Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim S

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

good morning. nice to have you with us. right now, millions, multiple states under winter alerts as millions are heading back to work, back to school after the holidays. take a look at this snow. capitol hill is covered this morning. the federal government in d.c. officially closed today because of those winter storms. >> and more than 2,000 schools are forced to cancel classes or g go remotely because of the weather and also covid concerns. but breaking news, the fda has approved pfizer booster shots for those 12 to 15 years old. and elizabeth cohen is joining us. tell us the significance of this. >> reporter: yes, i think a lot of parents of children ages 12 to 15 have been waiting for this, children that age have been able to be vaccinated since may. so it has been well beyond six months for many of those children since their second shot, they want to know should we get a booster since a booster seems to help protect against illness for the omicron variant. so let's take a look at what the fda decided to do. they said that 12 to 15-year-olds can get boosters, that would be pfizer because that is the only vaccine children these ages can get. and they shortened the time, it is only five months past the second dose, not six like it was before. only five months. and also they said that there should be a third dose for children ages 5 to 11 who are immune compromised. for example a children who received an organ transplant, that it should be standard that they get three doses rather than two. so the fda said for this booster shot for 12 to 15-year-olds, they were relying on israeli safety data and israeli boosters have been available for months now. and they said after looking at data, they said that the shot has no safety concerns. and that is very important as parents go back and school goes back in session, that you can get a booster. it is shown to be safe for your 12 to 15-year-old children. >> welcome news indeed. as you said, these children were first vaccinated back in may and so many families were wondering when the booster will come and now it is available. the winter weather is throwing a wrench in devi idc's. several districts in massachusetts are delaying the start to give people more time to get tested. and in metro atlanta, at least five districts are back to remote learning all week. also in trenton, new jersey. but a lot of good news elsewhere. places such as philadelphia, new york one of the biggest school districts in the country are moving ahead with in-person learning. gabe cohen is joining us with more. gabe, it is remarkable to see that even with the omicron surge, a lot of school districts are finding a way to get the doors open and kids in classrooms. >> reporter: yeah, and all of this is developing so rapidly like here in d.c., they have just announced that they will be pushing everything back a day as you mentioned there. so that means that students are going to have to have their negative covid test uploaded by wednesday at 4:00 p.m. otherwise they could be turned away if they try to come back to the classroom thursday morning. now look, as you mentioned, districts across the country are grappling with this as the cdc is pushing them to keep classrooms open especially dealing with the crises that so many kids are dealing with including mental health issues. and now coming off the holiday, we're hearing from health experts about the steps that parents can take to keep their kids safe. some schools are starting january with virtual learning. though the cdc wants districts to keep classrooms open. the u.s. education department put out a guide for schools advising them to host vaccination clinics and test students after an exposure rather than quarantining an entire class. >> it is scary that he is going back to school. >> reporter: robin jackson says that her 16-year-old son is battling brutal anxiety from the pandemic and needs to be in class. >> there is a big concern, but it would be more detrimental to him to be home than to be at school. >> reporter: if a parent tests positive, the cdc considers their child a close kt se conta families should follow local health recommendations. if you tested positive on a sunday, would you send your kid to school on monday? >> i would keep him out for two days or so, do high best to get a test and monitor for symptoms. >> reporter: if a child shows any signs they are sick, the cdc says keep them out of class and activities and get them tested. >> if you test negative, i would test again in the next day. >> you think still hold them out of school for a day and get them tested again? >> i would. especially if they have a sore throat. >> what if they can't get a test? >> safest thing is probably to either isolate or quarantine in the home. >> reporter: last week the cdc shortened the isolation period for those who test positive from 10 days to 5, which applies to children too. though schools may have their own policies. some districts are distributing millions of free tests to students and the biden administration is about to start sending a half billion rapid tests to homes for free. >> i'll having my son pcr tested today simply because he has a cold. >> reporter: robin jackson is still struggling with this question -- >> what can i do to ease his anxiety about going back. >> what would you say to her? >> look, it is scary, it is out there. at the same time, it is an infectious disease that we have some treatments against, we have vaccines against, so try to live your life. >> reporter: and the u.s. education secretary is already warning that as schools reopen, there are likely going to be bumps in the road with this weather. and parents should remember that so much of the health guidance right now is still local. so experts