, one of our challenges is it's not a simple on-off switch. it's a gray zone, you go from normal operations to contingency. and contingency planning means going to have to put patients in unusual situations, have to cancel surgeries. but some say we're too overwhelmed to do our daily work. we can't even meet all of our patients demands, and to that point we have to triage the people we is can help the most. that means let something people die that we might have been able to help, but we're not sure, they're too far gone with an injury, or maybe we can't get to that trauma that came in. it's that gray zone in between. what the take is, if we have too many more covid patients or losing too many of our staff to being sick with covid. >> yeah. this actually in the first time that your region has been hit hard by covid, as we've seen all over the country, these variants come in waves. what's different about what you're facing now, as opposed to a few months ago, or even more than a year ago? >> you know, our challenge is this. it's several-fold, first, cold weather hit. second, we don't have mask mandates. we have a lot of public indoor gatherings. and we say we have two waves at once. the delta wave had accelerated here after thanksgiving. and then it got met by the omicron wave. if you look at our community, we've probably just moved from 50/50 omicron and delta to a little bit more omicron. but our hospitalizations are still being driven by the delta wave. and we believe that's true because we know that hospitalizations tend to lag behind the acute rise in cases. so, right now, most of our hospitalizations reflect delta, lots of patients, at the same time, our staff are being hit by omicron and all of the other reasons from this seasonal flu and things like that, that will keep them from working. it is for us, almost a double pandemic. and that's really the challenge. keeping people healthy. so we can keep our patients healthy. >> and doctor, just to clarify for those at home that may still be on the fence about this. i'm almost certain what your answer is going to be. but i'm curious to get specifics on the experience and the difference between those patients you're seeing that are unvaccinated and those that are vaccinated. >> oh, gosh. there's just such -- we've all heard about it. and people think, i just don't want that to be true. the reality, it's more true than it's ever been. 80% to 90% of patients who come into our hospital are unvaccinated. 95% of our patients who are in the intensive care unit are unvaccinated. and 99% of the team who are on a ventilator or who die are unvaccinated. there's no question. you can say what you want, people can make up whatever news they want, the reality is, is what the reality is. unvaccinated patients, unvaccinated people, are the folks who are most at risk. >> yeah. and sadly, that reality, as we've seen too far often during this pandemic, it settles in once it is too late. dr. steven stits, we appreciate your perspective and time, sir. thank you. >> thank you. so more than 150 mayors are calling for immediate action on voting rights. one of them, the mayor of columbus, ohio, joins us next to explain why he feels this issue has to be addressed now. also, prosecutors design a former charge against norm governor cuomo. why was he in court yesterday? 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>> america is the greatest country on the face of the planet. and when more americans vote, america works better. we believe we ought to be doing everything in our power. we know president biden got more votes than any other presidential candidate in history and donald trump received the second amount of votes. we ought to be celebrating that, the amount of folks that came out and voted. and we have bipartisan elections groups that oversee our elections around the state. former president trump won ohio by eight points twice. there's no dispute, we have all accepted that. we also know that president biden won critical states throughout the country as well. here in the heartland, we reject the big lie. we reject the loch ness monster. and we focus on facts and evidence. and we believe the best way is encouraging more people vote, not restricting access. we know that's where america works best. that's why you have a bipartisan group, u.s. mayors, republicans and democrats, urging action on the john lewis act immediately. >> at this point there's more messness out there than widespread election fraud. we should note it's changing the filibuster, joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have indicated their rules change. what happens for local officials like you if this vote fails? >> >> well, we've been very successful in the bipartisan manner. passing the c.a.r.e.s. act and the bipartisan infrastructure plan. we're going to continue to advocate, republicans and democrats working together, because our elections are the real foundation of this democracy. and we need to do everything in our power to make sure we're doing everything we can to get more americans to vote and participate. america works better when more people are participating. and so, we've got to restrict and go after efforts to restrict access to the ballot. >> there are lawmakers in your state, though that disagree. the republican secretary of state in ohio, frank la rose, he argues that the national voting rights bill is a way to side-step state sovereignty. your republican senator, rob portman, he said that the proposals amount to a federal takeover of the election system. what do you say to the argument that elections are stronger when they are designed and executed at the local level, instead of federally? >> well, as long as they're not restricting access. i mean, some of the proposals here in ohio are restricting in-person voting, the availability to mail-in ballot, the period of time that folks can vote early. we ought to be doing more in our power to get more folks to vote. republicans, democrats, independents, unaffiliated, we