are saying if you do have a positive case or you have some unique health situation, you should be making two phone calls, one to your kid's pediatrician, the other to their school. guys. >> dave cohen, thanks so much. joining me now to discuss this question, president of the united fred rederation of teach. thanks for taking the time this morning. >> thank you. good morning. >> and i wonder if you could tell us how many teachers in your union are out sick today. if you could contact rise that in terms of percentage. >> at this moment we don't have a final number.rise that in terms of percentage. >> at this moment we don't have a final number. but in the metropolitan area what we saw over the holiday, most of the industries had somewhere between 20% to 30% due to positive covid. so we're assuming that we'll be in that percentage. >> and let me ask you this, you are watching this day i'm sure as closely as anyone. and a lot of the data on covid is positive. it causes less severe illness for the vaccinated. and we have vaccination rates high among teachers and students. and given that, why did you still support new york schools beginning with remote learning? it is a request as you know that marriedyor adams denied, but st support remote given that positive data? >> the issue was we wanted to make sure that each school could have the appropriate staffing to be safe. the last scenario we want is a school being forced to make a decision about combining classes together. if we had high attendance of student and low stattendance of staff, that is what we want to avoid. so we asked the mayor to start with remote so we could get the testing done. because yesterday thousands and thousands of teachers were online across the city and testing sites themselves are dealing with staffing issues. so that was the main reason. and what we have done over the hold d holiday break which wasn't a break for all of us, we've loaded up the schools. for us it was about making sure that we didn't put a school in the situation where they could not make a good decision. >> you understand though on the flip side that the consequences, the costs of remote learning, mckenzie did a study this summer and found that losses among k to 12 students in terms of learning, they averaged about five months behind on math mitt ticks, four months in reading, and now in december students remain behind in both math and reading. given those costs, why not emphasize going back? >> because we had to deal with the situation that infectious rate heading up to and through the holiday season, we've never seen these numbers before. remember last year, it was the teachers who fought to open their schools. we opened largest school system in the country without a vaccine. but we've aflgslways said we'll what we need to do to make sure that everyone is safe. and we're proud that the schools continue to be the safes place in every community and that is because of the our work with the parents and the administration. so this was straight in terms of we want to make sure that we're not putting a school in the bad situation because they don't have the staff. >> so if the staffing shortage remains where your best guess is right now, 20% to 30%, and by the way it is expected that we'll be seeing more infections, it is the fact of the way omicron is spreading, if it remains at that level, can you keep schools open, can you keep the kids coming in ? . >> weremember we have close to 1800 schools. some were doing an operational closure because they could not be safe. we'll have some of that. i don't see anyway to avoid that because there is just not enough substitutes to deal with the numbers that we deal with here in new york city. we have seen dramatically the effects of remote learning. we always told people that this is not the way to go if we had our druthers, we'd want your children in front of us. but we had to keep engaged and we wanted to keep engaged with all our students and families and that is why remote had to happen at the beginning of pandemic. and again teachers were out there. i was in three schools this morning. teachers are there welcoming their children back, welcoming their students, making -- parents are with them. and that is what we need to get through this. >> we wish you luck. it is a lot of hard work for you and the teachers involved and i know parents welcome having the kids back in school. thank you so much. >> thank you. and here to discuss, medical direct torp at the baylor college of medicine. doctor and welcome. first let me get you to respond to this breaking news out of the fda approving the booster dose of the pfizer vaccine for those 12 to 15 years old. i would assume welcome news. >> absolutely. we know the booster dose drastically decreases the risk of contracting covid. and if you do contract it, it lessens the risk of being in the hospital. >> and hopefully this will keep more children out of e.r.s. what do you make of the fda shortening the window from six months following that second vaccine to now five months? >> i definitely do agree that the fda probably should have shortened the window. we know that data is based on what they are seeing in israel and israel is doing an even shorter time period for their residents to get a fourth booster dose. they have already started giving booster dose four only four months after the prior vaccination. so there is some evidence that immunity seems to start waning before that six month window that we were in addition considering. >> of course advavaccines only if you are vaccinated and there is a lagging federal gigure amo children. it is about 5%. and israel, 2%. do you expect this news and the time that has entrance spiraled si transpired, do you think that that will increase the number of vaccinations that we'll see among children? >> i can only hope that it will increase the number of children vaccinated. but i think the decreasing number or the low number of children vaccinated has a lot to do with covid misinformation on two different fronts. there is misinformation on how covid can affect children with a lot of people still thinking that if htheir child contracts covid, they won't end up in the hospital. that is not necessarily true. and there is a lot of misinformation on how these vaccines can potentially affect children. there is an undying thought that the vaccines can cause inf infertility in children which is proven to not be true amongst other things. that is why a lot of parents are not varks naturing their children. you don't want your child to be the only one to ends up in the hospital sick with covid because they were not vaccinated. >> so it is important that we have people like you sounding the alarm, that these vaccines are safe. let me ask you about schools because as you heard from that conversation, there is no appetite to keep schools close. and one question people have, the standards of masks and whether cloth masks can do enough to cut back the spread of omicron in particular should children thousand be know be caring n95 masks in schools? >> a lot with children and covid has to do with framing.nd be no caring n95 masks in schools? >> a lot with children and covid has to do with framing. don't say we're closing schools. say we're extending the winter break. the new york sometimes reported that on december 30, there were over 585,000 cases of covid in this country before we have never seen that high in the united states. so it makes sense that we need do something more to protect our children. cloth masks are not as high quality as surgical masks with the mental piece around their nose, which are not as high quality as kn95 or n95. so we need to consider one of t better masking. >> and my kids haven't complained. so if kids can wear them, adults can as well. doctor, thank you. >> i do find kids complain the least about masks in my experience. just days after his direct call with vladimir putin, president biden tells you crane the u.s. will act decisively if russia invades further. plus, the white house committee -- or the white house committee investigating the attack on the capitol is revealing new details as we near the one year anniversary of the insurrection. and antonio brown is out of a job after he left yesterday's game. why did he do that? 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>> that's right. twitter operates on a strike system. if you are a politician, you can share a certain amount of dangerous bs whether about covid or elections before you get suspended. and in this case marjorie taylor greene's personal account, which she uses most frequently, has been personally suspended. however, she does have her congressional account which has about 300,000 followers. twitter said the rules will also apply to that. so if she continues to share misinformation, she will get banned. but of course greene using this as an opportunity to slam big tech saying that twitter is an enemy to america. she is sharing similar misinformation on facebook and on other platforms but is still active there. but of course this all coming just about a year after twitter and facebook banned the former president, president trump, from their platforms as well. >> and she continues to speak her mind, just not on twitter anymore. and coming up next, how president biden is preparing for potential negotiations with vladimir putin as tensions mount along the border with ukraine. way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. [ chantell ] when my teeth started to deteriorate, i stopped hanging out socially. it was a easy decision -- clearchoice. 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>> i think that they would have teeth. we're talking about personal sanctions on russian oligarchs. we're talking about the possibility of cutting them off from the swift financial system. the evidence i see is that they are very nervous about that. whether it is nervous enough to deter them, we have to see. there are a number of significantly stronger things we can do. and i would add that there are the possibility of increased military assistance to ukraine. that is all on the table. >> and that is something as well that i've heard from democrats as well ass arepublicans to say that that should go now. you have 100,000 some odd troops and weapons on the russian side of the border. ukraine i cannians are asking f increased assistance today. why not give it to them now rather than wait? >> there is stuff on the way. these things are not turned off or on. there is training and shipping and all that kind of thing. i think talking about now or later as if it can happen all of a sudden is a little unrealistic. that having been said, i think the administration is likely to increase the military assistance. i should say militarily on the ground in particular that the ukranians despite being much improved since 2014 are at a strategic disadvantage. but they are fighting through their homeland, the russians would be in any attack on foreign soil. and i think that that will make a key distance in the ability of ukraine to hold them off for a considerable period of time. we'll have to see. >> for sure ukranian military in a much different position than it was seven years ago. and as you noted they already have additional u.s. military assistance among them missiles designed to be anti-tank missiles, jaf velins as they ar now. and so they want to calculate the invasion. for folks at home who know nothing about ukraine, how dangerous would this be? >> i think that it would be very bloody. i think the russians would most likely -- again, i'm doing this as the nonmilitary expert, the russians would most likely make considerable initial gains if they moved in the east. a key