want more people participating in democracy. that's why it's so important that we have the john lewis act. our congressman joyce beatty is president of the caucus spearheading this effort and we want to make sure there's uniform, level playing field across the country. we want more people voting and participating in the process. and not allowing folks to weaponize the elections process in places around the country. >> what is at risk for voters in ohio if some of those proposals ultimately wind up passing? >> well, you know, some of the provisions here in house bill 387 would require all voters to register to vote in person. eliminate no excuse absentee ballot, absentee voting, limit the forms of acceptable photo i.d. shorten at state's early voting period and ban mail ballots via drop box being counted. the bottom line is these are blatantly political. and it's the worst kind of injustice. there's not anything more sacred to our country than the right to vote. and we have to fight to protect it everywhere around america. >> a powerful message, mayor andrew ginther, thank you so much. >> thank you. 340,000 kids in chicago are waiting this morning to find out if they need to show up at their schools on monday morning. the mayor says the doors have to be open. the teachers' union disagrees on that. we'll talk about it. stay close. you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. 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>> so, there are about two or three big issues right now between chicago public schools and the chiccago teachers' unio. you touched on one, testing, the chicago teemps' union wants all wants a negative test. and in the midst of biggest wave of the pandemic right now. they want everyone to test negative before coming back and they want more widespread streaming testing going in the schools. the program that the district has set, only a small percentage of students are actually signing up to test. and they want to expand that going forward. the other big issue is a metric to close down the school. so there's been this year so far, relatively few cases, this past week was the highest rate of infections in the district. about 2,000 teachers and students reported positive cases. that's about half a percent of all 275,000 student, 40,000 employees at nonchartered schools so it's a low percentage. but the issue is those close contacts are on quarantine. a lot of school districts reporting half of their opportunities and teachers would have been at home this week anyway. the union wants to sort of set a threshold, if 30% of teachers are out because of covid, the school closes down. >> let me ask you this, we know how detrimental remote learning can be to the kids not just the kids but the teachers. everyone wants to be in the classroom but the loneliness and isolation that sets in can be really harmful. we've heard about that for quite some time now. with that said do you get the sense that that part of is coming into play when they're having a decision? >> yeah, if you listen to the mayor in her press conferences, her whole argument is that remote learning is harmful to students. we saw the impact last year. i don't think any teacher will disagree with you. if you ask teachers, there's a lot of mixed feels about this mode. they want safety, no one wants to be home. remote learning wasn't beneficial for anyone. but they want to make sure during the city's record surge that they're safe in schools. and one piece of emphasis that the mayor points to that 92% of all teachers in chicago public schools are vaccinated. so that's certainly something to take a look at. when you look at chicago public school students, it's more like a third of the 12 to 17 age group -- excuse me, two-thirds of the 12 to 17 age group. and about a quarter of the 5 to 11 group that's vaccinated. so, it's a question that's coming into play as they want to go back. >> i know they're working through the weekend. is there any indication there's going to be an answer with sunday? >> you never know, i was just talking, a few sites, this is their third labor dispute in the past three years that disrupted classes. there was a teachers strike in 2019, just before the pandemic. and then a similar situation last year with reopening negotiations. they never seem to be too far apart to start. and then it somehow drags on. i wouldn't be surprised if there's a deal sometime this afternoon or if it drags on to the team like they're expecting. there's still a bit away. there's some disagreements left on testing in order to do an opt-out program where students default to in-school testing and parents are notified and can opt them out. which the mayor says is repugnant, she said parents should be able to give their express consent for students. there's still a bit of negotiations left. >> obviously. but they're working through the weekend, we know they want to talk this out. nader issa of the "chicago sun-times," we appreciate you being here. thank you. >> thank you. the family of novak djokovic said australia is treating a multiwinning tennis a prisoner. the latest in the saga at the australia open in a few short minutes. stay with us. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> yeah, christi, tough to follow, good morning to you, and boris, world number one novak djokovic, he traveled to australia, and the tournament officials telling him not flying with a letter december 7th leaked to local press yesterday tells unvaccinated players they can receive a medical exemption to enter the country as long as they have a confirmed case of covid in the past six months and a doctor's note. the governor sent a letter to tennis australia in november saying that would not sur niced. court documents yesterday show that djokovic tested positive for covid three weeks ago, even received a letter nine days ago saying he had the exemption. but when djokovic arrived in melbourne yesterday, his visa was cancelled. he's been confined to the hotel. he was told he could leave the country if he wants. djokovic has made repeated requests to be moved to a more suitable location where he can train but denied that. earlier this week, his mom said he's been treated like a prisoner. some tennis stars like nick kyrgios says this is going a bit too far. >> obviously it's a mess what's going on. i just don't think we've gone about it the right way. that's just my. . maybe, thinking about it is too much at this point. honestly, i hope it will get sorted as soon as possible. but i just want it to end, and i want what -- i don't know, like, it's not really humane, is it, what's going on? >> other players like superstar rafael nadal said earlier this week that they understand djokovic knew the country's policies for entering for covid were strict and he could have been playing in australia without a problem if he wants. and the 23-time grand slam champ could be allowed to stay in the country come monday. the australian open is set to open one week later. this just in from the press conference of czech ministry of foreign affairs, czech star rinat that vor acova has left. and it has to deal with her unwillingness to try to compete in the australian open due to complications with her visa. for now, it appears djokovic is going to try to stay and compete in the tournament. >> covid keeps making things more and more complicated. coy wire, thank yous for walking us through that. >> you got it. >> stay with cnn. we'll be right back. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself... 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snow fell. emergency crews, slid off its foundation, trapping him inside. heavy rains triggered this landslide. it knocked a home 15 to 20 feet down a hill. and then at the same time, you saw the flames there. a ruptured propane tank started a fire. a woman was able to get out on her own. sadly, one of her dogs died. another is still missing. airlines cancelled more than 1,000 u.s. flights today. if you're traveling please check your itinerary. the website, a lot on the east coast here, both the omicron variant and a big storm are the factors. the latest wave pushed the total of air flights by all airlines since christmas, 28,000. women's singles champion naomi osaka had to withdraw from a preliminary in melbourne what he called an abdominal injury. osaka playing in the wta tournament saying playing back-to-back matches was a shock to her body after playing an extended time in tennis. she shed she would rest to extend they are australian open title. and the president and first lady will be in las vegas, nevada, to attend funeral services for senate majority leader harry reid who died last week. and the president is expected to deliver remarks and former president obama is going to deliver reid's eulogy. you'll recall cuomo resigned in august after an investigation concluded that they sexually harassed several women. the former governor has consistently denied the allegations against him. cnn's brynn gingras has more. >> boris and clis ty, that hearing lasting only ten minutes and that kworm governor cuomo actually appearing virtually in that hearing to acknowledge he was there. and the judge moving forward, essentially dropping the single misdemeanor forceable touching charge that was against him. this is something we were expecting as we saw earlier this week. the albany county district attorney david souris file a motion saying he did not think they could pursue that single charge. saying the single accuser was cooperative, but he didn't believe he coulded me the burden of proof in court. this is something we were expecting, cuomo's attorney filed a motion in the week to drop that charge. the judge saying that the superior your courts have held that the courts should and do not interfere with the district of a district attorney. this was the first that came out since that scathen report where 11 women accused the former governor of sexual harassment. he's denied the allegations. it's possible that the cuomo camp could see this as a win. they had a news conference shortly after the hearing saying that justice has prevailed. essentially, we do know that district attorneys in other counties have also decided that out to move forward with charges of separate allegations. however, he's not totally in the clear. we know that there are two probes still ongoing federally benefits andrew cuomo, one dealing with the nursing home situation. and one dealing with sexual harassment allegations. so it's not over yet. but i will say that the formal camp did release a statement after the hearing essentially saying at the end, stay tuned. who nose where we go from here. however, we do know in a response to the single charge being dropped, we got a statement from the accuser in this, brittany commisso, a former aide for the governor who said the only thing she had any power over is her resolution to continue to speak the truth and seek justice in appropriate civil action which she will do in due course. that coming prior to the hearing actually happening, actually not having heard from her or her attorney since. but there you go, very likely, we'll see more of the battle of this in civil court. christi and boris. >> all right. brynn gingras, we appreciate it. thank you. we'll be right back. before we go, a quick programming note, make sure to join fareed zakaria, as he investigates the fight to save american democracy, a new special beginning tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. >> when i said we'd be right back, i guess i meant. it. >> yeah, we'll be back one hour from now. so grateful you joined us. >> yeah. stay with us, though, "smerconish" is up in a few minutes. try centrum multigummies. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. mass general brigham. when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine, this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, 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Today S Youth , Rises , Launch , Verge , Suicide , Anxiety , Depression , Aaccelerated ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul And Boris Sanchez 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day Weekend With Christi Paul and Boris Sanchez 20240709