weakness of the ukranians is their air force which probably cannot provide the proper cover that the ukranian army would need. however, after a number of months if the russians did invade in a massive way, holding that land would be difficult despite kremlin propaganda, the russians speaking ukranianese is not willing to join the russian federation. so i think that it would be very bloody for you poo continue and t putin and the kremlin and i don't think that they want to see russian boys coming home in body bags for a cause that all the polls show that the russians don't really support. most russians want friendly relations with ukraine, they don't want a war. >> final question if i can, the administration approach is let's give time for diplomacy here. russia released a big list of demands last week that are already crossing u.s. and nato red lines here. when you read that, did you see russia allowing time for diplomacy or did you see them as makes the case for war? >> the ultimatum is strong, it goes in to a lot of that i to a nato and russian red lines. so where are those red lines in particular. that is what we'll find out next week about nato expansion in the future, about weapons to the one's nato members that border russia. that is what the negotiations next week will try to find out. perhaps putin knowing the u.s. and nato allies would reject it, perhaps this is also a set of demands which they will compromise on. we have to see. and i would say as well that from the top down, from the president adviser to the foreign minister to other commentator tos, many have said that russia will compromise. but the question is will they do it enough.hat russia will compr. but the question is will they do it enough. >> we'll watch closely. thank you. former senate majority leader harry lreid will lie in state next week. guests will be limited because of the pandemic. reid died last week peat the ag of 82. reid served eight years as majority leader and spearheaded ethic legislative battles. president biden served with reid in the senate and called him one of the all-time great senate majority leaders in our history. and the fda approved a third vaccine dose for kids ages 12 to 15 here in the united states. but in israel, they are already giving out a fourth covid shot. we'll take you live to jerusalem to find out who is eligible. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at trelegy for copd. 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Carrier , Wave , Projection , Testing Centers , Occasions , 2 Million , Sort , Herd Immunity , Slowdown , Severity , Waves , Border Controls , Red List , Break , Events , Limu , Isn T , Insurance , Limu Emu , Doug , Whistles , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Bond , Liberty , Pure , Lotion , Pay , Moisture , Hydration , Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Parabens , Fragrances , Dyes , Skin , Entrance , Psoriasis , Choices , Splash , Moderate , Otezla , Pill , Cream , Choice , Plaque Psoriasis , Nausea , Vomiting , 75 , Depression , Feelings , Weight Loss , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Treatment , Weight , Headache , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Music Vo , Windshield , Nutrients , Decompression Zone , Field , Middle , Buccaneer , Andy Scholes , Story , You Haven T , Video , Stunning , Washingrning Sig , Sideline , Word , Disxwragreement , Coaching Staff , Jersey , Crowd , Pads , Sunle , Bruce Arians , Buc , Care , Talk , Let , Team , Teammates , Relationships , Football , Best , Friends , The Field , Games , Posting , League , Instagram , Vaccine Status , Line , Incident , To Be With You , Chance , 23andme , Health Info , Dna , 23 , 80 , Info , 8 , Kit , Ancestry , 129 , 29 , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Family Safe Browsing , Xfinity , Security , Pause Wifi , Threat , Kate Bolduan , Reporting , Action , Omicron Surges ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow And Jim Sciutto 20240709 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto 20240709

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good morning. nice to have you with us. right now, millions, multiple states under winter alerts as millions are heading back to work, back to school after the holidays. take a look at this snow. capitol hill is covered this morning. the federal government in d.c. officially closed today because of those winter storms. >> and more than 2,000 schools are forced to cancel classes or g go remotely because of the weather and also covid concerns. but breaking news, the fda has approved pfizer booster shots for those 12 to 15 years old. and elizabeth cohen is joining us. tell us the significance of this. >> reporter: yes, i think a lot of parents of children ages 12 to 15 have been waiting for this, children that age have been able to be vaccinated since may. so it has been well beyond six months for many of those children since their second shot, they want to know should we get a booster since a booster seems to help protect against illness for the omicron variant. so let's take a look at what the fda decided to do. they said that 12 to 15-year-olds can get boosters, that would be pfizer because that is the only vaccine children these ages can get. and they shortened the time, it is only five months past the second dose, not six like it was before. only five months. and also they said that there should be a third dose for children ages 5 to 11 who are immune compromised. for example a children who received an organ transplant, that it should be standard that they get three doses rather than two. so the fda said for this booster shot for 12 to 15-year-olds, they were relying on israeli safety data and israeli boosters have been available for months now. and they said after looking at data, they said that the shot has no safety concerns. and that is very important as parents go back and school goes back in session, that you can get a booster. it is shown to be safe for your 12 to 15-year-old children. >> welcome news indeed. as you said, these children were first vaccinated back in may and so many families were wondering when the booster will come and now it is available. the winter weather is throwing a wrench in devi idc's. several districts in massachusetts are delaying the start to give people more time to get tested. and in metro atlanta, at least five districts are back to remote learning all week. also in trenton, new jersey. but a lot of good news elsewhere. places such as philadelphia, new york one of the biggest school districts in the country are moving ahead with in-person learning. gabe cohen is joining us with more. gabe, it is remarkable to see that even with the omicron surge, a lot of school districts are finding a way to get the doors open and kids in classrooms. >> reporter: yeah, and all of this is developing so rapidly like here in d.c., they have just announced that they will be pushing everything back a day as you mentioned there. so that means that students are going to have to have their negative covid test uploaded by wednesday at 4:00 p.m. otherwise they could be turned away if they try to come back to the classroom thursday morning. now look, as you mentioned, districts across the country are grappling with this as the cdc is pushing them to keep classrooms open especially dealing with the crises that so many kids are dealing with including mental health issues. and now coming off the holiday, we're hearing from health experts about the steps that parents can take to keep their kids safe. some schools are starting january with virtual learning. though the cdc wants districts to keep classrooms open. the u.s. education department put out a guide for schools advising them to host vaccination clinics and test students after an exposure rather than quarantining an entire class. >> it is scary that he is going back to school. >> reporter: robin jackson says that her 16-year-old son is battling brutal anxiety from the pandemic and needs to be in class. >> there is a big concern, but it would be more detrimental to him to be home than to be at school. >> reporter: if a parent tests positive, the cdc considers their child a close kt se conta families should follow local health recommendations. if you tested positive on a sunday, would you send your kid to school on monday? >> i would keep him out for two days or so, do high best to get a test and monitor for symptoms. >> reporter: if a child shows any signs they are sick, the cdc says keep them out of class and activities and get them tested. >> if you test negative, i would test again in the next day. >> you think still hold them out of school for a day and get them tested again? >> i would. especially if they have a sore throat. >> what if they can't get a test? >> safest thing is probably to either isolate or quarantine in the home. >> reporter: last week the cdc shortened the isolation period for those who test positive from 10 days to 5, which applies to children too. though schools may have their own policies. some districts are distributing millions of free tests to students and the biden administration is about to start sending a half billion rapid tests to homes for free. >> i'll having my son pcr tested today simply because he has a cold. >> reporter: robin jackson is still struggling with this question -- >> what can i do to ease his anxiety about going back. >> what would you say to her? >> look, it is scary, it is out there. at the same time, it is an infectious disease that we have some treatments against, we have vaccines against, so try to live your life. >> reporter: and the u.s. education secretary is already warning that as schools reopen, there are likely going to be bumps in the road with this weather. and parents should remember that so much of the health guidance right now is still local. so experts are saying if you do have a positive case or you have some unique health situation, you should be making two phone calls, one to your kid's pediatrician, the other to their school. guys. >> dave cohen, thanks so much. joining me now to discuss this question, president of the united fred rederation of teach. thanks for taking the time this morning. >> thank you. good morning. >> and i wonder if you could tell us how many teachers in your union are out sick today. if you could contact rise that in terms of percentage. >> at this moment we don't have a final number.rise that in terms of percentage. >> at this moment we don't have a final number. but in the metropolitan area what we saw over the holiday, most of the industries had somewhere between 20% to 30% due to positive covid. so we're assuming that we'll be in that percentage. >> and let me ask you this, you are watching this day i'm sure as closely as anyone. and a lot of the data on covid is positive. it causes less severe illness for the vaccinated. and we have vaccination rates high among teachers and students. and given that, why did you still support new york schools beginning with remote learning? it is a request as you know that marriedyor adams denied, but st support remote given that positive data? >> the issue was we wanted to make sure that each school could have the appropriate staffing to be safe. the last scenario we want is a school being forced to make a decision about combining classes together. if we had high attendance of student and low stattendance of staff, that is what we want to avoid. so we asked the mayor to start with remote so we could get the testing done. because yesterday thousands and thousands of teachers were online across the city and testing sites themselves are dealing with staffing issues. so that was the main reason. and what we have done over the hold d