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christi paul. >> and i'm boris sanchez. rising covid cases, hospitals being pushed to the breaking point and bitter confrontations again over how to keep kids safe in school. the biden administration working to reassure americans as the cdc faces a credibility crisis. >> and a mark seen more than a year after the deadly january 6th riot, the committee considering the insurrection is considering asking vice president mike pence to vary voluntarily before the panel. plus, more than 100 mayors penning a letter urging congress to take action on voting rights. we'll hear from one. also tennis star novak djokovic being held in a detention center in australia. what we're learning this morning from newly released court documents. ♪ well, welcome to your weekend. we are so grateful to see you through the lens, so to speak. thank you for waking up with us, hey, boris. >> hey, christi, good morning. it is saturday, january 8th, and we start with growing concern for our nation's kids as the omicron variant fuels a surge in hospitalizations. federal data shows a record level of covid hospitalizations among kids, averaging nearly 800 new hospital admissions a day. you can see on this chart, it's the highest it's ever been, an 80% increase in just one week. >> wow, 80%. states across the country are facing -- or racing, i should say, to face some staffing shortages they're dealing with, as more front line workers calling out sick or they're under quarantine due to covid exposure. and with child hospitalizations hitting new records, the feuds over in-person learning playing out across the country. cnn's polo sandoval is looking into this. polo, what is the latest from your vantage point? and good morning to you. >> christi, boris, good morning to you. we're seeing in schools across the country, schools are essentially reintroducing those measures. trying to curb the omicron spread right now. give you an example, in new york, we just heard from kathy hochul yesterday who will introduced a new wave of measures, stricter masking, testing at nursing homes. and for health care workers in the state, people who haven't been boosted, now required to do so. >> reporter: it's been a week of clashes, confrontations and a lot of angst over schools reopening. chicago, the largest school district in the nation with asses in limb bo, that's because of a standoff bean the tweechers union and chicago public schools. the union insisting on virtual learning while the mayor is pushing for schools to stay open. >> i think we'vele made significant progress over the last two days. but i want a deal done this weekend. our kids need to be back in school. schools are safe. >> reporter: in georgia, public school teachers who test positive for covid-19 but remain asearchmatic no longer have to isolate before returning to school if masked. and contact tracing in schools no longer required. that's according to a letter to school leaders released thursday from governor brian kemp and public health commissioner kathryn toomey. and in new york, 13% of students have tested positive for covid-19, that's according to sample testing by the new york city department of education on thursday. health experts say the u.s. needs to change its covid-19 strategy to face a new normal. >> a new normal is the way we live with flu, we're going to live with the consideration. it's going to be around. people are going to get infected. but hopefully, few people will be hospitalized. and even fewer people will die from it. and we'll be able to go about our lives as we did before. >> reporter: the fda has now amended the emergency use authorization for moderna's covid vaccine, shortening the period of time between initial vaccination and the booster shot to at least five months for those over the age of 18. meanwhile, experts say vaccines need to evolve. >> what we need, first of all, improve on our vaccines and you're going to see a lot of work being done to try to get us what we call the next generation vaccines. over the course of next weeks to months is a much more wide scale availability of these very effective drugs if given early in the illness can actually greatly reduce the need for hospitalizations and death. if you combine the vaccines and drugs together i think we really can put a big dent on this virus, not just isn't high-income countries, but around the world. >> reporter: nearly two-thirds of the eligible u.s. population now fully vaccinated against covid-19 according to the cdc. a top health expert said, in order to get to a place where the coronavirus is endemic like the flu, the u.s. has a lot to do. >> we have to get to a situation where what we're seeing, from coronavirus is not big surges. we need many more people vaccinated in this case. we need additional theorys, not just the couple of oral therapies, we currently have. we need to update our air filtration system. we got to get the prevalence down. and then we'll get -- be able to get to a new normal. >> so, yesterday, we learned that california is becoming one of the latest states to deploy its national guard to try to help with its covid response. we're talking about 200 guard members deploying across 50 sites to try to expand covid testing. this is a priority, christi and boris. no doubt omicron playing effective there. >> polo sandoval, thank you so much. the house select committee investigating the january 6th attack on the capitol, they're considering asking former vice president mike pence to appear before it. >> remember, pence certified the 2020 presidential election despite an extensive pressure campaign led by former president donald trump and his allies, trying to halt the process. cnn's annie gregory joining us now. what more can you