holiday break which wasn't a break for all of us, we've loaded up the schools. for us it was about making sure that we didn't put a school in the situation where they could not make a good decision. >> you understand though on the flip side that the consequences, the costs of remote learning, mckenzie did a study this summer and found that losses among k to 12 students in terms of learning, they averaged about five months behind on math mitt ticks, four months in reading, and now in december students remain behind in both math and reading. given those costs, why not emphasize going back? >> because we had to deal with the situation that infectious rate heading up to and through the holiday season, we've never seen these numbers before. remember last year, it was the teachers who fought to open their schools. we opened largest school system in the country without a vaccine. but we've aflgslways said we'll what we need to do to make sure that everyone is safe. and we're proud that the schools continue to be the safes place in every community and that is because of the our work with the parents and the administration. so this was straight in terms of we want to make sure that we're not putting a school in the bad situation because they don't have the staff. >> so if the staffing shortage remains where your best guess is right now, 20% to 30%, and by the way it is expected that we'll be seeing more infections, it is the fact of the way omicron is spreading, if it remains at that level, can you keep schools open, can you keep the kids coming in ? . >> weremember we have close to 1800 schools. some were doing an operational closure because they could not be safe. we'll have some of that. i don't see anyway to avoid that because there is just not enough substitutes to deal with the numbers that we deal with here in new york city. we have seen dramatically the effects of remote learning. we always told people that this is not the way to go if we had our druthers, we'd want your children in front of us. but we had to keep engaged and we wanted to keep engaged with all our students and families and that is why remote had to happen at the beginning of pandemic. and again teachers were out there. i was in three schools this morning. teachers are there welcoming their children back, welcoming their students, making -- parents are with them. and that is what we need to get through this. >> we wish you luck. it is a lot of hard work for you and the teachers involved and i know parents welcome having the kids back in school. thank you so much. >> thank you. and here to discuss, medical direct torp at the baylor college of medicine. doctor and welcome. first let me get you to respond to this breaking news out of the fda approving the booster dose of the pfizer vaccine for those 12 to 15 years old. i would assume welcome news. >> absolutely. we know the booster dose drastically decreases the risk of contracting covid. and if you do contract it, it lessens the risk of being in the hospital. >> and hopefully this will keep more children out of e.r.s. what do you make of the fda shortening the window from six months following that second vaccine to now five months? >> i definitely do agree that the fda probably should have shortened the window. we know that data is based on what they are seeing in israel and israel is doing an even shorter time period for their residents to get a fourth booster dose. they have already started giving booster dose four only four months after the prior vaccination. so there is some evidence that immunity seems to start waning before that six month window that we were in addition considering. >> of course advavaccines only if you are vaccinated and there is a lagging federal gigure amo children. it is about 5%. and israel, 2%. do you expect this news and the time that has entrance spiraled si transpired, do you think that that will increase the number of vaccinations that we'll see among children? >> i can only hope that it will increase the number of children vaccinated. but i think the decreasing number or the low number of children vaccinated has a lot to do with covid misinformation on two different fronts. there is misinformation on how covid can affect children with a lot of people still thinking that if htheir child contracts covid, they won't end up in the hospital. that is not necessarily true. and there is a lot of misinformation on how these vaccines can potentially affect children. there is an undying thought that the vaccines can cause inf infertility in children which is proven to not be true amongst other things. that is why a lot of parents are not varks naturing their children. you don't want your child to be the only one to ends up in the hospital sick with covid because they were not vaccinated. >> so it is important that we have people like you sounding the alarm, that these vaccines are safe. let me ask you about schools because as you heard from that conversation, there is no appetite to keep schools close. and one question people have, the standards of masks and whether cloth masks can do enough to cut back the spread of omicron in particular should children thousand be know be caring n95 masks in schools? >> a lot with children and covid has to do with framing.nd be no caring n95 masks in schools? >> a lot with children and covid has to do with framing. don't say we're closing schools. say we're extending the winter break. the new york sometimes reported that on december 30, there were over 585,000 cases of covid in this country before we have never seen that high in the united states. so it makes sense that we need do something more to protect our children. cloth masks are not as high quality as surgical masks with the mental piece around their nose, which are not as high quality as kn95 or n95. so we need to consider one of t better masking. >> and my kids haven't complained. so if kids can wear them, adults can as well. doctor, thank you. >> i do find kids complain the least about masks in my experience. just days after his direct call with vladimir putin, president biden tells you crane the u.s. will act decisively if russia invades further. plus, the white house committee -- or the white house committee investigating the attack on the capitol is revealing new details as we near the one year anniversary of the insurrection. and antonio brown is out of a job after he left yesterday's game. why did he do that? 