tell us about this potential next step by the committee to get mike pence to testify? >> reporter: the chairman told our team earlier this week, that they want to hear directly from mike pence. pence is really crucial to the committee's investigation. and here's why. like you mentioned, pence certified the presidential election, despite a really intense pressure campaign from trump and his allies. that pressure campaign who is involved, how deep it went, is a really big focus of the committee that pence can provide key testimony on. pence is also at the capitol on the day of the attack so he can provide his account what will he saw that day as the violence starts to unfold. he's also at the white house, privy for a lot of important conversations that can fill in a lot of holes for the committee and their investigation. now, the chairman thompson told our team that the committee will be meeting this week to discuss next steps about issuing this voluntary request for pence to come testify. and know that this is not a subpoena, and this is not a legally binding request that the committee has done with other witnesses. this is just voluntary, to start this process. but the committee really does want to hear from pence. and in the meantime, sources tell us that multiple pence aides have been cooperating with the committee and providing key testimony to their investigation. >> so, let me ask you about this, because the committee has said they're not ruling out the possibility that trump factions amount to a crime. what do we know about the potential to actually prosecute something like that, if it would come down to a snan yo of that nature? >> so, we know what trump was doing on the day leading up to the attack and specifically on the day of the attack is a key investigative thread for the committee. specifically, they have talked multiple times about wanting to learn more about the 187 minutes between when the violence started on capitol hill. and when trump put out a message calling on his supporters to go home and stop the violence. committee members have said that they think trump took way too long to call off the violence, and call off his supporters. they say they have firsthand testimony, a combination of interviews, documents, text messages from -- from allies of former president trump to fox news person knelt hosts like sean hannity who the committee really wants to hear from. even members of his own family, like ivanka, his daughter, calling on trump to intervene and stop the violence. but that's a long way off from having evidence that trump committed a crime. it's important to know that the committee does not have the power to criminally prosecute trump or anyone in their investigation. their job is to get to the bottom of the fact of what happened, if they do come across crimes in their investigation, their job is to turn that over to the department of justice who would then have to decide if they want to prosecute. so, as you can see, we're a long way off from talking about trump and crimes related to january 6th. this is clearly a topic that committee members want to talk more about and focus on. >> alrighty. annie grayer, thank you so much for bringing us the latest. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> sure. you can join fareed za cara as he investigates the fight to save american democracy. it's a new special beginning tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. we want to pivot back to coronavirus now. because as covid cases surge across the country, doctors are warning that now is not the time to relax. colorado's emergency medical services just reactivated crisis standards of care, protocols that health care providers assist those who need it most, during public health emergencies. doctors in kansas say they might soon have to do the same. one of those doctors is steven steitz, he's the chief medical officer at the kansas emergency health system. doctor, thank you so much for getting up early with us. we appreciate your time. help us understand what it would take to cross over the tipping point for you to implement the crisis standards of care? >> you bet. i think our challenge is we obviously have a lot of covid patients, lots of hospitalizations and we're impacted by the coronavirus in our staff. so, we have a lot of people who are out sick. that's even true in our glance services. for example, in our rural access hospitals, great bend hospital, we had a patient in an emergency room, we couldn't get an glance crew to transport that patient from great bend back to kansas city because too many people were out ill. as a result that person stayed in the emergency room, didn't get the appropriate level of care and died en route during transport. it's things like that saying we're not at normal, not anywhere near normal and very close to the crisis standard. >> just so folks at home understand, you described these standards as having to essentially let some people die in order that others might have a chance to live. help us understand exactly what these crisis standards entail, what goes into those really dire decisions? >> you bet. you know, one of our challenges is it's not a simple on-off switch. it's a gray zone, you go from normal operations to contingency. and contingency planning means going to have to put patients in unusual situations, have to cancel surgeries. but some say we're too overwhelmed to do our daily work. we can't even meet all of our patients demands, and to that point we have to triage the people we is can help the most. that means let something people die that we might have been able to help, but we're not sure, they're too far gone with an injury, or maybe we can't get to that trauma that came in. it's that gray zone in between. what the take is, if we have too many more covid patients or losing too many of our staff to being sick with covid. >> yeah. this actually in the first time that your region has been hit hard by covid, as we've seen all over the country, these variants come in waves. what's different about what you're facing now, as opposed to a few months ago, or even more than a year ago? >> you know, our challenge is this. it's several-fold, first, cold weather hit. second, we don't have mask mandates. we have a lot of public indoor gatherings. and we say we have two waves at once. the delta wave had accelerated here after thanksgiving. and then it got met by the omicron wave. if you look at our community, we've probably just moved from 50/50 omicron and delta to a little bit more omicron. but our hospitalizations are still being driven by the delta wave. and we believe that's true because we know that hospitalizations tend to lag behind the acute rise in cases. so, right now, most of our hospitalizations reflect delta, lots of patients, at the same time, our staff are being hit by omicron and all of the other reasons from this seasonal flu and things like that, that will keep them from working. it is for us, almost a double pandemic. and that's really the challenge. keeping people healthy. so we can keep our patients healthy. >> and doctor, just to clarify for those at home that may still be on the fence about this. i'm almost certain what your answer is going to be. but i'm curious to get specifics on the experience and the difference between those patients you're seeing that are unvaccinated and those that are vaccinated. >> oh, gosh. there's just such -- we've all heard about it. and people think, i just don't want that to be true. the reality, it's more true than it's ever been. 80% to 90% of patients who come into our hospital are unvaccinated. 95% of our patients who are in the intensive care unit are unvaccinated. and 99% of the team who are on a ventilator or who die are unvaccinated. there's no question. you can say what you want, people can make up whatever news they want, the reality is, is what the reality is. unvaccinated patients, unvaccinated people, are the folks who are most at risk. >> yeah. and sadly, that reality, as we've seen too far often during this pandemic, it settles in once it is too late. dr. steven stits, we appreciate your perspective and time, sir. thank you. >> thank you. so more than 150 mayors are calling for immediate action on voting rights. one of them, the mayor of columbus, ohio, joins us next to explain why he feels this issue has to be addressed now. also, prosecutors design a former charge against norm governor cuomo. why was he in court yesterday? 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>> america is the greatest country on the face of the planet. and when more americans vote, america works better. we believe we ought to be doing everything in our power. we know president biden got more votes than any other presidential candidate in history and donald trump received the second amount of votes. we ought to be celebrating that, the amount of folks that came out and voted. and we have bipartisan elections groups that oversee our elections around the state. former president trump won ohio by eight points twice. there's no dispute, we have all accepted that. we also know that president biden won critical states throughout the country as well. here in the heartland, we reject the big lie. we reject the loch ness monster. and we focus on facts and evidence. and we believe the best way is encouraging more people vote, not restricting access. we know that's where america works best. that's why you have a bipartisan group, u.s. mayors, republicans and democrats, urging action on the john lewis act immediately. >> at this point there's more messness out there than widespread election fraud. we should note it's changing the filibuster, joe manchin and kyrsten sinema have indicated their rules change. what happens for local officials like you if this vote fails? >> >> well, we've been very successful in the bipartisan manner. passing the c.a.r.e.s. act and the bipartisan infrastructure plan. we're going to continue to advocate, republicans and democrats working together, because our elections are the real foundation of this democracy. and we need to do everything in our power to make sure we're doing everything we can to get more americans to vote and participate. america works better when more people are participating. and so, we've got to restrict and go after efforts to restrict access to the ballot. >> there are lawmakers in your state, though that disagree. the republican secretary of state in ohio, frank la rose, he argues that the national voting rights bill is a way to side-step state sovereignty. your republican senator, rob portman, he said that the proposals amount to a federal takeover of the election system. what do you say to the argument that elections are stronger when they are designed and executed at the local level, instead of federally? >> well, as long as they're not restricting access. i mean, some of the proposals here in ohio are restricting in-person voting, the availability to mail-in ballot, the period of time that folks can vote early. we ought to be doing more in our power to get more folks to vote. republicans, democrats, independents, unaffiliated, we want more people participating in democracy. that's why it's so important that we have the john lewis act. our congressman joyce beatty is president of the caucus spearheading this effort and we want to make sure there's uniform, level playing field across the country. we want more people voting and participating in the process. and not allowing folks to weaponize the elections process in places around the country. >> what is at risk for voters in ohio if some of those proposals ultimately wind up passing? >> well, you know, some of the provisions here in house bill 387 would require all voters to register to vote in person. eliminate no excuse absentee ballot, absentee voting, limit the forms of acceptable photo i.d. shorten at state's early voting period and ban mail ballots via drop box being counted. the bottom line is these are blatantly political. and it's the worst kind of injustice. there's not anything more sacred to our country than the right to vote. and we have to fight to protect it everywhere around america. >> a powerful message, mayor andrew ginther, thank you so much. >> thank you. 340,000 kids in chicago are waiting this morning to find out if they need to show up at their schools on monday morning. the mayor says the doors have to be open. the teachers' union disagrees on that. we'll talk about it. stay close. you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette this... is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fidelity advisor looking at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprehensive wealth plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity. 