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(vo) ask your doctor if it's right for you. learn how we could help you save on imbruvica. new this morning, the house select committee has information from multiple sources of what then president trump was doing during the u.s. capitol rye on the according to a source familiar with the investigation. >> and this is as liz cheney said yesterdayon the according to a source familiar with the investigation. >> and this is as liz cheney said yesterday trump was sitting in the dining room watching the attack on tv. and that his daughter ivanka asked him at least twice to stop the violence. manu raju has been following the committee's next steps. so specifically, who gave this warning and this shows kind of a breaking of trump's circle, here, right, that the committee has penetrated had circle. >> reporter: even though there are a number of people who have refused to testify, tried to take the committee to court, people like mark meadows, there are some who are giving firsthand information. key information. letting the committee know exactly what was happening and what was not happening at the white house at the time. and now what we are learning is that ivanka trump went directly to the then president urging him to stop the violence according to liz cheney. trump herself was being urged by some people outside of the white house and people close to donald trump at the time to argue to push the then president to act. one of those people lindsey graham told me last month that he did call ivanka trump on january 6 and urged her to tell her dad to do something about it. now, the committee is trying to figure out what the president did and didn't do and whether they should go forward with anything, even a criminal referral, but liz cheney made it clear that they have learned significant information from these witnesses who have cooperated. >> the committee has firsthand testimony now that he was sitting in the dining room next to the oval office watching the attack on television as the assault on the capitol occurred. members of his staff were pleading with him to go on television to tell people to stop. we know leader mccarthy was pleading with him to do that. we know members of his family, we know his daughter, firsthand testimony that his daughter ivanka went in at least twice to ask him to please stop this violence. >> even though they are getting cooperation and learning new details, there is still a lot the committee doesn't know in large part because they are still trying to being assess key documents, evidence that could be useful to the information, something that donald trump is fighting trying as tto stop in supreme court. so the question is can they get it all together, can they come to significant conclusions and findings about what was happening within the white house at that time because the clock is ticking. they are trying to put out an interim report potentially sometime this year and there is the big deadline, the november november elections where potentially republicans could take control of the house and this investigation all together if they do come to power next january. so a lot is riding on the lean to get details and some conclusions and hope to get some resolutions to the court battles that they are facing. >> yes, the former president sitting in the dining room watching it unfold on television. manu, thank you very much. and marjorie tai marjorie t oig was banned from twitter. her congressional account remains an difference. >> and now we expect this to be permanent, right, this is the fifth strike? >> that's right. twitter operates on a strike system. if you are a politician, you can share a certain amount of dangerous bs whether about covid or elections before you get suspended. and in this case marjorie taylor greene's personal account, which she uses most frequently, has been personally suspended. however, she does have her congressional account which has about 300,000 followers. twitter said the rules will also apply to that. so if she continues to share misinformation, she will get banned. but of course greene using this as an opportunity to slam big tech saying that twitter is an enemy to america. she is sharing similar misinformation on facebook and on other platforms but is still active there. but of course this all coming just about a year after twitter and facebook banned the former president, president trump, from their platforms as well. >> and she continues to speak her mind, just not on twitter anymore. and coming up next, how president biden is preparing for potential negotiations with vladimir putin as tensions mount along the border with ukraine. way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana. the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. find yours on the vrbo app. [ chantell ] when my teeth started to deteriorate, i stopped hanging out socially. it was a easy decision -- clearchoice. 