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>> so, there are about two or three big issues right now between chicago public schools and the chiccago teachers' unio. you touched on one, testing, the chicago teemps' union wants all wants a negative test. and in the midst of biggest wave of the pandemic right now. they want everyone to test negative before coming back and they want more widespread streaming testing going in the schools. the program that the district has set, only a small percentage of students are actually signing up to test. and they want to expand that going forward. the other big issue is a metric to close down the school. so there's been this year so far, relatively few cases, this past week was the highest rate of infections in the district. about 2,000 teachers and students reported positive cases. that's about half a percent of all 275,000 student, 40,000 employees at nonchartered schools so it's a low percentage. but the issue is those close contacts are on quarantine. a lot of school districts reporting half of their opportunities and teachers would have been at home this week anyway. the union wants to sort of set a threshold, if 30% of teachers are out because of covid, the school closes down. >> let me ask you this, we know how detrimental remote learning can be to the kids not just the kids but the teachers. everyone wants to be in the classroom but the loneliness and isolation that sets in can be really harmful. we've heard about that for quite some time now. with that said do you get the sense that that part of is coming into play when they're having a decision? >> yeah, if you listen to the mayor in her press conferences, her whole argument is that remote learning is harmful to students. we saw the impact last year. i don't think any teacher will disagree with you. if you ask teachers, there's a lot of mixed feels about this mode. they want safety, no one wants to be home. remote learning wasn't beneficial for anyone. but they want to make sure during the city's record surge that they're safe in schools. and one piece of emphasis that the mayor points to that 92% of all teachers in chicago public schools are vaccinated. so that's certainly something to take a look at. when you look at chicago public school students, it's more like a third of the 12 to 17 age group -- excuse me, two-thirds of the 12 to 17 age group. and about a quarter of the 5 to 11 group that's vaccinated. so, it's a question that's coming into play as they want to go back. >> i know they're working through the weekend. is there any indication there's going to be an answer with sunday? >> you never know, i was just talking, a few sites, this is their third labor dispute in the past three years that disrupted classes. there was a teachers strike in 2019, just before the pandemic. and then a similar situation last year with reopening negotiations. they never seem to be too far apart to start. and then it somehow drags on. i wouldn't be surprised if there's a deal sometime this afternoon or if it drags on to the team like they're expecting. there's still a bit away. there's some disagreements left on testing in order to do an opt-out program where students default to in-school testing and parents are notified and can opt them out. which the mayor says is repugnant, she said parents should be able to give their express consent for students. there's still a bit of negotiations left. >> obviously. but they're working through the weekend, we know they want to talk this out. nader issa of the "chicago sun-times," we appreciate you being here. thank you. >> thank you. the family of novak djokovic said australia is treating a multiwinning tennis a prisoner. the latest in the saga at the australia open in a few short minutes. stay with us. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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>> yeah, christi, tough to follow, good morning to you, and boris, world number one novak djokovic, he traveled to australia, and the tournament officials telling him not flying with a letter december 7th leaked to local press yesterday tells unvaccinated players they can receive a medical exemption to enter the country as long as they have a confirmed case of covid in the past six months and a doctor's note. the governor sent a letter to tennis australia in november saying that would not sur niced. court documents yesterday show that djokovic tested positive for covid three weeks ago, even received a letter nine days ago saying he had the exemption. but when djokovic arrived in melbourne yesterday, his visa was cancelled. he's been confined to the hotel. he was told he could leave the country if he wants. djokovic has made repeated requests to be moved to a more suitable location where he can train but denied that. earlier this week, his mom said he's been treated like a prisoner. some tennis stars like nick kyrgios says this is going a bit too far. >> obviously it's a mess what's going on. i just don't think we've gone about it the right way. that's just my. . maybe, thinking about it is too much at this point. honestly, i hope it will get sorted as soon as possible. but i just want it to end, and i want what -- i don't know, like, it's not really humane, is it, what's