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>> i think that they would have teeth. we're talking about personal sanctions on russian oligarchs. we're talking about the possibility of cutting them off from the swift financial system. the evidence i see is that they are very nervous about that. whether it is nervous enough to deter them, we have to see. there are a number of significantly stronger things we can do. and i would add that there are the possibility of increased military assistance to ukraine. that is all on the table. >> and that is something as well that i've heard from democrats as well ass arepublicans to say that that should go now. you have 100,000 some odd troops and weapons on the russian side of the border. ukraine i cannians are asking f increased assistance today. why not give it to them now rather than wait? >> there is stuff on the way. these things are not turned off or on. there is training and shipping and all that kind of thing. i think talking about now or later as if it can happen all of a sudden is a little unrealistic. that having been said, i think the administration is likely to increase the military assistance. i should say militarily on the ground in particular that the ukranians despite being much improved since 2014 are at a strategic disadvantage. but they are fighting through their homeland, the russians would be in any attack on foreign soil. and i think that that will make a key distance in the ability of ukraine to hold them off for a considerable period of time. we'll have to see. >> for sure ukranian military in a much different position than it was seven years ago. and as you noted they already have additional u.s. military assistance among them missiles designed to be anti-tank missiles, jaf velins as they ar now. and so they want to calculate the invasion. for folks at home who know nothing about ukraine, how dangerous would this be? >> i think that it would be very bloody. i think the russians would most likely -- again, i'm doing this as the nonmilitary expert, the russians would most likely make considerable initial gains if they moved in the east. a key weakness of the ukranians is their air force which probably cannot provide the proper cover that the ukranian army would need. however, after a number of months if the russians did invade in a massive way, holding that land would be difficult despite kremlin propaganda, the russians speaking ukranianese is not willing to join the russian federation. so i think that it would be very bloody for you poo continue and t putin and the kremlin and i don't think that they want to see russian boys coming home in body bags for a cause that all the polls show that the russians don't really support. most russians want friendly relations with ukraine, they don't want a war. >> final question if i can, the administration approach is let's give time for diplomacy here. russia released a big list of demands last week that are already crossing u.s. and nato red lines here. when you read that, did you see russia allowing time for diplomacy or did you see them as makes the case for war? >> the ultimatum is strong, it goes in to a lot of that i to a nato and russian red lines. so where are those red lines in particular. that is what we'll find out next week about nato expansion in the future, about weapons to the one's nato members that border russia. that is what the negotiations next week will try to find out. perhaps putin knowing the u.s. and nato allies would reject it, perhaps this is also a set of demands which they will compromise on. we have to see. and i would say as well that from the top down, from the president adviser to the foreign minister to other commentator tos, many have said that russia will compromise. but the question is will they do it enough.hat russia will compr. but the question is will they do it enough. >> we'll watch closely. thank you. former senate majority leader harry lreid will lie in state next week. guests will be limited because of the pandemic. reid died last week peat the ag of 82. reid served eight years as majority leader and spearheaded ethic legislative battles. president biden served with reid in the senate and called him one of the all-time great senate majority leaders in our history. and the fda approved a third vaccine dose for kids ages 12 to 15 here in the united states. but in israel, they are already giving out a fourth covid shot. we'll take you live to jerusalem to find out who is eligible. i've always dreamed of seeing the world. but i'm not chasing my dream anymore. i made a financial plan to live it every day. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at trelegy for copd. 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Carrier , Wave , Projection , Testing Centers , Occasions , 2 Million , Sort , Herd Immunity , Slowdown , Severity , Waves , Border Controls , Red List , Break , Events , Limu , Isn T , Insurance , Limu Emu , Doug , Whistles , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Bond , Liberty , Pure , Lotion , Pay , Moisture , Hydration , Mariyam Sabo , 24 , Parabens , Fragrances , Dyes , Skin , Entrance , Psoriasis , Choices , Splash , Moderate , Otezla , Pill , Cream , Choice , Plaque Psoriasis , Nausea , Vomiting , 75 , Depression , Feelings , Weight Loss , Thoughts , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Treatment , Weight , Headache , Protein , Energy , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Music Vo , Windshield , Nutrients , Decompression Zone , Field , Middle , Buccaneer , Andy Scholes , Story , You Haven T , Video , Stunning , Washingrning Sig , Sideline , Word , Disxwragreement , Coaching Staff , Jersey , Crowd , Pads , Sunle , Bruce Arians , Buc , Care , Talk , Let , Team , Teammates , Relationships , Football , Best , Friends , The Field , Games , Posting , League , Instagram , Vaccine Status , Line , Incident , To Be With You , Chance , 23andme , Health Info , Dna , 23 , 80 , Info , 8 , Kit , Ancestry , 129 , 29 , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Family Safe Browsing , Xfinity , Security , Pause Wifi , Threat , Kate Bolduan , Reporting , Action , Omicron Surges ,

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