going on? >> other players like superstar rafael nadal said earlier this week that they understand djokovic knew the country's policies for entering for covid were strict and he could have been playing in australia without a problem if he wants. and the 23-time grand slam champ could be allowed to stay in the country come monday. the australian open is set to open one week later. this just in from the press conference of czech ministry of foreign affairs, czech star rinat that vor acova has left. and it has to deal with her unwillingness to try to compete in the australian open due to complications with her visa. for now, it appears djokovic is going to try to stay and compete in the tournament. >> covid keeps making things more and more complicated. coy wire, thank yous for walking us through that. >> you got it. >> stay with cnn. we'll be right back. if you have postmenopausal osteoporosis and a high risk for fracture, now might not be the best time to ask yourself... 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snow fell. emergency crews, slid off its foundation, trapping him inside. heavy rains triggered this landslide. it knocked a home 15 to 20 feet down a hill. and then at the same time, you saw the flames there. a ruptured propane tank started a fire. a woman was able to get out on her own. sadly, one of her dogs died. another is still missing. airlines cancelled more than 1,000 u.s. flights today. if you're traveling please check your itinerary. the website, a lot on the east coast here, both the omicron variant and a big storm are the factors. the latest wave pushed the total of air flights by all airlines since christmas, 28,000. women's singles champion naomi osaka had to withdraw from a preliminary in melbourne what he called an abdominal injury. osaka playing in the wta tournament saying playing back-to-back matches was a shock to her body after playing an extended time in tennis. she shed she would rest to extend they are australian open title. and the president and first lady will be in las vegas, nevada, to attend funeral services for senate majority leader harry reid who died last week. and the president is expected to deliver remarks and former president obama is going to deliver reid's eulogy. you'll recall cuomo resigned in august after an investigation concluded that they sexually harassed several women. the former governor has consistently denied the allegations against him. cnn's brynn gingras has more. >> boris and clis ty, that hearing lasting only ten minutes and that kworm governor cuomo actually appearing virtually in that hearing to acknowledge he was there. and the judge moving forward, essentially dropping the single misdemeanor forceable touching charge that was against him. this is something we were expecting as we saw earlier this week. the albany county district attorney david souris file a motion saying he did not think they could pursue that single charge. saying the single accuser was cooperative, but he didn't believe he coulded me the burden of proof in court. this is something we were expecting, cuomo's attorney filed a motion in the week to drop that charge. the judge saying that the superior your courts have held that the courts should and do not interfere with the district of a district attorney. this was the first that came out since that scathen report where 11 women accused the former governor of sexual harassment. he's denied the allegations. it's possible that the cuomo camp could see this as a win. they had a news conference shortly after the hearing saying that justice has prevailed. essentially, we do know that district attorneys in other counties have also decided that out to move forward with charges of separate allegations. however, he's not totally in the clear. we know that there are two probes still ongoing federally benefits andrew cuomo, one dealing with the nursing home situation. and one dealing with sexual harassment allegations. so it's not over yet. but i will say that the formal camp did release a statement after the hearing essentially saying at the end, stay tuned. who nose where we go from here. however, we do know in a response to the single charge being dropped, we got a statement from the accuser in this, brittany commisso, a former aide for the governor who said the only thing she had any power over is her resolution to continue to speak the truth and seek justice in appropriate civil action which she will do in due course. that coming prior to the hearing actually happening, actually not having heard from her or her attorney since. but there you go, very likely, we'll see more of the battle of this in civil court. christi and boris. >> all right. brynn gingras, we appreciate it. thank you. we'll be right back. before we go, a quick programming note, make sure to join fareed zakaria, as he investigates the fight to save american democracy, a new special beginning tomorrow at 9:00 p.m. >> when i said we'd be right back, i guess i meant. it. >> yeah, we'll be back one hour from now. so grateful you joined us. >> yeah. stay with us, though, "smerconish" is up in a few minutes. try centrum multigummies. psoriasis really messes with you. try. hope. fail. no one should suffer like that. i started cosentyx®. five years clear. real people with psoriasis look and feel better with cosentyx. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infection, some serious and a lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms develop or worsen. serious allergic reaction may occur. best move i've ever made. ask your dermatologist about cosentyx®. mass general brigham. when you need some of the brightest minds in medicine, this is the only healthcare system in the country with five nationally ranked hospitals, including two world-renowned academic medical centers, in boston, 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Today S Youth , Rises , Launch , Verge , Suicide , Anxiety , Depression , Aaccelerated ,

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